Is 15060:2001/iso 10321-1992

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IS 15060 (2001): Geotextiles - Tensile Test for Joint/Seams

by Wide-Width Method [TXD 30: Geotextiles and Industrial

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IS 15060:2001
ISO 10321:1992
( Reaffirmed 2006 )

Indian Standard


ICS 59.080.70

(!3 BIS 2001


NEW DELHI 110002

October 2001 Price Group ‘4

Peotextiles and Industrial Fabrics Sectional Committee, TX 30


This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 10321 : 1992 ‘Geotextiles — Tensile test for
joints/seams by wide-width method’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of Geotextiles and Industrial
Fabrics Sectional Committee (TX 30) and approval of the Textile Division Council.

The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards.
Attention is particularly drawn to the following :

a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should be
read as ‘Indian Standard’.

b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice
is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.

!n the adopted standard, the following International Standards are referred to. Read in their respective
places, the following :

International Standard Corresponding Degree of

Indian Standard Equivalence

1s0 554 : 1976 Standard IS 6359:1971 Method for conditioning of Technically

atmosphere for conditioning textiles Equivalent
and/or testing — Specifications

ISO 3696 : 1987 Water for IS 1070:1992 Reagent grade water (third do
analytical laboratory use — revision) . . -..
Specification and test methods

Iso 7500-1 : 1986 Metallic IS 1828 (Part 1). 1991/1S0 7500-1:1986 Identical (see
materials — Verification of Metallic materials — Verification of static also IS 1969:
static uniaxial testing machines uniaxial testing machines: Part 1 Tensile 1986)
— Part 1 : Tensile testing testing machines

ISO 9862 Geotextiles — IS 14706:1999 Geotextiles — Sampling Technically

Sampling and preparation of and preparation of test specimens Equivalent
test specimens

ISO 10319: 1993 Geotextiles IS 13162 (Part 5) : 1992 Geotextiles — do

— Wide-width tensile test Method of test: Part 5 Determination of
tensile properties using a wide width strip

IS 15060:2001
ISO 10321 : 1992

Indian Standard



1 Scope cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan-

I dards are subject to revision, and parties to
This International Standard specifies an index test agreements based on this International Standard
method for determination of the tensile properties are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap-
of joints and seams in geotextiles and related pro- plying the most recent editions of the standards in-
ducts, using a wide-width strip. The method is ap- dicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain
plicable to most geotextiles and geotextile-related registers of currently valid International Standards.
products. It is also applicable to geogrids, but the
specimen dimensions may need to be altered. ISO 554:1976, Standard atmospheres for conditioning
andlor testing — Specifications.
This method quantifies the tensile strength of a joint
or seam between geotextiles or related products. It ISO 3696:1987, Wafer for analytical laboratory use –
can provide data to indicate the joint or seam tensile Specification and test methods.
strength which can be achieved.
ISO 7500-1:1986, Metallic materials – Verification of
A joint or seam efficiency can be calculated by static uniaxial testing machines — Part l.- Tensile
comparison of the joint/seam tensile strength with testing machines.
the tensile strength of the unjointed material as de-
termined by ISO 10319. ISO 9862:1990, Geotaxti/es – Sampling and prepara-
tion of test specimens.
Procedures for measuring the tensile properties of
both conditioned and wet specimens are included. ISO 10319:–1), Geotexti/es – Wide-width tensile test.
Some modification of techniques may be necessary
for particular geotextiles, e.g. strong geotextiles,
meshes or geotextiles made from glass fibre, to 3 Definitions
prevent them from slipping in the jaws or being
damaged as a result of being gripped in the jaws. For the purposes of this International Standard, the
following definitions apply.
The basic test for joints or seams in all kinds of
geotextiles or related products uses test specimens
3,1 seam: Series of stitches joining two or more
of 200 mm width, with the provision for the seam or
separate pieces of a material or materials of planar
joint to extend for 25 mm on each side in order to structure, e.g. geotextiles or related products.
provide joint or seam stability during the test (see
figure 2).
3,2 joint: The junction at which two or more separ-
ate pieces of a geotextile or related product are
joined by a method other than stitching.

2 Normative references 3,3 joint/seam strength (for geotextiles and related

products): The maximum tensile resistance, meas-
The following standards contain provisions which, ured in Idlonewtons per metre, of the junction
through reference in this text, constitute provisions formed by stitching or joining two or more planar
I of this International Standard. At the time of publi- structures.

1) To be published.

IS 15060:2001
ISO 10321 : 1992

3.4 joint/seam efficiency: The ratio, expressed as seam or joint located aiong the centre-line of the
a percentage, of joint/seam strength to the specimen, perpendicular to the direction of the ap-
geotextile strength evaluated in the same direction. piied load.

Cut each specimen, as shown in figure2, to achieve

a final specimen of 200 mm. When removing
4 Principle
the shaded area from a specimen, as shown in fig-
ure 2, the angles between the 25-mm extensions,
A geotextile specimen, 200 mm wide and containing
which are parallel to the seam or joint, and that
a joiW/seam, is gripped across its entire width in the
clamps of a tensile testing machine, operated at a section of the specimen having a finished width of
prescribed rate of extension, and subjected to a 200 mm shall be 90°
longitudinal force (perpendicular to the seam axis)
until the joint/seam of the geotextile or related
6.3.2 For woven geotextiies (see ISO 10319), make
product ruptures.
25-mm-iong cuts at a distance of 25 mm plus b/2
from the centre-iine of the specimen, to facilitate the
removal of the edge yarns in attaining the nominal
5 Apparatus and materials width of 200 mm.

5,1 Tensile testing machine, constant rate of ex-

tension type, complying with ISO 7500-1, in which 6.3.3 For geogrids, prepare jointed specimens at
the rate of increase of specimen length is uniform least 200 mm wide and sufficiently long to ensure a
with time. clamp separation of at least 100 mm plus the joint
width, measured to ~ 3 mm. The jointed test speci-
5.2 Jaws, which are sufficiently wide to hold the men shail contain at ieast five tensile elements
entire width of the specimen and with appropriate within the width of the test specimen and at least
means to limit siippage or damage. Each jaw shall one row of nodes or cross-members on either side
have faces measuring at ieast the width of the of the joint, excluding those by which the test sppci-
specimen, i.e. 200 mm. men is held in the jaws or from which the joint is to
be made. Cut all ribs or cross-members at ieast
NOTE 1 It is stressed that it is essential to choose jaw 10 mm from any node (see figure 4).
faces that limit slippage of the geotextile that may occur,
esoeciallv for stronaer aeotextiies. ExamDles of tvDes of The cross-members, from which the joint is to be
jaw face; which ha;e b;en found satisfactory, are given made, shall be extended, by at least one pitch be-
in figure 1. yond the tensiie eiements to be tested, on both sides
of the specimen, in order to facilitate the formation
5,3 Water (for wet specimens only), purity grade 3 of the joint.
as defined in ISO 3696.

6.3.4 For knitted geotextiles, geocomposites or

5.4 Non-ionic wetting agent (for wet specimens
others in which preparing the specimen by cutting
with a knife or scissors may affect the geotextiie
structure, thermal cutting can be used, taking care
to avoid damaging the specimen during the cutting
6 Test specimens operation, particularity at the point Iabelled “A”
in figure 2. This shali be reported in the test report
6.1 Number of test specimens [clause 10, b)].

Cut at least five test specimens, each of which in-

cludes the seam or joint. 6.3.5 If wet testing is also required, cut an addi-
tional five specimens.
6.2 Selection of test specimens

Select specimens in accordance with ISO 9862. 6.4 Index characterisation

6.3 Dimensions of test specimens For index characterisation of the seam/joint, the two
elements seamed/jointed together shall be orien-
6.3,1 Prepare test specimens from the jointed or tated in the same direction (warp or weft, machine
seamed specimen, each of sufficient length to en- or cross-machine direction) and aligned perpendic-
sure an initial jaw separation of 100 mm plus the ular to the seam/joint and paraliel to the appiied
joint or seam width b (see figure 3) and with the ioad axis.


IS 15060 :2OOI
ISO 10321 :1992



or soft-metal

I tompresslvetorte
adjustable upto 400 kN

a) WedgeJaws b) Crmpresslveb


c) Capstan

Figure 1 – Examples of jaw faces for testing geotextiles

IS 15060:2001
ISO 10321 : 1992

Dimensions in mlllimetres

Width (8)

I /

Q Joint/seam ~

Figure 2 – Test specimen preparation

Dimensions in millimetres


a Joint/seam

I r
cLamp~ —
Width (B 1= 200 I 2s

Figure 3 – Example of seam/joint specimen placed in compressive clamps



IS 15060:2001
ISO 10321 :1992

Dimensions In mlllimetres


Figure 4 – Example of geogrid seam/joint specimen



IS 15060:2001
ISO 10321 : 1992

7 Conditioning atmosphere 8.3 Measurement of tensiie seam/joint

The test specimens shall be conditioned and the test
conducted in one of the standard atmospheres de- Start the tensile testing machine and continue the
fined in ISO 554, i.e. at a relative humidity of procedure until the joint, the seam or the material
(65 +- 2) ‘If and a temperature of (20+- 2) “C [or itself ruptures. Stop the machine and reset to the
(50 ~ 2) % R.H. and (23 ~ 2) ‘C, or (65 ~ 2) % R,H. initial gauge position. Record and report the maxi-
and (27 & 2) “C], until constant mass is achieved. mum force, as read directly from the testing ma-
chine, to an accuracy of 0,2 0/0 of the full scale.
NOTES Observe and record whether the rupture is caused
2 The test specimens can be considered to have been
conditioned when the change in mass of the test specimen
in successive weighings, made at intervals of not less
a) material rupture;
than 2 h, does not exceed 0,25 “A of the mass of the test
specimen. b) sewing thread rupture;

3 Conditioning and/or testing at a specified relative hu- c) material slippage relative to the joint/seam;
midity may be omitted if it can be shown that the results
are not affected. $
d) tear-type geotextile yarn rupture;
Specimens to be tested in the wet condition shall be
e) joint faiiure:
immersed in water (5.3) maintained at a temper-
ature of (20 ~ 2) ‘C [or (23 + 2) “C or (27 + 2) “C].
f) a combination of two or more of the foregoing.
The time of immersion shall be sufficient to wet out [
the test specimens thoroughly, as indicated by no Also note any other comment on the failure mode.
significant change in maximum load or strain fol- i
lowing a longer period of immersion, and at least ;
8.4 Discard criteria j
24 h. To obtain thorough wetting, it may be neces-
sary to add not more than 0,05 0/0 of a non-ionic r
Discard any individual test result and test a further ,
neutral wetting agent (5.4) to the water.
specimen where one or more of the following oc-

8 Procedure a) a single determination is more than 3 standard

deviations below the mean of the five results,
and the reason for the premature failure is
8.1 Setting up of machine clearly due to faulty specimen preparation;

Adjust the distance between the jaws at the start of b) the specimen failure is initiated from any of the
the test, to give a length of 100 mm plus the seam points Iabelied “A” in figure 2;
or joint width, measured to + 3 mm, except for
geogrids and for geotextiies when using capstan c) jaw slippage is observed, and this clearly initi-
grips. ates a premature failure of the seam/joint.

Select the force range of the testing machine such

that the break occurs between 30 “A and 90 YO of
9 Expression of results
full-scale force. Set the machine so as to induce a
strain rate of (20 + 5) O/i/rein in the distance be- 9.1 Seam/joint strength
tween the jaws.
Using equation (l), calculate the mean maximum
Test conditioned specimens in an atmosphere joint or seam strength (Sf) of individual specimens
specified in clause 7. For wet test specimens, per- having a similar seam assembly, i.e. the force, in ,~
form the test within 3 min of removal from the water. kiionewtons per metre, at which the specimen rup-
tures, as read directly from the testing machine.
St= Ffxc . ..(1)
8.2 insertion of test specimen in jaws
Mount the test specimen centrally in the jaws, taking
care that the specimen length is parallel to the di- s, is the joint or seam strength, expressed
rection of application of force. Where appropriate, in kilonewtons per metre;
after mounting, draw a line on the specimen paraliel
and adjacent to each jaw face in order to observe Ff is the recorded maximum force, ex-
any jaw slippage during testing. pressed in kilonewtons;

,, ,

IS 15060:2001
ISO 10321 :1992

c is obtained from equation (2) or (3) as ~f is the mean tensile strength of the
appropriate. unseamed/unjointed material, expressed
in kilonewtons per metre.
Either, for geononwovens or closely woven
geotextiles or similar open-structure materials:
10 Test report
c.— (2)
B The test report shall include the following informa-
tion: ..
where B is the specimen width in metres (usually
0,2 m, see figures 2 and 3). a) the number and year of publication of this inter-
national Standard (ISO 10321:1992);
Or, for coarse geowovens, geomeshes, geogrids or !1
similar materials:
b) identification and description of the material, the
Nm product seam or joint method used, the method
~=— . . . (3)
N, of sampling used, where relevant, the direction
of the joined parts of the specimen and whether
where the specimens were prepared using thermal
cutting techniques;
N. is the minimum number of tensile ele-
ments within 1 m widt’h of the product c) the condition of the test specimens, i.e. wet or .~
being tested; dry;

N, is the number of tensile elements within d) the number of test specimens tested;
the test specimen. I
e) the manufacturer and model of the testing ma-
9.2 Seam/joint efficiency chine; I
If requested, determine the seam/joint efficiency (E) ~
9 the type of jaw, including the jaw dimensions,
using equation (4) when the strength of the and the type of jaw face;
unjointed/unseamed material (Zf) has been deter-
mined by the wide-strip tensile test method 9) the standard atmosphere used;
(ISO 10319) in the same direction as it was for the
joint/seam strength test. h) the joint or seam strength, in kilonewtons per
metre, for each specimen tested and the average
J<=IOOXZ . (4) of those results, and the standard deviation or
coefficient of variation, or both, of the seam/joint

E is the seam/joint efficiency, expressed as i) the type of failure for each test specimen (the
a percentage; material itself, joint/seam or other failure for
each specimen);
J-f is the mean seam/joint strength, ex-
pressed in kilonewtons per metre; if requested, the seam efficiency, as a percent-

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bzmau of Indian Standards Act,. 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of stardardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attend ing to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications, No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
period ical Iy; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BI S Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from DOG No. TX 30( 0439).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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