Chinese Tactics
Chinese Tactics
Chinese Tactics
Chinese Tactics
PREFACE................................................................................................................... vii
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... ix
ATP 7-100.3 i
Figure 1-1. Active defense ............................................................................................................. 1-8
Figure 1-2. People’s War.............................................................................................................. 1-10
Figure 1-3. Comprehensive national power ................................................................................. 1-13
Figure 1-4. PLA operational framework ....................................................................................... 1-15
Figure 2-1. Simplified PLA command structure.............................................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-2. PLAA chain of command, isolated............................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-3. Group army structure (doctrinal).................................................................................. 2-7
Figure 2-4. Light combined arms brigade (doctrinal) ..................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2-5. Medium combined arms brigade (doctrinal) ................................................................ 2-9
Figure 2-6. Heavy combined arms brigade (doctrinal) ................................................................. 2-10
Figure 2-7. Artillery brigade (doctrinal)......................................................................................... 2-11
Figure 2-8. Air defense brigade (doctrinal)................................................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-9. Army aviation brigade (doctrinal) ............................................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-10. Light combined arms battalion (doctrinal)................................................................ 2-14
Figure 2-11. Medium combined arms battalion (doctrinal)........................................................... 2-14
Figure 2-12. Heavy combined arms battalion (doctrinal) ............................................................. 2-15
Figure 2-13. Artillery battalion (doctrinal) ..................................................................................... 2-16
Figure 2-14. Air defense battalion (doctrinal) ............................................................................... 2-16
Figure 2-15. Reconnaissance battalion (doctrinal)....................................................................... 2-17
Figure 3-1. Airborne corps (doctrinal) ............................................................................................ 3-3
Figure 3-2. PLANMC brigade (doctrinal)........................................................................................ 3-5
Figure 4-1. PLAA planning process................................................................................................ 4-3
Figure 4-2. Offensive zone (conceptual) ........................................................................................4-6
Figure 4-3. Defensive zone (conceptual) ....................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-4. Operational system force pool (example) .................................................................. 4-14
Figure 4-5. Frontline attack group (example) ............................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-6. Depth attack group (example) ................................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-7. Thrust maneuvering group (example)........................................................................ 4-16
Figure 4-8. Artillery group (example)............................................................................................ 4-16
Figure 5-1. Chinese information operations ................................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-2. Chinese psychological warfare .................................................................................... 5-7
Figure 6-1. Combat reconnaissance (example) ............................................................................. 6-8
Figure 6-2. Linear search (example) ............................................................................................6-10
Figure 6-3. Area search (example)............................................................................................... 6-11
Figure 6-4. Screen (example)....................................................................................................... 6-15
Figure 6-5. Cover (example) ........................................................................................................ 6-17
Figure 6-6. Guard (example) ........................................................................................................ 6-19
Figure 6-7. Security while bivouacking (example)........................................................................ 6-21
Figure 6-8. Area security (example) ............................................................................................. 6-23
Introductory Table. Unit conversions................................................................................................. x
Table 2-1. Comparison of PLAA combined arms brigade to U.S. brigade combat team............... 2-8
Appendix A describes the capabilities and limitations of PLA maneuver forces: infantry, armor, marine,
and airborne.
Appendix B describes PLA indirect fire capabilities, including mortars, tube artillery, and rocket artillery
in support of group army and tactical operations; this includes an overview of integrated fires systems.
Appendix C describes PLA tactical air defense forces controlled by its land forces, including an overview
of integrated air defense systems up to the group army echelon.
Appendix D describes how the PLA aviation assets—primarily rotary-wing manned aircraft and unmanned
aircraft—support tactical operations.
Appendix E describes the use of engineers and chemical defense forces in support of tactical operations.
Appendix F describes the PLA’s communications and network architecture at the tactical level.
Appendix G describes special operations forces both at tactical and national/strategic echelons.
Units of measure in ATP 7-100.3 are metric. The introductory table provides conversion data from one
measurement system to another for units used in this publication.
Introductory Table. Unit conversions
Type Metric English
Distance 1 meter (m) 3.28084 feet
Distance 1 kilometer (km) 0.62137 miles
Weapon Bore Size 1 millimeter (mm) 0.03937 inches
Weapon Bore Size 1 millimeter (mm) 0.03937 caliber
Weight 1 kilogram (kg) 2.2046 pounds
Weight 1 metric ton (t) 1.1023 (U.S./short) tons
Chapter 1
People’s Liberation Army Fundamentals
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) continues more than two millennia of Chinese
military tradition. China lays cultural claim to many of the world’s most famous
works of military strategy and philosophy—most prominently, The Art of War by Sun
Tzu—and these works are still highly influential throughout the PLA. The Chinese
take military philosophy, politics, and theory very seriously: the PLA is considered
the vanguard of the Chinese Communist Revolution, and its philosophical
underpinnings are important to both its culture and its approach to warfighting at all
levels. The PLA also has a deep commitment to Communist and Maoist philosophy.
1-5. Increasing competition for limited resources and the effects of global climate change will fuel
conflict among both state and non-state actors. As populations increase, providing adequate quantities of
basic necessities such as water, energy, food, and medical care becomes increasingly difficult. In addition,
competition for human capital and raw materials for industry will increase as the international economy
expands. Conditions such as natural disasters, extreme weather events, and their second- and third-order
effects will have considerable impacts across the globe and will significantly influence political and
military strategies worldwide. The global commons—the earth’s unowned natural resources, such as the
oceans, the atmosphere, and space—will be increasingly important to the global economy and will thus
likely become contested. The PLA characterizes many tasks related to these conditions under the heading
of nontraditional security measures or military operations other than war.
1-6. As the global economy and disparate societies become increasingly interconnected, friction
points continue to emerge. State and non-state actors are already using widely proliferated but immature
technologies—such as social networking— worldwide to influence populations, politics, and policy. Actors
will continue to leverage emerging connections to manipulate public opinion and influence leaders; the
digital world will become an increasingly important front to contest. As national economies continue to
intertwine themselves, competition for jobs, natural and manmade resources, and new or emerging markets
will continue to intensify.
1-7. Technological advances will continue to enhance the lethality of capabilities across all domains.
Soldiers at all echelons on the future battlefield will face unprecedented dangers as both new and proven
technologies are integrated into warfighting. For example, precision munitions will continue to proliferate
and become increasingly affordable as technology costs drop. At the same time, limited defense budgets
coupled with the high expense and relative rarity of modern weapons systems—particularly aircraft,
surface ships, and missiles of all types—will heavily influence future major combat scenarios.
1-8. China faces both nontraditional and hybrid threats. Such threats include criminal organizations,
terrorist organizations, and fringe or rogue states. These threats effectively exploit complex terrain, such as
dense urban and cyber environments, and are not necessarily constrained by international law or protocols
regulating conflict.
Note. The chapters and appendixes of this publication address topics from the Chinese
perspective. As such, the terms friendly refers to Chinese units or the units of Chinese allies.
Enemy refers to units opposing China or its military. This may be a belligerent force or element
within China, or an external actor. Parties are neutral regarding China. Threat uses the standard
dictionary definition as opposed to that of U.S. doctrine. An opponent may be against either the
U.S. or China, with context determining the correct interpretation.
1-9. Four strategic trends will influence future Chinese operations. These trends are population
growth, urbanization, population growth along major bodies of water, and human connectedness and
Note. Chinese concepts and doctrinal phrases contained in this document are used in accordance
with PLA definitions as provided by the translation of Army Combined Tactics under Conditions
of Informationization and Infantry Unit Tactics. Some of these concepts and phrases may mirror
the names of U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and U.S. Army terms. In such cases, the U.S.
term is being referenced only if the name appears in italics.
glorious struggle over imperialist and capitalist oppressors. In contrast to Western militaries, the PLA is
deeply politicized. It retains significant ties to Maoist and Marxist-Leninist political thought and has
generations-deep connections with the CPC. While Western militaries are generally apolitical and are
divorced from political parties, the PLA is officially the armed wing of the CPC.
Note. This is an explanation of naming and acronym conventions. The proper name for China’s
military is the People’s Liberation Army, or PLA. This organizational structure is comparable to
the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD); it does not refer exclusively to ground forces, as does
the U.S. Army. The PLA’s land-based service is the People’s Liberation Army Army (PLAA),
the naval branch is the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), and the aerial branch is called
the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The PLA’s strategic conventional and
nuclear ballistic and cruise missile service is the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force
(PLARF). The People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (PLASSF) is a new service-
level organization that incorporates national-level cyber warfare, electronic warfare (EW), space,
and other operational support elements under a single headquarters, and the People’s Liberation
Army Joint Logistics Support Force (PLAJLSF) is a new service-level sustainment organization.
1-11. Despite China’s gradual economic liberalization and movement toward a capitalist, free-market
economy, the PLA ostensibly remains generally steadfast in its support of Marxist-Leninist and Maoist
philosophy. Though the PLA long ago abandoned more extreme Maoist experiments such as “rankless”
force structures and eliminating rank insignia, the idea of People’s War—an armed struggle of a population
against a militarily superior adversary—still colors PLA thinking. This concept eventually took the form of
People’s War under Modern Conditions, an adaptation of Chinese Communist populist warfare that
accounts for modern military capabilities. This in turn evolved to People’s War in Conditions of
Informationization in 2015. This evolution suggests that the PLA now sees itself as having acquired
sufficient information capabilities to successfully employ them in a limited or regional military capacity.
Marxist-Leninist and Maoist thinking still influence PLA operations all the way down to the tactical level,
where a mix of autocratic statism and communal leadership are practiced even within small organizations.
1-12. Chinese national political objectives can be broken into two basic categories: security and
development. Security objectives include the protection of the CPC as China’s ruling party, the protection
of Chinese sovereignty, protection of borders, internal security, and nuclear deterrence. Development
objectives include the protection of Chinese economic interests at home and abroad, ensuring freedom of
navigation for Chinese goods, procuring important commodities such as energy and raw materials, and
establishing new export markets for Chinese goods. As China has transitioned from a closed, unstable,
post-revolutionary internal political environment to a more open and stable one, strategic priorities have
gradually shifted from security to development.
1-13. Today, with the primacy of the CPC virtually assured and few internal security threats, the People’s
Armed Police (PAP) has taken over much of the internal security mission, while the PLA focuses primarily
on development-related objectives. The coordination of military modernization with economic
development is a basic tenet of Chinese national strategy, resulting in significant annual defense budget
increases for the past two decades. This principle is now manifest in its Military-Civil Fusion program,
which seeks greater cooperation between military and civilian elements in achieving shared objectives. An
important objective of Military-Civil Fusion is leveraging civilian assets and capabilities as a cost-efficient
method of managing limited military resources. Military-Civil Fusion can be thought of as an extension of
People’s War, seeking to make best use of civilian assets and natural resources to underpin the growth and
modernization of the PLA.
1-14. The ongoing Chinese movement toward development objectives requires a significant enhancement
of PLA capabilities. Throughout much of its history, including its active conflicts in Korea (1950-53) and
Vietnam (1979), the PLA had little to no expeditionary capability, minimal mechanization, low-technology
systems, and a severe lack of military professionalism. Objectives that support development, however,
generally require meaningful force projection capabilities: a blue-water navy, a modern air force,
long-range targeting and strike capabilities, enhanced long-range air and sea strategic lift capabilities, and a
well-trained, well-equipped, professional ground force. Due to one of the largest and longest economic
growth cycles in history, China was able to fund the reform and development of the PLA, modernizing it
over the last three decades from a force of poorly armed and poorly trained conscripts into a viable modern
projection outside of Chinese borders and giving Chinese leadership greater flexibility in choosing how and
where to employ military force.
Note. The concept of information operations will be used in this document consistent with the
Chinese expression xinxi zuozhan (ಙᜥసᡈ). This is similar to the U.S. DOD term
information operations, though it is not as inclusive. Chinese information operations include
information warfare, concealment, deception (general efforts to mislead an opponent), and
trickery (specific plans targeted at a particular opponent). The Chinese expression for
information warfare, xinxi zhan (ಙᜥᡈ), refers to direct, specific offensive and defensive
actions, such as EW and cyber warfare, and is not analogous to the U.S. concept of information
warfare that pertains to an opposing force.
1-27. U.S. military analysis of an operational environment, including a composite environment created for
training, professional education, and leader development purposes, focuses on eight interrelated operational
variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, and
time—collectively referred to as PMESII-PT. The following is a list of PMESII-PT conditions and trends
found in China. It is not comprehensive, but it suggests a number of possible factors that U.S. exercise
planners might use when constructing scenarios:
z Political:
The fractious relationship between China and Taiwan.
Maritime disputes in the South and East China Seas.
Complex sociopolitical interactions between China and North Korea.
Land border disputes and frictions.
Friction between the CPC and the growing quasi-capitalist ultra-wealthy class.
Expansion of Chinese influence in emerging markets, particularly in Africa and Southwest
Human rights violations, particularly against internal political opposition and minorities,
and the harassment and mistreatment of journalists.
Separatism in Western China.
Major anticorruption efforts at every level of government.
z Military:
Growing use of high-technology weapons systems such as fifth-generation and
low-observable aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles, precision munitions, and networked
Ongoing top-to-bottom reform of the PLA, including widespread professionalization.
Expansion of standoff precision munitions and other antiaccess capabilities.
Establishment of hardened military facilities on islands, both natural and manmade,
throughout the Western Pacific.
Gradual expansion of PLA expeditionary capabilities, particularly throughout the Western
Pacific and Indian Oceans.
z Economic:
Continued liberalization of formerly hardline Marxist-Leninist and Maoist economic policy.
Threats to critical shipping lanes and overland trade routes linking China with its export
Export and trade restrictions on raw materials, particularly on rare but critical metals.
Major anticorruption efforts at every level of government.
Complex economic relationship with North Korea.
z Social:
Increased internal frictions with minority groups, particularly in and around distressed
border regions.
Continued adoption of Western cultural products, especially by younger generations.
Social resistance to heavy-handed governmental approach to internal security.
Increased frictions between quasi-capitalist Chinese oligarchs and more-traditional CPC
supporters due to failure to quell corruption.
z Information:
Extensive use of cyber activities—official, unofficial, and third party—to influence
conditions domestically and abroad.
Ongoing active People’s Republic of China (PRC) cyber activities attempting to extract
sensitive or classified information from foreign networks, particularly those in defense
Sophisticated information operations campaigns to influence both global and regional
z Infrastructure:
Continued development of domestic infrastructure with a focus on the export economy.
Heavy investment in overseas infrastructure, particularly in emerging markets for Chinese
export goods.
z Physical Environment:
Ongoing effects of global climate change reducing availability of arable land and
threatening low-lying coastal areas.
Increasing frequency and severity of tropical storms, which affect military and economic
development in the Western Pacific.
Shortsighted environmental policies creating public health crises due to air and water
pollution and rapid depletion of shared international resources, such as fisheries.
z Time:
The Chinese have historically taken a much longer view of time than the United States.
The PLA has deliberately chosen to adopt a more Western view of time as part of its
ongoing military reforms.
1-29. Presently, the PLA is in the midst of a period of comprehensive reform. Central to this is the
evolution of the “big army”—the dominance of the PLAA at the expense of other services—not only
throughout the PLA, but also throughout Chinese politics and society. Reducing manpower and equipment
levels and employing a quality-over-quantity approach is central to this effort, as is the expansion of joint
integration and an expanded emphasis on domains other than just the ground. In addition, PLAA units are
now nationally deployable—able to operate anywhere within Chinese borders—rather than being strongly
tied to a specific region. This is intended to reduce manpower requirements and the influence of the PLA in
local politics, but it requires a top-to-bottom reorganization of PLA training, doctrine, and acquisition.
1-30. Two historical figures feature prominently in the philosophy and strategy of the PLA: Sun Tzu and
Mao Zedong. The PLA views these two strategists as equally important, with People’s War being viewed
as a modern addendum to The Art of War. Sun Tzu and Mao together created the framework from which
the PLA’s modern-day strategy and tactics are derived.
1-31. Influenced largely by The Art of War, the PLA—and China as a whole—look to create advantages
along a vast competition continuum, ranging from diplomacy and covert operations in peacetime to major
combat operations. The PLA views all available government means as a kind of defense in depth. Defense
of China begins with skilled diplomacy and prudent political measures at home and abroad. State actors and
agencies set conditions for military success if and when military action becomes necessary. The PLA
decisively defeats opponents militarily if peaceful measures fail. The ideal outcome in every scenario is to
“win without fighting”—as a philosophy taken directly from Sun Tzu. Military-Civil Fusion is an important
method of incorporating civilian support to achieve military objectives in both peacetime and war.
1-32. PLA doctrine describes three basic ways to use military power: warfighting, military deterrence, and
military operations other than war. Developing warfighting capabilities is the PLA’s core task; prevention
of conflict is the PLA’s most important mission. The PLA’s deterrence mission creates numerous
subordinate objectives designed to demonstrate Chinese capabilities and will, all viewed as critical to
preventing conflict both domestically and abroad. Though China states unequivocally that it will not initiate
conflict, practices only self-defense, and will respond militarily only if attacked, its basic concept of
deterrence has been broadened significantly in recent years. Active defense now includes far more
politically and strategically offensive activities. Examples include, but are not limited to—
z Expanded participation in global peacekeeping operations.
z Expanded air and naval presence in the Western Pacific in an offshore defensive strategy.
z More rapid and thorough responses to non-war crises.
z Expanded operations in the cyber and space domains.
z Defense of the primacy and stability of the CPC.
1-33. PLA views on modern war allow for limited preemptive actions. People’s War initially mandated
few to no pre-emptive military activities, but PLA views on modern war concede that an unmitigated
modern military operation may win a war before a proper response can be organized. As such, certain
allowances for offensive activity under the umbrella of active defense have been made. According to PLA
doctrine, the “first shot” in the area of politics and strategy must be differentiated from the first shot on the
plane of tactics. If any country or organization violates the other country’s sovereignty and territorial
integrity, the other side will have the right to “fire the first shot” on the plane of tactics.
1-34. People’s War encompasses all three levels of warfare. At the strategic level, People’s Armies use
their superior manpower, lesser logistic requirements, and greater political will to defeat opponents in
defensive wars of attrition. At the operational level, a combination of mobility, deception, and willpower
allow formations to rapidly maneuver and close with the enemy in order to engage it in close combat,
offsetting limitations in firepower, technology, and training. At the tactical level, units aggressively
maneuver in order to create massive advantages in combat power at key times and locations, while
simultaneously preventing enemy response through effective deception operations. Infiltration techniques
allow small units to close with and defeat the enemy in detail. At all levels, People’s Army units rely on
superior willpower, cohesion, deception, and manpower to overcome technologically advanced opponents.
1-35. People’s War was initially developed as Mao’s interpretation of Marxism in military conflict: a class
struggle between an oppressed people and a bourgeois or imperialist professional military. The Second
Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War (1945-49) strengthened this understanding: both conflicts
involved a People’s Army conducting mobile or guerrilla operations, on its own soil, against
better-equipped and trained opponents. Both conflicts resulted in Chinese victories, but they were
enormously costly, both economically and in lives lost.
1-36. People’s War concept and doctrine were significantly altered beginning in the 1980s. At the end of
the Mao era in the late 1970s, PLA strategists began to reassess the nature of People’s War. Mao had taken
Marxist-Leninist ideals to extremes in the military, adopting a military without hierarchy or rank. This
approach proved ineffective, and reforms were needed to make the PLA into a modern force capable of
deterring conflict and defending Chinese strategic and political interests. This evolved into People’s War
under Modern Conditions, a modification that accounted for the increasing lethality and complexity of the
modern battlefield. Joint operations—along with mechanization and artillery—were emphasized. The
concept of deterrence expanded to include not only fighting defensive wars within Chinese territory, but
also the idea that a strong regional and maritime security environment might prevent fighting in Chinese
territory in the first place.
1-37. The modern iteration of People’s War is People’s War in Conditions of Informationization. This
theory incorporates thinking and strategy informed by numerous geopolitical and technological
developments over the past 25 years. First and foremost is the emerging information environment: the PLA
recognizes the importance of the digital battlefield, and it has emerged as a world leader in integrating
cyber warfare into its operational construct. Figure 1-2 on page 1-10 displays the timeline of the evolution
of People’s War concepts.
1-38. Second, the PLA further expanded its understanding of active defense. After watching nearly six
months of force buildup on the Iraqi border during OPERATIONS DESERT SHIELD and DESERT
STORM, the PLA concluded that the most efficient way to defend Chinese territory was to prevent
potential opponents from building combat power in close proximity to Chinese borders. This in turn
spurred the development and redevelopment of capabilities intended to defeat or interdict the buildup of
combat power at extended ranges and across wide geographic areas. It also compelled development of
capabilities designed to deny use of wide geographic areas to potential foes. Years later, in analyzing this
approach, U.S. strategists denoted it antiaccess/area denial. This phrase was—and still is—an accurate
depiction of the PLA approach to active defense in the Western Pacific.
1-39. Third, People’s War in Conditions of Informationization encompasses the tacit admission that China
may have to become involved in local or regional conflicts in order to maintain the regional or international
economic order, protect the CPC, or otherwise support Chinese economic or political interests. This
ostensibly contradicted Mao’s initial philosophy of People’s War, which is for the most part strictly a
domestic defense-oriented military approach. This appreciation may represent fundamental change for the
PLA, and it requires a vast increase in expeditionary and overseas sustainment capabilities. These
requirements, in turn, demand significant increases in the PLA’s military professionalization, equipment
quality, and air and naval capabilities.
1-40. Local War is the PLA expression for a regional conventional conflict, likely close to Chinese
territory. The PLA views this as the most likely situation calling for military force, and it has developed
capabilities designed to excel in this environment. This conclusion makes sense, as every conflict the PLA
has fought in its history was local, and all but the Chinese Civil War were limited. People’s War in
Conditions of Informationization, when applied to the Local War concept, is frequently referred to as
Winning Informationized Local Wars.
1-41. Chinese military theory may be moving away from traditional Marxist-Leninist and Maoist theory as
PLA leaders acknowledge the importance of technology, professionalization, and military hierarchy. The
PLA, however, still identifies as staunchly Communist and views its modern theories as an evolution of
People’s War, not as a revision or repudiation. People’s War in Conditions of Informationization is said to
be a modern adaptation of The Art of War and People’s War. It retains the concept of active defense as its
centerpiece, and it considers deception and political willpower to be the most important—and most
uniquely Chinese—elements of a successful military campaign.
1-42. The PLA anticipates Informationized Warfare evolving into Intelligentized Warfare in the relatively
near future. Intelligentized Warfare incorporates numerous emerging technologies—including
decentralized computing, data analytics, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and unmanned or
robotic systems—into the PLA’s conceptual framework. Intelligentized Warfare seeks to increase the pace
of future combat by effectively fusing information and streamlining decision-making, even in ambiguous or
highly dynamic operating environments. Intelligentized Warfare also amplifies the nascent concepts
embodied by the Military-Civil Fusion effort: many of the subsystems that create the backbone of an
Intelligentized PLA are researched and developed initially in the civilian realm. Careful alignment of
military and civilian efforts enables the synchronization of efforts and streamlines the fielding process for
the PLA. Despite its focus on technology, Intelligentized Warfare remains informed by the People’s War
concepts: many Intelligentized Warfare initiatives are clearly shaped by the original People’s War
1-45. This somewhat unique Communist Chinese principle was formed from the success of early PLA
operations against Japanese and Republican Chinese forces. Operating in rural areas made it difficult for
early PLA opponents to detect and fix PLA formations. In expeditionary warfare, this principle likely
implies targeting less-challenging defensive positions first, then moving on to more well-defended and
critical positions once initial gains are consolidated.
1-53. Perhaps the most famous of Mao’s principles, this principle reinforces China’s views about the
uniqueness of its approach to military operations. It stresses the importance of knowing both one’s own
capabilities and those of the opponent.
1-56. Deception plays a critical role in every part of the Chinese approach to conflict. The Chinese
emphasis on deception can be traced to Sun Tzu, who believed that it was the basis for all warfare. PLA
views on this topic differ considerably from those of most Western militaries. Instead of being a peripheral
enabler, deception operations are seen as integral to every operation at all levels of war. Where U.S. Army
operational planning uses the concept of a course of action— a scheme developed to accomplish a mission
(JP 5-0)—PLA planners use stratagems. Rather than describing friendly operations, stratagems describe the
enemy’s mindset, focusing on how to achieve the desired perceptions by the opponent, and then prescribing
ways to exploit this perception. Rather than focusing on defeating the opponent in direct conflict—as most
Western militaries do—stratagems consider deception, trickery, and other indirect, perception-based efforts
to be the most important elements of an operation. Deception is a fundamental aspect of the Chinese way of
war, and applications of deception are considered a high priority.
1-57. China’s strategic approach to conflict employs Three Warfares designed to support and reinforce the
PLA’s traditional military operations. These Three Warfares are—
z Public Opinion Warfare.
z Psychological Warfare.
z Legal Warfare.
Though these approaches are called warfares, these strategies—in Western thinking—fall somewhere
between modern concepts such as information operations and historical concepts such as military
operations other than war or effects-based operations. Despite the names, they are universally nonlethal:
they do not involve direct combat operations. Instead, they are designed to pursue what Sun Tzu considered
generalship in its highest form—victory without battle. If a battle must be fought, the Three Warfares are
designed to unbalance, deceive, and coerce opponents in order to influence their perceptions. In a major
change from the past, when political officers were mainly involved in rear area personnel functions, the
Three Warfares make political officers and soldiers into nonlethal warfighters who provide essential
support to combat units.
1-58. Public Opinion Warfare is referred to as huayuquan, which translates roughly as “the right to speak
and be heard.” To the Western mind this implies something along the lines of freedom of speech. Its
meaning to the Chinese, however, is substantially different: it refers to the power to set the terms of a
debate, discussion, or negotiation. In other words, it is China’s high-level information campaign designed
to set the terms of political discussion. China views this effort as influential not only on PLA operations,
but also in support of Chinese economic interests worldwide. China views Public Opinion Warfare as
capable of seizing the initiative in a conflict before any shots are fired by shaping public discourse,
influencing political positions, and building international sympathy. Public Opinion Warfare operations are
seen every day in the PLA’s vast media system of newspapers, magazines, television, and internet sources
that target both domestic and foreign audiences. Public Opinion Warfare supports the PLA’s Psychological
Warfare and Legal Warfare activities in peacetime and war.
1-59. Psychological Warfare is broadly similar to U.S. military information support operations in that it is
intended to influence the behavior of a given audience. PLA Psychological Warfare seeks to integrate with
conventional warfare and includes both offensive and defensive measures. The PLA views Psychological
Warfare through the lens of Sun Tzu, emphasizing its multiplicative effect when coupled with
comprehensive deception operations. Deception operations are critical to the PLA’s entire warfighting
approach, and Psychological Warfare represents the major information operations element of deception
1-60. Legal Warfare refers to setting the legal conditions for victory—both domestically and
internationally. The U.S. does not have an equivalent concept, although State Department diplomatic and
legal operations have roughly equivalent objectives. Legal Warfare seeks to unbalance potential opponents
by using international or domestic laws to undermine their military operations, to seek legal validity for
PLA operations worldwide, and to support Chinese interests through a valid legal framework. Legal
Warfare has emerged with a particularly prominent role via the various Chinese political maneuverings in
the Western Pacific, particularly those areas surrounding international waterways, disputed land masses,
and economic rights of way. Legal Warfare is present at the tactical and operational levels of war. It guides
how the PLA trains to treat prisoners of war, detainees, and civilians, and how it abides by international
legal conventions, codes, and laws.
z Military Thought.
z Defense Theory and Defense Doctrine.
z Strategic Principles and Operational Principles.
z Campaigns.
z Combat Tactics and Regulations.
Figure 1-4 illustrates the relationship between the different operational framework levels.
1-62. Military Thought represents the highest levels of PLA military thinking. It embodies China’s long
history as a land of philosophers, and it contains those works held in the highest esteem by the PLA. The
Art of War and People’s War are the two foundational documents and concepts for Military Thought,
though there are many other works constantly being produced, debated, and revised. Military Thought
provides the philosophical foundation for PLA operations, defines the culture and objectives of the PLA,
and defines the PLA’s relationship with the CPC. U.S. equivalents are military concepts and strategic
directives, such as the National Security Strategy and the Capstone Concept for Joint Operations.
1-63. Defense Theory and Defense Doctrine represent the PLA’s strategic-level thinking. Defense Theory
operationalizes the various principles laid out in Military Thought and other high-order documents.
Defense Doctrine codifies the basic PLA approach to warfighting. Doctrine in this sense remains at the
strategic level—the PLA does not appear to use the word “doctrine” to describe operational practices at
operational or tactical levels of war. A U.S. equivalent to Defense Theory is the Air Force Future
Operating Concept; an equivalent to Defense Doctrine is the U.S. Army in Multi-Domain Operations
(formerly the Army Operating Concept).
1-64. Strategic Principles and Operational Principles align roughly with what the U.S. DOD refers to as
doctrine; in other words, a series of situation-based discussions that serve as a guide to actions. These
principles are intended to standardize language and understanding throughout the PLA. One important
difference between Western doctrine and Chinese Strategic and Operational Principles is the importance
that the PLA places on the interactions and relationship between the military and society. Western
militaries are generally apolitical and consider themselves separate entities from civilian society, whereas
the PLA codifies its place in Chinese society in these principles. In practice, this establishes the role of the
PLA in shaping Chinese society and politics, explains the relationship between militias and the areas they
serve, and describes the role of political officers in PLA units. A U.S. equivalent to Strategic Principles is
JP 3-0, while an equivalent to Operational Principles is ADP 3-0.
1-65. Campaigns do not have a Western equivalent. A PLA campaign is a large-scale, operational-level
effort that likely involves multiple services and a joint command, though it may also be conducted by units
from a single service. Unlike Western theater-level operations that are generally objective-based, PLA
campaigns are mission-based. PLA campaign types include—
z Joint blockade.
z Amphibious landing.
z Antiair raid.
z Mobile/maneuver warfare.
z Mountain offensive.
z Positional offensive.
z Positional defensive.
z Antiterrorism stability maintenance.
z Maritime group to destroy the enemy.
z Maritime interdiction.
z Offensive against coral reefs.
z Sea lane protection.
z Naval base defense.
z Air offensive.
z Airborne.
z Air defense.
z Conventional missile attack.
Each of these campaigns correlates to what U.S. forces would call a mission. In contrast, U.S. operations at
this level tend to be largely based around an objective and a concept of operations. For example, the
U.S.-led coalition operation, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, had the objective of deposing the Ba’athist
government and installing a stable democracy in Iraq, with the concept of operations being to defeat the
Iraqi military, secure civil stability, and transition to a new government. The PLA’s campaign approach
suits its doctrine and philosophy well—it is more prescriptive, centralized, and narrow in scope, and
consequently it requires less freedom of action from subordinates. It remains to be seen if this approach
will be retained as the PLA moves toward more decentralized leadership and actions.
1-66. Combat Tactics and Regulations address unit-level activities and tactical-level doctrine. Tactics and
Regulations provide the basis for campaign operations, ensuring that all PLA units have a shared
understanding of basic maneuvers, actions, and responses. Regulations in this context are not laws and
rules as they are for the U.S. military; instead, they are similar to battle drills or other basic military actions.
This mirrors the old naming convention for U.S. Army doctrine, as predecessors to ADP 3-0 and FM 100-5
were titled Field Service Regulations, Operations until the mid-1960s. This naming convention may also
reflect greater centralization and top-down leadership. This approach may change in a similar way to the
campaign model as the PLA moves toward a decentralized approach to leadership.
principle of system warfare is the identification and isolation of critical or vulnerable subsystems or
interdependence of these subsystems. The PLA believes that if key threat systems are rendered ineffective,
the threat’s ability and will to resist will crumble.
1-68. System warfare is the most recent PLA effort to operationalize the principles of force concentration
and asymmetric attack as outlined by Sun Tzu and Mao, while accounting for the lethality, cost, and
complexity of modern weapons systems. The PLA classifies all capabilities, ranging from ballistic missiles
and strike fighters to cyber operators and special operations forces, as military systems. Each system has
inherent strengths and weaknesses. System warfare involves—
z Bypassing enemy systems’ areas of strength, thus gaining a combat advantage by approaching
them asymmetrically.
z Developing systems that excel at exploiting perceived weaknesses in enemy systems, thereby
offsetting their strengths by undermining the systems’ ability to perform assigned missions.
The most common examples of system warfare are actions such as targeting networks instead of shooters,
sensors instead of aircraft, or command and communication nodes instead of maneuver forces. The PLA
expands system warfare to include diplomatic efforts undermining international alliances, offensive cyber
operations disabling air or seaport operations, or special operations forces undermining civilian morale
through covert operations.
1-69. Many of the systems with which the PLA intends to prosecute system warfare are not standing
capabilities, but rather purpose built in times of conflict. During times of war, the PLA intends to build
task-organized suites of capabilities designed to strike specific weak points of its opponent’s key systems.
These suites of capabilities are called operational systems. Each operational system consists of five main
subcomponents: the command system, the strike system, the information warfare system, the intelligence
system, and the support system.
1-70. At the tactical level, system warfare centers largely on targeting high-value battlefield systems such
as radars, command and communication nodes, and field artillery and air defense systems, and it can
include selective armored vehicles and critical logistics support means. Examples of tactical system warfare
include using heavy rocket artillery to defeat or destroy enemy radars and artillery systems, EW to suppress
or neutralize enemy command and communication networks, and deception operations to target enemy
leadership’s situational understanding and state of mind. Tactical system warfare is discussed in greater
detail in chapter 4.
1-71. The PLA’s employment of system warfare supports the development of several traditional military
strategies, such as preclusion, isolation, and sanctuary, throughout all domains and at all levels of war.
Preclusion is achieved by keeping enemy commanders and forces off balance through asymmetric means,
such as deception and information warfare, while simultaneously denying use of wide geographic areas
through long-range reconnaissance-strike capabilities. Isolation is achieved by jamming or manipulating
communications between units, employing psychological warfare to confuse and segregate enemy units
from one another, then rapidly maneuvering to physically isolate them. Sanctuary is achieved through a
mix of protection, defensive planning, information warfare, and deception operations. Sanctuary includes
not only safety from physical attack, but safety from enemy information operations.
This chapter outlines the organization of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA),
beginning with its organization at the highest levels of the Communist Party of China
(CPC), then describing unit-level organizations at the strategic, operational, and
tactical levels. The PLA is one of the world’s largest formal organizations, and by
military standards it has a very complex organizational structure. Ongoing reforms
and reorganization add to this complexity. Diagrams and descriptions in this section
provide generalized data, and unit organizational diagrams are examples of probable
task-organized capabilities adapted to a mission set.
The China Militia is a massive quasi-formal militia element of the Chinese Armed Forces, consisting
mostly of poorly trained and equipped part-time regional military units. The militia’s primary mission is to
provide logistics and security support to the PLA, though disaster relief and internal security missions are
also part of its mission set. The China Militia is a different entity from the People’s Liberation Army
Reserve. The militia can be can be considered an aspect of People’s War philosophy, to be integrated with
the military and other entities in times of national emergency or crisis. Like the rest of the Chinese Armed
Forces, it is being downsized and modernized, with less emphasis put on manpower and more emphasis on
quality training and equipment. Like the PAP, there is not a true U.S. equivalent to the China Militia.
The PLA is the armed forces of China. Though called an army, the PLA is analogous to the U.S.
DOD in that it consists of all of the service branches: an army (People’s Liberation Army Army—PLAA),
navy (People’s Liberation Army Navy—PLAN), air force (People’s Liberation Army Air Force—PLAAF),
rocket force (People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force—PLARF), and strategic support force (PLASSF). In
addition, the People’s Liberation Army Joint Logistics Support Force (PLAJLSF), though not a service, is a
national-level PLA organization. The PLA is under the command of the Central Military Commission
(CMC), as supervised by the Politburo Standing Committee and the CPC. The PLA is officially the armed
wing of the CPC; all levels of the PLA are supervised by a system of political officers. The expressed
primary missions of the PLA are to protect the ruling status of the CPC, ensure China’s sovereignty and
territorial integrity, safeguard Chinese interests at home and abroad, and help maintain global stability. (See
figure 2-1 on page 2-3 for a simplified diagram of the PLA’s command structure.)
The PLAA is China’s land combat service. It consists of an active-duty component and a reserve
component, organized in roughly the same way as the U.S. Army’s active and reserve components. The
PLAA’s active force consists of roughly one million soldiers, and it remains the dominant service within
the PLA, despite recent efforts to reduce its influence. The reserve component consists of roughly 500,000
soldiers and, despite being a national-level organization, it is relatively poorly trained and equipped—
though it is a significant improvement over the China Militia. In times of war, the reserve component will
likely take over rear area, security, and sustainment duties in order to free up higher-quality active duty
forces for more rigorous missions. The PLAA recognizes branches in much the same way the U.S. Army
does. PLAA branches are—
z Infantry (including mechanized, motorized, and mountain).
z Armored.
z Artillery (including towed and self-propelled tube artillery, rocket artillery, antitank missiles and
z Air defense (including short- and medium-range mobile gun and missile systems—heavier
missile systems are operated by the PLAAF).
z Aviation (including helicopters and limited fixed-wing aircraft).
z Engineer.
z Chemical defense.
z Communications.
z Electronic warfare (EW).
z Logistics.
z Armaments (maintenance).
z Special operations forces (SOF).
politics at the top of China’s command structure, but it will provide a simplified overview to enable better
understanding of how these command relationships influence tactical operations.
The CMC is the most powerful and significant national-level command body in China. It is also the
most relevant to tactical operations. Recent restructuring created no fewer than 15 functional departments,
including a national-level army department and a strategic rocket department. In general, national
headquarters are responsible for capabilities development, education, and training, while theater commands
(discussed in paragraph 2-10) are responsible for operations. The CMC is notionally led by a civilian
chairman: the CPC’s head and China’s president. He is typically assisted in decision making by numerous
vice chairmen and senior PLA officers. The CMC’s command structure relies on a committee approach and
is not formal—it routinely changes based on political dynamics. This committee-based approach differs
significantly from the U.S. approach, where a single decision maker—the President—has all command
authority and is only advised by his staff and cabinet. The Chinese approach likely arose from the desire to
make all military decisions with CPC political objectives in mind, and it helps explain why political
officers are present throughout the PLA chain of command.
CMC command authority is exercised operationally through theater commands (TCs). TCs are joint
commands that exercise extensive—though not exclusive—command authority in their given region. TCs
are tasked with developing strategy, tactics, and policy specific for their areas of responsibility, and they
are directly responsible for responding to threats and crises within their assigned regions. TCs are similar to
U.S. combatant commands, except that the parallel chains of command extend to the national command
structure. TCs are strictly domestic in scope, and they do not extend past Chinese land borders and nearby
maritime regions. TC commands mimic Chinese national command structure in that they are heavily
politicized and bureaucratically complex. TC commanders share command responsibility with political
commissars of the same rank; TC commanders are responsible for operations, while political commissars
are responsible for ideological functions. TC staffs participate in committee-based decision making. Each
TC has a single-service subordinate headquarters responsible for that service’s operations in the theater,
plus an organic electronic countermeasures brigade, an information operations support brigade, and a
reconnaissance and intelligence support brigade. PLAA, PLAAF and PLAN units have dual chains of
command during peacetime, reporting both to their national service-level headquarters and to their assigned
TC. In wartime they will likely be under complete control of their respective TCs. (See figure 2-2 on page
2-5 for an illustration of the TC’s dual reporting structure and the subordinate chain of command.)
Note. The PLA understands rank in the same way that the U.S. military does, but it takes a
fundamentally different view of grade. In the PLA, grade refers to one’s duty position: platoon
leader, brigade deputy leader, and so on. Hierarchy of grade is extremely important to the
PLA—more so than rank. There are 15 different grades, and they are recognized across all of the
PLA’s different services. As such, a PLAA officer’s grade can be directly compared with that of
a PLAN officer, and seniority established between the two. In the U.S. military, grade refers to
military pay, and duty position is clearly subordinate to rank when it comes to determining
TCs were reorganized in 2016, reducing the number of regions from seven to five and changing the
title of military region to TC. When in a list, TCs are presented in order of protocol, with the most
prestigious—and most militarily relevant—TC listed first. The current TCs, in order of precedence, are—
z Eastern Theater Command, headquartered in Nanjing, with responsibility for central eastern
China and the East China Sea, including the Strait of Taiwan. The Eastern TC likely has
operational responsibility for matters involving Taiwan, Japan, and anything related to the East
China Sea.
z Southern Theater Command, headquartered in Guangzhou, has responsibility for south-central
China, including the border with Vietnam and the South China Sea. The Southern TC’s primary
missions are maintaining security in the South China Sea and supporting the Eastern TC in any
major amphibious operation.
z Western Theater Command, headquartered in Chengdu, has responsibility for virtually the entire
western half of China, including borders with India and Russia and the regions of Tibet and
Xinjiang. The Western TC’s primary missions are contending with perceived separatist and
terrorist threats in Tibet and Xinjiang and addressing border issues with China’s two powerful
western neighbors.
capabilities at the group army level, providing a much more extensive suite of EW and cyber capabilities,
long-range reconnaissance, and long-range fires under the direct control of group army commanders. Group
army commanders can now support their assigned CA-BDEs with a significant suite of capabilities able to
influence operations across all domains. (See figure 2-3 for a graphic depiction of the group army.)
Group-army joint capabilities are limited, but they are expected to expand with ongoing reforms. TCs
provide air, naval, and some SOF support, though group armies do typically contain an SOF brigade. The
group army also appears to be largely dependent on higher commands—either the TC or PLAJLSF—for
most of its logistics support. This emphasizes the lack of expeditionary capability throughout the PLA:
sustainment within China’s borders may be sufficient to support high-intensity operations, but current
sustainment capabilities likely cannot support major combat operations overseas.
Note. Unit descriptions in this section are notional, as described by the PLAA and supported by
further intelligence analysis. Real-world units may vary widely in composition, organization,
and equipment, though the PLAA is moving in the direction of force-wide standardization. It is
important to note that PLAA units at battalion and below are designed to fight as structured,
without the need for significant task organization.
capability, but they are developing joint capabilities to be able to control units from other services during
training and operations. (See table 2-1 for a comparison of a PLAA CA-BDE to a U.S. BCT.)
Table 2-1. Comparison of PLAA combined arms brigade to U.S. brigade combat team
PLAA Combined Arms Brigade U.S. Brigade Combat Team (BCT)
Maneuver 4–6 battalions 3 battalions
Artillery 1 howitzer battalion 1 howitzer battalion
1 rocket battalion
Air defense 3 batteries, including: None
x Self-propelled guns.
x Man-portable air defense
x Short-range missile systems.
Reconnaissance Comparable to U.S. BCT
Engineer and Comparable to U.S. BCT
Logistics and Newly established
sustainment Likely less capable than U.S. BCT
There are three distinct types of CA-BDEs: light (motorized), medium (mechanized), and heavy
(armored). The PLAA describes the differences between motorized and mechanized infantry in how
supporting vehicles are employed: motorized units are only transported by their assigned vehicles, while
mechanized forces employ their vehicles as combat platforms that support the infantry. The PLAA employs
a variety of armored personnel carriers (APCs) and infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) that feature a broad
range of firepower and protection; some are tracked, some are wheeled, and there is considerable overlap.
As such, one must look at how the unit intends to fight, rather than its composition and equipment, when
assessing a unit as motorized versus mechanized. Airborne, mountain, and amphibious CA-BDEs are
described as light. The CA-BDE organizations are described in paragraphs 2-22 through 2-24.
The light CA-BDE contains these units—
z Four motorized combined arms battalions (CA-BNs).
z One reconnaissance battalion.
z One artillery battalion.
z One air defense battalion.
z One headquarters unit.
z One operational support battalion.
z One service support battalion.
(See figure 2-4 for a graphic depiction of the light CA-BDE.).
The artillery brigade in the group army employs a variety of towed guns, self-propelled guns (SPGs),
light (122-mm) and heavy (300-mm) rocket artillery systems, and antitank and assault vehicles. These
systems are employed to mass fires on critical targets, reinforce fires at lower echelons (chiefly the
CA-BDE), deter or deny enemy actions, and offset enemy advantages in close combat. Artillery brigade
assets may be employed in direct or general support of CA-BDEs. Artillery battalions include organic
surveillance and target acquisition assets, including UAS, electronic intelligence (ELINT) systems, and
traditional long-range visual forward-observation platforms. It is not clear how effectively the PLAA can
task-organize fires; it traditionally preferred to centralize fires in order to maximize the effects of mass, but
the movement toward smaller tactical formations and modularization requires that lower echelons be
capable of employing effective fire support. In addition to its indirect fire capability, each artillery battalion
includes an antitank guided missile (ATGM) company, employing light armored vehicles mounted with
ATGMs. Artillery brigade composition varies significantly based on operational requirements and system
availability. A notional artillery brigade contains—
Two self-propelled 122-mm, 152-mm, or 155-mm towed or self-propelled howitzer
battalions (three batteries with four to six guns each, from 24 to 36 guns total).
One light (122-mm) rocket battalion (three batteries with nine launchers each, 27 launchers
One heavy (300-mm) rocket battalion (12 launchers total).
One target acquisition battery.
One UAS company.
One command battery.
One support company.
(See figure 2-7 for a graphic depiction of the artillery brigade.)
Note. The PLAA describes signal and communications capabilities under the umbrella of
command and communication.
systems from Russia, the former Soviet Union, and Europe, and indigenous designs are all present in
significant numbers. The density of helicopters in the PLAA is relatively low as compared to the size of the
rest of the force; the U.S. Army’s ratio of helicopters to troops is over ten times that of the PLAA.
Rotary-wing capability is a significant area of investment in the PLA’s modernization strategy; it is likely
that the AABs will be greatly expanded in the relatively near future, using mainly indigenous or
license-produced airframes. The AAB is organized into eight battalions, mixing general-utility lift
helicopters, attack helicopters, and light attack and reconnaissance helicopters. In addition to the AABs, the
PLAA has also formed two air assault brigades, which include either two or three infantry battalions and up
to six medium-lift helicopter battalions. AABs train frequently with both light CA-BDEs and SOF. A
notional AAB organization contains—
z Four general-utility battalions (eight to 12 medium-lift or general-utility helicopters per
z Two attack battalions (eight attack helicopters per battalion).
z One reconnaissance battalion (eight reconnaissance or light attack helicopters).
z One headquarters unit.
z One aviation support battalion.
(See figure 2-9 for a graphic depiction of the army aviation brigade.)
mechanized and armored units since the World War II era, mixing company-level infantry and armor units
to create a single combined arms command. Each CA-BN also houses an organic SHORAD capability
in the form of manportable air defense systems (MANPADS). The PLAA breaks CA-BNs into three
primary categories: light, medium, and heavy. Of note, the CA-BN appears to have only limited staff,
which may affect its ability to function as the PLAA intends—as an independent unit. Combined
arms battalion organizations are described in paragraphs 2-32 through 2-34.
A light infantry CA-BN contains—
z Three motorized infantry companies (10 light wheeled vehicles or APCs per company).
z One firepower company (six to nine rapid-fire 81-mm mortars, the form of man-portable air
defense, and crew-served weapons).
z One headquarters unit.
z One service support company.
(See figure 2-10 for a graphic depiction of a light combined arms battalion.)
The CA-BDE’s artillery battalion is a major focus of PLAA investment. Recognizing that PLAA
forces may be outmatched in close combat with other industrialized nations’ maneuver forces, the PLAA
developed doctrine designed to defeat, suppress, or neutralize enemy maneuver units before close contact
occurs. In practice, this necessitated the fielding of new SPGs in both the 122-mm and 155-mm class, along
with a series of older 152-mm towed guns and heavy, highly capable rocket artillery platforms. Unlike the
U.S. Army, CA-BDEs employ a composite of rocket and tube artillery at the brigade level. CA-BDEs can
be reinforced with guns and rocket artillery from their respective TC’s artillery brigade. Of note, the
artillery battalion contains a robust antitank capability, consisting of light armored ATGM vehicles and
several towed antitank guns. An artillery battalion contains—
z Two to three 122-mm or 155-mm SPG batteries (three platoons with three guns each, 18-27
guns total).
z One light (122-mm) rocket battery (three platoons with three launchers each, nine launchers
z One ATGM company (nine vehicle launchers or antitank guns).
z One command battery.
z One support company.
(See figure 2-13 for a graphic depiction of an artillery battalion.)
The CA-BDE’s reconnaissance battalion provides multi-domain reconnaissance, intelligence,
surveillance, and target acquisition capabilities. The reconnaissance battalion uses a mixture of mounted,
dismounted, UAS, human intelligence (HUMINT), ELINT, and cyber collection capabilities to support
CA-BDE intelligence and targeting requirements. The reconnaissance battalion’s structure is very similar to
that of the U.S. Army reconnaissance squadron, consisting of three troops employing a mixture of
collection capabilities. In addition to traditional scouts, the reconnaissance battalion may include an
element of SOF-like troops, capable of conducting independent direct action in deep areas. The
reconnaissance battalion is a critical component of the CA-BDE’s reconnaissance-strike capability,
providing much of the deep intelligence needed to support targeting for both the CA-BDE’s organic
surface-to-surface fires and any supporting or reinforcing fires from the artillery brigade. The PLAA places
a very high priority on reconnaissance in general. In order to shape the mindset of one’s opponents, one
must know as much as possible about their disposition and intentions. It should also be noted that group
armies do not have a dedicated ground reconnaissance unit as do U.S. corps; the group army’s SOF brigade
provides much of the ground intelligence in support of group army operations. A reconnaissance battalion
z Two reconnaissance troops (mounted; six to 10 light armored vehicles per troop).
z One battlefield surveillance company (all-source intelligence organization).
z One UAS company (likely containing two to three aircraft).
z One headquarters unit.
(See figure 2-15 on page 2-18 for a graphic depiction of a reconnaissance battalion.)
This chapter describes People’s Liberation Army (PLA) joint capabilities, how they
support the tactical commander, and how these forces are integrated into tactical
operations. The modern PLA is a sophisticated joint force, likely capable of
conducting integrated operations across all domains. PLA joint operations are still in
their relative infancy; the PLA has yet to employ a truly integrated joint force in
combat, and many key joint integration enablers are still in the developmental stage.
Nonetheless, PLA joint operations are likely to improve dramatically as integration
technology advances.
maintenance and logistics backbone and China’s state-run industry. Historically, repair and maintenance
was largely outsourced to industry, but this relationship has become increasingly unwieldy in the modern
age. The PLA’s new expeditionary requirements place further strain on limited maintenance and logistics
resources. Solutions to these capability gaps are currently in the conceptual and testing phase, but have yet
to be widely implemented.
3-5. PLAAF units are organized into brigades, comparable to USAF groups. Brigades are assigned to
PLAAF bases, which are the grade equivalent of the U.S. Army’s corps and are generally at the disposal of
the theater commander. Some high-value PLAAF assets, however, are controlled by national-level
headquarters, including some of the newest fighter divisions and the airborne corps.
3-6. PLAAF doctrine employs a tiered and layered approach to defending Chinese airspace.
Ground-based air defenses in the form of medium- and long-range radar-guided missiles combine with
manned aircraft to deny use of airspace to enemy platforms of all types. The PLAAF in general is far less
concerned with seizing or maintaining air superiority or air dominance than U.S. forces—it views simply
denying the enemy use of airspace to be adequate. PLAAF forces do not have significant capabilities
outside of Chinese airspace: excepting a few island airbases off the Chinese coast, neither basing nor aerial
refueling capabilities are adequate to project power any significant distance past the Chinese coastline and
territorial waters. Expanding power projection across wider areas is a focus of PLAAF training and
acquisition. It is likely that the PLAAF can successfully deny use of airspace to any opponent wishing to
operate over Chinese territory or ocean areas covered by its surface-to-air missile umbrella.
3-7. PLAAF ground-attack capabilities are immature but improving. Around two decades ago, PLAAF
attack aircraft were limited to daytime visual attacks using only unguided munitions. Today, the PLAAF
operates hundreds of advanced 4th-generation attack aircraft capable of all-weather operations using
precision munitions. The primary ground-attack missions of the PLAAF are strike and interdiction. Both of
these missions attack targets some distance away from friendly troops, and both generally support the
strategic and operational levels of war. PLAAF CAS capabilities are limited due to a lack of training and
integration, but they are seen as critical to developing the combined arms brigade (CA-BDE) as a true
combined arms force. Efforts are currently underway to advance CAS capabilities. Gaps in CAS operations
include a lack of trained forward air controllers, a lack of air-ground communications, and a lack of
developed tactics and guidelines for CAS employment.
3-8. The PLA’s airborne corps is assigned to the PLAAF, and it is the PLA’s strategic airborne unit. It
comprises most of the PLA’s Rapid Reaction Unit, a cohort of light, strategically mobile ground forces that
can provide a significant military presence anywhere in China in a very short period of time. Though called
a corps, the airborne corps mimics the group army in composition, though with fewer support assets. It
consists of six maneuver brigades: four airborne infantry, one mechanized airborne infantry, one air assault,
and one special operations forces, plus transport and support units. An airborne corps includes—
z Four airborne infantry brigades (three airborne infantry battalions and one towed light howitzer
battalion per brigade).
z One airborne infantry (mechanized) brigade (three mechanized infantry battalions and one
self-propelled howitzer battalion per brigade).
z One air assault brigade (three air assault battalions and one towed light howitzer battalion per
z One service support brigade.
z One special operations forces brigade.
z One air transport brigade (fixed- and rotary-wing transport capability).
z One headquarters unit.
(See figure 3-1 for a graphic depiction of an airborne corps.)
3-9. The PLAAF has the air transport capacity to deploy either two light brigades simultaneously or half
of the mechanized brigade. These units are employed in much the same way as the U.S. Army employs the
82nd Airborne Division: at least one brigade-size unit on very short-term deployment orders, with other
units to follow if required.
3-13. The Submarine Force is the world’s second-largest submarine fleet, although many boats are
somewhat aged. Throughout the history of the PLAN, this force has been the most capable and most
important sea-control capability. Although in recent years the Submarine Force has not been as well-funded
as the Surface Force, it remains a key component of PLAN shore defense and antiaccess strategies. Most
PLAN submarines are conventionally powered (diesel-electric) attack submarines that are employed
against enemy shipping, emphasizing attacks on enemy surface combatants and troop ships. A small
number of far more expensive, but far more capable, nuclear attack submarines complements the
conventionally powered force. The PLAN’s ballistic missile submarine capability is limited and unproven,
though it appears development of a viable ballistic missile submarine fleet is proceeding.
3-14. The primary mission of the PLAN is defense of Chinese territorial waters and power projection into
Chinese regional waters. This mission includes both operations against regional opponents in limited wars
and operations against powerful opponents as a part of a theater-wide antiaccess campaign. As such, enemy
shipping is the primary target set of PLAN surface combatants, naval aircraft, and submarines. While a
limited ground-attack capability exists in the Naval Air Force, it can be considered a secondary mission,
and far less important to PLA joint operations than U.S. Navy ground support missions are to U.S. joint
operations. Chinese surface ships maintain a robust antiaircraft capability, and they are likely employed in
concert with ground-based air defenses to deny use of wide geographic areas of airspace to enemy aircraft.
The PLAN also maintains a robust Coastal Defense Force that employs shore-based antiship missiles and
infantry to defend Chinese littoral waters and coastlines from amphibious assault or littoral naval
3-15. The People’s Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps (PLANMC) is the PLA’s expeditionary
amphibious warfare capability. Like the U.S. Marine Corps, it falls under administrative control of the
navy, but it is equipped and organized in a manner similar to that of the army. Unlike the U.S. Marine
Corps, however, the PLANMC does not have the PLA’s heavy amphibious warfare mission—this belongs
to the People’s Liberation Army Army (PLAA). Instead, the PLANMC should be viewed as a light and
strategically mobile force built to conduct expeditionary warfare missions away from Chinese shores.
3-16. The PLANMC consists of six maneuver brigades and associated command and support structure,
totaling approximately 60,000-80,000 personnel. The PLANMC consists of a mix of mechanized and light
forces organized specifically to support amphibious and littoral operations. PLANMC brigades are either
assigned to the South Command Navy and focus their operations and training on the South China Sea, or
they are held as national-level assets. A PLANMC brigade includes—
z Three combined arms battalions (CA-BNs).
z One self-propelled gun artillery battalion.
z One missile battalion (with man-portable air defense systems [MANPADS] and antitank guided
z One headquarters unit.
z One combat support battalion.
z One service support battalion.
(See figure 3-2 for a graphic depiction of a PLANMC brigade.)
3-17. In addition to the PLAN, China operates both the China Coast Guard (CCG)—which falls under the
control of the People’s Armed Police (PAP)—and the Maritime Militia under the China Militia. The CCG
operates a large number of smaller surface vessels and has responsibility for coastal security, patrol,
antipiracy, antismuggling, search and rescue, and maritime police operations. The Maritime Militia
operates an exceedingly large number of small surface vessels, most of which are converted or co-opted
civilian fishing or transport ships. While both the CCG and Maritime Militia have very traditional assigned
roles, China aggressively employs both as part of a hybrid warfare approach during the competition phase
of conflict. CCG and Maritime Militia vessels regularly and aggressively operate in international waters—
and sometimes in the territorial waters of China’s neighbors—ostensibly to protect Chinese fishing and
shipping operations. This approach enables China to influence activity throughout the Western Pacific
without involving the large surface combatants of the PLAN. In a time of war, the CCG and Maritime
Militia will likely take on roles similar to the PAP and China Militia in ground operations: performing low-
intensity or mundane maritime tasks in order to free up more-capable ships for more demanding operations.
3-21. In contrast to its relatively small nuclear force, the PLARF’s conventional ballistic missile force is
the world’s largest and among the world’s most technologically advanced and most capable. The PLA
employs ballistic missiles as its primary precision deep-strike capability. Ballistic missiles target high-value
assets, including air and seaports, supply depots, and command and communication nodes. Ballistic
missiles represent a significant element of the Chinese antiaccess strategy. More-advanced ballistic missiles
are designed specifically to engage hardened or mobile high-value assets, such as aircraft carriers and
antiballistic missile systems. Chinese ballistic missile capabilities represent one of the PLA’s strongest
investments in system warfare, as ballistic missiles asymmetrically destroy or neutralize assets that
traditionally required force-on-force methods to effectively attack. China is not a signatory to the
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and thus it is free to develop short- and medium-range missiles
of all types. Due to the country’s strict no-first-use nuclear policy and its substantial investment in ballistic
missile capabilities, it is unlikely that China will ever voluntarily downgrade its conventional missile-strike
3-22. While many PLARF ballistic missiles are strategic assets, hundreds of SRBMs may be used to target
high-value tactical assets or in support of tactical-level missions. PLARF ballistic-missile launchers are
mobile, and their facilities hardened, making it difficult to target or neutralize these systems prior to launch.
The PLARF also operates much of China’s land-based cruise-missile fleet. Unlike the United States, PLA
cruise missiles are seen as complementary to the ballistic missile force, rather than the other way around.
3-23. PLARF missile tactics are advanced and mature, taking full advantage of the suite of capabilities
available. PLARF units will work along with other national assets, such as cyber warfare, EW, and air and
naval forces, to neutralize or destroy antiballistic missile and air defense systems using a system warfare,
combined-arms approach. PLARF ballistic missiles are accurate and precise, integrated with advanced
surveillance and targeting capabilities, equipped with advanced penetration aids and countermeasures, and
can be employed in sophisticated structured attacks. The PLA will seek to deplete expensive and rare
antiballistic interceptors; defeat or destroy air defense radars; and either sink, damage, or threaten antiair
surface naval vessels, giving it freedom of maneuver when employing its missile force.
intelligence (SIGINT), long-range surveillance, and information operations capabilities under a single
command. China believes this greater centralization will result in better use of national intelligence assets
while expediting critical intelligence information—such as targeting data—to commanders and weapons
systems that need it.
3-28. The PLASSF likely used the PLARF as the blueprint for its organization. National-level assets are
retained at the top level of command, while lower-level assets are allocated to TCs as missions require.
PLASSF intelligence operations are split into strategic intelligence and tactical intelligence. Strategic
intelligence consists of collection efforts focused on long-term issues of national importance. Tactical
intelligence is composed of collection efforts that directly support PLA operations, such as ground
intelligence, air- and space-based surveillance, deep ELINT, and tactical-level information operations
will or ability to resist will degrade and victory will be achieved. Building operational systems is similar to
creating task forces, but broader in scope, attempting to create a comprehensive suite of capabilities under a
single command. An operational system consists of a number of groups—subordinate entities that are
custom-built for a specific mission, task, or purpose. Virtually every battlefield function is represented by
one or more groups; this publication discusses only the most significant groups as employed by tactical-
level units.
4-4. At the tactical level, operational groups are also referred to as combat teams or combat groups. While
the PLAA stresses a modular approach to building operational systems, it also recognizes that the less
radical the reorganization, the more cohesive a unit will be. The combined arms battalion (CA-BN)
structure is designed to reflect this. It is the basic building block of the tactical operational system, and it is
intended to be employed in something close to its organic or peacetime configuration. Conversely, the
combined arms brigade (CA-BDE) is intended to be easily augmented or task-organized as conditions
dictate, flexibly employing a variety of subordinate CA-BNs, supporting battalions, or other nonorganic
this part of the plan. Commanders must account for available resources, mission requirements, and friendly
forces when developing the support plan.
areas to which the enemy is to be lured or driven and then destroyed—may also be created in any of the
secondary zones.
Deep Area
4-21. The deep area is the territory past which a unit’s organic sensors and weapons can operate. For a
CA-BDE, this typically means the area past which its rocket artillery and targeting support can operate.
Units operating in deep areas are usually more autonomous and can expect minimal support from their
parent unit.
Frontline Zone
4-22. The frontline zone is the territory in which the main offensive action is to take place. Typically,
first-line objectives and the enemy’s main defensive position are located in the frontline zone. The entire
frontline zone should be within the range of the offensive group’s fire support. The frontline zone typically
contains a security zone on its forward edge, where security, reconnaissance, and counterreconnaissance
activities take place.
Reserve Zone
4-23. The reserve zone is the territory just to the rear of the frontline zone that typically houses depth
attack groups, command groups, firepower groups, and forward logistics bases (For more information on
PLAA groups, see paragraphs 4-32 through 4-60.) The reserve zone also serves as a defensive bastion
against enemy counterattacks and as a secure location through which follow-on forces and supplies can
move into frontline and deep areas.
Garrison Zone
4-24. The garrison zone consists of rear areas not actively occupied by the offensive group. Supporting
capabilities such as logistics, EW, and long-range artillery reside here. Garrison zones typically contain one
or more security zones that surround key positions such as bases, supply routes, or command posts. The
People’s Armed Police (PAP) may take on much of the security load in garrison zones in order to free up
PLAA forces for more-intense duties.
Deep Area
4-26. The deep area is defined in the same way as the deep area in an offensive zone. Usually it is the area
in which independent units conduct reconnaissance and disruption activities prior to heavy enemy contact.
Note. PLA literature uses a very wide variety of names for these groups; its approach appears to
be unstandardized and still somewhat in development. This list represents a cross-section of
different group names and mission descriptions and is not exhaustive.
4-32. Command groups are the components of the operational system that enable leadership to control the
system, make rapid and effective command decisions, inform subordinate commanders, and coordinate
capabilities. They are built using a variety of different force pools—from command posts and staffs, to
reconnaissance and intelligence units, to network support units. Some functions, such as engineer and
chemical support, are prescribed in both the command group and a support group; it is unclear how the
decision to place these units is made. The following paragraphs describe several of the most important
command groups.
variety of integrated firepower systems and seeks to streamline targeting and fire control. The firepower
coordination group is closely linked with all of the firepower groups.
4-40. Offensive groups are the elements of the operational system that are responsible for fixing,
assaulting, and annihilating enemy forces. Offensive groups are deployed in such a way as to ensure
substantial numerical and firepower advantage over the enemy: PLAA guidelines suggest offensive groups
seek a four-to-one advantage in maneuver forces, a five-to-one to seven-to-one advantage in artillery
firepower, and three PLAA antitank systems for each anticipated enemy armor system. An offensive group
deploys in a focused manner, establishing the depth and three-dimensional organization necessary to
overwhelm the enemy when an assault commences. Offensive groups are integrated with firepower strike
groups in order to achieve synchronization between maneuver and fires capabilities. Offensive tactics and
techniques are discussed in greater detail in chapter 7.
Advance Group
4-41. The advance group is composed of troops that take advanced positions ahead of a primary attack,
conducting a mission roughly similar to the advance guard. The group provides security for the main body,
screens against enemy troops, conducts counterreconnaissance, occupies terrain favorable for the main
body, and initiates contact with the enemy main body. After completing these tasks, the advance group
typically assumes a security or reserve role.
4-46. Defensive groups are those groups charged with defending friendly forces, systems, or key terrain
from enemy attack. Defensive groups conduct either a position-based or mobile defense, with the intent of
blunting the enemy’s attack, attriting enemy forces, and enabling friendly counterattack and transition to
the offense. Defensive groups are integrated with firepower strike groups in order to enhance their combat
power and defeat superior enemy forces. Defensive tactics are discussed in greater detail in chapter 8.
Cover Group
4-47. The cover group is made of those troops assigned to a cover mission in support of the operational
system’s main body. The group’s primary tasks are to conduct counterreconnaissance, defend stubbornly in
the face of an enemy attack, screen the main body, and cover the main defensive line’s deployment and
disposition. After the cover mission is complete, the cover group may withdraw to deeper areas and
conduct vigilance or security operations, serve as the combat reserve group, or continue to operate as part
of the main defensive line. If possible, a component of the cover group will attempt to remain behind the
enemy’s main advance in order to conduct operations behind enemy lines. The cover group consists of
reconnaissance or light armored units enabled by light artillery, antitank, antiair, and EW units. Additional
information on the cover mission can be found in chapter 6.
casualties upon the enemy, buy the commander decision space, and inform the commander about how best
to commit reserves and counterattack forces. In a position-based defense, the frontier defense group is
likely much larger, as a position-based defense requires the defender to hold a fortified position with
minimal maneuver. The frontier defense group consists of infantry and armor, augmented by artillery,
antitank, engineer, anti-chemical weapon, and electronic countermeasure units. It likely consists of a higher
proportion of infantry compared to other defensive groups.
Artillery Group
4-52. The artillery group consists of the indirect fire elements of the firepower strike group. These include
122-mm and 155-mm tube artillery systems, light and heavy multiple launch rocket systems, and
short-range ballistic missile systems. The PLAA’s firepower is seen as the backbone of its operations, and
the artillery group provides most of the tactical-level firepower to the operational system commander. The
artillery group is positioned in deep areas, and its primary missions are to—
z Support scouting and security operations.
z Disrupt or pre-empt advancing or unfolding (pre-attack positioning) enemy troops.
z Support defensive groups.
z Disrupt or defeat enemy flanking and encirclement attempts.
z Disrupt enemy penetrations and counterattacks.
z Suppress enemy artillery.
z Strike at key targets, such as enemy command posts and supply areas.
Broadly speaking, fire support missions are conducted by tube artillery units, while annihilation,
suppression, and counterfire missions are conducted by rocket artillery units. Missile units, if available,
conduct precision deep strike missions. The artillery group is built around artillery battalions combined in
such a way as to achieve a combined arms effect.
employs its helicopters as airborne fighting vehicles, closely attaching them to ground units and seeking to
maximize their unique capabilities against vulnerable parts of enemy formations. The air firepower strike
group is employed in a variety of ways: as a highly mobile reserve, attacking enemy penetrations and
supporting friendly counterattacks; as mobile artillery, targeting enemy artillery systems and other weapons
that were not destroyed by the artillery group; as an antitank unit targeting enemy tanks and other armored
vehicles; as a deep penetration force targeting enemy command, EW, and sustainment systems; as
reconnaissance and surveillance platforms; and as security and vigilance platforms.
Antitank Group
4-54. The antitank group consists of those troops specially equipped and tasked with targeting and
destroying enemy armored vehicles. The antitank group consists of a combination of mounted antitank
guided missile launchers, dismounted antitank guided missile teams, and antitank artillery—mainly in the
form of assault guns. The antitank group is positioned near the main direction of attack or defense, and it is
employed as a rapid, mobile reserve whenever enemy armored forces are encountered. If armored targets
are not available, the antitank group can serve as one or more firepower teams, augmenting assault teams as
they carry out their missions. The PLAA employs a high density of antitank weapons throughout its
formations, and employment of antitank groups is a key planning consideration.
4-57. Support groups are responsible for the operational system’s support and sustainment functions and
rear area security functions. At the CA-BDE level, these are built primarily using the CA-BDE’s two
support battalions: combat support and service support.
support. The logistics support group conducts the supply mission, while the equipment support group
performs maintenance.
This chapter outlines the characteristics and principles that govern People’s
Liberation Army (PLA) and People’s Liberation Army Army (PLAA) information
operations at tactical echelons. In keeping with the teachings of Sun Tzu, the PLA
considers information operations to be at least as important—if not more important—
than maneuver or firepower. Deception, trickery, and concealment are to be
employed extensively throughout the information operations campaign in order to
manipulate the enemy commander’s state of mind, the morale of enemy troops, and
the enemy’s understanding of the battlefield to the PLAA’s advantage.
5-4. IO permeate all domains and are throughout all campaigns. Due to the widespread proliferation of
advanced weapons systems, reliance on communications network technology, and information
management systems, IO either govern or affect every aspect of modern conflict. Without information
superiority, the Chinese believe that they cannot achieve dominance in any other domain, be it land, sea,
air, or space. If the information battle is lost, initiative for the entire campaign cannot be achieved, and
campaign activities will be fundamentally less efficient or otherwise blunted. IO are an ongoing and
continuous process, while IW will likely begin before formal hostilities, making it a precursor to or first
shot in active conflict. The conditions to achieve information superiority must be set prior to the
commencement of hostilities, must actively support PLA forces during open conflict, and must be
maintained through security and stability operations once open conflict has concluded.
mission, while defending friendly information systems is of similar importance. The PLA prescribes a mix
of capabilities, both lethal and nonlethal, when targeting enemy information systems.
5-9. Attack is the primary method by which initiative is gained in an IO campaign. The PLA stresses
aggressive and integrated attack methods early in the conflict as the best way to ensure information
superiority. Further, in an information war it is harder to steal or regain the initiative once it is lost, so
greater emphasis is placed on seizing information superiority early in the campaign. Three specific
characteristics of IO contribute to the focus on early action: its clandestine nature and ease of concealment;
the low requirements on manpower and material resources, making operational sustainment relatively easy;
and the inherent vulnerabilities of information systems due to their reliance on the electromagnetic
spectrum. A strong initial attack takes advantage of these characteristics, but it requires the conditions to be
set long before active hostilities commence.
5-10. The Chinese define a node as a critical component of an information system that either provides a
capability or links other nodes. In this context it refers primarily to sensors, information processing centers,
and the network backbone that enables them. Nodal attack attempts to identify, isolate, and target these
objects, and it is the centerpiece of the IO campaign. Destroying or neutralizing nodes has the highest
efficiency of any IW operation: if a critical node is destroyed or neutralized, then all systems reliant on it
become either degraded or disabled. Nodal attack embodies the basic principle of targeting points of
weakness rather than strength and, if applied appropriately, it can concurrently weaken strong points of the
enemy system through isolation and confusion. It is best employed in an integrated manner along with
psychological attack in order to maximize confusion and extend the effects of nodal destruction.
5-11. Synthesis in the context of an IO campaign implies a variety of different measures all intended to
carefully align, synchronize, and coordinate different IW efforts. This includes coordinating information
attack and defense to maximize the efficiency of both; assuring deconfliction between different efforts so
that one effort does not interfere with another; ensuring that all efforts are unified in their movement
towards a clear objective; and focusing on building mutually supportive efforts that in turn create a
combined arms effect.
5-12. Adjustment is an analogue to synthesis: it refers to the act of assessing and changing operations
quickly and without the need for extensive planning. IO are inherently fluid; changes are rapid and often
unpredictable. Agility in operations is vital to ensuring IW efforts are targeting the right objects and
achieving desired effects. The primary focus of adjustment is to evaluate different friendly systems and
their respective targets, then deconflict actions between them.
5-13. As discussed in paragraph 5-9, attack is viewed as the most important basic requirement in campaign
IW. The corollary to this axiom is that one must blunt the enemy’s attacks in order to effectively gain
information superiority. The PLA views information defense as fundamentally more difficult than
information attack due to the broad reliance upon—and disparity in—information systems. Because of the
wide variety of different points of vulnerability, comprehensive information defense is a practical
impossibility—so building systems with resiliency and redundancy is critical. While information defense
typically takes the form of passive defense, active defense also has a significant role. This may be described
as information counterattack: the use of information attack capabilities to strike at and undermine enemy
information attack efforts.
5-15. The PLA defines information attack as any IW activity intended to weaken or deprive the enemy of
control of information. Information attack is the primary means by which information warfare is won, and
it is the key to achieving information superiority. There are four subcategories of information attack:
electromagnetic attack, network attack, psychological attack, and physical attack. Of note, psychological
attack is considered both a form of information attack and its own unique campaign; it is unclear what the
relationship is between the two.
Electromagnetic Attack
5-16. Electromagnetic attack encompasses those activities that manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum to
jam, suppress, deceive, or neutralize enemy information systems. There are three subcategories of
electromagnetic attack: electronic reconnaissance, electromagnetic suppression, and electromagnetic
deception. Electronic reconnaissance attempts to use electromagnetic and other reconnaissance platforms to
collect intelligence on enemy information operations platforms, enabling more effective electromagnetic
attack operations. Electromagnetic suppression uses electronic warfare capabilities to jam or suppress
enemy sensors or communications, softening or neutralizing enemy information systems. Electromagnetic
deception manipulates enemy information operations systems—ideally, without enemy knowledge—in
support of friendly operations. The PLAA views electromagnetic attack as the centerpiece of most IW
operations; this belief is broadly represented in the increasing concentration of IW capabilities at tactical
levels, including ground-based and aerial jammers and electronic reconnaissance platforms.
Network Attack
5-17. Network attack includes those activities that target enemy computer information systems, software,
hardware, and their associated networks. Network attack differs from electromagnetic attack in that it is
conducted digitally and through networks, rather than through the electromagnetic spectrum. There are two
major types of network attack: computer virus attack, which makes use of preprogrammed viruses, and
hacker invasion, which uses active code experts working in real time. The aim of both methods is to
penetrate enemy information systems. The two techniques can be mutually supportive, and should be
closely coordinated. The PLAA broadly prefers clandestine or concealed network attack, wherein the
enemy’s information is manipulated without its knowledge. This is viewed as the most efficient form of
information attack, allowing for more aggressive activities that remain beneath the threshold of active
conflict. Concealed network attack operations in peacetime focus on understanding the enemy’s operational
architecture, disposition, and possible weaknesses, enabling more aggressive network attacks when
hostilities commence. Concealed network attacks also focus on acquiring and exfiltrating critical
information, particularly that surrounding the defense industrial base. The PLAA seeks to employ network
attack even at tactical echelons in order to manipulate enemy situational understanding and trick the enemy
into behavior conducive to PLAA tactical operations.
Physical Attack
5-18. Physical attack comprises those activities that target enemy IO systems with direct physical damage
or destruction. At tactical echelons, this primarily entails attacking command and communication centers,
network nodes, and sensors. There are three subcategories of physical attack: force strength, which is
essentially using maneuver forces to penetrate enemy defenses and destroy the IO systems at close range;
firepower assault, which is the use of fires systems of all types—particularly artillery—to target and
destroy IO systems at extended ranges; and energy weapons, which involves the use of highly specialized
weapons systems to destroy enemy IO systems. The latter includes both current (such as antiradiation
missiles) and future (laser or microwave) weapons systems. The PLAA emphasizes firepower assault as the
most effective method of physical attack, and firepower assaults against IO systems are a key element of
tactical system warfare.
Psychological Attack
5-19. Psychological attack is composed of those activities that target the enemy’s mindset and morale.
While categorized as a form of information attack, psychological attack is also a component of
psychological warfare. Psychological attack is discussed in greater detail in paragraphs 5-40 and 5-41.
5-20. The PLA defines information defense as all those operational activities that protect friendly IW
systems from enemy IO. The PLA views IW as a zero-sum activity: any successes gained from information
attack are eroded by losses due to inadequate or ineffective information defense. Every potential offensive
tactic has a corresponding defensive responsibility. Information attack and defense are viewed as mutually
supporting, and they should be carefully integrated.
Electromagnetic Protection
5-21. Electromagnetic protection contains those measures put into place to resist enemy electromagnetic
attack. There are two main modes of electromagnetic protection: counterelectronic reconnaissance and
counterelectronic jamming. Counterelectronic reconnaissance is the use of both active and passive means to
prevent enemy collection on friendly IW systems. This includes active suppression of enemy collection
systems, concealment of friendly electromagnetic signals, the use of decoy or spoof signals to confuse
enemy collection, and physical targeting of enemy collection systems. Counterelectronic jamming consists
of those systems and techniques that either eliminate or weaken the effects of enemy jamming. This
includes hardening IW systems, using of more powerful or more resistant emitters, and carefully
monitoring information to weed out disinformation planted by the enemy.
Note. The Chinese concepts of electromagnetic attack and electromagnetic defense comprise
what both China and the U.S. refer to as electronic warfare (EW).
Network Protection
5-22. Network protection encompasses those measures put into place to resist enemy network attack. There
are two main types of network protection: computer virus defense and hacker defense. Each seeks to
proactively protect friendly hardware, software, and networks from both overt and covert enemy intrusion.
Network defense is both an active and passive activity. Passive defense seeks to prevent, disrupt, or delay
intrusion, while active defense seeks to identify and stop intrusion after it occurs. Due to the extensive use
of computer networks, along with the wide variety of hardware and software in use, network defense is
seen as a highly difficult—though highly important—tactical task.
Note. The Chinese concepts of network attack and network defense comprise what both China
and the U.S. refer to as cyber warfare.
Physical Protection
5-23. Physical protection consists of those activities that defend IW systems from direct lethal attack by
enemy forces. There are two categories of physical protection: force strength and firepower, and quality
protection. Force strength and firepower incorporates tactical activities that preclude, preempt, neutralize,
or defeat enemy direct lethal attack against IW systems. They can be broadly grouped into either defensive
and security activities, such as tactical ground defense, or firepower activities, such as counterfire. Quality
protection comprises those activities that harden or hide IW systems, making them more difficult to
neutralize or destroy. This includes both engineering measures—such as building physical barriers, using
underground facilities, or camouflage and concealment—and survivability measures, such as adding armor.
The PLAA is very concerned about the vulnerability of IW systems to direct attack—particularly by
firepower and energy weapons—and it emphasizes survivability against such attacks.
Intelligence Protection
5-24. Intelligence protection is IW’s counterintelligence component. This includes measures and activities
that defeat enemy reconnaissance, surveillance, and espionage, concealing friendly operations and
capabilities. Intelligence protection in the form of disinformation can be integrated with information
attack—particularly psychological attack—in order to effectively deceive the enemy and trick it into
behaving in a preferred way.
Note. The PLA appears to categorize domains in much the same way as does the United States,
but its categorization of psychological warfare as an operational mode is unique. It is unclear
how operational modes differ from domains.
5-26. The PLA integrates psychological warfare into all elements of its operations. Psychological warfare
is organized as campaign psychological warfare, a discrete campaign in much the same vein as information
warfare, maneuver warfare, or firepower warfare. Psychological warfare is considered to have a much
broader scope than any other campaign, encompassing not only battlefield combatants, but also national
military and economic strength, national will and morale, and national political and social cohesion.
Psychological warfare is one of the main reasons why the PLA employs political officers in most of its
organizations, and the PLA considers itself to have a fundamental advantage in psychological warfare
against nearly any opponent due to its political unity of purpose.
5-27. Psychological warfare seeks to achieve the soft kill: the use of nonlethal coercive means to impose
one’s will upon an uncooperative opponent. This contrasts with hard-kill techniques, which involve the use
of physical force to achieve this coercion. Psychological warfare is thought to have uniquely powerful
soft-kill capabilities: a well-constructed psychological campaign is the only thing that can achieve Sun
Tzu’s definition of supreme excellence—subduing one’s opponent without fighting. (See figure 5-2 for a
graphic overview of Chinese psychological warfare.)
5-29. Psychological warfare has a central role in modern conflict. The informationized battlefield
transitioned psychological warfare from a peripheral or auxiliary military activity to one of the most
important operational forms. Due to modern media and social integration, psychological warfare efforts can
now target the enemy anywhere and at any time. This includes soldiers on the battlefield, in rear areas, or
on the home front; civilians, both enemy and others across the world; and decision makers, including those
at the highest level. Psychological warfare must be proportional to the conflict; however, a full-scale deep
psychological warfare campaign should not be employed in a localized or limited conflict, for instance.
5-30. Every military activity has some value psychologically and politically, and these second-order effects
must be considered carefully by commanders. A campaign’s success is no longer measured by casualties,
material loss, or territory; instead, it is measured by its overall psychological effect on enemy forces,
friendly forces, and neutral or outlying parties around the globe. The ultimate goal of warfare of all types is
winning the contest of wills, and this does not always mean that the side winning the tactical battle wins the
5-32. Psychological warfare commences long before formal hostilities begin, and it continues long after
they are concluded. It is ultimately tied to a nation’s collective morale, unity, and spirit, and so it lasts a far
longer period than do tactical or even strategic military operations. Subtle or covert psychological warfare
activities—those that fall far beneath the threshold of response—should be practiced long before active
conflict commences. These will naturally lean more toward the defense, buoying the friendly population’s
will and morale, ensuring information advantage in media across the globe, and so on. Campaign
psychological warfare should also commence as early as possible in order to set the right information
environment; to fool, deceive, and trick the enemy; and to erode the enemy’s will. Similarly, psychological
warfare operations continue long after hostilities are over. One should attempt to control—or at least
influence—the post-conflict historical narrative, while using psychological warfare principles to ensure
long-lasting peace and stability.
5-33. The scope of psychological warfare is vast. Psychological warfare activities stretch across entire
regions of the globe, and they can target any individual or organization. The PLA’s view of psychological
warfare is likely influenced by—or influences—its understanding of Comprehensive National Power: the
idea that a nation’s strength is not only military and economic, but also political, diplomatic, cultural, and
religious in nature. Psychological warfare activities can influence or target anything within any of these
fields, and they render the battlefield wholly nonlinear, making coordinated attack and defense not only
complicated, but perhaps one and the same. Achieving psychological superiority in conflict establishes a
baseline advantage for one’s side that permeates to the lowest tactical echelons, and it can enable a
technologically or tactically inferior force to prevail in the face of otherwise insurmountable odds.
5-36. The idea of a specialized psychological operations section is relatively new in both the PLA and the
PLAA. In the past, psychological operations generally fell to political officers and nonspecialized troops.
Following the model of the U.S. military, the PLAA now builds specialized psychological warfare groups
at a variety of different echelons, ensuring integrated support for ground operations
fool, or trick the enemy, any breaches in operational security can conclusively undermine psychological
warfare efforts by allowing the enemy to know what is true and what is false.
5-40. Psychological attack contains those activities that target an enemy’s situational understanding,
conviction, will, and morale. The goal of psychological attack is to control the enemy’s awareness and
fighting spirit such that its combat power is weakened. The PLAA views this as a supporting effort to
information attack, although psychological attack is necessarily broader and less technical in nature. There
are two primary methods by which psychological attack is carried out: attacking psychology of
understanding and attacking psychology of conviction. Psychology of understanding attacks target the
enemy’s situational understanding, and they can include everything from camouflage and concealment, to
feint attacks or demonstrations, to disinformation efforts. The general objective of these attacks is to lead
the enemy into an information trap, a situation wherein enemy leaders and planners make erroneous, faulty,
or inefficient decisions due to faulty, insufficient, or misleading information. This can be described as
getting inside of the enemy’s decision-making cycle, and it is considered one of the most difficult and
valuable operational arts in all of warfare. Examples of psychological attack at lower echelons include the
use of loudspeakers, simulated smoke or fire, decoys, and unmanned equipment to distort the enemy’s
situational understanding. Individual soldiers may also be targeted with physical pamphlets or digital
messaging in order to upset morale and cohesion.
5-41. Deception is the activity at the heart of psychology of conviction attacks. Practically every PLAA
operation places as high a premium on deceiving the enemy as it does maneuver or firepower. Attacks
against psychology of conviction target the enemy’s fighting spirit, will, and morale. At political echelons,
this involves broad campaigns to convince or coerce enemy civilians and politicians to abandon support for
the conflict. At tactical levels, the PLAA takes a notably Marxist approach. It seeks to create division
between lower ranks and senior ranks by encouraging antiwar sentiments, homesickness, and fear among
the enemy’s soldiery.
5-42. Psychological protection encompasses those activities that attempt to blunt, minimize, or neutralize
enemy psychological warfare activities. Psychological protection is divided into two subtypes in much the
same way as psychological attack: protecting psychology of understanding and protecting psychology of
conviction. Protecting psychology of understanding involves attempting to defeat enemy deception or
concealment activities or to minimize enemy disinformation efforts. The objective is to give commanders a
clear and accurate picture of the battlefield, enabling quick and accurate decision making, and keeping the
enemy out of the friendly decision cycle.
5-43. Protecting psychology of conviction includes those activities that maintain friendly cohesion,
morale, and will to fight. It includes defeating broad enemy propaganda efforts or more-direct attacks
against friendly soldiers. It also includes political education efforts and other measures designed to enhance
esprit de corps, and mental strength and resiliency measures put in place to protect and enhance the
individual soldier’s psychological well-being. Political officers are also charged with ensuring support and
compliance from local civilian populations, thus protecting PLA forces from the impact of political ill-will.
Chapter 6
Reconnaissance and Security Actions
The People’s Liberation Army Army (PLAA) places a high priority on its
reconnaissance and security operations. These are integral to creating and sustaining
situational awareness, and they are seen as essential to developing an advantage over
one’s opponent. System warfare and the application of combat systems are
underpinned at all levels by extensive reconnaissance. PLAA maneuver units place a
high priority on mounted and dismounted reconnaissance: these units are seen as
prestigious, and their soldiers and leaders are highly regarded. Ground
reconnaissance remains the chief method by which tactical units gain intelligence on
their enemies, but air, space, and electronic reconnaissance are all integrated to
varying degrees, even at tactical echelons. PLAA security operations are linked to
ground reconnaissance. Their primary intent is to protect main-body formations, give
commanders information and decision space, and enable effective risk assessment.
The People’s Armed Police (PAP) also conduct combat and area security operations,
both domestically and in support of PLAA operations. In combat, the PLAA and PAP
likely cooperate and coordinate to ensure security throughout the combat area.
6-1. Recognizing the changes brought by the informationized battlefield, the PLAA invested substantial
time and resources in developing its reconnaissance capabilities. Throughout the Cold War, PLAA units
had only light mounted scouts and unreliable manned aircraft to conduct reconnaissance. Despite
experiences in the Korean War and the basic tenets of People’s War that underpinned the need for effective
reconnaissance operations, the PLAA approach during this era was generally to conduct a massive
reconnaissance effort using primitive methods and obsolete equipment. The post-reform PLAA, however,
places heavy emphasis on advanced reconnaissance methods: more-advanced surveillance platforms,
advanced techniques and better training, mechanization and motorization, and intelligence integration.
Modern PLAA reconnaissance doctrine is designed to support a sophisticated mechanized force and the
system warfare approach.
6-2. PLAA reconnaissance operations obtain information, develop situational understanding, support
decision making and actions, and protect key elements of combat power. Reconnaissance and security
operations are seen as continuous. Their most important role is providing early and accurate warning of
adversary or enemy actions and intent, information about enemy dispositions and mindset, and decision
space for commanders at all echelons. The PLAA puts a high priority on reconnaissance operations of all
types, considering a commander’s situational awareness to be a key factor in being able to detect and
exploit enemy weaknesses. Reconnaissance and security missions are typically interwoven with combined
arms mission tasks. Reconnaissance is considered an ongoing task that is conducted before, during, and
after operations. PLAA leaders match reconnaissance capabilities with missions, seeking to ensure that
reconnaissance efforts support coordinated intelligence collection efforts.
6-3. Reconnaissance and security missions are often linked. Reconnaissance can be seen as a proactive
task, seeking to develop situational understanding through action, while security is a reactive task, done
primarily to preclude enemy actions and enable effective transition to offensive operations. PLAA leaders
build reconnaissance intelligence systems to support each mission, task-organizing reconnaissance
capabilities that are coordinated with the requirements of the unit’s main effort. Dedicated security
missions may be assigned to assault groups, combat reserve groups, or defensive groups of all types. These
units are designated to screen and protect critical assets from enemy actions. Local security is the
responsibility of every unit at all times.
6-4. The PLAA recognizes four key fundamental principles when conducting reconnaissance at all
echelons: continuous, command-directed, performed through action, and agile. These principles are
described in paragraphs 6-5 through 6-8.
6-5. Reconnaissance is continuous. Though a reconnaissance mission may be in support of a specific
mission or objective, it must commence before and continue after its supported mission. Collection plans
and updated reconnaissance objectives ensure an uninterrupted flow of information to the commander,
enabling appropriate reactions to enemy activities and changes on the battlefield.
6-6. Reconnaissance is command directed. Reconnaissance efforts must be focused on those objectives
that support the unit’s mission. Reconnaissance forces must be given clear objectives, rules for engagement
and disengagement, and follow-on missions. Commanders must ensure that reconnaissance formations are
deployed to support established collection efforts.
6-8. Reconnaissance must be agile. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is universally struggling with a
transition from a strong top-down command approach toward a more decentralized methodology. In
previous generations, PLAA reconnaissance efforts—particularly patrols—were strictly controlled by
commanders, with patrolling elements expected to stick steadfastly to predetermined routes and observation
objectives. The reformed PLAA is placing great emphasis on a more flexible approach to patrolling,
allowing the patrol leader discretion in supporting the commander’s objectives.
Note. This publication presents PLA military theory largely as written and prescribed by the
PLAA. In most cases this represents a best practice as determined by PLA leadership. Real-
world practices of PLA units are largely opaque to outsiders, and they were generally not
included as part of the analysis underpinning this document. Moreover, the PLA has not
participated in an active conflict in nearly half a century, so real-world applications are minimal.
Available information on Chinese military training exercises and the few recent examples of
conflict seem to indicate that PLA practices—including those of the PLAA—conform closely to
its military theory.
6-14. Five principles guide PLAA intelligence collection efforts: mission-supporting, target-oriented,
well-planned, well-hidden, and selective. These principles are described in paragraphs 6-15 through 6-19.
6-15. Perhaps more than any other soldier, the reconnaissance soldier must understand the commander’s
mission and how the reconnaissance effort fits into it. This includes not only understanding the design of
the mission, but also its intent.
6-16. Intelligence efforts must focus on targets—those objects or activities that best inform commanders
and enable their decision-making process. Accuracy is inherent in this principle; inaccurate intelligence is
at best useless, or at worst, dangerous.
6-17. Reconnaissance operations must be well conceived and carefully thought out. This includes
identifying objectives, schemes of maneuver, and criteria for engagement, disengagement, and reporting.
Conducting reconnaissance without a proper plan results in inconsistent intelligence and compromises the
larger mission.
6-18. Intelligence operations are at the center of deception, and they are key in gaining an information
advantage over the opponent. Carefully guarding intelligence gains, while simultaneously denying or
deceiving the enemy’s collection efforts, is considered an effort of the highest priority. The intelligence
contest is viewed as zero-sum: allowing one’s opponent to gain information is detrimental to one’s own
intelligence operations.
6-19. Intelligence efforts must be prioritized; if everything is a focus, then nothing is a focus. Commanders
must make clear what their most important pieces of information are, then efforts to match collection assets
with targets must mirror this prioritization.
6-20. The PLAA reconnaissance and intelligence collection cycle follows four steps:
z Develop the reconnaissance plan.
z Deploy reconnaissance forces.
z Screen and integrate the information.
z Report.
The process is considered continuous, beginning again immediately upon completion.
6-24. As intelligence is processed, it must be quickly and accurately reported both up and down the chain
of command. Reports to higher echelons answer their intelligence requirements, while reports to lower
echelons enable prosecution of the commander’s intent. Traditionally, the PLAA was very slow to process
intelligence, as it was deemed necessary to compute both the tactical and political elements of new
information before acting on it. The reformed PLAA places great emphasis on rapid reaction to new data.
designed to surveil one or more reconnaissance objectives over a specified geographic area. The scout team
remains a key element of reconnaissance; trained scouts are present in all units down to the company level.
Scouts today are often mounted, allowing them to conduct patrols over wider areas. They also often have
direct communications back to their headquarters element, allowing for real-time updates to commanders.
Scout teams may also be augmented by UAS or electronic surveillance capabilities, and many scout teams
can operate small UASs without additional support.
6-29. The CA-BDE’s reconnaissance platoons, housed within the reconnaissance battalion, provide the
bulk of the brigade’s long-range reconnaissance patrol capability. The reconnaissance platoon is capable of
conducting independent patrols over several days, deploying numerous scout teams over a wide area to
perform reconnaissance and security tasks. These platoons operate small organic UA to enhance ground
surveillance operations. The reconnaissance platoon may have a direct communications link to the
CA-BDE’s artillery battalion in order to facilitate rapid artillery fire on time-sensitive targets or to facilitate
reconnaissance-by-fire operations. Reconnaissance units also conduct raids, a form of hit-and-run direct
action aimed at forcing a confrontation with enemy formations. Raids may be used to reveal enemy
positions, to seize enemy prisoners, or to disrupt enemy maneuver. Reconnaissance platoons are likely fully
motorized, with heavy CA-BDE reconnaissance platoons operating armored vehicles, such as
eight-by-eight light armored vehicles or infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), in a cavalry-type role.
Specialized cavalry fighting vehicles equipped with radars and other sophisticated sensors are being
fielded, but there are still of relatively few of them. Reconnaissance platoons work in concert with SOF
units, particularly those SOF units assigned to the SOF brigade of the group army. In most cases, the
reconnaissance battalion comprises the core of the CA-BDE’s reconnaissance intelligence system.
6-30. Each CA-BDE houses numerous UASs, with some in the reconnaissance battalion and some in the
artillery battalion. These units operate group two and possibly group three UA, enabling aerial surveillance
with a sophisticated suite of sensors in a maximum combat radius of roughly 80 km to 100 km. Sensor
options available include simple visual sensors, advanced electro-optical telescopic sensors, infrared
sensors, radars, and passive SIGINT sensors. Many PLAA UA are reconfigurable based on mission
requirements, allowing commanders to tailor sensor suites to support the collection plan. The
reconnaissance battalion’s UASs support the ground reconnaissance efforts of the battalion, and they may
be task-organized to support reconnaissance platoon operations, particularly long-range or long-endurance
patrols. The PLAA also employs UASs in decoy reconnaissance roles: deliberately flying UA in order to
entice high-value sensors and air defense shooters to engage and thus reveal their positions. UASs from the
CA-BDE’s artillery battalion conduct surveillance and targeting operations to support indirect fire. These
UASs are likely tied directly to the CA-BDE’s artillery systems and provide real-time sensor inputs to
enhance artillery targeting. They may also support the CA- BDE’s wider collection efforts, but they are
more likely employed in support of the brigade’s fire support plan, rather than the wider intelligence plan.
6-31. Each group army operates an aviation brigade, which in turn operates a significant number of scout
helicopters. Basic aerial reconnaissance has been a key capability of the PLAA for decades, but dedicated
scout helicopters are a relatively new addition. It is likely that aviation brigade assets will be task-organized
to subordinate CA-BDEs based on mission priority. In many cases, a CA-BDE may be assigned a section
of scout helicopters in order to support its collection plans. Scout helicopters are typically light utility
helicopters equipped with advanced sensors and limited weaponry, and they can provide direct air-ground
communications to CA-BDE leaders as they conduct reconnaissance patrols over wide geographic areas.
Scout helicopters may also communicate directly to attack aviation or artillery units, providing elevated
forward observation in support of firepower operations.
6-32. The CA-BDE employs limited technical reconnaissance capabilities. These include electronic
intelligence (ELINT) and SIGINT systems that support collection efforts through surveillance of the
electromagnetic spectrum. PLAA systems of this type were traditionally limited to simple radio direction-
finding equipment; ELINT and SIGINT operations were clearly less important than ground patrols. PLAA
reforms place much greater emphasis on ELINT and SIGINT, particularly in support of reconnaissance and
counterfire operations. PLAA tactical-level ELINT and SIGINT capabilities include radio direction finding,
network surveillance, radar detection, and fire finding. These capabilities are rare, and the doctrine and
training surrounding their deployment is immature. The systems fielded may vary widely in capability.
PLAA commanders also employ decoy systems, designed to spoof, jam, or deceive enemy collection
systems, as part of their intelligence operations. CA-BDEs will likely receive significant ELINT and
SIGINT intelligence support from group army collection efforts and regional military capabilities such as
dedicated ELINT and SIGINT surveillance aircraft.
6-33. SOF at the group army provide an enhanced long-range ground patrol capability that can be
employed either alongside or in addition to the operations of the reconnaissance battalion. Long-range
patrolling is considered a key competence for PLA SOF. Small SOF units are capable of conducting
days-long patrols both in direct support of CA-BDEs and in deep reconnaissance areas. Many SOF units
are equipped with long-range communications capabilities—including satellite communications—enabling
them to report back findings in near or actual real time. SOF also train extensively on direct action and
reconnaissance by fire. Larger SOF units engage both designated targets and targets of opportunity in order
to develop situational understanding through action. SOF units may be tied directly to long-range shooters,
including rocket artillery and ballistic missiles, and they can provide precise targeting data for high-value
targets in rear areas. These units conduct deep reconnaissance in enemy rear areas. Reconnaissance
methods may include passive surveillance, direct action, or covert action.
6-34. Joint and national assets may provide information to CA-BDE commanders and intelligence officers.
These assets include rare and highly capable ELINT and SIGINT platforms, satellite surveillance, cyber
intelligence, and political intelligence. The degree to which these collection assets are available to the
CA-BDE vary significantly. A CA-BDE, for instance, may receive direct support from a space-based asset
for a high-priority mission, but it may only passively access national-level intelligence data at other times.
National-level assets also contribute heavily to deception campaigns, providing disinformation and decoy
efforts that support tactical operations. Wide-area deception operations are considered a very high-priority
mission, but it is unclear how effectively they are coordinated with activities at tactical echelons. Other
joint assets include manned reconnaissance and strike aircraft operated by air divisions in support of theater
commands, national- level SOF, naval surface and subsurface vessels, and clandestine intelligence
operations—both domestic and abroad. Of note, the People’ Liberation Army Strategic Support Force
(PLASSF) is a unified national-level intelligence command, integrating all-source intelligence into a single,
easily accessible menu of options presented to lower echelon commanders.
6-36. Combat reconnaissance consists of those reconnaissance activities that involve direct action against
the enemy. These are implemented before or during a larger operation to inform the commander’s decision
making as the battle unfolds. Combat reconnaissance is the centerpiece of most PLAA reconnaissance
activities, and great emphasis is placed on winning the information battle during aggressive reconnaissance
activities. All combat reconnaissance techniques are designed to force the enemy to make a decision—
usually related to whether or not to engage—and in doing so, revealing its disposition, strength, or other
capabilities. Figure 6-1 on page 6-8 depicts a reconnaissance attack.
Reconnaissance Attack
6-37. A reconnaissance attack is a deliberate or hasty attack on an enemy position performed during a
reconnaissance mission. The reconnaissance attack differs from a raid in that it is not hit and run; it is a
reconnaissance-in-force that develops into a sustained attack. A commander’s orders may grant
subordinates the authority to decide, upon encountering an enemy force, whether to develop the situation to
gain intelligence and then withdraw, or to press the attack if enemy forces seem weak or otherwise
Reconnaissance by Fire
6-38. Reconnaissance by fire is the use of fire—typically indirect fire—to either reveal enemy defensive
positions or to encourage the enemy to reveal its artillery assets by counterfire. The reconnaissance by fire
usually involves delivering a large amount of indirect fire into a specific area believed to be occupied by
enemy forces, then observing the area to confirm or deny enemy presence as it reacts to being fired upon.
Reconnaissance by fire may also be used to encourage enemy batteries to react with counterfire, allowing
PLAA counterfire capabilities to effectively target them. It has the added effect of depleting enemy
ammunition or forcing the enemy to displace due to the counterfire threat.
6-39. A raid is a hit-and-run attack, usually performed as a probe to test or locate enemy defenses or
dispositions. Raids may also attempt to seize prisoners, either as a primary mission objective or as a target
of opportunity. Traditionally, the PLAA was heavily reliant on raids as part of the infiltration tactics it used
against strong conventional forces. It is likely that the focus on raids has receded somewhat as more
advanced reconnaissance platforms are fielded.
6-41. Search consists of those reconnaissance activities that are designed to assess the enemy, terrain, or
other battlefield features without deliberate or direct action against enemy forces. The PLAA historically
did not emphasize search missions—preferring direct action instead—but on the informationized
battlefield, search is recognized as a critical component of overall reconnaissance efforts. The PLAA
prescribes that search operations be energetic, active, and well-protected, as reconnaissance forces are
high-value targets that are highly susceptible to attack or ambush by a vigilant enemy.
Linear Search
6-42. A linear search is a form of tactical reconnaissance that focuses on a single route or lengthwise piece
of terrain and various features related to that route. Linear search can be thought of as analogous to route
reconnaissance in U.S. doctrine. Though any unit can conduct a linear search, for longer routes of sufficient
size and condition for CA-BDE use, a reconnaissance platoon is likely required. Intelligence questions that
a linear search can answer include condition of roadways, natural or manmade terrain features, presence of
enemy forces, and potential hazards along the route. Linear search is considered a key task in support of the
advance, the CA-BDE’s movement from rear areas to an attack position. The PLAA emphasizes rapid
movement and secrecy during approach marches, and high-quality reconnaissance of the route to be used is
a major enabler to that end. Linear search may be enhanced by imagery or terrain analysis, map
reconnaissance, and aerial surveillance, though scouts moving on the terrain in question are a necessary
component to a thorough linear search. Figure 6-2 on page 6-10 depicts a reconnaissance platoon
conducting a linear search prior to the movement of a CA-BDE along the specified route.
Area Search
6-43. Area search is a form of tactical reconnaissance intended to obtain information about a discrete
geographic area. This area is typically established by translating intelligence requirements into specific
areas on the ground that must be surveilled to confirm or deny intelligence questions. Area search takes
longer to plan and execute than other forms of tactical reconnaissance, but it provides detail over a wider
area and can answer more questions than other forms. Due to the extended timeline required, area search is
best used in support of deliberate operations, where adequate planning and time for execution can be
devoted to reconnaissance operations. Area search for the CA-BDE is typically conducted by the
reconnaissance battalion, with each reconnaissance troop given a specific area to reconnoiter. Active
reconnaissance is conducted by mounted and dismounted scouts supported by UAS, scout helicopters, or
electromagnetic sensors; passive reconnaissance is conducted by observer teams. Each subordinate
reconnaissance unit is given one or more intelligence questions to answer: examples include confirming or
denying enemy presence in a given area; assessing the condition of enemy defensive works, condition, or
morale; assessing the condition of key terrain; or finding advantageous routes of attack. Figure 6-3 depicts
a reconnaissance troop conducting an area search in support of future combined arms battalion (CA-BN)
operations in the area.
Target Search
6-44. Target search is a tactical reconnaissance method by which a reconnaissance element—likely a scout
team, forward observer, or scout vehicle—conducts surveillance on a specific target. This can be done to
ascertain information about the target or to deliver location data about it to long-range shooters or other
engagement elements. Target search is typically passive, as it is intended to feed information to other
battlefield systems, rather than to develop the situation through action. As such, it is often conducted from
concealment or from standoff ranges. UASs are a key contributor to target reconnaissance, particularly the
UAS company that is part of each artillery battalion. These units act in concert with artillery shooters to
create a reconnaissance-fires complex, a series of sensor-to-shooter linkages that facilitate rapid target
engagement even against over-the-horizon or otherwise concealed target types.
Electronic Search
6-45. Electronic search or digital search is a relatively new tactic that the PLAA recognizes as a distinct
form of reconnaissance, and it has operationalized into long-range or deep electronic reconnaissance.
Electronic search broadly refers to the use of collection assets to conduct reconnaissance on enemy signals,
networks, and network content, such as social media. This approach is broadly similar to that of Western
national-level cyber and intelligence units, the primary difference is that the PLAA intends to try and
provide lower echelon units, such as CA-BDEs and artillery brigades, with the means to conduct electronic
6-46. PLAA security operations protect a supported force with a designated level of early warning and
combat power. Security and reconnaissance operations complement one another, and together are the key
to gaining an information advantage over the opponent. Security tasks are conducted by all PLAA units,
but primary tactical security in support of CA-BDE operations is conducted largely by the reconnaissance
intelligence system.
6-47. PLAA security operations are in a state of transition. Traditionally, nearly all domestic security
functions were performed by the PAP, while the PLAA focused almost entirely on tactical security tasks
associated with major combat operations. Chinese observation of modern regional conflicts—such as those
in Iraq and Ukraine—revealed the importance of area security operations performed by conventional
military forces as part of securing wider regional objectives. This prompted the PLAA to expand the scope
of its security operations to include wide area security in support of stability tactical tasks and, in turn,
regional stability. It is unclear how the PLAA and PAP might work together in a wide area security mission
against a regional opponent.
6-48. The commander of the parent unit determines the priorities, engagement and disengagement criteria,
withdrawal criteria, and information-gathering priorities for the security force. The security force
commander develops a security plan informed by the intent of the higher-echelon commander. For tactical
units, the priority is typically on protection of the main force, followed by information gathering, then by
disruption of opponent activities. For units conducting wide area security operations not in direct support of
a parent unit, these priorities may shift based on the needs of the operation.
Defend Stubbornly
6-50. Like most security forces, PLAA security elements will likely face superior opponents as they
execute their missions. Commander’s guidance to security elements instructs them to fight fiercely even in
the face of superior numbers or firepower. This principle is intended to ensure three things: enemy forces
are adequately reconnoitered and assessed prior to their reaching their objective, enemy forces are disrupted
or demoralized prior to reaching their objective, and friendly commanders are given decision space in the
form of time and distance.
6-59. After meeting their prescribed requirements for delaying the enemy, inflicting casualties, or
disrupting enemy attacks, or when their position becomes untenable, security forces should retreat from
their security positions. Retreat should be orderly and should include both rear guard actions and
concealment actions to protect the main body. If possible, the retreating unit should sabotage any terrain
features that may be of use to the enemy. After retreat, the security unit should consolidate and rejoin the
combat action alongside the main body. If retreat is not possible, the security unit should conceal itself and
then conduct sabotage operations in the enemy’s rear areas.
Combat Security
6-61. Combat security missions are those activities that actively defend larger units, assets, or key terrain
from enemy activity. Missions inherent to combat security include counterreconnaissance and localized
defense. Both offensive and defensive missions include a combat security element. There are two primary
types of combat security missions: screen and cover.
6-62. The screen is deployed to provide early warning to the main body, to inform the intelligence cycle
through action, and to prevent or preclude enemy reconnaissance and intelligence operations. Screening
forces may also disrupt and delay the enemy, but they are not intended to become decisively engaged.
Counterreconnaissance is the most important mission of a screening unit. The primary targets are enemy
reconnaissance, collection, and surveillance assets. Following the reconnaissance and
counterreconnaissance operation, screening units typically conduct retrograde operations intended to give
the main body commander decision space and inform the commander about enemy intentions. Screens are
conducted during both offensive and defensive actions, and they may consist of either dedicated
reconnaissance/scout units or nonspecialized units. Screens may operate independently at long ranges from
their parent unit, or they may operate in close proximity. Screening units should be capable of conducting
independent operations.
6-63. Screens may consist of observation posts; mounted, dismounted, or aerial patrols; or both. The
distance from the screen to the main body varies based on unit size, terrain, and the commander’s intent. A
screen further away from the main body gives greater decision time and a longer period in which to assess
the nature of the threat, but it is more difficult to communicate with and sustain. At the CA-BDE, the
prescribed distance for a screen is between 5 km and 15 km, though this can vary significantly based on the
aforementioned factors. Screening forces typically enjoy a high priority of indirect fire assets, and
reconnaissance and surveillance sensors may have direct linkages to shooters to conduct rapid targeting.
Indirect fire is considered a critical enabler of retrograde operations, disrupting enemy actions and
preventing the screening force from being decisively engaged.
6-64. A screen is typically assigned to the flanks or rear of a main body. Screens can also be placed
forward, but this is not employed when the main body is maneuvering; instead, security is provided by
forward reconnaissance units as they conduct reconnaissance operations. Screen missions may be employed
to close gaps between units, to influence or deceive enemy commanders, or to support wide area security
operations. There are two primary types of screen mission: static and mobile. Figure 6-4 depicts a screen
6-65. Static screen missions are most commonly employed during defensive operations. A screening unit is
given a geographic area in which to operate, and it is oriented in a specific direction—usually facing away
from the main body and toward a potential enemy approach. The screen is given a forward and rear
boundary, engagement and disengagement criteria, supporting indirect fire, and reconnaissance objectives
in support of intelligence requirements. The screening unit then assesses terrain, forces available, and
commander’s intent in order to develop a plan to screen the assigned area. The unit integrates multiple
sensors, including organic sensors, assets from the force main body, and assets from higher echelon
headquarters, to collect and monitor conditions throughout its assigned geographic area. Maneuver forces
may also be task-organized with attack or reconnaissance aviation, UA or ground-based sensors, and
SIGINT to create an in-depth sensor network. The sensor network facilitates cueing, mixing, and
redundancy, providing enhanced sensor coverage throughout the security area. Aerial reconnaissance acts
as long-range early warning. Direct and indirect fires and attack aviation are deployed to develop
situational understanding through action, to disrupt enemy operations, and to attrit enemy forces. Engineers
provide mobility, countermobility, and protection enhancements to the screening unit; obstacles that disrupt
or delay an enemy in conjunction with indirect fire are a common approach. The screening unit is
responsible for sustainment and support throughout its assigned security zone.
6-66. Mobile screen missions are broadly similar to static screens, but they are conducted in support of a
main body as it maneuvers. Mobile screens are established using the same control measures as static
screens, with the main body commander establishing rough geographic boundaries that support anticipated
main-body maneuvers. Mobile screen operations are not typically conducted in front of a maneuvering
main body, only to the flanks and rear. The screening force may remain in continuous motion alongside its
supported main body, or it may conduct bounding movements with a sister unit.
6-67. Mobile screens are of critical importance in PLAA offensive doctrine. Secrecy in maneuvering is a
top priority, a goal that can only be achieved if enemy reconnaissance efforts are effectively neutralized.
Mobile screen operations are a key enabler of this goal. Mobile screens may be integrated with screening
units from a higher echelon, particularly if a group army is conducting maneuvers over a wide area. Mobile
screens may be used to deceive enemy commanders, serving as decoys or distractions to draw
reconnaissance efforts and combat power away from the main body.
6-68. A cover is a force that conducts independent reconnaissance and security operations in support of a
large main body or geographic area. A cover force is self-sufficient and contains significant combat power.
It must be capable of defeating enemy reconnaissance and security elements without augmentation or
reinforcement from a higher echelon. Covering forces may be employed during offensive or defensive
operations. A covering force is deployed to prevent reconnaissance and targeting of a main body through
aggressive counterreconnaissance and security actions. It does not need to be tied to a specific main body;
it may provide cover for an entire operation or be an operation in itself. The light CA-BDE is the most
well-suited formation to conduct a cover operation—though other units, such as a heavy CA-BDE, a
reconnaissance battalion, or an SOF brigade, can also effectively perform the cover mission. A cover force
is likely organized as an operational system centered around a CA-BDE, with subordinate groups built
around defense, fire support, antitank, and antiair missions.
6-69. The primary difference between a cover force and other reconnaissance and security forces is that a
cover force is self-sufficient, able to conduct the full range of combat operations independent of a parent
unit or main body. This gives a cover force far greater flexibility and combat power than other
reconnaissance and security forces. The cover force is capable of extended defensive or delaying actions,
and it can conduct its own transition and counterattack as required. The security zone established by a
cover force may be dozens of km from its supported force and may cover a very wide geographic area. The
cover force does not retreat or withdraw unless it is tactically necessary, and it does not allow enemy units
to bypass its position without resistance.
6-70. A cover force represents a greater allocation of resources than a screen. It requires extended logistics
and reconnaissance support over wide areas. Cover forces must usually be mobile, and they contain a high
proportion of antitank and counterreconnaissance weapons and systems designed to increase combat power
against enemy scouting and reconnaissance units. There are two forms of cover: offensive cover and
defensive cover. Figure 6-5 depicts a cover mission.
6-71. In support of offensive operations, a cover force may deploy on the flanks of an advance or to any
potentially vulnerable area of terrain. The objective of the cover force is to ensure that the main effort of
the attack does not suffer from enemy surveillance, direct attack, or indirect fire from the force’s assigned
security area. This is accomplished through the deployment of the force to impede enemy movement,
defeat or degrade enemy reconnaissance capabilities, and defeat enemy units that enter the security area. A
cover force may also deploy to the front of an advance, operating at an extended distance from the main
body. When operating in this capacity, the cover force aggressively seeks weaknesses in the enemy position
and exploits them as they appear, enabling follow-on operations into enemy rear areas.
6-72. Offensive cover units may have to rapidly displace to new security areas in order to properly cover a
maneuvering main body. If operating at a significant distance from the supported force, integrating
maneuver and reconnaissance operations with the main body is a challenge. Cover forces should generally
be considered independent and be allowed to conduct operations within prescribed geographic limits
without excessive input from higher echelons.
6-73. In support of defensive operations, a cover force protects a specific flank or geographic area from
enemy attack and surveillance. The cover force’s security zone extends across the full width of the
vulnerable area, and the cover force is responsible for reconnaissance, counterreconnaissance, and security
throughout. The cover force compels the enemy to reveal its disposition and intent, enabling an effective
counterattack and transition to offensive operations. It first looks to transition to offensive operations by
itself. If this is deemed impossible, then a counterattack force from the main body may be committed.
within its combat area, seeking to destroy or neutralize enemy reconnaissance assets while informing
friendly reconnaissance objectives. The guard force must be prepared to conduct a decisive engagement,
either to defend the main body from a superior force, or to counterattack and defeat a weaker opponent.
There are three types of guard missions: advance, flank, and rear. In a noncontiguous situation, advance,
rear, or flank guard forces may be deployed on cardinal directions or in a general orientation to an enemy.
6-75. Guard forces typically operate in closer proximity to the main body than screen forces. Guard forces
also typically operate over narrower frontages, allowing for greater concentration of firepower and better
command and communication. One of the key tasks of the guard mission is transition, the shift from
defensive operations to offensive operations. Depending on the strength of the opponent, the guard force
may transition to the offense and defeat the enemy on its own, or it may maintain contact with the enemy,
develop situational understanding, and enable reinforcements from the main body to transition rapidly into
an offensive posture. In either case, the key task of the guard is to seize and maintain tactical initiative,
giving the main body commander the ability to dictate actions and timeline. The guard force may conduct a
tactical withdrawal or lead, fix, or disrupt enemy formations to facilitate seizing the initiative.
6-76. Fire support to a guard force is similar to that of a screen. A guard force, however, typically has more
fire support for a given unit size, and it will also integrate observation and aerial surveillance to create a
reconnaissance-fire system that can rapidly engage targets with indirect fire. Engineers support the guard
force with mobility, countermobility, and protection capabilities. Other combat support and combat service
support units are task-organized to support guard operations throughout the security zone.
6-77. One of the primary emerging focuses of PLAA security operations is the development of air-ground
integration. Modernized aviation brigades are to provide enhanced rotary-wing support to guard formations
in security zones. Air support greatly expands the geographic area that the guard force can service, greatly
increases available firepower, and reduces reaction time. Similarly, PLAA units conducting guard
operations routinely employ air defense systems to neutralize or defeat enemy aviation assets operating in
the security zone. Effectively integrating the twinned capabilities of aviation and air defense in the security
zone is an area of tactical emphasis for the CA-BDE. Figure 6-6 on page 6-19 depicts a guard mission.
Advance Guard
6-78. An advance guard is a guard force that deploys ahead of a main body along the main axis of advance,
establishing the advance security zone. The advance guard has three primary missions: streamline
movement of the main body; conduct reconnaissance and counterreconnaissance in anticipation of the main
body’s primary mission; and engage the enemy if it appears along the main axis of advance. If the enemy is
engaged by the advance guard, the latter should maintain contact with the former, develop the situation
through action, and transition to offensive operations based on enemy strength and engagement and
disengagement criteria. The advance guard likely represents the largest proportion of combat power for the
CA-BDE’s reconnaissance intelligence system, and it works closely with the frontline attack group or
frontier defense group during periods of contact, engagement, and transition.
6-79. When functioning as part of an offensive group, the advance guard should maintain close contact
with reconnaissance forces operating to the front and flanks of the main body. These units inform the
advance guard about enemy dispositions and intent, enabling the advance guard commander to make rapid
and effective decisions about positioning and the allocation of fires and reconnaissance assets. The advance
guard commander remains in close contact with the main body commander in order to facilitate rapid
decision making and transition to the offense. Typical advance guard force tasks while on the offense
include deceiving the enemy about the main body’s intent and disposition; forcing the enemy to commit
reserves early; and targeting critical assets, such as command and communication nodes, fires systems, and
lines of communications.
6-80. When functioning as part of a defensive group, the advance guard should deploy along the enemy’s
most likely avenue of approach. The primary mission of the advance guard in this situation is to create a
disruption zone, with the objectives of slowing the opponent’s progress, developing intelligence through
reconnaissance by force, deceiving the enemy as to the main body’s disposition and intent, and forcing the
enemy to commit to one course of action. Once the guard force is in contact, it defends, delays, and disrupts
in support of the main body force. Tactical offensive actions, such as ambushes, raids, or limited
counterattacks, may be employed while part of a defensive group in order to facilitate the transition to
offensive operations.
Flank Guard
6-81. The flank guard protects the flank of the main body, establishing the flank security zone. Flanks are
broadly defined as the areas parallel to the axis of the main body’s direction of travel or, while stationary,
areas not along the expected enemy main avenue of approach. A flank guard will generally have more
geographic territory to cover than an advance guard, and it will do so with fewer forces. Thus, flank guards
must have enhanced wide area reconnaissance capabilities and mobility, but they will likely have less
overall combat power as compared to advance guards. The flank guard should stand off at sufficient
distance to give the main body commander adequate decision space in the event of a flank threat, but it
must maintain constant contact with the main body at all times.
6-82. Flank guards that are part of offensive groups move along with the main body, maintaining
continuous surveillance of their assigned geographic areas while simultaneously conducting
counterreconnaissance and security operations. If contact is made, the flank guard maintains contact while
defending the main body from enemy offensive operations; this defense buys decision time for the main
body commander to react. Maneuvering the flank guard as part of offensive operations is challenging.
Bounding or continuous march are the two primary methods of maneuvering the flank guard. Bounding
involves one unit passing another in sequence to maintain contiguous security across the flank, while
continuous march involves moving constantly along with the main body. Movement of the flank guard
should be carefully integrated with both the main body and outlying reconnaissance elements to maintain a
constant flow of intelligence information and to prevent fratricide.
6-83. As part of a defensive group, flank guards establish a flank security zone and conduct reconnaissance
throughout their assigned geographic areas. A flank guard may employ battle positions, observation posts,
and ambushes enabled by a comprehensive reconnaissance and surveillance effort. The flank guard ensures
that its assigned flank is protected against enemy intrusion, and it is responsible for conducting
counterreconnaissance in its assigned area. Deployments maximize weapon ranges. Extended-range
engagements are designed to delay the enemy and prolong the decision cycle for the main body
commander. If engaged, the flank guard conducts retrograde operations, coupled with limited spoiling
attacks, in order to disrupt the enemy attack and enable transition to offensive operations.
Rear Guard
6-84. The rear guard protects the rear of the main force. This includes traditional guard tasks, such as
reconnaissance, counterreconnaissance, and screening, and it may also include supporting rear area
operations, such as sustainment and engineer efforts. The traditional rear guard is most likely to be used
during offensive operations. However, in the event that the main body must withdraw or retire, the rear
guard may be called upon to conduct a delaying or screening action to enable the maneuver. The rear guard
has responsibility for maintaining the main body’s lines of communications to higher echelon headquarters
and supporting security units in rear areas.
6-86. Patrol missions, discussed in paragraph 6-28, are movements designed to facilitate surveillance of a
given geographic area through the use of small, mobile scouting teams. For a main body at the halt, patrols
should conduct wide-ranging assessments of the surrounding terrain, then maintain a reconnaissance
presence ahead of the security zone. These patrols should locate and fix potential enemy activity targeting
the main body, allowing the commander decision space to commit security or defensive group forces. In
general, patrols are not to take direct action against enemy forces and should instead rely on cover,
concealment, and deception to break contact. However, if a patrol encounters an enemy patrol of similar
size and strength, the patrol should either destroy or force the withdrawal of the enemy unit in support of
the wider counterreconnaissance mission.
6-87. Sentry missions are security missions that employ small, static units carefully positioned in and
around the security zone in order to provide advanced warning of enemy activity; reconnaissance and
counterreconnaissance support; and, if necessary, early engagement of enemy forces. Sentry missions are
similar to patrols, except that they remain in place or move comparatively little. Sentry missions are
conducted by observer teams, which should be carefully concealed while occupying positions of tactical
advantage. Observer teams should have direct communications links to their supported headquarters.
Garrison Security
6-88. Garrison security operations are those security operations that take place behind frontline units.
These missions differ from security while bivouacking missions in that they take place in more permanent
areas: in and around supply depots, assembly areas, air and sea transport facilities, and in civilian areas.
This security mission should not contact enemy frontline units, and so it focuses heavily on defeating
small-scale enemy penetrations, civilian disruption in rear areas, and air intrusions. The PLAA recognizes
the importance of wide area security as part of its transition to an informationized force, and it is
developing capabilities that enhance this mission. In many cases, the PAP will play an important role in
garrison security operations, freeing up PLAA resources for more-demanding missions.
Area Security
6-89. Area security is conducted to protect friendly forces and critical assets across a specified geographic
area. Area security can be assigned to a unit of any size or composition, but it is best performed by mobile
units that can effectively operate while dispersed. Though security is critical to operations of all types,
generally speaking, area security missions are tied closely to stability operations, which are discussed in
chapter 9.
6-90. Area security differs from other security missions in that it is oriented around security objectives,
rather than around a unit, route, or geographic region. Security objectives are those high-value assets in the
security zone that the commander deems most critical. Area security operations orient around these
objectives. When conducting area security, a unit performs many of the tasks associated with screen, guard,
and cover missions. These include—but are not limited to—area reconnaissance, fires integration,
air-ground integration, route reconnaissance, observation posts, and security checkpoints. Observation
posts and security checkpoints are established to control traffic and canalize potential threats. A mobile
reaction force, likely a depth attack group or depth defense group, remains on call to rapidly deploy and
defeat enemy forces. The same basic security principles for all PLAA forces are applied to checkpoints in
an area security operation. Figure 6-8 depicts area security.
6-91. Area security nearly always involves a perimeter, a boundary around the security zone that represents
the limit of the area security operation. The unit assigned to the area security mission is responsible for
creating and maintaining the perimeter. The perimeter may focus either on keeping enemy forces out of the
security area or on keeping persons of interest within, for example, a cordon around a separate operation.
Unlike other security operations, area security may require a strong visible presence. Instead of seeking to
conceal friendly forces and deceive an enemy, a unit conducting area security may choose instead to
prominently display its combat power to dissuade or deter enemy actions within the perimeter.
6-92. Area security is likely to be a peacetime or transition task, and it is actively conducted within
Chinese borders. This requires integration with PAP and local police forces, as both of these organizations
may have roles in maintaining security in a given geographic area. PLAA involvement in domestic security
matters is typically limited, but the potential for an expanded role following ongoing reforms seems
Route Security
6-93. Route security is a security mission performed along a specific route. The main objective of route
security is to ensure that units using the route can move rapidly and safely from point to point along its
length. Route security operations are terrain oriented and defensive in nature. They typically involve
clearing of enemy presence, maintaining a constant patrol presence, ensuring that the route remains
trafficable, and conducting limited offensive operations to stand off enemy actions. Figure 6-9 depicts route
6-94. Route security also typically involves escort, particularly of vulnerable targets such as convoys or
command vehicles. Units assigned a route security mission may conduct escort missions as part of route
security, or they may enable other units to conduct them. Escort missions are performed in much the same
way as any other tactical movement. The route is reconnoitered, cleared of potential obstacles, then screen
or guard forces stand-off enemy units at sufficient distance that the latter cannot target the assets moving
along the route.
Chinese forces consider tactical offensive actions to be the decisive form of land
operations. The active defense strategy relies on effective and credible tactical
offensive actions as the basic contribution of ground forces. Tactical offensive actions
destroy an opponent’s will to fight through a combination of firepower, maneuver,
deception, and information warfare. This chapter outlines the People’s Liberation
Army Army’s (PLAA’s) methodology for planning, preparing, and executing tactical
offensive actions.
planners must ensure that PLA forces can strike through all domains in a synchronized, intelligent manner,
to effectively isolate enemy units and defeat advanced enemy systems.
7-12. All PLAA offensive operations seek one essential characteristic: concentration of overwhelming
combat power against the enemy at key times and locations. This is a basic and timeless principle,
descended from Sun Tzu and Mao, and modified to fit the informationized battlefield. Concentration
historically involved maneuver forces and possibly artillery conducting a coordinated action with vast local
numerical superiority. Today, however, concentration requires the integration of numerous capabilities
across all domains, carefully synchronized and decisively employed. The PLAA now characterizes
concentration as an exercise in quality rather than quantity. Instead of focusing on gaining numerical
superiority, the command should focus on getting the correct capabilities to achieve the desired effects at
the right time and place. Similarly, concentrated forces are seen as potentially vulnerable to enemy
counteractions, and they should be carefully guarded by security efforts and counterreconnaissance until
their mission is complete. Once complete, forces should either rapidly disperse or swiftly move on to the
next target.
7-13. The principle of perspective demands two different but interrelated characteristics from PLAA
leaders. First, they must be aware of their higher-echelon mission and shape their own decisions based on
the objective of their higher echelon. Second, they should seek to know their own strengths, along with
enemy weaknesses, to maximize the effectiveness of offensive operations. Offensive objectives should be
carefully chosen and offensive capabilities carefully synchronized to create the best possible environment
for paralyzing, dismembering, and collapsing the enemy’s systems. Once these systems have been defeated,
enemy units can be defeated in detail.
7-14. PLAA doctrine at all echelons places great emphasis on attacks in depth. Depth can refer to the
physical—for instance, operating deep behind enemy defenses; the virtual—utilizing offensive cyber or
EW capabilities; or the psychological—getting into the enemy’s decision cycle, preempting its actions, or
breaking its morale. The primary objective of attacks in depth is to isolate enemy formations physically,
psychologically, or temporally. Conceptually, the principle of depth is closely related to the ancient axiom
of divide and conquer. Enemy units are isolated through envelopment or penetration, weakened, and then
annihilated in detail. Attacks in depth keep the enemy off balance, forcing it to fight in numerous locations
and preventing it from effectively concentrating forces for an effective counterattack. Depth attacks should
be conducted jointly, using all services to create a combined arms effect across the breadth and depth of the
enemy formation. The end state is a series of isolated and besieged enemy units and strongholds that can
then be annihilated or reduced in detail.
7-15. The PLAA considers the informationized battlefield to be incredibly complex, fast moving, and
intense. Proactive cooperation between different organizations is a key enabler of offensive actions on the
modern battlefield. The PLAA identifies three different components of effective coordination: First, plans
should include both a primary plan and numerous backup plans, covering a variety of possible
contingencies, and outlining cooperation efforts between different units in each contingency. Second, any
changes that take place as situations evolve should be carefully coordinated with adjacent and other
concerned units. Third, efforts should be coordinated across the force as a whole, with every subordinate
unit conducting operations that support the main effort and commander’s intent.
7-16. Adaptability is not a traditional strength of the PLA, but ongoing reforms are trying to change this
dynamic in order to better fit the informationized battlefield. Interestingly, while there is an emphasis on
growing independence in commanders and a decentralized command approach, the principle of adaptation
calls for extensive contingency planning and a scientific approach to unexpected occurrences. Adaptation
also emphasizes mobility as a key capability; reaction speed of troops is a major enabler of an adaptive
force. Adaptability calls for flexible use of tactics and techniques, and it demands that commanders quickly
respond to changing situations on the battlefield with new and creative approaches to the employment of
7-17. The PLAA places a high premium on bravery and aggression in ground actions of all types. Only
through audacious and aggressive action will the initiative be gained, and only by gaining and maintaining
the initiative can the enemy be annihilated. Though lethality of weapons systems and the complexity of the
modern battlefield have changed, the fundamental principle of rapidly closing with the enemy, then
aggressively attacking weak points of its formation, remains the basic approach to PLAA offensive tactical
actions. The PLAA believes that bravery from its leaders and soldiers leads to decisive engagements, which
in turn shorten the length of battles. Bravery in the attack—particularly in the initial assault—helps to take
full advantage of the very small windows of opportunity available on the informationized battlefield. One
of the most important roles of the political officer is building and maintaining a culture of bravery down to
the lowest echelons of the PLAA.
7-18. The principle of focus has two subordinate concepts. First, it instructs leaders to carefully prioritize
their efforts, concentrating their operations against only the most important targets. The PLAA believes that
one who prioritizes everything, prioritizes nothing. Second, it demands that commanders properly resource
their subordinate units in accordance with the tasks asked of them. Commanders must make their priorities
clear to both subordinates and superiors in order to ensure effective prioritization. Subordinates, if given
adequate focus by their leaders, are better able to act properly in the absence of direct orders or in other
ambiguous situations.
7-20. PLAA offensive operations are objective-based: the higher echelon commander designates an
objective and specifies a force charged with accomplishing it. People’s War principles dictate that
objectives should typically be enemy formations, though key terrain or other valuable assets may also be
considered. The attacking force identifies key features in the defense and terrain including disposition of
enemy forces, weak points and points of strength, locations of reserves and fire support, and key terrain
features. The offensive action is then designed to rapidly confuse and isolate the enemy, swiftly reducing
its morale and enabling freedom of action for PLAA commanders. Through a combination of careful
planning, effective deception, rapid movement, and application of decisive combat power at key times and
locations, the enemy comes to believe its position to be untenable and either withdraws or faces
annihilation. Once the enemy force is in retreat, reserve forces maintain contact and pursue the enemy
while additional forces secure the area and prepare for follow-on operations.
Deep Area
7-23. The deep area is the territory past which a unit’s organic sensors and weapons can operate. For a
CA-BDE, this typically means the area past which its rocket artillery and targeting support can operate. The
fight in the deep area usually consists of independent special operations forces (SOF) or scout units
supported by manned or unmanned aircraft (UA), possibly augmented by supporting fires from long-range
shooters assigned to support the offensive action. Reconnaissance, counterreconnaissance, fire, counterfire,
screening, and blocking all take place in deep areas. The purpose of deep-area operations is to provide early
reconnaissance, target long-range preparatory fires, and carefully assess enemy strength and disposition in
preparation for an offensive action.
Frontline Zone
7-24. The frontline zone contains the territory in which the main offensive action is to occur. Early
objectives, along with the enemy’s main defensive line, are typically located in the frontline zone. The
frontline attack group is the primary occupant of this zone, and the depth group may also occupy the area,
depending on terrain and enemy disposition. The advance command post, if present, is usually forward in
the zone, and the base command post is typically located either rearward in this zone or in the zone
immediately behind it. The entire frontline zone should be within the range of the offensive group’s organic
fire support. The frontline zone typically contains a security zone on its forward edge, where security,
reconnaissance, and counterreconnaissance activities take place. The primary battle takes place in the
frontline zone, with the intent of breaching the enemy’s main defensive line and enabling the depth and
thrust maneuver groups to move into enemy rear areas.
Reserve Zone
7-25. The reserve zone lies just to the rear of the frontline zone and typically houses the depth attack
group, thrust maneuvering group, reserve group, command groups, firepower groups, and forward logistics
bases. The reserve zone also usually contains a defensive line intended to resist enemy counterattacks into
rear areas, and serves as the anchor for the offensive action. The reserve command post, if present, is
typically located in this zone, as is the rear command post.
Garrison Zone
7-26. Rear areas not actively occupied by the offensive group make up the garrison zone. Augmentations
and reinforcements may reside in this zone, or it may serve as an assembly area for another offensive group
preparing to conduct follow-on operations. Supporting capabilities such as logistics, EW, and long-range
artillery reside here. Garrison zones typically contain one or more security zones that surround key
positions such as bases, supply routes, or command posts. The People’s Armed Police (PAP) may take on
much of the security load in garrison zones in order to free up PLAA forces for more-intense duties.
7-28. The advance, also called the moving-in, is the initial phase of an offensive operation. This
traditionally referred to the movement of a main body from a staging or assembly area to the initial point of
attack. For a modern force, this understanding has expanded to include the full breadth of activities that
occur between the time the mission is received until initial contact is made. These activities include, but are
not limited to—
z Security throughout the combat area, including assembly areas, staging areas, axes of advance,
and flank areas.
z Reconnaissance operations focusing primarily on the objective: assessing the enemy force and
probing for possible weak points or vulnerabilities.
z Counterreconnaissance operations attempting to deny the enemy key information about PLAA
forces’ dispositions and objectives.
z Deception operations designed to mislead and confuse the enemy, conceal friendly movements,
fix enemy formations, and manipulate the enemy’s mindset.
z Artillery groups delivering preparatory fires, reconnaissance by fire, and counterfire.
z Air defense groups seeking to deter air attack against the main body and to deny aerial
reconnaissance to the enemy.
z Engineer groups conducting both mobility and countermobility operations along enemy and
friendly axes of advance.
z Protection operations seeking to maintain the force, especially during periods of vulnerability to
air or artillery attack.
z EW activities seeking to degrade or neutralize enemy sensors and communications, while
protecting friendly network systems and emitters.
7-29. The advance begins upon receipt of an order. Reconnaissance groups are rapidly deployed in order to
determine possible routes of advance, enemy strength and disposition, and key terrain features. The
commander develops an initial scheme of maneuver that outlines objectives, establishes a basic concept,
and enables subordinate units to establish contact and rapidly close with enemy defenses. Concealment of
movement and deception operations are of paramount importance during the advance phase. It is at this
time that the commander can most influence enemy actions, dispositions, and mindset. As the main body
moves to the point of contact, supporting capabilities conduct concurrent missions, including preparatory
fire support, counterfire, information warfare activities, and mobility and countermobility activities.
Commanders continuously assess enemy positions to decide upon a final course of action while attempting
to manipulate the enemy’s mindset and conceal their own intentions. As reconnaissance groups develop the
situation, the commander decides upon a final course of action.
7-30. Security during the advance is also of the utmost importance. Deception operations can only be
successful if enemy reconnaissance operations are neutralized, spoofed, or defeated by friendly
counterreconnaissance. Security elements ensure that main-body movement is unhindered by enemy attack,
countermobility efforts, or deception activities. Air defense and protection operations ensure that the main
body is not attritted by enemy air attack and artillery during staging or movement.
7-31. The advance phase ends when the main body makes contact with the enemy and the commander
initiates actions on contact. Figure 7-2 depicts a PLAA CA-BDE advancing for an attack on an enemy
7-32. The unfold phase consists of actions designed to set conditions for annihilation that occur upon initial
contact by the main body with enemy defenses. Subordinate units conduct rapid movement in accordance
with the commander’s scheme of maneuver, seeking to position themselves appropriately for the decisive
phases of the operation. Following initial contact, units maintain contact with the enemy and continue to
develop situational understanding. Key intelligence requirements not yet answered by reconnaissance
groups are resolved by main-body actions. During initial contact, the commander attempts to conceal the
direction, strength, and objective of the main effort through deception, information warfare activities,
feints, and demonstrations. Other activities during the unfold phase include, but are not limited to—
z Security operations, particularly to the flanks and rear, to protect the main body from spoiling
attacks or counterattacks.
z Reconnaissance operations moving deeper into enemy areas.
z Counterreconnaissance operations that defeat enemy attempts to identify the main effort and
objectives while reinforcing deception efforts through feints and demonstrations.
z Deception operations attempting to fool the enemy commander about the time and place of the
main effort; the size, strength, and disposition of friendly forces; and the size and proximity of
reinforcements for both sides.
z Artillery groups shifting fire support focus to counterfire, obstacle reduction, and disruption
efforts in deep areas.
z Air defense groups deterring or defeating aerial attack and surveillance throughout the area, with
an emphasis on the main body and main effort.
z Engineer groups shifting focus to obstacle reduction and maintaining friendly mobility.
z EW focusing on jamming or spoofing enemy communications to impede rapid response to the
7-33. The primary objective of the unfold phase is to ensure that the objective is isolated and contending
with numerous dangers, preferably from multiple directions. The enemy commander should be confused
and enemy forces disrupted. The enemy, however, should not yet know either the direction or strength of
the main effort. The entire unfold phase should be orderly and well planned in order to ensure concealment
and correct positioning of friendly units. Movement should be rapid, but not so fast that confusion sets in or
concealment is broken. The best practice of the unfold phase is to encircle the enemy. Encirclement refers
to the complete isolation of the enemy force through a combination of friendly ground unit actions,
firepower, deception, psychological warfare, and EW. Encirclement does not necessarily imply that an
enemy is actually physically surrounded. A combination of lethal and nonlethal capabilities may be
sufficient to cause the enemy to believe itself encircled. For example, a well-timed artillery raid may cause
the enemy to believe that a route is cut off or unavailable, without requiring the commitment of additional
PLAA ground forces. Similarly, disinformation passed over communications channels may deceive the
enemy into believing it does not have access to a particular route or terrain, without requiring friendly
forces to physically occupy the area in question.
7-34. The unfold phase ends when the initiate phase begins with the commencement of the main effort.
Figure 7-3 depicts a PLAA CA-BDE conducting the unfold phase in preparation for an attack on an enemy
7-35. The initiate phase commences when the main effort begins its assault against the objective. This
phase often begins with a massive assault by fire, wherein fire support groups target enemy command
nodes, critical systems, mobile reinforcements, and other high-value targets. Supporting efforts continue to
develop the situation. Units charged with fixing enemy units continue to prevent them from reinforcing the
main objective, while counterreinforcement groups preclude the commitment of enemy reserves. The main
effort is typically the primary assault upon the enemy’s center of gravity: that thing—be it a headquarters, a
unit, or a piece of terrain—that is most essential to the enemy’s morale and mindset. Ideally, the enemy will
either withdraw, collapse, or be routed once the center of gravity is seized or destroyed. Other activities
during the initiate phase include, but are not limited to—
z Security operations continuing with the primary objective of protecting the main body from
spoiling attacks or counterattacks.
z Reconnaissance operations focusing on intelligence objectives that support the main effort.
z Counterreconnaissance operations continuing to spoil enemy efforts to discover the composition,
axis, and objectives of the main effort.
z Deception operations continuing to fool the enemy commander about the time and place of the
main effort; the size, strength, and disposition of friendly forces; and the size and proximity of
reinforcements for both sides.
z Artillery groups conducting a firepower assault, delivering massed fire support to the main
effort, targeting defending enemy units, interdicting movement of reinforcements, and
destroying or suppressing command and communication nodes.
7-36. Attacks are launched from multiple directions simultaneously, forcing the enemy commander to
make decisions about force deployment. If possible, the enemy commander’s decision cycle is
interrupted—or, better yet, influenced—so that reinforcements or other maneuvers do not concentrate in
opposition to the main effort. The main effort employs substantial force concentration to achieve local
firepower and numeral superiority over the enemy, allowing the former to defeat the latter’s forces in detail
and maintain the initiative. Fire support is weighted heavily in support of the main effort’s assault.
7-37. The main effort targets one or more primary objectives as a part of the assault on the enemy’s center
of gravity. These may include enemy command posts, assembly areas, reserve forces, artillery units, or
network nodes. The main effort should seek weak points in the enemy’s defense, then move rapidly to
penetrate them. Follow-on forces help to secure the main effort, fix or deceive remaining enemy forces, and
preclude enemy reinforcement. Groups—possibly airborne, air assault, SOF, or militia—located to the
flanks and rear of the enemy secure key terrain to prevent outside reinforcement of the enemy formation
while encircling the objective. Supporting groups ensure that enemy counterattacks—particularly
counterencirclement—are spoiled, disrupted, neutralized, or defeated before they can affect the main effort.
7-38. The initiate phase is complete once the enemy center of gravity has been seized by the main effort.
Figure 7-4 depicts a PLAA CA-BDE commencing the initiate phase against an enemy position.
7-39. The annihilate phase commences after the enemy is confused and demoralized following the seizure
or fall of its center of gravity. Enemy units should be isolated, with communications to their higher
echelons disrupted and routes for reinforcement either cut off or unusable. The enemy is encircled, either
physically or psychologically, and mutual support between enemy units is no longer possible. Decisive
attacks are conducted throughout the combat area, seeking to destroy isolated enemy units before retreat
and a prepared defense are possible. Fire support is used aggressively in brief but violent volleys in order to
suppress and demoralize enemy units prior to assaults. Special focus is given to ensuring that the enemy
cannot break out of the annihilation zone. Security and countermobility efforts slow or stop movement
before enemy units can escape.
7-40. Once the enemy recognizes that one of its units is facing annihilation, a strong response is likely
inevitable. Enemy air and artillery units will attempt to target friendly formations to suppress or disrupt
friendly attacks. Antiair and artillery groups must be prepared to conduct counterair and counterfire
operations in response. Other enemy ground formations will attempt to reinforce their besieged units
Friendly security forces must defend stubbornly and disrupt, slow, or defeat these attempts until the
objective force has been annihilated.
7-41. The annihilate phase is concluded once the objective force has been destroyed, routed, or has
surrendered. Figure 7-5 depicts a PLAA CA-BDE annihilating an enemy position.
Continuing Operations
7-42. Continuing operations commence immediately when it is clear that the objective force has been
destroyed, routed, or has surrendered. The remainder of the enemy force loses cohesion in the face of
decisive attacks throughout the combat area, and widespread withdrawal or retreat follows. The main focus
during this phase of the operation is pursuit of these fleeing enemies. High-tempo operations continue to
maintain contact with these enemy forces during their retrograde, defeating rear-guard security actions and
preventing the enemy from consolidating to form a coherent defense. Counterreinforcement groups
continue to defeat enemy attempts to reinforce the area by either defeating enemy forces, spoiling enemy
attacks, or conducting countermobility operations. Pursuit actions are discussed in detail in paragraphs 7-93
through 7-96.
7-43. When continuing operations commence, the commander begins assessing follow-on opportunities.
For example, if defeating the enemy unit created a breach in the enemy’s main defensive line, an
opportunity for envelopment or penetration may be present. Similarly, the enemy unit’s defeat may create
an opportunity for a Public Opinion Warfare offensive, highlighting the success of the operation. Units may
begin transition from combat postures to movement postures in accordance with the scheme of maneuver.
The decision to do so is a key decision point. If a unit redeploys into march order too soon, it may be
vulnerable to enemy counterattack. If it waits too long, opportunities for penetration or envelopment may
be lost.
7-44. The PLAA unit must also consolidate. Consolidation consists of three primary activities: perform
security activities, reorganize and reconstitute friendly units, and conduct passage of lines. Security
activities consist of securing the combat area against enemy reconnaissance and counterattack and ensuring
that friendly forces entering the area are not subject to threat from bypassed enemy elements or irregular
forces. Reorganization and reconstitution are those activities that enable the unit to conduct follow-on
operations: resupply, replacement of lost or damaged equipment, casualty processing, and receipt of
reinforcements. Passage of lines takes place when one unit passes through another’s combat area, typically
with the intent to resume offensive operations against the enemy. Passage of lines can be a complex task,
and it is enabled by effective control measures, communications, and planning.
Note. Chinese military theory suggests no attack be made with fewer than two axes of advance
against a single point.
7-52. A unit conducting this type of attack is particularly vulnerable to enemy counterattack. The unit
likely did not have the time or resources to deploy a comprehensive security element, and it may be
deployed in a vulnerable or disorganized fashion due to the rapid push through the unfold phase of the
attack. Friendly commanders must be prepared to react to a well-timed enemy counterattack, either through
fire support, information warfare, or direct action by ground or air forces. Developing and maintaining
security following the attack is a critical component of the continuing operations phase.
7-53. Successful attacks against unprepared opponents require a significant degree of autonomy by the
attacking units. The small time window for success and the lack of careful preparation often preclude
careful coordination with higher echelons. Enabling this level of autonomy is a significant focus area for
the PLAA. Historically, it was rare for units above the battalion echelon to conduct any such actions.
Modern PLAA CA-BDE and CA-BNs are expected to be able to conduct quick attacks with only limited
coordination and support from their group army.
fundamentally slower and more deliberate than other operations for both sides, Surprise and deception are
even more important, as actions take longer and attacking units are more vulnerable.
7-60. Fighting in urban areas is also characterized by increased complexity, particularly of terrain.
High-rise buildings are areas of special focus. If a large building must be taken, it should be carefully
cordoned, isolated, and then aggressively stormed by specially trained troops. Underground facilities are
defeated in a similar manner. The employment of specialized troops to deal with these difficult targets is a
critical enabler of urban offensive operations.
7-61. Complex urban terrain also changes the nature of the enemy’s counterattack. Buildings and other
hardened pieces of terrain make concealed movement simpler for the enemy’s counterattack force, but they
also enable and enhance ambush operations. PLAA commanders should seek to defeat or demoralize
enemy counterattack forces through ambushes that use the urban terrain. Security units should defend
stubbornly and protect the main body as it deliberately and thoroughly defeats any lingering enemy units
within the combat area. In addition, urban terrain enhances the use of countermobility capabilities,
particularly in tight, canalized areas. Commanders should liberally employ countermobility systems in
careful concert with ambush and security operations. Figure 7-9 on page 7-22 depicts a PLAA CA-BN
conducting an urban offensive operation.
7-62. Airborne operations are offensive operations using fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft to move friendly
troops into enemy territory. Following airborne insertion, units conduct otherwise typical maneuver
warfare. Airborne operations are one of the most important elements of the multidimensional penetration,
the use of all domains and dimensions to create multiple dilemmas for the enemy. Currently there are
relatively few PLAA airborne transportation assets, and airborne units are considered high-value assets.
They are prescribed to target the highest-value enemy assets within their operating area: the flanks and rear
of the enemy main body, airfields, artillery, air defense systems, or key routes for enemy reinforcements.
7-63. Airborne operations are broadly similar to amphibious operations, though they are conducted on a
smaller scale. After careful but rapid reconnaissance and a firepower attack, an assault team attacks and
seizes the landing area, annihilating enemy forces in the vicinity and creating a secure base from which
follow-on operations can be launched. Additional forces are airlifted to the secure base, and they conduct
aggressive offensive operations against key targets in their areas of operations. Security operations are
ongoing, seeking to spoil or defeat enemy counterattacks.
7-64. Airborne forces may be relieved in place by ground forces, or they may be exfiltrated by air. Both
processes are challenging. Relief in place requires careful coordination between friendly units to avoid both
friendly fire and excessive vulnerability to enemy attack, while air exfiltration must be conducted rapidly
and efficiently to minimize the risk to friendly aircraft.
7-66. The PLAA employs several different offensive tactics: envelopment, penetration, pursuit, firepower,
ambush, and raid. Use of these tactics is informed by the principles discussed earlier in this chapter. Each
tactic may be employed by virtually any echelon, but the figures in this chapter show employment at the
CA-BDE level against a notional enemy. Tactics may be used independently, sequentially, or
simultaneously. Figures in this section depict genericized units conducting simplified variants of the tactics
7-67. Two primary envelopment methods are used by the PLAA: simple envelopment and complex
envelopment—both of which occur on enemy flanks. These methods are described in paragraphs 7-68
through 7-75.
Complex Envelopment
7-68. A complex envelopment is an offensive tactic wherein an assault occurs against multiple flanks of
the enemy. The complex envelopment has long been a mainstay of Chinese maneuver tactics, employed
regularly by Chinese generals throughout the various wars of Imperial China. More recently, it was used
regularly—and with good effect—by Communist Chinese forces in both the Chinese Civil War and the
Korean War, most famously at the 1946 Battle of Guanzhong and the 1951 Battle of the Soyang River. A
successful complex envelopment creates multiple dilemmas for the enemy commander, enables effective
isolation of enemy units, and enables concentrated forces to defeat enemy strongpoints in detail. For a
contemporary maneuver unit, a complex envelopment requires advanced coordination of multiple
maneuvers along with effective integration of fires, information warfare, and mobility and countermobility
7-69. The definition of flank traditionally refers to the right or left side of a ground formation. The PLAA
recognizes two distinct types of complex envelopment: the flank envelopment, wherein attacks target the
enemy flanks, and the separating envelopment, wherein attacks target enemy positions of weakness in
depth. The PLAA’s multi-domain approach to fighting recognizes that “flanks” can exist not only on the
sides of an enemy formation, but in the air, below ground, or in the virtual world. A modern complex
envelopment may make use of any or all of these in a coordinated, synchronized manner in order to get the
enemy off balance, preclude effective enemy response, gain and maintain the initiative, and get inside the
enemy’s decision cycle. In addition, a penetration attack may create flanks where they did not previously
exist; a network attack may threaten or disrupt the enemy’s digital or virtual flank; and air or missile forces
may threaten an enemy’s flank in the third dimension. A flank, in other words, is defined by the PLA as
any area in which the enemy has not concentrated defenses, does not expect an attack, or is vulnerable. In
general, the more flanks are threatened or engaged simultaneously, the less coherent and effective the
enemy’s response will be. This in turn enables isolation of enemy units and eventually leads to their
7-70. The complex envelopment employs one or more depth attack groups enabled by one or more
frontline attack groups. A frontline attack group attacks, feints, or demonstrates against one portion of the
enemy formation to fix or deceive enemy forces, engage enemy artillery, and drive commitment of enemy
reserves. Once the enemy has been fixed, the depth attack groups conduct aggressive, penetrating assaults
against weak points of the enemy’s flank, while reserve and artillery groups continue to fix other enemy
forces, preventing effective reaction to the penetration. Depth attack groups seek to disrupt enemy rear
areas and isolate enemy units, enabling follow-on annihilation attacks. Depth attack groups must achieve
substantial overmatch against their initial opposition, integrating numerical superiority, firepower
superiority, and information superiority to overwhelm the enemy and enable rapid maneuver into and
through enemy rear areas.
7-71. Success of a complex envelopment depends heavily on deceiving the enemy about the strength and
axis of the depth attack groups. Deception operations and careful concealment enable the assault forces to
strike from an unanticipated direction against areas of weakness. The operations of the frontline attack
groups prevent the enemy from counterattacking or reinforcing the units opposing the depth assault until it
is too late to adequately respond. Figure 7-10 on page 7-24 depicts a complex envelopment.
Simple Envelopment
7-72. The simple envelopment is an offensive tactic wherein an assault occurs on a single flank of the
enemy. A simple envelopment involves two primary groups: a depth attack group and a frontline attack
group. The frontline attack group feints or demonstrates against one portion of the enemy formation, with
the intent of fixing enemy maneuver forces, engaging enemy artillery, and driving enemy commitment of
reserves. Frontline attack group actions can be thought of as a deception operation, intending to prevent the
enemy from concentrating its forces against the depth attack group.
7-73. Once the enemy is engaged by the frontline attack group, the depth attack group advances to its
attack position and commences an assault. The depth attack group seeks to achieve vastly superior
concentration of combat power against the specified flank of the enemy. Maneuver forces, enabled by
integrated fires and information warfare support, overwhelm any prepared defenses, and penetrate enemy
rear areas. Once the enemy’s flank is defeated and its rear areas are threatened, isolated enemy units can be
annihilated by follow-on operations.
7-74. Much like with a complex envelopment, success of a simple envelopment depends heavily on
deceiving the enemy about the strength and axis of the depth attack group. Deception operations and
careful concealment enable the assault force to strike from an unanticipated direction against areas of
weakness. The operations of the frontline attack group prevent the enemy from counterattacking or
reinforcing the units opposing the depth attack group until it is too late to adequately respond.
7-75. The simple envelopment is employed in situations where a complex envelopment is not possible due
to terrain, strength, or disposition. Use of only a single penetration makes it easier for the enemy to respond
and effectively counter the envelopment attempt. If possible, the enemy should face multiple penetrations
to complicate and confuse responses. Simple envelopments are very common at the squad and platoon
levels, where one element creates a base of fire to fix and suppress the enemy, while another element
assaults the objective. Figure 7-11 depicts a simple envelopment.
7-76. A penetration is an offensive tactic wherein a mobile or fast-moving element defeats an enemy line
of defense—preferably through an area of weakness—and continues to press forward into the enemy’s rear
area, bypassing enemy areas of strength. A penetration is rarely employed by itself. Instead, it is typically
employed as one component of a wider operation, such as an envelopment. Ideally, an offensive campaign
successfully conducts numerous multidimensional penetrations, employing a variety of capabilities to
penetrate enemy defenses in a synchronized and mutually supporting manner. Units best suited to conduct a
penetration as part of a ground action are armored or mechanized units due to their combination of
mobility, protection, and firepower. Penetrations may also be employed in the air or cyber domains or in
the electromagnetic spectrum using the same basic principles: target enemy weak points and bypass strong
points in order to threaten vulnerable areas behind the main lines of defense.
7-77. Most contemporary PLAA tactics involve one or more penetrations as the basis for offensive
operations. This is true for all echelons and unit types. Penetrations are the means by which enemy units are
isolated, enemy actions and counterattacks are disrupted, and additional enemy flanks are exposed.
Aggression and mobility are the key enablers of a successful penetration, along with effective integration of
enablers that preempt enemy response to a penetration, deceive the enemy as to the axis or strength of a
penetrating force, or create confusion or the perception of isolation among enemy units during a
7-78. As it requires a unit to bypass active enemy positions, a penetration by itself leaves the conducting
unit highly vulnerable to counterattack on its flanks and rear. In order to maximize the effect of a
penetration, the main effort must be well supported by security operations and follow-on operations
designed to secure the areas bypassed by the penetration.
7-79. Similarly, once a penetration is achieved, it must be exploited in order to maximize effect.
Exploitation can take a variety of forms. For a ground action, it may consist of follow-on operations against
enemy rear area assets, annihilation operations against isolated enemy units, security operations that offset
enemy reconnaissance and counterattack efforts, or consolidation efforts centered on newly seized areas or
terrain. Exploitation in the air domain may include ground attack or strike operations; in the cyber domain,
anything from passive observation to network attack; and in the electromagnetic spectrum, jamming or
meaconing (the interception and surreptitious rebroadcasting of signals).
7-80. The PLAA practices four types of penetration: frontal attack, depth attack, infiltration, and storming
attack. These types of penetration are described in paragraphs 7-81 through 7-92.
Frontal Attack
7-81. A frontal attack is an offensive tactic wherein a penetration is attempted directly against an enemy’s
position of strength. This tactic is generally not preferred, as it allows the enemy to make best use of its
strengths, making effective concentration and the development of overwhelming combat power more
difficult. Frontal attacks should only be conducted either to enable offensive actions or because no other
alternative is available, but an offensive action is necessary. Frontal attacks need not involve maneuver
forces; any offensive action that attacks an enemy’s area of strength can be considered a frontal attack.
7-82. The frontal attack is opposed to both Sun Tzu and Maoist theories about warfare, which prescribe
attacking the enemy at weak points. In a frontal attack, friendly forces should be highly concentrated and
should close as rapidly as possible with the enemy in order to minimize exposure to defensive measures
and stand-off weapons. If possible, a frontal attack should be carefully planned and executed to maximize
the use of enabling capabilities. Any frontal attack should be enabled by massed fire, substantial
information warfare and deception support, and feints or demonstrations designed to preempt enemy
actions, confuse and demoralize the enemy, or suppress the enemy. Enabling capabilities should be
carefully synchronized with the attack to maximize their effectiveness at key times and places. Even with
these enablers effectively used, a frontal attack will likely face significant resistance and will suffer higher
casualties than an attack targeted at an enemy weak point. Figure 7-12 depicts a frontal attack.
Depth Attack
7-83. A depth attack is an offensive tactic wherein a force focuses on attacking targets deep behind the
enemy’s forward positions through a series of deep penetrations. A depth attack targets enemy high-value
assets in enemy rear areas, such as command nodes, supply bases, reserve troop concentrations, and
artillery units. The depth attack also seeks to further isolate enemy units throughout the battlefield, allowing
their encirclement and destruction in detail.
7-84. The depth attack is typically the main effort of a given battle plan, and it often involves the
best-equipped and -trained troops available to a commander. The depth attack group is typically employed
as the second line of troops, after the initial line engages the enemy and creates one or more breaches in the
enemy’s defensive line. The timing and direction of the depth attack are key decision points in the battle,
and commanders are encouraged to position themselves such that these decisions are not delegated. The
depth attack should achieve maximum concentration of combat power against its key targets. If at all
possible, security functions should be performed by other units in support of the depth attack group.
7-85. Depth attacks may employ one point of entry or multiple points, they may be staged and
synchronized, and they may employ third-dimension mobility. The depth attack should be arranged to meet
few obstacles and entrenched enemy forces in order to maximize the rapidity of movement into enemy rear
areas. It may be supported by demonstrations, feints, assaults, or other penetrations designed to occupy the
enemy’s attention and divert its combat power. Figure 7-13 on page 7-28 depicts a depth attack.
7-86. Infiltration is an offensive tactic wherein a force closes with and conducts an undetected penetration
of enemy defenses by using stealth, rapid movement, and deception. Infiltration tactics were the backbone
of PLA tactics for much of the Chinese Civil War and Korean War, and they remain an important element
of light infantry operations today. The primary benefit of infiltration tactics is that they offset enemy
advantages in firepower. By closing distances and conducting penetrating maneuvers covertly, enemy
firepower cannot be brought to bear prior to close contact. This enables friendly units to surprise the
enemy, creating shock and the perception of isolation. The main limitation of infiltration is that it is very
difficult to do with larger formations or with any unit that is not light infantry—large formations and
vehicles are far easier to detect, and thus have great difficulty infiltrating enemy positions. Infiltration
tactics are also very time consuming and limited in both scope and range, due to the slow movement rate of
dismounted infantry and the need to maintain secrecy and concealment.
7-87. The PLAA today employs infiltration tactics alongside penetrations or other assaults to isolate and
annihilate enemy units. For example, a light infantry depth attack group may infiltrate one flank of an
enemy formation while an armor-heavy depth attack group conducts an aggressive penetration of another
7-88. Successfully executing an infiltration attack requires considerable skill and initiative by small-unit
leaders. These leaders are charged with identifying enemy weak points, then choosing their own avenues of
approach and methods of attack. By its nature, an infiltration attack requires less concentration of forces
than other forms of offensive action, but it requires greater skill in the advance and unfold phases of the
operation, as detection by the enemy essentially changes the action from an infiltration to a frontal assault.
Artillery and other enablers are also largely unavailable to an infiltration due to the need for secrecy and
concealment, though information warfare and deception operations may provide vital support by fooling
the enemy about the strength or direction of the attack or by directing enemy reconnaissance focuses
elsewhere. Figure 7-14 depicts an infiltration.
Storming Attack
7-89. A storming attack is a thoroughly prepared, high-intensity assault against an entrenched, isolated
opponent. Storming occurs after penetrations defeat the enemy’s main defensive line, most enemy units
have been forced to retreat or been annihilated, and the PLAA unit must complete the annihilation phase by
reducing the remaining enemy strongpoints. Storming attacks place great emphasis on obstacle defeat,
firepower and maneuver integration, and aggressive action at the point of contact.
7-90. Storming attacks are preceded by a meticulous and integrated effort to clear enemy obstacles through
a combination of firepower and engineering capabilities. These breaches provide the points of entry for the
final assault. At the same time, careful reconnaissance of the enemy’s position informs the commander of
the enemy’s strength and disposition. Firepower and information attacks against enemy positions are
conducted throughout the operation, attempting to reduce enemy strength and cohesion, reduce morale, and
suppress enemy systems. The enemy should be surrounded if possible, and it should be isolated not only
physically, but also electronically and psychologically.
7-91. The main decision the commander must make in the assault phase is the deployment of armor. Three
methods for armor deployment are prescribed: in front, in close support, and in rear support. The
commander’s decision on how to employ armor is dictated by terrain and enemy antitank capabilities. In
general, tanks in front is preferred in more open terrain, while tighter terrain demands tanks in close
support. If the enemy is in highly restrictive terrain—or if it has substantial antitank capabilities available—
tanks are deployed in rear support.
7-92. The assault itself is carried out bravely and aggressively. Penetrations are carried through breaches
and seek to further isolate smaller enemy units. As units are suppressed and surrounded, they face the
choice of surrender or annihilation. If possible, multiple penetrations are created, and assaults are
coordinated and synchronized. As enemy will begins to break, the breaches are exploited by
second-echelon troops, who complete the annihilation phase and secure the objective. Figure 7-15 depicts a
storming attack.
7-93. Pursuit attack is an offensive tactic wherein a friendly formation maintains constant contact with an
enemy formation in retrograde. This most often occurs when an enemy force is defeated but not
surrounded, and it is thus able to retreat. Pursuit entails maintaining contact with the retreating unit and
conducting quick attacks as required or where possible, with the objective of preventing effective enemy
rear security operations—thus preventing the enemy unit from consolidating or reforming a strong
defensive position.
7-94. Aggressively pursuing a defeated enemy formation is a basic component of mechanized warfare. The
PLAA historically employed both mechanized and armored forces and fast-moving infantry forces in this
role; on a modern battlefield, a mechanized force is likely required. Following an initial penetration,
envelopment, or isolation, the enemy force is dislodged from its primary defensive position and begins
retrograde operations to attempt to regain the initiative. Aggressive pursuit of the enemy allows friendly
forces to retain the initiative while keeping the enemy force isolated and off balance.
7-95. Pursuit attack does not necessarily need to take the form of ground maneuver. Other capabilities can
achieve the pursuit effects of maintaining contact with the enemy, preventing enemy consolidation, and
retaining friendly initiative. Artillery fire, air attack, and countermobility activities can disrupt enemy
formations or canalize or direct enemy movements. Network or electromagnetic attack can suppress enemy
communications or disseminate disinformation to influence enemy actions. SOF or guerrilla forces can
conduct raids, feints, or demonstrations to degrade enemy cohesion or influence enemy decision making.
Any pursuit operation is best conducted using a variety of different capabilities to create a combined arms
effect and maximize the impact of friendly operations on the strength and mindset of the enemy.
7-96. A unit conducting pursuit operations is vulnerable to counterattacks or other spoiling operations,
especially if it is a maneuver unit strung out over a wide area. Security operations or supporting attacks
should work to ensure that a unit conducting a pursuit operation is secure against enemy counterattack,
reconnaissance, and countermobility activities. Figure 7-16 depicts a pursuit attack.
7-97. A firepower attack is a tactic wherein a number of firepower capabilities are massed on a specific
target to achieve an offensive effect. Firepower capabilities include, but are not limited to field artillery,
ballistic or cruise missiles, air attack, antiair attack, network attack, electromagnetic attack, and direct fire.
The defining characteristic of the firepower attack is that it does not require any physical occupation of key
terrain or close contact with enemy forces. Instead, massed firepower is used to isolate or annihilate enemy
units, canalize enemy movements, penetrate enemy defenses, reduce enemy morale, or affect enemy
decision making. The PLAA uses firepower attacks in a variety of ways, including to reduce cohesion or
strength of enemy forces, to support assaults or advances, to fix the enemy, to attack enemy flanks or rear
areas, or to spoil or defeat enemy counterattacks. Firepower attacks can be employed either alone or in an
integrated and synchronized manner with other actions.
7-98. The PLAA recognizes at least seven different forms of firepower attack: advance fire, fire support,
information and firepower assault, depth firepower, counter-counterattack firepower, annihilation
firepower, and air defense firepower. These forms of firepower attack are described in paragraphs 7-99
through 7-107.
Advance Fire
7-99. Advance fire is fire that targets enemy positions or other key assets prior to follow-on operations. In
Western operations, it is typically referred to as preparatory fire. Advance fire targets enemy
reconnaissance platforms, command and communication nodes, security units, and artillery units. The
purpose of advance fire is to neutralize, destroy, or degrade key enemy capabilities in support of future
Depth Firepower
7-102. Depth firepower targets enemy forces and key assets in deep areas, supporting follow-on
operations that are exploiting successful initial assaults. Key targets for depth firepower include enemy
artillery reserves attempting to spoil the exploitation effort, mobile enemy reserves conducting retrograde
operations, enemy command posts, and enemy reconnaissance platforms. Depth firepower’s primary
mission is to create or enhance the isolation effect on enemy forces and enable the annihilation phase to
Counter-counterattack Firepower
7-103. Counter-counterattack firepower specifically targets enemy counterattacks. This includes not only
targeting ground forces, but also air power through antiair attack and information attack against enemy
communications and command structures. The counter-counterattack firepower mission is reserved for the
point in time when the enemy’s counterattack has been clearly detected and identified. It can be thought of
as a miniature blitz, specifically targeting the enemy’s commitment of reserves to the counterattack.
Annihilation Firepower
7-104. Annihilation firepower attempts to destroy isolated or encircled troops. This may be in support of
storming attacks, or it may be to annihilate the enemy independently. Annihilation firepower targets not
only the enemy’s isolated formations, but also any possible routes for retreat, any enemy forces attempting
to relieve the besieged unit, and any obstacles that might inhibit a storming attack.
7-108. An ambush is an operation in which a unit deploys to a location in advance, then strikes the enemy
from a concealed position in a surprise attack. The PLAA historically emphasized ambush tactics as a
highly effective way to offset enemy advantages in firepower or protection, and it used ambushes
extensively during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War. The ambush is still a popular
tactic, but the PLAA advises that the informationized battlefield makes conducting an effective ambush
more challenging. Figure 7-17 on page 7-36 depicts an ambush operation.
7-109. The PLAA recognizes three distinct types of ambush: the waiting ambush, the decoy ambush, and
the forced ambush. The waiting ambush is employed when an enemy travels along a predictable route, and
friendly forces can deploy and lie in wait in a concealed position. A decoy ambush is similar, but instead of
making use of a known route, it employs a decoy that tricks the enemy into moving into the ambush zone.
A forced ambush is somewhat different: it employs direct actions such as feints, demonstrations, or
countermobility activities to force the enemy into the ambush zone.
7-110. Choosing the ambush site is the most important decision when planning an ambush. Terrain should
canalize the enemy formation while helping to conceal the friendly unit. If possible, enemy forces should
be carefully reconnoitered to ensure friendly forces will enjoy local combat superiority. Engineers should
set up obstacles to maneuver the enemy into the ambush zone and complicate its retreat. Artillery is
deployed in concealed positions and registered across the ambush zone.
7-111. Maneuver units on ambush missions are divided into four primary groups: concealed, flank,
pursuit, and interception. The concealed group initiates contact, engages, and fixes enemy forces from at
least one flank. The flank unit assaults an alternate flank once the enemy force is fixed by the concealed
group. The pursuit group is a reserve that engages and maintains contact with the enemy force as it retreats
from the ambush zone. The interception group is deployed along potential reinforcement avenues of
approach in order to prevent support or reinforcement to the ambushed enemy formation.
7-112. Concealment and deception are key enablers of the ambush. Reconnaissance and surveillance on
the informationized battlefield make moving to ambush positions in secret a difficult task. Commanders
must carefully move forces into their ambush positions, and units must remain highly disciplined in order
to avoid detection. Once the ambush is complete and the enemy unit annihilated, secure retrograde
operations should be conducted quickly.
7-113. A raid is an offensive operation designed to strike and surprise an unsuspecting enemy. The
primary defining characteristic of the raid is the employment of a hit-and-run approach. The enemy is
struck and injured, then, in most cases, the attacking force breaks contact and rapidly retreats. Though raids
may evolve into full-scale assaults in certain circumstances—encountering a weaker-than-expected enemy,
for instance—the typical approach to a raid is a fast-moving, intentionally abbreviated attack.
7-114. Raids are aggressive actions that have clearly defined parameters. They may seek to harass the
enemy, to probe it, or to destroy isolated enemy units. A raid requires skillful use of concealment and
deception, rapid movement, and sudden, aggressive action within the commander’s parameters.
Subordinate units must be aware of the commander’s intent and must not over-engage the enemy unless a
clear opportunity presents itself.
7-115. The PLAA recognizes five different types of raids: rapid, long-range, sabotage, sneak, and
harassing. These types of raids are described in paragraphs 7-116 through 7-120. Reconnaissance raids are
discussed in more detail in chapter 6.
Rapid Raid
7-116. The rapid raid is analogous to the Western idea of a meeting engagement. A unit unexpectedly
comes upon an enemy, transitions to an attack posture, then conducts an aggressive attack that is pressed
until the commander deems it complete. Rapid raids are specifically prescribed as spoiling actions against
counterattacking forces or newly arrived airborne or amphibious forces.
Long-range Raid
7-117. The long-range raid is not necessarily defined by the distance the unit travels to conduct the raid.
Rather, it refers to how deep behind the enemy’s main defensive line the raid takes place. Long-range raids
are conducted by light forces or SOF who infiltrate the enemy’s territory to strike at predetermined targets.
This may be a separate action, or it may be integrated as part of a larger operation.
Sabotage Raid
7-118. A sabotage raid is one in which a specific high-value asset is targeted for destruction. The unit
infiltrates enemy territory with the intent of locating and destroying one or more high-value assets through
covert, aggressive action. Potential targets include command nodes, key intersections or roadways, lines of
communications, ammunition stockpiles, or high-value weapons systems such as combat aircraft or
surface- to-air missile systems.
Sneak Raid
7-119. The sneak raid is a small-scale, short-distance raid designed primarily to make use of local
conditions such as nighttime or bad weather to conceal the raiding force. Sneak raids may attempt to seize
enemy prisoners, probe enemy defenses, or reconnoiter. The sneak raid does not attempt to strongly engage
the enemy, and the sneak raiders retrograde quickly back to concealed positions. Figure 7-18 on page 7-38
depicts a sneak raid against an enemy position.
Harassing Raid
7-120. The harassing raid is one intended to annoy, disrupt, or confuse the enemy. Harassing raids are
intended to provoke an enemy response, wear out enemy soldiers, or spoil enemy maneuvers. Most
importantly, they are used to disperse the enemy, forcing it to defend a wider geographic area and reducing
its presence at potential key places on the battlefield.
8-3. Multiple factors have combined to make combat for the defender more difficult than in the past.
While ground commanders once only had to concern themselves with enemy land forces, enemies can now
strike simultaneously or consecutively from multiple domains. This requires, in turn, a comprehensive
multi-domain defense that can effectively blunt or check enemy actions, even when coming from
unexpected directions. Commanders must also defend their forces not only from physical attack, but also
from information, electromagnetic, and psychological attack: a capable opponent will target enemy troops’
morale and cohesion through a variety of channels. Finally, the depth and variety of enemy firepower
systems have increased substantially in recent years. Long-range artillery and missile strikes, air strikes,
attack helicopter operations, direct action by special operations forces (SOF), and electromagnetic and
network attack capabilities allow an enemy to target the full depth of friendly formations and defended
areas. There is no safe space on the informationized battlefield.
8-5. As modern offensive operations demand rapid thrusts that target weak points from unexpected
directions, the traditional approach of defending strong points with a relatively static approach is now
obsolete. Static formations, even in a strong defensive position, will quickly be bypassed, isolated, and then
annihilated by a competent attacker. Instead, defense must be considered a dynamic action characterized by
rapid movement and decisive concentration of combat power at key times and places. Information
superiority coupled with mobility enables the defender to rapidly detect and appropriately respond to
enemy offensive actions, regardless of where they might occur. This approach to defense is in keeping with
the PLAA’s new emphasis on decentralization. A mobile, rapidly reacting defensive strategy requires
lower-echelon commanders able to react appropriately to unexpected events without input from a higher
echelon. While the hasty defense was once considered a last-ditch option, it is today the cornerstone of a
PLAA defensive operation versus a capable opponent.
8-8. While defense-in-depth is an ancient concept, its modern application requires a somewhat different
approach than the traditional ground-only concept. Defense-in-depth now requires PLAA commanders to
integrate defensive measures throughout all domains while placing a strong emphasis on the counterattack.
It is impossible to defend all areas of the modern battlefield from all potential avenues of attack, so
commanders must effectively prioritize key areas for defense and make best use of available space—
trading space for time is now more important than ever before. Commanders should encourage enemies to
ingress through unimportant or noncritical areas, extending their lines of communications (LOCs) and
exposing their flanks. Decisive counterattacks should target these formations at key times and places,
seeking to disrupt or destroy enemy formations as they move through deep areas. These efforts are
simultaneously aided by raids, firepower operations, and information warfare operations that target enemy
reinforcement movement into the combat area. A properly executed defensive operation makes use of depth
to achieve isolation of enemy forces while effectively integrating all available assets into a cooperative
defensive effort throughout the combat area.
8-9. The defensive principle of consolidation mirrors the offensive principle of concentration: it
prescribes massing combat power at key times and places to make best use of available forces. Effective
consolidation is underpinned by the thoughtful deployment of friendly forces to key points around the
defensive zone before wider defensive operations commence. This deployment, in turn, requires the
commander and staff to conduct extensive analysis of the enemy’s probable approach, then prescribe the
primary defensive line and axis, key defense points (KDPs), and key targets for the counterattack.
Defensive operations must take advantage of favorable terrain or information conditions as combat
multipliers, as counterattack groups are expected to be outnumbered by the forces they engage. The main
defensive combat capability should take the form of a powerful mobile force able to conduct independent
operations anywhere in the defensive zone. The commitment of this force typically represents the key point
in a defensive battle. In addition, powerful mobile and armored forces should seek to conceal their
movements as much as possible to deceive the enemy about the time and place of their commitment, and
they should remain as dispersed as possible to protect against enemy firepower and to further deceive the
8-10. A defensive operation must be carefully integrated throughout the defensive zone. This includes not
only careful planning and unification of purpose, but also preservation of combat power, effective use of
terrain and firepower as means of resistance, and use of small-unit actions across the defensive zone to
harass and distract the enemy. Protection of friendly forces is a key element of integration. This involves
not only traditional hardening of defensive positions, but winning the information battle as well—keeping
friendly forces from being affected by enemy psychological attack and propaganda. Physical resistance
should be enhanced by the use of obstacles and other countermobility capabilities, which are used to slow,
stop, or canalize enemy formations in accordance with the overall scheme of defense. The appropriate use
of firepower and terrain can allow vastly overpowered units the ability to resist enemy attacks for long
periods, forcing the enemy to commit reserves and overextend its offensive to achieve its attack goals.
Antitank and air defense weaponry must be fully integrated into the defense in order to offset enemy
advantages in armor, firepower, and air power. Coordinated firepower assaults mixing direct fire and
artillery can attrit or disrupt enemy formations at stand-off distances. Depth operations target enemy LOCs
and reinforcements, attempting to isolate powerful enemy offensive groups as they penetrate into the
defensive zone.
8-11. The defensive principle of flexibility seeks to achieve a state of localized initiative where defensive
forces, despite fighting on the defensive, successfully maneuver, consolidate, and achieve localized combat
power at key times and places. It requires commanders to take prudent risk in their defensive plans, to use
stratagems effectively in order to gain the advantage of surprise, and to attack and defend resolutely as the
situation develops. A flexible defense is able to absorb enemy offensive actions by trading time and space,
then rapidly adjusting to enemy tactics and strategy to formulate a response. A flexible defense is, in many
ways, a series of small offensive actions, seeking to target enemy weak points with friendly strength and
seizing localized initiative at key times and places. The sort of flexibility that the PLAA seeks requires
superior lower-echelon leadership, with lower echelons capable of independent actions and lower echelon
commanders able to make good decisions even in the absence of complete information.
integration of various units and capabilities. Figure 8-1 depicts a combined arms brigade’s (CA-BDE’s)
genericized defensive zone
Deep Area
8-16. Deep areas are those areas that are not targetable by a defensive group’s organic weapons systems.
They may still be occupied by elements of the defensive group conducting reconnaissance,
counterreconnaissance, and screening missions, but these elements operate independently. SOF elements
also occupy deep areas, and both air and missile support may be employed in support of deep-area
operations. The primary purpose of deep area operations is to disrupt and slow the enemy advance while
providing the defensive group commander with critical intelligence about the enemy’s strength, disposition,
and possible objectives.
8-21. The reconnaissance effort is a critical enabler of a defensive operation. Reconnaissance must be
comprehensive and well planned, extending through all domains and the depth of the battlefield. These
efforts concentrate on three primary intelligence objectives: disposition and intent of enemy forces; terrain;
and conditions of the battlefield—civilians, weather, the electromagnetic environment, and so on.
Reconnaissance commences immediately upon receipt of warning orders: commanders rapidly build and
deploy the reconnaissance and intelligence group to facilitate rapid, accurate, and continuous scouting for
the main body. Like all other aspects of a defensive battle, reconnaissance must be conducted in depth.
Deep and forward reconnaissance units surveil and disrupt enemy forces in deep areas. As the situation
develops, additional reconnaissance forces, having been held in reserve, are deployed to key areas of the
battlefield to enhance situational understanding.
8-22. Reconnaissance groups are often charged with disrupting enemy operations, typically as part of a
screen or cover force. This requires a mixture of stubborn resistance and prudent tactical offensive actions,
usually in the form of raids coupled with entrenched units. These activities are intended to force the enemy
to deploy earlier than it would like, buying the commander decision space and revealing the enemy’s plan
of action. At the same time, counterreconnaissance actions attempt to spoil the enemy’s efforts to ascertain
friendly force dispositions, leaving it ignorant as to the strong and weak points of the defense.
Reconnaissance screens may attempt to canalize or steer enemy forces toward areas of strength.
8-23. Reconnaissance information should be carefully analyzed and processed to give the commander the
clearest possible picture of the battlefield. The commander must identify the most important elements of
information, and the reconnaissance and intelligence group must strive to answer these questions as clearly
and accurately as possible. Intelligence filtering enables the commander to judge friendly and enemy
situations; make best use of terrain, weather, and the conditions of the electromagnetic spectrum; then
distill the ground truth from the “fog of war.” In contrast to its historical approach of top-down intelligence,
the post-reform PLAA places greatest value on the lower-echelon commander’s situational understanding,
above that which is handed down by upper-level leadership. Lower-level commanders are encouraged to
act decisively based on their own judgment, though they must consider the higher-echelon mission and
intent. Additional information on reconnaissance and security operations and the PLAA’s intelligence
process can be found in chapter 6.
more elaborate defense may allow for extensive tunnels, entrenchments, field structures, permanent
shelters, and fallback positions. The PLAA emphasizes the use of irregular units such as local militia and
local populations for engineering construction efforts. All engineering efforts focus heavily on KDPs.
Figure 8-2 depicts reconnaissance and deployment activities occurring in the defensive zone.
resistance, prioritize combat strength, and use proper countermeasures. Figure 8-4 depicts the defensive
group resisting the enemy’s initial assault.
8-37. The counterattack, also called the mobile assault, is typically the culmination of a defensive
operation. It requires the defensive group to mass combat power and conduct an aggressive, decisive attack
against one or more enemy units, with the intent of disintegrating the enemy attack and forcing the enemy
to either rapidly retreat or face annihilation. Counterattacks happen throughout a defensive action on
smaller scales, but the decisive counterattack at the tactical level likely involves either the depth defense
group or the combat reserve group conducting multidimensional penetrations of an enemy assault force.
These penetrations target weak or exposed flanks of the enemy formation.
8-38. The timing and axis of the counterattack is critical. It should be timed around the moment when the
enemy attack has culminated, and enemy forces are possibly overextended, low on supplies, and beyond
their supporting or security elements. Resolute defense throughout the frontal blocking zone and the
frontier defense zone should create favorable conditions for the attack, magnifying the combat power of the
counterattack force. A counterattack should include one or more of four phases, which may be concurrent
or in varying order. Figure 8-5 depicts a defensive group counterattacking the enemy.
Concentrate Fire
8-39. Concentration of firepower is often the touchstone that begins the counterattack in earnest.
Commanders may use any combination of indirect fire—possibly in the form of a firepower assault—direct
fire, and information attack, concentrated on the most powerful part of the enemy’s formation. In many
situations this will be the enemy’s armored spearhead, and so the concentration of fire should involve a
large number of antitank weapons. Concentrated fire disrupts the enemy’s attack, creates casualties, and
destroys key weapons systems, opening a window of opportunity for the counterattack to break through the
enemy’s exposed flank.
8-43. During or after the counterattack commanders face a critical decision on how to proceed with the
defensive battle. If the counterattack succeeded in decimating, blunting, or neutralizing the enemy assault,
commanders may consider ordering a follow-on attack into the enemy’s depth. Alternatively, they may
consider holding fast, reinforcing and entrenching the current position to better resist any further enemy
assaults. Commanders must consider casualties sustained, the overall readiness of available troops, the
vulnerability of the enemy, and the advantages gained by each course of action when making a decision to
continue advancing or hold in place.
8-44. If the counterattack was unsuccessful or the defensive group suffered serious casualties during the
counterattack, the commander may order a withdrawal. The withdrawal should be orderly and decisive,
with available groups conducting alternating retrograde operations and blocking actions. No unit should
ever be exposed to an enemy pursuit attack. The deployment of air defense groups to deter or defeat attack
by air is particularly important. Units are particularly vulnerable to firepower attack during withdrawals.
Concealment and cover are important for the unit, and the firepower or artillery groups must prioritize
counterfire operations if any unit is in the process of withdrawal. Figure 8-6 depicts the defensive group
consolidating its position after a successful counterattack.
8-45. The PLAA prescribes a rough order of precedence for a combat group’s withdrawal. First, the cover
group exits the frontal blocking zone. Next, all support and logistics groups exit the rear area. Then the
main body and firepower and artillery groups exit the frontier defense zone. This leaves the combat reserve,
or rear group, to conduct a rearguard or screening action in the rear defense zone, ensuring that all other
groups move to safety. The combat group commander must designate an assembly area that is both
accessible and defensible, then rapidly establish a new defensive zone and begin entrenching as quickly as
possible. A detailed description of a withdrawal action can be found in paragraphs 8-88 through 8-91.
Prepare Sufficiently
8-50. A positional defensive battle should be anticipated and carefully planned. Commanders must give
subordinate units sufficient time to plan their defense and then build the necessary fortified positions on
KDPs. Higher echelon defensive plans must account for the time necessary to prepare a defensive zone,
and delaying actions may be needed to create the necessary time and decision space. Defensive group
commanders should employ entrenchments, fortifications, and underground facilities, coupled with
integrated firepower and information attack. Building these systems and creating these plans takes a
considerable amount of time.
plan for enemy contingencies and entrench, while security efforts can delay the enemy assault and buy the
defensive group additional time for preparation. Seizing key terrain in the defensive zone is a relatively
simple and time-saving method for increasing the overall combat effectiveness of the defensive group. Key
terrain should be selected with a view toward simple and aggressive defensive actions, such as ambushes.
Once terrain is taken, entrenchments should be constructed using whatever time and resources are
stubborn resistance. Diversionary operations may be along the main direction of defense, or they may be
deployed in alternative directions as a means of screening or covering the main defensive effort.
Countermobility and firepower are key enablers of diversionary operations, as they magnify the combat
power of the diversionary force without requiring additional troops.
8-68. Commanders of diversionary forces probably have significant latitude in their decision making. If the
diversionary force encounters a strong enemy force, it may decide to remain concealed and reconnoiter the
enemy, or it may decide to carefully harass the enemy formation. If the diversionary force encounters a
weaker enemy, the defending unit may aggressively assault the enemy, seeking to inflict significant
casualties or spoil the enemy’s movement. Diversionary forces may also be employed by the defensive
group to counterattack on the enemy’s flanks as the enemy penetrates forward defensive positions. In
general, diversionary forces should avoid being decisively engaged, always maintaining the ability to
rapidly and safely withdraw to deeper defensive positions.
8-70. The PLAA uses several different tactics during defensive operations, with their use informed by the
principles discussed earlier in this chapter. Each of these may be employed by virtually any echelon, and
each may be used independently, sequentially, or simultaneously. Figures in this section depict genericized
units conducting simplified variants of the defensive tactics against a notional enemy.
8-71. Counterreconnaissance as a tactic crosses operations of all types, and it is critical in each. Effective
counterreconnaissance during defensive operations denies the enemy knowledge about the disposition and
strength of friendly forces, the axis and timing of counterattacks, and the locations of key objectives.
Counterreconnaissance may be active—attempting to aggressively defeat enemy reconnaissance efforts
using direct action against reconnaissance elements—or it may be passive, using techniques such as
camouflage, concealment, or decoys to fool or spoof enemy collection efforts. The best practice is to
employ both active and passive measures in an integrated manner. Active measures deny the enemy
knowledge of friendly forces, while passive measures feed the enemy false or misleading information,
fooling it into making faulty decisions.
8-72. Much of the counterreconnaissance effort is conducted by the cover group, which is likely built
around reconnaissance or other light, mobile forces. These units conduct screening and covering actions
throughout the frontal blocking zone. PLAA reconnaissance units are generally lighter and less powerful
than their Western equivalents, and so they rely more heavily on deception and integrated firepower to
achieve their objectives rather than direct action. Electromagnetic attack and defense must be carefully
integrated into the counterreconnaissance mission, and information warfare may be used to deceive the
enemy. Counterreconnaissance must be practiced throughout the depth of the battlefield, as the enemy has a
variety of reconnaissance and intelligence capabilities capable of collecting at any point and in any set of
8-73. Blocking defensive actions are those actions that place a unit or group in a relatively static position,
seeking to stop an enemy advance, attrit an enemy formation, or reduce enemy strength and cohesion
through tenacious defending. Blocking actions are generally not decisive, but they are used to complement
other actions on the battlefield by occupying enemy forces or slowing enemy advances.
8-74. Blocking actions make less use of depth than other defensive actions. Commanders executing a
blocking action should seek to concentrate as much combat power as possible along the main line of
defense, using terrain, obstacles, and entrenchments to enhance the strength of the position. Blocking
actions are fundamentally less reliant on mobility and rapid reaction than other actions, and instead they
rely heavily on terrain advantage, firepower, and brave defense to effectively resist the enemy.
Commanders should generally consider blocking actions to be temporary in nature, as a static defense is
always vulnerable to being overwhelmed, encircled, or isolated. Groups executing a blocking action should
be prepared to retrograde if necessary, and commanders should make rear guards or reinforcements
available if possible.
8-75. Blocking actions must make best use of firepower and obstacles to overcome the disadvantage of
immobility. Artillery should be pre-registered and carefully integrated into the overall defensive plan.
Firepower and obstacles should be employed cooperatively to create a protective boundary of firepower
ambushes around vulnerable spots in the defensive line.
8-76. Repositioning actions are movements conducted to shift combat power during a defensive operation.
These movements are intended to move combat power to blocking, counterattack, or fallback positions. As
with blocking actions, commanders must use repositioning actions judiciously, as units on the move are
more vulnerable to attack and firepower assault. Repositioning actions should be concealed if at all
possible; movements at nighttime or during periods of bad weather are optimal. Repositioning actions
should be performed rapidly with security provided to the main body, especially while it is in transit.
Security must involve counterreconnaissance, counterfire, and screen or cover activity to counter direct
8-77. Repositioning actions are done for one of three reasons: to reposition a unit to a new, stronger, or
more defensible blocking position; to attempt to shift the enemy’s focus from one axis of defense to
another; or to enable an adjacent unit to move, consolidate, or retreat. Repositioning actions are employed
in careful coordination with blocking, screening, and covering actions to create an integrated, in-depth
defensive effort. Commanders make use of repositioning actions to gracefully retrograde, ensuring that
units on the move are well protected. Once a unit or group completes a repositioning action, it immediately
converts to a strong defensive posture, enabling adjacent units or groups to conduct their own repositioning
8-78. If the defense must retrograde into the deepest areas of the defensive zone, the defensive group must
reposition its firepower and support units and its forward defensive groups. Commanders use the same
principles when displacing rear area units as with forward units, while accounting for the former’s lesser
mobility and greater vulnerability. Air defense coverage becomes critical in rear areas, as rear area units on
the move are highly vulnerable to air attack. Air defense coverage must be comprehensive and makes use
of leapfrog or bounding overwatch techniques to maintain continuous coverage over moving units.
8-79. Breakouts are conducted when a unit or group is encircled, flanked, or in danger of being encircled.
The PLAA believes that most mechanized opponents will seek to encircle and isolate units or groups, using
many of the same tactics and techniques the PLAA itself employs. This, in turn, has caused it to emphasize
the importance of a unit being able to break out of an encircled or isolated situation while preserving
manpower and avoiding destruction or surrender. Figure 8-16 on page 8-32 depicts a unit conducting a
breakout action.
8-80. A breakout is as much a mental activity as it is a physical activity. Commanders must fight against
the tendency of their troops to become passive, afraid, or despondent when facing long odds or a difficult
situation. Encircled units will practically always be heavily outnumbered and outgunned. Through the use
of skillful command, rapid maneuver, and careful deception, an encircled unit masses combat power at a
weak spot in the enemy’s position and, with the aid of other nearby units, groups, and systems, breaches the
encirclement and moves quickly to a secure defensive position.
8-81. Encircled units have likely endured heavy multi-domain firepower assaults and attacks through
various flanks on the ground. As such, an encircled unit is likely significantly weakened and damaged,
which presents a major challenge to the commander. The nature of the enemy’s attacks will be
unpredictable and constant, making extensive planning an impossibility. Preparations for a breakout are
thus necessarily hasty, and commanders must assume a higher degree of risk when planning deployments
and maneuvers.
8-82. The most critical element of a successful breakout is coordination with supporting groups and
units—particularly firepower groups. This too presents a challenge, both to the encircled commander and to
any supporting units. The enemy will certainly attempt to target and suppress any communications between
an encircled unit and its potential support to ensure its isolation and preclude any attempts at relief.
Commanders may employ creative or subtle methods for coordinating a breakout action. They may also
encourage units to act independently. While this may decrease the concentration of combat power, it may
enable a subordinate commander to effectively seize an opportunity and the initiative that otherwise passes
the unit by.
8-83. The breakout action begins with rapid planning. The encircled commander should attempt to contact
all subordinate groups and units to achieve some level of integration and coordination of purpose. Plans
should be simple and easy to understand and transmit. Commanders at all levels must place a high premium
on concealing their actual intentions, as they are likely under intense reconnaissance and surveillance.
Deceiving the enemy about the time and place of the breakout effort is a key enabler.
8-84. The encircled commander’s first objective is to build a highly defensible position. A strong defensive
base helps to resist enemy penetrations and provides the anchor for an eventual breakout assault.
Commanders take advantage of interior lines and strong terrain to create an in-depth, 360-degree defensive
perimeter. Hasty fortifications and entrenchments should be constructed by all units and groups within the
defensive area. The commander organizes the encircled units into two primary groups: a frontier group that
forms the main defensive line, and a reserve or assault group that conducts the actual breakout attack.
8-85. Coordination with external support should be attempted and employed wherever possible. The
coordination priority for an encircled unit is firepower. A firepower assault may disrupt, disable, or blunt
the enemy’s assaults and create useable breaches in the enemy’s encirclement. Firepower coordination is
very difficult for an encircled unit; however, and commanders should strive to keep firepower planning as
simple as possible. Intricate firepower schemes are of little use; instead, commanders of assisting units
should employ massed area fires in simple phased schemes, placing the onus on the encircled unit to make
best use of the firepower assault. Adjacent assault, security, or reconnaissance units may also assist the
encircled unit by conducting demonstrations, feints, or penetrations of the enemy’s assault force.
Coordination with these units is likely difficult or impossible, so much responsibility lies with the
individual group commanders to exercise their discretion in assisting the encircled unit.
8-86. After encircled commanders establish a strong central defensive position, they gather combat power
from the reserve group and establishes the axis of the breakout assault. Deception and concealment are
paramount during this phase, as the enemy will attempt to discover the disposition of any breakout attempt
and destroy it with firepower or ground assault. A breakout attack should take the form of multiple
simultaneous penetrations, each targeting a weak spot along the enemy’s assault force. These penetrations
should be separate, but close enough to be mutually supporting. Commanders should strive to create a
strong unity of purpose and strong morale in the assault group members. Though they are outnumbered,
they can still achieve a victory and save their fellow soldiers if they succeed in breaking out of the
encirclement. Once it is clear that one or more penetrations has succeeded, the commander should feed
additional troops into the successful breach to secure it and enable the remainder of the encircled unit to
8-87. As the remainder of the unit withdraws through the breach, the formerly encircled unit makes use of
the reserve and assault groups, plus any outside assisting units, to secure the egress route. The enemy will
react strongly to the breakout attempt, and it will attempt to counterattack. This counterattack must be
anticipated and defeated with blocking actions and firepower. Movement out of the encirclement may be
slow and arduous due to the condition of the encircled unit. Commanders must give these units as much
time as possible to move to secure areas. The enemy will also enthusiastically pursue the formerly encircled
unit with both air and ground forces. The higher echelon commander must establish a secure defensive
position for the encircled unit to retrograde to, and commanders should launch spoiling attacks and employ
air defense firepower to defeat the pursuit attack.
8-88. A withdrawal is a carefully organized and planned retreat from a combat situation. There are two
types of withdrawal: active and compelled. Active withdrawal is when a unit or group conducts a
retrograde operation to take up a more defensible position, better defend an adjacent unit under assault,
avoid enemy firepower, or lure the enemy into overextending itself. A compelled withdrawal is a retrograde
operation undertaken in direct response to an enemy attack, when a unit is unable to continue resistance in
its current position or it is unwise to do so.
8-89. Withdrawals are among the riskiest tactical actions. They are nearly always done while in direct
contact with an enemy force, and they are often executed in close proximity to a superior enemy.
Well-executed withdrawals integrate a wide array of combat power and a variety of methods to ensure the
safety of the withdrawing unit and prevent the enemy from taking advantage of the potential
disorganization and vulnerability in the defensive zone. Active withdrawals tend to be relatively well
planned and carefully executed, while compelled withdrawals may require very fast planning and a great
deal of flexibility in execution.
8-90. The prescribed order for withdrawal ensures that vulnerable friendly units are protected as the
withdrawing unit breaks contact with the enemy. First, the cover and screen forces in the forward zones
withdraw and move quickly to the established assembly point to the rear to establish a new security zone.
Next, the unit’s rear security and logistics elements move, passing lines with the cover and screen forces
and establishing rear security and logistics support at the new assembly area. Next, the main body
withdraws, along with the commander. This is considered the key point in a withdrawal operation, and it
should be timed to take best advantage of weather, time of day, and other environmental factors that help
conceal the main-body movement. This leaves only the rear-guard defensive element and the firepower
element; these groups withdraw last. The firepower element moves quickly to prepared positions in the new
defensive area. The rear-guard element conducts a stubborn retrograde action to delay and disrupt the
enemy’s pursuit attacks.
8-91. Once at the new assembly area, the defensive group rapidly establishes a new defensive area while
simultaneously evacuating casualties, reorganizing subordinate groups, and establishing contact with any
new adjacent units. Figure 8-17 depicts a unit conducting a withdrawal action.
8-92. The PLAA considers the application of firepower to be the primary tool for defeating enemy ground
assaults. Firepower defense is often the trigger for decisive counterattacks, and it has an important
amplifying function for blocking and harassment missions. Firepower is employed throughout the depth of
the battlefield and in all phases of the battle to disrupt the enemy, inflict casualties, defeat penetrations, and
isolate enemy formations.
8-93. Firepower in the defense is provided by the firepower system, which is a mixture of mobile and static
artillery, air defense systems, antitank and other direct fire systems, and attack aircraft. Firepower is
organized both vertically and horizontally. Horizontal firepower seeks to dominate a specific axis—usually
the main direction of defense—with a mixture of artillery, antitank, and mobile firepower. Vertical
firepower seeks to control the sky above the battlefield with air defense firepower and make use of the air
domain through fixed- and rotary-wing firepower systems. Firepower is concentrated against key points at
key times, and it is carefully synchronized with maneuver to mass combat power. Firepower system
effectiveness is enhanced when it is integrated with obstacles.
Defeat Penetrations
8-99. As the enemy’s assaults begin to penetrate through the frontier defense zone, enemy units will
encounter continued resistance and counterattacks from the depth defense zone. Firepower defense is
employed throughout the depth defense zone to support counterattacks and cause casualties in enemy
assault groups. Much of this firepower is provided by antitank and mobile groups.
Artillery Firepower
8-102. Artillery firepower consists of indirect firepower systems that deliver either precision or massed
fire throughout the depth of the battlefield. This includes rocket artillery, static and mobile tube artillery,
and mounted and dismounted mortars. Artillery systems are the backbone of the firepower system. The
PLAA envisions a high density of artillery systems to be a decisive capability in most defensive actions.
Artillery systems perform every mission inherent in a firepower defense mission, including ground
targeting, counterreconnaissance, antitank, information attack, counterfire, and air defense via targeting
enemy aircraft support systems and aircraft on the ground.
8-103. If employed intelligently, the wide variety of artillery system capabilities creates a combined-arms
effect, amplifying the effectiveness of each system while offsetting its vulnerabilities or limitations. Long-
range rocket and static tube systems target enemy firepower systems, protecting other friendly firepower
systems from enemy counterfire. They also target the enemy throughout its depth, disrupting operations
and retarding penetrations. Mobile artillery systems respond rapidly to enemy breakthroughs, defending the
heavy, less-mobile systems from enemy ground assault. Mobile mortars are used to flexibly enhance
localized firepower in direct support of ground units, enabling heavier and more destructive systems to
target the enemy’s vulnerable rear areas. Artillery firepower thus creates interlocking rings of firepower
systems that are weighted toward the main direction of defense.
Antitank Firepower
8-104. The deployment of antitank firepower is a critical component of any defensive action against an
opponent equipped with armored or mechanized forces. The PLAA employs an extensive array of antitank
weapons, including assault guns, antitank guided missiles, short-range antitank weapons, and specialized
artillery munitions. The PLAA employs a comparatively low concentration of antitank guided missiles,
relying more heavily on massed short-range antitank weapons than its Western counterparts.
8-105. The employment of antitank firepower is one of the few ways in which the PLAA seeks to
confront an enemy armored force. Commanders are encouraged to mass as much antitank firepower as
possible along the expected avenues of approach for enemy armored forces and integrate the antitank
groups carefully with obstacles and artillery. Concentrated antitank firepower seeks to destroy as many
enemy armored vehicles as possible, with the understanding that the antitank group may suffer heavy
casualties in the process. However, without this concentration of firepower and its associated risks, the
enemy’s armored thrust would likely succeed. Commanders must be aware of the short range of most
PLAA antitank weapons, and they should seek to engage enemy armor at the closest range possible to
maximize their effects.
8-106. Antitank teams must make best use of terrain, entrenchments, and concealment to survive the
enemy’s armored thrust. Though they are attacking the enemy head on, antitank teams should seek to attack
individual vehicles or small units from the flanks or rear to strike at the weakest portion of the enemy’s
armor. Antitank teams must be protected against the enemy’s inevitable counterstrike, which will employ a
mixture of infantry and artillery. Careful concealment, fortifications, and security support offset the
enemy’s attempts to suppress the antitank group. Tactics such as ambushes and feints can multiply the
effectiveness of the antitank group.
Aerial Firepower
8-107. Aerial firepower is the combined capabilities of fixed-wing attack aircraft and attack helicopters.
These two capabilities are somewhat different but largely complementary. Fixed-wing aircraft can deliver
huge destructive power, but they are typically not well-coordinated with the ground element in contact, and
they are often somewhat limited in their precision and accuracy. Thus, fixed-wing attacks are best
employed targeting enemy rear areas: halting reinforcements, destroying supplies, and disrupting command
and communication. Conversely, attack helicopter assaults are carefully coordinated with ground forces,
and they are precise in their application of firepower. They are, however, far more vulnerable to ground and
air defense firepower. Helicopters are best employed as a highly mobile reserve—targeting enemy flanking
actions, encirclements, and infiltrations, as these are least likely to have substantial air defense capabilities
or defensive counterair support. Commanders may also choose to employ attack helicopters to blunt the
enemy’s decisive attack. While this approach adds to the value of the decisive counterattack, it exposes the
helicopters to more-concentrated air defense firepower.
the depth defensive group, which typically contains a high proportion of firepower, mobile, or armored
forces able to move quickly and deliver decisive attacks to the flanks or front of an enemy assault force.
This effort is aided by comprehensive security throughout the depth defense zone, spoiling attacks, and
blocking actions.
Depth Security
8-112. Security throughout the depth defense zone may be provided by a number of different units or
groups that either deliberately or dynamically conduct security operations. The cover group, having
withdrawn from the frontal blocking zone, may be called upon to screen or cover the depth group.
Additional security can be provided by the reserve group, scouting groups, or elements of the frontier
defense group. It is critical that the commander make best use of available forces to maximize security.
This will often involve reorganizing or reconstituting disparate groups into useful security forces in an ad
hoc manner. Deliberate security measures may also be employed in the depth defense zone, but planning
must account for the unpredictability of the enemy’s axis of advance into the zone. If the enemy approaches
from an unanticipated direction, security deployments may be useless unless they can be rapidly adapted.
8-113. Security forces may also take on the mission of shaping the enemy’s actions and disposition in
anticipation of the decisive counterattack. Shaping and deception operations attempt to orient the enemy’s
attention away from the axis of the main assault while fixing, deceiving, or blocking enemy forces that
might react to the counterattack. Effects of demonstrations and feints are amplified by information warfare
8-114. Security operations in the depth defense zone are broadly similar to those in other areas.
Commanders of security groups, however, should be encouraged to defend more stubbornly and attack
more aggressively than commanders of other groups, as the enemy should be prevented from entering the
rear defense zone if at all possible. This may involve security groups being ordered to perform impromptu
or hasty blocking actions, making best use of terrain, firepower, and hasty fortifications to prevent enemy
penetration into rear areas.
Spoiling Attack
8-115. Spoiling attacks are small-scale offensive actions that target an enemy formation’s cohesion and
morale. In the depth defense zone, spoiling attacks are primarily intended to defeat, blunt, or disrupt enemy
maneuvers, such as flanking movements and penetrations, that may affect or threaten the primary
counterattack effort. Spoiling attacks may be conducted by any type of group, but commanders should seek
to avoid siphoning off power from the depth group for nondecisive actions, if at all possible. Spoiling
attacks are discussed in more detail in paragraph 8-29.
8-116. A counterattack is typically the decisive action within the depth defense zone. Ideally, it consists of
an aggressive, concentrated assault by the depth defense group against a vulnerable portion of the enemy’s
assault force. The counterattack should be heavily supported by firepower, information warfare, and
adjacent or supporting units. The counterattack seeks to break the enemy’s cohesion and will, ending its
thrust or penetration, and forcing it to choose between retreat and annihilation. Counterattacks are
discussed in more detail in paragraphs 8-37 through 8-42.
8-117. The rear defense zone is the deepest and most vulnerable section of the defensive battlefield.
Commanders and defensive groups should strive to prevent significant enemy penetrations into the rear
defense zone. Decisive actions should be planned for more-forward areas. Rear defense operations seek to
blunt, delay, or defeat enemy penetrations, protect critical assets in the rear area, and—if necessary—
enable the retreat or retrograde of vulnerable forces in the rear defense zone. Operations in the rear defense
zone are undertaken by the reserve group, by rear security units—possibly including militia or paramilitary
security units—and by any other groups that have moved into the rear area due to the maneuvers of the
8-118. The rear defense zone typically houses important and potentially vulnerable systems and units,
such as artillery groups, air defense groups, supply and logistics groups, command groups, and aviation
groups. These groups are necessarily more vulnerable to direct attack. Protecting them or enabling their
withdrawal is a critical mission in the rear defense zone.
8-119. Rear defense also includes the mission and associated tasks of defeating smaller enemy
penetrations and infiltrations. The enemy seeks to establish a combat presence throughout the depth of the
battlefield, and it will use aerial insertions and ground infiltrations to move small, mobile units into the rear
area. These enemy units are charged with conducting covert direct operations, such as sabotage and raids,
along with reconnaissance and surveillance activities. Rear defense units must be capable of detecting and
neutralizing these enemy forces, either through direct action or deception. Commanders must assess the
threat level in rear areas and ensure that the rear defense or reserve groups have the necessary combat
power available to counter these threats. Figure 8-18 depicts defense operations in the rear defense zone.
Rear Security
8-120. Security in rear areas is a critical enabler of the overall defense. Numerous key groups and
capabilities reside in the rear defense zone, and the enemy will seek to target these high-value assets with a
mixture of infiltration, penetration—particularly by aerial forces—firepower, and electromagnetic attack.
Security forces in rear areas consist of a mixture of static groups that resolutely defend the most valuable
assets and mobile forces that react rapidly and aggressively to any intrusions.
8-121. Commanders determine the responsibilities of the rear security groups according to the priorities of
the battle and available forces. First, the commander must establish a clear priority of rear area assets.
Those assets most critical to the overall prosecution of the defensive battle are placed highest. Then, a rear
defense zone plan is developed which assigns available troops to defend or secure assets based on priority.
Static or less-mobile groups conduct positional defensive actions. This cohort consists of militia, armed
police, and dismounted soldiers. These groups carefully entrench around their specified defended asset and
work in concert with the commander of the asset to harden the entirety of the critical area. Simultaneously,
more-mobile forces, such as mounted police, mechanized infantry, or armor (if available), are formed into
mobile defensive groups. These groups are placed carefully to best counter anticipated enemy axes of
intrusion and to best support the more-static units in their positional defenses.
8-122. Airborne infiltrations and penetrations should be deterred, neutralized, or attritted by air defense
firepower which is carefully placed along anticipated axes of advance. Ground infiltrations are met
aggressively by mobile defensive groups, then isolated and defeated. Static defensive groups should seek to
fix any enemy attack forces, enabling the mobile defensive groups to attack them along flanks or from the
rear. Enemy firepower attacks in the rear area are countered by concealment, hardening, and aggressive
counterfire operations. A key enabler of counterfire operations in rear areas is breaking the enemy’s linkage
with reconnaissance and surveillance assets as they conduct targeting operations. This can be accomplished
by destroying the platform or neutralizing the communications link between sensor and shooter.
8-123. Cover missions are of particular importance in the rear defense zone. Commanders employ a
mixture of mobile armored, mounted, and reconnaissance assets using a 360-degree approach, always
assuming that the rear defense zone is vulnerable from any direction. Cover units deploy a sufficient
distance from the main body (between three to five kilometers [km] for a CA-BDE) to give adequate early
warning about enemy activity and grant adequate space for stubborn resistance. Deployments of covering
units focus on anticipated primary axes of advance. Units are carefully integrated with mobile defensive
groups. As a cover unit encounters an enemy penetration, it resists while falling back to defensible terrain,
seeking to fix the enemy intrusion and enable the mobile group to decisively counterattack.
8-124. Cover missions in rear areas must place a high priority on air defense firepower. It is highly likely
that enemy air intrusions will overfly areas occupied by cover forces; this provides an excellent opportunity
to conduct aerial ambushes. Cover groups in rear areas should, if possible, be augmented by MANPADS or
anti-aircraft guns to make best use of this tactic.
8-125. If units are adjacent to one another, commanders between the units should coordinate their
respective rear area cover missions. It may be unnecessary to deploy a cover force facing a friendly unit.
Commanders must be aware of what is to the left and right of their rear defense zone and weigh their
deployments accordingly. Commanders must also deploy cover forces along any seams or borders between
units that may be exploited by enemy infiltration or penetration.
enemy as it enters engagement areas for firepower systems—both direct and indirect—and manipulating
enemy movement to make it more susceptible to spoiling attacks or counterattacks.
8-127. Sabotage is the deliberate, covert targeting and destruction of enemy assets to negatively affect the
enemy’s operations. While sabotage has its place everywhere on the battlefield, its usefulness is most
pronounced in the rear defense zone. Militia, SOF, or paramilitary units are highly effective sabotage
groups, as they can blend into the surrounding environment and subtly sabotage critical assets without
provoking a strong enemy response. Sabotage efforts work in concert with countermobility efforts to slow
the enemy advance through the rear defense zone. These efforts include, but are not limited to destroying
bridges, roads, tunnels, or other mobility corridors; ambushing enemy supply elements as they move to
resupply the enemy attack group; or conducting small ambushes of isolated enemy units. Sabotage teams
should be kept small to minimize their signature, and sabotage efforts should be conducted in a
decentralized manner.
9-3. Antiterrorism missions are urgent in nature. Generally speaking, all of the initiative during a terrorist
attack or campaign rests with the terrorist organization. Proactive antiterrorism efforts are possible, but they
are limited in scope and effectiveness by the difficulties associated with identifying and neutralizing
potential terrorists before they strike. This makes most antiterrorism activities reactionary and highly time
sensitive. Constant vigilance is an important consideration for any unit or organization charged with
conducting an antiterrorism mission, and rapid response to a terrorist event is one of the most important
elements in preventing casualties, maintaining stability, and suppressing further terrorist acts.
9-4. Antiterrorism missions are complex. Terrorist activities are often sophisticated and complex, making
use of media, religious or political factionalism, civilians, and international actors to manipulate the
situation to the terrorists’ advantage. By framing an activity as defending religious freedom or democracy,
terrorists can gain sympathy from other parts of the world. By coercing local civilians, they can conceal
their activities and disrupt efforts to find and suppress them. This requires antiterrorism forces to be equally
sophisticated and highly aware of both the effects their actions have on the global political dialogue and
how they can push back against attempts to manipulate local civilian populations by building trust and
maintaining a strong visible presence.
9-5. The effects of terrorism can be significant. One of the primary features of terrorism is that the
psychological and political effects of terrorist acts can often far exceed the actual physical effects.
Terrorism is designed to amplify the effects of violence by disrupting lives, bringing anxiety to a society,
and pressuring those conducting antiterrorism efforts into overreacting to real or perceived threats. These
effects may be realized even when a terrorist operation fails. The simple threat may be enough to achieve
the desired effect. Antiterrorism efforts must be valued according to their ability to maintain the long-term
peace, prosperity, and stability of a society, not just in terms of their ability to directly root out and defeat
terrorist elements.
9-6. Antiterrorism operations must be joint in nature. Antiterrorism missions require cooperation between
different elements, perhaps more than for any other security activity. The complexity of terrorist activities,
along with the fact that they often cross international borders, causes a high premium to be placed on open
and effective cooperation. In this context, joint refers to three different forms of cooperation: between the
military, police, and civilian antiterrorism units domestically; between the political and military parts of the
government; and between different international actors.
9-7. Terrorist actions are nearly always asymmetric. Terrorists seldom enjoy any significant parity in
equipment or training to that of their opponents, and they seek to offset these disadvantages by attacking
vulnerable targets from unforeseen directions. Most antiterrorist organizations are also asymmetric in
nature. While they may be formally trained and equipped, most are drawn from police or militia
organizations, and so they do not habitually employ aggressive military tactics. Operational methods used
by both sides are described as irregular. Terrorists employ ambushes, raids, and sabotage, while
antiterrorists employ their own ambushes, along with careful counterattacks, search and annihilate, and
infiltration methods.
9-9. One of the most insidious elements of terrorism is that terrorist actions can still achieve much or all
of their desired effects even when the mission itself fails. Terrorist acts can also target a virtually infinite
number of different elements of a society, from the military, to education, to infrastructure, to government,
to simple random targets. The only sure way to eliminate the terrorist threat is to suppress it when it is still
in the embryonic stage. This requires antiterrorism forces to take constant, targeted preventative measures
in order to identify and suppress terrorism before it reaches a more formal stage. Authorities must also take
measures to reduce the intensity of terrorist actions by hardening vulnerable targets, keeping the local
population informed, and ensuring that emergency response capabilities are robust and well maintained.
9-10. In spite of the best efforts to actively prevent them, terrorism events typically occur suddenly; often
with little or no widespread warning. This requires the forces and organizations that respond to them to
plan carefully for many different contingencies and react with great rapidity when a terrorist attack does
occur. These organizations should be localized and know the population, terrain, and other characteristics
of their assigned area. They must war-game many different possible courses of action to save time when
actual events occur. When an event does occur, the planning is rapidly revised to meet the needs of the
real-world situation. The priorities in these situations are (1) to secure the immediate area, (2) to reduce or
contain civilian casualties, and (3) to rapidly counterattack and attempt to kill or capture the terrorist actors.
9-11. The complex legal framework of antiterrorism activities requires a unique joint approach to
antiterrorism operations. PLAA, PAP, China Militia, national police, and local police must all work jointly
under a unified command structure in order to achieve the best results. Because terrorism activities can take
on an incredibly wide variety of different forms, structures, and capabilities, antiterrorism forces must be
able to adopt any potential posture, from passive and cooperative to high intensity. This approach requires a
true joint command that has the authority to unify and coordinate actions across numerous different
organizations. This principle is inherently political, and deciding who actually commands an antiterrorism
group is likely to be a decision made at higher levels of government. Leaders of subordinate organizations
must put aside their own agendas and those of their commands in order to achieve harmony and unity of
purpose within a joint group.
9-12. One of the most important elements of a terrorist action is the undermining of the rule of law and the
customs and observances of a people. Terrorists deliberately attack these important institutions to magnify
the effects of their violent actions by eliciting reactions of anger and fear from their victims. Antiterrorist
groups must take great care to act in a legal manner, observing all relevant laws and regulations to make
clear to the population that they have the moral high ground. Similarly, antiterrorism groups must carefully
observe all important local customs and culture to gain the trust of the people. Acting in a legal and moral
manner may put antiterrorism groups at a disadvantage versus wily and subversive opponents, but
commanders must stick fast to this principle, even if it means incurring greater casualties or reducing the
overall effectiveness of the antiterrorism operation. While it may seem prudent in the short term to shelve
laws and decency in order to defeat the terrorist threat, behaving in a violent, illegal, or insensitive way
toward the local population helps to breed future terrorists and may cost commanders the trust of the people
they are trying to protect.
9-15. Riot control is seen as one of the most important elements in maintaining domestic stability. Rioting
is viewed as a direct threat to Chinese national security, and control efforts are centered on ensuring the
safety of both people and property. The methods used, however, are aggressive—employing many of the
same tactics and techniques used during high-intensity military operations. Riot-control operations consist
of four phases: control and blocking; divide and encircle; pursue and destroy; and eliminate enemy
remnants and suppress follow-on rioting. Figures 9-1 through 9-3 on pages 9-4 through 9-6 depict a riot
control operation.
Note. PLA doctrine does not make much differentiation between demonstrations and large-scale
destructive riots. The methods prescribed are essentially high-intensity military tactics. It may be
inferred that riot control in this context is referring to a large-scale insurrection or highly
destructive riot. It should also be noted that all rioters are referred to as terrorists, independent of
actual affiliation with a terrorist group or its motivations.
9-21. Hostage rescue missions integrate multiple different competencies in such a way that decisive
application of both physical and psychological force frees the hostages and eliminates the terrorist group.
Hostage rescue missions are arguably the highest profile of all antiterrorism mission types. They often are
carefully followed by the world at large, and they have outsized significance and consequences for both
security forces and society at large.
9-22. A hostage rescue mission employs five different groups: a blocking group, an assault group, a
reconnaissance group, a psychological warfare group, and a rescue group. These groups work in concert
with one another to break terrorist resistance while protecting the hostages. The rescue mission commences
after hostages are taken and antiterrorist forces are organized and deployed. The first phase of the operation
is the unfold phase, where the blocking unit deploys around the periphery of the combat area and secures
land, sea, and air routes from either ingress or egress. The other groups spend this period organizing
themselves and developing the plan of action.
9-23. Psychological warfare operations commence in the next phase of the mission. This naturally centers
on the psychological warfare group, although a variety of other organizations may have roles to play. The
psychological warfare phase typically consists of negotiating with the terrorist group. Negotiations are
never used to concede to the political demands of the terrorists, but rather to begin the process of isolating
them, dividing their forces, and disintegrating their strength. Negotiations should be deliberately difficult,
causing psychological stress to the terrorists, but they should not be so aggressive as to cause a threat to the
hostages. They may also serve to distract terrorists from ongoing assault preparations, enabling the assault
group and reconnaissance group to conduct their missions without detection. If it is possible to resolve the
situation through negotiation without making political concessions to the terrorists, this should always be
the first choice.
9-24. The final phase of the hostage rescue mission is the raid or attack. This consists of the reconnaissance
and assault groups carefully assessing the situation, developing an assault plan, and then bravely and
aggressively executing the plan. Reconnaissance efforts should ascertain the exact position of the terrorists
and hostages, identify all of the potential ambush points or strongpoints in and around the objective, and
provide the assault team with a comprehensive plan of attack against the heart of the terrorist group. The
psychological warfare effort should have caused distress and division among the terrorists, possibly
compromising their defenses and isolating the different terrorist groups. Careful concealment during the
approach phase, coupled with surprise and precision in the attack, are the best ways to ensure that the
terrorists are killed and the hostages unhurt. Nonlethal munitions—such as smoke, flash, and flare rounds—
may be used to temporarily disorient the terrorists without harming hostages. Sniper teams should also be
employed, both as reconnaissance platforms and as overwatch. Multiple sniper teams are deployed in a
variety of different positions around the combat area, creating a variety of threats to the terrorists. Snipers
may also be employed as ambush teams to engage terrorists attempting to escape the area.
be widely publicized to ensure that domestic and international aircraft or ships do not inadvertently violate
them, and sufficient air and naval and coast guard forces must be present to ensure that the measures can
actually be enforced.
9-32. While all military activities are political to a certain extent, security and stability operations are more
heavily influenced by politics than are force-against-force operations. Security and stability forces must
coexist with local populations, and they may be required to protect them from attack or to suppress civil
unrest. Social media is more readily available in security zones removed from the front line. Security-group
activities are often high-profile and likely to be seen and publicized. As a result, security and stability
forces are given more leeway and more responsibility for implementing domestic policy than other forces
as they conduct traditional law enforcement alongside their military duties.
9-33. Hybrid warfare seeks to significantly influence behind-the-lines operations, where security and
stability forces typically operate. Activities of a hybrid opponent may include the use of either civilians or
soldiers in civilian attire to conduct raids, ambushes, or other direct actions in rear areas; the use of
firepower or electromagnetic attack to target key assets in rear areas; the use of information attack to
influence civilian populations throughout the security zone; or the use of special operations or irregular
forces to conduct deep direct action throughout the security zone. The clash between security and stability
forces and the enemy’s offensive hybrid warfare elements will likely be a key factor on the informationized
9-34. The ability to threaten rear areas with a variety of different attack methods has expanded as firepower
and irregular threats have proliferated and grown in capability. Security areas now face many of the same
levels of threats as forward defensive areas, but security and stability forces do not enjoy the same combat
power as most of their military counterparts. Security forces must ensure they can effectively neutralize the
anticipated threats throughout their assigned security area, and they must carefully allocate combat power
to ensure the right balance of forces in accordance with their higher echelon’s priorities.
9-35. The multiple disciplines required of stability and security forces place them in an ideal position to
function as international peacekeepers. As China seeks to expand its international role through participation
in peacekeeping missions, it is likely that the government will lean heavily on its PAP units to function in
an expeditionary capacity. As with any other stability-type mission, peacekeeping missions are often
complex and ambiguous, requiring mentally agile leaders and versatile units.
9-37. While situational awareness is required for military units of all types, it is of particular importance
for security units operating in concert with PLA units on an active campaign. Security force commanders
must be acutely aware of the general objectives and strategy of the military forces they are supporting, and
they may be required to operate with little or no direct oversight in securing rear areas, supply and
communications lines, and key assets. Security forces may also be required, in dire situations, to face off
against much more powerful opponents in order to delay the enemy or buy time for the supported force to
reposition or retreat. Security forces must be prepared to make this sacrifice either when called upon or
when they recognize the situation requires it.
9-38. Security forces operate with far less density than do regular army units. Contiguous deployments
throughout the security zone are likely impossible, considering available forces and the number of different
assets that must be defended. Commanders must carefully prioritize what they want to defend and from
what type of threat. This enables the security force to properly allocate its subordinate forces to concentrate
greater security on key points throughout the security zone. At the same time, security forces must be able
to continue operations even when enemy forces are moving through the security zone, provided that they
are moving through unimportant or indefensible areas.
9-39. Security forces will most likely be outnumbered when facing conventional opponents, and they may
be outnumbered even by irregular opponents. This makes offensive actions difficult, as security forces will
seldom be able to concentrate sufficient combat power to attack and destroy an opponent. Instead, they
must focus on the defense, building their operations around steadfast protection of key points, enabled by
extensive entrenchments and a defense-in-depth approach. The doctrine of active defense still applies;
however, when a security unit can achieve local superiority, it must attack and spoil the enemy’s
preparations. Security units contribute significantly to the victory of the larger military force by delaying
enemy forces, attritting enemy formations, and disaggregating enemy capabilities in the security zone,
setting the enemy up for decisive defeat by a counterattack.
9-41. The PLA recognizes that assets throughout rear areas, such as air and seaports, bridges, railheads,
command and communication nodes, and missile operation sites will be high-value targets for the enemy.
Much of the responsibility for defending these assets from land, sea, and air attack falls to security forces.
9-42. Ground defense actions by security forces employ a defense-in-depth approach to make it difficult or
impossible for the enemy to successfully attack key assets. Enemy strike methods against rear areas include
direct attack by ground forces, secret attacks by special or irregular forces, and firepower attacks. Security
forces employ a mixture of blocking actions along key avenues of approach, strong defenses around key
assets, and the use of ambushes and raids against enemy intrusions.
9-43. Blocking forces employ either static defense methods or checkpoints. Static defense—allowing no
one to pass through the defended area—is employed when the chances of enemy action are high, and the
movement of friendly forces or civilians through the area is not critical to wider operations. Checkpoints—
allowing carefully screened personnel to pass through—are employed in more-secure areas or where
friendly movement is required. Static defense techniques are more secure than checkpoints, but they create
more hardship for the local population and friendly forces. Commanders must weigh the risk of threat to an
asset with the needs of friendly forces and the local population when choosing which method to employ.
9-44. Security units should make extensive use of entrenchments, hardening, and fortifications to enhance
the defensive effort. This is particularly true for static assets: if an asset cannot be moved, it is far easier for
the enemy to target and destroy it. Hardening and fortifying these assets forces the enemy to commit more
resources to their destruction while protecting security forces from enemy attack and multiplying the
effects of their defensive efforts.
9-45. As enemy forces move into the security zone, security forces engage the intruding forces through a
mixture of stubborn defenses, counterattacks, raids, and ambushes. If the enemy force is relatively small
and weak, a decisive counterattack or ambush may seek to annihilate it or force its withdrawal. If the
enemy force is powerful, security forces conduct stubborn retrograde operations, delaying the enemy’s
advance, inflicting casualties, and disrupting enemy cohesion in anticipation of a powerful counterattack
from a main-body defensive group. Retrograde operations cease once the security group reaches a key
asset. At this time, the security unit must bravely defend without further retreat, using all of its remaining
combat power to resist the enemy’s assault.
9-46. Security-force responsibilities revolve primarily around neutralizing shore raids and harassments that
target wide areas of shoreline. Most of these duties fall to the Chinese Coast Guard, a subsidiary of the
PAP. Due to the vast distances of vulnerable coast in China, this necessarily requires security units to be
widely dispersed, limiting their combat power. Security forces are not intended to resist major amphibious
operations; this responsibility falls to the PLAA. Instead, they are to remain vigilant against small-scale
enemy intrusions over the shore, mainly reconnaissance raids, sabotage raids, and insertion or extraction of
enemy agents. They also take on numerous civil missions, including coastal patrol and policing, regulation
and protection of trade, and interdiction of smuggling.
9-47. Security-force responsibility for air defense is similar to coastal defense. Security forces have little to
no active air defense capability, but they are instead responsible for responding to aerial insertions of
ground forces into the security zone. China fears the use of helicopters to conduct air insertions of troops
into rear areas, and it relies heavily on security forces to counter this threat. Security forces will be widely
dispersed and cannot resist a major air assault operation, but they are expected to detect and neutralize
smaller aerial insertions of commandos, raiders, or enemy agents. The best method is to ambush helicopters
as they descend in altitude and consolidate. An alternative method is to target enemy forces while they are
vulnerable immediately after landing. This requires security forces to detect and track enemy air elements
as they move into the security zone, then rapidly mass combat power in and around the landing zone.
Security units should make extensive use of observation posts integrated with radar and the wider air
defense network.
9-57. The PLA also envisions its security units contributing to ground actions through deception, primarily
through the use of feint actions. Security forces—particularly armed police—are well suited to missions of
this type due to their high density of light, mobile armored vehicles and the ability to move quickly through
a variety of different terrain types. Five different forms of feint are envisioned for security forces:
z Feint movement: a security force moves in such a way that it deceives the enemy into thinking a
larger army movement is occurring.
z Feint assembly: a security force simulates a more-powerful ground force assembling on the
ground for an offensive action.
z Feint attack: a security force conducts an actual limited attack on an enemy position.
z Feint defense: a security force conducts a limited or simulated defense against an attacking
z Feint withdrawal: a security force pretends to be a larger force withdrawing from the battlefield.
9-58. All of these measures are supported with false intelligence, including fake radio traffic. Their general
intent is to fool enemy reconnaissance and surveillance assets into thinking that the security unit is actually
a mechanized or armored friendly unit and to manipulate them into acting a certain way due to this
misbelief. This, in turn, puts actual main body forces on the offensive, knowing that the enemy has been
fooled and is pursuing an action against a deception unit. Commanders must remember, however, that
security forces are not equipped to operate in close quarters with enemy heavy forces, and they should
strive to protect their assigned security forces during deception actions.
Note. The equipment overview provided in this appendix is not intended to be exhaustive, but
rather to introduce the most widely employed variants of major equipment types used by the
A-4. The PLAA fields a massive number of tanks, most of which are main battle tanks (MBTs), with a
handful of light and amphibious tanks. The MBT force currently has more than 6,500 vehicles—more than
twice the number fielded by any other country. Many of these, however, are early Cold-War vintage and of
dubious utility on the modern battlefield. Early Chinese tanks were either direct copies or heavily
influenced by Soviet designs, but the more-modern tanks are entirely indigenous and show more design
similarities with Western tanks than with Russian ones.
A-5. Despite its age, the Type 59 tank is still fielded in limited numbers in active units, and large numbers
are maintained in reserve or mothball status. The Type 59 was derived from the ubiquitous Soviet T-54/55
tank and shares most of its design features. Its armor is homogenous steel, and its early 100-mm gun is
inadequate against modern MBTs. The PLAA has, however, periodically upgraded its Type 59 fleet,
adding modern thermal sights, a larger gun, improved gun stabilizers, explosive-reactive armor (ERA), and
improved crew survivability systems. Modernized Type 59 tanks are lightweight, reasonably mobile,
possess relatively modern fire control systems, and are simple to operate and maintain. However, their
protection—even when upgraded with ERA—is poor by modern standards. Though the tanks employ a
copy of the once-ubiquitous L7 105-mm main gun that can fire both tungsten and uranium penetrators,
main gun performance is poor compared to modern larger guns.
A-6. The Type 80/Type 88 tank was the first Chinese indigenous tank design. The PLAA mixed Western
and Soviet design philosophies in the Type 80, using a Soviet-style chassis and turret design with a
Western gun and crew configuration. The result was an MBT that was competitive with the T-72, T-80, and
early M1 Abrams designs. The first variants entered service in the early 1980s, and they have been
continuously upgraded. Those currently in service are essentially comparable to the much-later Type 96.
Upgrade versions feature advanced computerized fire control, a mixture of homogenous and applique
composite armor, a 125 millimeter (mm) smoothbore gun capable of firing penetrators, high explosives
(HE) and missiles, ERA, and a significantly upgraded engine. While an older design, upgraded Type 80/88
tanks are competitive with older Western MBTs, and they can threaten even the most modern designs.
A-7. The Type 96 tank is the most widespread modern MBT in the PLAA inventory. A fully indigenous
design derived from the Type 80, the Type 96 was the first Chinese tank to feature full composite armor
and a Western-style arrow-shaped turret, in contrast to the bowl-shaped turrets of the Type 80/88. The Type
96 is a relatively light modern MBT with excellent mobility, leading the PLAA to deploy most of its Type
96s in hilly regions and other areas of difficult terrain. Composite ERA and laser jammers have been added
to the original Type 96, improving its survivability against antitank guided missiles (ATGMs). The Type 96
was originally only an iterative upgrade, and it was not truly competitive with either its Western or Russian
counterparts when it was first deployed. It was built in large numbers, however, and upgraded variants—
including Types 96A1 and 96B—have improved lethality and protection.
A-8. The Type 99 tank is China’s newest MBT. It represents the PLAA’s new commitment to
modernization and investment in technology. Using the same design approach as the Type 96, the Type 99
employs a Russian-style chassis with a Western-style turret. It features a full suite of modern protective
systems, including spaced composite armor enhanced with ERA; full chemical, biological, radiological,
and nuclear protection; crew survivability upgrades; and an active protection system. Its 125-mm main gun
can fire sabot, HE, and missiles, and its advanced suspension and powerful engine give it excellent
cross-country mobility. An upgraded variant, the Type 99A, enhances the protection scheme with thicker
armor and multi-layer ERA, a more powerful engine, and improved electronic warfare and network
capabilities. Due to its high cost, it is not anticipated that the Type 99 will fully replace the Type 96, and
the Type 99A will only see service in elite “digitized” units.
A-9. The Type 62 is an evolution of a Cold-War tank that has been modified and modernized into a light
tank platform. Developed specifically to operate in the challenging mountains and jungles of southern
China, the Type 62 was essentially a scaled-down Type 59, armed with an 85-mm gun and a lightweight
armor package. At around 30 metric tons, the Type 62 filled the gap between heavy MBTs and very light
airborne and amphibious tanks. Modernized variants feature upgraded armor and targeting packages, but
they are badly undergunned and have virtually no offensive capability against modern MBTs. These tanks
are still in limited use in specific geographic areas, but they are being phased out in favor of the Type 15
light tank.
A-10. The Type 15 is a brand-new light tank developed to take over the role filled by the Type 62. It
features the ubiquitous 105-mm rifled gun and composite armor, along with an advanced remote weapons
station and autoloader. The Type 15 is likely not intended to compete directly with modern MBTs, but
rather to enhance the firepower of mountain and jungle units. It is also likely tailored for the export
market—numerous lower-tier militaries around the world are seeking to replace their Soviet-era equipment,
and a modern tank in the 30-metric-ton class meets many of their requirements. The Type 15 was just
recently accepted by the PLAA, and it is in only limited use by operational units.
A-11. The Type 63 is a widely proliferated amphibious light tank. Early Type 63 models were built
primarily to provide PLAA forces with an armored platform capable of crossing rivers and other small
bodies of water. These vehicles are still in limited service in lowland regions. The upgraded Type 63A was
built specifically for the People’s Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps (PLANMC), and it is capable of
crossing open-ocean areas. Both types are capable of firing while embarked, though the Type 63A has a
greatly enhanced on-the-move capability. Both tanks have only light homogenous armor, and they are not
intended to withstand attacks from modern ATGMs or enemy tanks. While still in use by both the PLAA
and PLAN, Type 63s are being phased out in favor of more modern amphibious tank systems.
A-12. The ZLT-05 amphibious tank is a hybrid IFV, tank, and assault-gun platform with impressive
performance across even large bodies of water. A modern 105-mm gun employs sabot, HE, and ATGMs
from land or water, using a modern fire control computer and extensive stabilization. While heavier than
the Type 63, the ZLT-05 still features only light armor, and it is intended to protect only against
fragmentation and light weapons. The ZLT-05 is intended to be the standard amphibious tank throughout
the PLANMC and, as such, it is the backbone of the PLA’s short-range amphibious capability.
IFVs. Its protection, however, is very light, and it is likely only fully resistant to small arms and
fragmentation. The IFV’s mobility is outstanding, thanks to its light weight, high power-to-weight ratio,
and advanced suspension. The ZBD-03 is both air mobile and air droppable, and it forms the primary
armored component of the PLAAF’s airborne corps. It is envisioned as the main offensive capability of the
airborne corps, and it is intended to take on enemy rear area forces, garrison forces, and other soft targets as
part of airborne operations. This IFV was not designed to confront heavy mechanized forces. Variants
include a command vehicle and a tank destroyer variant with a larger ATGM launcher instead of a gun.
A-17. The ZBD-05 IFV is the PLANMC’s amphibious fighting vehicle. It shares a chassis and machinery
with the ZLT-05 light amphibious tank, the primary difference being that the IFV carries eight passengers
and employs a 30-mm autocannon, rather than the 105-mm main gun. The ZBD-05 can cross open ocean
with relative speed and safety, and it can engage targets while embarked due to advanced stabilization of
the gun and missile launchers. The ZBD-05’s protection is similar to that of the ZLT-05. It is necessarily
light and only proof against small arms and fragmentation. The ZBD-05 is in wide service with the PLAA’s
amphibious brigades and the PLANMC; proliferation will likely increase significantly as the PLANMC
expansion continues.
A-18. The ZBL-08 is an IFV built on the relatively new Type 08 8 x 8 wheeled vehicle chassis. The Type
08 chassis is broadly similar to the U.S. Stryker or the Russian BTR, though it is an indigenous Chinese
design, and it is somewhat heavier than either of its contemporaries. The ZBL-08 variant carries seven
passengers, and it employs a 30-mm autocannon plus ATGMs. It has good cross-country mobility, and it is
notably fast on improved roads, making it a first choice for urban combat situations. Its armor is likely
proof against heavy machine-gun fire and fragmentation, though it may have limited protection against
light cannon from some directions. The IFV variants are employed in much the same way as their tracked
counterparts—as firepower support for dismounted infantry. A reconnaissance variant is equipped with a
sophisticated sensor suite including radar, thermal sensors, electro-optical sensors, and a laser designator, in
addition to the gun and missile package of the IFV.
warfare, engineering support, and assault gun. The PAP also employs Type 08s in domestic security and
antiterrorism roles. This is the largest and most-powerful vehicle employed by the PAP.
A-23. The ZSL-92 is a light APC that employs two different 6 x 6 wheeled chassis that are collectively
referred to as the WZ-551. Despite a long and troubled development period, the ZSL-92 is widely
proliferated in the PLAA, the PAP, and internationally. An IFV variant is equipped with a 25-mm
autocannon, and it can carry nine passengers, while the APC variant employs a heavy machine gun, and it
can carry up to 11 passengers. Due to its light armor, however, it is unlikely that the PLAA employs the
ZSL-92 in an offensive role. The ZSL- 92’s light weight and road mobility make it a natural choice for the
PAP, and large numbers are employed in engineering, crowd control, and security roles.
ability to conduct expeditionary operations or operations a significant distance from its internal logistics
how the PLAA prioritized the modernization of its artillery systems. Self-propelled guns (SPGs) and MRLs
received enormous investments and have largely completely modernized systems, while many towed and
mortar systems can be dated back to at least the 1960s.
Note. The equipment overview provided in this appendix is not intended to be exhaustive, but
rather to introduce the most widely employed variants of major equipment types used by the
B-6. The Type 87 mortar is the standard light mortar employed throughout the PLAA, reserves, and
militia units. A simple design similar to U.S. and Soviet or Russian light mortars, it fires a variety of
ammunition, including high explosives (HE), smoke, and illumination, out to roughly 4,000 meters. These
mortars are the basic indirect firepower of the light combined arms battalion (CA-BN), with each battalion
employing a battery’s worth of mortars (12 to 16 tubes) in the firepower company. The Type 87 is
man-portable, though it is rather heavy by 81 or 82-mm standards.
B-7. The W-99 mortar looks like a hybrid between a mortar and a light howitzer. A towed system, it is
referred to by the PLAA as a rapid-fire mortar, and it is capable of an impressive rate of fire, far surpassing
that of man-packed 81 or 82-mm mortar types. It does, however, require significantly more support,
including a prime mover and more ammunition. It is not man-portable, but it represents a significant
increase in the firepower available to the infantry battalion. This capability is not replicated in U.S.
B-8. The Type 54 howitzer is a simple 122-mm pack gun derived from the World War II-era Soviet M-30.
Despite its advanced age, the M-30/Type 54 is still widely fielded and is almost certainly the most
numerous light howitzer design in the world today. Chinese designs were periodically upgraded over the
years, becoming lighter, increasing reliability and rate of fire, and simplifying march-order and
emplacement procedures. While old, the Type 54’s performance is roughly in line with modern 105-mm
guns, though it is somewhat heavier than most contemporary light howitzers. It provides the bulk of the
artillery firepower for the light CA-BDE, and it still equips many of the towed howitzer battalions of the
artillery brigades. The most common evolved versions of the Type 54 are the Type 83 and Type 86, both
redevelopments from the 1980s that feature superior chassis technology and increased rates of fire. The
Type 54 family is a versatile system. It can provide both indirect or direct fire, and PLAA forces train to
employ these systems as direct-fire antitank guns in addition to their role as artillery.
B-9. The Type 66 howitzer is another Soviet design, based around the D-20 152-mm howitzer. This
system dates from the 1960s, and it still comprises most of the PLAA’s heavy tube artillery capability. The
Type 66 is a large and heavy gun with middling-to-poor performance by modern standards, but when
employed competently and in mass, it can still deliver decisive firepower. The system is simple and robust,
able to operate in austere environments with minimal maintenance support. Its rate of fire is similar to that
of more modern guns, but its range and accuracy are significantly worse when firing conventional
ammunition. Rocket-assisted ammunition and precision-guided rounds offset these limitations somewhat,
but their availability is limited. The Type 66 equips the heavy towed batteries of PLAA artillery brigades,
and it is used to provide heavy fire support for maneuver operations.
B-10. The PLZ-89 is the PLAA’s most widely used SPG. It mates the gun from the ubiquitous Type
54/83/86 122-mm towed howitzers with the chassis of the Type 63 light tank, creating a simple,
lightweight, mobile self-propelled artillery system. The performance and protection of the PLZ-89 are both
unremarkable, but the system is robust and easy to employ. The PLAA employs around 700 PLZ-89s
throughout its formations; nearly all are in the artillery battalions of medium or heavy CA-BDEs. These
systems provide close-range fire support for CA-BDE maneuver actions, typically rolling just behind the
maneuver battalions. Though outranged and outgunned by more-modern 155-mm SPGs, the PLZ-89’s
mobility and simplicity make it indispensable to the PLAA. The SH-3 is a recent modernized variant,
offering improved fire control and mobility.
B-11. The PLZ-07 is the PLAA’s newest 122-mm SPG. It employs a modernized version of the PLZ-89’s
gun, itself derived from the obsolete Soviet D-30, though its performance is improved with modernized fire
control and advanced ammunition. The primary advance of the PLZ-07 is the use of the modern ZBD-04
armored personnel carrier (APC) as its chassis, giving it improved cross-country and amphibious
performance, greater range, and improved reliability versus older SPGs. The PLZ-07 will likely be
produced in large numbers, eventually replacing all of the older PLZ-89 subtypes throughout the PLAA.
Like the older system, the PLZ-07 is outgunned by 155-mm systems, but its mobility and simplicity make it
very well adapted for closely supporting maneuver formations.
B-12. The PLZ-83 was the PLAA’s first heavy tracked SPG, mating the gun from the Type 66 howitzer
with a generic Soviet heavy armored fighting vehicle (AFV) chassis. Though the 152-mm gun provided
enhanced firepower compared to the widely fielded 122-mm models, the PLAA was dissatisfied with the
PLZ-83’s mobility and reliability. The ballistic performance of the gun was also poor. Relatively small
numbers were fielded, with the PLAA initially equipping division artillery units with them, and today
equipping individual batteries within artillery brigades with them. These systems are still in service, though
they are set to be replaced by more-modern systems.
B-13. The PLZ-05 is the PLAA’s new heavy SPG, mating a new 155-mm gun with a specially developed
light AFV chassis. The PLZ-05 can employ a wide variety of munitions and enjoys the impressive range
and accuracy of a fully modernized 155-mm gun system. In addition, the PLZ-05 employs an autoloader,
increasing its sustained rate of fire to 10 rounds per minute, with a 3-rounds-in-15-seconds burst capability.
The PLZ-05 is comparable to other advanced SPGs in most respects, and it represents a major increase in
indirect-fire capability for the PLAA. It is likely that all artillery brigades will eventually employ a
battalion’s worth of PLZ-05s as the older PLZ-83s are phased out. The PLZ-05 is a very large and heavy
system with substantial support requirements, but its cross-country mobility remains excellent.
and its ballistic missile force, and it is the primary offset for the lack of a meaningful close air support
B-16. The DF-11 is the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force’s (PLARF’s) most widely employed
short-range ballistic missile (SRBM). Originally designed to provide operational-level area fires out to 300
kms to theater commanders, subsequent versions have expanded the range out past 700 kms. Accuracy has
also increased, reducing circular error probable to only 30 meters, giving theater commanders a long-range
precision strike capability. The DF-11 can employ both conventional and nuclear warheads; conventional
warheads may be either HE submunition or fuel-air explosive. The PLARF is capable of structured attacks
with its DF-11 fleet, and the solid-fuel rocket and mobile transporter-erector-launchers enable rapid launch
and reload operations.
B-17. The DF-15/16 is a newer family of systems that provides the bulk of the PLARF’s operational-level
fire support capability. These systems range between 600 kms and 1,000 kms, and they employ advanced
antiballistic missile countermeasures such as terminal maneuvers and decoys. Early variants were not
accurate enough for precision strikes, but modernized variants enjoy a circular error probable of 30 meters
or less. These missiles can employ nuclear or conventional warheads, and have a significantly larger
payload (over 600 kilograms) than do most SRBMs.
B-18. The B-611 is a new SRBM system that likely seeks to replicate the capabilities of the Soviet SS-26
Iskander. Its capabilities include a 500-km range, advanced penetration aids, good mobility, rapid reload,
and precision targeting. The B-611 is likely intended to complement the 300-mm rocket class with an
enhanced penetration weapon, enabling the targeting and destruction of antiballistic missile systems prior
to more general targeting.
Note. This section only discusses PLARF ballistic missiles that may be employed in support of
tactical formations; it does not include long-range or intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
B-22. While the PLAA fields a variety of precision and near-precision munitions for all of its fire support
systems, the cost and complexity of these munitions limit their usage to the highest-priority missions.
Precision munitions use a variety of guidance methods, including laser targeting, inertial, satellite, imagery,
and radar. High-end ballistic missiles employ multiple methods to enhance accuracy at extreme ranges. The
PLAA process for mensurating a target is not well known, but is likely less precise than U.S. processes.
The decision-making process supporting targeting, however, is likely well-rehearsed and meticulous—in
part due to reactions from the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade by American aircraft in 1999.
B-23. Like their Russian counterparts, PLAA fire support elements are very concerned with the counterfire
threat, and significant resources are given over to counterfire operations. PLAA artillery units generally
have good tactical mobility and practice the simple “shoot-and-scoot” methodology to avoid counterfire,
while carefully concealing their positions from aerial attack and observation. The PLAA employs a variety
of counterfire systems including sounding, radars, and visual means, and counterfire missions are highly
Note. The equipment overview provided in this appendix is not intended to be exhaustive, but
rather to introduce the most widely employed variants of major equipment types used by the
C-5. The PG-87 is the most widespread towed antiaircraft gun in the PLAA’s inventory, with several
thousand units equipping light combined arms brigades (CA-BDEs), reserve units, and militia units. The
PG- 87 is an up-gunned variant of the widely proliferated Soviet ZU-23, first fielded in 1960. PLAA
variants employ two barrels firing 25-millimeter (mm) ammunition—in contrast to the Soviet 23 mm—
giving Chinese weapons increased range and lethality. The PG-87 was further upgraded with enhanced
targeting (including an infrared sight and fire control radar), improved training and direction mechanisms,
and larger ammunition magazines. The PG-87 can fire a variety of ammunition types, including high
explosive, armor piercing, and tracer. The PG-87’s range is limited to two kilometers (kms), but it is lethal
against aerial targets of all types that enter its engagement envelope. The PLAA also employs its PG-87
guns in direct-fire mode against ground targets. Its 25-mm ammunition has similar performance to infantry
fighting vehicle (IFV) autocannons in this role.
C-6. The PG-99 is a newer towed twin 35-mm system likely derived from the Oerlikon GDF family of
guns. The PG-99 makes use of a variety of different search and tracking sensors, including an
electro-optical visual sensor, a laser range finder, and digital integration with supporting radars. Traverse
and elevation are rapid and mechanically assisted, and the gun has excellent mobility. Its emplacement time
is less than two minutes. The PG-99 can fire high explosive, incendiary, and armor piercing rounds past
four kms, and it can also engage ground targets, including light armored vehicles. The PG-99’s gun system
is also the primary weapon for many of the PLAA’s SPAAGs and hybrid systems, simplifying sustainment
and crew training requirements.
C-10. The FN-6 is a reverse-engineered copy of the European Mistral system. Though technically still a
MANPADS, the FN-6 is a heavier and more-powerful missile than most MANPADS, and it is best suited
for use on vehicle-mounted platforms or from stabilized ground positions. The PLAA employs FN-6
variants on a wide variety of vehicles, most notably the FN-6A. The FN-6A combines the infrared missile
with a heavy machine gun on a light tactical vehicle chassis, mimicking the U.S. Army’s AN/TWQ-1
Avenger SHORAD platform. It is likely that most future SHORAD vehicles will employ the FN-6 and
evolved variants—such as the FN-16—as either a dedicated SHORAD system or a bolt-on option, as
required. The FN-6 is an all- aspect weapon with a range of more than six kms.
C-11. The QW-1/2 are the PLAA’s newest and most advanced MANPADSs. They are likely reverse-
engineered or rough copies of the Russian 9K310 Igla-1 system. Each is a lightweight, shoulder-fired
system with an advanced infrared seeker and continuously upgraded counter-countermeasures. The newer
QW-2 has been upgraded to increase its performance against very low and fast-moving targets, potentially
giving it a counter-cruise missile capability. The QW series is also mounted on a vast array of vehicles,
ranging from light wheeled systems to heavy armored systems. Most of these systems employ only visual
and infrared sensors, though some integrate short-range radars. QW-series missiles have a range of roughly
six kms.
C-12. Chinese MANPADS systems are enabled by an advanced command and control system called
SmartHunter. This system includes an advanced short-range radar, identification of friend and foe
capability, and network backbone to support decentralized operations by MANPADS teams. SmartHunter
is vehicle-mounted and tactically mobile, able to provide a high-quality air defense sensor and fire control
support in advanced or austere areas.
variants. The PLAA operates the HQ-16, but it likely integrates it fully into theater IADS along with the
long-range PLAAF SAM systems.
C-16. The HQ-17 is a reverse-engineered copy of the Russian 9K331 Tor-M1 SAM system. The HQ-17
marries a simple command-guided interceptor with a robust tracked chassis and a powerful electronically
scanned radar array, creating a mobile and protected medium-range SAM system. HQ-17s are primarily
housed within heavy CA-BDEs, providing a uniquely lethal and long-range air defense capability within
the CA-BDE’s air defense battalion. HQ-17 batteries consist of a medium-range radar and four launchers,
each with eight ready missiles. Though it uses an older command guidance system, the HQ-17’s accuracy
and lethality are thought to be excellent. Some analysists claim that the HQ-17 is capable of challenging
targets such as cruise missiles and precision munitions. Its slant range is quoted as anywhere between 12
kms and 20 kms; the detection range of the radar is past 30 kms.
Note. The equipment overview provided in this appendix is not intended to be exhaustive, but
rather to introduce the most widely employed variants of major equipment types used by the
People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
D-3. The Z-10 is China’s first modern attack helicopter. Pursued after the PLA studied the effectiveness of
the U.S. Apache during Operation Desert Storm, the Z-10 is the result of collaboration between the Russian
Kamov design bureau and the PLA. It strongly resembles other modern attack helicopters both physically
and in capabilities, and its specifications are competitive with any contemporary design. The Z-10 has a
crew of two and employs a chin-mounted chain gun—likely a copy of the U.S. M242 25-millimeter (mm)
system—along with a versatile mixture of missiles and rockets. Z-10 missiles include both precision air-to-
air and air-to-surface weapons. The Z-10 can carry up to 16 missiles of various types, four rocket pods, or
some combination thereof, as required. The Z-10 also employs a modern sensor suite, including fire-control
radars, infrared optics, and an optional targeting pod with an electro-optical targeting system. The Z-10 has
an integrated electronic warfare capability that can be augmented by an add-on pod.
D-4. The Z-19 is a lightweight attack and reconnaissance helicopter that was developed in concert with the
Z-10 and is derived from the Z-9 utility helicopter. It also employs a two-person crew, though it is
substantially smaller and lighter than the Z-10. Unlike virtually every other attack helicopter, the Z-19 does
not use a machine gun or cannon; its offensive capability comes either from eight missiles (air-to-air or
air-to-surface) or two rocket pods. Its sensor suite is similar to that of the WZ-10, with a radar system and
infrared targeting. The Z-19 features an integrated targeting pod under the nose, enhancing its targeting and
reconnaissance capabilities at the expense of a gun system. Z-19s are fielded in the reconnaissance
battalions of AABs; their primary tactical role is reconnaissance and targeting in support of heavier attack
platforms. They may also be used more extensively in the rotary-wing air-to-air role; their small size,
smaller infrared signature, and increased agility makes them well-suited to the low-level counter-air
D-5. The Mi-17 is a long-serving Russian medium-lift and -utility design still in limited use in the PLAA.
An evolved version of the Mi-8, the Mi-17 is slightly larger and more powerful than the U.S. UH-60 Black
Hawk. It is a simple utility design able to carry or sling a useful payload or up to two squads’ worth of
troops. Winglet-equipped variants can carry a substantial offensive payload, including rocket and gun pods,
though they lack the sophisticated targeting capabilities and protection schemes of dedicated attack
helicopters. The PLAA uses several different Mi-17 variants, though their performance and roles vary little.
Mi- 17s serve mostly in the utility helicopter battalions of AABs.
D-6. The Z-9 is a light multirole helicopter derived from a European design. It is versatile and lightweight,
able to serve in light transport, attack, reconnaissance, search-and-rescue, or maritime roles. In attack roles,
it employs a mixture of light cannons and up to four missiles, both air-to-air and air-to-surface. The Z-9
may be considered a compromise platform. It was fielded as one of China’s first modern military
helicopters. It lacks the endurance and payload of a transport helicopter and the protection and sensors of
an attack helicopter. Nonetheless, Z-9s are fielded widely throughout the PLAA, the People’s Liberation
Army Air Force (PLAAF) and People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). Z9s will see widespread use in
multiple roles for the foreseeable future.
D-7. The Z-8 is a modernized version of a 1960s-era French heavy-lift helicopter, the SA-321. China
reverse-engineered and modernized the French design, making it the standard heavy-lift platform for both
the PLAA and the PLAN. The Z-8 is both fast and long-ranged, and it can carry a substantial payload. The
basic design is very old; however, and it is both inefficient and maintenance-heavy compared to more
modern designs. Due to its size and poor agility, it is also very vulnerable to ground fire, and it is likely
relegated to transport roles in deeper operational areas.
D-8. The Z-20 is a new design that bears a very strong resemblance to the UH-60 Black Hawk. It is likely
reverse-engineered from copies of the S-70, the Black Hawk’s civilian counterpart. The Z-20 is a new
design, accepted into service in 2018, and few examples are operational. It is very likely, however, that the
Z-20 will become the PLAA’s new standard medium-lift and multirole platform, replacing both the Z-8 and
the Mi-17 in these roles. Navalized versions are also in development. Unsurprisingly, the Z-20’s
specifications mirror those of the UH-60, though uprated engines and a new five-bladed propeller may
moderately enhance performance.
D-9. The PLAA operates a number of light helicopter systems, nearly all of which are either commercial
purchases from European manufacturers or licensed or reverse-engineered copies of European designs. The
most common is the HC-120. It is a simple and agile design that performs a number of light transport and
liaison duties. These systems do not appear to be used in combat roles. They are, however, likely used by
both People’s Armed Police (PAP) and militia units as light air support for rear area and security
operations, and civilian variants are widely fielded by Chinese police organizations of all types.
D-10. China is a world leader in UAS development and production. This industrial capability is reflected in
the widespread use of UASs throughout PLA formations of all types. The PLAA employs advanced
medium-altitude UA as surveillance platforms at the theater and group army echelons, and they have likely
weaponized some of these systems. Lightweight UA are employed at brigade and battalion level, and
man-portable systems are employed by units as small as squads or patrols. The PLAA also employs
weaponized UA in antiradiation and electronic warfare roles. The PLAN uses UASs for long-range
surveillance in support of surface operations, and it may employ weaponized versions as antisubmarine
platforms. The PLAAF employs a variety of sophisticated long-range UASs that provide surveillance and
intelligence at the national and theater level and weaponized systems that conduct precision strike missions.
Note. The equipment overview provided in this appendix is not intended to be exhaustive, but
rather to introduce the most widely employed variants of major equipment types used by the
People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
E-5. The GCZ-110 is one of several types of tracked and armored multipurpose engineer vehicles, all of
which are simply tank chassis and engine with the turret removed and engineering equipment attached.
These systems provide the heavy and medium CA-BDEs with obstacle breaching, fortifications, and
recovery support. Light CA-BDEs have lighter engineer support, consisting of similar capabilities but on
truck-mounted platforms.
E-6. Mine laying and clearing remain important capabilities for the PLAA. Specialized mine-clearing
vehicles combine plows and magnetic detectors with short-range mine-clearing rocket artillery on armored,
tracked platforms, most notably the GSL-130. Lightweight wheeled systems are also common, serving in
both medium and light CA-BDEs. Mine laying is accomplished primarily through artillery-scatterable
mines, although large, advanced antitank mines are also employed in large numbers.
E-7. The PLAA employs a wide variety and high density of bridging systems, both truck-mounted and
tank chassis-mounted. Lightweight bridging systems can handle wheeled or light armored systems, while
heavy bridging systems can handle main battle tanks (MBTs). Many bridging systems are modular,
allowing multiple segments of bridge to be combined together in order to cross wider gaps. PLAA
maneuver units conduct regular training with bridging units and consider river crossing to be an important
skillset. Bridging systems are also regularly used in support of civilian populations.
E-8. As with most militaries, the PLAA’s armored recovery vehicles nearly all consist of tank chassis and
engines, a fully armored crew compartment, and simple, powerful recovery gear designed to quickly
retrieve damaged or immobilized armored vehicles. As the weight of armored vehicles—particularly
tanks—has risen, so too have recovery vehicles needed to become more powerful. The PLAA has
traditionally developed a recovery vehicle based on the previous generation’s MBT. The most current
recovery vehicle, the Type 654, is thought to be the only vehicle capable of recovering the Type 99 MBT.
Heavy CA-BDEs employ recovery vehicles in their operational support battalion. Engineer brigades also
operate recovery vehicle companies in support of group army operations.
Note. The equipment overview provided in this appendix is not intended to be exhaustive, but
rather to introduce the most widely employed variants of major equipment types used by the
People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
F-3. Chinese artillery and gun radio networks are more mature than other Chinese communication
systems. Forward-observer networks employ powerful two-way systems that integrate observers and guns
over secure data and voice networks, based largely on the TBR-142, a component-based radio system of
systems. These networks can be very organized, linking gun pairs with individual observers, or they can be
centralized and controlled through a fire-direction section. Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) integration
into forward-observer nets is likely performed at fire-direction sections as well, allowing an artillery
battalion to integrate multiple sensor types into its network. Artillery brigade systems are more advanced
and powerful than battalion systems, allowing greater data throughput and range in support of heavy rocket
and howitzer batteries.
F-4. PLAA communications units now employ both satellite-based tactical communications and terrestrial
data networks. Satellite communications are heavily limited by bandwidth, and they and are reserved for
the highest-priority networks. China plans to launch numerous new communications satellites in the
coming years, however, and this may expand the availability of satellite networks to lower echelons. The
PLA has a unique relationship with Chinese civilian telecommunications networks. Many civilian networks
were built with PLA requirements in mind. As a result, the PLA can employ domestic cellular and landline
networks for both voice and data communications. This capability is limited strictly to domestic military
operations. Any expeditionary operations must use secure tactical communications on separate networks.
F-5. Integrated air defense system (IADS) components employ their own data network that integrates
sensors and shooters from both the PLAA and the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). While
track-sharing and sensor fusion are likely not yet fielded capabilities, medium- and long-range platforms
can likely share airspace pictures and voice networks, and fire-control centers are integrated with fixed-
wing assets as part of defensive counterair operations. The static nature of most long-range surface-to-air
missile systems enables most of these network components to be hardened and isolated, making them
immune to jamming or intrusion. Lower-level air defense systems use a mixture of voice and limited data
to direct fire. Larger systems may have an automatic cueing capability. Man-portable air defense systems
(MANPADS) can receive fire-control orders from a fire direction section, and they may also have small
data devices to enhance situational awareness.
government will prioritize the continued development of its SOF units, as these capabilities provide greater
flexibility and deployability than heavy conventional forces, enabling greater force projection and
providing a wider range of military and nonmilitary options to political leaders.
The glossary lists acronyms and a term with a joint definition. Acronyms appearing
in ATP 7-100.3 that are not Army or joint are marked with an asterisk (*).The
proponent publication is listed in parentheses after the definition.
km kilometer
*LC local command
LOC line of communications
m meter
MANPADS man-portable air defense system
*MBT main battle tank
*MD military district
mm millimeter
*MPS Ministry of Public Security
MRL multiple rocket launcher
*MSS Ministry of State Security
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCO noncommissioned officer
*PAP People’s Armed Police
*PLA People’s Liberation Army
*PLAA People’s Liberation Army Army
*PLAAF People’s Liberation Army Air Force
*PLAJLSF People’s Liberation Army Joint Logistics Support Force
*PLAN People’s Liberation Army Navy
*PLANMC People’s Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps
*PLARF People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force
*PLASSF People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force
PMESII-PT political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical
environment, and time
*PRC People’s Republic of China
SAM surface-to-air missile
SHORAD short-range air defense
SIGINT signals intelligence
SOF special operations forces
*SPAAG self-propelled antiaircraft gun
*SPG self-propelled gun
SRBM short-range ballistic missile
*TC theater command
TEL transporter-erector-launcher
UA unmanned aircraft
UAS unmanned aircraft system
U.S. United States
USAF United States Air Force
USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command
course of action
A scheme developed to accomplish a mission. (JP 5 0)
These documents must be available to the intended user of this publication.
DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. January 2021.
FM 1-02.1. Operational Terms. 09 March 2021.
FM 1-02.2. Military Symbols. 10 November 2020.
These sources contain relevant supplemental information.
Most joint doctrinal publications are available online at the Joint Electronic Library (JEL) at
JP 3-0. Joint Operations. 17 January 2017.
JP 5-0. Joint Planning. 01 December 2020.
Army doctrine and training publications are available at
ADP 3-0. Operations. 31 July 2019.
AR 350-2. Operational Environment and Opposing Force Program. 19 May 2015.
FM 3-0. Operations. 06 October 2017.
FM 6-27/MCTP 11-10C. The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Land Warfare. 7 August 2019.
The Army Training Department of the Headquarters of the [Chinese] General Staff. Infantry Unit
Tactics, 2nd ed. Translated by the National Ground Intelligence Center. 2004.
Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Translated by Samuel B. Griffith. London: Oxford University Press, 1963.
Blasko, Dennis J. The Chinese Army Today: Tradition and Transformation for the 21st Century, 2nd
ed. New York: Routledge, 2012.
Ji Rongren, ed. Services and Arms Application in Joint Operations, 3rd ed. Translated. Baishan Press,
The People’s Liberation Army. Army Combined Tactics under the Condition of Informationization,
2nd ed. Translated by the National Ground Intelligence Center. Shijiazhuang Army Command
Academy Press, 2009.
U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. China Military Power: Modernizing a Force to Fight and Win. 15
January 2019. Available at
Zhang Yuliang, chief ed. The Science of Campaigns. Translated. Beijing, China: National Defense
University Press, 2006.
This section contains no entries.
Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate website at
DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms.
multirole helicopters, D-5–D-6 thrust maneuvering group, People's Liberation Army. See
4-44 PLA
offensive operations overview, People's War. See principles
navy, 3-10–3-17 7-1–7-3 performed through action,
network and communications offensive operations types, 6-7
capabilities, F-1–F-8 airborne operations, 7-62– perspective, 7-13
capabilities and limitations, 7-64 physical attack, 5-18
F-6–F-8 amphibious landing
equipment overview, F-2– physical protection, 5-23
operations, 7-54–7-57
F-5 attacking a fortified enemy, PLA overview, 1-28–1-41
functional overview, F-1 7-46–7-48 PLAAF. See air force
network attack, 5-17 attacking an unprepared plan and execute quickly and
network protection, 5-22 enemy, 7-49–7-53 decisively, 8-54
new Chinese grand strategy, offensive operations, types, PLAN. See navy planning and
1-15–1-19 7-45–7-65 organizing.
operations under special planning operations, command
O conditions, 7-65 post operations, 4-14–4-18
offense phases, advance, urban offensive operations, control measures, 4-19–4-
7-28–7-31 7-58–7-61 30
annihilate, 7-39–7-41 offensive tactics, ambush, planning process, 4-7–4-13
continuing operations, 7-42– 7-108–7-112 tactical system warfare,
7-44 envelopment tactics, 7-67– 4-1–4-64
initiate, 7-35–7-38 7-75
planning process, assess
phases of the offense, firepower attack, 7-97–
situation, 4-9
7-27–7-44 7-107
issue orders, 4-11
unfold, 7-32–7-34 offensive tactics, 7-66–7-120 make decisions, 4-10
offense principles, adaptation, penetration, 7-76–7-92 organize coordination, 4-12
7-16 pursuit attack, 7-93–7-96 organize support, 4-13
bravery, 7-17 raid, 7-113–7-120 planning and organizing
concentration, 7-12 operational environments, 1-27 operations, 4-7–4-13
coordination, 7-15
operational support battalion, planning the defense, build the
depth, 7-14
2-38 command system, 8-13–
focus, 7-18
operational-level organizations, 8-20
offensive principles, 7-11–7-18 consolidate or withdraw,
perspective, 7-13 2-14–2-18
offensive actions, 7-1–7-120 operations under special counterattack, 8-37–8-42
informationized battlefield conditions, defensive defensive actions, 8-12–
and offensive operations, operations types, 8-69 8-45
7-4–7-10 offensive operations types, organize reconnaissance,
7-65 8-21–8-23
offense principles, 7-11–7-18
organize coordination, 4-12 organize the defensive
offensive operations overview, group and deploy, 8-24–
7-1–7-3 organize reconnaissance,
8-21–8-23 8-27
offensive operations types, resist enemy assaults,
7-45–7-65 organize support, 4-13 8-31–8- 36
offensive tactics, 7-66–7-120 organize the defensive group spoil enemy preparations,
planning the offense, 7-19– and deploy, 8-24–8-27 8- 28–8-30
7-44 P planning the offense, build the
offensive control measures, command system, 7-21–
patrol, 6-86
4-20 7-26
penetration, depth attack, offense phases, 7-27–7-44
offensive groups, advance 7-83–7-85 offensive actions, 7-19–7-
group, 4-41 frontal attack, 7-81–7-82 44
combat reserve group, 4-45 infiltration, 7-86–7-88
depth defense group, 4-49 PLARF. See rocket force
offensive tactics, 7-66–
frontline attack group, 4-42 7-120 PLASSF. See strategic support
tactical system warfare storming attack, 7-89–7-92 force
methodology, 4-31–4-60 political nature, 9-32
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