Foreign Affairs - 05 2018 - 06 2018
Foreign Affairs - 05 2018 - 06 2018
Foreign Affairs - 05 2018 - 06 2018
Is Democracy
MAY/JUNE 2018 • VOLUME 97 • NUMBER 3 •
A Global
F O R E I G N A F F A I R S .C O M
The Big Shift 10
How American Democracy Fails Its Way to Success
Walter Russell Mead
May/June 2018
Applicants must have US citizenship and the ability to successfully complete medical examinations and security
procedures, including a polygraph interview. An equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workforce.
China’s New Revolution 60
The Reign of Xi Jinping
Elizabeth C. Economy
Fresh Prince 75
The Schemes and Dreams of Saudi Arabia’s Next King
F. Gregory Gause III
John Garnaut on Pardis Mahdavi on Susanna Blume on the
China’s influence how #MeToo became a Trump administration’s
operations in Australia. global movement. defense strategy.
May/June 2018
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Volume 1, Number 1 • September 1922
May/June 2018
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The political scientist YUEN YUEN ANG ’s work focuses on a
seeming paradox: How does a country without good
governance achieve rapid economic growth? Her prize-
winning 2016 book, How China Escaped the Poverty Trap,
found the answer to that question in an approach that
she called “directed improvisation,” which mixes top-
down orders with bottom-up experimentation. A profes-
sor at the University of Michigan, in “Autocracy With
Chinese Characteristics” (page 39), Ang explains how a
richer China is resisting the pressures of democratiza-
tion—and questions whether it can do so indefinitely.
entralization of power in the economic might of authoritarian powers
executive, politicization of the now outweighs that of advanced liberal
judiciary, attacks on indepen- democracies, they point out, and it is
dent media, the use of public office for probable that the future will look less
private gain—the signs of democratic like the end of history than a renewed
regression are well known. The only struggle for global ideological supremacy.
surprising thing is where they’ve turned Yuen Yuen Ang and Ivan Krastev,
up. As a Latin American friend put it finally, explore how the authoritarian
ruefully, “We’ve seen this movie before, resurgence is playing out on the ground
just never in English.” in China and eastern Europe, respectively.
The United States has turned out to At least today’s enemies of democracy
be less exceptional than many thought. are less violent and aggressive than their
Clearly, it can happen here; the ques- fascist predecessors, so war is unlikely.
tion now is whether it will. To find an And in China, the autocrats have man-
answer, the articles in this issue’s lead aged to reform their bureaucracy enough
package zoom out, putting the country’s to keep the economy moving forward—
current troubles into historical and for now.
international perspective. The most pressing dangers for the
Some say that global democracy is world’s leading democracies, in other
experiencing its worst setback since the words, are not external but internal. The
1930s and that it will continue to retreat time, resources, and opportunity to turn
unless rich countries find ways to reduce things around are there; the only things
inequality and manage the information missing are political will and leadership.
revolution. Those are the optimists. As Benjamin Franklin walked out of the
Pessimists fear the game is already over, Constitutional Convention in 1787, a
that democratic dominance has ended woman asked him, “Well, Doctor, what
for good. have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”
To counsel against despair, Walter Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can
Russell Mead uses history, and Ronald keep it.” Two and a quarter centuries on,
Inglehart uses theory. Democracies in not much has changed.
general, and American democracy in —Gideon Rose, Editor
particular, have proved remarkably
resilient over time. They have faced
great challenges, but they have also
found ways of rising to those challenges
and renewing themselves. There is no
reason they can’t do so once again—if
they can somehow get their act together.
Yascha Mounk and Roberto Stefan
Foa offer a bleaker view. The collective
s Americans struggle to make construction of the Panama Canal. When
sense of a series of uncomfortable the politicians of those days are dimly
economic changes and disturbing remembered, it is more often for scandal
political developments, a worrying (“Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa?” went the
picture emerges: of ineffective politicians, campaign chant referring to President
frequent scandals, racial backsliding, Grover Cleveland’s illegitimate child)
polarized and irresponsible news media, than for any substantive accomplishment.
populists spouting quack economic rem- But if these were disappointing years
edies, growing suspicion of elites and in the annals of American governance,
experts, frightening outbreaks of violence, they were years of extraordinary impor-
major job losses, high-profile terrorist tance in American history. This was the
attacks, anti-immigrant agitation, declin- period in which the United States became
ing social mobility, giant corporations the largest and most advanced economy
dominating the economy, rising inequal- in the world. As transcontinental railroads
ity, and the appearance of a new class of created a national market and massive
super-empowered billionaires in finance industrial development created new
and technology-heavy industries. industries and new technologies, aston-
That, of course, is a description of ishing inventions poured out steadily
American life in the 35 years after the from the workshops of Thomas Edison
Civil War. The years between the assas- and his imitators and rivals. John D.
sination of President Abraham Lincoln, Rockefeller turned petroleum from a
in 1865, and that of President William substance of no commercial importance
McKinley, in 1901, were among the least into the foundation of global economic
inspiring in the history of U.S. politics. development. The United States’ finan-
As Reconstruction proved unsuccessful cial system became as sophisticated and
and a series of devastating depressions powerful as that of the United Kingdom.
and panics roiled the economy, Wash- In hindsight, it was a period in which
ington failed miserably to rise to the the United States failed its way to success
challenges of the day. as the consequences of the Industrial
Revolution made themselves felt. The
WALTER RUSSELL MEAD is James Clark Industrial Revolution began, of course,
Chace Professor of Foreign Policy and the well before the Civil War, but its full
Humanities at Bard College, the Global View
columnist at The Wall Street Journal, and a effects were felt only later, as the United
Distinguished Fellow at the Hudson Institute. States overtook the United Kingdom as
10 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
social and economic order as profoundly Indeed, the ability to cope with change
as the Industrial Revolution did. The remains one of the United States’ great-
ideologies and policies that fit American est sources of strength. In the nine-
society a generation ago are becoming teenth century, people often compared
steadily less applicable to the problems it the United States unfavorably with the
faces today. The United States’ political orderly Prussian-led German empire.
parties and most of its political leaders Today, the contrast often drawn is with
lack the vision and ideas that could solve China’s efficient modernization. Yet
its most urgent problems. Intellectual there is resilience and flexibility in the
May/June 2018 11
creative disorder of a free society. There Civil War, the line between employee
are reasons to believe that, once again, the and employer was more permeable than
United States can find a path to an open it later became. Young people without
and humane society that capitalizes on the capital naturally went to work as artisans
riches that the new economy will produce. in workshops, but many of them would
soon start their own businesses. As the
LIFE COMES AT YOU FAST small workshop was replaced with larger
Transitions are painful. In the post– factories, that was no longer possible.
Civil War years, the failure of politics had Horatio Alger wrote novels about plucky
grave consequences for American life. shoeshine boys who rose out of poverty
These were years of mass urbanization through hard work and good character,
in the United States, and government at but increasingly, society was divided
all levels failed to address the resulting between workers and owners.
problems. Poor housing, dangerously As those dividing lines became
bad food quality, rampant pollution, high harder to cross, the classes grew even
crime, abysmal public health services, further apart. There had been rich and
inadequate schooling—all blighted urban poor Americans in 1800—and nearly
life in the United States. one million Americans were slaves—
Farm policy was also a disaster. The but overall, there was much less poverty
federal government invited pioneers to in the United States then than in most
settle on increasingly marginal lands of the rest of the world. After the Civil
west of the 100th meridian; many lost War, this changed. A class of superrich
everything they had. The use of ma- entrepreneurs and factory owners
chinery and artificial fertilizers raised emerged, crossing the Atlantic to scour
agricultural productivity, but small Europe for art treasures. Back home,
family farms were poorly placed to industrial workers labored for subsis-
compete. Neither the establishment of tence wages, often working 12 or 14 hours
land-grant colleges to promote scientific a day, seven days a week, in noisy and
farming, nor the distribution of free dangerous factories.
land after the passage of the Homestead Financial markets were so poorly
Act, nor the subsidizing of railroads regulated that panics and crashes periodi-
could change the economic forces that cally erupted with astonishing ferocity,
were undermining the security of what destroying once flourishing businesses,
for centuries had been the foundation driving once prosperous families from
of American society: the family farm. their homes into the streets, obliterating
The Industrial Revolution was, among life savings, and swelling the ranks of the
other things, a revolution in how people jobless at a time when no social safety
earned their livings. In 1850, 64 percent net existed to mitigate the horrors of
of the American population earned its unemployment.
living through farming. By 1900, that By the end of the nineteenth cen-
figure had fallen to 38 percent, and today, tury, many Americans were haunted by
it has hit two percent. dystopian visions of a future spinning
The Industrial Revolution also led to out of control. The decline of the family
a decline in social mobility. Before the farm and the rise of large cities filled
12 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
with masses of immigrants led many problems as the business cycle and the
to predict the end of democracy in instabilities of the banking system. Civil
the United States. Socialists and service reform improved the quality of
anarchists agitated for revolutionary government personnel. Social activists
change; conservatives feared for the and private philanthropists experimented
future and saw American values and with new methods and new ideas. Theo-
culture being swamped by immigrants logians rethought the relationship of
and unfamiliar ideas. social problems to the Gospel. New and
Yet beginning in the early twentieth more forward-looking coalitions began
century, the United States emerged from to take shape in American politics.
the crisis of industrialization to build The postbellum generation did not
a new kind of economy that ultimately solve the new problems that sprang up to
brought prosperity and freedom to the confront them, but they laid the founda-
overwhelming majority of the popula- tions for future success. An intellectual,
tion. The postbellum generation was social, and political structure gradually
witnessing not, as many feared at the came together that would support a
time, the death throes of the American more successful set of policies in what
experiment but the struggle of a butter- became known as the Progressive era,
fly bursting from its cocoon. thus beginning the second stage of
adjustment. The Federal Reserve System,
NO PAIN, NO GAIN regulatory agencies such as the Food
The adjustment came in three stages. and Drug Administration, and reforms
In the first, from 1865 through 1901, such as Prohibition, women’s suffrage,
Americans struggled to grapple with the introduction of the income tax, and
the forces reshaping their society. Often, the popular election of U.S. senators
the government was too weak or too testified to the growing confidence of a
poorly organized to undertake the new generation better equipped to deal
complex tasks that the times demanded. with industrialization.
The new ideas that well-intentioned Yet for all these successes, neither the
people brought into the arena often fell Progressive era nor the more radical and
short of what was required. The bimetal far-reaching New Deal that followed it
monetary standard of the politician solved the problems of industrial society.
William Jennings Bryan and the “single It would take World War II to launch
tax” of the economist Henry George the third and final stage of adjustment.
could not solve the problems of the The rapid development of the wartime
day—but neither could the prophets economy and the large-scale planning
of orthodoxy solve the problems of necessary to win the war provided
agricultural decline, racial inequality, Americans with a template for organiz-
and urban poverty. ing their society more comprehensively
Still, Americans were learning than ever before. Only then could the
from their failures and deepening their United States harness the full potential
understanding of the new conditions. of its industrial productivity and create
Economists developed better statistics the stable and prosperous society that
and sharpened their analysis of such appeared to have fixed the most basic
May/June 2018 13
problems of economic and social life in large number of firms operated under
the modern world. regulations that limited competition.
In hindsight, the pattern seems clear: These employers offered their employees
the post–Civil War years transformed stable jobs with good benefits; increasing
the United States into the world’s leading numbers of workers received defined-
industrial economy, and in subsequent benefit pension plans in addition to
decades, Americans would learn how to Social Security. Wages and benefits
use the enormous wealth that industri- gradually rose in real terms. Educational
alization created to address the problems opportunity widened. On the whole, each
that it also brought. By the end of generation enjoyed a higher standard of
World War II, a rural nation of mostly living than its predecessor.
prosperous small farmers had become an This transformation was not confined
urban and suburban nation of mostly to the United States. Throughout the
prosperous blue- and white-collar workers. industrial world, the bitter class conflicts
Children went to school, not to factories of the early decades of industrialization,
or mines. The financial upheavals of in the nineteenth and early twentieth
earlier eras had been largely tamed. centuries, gradually mellowed. After
The business cycle, if not abolished, had World War II, both capitalists and
been moderated so that the depressions workers came to prefer compromise
that shook the industrializing world over struggle. Socialist parties became
became a thing of the past. The social more gradualistic, and market-oriented
safety net protected employees, the parties became more socially conscious.
elderly, and the infirm from the vicissi- International life also became more
tudes of life in a market society. Cities stable among the industrial democra-
had reliable sources of water, gas, and cies. The restless ambitions of Germany
electricity. By the 1970s, the worst of the and Japan no longer disturbed the peace.
environmental damage of the Industrial The rise of the European Union and
Revolution was being addressed; gradu- NATO pointed to a new era of deep peace
ally, the water and the air were getting within Europe and in the Atlantic
cleaner, and the slow work of assessing world more generally.
and repairing past environmental damage Beyond the frontiers of the industrial-
was under way. ized West, international tensions persisted,
The peak years of industrial society, with the Soviet bloc and across the devel-
from 1945 to 1990, saw the development oping world. But given the peaceful track
in many countries of an unusually stable record of industrial democracies, it
form of regulated capitalism closely aligned appeared that human political develop-
with the state. Regulated monopolies and ment followed a predictable path. As
oligopolies dominated many industries. agrarian societies industrialized, they
In the United States, AT&T operated the passed through a kind of adolescence, but
telephone system as a monopoly, and over time, they matured. The passions
the oil, automobile, airline, and steel and errors of youth burned away, and
industries, among others, were oligopolies delusional fantasies from fascism to
dominated by a few large producers. communism lost their appeal. In the
In other industries, such as banking, a end, like most well-brought-up youth,
14 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
16 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
to find. Outside the government sector, Louis XIV. Automobiles, radios, vacuum
defined-benefit pension plans have cleaners, televisions, and so on trans-
largely disappeared. Not only must formed the material existence of the
many workers change jobs and even masses as well as of the elites. At the
industries over the course of their same time, the revolution in health care
careers, but millions of workers also brought a multitude of diseases under
move in and out of the “gig economy,” control, extended life spans by decades,
driving passengers for Uber, renting and found new ways to dull the pain of
out rooms through Airbnb, selling surgery and childbirth.
goods on eBay, and taking on various The information revolution will
part-time and temporary assignments. likely have a similar effect on services as
cheap information processing continues
TIME CHANGE to bring sophisticated offerings within
It will be a very long time before it the price range of the ordinary consumer.
becomes clear what a mature information The average person will enjoy the kind
economy might look like. If people in the of information-based services that today
1860s and 1870s had been told that only are available only to the very rich.
two percent of the population would earn Individualized medicine, first-class legal
its living in agriculture in the twentieth and financial advice and representation,
century, they would not have been able career and professional consulting will
to imagine what jobs the displaced be near universal in an age of smart
farmers could find. That there would machines and sophisticated software.
one day be “horseless carriages” and even In its early stages, the information
“flying machines” they could perhaps revolution has increased the earnings of
have imagined, but would they have been many knowledge workers. This is likely
able to predict that people would get jobs to change. It was the guild members and
making stickers saying “Baby on Board” tradesmen who suffered the most from the
that proud parents could place in the Industrial Revolution. Spinners, weavers,
rear windows of those carriages? Or that and ironworkers saw their once prestigious
factories would one day grow up to make and highly paid jobs lose status and
“travel-size” suitcases that passengers income as machines enabled less skilled
could place in the overhead baggage workers to match their output. If, as seems
compartments of the flying machines? likely, better software and more power-
Or that health-care professionals would ful computers continue to develop, many
be tasked with writing letters to certify of today’s learned professionals risk being
that certain household pets should be replaced by machines in much the same
designated as “emotional support animals” way. Bureaucrats and managers face
so that they could accompany their similar threats.
owners on the flying machines? The full consequences of the informa-
The Industrial Revolution and the tion revolution will only gradually come
scientific revolution that accompanied into view, and the ideas and institutions
it made it possible for ordinary people suitable to it will emerge as the rising
to live lives of affluence and security generations learn to use the resources
that would have astounded the court of and wealth that an information society
May/June 2018 17
18 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
IBM’s supercomputer Deep Blue. The data,” the power that information will
characteristic effect of the information give to states is only going to grow. This
revolution on a particular industry is a raises fundamental questions of sover-
radical reduction in costs accompanied eignty, security, and, of course, civil
by a radical enhancement in quality. liberties that will need to be answered.
In health care, then, the primary focus The challenge is immense. The
of reform ought to be a shift away foundations of societies are quaking at
from providing a uniform bureaucratic home, even as the international order
experience to the entire population and threatens to splinter. In the United
toward encouraging the innovation that States, policymakers and politicians
could someday give every individual now find themselves accountable to a
American significantly better health care. public that may become defensive and
Government should also be trans- antagonistic under the stress of eco-
formed. The modern civil service is, nomic and cultural change. The old
above all, a product of the Industrial answers in the old textbooks don’t seem
Revolution; the information revolution to work anymore, the new answers
makes it possible, and perhaps neces- haven’t been discovered yet, and those
sary, for government to become much who will someday write the new text-
more responsive and effective. Industrial books are still in primary school. To
bureaucracies aimed for uniformity: reflect on the upheavals that accompa-
every person who contacted the bureauc- nied the Industrial Revolution—the
racy would ideally be treated in the most destructive wars and the most
same way. This works reasonably well unspeakable tyrannies in the history
when it comes to processes such as of our species—is to realize just how
granting driver’s licenses, but it works much peril we face.
much less well when it comes to deliv- Yet humans are problem-solving
ering complex services. In the future, a animals. We thrive on challenges.
worker who loses a job may receive a Americans, for their part, are the heirs
voucher for unemployment benefits and to a system of mixed government and
retraining, and be able to choose among popular power that has allowed them
competing firms that offer the kinds of to manage great upheavals in the past.
specialized services that a conventional The good news and the bad news are
bureaucracy simply cannot provide. perhaps the same: the American people,
Finally, it is becoming increasingly in common with others around the
clear that information is one element, world, have the opportunity to reach
and perhaps the most important, of unimaginable levels of affluence and
state power. The “revolution in military freedom, but to realize that opportu-
affairs” that defense analysts spoke of in nity, they must overcome some of the
the early 1990s—the idea that in battle, hardest challenges humanity has ever
the advantage goes to the military that known. The treasure in the mountain is
can command the “infospace”—was priceless, but the dragon who guards it
merely a foretaste of what is to come. is fierce.∂
Given the increasing importance of
signals intelligence, cyberwar, and “big
May/June 2018 19
ver the past decade, many the potential to make people richer and
marginally democratic countries healthier but also tends to result in a
have become increasingly author- winner-take-all economy.
itarian. And authoritarian, xenophobic But there is nothing inevitable about
populist movements have grown strong democratic decline. Rising prosperity
enough to threaten democracy’s long- continues to move most developing
term health in several rich, established countries toward democracy—although,
democracies, including France, Germany, as always, the trajectory is not a linear
the Netherlands, Sweden, the United one. And in the developed world, the
Kingdom, and the United States. How current wave of authoritarianism will
worried should we be about the outlook persist only if societies and governments
for democracy? fail to address the underlying drivers.
The good news is that ever since If new political coalitions emerge to
representative democracy first emerged, reverse the trend toward inequality and
it has been spreading, pushed forward by ensure that the benefits of automation
the forces of modernization. The pattern are widely shared, they can put democ-
has been one of advances followed by racy back on track. But if the developed
setbacks, but the net result has been an world continues on its current course,
increasing number of democracies, from democracy could wither away. If there
a bare handful in the nineteenth century is nothing inevitable about democratic
to about 90 today. The bad news is that decline, there is also nothing inevitable
the world is experiencing the most severe about democratic resurgence.
democratic setback since the rise of
fascism in the 1930s. BY POPULAR DEMAND
The immediate cause of rising support Over the past two centuries, the spread
for authoritarian, xenophobic populist of democracy has been driven by the
movements is a reaction against forces of modernization. As countries
urbanized and industrialized, people who
RONALD INGLEHART is Amy and Alan were once scattered over the country-
Lowenstein Professor of Democracy, Democra- side moved into towns and cities and
tization, and Human Rights at the University of began working together in factories.
Michigan. He is the author of Cultural Evolution:
People’s Motivations Are Changing, and That allowed them to communicate
Reshaping the World. and organize, and the economic growth
20 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
routine and more independence. Work- elite. That reflects the political genius
ers had to think for themselves, and that of Mao’s successor, Deng Xiaoping.
spilled over into their political behavior. In addition to guiding China toward a
Moreover, democracy has a major market economy, Deng established
advantage over other political systems: norms that limited top leaders to two
it provides a nonviolent way to replace five-year terms in office and mandated
a country’s leaders. Democratic institu- retirement at age 70. He then selected
May/June 2018 21
Ronald Inglehart
some of the country’s most competent German electorate viewed the Nazi
60-year-olds to run the government and Party as a lunatic fringe, giving it less
installed a carefully chosen group of than three percent of the vote in na-
50-year-olds below them. For roughly tional elections that year. But in July
two decades after Deng’s retirement, 1932, with the onset of the Great Depres-
China was governed by the people he sion, the Nazis won 37 percent of the
had selected. In 2012, that group chose vote, becoming the largest party in
a new generation of leaders. Despite the Reichstag, before taking over the
growing cronyism and corruption, this government the next year. Each period
group also seems competent, but its of democratic decline brought a wide-
leader, Xi Jinping, is maneuvering to spread belief that democracy’s spread
establish himself as dictator for life, had ended and that some other system—
abandoning Deng’s system of predictable, fascism, communism, bureaucratic
nonviolent successions. If Xi succeeds, authoritarianism—would be the wave of
China’s government is likely to become the future. But the number of democra-
less effective. cies never fell back to its original level,
Most authoritarian countries, however, and each decline was eventually followed
are not governed nearly as effectively as by a resurgence.
contemporary China (nor was China The defeat of the Axis powers in
under Mao). During the early stages of World War II largely discredited
industrialization, authoritarian states canauthoritarian parties in the developed
attain high rates of economic growth, world: from 1945 to 1959, they drew
but knowledge economies flourish best an average of about seven percent of
in open societies. In the long run, the vote across the 32 Western democra-
democracy seems to be the best way to cies that contained at least one such
govern developed countries. party. Then, in the 1960s, as the unprec-
edented prosperity of the postwar era
FITS AND STARTS took hold, their support fell even further,
The long-term trend toward democracy to about five percent, and it remained
has always had ups and downs. At the low during the 1970s.
start of the twentieth century, only a few After 1980, however, support for
democracies existed, and even they were authoritarian parties surged. By 2015,
not full democracies by today’s stan- they were drawing an average of more
dards. The number increased sharply than 12 percent of the vote across those
after World War I, with another surge 32 democracies. In Denmark, the Neth-
following World War II and a third at erlands, and Switzerland, authoritarian
the end of the Cold War. Sooner or parties became the largest or second-
later, however, each surge was followed largest political bloc. In Hungary and
by a decline. Poland, they won control of govern-
Democracy’s most dramatic setback, ment. Since then, they have grown even
which came in the 1930s, when fascism stronger in some countries. In the 2016
spread over much of Europe, was partially U.S. presidential election, the Republican
driven by economic decline. Under rela- candidate Donald Trump campaigned on
tively secure conditions in 1928, the a platform of xenophobia and sympathy
22 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Ronald Inglehart
24 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 25
Ronald Inglehart
Development for which data are available, benefits of growth, which have over-
income inequality rose from 1980 to 2009. whelmingly gone to those above them.
Although inequality in almost all Rising inequality and a stagnant
developed countries has followed a working class are not the inevitable
U-shaped pattern, there are striking results of capitalism, as Piketty claims.
differences between them that reflect Instead, they reflect a society’s stage of
the effects of varying political systems. development. The transition from an
Sweden stands out: although it had agrarian to an industrial economy creates
substantially higher levels of inequality a demand for large numbers of workers,
than the United States in the early increasing their bargaining power. Mov-
twentieth century, by the 1920s, it had ing to a service economy has the oppo-
lower income inequality than the other site effect, undermining the power of
four countries in Piketty’s study, and it organized labor as automation replaces
has maintained that to this day. The humans. This first reduces the bargain-
advanced welfare state introduced by ing power of industrial workers and
Sweden’s long-dominant Social Demo- then, with the transition to a society
crats is largely responsible for the coun- dominated by artificial intelligence,
try’s low inequality. Conversely, the that of highly educated professionals.
conservative policies implemented by
U.S. President Ronald Reagan and British THE MACHINE AGE
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in The problems of cultural change and
the 1980s weakened labor unions and inequality in rich democracies are being
sharply cut back state regulation, leading compounded by the rise of automation,
to higher levels of income inequality which threatens to create an economy
in the United States and the United in which almost all the gains go to the
Kingdom than in most developed very top. Because most goods in a
countries. knowledge economy, such as software,
As long as everyone was getting richer, cost almost nothing to replicate and
rising inequality did not seem to matter distribute, high-quality products can
much. Some people might have been sell for the same price as lower-quality
rising faster than others, but everyone ones. As a result, there is no need to
was going in the right direction. Today, buy anything but the top product,
however, everyone isn’t getting richer. which can take over the entire market,
For decades, the real income of the producing enormous rewards for those
developed world’s working classes has making the top product but nothing
been declining. Fifty years ago, the for anyone else.
largest employer in the United States It is often assumed that the most
was General Motors, where workers important part of the knowledge economy,
earned an average of around $30 an hour the high-tech sector, will create large
in 2016 dollars. Today, the country’s numbers of well-paid jobs. But that
largest employer is Walmart, which in sector’s share of all jobs in the United
2016 paid around $8 an hour. Less States has remained flat since statistics
educated people now have precarious first became available about three
job prospects and are shut out from the decades ago. Canada, France, Germany,
26 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Sweden, and the United Kingdom show nor looking for work. Work rates for
the same pattern in their high-tech women rose steadily until 2000; since
sectors. Unlike the transitions from an then, those have also declined.
agrarian economy to an industrial Life as a labor-force dropout is not
economy and then to a knowledge easy. Working-age men who are out of
economy, the move toward artificial the labor force report low levels of
intelligence is not generating large emotional well-being, and a 2016 study
numbers of secure, well-paid jobs. by the National Bureau of Economic
That is because computers are fast Research found that nearly half of all
reaching the point where they can replace working-age male labor-force dropouts—
even highly educated professionals. roughly 3.5 million men—took pain
Artificial intelligence has already made medication on a daily basis. Not sur-
huge strides toward replacing human prisingly, they tend to die early. From
labor in analyzing legal documents, 1999 to 2013, death rates rose sharply
diagnosing patients, and even writing for non-Hispanic white American men
computer programs. As a result, although with high school degrees or less, the
U.S. politicians and voters often blame group most likely to have left the labor
global trade and offshoring for their force recently. So-called deaths of
country’s economic difficulties, between despair—suicides, liver cirrhosis, and
2000 and 2010, over 85 percent of U.S. drug overdoses—accounted for most
manufacturing jobs were eliminated by of the increase. From 1900 to 2012,
technological advances, whereas only 13 U.S. life expectancy at birth rose from
percent were lost to trade. 47 to 79 years but then leveled off,
Although artificial intelligence is and in both 2015 and 2016, life expec-
rapidly replacing large numbers of jobs, tancy at birth for all Americans
its effects are not immediately visible: declined slightly.
the global economy is growing, and
unemployment is low. But these reassur- GETTING DEMOCRACY RIGHT
ing statistics conceal the fact that in the Whether this latest democratic set-
United States, 94 percent of the job back proves permanent will depend on
growth from 2005 to 2015 was among whether societies address these prob-
low-paid security guards, housekeepers, lems, which will require government
janitors, and others who report to subcon- intervention. Unless new political coali-
tractors. Moreover, the top-line unem- tions emerge in developed countries that
ployment figure hides the large numbers represent the 99 percent, their economies
of people who have been driven by dismal will continue to hollow out and most
job prospects to drop out of the work people’s economic security will carry on
force altogether. The U.S. unemployment declining. The political stability and
rate is 4.1 percent. But the percentage of economic health of high-income societies
adults either working or actively seeking a require greater emphasis on the redis-
job is near its lowest level in more than tributive policies that dominated much of
30 years. In 2017, for every unemployed the twentieth century. The social base of
American man between 25 and 55 years the New Deal coalition and its European
old, another three were neither working counterparts is gone, but the reappearance
May/June 2018 27
Ronald Inglehart
28 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
citizens in India, Italy, or Venezuela
seemed loyal to their political system,
Democratic it must have been because they had
developed a deep commitment to both
Century individual rights and collective self-
determination. And if Poles and Filipinos
began to make the transition from dicta-
Autocracy’s Global torship to democracy, it must have been
Ascendance because they, too, shared in the universal
human desire for liberal democracy.
Yascha Mounk and Roberto But the events of the second half of
Stefan Foa the twentieth century can also be inter-
preted in a very different way. Citizens
across the world were attracted to liberal
democracy not simply because of its
t the height of World War II, norms and values but also because it
Henry Luce, the founder of offered the most salient model of eco-
Time magazine, argued that the nomic and geopolitical success. Civic
United States had amassed such wealth ideals may have played their part in
and power that the twentieth century converting the citizens of formerly
would come to be known simply as “the authoritarian regimes into convinced
American Century.” His prediction democrats, but the astounding economic
proved prescient: despite being chal- growth of western Europe in the 1950s
lenged for supremacy by Nazi Germany and 1960s, the victory of democratic
and, later, the Soviet Union, the United countries in the Cold War, and the defeat
States prevailed against its adversaries. or collapse of democracy’s most powerful
By the turn of the millennium, its posi- autocratic rivals were just as important.
tion as the most powerful and influential Taking the material foundations of
state in the world appeared unimpeach- democratic hegemony seriously casts the
able. As a result, the twentieth century story of democracy’s greatest successes
was marked by the dominance not just in a different light, and it also changes
of a particular country but also of the how one thinks about its current crisis.
political system it helped spread:liberal As liberal democracies have become
democracy. worse at improving their citizens’ living
As democracy flourished across the standards, populist movements that
world, it was tempting to ascribe its disavow liberalism are emerging from
Brussels to Brasília and from Warsaw
YASCHA MOUNK is a Lecturer on Govern- to Washington. A striking number of
ment at Harvard University and the author of citizens have started to ascribe less
The People vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is
in Danger and How to Save It.
importance to living in a democracy:
whereas two-thirds of Americans above
ROBERTO STEFAN FOA is a Lecturer in
Political Science at the University of Melbourne the age of 65 say it is absolutely impor-
and a Fellow at the Electoral Integrity Project. tant to them to live in a democracy, for
May/June 2018 29
example, less than one-third of those States expanded to include Japan and
below the age of 35 say the same thing. Germany, the power of this liberal
A growing minority is even open to democratic alliance became even more
authoritarian alternatives: from 1995 to crushing. But now, for the first time in
2017, the share of French, Germans, and over a hundred years, its share of global
Italians who favored military rule more GDP has fallen below half. According to
than tripled. forecasts by the International Monetary
As recent elections around the Fund, it will slump to a third within
world indicate, these opinions aren’t the next decade.
just abstract preferences; they reflect a At the same time that the domi-
deep groundswell of antiestablishment nance of democracies has faded, the
sentiment that can be easily mobilized share of economic output coming from
by extremist political parties and candi- authoritarian states has grown rapidly.
dates. As a result, authoritarian populists In 1990, countries rated “not free” by
who disrespect some of the most basic Freedom House (the lowest category,
rules and norms of the democratic system which excludes “partially free” coun-
have made rapid advances across western tries such as Singapore) accounted for
Europe and North America over the past just 12 percent of global income. Now,
two decades. Meanwhile, authoritarian they are responsible for 33 percent,
strongmen are rolling back democratic matching the level they achieved in the
advances across much of Asia and eastern early 1930s, during the rise of fascism
Europe. Could the changing balance in Europe, and surpassing the heights
of economic and military power in the they reached in the Cold War when
world help explain these unforeseen Soviet power was at its apex.
developments? As a result, the world is now approach-
That question is all the more pressing ing a striking milestone: within the next
today, as the long-standing dominance five years, the share of global income
of a set of consolidated democracies with held by countries considered “not free”—
developed economies and a common such as China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia—
alliance structure is coming to an end. will surpass the share held by Western
Ever since the last decade of the nine- liberal democracies. In the span of a
teenth century, the democracies that quarter century, liberal democracies
formed the West’s Cold War alliance have gone from a position of unprec-
against the Soviet Union—in North edented economic strength to a posi-
America, western Europe, Australasia, tion of unprecedented economic
and postwar Japan—have commanded a weakness.
majority of the world’s income. In the It is looking less and less likely that
late nineteenth century, established the countries in North America and
democracies such as the United Kingdom western Europe that made up the tradi-
and the United States made up the bulk tional heartland of liberal democracy
of global GDP. In the second half of the can regain their erstwhile supremacy,
twentieth century, as the geographic with their democratic systems embattled
span of both democratic rule and the at home and their share of the world
alliance structure headed by the United economy continuing to shrink. So the
30 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
and Fernando Limongi have shown, Asia in the 1990s, all these things seemed
poor democracies often collapse. It is to be of a piece: the desire to share in the
only rich democracies—those with a unfathomable wealth of the West was
GDP per capita above $14,000 in today’s also a desire to adopt its lifestyle, and
terms, according to their findings—that the desire to adopt its lifestyle seemed to
are reliably secure. Since the formation of require emulating its political system.
the postwar alliance binding the United This combination of economic power
States to its allies in western Europe, and cultural prestige facilitated a great
May/June 2018 31
32 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
34 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
makes the former more susceptible to democracy seemed to promise not only
outside interference, it also makes it a greater degree of individual freedom
easier for the latter to spread their and collective self-determination but
values. Indeed, the rise of authoritarian also the more prosaic prospect of a vastly
soft power is already apparent across a wealthier life. As long as these back-
variety of domains, including academia, ground conditions held, there seemed
popular culture, foreign investment, to be good reason to assume that democ-
and development aid. Until a few years racy would continue to be safe in its
ago, for example, all of the world’s traditional strongholds. There were even
leading universities were situated in plausible grounds to hope that an ever-
liberal democracies, but authoritarian growing number of autocratic countries
countries are starting to close the gap. would join the democratic column.
According to the latest Times Higher But the era in which Western liberal
Education survey, 16 of the world’s top democracies were the world’s top cultural
250 institutions can be found in non- and economic powers may now be draw-
democracies, including China, Russia, ing to a close. At the same time that
Saudi Arabia, and Singapore. liberal democracies are showing strong
Perhaps the most important form of signs of institutional decay, authoritarian
authoritarian soft power, however, may populists are starting to develop an
be the growing ability of dictatorial ideological alternative in the form of
regimes to soften the hold that democ- illiberal democracy, and outright auto-
racies once enjoyed over the reporting crats are offering their citizens a standard
and dissemination of news. Whereas of living that increasingly rivals that of
the Soviet mouthpiece Pravda could the richest countries in the West.
never have dreamed of attracting a mass It is tempting to hope that Western
readership in the United States, the liberal democracies could regain their
clips produced today by state-funded dominance. One path toward that end
news channels, including Qatar’s Al would be economic. The recent economic
Jazeera, China’s CCTV, and Russia’s RT, success of authoritarian countries could
regularly find millions of American prove to be short lived. Russia and
viewers. The result is the end of the Saudi Arabia remain overly reliant on
West’s monopoly over media narratives, income from fossil fuels. China’s recent
as well as an end to its ability to main- growth has been fueled by a soaring
tain a civic space untainted by foreign debt bubble and favorable demographics,
governments. and it may end up being difficult to
sustain once the country is forced to
THE BEGINNING OF THE END? deleverage and the effects of an aging
During the long period of democratic population hit home. At the same time,
stability, the United States was the the economic performance of developed
dominant superpower, both culturally Western economies could improve. As
and economically. Authoritarian com- the residual effects of the Great Reces-
petitors such as the Soviet Union quickly sion wear off and European and North
stagnated economically and became American economies roar back to life,
discredited ideologically. As a result, these bastions of liberal democracy
May/June 2018 35
could once again outpace the modern- Indeed, recent democratic backsliding
ized autocracies. in Turkey, as well as signs of democratic
Projections about the exact speed slippage in Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico,
and degree of the shifting power bal- and the Philippines, raises the possibility
ance between democratic and authori- that some of these countries may become
tarian countries should therefore be flawed democracies—or revert to outright
taken with a large grain of salt. And yet authoritarian rule—in the coming decades.
a cursory glance at Western GDP growth Instead of shoring up the dwindling
rates for the past three to four decades forces of democracy, some of these
shows that, due to demographic decline countries may choose to align with
and low productivity growth, Western autocratic powers.
economies were stagnating long before Hopes that the current set of demo-
the financial crisis. Meanwhile, China cratic countries could somehow regain
and many other emerging economies their erstwhile global position are prob-
have large hinterlands that have yet to ably vain. The most likely scenario, then,
experience catch-up development, which is that democracies will come to look
suggests that these countries can continue less and less attractive as they cease to
to make considerable gains by following be associated with wealth and power
their current growth model. and fail to address their own challenges.
Another hope is that emerging democ- It’s conceivable, however, that the
racies such as Brazil, India, and Indonesia animating principles of liberal democracy
may come to play a more active role in will prove deeply appealing to the inhab-
upholding an alliance of liberal democ- itants of authoritarian countries even once
racies and diffusing their values around those peoples enjoy a comparable standard
the world. But this would require a radical of living. If large authoritarian countries
change in course. As the political scientist such as Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia
Marc Plattner has argued, these countries undertook democratic reforms, the
have not historically thought of “the aggregate power of democracies would
defense of liberal democracy as a signifi- be boosted significantly. If China were to
cant component of their foreign policies.” do so, it would end the era of authoritar-
Following the Russian annexation of ian resurgence in a single stroke.
Crimea, for example, Brazil, India, and But that is just another way of saying
South Africa abstained from voting on a that the long century during which
resolution in the UN General Assembly Western liberal democracies dominated
that condemned the move. They have the globe has ended for good. The only
also opposed sanctions against Russia. remaining question now is whether
And they have tended to side with democracy will transcend its once firm
autocratic regimes in seeking a greater anchoring in the West, a shift that would
role for states in regulating the Internet. create the conditions for a truly global
To make things worse, emerging democratic century—or whether democ-
democracies have historically been much racy will become, at best, the lingering
less stable than the supposedly consoli- form of government in an economically
dated democracies of North America, and demographically declining corner
western Europe, and parts of East Asia. of the world.∂
36 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
New York University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. ©2018 NYU School of Professional Studies.
of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese
government appears more authoritarian,
With Chinese not less.
Most Western observers have long
Characteristics believed that democracy and capitalism go
hand in hand, that economic liberalization
Beijing’s Behind-the-Scenes both requires and propels political liberal-
ization. China’s apparent defiance of this
Reforms logic has led to two opposite conclusions.
One camp insists that China represents a
Yuen Yuen Ang temporary aberration and that liberaliza-
tion will come soon. But this is mostly
“ ooner or later this economy will speculation; these analysts have been
slow,” the New York Times colum- incorrectly predicting the imminent
nist Thomas Friedman declared collapse of the Chinese Communist
of China in 1998. He continued: “That’s Party (CCP) for decades. The other camp
when China will need a government that sees China’s success as proof that autoc-
is legitimate. . . . When China’s 900 million racies are just as good as democracies
villagers get phones, and start calling each at promoting growth—if not better.
other, this will inevitably become a more As Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
open country.” At the time, just a few Mohamad put it in 1992, “authoritarian
years after the fall of the Soviet Union, stability” has enabled prosperity, whereas
Friedman’s certainty was broadly shared. democracy has brought “chaos and
China’s economic ascent under authoritar- increased misery.” But not all autocracies
ian rule could not last; eventually, and deliver economic success. In fact, some
inescapably, further economic develop- are utterly disastrous, including China
ment would bring about democratization. under Mao.
Twenty years after Friedman’s Both of these explanations overlook
prophecy, China has morphed into the a crucial reality: since opening its mar-
world’s second-largest economy. Growth kets in 1978, China has in fact pursued
has slowed, but only because it leveled off significant political reforms—just not
when China reached middle-income status in the manner that Western observers
(not, as Friedman worried, because of a lack expected. Instead of instituting multi-
of “real regulatory systems”). Communica- party elections, establishing formal
tions technology rapidly spread—today, protections for individual rights, or
600 million Chinese citizens own smart- allowing free expression, the CCP has
phones and 750 million use the Internet— made changes below the surface, reform-
but the much-anticipated tsunami of ing its vast bureaucracy to realize many
political liberalization has not arrived. of the benefits of democratization—in
particular, accountability, competition,
YUEN YUEN ANG is Associate Professor of and partial limits on power—without
Political Science at the University of Michigan
and the author of How China Escaped the giving up single-party control. Although
Poverty Trap. these changes may appear dry and
May/June 2018 39
apolitical, in fact, they have created a hold positions in both hierarchies. For
unique hybrid: autocracy with democratic example, a mayor, who heads the admin-
characteristics. In practice, tweaks to istration of a municipality, is usually
rules and incentives within China’s public also the municipality’s deputy chief of
administration have quietly transformed party. Moreover, officials frequently
an ossified communist bureaucracy into move between the party and the state.
a highly adaptive capitalist machine. For instance, mayors may become party
But bureaucratic reforms cannot substi- secretaries and vice versa.
tute for political reforms forever. As The Chinese public administration is
prosperity continues to increase and massive. The state and party organs alone
demands on the bureaucracy grow, the (excluding the military and state-owned
limits of this approach are beginning enterprises) consist of over 50 million
to loom large. people, roughly the size of South Korea’s
entire population. Among these, 20
CHINESE BUREAUCRACY 101 percent are civil servants who perform
In the United States, politics are excit- management roles. The rest are street-
ing and bureaucracy is boring. In China, level public employees who interact with
the opposite is true. As a senior official citizens directly, such as inspectors, police
once explained to me, “The bureaucracy officers, and health-care workers.
is political, and politics are bureaucratized.” The top one percent of the
In the Chinese communist regime, there bureaucracy—roughly 500,000 people—
is no separation between political power make up China’s political elite. These
and public administration. Understand- individuals are directly appointed by
ing Chinese politics, therefore, requires the party, and they rotate through offices
first and foremost an appreciation of across the country. Notably, CCP mem-
China’s bureaucracy. bership is not a prerequisite for public
That bureaucracy is composed of two employment, although elites tend to be
vertical hierarchies—the party and the CCP members.
state—replicated across the five levels Within each level of government, the
of government: central, provincial, county, bureaucracy is similarly disaggregated into
city, and township. These crisscrossing the leading one percent and the remaining
lines of authority produce what the 99 percent. In the first category is the
China scholar Kenneth Lieberthal has leadership, which comprises the party
termed a “matrix” structure. In formal secretary (first in command), the chief of
organizational charts, the party and state (second in command), and members
the state are separate entities, with Xi of an elite party committee, who simulta-
leading the party and Premier Li Keqiang neously head key party or state offices
heading up the administration and its that perform strategic functions such as
ministries. In practice, however, the two appointing personnel and maintaining
are intertwined. The premier is also a public security. In the second category are
member of the Politburo Standing civil servants and frontline workers who
Committee, the party’s top body, which are permanently stationed in one location.
currently has seven members. And at the Managing a public administration the
local level, officials often simultaneously size of a midsize country is a gargantuan
40 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 41
42 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 43
of measures aimed at combating petty racy has come close to exhausting its
corruption and the theft of public funds. entrepreneurial and adaptive functions.
Central authorities abolished cash pay- Since Xi took office in 2012, the limits
ments of fees and fines and allowed of bureaucratic reform have become
citizens to make payments directly increasingly clear.
through banks. These technical reforms The Xi era marks a new stage in the
were not flashy, yet their impact was country’s development. China is now a
significant. Police officers, for example, middle-income economy with an increas-
are now far less likely to extort citizens ingly educated, connected, and demanding
and privately pocket fines. Over time, citizenry. And the political pressures that
these reforms have made the Chinese have come with prosperity are, in fact,
people less vulnerable to petty abuses beginning to undermine the reforms that
of power. In 2011, Transparency Inter- propelled China’s rapid growth.
national found that only nine percent of The cadre evaluation system has
Chinese citizens reported having paid a come under particular stress. Over time,
bribe in the past year, compared with 54 the targets assigned to local leaders have
percent in India, 64 percent in Nigeria, steadily crept upward. In the 1980s and
and 84 percent in Cambodia. To be sure, 1990s, officials were evaluated like CEOs,
China has a serious corruption problem, on their economic performance alone. But
but the most significant issue is collusion today, in addition to economic growth,
among political and business elites, not leaders must also maintain social har-
petty predation. mony, protect the environment, supply
Although none of these bureaucratic public services, enforce party discipline,
reforms fits the bill of traditional political
and even promote happiness. These
reforms, their effects are political. They changes have paralyzed local leaders.
have changed the priorities of government, Whereas officials used to be empowered
introduced competition, and altered how to do whatever it took to achieve rapid
citizens encounter the state. Above all, theygrowth, they are now constrained by
have incentivized economic performance, multiple constituents and competing
allowing the CCP to enjoy the benefits of demands, not unlike democratically
continued growth while evading the elected politicians.
pressures of political liberalization. Xi’s sweeping anticorruption cam-
paign, which has led to the arrest of an
THE LIMITS OF BUREAUCRATIC unprecedented number of officials, has
REFORM only made this worse. In past decades,
Substituting bureaucratic reform for assertive leadership and corruption were
political reform has bought the CCP often two sides of the same coin. Con-
time. For the first few decades of China’s sider the disgraced party secretary Bo
market transition, the party’s reliance on Xilai, who was as ruthless and corrupt as
the bureaucracy to act as the agent of he was bold in transforming the western
change paid off. But can this approach backwater of Chongqing into a thriving
forestall pressure for individual rights industrial hub. Corrupt dealings aside,
and democratic freedoms forever? Today, all innovative policies and unpopular
there are increasing signs that the bureauc- decisions entail political risk. If Xi intends
44 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
to impose strict discipline—in his eyes, inevitable and necessary for China’s
necessary to contain the political threats continued prosperity and its desire to
to CCP rule—then he cannot expect the partake in global leadership. But contrary
bureaucracy to innovate or accomplish to Friedman’s prediction, this need not
as much as it has in the past. take the form of multiparty elections.
Moreover, sustaining growth in a China still has tremendous untapped
high-income economy requires more than room for political liberalization on the
merely constructing industrial parks and margins. If the party loosens its grip on
building roads. It demands fresh ideas, society and directs, rather than commands,
technology, services, and cutting-edge bottom-up improvisation, this could be
innovations. Government officials every- enough to drive innovation and growth
where tend to have no idea how to drive for at least another generation.
such developments. To achieve this kind of
growth, the government must release and CHINA AND DEMOCRACY
channel the immense creative potential What broader lessons on democracy can
of civil society, which would necessitate be drawn from China? One is the need
greater freedom of expression, more public to move beyond the narrow conception of
participation, and less state intervention. democratization as the introduction of
Yet just as political freedoms have multiparty elections. As China has shown,
become imperative for continued some of the benefits of democratization
economic growth, the Xi administration can be achieved under single-party rule.
is backpedaling. Most worrying is the Allowing bureaucratic reforms to unfold
party leadership’s decision to remove term can work better than trying to impose
limits among the top brass, a change that political change from the outside, since
will allow Xi to stay in office for the rest over time, the economic improvements
of his life. So long as the CCP remains that the bureaucratic reforms generate
the only party in power, China will always should create internal pressure for mean-
be susceptible to what the political scien- ingful political reform. This is not to
tist Francis Fukuyama has called “the say that states must delay democracy in
bad emperor problem”—that is, extreme order to experience economic growth.
sensitivity to leadership idiosyncrasies. Rather, China’s experience shows that
This means that under a leader like Deng, democracy is best introduced by graft-
pragmatic and committed to reform, ing reforms onto existing traditions and
China will prosper and rise. But a more institutions—in China’s case, a Leninist
absolutist and narcissistic leader could bureaucracy. Put simply, it is better to
create a nationwide catastrophe. promote political change by building on
Xi has been variously described as an what is already there than by trying to
aspiring reformer and an absolute dicta- import something wholly foreign.
tor. But regardless of his predilections, A second lesson is that the presumed
Xi cannot force the genie of economic dichotomy between the state and society
and social transformation back into the is a false one. American observers, in
bottle. China today is no longer the particular, tend to assume that the state
impoverished, cloistered society of the is a potential oppressor and so society
1970s. Further liberalization is both must be empowered to combat it. This
May/June 2018 45
worldview arises from the United States’ only by transplanting the U.S. political
distinct political philosophy, but it is not system wholesale.
shared in many other parts of the world. As for other authoritarian govern-
In nondemocratic societies such as ments keen to emulate China, their
China, there has always been an interme- leaders should not pick up the wrong
diate layer of actors between the state lessons. China’s economic success is
and society. In ancient China, the edu- not proof that relying on top-down
cated, landholding elite filled this role. commands and suppressing bottom-up
They had direct access to those in power initiative work. In fact, it’s the exact
but were still rooted in their communi- opposite: the disastrous decades under
ties. China’s civil service occupies a Mao proved that this kind of leadership
similar position today. The country’s fails. In Deng’s era, the CCP managed a
bureaucratic reforms were successful capitalist revolution only insofar as it
because they freed up space for these introduced democratizing reforms to
intermediate actors to try new initiatives. ensure bureaucratic accountability,
Additionally, observers should drop promote competition, and limit the
the false dichotomy between the party power of individual leaders. The cur-
and the state when reading China. The rent Chinese leadership should heed
American notion of the separation of this lesson, too.∂
powers is premised on the assumption
that officeholders possess only one
identity, belonging either to one branch
of government or another. But this
doesn’t hold in China or in most tradi-
tional societies, where fluid, overlapping
identities are the norm. In these settings,
whether officials are embedded in their
networks or communities can sometimes
matter more than formal checks and
electoral competition in holding them
accountable. For example, profit-sharing
practices within China’s bureaucracy gave
its millions of public employees a personal
stake in their country’s capitalist success.
Challenging these unspoken assump-
tions sheds light on why China has repeat-
edly defied expectations. It should also
prompt the United States to rethink its
desire to export democracy around the
world and its state-building efforts in
traditional societies. Everyone every-
where wants the benefits of democracy,
but policymakers would be dearly mis-
taken to think that these can be achieved
46 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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and foreign adventurism and domestic
The Long Road to political polarization have dramatically
Democratic Decline damaged the United States’ global influ-
ence and prestige.
Ivan Krastev Perhaps the most alarming develop-
ment has been the change of heart in
eastern Europe. Two of the region’s
n 1991, when the West was busy poster children for postcommunist democ-
celebrating its victory in the Cold ratization, Hungary and Poland, have
War and the apparent spread of seen conservative populists win sweep-
liberal democracy to all corners of the ing electoral victories while demonizing
world, the political scientist Samuel the political opposition, scapegoating
Huntington issued a warning against minorities, and undermining liberal
excessive optimism. In an article for the checks and balances. Other countries in
Journal of Democracy titled “Democracy’s the region, including the Czech Repub-
Third Wave,” Huntington pointed out lic and Romania, seem poised to follow.
that the two previous waves of democ- In a speech in 2014, one of the new
ratization, from the 1820s to the 1920s populists, Hungarian Prime Minister
and from 1945 to the 1960s, had been Viktor Orban, outlined his position on
followed by “reverse waves,” in which liberalism: “A democracy is not neces-
“democratic systems were replaced . . . by sarily liberal. Just because something is
historically new forms of authoritarian not liberal, it still can be a democracy.”
rule.” A third reverse wave was possible, To maintain global competitiveness,
he suggested, if new authoritarian great he went on to say, “we have to abandon
powers could demonstrate the continued liberal methods and principles of organiz-
viability of nondemocratic rule or “if ing a society.” Although Orban governs
people around the world come to see a small country, the movement he repre-
the United States,” long a beacon of sents is of global importance. In the West,
democracy, “as a fading power beset by where the will of the people remains
political stagnation, economic inefficiency, the main source of political legitimacy,
and social chaos.” his style of illiberal democracy is likely
Huntington died in 2008, but had he to be the major alternative to liberalism
lived, even he would probably have been in the coming decades.
surprised to see that liberal democracy Why has democracy declared war on
is now under threat not only in coun- liberalism most openly in eastern Europe?
tries that went through democratic The answer lies in the peculiar nature of
the revolutions of 1989, when the states
IVAN KRASTEV is Chair of the Centre for
Liberal Strategies, in Sofia, and the author of of eastern Europe freed themselves from
After Europe. the Soviet empire. Unlike previous
May/June 2018 49
Ivan Krastev
revolutions, the ones in 1989 were in Europe, voted for a slew of populist
concerned not with utopia but with the parties in last year’s parliamentary
idea of normality—that is, the revolution- elections, or why intolerance is on rise
aries expressed a desire to lead the type in economically successful Slovakia.
of normal life already available to people Poland is the most puzzling case. The
in western Europe. Once the Berlin Wall country had the fastest-growing econ-
fell, the most educated and liberal eastern omy in Europe between 2007 and 2017,
Europeans became the first to leave their and it has seen social mobility improve
countries, provoking major demographic in recent years. Research by the Polish
and identity crises in the region. And as sociologist Maciej Gdula has shown that
the domestic constituencies for liberal Poles’ political attitudes do not depend
democracy immigrated to the West, on whether they individually benefited
international actors such as the EU and from the postcommunist transition. The
the United States became the face of lib- ruling party’s base includes many who
eralism in eastern Europe, just as their are satisfied with their lives and have
own influence was waning. This set the shared in their country’s prosperity.
stage for the nationalist revolt against The details of eastern Europe’s
liberalism seizing the region today. populist turn vary from country to
country, as do the character and policies
PEOPLE POWER of individual populist governments. In
Many have found the rise of eastern Hungary, Fidesz has used its constitu-
European populism difficult to explain. tional majority to rewrite the rules of
After Poland’s populist Law and Justice the game: Orban’s tinkering with the
party (known by its Polish abbreviation, country’s electoral system has turned
PiS) won a parliamentary majority in his “plurality to a supermajority,” in
2015, Adam Michnik, one of the coun- the words of the sociologist Kim Lane
try’s liberal icons, lamented, “Sometimes Scheppele. Corruption, moreover, is
a beautiful woman loses her mind and pervasive. In a March 2017 article for
goes to bed with a bastard.” Populist The Atlantic, the writer David Frum
victories, however, are not a mystifying quoted an anonymous observer who
one-off but a conscious and repeated said of Fidesz’s system: “The benefit
choice: the right-wing populist party of controlling a modern state is less the
Fidesz has won two consecutive parlia- power to persecute the innocent, more
mentary elections in Hungary, and in the power to protect the guilty.”
opinion polls, PiS maintains a towering Poland’s government has also sought to
lead over its rivals. Eastern Europe dismantle checks and balances, especially
seems intent on marrying the bastard. through its changes to the constitutional
Some populist successes can be court. In contrast to the Hungarian
attributed to economic troubles: Orban government, however, it is basically clean
was elected in 2010, after Hungary’s when it comes to corruption. Its policies
economy had shrunk by 6.6 percent in are centered less on controlling the econ-
2009. But similar troubles cannot explain omy or creating a loyal middle class and
why the Czech Republic, which enjoys more on the moral reeducation of the
one of the lowest unemployment rates nation. The Polish government has tried
50 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
to rewrite history, most notably through Richard Hofstadter termed “the paranoid
a recent law making it illegal to blame style” in politics. This style traffics heavily
Poland for the Holocaust. In the Czech in conspiracy theories, such as the belief,
Republic, meanwhile, Prime Minister shared by many PiS voters, that the 2010
Andrej Babis led his party to victory plane crash that killed President Lech
last year by promising to run the state Kaczynski—the brother of the PiS leader
like a company. Jaroslaw Kaczysnki—was the product of
Yet beneath these differences lie an assassination rather than an accident.
telling commonalities. Across eastern This paranoia also surfaces in Fidesz’s
Europe, a new illiberal consensus is assertions that Brussels, aided by the
emerging, marked by xenophobic nation- Hungarian-born billionaire George
alism and supported, somewhat unex- Soros, secretly plans to flood Hungary
pectedly, by young people who came of with migrants.
age after the demise of communism. If Eastern Europe’s populists also deploy
the liberals who dominated in the 1990s a similar political vocabulary, casting
were preoccupied with the rights of themselves as the authentic voice of the
ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities, nation against its internal and external
this new consensus is about the rights enemies. As the political scientist Jan-
of the majority. Werner Müller has argued, “Populists
Wherever they take power, conservative claim that they and they alone represent
populists use the government to deepen the people,” a claim that is not empirical
cultural and political polarization and but “always distinctly moral.” Fidesz
champion what the American historian and PiS do not pretend to stand for all
May/June 2018 51
Ivan Krastev
Hungarians or all Poles, but they do insist force in the region. Opinion polls indicate
that they stand for all true Hungarians that the vast majority of eastern Europeans
and all true Poles. They transform democ- are wary of migrants and refugees. A
racy from an instrument of inclusion September 2017 study by Ipsos revealed
into one of exclusion, delegitimizing that only five percent of Hungarians
nonmajoritarian institutions by casting and 15 percent of Poles believe that
them as obstacles to the will of the people. immigration has had a positive impact
Another common feature of eastern on their country and that 67 percent of
European populism is a Janus-faced attitude Hungarians and 51 percent of Poles
toward the EU. According to the latest think their countries’ borders should
Eurobarometer polls, eastern Europeans be closed to refugees entirely.
are among the most pro-EU publics on During the refugee crisis, images of
the continent, yet they vote for some of migrants streaming into Europe sparked
the most Euroskeptical governments. a demographic panic across eastern
These governments, in turn, use Brussels Europe, where people began to imagine
as a rhetorical punching bag while benefit- that their national cultures were under
ing from its financial largess. The Hungar- the threat of vanishing. The region today
ian economy grew by 4.6 percent between is made up of small, aging, ethnically
2006 and 2015, yet a study by KPMG and homogeneous societies—for example,
the Hungarian economic research firm only 1.6 percent of those living in Poland
GKI estimated that without EU funds, it were born outside the country, and only
would have shrunk by 1.8 percent. And 0.1 percent are Muslim. In fact, cultural
Poland is the continent’s biggest recipient and ethnic diversity, rather than wealth, is
of money from the European Structural the primary difference between eastern and
and Investment Funds, which promote western Europe today. Compare Austria
economic development in the EU’s less and Hungary, neighboring countries of
developed countries. similar size that were once unified under
Support for illiberal populism has the Habsburg empire. Foreign citizens
been growing across the continent for make up a little under two percent of the
years now, but understanding its outsize Hungarian population; in Austria, they
appeal in eastern Europe requires rethink- make up 15 percent. Only six percent of
ing the history of the region in the decades Hungarians are foreign-born, and these
since the end of communism. It is the are overwhelmingly ethnic Hungarian
legacy of the 1989 revolutions, combined immigrants from Romania. In Austria,
with the more recent shocks delivered the equivalent figure is 16 percent. In the
by the decline of U.S. power and the eastern European political imagination,
crisis of the EU, that set in motion the cultural and ethnic diversity are seen as
populist explosion of today. an existential threat, and opposition to
this threat forms the core of the new
Although eastern European populism Some of this fear of diversity may
was already on the rise by the beginning be rooted in historical traumas, such as
of the current decade, the refugee crisis the disintegration of the multicultural
of 2015–16 made it the dominant political Habsburg empire after World War I and
52 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Ivan Krastev
a greater voice within it, was the primary of joining the modern world made
agent of change. After the fall of the emigration a logical and legitimate choice.
Berlin Wall, many in the former com- As a result, the revolutions of 1989
munist bloc expressed their wish for had the perverse effect of accelerating
change by immigrating to the West population decline in the newly liber-
rather than staying home to participate ated countries of eastern Europe. From
in democratic politics. In 1989, eastern 1989 to 2017, Latvia lost 27 percent of
Europeans were not dreaming of a perfect its population, Lithuania 23 percent, and
world; they were dreaming of a normal Bulgaria almost 21 percent. Hungary
life in a normal country. If there was a lost nearly three percent of its popula-
utopia shared by both the left and the tion in just the last ten years. And in 2016,
right during the region’s postcommunist around one million Poles were living in
transition, it was the utopia of normality. the United Kingdom alone. This emi-
Experiments were forbidden. In 1990, gration of the young and talented was
Czech Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus occurring in countries that already had
(who later became prime minister and aging populations and low birthrates.
then president) said of finding a middle Together, these trends set the stage for
ground between capitalism and socialism, a demographic panic.
“The third way is the fastest way to It is thus both emigration and the
the Third World.” Eastern Europeans fear of immigration that best explain
dreamed that European unification the rise of populism in eastern Europe.
would proceed along the same lines as The success of nationalist populism,
German reunification, and in the early which feeds off a sense that a country’s
1990s, many Czechs, Hungarians, and identity is under threat, is the outcome
Poles envied the East Germans, who of the mass exodus of young people
were issued German passports over- from the region combined with the
night and could spend the deutsche prospect of large-scale immigration,
mark immediately. which together set demographic alarm
Revolutions as a rule cause major bells ringing. Moving to the West was
demographic disruptions. When the equivalent to rising in social status, and
French Revolution broke out, many as a result, the eastern Europeans who
of its opponents ran away. When the stayed in their own countries started
Bolsheviks took power in Russia, feeling like losers who had been left
millions of Russians fled. But in behind. In countries where most young
those cases, it was the defeated, the people dream of leaving, success back
enemies of the revolution, who saw home is devalued.
their futures as being outside their own In recent years, a rising desire for
country. After the 1989 revolutions, by self-assertion has also caused eastern
contrast, it was those most eager to live Europeans to chafe at taking orders
in the West, those most impatient to from Brussels. Although during the
see their countries change, who were 1990s, the region’s politicians, eager to
the first to leave. For many liberal- join NATO and the EU, had been willing
minded eastern Europeans, a mistrust to follow the liberal playbook, today,
of nationalist loyalties and the prospect they wish to assert their full rights as
54 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
members of the European club. Eastern and resent external powers; they also,
Europe’s integration into the EU mirrors Bibo argued, secured these countries in
at a national level the experience of the belief that “the advance of freedom
integration familiar from the stories of threatens the national cause.” They have
immigrants around the world. First- learned to be suspicious of any cosmopol-
generation immigrants wish to gain itan ideology that crosses their borders,
acceptance by internalizing the values whether it be the universalism of the
of their host country; second-generation Catholic Church, the liberalism of the
immigrants, born in the new country, late Habsburg empire, or Marxist inter-
fear being treated as second-class citizens nationalism. The Czech writer and
and often rediscover an interest in the dissident Milan Kundera captured this
traditions and values of their parents’ sense of insecurity well when he defined
culture. Something similar happened to a small nation as “one whose very exis-
eastern European societies after joining tence may be put in question at any
the EU. Many people in those countries moment.” A citizen of a large country
used to view Brussels’ interference in takes his nation’s survival for granted.
their domestic politics as benevolent. “His anthems speak only of grandeur
Over time, they have started to see and eternity. The Polish anthem how-
it as an intolerable affront to their ever, starts with the verse: ‘Poland has
nations’ sovereignty. not yet perished.’”
If one effect of eastern Europe’s
THE RETURN OF GEOPOLITICS post-1989 emigration was to kick-start
The final ingredient in eastern Europe’s the demographic panic that would later
illiberal turn is the deep current of take full form during the refugee crisis,
geopolitical insecurity that has always another, equally important effect was to
afflicted the region. In 1946, the Hun- deprive countries in the region of the
garian intellectual Istvan Bibo published citizens who were most likely to become
a pamphlet called The Misery of the Small domestic defenders of liberal democ-
States of Eastern Europe. In it, he argued racy. As a result, liberal democracy in
that democracy in the region would always eastern Europe came to rely more and
be held hostage to the lingering effects more on the support of external actors
of historical traumas, most of them related such as the EU and the United States,
to eastern European states’ history of which over time came to be seen as the
domination by outside powers. Poland, real constraints on the power of majori-
for instance, ceased to exist as an inde- ties in the region. Bucharest’s desire to
pendent state following its partition by join the EU, for instance, was primarily
Austria, Prussia, and Russia in the late responsible for its decision to resolve
eighteenth century; Hungary, meanwhile, a long-running dispute with Hungary
saw a nationalist revolution crushed in about the rights of ethnic Hungarians
1849, before losing more than two-thirds in Romania. And the EU’s eligibility
of its territory and one-half of its popu- rules, known as the Copenhagen crite-
lation in the 1920 Treaty of Trianon. ria, make legal protections for minori-
Not only did these historical traumas ties a precondition for membership in
make eastern European societies fear the union.
May/June 2018 55
Ivan Krastev
56 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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Xi has matched the dramatic
growth of his personal power
with an equally dramatic
intensification of the Chinese
Communist Party’s power in
society and the economy.
—Elizabeth Economy
tanding onstage in the auditorium of Beijing’s Great Hall of the
People, against a backdrop of a stylized hammer and sickle,
Xi Jinping sounded a triumphant note. It was October 2017, and
the Chinese leader was addressing the 19th Party Congress, the latest
of the gatherings of Chinese Communist Party elites held every five
years. In his three-and-a-half-hour speech, Xi, who was appointed the
CCP’s general secretary in 2012, declared his first term a “truly remarkable
five years in the course of the development of the party and the country,”
a time in which China had “stood up, grown rich, and become strong.”
He acknowledged that the party and the country still confronted chal-
lenges, such as official corruption, inequality in living standards, and
what he called “erroneous viewpoints.” But overall, he insisted, China
was headed in the right direction—so much so, in fact, that he recom-
mended that other countries draw on “Chinese wisdom” and follow “a
Chinese approach to solving the problems facing mankind.” Not since
Mao Zedong had a Chinese leader so directly suggested that others
should emulate his country’s model.
Xi’s confidence is not without grounds. In the past five years, the
Chinese leadership has made notable progress on a number of its pri-
orities. Its much-heralded anticorruption campaign has accelerated, with
the number of officials disciplined for graft increasing from some 150,000
in 2012 to more than 400,000 in 2016. Air quality in many of China’s
famously smoggy cities has improved measurably. In the South China
Sea, Beijing has successfully advanced its sovereignty claims by milita-
rizing existing islands and creating new ones outright, and it has steadily
eroded the autonomy of Hong Kong through a series of political and legal
ELIZABETH C. ECONOMY is C. V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director for Asia Studies at the
Council on Foreign Relations and the author of The Third Revolution: Xi Jinping and the New
Chinese State (Oxford University Press, 2018), from which this essay is adapted.
60 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
for life. For the first time, China is an illiberal state seeking leadership
in a liberal world order.
May/June 2018 61
Elizabeth C. Economy
62 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
IMF Publications…
Keeping readers in touch with global economic issues
Elizabeth C. Economy
While Xi has limited political and economic openness at home, on
the international stage, he has sought to position himself as globalizer
in chief. At a meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation in
November 2017, for example, he proclaimed, “Opening up will bring
progress, and those who close down will inevitably lag behind.” Such
rhetoric is misleading. In fact, one of the most distinctive elements of
Xi’s rule has been his creation of a wall of regulations designed to
control the flow of ideas, culture, and even capital between China and
the rest of the world.
64 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 65
Elizabeth C. Economy
66 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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Elizabeth C. Economy
Many observers view Xi as an economic reformer who has been
thwarted by powerful opposition, as the best hope for positive
global leadership, as overwhelmingly popular among the Chinese
people, and as committed to stability abroad in order to focus on
affairs at home. In fact, such assessments miss four fundamental
truths about him.
First, Xi is playing a long game. His preference for control
over competition often leads to policies that appear suboptimal in
the short run. For example, his centralization of power and anti-
corruption campaign have slowed decision-making at the top of
the Chinese political system, which in turn has led to paralysis at
local levels of governance and lower rates of economic growth. Yet
such policies have a long-term payoff. Chinese leaders tolerate
the inefficiencies that come with nonmarket policies—say, slow
Internet connections or money-losing state-owned enterprises—
not only because the policies enhance their own political power
but also because they afford them the luxury of making longer-
term strategic investments. Thus, for example, the government
encourages state-owned enterprises to invest in high-risk economies
in support of the Belt and Road Initiative, in order to gain con-
trolling stakes in strategic ports or set technical standards, such as
railway track gauges or types of satellite navigation systems, for
the next wave of global economic development. Decisions that
may appear immediately irrational in the context of a liberal political
68 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 69
Elizabeth C. Economy
70 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 71
Elizabeth C. Economy
72 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Does China’s third revolution have staying power? History is certainly
not on Xi’s side. Despite a weakening of democratic institutions in some
May/June 2018 73
Elizabeth C. Economy
74 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Fresh Prince
The Schemes and Dreams of Saudi Arabia’s
Next King
F. Gregory Gause III
t is not often that a Ritz-Carlton becomes a detention facility. But
last November, when a large slice of the Saudi elite was arrested
on accusations of corruption, the luxury hotel in Riyadh became
a gilded prison for hundreds of princes, billionaires, and high-ranking
government officials. Behind this crackdown was the young crown
prince, Mohammed bin Salman, also known as MBS, who is attempt-
ing to remake the kingdom’s economy and social life, and even the
House of Saud itself.
At only 32, MBS is already the most powerful figure in contempo-
rary Saudi history, having sidelined other members of the ruling family
with the full support of his father, King Salman. His concentrated
authority and evident will to shake up the system make it possible for
him to do great things. But he has also removed the restraints that
have made Saudi foreign and domestic policy cautious, conservative,
and ultimately successful amid the crises of the modern Middle East.
Whether the crown prince can pull off his high-stakes gamble, which
the Middle East expert Bernard Haykel terms a “revolution from
above,” without destabilizing his country and adding to the region’s
chaos remains an open question.
Conventional wisdom has it that the Saudi regime rests on a social
compact among the ruling family, the religious establishment, and the
economic elite. The system is lubricated by enough oil wealth to also
fund a substantial welfare state. But that view is only half right. Over
the decades, oil wealth has lifted the ruling family above its partners
and the governing princes above the other members of the extended
House of Saud. Religious elites are now state bureaucrats, not equal
F. GREGORY GAUSE III is Head of the International Affairs Department at the Bush
School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.
May/June 2018 75
76 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Fresh Prince
against high-level corruption will help level the playing field and encour-
age greater investment going forward. But the crackdown’s opaque
and arbitrary methods—detentions without public charge, financial
settlements negotiated for unspecified crimes, and the alleged use of
brutal coercive tactics—could lead the country in the opposite direction.
The long-term effect of the crown prince’s gambit will hinge on
what kind of leader the crown prince really is. If he is like Chinese
President Xi Jinping, he will use the anticorruption campaign not
May/June 2018 77
only to settle political scores but also to actually reform the economy.
In that case, a reconstituted and chastened private sector might, with
the right incentives and sound government policy, become an engine of
growth. On the other hand, if MBS is more like Russian President
Vladimir Putin, he will simply replace the old oligarchs with new ones
of his own choosing. That path is certainly open: the Saudi government
has obtained a substantial interest in at least one major company, the
construction giant the Saudi Binladin Group, in exchange for releas-
ing its chief executive, and it might be doing the same with the Middle
East Broadcasting Center. This approach would solidify the crown
prince’s power but undermine the potential for meaningful reform.
Equally troubling, he might be more like King Henry VIII. Faced with
mounting expenses from fighting wars overseas and consolidating his rule
at home, the king of England took over monasteries and other religious
endowments when he declared himself head of the Church of England.
But rather than maintaining these institutions as a steady source of
income, he sold most of them for a one-time infusion of funds. There is
some indication that MBS is feeling similar fiscal pressures. The Wall
Street Journal reported that King Salman had unsuccessfully implored
leading businesspeople to contribute to the government’s coffers before
the November roundup. The wolf is hardly at the door: the government
has around $500 billion in reserves. But some of the crown prince’s more
ambitious plans, such as building a futuristic city dubbed “Neom,” have
not excited much enthusiasm from the Saudi business elite. Shaking down
business leaders would yield money for pet projects, but this tactic can be
used only once. If foreign investors and domestic business elites think that
they are perpetually at risk of being arrested or having their assets seized,
they will be much less likely to invest in the country.
At a minimum, the crown prince has redefined what corruption
means in the kingdom. The problem is that observers, both domestic
and foreign, are not yet clear on what the new definition is. The path
that MBS chooses in the aftermath of the Ritz-Carlton crackdown
will determine his country’s future.
On the social front, the crown prince has already made bold decisions.
In September, he tackled the most fraught Saudi social issue by
declaring that, as of June 2018, Saudi women will have the right to
drive. This decision has elicited barely a peep of domestic opposition.
78 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Fresh Prince
As education levels rose and more Saudis experienced life abroad, the
argument that the kingdom was “not ready” or “too conservative” for
this change rang increasingly hollow. And the objections of some cler-
ics that driving would endanger Saudi women’s moral standing were
risible, given that the alternative was for Saudi women to be driven
by male drivers (either in taxis or in their families’ cars) who were
not members of their families. Saudi society had been ready for this
change for some time; the country’s leaders had simply lacked the
political will to pull the trigger. The crown prince has that political
will, in spades.
Having women behind the wheel will bring enormous changes
to the country. More women will be able to join the work force. Hun-
dreds of thousands of foreign workers employed as drivers will no
longer be needed. Men will not lose productive hours transporting
their wives, mothers, and sisters to doctor’s appointments and other
meetings. It is hard to underestimate the impact of this decision.
The crown prince has publicly talked about “going back to how we
were, to the tolerant, moderate Islam that is open to the world.” Although
this interpretation of Saudi history is questionable, his commitment
to change is real. In addition to deciding to allow women to drive, he has
limited the powers of the religious police
and opened up Saudi social life. Musical
concerts, movie theaters, female atten-
The path that MBS chooses
dance at soccer matches, and a greater in the aftermath of the
number of public social events will help crackdown will determine
make the country more “normal,” at least his country’s future.
for those Saudis who have lived or vis-
ited abroad. Undoubtedly, some in more
conservative religious circles will object to all of this, and there might be
isolated instances of a violent backlash, as there were when the country
introduced television and education for girls in the 1960s. But history has
shown that these changes will soon become normalized. The wives of
clerics will be among the first behind the wheel.
All this social change gives a more accurate picture of the rela-
tionship between the religious establishment and the ruling family.
Ultimately, the religious elites are state employees who take orders
from above, not equal players with a veto over government policy.
During every major crisis in modern Saudi history, the religious
establishment has supported the government’s decisions, including the
May/June 2018 79
Equally audacious but less noticed abroad has been the crown prince’s
consolidation of power within the ruling family. Since the 1960s, the
kingdom has been ruled by a de facto committee of senior princes—
all sons of King Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia—with
the king as first among equals. Some kings were stronger than others,
but all of them sought consensus on important decisions among their
family members who held the key ministries and governorships across
the country. This style of government had all the vices of rule by com-
mittee: it was ponderous, conservative, and not readily able to seize
opportunities. But it also had its virtues: its decisions were well con-
sidered, there were checks on bad ideas, and everyone important was
on board once a decision was made. As the sons of the founding king
grew old, some observers questioned how the system would be sustained.
Most Saudi watchers, myself included, assumed that the sons of that
generation would take the places of their fathers and reconstitute
committee governance. We were wrong.
When King Salman assumed the throne in 2015, he originally
appointed his half brother Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz to be crown
prince, keeping the succession in his own generation. But the king
jettisoned Prince Muqrin a few months later in favor of one of his neph-
ews, Mohammed bin Nayef. MBN, as he is known, is part of the Saudi
royal family’s third generation, the son of the former interior minister,
who had inherited the leadership of that ministry from his father. MBN
80 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
National Security
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also became the main point of contact for U.S. officials in the burgeon-
ing intelligence and counterterrorism partnership that had developed
between the two countries after the 9/11 attacks. MBN was a safe choice
to become the first king of his generation—experienced in government,
successful in maintaining internal security against threats from al Qaeda
and ISIS, and well known and respected in Washington.
But in June 2017, King Salman removed MBN from his position as
crown prince and from his ministerial post and elevated his favorite
son to become the heir apparent. The new crown prince’s ascent was
remarkably fast—MBS had become a minister only two years before,
when he succeeded his father as minister of defense. At that time, the
king had also appointed him to head a cabinet committee overseeing
economic and social policy (MBN was in charge of a similar committee
on security issues). With the cashiering of MBN, the new crown prince
became the focal point for all major decisions in the government. Al-
though some saw the Ritz-Carlton roundup as a consolidation of power,
MBS had already secured his position by then. To be sure, a number of
princes were involuntary guests at the Ritz. The most important of
these was Miteb bin Abdullah, a son of the former king, who served as
the commander of the National Guard. After his November arrest, he
was stripped of that position and removed from the cabinet. But no
one questioned that MBS was in charge, even before November 2017.
Today, the Saudi cabinet contains fewer members of the ruling fam-
ily than at any time since the 1950s. The king is still the prime minister,
and the crown prince is both the defense minister and the deputy prime
minister, but the only other ministerial position filled by a family mem-
ber is minister of the interior, which is held by a young nephew of the
former crown prince MBN and thus a member of the family’s fourth
generation. (There are also two royal ministers of state, one of whom
is another son of King Salman, but both lack a portfolio.)
In effect, the crown prince has cut out a large number of his older
cousins, many of whom had previously held high positions in govern-
ment and were looking to inherit their fathers’ seats at the decision-
making table. This has occasioned more than a little grumbling in family
circles, some of which has seeped out into the Western press. But there
are no indications, at least not publicly, of a serious mobilization inside
the House of Saud to block MBS from eventually succeeding his father.
Dangerous splits in the family have happened before, most recently
in the late 1950s and early 1960s, when King Saud and Crown Prince
82 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Fresh Prince
Faisal contended for power. But the signs of that split were clear and
public. People were fired from jobs and then returned when their man
was on top, the protagonists took extended leaves outside the country
after they lost a skirmish, and family councils were called to adjudicate
the conflict. In the end, the family deposed King Saud in 1964. Nothing
approaching that kind of open contest for power is occurring now.
It is possible that MBS will face familial opposition when his father
dies. The House of Saud famously tries to keep family business out of
the public eye, so there could be things going on that outsiders do not
know about. Perhaps in anticipation of a move against him, the crown
prince has been appealing to younger family members, particularly in
the fourth generation, who are below him in the hierarchy but close to
him in age, by appointing many of them to subcabinet positions in
Riyadh and positions of authority in the regional governorates. They
could become his supporters if trouble arises. For now, his path to
ultimate power seems secure.
The crown prince now stands at the top of the Saudi decision-making
process. He answers only to the king, who has granted him wide-ranging
powers, allowing him to make difficult decisions that were previously
kicked down the road, such as pursuing economic reform and allowing
women to drive. But it also means that there are few checks on an
ambitious and aggressive leader who may not fully calculate the second-
and third-order consequences of some of his actions.
Some recent Saudi foreign policy decisions suggest a certain amount
of recklessness. In November 2017, for example, as the Ritz-Carlton
roundup was under way, the Lebanese prime minister, Saad Hariri,
made an unscheduled visit to Riyadh. A few days later, he announced his
resignation from the Saudi capital, under obvious pressure from MBS.
This was clearly a Saudi power play meant to put pressure on the Leba-
nese political system in hopes of dealing a blow to Hezbollah, Iran’s ally
in Lebanon. Instead, the move backfired, as the United States and Saudi
allies in Europe told the kingdom to back down. A few weeks later,
Hariri returned to Lebanon and rescinded his resignation. Likewise, in
the summer of 2017, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates led a
number of other Arab countries in a boycott of Qatar, accusing the
Qataris of supporting Islamist groups, backing terrorists, and meddling
in the domestic politics of their neighbors. But far from knuckling
May/June 2018 83
under, Qatar has withstood the pressure and drawn support from Iran
and Turkey. In both cases, Saudi Arabia did not achieve its objectives.
Many would classify the Emirati-Saudi military offensive in Yemen
as another example of an aggressive and unsuccessful MBS policy.
Undoubtedly, the Saudis and their partners assumed that the operation,
which began in 2015, would swiftly drive back the rebel Houthi militants
and restore the Saudi ally Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to the presidential
palace in Sanaa. It did not turn out that way, and international pressure
on Riyadh is mounting as the human toll of the campaign has reached
alarming levels. But unlike the Lebanese and Qatari gambits, the
Yemeni campaign touches more directly on what most Saudis see as
their national security. One can argue about the extent to which the
Houthis are tied to Iran, but Saudi Arabia considers Houthi control of
Yemen as tantamount to allowing Iran a base of influence on the Arabian
Peninsula. No Saudi government would have stood by and allowed that
to happen. The war in Yemen is a drain on Saudi resources and a blot on
the country’s international reputation, but it still enjoys broad support
among Saudi elites. The question now is how to bring it to an end.
Unlike past Saudi leaders, MBS can make dramatic and unilateral
decisions. But this freedom of action also means that he can engage in
foreign policy adventures that would not have moved forward under
previous rulers. He may be learning from his mistakes, but given his
ambition and impulsiveness, the world should expect more surprises.
84 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Fresh Prince
These new benefits could be read as a move away from the goals of
balancing the state budget and making public-sector jobs less attractive,
but it is better seen as a necessary reaction to placate public opinion.
Two years of rising oil prices have made it difficult to impose austerity.
Sacrifices that might have been acceptable to Saudis when oil was $30 per
barrel seem less so with oil above $60 per barrel. Although the crown
prince may be headstrong and aggressive, he still realizes that he needs
the people behind him. But to transform the Saudi system, he will
also have to inculcate a new understanding of what the state is going
to provide its citizens. Reducing the welfare state without turning the
public against him will be his most daunting challenge.
May/June 2018 85
little reason for optimism. When it comes to Syria, Trump has shown
little interest in a new peace initiative, so there is no reason to engage
the Saudis there. Riyadh is already in agreement with a more confron-
tational policy toward Iran. And the administration has successfully
pushed the Saudis to reengage with the government of Iraqi Prime
Minister Haider al-Abadi, which is a positive step in the long-term
effort to stabilize Iraq and reduce Iranian influence there.
The place where Trump could most productively use his close
relationship with the crown prince is Yemen. The administration
should continue its efforts to push the Saudis to address the human
catastrophe through more effective aid and more discriminate military
action. The Houthis also have much to answer for regarding the suf-
fering of Yemeni civilians, and international pressure should focus as
much on them as on the Saudis. Any diplomatic initiative to end the
fighting will require that the United States decide whether it wants
to see the redivision of the country into two states, as was the case
before 1990. It will also involve sophisticated outreach to Iran, the
only regional power with any influence over the Houthis. This can be
accomplished even as the Trump administration works to contain
and roll back Iranian influence in the Arab world. Oman has acted as
a conduit to Iran before, and European countries can also deal directly
with the Iranians. If Tehran is at all chastened by the antiregime pro-
tests that broke out across Iran in January, it might be open to reducing
its involvement in the regional conflict that least affects its interests.
Stabilizing Yemen will not be easy, but such an effort would give Saudi
Arabia a desperately needed exit ramp from a costly campaign and
alleviate one of the world’s most searing human tragedies.
Meanwhile, Washington should pay close attention to how the
crown prince handles the aftermath of his anticorruption campaign.
If MBS becomes his country’s Xi, then the United States should
maintain its pragmatic alliance, which is based on mutual benefit
rather than shared values. But if MBS turns out to be more like Putin
or Henry VIII, privileging political cronies and treating the private
sector as his personal ATM, then the longer-term prospects of the
kingdom in a world where oil prices are unlikely to return to the his-
toric highs of the early years of this century will be much less certain.
In that case, the United States will need to look elsewhere for a partner
in stabilizing the region.∂
86 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
hen it comes to North Korea, U.S. President Donald Trump’s
policies have been whiplash inducing. On February 23, he
appeared to be gearing up for a conflict when he said that if
sanctions against Pyongyang didn’t work, Washington would have to move
to “phase two,” which could be “very, very unfortunate for the world.” But
just two weeks later, Trump abruptly changed course and accepted an in-
vitation to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un—a decision that
caught even his own White House and State Department by surprise.
Trump’s newfound enthusiasm for diplomacy has temporarily low-
ered the temperature on the Korean Peninsula, but it also underlines
a bigger question: Does the United States have a strategy for North
Korea, or are these twists and turns merely the whims of a tempera-
mental president? In the past, rash and uninformed decisions by U.S.
officials on the peninsula—such as acquiescing to Japan’s occupation
of Korea in 1905 and excluding Korea from the U.S. Cold War defense
perimeter in 1950—have had grave consequences. The United States
cannot afford a similar outcome today.
Trump’s unpredictability has had some upsides. His self-proclaimed
“madman” behavior may have played a role in bringing the North Koreans
to the table, and the Trump administration’s policy of applying, in the
White House’s words, “maximum pressure” has yielded some impres-
sive results. An unprecedented summit between the U.S. and North
Korean leaders could indeed bring lasting peace to Asia. But it
could also go wrong: if negotiations fail, the administration might
VICTOR CHA is Professor of Government in the Walsh School of Foreign Service at George-
town University and a Senior Adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
KATRIN FRASER KATZ is a Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
She served on the staff of the U.S. National Security Council from 2007 to 2008.
May/June 2018 87
conclude that a military strike is the only way forward, greatly increas-
ing the chance of war.
The Trump administration must ground its summit diplomacy and
overall approach to North Korea in a strategy of comprehensive coercion
that clearly defines U.S. objectives, leverages Washington’s most effective
diplomatic and military tools, and aligns its Korea policy with the broader
U.S. strategy in Asia. Failure to do this would only benefit Kim and
increase the likelihood that the United States will get “played,” as Trump
has characterized past negotiations. After a year of saber rattling, and
with North Korea likely to be just months away from possessing the
capability to launch a nuclear attack on the continental United States, the
stakes could hardly be higher. In the not unlikely event that talks break
down, the United States will need a strategy that prevents the parties
from sliding into a disastrous war.
During Trump’s first year in office, North Korea conducted more than
twice as many ballistic missile tests (20) as it did during the first year of
Barack Obama’s presidency (8). The result was a constant exchange of
recriminations between the United States and North Korea. After North
Korea tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), in July,
Trump promised to rain “fire and fury” on Pyongyang. After North Korea
threatened a nuclear attack on “the heart of the U.S.,” Trump’s national
security adviser hinted that a preventive attack was becoming increasingly
likely. Meanwhile, rumors swirled that the Joint Chiefs of Staff and U.S.
Pacific Command were drawing up plans for a limited military strike to
give Kim a “bloody nose.” Combined, we have decades of experience
working on this problem, and one of us, Victor Cha, was once under
consideration for U.S. ambassador to South Korea, before the Trump
administration withdrew his candidacy. Never before have we witnessed
more discussion about possible military escalation than in the past year.
But 2018 has brought a dramatic shift. The government of South
Korean President Moon Jae-in, who is much more open to engagement
with North Korea than his predecessor, decided to capitalize on what it
perceived as toned-down language in Kim’s New Year’s address. In Janu-
ary, it achieved a reopening of the long-suspended inter-Korean dialogue
channels and facilitated an all-expenses-paid invitation for the North
Korean team to attend the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. While
briefing Trump on the phone about these developments, Moon recalled
88 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
From Pyongyang with love: a North Korean ICBM test, July 2017
Trump’s campaign pledge to have a hamburger with Kim. Ultimately,
Moon managed to elicit a promise from Trump to consider meeting
the North Korean leader—a message that Seoul dutifully conveyed to
Pyongyang. At the Olympics, despite exchanging little more than icy
stares with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, Kim’s younger sister
presented a letter to Moon that suggested her brother’s interest in
improving relations with the United States.
In early March, shortly after the Olympics concluded, Kim warmly
welcomed a group of South Korean envoys to Pyongyang, led by the
South Korean national security adviser, Chung Eui-yong. After two days
of meetings, Kim agreed to cross into the South for an inter-Korean sum-
mit by the end of April. He also promised a moratorium on missile and
nuclear testing contingent on dialogue with the United States. According
to the South Koreans, Kim said that the “denuclearization of the Korean
Peninsula” was possible if the U.S. threat to his country were removed.
Not to be outdone, on March 8, Trump scrapped his daily White
House schedule to host the South Korean national security adviser in the
Oval Office soon after his delegation landed at Dulles Airport (Chung
was supposed to brief the president on his recent North Korean trip the
next day). Trump called for an immediate summit with Kim (which he
was eventually persuaded to push to May) and, in a dramatic moment
May/June 2018 89
The South Korean government deserves credit for turning an impend-
ing crisis into an opportunity. It is possible that a face-to-face meeting
between Kim and Trump, who are both fond of making surprise decisions,
could bring progress on one of the world’s most dangerous problems.
But it is easier to understand Seoul’s and Pyongyang’s motives for
engaging in diplomacy than Washington’s.
For South Korea, the imminent threat of North Korean aggression
during the Winter Olympics, as well as long-term concerns about a
renewed campaign of North Korean missile and nuclear tests after the
conclusion of the Paralympics in late March, made engineering some
form of détente a strategic imperative. Meanwhile, North Korea’s apparent
change of heart likely stems from the economic bite of Trump’s maximum-
pressure campaign, which has cut oil imports and coal exports, dried
up hard-currency inflows, and made commodity prices spike in the
country. According to Trump administration officials, the sanctions have
caused North Korean gas prices to triple and have reduced the country’s
exports by more than $2.7 billion. Today, paper is so scarce in the North
that the state-run newspaper has been forced to cut its circulation. There
have even been reports in South Korean media that North Korea used
telephones, rather than global VSAT communications, to speak with South
Korean air traffic controllers when coordinating the arrival of high-level
North Korean delegations for the Olympics, since the state had lost access
to satellite networks after defaulting on payments. The news that the
Trump administration was seriously considering a military strike may
also have contributed to this turnaround.
But Kim also has other motivations for reengaging. A pause in weapons
testing at this point would do little to set back Pyongyang’s nuclear pro-
gram. Moreover, a meeting with Trump would give the rogue leader the
all-important recognition that he craves and, depending on what Trump
relinquished in exchange for a freeze in North Korea’s weapons testing
and development, could advance the North’s long-standing goal of getting
the United States to accept the country as a nuclear power.
90 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 91
92 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
weapons that the United States will hold accountable any state, group, or
individual found to be complicit in a transfer of nuclear material—if
necessary, through the use of force.
Third, the United States must upgrade its alliances with Japan and
South Korea. Militarily, that means improving capabilities regarding in-
tegrated missile defense, intelligence sharing, antisubmarine warfare, and
conventional strike missiles to deter North Korean threats. The political
scientists Michael Green and Mat-
thew Kroenig have outlined a useful
wish list: adding more missile defense
The United States must
systems in the region, deploying B-1 keep denuclearization at
and B-2 bombers to new locations, un- the top of its strategic
dertaking cyber-operations to impede priorities.
North Korea’s missile program devel-
opment, and encouraging South Korea
to purchase shorter-range missile defense systems (similar to Israel’s Iron
Dome) to defend against North Korean artillery. The United States
should also remain open to additional conventional strike capabilities for
Japan and South Korea, the use of which would require U.S. sign-off.
At the political level, the United States should push for a joint state-
ment with Japan and South Korea that pledges that an attack on one will
be treated as an attack on all. Affirming collective defense is important
because North Korea’s long-term strategy is to decouple South Korea’s
security from Japan’s and the United States’. Indeed, one of the purposes
of North Korea’s long-range missile tests last year was to reduce South
Korea’s confidence in the U.S. commitment to deterring an attack against
South Korea and raise doubts in Japan and the United States about their
willingness to trade Tokyo or Los Angeles for Seoul in the event of
war. In order to convey a clear deterrent message to Pyongyang, the
collective-defense statement should commit all three allies to the use
of force in response to a North Korean attack.
These military and political measures should be complemented by dip-
lomatic and economic strategies that treat U.S. alliances more holistically.
For example, the United States should approach updates and adjustments
to the existing free-trade agreement with South Korea or U.S.–South
Korean defense cost-sharing negotiations with an awareness that tension
in one area of these relationships can make progress elsewhere more dif-
ficult, if not impossible, particularly if the Japanese public or the South
Korean public is paying attention and anti-U.S. sentiment has been rallied.
May/June 2018 93
94 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
When it comes to North Korea, the only American voice that really mat-
ters is Trump’s. By agreeing to meet with Kim, Trump has improved his
media ratings, but he has also inadvertently increased the chances of war.
If his latest diplomatic gamble doesn’t pay off, the administration may
come away from negotiations more determined to use the military option.
96 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 97
98 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
May/June 2018 99
among ordinary people. Still, a Hail Mary without tangible North Ko-
rean actions toward denuclearization might be great for TV ratings, but it
would also give Kim what he wants (nuclear recognition) while offering
the United States nothing but empty promises.
Finally, critics might argue that a strategy of comprehensive coercion
would simply take too much time, and time only plays into North
Korea’s hands as the country continues its nuclear sprint. This critique is
not unwarranted; in recent decades, sensitive historical and domestic is-
sues have hampered Japanese–South Korean military cooperation, which
could impede defense planning among U.S. allies. In the past, however,
crises involving North Korea have led to security cooperation between
Japan and South Korea in a timely and prompt fashion. In addition,
although the push for a Kim-Trump summit is dramatic, it may have
shifted the play to a longer game, as bold statements by leaders who love
flair and drama will have to be translated into action by policy minions
in painstaking detail over weeks and months, if not years. The United
States should use this time to invest in its alliances and strengthen its
position in the region.
Coordinating and developing the capabilities needed for security
cooperation with Japan and South Korea will take time, but it will
put the United States in a better position in the long run. It’s impor-
tant to distinguish between strategy and tactics. Tactical responses
are always possible in the near term, but tactics without a strategy
can lead one down undesirable paths. As former U.S. Deputy Secre-
tary of Defense John Hamre has argued, recent U.S. claims that
“time has run out,” which were designed to pressure the North Koreans,
have only pushed Washington further into a corner, under pressure
to carry out a threatened military attack, and they have done nothing
to advance a strategy outlining what the United States should be doing
before, during, and after any negotiations.
In the land of lousy options, no plan is perfect. But some are demon-
strably better than others. A comprehensive coercion strategy for denu-
clearization diplomacy would significantly increase the pressure on North
Korea. It would strengthen U.S. alliances in Asia against threats not just
from North Korea but also from China and increase the costs to Beijing
of subsidizing the Kim regime. It would not risk hundreds of thousands of
American lives with a preventive military attack. And it would strengthen
the United States’ hand at the negotiating table in a way that primed
Washington for success, but also prepared it for failure.∂
100 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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Perception and
Misperception on the
Korean Peninsula
How Unwanted Wars Begin
Robert Jervis and Mira Rapp-Hooper
orth Korea has all but completed its quest for nuclear weapons.
It has demonstrated its ability to produce boosted-fission
bombs and may be able to make fusion ones, as well. It can
likely miniaturize them to fit atop a missile. And it will soon be able
to deliver this payload to the continental United States. North Korea’s
leader, Kim Jong Un, has declared his country’s nuclear deterrent
complete and, despite his willingness to meet with U.S. President
Donald Trump, is unlikely to give it up. Yet Washington continues to
demand that Pyongyang relinquish the nuclear weapons it already
has, and the Trump administration has pledged that the North Korean
regime will never acquire a nuclear missile that can hit the United States.
The result is a new, more dangerous phase in the U.S.–North Korean
relationship: a high-stakes nuclear standoff.
In March, U.S. and South Korean officials announced the possibility
of a Kim-Trump meeting. But regardless of whether diplomacy
proceeds or the United States turns its focus to other tools—sanctions,
deterrence, even military force—the same underlying challenge will
remain: the outcome of this standoff will be determined by whether
and how each country can influence the other. That, in turn, will
depend on the beliefs and perceptions each holds about the other. The
problems of perception and misperception afflict all policymakers that
ROBERT JERVIS is Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Affairs at Columbia
MIRA RAPP-HOOPER is a Senior Fellow at the Paul Tsai China Center and a Senior
Research Scholar at Yale Law School.
104 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Seeing like a state: Kim watching a military drill, Pyongyang, November 2014
but never actively pursued, the reunification of the Korean Peninsula
under the democratic control of the South. Yet as North Korea has
moved toward a complete nuclear and ICBM capability, such goals have
become harder to achieve. They no longer require simply preventing
North Korea from taking certain steps. Now, they require persuading
it to reverse course and give up capabilities it has already developed,
even in the face of significant opposition, a much bigger concession.
Accordingly, the more urgent question today is less what the
United States wants than what it can reasonably live with—that is,
what it needs. As North Korea nears the end of its nuclear quest,
concessions that would have once looked attractive, such as a freeze
in further development, no longer look as desirable. What, then,
would it take for the United States to live with a nuclear North Korea?
If Washington can strengthen its alliances and military presence to
effectively deter Pyongyang and prevent it from resorting to nuclear
blackmail, would minimum American needs be met?
What North Korea wants from its nuclear and missile programs has
also become fairly clear. Above all, the regime wants to ensure its sur-
vival and deter a U.S. attack. Beyond that, it also appears to consider
nuclear weapons to be a source of prestige and thus wants acceptance
as a de facto nuclear state, much as Pakistan has. Nuclear weapons also
106 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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only if the target sees it as such. The target makes that determination
by assessing its opponent’s interests, its previous behavior, the nature
of its regime, and whether its leaders have lived up to prior commitments.
Accordingly, any U.S. attempt to exert influence over North Korea
necessarily leaves the decision to comply in the hands of North Korean
leaders. They, not officials in Washington, make the cost-benefit calcu-
lation of the value of compliance and noncompliance.
The question of how to establish credibility is especially fraught in
this case. The United States and North Korea face major hurdles to
persuading each other that their intentions are genuine. Because they
do not have formal diplomatic relations, they are basing their views
on an impoverished set of interactions and data points. In the last two
decades, state-level exchanges have taken the form of nuclear negotia-
tions. With the exception of those leading to the 1994 Agreed
Framework, which stayed in place for six years, all these negotiations
resulted in failure. As a result, each side distrusts the other.
Moreover, the two sides interpret history differently. Kim looks at
past agreements with the United States that his father and grand-
father struck and likely infers that Washington seeks to make Pyong-
yang less secure and will renege on its commitments. He looks at the
U.S. invasions of Iraq and Libya and likely concludes that nuclear
weapons are a far stronger guarantor of survival than any U.S. promise.
He sees Trump’s threats to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and likely
worries that U.S. arms control agreements cannot be trusted. And
when evaluating the prospect of U.S. military action, he may consider
prior instances in which U.S. leaders have contemplated bombing
nuclear sites in North Korea or elsewhere—and conclude that since
the United States has always refrained from doing so in the past, it
will again.
Making credibility even harder to establish, both states have bluffed
in the past. Perhaps more than any other state, North Korea has a
tendency to use incendiary rhetoric that does not result in action. It
threatened to turn Seoul into a “sea of fire” in 1994, and it calls nearly
every new round of international sanctions “a declaration of war.”
After the UN Security Council approved sanctions in 2013, a North
Korean spokesperson said, “We will be exercising our right to preemp-
tive nuclear attack against the headquarters of the aggressor.”
Although Washington’s bluffing has typically been less brazen,
the effect is similar. Washington has called North Korea’s nuclear
108 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
past, whereas North Korea sees the United States as intent on threat-
ening its existence. For both parties to come to the negotiating table,
they must believe that the potential upsides of diplomacy outweigh
the costs, including the likelihood that the other side will agree to and
then scuttle a deal.
The United States faces what might be called a “time-technology
dilemma” in diplomacy. North Korea is close to reaching its technical
goals, making it all the more important for Washington to secure signifi-
cant enough concessions quickly enough to make the gambit worthwhile.
The more time that passes, the less the United States will be able to
gain from negotiations, and the more North Korea will be able to secure
for itself. Pyongyang may, for example, get away with making minor
concessions in exchange for significant sanctions relief or security
assurances, strengthening its hand without meaningfully improving
the security situation for the United States and its allies.
Given these perceptual dynamics and the likelihood that they will
cause diplomatic failure, why would the United States pursue diplomacy
at all? After all, many argue that it can deter, contain, and manage the
North Korean threat without talks. Any progress on constraining
Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs, no matter how modest or
unlikely, will require concessions that can be made only at a negotiating
table. Just as important, engagement can reduce the risks of misper-
ception and miscalculation in the bilateral relationship, which is especially
important given how few other ties exist between Washington and
Pyongyang. That said, ill-conceived diplomacy may lead each side to its
worst-case assessment of the other. If it does, tensions will only spiral.
110 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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pattern for years, North Korea can anticipate new sanctions before it
makes a given move and decide whether the benefits will outweigh
the costs. Moreover, because sanctions are applied only after the fact,
the regime has time to adjust to the new economic circumstances it
will face after it takes the action. Indeed, because it chooses when next
to conduct a nuclear test, it actually has some control over whether
and when it will get hit with another round of economic measures,
even if the exact contents of the sanctions package are a surprise. In
other words, what international actors view as resolute and punishing
steps may not actually do much to affect Pyongyang’s preferences.
The United States hopes that its sanctions will send a message that
forces North Korea to choose between its economy and its nuclear
weapons. But the incremental nature of the financial punishment may
instead signal that it will continue but the pain will be tolerable,
encouraging North Korea to hurry up and complete its nuclear pro-
gram so that it can start negotiating the sanctions away. This repre-
sents another instance of the time-technology dilemma: North Korea
has few technical hurdles left to cross, yet new sanctions take time to
bite. Still, international financial pressure has inherent credibility,
because multilateral sanctions include the participation of countries
on which North Korea depends, such as China and Russia. Moreover,
it is difficult to draw conclusions about how multilateral sanctions
against Pyongyang are affecting its political behavior. Did Kim seek
a summit with Trump because he is desperate for sanctions relief
and willing to make concessions or because he seeks the prestige of
a presidential summit and de facto recognition of North Korea as a
nuclear power? American observers may assume the former, whereas
Kim may believe the latter, leading to a yawning gap in diplomatic
112 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
114 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
willing to accept greater risks and take bigger chances to prevent major
losses. North Korea is unlikely to be an exception.
terms, Kim is outraged and renews his August 2017 pledge to test mis-
siles over Guam.
Both Washington and Pyongyang now think the other is responsible
for derailing diplomacy. Out of a desire to induce the United States
to drop its denuclearization demands, Kim decides to show that his
willingness to negotiate does not mean his will has been broken, and
he proceeds with his missile launch. Much as the Japanese did before
they attacked Pearl Harbor, he hopes that a missile test over Guam—a
U.S. territory but not a state—will unnerve the United States enough
to persuade it to accept his nuclear program, but not so much as to
bring a full-scale war.
But then, one of his missiles expels debris over Guam. Fragments
from the reentry vehicle strike the island itself, killing a few residents—
who are, after all, U.S. citizens. Trump declares this “an act of war”
and gives Kim 48 hours to issue a formal apology and a pledge to
denuclearize. Kim does not comply, and the United States dusts off
one of its plans for a limited military strike. It attacks a known missile
storage facility, believing the limited nature of the target will induce
Kim’s cooperation and minimize the risk of retaliation. Instead, Kim
views the strike as the beginning of a larger effort to disarm him and
as a prelude to regime change. Following his conventional bombard-
ment of Seoul, the United States begins to attack other known weapons
sites and command-and-control facilities to neutralize the threat. Kim
launches nuclear weapons the following day.
The purpose of this vignette is not to suggest that war on the
Korean Peninsula is inevitable, likely, or totally beyond the control of
the parties involved. Rather, it is to illustrate how the forms of misper-
ception now ingrained in the U.S.–North Korean relationship may
interact with a situation that is already unfolding to invite a catastrophe
that neither side wants.
There is no set of policies that can eliminate these risks. But there are
steps U.S. policymakers can take to sharpen their own perceptions of
North Korea; better understand how U.S. actions and signals affect
the perceptions of their North Korean counterparts; and, perhaps
most important, recognize the assumptions behind American beliefs.
The Trump administration should start by deepening its assessment
of Pyongyang’s aims and bottom line. There are a handful of former
116 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
U.S. officials who have experience negotiating with the North Koreans
and who could help current policymakers more accurately read North
Korean signals. Even if it has arrived at a diplomatic opening by
accident, the administration must now work with these experts to
devise a strategy for diplomacy, including coming up with objectives
that are more limited than full denuclearization. U.S. policymakers
should also press the intelligence agencies not only to offer their best
assessments of North Korean intentions but also to be explicit about
the gaps and shortcomings in them.
Policymakers should also work with the intelligence community to
examine how existing U.S. policies may look from Pyongyang. They
should consider how those perceptions (or misperceptions) serve to
reinforce or undermine U.S. objectives and how future changes in
policy may be viewed. There is an all-too-human tendency to assume
that an action will be seen as it is intended to be seen; intelligence
analysts should help policymakers actively counter this tendency,
especially when it comes to potential military strikes.
In addition to trying to understand the assumptions of North Korean
policymakers, U.S. policymakers must work to understand their own.
They should go back and examine them, carefully mapping the causal
logic of any move they might make. By recognizing the flaws or weak-
nesses in their own assumptions, they will be better prepared to react
nimbly to unexpected North Korean concessions or to manage the
situation if engagement abruptly fails. Diplomatic encounters are not
likely to unfold according to script, and if the United States and North
Korea are not willing to be surprised and learn, they can neither take
advantage of opportunities nor avoid making worst-case inferences
that would rule out further discussions.
The prospect of grave misperceptions should instill a degree of
caution in U.S. officials and prompt them to insert the equivalent of
speed bumps into the policy process, above all in a moment of crisis.
If the U.S.–North Korean relationship begins to deteriorate further
and escalate toward conflict, they should pause to consider the prob-
lems of perception. Why did North Korea enter into direct talks if it
didn’t intend to denuclearize? What assumptions were made about
the North that must now be interrogated? Such questions may seem
basic, but they too often go unasked. Simply by considering them,
U.S. policymakers can reduce the risk that flimsy credibility and haz-
ardous misperceptions will bring about an unnecessary war.∂
n 2016, nearly 50,000 people died of opioid overdoses in the United
States, and, per capita, almost as many died in Canada. From 2000 to
2016, more Americans died of overdoses than died in World War I
and World War II combined. Yet even these grim numbers understate
the impact of opioid abuse, because for every person who dies, many more
live with addiction. The White House Council of Economic Advisers
has estimated that the epidemic cost the U.S. economy $504 billion in
2015, or 2.8 percent of GDP.
This public health story is now common knowledge. Less well known
is the growing risk that the epidemic will spread across the globe. Facing
a backlash in the United States and Canada, drug companies are turning
their attention to Asia and Europe and repeating the tactics that created
the crisis in the first place. At the same time, the rise of fentanyl, a
highly potent synthetic opioid, has made the outbreak even deadlier
and begun to reshape the global drug market, a development with
significant foreign policy implications. As a result, the world is on
the cusp of a global opioid epidemic, driven by the overuse of legal pain-
killers and worsened by the spread of fentanyl, that could mark a public
health disaster of historic proportions.
Yet in the face of this terrifying possibility, the world has remained
largely complacent. Governments and international organizations
KEITH HUMPHREYS is Esther Ting Memorial Professor and Professor of Psychiatry at
Stanford University.
JONATHAN P. CAULKINS is H. Guyford Stever University Professor of Operations
Research and Public Policy at Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University.
VANDA FELBAB-BROWN is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.
118 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
urgently need to learn the lessons of the North American crisis. The
first and most important of those is that the more opioids flood the
market, the bigger the problem will be—and so governments must
couple efforts to treat addicted individuals with efforts to curb supply.
That will require them to crack down on pharmaceutical companies
that abuse their positions and to take aggressive steps to regulate the
sale and marketing of opioids. And the rise of synthetic opioids means
that governments must rethink the role that fighting drug trafficking
plays in their foreign policies.
pain, claiming they carried little risk of addiction. The most infamous
was Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, but other companies
rolled out similar products. As the New York Times journalist Barry
Meier and the psychiatrist Anna Lembke have documented, their tactics
were nearly as ruthless as those of any drug dealer. During the period
of mostly uncritical enthusiasm for prescription opioids, the largess of
manufacturers flowed to virtually every organization that should have
been protecting the public, including health-care regulators, profes-
sional medical societies, medical school education programs, elected
officials, patient advocacy groups, medical opinion leaders, and state
medical boards.
A study by the Center for Public Integrity and the Associated Press
found that from 2006 to 2015, the pharmaceutical industry spent
$880 million on campaign contributions and lobbying state legislatures,
220 times as much as the amount spent by groups trying to limit opioid
use. In 2013, the marketing expenditure of each of the ten largest phar-
maceutical companies exceeded the entire budget of the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration.
The resulting lax regulatory environment, coupled with a sincere
concern that many patients were living with unacceptable levels of
pain, released a tsunami of opioid prescriptions. Consumption in the
United States quadrupled from 1999 to 2014, peaking at 250 million
120 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
prescriptions per year. By 2010, the U.S. health-care system was dis-
pensing enough opioids each year for everyone in the country to be
medicated round the clock for a month.
In 2007, federal prosecutors secured a guilty plea from Purdue
Pharma for knowingly deceiving doctors and patients. The courts
fined the company $600 million and required it to more accurately
describe the risks and benefits of OxyContin. Still, that fine is dwarfed
by the estimated $35 billion of revenue that Purdue has earned from the
drug, and the three executives who pled guilty avoided jail sentences.
By contrast, someone convicted of selling 100 grams of heroin—worth
between $2,500 and $15,000—faces a federal mandatory minimum
sentence of five years. Other fines paid by opioid manufacturers and
distributors in the United States and Canada have mostly been under
$25 million—small enough that companies could treat them as just a
cost of doing business.
A recent scandal reveals the extent to which the industry has captured
regulators. In 2016, Eric Eyre, a determined West Virginia journalist,
discovered that drug companies had shipped nearly nine million opioid
pills to a pharmacy in Kermit, West Virginia, a town with fewer than
400 residents. The Drug Enforcement Administration was already
investigating why the companies that distributed these opioids did
not report or stop the suspicious shipments. But the opioid distributors
responded by hiring away DEA officials, many of them from the division
responsible for regulating the industry, and by lobbying friendly poli-
ticians. In 2016, Congress passed legislation curtailing the DEA’s ability
to pursue any such cases.
One of the leaders in that effort, Tom Marino, a Republican congress-
man from Pennsylvania and a recipient of extensive campaign donations
from the industry, was even nominated by President Donald Trump
to serve as the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Marino withdrew when The Washington Post and 60 Minutes broke the
story of his involvement with the bill, but his nomination showed that
the administration was willing to put its drug policy in the hands of a
creature of the industry. And despite Marino’s withdrawal, the pro-
industry policy created by Congress remains firmly in place.
The liberalization of painkiller prescriptions has fueled a black market
thanks to a straightforward economic calculus. The black market pays
about $1 per milligram for oxycodone pills. A typical daily dose for a
long-term opioid patient is 100 milligrams, or $36,500 worth of pills
a year. Thus, a patient with a $30 copay for a 30-day prescription pays
$1 a day for medicines that can then be sold for $100. Those skilled at
working the system can obtain prescriptions for hundreds of milligrams
a day, either from one doctor or by doctor shopping.
Although most patients are not criminals, many criminals pretend to
be patients. Furthermore, even otherwise honest people can be tempted
into crime when the payoff is that great. Just by lying about a medical
condition that doctors cannot verify with any objective test, a patient
can obtain prescriptions worth tens of thousands of dollars.
Even for those who truly need the drugs, the black market offers
attractive opportunities. A single milligram of pure heroin usually
sells for under $1, slightly less than the price that a milligram of oxy-
codone commands, even though heroin is roughly three times as potent.
Selling prescription pills and buying heroin thus lets the user more
than triple his or her opioid consumption or, alternatively, keep the same
rate of consumption and buy groceries or pay the rent.
This creates a vicious cycle: addicted people obtain prescriptions,
which they sell to others, who become addicted and seek their own
prescriptions, which they then sell in turn, addicting still others. This
process has driven a boom in demand. Heroin use, which had stayed
stable for many years, surged as people who had become addicted to
prescription opioids shifted to black-market alternatives.
Beginning around 2014, black-market fentanyl compounded matters.
Fentanyl did not create the crisis: prescribed opioids were already killing
tens of thousands of people. But it threw gasoline on the fire. Dealers
began cutting heroin with cheap diluents and then adding fentanyl—
which is less expensive and more potent than other opioids—to raise the
strength of the mixture before selling it as heroin. Deaths in the United
States from synthetic opioids other than methadone (the category that
includes fentanyl) jumped from 3,105 in 2013 to 20,145 in 2016.
So far, this dynamic has been most pronounced in the United States
and Canada. The United States has an unusually corporate-friendly
122 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
To prevent the North American crisis from growing into a global one,
several steps must be taken now, before it is too late. First, jurisdictions
that decide to liberalize their prescription opioid policies must plan to
spend more on drug treatment and other services for those struggling
with opioid addiction, rather than playing catch-up after the problem
has grown. But just treating addicted people will not solve the problem.
Governments must also address the incentives pharmaceutical compa-
nies have for profiting from oversupplying and overpromoting opioids.
A simple, although radical, policy would be to ban for-profit com-
panies from selling prescription opioids for extended home use, allowing
only the government or nonprofit organizations to do so. A less extreme
idea would involve a ban on branding. Regulators could require phar-
macies to sell only generic products or,
Legal drugs can bring at the least, prevent manufacturers and
retailers from advertising their drugs.
death on a scale vastly Although such bans are largely uncon-
surpassing the effects stitutional in the United States, many
of illegal ones. countries do have the power to restrict
advertising. (The restrictions on pro-
motion that have worked in the United
States have come primarily from legal settlements such as those imposed
on the tobacco industry, not legislation.)
A more complex alternative would be to develop a distinct and
more stringent set of regulations for opioids that would recognize the
unique challenges they pose. Whereas for most drugs it makes sense
for regulators to consider only whether the drugs are safe and effective
for patients when used as directed, that standard is woefully inadequate
for drugs that are as easily and widely abused as opioids. Regulators
should take all foreseeable consequences into account, not just those
likely to follow from the proper use of prescribed opioids.
Tighter regulation could also include new ways of calculating fines
for drug companies that break the law. There is little evidence that
one-off penalties change corporate behavior. But agreements that made
fines contingent on outcomes might. If opioid manufacturers faced,
say, a $1 million fine for every overdose involving one of their products,
they would have an enduring incentive to regulate themselves.
The WHO and the United Nations could help in two ways. Many
low- and middle-income countries face the opposite problem of rich
ones: they do not use enough opioids, a shortfall that leads to unneeded
suffering, particularly for the terminally ill. Rather than let profit-
seeking corporations exploit that opportunity and push the needle too
far in the other direction, the WHO or another UN agency should provide
generic morphine to patients in those countries as a humanitarian
124 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
priority. The WHO and the UN should also warn their members against
pharmaceutical companies with expansionist visions and questionable
ethics. Just as pharmaceutical companies send their sales representa-
tives to promote their drugs, the WHO and other public interest groups
could send representatives to explain how and why the current opioid
epidemic started and escalated.
rooms in which they can use drugs, the overdose rescue drug naloxone,
and opioid substitution treatments, including government-provided
heroin. The city and the province have positioned themselves as world
leaders in this harm-reduction approach. Yet the overdose death rate
in the Vancouver health service delivery area rose by 36 percent in
2016, reaching 53.8 deaths per 100,000 residents last year. That is
similar to the rate in West Virginia, which has few services and is
the U.S. state that has been the hardest hit, where 52 people died of
overdoses for every 100,000 residents in 2016. Services for people
addicted to opioids are essential. But the lesson of Vancouver is that
expanding health and social services without addressing opioid sup-
ply is akin to emptying an overflowing bathtub with a thimble without
turning down the tap.
126 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
128 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Globalization Is Not
in Retreat
Digital Technology and the Future of Trade
Susan Lund and Laura Tyson
y many standard measures, globalization is in retreat. The
2008 financial crisis and the ensuing recession brought an end
to three decades of rapid growth in the trade of goods and
services. Cross-border financial flows have fallen by two-thirds. In many
countries that have traditionally championed globalization, including
the United States and the United Kingdom, the political conversation
about trade has shifted from a focus on economic benefits to concerns
about job loss, dislocation, deindustrialization, and inequality. A once
solid consensus that trade is a win-win proposition has given way to
zero-sum thinking and calls for higher barriers. Since November 2008,
according to the research group Global Trade Alert, the G-20 countries
have implemented more than 6,600 protectionist measures.
But that’s only part of the story. Even as its detractors erect new
impediments and walk away from free-trade agreements, globalization
is in fact continuing its forward march—but along new paths. In its
previous incarnation, it was trade-based and Western-led. Today,
globalization is being driven by digital technology and is increasingly
led by China and other emerging economies. While trade predicated
on global supply chains that take advantage of cheap labor is slowing,
new digital technologies mean that more actors can participate in
cross-border transactions than ever before, from small businesses to
multinational corporations. And economic leadership is shifting east
SUSAN LUND is a Partner at McKinsey & Company and a leader of the McKinsey Global
LAURA TYSON is Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School at the Haas School of
Business at the University of California, Berkeley. She served as Chair of the White House
Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton administration.
130 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
factors are also to blame. Global value chains, which gave rise to a
growing trade in manufactured parts, have reached maturity; most of
the efficiency gains have already been realized. Although the location
of production will continue to shift among countries in response to
differences in wages and the prices of other factors of production—
from China to Vietnam and Bangladesh, for example—these shifts
will merely change the patterns of trade. They will not increase its
overall volume.
Cross-border financial flows—which include purchases of foreign
bonds and equities, international lending, and foreign direct investment—
grew from four percent of global GDP in
1990 to 23 percent on the eve of the fi-
The movement of data is nancial crisis, but they have since fallen
already surpassing to just six percent. Trade in services,
traditional physical trade meanwhile, has increased, but it is grow-
as the connective tissue ing slowly and is unlikely to assume
the role that trade in goods has played
in the global economy. in driving globalization. That’s because
most services simply cannot be bought
and sold across national borders: they are local (dining and construction),
highly regulated (law and accounting), or both (health care).
This is where digital flows come in, from e-mailing and video
streaming to file sharing and the Internet of Things. The movement of
data is already surpassing traditional physical trade as the connective
tissue in the global economy: according to Cisco Systems, the amount
of cross-border bandwidth used grew 90-fold from 2005 to 2016, and
it will grow an additional 13-fold by 2023. The number of minutes
of all Skype calls made now equals approximately 40 percent of all
traditional international phone call minutes. Although digital flows
today mostly link developed countries, emerging economies are catch-
ing up quickly.
This surge in the movement of data not only constitutes a huge
flow in and of itself; it is also turbocharging other types of flows.
Half of all trade in global services now depends on digital technology
one way or another. Companies can cut losses on goods in transit by
installing tracking sensors on shipments—by 30 percent or more, in
McKinsey’s experience. They can also reach consumers around the world
without going through retail shops. AliResearch (the research arm of
the Chinese online shopping company Alibaba) and the consulting
132 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
to turn the country into the world’s leading center for artificial intel-
ligence research by 2030.
The geography of globalization is even changing within the devel-
oping world. The McKinsey Global Institute predicts that roughly
half of global GDP growth over the next ten years will come from
some 440 rapidly expanding cities and regions in the developing
world, some of which Western executives may not be able to find on
a map, such as the city of Hsinchu in Taiwan or the state of Santa
Catarina in Brazil. Moreover, as many as one billion people in these
places will see their incomes rise above $10 a day, high enough to
make them significant consumers of goods and services—at the same
time that tens of millions of Americans, Europeans, and Japanese will
enter retirement and reduce their spending.
The world economy is already adapting to this new reality. Today,
more than half of all international trade in goods involves at least
one developing country, and trade in goods between developing
countries—so-called South–South trade—grew from seven percent
of the global total in 2000 to 18 percent in 2016. So open is Asia
that the region more than doubled its share of world trade (from 15
percent to 35 percent) between 1990 and 2016. Remarkably, more
than half of that trade stays within the region, a similar proportion
to that found in Europe, a much richer region with its own free-
trade zone.
As Washington pulls back from global trade agreements, the rest
of the world is moving forward without it. After the United States
withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the remaining 11 coun-
tries negotiated their own pact, the Comprehensive and Progressive
Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was signed in March.
This version left out 20 provisions that were important to the United
States, including ones concerning copyright, intellectual property,
and the environment. Separately, a number of Asian countries are
negotiating the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, a
trade deal that includes all the members of the Association of South-
east Asian Nations plus Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand,
and South Korea—but not the United States. If ratified, this agree-
ment would cover about 40 percent of global trade and nearly half of
the world’s population. Meanwhile, the EU has struck new bilateral
trade arrangements with countries including Canada and Japan, and
it is negotiating one with China. So busy is the EU making such deals,
134 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
136 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
In the new era, digital capabilities will serve as rocket fuel for a country’s
economy. Near the top of the policy agenda, then, should be the
construction of robust high-speed broadband networks. But govern-
ments should also create incentives for companies to invest in new
digital technologies and in the human capital they require, especially
given how low productivity growth has stayed. Since digital literacy
will be even more essential than it already is, schools will have to
rethink their curricula to emphasize digital skills—for example, intro-
ducing computer coding in elementary school and requiring basic
engineering and statistics in secondary school.
When negotiating trade agreements, policymakers will need to
make sure that issues such as data privacy and cybersecurity figure
prominently. Currently, rules vary widely from place to place—the
EU’s new data regulations that are scheduled to come into effect this
year, for example, are far more restrictive than those in the United
States—and so governments should seek to harmonize them when
possible. The trick will be to strike the right balance between protect-
ing individual rights and remaining open to digital flows. Negotiators
should also seek to remove tariffs and other barriers that have hampered
trade in computer hardware, software, and other knowledge-intensive
products. Laws requiring data to be stored locally are particularly
burdensome in the era of cloud storage. And to make it easier for
smaller companies to ship smaller quantities of goods globally, customs
regulations will need to be revamped to do away with much of the
red tape that exists. The World Trade Organization’s Trade Facilitation
138 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Agreement, which came into effect in 2017, has helped simplify the
import-export process, but there is room to broaden it.
In order to maintain political and societal support for digital global-
ization, governments will have to make sure that its benefits are dis-
tributed widely and that those who have been harmed are compensated.
(Indeed, it was partly the failure to do this during the last era of
globalization that led to the populist backlash rocking the United
States and other countries today.) To help those displaced by global-
ization both old and new, governments should offer temporary income
assistance and other social services to workers as they train for new
jobs. Benefits should be made portable, ending the practice of tying
health-care, retirement, and child-care benefits to a single employer
and making it easier to change jobs. Finally, governments should
expand and improve their worker-training programs to teach the
skills needed to succeed in the digital era, a move that would reverse
the decline in spending on worker training that has taken place over
the past decade in nearly all advanced countries.
Work-force training alone will not solve the problems faced by
smaller communities built on declining industries; what’s also needed
are initiatives to revitalize local economies and nurture new industries.
At the same time, governments should recognize that the geography of
employment is changing. In the United States, for example, the jobs
are moving from smaller Midwestern cities to faster-growing urban
areas in the South and the Southwest. So the goal should be to make it
easier for people to move to where the jobs are—for example, by offer-
ing one-time relocation payments to help defray the costs of moving.
The era of digital trade will also pose considerable challenges for
the private sector. Setting aside the serious problem of cyberattacks,
companies will need to invest more in digital technologies, including
automation, artificial intelligence, and advanced analytics, in order to
remain competitive. That will mean developing their own digital
capabilities and partnering with, or acquiring, digital players. Success-
ful global companies, whether large or small, will also need to compete
strenuously in the global battle for talent, especially for top managers
who have both an understanding of technology and an international
perspective. Firms can gain an edge in this battle by spreading their
research and development and other core functions across the world,
a shift that would tap talent from different places, thus ensuring
diversity of thinking.
140 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Where Myanmar
Went Wrong
From Democratic Awakening to
Ethnic Cleansing
Zoltan Barany
ate last year, when news broke that Myanmar’s military had
been systematically killing members of the country’s Muslim
Rohingya minority, much of the world was shocked. In recent
years, Myanmar (also known as Burma) had been mostly a good news
story. After decades of brutal dominance by the military, the country had
seen the main opposition party, the National League for Democracy,
score an all-too-rare democratic triumph, winning the 2015 national
elections in a landslide. The NLD’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, an inter-
nationally celebrated dissident who had received the 1991 Nobel Peace
Prize for her efforts to democratize Myanmar, became Myanmar’s
de facto head of state. Many analysts and officials concluded that the
county was finally on the path to democratic rule. Support poured
in from Western democracies, including the United States. Myanmar
had long been isolated, relying almost exclusively on China, which
was content to turn a blind eye to human rights abuses. Now, many
hoped, Suu Kyi would lead the country into the Western-backed
international order.
But such hopes overlooked a fundamental reality, one that was brought
into stark relief by the slaughter of the Rohingya: Myanmar’s generals
continue to control much of the country’s political and economic life.
Suu Kyi must strike a delicate balance, advancing democratic rule with-
out stepping on the generals’ toes. Her government has no power over
Zoltan Barany
the army and can do little to end the military’s brutal campaign against
the Rohingya—which, in any event, enjoys massive popular support.
Yet Suu Kyi has taken the bad hand she was dealt and made it worse.
She has adopted an autocratic style. She has failed to make progress in
the areas where she does have influence. And she has alienated erst-
while allies in the West.
Myanmar, which has a population of 54 million, officially recognizes
135 ethnic groups—but not the Rohingya. In fact, Myanmar authorities,
including Suu Kyi, refuse to even use the term “Rohingya.” But the
Rohingya are indisputably a distinct group with a long history in
Myanmar. They are the descendants of people whom British colonial
authorities, searching for cheap labor, encouraged to emigrate from
eastern Bengal (contemporary Bangladesh) to the sparsely populated
western regions of Burma in the nineteenth and early twentieth cen-
turies. Today, there are around 2.5 million Rohingya, who constitute
the world’s largest stateless population. But fewer than half a million
currently reside in Myanmar; the rest have fled decades of official
repression and exclusion, often crossing the border into Bangladesh,
where they inhabit sprawling, squalid refugee camps. Those who have
remained in Myanmar are a subset of the country’s Muslim community.
The majority of Myanmar’s Muslims live in urban areas, speak Burmese,
have Burmese names, and are Myanmar citizens. The Rohingya are
different: most speak a dialect of Bengali, have traditionally Muslim
names, and have never received citizenship. The Rohingya in both
Bangladesh and Myanmar have led unusually difficult lives even by the
region’s humble standards, marked by poverty, the absence of legal
status, and multifaceted discrimination. Owing to their lack of resources
and extreme vulnerability, the Rohingya have largely failed in their
attempts at political mobilization, which have generated further resent-
ment against them. For instance, the 1950–54 Rohingya resistance
movement, which demanded citizenship and an end to discriminatory
policies, was eventually crushed by the army.
Perhaps not surprisingly, a militant Rohingya faction also emerged:
the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, which formed in 2013. Most of
the ARSA’s leaders are from Bangladesh or Pakistan, and some of them
have received training from jihadist veterans of the wars in Afghanistan.
(The group’s chief leader was born in Pakistan and later became an
142 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Scorched earth: houses burning after sectarian clashes in Sittwe, Myanmar, June 2012
imam in Saudi Arabia.) ARSA likely has fewer than 600 active members.
But Myanmar officials consider it a dangerous organization. In the
early morning hours of August 25, 2017, for example, about 150 ARSA
militants staged coordinated attacks on police posts and an army base
in Rakhine State. The confrontation ended with the deaths of 77 ARSA
fighters and 12 police officers and touched off a crackdown by Myanmar’s
army, which burned down scores of Rohingya villages, murdered
dozens of civilians, and launched a campaign of rape against Rohingya
women and girls, according to Human Rights Watch. The UN labeled
the operation ethnic cleansing, and others, including French President
Emmanuel Macron and eight Nobel Peace Prize laureates, have
described it as an act of genocide.
By the end of 2017, 650,000 Rohingya had fled to neighboring
Bangladesh, joining approximately 200,000 more who had escaped
earlier waves of discrimination and violence in recent years. The
large-scale forced migration seemed to have stopped by the end of last
year. And last November, bowing to international pressure, Myanmar
Zoltan Barany
144 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Zoltan Barany
The army also sets its own budget and spends it without any civilian
oversight: in 2017, the budget amounted to $2.14 billion, representing
13.9 percent of government expenditures—around three percent of
the national GDP and more than the combined total allotted to long-
neglected health care and education. Perhaps just as consequential as
the military’s political dominance is its economic clout. By some
estimates, active and retired military officers and their associates
control over 80 percent of the economy.
Drafting the constitution and then holding a referendum to gain
the public’s endorsement represented two important steps in the
military’s long-term plan to manage and control a cautious move
toward a “disciplined democracy,” in its words, and to transfer respon-
sibilities over day-to-day politics to a civilian government. Having
shed the burden of governance, military elites focused on their own
interests: modernizing the army and tending to their business empires.
They gave up little that was dear to them, and the changes they
have permitted remain easily reversible. No further democratiza-
tion will occur unless the generals relinquish their constitutionally
granted privileges.
Suu Kyi has been unable to alter this basic dynamic. Following the
2015 elections, she failed to persuade the military brass to amend the
constitution by removing its prohibition against anyone who has fam-
ily members who hold foreign passports from serving as president.
This clause directly targets Suu Kyi, whose late husband, Michael Aris,
was British and whose two children are British citizens. In March 2016,
the NLD-controlled legislature elected a confidant of Suu Kyi’s, Htin
Kyaw, as president; he has served a mostly ceremonial role. Suu Kyi
created and took the position of “state counselor,” giving herself a role
akin to that of a prime minister—a fully defensible workaround to the
military’s move to block her from becoming president.
Less justifiable are the autocratic inclinations Suu Kyi has demon-
strated since taking office and the extraordinary degree to which she
has centralized power in her own hands. In addition to serving as state
counselor, she also heads the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and retains
the presidency of the NLD. As party chief, she has personally chosen
every member of the party’s Central Executive Committee—a violation
of party rules. She is a micromanager who finds it difficult to delegate;
146 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Zoltan Barany
policies, positions on ethnic and religious issues, and plans for per-
suading the military to leave politics. Notwithstanding its limited room
to maneuver, the government should have accomplished much more
since taking office.
Decades of military control of the economy have turned Myanmar
into a desperately poor country. In 2017, its per capita GDP of $1,300
was the lowest in Southeast Asia, about half of that of Laos and one-
fifth of Thailand’s. GDP grew by more than six percent in 2016 and
2017, but that was a slower rate of growth than the country enjoyed in
the early years of the decade. Inflation has been nearing double digits,
commodity prices have increased, and the job market’s expansion has
been anemic. Millions of Burmese have been forced to find employ-
ment abroad, mostly in so-called 3D jobs: tasks that are dirty, dangerous,
and demeaning.
Reforming the economy should be the NLD government’s most
critical task, but it waited until July 2016 to present its first major
statement on the issue. The document turned out to be little more
than a wish list, a general outline that identified neither policy instru-
ments nor specific objectives to achieve within a given time frame. So
far, the government’s main economic achievement has been the partial
modernization of the legal framework governing investment. In January
2016, the legislature passed an arbitration law intended to boost inves-
tor confidence. Last year, it passed new rules on investment that are
designed to simplify and harmonize existing regulations and that
specify the privileges that will be granted to domestic and foreign
investors. But the NLD has offered scant details on how the new rules
will be implemented. The arrival of the NLD government had fueled
hopes of increased foreign direct investment, but partly as a result of
its lack of action, such investment has actually tapered off since 2015.
Suu Kyi’s record on other pressing economic issues has been even
less impressive. Agriculture represents 37 percent of Myanmar’s GDP
and employs, directly or indirectly, about 70 percent of the country’s
labor force. But farmers tend to be extremely poor, and farming prof-
its are among the lowest in Asia. The government must find a way to
provide farmers with what they most need to increase their earnings:
high-quality seeds and fertilizers, improved water control and irrigation
facilities, and access to affordable credit.
Farmers also suffer from a lack of land rights. For several decades,
the military expropriated hundreds of thousands of acres from helpless
148 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Despite the lack of progress, relations between the civilian govern-
ment and the military have settled into what Suu Kyi has described as
a “normal” routine. The most charitable interpretation of Suu Kyi’s
accommodation of the military is that she hopes that, over time, the
generals will conclude that their interests would be best served by
leaving politics. The army appears to be taking its time: Min Aung
Hlaing has said that the Tatmadaw intends to reduce its presence in
parliament, but he has refused to set a timetable.
Part of the problem is that the military has two conflicting goals.
The generals want to transform the army—which is plagued by obsolete
equipment, archaic training methods, and poor morale—into a pro-
fessional force comparable to its counterparts in other countries in
the region. In order to do that, the military needs help from more
developed, powerful countries—help that, in the case of Western gov-
ernments, is conditioned on the military leaving politics. But Western
governments also insist that the government must do more to resolve
its many conflicts with ethnic minority groups. In September 2017,
the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence announced that it would
suspend educational courses it provided for the Tatmadaw, citing
Zoltan Barany
150 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
she was to pursue the creation of a federal system of the sort first
promised by her father in the 1940s. There is no agreement on what
precise shape that system would take, except that it would grant more
autonomy to ethnic groups but stop short of giving them the right to
secede. Suu Kyi’s promise to pursue ethnic peace was a tactical mistake,
however, since she has little influence over how the military wages its
wars against ethnic armed organizations, and the idea of a federal system
is anathema to the generals. Nevertheless, her administration organized
conferences in August 2016 and May 2017 with the aim of persuading
more ethnic armed organizations to sign the National Ceasefire
Agreement; the talks brought together armed groups, the military, and
the government. Predictably, the meetings achieved little besides pro-
viding a forum for grand speeches and gestures, and in the aftermath
of the conferences, the fighting actually intensified in several regions.
In February 2018, two additional rebel groups signed on to the cease-
fire amid much fanfare. But the groups that represent four-fifths of all
the ethnic armed personnel in the country remain as opposed to signing
as ever. Meanwhile, the generals adamantly refuse to create a federal
army that would represent the country’s ethnic groups and regions,
which is one of the ethnic armed organizations’ key demands; the
military falsely contends that the armed forces are already inclusive
and fair. At the same time, the armed groups have refused to disavow
secession—a position that the military insists they must take as part
of any final agreement.
Optimists believe that the ethnic armed organizations’ chief objective
is to maximize their gains on the ground in preparation for eventual
peace negotiations. In reality, their ultimate goal is the establishment of
a federal system. Such a system represents a redline for the Tatmadaw:
although military elites have adopted an increasingly pragmatic
approach toward negotiation with the ethnic armed organizations,
they continue to see federalism as the first step toward the country’s
disintegration. The word “federalism” is no longer taboo in public
discourse, as it had been for decades, but the top brass are unlikely to
relax their long-standing opposition to a federal system anytime soon.
In the face of Western opprobrium over Myanmar’s treatment of the
Rohingya, there are signs that the military might abandon its relatively
recent quest to placate Western governments and instead return to a
Zoltan Barany
152 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
September 2016, she asked Obama to lift most of the remaining U.S.
sanctions on Myanmar in order to help her government grow the
country’s economy. Obama obliged her; in hindsight, that was likely a
mistake. Obama wanted to reward progress. But lifting the sanctions
robbed Washington of precisely the kind of leverage it now needs.
Indeed, democratic activists in Myanmar and elsewhere had hoped
that the sanctions would stay in place until the antidemocratic features
of the 2008 constitution were abolished.
Since the Rohingya crisis erupted last year, there have been few
official interactions between the United States and Myanmar. Under
the Trump administration, Myanmar has lost the special place it enjoyed
on Washington’s foreign policy agenda during the Obama years. Then
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson made a five-hour visit to Myanmar
in November 2017. In meetings with Suu Kyi and the army chief, Min
Aung Hlaing, he raised concerns about ethnic violence. At a news
conference, Tillerson said that there had been “crimes against human-
ity,” but he did not back the idea of new economic sanctions against
Myanmar. Pope Francis visited the country a few days later and called
for peace and mutual respect. But neither Tillerson nor the usually
outspoken pope used the term “Rohingya” during his discussions with
Myanmar officials or in his public statements, likely out of a fear that
doing so would aggravate an already highly charged situation and, in
the case of the pope, out of a fear that it could endanger Myanmar’s
small and vulnerable Catholic community.
Admittedly, the United States has few appealing policy options for
stopping the ethnic cleansing. Restoring the sanctions or placing more
new ones on the generals would likely just drive the military further
into the welcoming arms of the Chinese, who are keen to fill the
vacuum left by Washington’s flagging interest. Denunciations from
Washington and other foreign capitals have failed to affect the govern-
ment’s position on the Rohingya and have actually increased domestic
support for the Tatmadaw, as evidenced by a number of major pro-
military rallies held throughout Myanmar last fall.
Still, there are ways for the United States to push for progress.
For starters, it should suspend all military-to-military engagement
with Myanmar and expand assistance to a number of sophisticated
but underfunded nongovernmental organizations, such as Mosaic
Myanmar, a civil society group that promotes tolerance between the
majority Buddhist community and Christian and Muslim minorities.
Zoltan Barany
154 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
S c i e n ce s P o i s F ra n ce ’s l e a d i n g u n i ve r s i t y i n t h e s o c i a l s c i e n ce s , ra n ke d # 4 i n t h e wo r l d fo r i n te r n a t i o n a l st u d i e s (Q S 2 0 1 7 ) .
t the age of 12, Jennifer Doudna do that. And it’s getting cheaper and
read James Watson’s The Double more accessible all the time.
Helix and got hooked on science Instead of breeding creatures by trial
in general and genetics in particular. and error over many generations to get
Four decades later, she is a molecular the traits you want—and not even know-
biology professor at the University of ing what the actual code is for the DNA
California, Berkeley, an investigator with responsible for those traits—now you
the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, can simply splice in a trait for a bigger
and a researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley nose, disease resistance, better nutrition,
National Laboratory. One of the discov- whatever. You can do it precisely in one
erers of CRISPR, a powerful new technology generation and get exactly what you
for gene editing, Doudna tells the story want. This is changing the way modern
of the current genetics revolution in her biology is being practiced, in every-
gripping new memoir, A Crack in Creation thing from medicine to agriculture.
(written with Samuel Sternberg). She
U C B E R K E L E Y P H O T O S E R V I C E S / C O U R T E S Y: N A T I O N A L S C I E N C E F O U N D A T I O N
spoke with Foreign Affairs’ editor, Gideon How quickly is this all happening?
Rose, in her office in Berkeley in February. This technology is only a few years old,
and there are already several clinical trials
You’ve described CRISPR as a Swiss moving forward to test CRISPR-based
Army knife and said that it may cause a gene editing in patients with cancer and
fundamental break in human history. other diseases. Agricultural products
How can a Swiss Army knife cause a altered using CRISPR are already coming
break in human history? to market. Animals have already been
Because it’s a disruptive technology. altered using CRISPR—heavily muscled
CRISPR is an efficient, effective tool for pigs, micro pigs, hornless cattle. Several
editing genomes—changing the code CRISPR-related companies have been
of life, the DNA in cells. founded and already have market caps
in the billions of dollars.
Humans have been modifying the
genetics of various plants and animals The description in your book of how the
for ages, so why is this new? field of gene editing evolved, with different
What makes this different is that the researchers building on each other’s work
tool is precise and programmable. We and propelling knowledge forward, makes
it seem like the scientific community is a
This interview has been edited and condensed. model of the Enlightenment in action.
158 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
In the early days, it wasn’t even a field. amount of special expertise. They can
There were a few people working on just do it.
bacterial immune systems. We used to
have these meetings here at Berkeley, Why is germline editing a special
and there’d be 40 people there, and that problem?
would be essentially everybody in the One kind of important near-term clinical
world working on anything to do with work is called “somatic cell editing.” This
CRISPR. Jillian Banfield organized the involves making changes to cells in a
meetings. A lot of important work done person that are already fully differenti-
in the early days of CRISPR came from ated. Those changes can’t be passed on
women scientists. Emmanuelle Char- to future generations.
pentier, of course, was my collaborator. Germline editing is different,
It was really an incredible time. I’ve because that means making changes so
never experienced anything else quite early in an organism’s development that
like it in my scientific career. There the changes become part of the DNA of
wasn’t this competitive sort of culture the entire organism and can be trans-
that we see now. Everybody knew mitted to future generations. With that
each other, and absolutely none of us kind of editing, you could remove the
expected the field would go where it did. traits that cause genetic diseases and
get rid of them forever.
It seems to be a story of several different There’s a lot of sci-fi-type appeal to
failed technologies, research on each of that, but it is doubtful whether it will
which paved the way for the later ones that become a reality anytime soon. Still,
ultimately turned out to be successful. that’s the sort of question we will have
Yes, but I wouldn’t call them failed to grapple with. Gene-editing technol-
technologies. They were successful ogy is moving very quickly toward a time
technologies. They just had flaws, aspects when it will be technically feasible to edit
that made them difficult to implement embryos or even germ cells, like sperm
widely. Those earlier methods for gene or eggs. Then it’s no longer a question
editing worked very well when they of can we do this; it’s should we do this.
worked, but they were accessible only
to the rich and patient. Are we talking years, decades, or
So CRISPR is part of the democratization I think we’re talking years.
of gene editing?
Absolutely. And that’s one of the beautiful Is using CRISPR to fix a gene that is
things about it. Somebody can be work- damaged in an otherwise healthy
ing in a lab in India, and they can decide creature conceptually the same as
that they want to use gene editing to do taking an otherwise healthy creature
something. And for the cost of reagents, and editing its genome to improve
they can get the CRISPR editing materials performance?
and start doing experiments. They don’t I have a hard time answering that
have to get a huge amount of money question. And the reason is that for the
together. They don’t have to have a huge most part, I would wager that it’s very
160 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
private companies, the public at large. People have been breeding plants for
Who or what is coordinating everything millennia. The way it’s currently done
so that the field moves forward con- is that mutations in DNA are introduced
structively? randomly by chemical treatments or
We need help with that. When new radiation, usually with seeds, and then
scientific ideas come along and turn into the seeds grow into plants, and you select
exciting and disruptive technologies, it’s for desirable traits. Who knows what
often the case that those technologies mutations are happening where? Wouldn’t
race forward ahead of the capacity of it be better to have a tool for precise DNA
regulatory agencies and governments to alteration, one that could manipulate a
control them. Artificial intelligence is a single gene without changing anything
great example. Gene editing is in a simi- else? Of course it would. So the question
lar category. The science and technology is, How do you explain that? I think you
is advancing so rapidly that there are have to make an effort to engage the
already well over a thousand scientific public and try to explain why this tech-
publications on it, in every field imagin- nology is valuable and what it can let us
able. Perhaps the most excitement stems do that we couldn’t do before.
from the possibility that it may be a very
effective way of curing genetic diseases. You’ve said that a lot is riding on how
All of that is moving forward, globally, regulators and the public define the
for the most part without coordination. term “genetically modified” in coming
There are some exceptions. Francis years. What do you mean by that?
Collins, the director of the U.S. National In the United States, regulatory agencies
Institutes of Health, recently announced define genetic modification based on
a $190 million call for proposals that whether the modified organism includes
would bring together teams from differ- any foreign DNA. In Europe, it’s defined
ent medical disciplines to figure out how by the use of gene-editing technology
to advance the technology responsibly. to achieve the result. So right now, the
But that’s not really happening in other same organism can be considered geneti-
areas, such as agriculture. cally modified in Europe but not in the
United States.
There has been a huge amount of contro-
versy in recent decades over genetically What do you think the definition should
modified organisms. Is CRISPR going to be based on, the technique by which the
follow the path of GMOs? organism was modified or the substance
Boy, let’s hope not. The controversy of the modification?
around genetically modifying food The substance of the modification. Some-
resulted from a poorly managed effort to thing that has been edited to fix one
explain to people what it meant and how problem on a gene should not be consid-
it affected agriculture and the environ- ered the same as something containing
ment. With CRISPR, there’s an active foreign genetic material. To be clear,
effort to spur discussions about what this CRISPR can be used to do both kinds of
technology involves, what potential it editing. But in terms of regulation, people
has, and what constitutes responsible use. should focus less on how the editing is
162 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
being done and more on what changes what happens with in vitro fertilization.
are being introduced. That was something I was very surprised
to learn about when I got into all of this.
Are the development and exploitation It turns out that IVF clinics are largely
of CRISPR taking place more rapidly in regulated at the state level, without much
darker shadows of the world, beyond coordination. So people can go to IVF
the reach of regulators and the media? clinics in one part of the country and have
I suspect so, but I don’t really know. I access to different kinds of services than
think we may be moving toward that in they can get in other parts of the country.
particular areas. The advances that are happening right
now in science and technology are being
Members of your lab team have been driven by people’s fundamental interests.
approached by people trying to make Sometimes that’s commercial, but the most
CRISPR babies. fundamental advances are really driven
Definitely. Does that mean somebody by curiosity and passion. So the question
out there is actually making CRISPR is, How do you take a curiosity-driven
babies? Probably not yet. But you could research culture and map onto it some
certainly envision that kind of work kind of framework for making authori-
going on in parts of the world where tative choices about what kinds of work
there’s less oversight and less regulation. can proceed? Earlier in my scientific career,
that question would never have occurred
So who needs to do what, now, to make to me. I never would have imagined that
sure that the positive benefits of this I would see value in having guidelines
flow and the negative consequences for what should and shouldn’t be done
are contained? in science.
It’s got to be a combination of things.
The National Institutes of Health’s effort What is the appropriate level of regula-
to bring scientists and clinicians together tion? Local, national, regional, global?
with regulatory agencies here in the There has to be some combination.
United States is a very important step There might be things that are so critical
forward. There are international efforts that we want to have national-level or
to bring stakeholders together to grapple even international-level guidelines around
with issues such as the differing definitions them—but other uses that are less signifi-
of genetically modified organisms, for cant, more discretionary, and can be
example, right now—it’s critical to come regulated more locally. So it depends
up with a unified guideline. on what you’re talking about.
We’re not in a complete wasteland
with respect to regulation. In the United Should the United States spend more on
States, there’s actually a very good set scientific research?
of guidelines for dealing with embryo Undoubtedly. People should appreciate
research and any kind of clinical use of that two kinds of science produce real
technologies, and CRISPR work falls largely value. One is targeted science: aiming
under that. What we don’t have, though, to cure cancer or solve a known practi-
is any kind of coordination regarding cal problem. But there’s also incredible
value in doing curiosity-driven research. right now. We can’t just say, “I’d like
We need to continue to invest strongly humans to have the ability to fly, so
in the second type of work as well as the let’s put genes for wings into the human
first—because the ideas and technologies genome.” It will be quite a while before
stemming from it have reshaped the we have pigmen or any other weird
American economy over the last half chimeras.
century. You could double the budget
of the National Institutes of Health and After you’ve genetically engineered
still find good things to spend the money them, which would you rather fight—
on. There are many, many worthy projects one horse-sized duck or a hundred
going unfunded. duck-sized horses?
China is investing heavily in all this. I think the horse-sized duck would be
CRISPR is huge in China. It’s one of several easier to deal with.
technologies, including DNA sequencing,
that are very rapidly being adopted there When you were sitting there as a kid on
for a broad range of applications. Now the beach in Hawaii, reading the beat-up
there’s a technology not only for reading copy of The Double Helix your dad gave
and writing DNA but also for rewriting it you, did you ever dream of writing a
and manipulating the sequence precisely. sequel?
China’s already a huge player, both aca- Never! It was the farthest thing from my
demically and commercially. If the United mind.
States doesn’t do something similar, we
will definitely be behind. I want to come back to the regulation
issue. Who now is managing the balance
Of all the crazy things that we hear between risk and reward in this area?
about CRISPR, one of the craziest is that Are there any structures setting out
something like Jurassic Park might authoritative guidelines?
become a reality. Is that actually true? No. Not really.
I think it would be very hard. Bringing
back the woolly mammoth and things So the risks are being weighed by each
like that are interesting ideas but mostly individual actor?
a fantasy. The technical challenges to Yeah.
doing that are very large. But it’s impor-
tant to recognize that we do now have Which means that we’re entirely depen-
the power to control evolution. dent on the outcome of those individual
researchers’ choices?
It’s one thing to say we can make better Yes.
corn that’s less resistant to disease. It’s
another to say we can produce pigmen, Which is not really a proper way to
like Kramer worried about on Seinfeld. collectively think about the deployment
The corn is happening now. How far off and management of a new technology
are the pigmen? that could affect human evolution.
Probably pretty far off. Genes play Right.∂
together in ways that we don’t understand
164 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Complexity’s Embrace:
The International Law Implications of Brexit
Oonagh E. Fitzgerald and Eva Lein, Editors
CIGI Press books are distributed by McGill-Queen’s University Press ( and can be found in better bookstores and through online book retailers.
oday, more people are living sustain progress, especially as the
healthy, productive lives than world gets better at using data to help
ever before. This good news may guide the allocation of resources. But
come as a surprise, but there is plenty ultimately, eliminating the most persis-
of evidence for it. Since the early 1990s, tent diseases and causes of poverty
global child mortality has been cut in half. will require scientific discovery and
There have been massive reductions in technological innovations.
cases of tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/ That includes CRISPR and other
AIDS. The incidence of polio has decreased technologies for targeted gene editing.
by 99 percent, bringing the world to the Over the next decade, gene editing
verge of eradicating a major infectious could help humanity overcome some
disease, a feat humanity has accom- of the biggest and most persistent
plished only once before, with smallpox. challenges in global health and devel-
The proportion of the world’s popula- opment. The technology is making it
tion in extreme poverty, defined by much easier for scientists to discover
the World Bank as living on less than better diagnostics, treatments, and
$1.90 per day, has fallen from 35 percent other tools to fight diseases that still
to about 11 percent. kill and disable millions of people
Continued progress is not inevitable, every year, primarily the poor. It is
however, and a great deal of unnecessary also accelerating research that could
suffering and inequity remains. By the help end extreme poverty by enabling
end of this year, five million children millions of farmers in the developing
under the age of five will have died— world to grow crops and raise livestock
mostly in poor countries and mostly that are more productive, more nutri-
from preventable causes. Hundreds of tious, and hardier. New technologies
millions of other children will continue are often met with skepticism. But if
to suffer needlessly from diseases and the world is to continue the remark-
malnutrition that can cause lifelong able progress of the past few decades,
cognitive and physical disabilities. And it is vital that scientists, subject to
safety and ethics guidelines, be encour-
BILL GATES is Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda aged to continue taking advantage of
Gates Foundation. such promising tools as CRISPR.
166 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Bill Gates
Similarly, improving the productiv- tools, the Oxford scientists were able to
ity of crops is fundamental to ending rearrange the cellular structures in rice
extreme poverty. Sixty percent of people plant leaves, making C4 rice a remarkable
in sub-Saharan Africa earn their living 20 percent more efficient at photosyn-
by working the land. But given the region’s thesis, the process by which plants convert
generally low agricultural productivity— sunlight into food. The result is a crop
yields of basic cereals are five times that not only produces higher yields but
higher in North America—Africa remains also needs less water. That’s good for food
a net importer of food. This gap between security, farmers’ livelihoods, and the
supply and demand will only grow as environment, and it will also help small-
the number of mouths to feed increases. holder farmers adapt to climate change.
Africa’s population is expected to more Such alterations of the genomes of
than double by 2050, reaching 2.5 billion, plants and even animals are not new.
and its food production will need to Humans have been doing this for thou-
match that growth to feed everyone on sands of years through selective breed-
the continent. The challenge will become ing. Scientists began recombining DNA
even more difficult as climate change molecules in the early 1970s, and today,
threatens the livelihoods of smallholder genetic engineering is widely used in
farmers in Africa and South Asia. agriculture and in medicine, the latter to
Gene editing to make crops more mass-produce human insulin, hormones,
abundant and resilient could be a lifesaver vaccines, and many drugs. Gene editing
on a massive scale. The technology is is different in that it does not produce
already beginning to show results, attract- transgenic plants or animals—meaning it
ing public and private investment, and does not involve combining DNA from
for good reason. Scientists are developing different organisms. With CRISPR, en-
crops with traits that enhance their zymes are used to target and delete a
growth, reduce the need for fertilizers section of DNA or alter it in other ways
and pesticides, boost their nutritional that result in favorable or useful traits.
value, and make the plants hardier during Most important, it makes the discovery
droughts and hot spells. Already, many and development of innovations much
crops that have been improved by gene faster and more precise.
editing are being developed and tested
in the field, including mushrooms with ENDING MALARIA
longer shelf lives, potatoes low in acryl- In global health, one of the most prom-
amide (a potential carcinogen), and ising near-term uses of gene editing
soybeans that produce healthier oil. involves research on malaria. Although
For a decade, the Bill & Melinda insecticide-treated bed nets and more
Gates Foundation has been backing effective drugs have cut malaria deaths
research into the use of gene editing in dramatically in recent decades, the
agriculture. In one of the first projects parasitic disease still takes a terrible toll.
we funded, scientists from the Univer- Every year, about 200 million cases of
sity of Oxford are developing improved malaria are recorded, and some 450,000
varieties of rice, including one called people die from it, about 70 percent of
C4 rice. Using gene editing and other them children under five. Children who
168 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
survive often suffer lasting mental and wide, but just a handful of them are any
physical impairments. In adults, the good at transmitting malaria parasites
high fever, chills, and anemia caused by between people. Only female mosquitoes
malaria can keep people from working can spread malaria, and so researchers
and trap families in a cycle of illness and have used CRISPR to successfully create
poverty. Beyond the human suffering, gene drives—making inheritable edits
the economic costs are staggering. In to their genes—that cause females to
sub-Saharan Africa, which is home to become sterile or skew them toward
90 percent of all malaria cases, the producing mostly male offspring. Scien-
direct and indirect costs associated with tists are also exploring other ways to use
the disease add up to an estimated 1.3 CRISPR to inhibit mosquitoes’ ability to
percent of GDP—a significant drag on transmit malaria—for example, by intro-
countries working to lift themselves ducing genes that could eliminate the
out of poverty. parasites as they pass through a mos-
With sufficient funding and smart quito’s gut on their way to its salivary
interventions using existing approaches, glands, the main path through which
malaria is largely preventable and infections are transmitted to humans.
treatable—but not completely. Current In comparable ways, the tool also holds
tools for prevention, such as spraying promise for fighting other diseases
for insects and their larvae, have only a carried by mosquitoes, such as dengue
temporary effect. The standard treatment fever and the Zika virus.
for malaria today—medicine derived It will be several years, however,
from artemisinin, a compound isolated before any genetically edited mosquitoes
from an herb used in traditional Chinese are released into the wild for field trials.
medicine—may relieve symptoms, but Although many questions about safety
it may also leave behind in the human and efficacy will have to be answered first,
body a form of the malaria parasite that there is reason to be optimistic that
can still be spread by mosquitoes. To creating gene drives in malaria-spreading
make matters worse, the malaria parasite mosquitoes will not do much, if any, harm
has begun to develop resistance to drugs, to the environment. That’s because the
and mosquitoes are developing resistance edits would target only the few species
to insecticides. that tend to transmit the disease. And
Efforts against malaria must con- although natural selection will eventually
tinue to make use of existing tools, but produce mosquitoes that are resistant
moving toward eradication will require to any gene drives released into the
scientific and technological advances in wild, part of the value of CRISPR is that
multiple areas. For instance, sophisti- it expedites the development of new
cated geospatial surveillance systems, approaches—meaning that scientists
combined with computational modeling can stay one step ahead.
and simulation, will make it possible
to tailor antimalarial efforts to unique THE PATH FORWARD
local conditions. Gene editing can play Like other new and potentially power-
a big role, too. There are more than ful technologies, gene editing raises
3,500 known mosquito species world- legitimate questions and understandable
Bill Gates
concerns about possible risks and misuse. practices in different countries may
How, then, should the technology be differ widely. A more harmonized policy
regulated? Rules developed decades ago environment would prove more efficient,
for other forms of genetic engineering do and it would probably also raise overall
not necessarily fit. Noting that gene- standards. International organizations,
edited organisms are not transgenic, the especially of scientists, could help estab-
U.S. Department of Agriculture has lish global norms. Meanwhile, funders
reasonably concluded that genetically of gene-editing research must ensure
edited plants are like plants with natu- that it is conducted in compliance with
rally occurring mutations and thus are standards such as those advanced by
not subject to special regulations and the WHO and the National Academy of
raise no special safety concerns. Sciences, no matter where the research
Gene editing in animals or even takes place.
humans raises more complicated questions When it comes to gene-editing
of safety and ethics. In 2014, the World research on malaria, the Gates Founda-
Health Organization issued guidelines tion has joined with others to help univer-
for testing genetically modified mosqui- sities and other institutions in the regions
toes, including standards for efficacy, affected by the disease to conduct risk
biosafety, bioethics, and public partici- assessments and advise regional bodies
pation. In 2016, the National Academy on experiments and future field tests.
of Sciences built on the WHO’s guidelines The goal is to empower affected coun-
with recommendations for responsible tries and communities to take the lead
conduct in gene-drive research on animals. in the research, evaluate its costs and
(The Gates Foundation co-funded this benefits, and make informed decisions
work with the Defense Advanced Research about whether and when to apply the
Projects Agency, or DARPA, the U.S. resulting technology.
Defense Department organization that Finally, it’s important to recognize
supports high-tech research related to the costs and risks of failing to explore
national security.) These recommenda- the use of new tools such as CRISPR for
tions emphasized the need for thorough global health and development. The
research in the lab, including interim benefits of emerging technologies should
evaluations at set points, before scientists not be reserved only for people in devel-
move to field trials. They also urged oped countries. Nor should decisions
scientists to assess any ecological risks about whether to take advantage of
and to actively involve the public, espe- them. Used responsibly, gene editing
cially in the communities and countries holds the potential to save millions of
directly affected by the research. Wher- lives and empower millions of people to
ever gene-editing research takes place, it lift themselves out of poverty. It would
should involve all the key stakeholders— be a tragedy to pass up the opportunity.∂
scientists, civil society, government
leaders, and local communities—from
wherever it is likely to be deployed.
Part of the challenge in regulating
gene editing is that the rules and
170 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
he possibility of rewriting the both enable promising research to go
genome of an organism, or even forward and reassure the public that the
of an entire species, has long been work is being conducted responsibly.
the stuff of science fiction. But with the Yet especially when the science is at
development of CRISPR (which stands for such an early stage, there is a risk that
“clustered regularly interspaced short governments will do too much rather
palindromic repeats”), a method for editing than too little. To avoid that problem,
DNA far more precisely and efficiently the global scientific and biological ethics
than was possible with older technolo- communities must take the lead, designing
gies, fiction has edged closer to reality. standards and procedures that reduce the
CRISPR exploits an ancient system that dangers of these powerful new tech-
allows bacteria to acquire immunity nologies without forgoing the benefits.
from viruses. It uses an enzyme called
Cas9 to cut strands of DNA at precisely PLAYING GOD
targeted locations, allowing researchers to The goal of a gene drive is to spread or
insert new genetic material into the gap. suppress certain genes in a wild popula-
CRISPR promises to revolutionize gene tion of organisms. It works by exploiting
editing, which comprises two distinct a quirk of nature. In sexually reproducing
but related fields. The first involves a species, most genes have a 50 percent
technique to modify inherited genes in chance of being passed from parent to
nonhuman organisms in order to spread child, as offspring receive half their
a trait throughout a population, using a genes from each parent. As a result,
process known as a gene drive. The other genetic mutations normally spread only
involves editing the human genome, if they make an organism more likely to
either in normal body cells (known as survive or breed. But some genes have
AMY GUTMANN is President of the University
evolved mechanisms that give them better
of Pennsylvania and Christopher H. Browne than 50 percent odds of being passed
Distinguished Professor of Political Science and on. That allows changes in those genes
Professor of Communication.
to proliferate quickly even if they have
JONATHAN D. MORENO is David and Lyn no effect on evolutionary fitness. Scien-
Silfen University Professor of Ethics at the
University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of tists can exploit this tendency by using
Medicine and School of Arts and Sciences. CRISPR to insert genetic material into
172 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Just as challenging for the global
scientific community will be the issues
raised by human genome editing. A
wide range of diseases have been identi-
fied as potential targets for treatments
that modify genes in a patient’s somatic
cells, including certain cancers, cystic “Far from disengaging America from the world,
fibrosis, hemophilia, HIV/AIDS, Hunting- Stares rightly advocates greater but smarter
ton’s disease, muscular dystrophy, some engagement . . . a compelling argument that
neurodegenerative diseases, and sickle strength and wisdom must be flip sides of the
cell anemia. Developing therapies for same foreign policy coin.”
these conditions will not be straightfor- —Tony Blinken, former Deputy Secretary of State
with any delayed ill effects. And once Reengineering the human genome
the FDA approves a gene therapy product raises risks not only for individual patients
for public sale, it requires companies but also for humanity as a whole. Unlike
to monitor its use, report any adverse the generations of rapidly propagating
events, and give public warnings as species, such as mosquitoes, human
appropriate. This regulatory regime generations span many years, so any
will be sufficient when it comes to using harmful change in a human germline
CRISPR to edit somatic cell genes given could take decades or even centuries to
that the process, although different become pronounced. But that does not
from other techniques for modifying mean that the risks should be ignored.
cells, does not raise new safety or Adjusting one part of complex human
ethical issues. societies could well have serious conse-
The same cannot be said for inter- quences for public health, economic
ventions that modify an individual’s growth, and social cohesion.
germline, which carries genes that are In 2017, the U.S. National Academies
inherited. Such interventions raise both of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
the prospect of vast benefits and thorny recommended that researchers exercise
questions of safety and ethics. Gene caution when it comes to efforts to prevent
editing could, in theory, prevent the disease transmission through gene editing
transmission of genes that increase the but said that such work should be allowed
risks of life-threatening diseases, such as to go forward, albeit under “stringent
breast cancer or cystic fibrosis. Families oversight.” The NAS did not extend this
with histories of breast cancer associated recommendation to experiments designed
with certain mutations in the BRCA1 to enhance future generations, which it
and BRCA2 genes (which help prevent said should not be allowed “at this time.”
tumors), for example, may wish to As the report noted, the risks of enhance-
protect their descendants by editing ment experiments are similar to those
their genes. of therapeutic ones, but as long as their
More speculative are germline overall benefits are smaller, they are not
modifications intended to make future worth scarce research dollars.
children stronger, better looking, or These sorts of guidelines will shape
smarter. The prospect of such genetic the work of reputable scientists, but they
engineering raises the specter of disas- are not designed to stop rogue actors.
trous twentieth-century experiments At some point, governments may have
in eugenics, although today most of the to pass laws to prevent unscrupulous
demand would likely come from indi- researchers from abusing gene editing.
viduals rather than states. To the extent For now, however, the science is no-
that state projects did attempt to en- where near advanced enough for policy-
hance national populations, they would makers to know what kinds of measures
be ill advised and socially disruptive. would work.
What is more, because of the enormous
complexity of traits such as intelligence, THE LIGHT AND THE DARK
the results of those projects would Experiments in both human genome
certainly disappoint their proponents. editing and gene drives are generally
174 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Certainly, if a technology has no conceiv- when public safety and confidence are
able malign application, then regulation at stake. The standards developed by
should be off the table. But what is equally recognized authorities are encouraging:
certain, the mere fact that something for example, in the first decade of this
can be used to do harm must not suffice century, in response to new laboratory
to trigger regulation. practices involving the use of human
At the moment, different countries stem cells in nonhuman animals, national
take widely varying approaches to regulat- science academies came up with a set of
ing dual-use research. The United States guidelines. The guidelines are voluntary,
tends to focus only on select biological but they delineate in a well-informed way
agents that threaten public health. The what is and what is not ethically accept-
European Union, by contrast, takes able, and they have been widely embraced
a more precautionary approach that by scientists, the editors of prominent
requires a risk assessment for any organ- scientific journals, and regulators.
ism that could pose a threat. Regulatory The most effective standards for
parsimony and a bias toward scientific gene-editing research will come from
freedom favor the more focused policy, the scientific community itself, through
whereas greater risk aversion favors the international summits of science acad-
precautionary approach. emies and a continual process of intellec-
tual exchange. Those are the forums that
SELF-GOVERNMENT can respond best to often unpredictable
For all its unprecedented power, CRISPR developments in the science and react
is of a piece with other research break- sensitively to public opinion. Prudent
throughs in synthetic biology. It has self-governance among scientists may
both enormous potential to transform not produce headlines, but it is the
societies for the better and possible process most likely to enable CRISPR and
malign uses. Dealing with the latter will the next generation of research break-
require crafting highly specific rules so throughs to reach their full potential.∂
that regulators don’t end up sweeping
all CRISPR research into a costly new
regulatory net with little or no benefit
to society. And even the best-designed
regulation cannot eliminate the possi-
bility that researchers will accidentally
discover a dangerous new application
of a new technology. Before regulators
consider additional rules, CRISPR research-
ers will have to comply with existing
scientific norms and regulations, perhaps
the field’s biggest short-term challenge.
The modern scientific community is
both cooperative and competitive. Even
so, scientific establishments have shown
themselves capable of self-governance
176 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
ilitary and political leaders deadlier pathogens. And laboratories,
have worried about large- appealing to parents’ instincts to offer
scale biological warfare for advantages to their children, could
more than a century. “Blight to destroy modify embryos in ways that cross
crops, Anthrax to slay horses and cattle, ethical boundaries.
Plague to poison not armies only but One of the most worrisome questions
whole districts—such are the lines along today is whether advances in biotech-
which military science is remorselessly nology could tempt states to revive their
advancing,” Winston Churchill lamented old biological weapons programs or start
in 1925. But despite the deadly potential new ones. Such an outcome would drasti-
of biological weapons, their actual use cally undermine the progress of the last
remains rare and (mostly) small scale. several decades. A revitalization of state
Over the last several decades, most biological weapons programs could trigger
states have given up their programs. new conflicts or rekindle old arms races,
Today, no country is openly pursuing destabilizing the international order.
biological weapons. Faced with extremes of promise and
Recent breakthroughs in gene editing peril, policymakers must proceed with
have generated massive excitement, but a sense of perspective. Fear-mongering
they have also reenergized fears about or overregulation could undercut the
weaponized pathogens. Using gene-editing almost unimaginable benefits of the
tools, including a system known as CRISPR, biotechnology revolution. But failing
scientists are now able to modify an to anticipate and manage the signifi-
organism’s DNA more efficiently, flexibly, cant risks, including the resurgence of
and accurately than ever before. The state biological weapons programs,
full range of potential applications is would be equally problematic.
hard to predict, but CRISPR makes it
much easier for scientists to produce BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS IN HISTORY
changes in how organisms operate. Understanding the risks that biological
These technologies offer vast potential weapons pose today requires a closer look
for global good. Researchers are studying at how states have historically weighed
their benefits and drawbacks. Since
KATE CHARLET is Director of the Technology
and International Affairs Program at the 1945, only six countries have publicly
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. admitted developing biological weapons,
178 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Be prepared: first responders during an emergency exercise, Saint-Étienne, France, April 2016
although sufficient evidence exists to relatively cheap. Many pathogens, such
suspect a dozen or more. As the biological as the one that causes anthrax, don’t
warfare expert W. Seth Carus has pointed need to be developed in a lab; they can
out, states have pursued these weapons be found in nature. And states pursuing
for a number of different reasons. biological weapons can readily obtain
Between 1942 and 1969, the United the necessary equipment, which is the
States developed a highly advanced same as what is needed for medical or
biological weapons program, which was defense research. Biological weapons
capable of large-scale lethality. Initially, also offer deniability: attacks can look
this program was designed as a deterrent, like natural outbreaks, and they are
but American researchers also came to difficult to attribute.
value the flexibility of biological weap- But in practice, biological weapons
ons, which could temporarily sicken or also pose tactical and technical chal-
disable people rather than kill them. lenges, which led many decision-makers
During the Cold War, the Soviets also to question their overall value. From a
conceived of a range of strategic and tactical perspective, the time lag between
operational uses for biological weapons. exposure and symptoms has limited the
In addition to lethal uses, for example, utility of biological weapons on a battle-
they explored targeting agriculture to field. And target populations can protect
damage an enemy’s food stocks, econ- themselves with vaccines and other
omy, and morale. Stalin even considered countermeasures. Launching a success-
using the organism that causes plague ful large-scale attack is also difficult.
to assassinate Marshal Tito, then the Unpredictable winds, changing terrain,
president of Yugoslavia. or incorrect dosage could all lead to
The materials needed to develop bio- failure. According to Carus, the United
logical weapons are easy to access and States and the Soviet Union are the
Kate Charlet
180 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Kate Charlet
182 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Kate Charlet
Yet governments are not moving in ship to promote and implement them.
the right direction. A February report The United States can be a leader in
by the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on these efforts, given its broad influence
Biodefense warned that U.S. spending and technical know-how. None of these
remains out of sync with actual threats. proposals would require new regulations
Outbreak response—such as the $5.4 that would stifle American business or
billion spent on Ebola in 2014—is innovation. Nor would they prevent
essential, but resources should also be militaries from conducting lawful
spent on programs that might prevent operations. Some steps would cost
outbreaks in the first place. The latest money, but the price tag would pale in
White House budget cuts funding for comparison to the damage caused by a
the Centers for Disease Control and well-executed biological attack or even a
Prevention’s preparedness and response large, naturally occurring outbreak. If
programs by $20 million and its pro- the United States is not willing to lead,
grams for emerging infectious diseases China has increased its investment in
by $60 million. Instead, Washington global health over the last decade and
and other governments should be might step into the void.
protecting and coordinating their In seeking to prevent the use of
biological defense, prevention, and biological weapons, governments,
preparedness budgets for maximum businesses, and scientists must arm
effectiveness. Strategically applied themselves with equal parts fear and
resources and strong leadership would confidence, urgency and pragmatism.
save lives by enabling quick responses Given recent technological advance-
to outbreaks, thus limiting the impact ments, the consequences of a return to
of disease—even if no one ever con- an era of states with biological weapons
ducted a purposeful attack. programs would be devastating. But a
To make the most of limited resources, sound strategy to keep the disincentives
governments and biosecurity experts strong can keep that possibility in the
should improve their coordination by realm of fiction.∂
developing an international biological
security strategy. Such a strategy would
mobilize national and international bodies
to detect harmful new diseases or health
anomalies in human populations, agricul-
ture, and the environment and to share
information about them. It would also
marshal financial and institutional
resources to quickly utilize gene editing
and other new techniques to produce
countermeasures against harmful, and
potentially novel, pathogens. The
elements of such a strategy are not new.
As in so many other fields, what is
needed is sustained, high-level leader-
184 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
oes fighting for human rights lyzed international human rights regimes
actually make a difference? have generally focused on the efficacy of
Scholars, policymakers, lawyers, specific laws, institutions, or methodolo-
and activists have asked that question gies: for example, the number of human
ever since the contemporary human rights rights treaties that a given country has
movement emerged after World War II. ratified, the existence of domestic legis-
At any given moment, headlines supply lation that reflects international norms,
plenty of reasons for skepticism. Today, or the presence of national human rights
the news is full of reports of Rohingya institutions. But few have stepped back
refugees fleeing a campaign of murder, and considered the overall impact of the
rape, and dispossession in Myanmar; drug broader international human rights
users dealing with brutal, state-sponsored movement. In her new book, Evidence
vigilantism in the Philippines; and immi- for Hope, the political scientist Kathryn
grants and minorities facing the wrath of Sikkink fills that gap—and the news,
extreme right-wing and populist move- she reports, is better than one might
ments in European countries and the fear. Drawing on decades of research
United States. It is easy to succumb to a into transnational civil society networks
sense of despair about the laws and insti- and international institutions, Sikkink
tutions designed to protect human rights. counters skeptics from the left and the
In 1968, the legal scholar Louis Henkin right who have argued that the persis-
wrote that “almost all nations observe tence of grave human rights violations
almost all principles of international law throughout the world is evidence that
and almost all of their obligations almost the international movement has failed
and should be abandoned altogether.
CAROLINE BETTINGER-LÓPEZ is Professor On the contrary, she concludes, the
of Clinical Legal Education and Director of the struggle for human rights has indeed
Human Rights Clinic at the University of Miami
School of Law and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at made a difference: “Overall there is
the Council on Foreign Relations. less violence and fewer human rights
186 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
violations in the world than there were the successful efforts of Latin American
in the past.” jurists and diplomats to include seven
Sikkink contends that skeptics have references to human rights in the 1945
relied on the wrong metrics to measure UN Charter, including one that describes
progress and have failed to see shifts in the promotion of human rights as one of
the human rights movement that have the basic purposes of the organization, in
made it more durable. She is even spite of resistance from the great powers.
relatively bullish about the prospects for This history, she contends, contradicts
continued progress in the Trump era. In common critiques of human rights law
this way, she distinguishes herself from as a tool of Western imperialism.
the many activists and scholars who fear Sikkink’s main goal, however, is to
that the populist nationalism that helped identify and quantify the improvements
put Donald Trump in the White House that she argues have come about as a
could reverse hard-fought human rights result of the human rights regime: a
gains of the past few decades, both in decline in genocide and “politicide”
the United States and abroad. (which Sikkink defines as politically
motivated murder by a government),
HIDDEN PROGRESS fewer international and civil wars, a
Among Sikkink’s aims is to defend the reduction in battle deaths and civilians
institutions and movements that have killed in war, less frequent use of the
supported the concept of human rights, death penalty, and dramatic gains in
which together are often described as women’s rights. Some of her arguments
“the human rights regime.” Sikkink takes are more convincing than others. In one
issue with scholars and activists who fault of the book’s most compelling passages,
the human rights regime for failing to she charts the undeniable correlation
produce a “maximum ideal of justice” but between the campaign that Amnesty
who do not offer alternative approaches International launched against the death
that are “within the realm of the possible.” penalty in the late 1970s and the global
The human rights movement should be trend toward the abolition of capital
praised, she contends, for “widening the punishment. In 1977, only 16 countries
limits of the possible,” thereby changing had abolished the death penalty; today,
what is probable. In an earlier book, that number has increased to 140—nearly
The Justice Cascade, Sikkink showed how two-thirds of the countries in the world.
that process can work by tracking how However, she does not explicitly connect
the idea of individual accountability for the dots between Amnesty International’s
human rights violations gained a foot- campaign and the abolitionist trend,
hold and led to an increase in criminal leaving the reader wondering whether
prosecutions for such wrongdoing. In the move away from capital punishment
her new work, she traces the diverse may have stemmed from other sources—
origins of the modern human rights for instance, the effect of DNA science in
movement and the pivotal contributions exposing wrongful convictions.
of people and organizations from the Sikkink’s attribution of worldwide
developing world, especially Latin declines in genocide, politicide, and other
America. For instance, she describes acts of violence to the human rights
Caroline Bettinger-López
regime at times feels even more forced. negative than positive information.
Although she acknowledges that “expla- Activists capitalize on that tendency—
nations for improvements in core human understandably, Sikkink concedes—by
rights issues like genocide are complex,” “naming and shaming” bad actors far
she suggests that human rights ideologies more frequently than they praise
and criminal prosecutions—rather than, governments or highlight progress.
say, improvements in medicine or more “Perhaps,” she suggests, “human
targeted weaponry—best explain the rights activists should rely less on
worldwide decline in war crimes. More information politics, less on so-called
plausibly, she cites research that suggests ‘naming and shaming,’ and more on
“that the rise in improved military what we might call ‘effectiveness poli-
medicine is in itself an aspect of the tics’—identifying techniques and
humanitarian ideals that some authors campaigns that have been effective at
argue have contributed to the decline improving human rights.” In other
in war.” Indeed, states have arguably words, organizations might have a
developed more targeted weapons in greater impact by putting together a
order to avoid civilian casualties—a letter-writing campaign, staging a
concern that derives, in part, from the concert, or piggybacking on existing
rise of the human rights movement. legislative initiatives, rather than releas-
Part of what distinguishes Evidence for ing yet another report or press release.
Hope is Sikkink’s thoughtful examination
of the role that data and quantitative THE BOOMERANG EFFECT
research play in debates about progress Another mark of progress on human
on human rights. In the information rights is the way in which the move-
age, people know and care more than ment has expanded beyond its tradi-
ever before about human rights—but, tional boundaries to address a growing
she contends, that does not necessarily number of abusive and criminal behav-
lead to a better understanding of the iors that infringe on basic liberties and
state of freedom in the world. Activists, freedoms. Take domestic violence, a
by disseminating information about seemingly intractable problem that,
human rights abuses, often inadver- until relatively recently, few recognized
tently create the impression that things as a human rights issue. That has
are getting worse. Owing to the greater changed in the past decade as activists
availability of information, it is easier and lawyers, including me, have used
than ever to conclude that the world human rights advocacy to improve how
faces graver human rights problems law enforcement authorities respond to
today than in the past. But the fact that domestic violence. My principal avenue
people can now see more easily when, for doing this work has been through
where, and how human rights have been representing a Colorado woman named
violated does not mean there is more Jessica Lenahan (formerly Gonzales),
suffering today, Sikkink contends. Draw- whose tragic story has become a land-
ing from political psychology, she also mark human rights case. In 1999,
argues that certain cognitive biases make Lenahan’s three young daughters were
humans prone to pay more attention to abducted by her abusive estranged
188 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
husband (and the girls’ father), Simon source of international obligations for the
Gonzales, in violation of the terms of a 35 members of the OAS (including the
judicial restraining order that severely United States). Lenahan’s was the first
limited his access to them. Although international human rights case brought
Lenahan repeatedly called the police, by a victim of domestic violence against
telling them she feared for her daugh- the United States.
ters’ safety and at one point identifying In many respects, the Lenahan story
their location, the police ignored her. fits what Sikkink, in Activists Beyond
The dispatcher who took her call even Borders (an earlier book she co-wrote with
chided her for being “a little ridiculous,” Margaret Keck), dubbed “the boomerang
a sentiment subsequently echoed by the effect” of human rights advocacy, which
town’s police chief in an interview with holds that when civil society groups and
60 Minutes. Nearly ten hours after the activists fail to persuade their government
abduction, Gonzales, armed with a to take action or change its policy, they
semiautomatic handgun, drove his truck often find international allies who can
to the police department and opened exert external pressure and contribute
fire. The police shot him dead and to at least a partial victory. In Jessica
subsequently discovered the deceased Lenahan (Gonzales) v. United States of
bodies of the three girls inside his truck. America, the IACHR found that the local
But local authorities did not conduct a authorities were “not duly organized,
proper investigation into the children’s coordinated, and ready to protect these
deaths, resulting in uncertainty about victims from domestic violence by
when, where, and how they died. adequately and effectively implementing
Lenahan filed a lawsuit against the the restraining order,” which the com-
town of Castle Rock, Colorado, in federal mission declared was a violation of the
court, claiming that the police violated American Declaration of the Rights and
her constitutional due process rights Duties of Man. The commission went
when they failed to meaningfully respond on to recommend that the United States
to her calls for help. The case eventually investigate the systemic failures that took
landed at the Supreme Court, which place, adopt legislation at the federal and
ruled in 2005 that she had no constitu- state level to protect women and children
tional right to have her restraining order from imminent acts of violence, and
enforced by the police. Having ex- continue to adopt public policies aimed
hausted her domestic remedies, Lenahan at shattering stereotypes of domestic
filed a petition later that year with the violence victims.
Inter-American Commission on Human In the years since, the Lenahan case
Rights (IACHR), an organ of the Organi- has been cited in international and domes-
zation of American States. She alleged tic case law and legislation throughout the
that the United States, whose criminal world. And although the U.S. govern-
justice system had failed to protect her ment, which has not ratified most major
and her daughters from acts of domestic international human rights treaties,
violence, had violated her human rights officially rejected the IACHR’s decision
under the American Declaration of the on technical and jurisdictional grounds, the
Rights and Duties of Man, which is a decision has had an undeniable effect on
Caroline Bettinger-López
U.S. federal policy and law enforcement. has taken on a new dimension as devel-
Beginning in 2011, the U.S. Department oping countries have joined the fray in
of Justice began stepping up its investiga- ways that do not depend on Washington.
tions into discriminatory law enforcement “Human rights work in the coming years
responses to domestic violence and sexual of the twenty-first century may look very
assault in several cities—the exact type of much like the Cold War period,” she
government action that the IACHR had writes, when “the major powers were
called for—without ever explicitly con- mainly in opposition to the international
necting this work with the Lenahan case. protection of human rights and where
Then, in 2015, U.S. Attorney General momentum and progress depended on
Loretta Lynch released official guidance the actions of smaller countries, with
to law enforcement agencies on how to support from emerging NGOs and civil
prevent gender bias in their response to society.” But she also notes an important
such crimes—a step originally proposed distinction between the two time periods:
by advocates who supported Lenahan’s today, “these small countries and activists
lawsuit. A year later, the Department of have far more institutional resources at
Justice established a nearly $10 million their disposal—the human rights law,
grant program to implement the guid- institutions, and movements that earlier
ance nationwide. The boomerang that activists created in the mid- to late
Lenahan had tossed had returned to the twentieth century.”
United States, even if the government Everyone should hope that Sikkink is
did not explicitly acknowledge it. right. Human rights organizations based
in the developing world have evolved
HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL significantly over the past few decades,
For the most part, Sikkink does not and Sikkink cites a study showing that
sugarcoat the challenges facing the human they are increasingly trusted by citizens
rights movement. Trump’s nativist agenda, and are not perceived as the “handmaid-
hateful rhetoric, and professed enthusi- ens” of powerful donor countries. Such
asm for torture techniques “a hell of a lot groups could become highly effective in
worse than waterboarding” have rightly mobilizing support for human rights in
alarmed U.S. human rights advocates, an era of populist nationalism and rising
provoking fears of backsliding at home authoritarianism. But they and their
and emboldening bad actors around counterparts in the developed world will
the world. Last December, the UN’s top need to craft customized solutions that do
human rights official, Zeid Ra’ad not rely solely on established practices.
al-Hussein, who had expressed concerns The kind of “boomerang” that has worked
about the Trump administration and in the past may not always be the right
other potential sources of harm to the tool—especially if powerful figures in
human rights regime, announced his Washington are not interested in
unusual decision to not seek a second listening to world opinion.∂
term, saying it “might involve bending a
knee in supplication.”
But Sikkink remains optimistic. She
argues that the fight for human rights
190 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
estern democracies are in industrial society, including growing
trouble, grappling with rising divisions between urban and rural popu-
inequality, lost confidence in lations, failed policies on immigration,
government, fraying social fabrics, and and stagnant middle-class incomes. But
intense political divides. What has brought Galston argues that these problems can be
on this crisis? In this provocative book, addressed through an enlightened reform
Deneen argues that modernity itself has agenda oriented toward shared prosperity:
failed. Today’s predicament is the inevi- worker education, progressive tax reform,
table result of flawed ideas laid down the expansion of social insurance, and
by thinkers such as Niccolo Machiavelli, investment in infrastructure. Liberal
Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, René democracy, he points out, requires balanc-
Descartes, and John Locke, who together ing competing principles—the market
inspired the Enlightenment and modern and democracy, freedom and equality,
liberal democracy. These theorists, Deneen action and constraint—and so it is doomed
argues, rejected classical and Christian to disappoint many citizens. And because
efforts to foster virtue and instead pre- modernity constantly generates new
mised their secular visions of politics challenges, liberal democracy will always
on a less lofty view of the individual as struggle to keep up. But Galston provides
motivated by pride, selfishness, greed, and a reminder that the system’s great virtue,
the quest for glory. On this basis, Western compared with its authoritarian, theocratic,
liberal democracies have grown powerful and socialist rivals, is its ability for self-
and wealthy but have also experienced reflection and correction. Galston is betting
the corrosive effects of untrammeled that the democratic spirit is still alive.
self-interest. Social bonds and traditional
values have disappeared, and citizens feel The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons From
threatened by the growing power of a Twentieth-Century Statesmanship
distant state. Deneen argues for a retreat BY BRUCE W. JENTLESON . Norton,
into smaller units: family, church, and local 2018, 400 pp.
communities. Yet it is precisely this world
of private life and civil society that liberal- “Great man” accounts of history have
ism has sought to protect. long been out of favor with scholars of
Recent Books
192 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
Several of the countries have fallen on have been settled: ever since then, every
hard economic times, and their interests U.S. president has publicly supported
have often failed to align. But the authors trade liberalization and negotiated trade
argue that, despite these problems, the agreements. According to Irwin, this
grouping is not just an exercise in symbol- policy has served the U.S. economy and
ism. Through trial and error, the BRICS the average American household ex-
have found a way to cooperate in what tremely well. His book will serve as an
the book calls “financial statecraft” to authoritative reference on U.S. trade
achieve larger foreign policy goals. They policy and its effects on trade patterns
have built new institutions, such as the for years to come, and it usefully corrects
New Development Bank and the Chinese- several common misconceptions, such as
led Asian Infrastructure Investment the idea that Alexander Hamilton was a
Bank, and they have successfully pushed protectionist and that the Smoot-Hawley
for reforms to the old Bretton Woods tariffs imposed in 1930 caused the Great
system and amplified their own voices Depression. The Trump administration’s
within it. What unites these countries, the controversial new tariffs on steel and
authors conclude, is less a common vision aluminum, which rely on a little-used
of a new world order than a “common national security justification, even though
aversion” to Western hegemony. they will hit U.S. allies the hardest, were
announced after the book was published.
t a time when Washington’s doing so cost? Sivaram’s enlightening
approach to trade seems poised and candid book describes both the
to undergo a significant shift, enormous progress that has already
this magisterial book surveys the entire been made in exploiting solar energy in
history of U.S. trade policy since the its two major forms—photovoltaic and
Colonial era, using congressional debates concentrated solar power—and the
and actions to show how conflicting major obstacles to further progress. The
domestic economic interests have led author worries that existing silicone-
Americans to clash repeatedly over trade. based photovoltaic solar panels will
By the 1930s, the basic debate seemed to “lock out” those made with newer,
Recent Books
cheaper, and more effective materials, Winning Together: The Natural Resource
such as perovskite. Sivaram, a scientist Negotiation Playbook
with practical experience advising city BY BRUNO VERDINI TREJO . MIT
governments on energy policy, argues Press, 2017, 336 pp.
that solar power cannot realize its full
potential without significant innova- For decades, a history of mutual suspicion
tions in power generation, power and recrimination between Mexico and
storage, grid management, financing, the United States stymied cooperation on
and regulation. All of these are achiev- three resources that cross national land and
able with sufficient imagination and sea boundaries: the water of the Colorado
money, so he pleads for more R & D River and the oil and gas buried beneath
funding and fewer subsidies for existing the Gulf of Mexico. In 2012, after several
solar installations. years of negotiations, the two countries
finally reached breakthrough agreements
The Growth Delusion: Wealth, Poverty, on both issues, which Verdini treats as case
and the Well-Being of Nations studies in successful international deal-
BY DAVID PILLING . Tim Duggan making on environmental issues and
Books, 2018, 277 pp. national resources. His book generalizes
from the agreements to draw broader
Pilling charts an unpleasant voyage of lessons about how to switch international
discovery. After spending years writing bargaining from a zero-sum framework
about trends in countries’ GDP growth to one of cooperation for mutual gain.
as a journalist, the author has discov- In both these cases, that shift was made
ered what GDP actually means and how possible partly by crises (a Mexican
it is measured. His research has left him earthquake, a drought in the western
appalled that he and others—journal- United States and Mexico, and the 2010
ists, commentators, and politicians— Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf),
have been extolling GDP growth for so but even more by poor national manage-
long. It is not that growth itself is a ment of common resources, which showed
delusion: after all, it has been associated both countries that they could benefit
with increases in living standards and from working together. Verdini fills the
reductions in poverty in many countries book with applied wisdom about interna-
over the past half century. But growth tional negotiation, but it is unclear to what
often becomes a fetish for politicians extent the lessons of bilateral negotiations
and policymakers, who have given it can be extrapolated to multilateral ones.
priority over many other aspects of
national well-being. This informative Bioinformation
and sometimes humorous book serves BY BRONWYN PARRY AND BETH
as a useful antidote to that myopia. GREENOUGH . Polity, 2017, 208 pp.
When it comes to the economy, Pilling
argues, officials and leaders should pay a Who owns an individual’s personal
little more attention to quality and a medical information? In the past, the
little less to quantity. privilege of accessing that sensitive data
belonged solely to patients, their doctors,
194 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
and, perhaps, laboratories. Today, such influence in the country and encouraged
information is often made much more Diem to do more to earn the respect of
widely available for scientific research his people. Lansdale was wary of the use
and even for commercial use by pharma- of brute force, and his early career in
ceutical firms, particularly in the form advertising had given him an interest in
of “big data” for studies that seek to find the psychology of warfare. His efforts in
previously unknown patterns—a trend South Vietnam gained him a reputation
that is only likely to increase. This slim as a man who did his best to understand
but informative book describes the the countries in which he operated and
sources of what the authors call “bio- who looked for innovative ways to under-
information” and the current and possible mine insurgencies. He urged the United
future beneficial uses of such data, such States to support Diem, and when Diem
as identifying patients whose genes make was assassinated, in 1963, he considered it
them particularly susceptible to certain a disaster. After Diem’s death, Lansdale
adverse medical conditions. Parry and despaired over the persistent corruption
Greenough also explore the ethical impli- of the new South Vietnamese leaders
cations of using and sharing the data, whom he was attempting to build up. In
including the possibility of privacy viola- this sympathetic and revealing biography,
tions and other abuses, such as using Boot draws on his past work on guerrilla
health information to stigmatize groups warfare to argue that adopting Lansdale’s
of people. They close with a discussion “hearts and minds” approach might have
of possible legal and institutional frame- caused less pain. But Boot is properly
works that would maximize the benefits cautious, declining to firmly conclude that
and minimize the harms of large-scale such a strategy would have resulted in a
medical data collection. different overall outcome.
uring the mid-1950s, the U.S. Spain, he was recruited by the Special
Air Force officer Edward Operations Executive, the British espio-
Lansdale served as the CIA’s nage and irregular warfare service,
liaison to South Vietnamese President and returned to France to sabotage the
Ngo Dinh Diem. Lansdale ran a range German war effort and gather intelli-
of covert operations to weaken communist gence. His expertise in plastic explosives
Recent Books
led to a number of early successes. But cold precision.” New technologies are
as his network of agents expanded, some most likely to reduce the harm caused by
betrayed him; others cracked under war if they incorporate the principles of
torture. Eventually, La Rochefoucauld proportionality and discrimination, which
himself was captured and brutally inter- are already central to the established laws
rogated. Having failed to extract any of armed conflict.
information from him, the Germans
sentenced him to death. The book’s most The Last Battle: Victory, Defeat, and the
dramatic sequences describe his escape End of World War I
from the truck that was taking him to BY PETER HART . Oxford University
his execution and his subsequent journey Press, 2018, 464 pp.
back to London. He returned to France
again just before D-Day, was caught Hart’s history of the final year of World
again, and escaped yet again to carry out War I opens just after the major German
even more sabotage behind German lines. offensive of 1918 had ground to a halt
and as the Allies geared up for their own
Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and campaign. After years of grueling trench
the Future of War warfare had caused many to doubt that
BY PAUL SCHARRE . Norton, 2018, the conflict would ever end, the rapid
448 pp. success of the Allied offensive came as a
surprise to those who led and fought in
Scharre, a former U.S. Army Ranger, has it. Hart enlivens his lucid account of this
thought more than most about the impli- final battle with quotes from memoirs,
cations of autonomous weapons. He has letters, and diaries. He shows how
spent time not only among their designers increased professionalism and better
and operators but also with those so tactics allowed British and French troops,
alarmed by the prospect of machines fortified by the arrival of the U.S. Army,
making life-and-death decisions that they to push back the German forces. He
wish to ban them—or, at the very least, also opens a window into the minds of
impose strict limits on their use. In this individual soldiers, relating how they
comprehensive analysis, Scharre moves accepted the possibility of death and
beyond the clichés of “killer robots” to their relief at the eventual armistice. As
explore the complexity of human-machine one wrote: “Do you realise that we shall
interactions, distinguishing systems that probably live to be old men!”
still partly rely on humans from those that
are completely autonomous and highlight- The West Point History of the American
ing the importance not only of machines’ Revolution
capabilities but also of human fallibilities. EDITED BY CLIF FORD J. ROGERS,
Scharre recognizes the advantages of TY SEIDULE, AND SAMUEL J.
remote-control systems and doubts WATSON . Simon & Schuster, 2017,
whether it would be possible to craft and 320 pp.
enforce a ban. But he also warns against
being “seduced by the allure of machines— The essays in this authoritative collec-
their speed, their seeming perfection, their tion illuminate the origins and conduct
196 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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rum thinks that Donald Trump is well-bred WASP foreign policy establish-
a bad man and a worse president ment had imploded under the strain of
and that his presidency endangers the Vietnam War and yielded to a new
the American republic. Those opinions elite from more diverse backgrounds.
aren’t particularly original or particularly Both Brzezinski, whose father was a
rare, but this book distinguishes itself Polish diplomat stranded in Canada by
by its literary quality and its intellectual the Nazi conquest of Poland and then
Recent Books
198 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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Middle East. This study of the history amos, a Mexican immigrant and
of pro- and anti-Israel ideas among news anchor at Univision, writes
American Christians from the Colonial that the role of a journalist is to
period to the present day challenges the challenge the powerful and speak for
stereotypes that often distort discussions those without a voice. Thus, it was
of Christian Zionism and offers useful very much in character when, during
observations about one of the most the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, he
important political forces in American confronted the Republican candidate
life. It is not, Goldman points out, only Donald Trump over his anti-immigrant
fundamentalist and dispensationalist posture, before Trump had one of his
Christians who support Israel. Nor is security guards expel Ramos from the
Christian support for Israel solely the room. Ramos’ book pulls no punches,
product of a set of beliefs about Israel’s denouncing Trump for stirring up racism
role in the approach of Armageddon. to gain political power and for causing
Pro-Zionist positions are widely shared undocumented immigrants and their
across different strains of American families to live in constant fear. (Ramos
Christianity. Mormons, who most funda- also criticizes President Barack Obama
mentalists and dispensationalists dismiss for failing to advance immigration reform.)
as misguided heretics, are among Israel’s Despite the rise of Trump, Ramos remains
staunchest backers. And many of Israel’s an optimist, proud to live in a country
most prominent Christian supporters, of freedom and opportunity and confi-
including Martin Luther King, Jr., and dent that the coming demographic
the Protestant theologian Reinhold transformation—by 2044, Latinos will
Niebuhr, were neither fundamentalist make up a quarter of the U.S. popula-
nor conservative. tion—will push aside xenophobia in
favor of tolerance. Ramos fills out the
book with his ruminations on the
Recent Books
200 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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Afghanistan, the Philippines, and economy in 1999 and then forced the
Syria—suggesting that even in extreme oligarchs to pay taxes, saved the wind-
circumstances, civilians can organize to fall from soaring oil profits (and later
keep themselves safe. Successful strate- used it to weather successive financial
gies include building early warning crises), paid off Russia’s debts, tamed
systems to allow people to escape the inflation, and presided over rapid growth
fighting, opening dialogues with armed (fueled not only by oil profits but also
groups, and threatening to publicize by increased productivity). Russia, Miller
acts of extreme violence. To discourage argues, has a dual economy: one portion
retaliation, communities must avoid dominated by corrupt and inefficient
openly sympathizing with one side or state-owned enterprises, the other driven
the other. So Kaplan warns U.S. policy- by a widening range of efficient and
makers against counterinsurgency or innovative private companies. He
democracy-promotion strategies that sketches a “hierarchy of Putinomics”:
could put the intended beneficiaries at “first, political control; second, social
risk by undermining their claims to stability; third, efficiency and profit.”
neutrality. The first two objectives are within
reach, but the system’s inability to
properly fund the country’s health-care
and educational systems, fight corrup-
Eastern Europe and Former tion, or establish the rule of law threat-
Soviet Republics ens to sacrifice the third.
iller challenges the popular Bosnian war and the accompanying
notion that Russian Presi- genocide, to Kosovo’s independence, in
dent Vladimir Putin’s entire 2008. As a diplomat, he played a key
talent lies in using corruption to sustain role in rebuilding the Bosnian military
a kleptocratic authoritarian regime. Putin after the war; in negotiating the Ohrid
and his loyalists certainly are corrupt, but Agreement in 2001, which averted a civil
he and the liberal technocratic economic war in Macedonia; and in the failed effort
team on which he relies have also skill- to avoid the 1998–99 Kosovo war. He
fully managed Russia’s economic for- provides a compelling, detailed account
tunes. As Miller recounts in this short of the diplomatic give-and-take with
and admirably clear book, Putin took wily Balkan leaders (none more so than
over a debt-ridden, revenue-starved Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic),
Recent Books
debates among Western negotiators, and ending with the final Soviet offensive
the crosscutting pressures from Brussels of 1944–45. His account of this last
and Washington. His portrait of Richard nightmare is specific and personal.
Holbrooke, the controversial but skilled There are moments of humanity in the
American diplomat, at work during the story, but they appear only as bright
Dayton negotiations is particularly specks in a very dark stone.
powerful. Pardew puts the reader in the
room during his encounters with several My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret
major actors, including Milosevic, both in Police File
Holbrooke’s company and, later, alone. He BY KATHERINE VERDERY . Duke
acknowledges some of the shortcomings University Press, 2018, 344 pp.
of Washington’s policies in the Balkans,
but he makes a strong case that U.S. From 1973 to 1988, Verdery, an anthro-
diplomacy ended the Bosnian genocide pologist, spent a total of nearly four years
and prevented further bloodshed. conducting field research in Nicolae
Ceausescu’s Romania. Over that time,
Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Romania’s security service amassed an
Death of a Town Called Buczacz impressive file on her, totaling 2,781
BY OMER BARTOV . Simon & pages in eight volumes. She got ahold
Schuster, 2018, 416 pp. of it in 2008 and has spent much of the
time since then dealing with its impact
In this wrenching but beautiful history, on her. The resulting book is an extraor-
Bartov follows the Jews of Buczacz, an dinary exploration of her research,
eastern Galician town in what is now reexperienced through the eyes of those
Ukraine, from the sixteenth century to who surveilled her. Believing her to be
World War II. The Jews were welcomed a spy, the security services built up a
when they arrived in the area and pros- wildly distorted picture of her, which
pered for many years. But they suffered she terms her “doppelgänger.” Rather
their first mass slaughter during a Cossack than reflexively dismiss this double, she
and peasant uprising in 1648. The next agonizes over its reality, its challenge to
massacre took place three decades later, her identity, and its implications for her
at the hands of Ottoman forces. Despite profession. The most dramatic portion
these atrocities, the Jews remained a of the book centers on her struggle to
dominant group within the town’s elite. understand those who informed on her,
Partly for that reason, they were almost particularly those she counted as close
never free from the resentment and friends, a few of whom she has confronted
enmity of their Polish and Ukrainian face to face. Coming from such a distin-
neighbors. At the heart of the book are guished academic, Verdery’s brutally
the tragic events of the twentieth century. honest description of herself, including
Bartov recounts the fate of the Jews as as a naive and careless young scholar, is
German and Russian troops marauded stunning. Few books reflect so frankly
through their town in World War I and so powerfully on the nature and
and during the successive German and complications of an academic career.
Soviet invasions of World War II,
202 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
Stalinist Perpetrators on Trial: Scenes From on Russia’s relations with four areas of
the Great Terror in Soviet Ukraine southeastern Europe: the post-Yugoslav
BY LYNNE VIOLA . Oxford University republics, Bulgaria and Romania,
Press, 2017, 304 pp. Greece and Cyprus, and Turkey. Russia’s
engagement with those countries has
The story of Stalin’s terror is well little to do with Slavic identity or a desire
known, except for one dimension: the to fulfill imperialist dreams. Instead,
fate of those among the tormentors who its approach is highly pragmatic and
were themselves swept into the meat focused on dealmaking, particularly on
grinder. This “purge of the purgers,” as energy. The other countries are playing
Viola terms it, came after Stalin called the same game. Moscow is eager to
off the Great Terror in 1938. Those who increase its influence and, especially
had carried out the two mass operations at the moment, to damage that of the
in 1937–38 against former “kulaks” (sup- West, but in the end, the Kremlin is
posedly well-off peasants), foreigners, and mindful that these countries are in
“anti-Soviet” and “socially dangerous” Europe’s backyard, not its own. The
elements—sending almost 1.5 million concluding portion of the book focuses
people to either the gulag or execution— on three critical dimensions of Russia’s
were themselves put on trial. In 1939, approach to the region: security rela-
nearly a thousand of them were arrested; tions, particularly with NATO members;
many were subjected to torture—the the ups and downs of energy projects;
very crime for which a lot of them were and the nature and use of its soft power.
being tried. After elaborate trials, they
were either sentenced to death or the
gulag or sent to the front during World Middle East
War II. Viola draws from Ukraine’s secret
police archives—which, unlike Russia’s, John Waterbury
are open—to detail how the accused
defended themselves, the testimony
against them, and the outcomes. As well
as lifting the cover from this less well- We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled:
known part of the story, Viola explains in Voices From Syria
great detail the interaction between what BY WENDY PEARLMAN . Custom
was commanded from above and what House, 2017, 352 pp.
flowed from forces at the ground level.
his collection of hundreds of
Rival Power: Russia in Southeast Europe excerpts from interviews of
BY DIMITAR BECHEV . Yale refugees who have fled the
University Press, 2017, 320 pp. violence that has gripped Syria since
2011 makes for sickening, although
Bechev introduces a sophisticated and unsurprising, reading. The brutality,
cool-headed corrective to the crude greed, and cynicism of the leading actors
image of Russian foreign policy favored led one refugee to say, “I’ve reached a
by much of the Western press. He focuses point in my life where I hate everything.
Recent Books
204 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
from its founding in 1928 to the Arab was completed in 1980, when, after
Spring of 2011. Before the 1970s, the decades of gradually increasing its
West viewed Islam as a spent force, influence over the company, the
but then in the middle of that decade, government acquired the entire firm.
militant jihadists became active in In the resulting arrangement, Aramco
Egypt, and in 1979, the Islamic Repub- owned the expertise, but the kingdom
lic of Iran was born. Subsequently, owned the oil it produced. Throughout
Western governments saw Islam as an Aramco’s history, Saudi Arabia has
integral part of politics, but they never always found a way to make money
solved the riddle of how to embrace it, selling oil, shape world petroleum
and the United States never broke with prices, and avoid lasting confrontation
any of its more secular authoritarian with the United States. Even the 1973
allies. As Frampton demonstrates, the embargo of oil exports to the United
United Kingdom and the United States States, imposed by the Arab members
never treated the Brotherhood as more of OPEC in retaliation for U.S. support
than a possible tactical ally in the strug- of Israel during the Yom Kippur War,
gle against communism or as a bulwark did not do long-term damage to the
against more extreme forms of Islam. U.S.-Saudi alliance.
There were exceptions, such as the
British historian H. A. R. Gibb, who
preferred the Brotherhood to military Asia and Pacific
dictators in Egypt, but they were few
and far between. Despite what many Andrew J. Nathan
Egyptians believe, there is little evidence
that the United States has actively sought
to bring the Brotherhood to power.
Authoritarian Advance: Responding to
Saudi, Inc.: The Arabian Kingdom’s China’s Growing Political Influence in Europe
Pursuit of Profit and Power BY THORSTEN BENNER, JAN
Wald has written a competent history Policy Institute and Mercator Institute
of the Saudi Arabian Oil Company for China Studies, 2018, 53 pp.
(Saudi Aramco) and of how the House
of Saud came to dominate the Arabian his pathbreaking report investi-
Peninsula in the 1920s. The book is gates the ways in which China
built on interviews, U.S. government seeks to shape politics and
records, and the work of other histori- public opinion in Europe. The Chinese
ans, but not Saudi Aramco’s archives. Communist Party uses governmental
Its most original parts deal with the and ostensibly private wealth in overt
Saudi government’s “long game” to gain and covert ways to influence political
full control of Aramco while avoiding and economic elites, the media and
outright nationalization. That project public opinion, and civil society and
Recent Books
academia. Some European states have argues that today’s bipolar system differs
begun to adopt a stance of “preemptive from that of the Cold War because of
obedience” to Chinese interests on geographic differences between Europe
issues such as human rights. The authors and Asia. Chinese and U.S. forces do
name some of China’s “willing enablers,” not face each other on land, the way
including former British Prime Minister that Soviet and U.S. forces did, so
David Cameron, who took a post with Tunsjo considers a direct superpower
a Chinese-sponsored infrastructure confrontation less likely than it was
investment fund after leaving office, during the Cold War. Proxy wars are
and former French Prime Minister also less likely, because China’s security
Jean-Pierre Raffarin, who accepted a concerns are primarily regional rather
role in a Chinese cultural-exchange than global. But he sees a high risk of
foundation. To protect the integrity of conflict in maritime East Asia, where
Western systems without violating their today’s superpowers both have vital
character as liberal democracies, the interests. His views provide valuable
report recommends screening Chinese nuance for the growing number of
investments, banning foreign support analysts who are worried about the
for political parties, providing help to strategic implications of China’s rise.
poorer EU members that are vulnerable
to Chinese financial pressure, and pro- Making Money: How Taiwanese
moting transparency for universities, Industrialists Embraced the Global Economy
media organizations, and politicians BY GARY G. HAMILTON AND
that accept Chinese support. The report CHENG-SHU KAO . Stanford
also covers similar patterns in Australia University Press, 2017, 320 pp.
and New Zealand, where Chinese influ-
ence efforts are even more advanced, One crucial element of Taiwan’s eco-
and in the United States, where they nomic success, which began in the
are expanding rapidly. 1960s—and equally of its economic
slowdown, which started in the 1990s—
The Return of Bipolarity in World was the agility of its small and medium-
Politics: China, the United States, and sized “contract manufacturers,” firms that
Geostructural Realism produce consumer products for U.S.
BY OYSTEIN TUNSJO. Columbia brands such as Apple and Timberland
University Press, 2018, 288 pp. but have no brand names of their own.
By studying the Taiwanese entrepreneurs
Tunsjo challenges the prevailing view who built these firms, Hamilton and Kao
of U.S.-Chinese relations, arguing that shed light on the relationship between
even though China is not the military globalization and the Asian economic
or economic equal of the United States, miracle. These entrepreneurs sprang
it is powerful enough to serve as what out of the countryside in response to
theorists call a second “pole” in the inter- the needs of the growing U.S. consumer
national system. That makes today’s market. They drew on family and social
international system not multipolar, as networks for capital, labor, and parts
most analysts believe, but bipolar. But he suppliers and to help organize production.
206 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
208 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Employment and
Africa Internship Opportunities
Nicolas van de Walle
Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica
Congo’s Violent Peace: Conflict and E-MAIL:
Struggle Since the Great African War
BY KRIS BERWOUTS . University of Rossia v Globalnoi Politike
Chicago Press, 2017, 256 pp. (Russian)
erwouts’ savvy history explores
how the Democratic Republic of Foreign Affairs Report (Japanese)
the Congo has changed since the
official end of the war that devastated E-MAIL:
the country from the late 1990s to the
early years of this century. Recent analyses
of Congo have tended to discuss either
the political dynamics in the capital or
Recent Books
210 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
data that would make her case convincing. of slavery. There are more readable
The book is also frustratingly silent on introductions to the region’s history, but
what Chinese investors have done to none that is better informed.
overcome high labor costs and poor
infrastructure, the main constraints on the Building a Capable State: Service Delivery
competitiveness of African manufacturing. in Post-Apartheid South Africa
African Dominion: A New History of AND NISHENDRA MOODLEY .
Empire in Early and Medieval West Africa University of Chicago Press, 2017,
BY MICHAEL A. GOMEZ . Princeton 320 pp.
University Press, 2018, 520 pp.
During apartheid, South Africa built
For a long time, Western historians local administrations that delivered social
downplayed the influence that West services at First World levels to the small
Africa’s precolonial political traditions white minority, even as they ignored the
have had on the region’s modern culture, large black majority. The challenge after
economics, and politics. Even today, apartheid ended, in 1994, was to extend
scholars’ understanding of the great the same quality and quantity of services
West African medieval states remains to the entire population. This lucid and
hampered by weak and sometimes detailed review of local administrations
contradictory evidence, essentially since then argues that they have made a
limited to a small number of Arab great deal of progress in housing, public
sources, some complementary Portu- transportation, and sanitation. (Local
guese and Spanish material, and what’s governments are not responsible for
left of an important oral tradition. The education and health, so the authors pay
earliest and most powerful of the king- little attention to those areas.) The book
doms that emerged in West Africa, based depicts an impressive level of pragma-
on trading networks along the Niger and tism, dedication, and vision among
Senegal Rivers, were the Ghana, Mali, the decision-makers who achieved this
and Songhai empires, which dominated progress. But, the authors argue, officials
the region in succession from the eighth have not done enough to address major
century to the sixteenth century. Gomez’s problems of racial and geographic
ambitious new study uses the available inequality. And the authors’ overall
evidence to construct a remarkably optimism is tempered by their worries
detailed understanding of the rise and fall about the corruption of President Jacob
of these empires. His book is particularly Zuma’s administration; completing this
cogent on the cultural, political, and unfinished agenda is now up to Zuma’s
administrative lineages that linked them; successor, Cyril Ramaphosa.∂
the growth of Islam; and the institution
Foreign Affairs (ISSN 00157120), May/June 2018, Volume 97, Number 3. Published six times annually (January, March, May, July,
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