Changes in s4 HANA 1909 From ECC

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ECC to S4 HANA 1909

Ankit Mahajan

SAP FICO Consultant

Changes in Basic Changes in Maintain Changes in Account

Organization Structure Controlling Area Screen Payable and Vendor
Integration with BP 2021

In this document you will see changes in basic financial organization structure like
(Company, Company Code, Controlling Area etc.) and account payable like (Vendor
creation and Vendor integration with Business Partner) from ECC to S4 HANA. You will see
that what are new fields added in S4 HANA and what is the use of that fields and what are
the fields are obsolete and why these fields are obsolete that were used in ECC.
Configuration Changes in FI from SAP ECC to S4 HANA
1. Creation of Company Note- No changes in this from ECC
SPRO - IMG Reference - Enterprise Structure - Definition - Financial Accounting - Define Company
Transaction Code
Company is a unit which represent business organization. Company consists more than one company code.
Companies are defined in configuration and assigned to company codes. For creating company we need to define
company name, address, Language and currency
2. Creation of Company Code Note- No changes in this from ECC
SPRO - IMG Reference - Enterprise Structure -
Definition - Financial Accounting - Edit, Copy, Delete and Check Company Code
Transaction Code
A company code represents an independent balancing/legal accounting entity. An example would be a company
with independent accounts within a corporate group. Company Codes are not optional within SAP and are
required to be defined.For creating company code we need to define company code, address, Language and

3. Chart of Account 3. Chart of Account

Path Path
SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Preperations - Edit Chart of Account SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Preperations - Edit Chart of Account
List List
Transaction Code Transaction Code
OB13 OB13
Fields Fields
We define language, length of GL, Controlling Integration and Group Chart of Account. The chart of accounts is a Note- Controlling Integration option is removed because cost element is merged in GL and we need not to create
variant which contains the structure and the basic information about general ledger accounts.You define the cost element seperately
chart of accounts with a four character ID.You define the individual components of the chart of account, for
example, language, length of the G/L account number, group chart of accounts, status.The chart of accounts
must be assigned to every company code for which accounts are to be set up based on the structure concerned.

4. Define Account Group Note- No changes in this from ECC

SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Preperations - Account Group
Transaction Code
In chart of account we assign account group and gl account range for gl accounts those are of similar nature

5. Field Status Variant Note- No changes in this from ECC

SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting - Finanacial Accounting Global Setting - Ledgers - Fields - Field Status

Transaction Code
Field status variants use field status groups to specify which fields are ready for input, which fields must be filled,
or which fields are suppressed when entering postings. We can define new FSV or select existing FSV and choose
copy as option and give the name you want then save it. So you will see all FSG will be copied.
5. Field Status Variant Note- No changes in this from ECC
SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting - Finanacial Accounting Global Setting - Ledgers - Fields - Field Status

Transaction Code
Field status variants use field status groups to specify which fields are ready for input, which fields must be filled,
or which fields are suppressed when entering postings. We can define new FSV or select existing FSV and choose
copy as option and give the name you want then save it. So you will see all FSG will be copied.

6. Fiscal Year Variant Note- No changes in this from ECC

SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Setting - Ledgers - Fiscal Year and
Posting Periods - Maintain Fiscal Year Variant

Transaction Code
To assign business transactions to different periods, you have to define a fiscal year with posting periods. We
define fiscal year to post financial transaction and to control that financial transaction should be post in
particular period.
There are two type of fiscal year variant.

1. Year Independent- If each fiscal year of a fiscal year variant uses the same number of periods, and the posting
periods always start and end on the same day of the year, the variant is year-independent.
2. Year Dependent- The start and end dates of the posting periods for some fiscal years are different to the dates
for other fiscal years. Some fiscal years use a different number of posting periods. If all of the fiscal years of a
fiscal year variant have the same number of posting periods, only the different period dates for the different
years have to be defined.

7. Posting Period Variant Note- No changes in this from ECC

SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Setting - Ledgers - Fiscal Year and
Posting Periods - Posting Periods

Transaction Code

Posting Periods Variant controls the open/close posting periods for various account types. A posting Period
Variant is assigned to the Company Code.

8. General Ledger Master Data In S4 HANA

Path IN chart of account segment
SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting (New) - General Ledger Accounting - Master Data - GL Accounts - GL Account type field is added because cost element is merged with gl account and when gl master is created
Create GL Account with Reference - Edit GL Account (Indivisual Processing) - Edit GL Account Centrally cost element will be created for P&L account
1. Balance sheet account- if we want to create balance sheet account then select this option.
Transaction Code 2. Nonoperating expenses or income - If we want to create only gl account not cost element then select this
FS00 option.
3. Primary cost and revenue - If we want to create P&L gl account along with cost element then select this option.
Fields 4. Secondry cost - If we want to create secondry cost element then select this option.
GL accounts are created to record financial transaction. After creating gl account we need to create cost element
to record the cost. GL accounts are created at 3 level
1. Company Code Level
2. Chart of Account Level
3. Centrally
8. General Ledger Master Data In S4 HANA
Path IN chart of account segment
SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting (New) - General Ledger Accounting - Master Data - GL Accounts - GL Account type field is added because cost element is merged with gl account and when gl master is created
Create GL Account with Reference - Edit GL Account (Indivisual Processing) - Edit GL Account Centrally cost element will be created for P&L account
1. Balance sheet account- if we want to create balance sheet account then select this option.
Transaction Code 2. Nonoperating expenses or income - If we want to create only gl account not cost element then select this
FS00 option.
3. Primary cost and revenue - If we want to create P&L gl account along with cost element then select this option.
Fields 4. Secondry cost - If we want to create secondry cost element then select this option.
GL accounts are created to record financial transaction. After creating gl account we need to create cost element
to record the cost. GL accounts are created at 3 level
1. Company Code Level
2. Chart of Account Level
3. Centrally

9. General Ledger Master Data In S4 HANA

Control Data IN company code segment
1. Line item display - This field is already activated and whenever we post document in gl it will be displayed in
line item that why this field is not available here.
2. Clearing spec. to ledger grp - You can use clearing specific to ledger groups if you perform parallel accounting
using the ledger approach (and not the account approach). Clearing and making postings specific to ledger
groups is intended to support you with your closing tasks. You can use the function for all items that, due to
parallel accounting, are posted to and valuated differently in multiple ledgers, in particular for provisions (such as
provisions for commission, for rebates, for process risks, or provisions for creating and checking year-end closing).

As you can see line item display field is not seen here

10. Bank and Interest Details In S4 HANA

One field is added here

Commitment Item - Alphanumeric code of the commitment item you are creating, changing, displaying, or to
which you are assigning budget.

11. Open and Close Posting Period In S4 HANA

Path We have to open positng periods of FI and Controlling from the same screen. This is new functionality. We can
SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting (New) - Financial Accounting Global Setting (New) - Ledgers - Fiscal open posting periods by using path or t-code OB52.
Year and Posting Periods - Posting Periods - Open and close posting period

Transaction Code

We can open posting period for all account type or particular account type. Posting periods of controlling were
opened using t-code OKP1
11. Open and Close Posting Period In S4 HANA
Path We have to open positng periods of FI and Controlling from the same screen. This is new functionality. We can
SPRO - IMG Reference - Financial Accounting (New) - Financial Accounting Global Setting (New) - Ledgers - Fiscal open posting periods by using path or t-code OB52.
Year and Posting Periods - Posting Periods - Open and close posting period

Transaction Code

We can open posting period for all account type or particular account type. Posting periods of controlling were
opened using t-code OKP1

12. Controlling Area In S4 HANA

Path Leading FS Version option is Added
SPRO - IMG Reference - Controlling - General Controlling - Organization - Maintain Controlling Area
Leading FS Version - The financial statement version is used to specify general ledger (GL) accounts that are
Transaction Code relevant for both budget availability control and budget reporting. The financial statement version is also used as
OKKP a default in CO reporting.

It is used to record the cost that incurred in our organization. The Controlling (CO) module of SAP provides
information to managers & decision makers to understand where the company's money is being spent. It not
restricted by any legal requirements as in case of FI & is essentially an internal cost accounting tool.

13. Activate Component / Control Indicator in Controlling Area In S4 HANA

Profit Center Acctg- This field is not available because the FI - GL (New) scenarios are obsolete and S4 HANA
there is no IMG activity available for maintaining scenarios. Classic GL functionality is removed from S4 HANA and
it is mandatory to use new GL functionality. In new GL we can generate reporting using segment, business area
and profit center. It is mandatory to activate profit center accounting.

14. Account Payble Note- No changes in this from ECC

Vendor Group
SPRO - Financial Accounting - Account Receivable and Payble - Vendor Accounts - Master Data - Preparations for
creating vendor master data - Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)
Transaction Code
Vendor account group is used to group vendor of similar nature. It identifies number range assigned to that
group for vendor creation. It also controls fields that is used for vendor master creation.
Vendor Group
SPRO - Financial Accounting - Account Receivable and Payble - Vendor Accounts - Master Data - Preparations for
creating vendor master data - Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)
Transaction Code
Vendor account group is used to group vendor of similar nature. It identifies number range assigned to that
group for vendor creation. It also controls fields that is used for vendor master creation.

15. Account Payble Note- No changes in this from ECC

Vendor Number Range
SPRO - Financial Accounting - Account Receivable and Payble - Vendor Accounts - Master Data - Preparations for
creating vendor master data - Create number ranges for vendor account
Transaction Code

While creating vendor we need number range that is assigned to vendor group so vendor is created as per
number range.

16. Vendor Creation In S4 HANA

Path Vendor creation is obsolete we can not create vendor directly. It is mandatory to create Business Partner. When
SAP Easy Access - Accounting - Financial Accounting - Account Payble - Maintain Centrally - Create we create business partner so vendor will be created automatically and for that we have to do some
configuration steps mentioned below:-
Transaction Code •Path
Create •SPRO - IMG Reference - Cross Application Component - SAP Business Partner - Master Data Synchronization
XK01 BP Role - Synchronization Control - Customer/Vendor Integration - Business partner Setting - Setting for vendor
ry integration - Set BP Role Categroy for Direction BP to Vendor
Fields •Path
We create vendor to record financial transaction of account payble. Create
BP •SPRO - IMG Reference - Cross Application Component - SAP Business Partner - Business Partner - Basic Setting -
Role Business Partner Roles - Define BP Roles

Define •Path
Numbe •SPRO - IMG Reference - Cross Application Component - SAP Business Partner - Business Partner - Basic Setting -
r Range Number Range and Groupings - Define Number Ranges
for BP

Define •SPRO - IMG Reference - Cross Application Component - SAP Business Partner - Business Partner - Basic Setting -
Number Range and Groupings - Define Grouping and Assign Number Ranges
ng and

Synchr •SPRO - IMG Reference - Cross Application Component - Master Data Synchronization - Synchronization Control -
onizati Synchronization Control - Synchronization Object

e •Path
Synchr •SPRO - IMG Reference - Cross Application Component - Master Data Synchronization - Synchronization Control -
onizati Synchronization Control - Activate Synchronization Option

Define •SPRO - IMG - Cross Application Component - Master Data Synchronization - Customer/Vendor Integration - Business
BP role Partner Setting - Setting for vendor Integration - Define BP Role to Direction Vendor to BP
to BP

Define •Path
r •SPRO - IMG - Cross Application Component - Master Data Synchronization - Customer/Vendor Integration - Business
assign Partner Setting - Setting for Vendor Integration - Field Assignment for Vendor Integration - Assign Keys - Define
ment Number Assignment for Direction BP to Vendor
on BP

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