The Self in The Social Setting
The Self in The Social Setting
The Self in The Social Setting
Module 3
This lesson presents looks child’s development within the context of the system of
relationships that form his or her environment. Furthermore, the different proponents and
psychologist will be highlighted (BRONFRENBRENNER’S- Bioecological system),
(INDIVIDUALISM AND COLLECTIVISM), (COOLEY’S through the looking glass-self),
(JOHARI’S- window of the self).
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module, the students shall be able to:
Identify the sociological perspective about self
Explain how culture affects or shapes one’s identity;
Examine your sense of self through the different I-positions and the three fundamental
Demonstrate critical and reflective thinking in showing different aspects of the self.
Examine yourself using Charles Horton Cooley’s looking-glass self-theory and Johari’s
Window of the self.
I. Direction: Choose the best answer in the following questions. Read each item carefully
and put the letter of the correct answer on the black before each number.
____1. The Bioecological system theory was created and developed by _____.
a. Lev Vygotsky c. Urie Bronfrenbrenner
b. Jean Piaget d. Erik Erikson
____2. It is a concept which emphasizes personal freedom and achievement.
a. Individualism c. Collectivism
b. Cognitivism d. Empiricism
_____3. This emphasizes embeddedness of individuals in a larger group. It encourages
conformity and discourages individuals from dissenting and standing out.
a. Collectivism c. Empiricism
b. Individualism d. Cognitivism
_____4. This system defines the larger social system in which the child does not function
directly. Parent workplace schedules or community-based family resources are examples.
a. Chronosystem c. Exosystem
b. Mesosystem d. Macrosystem
_____5. This system refers to the interconnections among aspects of the microsystems that
impact on the individual concerned. Pragmatic examples of this would include parent-
teacher relationships (PTA), parent and peers connections, family and parish relations.
a. Mesosystem c. Chronosystem
b. Exosystem d. Macrosystem
______6. This is the system closest to the child and contains the structures with which the
child has direct contact. Includes family, school, neighborhood, or childcare environments.
a. Microsystem c. Exosystem
b. Chronosystem d. Macrosystem
______7. A dimension of Individualism wherein one person is seeing the self as fully
autonomous, and believing that equality between individuals is the ideal.
a. Horizontal Individualism
b. Vertical Collectivism
c. Horizontal Collectivism
d. Vertical Individualism
______8. In this dimension, we are seeing the self as a part of a collective and being willing
to accept hierarchy and inequality within that collective.
a. Horizontal Individualism
b. Vertical Collectivism
c. Horizontal Collectivism
d. Vertical Individualism
Module Map
Bioecol-ogical system
VERTICAL COLLECTIVISM – seeing the self as a part of a collective and being willing to accept
hierarchy and inequality within that collective.
VERTIAL INDIVIDUALISM – seeing the self as fully autonomous, but recognizing that inequality will
exist among individuals and that accepting this inequality.
HORIZONTAL COLLECTIVISM –seeing the self as part of a collective but perceiving all the members
of that collective as equal.
HORIZONTAL INDIVIDUALISM –seeing the self as fully autonomous, and believing that equality
between individuals is the ideal.
SELF-IMAGE - people shaping themselves based on other people’s perception, which leads the
people to reinforce other people’s perspectives on themselves.
JOHARI’S WINDOW - A model for self-awareness, personal development, group development and
understanding relationship
THE OPEN FRAME this area contains things you know about yourself that are visible to others as
THE BLIND FRAME represents information that is known about a person to others, but is not known
to him/her.
THE HIDDEN FRAME Things in this area are only known to you but not others. It may be that you’re
keeping them private and hiding them from others.
THE UNKNOWN FRAME this area is for things that are either about you that no one is aware of, or
that are not applicable to you.
Unit 3
The Self in the Social Setting
This unit focuses on the social aspects of self - representation and development. As
social beings, individuals tend to associate and relate oneself to others. Undeniably, social
processes and systems are strong influencers of one’s being; thus, several of our traits and
characteristics are founded on certain social factors: the cultural, digital, and economic
aspects of one’s social life.
EXOSYSTEM this system defines the larger social system in which the child does not
function directly. The structures in this layer impact the child’s development by interacting
with some structure in her microsystem (Berk, 2000). Parent workplace schedules or
community-based family resources are examples. The child may not be directly involved at
this level, but he does feel the positive or negative force involved with the interaction with his
own system.
MACROSYSTEM this system may be considered the outermost layer in the child’s
environment. This system encompasses the larger cultural context in which the individual
resides in. Cultural contexts may include the socioeconomic status of his country, issues of
ethnicity, societal values embraced by social institutions, cultural beliefs and practices
handed down from generation to generation, and media content.
Assessment 1:
Matching Type.
Column A Column B
_______1. Chronosystem a. May include the socioeconomic status of his
_______2. Mesosystem country, issues of ethnicity and societal values.
b. Elements within this system can be either external,
_______3. Microsystem such as the timing of a parent’s death, or internal,
_______4. Macrosystem such as the physiological changes that occur with
_______5. Exosystem the aging of a child.
c. Parent workplace schedules or community-based
family resources are examples.
d. Includes parent-teacher relationships (PTA), parent
and peers connections, family and parish relations
e. This is the system closest to the child and contains
the structures with which the child has direct
The terms Individualism and Collectivism are used by many people in different
parts of the world and are given various meanings. And because the terms are rather fuzzy,
they are difficult to measure. Galileo Galilei said, “Science is measurement.” Meaning that if
we are going to understand, classify and predict events, we need to measure them.
(Triandis, 2018, p. 02)
How does one define individualism and collectivism? Broadly defined, individualism
emphasizes personal freedom and achievement. Individualist culture therefore awards social
status to personal accomplishments such as important discoveries, innovations, great artistic
or humanitarian achievements and all actions that make an individual stand out.
Collectivism, in contrast emphasizes embeddedness of individuals in a larger group. It
encourages conformity and discourages individuals from dissenting and standing out.
Looking at the table above, you may say that you have some traits that belong to the
individualistic culture, and you may also have some traits that belong to the collectivistic
culture. Do not worry, this is possible. Remember that the Philippines is the melting pot of
the world, meaning to say, our culture is influenced by different cultures as well, thus,
affecting our self- construal. But one of the things to be considered in studying this notion is
that there are advantages and disadvantages in having a particular self- construal. For
instance, if you have an independent construal of the self, you may have the tendency to be
motivated by your own, hence, being too competitive.
Individualism-Collectivism Model
(Hazel Rose Markus & Shinobu Kitayama, 1991)
The following diagram shows how all these
systems get together and influence
individual development. This model is used to explain large amounts of
variation seen in human behavior, social
interaction, and personality. This theory further
explains the differences in people and/or groups.
But the question is how?
One of the controversies in the study of
culture is the dichotomy known as the West vs.
Rest. Based on the study of Markus and
Kitayama (1999), people from the west have this
individualistic (independent) culture. In this
culture, people tend to give higher value on the
needs and accomplishments of the individual
rather than the group (e.g. United States).
But this does not mean that these people
are “selfish”. It only means that individual
accomplishments or achievements matter to
them most. In other words, their growth is
focused on the improvement of themselves.
Vertical Individualism – seeing the self as fully autonomous, but recognizing that inequality
will exist among individuals and that accepting this inequality.
Horizontal Collectivism –seeing the self as part of a collective but perceiving all the
members of that collective as equal.
Horizontal Individualism –seeing the self as fully autonomous, and believing that equality
between individuals is the ideal.
Assessment 2:
Direction: Read each statement below and find out whether it describes Collectivism or
Individualism. Write your answers on the space provided before each number.
______1. In a one restaurant, a waiter brings one menu for four people and gives it to the
“senior” member of the group, who orders the same food for all.
______2. In the other restaurant, each member of the group orders a different entrée.
______3. A senior engineer was asked to move to New York, at a salary that is twenty-five
times higher than his salary in the Philippines, but he declines the opportunity.
______4. Another engineer was asked to move to New York with a salary which 50 percent
higher than his usual salary, and he accepts.
______5. An older woman scolds a mother she doesn’t know because she thinks the
does not wrapped her child warmly enough.
______6. A woman asks for help from passersby to escape from beatings that her boyfriend
was giving her, but no one helps.
______7. A supervisor knows a great deal about personal life of his subordinates and
for one of his subordinates to meet a nice girl he can marry.
______8. In a one company, a subordinate does not mention to his supervisor that his father
has just died.
______9. A man walks on the grass in a public park and is reprimanded by some passersby.
______10. A man marries a woman his parents disapprove of.
The concept of the looking glass self demonstrates that self-relation, or how one
views oneself is not a solitary phenomenon, but rather includes others. Cooley states that
society and individuals do not denote separable phenomena, but are simply collective and
distributive aspects of the same thing. Developmentally, Cooley theorizes that human beings
possess an inherent tendency to reach out, interact, or socialize with those people and
objects that surround them. Cooley suggests that self-feeling and social feeling must be
harmonized and made to go abreast. Since self-feeling and social feeling are two sides of
the same phenomenon, then personal freedom is tied to the relations that comprise society.
Cooley’s comment about harmonizing self-feeling with social feeling is not intended to
suggest that people should lose themselves in society, but rather that they should examine
responsibly the effects of their actions on others.
The emotion or feeling of self may be regarded as instinctive, and was doubtless
evolved in connection with its important function in stimulating and unifying the special
activities of individuals. It seems to exist in a vague though vigorous form at the birth of each
individual, and like other instinctive ideas or germs of ideas, to be defined and developed by
experience, becoming associated, or rather incorporated, with muscular, visual, and other
sensations, with perceptions, apperceptions, and conceptions of every degree of complexity
and of infinite variety of content, and especially with personal ideas.
Social media has brought with it the concept of the “cyber” self. The cyber
self is the version of him or herself a person chooses to present on a digital
platform. As in real life, the cyber self may interact with other individuals, receive
social feedback, and align to social conformities. However, the differences
between the cyber self and actual self are profound.
A person may possess many versions of the cyber self, for example. He or
she may present a professional self on LinkedIn, a casual self on Twitter, or an
artistic self on Pinterest. The cyber self also continues to exist in social spaces
even when people are not interacting with those environments in real time. In this
way, social media users are never fully removed from exposure to judgment and
criticism. And unlike the actual self, the cyber self is far more malleable when it
comes to being shaped, updated, and perfected .
However, changes to the social self via digital platforms are not always
steeped in such negative implications. A study published in the Journal of Social
Media and Society, for example, describes a host of positive outcomes that arise
from the digital looking-glass self. When YouTube video producers were
interviewed about their content-creation practices and its influence on their sense
of self, they offered a range of positive responses. Results included:
As we see our face, figure, and dress in the glass, and are interested in them
because they are ours, and pleased or otherwise with them according as they do or do not
answer to what we should like them to be; so in imagination we perceive in another’s mind
some thought of our appearance, manners, aims, deeds, character, friends, and so on, and
are variously affected by it.
Assessment 3:
Explain. (10 pts. each)
1. In your own understanding explain and expound the phrase, “I am not what I think I
am. I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.”
2. How will you overcome your imagined judgment or the way where you perceive or
assume that other people think something is wrong with your appearance or
It’s no secret that emotional intelligence and self-awareness are two of the most
important leadership characteristics. The ability to read verbal & non-verbal cues, control
emotions, and compassionately empathize with others is necessities for building &
sustaining any healthy relationship.
Invented by Psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham by combining their first
names, the Johari Window helps us to understand self-awareness and the human interaction
that results from our personal self-awareness. We are often unaware of how others perceive
us, how we present ourselves to others, and even how well we know ourselves. Luft and
Ingham created this model because they believed that what happens in our life depends
upon our own self-awareness, and the awareness others have of us.
THE OPEN FRAME this area contains things you know about yourself that are visible to
others as well. Working in this area results in an open, honest and transparent
communication and minimizes miscommunication, mistrust and confusion.
Also known as the 'area of free activity ‘. The aim in any team is to develop the
'open area' for every person, because when we work in this area with others we are at our
most effective and productive and the team is at its most productive too.
THE BLIND FRAME represents information that is known about a person to others, but is
not known to him/her. This is known as their “blind spot.” Everyone has blind spots. By
soliciting feedback, and by being open to feedback by others, we become more aware of
how others perceive us, and we shrink our blind spot. This leads to stronger communication
and trust.
THE HIDDEN FRAME Things in this area are only known to you but not others. It may be
that you’re keeping them private and hiding them from others. Also include sensitivities,
fears, hidden agendas, manipulative intentions, and secrets - anything that a person knows
but does not reveal
THE UNKNOWN FRAME this area is for things that are either about you that no one is
aware of, or that are not applicable to you. Information, feelings, latent abilities, aptitudes
and experiences, that are unknown to the person him/herself and unknown to others in the
group. Can be prompted through self-discovery or observation by others, or through
collective or mutual discovery. Uncovering 'hidden talents' - that is unknown aptitudes and
skills, not to be confused with developing the Johari 'hidden area' - is another aspect of
developing the unknown area, and is not so sensitive as unknown feelings.
As we grow older, doing senseless deeds decreases. The different settings in the
society gains higher value in our lifetime if we used to manage our selves to adapt in the
different set ups it give us happiness and we learned to associate this to people and other
constituents with significant meaning.
Thus, this different set ups developed our sense of self. It hugely benefited in helping us
make choices in life. From something as small as favorite foods to a larger concern like
personal values knowing what comes from our own self versus what comes from others
allow us to live authentically.
Our character, values and attitude ones a product of the environment that we are
dealing. It dearly tell something about who we are, our self-concept, our past and even our
Direction: Choose the best answer in the following questions. Read each item carefully and
put the letter of the correct answer on the black before each number.
____1. This emphasizes embeddedness of individuals in a larger group. It encourages
conformity and discourages individuals from dissenting and standing out.
a. Collectivism c. Empiricism
b. Individualism d. Cognitivism
____2. It is a concept which emphasizes personal freedom and achievement.
a. Individualism c. Collectivism
b. Cognitivism d. Empiricism
_____3. The Bioecological system theory was created and developed by _____.
a. Lev Vygotsky c. Urie Bronfrenbrenner
b. Jean Piaget d. Erik Erikson
_____4. This is the system closest to the child and contains the structures with which the
has direct contact. Includes family, school, neighborhood, or childcare
a. Microsystem c. Exosystem
b. Chronosystem d. Macrosystem
_____5. This system refers to the interconnections among aspects of the microsystems that
impact on the individual concerned. Pragmatic examples of this would include
parent-teacher relationships (PTA), parent and peer connections, family and parish
a. Mesosystem c. Chronosystem
b. Exosystem d. Macrosystem
______6. This system defines the larger social system in which the child does not function
directly. Parent workplace schedules or community-based family resources are
a. Chronosystem c. Exosystem
b. Mesosystem d. Macrosystem
______7. A dimension of Individualism wherein one person is seeing the self as fully
autonomous, and believing that equality between individuals is the ideal.
a. Horizontal Individualism c. Horizontal Collectivism
b. Vertical Collectivism d. Vertical Individualism
______8. In this dimension, we are seeing the self as a part of a collective and being willing
to accept hierarchy and inequality within that collective.
a. Horizontal Individualism c. Horizontal Collectivism
b. Vertical Collectivism d. Vertical Individualism
_____9. Which of the following is the correct statement of Cooley?
a. Society and individuals do not denote separable phenomena, but are
simply collective and distributive aspects of the same thing.
b. Society is the simple collective ad distribution aspects of the same of the
same thing.
c. Society and individuals denote separable phenomena, but are simply
collective and distributive aspects of the same thing.
d. Society is a kind of complex and distributive aspects among individuals.
Corpuz, R. M., et al., (2019) Understanding the Self. Manila, Philippines: C & E
Publishing, Inc.
Alata, Eden Joy P., et al., (2018) Understanding the Self. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book
Macayan, Jonathan V., (2018) et al., (2019) Understanding the Self. Manila, Philippines:
C & E Publishing, Inc.