Don’t let the “maturity model” moniker scare you. Anderson and his team have once again created a masterful
work of clarity and usability for every tier in the organization. Borrowing loosely from the venerable CMMI
and leveraging Bozheva’s modeling expertise, the KMM’s elegant architecture is all about the practitioner
and their desire to move along a path toward operational Zen. Each practice in the KMM is a condition of
truth on that path. Stopping short of prescribing how to bring about the conditions, the KMM offers plenty
of tips and critical rationale to aid in internalizing the gestalt of Kanban and deeply absorbing its many ben-
efits. I’m eager to see companies’ implementations and the measurable impacts that result.
Hillel Glazer,
Author High Performance Operations
I found the Kanban Maturity Model extremely valuable to set the right expectations for my clients. It gives an
organisation’s management a perspective and high-level guidance on the way forward. As an experienced
Kanban coach leading large-scale improvement initiatives, I value the model and its guidance for my day-to-
day work on all levels. It is far more powerful than ticking of boxes. The KMM helps to look for evidence of
value brought to the organisation. It is a must-read for every Kanban coach or agile practitioner.
Peter Kerschbaumer, Kanban Coaching Professional and
Enterprise Services Planning Trainer.
KMM is a map that helps us to locate where we are and define our path toward better business results.
Aitor Eguren, General Manager,
Soraluze Makina Bereziak, S.L.L.
KMM is a very useful and powerful complement to CMMI. In particular, its transition practices offer
organizations an excellent way to define their improvement path, increase their maturity level, and overcome
resistance to change. The model is very helpful for Lead Appraisers who evaluate organizations combining
CMMI and Kanban. KMM should align nicely with CMMI 2.0. The addition of KMM maturity level 6
explicitly encourages organizations to take a serious look in the mirror, analyze their fitness to customer
expectations, and revise their business model accordingly.
Giuseppe Satriani,
CMMI Lead Appraiser for High Maturity Level
The Kanban Maturity Model is a very valuable instrument for companies willing to continually improve the
efficiency of their workflow and the quality of their services.
Gorka Galdona, Director of Maintenance Department,
Informatica68 S.A.
The Kanban Maturity Model helps you to understand where you are, shows what is possible and how
to get there. It does so by explaining the observed behavior for each level and by what practices such
behavior is encouraged. The Kanban Maturity Model has the potential to be the Rosetta Stone for
organizational change with Kanban.
Wolfgang Wiedenroth, Accredited Kanban
Trainer and Coach, it-agile GmbH
If you’re truly motivated to make long lasting evolutionary changes in your business and survive
forthcoming disruptions in your industry, don’t put this book down until you’ve reached the final
page. Whether you’re starting off with a general understanding of maturity with the Kanban Method
or attempting to advance your organization’s maturity to a higher level, this book will serve as a great
guide and reference on your journey.
Joey Spooner, Kanban Coach and Trainer,
TriTech Enterprise Systems, Inc.
Clear, simple and precise model. An awesome book for all companies seeking organizational and
business agility.
Juan J. Gil Bilbao,
Release Train Engineer, BBVA S.A.
Modern knowledge workers and managers operate in highly connected and networked organiza-
tions fraught with overburdened teams and high stress. The Kanban Maturity Model provides a lens
through which to view these organizations as well as clear and actionable guidance on how to turn
these new insights into positive change. This is the most practical and achievable path to organiza-
tional transformation and the achievement of business agility.”
Jeremy Pullen,
Principal, Polodis Inc.
Kanban Maturity Model Beta Release
David J Anderson
Teodora Bozheva
Seattle, WA
Kanban Maturity Model: Evolving Fit For Purpose Organizations
Copyright © 2018 Lean Kanban University Press
ISBN: 978-0-9853051-5-4
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published by
Lean Kanban University Press, Seattle. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission
must be obtained from the publisher prior to any reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or
transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
CMMI and Capability Maturity Model Integration are registered trademarks of the CMMI Institute.
Contact for rights requests, customized editions, and bulk orders. Additional
print copies of this and other Kanban publications can be purchased via
3 Benefits 25
Developing Organizational Agility and Adaptability 25
Establishing Shared Purpose 27
Fostering Organizational Values 29
Integration with Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) 30
Integration with Lean/TPS 33
Integration with the Real World Risk Model 35
Integration with Mission Command 36
viii Contents
4 KMM Architecture 37
Maturity Levels and General Practices 37
Specific Practices 37
Architectural Extensions 40
5 Visualize 43
Specific Practices Summary 44
6 Limit Work-in-Progress 81
Specific Practices Summary 82
7 Manage Flow 89
Specific Practices Summary 90
8 Make Policies Explicit 119
Specific Practices Summary 120
References 171
Index of KMM Practices 173
About the Authors 179
Part The
I Model
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1 Kanban Maturity
Model Overview
The purpose of the Kanban Maturity Model is to support the development of the follow-
ing organizational capabilities:
• Organizational agility
• Survivability
The Kanban Maturity Model appears because reaching these outcomes is observed to
be challenging for lots of organizations. It responds to the need for help to cope with
resistance to change and to properly introduce the practices needed to make an entire
organization resilient, robust, and ultimately antifragile.
With ten years of Kanban implementation experience around the world, it is now
possible to codify why resistance happens and to provide prescriptive guidance on actions
that can help build unity around common goals and improve work outcomes, including
appropriateness of specific practices in the context of existing organizational maturity. The
Model contains this codification and defines proven steps for correct practice implemen-
tation. In addition, it draws a roadmap to broader and deeper adoption over time. In par-
ticular, it clearly specifies the practices that can be introduced next with little resistance,
4 Kanban Maturity Model Overview
or which, by design, produce just enough stress to cause the organization to react in an
antifragile manner, resulting in improvement.
• Explain to organizations what they can get from KMM, what happens when they
are under stress, and from that, determine what would be the appropriate maturity
level for the organization.
1. CMMI and Capability Maturity Model Integration are registered trademarks of the CMMI Institute.
Intended Users and Needs Addressed 5
• Make customers see that there is more than one type of Kanban; understand the
breadth and depth of Kanban and the values of using the method.
• Describes a set of practices for use at enterprise scale; to avoid focusing on compli-
ance to a framework, KMM does not define processes or a methodology—KMM’s
practices instead guide organizations toward fit-for-purpose products and services
with appropriate exposure to risk and reasonable economic returns.
• Provides guidelines on the improvement actions to take, creating just enough stress
to catalyze improvement without overreaching and risking failure of adoption
• Complements other models and methods, such as CMMI and PMBoK [14], with
a systems thinking approach that incorporates an understanding of the psychology
and sociology of the workforce
2 Understanding Kanban
Maturity Levels
The Kanban Maturity Model features seven levels, numbered 0 through 6. For consistency
and ease of adoption by technology organizations already familiar with CMMI, levels 1
through 5 are aligned to the five levels of CMMI, with a slight difference in the naming of
maturity levels 1, 2, and 3. We have found it useful to extend the model above and below
these five stages. The additional levels are inspired by Jerry Weinberg’s maturity model
from his Quality Software Management, Volume 1: Systems Thinking[6].
Level 0 is introduced to model individuals and organizations that are simply oblivious
to the need for a process or managerial method. We observe such nascent, immature busi-
nesses in our case-study literature. They come to us when they have the epiphany that if
their business is to survive and thrive, they do need a process, often choosing Kanban as a
means to some management oversight with very little process overhead. Kanban provides
some constraints without constraining the emergence of processes and workflows specific
to their business.
Level 6 is introduced to provide for double-loop learning where an organization is ques-
tioning, Who are we? Is our identity still appropriate? and if not, Who do we want to be?
How should we reinvent ourselves? What is our purpose to exist, and is it still relevant? Is
our strategy appropriate? Do we offer the correct products and services? Are we choosing to
serve the correct market segments, or do they need to change? How should we evaluate and
identify market segments to target? Which existing segments should we drop?
We feel that this seven-level model offers a considerable advance and innovation over
previous organizational maturity models, while maintaining continuity with models that
have preceded it. We believe that our new model will better serve the pursuit of excellence
in product and service delivery and encourage behavior for adaptability and long term
survival of businesses. The following chapters describe each level in detail.
8 Understanding Kanban Maturity Levels
Observable behavior
The organization is oblivious to the need to follow a process. There is ambivalence about the
value of management or organizational processes or policies. There is no collaborative work-
ing or, if there is, there is no recognition of collaboration. Collaboration may be fleeting, on
an ad hoc basis without recognition of a pattern or repeated need. There is no concept of “a
team”—a group of people who work collaboratively to deliver on a common goal.
The quality and consistency of work done, or services performed, is entirely associated
with individuals and their capabilities, skills, experience, and judgment. The organization,
and its performance, is extremely fragile to changes in personnel.
There is no instrumentation, as there is no defined process to instrument. Metrics and
measures are not present.
Decision making tends to be reactive, emotional, spontaneous, and sometimes difficult
to explain.
Observable behavior
There is no consistency of process, policy
usage, or decision frameworks. There is no
consistency of desired outcome. Work is not seen as a combination of services, and customers
perceive service delivery as unreliable.
There is an understanding of what the work is, but perhaps not how it should be done,
what the finished product should look like, or the service delivery expectations of custom-
ers. There is little understanding of who the customer is or why they have requested the
work. Consequently, there is an observable lack of alignment among teams. This affects
the consistency of product design and implementation as well as service delivery.
Work is pushed into the process. Priority is set based on superstition, or political lever-
age, or is purely ad hoc and random. The process, system, or value stream is overloaded.
Individuals are often overburdened. There is no concept of a capability or a capacity to
the system. Hence, it is impossible to try to balance demand against capability. There is
an expectation that everything requested will be done. There is no triage capability or
opportunity to refuse work.
Analogously, if we were in the pizza delivery business, we would observe that the
method of preparing, baking, and delivering pizza was inconsistent and that defined pro-
cedures were not followed consistently. We would also observe that often the pizza deliv-
ered was of the wrong type, missing ingredients, or of poor quality upon delivery; or that
the delivery time varied dramatically. The customer experience would be to conclude that
the vendor is extremely unreliable.
The workplace is stressful because of the inconsistency and poor quality, and there are
significant amounts of rework. There is constant pressure to find new customers because
existing customers, reacting to the unreliable service, fail to return.
There is considerable luck attached to whether a product or service is “fit-for-purpose.”
There is a reliance on individual heroics.
Collaboration and the concept of teams is recognized. However, organizational capa-
bility and performance is extremely fragile and there is a tendency to rely upon and reward
heroic effort and heroic individuals. Customers with sufficient transparency will show a
preference or demand the involvement of specific individuals on their work requests as a
means to mitigate risks of inconsistent, poor performance and disappointment.
It is highly likely there is loss of discipline when under stress and handling exceptional
circumstances. When stressed, the organizational maturity is likely to slip back to level 0,
and the organization relies entirely on individual heroics to pull out of the crisis.
Some metrics may be present, though these tend to be focused on individuals rather
than on instrumenting still emerging and inconsistently followed processes. There is a
tendency to collect and report that which is easy to measure and there is little thought as
to whether the measure is useful or actionable. Some local activity measures may serve as
general health indicators, though many may be of little actionable value and are essentially
vanity metrics—they make a team or its individual members feel good, feel as if they are
making progress, but they serve no meaningful purpose in improving business outcomes.
Maturity Level 1 – Emerging 11
handling their own tasks; however, the team has an emerging comprehension of the over-
all development process, in particular how it begins and ends. This lays the foundation for
maturity level 2, at which teams start seeing their jobs as a service conducted in response
to a customer request or as a part of a larger workflow. Therefore, maturity level 1 is fun-
damental for making Kanban Service Delivery principles one and two work:
1. Understand and focus on your customer needs and expectations.
2. Manage the work, let people organize around it.
The team visualizes its work and meets daily to check its status. However, the process
is not consistent yet, and under stress it is likely to lose discipline and consistency. Perfor-
mance depends almost totally on the availability and individual efforts of the team mem-
bers and varies as widely as the spread in individual capabilities across the team.
Observable behavior
The process, policy usage, and decision frameworks are consistent. However, there is still
no consistency of the desired outcome.
There is an understanding of what the work is, and both how it should be done and
what the finished product should look like, as well as the service delivery expectations.
There may not be a full understanding of who the customer is or why they have requested
the work. This is most often true for shared and internal services that lack visibility to the
end customer and the motivation or purpose behind a work request or the risks associated
with that work or its delivery. As a consequence, there may be an observable lack of align-
ment among teams and interdependent service workflows. This affects the consistency of
service delivery as seen by the customer.
A basic understanding and definition of the workflow is developed. Nevertheless, work
tends to be pushed into the process because policies are not strong enough or sufficiently
internalized as to prevent it. There is little observable capability to prioritize work. Prior-
ity, if it exists, may be superstitious, political, or simplistic, such as first-in-first-out. The
process, system, or value stream tends to be overburdened. There is a tendency to say “yes”
to everything or too many things and an inability to balance demand against capability.
Maturity Level 2 – Defined 13
If we were in the pizza delivery business, we would observe that the method of pre-
paring, baking, and delivering pizza was consistent and that defined procedures were now
followed consistently. However, we would still observe that the pizza delivered was occa-
sionally of the wrong type, missing ingredients, or of poor quality upon delivery; or that
the delivery time differed dramatically from expectations. The customer’s perception still
would be that the vendor is unreliable.
There is increased collaboration that now spans across teams and facilitates workflow.
The workplace is notably less stressful because of the consistency of process and defined
roles and responsibilities. Workers know what is expected of them and what they can
expect of their colleagues. Poor quality is still an issue, though less so than at level 1, and
there is still some rework. There is still some pressure to find new customers because some
existing customers fail to return as a reaction to the unreliable service.
The product or service is often not completely “fit-for-purpose.” There is a reliance on
line-level managerial heroics to ensure consistency and the meeting of expectations. There
is a tendency to reward and venerate heroic managers.
Organizational capability and performance remains fragile. Customers may demand
the involvement of specific managers, whom they trust, to mitigate risks of inconsistent,
poor performance and disappointment.
There is some tendency to lose discipline when under stress and handling exceptional
circumstances. When stressed, the organizational maturity tends to slip back to level 1.
There is rudimentary instrumentation of the defined process. There may be a tendency
to measure and report that which can be seen or is easy to instrument. There is little or no
alignment of reported metrics with customer expectations. Metrics and measures tend to
be locally focused on performing the work, such as cycle times or throughput rates on spe-
cific activities or value-adding steps. Most measures are general health indicators, though
some may be of little actionable value and should be seen as vanity metrics.
Decision making is usually qualitative in nature or emotionally driven.
effect of losing rhythm due to concentrating team effort on packaging and handing over
completed work and then restarting development. In addition, developing the ability to
allow work to be in-progress while a delivery is being made requires strengthening other
technical capabilities such as configuration management. Hence, decoupling the rhythm
of planning, commitment, doing, and delivering creates positive stress to improve specific
enabling practices such as configuration management.
Some teams recognize the need to control the workflow and do it by using a delivery
kanban board with a defined commitment point and constant WIP (CONWIP), which
is a true pull system, but without a defined workflow. Basic policies for prioritizing, com-
mitting work, and visualizing work status are established. Parameters like % Complete are
introduced and are used to provide additional information about project status and track
its conformance to plan. Portfolio kanban boards are used for visualizing the status of
multiple projects and making relevant decisions.
Nevertheless, the workflow management responsibility is not explicitly defined. Even
in organizations with established project management processes, project managers’ duties
include planning, monitoring, and controlling project activities against plan but not man-
aging the workflow. There is no one playing the service delivery manager (SDM) role. In
some organizations, we’ve observed the emergence of a “flow manager” role at maturity
level 2. This role tends to have an internal focus, actively managing flow for its benefit of
relieving temporary overburdening due to unevenness.
At this level, established policies and workflow controls do not enable managing unfore-
seen events. This is because the feedback from the system is insufficient. Behavior is entirely
reactionary. As a consequence, unforeseen events caused by the occurrence of specific risks
or more complex situations, for which there is no specific guidance on how to handle them,
can take a project or a service out of control. The result is a failure to meet expectations and,
often, a regression in observed maturity level to a more individualistic, heroic culture.
Observable behavior
There is a consistency of process, policy usage, or decision frameworks. There is now a
consistency of desired outcome. Customer expectations are being met. Product design,
quality, and service delivery are all within customer expectations and tolerance levels.
There is an understanding of what the work is—both in how it should be done and
what the finished product should look like—as well as the service delivery expectations.
16 Understanding Kanban Maturity Levels
There is a strong sense of unity and purpose along the value stream or across the workflow.
There is a sense of a team collaborating to deliver a piece of work. There is a full under-
standing of who the customer is and why they have requested the work. There is a strong
sense of fulfilment amongst the workers when delivering finished work.
There is an observable triage capability to prioritize work into three categories: (1) do
it now; (2) leave it until later, comprehending when is ideal; (3) discard, reject, do not do
it. Demand is balanced against capability and the system is relieved of over-burdening.
If we were in the pizza delivery business, we would observe that the method of prepar-
ing, baking, and delivering pizza was consistent and that defined procedures are followed
consistently. Pizza is delivered consistently, correctly to request with high quality, and
within service delivery expectations. The customer perception is that the vendor is very
The workplace runs very smoothly under both normal and exceptional circumstances.
There is little tendency to panic under stress. There is a strong sense of process, roles, and
responsibilities, and workers know how to react to unusual or exceptional circumstances.
There is little urgency to find new customers because existing customers provide steady
The product or service is now completely “fit-for-purpose.” There is now an absence of
heroics. Instead there is reliance on defined methods, processes, and decision frameworks.
When things don’t go as planned there is action taken to revise methods and procedures
rather than blame individuals.
Organizational capability and performance is now resilient. Customers now trust that
work is done consistently and there are no specific requests for individual personnel or
specific managers.
The organization is now thinking explicitly about services from an external customer-
facing perspective. The notion that the organization consists of a network of interdepen-
dent services is starting to emerge. There is some recognition of the power and efficiency
of effective shared services.
The process is instrumented to collect and report customer fitness criteria metrics. There
may be improvement driver metrics present and actively in use. Metrics and measures
tend to be end-to-end, with only specific improvement drivers focused on local activities
or value-adding steps. There is a clear metrics and reporting strategy with fitness criteria,
improvement drivers, and general health indicators being used appropriately. Presence of
vanity metrics is unusual and may exist for cultural reasons, or may be explained as evo-
lutionary relics to which there is an emotional attachment and the conditions needed to
successfully remove them have not yet materialized.
Despite the considerable instrumentation and availability of metrics, decision making
remains mostly qualitative or emotionally driven.
Maturity Level 3 – Managed 17
Observable behavior
In addition to all maturity level 3 behaviors, a maturity level 4 organization has a consis-
tent economic performance, such as particular cost targets and margins are being achieved
Work is now classified by customer risks, and a variety of classes of service is offered.
Demand shaping or capacity limitations by work type and class of risk are present. Triage
is now driven by risk assessment, and class of service is directly linked to risk. Scheduling
is influenced by cost-of-delay and a quantitative understanding of service delivery risks
such as the probability distribution of lead time.
If we were in the pizza delivery business, we would now be running an economically
successful business offering a number of different classes of service such as an express
delivery menu. We successfully cope with ebb and flow in demand and understand the
cyclical nature of our business. We are optimally staffed most of the time and our costs
are tightly controlled without affecting our delivery capability or impacting customer
Under stress, the organization follows emergency or exception procedures and takes
mitigation and remedial action to reduce likelihood and/or impact of occurrence, or com-
pletely prevent recurrence.
Organizational capability and performance is now robust. Risk hedging is effective
against the occurrence of unforeseen, though not unforeseeable, events. Customers now
trust that work is done consistently, and there are no specific customer requests for in-
dividual personnel or specific managers. Managers, shareholders, and other stakeholders
such as regulatory authorities now trust that work is conducted within defined constraints
and that economic outcomes are within a defined range of expectations.
There is extensive systems thinking and service-orientation present in the organiza-
tion. Organizational units are now forming around defined services with known and
20 Understanding Kanban Maturity Levels
understood dependencies. Shared services are recognized as a highly effective and efficient
approach and therefore are desirable economically. Shared services are seen as providing
an advantage to organizational agility—the ability to reconfigure quickly to changing
market, regulatory, or political conditions.
There is a notable shift to quantitative decision making, and a cultural norm is estab-
lished that decisions must be underpinned with solid data, risks assessed, and adequately
hedged prior to action.
Observable behavior
At level 5 we see all the observable behavior we associate with levels 3 and 4, and in
addition we see a strong kaizen culture—an organizational focus on improvement, with
feedback mechanisms aimed at optimizing performance.
There is extensive process instrumentation. Improvement opportunities are aligned to
customer fitness criteria metrics. Improvement driver metrics are formally established.
Improvement drivers have achievable targets. Improvement initiatives are predictive,
model-driven, and there is a known causation between improvement action and fore-
casted outcome. Significant job satisfaction is now derived from delivering improvements,
as delivering customer requested work within expectations and to the customer’s satisfac-
tion is now routine and is taken for granted.
Economic performance is improving consistently. Process improvement is used as a
competitive weapon and an enabler of new services, new classes of service, new markets,
and new market segments. Competitors are being outmaneuvered by superior organiza-
tional agility, enabling new and better products and services faster than ever.
New services can be rapidly defined and composed of calls to a network of existing
shared services. Reconfiguring the organization to serve different markets with different
classes of service is now a routine action causing little to no disruption.
22 Understanding Kanban Maturity Levels
• Is the way we do things still competitive? Are new technologies, processes, meth-
ods, or means becoming available that we should be investigating or adopting?
• Do we offer the right products and services? and if not, how should we change?
• Are we serving the right markets? and do we have the capability to serve our cho-
sen markets adequately?
• Who are we as a company? and is our current identity relevant and appropriate? or
do we need to reinvent ourselves?
These would correctly be characterized as strategic concerns, and defining the answers
to these questions is a key part of strategic planning. Although the ability to challenge
some of these four areas (the use of “double-loop learning”) may be observed at shallower
maturity levels, a level 6 organization can challenge all four—how, what, why, and who.
A level 6 organization not only has the capability to do this strategic planning work but
it will also exhibit alignment of capability and service provision with that strategy. When
the strategy needs to change, the organization will quickly reconfigure to align with the
changes. This concept of strategy being continually aligned to operational capabilities is
referred to as “congruent action.” Congruent action is leadership that everyone can believe
in. A congruent organization is set up for success. Such an organization is extremely ro-
bust to changing externalities, including disruptive, discontinuous innovation, and hence
will not only exhibit longevity but will absorb dramatic changes to its strategy relatively
easily without significant impact in economic performance.
Anticipated behavior
At level 6 we should see all the observable behaviors we associate with level 5. In addition,
we should see a strong strategic planning capability and the use of strategic planning
reviews questioning current market segmentation, questioning product and service mix,
comparing observed capability with strategy, and defining a strategy against which the
organization is capable of successfully delivering.
There should be extensive market instrumentation to provide feedback on whether
the firm’s products and services are viewed as “fit-for-purpose.” Market segments should
be oriented around customer purpose. The entire business should be service oriented and
driven by service delivery. There should be assessment of design, implementation, and ser-
vice delivery capabilities against expectations in each market segment. The organization
24 Understanding Kanban Maturity Levels
perspective, a greater number of teams are happier, completing more work with a greater
pride of workmanship and motivation to improve further.
At maturity levels 0 through 2, local cycle times may be reduced, but the customer’s ex-
perience of lead time and predictability is that things take too long, and lead time has too
much variability. The customer’s experience is that service delivery is unpredictable and
remains unfit-for-purpose for some or most of the time—less so at ML2 than at ML1
or ML0. The customer may show sympathy toward an improving level of service delivery,
while overall, service levels remain unsatisfactory.
Organizational Agility
At maturity level 4, the organization has a firm grasp of systems thinking and views itself
as a network of interdependent services—a system of systems. Each service may have
implemented a kanban system.
The effect is that work with complex dependencies can be delivered efficiently, with
little delay as a consequence of interdependent work orders across the network. There is a
high level of predictability, even for work with complex dependencies. The customer expe-
rience is that, even for large, complex work requests, the service delivery is fit-for-purpose.
By using a service-oriented organizational paradigm, the business can quickly recon-
figure shared services to provide new end-to-end service delivery workflows with a mini-
mum of disruption to existing services, personnel, and their roles and responsibilities. The
customer experience is the conclusion that time to market, or time to set up and provide
new services, is dramatically reduced.
Long-Term Survivability
Maturity levels 1 through 5 provide various scales of single-loop learning—getting better
at what we do and how we do it. Maturity level 6 sees the emergence of two forms of
double-loop learning. This manifests as a capability to question:
• Is our strategy correct? Are we offering the right products and services to the right
markets? Should we redefine our market segmentation and change the products
and services we offer?
• Do we as a business have the right identity for the current business, political, eco-
nomic, and technological environments in which we compete?
A level 6 organization is capable of both questioning its own identity and reinventing
itself in a new image, with a new identity.
Although the elements of double-loop learning that manifest in Kanban, with prac-
tices such as Strategy Review, may emerge at lower levels, their effectiveness is diminished
through a lower maturity of the rest of the organization. For example, what is the point
of defining new markets and new services to offer if the organization is not capable of
reconfiguring itself to offer them in a timely and effective manner? What is the point of
targeting new market segments if the organization is not capable of meeting the product
specification, quality, or service delivery expectations of customers in that segment? What
is the point of targeting new markets with new products if the organization cannot guar-
antee to exploit them profitably? Lower levels of maturity might enable level 6. But, put
simply, implementing level 6 practices in a level 2 organization is likely to be ineffective,
and it might result in disappointment, finger-pointing, and assigning blame for failure.
Maturity level 6 organizations are robust to rapidly changing external environments.
They are capable of reacting quickly and effectively to disruptive, discontinuous tech-
nological innovation, changes in the regulatory environment, changes in the political or
economic climate, changes in customer tastes, or raised customer expectations.
benefits of higher maturity levels, then it is her or his job to lead and steer the culture such
that higher maturity is achievable.
Lower maturity organizations at levels 0 through 2 tend to have an individualistic focus
on their identity or their culture: who am I? and what’s in it for me? Or at a team level,
who are we? and what’s in it for us? There can be selfishness in low maturity organizations,
or in the workers and their teams. Individuals, teams, or the whole organization may cast
themselves as victims, with a culture of shared affinity as victims, powerless to affect their
circumstances or break free from an abusive environment. Alternatively, lower maturity
organizations are nascent, emerging and perhaps working in nascent or emergent markets.
They are still finding themselves, defining who they are and why they exist. With enough
time and leadership, they might mature to level 3 or beyond.
Low maturity organizations are often highly socially cohesive, and conformance to so-
cial norms and established tribal behaviors tends to drive decision making and outcomes.
Consequently, there is considerable inertia against change. In highly socially cohesive cul-
tures, change must come from the top. Leaders must signal changes and give permission
for them to happen. They must communicate a change in “how we see ourselves”—the
self-image and identity of the organization—and perhaps a change in “what we value”—
the organizational values. Dependence on a single strong leader implies fragility.
At maturity level 3, an organization has a strong sense of “who we are” and is very
comfortable with its identity. As such, it is able to focus energy and attention on the more
important topic of “why we exist.” A level 3 organization has a strong sense of purpose,
defined and communicated by its leaders. Pursuit of the purpose is considered culturally
more important than “who we are,” the collective identity and self-image of the orga-
nization. As such, the organization is more flexible, more tolerant, more trusting, and,
consequently, more agile through the cultural importance of “why we exist” rather than
obsessing over “who we are.” Level 3 organizations have Einheit—unity and alignment
behind a sense of purpose. Level 3 organizations can act with greater autonomy and ex-
hibit greater agility because of this shared sense of purpose.
At maturity level 4, the organization understands very well “why we exist” and “who
we are.” The focus now changes to “what we do” in order that we deliver on “why we ex-
ist.” Selecting the right things to do, to produce the best results, is culturally important
to a level 4 organization. They don’t just know why they exist, they are good at delivering
against that purpose because they select the right products or product features and the
right services to best deliver on their goals, and they have a strong and justifiable sense of
pride in who they are.
At maturity level 5, the organization has a strong sense of who they are, is comfortable
in their skin, knows why they exist, believes in their purpose, and makes good choices to
deliver against that purpose effectively in a manner that customers love. This enables them
Fostering Organizational Values 29
to focus on “how we do it” with a goal of being the best at what they do through superior
processes and capabilities.
At maturity level 6, an organization is capable of questioning and changing all of the
above. They will question how, what, why, and who. While they have a strong sense of how,
what, why and who, these ideas are loosely held. They have cohesion, unity, agreement,
and pride in their collective mastery, but they also have a strong culture of challenging es-
tablished norms and finding better ways. They value challenging established conventions,
norms, and behaviors. They value innovation, and they embrace change. This is driven
from an overarching value: the desire for longevity, the desire to survive for generations.
A level 6 organization recognizes that stubbornness, and a refusal to change their how, or
their what, or their why, or even their identity—their self-image, their “who”—may lead
to their extinction.
In addition, we found the need to extend the set of values to express those we saw
driving behavior enabling Kanban adoption that were not captured in Mike’s original set.
Each value is also mapped to the organizational maturity level that it enables. The impor-
tant nuance is that holding the value enables the maturity level. The reverse is unlikely to
be true—an organization doesn’t strive for a maturity level in order to hold a value. Values
come first. Values are drivers. Values are enabling constraints, they enable a maturity level
and those beyond it.
30 Benefits
For example, valuing a sense of purpose, and ensuring that it is communicated and un-
derstood, is a key enabler of maturity level 3. It is unlikely that maturity level 3 or beyond
can be achieved without it.
In addition, we observe the need for explicit business values to drive achievement of
deeper maturity. These are governing constraints in that they express the limit of what is
possible while holding that value. For example, valuing short-term results without valuing
long-term investment tends to limit a business to a maximum of maturity level 4.
teams across the workflow. It balances demand and capability of the system and optimizes
the value stream and economic outcomes by means of a strong prioritization and triage
CMMI has five maturity levels (ML) and each level builds on the previous one for
continuous improvement. Organizations that work toward higher maturity levels get ad-
vanced capabilities and promote more effective processes.
KMM defines seven maturity levels. It extends the CMMI levels with ML0 and ML6.
ML0 is about managing an individual’s work. ML6 is about developing a congruent
The thinking behind CMMI’s levels begins with an assumption that work must be
contained. Similar to Kanban and KMM, work is already in progress but in CMMI,
project and service organizations must understand and contain and define the work first,
even before they begin to build out the processes to perform the work. CMMI assumes
throughput issues are due to poorly defined expectations, processes, and process control—
in that order—and not necessarily due to overloaded people and operations. The target
state for organizations using CMMI, therefore, is to work toward high-fidelity organiza-
tional processes via steps of increasing process insight and statistical control, beginning
with defining the work itself. Underlying assumptions within CMMI are that all matters
will be handled at the organizational level. A “high-maturity” CMMI organization will
take on new work consistent with its known capabilities—becoming a “center of excel-
lence” for the type of work they do.
KMM, on the other hand, begins with an assumption that organizations and the in-
dividuals within them want to befit the work they do. KMM further assumes that lack of
understanding of the work is a symptom of too much work—which overshadows every-
thing else, including processes—and leaves no room for improving the situation, under-
standing the work, or containing it. KMM sees throughput issues as due to lack of insight
into or feedback on the work caused by overburdening the people and the operation they
work in. The target state for organizations using KMM, therefore, is to work toward full
appreciation of the work through a deepening understanding of the organization’s capa-
bilities. Underlying assumptions within KMM are that all matters begin and end with the
individuals in it. A “high maturity” KMM organization has congruence between them-
selves and the work, regardless of the nature, and deftly and strategically adapts itself to
the work—reflecting the demand from the market.
CMMI maturity level 1 (ML1), Initial, is not explicitly defined. In general, it is under-
stood as not reaching maturity level 2, and that the work isn’t managed and the processes
surrounding the work are not defined. In KMM ML1 defines the behaviors of an organi-
zation that begins developing an understanding of its workflow.
The names of the maturity levels 2 and 3 are interchanged for the following reasons:
32 Benefits
• CMMI ML2, Managed, is about establishing the basic project and service man-
agement practices around the work to be done. At KMM ML2, an organization
develops a basic understanding of the entire workflow, defines relevant policies and
decision frameworks, and applies them consistently. Therefore KMM ML2 is named
• CMMI ML3, Defined, extends the range of established processes as well as their
level of institutionalization. At KMM ML3, an organization introduces practices
that ensure a consistent workflow, predictability, achieving desired outcomes, and
meeting service level agreements efficiently. These are used to manage successfully
multiple projects and shared services. Therefore KMM ML3 is called Managed.
KMM complements the CMMI Project Management and Process Management pro-
cess areas in the following way:
• Project Management:
0 Kanban introduces the service-oriented approach to project management. This
implies that project development is seen through a collection of interdependent
services; for example, design a feature, develop functionality, test functionality,
and so on. Each service has to be appropriately staffed and managed in order to
deliver the expected outcome to the next service of the value chain in time.
0 The visual kanban boards facilitate real-time understanding of the current state
of projects and services, issues that impede their development and delivery, de-
pendencies on other stakeholders, and risks of delay. The time for obtaining sta-
tus reports and coordination meetings shrinks significantly.
0 Having a real-time, visual, and shared understanding of the status of the indi-
vidual projects and services focusses the monitoring and control activities on
what affects the value delivery flow and how to resolve the impediments.
0 Communication at a team level becomes fluent once the habit of conducting the
Kanban Meetings is established. The visual aspects of the kanban systems and
the Kanban Cadences facilitate the communication and alignment of different
teams and stakeholders, as well as to different hierarchy levels.
0 Establishing team norms and shared processes, and coordination within and
among integrated teams are organic results of using integrated kanban boards.
0 Kanban establishes explicit policies for prioritizing and managing work. There-
fore, team members get sufficient autonomy to decide what work to do next. The
project manager’s job is more involved with resolving blocking issues, ensuring
smooth flow between stages, scheduling, and coordinating stakeholders and
Integration with Lean/TPS 33
other teams. The service manager’s job includes proper capacity allocation to
ensure timely demand processing.
0 Instead of using discrete task estimation, in Kanban the delivery date of a work
item is forecasted based on historical data of lead time for the corresponding
work type as well as by means of Little’s Law.
0 Kanban uses classes of services that are defined based on understanding the
business risks associated to the work items, in particular, their cost of delay.
0 Risk evaluation is based on a previous blocker clustering and analysis, which
brings a thorough understanding of the impediments for the workflow as well as
eliminates the ambiguity of the Probability and Impact parameters.
• Process Management:
0 The purpose of improving the flow of valuable work and delivering on customer
expectations focusses the process improvement effort on the aspects that are
important to the business. This involves eliminating unnecessary over-processing
and reducing transaction and coordination costs. In addition, it implies an ap-
propriate integration of individual processes or sub-processes in order to stream-
line the accomplishment of the expected outcome.
0 A positive consequence of this value-driven process improvement is that people
understand the need for establishing defined processes and see the value of their
continuous improvement. This facilitates their adoption and reduces the effort
for managing the change.
0 Project-level processes are defined directly on kanban boards. Project-specific
performance metrics are supported directly from kanban board data.
0 Process performance objectives, at the project, service, and organizational levels
are supported directly from kanban data.
Using CMMI and KMM practices together helps product-development and service-
delivery organizations to increase process agility and align better business and process objectives.
In addition, Kanban principle “Start with what you do now, respecting current roles
and responsibilities” facilitates its adoption and is, in fact, a critical enabling factor for or-
ganizations with well-defined hierarchical structures that pursue agility but are not keen
on taking a radical change and restructuring.
into professional services, knowledge worker businesses. Lean literature has a tendency to
focus on elimination of waste, value-stream mapping, industrial engineers designing out
wasteful, non-value-adding steps, and then deploying new processes into organizations
using a managed approach to change. Lean, as practiced by American and other Western
consulting firms, generally does not replicate the employee-empowered kaizen culture of
continuous improvement, and it fails to take an evolutionary and incremental approach
to change driven by shop-floor workers and line managers. The Kanban Method, by com-
parison, does achieve this kaizen culture, and it replicates the empowered employee-driven
approach to change, producing incremental and evolutionary improvement.
Toyota uses three words, which were all translated as “waste” in Western Lean literature:
muda, meaning non-value-adding; mura, meaning unevenness; and muri, meaning over-
burdening. Lean has tended to focus on muda—removal or reduction of non-value-adding
activities. This was relatively effective in industrial, tangible goods businesses. However, with
intangible goods, such as professional services businesses, many roles are not considered
value-adding. For example, everything a project manager does would be labelled as non-val-
ue-adding. If it is known and understood that Lean consultants have arrived to “eliminate
waste,” then people in non-value-adding roles become fearful and resistant.
The Kanban Method differentiates itself from Lean by pursuing muri, then mura—
first relieving individuals, teams, and workflows of overburdening, then focusing on a
faster, smoother, more even flow. This approach works better with human psychology.
First, workers gain the ability to take greater pride in their work, and psychologically they
are relieved of the existential overhead of thinking about too many pieces of work that
have been started but remain open and incomplete. Second, by improving predictability,
customer satisfaction is improved and workers gain a greater sense of purpose and mastery
of their work. Workers like to be relieved of overburdening and they like their workload
to flow evenly. Workers do not like to be labelled as waste.
The Kanban Maturity Model provides a clear and clean integration with Toyota’s sys-
tem. Maturity levels 0 through 2 are primarily focused on muri—relief from overburdening
at the individual, team, and workflow levels. Maturity level 3 is focused on mura—achiev-
ing evenness of flow. Maturity level 4 introduces a focus on muda as non-value-adding
activities—transaction and coordination costs—are reduced in order to improve economic
performance. Maturity level 5 produces a full implementation of kaizen culture with en-
terprise scale, evolutionary improvements being driven from the ground up, in pursuit
of ever more fit-for-purpose products and services. Maturity level 6 delivers on effective
strategy deployment, or hoshin kanri, by providing the means to question the how, what,
why and who of the enterprise and through leadership, strategic planning and communi-
cation of intent, redefine any or all of these.
Integration with the Real World Risk Model 35
We characterize the maturity level as having depth, while the implementation of the
General Practices of the Kanban Method is said to bring breadth to the implementation.
Figure 7 provides an overview of the KMM architecture.
Specific Practices
Each of the general practices can be implemented with one or more specific practices.
These practices may have varying levels of fidelity, which are generally related to the depth
GP Visualize Limit WIP Marshall Options - Manage flow Make policies explicit Feedback loops Improve &
Maturity Level Values Focus Leadership
0. Oblivious
Core Achievement
Transition Collaboration
1. Emerging
KMM Architecture
Core Transparency
we are
2. Defined
Tribalism Individualism
Project /
Customer Service
3. Managed Why
Purpose we exist
Core Leadership
Shared services
we do
Business focus
5. Optimizing How
Alignment, Unity, Shared purpose
we do it
(patient capital)
Kaizen culture
Project/Product Porfolio
Systems Thinking | Altruistic Behavior | Contributor Society
Transition Business
6. Congruent survivability
How, What,
Why & Who
Core Tolerance
Hoshin kanri
Figure 7 KMM architecture
Specific Practices 39
of organizational maturity. Therefore, the name of a specific practice reflects both its fidel-
ity and the depth of maturity of the organization implementing the practice.
For example, Implement feedback loops has the following specific practices:
• Transition practices
• Core practices
When an organization aspires to achieve the outcomes that characterize the next level of
maturity, it can add transition practices to facilitate that transition. So long as there is the
will and intent to achieve the next level of depth in maturity, these practices should meet
with little or no resistance in adoption or implementation.
Core practices are practices that are necessary in order to achieve the outcomes that
define a maturity level; however, an organization at the lower level will tend to resist or
repel them unless some preparatory work is done first.
The Kanban Maturity Model, with its inclusion of the six General Practices of Kan-
ban—giving the model both breadth and depth—is intended to obviate and replace the
Depth of Kanban Assessment Framework first published in 2012 [7].
40 KMM Architecture
Architectural Extensions
It is possible to extend the published KMM in two fashions: by mapping additional prac-
tices to the existing model and publishing them collectively as a Kanban Maturity Model
eXtension (KMMX); and by extending the existing model with additional general prac-
tices and then mapping specific practices against these additional general practices and as-
sociated maturity levels. Two KMMXs are envisaged, based on the broader Lean Kanban
body of knowledge and planned for publication in 2018:
• To provide individuals, teams, and managers visibility on the work, the workflows,
and the risks associated with it
• To engage sensory perception and move people emotionally
• To encourage greater empathy and create greater transparency
• To enable collaboration, better communication, debate, challenge, and catalyze
• To facilitate decision making
• Makes that which is invisible, visible
• Ensures clear and correct communication of information about work items
• Reduces overburdening by visualizing and limiting the work-in-progress to the
capacity of the individuals that make up the kanban system
• Develops a shared understanding of objectives, work status, impediments, and risks
• Captures significant business risks associated with work items
• Facilitates timely and coherent decision making, collaboration, and knowledge sharing
• Develops trust
• Reduces disruptions
44 Visualize
Visualization (VZ) Practice
VZ3.1 Visualize “ready to commit” status, also known as “ready to pull.”
VZ3.2 Visualize “ready to pull” criteria, also known as “definition of ready,”
or “entry criteria.”
VZ3.3 Visualize workflow and teamwork items by means of aggregated
Transition team kanban board.
VZ3.4 Visualize project work items on a two-tiered project kanban board.
VZ3.5 Visualize parent–child and peer–peer dependencies.
VZ3.6 Use a parking lot to visualize dependent work requests of another
service or system currently waiting or blocked.
VZ3.7 Visualize upstream options by means of an upstream/discovery
kanban board.
VZ3.8 Visualize discarded options using a bin on an upstream/discovery
ML3 kanban board.
VZ3.9 Visualize replenishment signals.
VZ3.10 Visualize pull signals.
VZ3.11 Visualize pull criteria (also known as “pull policies,” “definition of
ready,” or “exit criteria”).
Core VZ3.12 Visualize available capacity.
VZ3.13 Visualize work item aging.
VZ3.14 Visualize target date or SLA.
VZ3.15 Visualize failure demand versus value demand.
VZ3.16 Visualize aborted work.
VZ3.17 Visualize class of service using ticket colors, board rows, or ticket
VZ3.18 Use Earned Value portfolio kanban board to visualize project
progress and schedule or budget risk.
VZ4.1 Visualize local cycle time.
VZ4.2 Use ticket decorators to indicate risks.
VZ4.3 Visualize risk classes with different swim lanes
ML4 VZ4.4 Visualize split-and-merge workflows.
VZ4.5 Visualize WIP limits on dependencies parking lot.
Core VZ4.6 Visualize waiting time in dependencies parking lot.
VZ4.7 Visualize SLA exceeded in dependencies parking lot.
ML5 VZ5.1 Visualize fixed teams and floating workers (shared resources)
across aggregated services.
46 Visualize
The personal kanban board visualizes an individual’s work items and their state (see Figure 8).
• Each board column explicitly shows the tasks’ state: Done, In-progress (or currently
carrying out), Next to start, and Backlog (or list of all remaining work). The intent
of the Next column is to relieve the person from overburdening because of the
number of tasks she has to do, let her focus on those tasks that are In-progress, and
complete them without losing time due to multitasking.
• The numbers under the column names specify how many tickets can live in a col-
umn at a moment (see LW0.1, page 83).
The information visualized on a ticket has to facilitate quick understanding and decision
making about the work to be done.
Visualize – Maturity Level 1 47
• Summarize key information about the task: title or short summary, due date. Think
about the outcome to be developed when defining the title. More detailed infor-
mation about the tasks can be provided in other systems or in personal notes.
• Further on, for better control of the individual’s work, annotate the date (and time,
if necessary) when a work item was requested, as well as when real work on it
Maturity Level 1
Transition practices
VZ1.1 Visualize work for several individuals by means of an aggregated personal kanban
Use the aggregated personal kanban board (Figure 9) to provide visibility to the work
carried out by several people. Each person handles her own work items (tasks).
• Visualize the established per-person WIP limits (see LW1.1, page 83).
48 Visualize
Core practices
VZ1.2 Visualize the work carried out by a team by means of a team kanban board.
• Visualize WIP limits on active (In-progress) and committed (Next) work. The
WIP limits are still established per person, however, the column WIP limit shows
the total number of cards that can reside in the column for all team members.
• For each team member, use an avatar to indicate which work items he or she is
currently focused on.
• Different avatars can be used to indicate if the person is accountable for the work
item or is collaborating on it.
• Each work item in-progress has an avatar of the team member accountable for it
and the collaborators, if any.
Visualize – Maturity Level 1 49
See XP1.1 (page 121) about how to define initial policies. The intent of visualizing poli-
cies is to facilitate consistency in applying them.
There are different means to visualize policies, for instance:
• Write down the policies on a piece of paper and stick it next to the physical kan-
ban board. These may also be known as “Working Norms” or “Team Norms.”
• Define and visualize the policies in the electronic kanban board if its functionality
allows it.
• As the team’s understanding of the workflow gets deeper, the In-progress column
can be split into columns that illustrate the main stages of the workflow.
50 Visualize
Maturity Level 2
Transition practices
VZ2.1 Visualize teamwork by means of a delivery kanban board with per-person WIP limits.
• Use a delivery kanban board (Figure 12) to visualize the principal stages of the
workflow. For example:
• Establish a coloring scheme for visualizing work item types defined in MF2.1.
• Alternatively, use separate rows on the kanban board to visualize different work types.
• If work items are categorized by size, work items with different sizes can be repre-
sented (on physical kanban boards) by means of different-sized cards.
A blocking issue is something that was not anticipated that prevents continuing work on
a ticket, for example, waiting for information or permission; dependence on another team,
customer, or provider; temporarily moving a team member with specific knowledge to
another project or service; a need to collect additional information; and so on.
Blocked issues reduce flow and cause delay of product or service delivery. To lessen
these effects, it is important to see the blocked work items, understand the reasons for the
blockages, and resolve them quickly.
In addition, the information collected about the blockers and its analysis (blocker clus-
tering) is fundamental for adequately managing risks in future projects and services.
• It can be drawn manually on the tickets if a physical board is used. Electronic kanban
tools provide visual means for showing that a work item is blocked. With magnetic
physical boards, the color of the magnet may be changed to indicate the blocked state.
• Attach a ticket of a different color to the blocked one, as shown in Figure 13 (on
the next page), explaining the reason for the blockage and additional data that
would facilitate further analysis and learning—such as date of blockage, date of
unblocking the ticket, main causes for the issue, who is assigned to resolve it, res-
olution effort, and so on. Different colors of blocker tickets may be used to signify
different reasons for blocking or different sources of delay.
• Visualizing the blocked items is a first step to raising awareness of the impact of
blocking issues and to focus the organization on resolving them quickly, as well as
for developing the capability to do so.
• Refer to MF2.3 (page 92) for more information about managing blocking issues.
52 Visualize
The intent of a discovery kanban board is to facilitate the development of a stream of op-
tions (ideas, incoming requests) before they covert into committed work.
• The discovery kanban board could be as simple as the one illustrated in Figure 14,
which shows the main steps in elaborating options.
An option is an idea or concept that is available for selection for commitment and de-
livery. Options must be developed by learning about them, gathering information from,
for example, scientific research, market research, risk assessment, business analysis, and
so on. Doing so frequently involves individuals who also work downstream, that is, those
who have assignments on the delivery kanban board. Creating a smooth flow of options
without affecting the delivery workflow requires proper management of an individual’s
Extend the per-person WIP limits to include the discovery kanban board’s work items as
well, and visualize these limits, for example, by means of avatars.
VZ2.6 Visualize basic policies.
See XP2.2 (page 121) for guidelines about how to elaborate further policies.
Visualizing policies contributes to developing a shared understanding of the process
and identifying potential improvement opportunities.
Policies can be built into the design of a physical board, for example, using physical space
or tokens such as magnets or sticky clips to indicate kanbans. A WIP limit for an activity
can be displayed at the top of a column. A capacity allocation for a work item type or a
class of service can be displayed on a row of the board. Policies that indicate “pullable,”
that is, a specific activity is complete, can be printed and displayed at the bottom of the
column. Service level agreements may be visualized as progress bars on tickets or on a
legend printed and attached to the side of the board.
Electronic kanban tools visualize policies in different manners, for example, by chang-
ing the color of a column if its WIP limit is exceeded, showing the criteria for “done” for a
column at the bottom of it, using a symbol for a blocked card and impeding its movement,
stating the work item size on the card, and so on.
Core practices
Some In-progress columns can include several activities that can be performed in any
order or in parallel. In addition, different people can work on a single ticket.
One way to manage such cases is to visualize the concurrent or unordered activities
with checkboxes.
54 Visualize
• When all checkboxes are checked off, the work for this ticket in this column is
considered completed (Figure 15).
VZ2.8 Ticket design: Visualize concurrent activities performed by specialist teams using
partial rows.
Sometimes specialist services can and should be performed in parallel. This can be visual-
ized by splitting one or more columns into two or more rows to visualize the flow through
each specialist service.
• As shown in Figure 16, create partial rows spanning one or more activity columns
where specialist services should be performed in parallel. Label each row to show
which service it represents
• Each ticket, when arriving at the concurrent working point, should be split by
creating two or more new tickets. When sticky notes are used, the original can be
stuck behind one of the new ones. When all the tickets from the split have arrived
at their destination to the right-hand side of the partial rows, then they can be
Visualize – Maturity Level 2 55
“merged” by discarding them and revealing the original ticket to flow to comple-
tion on the board.
Note: Kanban software tools have been unable to implement this pattern due to its
impact on metrics and reporting. The workaround is to create two or more partial
rows, as shown Figure 16, and two or more child tickets, where the software sup-
ports hierarchical work items, and flow the children tickets through their respective
partial rows, only moving the parent ticket to the right of the split section after all
of the children have arrived at the end of their partial rows. Software that doesn’t
support hierarchical work-item types is not suitable for use with this practice.
VZ2.9 Board design: Visualize sequential activities where no dependency or preferred se-
quence exists using rows or vertical spaces.
This practice defines an alternative to VZ2.7 (page 53) for visualizing a non-linear
sequence of activities.
56 Visualize
• When the work to be done within the column requires different specialist skills,
split the column into different specialist areas as shown in Figure 17. Similarly,
split the ticket to represent the work to be done by different specialists.
Awareness is the first step toward reducing defects and other rework types.
0 Due date
0 Severity
• Use a separate color for rework tickets to make them easily visible.
• Visualize the individuals who carry out the rework the same way as for the other
work items.
• Refer to MF2.4 (page 93) for details about how to manage defects and other
rework types, as well as XP2.4 (page 122) for guidelines about defining relevant
VZ2.11 Use constant WIP (CONWIP) with an emergent workflow delivery kanban board to
provide both workflow-level relief from overburdening and basic mechanics of a pull
system with separate replenishment and delivery cadences.
A delivery kanban board, with defined commitment point and constant WIP (Figure 18),
is a pull system with a basic definition of the workflow. Therefore, it allows the team to ob-
tain a better understanding of how service delivery or product development really occurs.
Figure 18 Delivery kanban board with defined commitment point and constant WIP
• Visualize the established CONWIP for the system (see LW2.2 on page 84 for
more details about establishing constant WIP limits).
• Establish and visualize the commitment point for the kanban system. This is the
point at which the team has a good understanding of the work to develop, the cus-
tomer is committed to receive developed result, and the lead time starts to count.
Both discovery and delivery kanban boards are modelled so as to reflect the work item pro-
cess stages (see MF2.2, page 91). They are usually named for the dominant activity used to
generate new information or move the work item toward completion (e.g., “test”). A defined
workflow may be a superset of all states for the collection of work item types it visualizes.
This takes into account that not all work items need to go through the same steps.
The Discovery part of the workflow represents the steps through which an idea evolves
and converts into a committed request, for example, Opportunity – Synthesis – Analysis. In
the opportunity stage, an idea is rather rough, overall, unclarified. In the synthesis stage,
the idea becomes more coherent and clearer. During the analysis phase, the option is split
into detailed work items that, once committed, are ready to be pulled into the delivery
kanban system. See [13] for more details on upstream kanban.
The delivery part of the workflow visualizes the steps through which a committed work
element develops into a value-adding deliverable.
VZ2.13 Visualize project progress on a portfolio kanban board.
• Use a portfolio kanban board (Figure 19) to visualize an organization’s projects’
progress. A kanban card represents something deliverable, meaningful, and valu-
able to the requester, such as a single project, a minimal viable product, (MVP), or
a minimum marketable feature (MMF).
• Use kanban cards of different sizes to visualize project size category; for example,
small cards for small projects, medium-size tickets for medium-size projects, and
large tickets for large projects. Slightly deeper maturity implementations will have
a defined, explicit policy designating project size—for example, large involves more
than fifty people or $5 million in budget.
Visualize – Maturity Level 3 59
• Use the horizontal axis of the In-progress column to represent project progress,
and position ongoing project tickets so as to visualize their % Complete.
Maturity Level 3
Transition practices
Work items that are ready to pull into the kanban system and/or ready to be committed
for work and future delivery are visualized using a physical space or position on the board,
such as a column indicating the status of tickets placed within it.
VZ3.2 Visualize “ready to pull criteria,” also known as “definition of ready,” or “entry criteria.”
Policies required to enter the “ready to commit” or “ready to pull” state are explicitly de-
fined and visualized.
60 Visualize
VZ3.3 Visualize workflow and teamwork items by means of an aggregated teams kanban
Use an aggregated teams kanban board to visualize on a single board the work carried out
by different teams on adjacent steps in a workflow, for example, customer specifications,
development, or development-testing (Figure 20).
• Use the queue of delivered work from the first-step team as an input queue for the
second-step team. This queue can remain unbounded.
• Refer to LW1.2 and LW2.1 (both on page 84) for more details on establishing
team and activity-based WIP limits.
• Use a two-tiered portfolio kanban board to visualize the state of each project
(Figure 21).
Visualize – Maturity Level 3 61
• Similarly to the simple portfolio kanban board, use tickets to represent individual
projects or key project results.
Parent–child dependencies emerge when a work item is broken down to the elements that
comprise it. A parent work item is considered done only when all its child work items are
successfully completed and integrated. Child work items can reside on different boards
than their parent card.
Peer-to-peer relationships define dependencies between work items at the same level.
Typically, these are work items that have to be finished in a particular sequence, or items
that must be delivered together in order to enable something of customer value; a meta-
phorical example is that you cannot go skiing without both the skis and the boots—there
is a mutual dependency between the boots and the skis in the context of a day on the
mountain skiing, while the production and delivery of skis can happen entirely inde-
pendently from the boots.
62 Visualize
VZ3.6 Use a parking lot to visualize work requests dependent on another service or system
currently waiting or blocked.
Dependencies between work items typically occur when different individuals or teams are
involved in doing the job. Not managing dependencies correctly increases risks for delays
or quality issues. Therefore, it is important to visualize them consistently.
When there are dependencies on external groups (other teams, customer, suppliers), it
is appropriate to use a parking lot to visualize them.
• Use tickets with pre-defined colors to indicate work items that depend on an
external group.
• Designate a special area of the kanban board, a parking lot, for sticking the tickets
that represent this work (see Figure 22).
• Stick the card representing the work item to be implemented by an external group
in the parking lot.
• There are variants of this pattern that may involve spawning a new ticket with
peer–peer dependency on the original. The new peer is placed in the parking lot
and a visual indicator such as a smaller ticket of similar color is placed on the ticket
that spawned the external request. See VZ2.3 (page 51), visualizing blockers.
Figure 20 illustrates tracking time blocked items using tally marks on the right-hand
side of a ticket in the parking lot and then escalating with a pink blocker ticket if the
dependent service fails to meet its SLA.
Core practices
The process of elaborating ideas to be developed and delivered to customers and end us-
ers is in itself a triage process. Each idea goes through several steps of refinement before
finally being selected for development or discarded.
The purpose of the upstream, or “discovery,” kanban board is to properly manage cus-
tomers’ ideas, make clear what their status is, and show which ideas are closer to validation
and ready or available to be committed and pulled into the delivery stream. Instead of
handling a single unordered list of customer requests, the discovery kanban board allows
the team to focus their efforts on elaborating options, concentrating first on those that can
be replenished to the delivery team while elaborating further other alternatives.
64 Visualize
The commitment point separates the discovery from the delivery kanban board. Only
requests that the customer is sure they want delivered have to pass the border between the
two systems.
It is common for a discovery board to be separate from a delivery board. Often discov-
ery and delivery are performed by separate organizations, and in many larger enterprises
these functions do not sit together. Hence, it is more natural to have two boards rather
than just one, as illustrated in Figure 23.
(Figure 24). Define policy to determine how long a ticket should be displayed before it is
removed, for example, one month.
The virtual kanban board in Figure 25 shows a kanban board on which having fewer work
item cards in a column than the WIP limit displayed on the top of it indicates pull. The
signals are virtual, hence the board is known as virtual kanban board.
66 Visualize
VZ3.11 Visualize pull criteria (also known as “pull policies,” “definition of done,” or “exit
See XP3.5 (page 125) for more details about how to define pull criteria.
There are different means to visualize pull criteria:
• Stick the list of pull criteria next to a physical kanban board or at the place where
daily and Delivery Planning Meetings take place.
• Stick the list of “done” criteria above each column of the kanban board.
• Visualize the pull criteria using relevant functionality of your electronic kanban tool.
There are different means to visualize the available capacity:
• Physical slots
• Movable tokens
• Virtual kanban
A free slot, magnet, or sticky clip in a column is a signal for pulling work from the col-
umn that is immediately before it. Having fewer cards in a column than the virtual kanban
number also indicates that a work item can be pulled from the column before.
The physical slot kanban board is designed to serve teams that tend to deviate from
established WIP limits. Therefore, it explicitly shows the places from where work items
can be pulled.
On the movable tokens kanban board, the number of magnets represents the WIP
limits. The color of the magnets shows the status of the work item: in-progress, done,
blocked. This board provides more flexibility to the team as magnets can be moved, added,
or removed dynamically. However, it also requires more discipline in handling the number
of tokens so as to ensure consistent outcome of the process.
VZ3.13 Visualize work item aging.
Card aging shows the amount of time (e.g., days, hours) a work item has been in the de-
livery kanban system since commitment. For a discovery board, this is the amount of time
since the idea was first introduced.
Visualize – Maturity Level 3 67
• Use a color of ticket or a ticket decorator to indicate which work items are failure
demand. It may be appropriate to have explicit work item types for failure demand
and hence, all items of that type are known to be failure demand, for example,
“usability fix.”
• Use graphics (e.g., pie charts, bar charts, Pareto diagrams) to visualize the amount
of failure demand as well as the causes for them.
• It was started, committed, and a customer indicated they wished to take delivery.
• The delivery organization indicated that they were ready and committed to doing
the work and delivering the finished work product.
• Use a trash can to collect all the tickets representing work items that have been
aborted (Figure 27).
• Use graphs (e.g., pie charts, bar charts, Pareto diagrams) or spreadsheets to visual-
ize the amount of aborted demand and the reason the work was aborted.
VZ3.17 Visualize class of service using ticket colors, board rows, or ticket decorators.
A class of service is a set of policies that describe how something should be treated. Pol-
icy is usually aligned to risks associated with an item, or perhaps the value or price paid
to process the item. Multiple classes of service are commonly used to extract additional
economic performance from a system, or align delivery to differing customer expectations.
Low maturity organizations, ML2 and below, will typically treat all work homoge-
neously, or have no explicit policy on class of service, hence, visualizing them all homo-
geneously, with the possible exception of an “expedite” class of service. Organizations
that rely on individual or managerial heroics often need a process to facilitate the heroic
effort—an explicit definition of an expedite class of service facilitates this.
A more sophisticated understanding of risk, customer expectations, and the possibil-
ities enabled through multiple classes of service emerges in the transition to ML3. Or-
ganizations transitioning to ML3 typically focus classes of service on policy providing
guidance on priority of pull. This aligns directly to the urgency of an item. Urgency may
be understood only in a qualitative manner.
At ML3, it is typical to have an explicit understanding of customer expectations (or
fitness criteria for service delivery) and align classes of service to these expectations.
In deeper maturity organizations, at ML4 and beyond, classes of service are aligned
to sets of business risks and used to optimize economic performance as well as ensure
customer satisfaction.
Assuming there is more than one way that work items are treated, then it is useful to
visualize the difference in anticipated treatment.
Use a defined color scheme for tickets. Typically, greater risks or higher levels of service are
given warmer, or hot, colors such as red, orange or white. Lower risks or less urgent items
are given colder colors such as pale blue or green. It is conventional to use pale yellow (or
vanilla) for the default or “standard” class of service. This convention emerged due to the
standard pale yellow sticky notes so commonly used in kanban board implementations.
Organizations often create standard work policies for use of color in kanban boards.
This enables more senior managers and external stakeholders to correctly interpret the
meaning of colors across all boards within the same product or business unit.
Alternatively, use a horizontal lane on a board for each class of service, labeling the
lane with the name of the class of service. It is common to use this technique for expedite
requests and to have such a lane labeled with a nickname or common-language term for
expedite such as “Express Lane” or “Express Service.”
Visualize – Maturity Level 3 71
VZ3.18 Use Earned Value portfolio kanban board to visualize project progress and schedule
or budget risk.
Managing large projects requires keeping control on additional aspects such as percent-
age of scope complete, usage of budget, and scheduled time. In addition to coordinating
several projects, shared resources, and dependencies, portfolio project management takes
care of maximizing the outcome from the set of projects as a whole. The Earned Value
portfolio kanban board visualizes the key information necessary for this.
Use an advanced version of portfolio kanban board that visualizes the following aspects
of the projects (Figure 28):
• Size of the ticket: classification of the economic size of the project (based on its
• Position the ongoing projects in the In-progress area on the positions that reflect
their status (% Complete).
• Stick the tickets for the projects not yet started in the Proposed Projects column.
72 Visualize
• Use the principles of a fever chart to indicate which projects need management
attention because there is a risk of not meeting their objectives within the estab-
lished time and budget parameters. More precisely, projects that go well, devel-
oping the scope within time and budget, appear in the green zone on the board.
Projects that do not progress as expected, but the deviation is still acceptable or
manageable, appear in the amber zone on the board. Projects with significant risks
of not meeting their objectives are visualized in the red board zone.
Maturity Level 4
Transition practices
Local cycle time is the time a work item spends in a specific activity or a defined sequence
of activities. For example, local cycle time for test is the time a work item spends in the
Testing column. Development cycle time is the time a work item spends in Develop-
ment, before being pulled into Testing, and Development could comprise Requirement
Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Unit Testing.
Knowing local cycle times is important for understanding the entire workflow and
being able to identify the slowest parts of it (the bottlenecks) and the flow impediments.
We may also wish to study waiting time by measuring time in Test separately from
time waiting in Ready for Test. This data contributes to calculating flow efficiency and
also indicates which states impact flow efficiency the most, and hence, provide insight on
where to focus improvement initiatives.
Alternative approaches can be used for visualizing local cycle time:
• Use dots next to a kanban card to indicate the number of days it spends in a state
(column) (Figure 29). The total number of days in the column is then recorded in a
cell on the ticket at the point when the ticket is moved.
• Indicate Date in and Date out for the column in which local cycle time is being
The same ways for visualizing local cycle time can be used to visualize the time a work
item is blocked, for example, waiting on an external group or customer.
Visualize – Maturity Level 4 73
Figure 29 Visualizing local cycle time beside a ticket using dots or tallies
3. Further explanation of risk profiling and the use of Kiviat charts for visualizing risk will be provided in
the KMMX for Enterprise Services Planning (ESP).
74 Visualize
• Use card colors to indicate risks associated with cost of delay (CoD), typically
caused by schedule, budget, or scope change; for example, use white for expedite,
orange for fixed date, yellow for standard, and purple for intangible work items.
Refer to XP3.8 (page 127) for defining classes of service. An alternative manner
to visualize CoD associated risks is to designate a row on the kanban board for
each class of service.
• Indicate the due date and actual end date for the work item to signal a delay risk.
• Use a row of cells, one for each day of the agreed time. Marking the age of the
ticket on this row clearly shows the risk of not meeting the SLA.
• Use checkboxes to visualize technical or skill set risks related to the work item.
Kanban boards have three very obvious dimensions available for communicating impor-
tant information. The horizontal position tends to be used to communicate the sequence
of workflow stages and item’s state of completion within that workflow. The vertical
Visualize – Maturity Level 4 75
position and the ticket color are available to communicate the two most important risks.
Less significant risks must be deferred to ticket decorators or left not visualized altogether.
Decide the two most important risk dimensions under management. Pick one of these
two to be displayed using vertical position on the board. For each risk category in the
taxonomy for the dimension, draw and label a lane on the board.
All work items carrying that specific risk category will be placed on the appropriate
lane (Figure 31).
Split-and-merge workflows occur when two or more activities or chains of activities need
to happen in parallel. This pattern is most relevant when the parallel work is done by
different sets of workers or is perceived as different or separate services. Sometimes, one
or more of the parallel workflows are provided by external service providers. The parallel
work is later merged into a single work product that continues to flow downstream for
delivery. Conceptually, this is done on physical boards by “splitting” the ticket and then
“merging” it back to a single ticket later. The arrival of the completed sub-elements must
be coordinated so that the parallel work can be merged back into a single work item and
76 Visualize
work product. This is usually achieved with a holding buffer labeled “done” displayed as a
single vertical column, spanning the two or more rows for the parallel workflows.
For example, design and development may happen in parallel to test plan design and
automated test development. For those columns on the board, create two rows, one for de-
liverable design and development and the other for the test plan design and development.
When a ticket is pulled into design and development, create a second ticket and place it
in the other row, using the same index number, so that its peer or sibling can be identified
and the pair remerged into one after the activities are complete.
When sticky notes are used, the merge can be achieved by placing the second ticket
underneath or behind the first ticket at the point of merging.
Software kanban boards do not support this split-and-merge concept. Instead, the im-
plementation is done by creating two child tickets and using a two-tiered board solution.
The physical board split-and-merge uses rows on the board to designate the split and the
merge and the different workflows. The software solution delegates the split to the ticket
types. There is no concept of merge—the child tickets simply complete and the parent ticket
continues to flow across the board. With software, it may make sense to use different colors
to show the different types of children tickets, for example, the mainline deliverable, design
and development, from the second line, test plan design and automated test development.
With the physical board, different workers move tickets on different lanes; with the software,
different workers move different colors (types) of tickets within the same lane (Figure 32).
Core practices
A WIP limit on a parking lot has the potential to stop flow altogether on a service delivery
board. It is therefore a behavior of a deeper maturity organization that is prepared to cope
with the stress caused by unpredictable delivery from dependent services or has already
resolved the predictability issue so that problems do not occur.
The WIP limit for the parking lot can be depicted by a number of physical cells on the
board, one for each “parking space,” that is, one per work item, or by the use of movable
tokens such as magnets, one per blocked worked item, or by using a virtual kanban by
writing the maximum number of permitted blocked tickets into the parking lot space on
the board (Figure 33).
It is useful to record how long an item has been blocked. This data can help to drive im-
provements at the Operations Review meeting and at the system of kanban systems level
of scale. Visualizing waiting can also prove sufficient to motivate external groups to deliver
in a timely manner.
78 Visualize
Use dots or tally marks beside a waiting ticket to denote each day of waiting (Figure 34).
When a dependent item arrives back, record the time waiting on the original ticket or
the blocker ticket, if appropriate.
If an SLA or SLE exists with a dependent service, or kanban system, then it is useful to
visualize when that SLA/SLE has been exceeded. This data can help to drive improve-
ments at the Operations Review meeting and at the system of kanban systems level of
scale. Visualizing late against an SLA can also prove sufficient to motivate an external
group to accelerate.
Use a small blocker ticket in a bright color to indicate a dependent request has taken lon-
ger than expected or is acceptable. When a dependent item arrives back, record the time
waiting and the fact that the SLA/SLE was exceeded on the original ticket or the blocker
ticket, if appropriate (Figure 35).
Visualize – Maturity Level 5 79
Maturity Level 5
Core practices
VZ5.1 Visualize fixed teams and floating workers (shared resources) across aggregated
A flexible labor pool helps to smooth flow and provides agility in response to ebb and flow
of demand for work of given types or risks.
A mixture of fixed teams and flexible floating workers who have generalist, or “t-shaped,”
skill sets is a good solution for optimizing customer satisfaction and business agility.
As shown in Figure 36, define a board with rows for specific work item types or specific
categories of risk. Allocate specific teams to each work type and row on the board. Pro-
vide a column or space to write the names of each team member against the appropriate
row. Indicate whether there is a hierarchy in the team or a member explicitly playing the
service delivery manager (SDM) role.
80 Visualize
For all other floating or flexible workers in the larger team or department, provide
them with one or more avatars accordingly. Their avatars can be placed on any row on the
board to indicate the tickets on which they are working or collaborating with fixed team
members (see Figure 36).
Assignments for floating workers can be discussed at the Kanban Meeting or specifi-
cally on an on-demand or ad hoc basis with team leads or service delivery managers.
Figure 36 Example of a flexible labor pool pattern for improved system liquidity and smoother flow
6 Limit
• To relieve individuals, functions, and service delivery systems of overburdening
• Allows individuals and teams to focus on work valued by the customer
• Amplifies the impact of blocking issues and encourages their early and swift
• Improves predictability
82 Limit Work-in-Progress
• Helps with reduction or elimination of three core types of waste: muri (overbur-
dening), resulting in poor quality and rework; mura (unevenness), resulting in long
and unpredictable lead times, encouraging early starts and more WIP, or incurring
unanticipated (opportunity) cost of delay; and muda (non-value-adding activities),
resulting in additional costs and potential delays
ML3 LW3.1 Use an order point (min limit) for upstream replenishment.
Core LW3.2 Use a max limit to define capacity.
LW3.3 Bracket WIP limits for different states.
Core LW4.1 Limit WIP on dependency parking lot.
Limit Work-in-Progress – Maturity Level 1 83
Maturity Level 1
Transition practices
LW1.1 Establish per-person WIP limits. Coaching Tip: Take into consideration
the size of the work items. Excessively
Description large work items move too slowly
through the system. When tickets don’t
• Establish empirically the number of work show visible, regular progress across
items that can be In-progress within the the board, they are hard to manage: is
lane for a person on the kanban board. Try the ticket blocked, or is the work too
large, too complex, or overly elaborate?
to codify the size of an individual work item
People also become disengaged with
against a single unit of WIP, for example, kanban boards when there is no
no ticket should involve more than two days animation to it. If tickets aren’t moving,
of work for an individual working without then there is no new information and
hence, why hold a Kanban Meeting? Use
interruption. this tension to motivate new analysis
• For teams that are used to managing work behavior to break work down to
smaller chunks.
in terms of working hours, an appropriate
84 Limit Work-in-Progress
per-person WIP limit would be approximately the number of work items that can
be delivered in a couple of days.
Unlike per-person WIP limits, establishing team WIP limits fosters collaboration, speeds
up delivery, increases workflow efficiency, and facilitates knowledge sharing. In addition,
team WIP limits build the culture of “delivering customer value together.” Team members
start swarming around work items that require joint work trying to understand and re-
solve them together. A team WIP limit is the first step to viewing a group of individuals
who collaborate together as a system. A team WIP limit aims to avoid overburdening the
team as a system rather than any one individual.
Tip: Start with the sum
of work items per
• Empirically establish the WIP limit for the entire person for the entire
team and reduce them
gradually. Iterate this
• Observe what causes breaking the established team until reaching a state at
which everyone has a
WIP limit. Make sure that team members do not
ticket to work on and
start new work items or stay idle instead of swarm- nobody is multitasking.
ing on larger tasks or tasks with associated issues.
Maturity Level 2
Transition practices
• Establish the number of work items that can reside in a column that represents a
particular activity. All work items carried out by the entire team count in this WIP
limit, both not blocked and blocked.
• When a WIP limit for a column is established and there are several lanes within it
(one per person), the WIP limit is the total number of work items in all the lanes.
Core practices
The CONWIP defines the number of work items in the Committed and In-progress col-
umns all together, no matter what their type and size are. This is a manner to create a pull
Limit Work-in-Progress – Maturity Level 3 85
system in which a work item enters only when another one is completed and has exited the
system. A CONWIP pull system keeps less tight control on the cards in each state of the
workflow (column) and is easier to implement, but we consider it a Proto-Kanban system.
Determine the CONWIP by taking into account the capacity of the people working on
the board. If CONWIP is higher than the actual capacity of the team, some persons will
do multitasking. If the CONWIP is lower than actual team capacity, someone will be idle.
Maturity Level 3
Core practices
The min limit for the upstream kanban board ensures a steady flow of ideas and options.
Downstream functions should never starve for lack of input.
Hitting the min limit point is a signal for replenishment by demanding the upstream
system produce more.
See LW3.2 about using max limit for an upstream kanban board.
LW3.2 Use a max limit to define capacity.
Each ticket on an upstream kanban board represents an option, a potential request for the
downstream team.
The max limit serves to protect the upstream function from overburdening. Workers
developing options—performing experiments, designs, or otherwise discovering new
information—will still suffer from overburdening and undue multitasking if too many
tasks are in-progress together. A max limit prevents such overburdening from becoming
See LW3.1 about establishing a min limit for an upstream kanban board.
LW3.3 Bracket WIP limits for different states.
It is common to use a Done sub-column to visualize that a completed work item is ready
to be pulled to the next activity. For example, as shown on Figure 37, when testing a work
item is finished, the kanban card that represents it is moved to the Done sub-column of
the Test column, which is a queue.
86 Limit Work-in-Progress
It is a common mistake to view the activity and its Done as two separate states that
require separate WIP limits, when in fact, the Done state merely signals that an item is
A correct solution is to visualize the WIP limit across both states, using curled brackets
and clearly showing two sub-columns, In-Progress and Done, from a single activity.
The technique can be extended across multiple activity columns. This is commonly
done when work is “flowed” through several activities by generalist workers who do not
concede ownership of a ticket when a single activity is completed. As there is no “pull”
between activities when work is flowed by a generalist or craft worker, there is no need for
separate WIP limits.
The technique of bracketing WIP limits across states, or across activities and sub-col-
umns, is used to indicate handoffs between workers and determine where “pull” is neces-
sary. It is desirable to avoid unbounded queues or buffers, as this breaks the integrity of the
pull system and has consequences for long and less predictable lead time.
• Bracket WIP limit across In-progress and Done sub-columns for a given activity.
Note: When an alternative method is used to visually signal “pullable” when an activity is
completed, this technique of bracketing WIP limits is obviated. For example, some soft-
ware tools signal “pullable” by bordering the ticket in bright green. In such designs there
are no In-progress and Done sub-columns.
Maturity Level 4
Core practices
A dependency parking lot, as shown in Figure 38, buffers work between one kanban
system and another. If the dependent system exhibits stability and predictable lead times,
then it is possible to limit WIP in the dependency buffer without causing too much stress.
Even if the dependent system doesn’t exhibit stability and predictability, a WIP can still be
set on the buffer. The WIP limit will act as a stressor, potentially causing upstream stalling
within the kanban system. This stress can be discussed at a Service Delivery Review (see
FL3.4, page 138) and escalated at an Operations Review (see FL4.3, page 142).
Buffer sizing, or the value for the WIP limit, can be estimated using Little’s Law. If we
know the average arrival rate in the calling kanban system, and the average lead time from
the called (dependent) system, then we can calculate the average WIP. The WIP limit
should be set slightly higher than the average WIP.
WIP will tend to vary over time and exhibit a Gaussian distribution. Assuming the
dependency parking lot buffer was previously unbounded, a study of historical data will
suggest an upper limit, and the new WIP limit should be set somewhere between the
upper limit and the mean calculated using Little’s Law.
The WIP limit can be empirically adjusted and should be a topic of discussion at Ser-
vice Delivery Reviews until a stable value has been realized.
7 Manage
To achieve fast, smooth, and predictable creation and delivery of customer value, minimiz-
ing risk and cost of delay.
• Affords a deep understanding of the types of demand and how they are processed
to deliver customer value
• Improves forecasting
90 ManageFlow
Transition MF2.1 Define work types based on customer requests.
Transition MF5.1 Utilize hybrid fixed service teams together with a flexible labor pool.
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 2 91
Categorize work items based on task nature.
Examples of work types:
Maturity Level 2
Transition practices
Defining work item types based on customer requests helps to understand the demand
patterns of the team’s work.
Identify work types taking into consideration the following aspects of the work:
• Customers (source of demand) who may request work; for example, end-users,
commercial department, R&D department
• Pattern of work arrival from the identified sources; for example, continuously, ran-
dom, seasonal (the first week of each month, only a month after delivery)
Core practices
Systems thinking is a way of understanding how a system behaves as a whole rather than
through analysis of isolated component parts. [4] It is foundational to the Kanban Method.
A key element of the systems thinking approach is mapping the workflow in order to
comprehend what it takes to get a work item from “request” to “done.” Understanding
92 ManageFlow
how the workflow currently functions is essential for identifying appropriate adjustments
in order to improve it.
• Sketch the sequence of states though which a type of work evolves from requested
(Backlog) to completed (Done).
• Any method is acceptable; some examples are: flowchart, stick man drawing, state
chart, or simply listing the states horizontally.
• List the activities that are performed to progress the work item. Use the corre-
sponding verbs for describing them briefly. Avoid the temptation to state which
role (who) is responsible for doing a job; instead, focus on what has to be done.
• When visualizing the workflows for different work types, indicate explicitly which
states are not relevant for a particular type; that is, the kanban cards for this type
do not stop at this state. As an example, the Bug work items in Figure 37 go
directly into the Test Ready column, overpassing the Input Queue and Develop-
ment columns.
• The upstream states reflect the steps through which ideas or requests go before
reaching commitment to be delivered. For example, these are generically
Opportunities – Synthesis – Analysis – Ready to commit.
Refer to VZ2.12 (page 58) for details on visualizing discovery and delivery workflow.
MF2.3 Manage blocking issues.
Blocked work items contain information that is valuable for improving the flow. There-
fore, they have to be treated properly.
• Record and track the reason for which a work item has been blocked. Refer to
VZ2.3 for more details about how to visualize blocking issues.
• Treat a blocking issue the same way as the other work items. Namely, assign it an
identification number, a title, a team member responsible for the resolution, start
and due dates, affected customer-valued work items, and so on.
• Track blocking issues. This has to be supported by appropriate graphic reports such
as bar charts of open and closed issues per period of time, cumulative flow diagram
of blockers, root-cause analysis diagrams, and so on.
• Periodically review the types of blocking issues and update the policies for
resolving/escalating them (XP2.3, page 122).
Defects are a well-known type of waste. Fixing defects requires additional resources and
time that are usually underestimated and therefore cause many adverse effects such as:
• Delays for the project or service they belong to and those that depend on it
• Longer tail in the distribution of lead times and hence poorer predictability of
delivery, and a need to start earlier than would otherwise be necessary
• Increased costs
• Assuming some defects escape, reduced value and hence, reduced customer
• Reduced value due to opportunity cost of delay while defects were fixed or another
rework was performed
• Report rework impact at the Service Delivery Review, Risk Review, and Opera-
tions Review.
Maturity Level 3
Transition practices
• For each type of work you develop, map the corresponding workflow (see MF2.2
on page 91).
• Identify the services in your organization, that is, the sequence of nodes on the
workflow map that receive input from the predecessor service and deliver output to
the successor service according to some criteria. For example, specifying user sto-
ries is a service to the software development process. Developing a graphic design
is another service to the same process. Making a marketing campaign is service to
the entire marketing process.
• Organize knowledge workers around these services and manage the flow of work
across them.
Organizing the work around the knowledge discovery phases or the services that com-
pose it and focusing the management on delivering value to the customer instead of on
the workers, proves to be an effective management practice and, in addition, causes less
resistance to change.
MF3.2 Defer commitment (decide at the “last responsible moment”).
Deferring commitment means waiting to decide later. The more frequent cadence of the
Replenishment Meeting (FL3.1, page 137), the more deferred commitment is enabled. For
example, if we have a weekly replenishment, and we know that a go/no go decision isn’t
required for another ten days, then we can safely defer a decision until the next Replenish-
ment Meeting. Deferring commitment implies that we should not decide until (1) we are
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 3 95
sure we want to do something, (2) we have as much information as possible that may affect
the decision to do it or not. However, all options have an expiry date, the point at which it
is no longer viable to make a positive choice. The point just prior to that is referred to as the
“last responsible moment.” Deferring commitment to the last responsible moment brings
several benefits:
• Allows keeping options open until the last responsible moment, thus imposing
fewer restrictions on the solutions being developed
• Reduces the chances for changes to the requested work or the promised deadline
Establish criteria for committing work items, that is, for letting them pass through the
commitment point of the kanban system between the pending and in-progress work.
Take into consideration the following aspects of the work items:
• Use a WIP limit: CONWIP, DBR,4 Cap WIP,5 or a kanban system. This limits the
amount of committed work and forces everything else to remain uncommitted or
be actively discarded.
• Develop a comfort level that “deferred” does not imply “never.” This is often facili-
tated by developing explicit policy around the requirements for commitment, also
known as the “definition of ready.”
The cumulative flow diagram (CFD, Figure 39) is one of the most useful tools for man-
aging queues. The diagram uses time as its horizontal axis and cumulative quantity as its
vertical axis. [4]
• Plot the cumulative arrivals at a state of the process on the date on the horizontal
• To see whether rate of demand (arrivals line) and delivery rate capability (slope of
departure line) are in balance
Little’s Law defines the relationship that exists in a stable flow system in which all work
items that are selected are delivered. More precisely,
Delivery rate =
Lead time
The overline denotes arithmetic mean.
If all the criteria for Little’s Law are not met, for example, if there is some abort rate—
that is, not all the items that enter the system flow the whole way through and leave—
then the equation’s prediction will vary from actual observed results by some margin. The
larger the digression from the required criteria, the less accurate the results are.
The Little’s Law is demonstrated graphically on a Cumulative Flow Diagram (MF3.3).
Use Little’s Law for the following purposes:
• Storing work for shared resources normally not instantly available but not capacity
• Storing work between activities in a workflow such that the activities before and
after the buffer can operate at their own speed and with their own variability in
local cycle times
98 ManageFlow
• Storing work in front of a bottleneck such that the bottleneck will never be idle
despite variability in arrival of upstream work
• As a proxy for, or ghost of, work sent to another system or service, either inside the
business or external, while the work waits to be completed
• Storing work in front of a batch transfer within the system; the transfer may be
triggered by quantity in the buffer or a cadence of time.
Typically, we buffer inputs to the system, outputs from the system, variability between
activities within the workflow of the system (chance cause variation), dependencies on
external services (assignable cause variation), and bottlenecks.
To couple a series of activities in a workflow into a “pull” system, we need to eliminate
infinite buffers (also known as unbounded queues) between the functions. This is done by
bracketing an activity and its “done” buffer with a single WIP limit (see also LW3.3). So,
we move from a Proto-Kanban aggregated team kanban at ML2 to a full-service delivery
workflow kanban at ML3.
To couple dependent services and dependent kanban systems together, we need to
eliminate infinite buffers (or unbounded queues) in parking lots, ghosting or proxying
the work sent out to another system. This takes us from a network of independently op-
erating, locally optimizing services to an interdependent network that is constrained by
the slowest moving activity within the slowest service in the network. The consequence
of this is achieving true end-to-end pull—from customer commitment to delivery—and
predictable service delivery at large scale.
Eliminating infinite buffers (unbounded queues) is a core discipline for achieving
smooth flow at large scale.
• Ideally, buffers should be sized to cope with the upper limit of chance-cause varia-
tion in the arrival rate of work from upstream. In reality, this quantitative approach
is only realistic at ML4 and deeper. At shallower maturity levels it is more likely
that an empirical approach to buffer sizing or setting WIP limits for an activity is
• Pick a reasonable number, then adjust upward if the downstream system starves
frequently due to a lack of “pullable” work from upstream.
• Adjust downward if the buffer is never completely exhausted, even for the briefest
amount of time.
The consequence of properly sized buffers is smooth, predictable flow and shorter lead
times. Accurate WIP limits and buffer sizing is dependent on the stability of the overall
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 3 99
system. If local cycle times fail to exhibit stability, then it will be impossible to establish
consistent WIP limits while avoiding occasional starvation of activities or lower flow ef-
ficiency while work items wait to be pulled. Stable system capability is a necessary condi-
tion for improved efficiency.6
MF3.6 Report rudimentary flow efficiency to understand the value of reducing buffers and
the leverage of eliminating sources of delay.
Work time
Flow efficiency =
Lead time
100% •
Flow efficiency is an indicator of waste in the process. More precisely, that the work
in-progress spends time waiting. Therefore, decreasing the lead time requires reducing the
buffers, which leads to improving the speed and the quality of work.
• Collect the lead time data per work item type and calculate the average.
• Collect the work time data per work item type and calculate the average.
The work time is the time a work item spends under active processing, independent
of how many people work on it. For example, the work time for a surgery is two
hours, independent of how many doctors are doing it.
MF3.7 Actively close upstream requests that meet the abandonment criteria.
See XP3.3 (page 124) about defining work request abandonment policies.
• Actively close all upstream requests that meet the criteria of the established policy.
• Periodically analyze the causes for abandoning the options and take appropriate
actions, if necessary.
Core practices
The intent of triage is to avoid overburdening a system as well as providing some rudi-
mentary prioritization or selection and sequencing criteria. Work should be separated
into three basic categories: now, later, and never. Items for later may receive some further
treatment to establish if not now, then approximately when. Setting expectations with
6. A fuller understanding of system stability and its impact is provided in Enterprise Services Planning.
100 ManageFlow
“approximately when” has a psychological benefit in alleviating anxiety over a belief that,
“if not now, then never.”
With Kanban, triage is mainly applied to the pool of options prior to the commitment
point, and specifically to items that are “ready to commit.”
• Go through newly arrived items and decide if each should be committed, deferred,
or discarded.
• Apply triage periodically to any newly arrived items, typically during a Replenish-
ment Meeting.
• Triage is most commonly associated with prioritizing defects for fixing. It can
equally be applied to new work requests and blocking-issue management.
• Use a separate kanban board for managing dependencies on third parties, such as
suppliers, other teams, specialists, or external organizations.
• Periodically analyze the dependence-related blockers. Identify the causes and take
actions to prevent them from occurring in the future.
• Escalate dependencies that cannot be managed within the service delivery work-
flow team to the Operations Review.
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 3 101
Aborted work items have consumed resources without delivering value to the customer.
Aborted work usually occurs because commitment was made too early with insufficient
• Explicitly identify aborted work items. Collect the tickets that represent them or
register them for a subsequent analysis.
• Periodically analyze the causes for aborting work items after the replenishment
commitment point.
• Report the aborted work items analysis results at the Service Delivery Review
(FL3.4, page 138).
In general, any class of service other than first-in, first-out (FIFO) queuing affects flow
and adds delivery risk to a kanban system. Classes of service are used to mitigate or react
to the business or to other external risks associated with a work item. The more urgent,
critical, or valuable an item, the higher its class of service is likely to be. It is a good risk
hedging strategy to allocate capacity to classes of service and prevent too many items that
are urgent or critical—or both—from entering the system, otherwise the system’s routine
ability to deliver will be severely affected.
• Decide the capacity distribution per class of service (see Figure 40), for example,
using 5% of the available capacity for processing Expedite work items, when neces-
sary, 20% for Fixed Date, 50% for Standard work, and 10% for Intangible.
• Replenish the input queue with work items of classes of service that fit the agreed
102 ManageFlow
A forecast is a prediction of what will happen in the future. There are two basic types of
delivery forecast: forecast when a delivery of a fixed scope of work will be made (when
will it be done?) and forecast how much work will be delivered on a fixed and known de-
livery date (how much can I expect?). Unlike estimating, which tends to use a reductionist
and deterministic approach, forecasting uses a probabilistic, non-deterministic approach.
Consequently, forecasting is cheaper, faster, and often more accurate than estimating. We
might think of estimating as a white-box approach that requires a lot of analysis and guess
work, while forecasting takes a black-box approach that relies on factual historical data to
model a probability distribution.
Forecasts are based on an understanding of historical patterns, collection of historical
data, and an assumption that system capability and process performance in the near future
will continue to reflect the recent past. This is known as the “equilibrium assumption,”
specifically referring to the concept of a period of equilibrium in the observed capability.
Forecasts should provide a range of probable outcomes. For a fixed scope, a forecast
should provide the earliest anticipated date and the latest anticipated date. Ideally, a prob-
ability distribution function showing the probability of any specific date within the range
should be provided. For a fixed delivery date, a forecast should provide the smallest an-
ticipated scope complete and the largest anticipated scope complete, again, ideally, with a
probability distribution function showing the probability of any one outcome within the
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 3 103
Forecasts can be made using different sources of input data and using a variety of dif-
ferent mathematical equations or simulation algorithms. With Kanban it is common for
people to use Little’s Law or the Monte Carlo Simulation to produce forecasts.
Common sources of input for delivery forecasts include delivery rate (or throughput)
data, work item lead time data, and local cycle time data for each individual state in a
• To forecast the delivery of a single work item, make a histogram of the lead time
data for its type, and class of service, if appropriate, then report a percentile that
you feel comfortable with, for example, the eighty-fifth percentile. The lead time
indicated at the eighty-fifth percentile suggests a six out of seven chance of deliv-
ering on or before that date.
• If the kanban system is stable, use Little’s Law for forecasting (MF3.4). Little’s
Law is a function of averages, and therefore it can only forecast average (mean)
outcomes, not a range. It requires that its input data exhibit a Gaussian distribu-
tion. A kanban system is stable if it is devoid of turbulence and exhibits a defined
range of volatility for delivery rate and/or lead times.
• Make a Scatterplot diagram of the lead time for a type of work and take, for exam-
ple, the eighty-fifth percentile.
• Subtract the obtained delivery time estimate from the expected delivery time. If
a work item is started before this point in time, there is an eighty-five percent or
better chance of it being delivered on time. Otherwise, the chance of delivering on
time is getting smaller.
• Simulations can be run using throughput data for an entire system, with a gran-
ularity of each day or week of system operation. This is a rather coarse, or crude,
simulation with low fidelity. A higher fidelity simulation might simulate the move-
ment of every ticket on a kanban board by randomly estimating the local cycle
time each ticket spends in each state in the workflow.
General literature on Real Options Theory describes it as the application of financial op-
tion theory to real-world problems. It often goes further and describes it as the application
of the option pricing algorithm for which the economists Black, Merton and Scholes won
the Nobel Prize in Economics, to such real world problems.
However, there is a much simpler notion of real options, or just options, thinking. To
have options is to have choices. So, a qualitative understanding of real options means that
there is explicit recognition of choices and a decision to discard a choice or pursue it by
investing further. Simple analogies can be drawn to examples such as picking a spouse.
There is a progression from mixing socially with several prospects to dating exclusively, re-
sulting in a discard or escalate decision. Escalation may involve engagement or moving in
together. Further time may go by and again a discard or escalate decision occurs involving
marriage. Later there may be a decision about whether to start a family. And so on.
Each of these decision points, where there is either a discard or an increased investment
to develop the option further, represents an embedded option.
Chris Matts and Olav Maassen, in their wider work on risk management and specif-
ically in their book Commitment, have provided a lot of valuable guidance on qualitative
assessment and the use of Real Options Theory. Their aphorism
“Options have value. Options Expire. Never decide early unless you know why.”
is just one example of how skills in option theory can be developed without a need for a
quantitative mathematical understanding.
Real Options Theory relates directly to deferred commitment—never decide early un-
less you know why—and the general concept of commitment, choice, and triage. For
organizations adopting Kanban where there is some basic capability in triage, deferred
commitment and an understanding of the meaning of commitment and its implications,
developing knowledge, experience, and capability with Real Options Theory is the next
step in deeper and more powerful risk management.
A qualitative understanding of Real Options Theory encourages the emergence of
questions like when should we decide? and how much should we invest before we reach a
decision point? “When should we decide” suggests defining the last responsible moment
or understanding the expiry date of an option (or choice). “How much should we invest?”
suggests emergence of a skill in option pricing. A qualitative understanding of Real Op-
tions Theory is a natural evolutionary step toward a quantitative understanding. However,
it has value in and of itself. A qualitative understanding may be a skill that can become
pervasive and democratized across the wider workforce, while a more advanced quanti-
tative understanding may be the niche for specialist risk analysts. A broad understanding
of options theory across a workforce will enable much more advanced risk management
decisions at deeper maturity levels. The workforce will understand why a decision was
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 4 105
made, even if they don’t understand the precise details. Developing a broad understanding
of options theory is an enabler of deeper maturity, optimizing behavior. It enables unity
and alignment behind decisions, and it provides language to frame decisions and achieve
consensus and agreement. Triage becomes more effective with a workforce skilled in qual-
itative real options assessment.
Maturity Level 4
Transition practices
Flow efficiency is the metric that measures the percentage of time a work item or kanban
board ticket spends in valuable, value-adding activities versus its total lead time.
Work time
Flow efficiency =
Lead time • 100%
Maturity level 4 organizations look for higher fidelity and greater accuracy of collected
data. They analyze it to improve economic results mainly through two things:
• Shorter lead time improves optionality; hence, better flow efficiency improves
optionality upstream and enables greater deferred commitment, and potentially
lower WIP in the system.
To collect flow efficiency, it is necessary to have each state in the workflow identified
and labeled as a work state or a wait state. Ideally, if it is work state, identify the quantity
of multitasking or time-slicing happening to work in that state. For example, a ticket may
spend three days in a work state but if the worker was multitasking across three items,
then the ticket probably only received around one day of work rather than three days. Be-
cause of this problem, most software solutions tend to overstate flow efficiency. They tend
to report the full amount of time spent in activity states and credit it all as value-adding
work. This is almost never true and hence, current state of the art in reporting flow effi-
ciency is generous in nature.
Time spent in each state must be recorded. This can be done manually. For example,
place dots or pins next to a ticket for each day it remains in a column on a kanban board
(its state in the workflow) and when it moves, count the dots or pins and record the num-
ber. This procedure is repeated for each column on the board and for every ticket on the
board. Software systems simply timestamp when a ticket enters and leaves a given state,
and the time spent in that state can be calculated by subtracting one from another. Some
adjustment for the percentage of the twenty-four-hour calendar day spent working may
106 ManageFlow
be desirable. For example, there may be a default that no “day” is longer than eight hours.
At the time of writing, it is not known how effective commercial software packages are at
calculating and reporting flow efficiency. However, regardless of accuracy, they are at least
consistent from one ticket to the next and useful for relative comparison within the same
workflow, service, or kanban board. It is, however, dangerous to compare flow efficiency
metrics across organizations or to try and use them for benchmarking or comparative
assessment. It is not recommended at this time to use flow efficiency as an Organizational
Process Performance tool at CMMI ML4.7
MF4.2 Use explicit buffers to smooth flow.
Bottlenecks and shared resources (or non-instant availability resources or services) impact
and impede flow. Flow can be smoothed by placing an explicit buffer in front of a bottle-
neck or non-instant availability shared resource or service. The sizing of the buffer must
be treated differently for each case.
In the case of a bottleneck, the buffer is placed in front of it, in order to prevent the
bottleneck from starving. The buffer just upstream of the bottleneck is intended to hold
work so that there is always something available to the bottleneck, that it remains fully
exploited, and is operating at maximum utilization. This maximizes the throughput, or de-
livery rate, of work through the system. It also avoids upstream activities from stalling be-
cause of a lack of downstream kanban at or just before the bottleneck. The buffer smooths
flow upstream while maximizing throughput of the service and its end-to-end workflow.
Buffers should be sized such that potential variability in cycle times upstream, or vari-
ability of cycle time in the bottleneck, never creates a situation in which the bottleneck
will be without work.
For example, imagine a bottleneck with a local cycle time of 0.25 days to 1.0 days, with
an average of 0.5 days, or a throughput of 2.0 work items per day. The upstream function
has a cycle time of 0.2 days to 0.8 days, with an average of 0.4 days, or a throughput poten-
tial of 2.5 per day. However, the upstream function has a series of quite long or large items
and in the past two days has only produced one item, with another half-finished and due
to be pullable by the bottleneck mid-day tomorrow. Meanwhile, the bottleneck has been
running quickly and has produced six items in the past two days. This was possible because
the buffer in front of the bottleneck contained at least five items that were pullable and
had already completed the previous upstream step.
7. We know of a large organization, a telecoms equipment vendor, that has deployed Kanban across tens of
thousands of employees and many product and business units and is actively using flow efficiency as an or-
ganizational process performance measure and benchmarking tool. This organization has the advantage that
they built their own tool and it is used ubiquitously as the standard across the entire organization, and that
kanban is only deployed in software and hardware development and testing and not in many other profes-
sional services functions such as marketing or back office functions such as finance or human resources.
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 4 107
While it is technically possible to calculate buffer sizes mathematically, the more prag-
matic approach is empirical adjustment. Create the buffer as part of the workflow design
and select a starting kanban limit, say three. If the bottleneck suffers idleness, then adjust
it upward. If the buffer never runs dry, or empties for just a short time, then it is probably
too large, so adjust it downward. Such adjustments may be necessary for several weeks
until a stable operating value is reached.
Sizing a buffer in front of a non-instant availability resource or service is perhaps easier.
First, ask how often is the resource available? For example, daily. And for how long is the
availability? For example, one hour per day. Now ask, what is the maximum reasonable
throughput in one hour? Throughput or delivery rate data tend to be Gaussian distrib-
uted. For example, two to eight items, with a mean of four. The distribution will have a
skewed bell curve. If we were to choose a buffer size of eight, we should be completely safe.
However, this might result in turning the non-instant availability, shared resource into a
bottleneck. Perhaps a size of six or seven is better. Once again, empirical adjustment is
the most pragmatic approach. Start with a reasonable number and adjust. If your shared
resource is underutilized, then increase the buffer size. If your shared resource is unable to
empty the buffer during a period of availability, then reduce the buffer size.
MF4.3 Use two-phase commit for delivery commitment.
The term two-phase commit, with respect to kanban systems, refers to breaking out the
commitment to do something with the specific commitment to deliver on a particular
date. Analogously, it is compared to the act of becoming engaged versus the wedding
ceremony. Engagement to be married is a commitment to marry. It is a commitment to
proceed. However, it is extremely rare for the wedding day already to be set and planned
at the point of the engagement. Hence, the act of getting married involves a two-phase
commitment. First, the promise to marry, followed, on the day of the wedding, by the
actual commitment to marry.
Using two- or multi-phase commitments is a means to manage customer expectations.
It is popular with, for example, furniture retailers, who rarely keep stock on hand and have
to order items from a warehouse or manufacturer. They often promise only vague delivery
dates, such as ten to thirteen weeks, and then, as the delivery gets closer and more certain,
they add precision to their forecast and their promise—your dining table will be delivered
in week thirty-one. Then later they’ll say that your dining table is scheduled for delivery
on Tuesday of week thirty-one, and finally, perhaps a day or two prior, that the delivery
truck will arrive with your dining table between eleven a.m. and one p.m. on Tuesday.
Kanban systems and practitioners have benefited from similar approaches to managing
customer expectations. Selection of an item at a Replenishment Meeting is a commitment
to do the work and deliver the finished item. However, there is no commitment as to
108 ManageFlow
when. After the item is some of the way across the board, (Figure 41), and there is greater
certainty around the remaining lead time, a specific delivery date (the second phase of
the commitment) may be communicated. From that point on, the item in-progress has
a fixed delivery date, and effectively a slightly higher class of service, to ensure that the
commitment is met.
Psychologically, two-phase commit has an advantage: it makes it far more likely that
an item will be delivered against a specific promise of delivery. A single commitment to
both undertake the work and make delivery on a given day or within a specified period is
fragile: there is a greater probability of late delivery and a broken promise. Hence, use of a
two-phase commitment enables a service to be seen as much more trustworthy from the
customer’s perspective.
Will a work request produce additional knock-on requests of other services? Being able
to anticipate dependent demand and schedule it in advance may improve predictability
and inform commitment. Without analysis to inform whether a dependency is likely, the
network of services—our system of systems—is operating in a purely reactionary fashion.
Unplanned, unscheduled, or unanticipated dependent demand is likely to lead to
longer lead times, less predictability, poorer timeliness, and less fit-for-purpose service
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 4 109
Refutable, or discretionary, demand means that requests for work can be refuted, denied,
or declined. As they are discretionary, the service provider is not obliged to accept them.
Discretionary work is optional work, and the requests for it represent real options in an
upstream or Discovery Kanban workflow. Discretionary work is work that can be dis-
carded at triage. If it is possible to triage a work request into the category of “won’t do it,”
“never,” or “no,” then the work is discretionary and refutable.
Irrefutable work is not discretionary. There is no option to decline it. A full triage deci-
sion is not possible. Only the options of “now” or “later” exist with irrefutable work.
Work is irrefutable because it is already committed, and the decision to commit to it
was made by someone else, somewhere else, often at a much higher pay grade.
Irrefutable demand represents a problem because it is often a source of overburdening
and hence, a root cause of disappointment and service delivery that isn’t fit-for-purpose.
Irrefutable demand can also be of a legal or regulatory nature and hence, if we com-
mitted to being in that line of business, then we must abide by laws and regulations in
the territories in which we operate. Meeting such demand is table stakes for entering the
market. At the point of service delivery, the work is irrefutable.
Other irrefutable demand can happen because a feature, function, component, sub-sys-
tem, or system is table stakes and is required for a fit-for-purpose design. For example, a
car must have wheels and tires. If we are in the business of designing and manufacturing
cars, then we must include wheels and tires and the request for them isn’t refutable.
The final category of irrefutable demand is that it is mission critical. For example, if we
are an ecommerce trading house and our web site crashes, then the request to repair it and
bring it back to full operation is irrefutable—such a request is related to our mission. We
cannot trade on the World Wide Web without a website.
In general, demand directly related to the identity of our business—our why—our vi-
sion, mission, and purpose for existence—is irrefutable.
However, there is often a perception of irrefutability when, in fact, the work is refutable.
Or the irrefutable work still has some elasticity or fungibility to its definition. Perceived
irrefutable demand is often something that can be challenged. The first step in challenging
it is to identify it. List it. Measure it. Assess its impact.
If previously perceived irrefutable demand can be challenged and its irrefutability
changed or modified in terms of fidelity or timeliness, then we have an opportunity to
better manage flow.
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 4 111
Core practices
Where simulation algorithms are used to forecast future outcomes and the algorithm
relies on a bootstrap data set selected from historical observations, it is important that the
policies for selecting the reference class data set are made explicit.
The policies for selecting the reference data set for the bootstrap of the simulation algo-
rithm should be made explicit. These policies can be assessed to demonstrate the robust-
ness of the forecasting model (see MF4.11 on page 114).
Ideally, a reference class data set is extracted from a period of equilibrium, a period
without turbulence. Where the historical data set—the run series or the time series—does
not exhibit stability (has no period without turbulence), then the use of reference class
forecasting and bootstrap data for simulation algorithms is not mathematically valid (see
MF4.7 Forecast using reference classes, Monte Carlo simulations, and other models.
Simulation algorithms can be used to forecast outcomes and answer questions such as
• How long will it take to complete this batch of work (or project)?
• How many work items will be completed by a given date in the future?
Simulations require parametric probability distribution functions derived from a “best
fit” to historical data patterns, or a simple bootstrap reference data set. Simplistically, a
reference data set might be “the last thirty data points.”
Whether the simulation uses a parametric function or a bootstrap data set should be
declared. The model error and simulation error can then be assessed. Model error refers to
how well the parametric function “fits” or resembles the actual historically observed data.
Simulation error refers to gaps in the bootstrap data set in comparison to a close fit para-
metric function. Such gaps represent values that will never occur in the simulation while
they almost certainly will occur in real life, and hence, their absence produces simulation
errors. (See FL 4.3, Assess the robustness of a forecasting model or algorithm.)
In the Kanban community it is widely held that bootstrap algorithms are more prag-
matic—it is easy to acquire historical data to bootstrap a simulation—and that the simu-
lation error is generally not greater than any model error would be if a “best fit” parametric
probability distribution function were selected instead.
112 ManageFlow
A WIP limit is indicated on each row of a kanban board. Active work-in-progress in that
row (or lane) of the board should not exceed the limit indicated.
This approach creates a pull system per row of the board. The work pulled through that
row may be of a specific work item type, class of service, or other risk. The choice of type
or risk of work to place in the row is a separate design choice from the capacity allocation
indicated by a WIP limit for the row.
MF4.9 Allocate capacity by color of work item.
A WIP limit is indicated in a legend at the side of the board. For each color of ticket,
a kanban limit is set. Active work-in-progress of each color should not exceed the limit
This approach creates a pull system per color. The meaning of the color referring to
class of service, work type, or other risk is independent of this simple capacity allocation
by ticket color.
MF4.10 Make appropriate use of forecasting.
The appropriateness and applicability of models, mathematical equations, and statistical
techniques should be known and understood and the use of such models should be ap-
propriate in context.
For example, the popular Little’s Law equation from queuing theory, which states that
the average delivery rate is equal to the average work-in-progress divided by the average
lead time, is a function of averages—each of the three algebraic components is an average.
Little’s Law was conceived in a domain where distribution of data points is assumed to
be Gaussian in nature. This underlying assumption makes the use of the arithmetic mean
an appropriate choice, and in domains where the spread of the bell curve, the alpha, is
relatively low, then very few data points are required to use Little’s Law to forecast an
outcome in the near future with acceptable accuracy.
As soon as the data set available, such as that for the lead time, is not Gaussian in
nature, rather it is super exponential—it resembles a Weibull function with a shape pa-
rameter 1.0 < k < 2.0, then more data points are required for the arithmetic mean to be
meaningful and a reasonable assumption. Hence, Little’s Law is less effective over short
time horizons. It is still useful when projecting seventy to one hundred data points into
the future.
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 4 113
If the data set for lead time falls below exponential, exhibiting a Weibull function with
shape parameter k < 1.0, then convergence to the arithmetic mean within a reasonable
error margin is unlikely for at least 2,000 to 10,000 data points. For all practical purposes,
Little’s Law is not appropriate or useful as a forecasting tool under these circumstances.
Lead time distributions with long fat tails, where the data set resembles a Weibull
function with shape, kappa, k < 1.0, are common in IT operations and other IT services
and in any domain with excessive numbers of dependencies on other services, especially if
these are external to the organization.
Shallow maturity organizations tend to use mathematical models such as Little’s Law
blindly and fail to understand when it lets them down. This type of usage is superstitious
and tends to lead to a belief that the equation is magical. When it works, all is well and
when it doesn’t, there may be an emotional reaction resulting in discarding the practice.
Deeper maturity organizations understand when it is appropriate to use a model such as
Little’s Law and apply it in correct situations while deploying alternative techniques in
Develop a basic capability to analyze and understand data sets and probability distribu-
tion functions (PDFs) that are in one of five data distribution domains:
Models and simulation algorithms for forecasting should be subjected to sensitivity
analysis and the limits of usefulness of the model or simulation should be understood and
There are some anomalies or dichotomies inherent in mathematics. When quantitative
mathematical models are in use, it is important to know their limits or their sensitivity to
unexpected input data. For example,
• Models that assume Gaussian distributed data sets are highly sensitive to the
assumption of the alpha (or spread in the bell curve) within the data. To have a
high level of confidence in the alpha, it is necessary to have a large data set—per-
haps 1,000 to 2,000 data points. Where a small number of data points is available,
say thirty, and the data is known to be from a domain that is typically Gaussian
distributed, then it is dangerous to make assumptions about the precise nature of
the distribution—its mean, median, and mode values—and its spread (or alpha).
Derivative conclusions, such as a reasonable number of data points required to cre-
ate convergence to a mean, that is, how many data points are required to provide a
meaningful result for the Central Limit Theorem, may be even more misleading.
• Models that assume Pareto distributed data sets are actually quite robust—just a
few random data points, five to ten, may be all that is required to define a good
enough model. However, with Pareto distributions, the concept of a mean is a
meaningless or useless notion.
• Monte Carlo simulations that rely on Gaussian distributed data sets actually
require large numbers of data points to provide forecasts with a high confidence
level, while the same simulation algorithm used in a different domain exhibiting a
Pareto distributed data set would provide a high-confidence forecast with very few
data points.
Mathematical sensitivity analysis for forecasting equations and simulations should be
performed and reported on against the expected nature of data in the domain. New data
arriving should be continually analyzed to see whether it falls within expected ranges and
whether the emerging data set falls within a reasonable variance of the distribution func-
tion used in the forecast equation or simulation.
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 4 115
One emerging technique is continual reforecasting, using all new data as it arrives, to
build up a set of real data used in bootstrapping a discrete (rather than parametric) sim-
ulation. This provides useful insights for robustness and sensitivity analysis. For example,
what did our forecast tell us about a possible range of delivery dates for our project before
we started the project versus what our forecast is telling us now that we have completed
half of the project work? By analyzing how the forecasted range of completion dates has
changed, the robustness of the original forecast can be assessed.
However, there is a need to understand the stability of the system, and therefore, the
validity of simulation from the actual received data. If the data set exhibits turbulence,
also known as volatility of volatility, then the actual data cannot be considered a stable
reference class data set from which to forecast future outcomes. More mature models will
take this into account.
Statistical models can also be assessed for other behavioral attributes. For example, a
model that assumes its input data is a small random sample from a bigger data population,
for example, seven random data points from a set of 2,000 will be sensitive to the random-
ness of the sample as well as to the number of random samples. If the real-world situation
is that we don’t have a random sample from a larger data population—in fact, all we have
is the first seven data points—then any model we use will be exposed to the risk that the
first seven data points are not representative of the entire data population.
Use of statistical quantitative models without thorough sensitivity and robustness
analysis is likely to result in shallow maturity results—low predictability, and actual out-
comes at unreasonable or unfit levels of variance from original predictions. Use of statisti-
cal methods can provide a veneer of deeper maturity when in fact it is merely misdirection.
The existence of statistical models and quantitative analysis is in itself not an indicator of
a deep maturity organization. Deep maturity organizations are typically capable of deliv-
ering against both customer and economic expectations. This practice of assessing models
in use for robustness and sensitivity is an important component of competent quantitative
Adopt the use of statistical mathematic models and analysis in order to make decisions.
For example, a customer desires delivery within sixty days. What is the probability that
we can meet the customer’s expectation and deliver on or before their expected due date?
If this question is answered through statistical analysis of historical data used to create a
lead time histogram or approximate, “best fit” parametric probability distribution function
(PDF), then quantitative decision making is present.
116 ManageFlow
For example, if recent historical data suggests it is eighty percent probable that we can
meet the sixty-day delivery expectation, we have a four in five chance of meeting expecta-
tions and being seen as “fit-for-purpose.” A risk-management decision can now be made
regarding whether the twenty percent chance of failing to meet this customer’s expecta-
tions is worth taking. A decision one way or another will likely be highly influenced by
the consequences of late delivery. If the consequences are severe, such as a “denial of trade”
restriction from a regulating authority, then we may choose to pass on the request and exit
that business, or we may choose to provide a higher class of service to accelerate the devel-
opment and reduce the lead time. If the consequences are minor, such as an uncomfortable
meeting with senior leaders from the customer’s organization, we may choose to carry the
risk and suffer the consequences.
The fact that an informed decision was based on objective statistical analysis of proba-
bility and impact is the key behavior expected at maturity level 4.
Maturity Level 5
Core practices
MF5.1 Utilize hybrid fixed service teams together with a flexible labor pool.
Labor pool (or staffing) liquidity is an important attribute for minimizing delay and main-
taining smooth flow. The kanban board design pattern illustrated in VZ5.1 provides the
visualization of this concept. Small teams providing a single or limited range of services
are organizationally merged into a larger group offering a much wider range of services
(servicing a great number of work item types).
Each service offered occupies a lane on the board. Approximately half of the workforce
from this merged larger group is allocated as a fixed service team, to undertake work of
the types intended for that row on the board. One member of the team will be designated
as the service delivery manager and carries the accountability and responsibility for taking
the customer’s order, accepting the work, making commitment to delivery, managing the
flow, and ensuring delivery occurs.
The remaining half of the larger group workforce are not allocated to specific services.
They represent a floating pool of labor available to do any work for which they have the
skills. This floating pool of labor can be used to augment any one of the fixed service
teams. These workers are given avatars for the board and the avatar is placed to show
where they are currently working, which service they are assisting.
The labor pool liquidity pattern provides an advantage when there is ebb and flow in
demand for any specific work item type or service offered, and where there may be limited
resources and availability for specialist skills and a specialist can’t be embedded in each
ManageFlow – Maturity Level 5 117
individual service team. The labor pool liquidity pattern helps improve staff utilization at
times when they might otherwise be underutilized due to an ebb in demand for the type
of work their team services.
Aggregating teams together into larger multi-service groups, with a floating labor pool,
is a means to improve both effectiveness and efficiency and to optimize the performance
of the organization. Empirical observations suggest that this pattern works at the follow-
ing scale: four to six small teams merged into one multi-service group offering six to eight
services; with a total of twenty to forty staff, split into one floating labor pool representing
forty to sixty percent of the total staff, while each dedicated service team consists of a
minimum of two staff members and often three or four.
An advanced version of this practice will also incorporate an explicit career develop-
ment path. New hires, essentially apprentices, will enter as team members on one fixed
service team. After an agreed period, these junior members will be rotated to another fixed
service team. This pattern will repeat until they’ve worked in all of the different services.
At this point, these apprentices have acquired all of the skills and experience necessary to
work as part of the floating labor pool. They are now eligible for a switch to the floating
pool, with a promotion and pay grade increase. The floating labor pool are journeymen
workers who have all the skills and experience required to be effective assisting on any of
the services.
From time to time, new service delivery managers will be required to lead fixed service
teams. A floating labor pool worker asked to take a service delivery manager role should
be given a promotion and a pay raise. Service delivery managers carry accountability and
responsibility for the service delivery capability of their team. They are also responsible and
accountable for the development of new junior personnel obtaining experience working
on the team as part of their rotation and journey toward promotion to the floating labor
pool. For these additional responsibilities, the service delivery manager position should
carry additional status and remuneration acknowledging the additional responsibilities.
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8 Make Policies
Establish clear rules for managing work that allow for developing a better understanding
of the entire process and improving it further with consensus.
• Establishes explicit criteria for making decisions related to work items and process
• Manages dependencies
120 Make Policies Explicit
Core XP1.1 Define initial policies.
Core XP5.1 Align strategy and capability.
The intent of the personal kanban policies is to make it easier for an individual to organize
her work and conduct it with less stress.
The personal kanban policies typically include the following:
Maturity Level 1
Core practices
Policies define rules to be applied during process execution. They govern the behavior of
the individuals and teams. Therefore, it is important to set them up with consensus and
respect them.
Together with the team members, define the initial policies to be used for guiding the
process. They typically address the following aspects:
Maturity Level 2
Transition practices
Work flows through different activity phases, visualized as stages on the delivery kanban
board (VZ2.4, page 52).
For each activity, there is a customer or another activity that provides the necessary in-
put, as well as a following activity or a customer who receives the outcome. Therefore, from
a service-orientation perspective, the chain of activity phases can be seen as a sequence of
services instead of functions or specializations in the organization.
Taking this approach implies that the entire chain of services must be taken into consid-
eration and managed as a whole in order to improve the flow of value to the end customers.
XP2.2 Elaborate further policies.
Removing ambiguity from the environment encourages deeper maturity and moves the
organization toward more desirable business outcomes.
122 Make Policies Explicit
Extend the policies defined in XP1.1 (page 121) with the following aspects:
Resolving blockages is key for improving flow of work, reducing both delays and rework.
• Define what kind of blocking issues can be resolved autonomously by the teams.
• The policy for escalating issues has to be agreed on collaboratively by all depart-
ments at the organizational level, and it must be documented.
XP2.4 Define policies for managing defects and other rework types.
A policy is required for whether a rework ticket should be attached to the work item that
spawned it and hence, remain in the same work state (e.g., Test) where the problem was
discovered, or whether it should be sent backward to the column of the activity that needs
to be reworked (e.g., Design).
Make Policies Explicit – Maturity Level 3 123
Keeping rework tickets attached to its parent has the effect of “stop the line” and con-
tributes to the implementation of the Toyota Production System concept of Jidoka. This
is generally only seen in maturity level 4 or 5 implementations. At maturity level 2, it is
typical that the rework ticket is sent backward, and often it doesn’t count against the WIP
limit. Changing and improving this policy is evidence of deepening maturity.
Maturity Level 3
Transition practices
For each metric or measure recorded and reported, there should be an explicit purpose
detailing why the metric is captured and how it is used; that is, what decisions and actions
might be expected based on changes in the reported data.
• It may be helpful, though not expected, at ML3 for the metrics to be classified
using the Fit-for-Purpose Framework. Each metric should be classified as a Fit-
ness Criteria (for a specific customer purpose) and hence a Key Performance Indi-
cator (KPI), General Health Indicator, Improvement Driver, or Vanity Metric.
• For each fitness criterion, there should be a threshold level that indicates fitness and
potentially a second threshold that represents exceeding expectations and over-serving.
Note: Achieving such a level may not be bad, as the new level of performance may
enable a new market segment and new customer purposes. (See Strategy Review,
• For each general health indicator, there should be an indication of a trading range
within which the system would be considered healthy—effectively upper and lower
bounds that would signal an intervention and action to be taken.
• For each improvement driver, there should be a target. Achieving the target should
trigger switching off the improvement driver and ending the improvement ini-
tiative, though often improvement drivers become general health indicators with
bounds that may prompt action to investigate why a former improvement action is
no longer working, in turn creating demand for a new improvement initiative and
an appropriate improvement driver metric.
• Vanity metrics can be formally documented, perhaps with some indication of the
social, or emotional, need for the metric. In general, there should be no targets, no
ideal trading range, no thresholds, and no goals associated with a vanity metric.
124 Make Policies Explicit
Reducing service delivery time allows for more time in the discovery (upstream) part of
the workflow. Shorter lead times for delivery improve optionality. Commitment can be
deferred until later and consequently risk is better managed.
If a work item goes through the first commitment point, this means that the customer
is committed to accept the requested work and the team is committed to delivering it
Establishing explicit policies for accepting requests facilitates the process of deciding
which options to pull in the ready-to-start stage of the delivery kanban system.
• Decide what information about the customer request has to be provided before initi-
ating the delivery process. The following criteria about the request are typically used:
0 Complete
0 Clear
0 Coherent with other requests
0 Testable
0 Defined acceptance criteria
• Make sure that enough capacity is available to commit to delivering the work item
within the expected time.
Work items are said to be committed when there is a strong expectation, shared with the
customer, that work on them should now proceed to delivery. [7]
The point in the process at which the transition between uncommitted and committed
states occurs, typically as result of a Replenishment Meeting (FL3.1, page 137), is referred
Make Policies Explicit – Maturity Level 3 125
• Define criteria for committing work, that is, work items that pass through the
commitment point. Refer to XP3.5 (below) for more details on establishing pull
Making the replenishment commitment point explicit brings clarity and transparency
in the decision-making process.
Refer to FL2.1 (page 135) for more details about conducting Replenishment Meetings.
Core practices
The pull criteria define the conditions that have to be fulfilled for a work item to enter the
kanban system.
• Identify what needs to be true about a piece of work so as to give it a high prob-
ability of flowing without blocking, and an extremely high probability of it not
being aborted.
Kanban systems have two commitment points: replenishment commitment point and
delivery commitment point. Distinguishing the two commitment points allows the team
and the management to separate the constraints that they have to take into consideration
at each point of the process.
While the focus of the Replenishment Meeting is on understanding customers’ and
stakeholders’ needs and selecting work items to be pulled into the system, the central point
of interest at the delivery commitment point is integrating the finished work items into a
release and planning and coordinating the deployment process. Delivery commitment will
126 Make Policies Explicit
• Identify the point in the process at which incomplete work items are sufficiently
complete such that a high-confidence forecast can be made regarding the remain-
ing lead time.
• Some deliveries require preparation and logistics. Ensure that these are identified
for any given work item in-progress. Preparation time for accepting delivery may
affect the delivery commitment point for specific work items. If a long time is
required to prepare a delivery, then an earlier commitment will be necessary. Natu-
rally, this adds risk.
• Decide the following aspects related to managing and improving the team’s deliv-
ery capability:
0 What criteria have to be fulfilled to ensure that delivery can be made?
0 What post-delivery conditions have to be fulfilled and what risks do these
0 Who has to be involved in the Delivery Planning Meeting?
0 What metrics will give insight into the delivery capability? Lead time, delivery
rate, and so on
XP3.7 Establish customer acceptance criteria for each work item or class of work items.
Customer acceptance criteria ensure that customer expectations are properly understood
for a given product or service. They remove ambiguity and prevent misunderstandings
with respect to customer satisfaction.
A class of service is defined by a set of policies that describe how a piece of work should be
treated. The intent of defining classes of service is to better manage customer satisfaction
by tuning the service level to the customer’s expectations and business priorities. Offering
a variety of classes of service improves risk management and economic outcomes.
• For each class of service, define the policies to be used for selecting and processing
work items while they are in the kanban system. These can be related to risks of
delay or cost of delay, the organization’s image, or other business criteria.
• For each class of service, establish a threshold expectation for lead time. These have
to be based on historical data and customer expectations and must be properly
aligned to the business risks they are managing.
0 A threshold expectation should have two parts: a number of days (or hours)
within which the work items should be delivered and a probability or percentage
of work items that should hit the expectations, for example, eighty-five percent
within thirty days.
0 It is important that the threshold can be achieved under normal circumstances
and only missed due to a specific cause.
• Require that all team members and external stakeholders know and understand the
classes of service, their threshold lead times and probabilities, as well as the rest of
the associated policies.
• Define how classes of service will be visualized (see VZ3.17 for more details).
• A class of service for an item is selected together with the item when it is pulled
into the kanban system.
Maturity Level 4
Transition practices
For each market segment, where segments are defined based on customer’s purpose, there
should be an explicit set of fitness criteria that define the threshold of “fit-for-purpose.”
In Kanban, each work item type defines or represents an offered service. Hence, we’d
expect explicit fitness criteria for each work item type. Each class of service represents the
service level required to mitigate the risks associated with a particular customer’s purpose.
Hence, we’d expect a set of fitness criteria for each class of service.
Hence, we can create a two-dimensional matrix with work types in each row, classes of
service in each column, and a set of fitness criteria in each relevant cell in the table.
Core practices
A demand-shaping policy is a statement restricting the quantity and arrival rate of a
given type of work or class of service. It is generally done to facilitate capacity allocation
for work of different types or different classes of service where there is contention—or
a deliberate design choice—to create a shared resource or labor pool servicing multiple
customers with a variety of demand types and classes.
• Any given customer shall be limited to three expedite class of service requests per
calendar quarter.
completed using standard service levels. Such restrictions often result in not just limit-
ing expedite requests to three per quarter, rather they reduce them to less than three on
average. This is explained through deferred commitment. Customers, product managers,
service request managers, and product owners, knowing that their allocation of expedite
requests is limited, hold on to them until as late as possible. They will try hard to start
other work early, knowing that they hold an expedite request up their sleeve for some
late-breaking important and urgent opportunity that arises toward the end of the quarter.
If such opportunities never materialize, then the available expedite request goes unused.
XP4.3 Establish SLA on dependent services.
In order to maintain stability of flow in a kanban system that creates dependent work to
other services, it is necessary to limit the WIP waiting for any given dependent service. As
illustrated by Little’s Law, in order to set a WIP limit, we need some consistent expecta-
tion of lead time from the dependent service.
Gather historical data from requests sent to the dependent service. Plot a histogram or
probability distribution function (PDF) of the lead time data. Lead time should be mea-
sured from commitment, usually submission by mutual agreement, until the finished work
is delivered back for integration. From this data, a service level expectation may be estab-
lished or by mutual agreement a service level agreement made.
Maturity Level 5
Core practices
Strategy—the services offered and the customers or market segments targeted with those
services—should be aligned to capability. A failure to align strategy and capability implies
that the organization is set up for failure.
Misaligned strategy and capability happens when current capability is insuffi-
cient to meet customer expectations. The customer would find the product or service
Misalignment of strategy and capability can happen in any of the three dimensions
defined in the Fit-for-Purpose Framework, namely, design, implementation, and service
If, for example, our current product doesn’t have a design feature our customers expect,
then the product is unfit and may not be selected. If it is selected despite being unfit, that
Make Policies Explicit – Maturity Level 5 131
may be due to some additional factor such as loyalty, lock-in, network effect with some
other integrated product or suite of products, regulation, contractual obligation, and so
forth. When a product or service is unfit-for-purpose but the customer continues to select
it due to any of these other factors, we can say that the product or service is unhealthy and
its life expectancy is (severely) diminished. The product or service and the product unit or
business delivering it are fragile.
The same can happen with implementation, our skill or ability to make or offer some-
thing with sufficient fidelity to satisfy customer expectations, and with service delivery, our
ability to meet expectations for lead time, predictability, and timeliness.
If we fall short in any one of these areas of design, implementation, or service delivery,
customers may perceive the product or service as unfit-for-purpose and the vendor as
unreliable. This is a fragile, shallow maturity position—risk is high and life expectancy of
the product or service will be short.
Customers or market segments should be selected based on our ability to meet expec-
tations for design, implementation, and service delivery. In general, new capabilities—new
design features, new implementation capability, or new service delivery capability—should
be developed before targeting a segment or a specific customer with expectations beyond
our current capability.
When an organization is set up for failure due to an overly ambitious strategy, tar-
geting segments and customers whose expectations we can’t yet meet leads to stress. The
stress on the organization can prompt heroic effort at the individual or managerial level.
These are maturity level 1 and 2 behaviors and hence, indicators of fragility. Alterna-
tively, the organization will be stressed economically through the need to compensate for
lack of capability. Compensation—such as reducing prices, slashing margins, or offering
sweeteners such as points for a customer loyalty scheme or bundled offers that amount
to discounts—effectively eats into margins and affects economic performance. It is hard,
perhaps impossible, to achieve maturity level 4 with a misaligned strategy. An optimizing
level of economic performance, maturity level 5, cannot be achieved without a properly
aligned strategy and capability.
In maturity level 5 organizations, capability leads strategy. Strategies are chosen based
on current capabilities or planned capabilities where there is strong confidence that a suf-
ficient level of capability will be achieved.
Methods to strengthen capability include recruiting better skilled people with existing
track records of greater capability in performance—for example, when Apple recruited a
better designer for the Apple Watch—training, rehearsal and repetition, process improve-
ments, automation, upgrading equipment, and so forth.
Deeper maturity organizations are generally better at identifying gaps in capability and
strengthening capability in a targeted fashion to fill the gaps.
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9 Implement
Feedback Loops
Enable comparing expected and actual outcome and use the obtained feedback to evolve
further the process and the policies.
• Establishes coherent management of the entire process
134 Implement Feedback Loops
The intent of the personal reflection is to help an individual learn from her own experience
and improve.
• Review the tickets of the finished work items and consider what factors influenced
work execution.
• Consider whether the priorities allow for balance between work needs and
• Consider what caused exceeding established WIP limits and whether it was a jus-
tified action.
Implement Feedback Loops – Maturity Level 2 135
• Consider whether the size of the tickets is small enough to allow seeing progress
with the work and with identifying potential problems soon enough.
Maturity Level 1
Core practices
• Hold the Kanban Meeting daily, at the same time, to coordinate the work within
the team and to facilitate self-organization.
• Conduct the meeting in front of the kanban board. Make sure that all team mem-
bers update the status of their work items and show it on the board before the
• Walk the board from right (the part that is closest to completed work) to left (the
part of not started work).
• Keep the Kanban Meeting short by focusing the conversation on completing work
items and resolving issues such as possible delays, technical problems, lack of infor-
mation, and so on.
• Treat issues that require more time after the meeting, involving only the team
members that can contribute to resolving them.
Maturity Level 2
Core practices
The intent of the internal Replenishment Meeting is to select from the backlog work
items to commit next, and to replenish the queue for the delivery kanban system.
136 Implement Feedback Loops
The typical cadence of this meeting is weekly, or as needed, based on the arrival rate of
new information. At an internal team level, the meeting is usually facilitated by the team
leader or the person who is in contact with the customer.
• Present information about work items ready to be pulled into the system.
• Discuss dependencies on other work items and technical risks associated with the
implementation of the new tickets.
• Make decisions about what to pull next and replenish the Next to start column.
Team Retrospectives are conducted with regular frequency; the intent is to allow the team
to reflect on how they actually manage their work and how they can improve.
There exists a variety of techniques for accomplishing Team Retrospectives. The general
guidelines for conducting a retrospective meeting include the following:
• Make retrospectives frequent enough so that the team still has a clear picture of
what happened since the previous meeting.
• Make it in front of the kanban board, focusing on the completed work items.
• Brainstorm practices and occurrences or facts that fall into some of the following
0 Enjoyable/useful/worth repeating
0 Annoying/not useful/avoid, if possible
0 Missing/consider doing
0 Ideas/worth exploring further
0 Related to current policies (see IE2.2, page 149)
0 Related to sources of dissatisfaction (see IE2.1, page 148)
• Categorize the collected feedback.
Maturity Level 3
Transition practices
The Replenishment Meeting is one of the seven Kanban cadences. It happens periodically
at the replenishment commitment point (see FL3.1) of the kanban system. Its purpose is
to decide together with the customer and/or the stakeholders which work items will be
selected and processed for the next period (until the next Replenishment Meeting).
• Establish what options are available and will be discussed at the meeting.
• Document decisions: document which options were chosen, based on what criteria,
and alternative analysis methods.
• Perform studies, or further discussions, related to the evaluated options after the
meeting, involving only the people who can contribute to them. The results out of
these complementary meetings are made available to the other participants in the
Replenishment Meeting.
• If there is one or more kanban free, then some of the suggestions can be selected to
be implemented now, while others will be triaged for later, and left on the board, or
for not at all, and discarded.
• Evaluate each suggestion for its impact on the overall performance of the system
and the nature of the cost of delay if the improvement isn’t implemented. Does the
impact rise over time, and if so, is the rise linear or non-linear?12
The intent of the System Capability Review (SCR) review is to examine and improve
the effectiveness of a selected service. SCR is a degenerate form of service deliver review
(SDR) (FL3.5). The difference is that an SCR is inward facing and looks at capability
in isolation, without considering customer needs or expectations. With an SCR, more is
usually better, and the intent is to become as effective as possible.
System Capability Reviews compare current capability with defined target conditions.
At this level of fidelity and maturity, we are less concerned with where the target came
from—it may simply be a goal set by a manager to encourage improvement. Tying objec-
tives to real business risks and customer expectations emerges at the SDR level of fidelity
described in FL3.5.
An SCR is typically held twice a month, facilitated by the service delivery manager or
his or her immediate superior. Other participants are typically the workers from the ser-
vice delivery workflow. There is little or no external representation at the meeting.
• Prior to the meeting, review progress and system capability data reported at daily
Kanban Meetings and metrics derived from the kanban board or tracking system.
• During the meeting, compare current system capability against a defined target
condition; discuss possible actions that allow balancing demand and capability as
well as hedging risks appropriately.
• Define actions.
The intent of the Delivery Planning Meeting is to monitor and plan deliveries to cus-
tomers. It occurs at the second commitment point of a kanban system, at which the team
commits to releasing finished work on a specific date.
12. A full discussion of cost of delay is deferred to the KMMX for ESP (Kanban Maturity Model
Extension for Enterprise Services Planning).
Implement Feedback Loops – Maturity Level 3 139
• Prior to the meeting, review the state of the work items that are potentially avail-
able to deliver. Information about this comes from the daily Kanban Meeting. In
addition, review feedback from Risk Review meetings to assess how it could affect
• During the meeting, for the current state of the work items on the board, forecast
which of them will be ready for delivery before the release date. Do the forecast
based on the established estimation method, for example, Monte Carlo, or using
the group’s opinion.
• For tickets near the margin of confident delivery, re-evaluate the probability of fin-
ishing them by the release date.
• For the in-progress tickets that the team is able to deliver within the schedule,
change their class of service to fixed date to include them in the release.
• Taking into account the above-mentioned considerations, make the final decision
of which work items will be released. Prepare the feedback for the next risk man-
agement meeting.
The intent of the Service Delivery Review (SDR) review is to examine and improve the
effectiveness of a selected service. It is typically held twice a month, facilitated by the service
delivery manager. Other participants include the corresponding service request manager,
representatives of delivery teams, customers, and other external stakeholders, if necessary.
• Prior to the meeting, review progress and service performance data reported at
daily Kanban Meetings and decisions made at Operations and Risk Reviews.
• Define actions.
The intent of the Options Review is to understand the status of the options on the dis-
covery kanban board and select those that have to be moved across the commitment point
and those to be elaborated (analyzed or synthesized) further.
Typical participants in the Options Review are the customers or their representatives.
The frequency of the review can be bi-weekly or monthly and has to be established
based on the transaction and coordination costs associated with conducting the review.
• Identify the options that are ready to be committed. Take into account the follow-
ing aspects when making the selection:
0 Proper diversity of options of each work type or customer
0 Available capacity of the delivery kanban system
0 Dependencies between options
0 Important dates and delivery times
• Make sure that enough options are selected to guarantee that the delivery kanban
system does not starve. Likewise, select just enough options to avoid discard.
Maturity Level 4
Transition practices
The intent of the Risk Review is to understand and respond to risks to effective delivery
of product and services.
This review is typically held monthly and facilitated by a service delivery manager, di-
rector, or, alternatively, by a Kanban coach. Other participants include anyone with infor-
mation or experience of recent blockers, project and program managers, customer-facing
managers, and managers from dependent services.
The scope of the review is one or more kanban systems, similar to the Operations Review.
• Prior to the meeting, review issues from previous Operations Review, Service
Delivery Review, and Delivery Planning Meetings.
Implement Feedback Loops – Maturity Level 4 141
• During the meeting, cluster the identified issues, analyze their likelihood and
impact, prioritize them based on the expected impact, and discuss risk mitigation
or contingency plans.
• Define relevant actions that will improve flow, predictability, and customer satisfac-
tion. These might affect the established kanban systems’ design, policies, and classes
of service.
• Communicate decisions as appropriate and make sure that affected artifacts (kan-
ban system designs, policies, etc.) are properly updated.
The objective of the Portfolio Review is to select products and services to be developed and
implemented during the next planning period. The selection is made based on the product
or service’s alignment with the company strategy, dependencies between the products and
services, associated risks, and available capacity.
Portfolio Reviews are typically held monthly and the usual participants are portfolio
manager, senior management of product and service areas, service delivery manager, func-
tional managers, and product managers.
The portfolio review discussions and decisions are based on input information as
• Product and service priority information from product and service delivery manag-
ers (based on customer needs)
• Risks
• Identify and evaluate the risks associated to the ongoing and next-to-start products
and services.
• Select products and services that are the best use of the available budget according
to the company strategy.
Core practices
Participants should include service delivery managers and service request managers
for each kanban system; senior management with responsibilities beyond the product or
business unit being reviewed; head of PMO; senior business owners or customer repre-
sentatives; downstream mid-level managers—those accountable for receiving completed
work; functional managers responsible for activities within the network of services, and
senior individual contributors representing each kanban system; and product, portfolio,
and project managers.
Establishing policy around who should be invited and attend an Operations Review is
an important step in producing an effective review meeting.
• Summary findings from Service Delivery Reviews for all kanban systems in the
• Dependent impact on tail risk for a lead time distribution, sent to Risk Review to
inform prioritizing risks for reduction mitigation or contingency planning
Intent: The intent of an Operations Review is to
Maturity Level 5
Core practices
• Current markets
• Strategic position
• Go-to-market strategies
• KPIs
• Capabilities
• Analysis of risk exposure by service, product, or business unit (how resilient is each
part of our business?)
0 Fragile
Implement Feedback Loops – Maturity Level 5 145
0 Resilient
0 Robust
0 Antifragile
• Survivability assessment
0 Is our identity still relevant and will it continue to be so?
0 If our identity needs to change, under what time frame, and how might we go
about it?
0 If we are in the midst of a strategic shift in corporate identity, how is it pro-
gressing and is the intended result still relevant?
• Market segmentation analysis
0 Which markets are we in?
0 Which segments do we serve, and with which products or services?
0 In each segment are we a leader/innovator or a follower?
0 What is our strategic position in each segment? Are we differentiated? A cost
leader? A niche player protected by a high barrier to entry? Or are we “stuck-in-
the-middle” with a clear position?
• Fit-for-Purpose assessment (see below)
As shown on the list above, a Strategy Review may include a Fit-for-Purpose review.
If the Fit-for-Purpose Framework is in use within the organization, it will provide infor-
mation regarding customer purpose, market segmentation, fitness criteria for customer
selection, and thresholds for customer satisfaction. Based on customer surveys or frontline
146 Implement Feedback Loops
reporting via customer narrative clustering, each market segment can be analyzed to see
which are well served, over-served, or under-served. Equally, determine whether target
segments are well-served, over-, or under-served, and whether non-targets—customers
that we were not expecting—are well-served, over-, or under-served.
The Fit-for-Purpose review enables strategic decisions about market segmentation,
targeting, and market actions to encourage or discourage specific segments, such as ad-
justing pricing, or where to target advertising spending.
10 Improve Collaboratively,
Evolve Experimentally
Build a shared comprehension of the purpose, process, and associated problems; suggest
improvement actions based on scientific models; and reach agreement by consensus in
order to evolve continually.
• Learn in the process of defining an improvement experiment—predict the out-
come—compare actual and expected results.
148 Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally
IE3.1 Suggest improvements using a suggestion box.
IE3.2 Identify sources of delay.
• Identify reasons for customer dissatisfaction: why the customers are unhappy, what
they complain about.
Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally – Maturity Level 3 149
It is common for a service to be governed by a set of policies that have evolved over time.
The appropriateness of some of these policies may be questionable, as circumstances may
have changed. Often policies are set in isolation, focusing on local improvement without
regard to the impact on the whole system.
Visualizing work and managing it transparently brings a better understanding of how
outcome is produced and how policies affect decision making and the delivery process.
Team Retrospectives (FL2.2, page 136) and studying the identified sources of dissat-
isfaction (IE2.1, page 148) allow recognizing policies that might need to be adjusted in
order to reduce rework, resolve blocking issues as soon as possible, and speed up delivery.
Maturity Level 3
Transition practices
• Team members have a good enough understanding of the process and are able to
identify the need to introduce improvements to it or to the kanban system in order
to better satisfy customer expectations.
• Typically, external sources of improvement ideas are sought at this maturity level,
such as a coach’s advice, trusted literature references, or this model.
150 Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally
• An improvements lane (row) is made on the board. On the left-hand side, an area
is set aside as the “suggestion box.”
• The ideas are brought to the Suggestion Box Review, FL3.2 (page 137).
• Suggestions selected will then be implemented and their tickets will flow through
the lane set aside for improvement suggestions on the kanban board.
Typically, when a piece of work is delayed for a special cause reason, it is marked as
blocked, and this is usually visualized with a blocker ticket, decorator, or visual indicator
of the blockage (VZ2.3, page 51).
Common cause reasons for delay such as queuing or buffering are not called out or vi-
sualized explicitly other than through visualization of the state of the ticket; for example,
Ready for Design is an indicator that a piece of work is queuing or buffering.
Common cause sources of delay can be identified by analyzing the design or imple-
mentation of a workflow. The delay or wait states in the workflow can be identified and
potentially flagged or visualized as such. This is a core enabler for gathering flow efficiency
data for work items, as flow efficiency requires us to know whether states are wait states
or activity states.
Assignable cause sources of delay can be identified by harvesting blocker tickets and
analyzing them. It is good practice for blocker tickets to describe the source or reason for
delay and record the number of hours or days delayed. Typically, blocker tickets might
be harvested from a kanban board once per month and analyzed. The process of analysis
has been named “blocker clustering.” Sources of delay that are the same or very similar in
nature are clustered together with the affinity based in the nature of the delay. This allows
for analysis of likelihood and impact of a given source of delay, see IE 3.3, which follows.
Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally – Maturity Level 3 151
• Collect blocker tickets during a period of time, for example, a month.
• Make sure that each ticket records the reason for the blocking and the number of
days blocked.
• Classify the tickets by causes, separating internal and external sources of blocking.
• Use the insights from blocker analysis and the values for Impact and Likelihood
to calculate the magnitude of the risk for a certain event to occur.
Risk = Likelihood • Impact
IE3.4 Analyze Lead time tail risk.
The lead time metric indicates how predictably an organization delivers against promises.
Understanding the distribution of the lead time for class of service allows evaluating the
risk of late delivery.
• Plot the lead time for a work item type or a class of service on a histogram
(Figure 42).
Using a histogram for analyzing the lead time is more useful than using its mean
because it provides more complete information about the time it took to deliver
work items, including outliers.
152 Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally
• To evaluate the risk of delay, identify what percentage of work items can be deliv-
ered within customer expectations. For example, based on the data in Figure 42,
eighty-five percent of the work items could be delivered in forty-four days. If this
were the customer expectation, evaluate what the risk of delivering fifteen percent
of the work behind deadline means to the organization.
IE3.5 After-meetings: Discuss a problem spontaneously, and bring it to the Service Delivery
• The meetings emerge spontaneously and could occur periodically until a solution
or an improvement idea is developed.
• Once defined, the idea is presented to the Service Delivery Review (FL3.4) for
further approval and implementation.
Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally – Maturity Level 4 153
Maturity Level 4
Transition practices
IE4.1 Develop qualitative understanding of common versus special cause process perfor-
mance variation.
Understanding workflow variation and the causes for it is central to improving the per-
formance of the process (system). In general, there exist two sources of variation: internal
and external.
Internal sources of variation are those that are under the control of the system in op-
eration: policies, individuals, skills, tools, management decisions. The causes that generate
internal variations are known as common causes.
Common/chance-cause variation requires a redesign of the system and can be con-
trolled by means of the kanban board or system design, classes of service, policies, staff
training, recruitment, or changes in tool usage
External sources of variation are events that occur and which are out of control of the
system. The causes that generate external variation are known as assignable causes.
Special/assignable-cause variation can be controlled by means of risk-management and
issue-management strategy and policies. For each special/assignable-cause issue, it should
be possible to make a probability and impact assessment and devise risk reduction or
risk mitigation to reduce the likelihood, or the impact, or to make contingency plans to
undertake in the event of an occurrence. Contingency plans can include temporary fixes,
workarounds, or recovery actions.
This is best illustrated by an example . . .
A golf tournament takes place on a course by the ocean on the west coast of Ireland.
The course is said to have a par of 72 strokes. This means that on a typical day, a good
golfer should complete the 18 holes using only 72 strokes—72 swings of a club, regardless
of the design of the club head—wood, iron, putter, and so forth. The designer of the course
was most likely a fairly good golfer, and familiar with the weather conditions on the west
coast of Ireland. The course design is such that on average, a good golfer should score 72,
perhaps over ten to twenty iterations of playing the course.
If we hold a tournament with, say, 100 competitors, and some but not all of them are
good golfers, we might expect a range of scores—perhaps from a low of 67 (5 under the
par of 72) to a high of 85 (13 over the par score of 72). The average will probably be a cou-
ple of shots over par, around 74. This indicates that the course is well designed to offer a
suitable challenge to a range of experienced golfers. This spread from 67 to 85 with an av-
erage of 74 would be said to be the common cause variation of the course, played by golf-
ers of sufficient standard to hold a handicap ranking and qualify to enter the tournament.
154 Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally
Now, imagine that the tournament is held on a glorious summer day, with hardly a
breath of wind, and that this weather was unexpected, following some days of wind and
rain. The underfoot conditions are dry, but soft. The golf balls do not run far after impact.
In glorious weather, with no wind, and ground conditions that hold the ball reliably, the
players can attack the course. Consequently, the best score is a 61 (11 under par, and a
new course record), while the average score is 70 (2 under par), and the worst score of the
day is 80 (just 8 over par). The skewing of the results is quite obviously a consequence of
the beautiful weather conditions, and these conditions can be characterized as special, or
assignable, in terms of how they influenced the results.
Equally, on a bad weather day, with howling wind and heavy rain, the scores might be
affected in the opposite direction. The best score of the day is 74, the average is 77, and the
highest recorded scorecard shows a 95, while some competitors simply failed to return a
score at all. Once again, the weather has affected the scores—the range of scores and the
average—and once again the weather can be characterized as the special, or assignable,
cause or reason for the change in observable behavior.
Developing a skill at qualitative assessment of common versus special cause variation is
In the example of the golf tournament on the west coast of Ireland, after the new course
record is set on a glorious summer day, should the club pay to have the course redesigned
and its level of difficultly increased (usually achieved by making the holes longer and
increasing the overall distance for the full course)? The answer, of course, is no. This is
intuitive. We understand that the course played easy on an unusually fine day in summer,
and it was merely coincidence that the tournament was played on the same day.
We intuitively take the correct action. We do not redesign the system in response to
special cause variation.
When the common cause variation is beyond acceptable bounds, then we should re-
design the system that produced the observable data. In kanban, this means redesigning
the kanban system, changing explicit policies, changing classes of service, WIP limits,
work item type definitions, capacity allocations, and so forth. This should only happen in
response to obviously common/chance cause variation. When there is a special or assign-
able cause variation, we need to take alternative action. We need to use risk assessment
and management techniques to determine the likelihood and the impact of an occurrence,
and then assess whether we wish to reduce the likelihood, mitigate the impact, or make
contingency plans in the event of an occurrence.
All improvement actions, policy changes, and modifications to the design of a kanban
system, or a network of kanban systems, including such things as the cadence of a feed-
back mechanism such as Operations Review, should be cataloged, and the motivation
Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally – Maturity Level 4 155
Stochastic, then we can infer that, on average, fourteen items will arrive during the period
when the shared resource is unavailable.
If this impact isn’t accounted for in the design of the kanban system, then the system
upstream may suffer stoppage and erratic, uneven flow. The throughput of the system will
be restricted to just two or three per day, regardless of the cycle time for the activity.
Buffering in front of the shared resource ensures smooth flow upstream, and the daily
throughput is limited by the local cycle time and the maximum number of items that can
be processed in the one hour of availability.
Buffering non-instant availability of shared resources can be viewed as a symptomatic
fix—address the observed symptoms without attempt to address the root cause—the lack
of instant availability.
The root cause fix for non-instant availability is instant availability. Such instant avail-
ability can be achieved through automation or by providing contingent, slack resources
that are instantly available on demand.
A compromise that approaches instant availability is to seek greater or more frequent
availability. For example, one hour per day could be changed to two half-hours per day.
This will halve the delay impact and halve the buffer sizing requirements. Three periods
of twenty minutes per day would be even better. Often, the frequency is determined by
the transaction costs of switching, and this will ultimately limit the possible frequency.
By separately addressing the transaction costs of switching (see IE4.5), greater frequency
may be enabled without the provision of automation or contingent staffing or resources.
Bottlenecks constrain and limit flow. In general, a bottleneck is a point in a process flow
where work items accumulate waiting to be processed.
• Identify the bottleneck in the process. There are two ways to identify a bottleneck:
0 There is always a pile of work items in front of the bottleneck while the re-
sources downstream from the bottleneck are regularly idle.
0 The flow is slowest at the bottleneck; therefore, the local cycle time is largest.
• Identify the bottleneck type:
0 Capacity-constrained resources: the resource is unable to do more work. For
example, call reception at a call center depends on the number of workers re-
sponding on the phone lines; an industrial assembly process depends on the
capacity of the people and tools used to integrate machines.
Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally – Maturity Level 4 157
• Subordinate any other actions in the value stream to enable bottleneck exploitation
and protection.
Coordination costs are incurred to organize and communicate meetings, batch transfers,
deliveries, and the general handoff and progression of work from commitment to final
Transaction costs represent the costs of holding or attending a meeting, making a batch
transfer of work, a delivery, or a handoff down the workflow from commitment to final
In general, coordination costs and transaction costs are overheads of doing something
necessary. Again, in general, we wish to minimize such overheads. Shorter meetings cost
158 Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally
less than long ones. If effectiveness of a meeting can be maintained but its length can be
shorter, then we’ve reduced transaction costs. Easier-to-schedule or coordinate meetings
are preferable to those that are difficult and time consuming to schedule and coordinate.
• Identify and make an explicit list of coordination costs associated with meetings,
feedback mechanisms, batch transfers, deliveries, and hand-offs.
• Identify and make an explicit list of transaction costs associated with meetings,
feedback mechanisms, batch transfers, deliveries and hand-offs.
• By monitoring the actual incurred costs and actively seeking to reduce costs
through suitable policy changes, system design changes, and risk management
decisions, transaction and coordination costs are managed.
• These costs should be monitored as a health indicator metric and action should be
taken if they exceed a defined limit. Increasing coordination or transaction costs
will have a negative effect on lead times, predictability, timeliness, and economic
IE4.5 Develop quantitative understanding of common versus chance cause for process per-
formance variation.
Time or run series data showing a rate (or first derivative, of an absolute count) for general
health indicators (e.g., heart rate or pulse), improvement drivers, and fitness criteria met-
rics is examined and annotated with known assignable or special cause events. The data is
examined for stability using its volatility (the second derivative of the time or run series)
and its turbulence (the volatility of the volatility of the fourth derivative of the time or
run series) See Figure 43 for an example. Stable systems should be devoid of turbulence.
Periods of time between spikes of turbulence are known as “volatility regimes.” It may be
possible to determine bounds of variation within a given volatility regime where all the
data points are generated by common or chance cause variation in the system performing
under normal circumstances. Data points outlying these bounds should be characterized
by annotations indicating assignable or special cause events.
Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally – Maturity Level 4 159
Pull Tx Rate
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82
Attention should be paid to the nature of the recorded data set. There should be a clear
understanding of leading versus lagging indicators; for example, WIP is a leading indica-
tor, while lead time is a lagging indicator. With lagging indicators, attention must be paid
to the period of the lag and whether an assignable, special cause event happened within
that period and had an impact on the value of one or more data points.
The goal should be to define bounds of variation that indicate normal, chance, or com-
mon cause variation for the current volatility regime. The result should provide automatic
mathematical triggers to indicate out-of-bounds behavior, special cause problems, and/or
changes in the volatility regime pre-empted by turbulent data.
Typically, special cause events—outside of the system design and not under its control
—or changes to system design will result in turbulence followed by resumption of a new
volatility regime. When changes settle in, the system will perform within new limits. A
quantitative analysis may reveal the impact of changes that were not recognized or un-
derstood. For example, a change to a department manager, without any explicit changes
to strategy, values, or policies, may result in turbulence, and, therefore, changes in system
performance. When this happens, it is an indication that intangibles are present. For ex-
ample, the new manager may be seen as soft on discipline and consequently some workers
cease to follow policy and operating parameters. Without a quantitative analysis, the very
subtle impacts of this loss in discipline may be undetectable.
Maturity Level 5
Core practices
Following a Kanban Meeting, a group forms with a shared affinity for a recognized prob-
lem or process performance issue.
The matter is discussed, evidence (both qualitative and anecdotal as well as quanti-
tative) is presented. Possible options are evaluated. A decision is made, and some of the
group accept responsibility to take action, perform a task, or undertake a change.
Once the action is completed, the fact that it has happened, why, and its likely impact
is reported to more senior managers.
Maturity Level 6
Core practices
After meetings refer to the spontaneous assembly of individuals interested in taking ac-
tion and making changes with a view to improving the performance of the organization.
Specifically, the spontaneous assembly is after the Kanban Meeting. In industrial engi-
neering literature, after meetings are often referred to as “spontaneous quality circles” and
are seen as self-organizing, and self-initiating—there is no specific managerial or leader-
ship role in convening an after meeting. After meetings are not scheduled, nor is there an
agenda or invitee list. After meetings are not to be confused with formal approaches to
collaborative improvement such as A3.
Spontaneous action can be taken with confidence when strategy, values, and objectives
are explicit, institutionalized, and universally understood and supported.
Confident, congruent action can occur when a spontaneously formed group pursues an
improvement action in full knowledge that it aligns with strategy, organizational values,
and current operating parameters expressed as a set of metrics defining fitness criteria,
improvement targets, and health indicators with bounded ranges.
There is no need to seek forgiveness, as it is self-evident that actions are bounded by
strategy, values, and current operating parameters.
There is overt trust that those empowered to take action do so within understood
constraints, while those taking the action understand that they are empowered to do so,
within known and understood constraints.
Individual actions or decisions are never questioned in isolation. When, retrospectively,
a failure or poor decision appears to have occurred, the focus is always on redefining strat-
egy, values, or operating parameters, or in better communicating existing strategy, values,
and operating parameters.
162 Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally
At maturity level 6, spontaneous congruent action is not validated post hoc by seeking
forgiveness, nor is it delayed and validated prior to action by seeking permission. At matu-
rity level 6, action simply happens. If the action taken produces an unsatisfactory outcome,
it is succeeded by further action and double-loop learning to examine whether strategy,
values, or operating parameters need to change.
In some ways, deep maturity behavior, on the surface, resembles low, shallow matu-
rity behavior—it appears unconstrained. Deep maturity level 6 behavior is characterized
by double-loop learning and is always reflecting on outcomes against the framework of
strategy, values, and operating procedures and parameters, explicitly defined and broadly
Part Adopting
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11 How to Use the
KMM and Why
The KMM is designed to map practice adoption against observable business outcomes,
risk management, and leadership behaviors. As such, it offers a codification and a map
designed to assist coaches and change agents understand their options. It provides a
means to assess, where are we now? how can we consolidate our position? and which
path might we follow next? The intent is to provide guidance on practice adoption such
that the adoption is successful and in doing so it correctly influences a desirable business,
cultural, or economic outcome.
166 How to Use the KMM and Why
• Failure to appreciate scale Practices that work well on teams of three or four
people may hinder larger teams, creating too many lines of communication and too
much overhead. Practices that work for a department of thirty may not work for a
product unit of 150 or a business unit of four product units numbering 600 indi-
viduals. A failure to recognize that the scale has changed, or that practices loved at
small scale are not effective at large scale, is again a failure of individual maturity
and results in resistance to adoption.
unreliable. Early markets may require and reward heroic effort as part of being
reactionary to the evolving and emerging nature of the ecosystem in the market.
Consequently, the organization may be staffed with individuals who act heroically,
are rewarded for it, and heroism becomes core to their identity, their self-image,
their self-esteem, and the culture of the organization—they are maturity level 1
people in a maturity level 1 organization, delivering to an immature market. When
the market matures, the organization needs to mature with it. Mainstream buyers
expect reliability and predictability. They want to work with trustworthy suppli-
ers. If individuals fail to mature and modify their behavior to be congruent with
market conditions, then they will continue to behave as maturity level 1 individu-
als in an organization that now needs to be maturity level 3 or 4. If leaders fail to
signal a change in organizational culture and a move away from valuing individual
heroics to a more holistic, system thinking, collaborative, aligned organization, then
maturity will fail to improve and new mainstream customers will be dissatisfied.
Adoption of higher maturity practices obviates the need for heroes, and hence, the
heroes resist adoption, feeling it as an attack on their identity.
As a general rule, transition practices do not affect identity or the emotional state of
individuals and are safe and easy to adopt. Transition practices for maturity level 3 can be
introduced at maturity level 2 in an organization that aspires to maturity level 3. How-
ever, the main practices of maturity level 3 are likely to meet with resistance in a maturity
level 2 organization.
Transition practices are often designed to lay the groundwork and modify the social
conditions to enable the adoption of the main practices for a given maturity level. The
main practices are required to deliver the outcome that defines the level, such as “consis-
tency of outcome”—reliable, repeatable, service delivery within customer expectations—
that characterize maturity level 3.
Impediments to achieving a next level of organizational maturity are often due to
an insufficiency or lack of a sociological or psychological element, or the absence of an
important value, in the culture of the organization, such as the following.
• Lack of leadership
• Lack of understanding
• Lack of agreement
• Lack of respect
168 How to Use the KMM and Why
more broadly skilled workforce, a managerial focus on work to be done, and customer
satisfaction, and a move away from managing individuals.
Making policies explicit and defining boundaries and constraints also helps with un-
derstanding. A clearer definition of the rules may enable main practices at the next level.
A lack of leadership and a failure to create Einheit, unity and alignment behind a sense
of purpose, will be an impediment to achieving maturity level 3 or deeper.
A lack of systems thinking will be an impediment to achieving maturity level 2 and this
will become more and more acute the deeper the attempted implementation. To achieve
levels 3 and deeper, the organization needs to think in terms of systems and systems of
systems. Systems thinking and the concept of a workflow as a system to deliver a product
or service is a necessary enabler of flow.
A lack of customer focus will be an impediment to achieving maturity level 3. Again,
this will become more and more acute the deeper the attempted implementation or the
greater the scale of the implementation. To achieve levels 3 and deeper, an organization
needs to think in terms of services and see the organization as a network of interdepen-
dent services.
A failure to value flow will impede achievement of maturity level 3. Unevenness of flow
results in a lack of predictability and an inability to deliver on expectations and prom-
ises. This impacts trust, and a lack of trust retards some other practices such as pull and
deferred commitment, which are needed to respect WIP limits and maintain a system
without overburdening it. A failure to value flow can result in a vicious cycle that causes
maturity to regress.
Agreement requires trust, respect, and explicit policies. Without agreement, there can-
not be disciplined implementation of WIP limits, which affects flow, resulting in uneven-
ness and overburdening.
Without respect, the operation of the systems and processes is dysfunctional and un-
reliable. Maturity level 3 cannot be achieved without a cultural value of respect. Some
specific practices are engineered to mitigate a lack of respect, or to increase the level of
respect, enabling an organization to get to the next level.
In low maturity environments, a lack of respect can be mitigated or countermanded
with legislation—explicit policies, strictly enforced. While such countermeasures may be
effective in some situations, they don’t reflect the core Kanban values.
To achieve maturity level 4, there needs to be respect for the shareholders and the
concept that there is a business, an economic entity, which requires making profits in
order to exist. Without respect for the owners who have placed capital at risk, there will
be scant regard for margins, profitability, cost controls, and so forth. There will be no drive
to achieve deep maturity at levels 5 and 6 if the long-term survival of the business isn’t
explicitly valued. It is common for founders or founding families to value long-term sur-
vival. Their interests are aligned with the lowest paid and least mobile of the workforce. It
170 How to Use the KMM and Why
is often the middle managers who are least vested in long-term survival—there is nothing
in it for them, no shared interests, and their skill set and relative wealth make them highly
mobile and resilient to partial or total business failure. To enable levels 5 and 6, it is nec-
essary that senior leaders align the interests of middle management and give them “skin
in the game” of long-term survival. Traditionally, this was done using corporate pension
schemes rather than the more common employer-subsidized individual contributor sys-
tems preferred in modern businesses. Other approaches typically involve employee own-
ership, including stock grants or stock options with vesting periods typically exceeding
five years. Such systems have had limited success in creating a middle-ranking workforce
truly vested in long-term corporate survival. Leaders need to think deeply about how to
align the interests of highly mobile, economically secure middle managers if deep matu-
rity is to be achieved and sustained.
Between maturity levels 3 and 4, there is a distinct shift from qualitative measures and
decision frameworks to quantitative measures and analysis. In neuropsychological terms,
there is a shift to System 2 (logical inference thinking in the pre-frontal cortex) from Sys-
tem 1 (emotional pattern matching in the limbic brain or amygdala). A level of individual
maturity is required to enable this transition. In some cases, it will be individuals who
impede achieving a deeper level of maturity and from time to time it may be necessary
to move or remove individuals who lack the emotional agility to operate comfortably at
deeper maturity levels.
172 References
12. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, Random House
13. Patrick Steyaert, Essential Upstream Kanban, Lean Kanban University Press (2017)
14. CMMI for Development: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement
(3rd ed.) SEI Series in Software Engineering, CMMI Institute (2011)
15. A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge, (5th ed.), Project Management
Institute (2013)
Index of KMM Practices
VZ0.1 Visualize an individual’s work by means of a personal kanban
board. 46
VZ1.1 Visualize work for several individuals by means of an aggregated
personal kanban board. 47
VZ1.2 Visualize the work carried out by a team by means of a team
kanban board. 48
VZ1.3 Use avatars to visualize each individual’s workload. 48
VZ1.4 Visualize initial policies. 49
VZ1.5 Visualize teamwork by means of an emergent workflow kanban
board. 49
VZ2.1 Visualize teamwork by means of a delivery kanban board with
per-person WIP limits. 50
VZ2.2 Visualize work types by means of card colors or board rows. 51
VZ2.3 Visualize blocked work items. 51
VZ2.4 Visualize development of options by means of a discovery
kanban board. 52
VZ2.5 Visualize individual workload on a discovery kanban board by
means of per-person WIP limits, potentially implemented using
avatars. 53
VZ2.6 Visualize basic policies. 53
VZ2.7 Ticket design: Visualize concurrent or unordered activities with
checkboxes. 53
VZ2.8 Ticket design: Visualize concurrent activities performed by
specialist teams using partial rows. 54
174 Index of KMM Practices
Limit Work-in-Progress
LW0.1 Establish personal WIP limits. 83
LW1.1 Establish per-person WIP limits. 83
LW1.2 Establish team WIP limits. 84
LW2.1 Establish activity-based WIP limits. 84
LW2.2 Establish constant WIP (CONWIP) limits on emergent workflow. 84
LW3.1 Use an order point (min limit) for upstream replenishment. 85
LW3.2 Use a max limit to define capacity. 85
LW3.3 Bracket WIP limits for different states. 85
LW4.1 Limit WIP on a dependency parking lot. 87
Manage Flow
MF0.1 Define work types based on nature of tasks. 91
MF2.1 Define work types based on customer requests. 91
MF2.2 Map upstream and downstream flow. 91
MF2.3 Manage blocking issues. 92
MF2.4 Manage defects and other rework types. 93
MF3.1 Organize around the knowledge discovery process. 94
MF3.2 Defer commitment (decide at the “last responsible moment”). 94
MF3.3 Use a cumulative flow diagram to monitor queues. 95
MF3.4 Use Little’s Law. 97
MF3.5 Gradually eliminate infinite buffers. 97
MF3.6 Report rudimentary flow efficiency to understand the value of reducing buffers
and the leverage of eliminating sources of delay. 99
MF3.7 Actively close upstream requests that meet the abandonment criteria. 99
MF3.8 Develop triage discipline. 99
MF3.9 Manage dependencies. 100
MF3.10 Analyze and report aborted work items . 101
MF3.11 Use classes of service to affect selection. 101
MF3.12 Forecast delivery. 102
MF3.13 Apply qualitative Real Options Thinking. 104
MF4.1 Collect and report detailed flow efficiency analysis. 105
MF4.2 Use explicit buffers to smooth flow. 106
MF4.3 Use two-phase commit for delivery commitment. 107
MF4.4 Analyze to anticipate dependencies. 108
MF4.5 Establish refutable versus irrefutable demand. 110
MF4.6 Determine reference class data set. 111
MF4.7 Forecast using reference classes, Monte Carlo simulations, and other models. 111
MF4.8 Allocate capacity across swim lanes. 112
MF4.9 Allocate capacity by color of work item. 112
MF4.10 Make appropriate use of forecasting. 112
176 Index of KMM Practices
Teodora Bozheva has more than twenty-five years of experience in the field of
software development. She has personally undergone all the challenges in man-
aging large projects and meeting tough schedules with limited resources. For
more than fifteen years she has been providing
training and coaching based on Kanban, Lean,
CMMI and Agile to companies in different
industries. With insights and practical guidance
she helps them combine and adjust the methods
to their unique contexts, improve their manage-
ment practices, deliver better products and ser-
vices faster, and adopt continuous improvement
culture. Teodora runs Berriprocess, a training
and coaching company based in Bilbao, Spain.