Foreign Affairs May June 2021 Issue
Foreign Affairs May June 2021 Issue
Foreign Affairs May June 2021 Issue
sosı • vo UUMU ıoo •
Trade Wars
The Fight Over the
Global Economy’s Future
$ •
Volume 100, Number 3
Globalization’s Coming Golden Age 10
Why Crisis Ends in Connection
Harold James
Data Is Power 54
Washington Needs to Craft New Rules for the Digital Age
Matthew J. Slaughter and David H. McCormick
May/June 2021
Crisis of Command 64
America’s Broken Civil-Military Relationship Imperils
National Security
Risa Brooks, Jim Golby, and Heidi Urben
Yanzhong Huang on Denise Dresser on Michael McFaul on
China’s vaccine Biden’s Mexico containing Putin’s
diplomacy. challenge. Russia.
May/June 2021
Practice What You Preach 150
Global Human Rights Leadership Begins at Home
John Shattuck and Kathryn Sikkink
The Singular Chancellor 161
The Merkel Model and Its Limits
Constanze Stelzenmüller
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Volume 1, Number 1 • September 1922
May/June 2021
May/June 2021 · Volume 100, Number 3
Published by the Council on Foreign Relations
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An early childhood spent in northern Thailand as the son
of mission doctors sparked GORDON HANSON’s interest in
economic development. Since then, he has dedicated his
career to understanding the relationship among migration,
globalization, and trade. Now, as a professor of urban policy
at the Harvard Kennedy School and a research associate at
the National Bureau of Economic Research, Hanson
studies China’s impact on the U.S. labor market. In “Can
Trade Work for Workers?” (page 20), he calls for strong
domestic policies that help people adapt to globalization.
in a viral haze.
Coming Over the past two centuries, the
course of trade and globalization has been
Golden Age shaped by how governments and people
have responded to such crises. Globaliza-
tion comes in cycles: periods of increas-
Why Crisis Ends ing integration are followed by shocks,
in Connection crises, and destructive backlashes. After
the Great Depression, the world slid into
Harold James autarky, nationalism, authoritarianism,
zero-sum thinking, and, ultimately,
war—a series of events often presented
he thought that trade and
as a grim parable of the consequences of
globalization might make a globalization’s reversal. Yet history shows
comeback in the 2020s, picking that many crises produce more, rather
up renewed vigor after the pandemic, than less, globalization. Challenges can
may seem far-fetched. After all, covID-19 generate new creative energy, better
is fragmenting the world, destroying communication, and a greater willingness
multilateralism, and disrupting com- to learn from eRective solutions adopted
plex cross-border supply chains. The elsewhere. Governments often realize
virus looks like it is completing the that their ability to competently deliver
work of the 2008 financial crisis: the the services their populations demand
Great Recession produced more trade requires answers found abroad.
protectionism, forced governments to Modern globalization, for instance,
question globalization, increased began as a response to social and finan-
hostility to migration, and, for the first cial catastrophes in the 1840s. The most
time in over four decades, ushered in a recent wave of globalization followed
sustained period in which global trade scarring economic disruptions in the
grew more slowly than global produc- 1970s. In both cases, shocks laid the foun-
tion. Even then, however, there was no dation for new international connections
complete reversal or deglobalization; and solutions, and the volume of world
rather, there was an uncertain, sputter- trade surged dramatically. The truth is
ing “slobalization.” In contrast, today’s that historic ruptures often generate and
vaccine nationalism is rapidly driving accelerate new global links. CovID-19 is
China, Russia, the United Kingdom, no exception. After the pandemic,
and the United States into open globalization will come roaring back.
confrontation and sowing bitter
con2ict within the uU. It is all too easy THE FIRST TIME AROUND
The 1840s were a disaster. Crops failed,
HAROLD JAMES is Professor of History and
International Affairs at Princeton University and
people went hungry, disease spread, and
the author of the forthcoming book The War of financial markets collapsed. The best-
Words: A Glossary of Globalization. known catastrophe was the Irish potato
famine, which began in 1845 and led to food was unfamiliar, but above all, it
the deaths of nearly one million people, was because London couldn’t work out
mostly from diseases caused by malnu- how to pay for the goods. Trade deficits
trition. The same weather that made generated currency shortages, which
potatoes vulnerable to fungal rot also led pushed up interest rates in the United
to widespread crop failures and famine Kingdom and France. This intensified a
across Europe. In The Communist Mani- manufacturing crisis—itself the result
festo, published in 1848, Karl Marx and of a decline in purchasing power caused
Friedrich Engels articulated how global by surging food prices. Although the
integration was driving the world toward best solution was to sell more goods
social and political upheaval. “The abroad, that would have required
development of Modern Industry,” they governments to lower trade barriers
argued, “cuts from under its feet the and open up their markets.
very foundation on which the bourgeoi- These shortages generated popular
sie produces and appropriates products.” demands for more competent govern-
Europe was a tinderbox. In 1848, it ments. Although it was only in 1981
ignited in an inferno of nationalist that the economist Amartya Sen’s
revolution, with populations rising up in pioneering work on the 1943 great
France, Italy, and central Europe. But the Bengal famine definitively showed that
economic shock of the 1840s did not famines are often manmade, that
reverse the course of global integration. intuition was already widely shared in
Instead, trade expanded, governments the 1840s. John Mitchel, an Irish
reduced tariff barriers, capital mobility nationalist who emigrated to the United
surged, and people moved across conti- States, concluded, “No sack of Magde-
nents. Migration was not only a response burg, or ravage of the Palatinate, ever
to social and political immiseration; it also approached in horror and desolation to
reflected the promise of new prosperity. the slaughters done in Ireland by mere
Historians now think of the second official red tape and stationery, and the
half of the nineteenth century as the first principles of political economy.”
age of globalization. Food shortages Governments everywhere eventually
highlighted the need for broad and responded to these demands. That
diversified supply chains, and leaders meant learning from successful efforts
realized that a modern state needed elsewhere. The United Kingdom en-
reliable access to supplies from beyond acted a series of civil service reforms,
its borders. In the United Kingdom, the adopting a competitive examination
British government initially responded to process in place of arcane patronage.
the Irish famine by importing corn from The most striking extension of state
outside Europe. At the time, The Econo- capacity, however, occurred across the
mist argued that “except Russia, Egypt, English Channel, where Louis-Napoléon,
and the United States, there are no the nephew of the emperor, was elected
countries in the world able to spare any president of France in 1848. After a
quantity of grain worthy of mention.” coup and a series of plebiscites advertis-
Imports, however, failed catastrophi- ing his competence and activism,
cally. This was in part because the new Napoleon made himself president for life
12 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Globalization’s Coming Golden Age
May/June 2021 13
Harold James
14 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
ness produced resilience, and financing
needed to be available for trade to
expand. The eventual impact was
obvious: trade in goods and services,
which in 1970 had amounted to 12.1
percent of global GDP, increased to 18.2
percent by 1980. The cycle swung back
to globalization once again.
Protectionism in the 1970s also
triggered a discussion of whether ˜e implicit message
governments were handling the crisis of Ukraine’s Nuclear
competently. At first, the debate was Disarmament is clear:
there is no substitute for
personalized and highly caricatured: in a nuclear deterrent when
the United States, it centered on you live in a dangerous
Richard Nixon’s crookery, Gerald Ford’s neighborhood.
supposed inability to chew gum and — John J. Mearsheimer,
R. Wendell Harrison
walk, or Jimmy Carter’s micromanage- Distinguished Service
Professor of Political
ment. In the United Kingdom, com- Science, U. of Chicago
mentators focused on the detached
bachelor existence of Prime Minister
Edward Heath and then on allegations
of cronyism against his successor, Kis is not afraid to
Harold Wilson. France went into the tackle all of the aspects
of life in the camps,
oil shock under the very sick President from pregnancy and
Georges Pompidou, who died of cancer motherhood to rape and
in 1974. In West Germany, the revela- torture... Survival as
Victory is a must-read...
tion that Chancellor Willy Brandt’s
—Anne Applebaum,
closest assistant was an East German Pulitzer Prize-winning
spy undermined the country’s reputa- author of Gulag: A History
tion for competence. His successor,
Helmut Schmidt, believed that Ger-
many was returning to the chaos of the ˜i s book... explains in
interwar Weimar Republic. meticulous, spell-binding
The many examples of personal detail how Dontsov—a
highly polarizing
incompetence in rich industrial democ- ÿgure—became the
racies generated the thesis that such spiritual father of
countries had become ungovernable. the Organization of
Ukrainian Nationalists.
The political theorist Jean-François
—Karel C. Berkhoff, NIOD
Revel concluded that democracies were Institute for War, Holocaust
perishing and that the Soviet Union was and Genocide Studies
winning the Cold War. Autocracies
such as Chile under Augusto Pinochet Order at
and Iran under Mohammad Reza Shah
Pahlavi appeared better suited to handle
May/June 2021 15
Harold James
modern global challenges. The autocrats lending in France and central Europe.
lectured others about their superiority. By giving people apparently greater
In reality, however, they were bloody, wealth, this increase in the supply of
corrupt, and, in many cases, spectacu- money (and the resulting mild infla-
larly unsuccessful. tion) helped governments appear more
The real insight of the debate over competent and made businesses and
administrative effectiveness was that consumers more confident. It
governments could overstretch them- prompted a genuine global surge in
selves by taking on too many tasks. production, which generated greater
That realization inspired a key tenet of prosperity and security.
what was later widely derided as “neo- After 1971, when Nixon finally
liberalism”: the belief that if govern- severed the link between the dollar and
ments took on microdecisions, such as gold, monetary policy was no longer
determining wage and price levels (a constrained by a metallic standard. In
central part of both Nixon’s and the times of crisis, governments could now
British government’s bids to contain print more money to drive growth. In
inflation), they risked their legitimacy many countries, the immediate response
and reputation for competence. Official to oil price increases was therefore to
decisions would appear both arbitrary accommodate the shock through expan-
and unenforceable because powerful sive fiscal and monetary stimulus:
groups would quickly make sure that people could still go on buying. That
new settlements favored their interests. reaction spurred inflation, which by 1974
had risen to 11 percent in the United
INFLATION NATION States and beyond that in some other
The shortages of the 1840s and the countries: in 1975, the United Kingdom’s
1970s both seemed to have an apparent inflation rate reached 24 percent.
cure: inflation. Inflation can help Although inflation initially seemed
accommodate shocks, often painlessly. to be the solution to the scarcity prob-
Because people have more cash or bank lem, it soon appeared in diagnoses of
credit, monetary abundance generates government incompetence. The econo-
the impression that they can have mist Arthur Okun developed a popular
everything they want. Only gradually “misery index” by simply adding
do consumers realize that prices are inflation and unemployment. The
rising and that their money buys less. metric became an important political
In the 1850s, inflation may have weapon. The Democratic presidential
been partially unintended. It was challenger George McGovern used it
largely the result of the 1849 California against Nixon in 1972, Carter used it
Gold Rush, which vastly increased the against Ford in 1976, and Ronald
world’s gold stock. Price increases were Reagan used it against Carter in 1980.
also driven by financial innovation, High inflation at first superficially
primarily Europe’s adoption of new stabilizes societies, but over time, it
types of banking that drove money becomes a threat. Inflation often
creation, such as the so-called crédits pushes interest groups—internationally,
mobiliers, which developed industrial producer cartels such as oPeC, and
16 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Globalization’s Coming Golden Age
May/June 2021 17
Harold James
Much as the crises in the 1840s and face masks as a hygiene measure, a
the 1970s did, the pandemic has also movement calling itself the Popular
raised questions of government compe- Sovereignty Party organized “cluster
tence. At first, China seemed able to deal protests” again mask wearing.
with the crisis better than its Western Given these challenges, it’s easy to
competitors—its cover-up of the severity assume that governments and citizens
of the pandemic notwithstanding— alike would prioritize nationalization—
which prompted many observers to cultivating supposedly resilient domes-
question whether democracies were tic supply chains to hedge against the
capable of swift, effective action. Donald next crisis. But that’s unlikely to hap-
Trump’s presidency collapsed because of pen. Instead, people are desperately
his chaotic handling of the crisis. British looking for new leadership and new
Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced a visions. As was true during previous
revolt among conservative members of supply shocks, leaders can make a good
Parliament because of his complex, case for the importance of foreign
contradictory, and constantly shifting models: some countries have done
lockdown rules. The European Commis- much better than others in dealing with
sion lost credibility because of its poor the health and economic consequences
management of vaccine purchases. As in of CoVID-19. Although some of these
the past, citizens personalized the incom- countries are small or relatively iso-
petence. Americans debated, for exam- lated, by most metrics, the country with
ple, how much blame to put on Trump’s the most competent response was the
son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who led part biggest: China. That is not without
of the response. In the United Kingdom, irony, to put it mildly: the country
much of the outrage focused on Dominic responsible for unleashing the virus has
Cummings, the prime minister’s policy also been a major beneficiary—with
adviser, who had violated the country’s some states now looking to Beijing for
lockdown rules. leadership. But instead of condemning
For other observers, the unifying China’s response or demanding repara-
theme behind the mismanagement was tions for the pandemic’s costs, other
populism, with Trump, Johnson, Brazil- countries should consider how to use
ian President Jair Bolsonaro, Indian Beijing’s example, just as the United
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Kingdom in the 1850s realized that it
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte could learn from foreign producers.
all botching the response. But even in
countries where the crisis has been NO SURPRISES
handled relatively well, there have been Familiar historical forces will drive
surges of protests against the way post-pandemic reglobalization. In a world
governments have reacted to the pan- facing enormous challenges, not just the
demic. In Germany, “alternative think- pandemic but also climate change,
ers” protesting new lockdown measures solutions are global public goods. In 1945,
attacked the parliament building in the architects of the postwar order
August 2020. Even in Japan, where believed that peace and prosperity were
there is a long tradition of the use of indivisible and could not be the property
18 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Globalization’s Coming Golden Age
of one nation. Now, health and happiness vaccine—one of the miracles of 2020.
are the same. Both are impossible for Success was the product of intense
individual states or regions to enjoy alone. international collaboration. This story of
Technology is also transforming a innovation also applies to government
globalizing planet, as it did in the 1840s competence. No state can succeed alone.
and the 1970s. In the mid-nineteenth Even if one particular decision is by
century, the drivers were the steamship, chance spectacularly successful—say,
the undersea cable, and the railroad. In Germany’s impressive testing record or
the last quarter of the twentieth century, the United Kingdom’s fast vaccine
it was computing power: the first widely rollout—it is usually difficult to repeat
available personal computers appeared in that success in other policy areas. Policy-
the early 1980s. Today, data occupies the makers may stride confidently past their
same position—linking the world and first victory, only to slip on a banana peel.
offering solutions to major prob- lems, The United States, in particular, may
including government incompe- tence. find this a hard pill to swallow. Ameri-
New types of information might help cans have long been attached to the idea
leaders attack some of the inequali- ties of their country’s superiority, akin to the
and injustices highlighted by the CoVID- belief held by the British in the mid-
19 pandemic. More automation might nineteenth century. CoVID-19, like the
mean that machines can take on some of 1840s famines and the 1970s oil shocks,
the repetitive and dangerous tasks presents both a crisis and a learning
performed by low-paid essential workers. opportunity. The United States has
Telemedicine and data-driven public coasted on the idea that the world needs
health can trigger faster and more the English language and the U.S.
precisely targeted pharmaceutical or dollar. Neither of those assumptions can
medical interventions. hold forever. Just as automatic transla-
As in past crises, there is also an tion technology is increasing linguistic
immediate and powerful global demand accessibility, a different currency could
for cheap and reliable products. In the become a new international standard.
mid-nineteenth century, it was foodstuffs, The dollar is not an adequate insurance
and in the 1970s, it was oil and commodi- policy or a viable basis for Washington
ties. In the 2020s, it is medical supplies, to reject the need for change.
data chips, and rare-earth metals. To be The challenge of the new upswing in
resilient to new shocks, these commodi- the cycle of globalization will be to find
ties need to be produced and traded inter- ways to learn and adapt—increasing the
nationally, by a multiplicity of suppliers. effectiveness of government and busi-
Governments and businesses also need ness—without compromising funda-
to continuously innovate. As it did in the mental values. As in the 1840s and the
1840s, isolationism today would mean 1970s, financial and monetary innova-
cutting off opportunities to learn from tion, or the tonic of inflation, will drive
different experiments. No single country, transformational change. Memories of
or its particular culture of science and crisis will push countries and govern-
innovation, was responsible for the ments to adapt in 2021 and beyond, just
development of an effective CoVID-19 as they have before.∂
May/June 2021 19
Return to Table of Contents
20 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Can Trade Work for Workers?
May/June 2021 21
Gordon H. Hanson
programs that protect workers from the their competitive advantage in global
downsides of globalization. A respon- markets. But nAfTA worked no mira-
sible policy would capture the gains of cles. Although the deal hastened the
free trade but make up for domestic industrialization of northern Mexico,
losses. In recent years, the United the south of the country remained poor,
States has done neither. overall productivity growth languished,
and Mexican immigration to the United
BIG TALK States surged to new highs during the
The skepticism about globalization that late 1990s and the early years of this
now pervades U.S. politics has its century—contrary to Clinton’s and
origins in the failed promises of 1990s Salinas’s promises.
trade liberalization. NAfTA and China’s In the United States, the aggregate
accession to the World Trade Organiza- gains in real income from nAfTA were
tion disrupted economic life in the positive but meager—less than 0.1
small and medium-size American percent, by some estimates. Mexico’s
cities that once formed the country’s economy, roughly the size of Ohio’s at
manufacturing backbone. Resentment the time of the deal’s signing, simply
over those changes helped Donald wasn’t large enough for the agreement
Trump win the presidency in 2016. If to have a substantial impact. Running
President Joe Biden hopes to launch or for U.S. president as an independent
modernize U.S. trade policy, he will populist in 1992, the American busi-
have to address this legacy. nessman Ross Perot famously predicted
NAfTA was a bipartisan effort initi- that Americans would hear a “giant
ated in 1990 by Bush and concluded in sucking sound” as jobs crossed the
1994 by his successor, Bill Clinton. border into Mexico. No enormous shift
Leaders in Canada, Mexico, and the materialized, but many U.S. workers,
United States heralded the deal as an especially those in labor-intensive
economic miracle. Mexican President manufacturing industries, did lose their
Carlos Salinas de Gortari and his aides jobs. Some eventually found employ-
promised that the agreement would ment in new truck and jet-engine
turn Mexico into the next South Korea. factories, but most did not. For them,
Clinton waxed poetic not only about the upsides that nAfTA presented to
conventional economic gains from trade others offered no solace.
but also about how nAfTA would foster Freer trade in North America,
“more equality, better preservation of however, was just the warm-up act for
the environment, and a greater possibil- the real show: China’s emergence as a
ity of world peace.” global economic powerhouse, a process
These were bold but arguably that began in the late 1970s under the
irresponsible claims. In the end, nAfTA leadership of Deng Xiaoping, who
did what standard economic models reduced the state’s stranglehold on the
predicted: it delivered modest net economy, allowed private enterprise to
benefits, primarily by giving U.S. flourish, and opened China up to
companies access to manufacturing limited forms of foreign investment.
components at lower prices, enhancing The impact of Beijing’s outward turn
22 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Can Trade Work for Workers?
was immense. Almost overnight, China into northern Georgia, Alabama, and
became the world’s factory. Between Mississippi. In 1990, 41 percent of the
1990 and 2015, the country’s share of working-age population in the three
global manufacturing exports rose from counties surrounding Martinsville
2.8 percent to 18.5 percent. worked in manufacturing, with half of
Aside from the speed and scale of those workers employed by just two
the transformation, however, another industries: furniture and knitted
factor amplified the disruptive power of outerwear. This made Martinsville
Chinese growth. In the 1990s and at the what economists call an “industry
turn of the twenty-first century, the cluster,” a place that enjoys a productiv-
Chinese model of export-driven growth ity boost from workers and firms
relied almost exclusively on labor- specializing in a narrow set of indus-
intensive products—apparel, footwear, tries operating in close proximity to
and other consumer goods that China one another. That benefit, which the
could produce more cheaply than other British economist Alfred Marshall
countries owing to its low labor costs, famously identified in his analysis of
its proximity to suppliers in East Asia, the nineteenth-century Lancashire
and a willingness to let private compa- cotton textile industry, explains why
nies make exacting demands on work- firms in certain industries tend to
ers. Although China has since diversi- locate near one another.
fied its economy, this initial surge in Specialization, however, also leaves
labor-intensive exports proved deadly regional markets exposed in the event of
for U.S. manufacturing. Between 2000 an adverse economic shock—which is
and 2011, the United States’ share of precisely what China’s rise represented.
global manufacturing exports slumped Between 1990 and 2012, furniture was
from 14 percent to 8.6 percent, and one of the U.S. industries hit hardest by
according to my research with the Chinese import penetration. For
economists David Autor and David Martinsville, the impact was devastating.
Dorn, between 600,000 and one million Its main industry, furniture and fixtures,
U.S. manufacturing jobs disappeared. saw employment drop nationally from
378,000 to 283,000 between 2000 and
THE CHINA SHOCK 2007. Many of Martinsville’s factories
Part of what made the surge in closed, and by 2018, only 12 percent of
Chinese exports so painful for Ameri- the area’s adults still worked in the
can workers was that many of them sector. This pattern of concentrated
lived and worked in industry towns. job losses in manufacturing repeated
When manufacturing jobs in those itself across the United States. It was
towns disappeared in response to rising one of the most immediate conse-
import competition, it wasn’t just quences of the China trade shock—the
factory workers who suffered: everyone period of rapid Chinese productivity
else did, too. Consider Martinsville, a and export growth following the coun-
small town in southern Virginia that try’s market-oriented reforms.
is part of a manufacturing belt that In theory, there are many ways in
stretches through North Carolina and which a community such as Martinsville
May/June 2021 23
Gordon H. Hanson
24 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Can Trade Work for Workers?
had been left behind—the victims of trading partners and make it a priority
globalization and free trade. to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partner-
ship—a wide-reaching trade agreement
THE UPSIDE among a dozen countries. Doing so
Despite these downsides, globalization would deepen the economic relation-
has undoubtedly helped the U.S. ship between the United States and the
economy. There is robust evidence that countries that will produce parts,
freer international trade, including with components, and goods for the next
China, has raised real incomes for U.S. generation of U.S. technology. It would
households by about 0.2 percent—not a also strengthen U.S. ties with countries
transformative amount, but substan- that would like to see Beijing live up to
tially more than the net benefits its commitments as a member of the
brought by nAfTA. The backlash against World Trade Organization, providing
globalization—rooted in the painful Biden with allies he will need if he
experiences of manufacturing commu- wants China to improve its behavior.
nities—puts those gains at risk. As the More broadly, the Biden administra-
Biden administration seeks to make its tion should focus on the consequences
trade policies more worker-centric, it of job losses rather than their causes.
would do well to keep that fact in mind. The China trade shock hurt many U.S.
China’s rise, although disruptive for workers and their communities. But so,
many workers, has nevertheless ben- too, have automation, the Great Reces-
efited the U.S. economy. The expansion sion, and the CoVID-19 pandemic. And
of global value chains, which meant that because the scarring effects of job losses
different stages of manufacturing could are the same whether imports, robots,
happen in different places, allowed or a virus is responsible, responses to
U.S.-based multinationals, such as the damage should not depend on the
Apple and Qualcomm, to fully commer- identity of the culprit. On its own,
cialize their intellectual property. The making U.S. policies on trade more
patents and product designs for the worker-centric won’t do the trick. All
iPhone, for instance, were developed in economic policy needs to be more
California, at Apple’s Cupertino head- worker-centric, in terms of being
quarters—but they became valuable attuned to the destructive effects of
only because the Chinese manufactur- concentrated layoffs and plant closures.
ing giant Foxconn could assemble huge The administration should assume
numbers of handsets in Shenzhen. that in response to a large and localized
These innovations are economically employment decline, few workers
valuable for U.S. workers and share- without college degrees are likely to
holders, as well as the millions of relocate—especially older ones who
people lifted out of poverty in China. were born in the United States. It is a
American consumers benefit from mistake to believe that because of the
China’s rise, too, through lower prices dynamism of the U.S. labor market,
on the goods they purchase. localized spikes in joblessness will sort
With these advantages in mind, themselves out; they don’t, and they
Biden should reengage with U.S. require immediate remedies. In its
May/June 2021 25
Gordon H. Hanson
26 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Can Trade Work for Workers?
though such measures expand output in placate labor unions will do little to
targeted industries, they appear to do help workers who are already hurting or
little to raise local living standards. to help others avoid a similar fate.
And for each job they create, such Better to help the unemployed get back
incentives impose costs that are nearly on their feet with generous and direct
ten times as high as those of some assistance and to create a far stronger
other options for creating employment, safety net to protect future generations
such as redeveloping defunct industrial of American workers.∂
sites known as brownfields.
So what actually works? Evidence
shows that active labor-market pro-
grams, designed to help young and
disadvantaged workers succeed in the
labor market, are a good bet. Successful
approaches provide people with assis-
tance in their job searches, help the
young build the soft skills required to
find and hold a job, and deliver techni-
cal training tailored to promising local
industries, such as health care or
information technology. Other alterna-
tives to tax incentives include attract-
ing college-educated workers to dis-
tressed communities through
student-debt forgiveness or the prom-
ise of an immigration visa, providing
services to help local firms expand
into new markets, and improving
access to capital for small and medium-
size businesses—many of which are
owned by members of minority groups
and are poorly connected to existing
sources of finance.
Helping left-behind regions should
be a core goal of Biden’s administration.
But trying to undo three decades of
structural change in the global economy
isn’t the right way to get there. Biden
and his team need to be clear-eyed
about what trade policy can and cannot
do to help workers hurt by globaliza-
tion. The damage has been done, and
free trade isn’t going anywhere. Protec-
tionist measures and narrow attempts to
May/June 2021 27
Return to Table of Contents
perceived declines in relative status.
American politics: that the The U.S. government has not been
United States has recklessly pursuing openness and integration
pursued international economic open- over the last two decades. To the
ness at the expense of workers and the contrary, it has increasingly insulated
result has been economic inequality, the economy from foreign competi-
social pain, and political strife. Both tion, while the rest of the world has
Democrats and Republicans are now continued to open up and integrate.
advocating “a trade policy for the Protecting manufacturing jobs benefits
middle class.” In practice, this seems to only a small percentage of the work-
mean tariRs and “Buy American” force, while imposing substantial costs
programs aimed at saving jobs from on the rest. Nor will there be any
unfair foreign competition. political payoR from trying to do so:
Any presidency that cares about the after all, even as the United States has
survival of American democracy, let stepped back from global commerce,
alone social justice, must assess its anger and extremism have mounted.
economic policies in terms of overcom- In reality, the path to justice and
ing populism. The protectionist political stability is also the path to
instinct rests on a syllogism: the prosperity. What the U.S. economy
populist anger that elected President needs now is greater exposure to
Donald Trump was largely the product pressure from abroad, not protectionist
of economic displacement, economic barriers or attempts to rescue specific
displacement is largely the product of industries in specific places. Instead of
a laissez-faire approach to global demonizing the changes brought about
competition, and therefore the best by international competition, the U.S.
way to capture the support of populist government needs to enact domestic
voters is to firmly stand up against policies that credibly enable workers to
unfettered global competition. This believe in a future that is not tied to
syllogism is embraced by many Demo- their local employment prospects. The
safety net should be broader and apply
ADAM S. POSEN is President of the Peterson to people regardless of whether they
Institute for International Economics. have a job and no matter where they
28 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Price of Nostalgia
May/June 2021 29
Adam S. Posen
30 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Price of Nostalgia
from inner cities or the displacement have had essentially no impact on the
of secretarial and office workers due to openness of the U.S. economy. In the
technology—losses that, for the work- last 20 years, only the 2012 U.S.-Korea
ers affected, are no different in terms Free Trade Agreement, a deal with
of local impact and finality than the South Korea, has required any measur-
manufacturing job losses resulting able liberalization, and even it included
from foreign competition. In other greater protections for U.S. manufac-
words, for each manufacturing job lost turers of light trucks. A U.S.-Japanese
to Chinese competition, there were agreement concluded in 2019 was so
roughly 150 jobs lost to similar-feeling limited that it required no congres-
shocks in other industries. But these sional approval. The Trans-Pacific Part-
displaced workers got less than a nership (TPP) would have significantly
hundredth of the public mourning. opened the United States up, but it
An American who loses his job to was rejected by Trump on the third
Chinese competition is no more or less day of his administration, to the cheers
deserving of support than one who of many Democrats. The U.S.-Mexico-
loses his job to automation or the Canada Agreement put up more
relocation of a plant to another state. protections for U.S. auto production
Many jobs are unsteady. The dispro- than its predecessor, the North Ameri-
portionate outcry about the effect of can Free Trade Agreement.
Chinese trade ignores the experiences The rest of the world has been
of the many more lower-wage workers moving in the opposite direction. The
who experience ongoing churn, and it eU has added 13 new member states
forgets the way that previous genera- since 2000, thereby achieving the
tions of workers were able to adapt deepest economic integration anywhere,
when they lost their jobs to foreign including the largely free movement of
competition. Why the outsize political labor. It has also matched the United
attention? It may have to do with the States in concluding comparable trade
fact that the China-shocked workers deals with Japan and South Korea and
are predominantly white and live in has struck additional agreements with
exurban areas or small towns, fitting a Canada, Singapore, and Vietnam. Japan
nostalgic image of men doing heavy has not only joined the TPP’s successor
work on big stuff in the heartland. but also opened up its economy to
Concern for such workers has been China and South Korea by joining the
highly successful in preventing new Regional Comprehensive Economic
free-trade agreements. Since 2000, the Partnership. Australia, New Zealand,
U.S. government has brought into and Singapore have also signed on to
force deals with a number of extremely both deals. The only high-income
small economies, primarily for foreign democracy to retreat from trade more
policy, rather than economic, reasons— than the United States is the United
with Bahrain and Jordan in the Middle Kingdom, whose exit from the eU has
East and with Colombia, Panama, Peru gone about as badly as most economists
and a group of Central American states predicted. But even it promptly sought
in Latin America. Cumulatively, these to join the TPP’s successor.
May/June 2021 31
Adam S. Posen
The U.S. economy has retreated States. Whatever the reason, the fact is
from global economic integration in that the U.S. labor market has been
another way, too: by discouraging increasingly insulated from the arrival
foreign companies from building new of foreign workers.
plants, offices, research facilities, or The trends tell a clear story about the
outlets in the United States. “Green- United States over the past two dec-
field investment,” as this type of ades: even as trade barriers have
activity is known, is much more desir- accumulated and immigration has
able than corporate takeovers, mergers, more than halved, inequality and
or the cross-border sale of businesses— nativism have risen. Washington has
forms of foreign investment that may given the angry, mostly white and male
entail only a change of ownership, swing voters much of what they
without creating any new jobs. In fact, wanted on the international front, and
foreign greenfield investment is gener- they are still angry. Meanwhile, the lot
ally associated with increases in higher- of the United States’ lower-wage
paying jobs and R & D spending. But service workers—predominantly
since 2000, the inflow of greenfield female and disproportionately non-
investment to the United States has white—has worsened.
been trending down sharply, from $13
billion annually in 2000 to $4 billion THE MANUFACTURING OBSESSION
annually in 2019. Blame goes to a Nostalgia is not a good look for a
succession of nationalist policies that progressive agenda. That is just as true
have increased the threat of arbitrary for economic policy as it is for social
restrictions on technology transfers policy; nostalgia privileges a status quo
and foreign ownership. that locks in incumbents’ advantages
Immigration tells the same story of and ignores the difficulties that many
U.S. disengagement from the global people are already suffering. Politi-
economy. The trend started well before cians’ sentimental obsession with
Trump took office. Net immigration to “good jobs” in manufacturing is
the United States has been declining doomed to fail politically as well as
since the 1990s. In that decade, the economically, while failing to address
U.S. immigrant population (including long-standing injustices.
undocumented people) was growing at For more than 50 years, ever since
4.6 percent annually; in the next German and Japanese exports began
decade, it grew at 2.5 percent annually; seriously competing with U.S. goods,
and in the decade after that, it grew at pundits and politicians have bemoaned
1.3 percent annually. Some of the the decline of American manufacturing.
decline is owing to weaker “push” If only the government supported
factors, such as the diminished incen- American producers, the argument
tive for Mexicans to head north as went, they could stave off competition
wages in Mexico have increased, and from the Germans and the Japanese,
some of it is the result of weaker “pull” then the Mexicans and the South
factors, such as the growth of anti- Koreans, and now the Chinese. The
immigrant sentiment in the United notion that elites betrayed the common
32 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
“A lucid, multifaceted, and —Tatiana Schlossberg, “A valuable book for students of
fascinating investigation of the New York Times Book Review geopolitics and the
centrality of in the imagining turbulent Middle East.”
of international relations.” Kirkus
—Robbie Shilliam,
Johns Hopkins University
“Illuminating AWar
Poverty shows for the first time
how the practice of extending
small loans in the
global South became orthodoxy
among US development experts
and institutions.”
—Amy C Offner,
University of
Adam S. Posen
34 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Price of Nostalgia
seems to resonate with nostalgic voters those who already have advantages
in a way that women providing human rather than pursue economic policies
services does not. This is a fiercely that would also improve the lot of
gendered view: only 30 percent of service-sector and part-time workers.
manufacturing workers in the United
States are women, and the overwhelm- LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION
ing majority of manufacturing workers Overlapping with those who worry
have always been men (even during the about trade dislocation are those who
wartime days of Rosie the Riveter). express concern for the communities
When manufacturing contracted, the hit hardest by it. The archetype is one
jobs hit first and hardest were the of those towns in Ohio or Pennsylva-
already less well-paid jobs in the nia whose main manufacturing plant
garment industry, a higher proportion moves its work offshore, devastating
of which were held by women. the local economy that has been built
Manufacturing also favors white around that employer. The suffering of
men over men of color. Black and less educated workers in such commu-
Latino workers make up more than a nities is real, profound, and mounting.
third of the non-college-educated Some of this suffering has been
workforce, and so one would expect that exacerbated by the opioid epidemic
they would have a higher share than and by the lasting harm of combat
the less than 25 percent of manufactur- faced by the significant number of
ing jobs they do. Black and Latino military veterans and their families in
workers are also paid less, on average, these communities.
than white workers for the same jobs. The natural instinct of any compas-
Whatever the causes of these dispari- sionate human being, let alone any
ties, to favor manufacturing jobs is to responsive politician, is to try to fix
favor white male workers—which is this situation. Preventing job loss in
part of the reason the policy is so the first place seems to be the way to
popular among this demographic. do so, and when that cannot be done,
Ultimately, the worst thing about what comes next are efforts to revive
holding up the ideal of “good jobs”— the hard-hit communities. Accord-
whether in factories, as coders, or in the ingly, much of the writing from policy
trades—is that it distracts from the real- wonks in recent years has called for
ity facing most lower-wage American plans to recognize the importance of
workers. Many people, not just undocu- local communities and build them back
mented immigrants, effectively work in up. Elected officials, for their part,
the informal sector, holding unstable make a pilgrimage to these places of
jobs that offer limited protections and suffering to show their concern and
few guaranteed hours, let alone any empathy and then follow up with
prospects for advancement. It is unreal- targeted government assistance.
istic to make “good jobs” a central The problem is that there are
aspiration when they simply cannot be precious few examples of a government
delivered for a significant minority of successfully reviving a community
the population. It is wrong to focus on suffering from industrial decline.
May/June 2021 35
Adam S. Posen
Geography is not destiny, but it is the countryside to Tokyo, Osaka, and other
embodiment of economic history in megalopolises. In the United King-
many ways, and accumulated history is dom, the miseries of northern Eng-
difficult to overcome. Growing up near land, which lost coal mines and ship-
Boston in the 1970s, I remember my yards, have been the focus of successive
elementary school teaching me about government efforts to “level up” that
the jobs lost in the textile mills of region to match the wealthy Southeast
Lawrence and Lowell and the efforts to and London. Instead—just as in
bring back those towns. To this day, Germany, Italy, and Japan—the
the towns remain shells of their former younger and more skilled have left for
selves—and that is in Massachusetts, a places of greater opportunity.
state with a generous mindset and The picture is largely the same even
senior representatives in Congress who in China. Its zones of prosperity along
can deliver federal funds. The same its eastern and southern coasts are a
remains true for cities in the Midwest. magnet for workers from the rest of
True, Pittsburgh has transitioned back the country. The lower-income north-
to vitality, and Detroit is past the worst ern and western interior has failed to
of its horrible economic and social catch up in income or employment.
lows, but the former had to experience And this is in a country that has
a nearly complete turnover of indus- protected heavy industry on an un-
tries and to some degree a turnover of precedented scale for years on end, has
population, and the latter is still a long run substantial manufacturing trade
way from full employment and pros- surpluses, and has a government
perity. And those two cities are vastly willing to restrict internal migration
outnumbered by the cities and towns and locate industries by edict.
that have not come back at all. No one should be abandoned simply
The international story is even because of where they live, and no
more cautionary. In Germany and community deserves to decline. But
Italy, fiscal transfers to depressed governments should not lie to their
regions—the former East Germany, citizens, either. There simply is no
the Italian South—went on for decades reliable method of saving local com-
at a scale unseen in U.S. history, munities when they lose their domi-
buttressed by eU funding. Yet cities nant employer or industry, even with a
and towns in the depressed regions of massive amount of resources devoted
Germany and Italy have still not to the effort. Any promises made to
caught up with their more prosperous revive particular communities through
counterparts in terms of employment government action are likely to lead to
or per capita income. Japan, which has disappointment, frustration, and
a political system that is built on the outright anger when they fail.
dominant party funneling pork-barrel Like fixating on manufacturing jobs,
projects to exurban districts, has also holding out the hope that workers can
failed to revive its depressed regions. always find the same kind of work in
In fact, more and more Japanese have the same place as the economy changes
moved from smaller cities and the also requires willfully ignoring the
36 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
reality for most lower-wage workers in
the United States. It treats as normal
and attainable the privilege of not
having to change jobs or homes for
economic reasons, a luxury that in
recent decades has been enjoyed
primarily by white workers living in
rural or exurban areas. The creation of
the Black middle class in the United
States over the course of the twentieth DIPLOMACY
century was in large part the product CASE
of massive migration out of the South.
Latinos, too, are no strangers to STUDIES
moving across the country in pursuit
of work and opportunity. (It is a small
irony that almost all of those who wish Bring the
to remain undisturbed are themselves REAL WORLD
the descendants of immigrants who
traveled even further.) The suRering in to your classroom
the United States’ rural areas and Rust U.S. foreign policy
Belt today should not be ignored, nor International organizations
should one make light of the social ties
Conflict resolution
that people moving out of those places
would leave behind. But it is time to Terrorism and security
acknowledge the reality that movement Global health
is sometimes a necessity and often Diplomatic history
benefits lower-wage workers. Women, peace, and security
The dangers of the current attitude And more...
go further. Economists have found that
in many parts of the United States,
there is just one dominant employment Instructors: Join our Faculty Lounge
option, or only a few. Just as having a for free access to this unique online
monopoly over production gives library of over 250 case studies and
companies the power to push up prices simulations — and make diplomacy
at households’ expense, having a part of your course.
monopsony over local labor gives
companies the power to push down
wages—and they exercise it. Thus,
government policies to prop up a local Visit:
employer may enable that employer to
exploit the workforce, and as studies Listen to our podcast, Diplomatic Immunity,
have shown, minorities and women will online, or in your preferred podcast app.
be taken advantage of the most. The
broader community can be exploited,
Adam S. Posen
too: companies that know their depar- and match them with jobs, too. It can
ture would ruin a town can also extract change zoning laws to encourage more
generous protections and subsidies affordable housing near where there
from local governments, and in some is job growth. It can provide a safety
cases a de facto exemption from envi- net for those who are too old, too
ronmental and safety regulations. unwell, or just too anchored to move.
Even if place-based aid policies ever It can copy the active labor-market
worked, now is not the time to ramp policies of most European countries,
them up, when there are accumulating putting in place government programs
forces making them more likely to fail. that enhance incentives to seek em-
Climate change will radically alter ployment, improve job readiness, and
which parts of the country are viable help people find work.
for various industries and occupations: Where U.S. economic policy has
agricultural zones will shift, and car- been too neoliberal is not on trade but
bon-intensive industries will shed jobs. on domestic issues. The government
Pandemics will likely be persistent and has worried too much that a stronger
more frequent, perhaps changing safety net might disincentivize people
patterns of schooling, transportation, to find work, relied too much on finely
and health care. The impact of technol- tuned incentives and nudges as the
ogy is less certain. The surge in remote mainstay of policies, and, as a result,
work, jump-started by the CoVID-19 done far too little to directly pay for
pandemic, may make it more possible individuals’ health care, education and
for people in depressed cities to find training, transportation, and childcare.
employment. (The widespread accep- It has failed to seriously enforce laws
tance of virtual meetings, meanwhile, against tax evasion, environmental
has made it easier to sustain social ties dumping, the underpayment of wages,
at a distance, and so it may also make it and unsafe workplaces. The American
easier for people to move for work.) Rescue Plan, passed by Congress in
Still, the rise of remote work is prob- March, includes some measures in the
ably irrelevant for lower-wage and less right spirit, notably the expansion of
educated workers: whether in services the child tax credit, which is now
or manufacturing, their occupations for universal for couples making less than
the most part require them to be in $150,000 a year and for individuals
person to earn their pay. making less than $75,000 a year. Too
few of these provisions, however, are
PROTECTING PEOPLE, NOT JOBS set to last beyond the recovery from
A government’s duty to its people is to the pandemic.
them as individual human beings. The What is needed are universal
state can help people and their families benefits that protect individuals and
move to where there are jobs. It can families, rather than jobs and places.
subsidize faster transportation so that Instead of reinforcing the partitioning
people can commute over longer of the country into districts that define
distances feasibly. It can help people people’s identities, policies should help
prepare for jobs in growing industries people see their security as indepen-
38 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Price of Nostalgia
May/June 2021 39
Adam S. Posen
40 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Price of Nostalgia
to be honest with themselves about narrative was largely true. It had the
their shortfalls in international com- unfortunate effect domestically, how-
parison and admit that their previous ever, of characterizing the United
arrangements were corrupt and prejudi- States as open and the rest of the
cial. They had to accept that economic world as protectionist. The competi-
change was empowering and liberating tion that U.S. firms faced from abroad
for the majority of their citizens, that was seen as the result of unfair trade.
the central government had to play a Those perceptions have now outlasted
stronger role in social support, and that the reality. It is the United States that
workers had to be allowed, if not needs foreign pressure and inspiration.
encouraged, to migrate to cities, to The United States should have a
move to where the opportunities are. constructive international economic
Although the United States is not, policy, rather than a defensive one that
of course, a pre-market economy under blames global forces for its ills. Such a
an authoritarian government, it does policy would start with the recognition
need to recognize how far it has fallen that the United States has not been
short of its ideals and potential in the subjected to reckless economic opening
economic sphere, as well as how much by Washington elites and that the rest
better its peers and rivals around the of the world is continuing to further
world have done on many counts. Just integrate without it. Globalization goes
as the statement “this is not who we on no matter what, and trade in par-
are” in the face of racist violence lets ticular is more resilient to U.S. with-
Americans off too easily, talk about the drawal than many would like to believe.
United States as the most open, Where there are real comparative
vibrant, competitive, or opportunity- advantages in production, yielding
rich economy in the world is a form of large cost or quality differentials,
self-delusion. Some politicians may purchasers will find a way to get the
want to appeal to American leadership goods and services they want. No
as a motivator for reengaging with the single economy’s tariff regime can ever
global economy, but what the U.S. control a significant part of world
economy needs now is a jolt of follow- trade, even when leveraging a large
ership. The United States needs to be internal market; the rest of the world is
willing to conform to international always larger, and the opportunities
standards, to learn lessons from other missed are always found by someone
countries, to accept that competition else. As technology makes international
should be a source of change. commerce ever more transparent and
Since World War II, the United efficient, the U.S. economy’s unilateral
States has approached international efforts to defensively withdraw from it
economic integration as something it will become only more futile.
encouraged others to do. Trade deals Instead, the United States should
were framed as being about foreign actively seek to encourage the type of
countries opening their markets and change in its own economy that it once
reforming their economies through sought to make other countries under-
competition. For a long time, this take through trade deals. Washington
May/June 2021 41
Adam S. Posen
42 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Price of Nostalgia
May/June 2021 43
Return to Table of Contents
44 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
How Not to Win Allies and Inßuence Geopolitics
May/June 2021 45
Audrye Wong
“high-quality” and “reasonably priced” What does China want to do with all
projects. Many countries have demanded this newfound economic power? The
reciprocal access to the Chinese market; opacity of China’s political system leads
others have bowed out of Chinese many to ascribe its behavior to a central-
initiatives altogether and are seeking ized decision-making process pursuing a
financing elsewhere. coherent grand strategy, but Chinese
China has managed to massively policies are in fact often the product of
expand its economic presence beyond its competition and compromise among a
borders, but so far, it has failed to turn it tangle of actors—local governments,
into long-term strategic influence. The high-level bureaucracies, state-owned
Chinese economy exerts a strong gravita- enterprises, private firms, and more.
tional pull, but as Beijing is discovering, Consider the BRI. What began as a
that does not necessarily mean that other vague and sprawling plan has taken on a
countries are altering their political orbits. life of its own, at times hijacked by
opportunistic government officials and
WHAT CHINA WANTS companies seeking to feather their own
Over the past few decades, China’s nests. Many of the constituent projects
global economic footprint has grown are motivated less by some grand
enormously. In 1995, China accounted strategic blueprint than by the prefer-
for just three percent of global trade, ences of individual actors.
but by 2018, thanks to massive eco- Another error is to assume that
nomic growth, it accounted for 12 China’s actions are driven by a desire to
percent—the largest share of any export its own autocratic political system
country. In 2020, in part due to the and statist economic system. True, Xi has
pandemic, China became the EU’s grown increasingly repressive at home
largest trading partner, displacing the and assertive abroad, but China is still
United States. Chinese foreign invest- preoccupied more with safeguarding its
ment has expanded rapidly in the own interests than with trying to remake
developing world, too, with Chinese other countries in its own image. Even
companies and banks plowing money though China seeks to reshape the
into Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin international system to reflect its priori-
America. Beijing has also taken on an ties, that is a far cry from trying to
active leadership role in global eco- overturn the order altogether.
nomic governance, its confidence What really drives China’s economic
boosted by having weathered the 2008 statecraft is not grand strategic designs or
global financial crisis well. In 2014, autocratic impulses but something more
China unveiled the Asian Infrastructure practical and immediate: stability and
Investment Bank, a multilateral devel- survival. The Chinese Communist
opment bank with an initial capitaliza- Party’s fundamental objective is to
tion of $100 billion that has since grown preserve the legitimacy of its rule.
to include more than 100 countries. China’s economic statecraft, then, is often
Many of them are traditional U.S. employed to put out immediate fires and
partners and allies that joined over protect the CCP’s domestic and interna-
Washington’s objections. tional image. China wants to stamp out
46 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
How Not to Win Allies and Influence Geopolitics
criticism and reward those who support table, whereby Beijing buys off political
its policies. This is particularly true when leaders through illicit deals, and by the
it comes to issues involving national book, whereby it empowers foreign
sovereignty and territorial integrity (such interest groups to lobby their govern-
as Taiwan, Tibet, and the East China and ments for closer relations with China.
South China Seas) and domestic gover-
nance (such as China’s treatment of the THE SUBVERSIVE METHOD
Uyghurs in Xinjiang and its handling of China often provides economic induce-
the CoVID-19 pandemic). ments in illicit and opaque ways that
Beijing approaches its efforts to circumvent political processes and
convert economic prowess into geopoliti- institutions. As Chinese companies
cal influence in a number of different have increasingly invested overseas,
ways. China has often leveraged the size state-owned enterprises or private
of its domestic market to impose trade companies, sometimes with the tacit
restrictions on countries it wishes to approval of Chinese officials, have
punish, but in targeted and symbolic offered bribes and kickbacks to elites in
ways that minimize damage to its own countries receiving investment or aid
economy. The Chinese government projects in order to grease the wheels of
imposed sanctions on Norwegian salmon bureaucracy. At other times, Chinese
exports after the dissident Liu Xiaobo companies have bypassed the process
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and of competitive bidding and regulatory
it blocked Philippine banana exports after approval to secure a contract, often at
a flare-up in tensions in the South China inflated costs, generating extra profits
Sea, in both cases on the supposed for both Chinese actors and local elites.
grounds of food safety. It has also taken I call such inducements “subversive
advantage of its size by encouraging carrots.” In many ways, their use
boycotts—urging Chinese consumers, for reflects China’s domestic political
example, not to patronize a South Korean economy, where businesses depend on
department store chain in an attempt to official connections, corruption is
dissuade Seoul from deploying a U.S.-led widespread, and few regulations govern
missile defense system. Capitalizing on foreign investment and foreign aid. My
China’s position as a top foreign investor research shows that this method works
and technology producer, the Chinese best in countries that also have little
government and Chinese firms have public accountability—where the flow
played active roles in international of information is restricted, and politi-
standard-setting bodies and promoted cal leaders need not worry about public
the export of Chinese equipment, opinion and the rule of law.
particularly of emerging technologies— Cambodia stands as a case in point.
some with national security implications, The longtime prime minister, Hun Sen,
such as 5G and artificial intelligence. and his family control the military, the
But perhaps the most prominent police, and much of the economy. Media
feature of China’s economic statecraft is outlets are beholden to the government,
its use of positive inducements. These and journalists, activists, and opposition
incentives come in two forms: under the politicians are routinely silenced through
May/June 2021 47
Audrye Wong
intimidation and violence. As a result, monetary deal” in which Beijing paid off
the details of Chinese aid and invest- the Cambodian government in exchange
ment projects in Cambodia are murky, for its support. In the months before the
but what information has come out meeting, senior Chinese leaders visited
suggests a government deeply corrupted Phnom Penh, offering additional grants
by Chinese influence. and loans for infrastructure and develop-
The projects financed by China tend ment projects worth hundreds of mil-
to enrich elites while evicting the poor lions of dollars. The investment has paid
and degrading the environment. In the off handsomely: since 2012, ASEAN has
southwestern province of Koh Kong, for become more divided and incoherent,
example, a Chinese investment group is allowing Beijing to consolidate its
building a massive development complex position, rhetorically and militarily, in
that is to include a resort, a port, an the South China Sea.
airport, power plants, manufacturing A similar dynamic is playing out in
zones, and roads and highways—all eastern Europe. The increasingly
adding up to an estimated $3.8 billion. illiberal governments of Hungary and
While Cambodian elites have used the Serbia have happily accepted handouts
project to line their own pockets, the in exchange for promoting Chinese
construction has destroyed ecologically foreign policy positions. A high-speed
sensitive areas and forced residents from railway running across the two coun-
their homes. Beijing may stand to tries, for example, remains shrouded in
benefit: the resort seems excessively large secrecy, even as costs have ballooned and
for the number of tourists the area can doubts have arisen about its economic
attract, but the airport and port appear viability. Part of the project is being
well designed for Chinese military use. built by a Chinese state-owned enter-
Such largess has allowed China to buy prise previously blacklisted by the
Cambodian advocacy on its behalf—in World Bank for irregularities, and
particular, regarding its aggressive another part, by a corrupt business ally
maritime claims in the South China Sea. of the Hungarian prime minister. In
At a 2012 summit of the Association of return, Hungary and Serbia have
Southeast Asian Nations, Cambodia behaved obsequiously toward China.
wielded its position as chair to block Hungary has issued official statements
discussions of South China Sea disputes, echoing Beijing’s position on the South
and for the first time in ASEAN’s history, China Sea, and Serbia’s president, in
the organization was unable to issue a addition to kissing the Chinese flag in
joint statement. At one point, the gratitude for receiving medical supplies
Cambodian foreign minister cut off early in the CoVID-19 pandemic, has
delegates who tried to raise the issue, and expressed support for China’s repressive
at another, he stormed out of the room national security law in Hong Kong. In
when they proposed even a watered- Europe, China has plucked the low-
down statement. Government officials hanging fruit, such as public statements
I’ve interviewed in the region have and vetoes within the eU, and no coun-
described Cambodia’s behavior at the try in the region has radically altered its
summit as the result of a “straight-up foreign policy orientation. Still, Beijing
48 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
has managed to dampen international
criticism and trigger embarrassing
public divisions about issues on which Celebrating 37 Years of Independent Publishing
Audrye Wong
50 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
How Not to Win Allies and Influence Geopolitics
May/June 2021 51
Audrye Wong
52 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
How Not to Win Allies and Influence Geopolitics
May/June 2021 53
Return to Table of Contents
54 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Matthew J. Slaughter and David H. McCormick
Yet even as cross-border flows of How can a country raise its produc-
data have surged, and data itself has tivity? It can invest in the capital used
become a critical source of power, it to create things—buildings, machinery,
remains largely ungoverned. The software, and the like. Or it can create
current international trade and invest- new ideas, innovations that allow
ment framework was designed 75 years workers to either make existing prod-
ago, in a very different time. It ad- ucts more efficiently or make entirely
vanced prosperity and security, helped new products. Indeed, innovation has
lift millions out of poverty, and, as part long driven the United States’ rising
of a broader economic order, encour- productivity—accounting for well over
aged democracy, commerce, and indi- half the U.S. per capita GDP growth
vidual rights. But this system is not over the past century.
adequate for the reality of global trade Data has always been an essential
today. Confusion about the value and input for discovering new ideas. Benja-
ownership of data abounds, and major min Franklin needed data on lightning
world powers have competing visions of strikes to improve humans’ understand-
how to manage it. ing of electricity; Gregor Mendel
If the United States does not shape needed data on pea plants to discover
new rules for the digital age, others rules of heredity. But in the past decade
will. China, for example, is promulgat- or so, data has become far more impor-
ing its own techno-authoritarian model, tant to innovation, thanks to major
recognizing that shaping the rules of advances in computing power, cloud
digital power is a key component of storage, and machine learning. The
geopolitical competition. The United algorithms at the heart of artificial
States should offer an alternative: with intelligence (AI) benefit particularly
a coalition of willing partners, it should from vast quantities of high-quality
set up a new framework, one that data, which they use to learn and gain
unleashes data’s potential to drive efficacy. These and other data-driven
innovation, generate economic power, innovations will increasingly shape
and protect national security. people’s professional and personal lives,
improving everything from autonomous
INNOVATION EVER AFTER vehicles to sports-performance apps to
Economists have long recognized that social networks.
productivity per worker is the best The surge in the use of data holds
indicator of a country’s average standard great economic potential for a powerful
of living and overall economic power. yet simple reason: data is what econo-
The higher a country’s productivity, the mists call “nonrival.” Nearly all economic
higher the average household income goods and services are “rival,” meaning
and the higher the population’s material their use by one person or firm precludes
well-being will be. Moreover, the higher their use by someone else. A barrel of
a country’s productivity, the larger the oil, for instance, is rival. But data is
country’s overall tax base will be, giving nonrival: it can be used simultaneously
more funds to the government for and repeatedly by any number of firms
national defense and other interests. or people without being diminished. The
56 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Data Is Power
widespread notion that “data is the new top market positions across the globe.
oil” misses this essential economic Ten years ago, any list of the ten most
difference between the two commodi- valuable firms included oil and gas
ties. Data can power innovation again producers, consumer goods firms, and
and again without being depleted—more banks. Today, technology companies
like the limitless supply of sunshine than that traffic in data dominate the list.
the limited supply of oil. BHP Group, Chevron, and ExxonMobil
Because data is nonrival, innova- have given way to Alphabet, Amazon,
tion—and thus economic power—in- and Facebook. The current crop of
creasingly hinges on the quantity and technology leaders thrives in no small
quality of data available to people, part because they transform vast
companies, and countries. Data can be amounts of data from billions of indi-
used and reused, so the more freely it viduals and organizations into new
flows, the more likely it is to spark new economic value for their customers.
ideas. Consider the world’s fight against Data is crucial to national security,
CoVID-19. On January 10, 2020, more too. It drives productivity and thus the
than a month after the first cases ap- economic power that underwrites the
peared, Chinese scientists posted the United States’ military edge. It is also a
genetic sequence of the novel coronavi- primary domain of U.S.-Chinese
rus online. Armed with this essential competition for economic and geopo-
data, scientists at the U.S. company litical superiority—as demonstrated, for
Moderna took only two days to create example, by the two countries’ battle
the blueprint for what would become over 5G technology. New technologies
the company’s CoVID-19 vaccine. Mod- offer tremendous economic and strate-
erna had already researched the concept gic advantages. In the words of Eric
of a vaccine based on messenger RNA; all Schmidt, former Ceo of Google, and
it needed to create something valuable Robert Work, former U.S. deputy secre-
from this new idea was new data. tary of defense, data-enabled AI will be
Access to data has been revolution- “the most powerful tool in generations
izing other areas of the life sciences. In for benefiting humanity,” but it will also
just 13 years, the Human Genome be “used in the pursuit of power.”
Project, a U.S.-led international public The country that can harness data to
initiative, sequenced and published the innovate faster will gain enormous
data on the three billion DNA base pairs advantages. And so the United States’
that constitute the human genome. One future prosperity and geopolitical
study estimated that from 1988 to 2010, strength will largely depend on the
this project led to a total economic rules governing access to data.
impact of $796 billion—including over
$244 billion in additional personal A PATCHWORK OF RULES
income from over 300,000 new jobs. Current international institutions are not
Data increasingly drives commercial equipped to handle the proliferation of
success. Companies whose competitive data. Nor are they prepared to address
advantages are built by aggregating, the emerging fault lines in how to ap-
analyzing, and using data have seized proach it. The institutional framework for
May/June 2021 57
Matthew J. Slaughter and David H. McCormick
58 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
a given country and bans duties on
cross-border 2ows of electronic content.
It recognizes the growing importance of
the digital services sector, and it forbids
signatories from demanding access to
the source codes of companies’ soft-
ware. The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agree-
ment (USMCA) has similar provisions.
Both free-trade agreements aim to allow
unencumbered 2ows of data, but they
are largely untested and, by virtue of
being regional, are limited.
The UU sharpened its data rules on
privacy in the General Data Protection
Regulation. The GDPR attempts to
empower individuals to decide how
companies can use their data, but many
have voiced concerns that the GDPR has
eRectively established trade barriers for
foreign firms operating in UU member
countries by requiring expensive
compliance measures and raising the
European market’s liability risks.
Moreover, the UU’s rules are the subject
of continual dispute and litigation.
Of much greater concern to the
United States is China’s distinct digital
ecosystem. Over a generation ago,
China began building its “Great Fire-
wall,” a combination of laws and tech-
nologies that restrict the 2ow of data in
and out of China, in part by blocking
foreign websites. China has since
adopted a techno-nationalist model that
mandates government access to data
generated in the country. The sheer
quantity of that data fuels China’s
innovation but also enables the coun-
try’s repressive system of control and
surveillance—and at the expense of
open, international 2ows of data.
Beijing now seeks to expand this
model. It has clear plans to use its
indigenous technology industry to
May/June 2021 59
Matthew J. Slaughter and David H. McCormick
60 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Data Is Power
by China, the United States should help sharing arrangements for autonomous
craft a new multilateral framework for vehicles, oncology treatments, and
data. Working with all willing and clean-tech batteries. Relative to their
like-minded nations, it should seek a experience in today’s Balkanized world,
structure for data that maximizes its researchers would be able to discover
immense economic potential without more data-driven innovations—and
sacrificing privacy and individual liberty. in more countries, rather than just in
This framework should take the form of those that already have a large presence
a treaty that has two main parts. in these industries.
First would be a set of binding The second part of the framework
principles that would foster the cross- would be free-trade agreements regulat-
border flow of data in the most data- ing the capital goods, intermediate
intensive sectors—such as energy, inputs, and final goods and services of
transportation, and health care. One set the targeted sectors, all in an effort to
of principles concerns how to value data maximize the gains that might arise from
and determine where it was generated. data-driven innovations. Thus would the
Just as traditional trade regimes require traditional forces of comparative advan-
goods and services to be priced and tage and global competition help bring
their origins defined, so, too, must this new self-driving vehicles, new lifesaving
framework create a taxonomy to classify chemotherapy compounds, and new
data flows by value and source. Another sources of renewable energy to partici-
set of principles would set forth the pating countries around the world.
privacy standards that governments and There is already a powerful example
companies would have to follow to use of such agreements. In 1996, dozens of
data. (Anonymizing data, made easier countries accounting for nearly 95
by advances in encryption and quantum percent of world trade in information
computing, will be critical to this step.) technology ratified the Information
A final principle, which would be Technology Agreement, a multilateral
conditional on achieving the other two, trade deal under the WTo. The agree-
would be to promote as much cross- ment ultimately eliminated all tariffs
border and open flow of data as possible. for hundreds of IT-related capital goods,
Consistent with the long-established intermediate inputs, and final
value of free trade, the parties should, products—from machine tools to
for example, agree to not levy taxes on motherboards to personal computers.
data flows—and diligently enforce that The agreement proved to be an impor-
rule. And they would be wise to ensure tant impetus for the subsequent wave of
that any negative impacts of open data the IT revolution, a competitive spur
flows, such as job losses or reduced that led to productivity gains for firms
wages, are offset through strong pro- and price declines for consumers.
grams to help affected workers adapt to
the digital economy. THE INNOVATION IMPERATIVE
Such standards would benefit every At this time of uncertainty about both
sector they applied to. Envision, for the future of international institutions
example, dozens of nations with data- and the United States’ commitment to
May/June 2021 61
Matthew J. Slaughter and David H. McCormick
them, orchestrating the creation of this existing efforts to address data flows
framework would bring Washington and security. In 2020, the Trump
many opportunities: to partner closely administration created the Clean
with like-minded countries, to reform Network to strengthen data partner-
and rejuvenate calcified institutions, and ships abroad, empower domestic
to strengthen U.S. economic power and innovation, and protect data privacy.
national security. Indeed, this framework Likewise, a year earlier, the G-20
could serve as an important component leaders produced the Osaka Track
of a renewed vision of the United States’ vision for “data free flow with trust,” an
role in the world. It would be a vision initiative to produce a coherent interna-
that recognizes the need to cultivate tional data framework. And the Organi-
strong multilateral institutions of zation for Economic Cooperation and
like-minded nations to stabilize an Development is laying the intellectual
entropic world but that does not lose foundation for a similar effort. The
sight of the United States’ economic and United States could also build on
security interests, that upholds U.S. momentum within the Quad—its
leadership but never at the expense of cooperative partnership with Australia,
Americans, and that confidently sees the India, and Japan—to advance the shared
country as a force for good. goals of innovation and security. But
There is little doubt that the United these would merely be stopgap meas-
States and its allies would face chal- ures; what is really needed is a major
lenges in establishing an international push for a cohesive framework.
data framework. The landscape today is In July 1944, just weeks after the
characterized by a patchwork of incon- D-Day invasion and with the outcome
sistent and vague data standards, and of World War II still hanging in the
the initial countries and sectors in- balance, the United States hosted
volved would need to work through the delegates from 43 like-minded nations
thicket of various national data regula- in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, for
tions. Some countries would no doubt a conference to agree on new rules for
choose to close themselves off and the postwar international monetary
refuse to share their data. Americans, system. Out of this gathering came the
meanwhile, face deep political divisions, International Monetary Fund and the
and many of them view global engage- World Bank, institutions designed to
ment with skepticism. And yet this help rebuild the world after a devastat-
framework would boost innovation and ing conflict. In the wake of another
the United States’ strategic position in crisis, the United States once again has
an era of trying economic conditions at the opportunity to establish new
home and great-power competition international rules that support peace,
abroad. Those are the benefits that prosperity, and security. The question is
American leaders must communicate to whether it will rise to the challenge.∂
the American people.
If creating an international data
framework proved too difficult, Wash-
ington and its partners could build on
62 F O R E Ig n Af fA I R S
Too often,
limit civilians’ so
can as see ßt
Heidi Urben
Return to Table of Contents
Crisis of Command
America’s Broken Civil-Military
Relationship Imperils National Security
Risa Brooks, Jim Golby, and Heidi Urben
hen U.S. President Donald Trump left office on January
JIM GOLBY is a Senior Fellow at the Clements Center for National Security at the Univer-
sity of Texas at Austin, an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security,
and a co-host of the podcast Thank You for Your Service. He is a retired U.S. Army officer.
64 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Crisis of Command
Evidence of the decline in civilian control over the military isn’t hard
to find. Over the last few decades, senior military leaders have regu-
larly thwarted or delayed presidential decisions on military policy. In
1993, Colin Powell, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, helped
block President Bill Clinton from ending the policy that banned gays
from the military, resulting in the now defunct “don’t ask, don’t tell”
compromise. Both President Barack Obama and Trump complained
that officers boxed them in—limiting military options and leaking
information—and forced them to grudgingly accept troop surges they
did not support. Obama’s generals signaled that they would accept
nothing less than an aggressive counterinsurgency in Afghanistan—
despite White House opposition. Obama later fired Stanley McChrys-
tal, then commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, after members of
the general’s staff disparaged White House officials in remarks to a
reporter. Trump, for his part, saw senior military leaders push back
against his orders to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Syria.
Although these moves were signature campaign promises, Trump
eventually backed off when military leaders told him they couldn’t be
done and that the policies would harm national security.
May/June 2021 65
Risa Brooks, Jim Golby, and Heidi Urben
66 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Crisis of Command
May/June 2021 67
Risa Brooks, Jim Golby, and Heidi Urben
Part of the decline in civil-military relations can be blamed on insti-
tutional changes. As the United States became a global power,
elected leaders developed a bureaucratic structure to manage the
military on a day-to-day basis. When it became clear at the start of
the Cold War that the U.S. defense establishment had become too
large for the president and the legislature to control on their own,
Congress passed the National Security Act of 1947. The law estab-
lished what would eventually become the Department of Defense
and placed at its head a civilian secretary of defense, who would
bring experience managing bureaucratic and domestic politics. That
person would have the exclusive job of ensuring that the military’s
activities aligned with the nation’s goals as determined by its elected
political leaders. And Congress granted the secretary a civilian staff
composed of individuals who could draw on their experiences in
government, business, and academia.
But in 1986, Congress unintentionally undid much of this work. That
year, it overhauled the 1947 law by passing the Goldwater-Nichols De-
partment of Defense Reorganization Act, which shifted power and re-
sources away from civilian leaders and to their military counterparts.
Since that law passed, large, well-resourced military staffs have displaced
civilians in the Pentagon and across the rest of the government. Today,
for example, ambassadors and other civilian officials frequently depend
on the military’s regional combatant commands for resources, including
planes and logistical support, necessary to do their jobs. Regional com-
batant commanders also have responsibilities that cross national bound-
aries, giving them de facto diplomatic authority and frequent contact not
only with their military counterparts overseas but also with foreign gov-
ernment leaders. The military officials who govern security assistance
and cooperation programs have also grown in number and influence,
further sidelining their civilian counterparts in the State Department.
68 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Risa Brooks, Jim Golby, and Heidi Urben
Partisan polarization has also undermined civilian control. After 9/11, the
public’s esteem for the military spiked, and politicians noticed. Elected
leaders became increasingly willing to disregard civil-military norms,
avoid serious oversight and accountability, and encourage military in-
subordination to score political points against their political opponents.
Today, politicians on both sides of the aisle capitalize on the mili-
tary’s prestige to shield themselves from criticism and attack their ri-
vals—often a cost-free strategy, given the military’s popularity. During
campaigns, candidates often claim that troops prefer them over their
opponent; in 2020, a Trump ad featured the tagline “Support our
70 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Crisis of Command
troops,” and Biden cited a Military Times poll to suggest that it was he
who enjoyed their support. Candidates regularly seek the endorse-
ment of retired generals and even use them as partisan attack dogs. At
the 2016 Republican National Convention, the Trump adviser Mi-
chael Flynn, who had then been out of the military for just two years,
criticized Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, and encouraged the
crowd to chant “Lock her up!” As president, Trump repeatedly deliv-
ered partisan speeches in front of uniformed audiences, once telling
officers at MacDill Air Force Base, “We had a wonderful election,
didn’t we? And I saw those numbers—and you like me, and I like you.”
In over-the-top campaign videos, some post-9/11 veterans running for
office use their experience as a means of dividing those who served
from those who did not. In 2020, the Republican Texas congressman
and former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw released an Avengers-themed ad
entitled “Texas Reloaded” that featured attack helicopters, fighter jets,
and Crenshaw himself parachuting out of a plane.
More frequently ignored, however, are the less egregious moments
of politicization, such as presidents donning bomber jackets and flight
suits in public speeches to military audiences or venturing to West
Point to make major foreign policy addresses rather than to a civilian
university. All these actions reinforce the belief that military service
is superior to other kinds of public service.
Even though politicians try to gain electoral advantage through
such behavior, what they are ultimately doing is damaging their
own authority. By lionizing the armed forces, politicians teach the
public to expect elected officials to make concessions to military
leaders or defer to them on important decisions. This same dynamic
motivates civilian leaders to encourage officers to serve as “the
adults in the room,” resist or oppose their partisan opponents’ poli-
cies, or resign in protest against a lawful order from an elected pres-
ident. Although there may be short-term advantages to such
behavior (assuming, of course, that the military leaders are correct),
it subverts the broader principle that civilians get to pursue the
policies they were elected to carry out.
The military has also played a role in the degradation of civilian
control. For one thing, its nonpartisan ethic is in decay. Whereas the
majority of senior military officers did not identify with a political
party as late as 1976, nearly three-quarters do so today, according to
surveys of senior officers attending various war colleges conducted
May/June 2021 71
Risa Brooks, Jim Golby, and Heidi Urben
between 2017 and 2020. Many service members are comfortable air-
ing their partisan political commentary on social media to wide au-
diences, an outspokenness that would have made past generations of
soldiers blush. Retired generals involved in politics—especially
through campaign endorsements—reinforce to those in uniform
that the military is riven by partisan divides. Senior military leaders
have largely failed to address this behavior, either looking the other
way or attributing it to a few bad apples. Their silence, however,
normalizes partisanship in the military, with those in uniform con-
cluding that it is acceptable to openly pick political sides. Recent
surveys of senior active-duty officers found that roughly one-third
had observed their colleagues make or share disparaging comments
about elected officials on social media.
Service members also make civilian control that much harder when
they act as if they are superior to their civilian counterparts. Research
consistently shows that many in the military believe that their decision
to serve in uniform makes them morally superior to those Americans
who did not make that choice. According to a 2020 survey by the re-
search institution NORC, this sense of superiority extends even to their
views of those Americans whose jobs also entail significant risks—in-
cluding doctors fighting the pandemic and diplomats serving in combat
zones or in hardship assignments. At the extreme, military personnel
question the legitimacy of the civilians who oversee them, especially if
they suspect that those leaders don’t share their partisan views.
Another factor undermining civilian authority is the military’s attach-
ment to the notion that it should have exclusive control over what it
views as its own affairs. This concept, endorsed by the political scientist
Samuel Huntington, contends that the military has a right to push back
when civilians attempt to interfere in military matters. According to this
view, autonomy is a right, not a privilege. But military and political af-
fairs are not as distinct as many officers have been led to believe, and the
experience of other countries suggests that alternative models are just as
plausible: throughout Europe, for example, military leaders are accus-
tomed to much more intrusive oversight than their U.S. counterparts.
Trends in American culture underpin many of these problems.
Americans increasingly fetishize the armed forces and believe that
the only true patriots are those in uniform. According to Gallup poll-
72 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Crisis of Command
ing, the public consistently has more confidence in the military than
in any other national institution. That admiration, coupled with de-
clining trust and confidence in civilian organizations, means that
large segments of the population think that those in uniform should
run the military, and maybe even the country itself.
This adoration has grown in part out of efforts to bring the military
out of its post-Vietnam malaise. In 1980, Edward Meyer, the army chief
of staff, declared his force a “hollow army,” and that same year, an op-
eration intended to rescue U.S. hostages in Iran ended in disaster, show-
ing the public just how depleted its armed forces had become. While
Congress attempted to rectify the situation by ramping up military
spending, the military cannily worked to rehabilitate its image through
popular culture. In the 1980s, the Pentagon cooperated with big-budget
movies such as Top Gun, a practice it has continued to the present with
such superhero films as Captain Marvel. By conditioning its cooperation
and provision of equipment on approval of the script, the military
learned that it could influence storylines and enhance its brand.
Another contributing problem is the military’s tendency to recruit
heavily from particular subsections of American society. With few
calls for shared sacrifice or national mobilization during the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq, the majority of the public had little to do be-
sides thank the troops for their service. The military, meanwhile went
to great lengths to honor soldiers with patriotic displays centered on
the nobility of military service, notably during college and profes-
sional sporting events. These trends all reinforced the notion that
military service members were truly exceptional—better, different,
and more selfless than the civilians who cheered them on.
Together, these pressures have weakened the institutional processes,
nonpartisan practices, and societal values that have historically
served to keep the principle of civilian control of the military strong
in its mundane and often unglamorous daily practice. But the dam-
age can be repaired. Institutional reforms have the greatest chance
of success. Politicians on both sides of the aisle stand to benefit
from better civilian oversight.
Congress could start by rebalancing power in the Department of
Defense away from the Joint Staff and the combatant commands
(the 11 military commands with specific geographic or functional
May/June 2021 73
Risa Brooks, Jim Golby, and Heidi Urben
74 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Crisis of Command
cussions for politicizing the military, and they have considerable in-
centives to continue to do so. Still, elected leaders could start to deal
with the problem by ending the practice of soliciting endorsements
from retired generals. They could also stop using the uniformed mili-
tary as a backdrop for partisan political speeches and stop running
campaign advertisements that insinuate that they enjoy more military
support than their opponents. Veterans and active reservists or mem-
bers of the National Guard should also stop weaponizing their service
for electoral gain. That would mean an end to cashing in on public
support for the military through campaign ads that suggest their mil-
itary service makes them superior citizens.
Politicians should also stop propagating the myth that serving in
the military is a prerequisite for overseeing it. This belief not only
diminishes the important role civilians play but also symbolically
raises the military above its civilian superiors in the minds of service
members and the public. Instituting a ten-year waiting period—or at
least adhering to the existing seven-year requirement—before a re-
tired officer can serve as secretary of defense is a necessary step. So is
valuing and investing in the contributions of civilian expertise at all
echelons in the Pentagon.
Finally, those who continue to mythologize the military in popular
culture should rebalance their portrayals. A little more M*A*S*H—
the darkly comedic 1970s television series about a U.S. Army medical
unit during the Korean War—and a little less righteous soldiering
might humanize military personnel and chip away at the public’s dis-
torted view of the armed services. Bringing the military back down to
earth and a bit closer to the society it serves would help politicians in
their effort to scrutinize military affairs and encourage Americans to
see accountability as a healthy practice in a democratic society.
If Americans do not recognize the rot lurking beneath their idyllic
vision of civilian control, the United States’ civil-military crisis will
only get worse. More than most citizens realize, the country’s demo-
cratic traditions and national security both depend on this delicate re-
lationship. Without robust civilian oversight of the military, the United
States will not remain a democracy or a global power for long.∂
May/June 2021 75
Return to Table of Contents
76 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
America’s Military Risks Losing Its Edge
May/June 2021 77
Michèle A. Flournoy
was driven in large part by China’s more assertive behavior and new
capabilities. Since the Gulf War, the Chinese military has gone to
school on the American way of war. It developed an expanding set of
asymmetric approaches to undermine U.S. military strengths and ex-
ploit U.S. vulnerabilities, including ro-
bust “anti-access/area-denial” (A2/AD)
The imperative is clear: the capabilities. These new capabilities—
cyber and electronic weapons, air de-
U.S. military must fenses, arsenals of precision missiles
reimagine how it ßghts. such as antiship weapons—are designed
to disrupt and destroy U.S. command-
and-control networks and thwart U.S.
power projection into the Indo-Pacific. As a result, the U.S. military
can no longer assume that it will have the freedom of action in a con-
2ict that it could have had in the past by gaining early superiority in the
air, space, cyberspace, and maritime domains. In any future con2ict,
U.S. forces will need to fight for advantage across these domains—and
then continue fighting to keep it—in the face of continuous Chinese
eRorts to disrupt and degrade U.S. battle-management networks.
One necessary shift is rethinking where U.S. military forces are
deployed—with a reduced focus on the greater Middle East, which,
even now, accounts for about one-third of U.S. forces deployed or
stationed outside the United States. An ongoing global force posture
review, initiated earlier this year at the direction of the president, aims
to give greater priority to deterring China, which is likely to mean
drawing down forces in the Middle East in order to make more avail-
able in the Indo-Pacific. To succeed, however, this change in strategy
must be matched by more than a shift in global posture; it will require
a wholesale realignment of concepts, culture, service programs, and
budgets. Otherwise, there will be a gradual erosion of U.S. military
superiority in the face of competition from other great powers. As a
consequence, the United States could no longer be confident in its
ability to deter Chinese aggression or protect its interests and allies in
Asia. And in the event of con2ict, it would pay a far higher price in
both blood and treasure. The costs of inertia and inaction are unac-
ceptably high.
Although the Pentagon has made some progress in stimulating in-
novation, it has not been at the pace or magnitude required. A number
of new organizations within the Defense Department have become
78 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
America’s Military Risks Losing Its Edge
Wired for war: U.S. Air Force members at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, September 2020
quite eRective at surveying the technology landscape, identifying
promising solutions to priority problems, and then rapidly prototyping
new capabilities. The Defense Innovation Unit scouts innovation hubs
such as Silicon Valley, Austin, and Route 128 in Massachusetts to part-
May/June 2021 79
Michèle A. Flournoy
80 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Michèle A. Flournoy
82 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
America’s Military Risks Losing Its Edge
May/June 2021 83
Michèle A. Flournoy
The Pentagon leadership also needs to rethink how it decides what to
buy. In the wake of the pandemic, defense budgets are likely to be
constrained, which will require hard choices and smarter spending.
Today, the Defense Department is investing too much in legacy plat-
forms and weapons systems already enshrined in the budget—such as
tactical fighter aircraft and large surface ships—at the expense of the
new technologies that will determine whether such platforms can sur-
vive and succeed in a more contested future. Too frequently, major
acquisition decisions are framed in terms of replacing one aging plat-
form with another more modern version of the same thing (such as
replacing fourth-generation fighters with fifth-generation fighters),
84 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Michèle A. Flournoy
86 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
America’s Military Risks Losing Its Edge
May/June 2021 87
Michèle A. Flournoy
88 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
America’s Military Risks Losing Its Edge
May/June 2021 89
Michèle A. Flournoy
90 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Return to Table of Contents
92 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Home Front
May/June 2021 93
Charles A. Kupchan and Peter L. Trubowitz
94 F O R E Ig n Af fA I R S
The Home Front
Come ßy with me: Biden boarding Air Force One, February 2021
But Biden faces a political moment even more challenging than the one
his hero confronted. When Roosevelt took office in 1933, the Demo-
crats enjoyed a 196-seat majority in the House of Representatives and
a 23-seat majority in the Senate, whereas Biden has thin Democratic
margins in both chambers. By the time Roosevelt set out to sell inter-
nationalism to the electorate after the outbreak of World War II, he had
delivered on much of the New Deal; the eRects of Biden’s ambitious
domestic agenda mostly remain to be seen. The United States is today
more politically divided, economically unequal, and demographically
diverse than it was during Roosevelt’s era. Indeed, the political hurdles
to governing in Washington have become so high that it is now nearly
impossible for the majority party to win the minority party’s support
for even hugely popular legislation, such as the covID-19 relief bill ap-
proved in March. If Biden hopes to build a new internationalism, he
must transform the American political ecosystem.
Biden can start reconnecting what the United States does abroad to
the economic and social needs of working-class voters at home by
opening up the making of foreign policy to new voices. For far too
long, Democratic as well as Republican administrations have pursued
policies that have fueled popular mistrust by serving the interests of
May/June 2021 95
Charles A. Kupchan and Peter L. Trubowitz
the few at the expense of the many. The process of making foreign
policy, although open to big corporations, largely ignores the interests
of American workers. Normally, the concerns of ordinary Americans,
if they figure in at all, come into play only after a foreign policy is
set—especially when it comes to trade. By the time Congress gets in-
volved in a trade deal, it is too late to
build in a workers’ rights or jobs agenda.
If Biden hopes to build A case in point is President Barack
a new internationalism, Obama’s approach to the negotiations
that led to the massive trade agreement
he must transform known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
the American political Prior to striking the deal, the Obama ad-
ecosystem. ministration did not adequately address
elements of the pact that disadvantaged
blue-collar workers, such as a dispute-
resolution system that favored corporate interests and loopholes that
made it possible for China to enjoy duty-free exports of parts and com-
ponents to the U.S. market via other TPP members. During the 2016
presidential campaign, Trump slammed the accord for benefiting special
interests at the expense of workers. His opponent, Hillary Clinton, had
helped negotiate the TPP while serving as Obama’s first secretary of
state, but she distanced herself from the deal during the campaign, as did
many down-ballot Democratic candidates. The TPP was already on life
support by the time Trump pulled the plug on it days after taking office.
To put the interests of working families at the table, Biden should
make the U.S. secretary of labor a permanent member of the Na-
tional Security Council, like the secretary of the treasury. Doing so
would give factory workers, farm hands, and service workers a stronger
voice in White House deliberations over foreign policy. Biden should
also create senior deputy positions on the USC and in the Depart-
ment of State, the Department of Defense, the Office of the U.S.
Trade Representative, and other foreign policy agencies to ensure
that the needs of American workers are considered early and often in
the policymaking process. The Biden administration should also
deepen the institutional links among the USC and the offices dealing
with the home front, such as the National Economic Council and
the Domestic Policy Council. The administration could establish a
weekly meeting of an interagency policy committee on economic
security, co-chaired by the USC, the UUc, and the DPC.
96 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Home Front
May/June 2021 97
Charles A. Kupchan and Peter L. Trubowitz
98 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Home Front
tisanship in the long run. By advancing policies that are popular with
the broader electorate, presidents would, over time, be able to once
again garner support from the minority party. Consider, for example,
Roosevelt’s success in securing bipartisan backing. He was able to win
over numerous Republican members of Congress because they hailed
from states that found much to like in the New Deal and the eco-
nomic benefits of liberal internationalism.
Following Roosevelt’s lead, Biden can reawaken bipartisanship
through strategic public investment, using the $2 trillion “Build Back
Better” infrastructure proposal he campaigned on to bridge the urban-
rural divide that reinforces political paralysis and widens partisan
divisions. Extending broadband networks to rural areas would pro-
mote more equitable economic growth and wider civic engagement.
Repairing the nation’s ailing bridges, roads, and mass transit systems
would spur growth in metropolitan areas. Transitioning from fossil
fuels to renewable energy would create millions of new jobs and boost
U.S. competitiveness in lagging sectors. By targeting infrastructure
and climate investments, Biden can spark private-sector engagement
in the right places and help reduce economic inequality. Strategic in-
vestments at home will also yield payoffs abroad by spurring high-
tech innovation as geopolitical competition plays out over climate
change, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence.
May/June 2021 99
Charles A. Kupchan and Peter L. Trubowitz
100 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Home Front
The Resurgence
of the Rest
Can Emerging Markets Find New
Paths to Growth?
Ruchir Sharma
102 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Resurgence of the Rest
In the years that followed, many nations turned inward, nursing their
own wounds and raising barriers to foreign money and imports. Trade
and capital 2ows slowed. Commodity prices plunged. At the same
time, the end of the postwar baby boom was starting to shrink the la-
bor force in more and more countries.
Instead of booming again in the 2010s, half of all emerging econo-
mies grew more slowly than the United States and fell behind in
average income. Their share of global GDP stagnated at around 35
percent. The biggest emerging economies, so recently hyped as fu-
ture stars, began to fade. Skeptics spoofed the BRICS as a “Bloody
104 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Resurgence of the Rest
Although manufacturing has historically been the surest path to pros-
perity, it is an increasingly narrow one. These days, only a few coun-
tries benefit, as producers, seeking lower wages and shorter supply
lines, move their factories out of China. For now, the handful of win-
ners are concentrated in eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
The IMF has a complex and partly subjective definition of “advanced
economies,” but one thing those economies have in common today is
an average annual income of at least $17,000. The last large economies
to break that barrier were the manufacturing giants South Korea and
Taiwan, back in the late 1990s. And the next major country to make
that leap is likely to be another export manufacturer: Poland.
In recent years, Poland has gotten a lot of attention for the right-wing
populist drift of its political culture but little for its extraordinarily
steady economic success. After completing its transition from commu-
nism to democracy in 1991, Poland embarked on more than a quarter
century of rapid growth, averaging more
than four percent per year, unbroken by
Just because export even a single year of negative growth.
manufacturing is fading By the eve of the pandemic, that unusu-
doesn’t mean developing ally long run had increased the average
Polish income tenfold, to nearly
countries won’t ßnd ways $16,000—close to the threshold of the
to rise from the ashes advanced class.
of the global pandemic. The secret to Poland’s success has
been manufacturing. New export pro-
ducers have risen all along its western
border, including in Gdansk and Krakow, which are less populous
than Warsaw but geographically well positioned to serve richer Euro-
pean markets. Many of those producers began as startups launched by
Polish entrepreneurs who openly admire U.S. capitalism and were
animated by disdain for their Soviet communist past. Others are
manufacturing plants established by foreign multinationals, produc-
ing everything from light bulbs to car parts.
Poland is the biggest player in the widening manufacturing hot
zone of eastern Europe, but not the only one. Today, Hungary and
Romania are also within striking distance of the advanced income
level. Candidates are also rising in Southeast Asia, including Indone-
sia, Thailand, and Vietnam. The Asian contenders tend to be a bit
behind the eastern European countries, with average incomes below
$10,000, but they also tend to be growing faster.
The most impressive case is Vietnam. Analysts first began speaking
of Vietnam as “the next China” during the boom that began around
2000, and the country is now mobilizing for manufacturing-led growth
as perhaps only a one-party, authoritarian state can. With the govern-
ment urging the population of 96 million to follow covID-19 proto-
cols over loudspeakers and through mass texts, Vietnam has achieved
one of the world’s lowest death rates. Following brief and mild lock-
downs, it was the fastest-growing economy of 2020.
Vietnam’s breakout has been a long time in the making. During
their boom years, the original Asian miracles produced annual export
106 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Resurgence of the Rest
Unfortunately, most emerging economies depend greatly not on ex-
porting manufactured goods but on exporting oil, soybeans, metals,
and other raw materials. And so their fortunes are whipsawed by the
rise and fall of global prices for these commodities. Historically, com-
modity prices have followed a predictable cycle of long booms and
long busts, which have left prices essentially flat in inflation-adjusted
terms since records began in 1850.
No wonder so many emerging economies get stuck in the develop-
ing stage. “The rise of the rest” was a writerly translation of “mass
convergence,” jargon for the period when virtually all emerging econ-
omies were growing fast enough to see their average incomes catch up
to, or converge with, that of the leading developed nation, the United
States. The average incomes of converging nations have tracked com-
modity prices for decades, rising rapidly together in the 1970s, falling
together in the 1980s and 1990s, rising together again after 2000, and
then slipping backward in the 2010s.
So, like commodity prices, the fortunes of major commodity ex-
porters tend to go nowhere in the long run. The average income of
108 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Resurgence of the Rest
As the United States and other developed countries spend massively
on stimulus to ease the pain of failing businesses and shelter-at-home
orders, they are ignoring or explaining away the likely consequences
of their spending. Rising deficits and debt will drag down productiv-
ity and therefore economic growth. But developing countries are
moving in the opposite direction: unable or unwilling to borrow and
spend, they are encouraging painful productivity-boosting reforms,
which will spur growth.
This is a familiar pattern. Many developing countries push for eco-
nomic reforms only when forced to in a crisis. They then fritter away
the gains during the ensuing boom and fall back into financial trou-
ble. The bigger the crisis, the greater the incentive to reform. A silver
110 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Ruchir Sharma
112 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Resurgence of the Rest
Digital services can grow explosively across the greenfield that is the
developing world. Many consumers there have little access or attach-
ment to an old fixed-line world of brick-and-mortar shops, banks, and
theaters, and they are thus quick to adopt the latest digital services. In
China, the prototypical case, the new digital economy is already growing
fast enough to compensate for the decline of aging rust-belt industries.
In fact, the spectacular rise of a parallel Internet universe, dominated
not by U.S. search and social media giants but by Chinese rivals such as
Alibaba and Tencent, is perhaps the main reason China is still growing
faster than—and on track to catch up
with—the United States. Already,
China is a leader, if not the leader, in Digital services can
digital technologies from robotics to grow explosively across
artificial intelligence.
Already, copycats of U.S. and Chi- the greenßeld that is
nese Internet companies are providing the developing world.
search, shopping, and other services,
and gaining momentum, everywhere from Asia to South America and
Africa. Catering to local tastes and languages, these regional Internet
giants are rapidly expanding consumer access to finance, shopping,
travel, and other services, while also greatly increasing productivity.
According to the World Bank, the average cost of starting a busi-
ness has not changed since 2003 in developed economies, whereas in
developing economies, it has fallen from 50 percent more than the
average annual income to 60 percent less. Much of this improvement
stems from the fact that entrepreneurs in developing countries can
now launch a business—from landing a loan to taking payments from
customers—on the increasingly ubiquitous smartphone.
Surprisingly, the digital revolution is as advanced in developing
countries as in developed ones, or even more so—and it is spreading
faster. Although no large developing countries are among the world’s
30 richest countries in terms of per capita income, 15 are in the top
30 in terms of the share of economic output that comes from digital
revenue (which includes revenue from e-commerce, e-media, and
e-services of all kinds). China, Indonesia, Colombia, Chile, and In-
dia are all near the top. These economies are already more digitized
than most of their developed rivals.
And in all of them, digital revenue is growing much faster than the
overall economy—in Colombia, Indonesia, and Turkey, more than
The celebration and hype that just a decade ago swirled around hot
emerging markets are not likely to return. Shrinking populations, ris-
ing debt, and declining trade and capital flows are slowing growth in
all economies, developed and developing. As late as 2010, the hottest
emerging economies were still growing at a rate close to ten percent a
year, a pace that will be all but impossible to sustain in a world bur-
dened by depopulation, debt, and deglobalization. But emerging
economies also won’t need to grow that fast to catch up with the West,
whose economies are slowing as well. Even five percent growth could
generate new miracles when the average growth rate in developed
countries has fallen to two percent or less.
The idea of mass convergence captured so many imaginations be-
cause it sketched a new arc for humanity, with fewer failing econo-
mies, less poverty and suffering, and more investment opportunities
in emerging economies. From socialists at Berkeley to capitalists on
Wall Street, everyone could buy into this vision of the future.
Instead, the U.S. economy’s rise in the 2010s, led by a small group
of giant technology firms, left a world more grossly out of balance
and arguably more unfair than ever. Today, the United States accounts
for about a quarter of global GDP, and after sucking up the lion’s share
of investment dollars for the last ten years, it also accounts for 57
114 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Resurgence of the Rest
116 R O R U Ig u Ar rA I R S
Russia’s Weak Strongman
118 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Russia’s Weak Strongman
120 F O R E Ig n Af fA I R S
Russia’s Weak Strongman
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown: Putin in Sochi, Russia, October 2019
the state “adhocracy.” This method of statecraft hides Moscow’s
hand, but it also loosens its grip on policy.
reported that the bureaucracy had implemented just 35 of the 179 de-
crees monitored by his committee in parliament. Autocrats have long
struggled to elicit honest information from their subordinates and
make sure their policies have taken hold, and Putin is no exception.
Imperiled and constrained by the very compromises that enable them to
amass power, personalist autocrats struggle to balance defending against
the two main threats to their rule: coups by the political elite and pro-
tests by the public. Those in the leader’s inner circle typically have a
stake in the regime’s survival. This is true of Putin’s cronies, who have
become rich beyond their dreams. But these elites also pose a potential
threat. Cronies can capture personalist autocrats who lean too heavily
on them for support. Moreover, rare is the political insider who thinks
he could not do a better job than his boss if given the chance. According
to the political scientists Barbara Geddes, Joseph Wright, and Erica
Frantz, between 1945 and 2012, leaders of nondemocracies were more
than twice as likely to be replaced by an elite coup as by a popular revolt.
Autocrats also face threats from below in the form of protests. The
“color revolutions” toppled rulers in Georgia in 2003, Ukraine in 2004,
and Kyrgyzstan in 2005. Few worries animate the Kremlin more than
the possibility of a popular uprising, and many analysts argue that it
was the large protests against corruption and electoral fraud in 2011
and 2012 that prompted the Kremlin to sharply increase the penalties
for attending and organizing protests.
These dual threats put Putin in a bind, because steps that might
reduce the risk of a coup by elites can increase the risk of a popular
revolt, and vice versa. Investment in the security services that buys
the loyalty of elites may necessitate cuts to social services that stoke
popular anger and risk igniting protests. Conversely, generous social
programs that placate the public and forestall a revolt may require
cuts to state spending that anger regime insiders and make a palace
coup more likely. In general, Putin must walk a narrow line between
allowing his cronies to engage in enough corruption and self-dealing
to keep them loyal and promoting sufficiently broad-based economic
growth to keep the public from protesting.
In his first decade in office, high energy prices and sound macro-
economic policy obscured this tradeoff, allowing Putin to reward
both elites and the masses with spectacular increases in income. But
122 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Russia’s Weak Strongman
the days of $100-a-barrel oil and surging living standards are behind
him, and Putin must now choose between rewarding his cronies and
reforming the economy. Infighting among elites, although always
hard to measure, appears to be on the rise as the regime’s economic
largess falls. The last four years have seen a sitting minister of eco-
nomics jailed for bribery, a senator arrested on the 2oor of the Fed-
eral Assembly for murder, and a prominent American businessman
detained for almost two years. Ar-
rests for economic crimes, which are
often a rough proxy for violent cor- Putin has increasingly
porate raids, increased by a third in come to rely on repression
2019. And spats among Russia’s secu-
rity services surged in 2018 and 2019, to neutralize opponents
until the coronavirus pandemic hit. both big and small.
The public, too, is restless. Real
household income fell every year be-
tween 2013 and 2019. Pension reforms shaved 15 percentage points
oR of Putin’s approval rating over the course of 2018, and Russians
routinely cite economic difficulties as their most pressing problem.
The protests in January in support of Navalny, which occurred in
more than 100 cities, were rooted as much in economic dissatisfac-
tion as in opposition to Putin.
Putin faces a similar dilemma in foreign policy. The policies
needed to generate economic dynamism—opening the economy to
foreign trade, reducing corruption, strengthening the rule of law,
increasing competition, and attracting foreign investment—are dif-
ficult to square with his assertive foreign policy, which has benefited
hard-liners in the security agencies and firms in import-competing
sectors. The Kremlin’s more confrontational foreign policy toward
the West has brought Moscow back as a global force and secured
Putin’s place in Russian history, but it has also impeded much-needed
economic reforms that would strengthen the country’s position
abroad over the longer term and satisfy Russian citizens, most of
whom, according to opinion polls, care more about their own living
standards than their country’s great-power status.
Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and intervention in eastern
Ukraine led to U.S. and European sanctions that have further slowed
the economy. These measures have scared oR foreign investors and
reduced Russian access to foreign technology and financing. That
Like all personalist autocrats, Putin has relatively blunt tools for man-
aging the tradeoffs inherent to his position. He has succeeded in exert-
ing control over the media, but he is no master manipulator. If he
were, public opinion would more closely mirror the Kremlin’s line on
foreign policy. Putin’s annexation of Crimea was wildly popular, but
support for using Russian troops in eastern Ukraine and Syria has al-
ways been quite modest. Despite the Kremlin’s harsh anti-Kyiv rheto-
ric, most Russians have a positive view of Ukraine, and just 15 percent
support unification with the country. The Kremlin has also conducted
a noisy anti-American campaign in recent years, but Russians are about
as likely to hold a positive view of the United States as they are to hold
a negative view. According to a January 2020 opinion poll, two-thirds
of Russians believe their government should view the West as a part-
ner rather than a rival or an enemy. Attempts by the Kremlin to shift
blame for Russia’s economic malaise to foreign countries have largely
fallen flat, and few Russians believe that their government is capable
of improving their economic situation. In what Russians call “the bat-
tle between the television and the refrigerator,” the latter is winning.
Part of the Kremlin’s problem is that manipulating information
sometimes backfires. If people believe that the information they re-
ceive is being spun, they will lose confidence in the source. As Rus-
sian television became more politicized over the last decade, Russian
viewers became more skeptical. According to public opinion polls,
124 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Russia’s Weak Strongman
126 F O R E Ig n Af fA I R S
Russia’s Weak Strongman
NICOLE LURIE is Strategic Adviser to the CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
Innovations. She served as Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services during the Obama administration.
JAKOB P. CRAMER is Head of Clinical Development at the Coalition for Epidemic
Preparedness Innovations.
RICHARD J. HATCHETT is CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.
128 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Vaccine Revolution
A series of breakthroughs over the past 60 years made mRNA vac-
cines possible, beginning with the discovery of DNA in the 1950s and
the subsequent unraveling of how the genetic code works. Early at-
tempts to harness mRNA were unsuccessful, largely because mRNA
is relatively unstable. But scientists made a breakthrough in the last
decade. Using nanotechnology, they placed mRNA into a small lipid
particle—essentially, a tiny bubble of fatty acids—and crafted a ver-
sion of that nanoparticle that could safely be injected into humans.
And through innovations in synthetic biology, they found ways to
rapidly manufacture mRNA-based vaccines.
These scientific and technological advances coincided with greater
public interest in devising vaccines against future pandemic patho-
gens. Following the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, the U.S. gov-
ernment, among others, pledged to speed the development of vaccines
and make more versatile vaccine platforms that could swap out one
pathogen for another using the same underlying technology. This re-
solve drew researchers to mRNA-based platforms. Unlike conven-
tional vaccines, mRNA vaccines do not require strains of a virus to be
grown in either eggs or cell culture; they rely instead on a dependable
and quicker process of chemical synthesis.
At the same time, mRNA technology won further financial and in-
stitutional backing from U.S. government agencies and other inves-
tors. In 2017, a group of governments and philanthropic organizations,
including the Wellcome Trust and the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
Vaccines using mRNA launched the Coalition for Epidemic
technology represent an Preparedness Innovations, where we
astonishing scientißc and work, to support the development of
vaccines against pathogens that could
public health achievement. cause epidemics or pandemics, includ-
ing Disease X. Guided by a list of
pathogens with epidemic potential
compiled by the World Health Organization (WHo), cuPI selected the
MURS VIRus, a coronavirus that first appeared in 2012, as one of its pri-
ority pathogens, allocating around $125 million to support the devel-
opment of vaccines against it. That investment paid oR following the
emergence of the covID-19 pandemic. Scientists and vaccine develop-
ers were able to rapidly respond to the new threat by drawing on prior
work on coronavirus vaccines, such as those for MURS, and on earlier
research on mRNA and other vaccine technologies.
Researchers released the genetic sequence of sARS−CoV-2 in Janu-
ary 2020, roughly two weeks after the outbreak was first reported to
the WHo. That sparked a furious scramble to develop vaccines. Unsur-
prisingly, mRNA vaccine candidates were among the first to enter
human trials, with the Moderna vaccine reaching that stage in March
and the Pfizer-BioNTech one in May. In late July, the two mRNA
candidates began Phase 3 trials involving tens of thousands of partici-
pants; by November, results showed that they were both extraordi-
narily eRective. The entire process took roughly 300 days—an
incredibly quick turnaround in the development of a vaccine.
Subsequently, multiple countries have licensed and authorized both
mRNA vaccines, and at the time of this writing, 44 million people have
completed a full immunization, with two doses, in the United States
(around 13 percent of the population). Approximately 60 percent of the
130 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
The Vaccine Revolution
entire population of Israel has received at least one dose of the Pfizer-
BioNTech vaccine, and early data indicate an epidemiologically signifi-
cant reduction in both CoVID-19 illness and the transmission of the virus.
Despite this good news, challenges remain for the first generation of
mRNA vaccines. Both the CoVID-19 pathogen and the vaccines are new,
and researchers do not yet fully understand the nature of the immunity
produced by either natural infection or vaccination; it is unclear, for
example, how long the immunity that prevents CoVID-19 lasts. The vac-
cines also produce some side effects (sore arm, fever, chills, fatigue, and
muscle aches) that, although short-lived, make some people hesitant to
get the shots. The capacity to manufacture these mRNA vaccines is still
limited, and they require cold storage—at extremely low temperatures
in the case of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine—both of which cause logis-
tical headaches in devising mass vaccination campaigns.
Most concerning, new sARS-CoV-2 variants emerged late last year
in Brazil, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere. These
new virus variants are more transmissible and have quickly spread
around the world. Researchers are trying to determine whether they
are also more lethal and whether they render existing vaccines less ef-
fective in real-world settings, as laboratory studies suggest. Scientists
must prepare for the likelihood that new variants of the virus will re-
quire new or adapted vaccines. Like other vaccine producers, mRNA
vaccine developers have begun to ready their platforms to respond to
these new strains; Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech are already creat-
ing booster shots for their vaccines, in the event that they are needed.
This represents a further test of how quickly a new mRNA vaccine
can be developed and manufactured.
132 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Vaccine Revolution
the population, especially older adults. Every year, experts and manu-
facturers attempt to predict the strains of the in2uenza virus that will
most likely be circulating in the subsequent 2u season. It then takes
roughly six months for them to formulate, manufacture, and release a
vaccine. But occasionally, the circulating in2uenza viruses evolve be-
tween the time that vaccine makers get started working with the season’s
vaccine strains and the time they begin to produce the vaccines, with the
process of manufacturing too far along to make another change. When
134 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Vaccine Revolution
136 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Competition With China Can Save the Planet
For a quarter century, the United States and other major powers have
sought to cooperate with China on climate change. Saving the world
from climate change, the argument runs, requires broad international
agreement, and no substantive settlement can exclude the two biggest
players—China and the United States. This multilateral effort has
taken shape under the Un Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UnfCCC), which reached its apogee in 2015 with the signing of the
Paris climate agreement. The deal hinged on China and the United
States—the two biggest emitters—coming to terms.
The two countries’ bilateral negotiations in advance of the Paris
meeting culminated in China committing to the following key
items: reducing its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 60
to 65 percent from its 2005 level by 2030; starting a national system
by 2017 to cap carbon emissions in key energy-intensive heavy in-
dustrial sectors and to incentivize emission reductions by forcing
companies to buy and sell permits to emit; prioritizing the develop-
ment of renewable energy sources; and aiming to reach peak carbon
dioxide emissions by “around 2030,” after which those emissions
would decline. These targets were not especially ambitious, and yet
Beijing has still generally fallen short of them—for instance, it
launched a national emission-trading scheme on only a limited basis
and about four years behind schedule. Tellingly, the government
138 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Competition With China Can Save the Planet
140 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Competition With China Can Save the Planet
China’s climate diplomacy stands at a great remove from this carbona-
ceous industrial reality. Chinese leaders insist that their country is
committed to fighting climate change, pointing to its considerable
investments in renewable energy and its efforts to boost power gen-
eration through nuclear, natural gas, wind, and solar sources. China’s
power generation investments on their face suggest that coal might be
yielding to these renewables. Between 2014 and 2020, the country
added 235 gigawatts of solar power capacity and 205 gigawatts of wind
power capacity, according to China’s National Energy Administra-
tion, a combined sum nearly twice as large as the roughly 225 net
gigawatts of coal power station capacity added during that time.
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Competition With China Can Save the Planet
144 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Competition With China Can Save the Planet
China’s strong structural incentives to continue using coal on a mas-
sive scale imperil the prospects of climate negotiations. A more suc-
cessful path runs not to a negotiating table but through the arena of
competition. The need for this shift is now acute: a cooperation-first
approach in which Beijing sets the fundamental terms is doomed to
146 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Competition With China Can Save the Planet
what is, in effect, a tax on energy inputs. Other countries in the car-
bon alliance could adopt a similar approach to convince their respec-
tive societies of the merits of carbon taxation.
The implications for Chinese firms would be more severe. To remain
competitive, Chinese industrial players would be incentivized to invest
in new energy sources and cleaner, greener manufacturing processes.
This would, in turn, push China toward a less carbon-intensive economic
model. At that point, the United States and its allies would already have
a mechanism in place to make sure that Beijing remained committed to
decarbonization—the ability to increase carbon tax rates to counter Chi-
nese backsliding. And for its part, China would be far less able to weap-
onize climate change negotiations at the expense of the global commons.
A climate competition strategy of this kind would also suit the
Biden administration’s domestic priorities. A carbon tax with border
adjustment provisions would bring manufacturing jobs back to the
United States and boost the various other industries that support pro-
duction activities. It would encourage the deployment of technologies
that seek to prevent emissions from reaching the atmosphere—direct
air capture; soil-based sequestration; and other carbon capture, utiliza-
tion, and storage practices and technologies—which would keep do-
mestic oil and gas production viable in an emission-constrained world.
Carbon taxation would also stimulate the greater development of wind
and solar energy and of small modular nuclear reactors, and potentially
even the development of geothermal energy. As such, it would help
strengthen and even expand the abundance of U.S. domestic energy
sources needed to fuel the manufacturing renaissance the Biden ad-
ministration clearly seeks. Together, these advantageous effects would
help ensure the domestic support necessary to sustain carbon taxation
over the long term and reassure other countries that the United States
can remain a committed partner for the decades that will likely be
needed to make a lasting transition to a lower-emission world.
148 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Competition With China Can Save the Planet
can use climate negotiations to demand that the United States and
others accommodate Chinese economic, political, and security im-
peratives in exchange for promises that will likely remain unfulfilled.
To force meaningful change, the United States must build a climate
coalition to put pressure on China and its exporters. Such action could
bolster reformers in China by allowing them to advocate deeper and
faster decarbonization on the grounds that it would increase China’s
national competitiveness. The pressure created by a carbon taxation
regime among industrialized democracies would help empower Chi-
na’s domestic energy-transition advocates against opponents who seek
to keep the country’s energy sources rooted in near-term local im-
peratives that foster continued dependence on coal.
Climate competition will allow the United States to win twice,
thwarting both Chinese coercion and potentially irreversible ecologi-
cal damage. Negotiating proactively with China cannot curtail cli-
mate change; Beijing would impose unacceptable costs while failing
to deliver on its end of any bargain. Only a united climate coalition
has the potential to bring China to the table for productive negotia-
tions, rather than the extractive ones it currently pursues. And only
the bottom line—not moral exhortations—will convince China to
mend its ways and seriously cut its emissions.∂
T ous hit over the past four years. Former U.S. President Don-
ald Trump’s strident “America first” foreign policy is partly to
blame, but so are his attacks on democracy and human rights, both
internationally and domestically. Abroad, Trump set the cause of hu-
man rights back by embracing authoritarians and alienating democratic
allies. At home, he launched an assault on the electoral process, en-
couraged a failed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, and systematically
undermined civil rights protections, leaving his successor to grapple
with multiple, overlapping human rights crises. As if that were not
enough, a host of other problems await, from the pandemic to increas-
ing competition with China and the overall decline of American power.
Some pundits have argued that faced with this five-alarm fire, Pres-
ident Joe Biden cannot aRord to focus on human rights at the expense
of more pressing domestic and global matters. In fact, the reverse is
true. U.S. soft power and national security have always rested in part
on the country’s commitment to human rights and democracy. If
Washington wants to recover lost ground, it cannot aRord to ignore
this crucial dimension of American power.
Restoring that commitment, history has shown, will require im-
provements not just to U.S. foreign policy but also to the country’s
domestic record on human rights. During the Cold War, racial segre-
gation in the United States outraged leaders from newly decolonized
KATHRYN SIKKINK is Ryan Family Professor of Human Rights Policy at the Harvard
Kennedy School.
150 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Practice What You Preach
countries and stained the United States’ global image. But the civil
rights movement and the enactment of landmark legislation against
discrimination later enhanced U.S. credibility in the eyes of the world.
In the 1980s, a Russian dissident lawyer and an Argentine human
rights activist separately told us that each had been infuriated by the
Vietnam War and the Watergate crisis, only to have their admiration
for the United States rekindled as they watched the American politi-
cal and judicial systems respond to the Nixon administration’s abuses
of power and violations of civil liberties.
Today, as then, the world is watching the United States’ next steps
closely. And once again, the country has a moral obligation to build
and restore at home the human rights values it seeks to advance
abroad, as well as a national security interest in doing so, particularly
when geopolitical competition between China and the United States
is likely to focus increasingly on competing values, not just economic
and military issues. Tackling systemic racism at home, therefore, is
not only the right policy ethically; it would also give Washington
more authority to speak out against genocide and human rights abuses
faced by racial and religious minorities abroad, such as the Uyghurs in
China and the Rohingya in Myanmar.
To regain the soft power it has squandered, the United States must
first address its own human rights crisis. That means dealing with
racialized police violence, unequal opportunity, voter suppression,
and the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on minority and
disadvantaged communities. Doing so would allow the Biden admin-
istration to develop an international human rights agenda that paral-
lels and draws credibility from its program to advance human rights
at home. If the United States can practice what it preaches, it will
have a renewed opportunity to advance the cause of human rights
globally, to the benefit of its interests and in line with its values.
nity, freedom of speech, and privacy are all “essential American rights.”
The same goes for health care, education, employment, and clean air
and water. But only 20 percent of Americans believe these rights are
very secure today—and a majority agree that neither the government
nor citizens themselves are doing a good job upholding them. It would
be unrealistic to expect that the Biden administration can undo that
perception straight away, as a polarized political environment will
make structural change difficult to enact. But major improvements in
areas such as racial equality, equal opportunity, voting rights, criminal
justice, and immigration are both urgent and possible.
Moving forward on racial justice should be a top priority. The sur-
vey found that six out of ten Americans agree that “structural racism
makes it difficult to get ahead,” and a similar percentage believe that
“Black people and some other racial minorities are targets of racism in
policing.” To change this, the new administration must broaden fed-
eral civil rights laws and apply them aggressively. It should reinstate
the “disparate impact” standard, which requires government officials
and private companies to prove that their policies and practices do not
have racially discriminatory effects. Through an executive order,
Biden could also require public and private recipients of federal funds
to demonstrate how they will prevent discrimination and guarantee
equal access as a condition for receiving that money.
The criminal justice system is rife with racial discrimination at ev-
ery step, from policing and arrests to bail, sentencing, and incarcera-
tion. The United States currently imprisons over two million
people—who make up a shocking 22 percent of the global prison pop-
ulation—and 60 percent are people of color. The number one goal in
this area must therefore be to reduce mass incarceration. Federal sup-
port should go to state and local government programs that emphasize
crime prevention, mediation, racial fairness, and police accountability
instead of aggressive, military-style policing. Biden reportedly plans
to halt federal transfers of military-grade weaponry to local police
departments. But his administration should push for sentencing re-
form, too, and move to eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for
marijuana and other drug-possession offenses. It should also expand
the First Step Act, a federal law enacted in 2018 with bipartisan sup-
port that takes modest steps toward sentencing and prison reform.
Other forms of discrimination should not be left out of the picture.
Last year, the Supreme Court ruled that discrimination on the basis of
152 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Practice What You Preach
154 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Practice What You Preach
law obligate the United States to protect the rights and safety of refu-
gees, and the Supreme Court has ruled that migrants seeking to re-
main in the country have a right to due process under the U.S.
Constitution. In sharp contrast to the Trump administration’s extreme
anti-immigrant policies and practices (which violated both interna-
tional and domestic refugee law), a majority of Americans in the Har-
vard survey agreed that “immigrants facing persecution or violence in
their home countries have a right to seek asylum in the US” and that
“new immigrants are good for the US.”
Many of Trump’s restrictive immigration policies were promulgated
by executive order and can be rescinded the same way—a process that
Biden has already begun. An early Biden executive order ended the
forced separation of migrant children from their families. Biden also
reversed Trump’s ban on immigration from primarily Muslim countries
and halted construction of the border wall, among other steps. Mean-
while, the Biden administration is proposing legislation to overhaul the
U.S. immigration system, develop a pathway to citizenship for millions
of qualifying immigrants, and address the root causes of immigration
from Central America—although doing all of this while managing the
current surge of migrants at the border will be challenging.
Attention to human rights reform at home will boost the United States’
international standing, allowing Washington to once again make human
rights a central element both in its bilateral relationships and within mul-
tilateral institutions and alliances. As on the home front, a rights-centered
foreign policy should start by reversing actions that turned the United
States from a guardian of human rights into a violator in the eyes of the
rest of the world. Trump’s embrace of authoritarian leaders, from Russian
President Vladimir Putin to Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, Viktor
Orban of Hungary, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, was particu-
larly damaging. So was his continued, unquestioning support of Saudi
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after the murder, ordered by the
crown prince himself, of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, not to mention
his backing of Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in the brutal civil war
in Yemen. In undoing this disastrous legacy, Biden should place special
emphasis on the rights of women and LGBTQ people. He has already
rescinded the “global gag rule,” which blocked U.S. funding for nongov-
ernmental organizations that provide abortion counseling or referrals.
156 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Practice What You Preach
tion to enforce human rights abroad. In fact, war is the factor that
correlates most closely with human rights violations, and the use of
force is risky as a tool to advance human rights. Besides, some past
interventions—above all in Iraq—have caused Americans to sour on
promoting democracy and human rights through the barrel of a gun.
Instead, the United States should work to gain back lost trust by
rededicating itself to the development of international human rights
law. Given the current composition of the U.S. Senate, it is unlikely
that the United States will soon ratify the international human rights
treaties that it has already signed, such as the Convention on the Elim-
ination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the Conven-
tion on the Rights of the Child, and the Convention on the Rights of
Persons With Disabilities. Nevertheless, the Biden administration
should endorse their ratification and try to build bipartisan support for
them by appealing to U.S. international credibility and national secu-
rity. Early Senate ratification of the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court is even less likely, but the Biden administration must
rescind Trump’s executive order authorizing sanctions against officials
of the court, an order that is currently impeding their work.
At the Un, the United States should rejoin the Human Rights
Council, the Un’s main forum for political discussions on human
rights. Although the council’s current members include authoritarian
countries and notorious human rights abusers, rejoining and support-
ing democratic allies is a better option than ceding the floor to China,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, and other authoritarian powers that fill the void
when the United States is out of the room.
The United States should also reengage with the Inter-American Hu-
man Rights System, especially the Inter-American Commission on Hu-
man Rights, which works with the Organization of American States. The
commission could play an important role in addressing the repression
that is a root cause of emigration from Central America and Venezuela.
In recent years, however, it has come under attack from left- and right-
wing governments alike: Nicaragua and Venezuela have sought to weaken
the commission because they reject its criticisms of their human rights
records, and the U.S. government cut its funding after nine Republican
senators falsely claimed that the commission promoted the legalization of
abortion. As a group of former U.S. commissioners to the IACHR argued
afterward, cutting funding was “ill-advised as a matter of both law and
our bipartisan national commitment to democracy and human rights.”
158 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Practice What You Preach
160 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Return to Table of Contents
At the beginning of her career, nothing would have seemed less plau-
sible than that Merkel would become Germany’s eighth chancellor,
the successor to a line of hard-drinking, smoking, womanizing, and
generally scenery-chewing Big Men of West German politics. When
the Berlin Wall came down, in 1989, Merkel was a divorced 35-year-
old quantum chemist working at an academic research institute in
East Berlin. She had just joined the Christian Democratic Union
(CDU), when she was picked by Kohl for the most patronizing job in
the chancellor’s first post-reunification cabinet: minister for women
and youth. She was as unmemorable there as she was in her next job,
minister for the environment. Kohl, busy burnishing his legacy and
weeding out rivals, referred to her as “das Mädchen” (“that girl”).
But when Kohl found himself embroiled in a party financing scan-
dal in 1999, it was Merkel, and not one of the half-dozen young con-
servatives circling the old man, who felled him with a piece on the
front page of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany’s conservative
daily, that called for his resignation as honorary chair of the party.
This audacious patricide led to her election as head of the party. Six
years later, in 2005, she became the first East German, and the first
woman, to be elected chancellor.
Since then, Merkel has weathered a punishing series of domestic
and external upheavals, including the 2008 financial crisis and the
ensuing eurozone meltdown, Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea
and invasion of Ukraine, the 2015 refugee crisis, the subsequent me-
teoric rise of the far-right party Alternative for Germany, and now
the CoVID-19 pandemic. She has been in power longer than any of
her peers in the major industrialized countries, with the sole excep-
tion of Vladimir Putin. This has enabled her to broker countless
compromises at eU, G-7, and G-20 summits, as well as to hold to-
gether four coalition governments at home (three with the center-
162 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Singular Chancellor
their old Berlin apartment rather than the official residence; the only
visible security is a police officer in front of the building. To the ap-
proval of Berliners, Merkel is sometimes seen walking in the city
center or shopping in a supermarket, trailed by her bodyguards.
Arguably, Merkel’s unpretentiousness is itself a calculated expres-
sion of power. One German described her to me as a walking force
field: “In conversation, you know you’re being subjected to a quiet,
all-encompassing scrutiny, all the time.” Another person remembers
a meeting Merkel had with then U.S. Vice President Joe Biden in
Berlin in 2013. The chancellor waved away his attempts to charm her
and pursued her agenda points until she was satisfied that she had
nailed down what she needed to know. Then she canceled her next
appointment to continue the conversation. “He ended up telling her
about looking into the Russian president’s eyes and saying, ‘I can
look into your soul, and I don’t like it,’ which she countered with an
absolutely spot-on impression of Putin.”
Merkel’s work ethic is as legendary as her wicked sense of humor,
her command of her briefs, and her appetite for information and argu-
ments. An American who witnessed some of her phone conversations
with U.S. President Barack Obama told me that “they sounded like a
graduate seminar.” Her ministers fear her ferociously retentive mem-
ory for the details of their portfolios—including the particulars of
complex technical and scientific issues, such as trade, digital technol-
ogy, and, lately, the pandemic. But what really makes Merkel stand
out from her peers is her ability to hold on to power against all odds.
One of the most distinctive features of her method is her anti-
oratorical speaking style, which anesthetizes commentators and diplo-
mats alike. She can deliver devastating zingers in a parliamentary
debate or an interview when she wants to. When a talk-show host once
portentously asked her what qualities she associated with Germany,
Merkel dryly answered, “Well-sealed windows.” But her default delivery
mode is what Germans now call merkeln: so deadpan and convoluted
that it’s impossible to pin her down. Behind the style, however, is what
German strategists have called “asymmetric demobilization”: dull the
issues, depoliticize conflicts, and thus keep the opponent’s voters from
going to the polls. This approach has enabled Merkel to modernize her
conservative party, dragging it into the political center, pushing her
Social Democratic and Free Democratic coalition partners to the side-
lines, and co-opting elements of their platforms, such as tax benefits
for parents or a statutory minimum wage.
A second key aspect of the way Merkel manages power is that she
devolves responsibility but tightly limits trust. The chancellor’s in-
nermost circle consists of a very small team of loyalists with whom
she has worked for years (in some cases decades) and in whose discre-
tion and discipline she can place absolute confidence. Everyone else,
from cabinet members to party functionaries, is kept on a long leash.
Success is rewarded with approval and credit. But those who trip or
164 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Singular Chancellor
With Germany’s election drawing closer, what has become of all that
political capital? What will Merkel’s legacy be—and will she deserve
to be called a great chancellor?
Three of Germany’s eight postwar chancellors deserve that title.
Konrad Adenauer’s claim to greatness was Westbindung—anchoring
the young West German republic in the transatlantic alliance by join-
ing nATo and reconciling with France and Israel. Willy Brandt’s en-
during legacy was Ostpolitik: asking forgiveness from Eastern Europe,
falling to his knees in the Warsaw ghetto, and seeking détente with
the Soviet Union. Helmut Kohl steered the two Germanies to reuni-
fication and gave up the deutsche mark for the sake of a common
currency, the euro, rooting the reunified country in an enlarging eU.
Merkel unquestionably transformed Germany’s post–Cold War
politics, liberalized her party, presided over an extraordinary expan-
sion of German economic and political power in Europe, and did
much to defend the European political project. And yet her claims to
greatness are inconclusive, perhaps because so many of the signifi-
cant achievements of her tenure have come with a darker underside.
Prior to the CoVID-19 pandemic, the Merkel era saw Germany’s
economy roar back from a deep malaise to become the world’s fourth
largest, with sharply rising living standards, near-full employment,
and historic government budget surpluses. Her economic policies
were notably business-friendly, but they failed to push for urgently
required technological adaptation in key industries or the modern-
ization of physical and digital infrastructure. A series of scandals—
from the car industry’s manipulation of emission data (“Dieselgate”)
to the fraudulent insolvency of the payment processor Wirecard—
have revealed a deeply flawed corporate culture and a resistance to
accountability and oversight. This makes the German economy
highly vulnerable to illicit financial flows, a favorite tool of organized
crime, extremists, and authoritarian adversaries.
Merkel made an early bid for the title of “climate chancellor” with
her strong advocacy of progressive global climate policies. But her
domestic climate policies have become embroiled in the many con-
tradictions of her energy policy: her swerve away from nuclear power
in 2011 only intensified Germany’s dependence on coal, and despite
spending a fortune on subsidies for renewables, the country has had
trouble meeting its international emission targets.
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The Singular Chancellor
168 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Singular Chancellor
developments have led the German political class to make a bleak reas-
sessment of the relationship with Moscow. Merkel has sharply
condemned the Kremlin for the assassination attempt against Navalny
and had him brought to Berlin for treatment, and she has backed new
uU sanctions against senior Russians in response. Yet she has refused—
despite massive pressure from the Trump and Biden administrations—
to wield the biggest stick in her arsenal
and suspend the Gazprom pipeline proj- Nothing has been quite as
ect Nord Stream 2, which is intended to
bring Russian natural gas to Germany, excruciating for Merkel as
circumventing Ukrainian and Polish having to deal with a
transit routes. hostile United States under
Similarly, China’s ruthless authori-
tarianism under President Xi Jinping, President Donald Trump.
persecution of the Uyghurs and of ac-
tivists, drive for regional hegemony, crackdown on Hong Kong,
threats toward Taiwan, and confrontational diplomacy in Europe
have also hardened attitudes in Berlin. Owing to cybersecurity con-
cerns, the German government is planning new restrictions on tele-
communications providers that would eRectively bar the Chinese
company Huawei from the country’s 5G network. In September
2020, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, got an unusual public scold-
ing in Berlin from his host and German counterpart, Heiko Maas,
who told him, “We oRer our international partners respect, and we
expect the exact same from them.” Growing numbers of representa-
tives in the Bundestag have demanded a tougher line on China. Yet
when Germany held the rotating UU presidency in the second half of
2020, Merkel pushed through a Chinese-UU investment agreement
despite loud concern on both sides of the Atlantic.
Nothing, however, has been quite as excruciating for Merkel as
having to deal with a hostile United States under President Donald
Trump. As a young woman in East Germany, she dreamed of travel-
ing to America; in 1993, she spent four weeks touring California
with the man who would become her second husband. As chancellor,
she became a dedicated transatlanticist, even defending President
George W. Bush’s war in Iraq. Obama appeared to her to be a light-
weight at first, but she grew genuinely close to him; it was Obama
who urged her to run for a fourth term because of the risk to Europe
from Trump. Trump turned out to harbor a relentless animosity to-
ward the eU, Germany, and the chancellor. In May 2017, after Trump’s
first appearance at a G-7 summit, Merkel told a campaign audience
in a Bavarian beer tent, “The era in which we could fully rely on oth-
ers is over to some extent.”
Merkel welcomed Biden’s election with warmth (and palpable re-
lief). Her defense minister, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who shares
her views on the importance of the alliance with the United States,
keeps pushing for greater defense spending and a more forward-leaning
German military posture. But it is also true that Germany’s security
capabilities have been woefully underfunded for far too long. Like
Merkel’s dithering over standing up to Moscow and Beijing, German
military weakness has undercut the security of Europe and nATo.
The darkening geopolitical landscape and the menace of the extreme
right appear to have unleashed something in Merkel. According to a
Der Spiegel story, she spoke to her party’s parliamentary group in
2018 about the bloody wars of religion that followed the Reforma-
tion. The ensuing more than six decades of peace, Merkel said, lulled
Europeans into a false sense of security, making them unprepared
for what came next: the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48), which killed
up to a third of the population in some parts of German lands. To
reinforce the message, she added, “More than 70 years have also
passed since the end of World War II.”
When the pandemic began, Merkel was one of the first leaders to
grasp that it could become a modern-day version of these early catas-
trophes. On March 18, 2020, the chancellor told a stunned nation in
a televised address: “This is serious. You should take it seriously, too.
Since German unification—no, since World War II—there has been
no challenge like this one, where our common solidarity matters so
much.” At first, it seemed as though her country had heeded her; in
the spring and summer, German policymakers acted swiftly, deci-
sively, and in unison. While the virus raged elsewhere, caseloads in
Germany stayed low, and the country began to reopen. Germany—
and Merkel—was being hailed as a shining example of leadership.
But now it appears that Merkel the scientist, crisis manager, and
compromise broker is facing her greatest failure at home. Warnings
(including hers) of a second pandemic wave were ignored. The result
was a horrific winter spike; as of March 2021, the national death toll
170 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Singular Chancellor
172 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
It isn’t just illiberal leaders who can be
blamed for democratic backsliding;
they are aided by supportive publics.
– Pippa Norris
174 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Voters Against Democracy
underestimate the role of broader shifts undermining free and fair elections and
in the electorate and the failure of independent legislatures. Partisans
political institutions. It isn’t just illib- holding elected office are complicit,
eral leaders who can be blamed for failing to curb the leaders’ attacks on
backsliding; they are aided by suppor- the rule of law or their manipulations of
tive publics and flawed institutions. electoral rules. This process, Haggard
and Kaufman claim, disorients the
DEMOCRACIES IN DISARRAY public, who cannot see the damage to
Haggard and Kaufman compare 16 democracy until it is too late.
diverse cases of democratic backsliding, In Hungary, for example, the authors
including Brazil, Greece, Nicaragua, date backsliding back to 2010, when
Russia, and the United States. They Orban’s party, Fidesz, won a landslide
selected states that had at least eight victory. Soon after taking office, Orban
consecutive years of electoral democ- revised the constitution and electoral
racy from 1974 to 2019 and a statisti- law, which allowed him to consolidate
cally significant decline in liberal his power in elections held in 2014 and
democracy, as measured by data col- 2018. Orban encroached on the news
lected by the Varieties of Democracy media’s independence, restricted the
project. The authors define backsliding judiciary, and limited political rights
precisely but narrowly. It most com- and civil liberties—all the while stoking
monly occurs, they say, when autocrats resentment against migrants. Orban
who have been voted into executive claimed that he and he alone reflected
office gradually undermine electoral “true” democracy, responding to the
integrity, curtail political rights and will of the public by defending Hun-
civil liberties, and erode horizontal gary against the eU and what he viewed
checks on their power. Thus, cases in as its lax policy on immigration.
which democracies collapsed for other In the United States, Trump won the
reasons, such as a military coup, a civil White House by exploiting party
war, or a foreign military intervention, polarization over cultural values. Once
are excluded from the study, since in office, he deepened partisan divisions
these are less common today. in Congress and among the electorate.
The authors sketch out a particular He worsened us-versus-them rifts on a
pathway for backsliding. First, autocrats range of issues, such as immigration,
exploit political polarization to win race, religion, and nationalism. Trump
executive office. They heighten tensions also eroded Republican trust in the
over cultural issues, making rhetorical legitimate authority of democratic
appeals that emphasize us-versus-them institutions that counterbalance the
divisions between the “real people” and executive. He regularly attacked the
foreigners, immigrants, and racial, media and complained about the
ethnic, or religious minorities, as well as judiciary. He largely bypassed Con-
powerful elites and political opponents. gress, governing instead through
Then, to expand their powers, these Twitter attacks, executive orders, and
leaders incrementally assault core the appointment of officials in “acting”
democratic institutions, especially by roles not confirmed by the Senate. He
also sowed mistrust of elections, culmi- grew before autocrats came to power in
nating in the brazen attack by his Greece, Hungary, and Poland, but not in
supporters on the Capitol. Perhaps Nicaragua, Russia, and Turkey. In
more disturbing, far from retreating to Bolivia and Zambia, the old party
a quiet retirement in Mar-a-Lago, system broke down and new contenders
Trump signaled in a February speech at filled the vacuum, whereas in Turkey
the Conservative Political Action and the United States, an existing party
Conference that he intends to continue became more extreme. Immigration
to lead the GOP. He lambasted Biden’s sharply divided several countries in
record, attacked the congressional Europe, but in different ways. Some,
Republicans who supported his im- such as Greece and Turkey, were directly
peachment, and hinted that he may affected by the flood of migrants from
even run for president again in 2024. Afghanistan and Syria that began around
Yet this raises a question: Does the 2014, whereas others, such as Hungary
theory presented in Backsliding reflect a and Poland, absorbed fewer refugees.
rationalization of the Orban and Trump Certain backsliders, notably Russia, also
cases, or can it indeed explain democratic faced economic crises, whereas others,
decline elsewhere in the world? The such as Poland, experienced strong
Hungarian and American stories encap- economic growth before slipping. In
sulate Haggard and Kaufman’s theory. other words, it’s complicated.
Yet there’s reason to doubt whether that
narrative, focused as it is on supply-side SUPPLY AND DEMAND
factors, can provide a comprehensive One limitation of the book is that
explanation of democratic decline Haggard and Kaufman rely on just 16
elsewhere in the world. The role of cases. Had they included more, they
leaders may indeed be important, but if could have overcome tricky analytic
so, it is unclear why a series of leaders issues, giving their study more power
sharing similar illiberal values and and thus a greater ability to generalize
practices should emerge during the last across time and space. At the same
decade in so many diverse countries time, the short volume contains too
around the world. Is this just coinci- many dissimilar countries to allow for
dence? Some contagion effects may be detailed historical case studies of
expected; hence, Trump’s ascension backsliding. Another limitation is that
through illiberal tactics may have em- the authors stretch the concept of
boldened others—such as Bolsonaro, certain key terms to fit their cases. They
elected in 2018—to follow a similar apply the label “autocrat” to leaders in
playbook. But most of the illiberal their cases of backsliding, but this is a
leaders in Backsliding rose to power many circular explanation. Some of their
years before Trump, so the timing measurements are suspect, too. To
suggests that something else is at work. gauge polarization, they rely on online
The authors are careful to qualify surveys of experts who estimate the
their claims, acknowledging the high degree of societal polarization and the
diversity in their cases. For instance, extent of antigovernment social move-
they suggest that party polarization ments. But these are vague and impres-
176 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Voters Against Democracy
sionistic measurements that are as likely corrupt and legitimate authority lies
to be colored by the outcome being with the virtuous people. Just as a fish
studied—backsliding—as they are to rots from the head, the argument
represent an objective prior condition. runs, so democracy collapses under
An even bigger problem is that the pressure from the top.
authors treat polarization as exogenous, Yet this theory does not allow that
rather than explaining the roots of large swaths of the public may hold
these divisions in economic or cultural authoritarian values. Sometimes, people
cleavages in the electorate. Their really do want leaders who prioritize order
explanation reflects a supply-side and security from outside threats, adhere
approach, which focuses on how illiberal to traditional norms, and promise to
leaders contribute to backsliding. defend the tribe. That is why hate groups
Haggard and Kaufman give primacy to and extremists have risen across Europe
the capacity of illiberal leaders to and why Trump’s supporters managed to
corrupt democratic norms and the take over the Republican Party.
acquiescence of legislative elites in this An alternative account emphasizes
process. In their words, “Backsliding . . . demand-side forces, as well as institu-
is ultimately the result of the actions of tional factors. Illiberal leaders usually
autocrats who gain executive office and arise where there are deep social divi-
control over the legislature.” The book sions combined with winner-take-all
essentially reflects a “great man” theory majoritarian institutions that fail to
of history—tempting, given the amount reflect minority views. From this view-
of attention paid to Orban, Putin, point, loosely derived from the classic
Trump, and their ilk. work of the political scientist Arend
By contrast, Haggard and Kaufman Lijphart, leaders are the product, as
treat demand-side factors, the forces much as the driver, of the mismatch
that allow illiberal leaders to rise, as sec- between social cleavages and political
ondary. They assume a limited role for institutions. As Lijphart has argued,
the public: voters provide a market for homogeneous societies with few major
illiberal political appeals, sending cleavages—such as the United Kingdom
illiberal leaders into office, but then are in the 1950s and 1960s—can sustain
seen as passively accepting the conse- flourishing liberal democracies despite
quences. At that point, the autocratic majoritarian rules. But in states riven by
leaders are thought to take over, duping deep cultural or social divisions, he
ordinary citizens into gradually giving warned, democratic instability and
up their democratic rights and free- conflict arise when leaders attempt to
doms, especially when the leaders govern through majoritarian institutions,
control the flow of information. Hag- including winner-take-all elections for
gard and Kaufman assume that ordinary legislative and executive office.
citizens are committed to liberal
democracy but disengaged, allowing DIVIDED WE FALL
power-hungry elites to corrupt the The United States exemplifies the prob-
process. The theory thereby echoes lem well. Since the 1980s, societal
populist notions that elites are deeply polarization has grown between liberals
and conservatives over such issues as led the Parliament to pass a citizenship
racial justice, immigration, abortion, law that discriminates against Muslims.
and gay rights, with growing progres- In each case, the tensions cannot be
sive values among the left catalyzing a resolved through compromise; instead,
cultural backlash on the right. Mean- majoritarian electoral institutions
while, the country’s majoritarian empower authoritarian populist leaders
institutions have become more dysfunc- to threaten minority rights.
tional. The Senate vastly overrepresents Such divisions do not account for
rural states. Gerrymandered districts, every case of backsliding. The regres-
primaries, and winner-take-all elections sion in Venezuela is probably best
provide incentives for candidates to explained by the lasting influence of
appeal mainly to the party faithful. The Hugo Chávez, Ukraine’s slippage is
Electoral College allows candidates to partly a product of Russian interfer-
win the White House with less than 50 ence, and Egypt and Myanmar have
percent of the popular vote. Partisan their powerful militaries to blame. But
polarization plus outdated institutions generally speaking, the countries at the
is a fatal combination. It undermines highest risk of backsliding are those
social tolerance, bipartisan cooperation, where societies and parties are polar-
and democratic norms. Republican ized over liberal-conservative cultural
legislators—in thrall to a white, rural values and where the institutions do not
base that feels threatened by demo- accommodate these rifts.
graphic and ideological shifts—remain What can be done? Cultural polariza-
powerful enough to seek to bend the tion is extremely difficult to overcome,
rules in their favor. Since the 2020 particularly in the short term. The most
election, 33 state legislatures have effective strategy for reform is to
introduced more than 250 bills to make strengthen liberal democratic institu-
voting less convenient, restrict voter tions and thereby increase the incen-
registration, and purge electoral rolls, tives for politicians to follow democratic
all attempts to suppress voting rights norms. Of course, the dilemma is that
among communities of color. in many places, the authoritarian
The same pattern has repeated itself populists have already taken power and
elsewhere. In the United Kingdom, the can use it to veto democratic reforms.
battle over Brexit revealed bitter divi- In this regard, the prospects for reform
sions between the Leave and the Remain do not seem rosy.∂
camps. In Hungary, Orban’s government
used the issue of migration to stoke
xenophobic fears and challenge the eU,
even though the country has relatively
few immigrants. In France, debates over
the role of Islam and French identity
have fueled support for the far-right
party the National Rally. Hindu nation-
alism in India has exacerbated mob
violence against Muslim minorities and
178 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Return to Table of Contents
Many did not like it one bit. In blocks as I slumped in the back seat,
2008, a wave of major protests broke hiding my face by pretending to be
out in the buildup to the 50th anniver- asleep and bundled up against the cold.
sary of the young Dalai Lama’s flight. But it soon became clear that it would
The protests reflected not just anger only be a matter of time before we would
over Chinese efforts to dilute local get stopped or arrested, so we diverted to
culture and weaken the hold of Tibetan circuitous and mountainous secondary
Buddhism but also fears that the roads, only to discover that such routes
revered Dalai Lama would die in exile would take immeasurably longer to
and Beijing would seek outright traverse. We finally turned back after
control of the religion by naming his learning that authorities had detained a
successor. Despite the CCP’s efforts to few foreign reporters who had found their
tamp down dissent in Tibet, the unrest way through the lockdown, making it
caught Beijing by surprise and spread clear how unlikely it would be for us to
with remarkable speed. Soon, large gain access to any place where the protests
portions of neighboring Sichuan or self-immolations were occurring.
Province were also engulfed by demon- Elsewhere, I was able to collect plenty of
strations, led by saffron-robed monks accounts of Tibetan disaffection and
and nuns who filed out of their monas- disgruntlement toward the Chinese
teries to launch sit-down protests in government. But there was no denying
the center of the region’s cities and that Beijing had succeeded in keeping
towns. In perhaps the most radical people like me away from the frontlines.
form of nonviolent protest imaginable, Memories of this struggle for access
others performed spectacular acts of came flooding back to me as I read
self-immolation, lighting themselves Barbara Demick’s recent book, Eat the
on fire in public squares. Buddha. (The title refers to desperately
At the time, I was a China-based hungry Red Army troops in Tibet who,
foreign correspondent for The New during the civil war, sometimes looted
York Times. As I watched the uprising Buddhist monasteries and ate religious
spread, I did everything I could to get statues made of flour and butter.) More
to Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, where than any other non-Chinese journalist
the unrest had started. I flew to of this generation, Demick has man-
Chengdu, the booming capital of aged to overcome Beijing’s restrictions
Sichuan, and hired a car with the idea and penetrate the Tibetan world, to
of driving northwest into heavily linger in it and to bring its people
Tibetan areas. From the reports of vividly to life on the page. Demick has
other colleagues, I knew this wouldn’t made a special vocation of such feats,
be simple. Chinese police had set up including as chronicled in her 2009
checkpoints on the major highways book, Nothing to Envy, one of the most
leading into Sichuan’s Tibetan heart- deeply reported studies of North Korea,
land and were turning foreign report- a place even more closely guarded and
ers back. For one long night, I rode closed off to foreigners than Tibet.
with a Chinese colleague and my As resourceful and inspired as her
driver. We passed through a few road- reporting is, her book’s overall message is
180 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
A Prison Called Tibet
Highly charged: a Tibetan Buddhist monk in China’s Sichuan Province, October 2015
long, dusty coats and flat lace-up ted suicide by jumping off a bridge
shoes. The fact that it was frequently after his wife disappeared under suspi-
raining allowed me to add an umbrella cious circumstances.
to hide behind.” This got her past Gonpo, then in high school, went into
roadblocks and other snares the authori- internal exile in Xinjiang. There, the
ties had set up to keep out foreign former Tibetan princess milked cows and
reporters. Many journalists consider worked the fields. She eventually met
proficiency in Chinese a prerequisite for and married a man from China’s ethnic
successful reporting from China, but Han majority and went on to work for
Demick turned her limited command of the government for several years in the
Mandarin to her advantage, often eastern Chinese city of Nanjing, winning
staying silent or playing uncomprehend- commendations for her performance.
ing when vehicles she rode in were In 1988, a desire to rediscover
stopped for police checks. Tibetan culture and history led Gonpo
Ngaba’s unhappy contemporary life to take a pilgrimage with her young
under Beijing’s thumb and its long daughter to Dharamsala, leaving her
history of run-ins with China’s Marxist- husband behind temporarily, or so she
Leninist authorities place it at the thought. While she was away, the CCP
center of Demick’s narrative: it is a carried out a bloody crackdown on
town with a single stoplight that pro-democracy demonstrators in
became “the world capital of self- Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, resulting
immolations,” she writes. Most of the in an abrupt shift in the political
people from Ngaba she interviewed, climate in China. Suddenly, a country
however, had already left. Some had that had spent the past decade opening
gone to less heavily policed parts of itself up to the world turned inward-
Sichuan; others had fled into exile, looking, and people with foreign ties
mostly to the northern Indian city of were treated with suspicion.
Dharamsala, a kind of unofficial capital Gonpo concluded that it was safer for
of ethnic Tibet, which hosts the Dalai her to stay in India, where she began
Lama and many thousands of other putting her language skills to use for the
Tibetan exiles, along with an elaborate Tibetan government in exile, translating
quasi-governmental bureaucracy. its constitution and election law into
In a book that abounds with striking Chinese at the request of the Dalai
characters, two are particularly vivid, Lama. She eventually served in the exile
and they both ended up in Dharamsala. movement’s legislature, as well. In
The first is a woman named Gonpo, the Demick’s nuanced portrait, a woman
daughter of a Tibetan king who gradu- who would seem to have many reasons
ally fell afoul of Beijing during the for bitterness—having been forced out
radical ideological warfare and political of her country and perhaps permanently
tumult of the Cultural Revolution in separated from her family—instead
the 1960s. Her father acquiesced in embodies the complexity of the Tibetan
China’s efforts to enforce its writ dilemma. Gonpo is remarkably free of
throughout western Sichuan, but he anti-Chinese passions and even admires
quietly bristled and eventually commit- much of what China has accomplished.
182 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
A Prison Called Tibet
Indeed, as Demick notes, in her willfully Later, Tsegyam received the Dalai
frugal ways, Gonpo is more of a socialist Lama’s 1962 memoir, My Land and My
in lifestyle than most Chinese. “I People, as a gift. The spiritual leader’s
usually try not to talk about the past,” message that “Tibet is a distinct and
Gonpo tells Demick. “It makes me sad.” ancient nation, which for many centu-
Vocal activists who resist Chinese ries enjoyed a relationship of mutual
encroachments on Tibetan life represent respect with China” reinforced many of
a small minority. Many Tibetans can be Tsegyam’s own ideas. Emboldened, he
assumed to quietly harbor deep resent- eventually began taking bigger risks,
ment toward Beijing, but they stay silent such as making calligraphy posters with
for fear of punishment. The feeling one messages saying, “Free Tibet. Chinese
gets from Gonpo, among other charac- out of Tibet. Bring back His Holiness
ters Demick profiles, is of something the Dalai Lama.” Under the cover of
quieter still: a stoic resignation. darkness, his students helped him hang
them in prominent places.
THE RESISTANCE As one might expect, this led to
Many Tibetans, however, have risked Tsegyam’s arrest in 1989, after authori-
everything by more forcefully confront- ties tortured one of his accomplices,
ing Chinese authorities. One such forcing the man to confess and name
character who resonates powerfully in others. In court, Tsegyam defiantly
Demick’s book is a man named Tseg- acknowledged his guilt and was sen-
yam, who also works for the Dalai tenced to a year in prison—a mark of
Lama. As a young man in Ngaba, far more lenient times. Not long after
Tsegyam was a precocious student his release, Tsegyam fled to India with
whose bookishness helped him land a a former student who became his wife.
relatively cushy job teaching students Settling in Dharamsala, his politics,
barely younger than him at the county’s fluency in Mandarin, and studiousness
first Tibetan-language middle school positioned him to become the personal
when it opened in 1983. Before long, he secretary of the Dalai Lama, with
found himself on a path toward ever- whom he travels. His private passion,
bolder subversion. The teaching of however, is writing essays that record
Tibetan history was strictly banned in and celebrate the culture and history of
the school, so Tsegyam began slyly Ngaba. His hope seems to be that, with
inserting readings about Buddhist Lhasa under Beijing’s suffocating
philosophy and the origins of the lockdown, just enough oxygen will
Tibetan calendar. His Han Chinese remain in areas such as Ngaba to allow
supervisors didn’t understand the the culture to survive until another
language and therefore were none the time, when perhaps an era of greater
wiser. Demick writes that “he wanted to tolerance might return to China.
counter what students had been taught
in Chinese schools—that Chinese was NO WAY OUT
the language of literacy and that Ti- Most of Demick’s characters are not
betan was merely a folk language used politically involved at all; they are far more
by old people and monks.” ordinary in their motivations. They were
moved to leave Ngaba, and its region, as he whose name cannot be mentioned
much for its economic backwardness as and (in many parts of Tibet) whose
for its political repression. And some of image cannot be seen. . . .
them are frankly generous in their estima- To purge the memory of the Dalai
Lama, however, is impossible.
tion of China’s overall progress.
Tibetans content themselves in places
Ultimately, however, this is a book where the photograph is banned by
about enclosure. The Tibetans who worshipping instead Avalokitesvara,
remain in Ngaba live in a garrison town the thousand-armed bodhisattva of
surveilled by huge numbers of Chinese compassion whose likeness graces
security forces. I saw other towns in Tibetan monasteries. The Dalai Lama
similar situations when I visited west- is considered the reincarnation of the
ern Sichuan as a tourist in 2012. De- Avalokitesvara, who stands in for the
scending through high mountain passes, missing spiritual leader.
I would round a bend only to discover
enormous, recently built military and A Tibetan in Lhasa tells her: “It doesn’t
police citadels in the distance below. matter if we don’t have the photo. We
Meanwhile, the Chinese authorities know where he is.”
have increasingly limited access to Tibet The situation in Tibet may come to a
proper, even for ethnic Tibetans in head again before long. At 85 years old,
Sichuan. And China has made it virtu- the Dalai Lama is likely approaching
ally impossible to travel legally from the end of his life—and Beijing has a
Tibet to India; the only way to escape is plan to prevent the rise of another
through a harrowing mountain trek, figure of his stature. Rather than
dodging police and bounty hunters. allowing his sect’s normal succession
Passports have become difficult to process to play out, the CCP has an-
obtain for Tibetans. And in other parts nounced that it will oversee the naming
of China, they are treated as colorful of the next Dalai Lama. It would not be
outsiders, when not regarded with unreasonable to suspect that in taking
outright suspicion or resentment. this extraordinary step, Beijing will be
In an attempt to lower tensions and lighting the long, slow fuse of the next
ease an atmosphere of repression, the Tibetan uprising.∂
Dalai Lama has repeatedly renounced the
idea of Tibet separating from China. This
has won him no concessions from Beijing,
however, which continues to hurl epithets
at him and constantly warn of “splittism.”
“No matter what the Dalai Lama says,
the Chinese government never tires of
denouncing him,” Demick writes.
Their hatred of him appears bound-
less. We journalists used to joke that
he was like Lord Voldemort—the
antagonist of the Harry Potter series,
184 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Return to Table of Contents
ample evidence of Rwanda’s growing Disturb, she makes good use of her long
authoritarianism. What she hopes will list of contacts, built up over decades in
now rouse global attention—and lead to the region, as she crisscrosses central
criminal sanctions and a reduction in Africa interviewing those who knew the
foreign aid—are Rwanda’s extraterrito- trio at every stage of their tumultuous
rial, extrajudicial activities in the back journey. Switching constantly from the
streets and hotel rooms of London, personal to the geopolitical, Wrong
Brussels, and Johannesburg. But in makes her intentions clear: to challenge
making this case, Wrong dismisses the perception of Kagame and the RPf
Rwanda’s substantial socioeconomic as the architects of a model postconflict
gains since the genocide. Those, too, are state worthy of substantial foreign aid.
part of the Rwandan story, and as “Kagame’s regime, whose deplorable
outsiders grapple with how to deal with record on human rights abuses at home
Kagame, they must consider the coun- is beyond debate, has also been caught
try’s tangible progress, as well as these red-handed attempting the most lurid
worrying cases of violence. of assassinations on the soil of foreign
allies, not once but many times,” she
PRESENT AT THE CREATION writes. “Western funding for his aid-
At the heart of Wrong’s story are the dependent country has not suffered, the
complex entanglements of Karegeya, admiring articles by foreign journalists
Kagame, and another former high-ranking have not ceased, sanctions have not
member of the RPf, Faustin Kayumba been applied, and the invitations to
Nyamwasa. After decades of Belgian Davos have not dried up.”
colonial favoritism toward Tutsis, in the The RPf, she argues, may have
early 1960s, Hutu parties rose to power started with a laudable vision of build-
in independent Rwanda, sparking mass ing a Rwandan society in which Hutus
violence and a Tutsi exodus. Karegeya, and Tutsis (and members of another
Kagame, and Kayumba grew up to- ethnic group, the Twas) would share
gether in exile in Uganda, where many equally in the country’s development.
Tutsi families such as theirs had fled. Wrong ascribes this aspiration to the
The three men all became senior figures RPf’s first leader, the handsome, charis-
in Yoweri Museveni’s National Resis- matic Fred Rwigyema, who was killed
tance Army as it fought its way to days into the invasion of Rwanda. She
power in Uganda and, later, leaders of counts him among a group of African
the RPf as it came to rule Rwanda (with nationalists who were killed in their
Kayumba becoming chief of staff of the 30s, including Patrice Lumumba of
Rwandan army). Whether fighting Congo, Steve Biko of South Africa, and
together or falling out, these comrades Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso—men
irrevocably shaped the politics of the who will be “forever bathed in a James
Great Lakes region. Dean glow of What Might Have Been.”
A former Africa correspondent for It was Kagame who succeeded Rwigy-
Reuters, the BBC, and the Financial ema as the head of the RPf and, Wrong
Times, Wrong first traveled to Rwanda contends, turned Rwanda into a dicta-
after the 1994 genocide. In Do Not torship. First, his regime eradicated any
186 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Two Rwandas
The once and future president: Kagame in Brussels, Belgium, April 2014
form of Hutu political opposition, and “Patrick adored Biharwe,” Wrong writes,
then it turned on its internal Tutsi “sneaking away whenever he could find
critics, such as Karegeya, pursuing them the time from his stressful job in Kigali,
at home and abroad. a four-hour drive across the border with
Close observers of central Africa will Rwanda.” Karegeya’s younger brother
find little new in Wrong’s historical Ernest Mugabo tells her, “You wouldn’t
sweep through the RPr’s lifespan. What even know he’d arrived. He’d put on his
she adds, however, is the intimate Wellington boots and go and milk the
biographical dimension of this volatile cows. He loved that.”
period, which helps explain Karegeya’s Wrong captures the refugees’ rest-
murder and its significance. Wrong lessness and burning sense of injustice,
knew Karegeya before and after his which drove the RPr’s invasion in 1990
exile and spoke to him regularly. He but also its subsequent alienation from
describes growing up in southwestern the Hutu majority in Rwanda, among
Uganda, caught between his strong whom the Tutsi leaders of the RPr had
Ugandan identity and the lure of the never lived. She superbly dissects the
Rwandan homeland, where the Hutu lasting bonds that enabled the RPr to
government repeatedly blocked the build a formidable post-genocide state,
return of the Tutsi refugees. Even once with Kagame, Kayumba, and Karegeya
he had reached the top of the Rwandan at its heart. Through Karegeya’s eyes,
security apparatus, Karegeya continued she also documents the fraying of those
to visit his home village in Uganda. relations as RPr elites routinely fell out
with one another. Sometimes they of its rule, several of which have re-
clashed over the movement’s political sulted in unsolved murders on foreign
strategy, at other times over the atroci- soil. But this pair of defections was
ties it committed (such as the reprisal different: because they themselves had
killings, after the genocide, of Hutu once occupied senior military and
civilians in Rwanda and what is now the security posts, Karegeya and Kayumba
Democratic Republic of the Congo), knew how to protect their multinational
and often over personal grievances. opposition movement from Rwanda’s
As the head of Rwandan external efforts to destroy it. They had well-
military intelligence after the genocide, founded fears of infiltration and assas-
Karegeya helped orchestrate the govern- sination, having for decades practiced
ment’s military campaigns in Congo— these same dark arts against the RPf’s
including the Rwandan-led toppling of opponents, and the two turned their
the dictator Mobutu Sese Seko in knowledge of the RPf’s methods to their
1997—and the suppression of Rwandan advantage. Karegeya and Kayumba
dissidents across the Great Lakes learned quickly that the RPf was re-
region. He and Kayumba were central cruiting RNC members from the large
to the RPf’s projection of military power Rwandan diaspora in South Africa. The
within and beyond Rwanda. But they two exiles recorded phone calls from
increasingly criticized Kagame over his senior RPf officials offering recruits vast
tightening grip on power within the sums and coaching them in an array of
RPf. Karegeya was imprisoned, and assassination techniques, including
Kayumba was removed from his mili- strangulation, forced heroin overdose,
tary post and sent to India as Rwanda’s and poisoning a target’s soup.
ambassador. Both eventually went into The RNC’s release of these recordings
exile in South Africa. in 2011 caused a huge controversy,
Kayumba’s arrival in Johannesburg in especially in the Rwandan diaspora.
2010 proved pivotal. That year, he Although this was a propaganda coup
survived an assassination attempt in the for the RPf’s opponents, Karegeya tells
driveway of his home, an act that South Wrong that he won’t be able to out-
African investigators have also smart the group forever. Against the
attributed to the Rwandan government. advice of his RNC colleagues, he contin-
This galvanized him and Karegeya, and ued to meet old and new acquaintances
the two soon joined forces with two out in the open in Johannesburg and
high-ranking RPf exiles based in the would often give his security detail the
United States to start an opposition slip, providing an air of inevitability to
group, the Rwanda National Congress. the grisly events in the Michelangelo.
The RNC called for the RPf to jettison As Wrong shows, meanwhile, the
Kagame as president and to regain its RPf’s violent attacks on its opponents
lost ethos of democracy, reconciliation, weren’t limited to the RNC in South
and equal development. Africa. She links the Rwandan govern-
Wrong locates the exile of Karegeya ment to the assassinations of several
and Kayumba in the long line of defec- dissidents in Uganda, including the
tions from the RPf since the early days exiled journalist Charles Ingabire, who
188 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
was shot outside a Kampala bar in 2011.
Similar figures have received death
threats in Belgium, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom. Wrong details the
case of Jean Bosco Gasasira, the editor
of an antigovernment online newspaper,
who sought asylum in Sweden in 2010.
Three years later, a member of a Rwan-
dan hit squad sent to murder him was
convicted by a Swedish court of spying
on exiles—the first foreign prosecution
of such a plot by a Rwandan citizen.
light, the amber irises flecked with This lack of scrutiny continues as
brown, while his skin was a smooth Wrong readily accepts Karegeya’s and
honey.” Later, Wrong tells readers that Kayumba’s depictions of Kagame,
Karegeya would routinely ply journal- whom she says has exhibited a “natural
ists visiting Rwanda with drinks. “With dourness” since childhood (in contrast
the women, suggestive hints would to their innate sociability) and was a
occasionally be dropped over those hapless leader during the 1990–94 civil
beers,” she writes. “Patrick had the keys war (Kayumba claims to have twice
to a government flat located conven- saved Kagame’s life and to have led the
iently nearby. The encounter, already RPf to victory). Wrong’s desire to
so pleasant, could be taken up a notch.” humanize Karegeya and Kayumba and
Here, she extends an unfortunate to demonize Kagame is clear from the
Orientalist strand that runs through the way she uses their names. Karegeya
book: “Tutsi culture has always recog- throughout the book is “Patrick,” and
nized sex as one of the most effective of Kayumba is “the General.” Kagame is
political tools, cutting usefully across almost always “Kagame.”
the bureaucratic hierarchy and social Wrong wants readers to differenti-
barriers.” At another point, she refers to ate categorically among these former
“the Tutsi knack for secrecy,” and her comrades. She describes Karegeya and
introductory chapter describes “a Kayumba as central to the RPf’s mili-
culture that glories in its impenetrabil- tary successes, then suddenly absent
ity, that sees virtue in misleading.” when the RPf is accused of mass
Wrong’s denigration of the suppos- crimes, such as the killing of Hutu
edly secretive Tutsi ceases only when refugees in eastern Congo after the
she engages with Karegeya. When he genocide. It strains credulity to sug-
isn’t escaping to milk cows in Uganda, gest that Karegeya, first as the head of
he’s nebulously telling a photographer external military intelligence and later
Wrong talked to that he’s “full of as director of the RPf’s Congo desk,
regrets” about the RPf’s actions during and Kayumba, first as a lieutenant
his time in power. He never details general on the frontlines in Congo and
what he regrets, and Wrong, incredibly, later as army chief of staff, were not
never says that she asked. The closest implicated in the crimes that Wrong
she comes is when she discusses the attributes to Kagame and the rest of
assassination in Kenya in 1998 of Seth the RPf. It also contradicts the ac-
Sendashonga, the RPf’s first minister of counts of long-standing scholars of
the interior. “Suspicion of personal eastern Congo, such as René Lemar-
responsibility for Sendashonga’s murder chand, Gérard Prunier, Filip Reyntjens,
was to hover over Patrick for the rest of and Jason Stearns, all of whom depict
his life,” Wrong writes. But she admits Karegeya and Kayumba as central to
to never confronting him about it. “I all of the RPf’s military activities in
didn’t pursue the matter,” she writes. “I Congo. The only source for the claim
didn’t know how to. How does anyone that Karegeya had “opposed Rwanda’s
lightly broach the issue of someone’s meddling in its giant neighbor’s affairs
role in a murder over dinner?” since 1998” is Karegeya himself.
190 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Two Rwandas
crossing from Congo to kill civilians in the country today. In a region riven by
southern Rwanda. Although it is right cyclical conflicts, Rwanda is alone in not
to criticize the RPf’s treatment of its having experienced any large-scale
domestic and international opponents, violence within its borders since the time
it is naive to portray all these opponents of the genocide—which is all the more
as inherently peaceful and democratic. remarkable considering that hundreds of
When Wrong, near the end of her thousands of convicted génocidaires live
book, finally ventures beyond the RNC side by side with survivors on Rwanda’s
and the Rwandan diaspora and into densely populated hills.
Rwanda itself, the results are not Having conducted research in rural
illuminating. She concluded that she Rwanda every year since 2003, I have
“would not be able to conduct any seen the sustained improvement in
useful interviews inside Rwanda” people’s socioeconomic circumstances
(perhaps having decided beforehand and in communal relations. Many of the
that its culture of secrecy and duplicity Hutus I have interviewed remain
would limit her endeavors). Concerned suspicious of the RPf but continue to
for her safety, she didn’t visit Rwanda express surprise that unlike previous
for this book, but in one chapter, she Rwandan regimes, it has pursued
recounts her last visit to the country, welfare and development equally across
several years earlier. Even as she accuses the ethnic divide. When numerous
international donors of not getting out foreign donors temporarily froze their
to the “dirt-poor” country- side, Wrong aid programs in Rwanda in 2013—in
herself sticks to Kigali, citing only protest over Rwanda’s military and
conversations with a U.S. adviser to the logistical support for a rebellion in
Rwandan Foreign Minis- try and a eastern Congo—development projects
Western journalist. Had she visited rural suffered markedly, especially in rural
Rwanda, she would un- doubtedly have Rwanda. Once they saw this impact up
seen widespread pov- erty, but she also close, those same donors reinstated all
would have seen tangible development their aid provision within a year.
since her first visits decades ago— The RPf’s flagship welfare program
including signs of the country’s halving of compulsory universal health insur-
of its child mortality rate between 2000, ance, heavily subsidized for the poorest
when Kagame became president, and citizens and buttressed by clinics and
2015. What keeps foreign donors highly trained staff across the country,
engaged with Rwanda is the recognition has vastly improved Rwandans’ quality
of these advances under the RPf, which of life. Thanks largely to this health-
include the region’s most extensive care system, which extends to every
welfare program. village in the country, Rwanda has
weathered the CoVID-19 pandemic well.
THE REAL RWANDA Within days of the first detection of the
The mistake many foreign commentators virus in Rwanda, the government began
make is to equate elite ruptures a scheme of household testing and
and fractious diaspora politics with the geographic mapping of coronavirus
situation for most Rwandans living in cases across the country. In March, I
192 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
The Two Rwandas
194 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
The Future of Global A$airs: Managing right, the idea of global governance in
Discontinuity, Disruption, and Destruction this brave new world will be a quaint
EDITED BY CHRISTOPHER relic of an earlier era.
SINGH SIDHU. Palgrave Macmillan,
2021, 331 pp.
Economic, Social,
This thought-provoking collection of and Environmental
essays surveys today’s troubled system
of global governance. The contributors
paint a bleak picture: the scale and
Barry Eichengreen
scope of global problems—including
pandemics, global warming, cyberwar-
fare, international extremist networks, The Power of Creative Destruction:
and the proliferation of weapons of Economic Upheaval and the Wealth
mass destruction—have simply over- of Nations
whelmed the old postwar governance BY PHILIPPE AGHION, CÉLINE
institutions, starting with the United ANTONIN, AND SIMON BUNEL .
Nations. The editors argue that for Belknap Press, 2021, 400 pp.
scholars to grasp the extent and pro-
fundity of this crisis, the study of ore than 60 years ago, research
“international relations” needs to be
expanded into a multidisciplinary
study of “global aRairs,” which spans
M by the economist Robert
Solow highlighted the impor-
tance of innovation for growth but shed
the fields of economics, politics, law, little light on how to generate that
the environment, and development. innovation. Aghion, Antonin, and Bunel,
Only this approach will help scholars who are responsible for much subsequent
understand an increasingly “complex, research in this area, argue that fostering
dynamic, and fragile” world. The innovation is all about balance. Innova-
environmental scientist Michael tion thrives with competition, but too
Oppenheimer argues that the world is much competition will preemptively
entering an era of “illiberal globaliza- diminish the rewards of new technologies,
tion,” defined less by multilateral rules businesses, and ideas. International
and more by raw power. In his contri- competition can stimulate innovation and
bution, Ankersen argues that the notion efficiency, but too much risks provoking a
that globalization would overwhelm backlash against globalization. Success-
and undermine countries and lead to fully navigating the supply chain disrup-
the “decline of the state” has not come tions created by covID-19 requires strong
to pass. States are reasserting their political leaders to implement smart
sovereign prerogatives, privileging policies, but not leaders so strong that they
internal security over international can suppress organizational innovations
norms and human rights, and adapting that will disfavor them or their allies. The
technology and supply chains to authors explain these dynamics and more
geopolitical con2ict. If the authors are in an eminently accessible fashion.
196 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
Adapting to Climate Change: Markets and concerned with the impact of religion
the Management of an Uncertain Future not on the economy but on economic
BY MATTHEW E. KAHN. Yale thought. He shows that a variant of
University Press, 2021, 304 pp. Calvinism that emphasized human
choice and action rather than predesti-
Kahn reviews findings on how climate nation profoundly in2uenced Adam
change and extreme weather events aRect Smith, the Scottish political economist
key sectors of the economy. Although he whose writings shaped modern eco-
does not dismiss the need to curb rising nomic analysis. Smith emphasized
temperatures, he suggests that American individual decision-making and the
society is getting better at adapting to capacity of the market, as an aggregator
climate change. Weather shocks provide of those decisions, to improve the
incentives for businesses to develop new human condition. Over time, the
products, such as resilient building discipline of economics became more
materials and in-home battery backup rigorous and quantitative, and the
systems. Big data allows utility providers in2uence of religion tended to recede.
to adjust electricity and water prices in Even today, however, there remains a
response to weather events, encouraging connection between the religiosity that
consumers to modify their usage in distinguishes the United States from
environmentally friendly ways. To be other advanced economies and the
sure, it’s not just up to markets to re- almost pious belief of many Americans
spond to climate change. Kahn highlights in the importance of human agency and
the need for investments in public the virtues of the market economy.
infrastructure to help with climate
change adaptation and for reforms of The Secret History of Home Economics:
urban planning rules and 2ood insurance How Trailblazing Women Harnessed
laws. Still, his book shows that one need the Power of Home and Changed the Way
not be a climate change skeptic to be a We Live
climate change optimist. BY DANIELLE DREILINGER.
Norton, 2021, 368 pp.
Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
BY BENJAMIN M. FRIEDMAN. The term “home economics” conjures
Knopf, 2021, 561 pp. up images of instruction in cooking and
sewing for generations of female
Nearly a century ago, the historian R. H. secondary school students. In her
Tawney wrote an identically titled account of the subject’s nineteenth- and
book about the role of religion in the twentieth-century history, Dreilinger
rise of the market economy. Tawney was shows that home economics has always
responding to the German sociologist involved much more. It was a way for
Max Weber, who famously argued that female educators, in secondary schools
Calvinist religious thought had set the but also in universities and other
stage for the rise of capitalism. Al- advanced settings, to develop and apply
though Friedman writes in the same their skills in an era when many aca-
tradition, his focus is diRerent: he is demic disciplines were closed to
198 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
ble those of the past, with more dis- used Asian Americans in the fight
mounted infantry than one would against Japan. William Donovan, the
assume would be needed for a high-tech head of the oss, insisted on recruiting
force and with more armor and artillery capable individuals for the war eRort,
than one would think for a low-tech force. including those of Chinese and Korean
Lambeth’s sharp, authoritative heritage—and even Japanese Americans,
account of the role of airpower in the who had the necessary linguistic and
recent war against the Islamic State, cultural knowledge to design propa-
also known as ISIS, points to the danger ganda materials to be broadcast to
of holding stereotypical views of an Japan. Some Asian Americans worked
enemy. Supported by numerous inter- behind enemy lines, gathering intelli-
views with commanders and pilots, gence and engaging in sabotage. The
Lambeth’s argument includes many book focuses on many individual stories,
criticisms of senior civilian and military and in doing so, it raises interesting
policymakers. The most substantial one questions of race, gender, loyalty, and
is that the U.S. campaign against ISIS treachery. After all, these spies largely
was a case of too little, too late. Presi- came from well-established families and
dent Barack Obama was reluctant to were not recent immigrants.
authorize military action; by the time
he changed course, in 2014, ISIS was The Road Less Traveled: The Secret Battle
already rampaging through Iraq and to End the Great War, 1916–1917
Syria. Lambeth also complains that BY PHILIP ZELIKOW. PublicARairs,
American policymakers and the U.S. 2021, 352 pp.
military saw ISIS as an insurgent group,
when they should have recognized that This fine and lucid scholarship has the
this new enemy was a quasi state, with additional benefit of the eye of an experi-
its own command-and-control network enced practitioner as Zelikow addresses
and the makings of a conventional army. the question of whether U.S. President
U.S. officials eventually realized that Woodrow Wilson could have mediated a
they were facing a very diRerent kind of peace deal in 1916 or 1917 to end World
enemy and belatedly relaxed the rules War I before the United States joined the
of engagement to accelerate the pace of fray. The reader is aware—although the
the air war that would help defeat ISIS. policymakers of the time could not have
been—of the diRerence that an early deal
Asian American Spies: How Asian might have made, perhaps sparing the
Americans Helped Win the Allied Victory world the later traumas associated with
BY BRIAN MASARU HAYASHI. the rise of Bolshevism in Russia and
Oxford University Press, 2021, 304 pp. Nazism in Germany. Wilson was cer-
tainly keen to mediate a wider peace, and
By making extensive use of the person- all the belligerents were aware of the
nel files of the World War II–era Office benefits of at least being seen to negoti-
of Strategic Services, the precursor to ate. After a promising start, however,
the cIA, Hayashi provides remarkable Wilson never quite managed to give the
insight into how the intelligence agency eRort the push it needed. The demands
200 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
Meddling in the Ballot Box: The Causes that, especially when supercharged by
and E$ects of Partisan Electoral cybertechnology, could threaten the
Interventions future of electoral democracy.
BY DOV H. LEVIN. Oxford University
Press, 2020, 316 pp. National Security, Leaks, and Freedom
of the Press: The Pentagon Papers Fifty
Levin presents an important paradox: Years On
foreign electoral interference has been EDITED BY GEOFFREY R. STONE
extraordinarily frequent in recent AND LEE C. BOLLINGER. Oxford
history, and yet political scientists University Press, 2021, 380 pp.
largely ignore the phenomenon. His
study, the first major work focused In the Pentagon Papers case of 1971, the
solely on outside meddling in elections Supreme Court ruled that news outlets
in the modern era, rests on extensive had the right to publish classified
case studies and statistical analysis of information they received even while
an original database of 117 such inter- individuals who leaked the information
ventions carried out by the Soviet could be prosecuted. The editors of this
Union (and, later, Russia) and the volume, two noted First Amendment
United States since World War II—81 scholars, use the occasion of that
of them by the United States. This data ruling’s 50th anniversary to review the
set alone is an important contribution manifold consequences of how this
and a sobering eye opener for Ameri- historic decision balanced the govern-
cans, since 70 percent of these inter- ment’s need for secrecy in protecting
ventions were undertaken by the national security with the public’s right
United States. All told, those 117 to know what its government is doing.
instances account for one in every nine The collection includes chapters from a
competitive national elections held in star-studded roster of national security
independent countries in that period. practitioners, legal scholars, practicing
Levin finds that such interventions journalists, and media experts. To-
tend to occur in highly competitive gether, the editors and five of the
elections in which the foreign interve- contributors also consider the eRects of
nor sees its interests severely endan- the revolution in information and
gered by the candidate it opposes. communications technology that has
Crucially, they are “inside jobs,” in the transformed the world since 1971 and
sense that success requires an actor in that has led to the huge increase in the
the target country who is willing to number of government contractors with
receive outside help. Russia’s interven- access to classified information. They
tion in the 2016 U.S. presidential recommend policy changes that could
election was only “unprecedented,” as reduce the overclassification of informa-
Americans generally describe it, in its tion, encourage declassification, deter
use of digital technology. Otherwise, it harmful leaks, encourage helpful ones,
appears to fit the model in all respects. and create alternatives to leaking. But
The book is a valuable foundation for they also conclude that, notwithstand-
the further study of a phenomenon ing the massive changes that have taken
202 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
parties have failed to exercise the dom’s unique electoral system, the
powers they still retain—for example, inability of the Labour Party to adjust
the power to shape the choice of to the new circumstances, the crosscut-
presidential candidates. Democrats ting imperatives of regional politics,
should take no comfort, Popkin warns, and the traditional British imperial
that the Republican Party has fractured mindset all played important roles as
first: they are equally vulnerable. well, and they help explain why no
other countries have followed the
United Kingdom out of the UU.
Western Europe
Pax Transatlantica: America and Europe
Andrew Moravcsik in the Post–Cold War Era
University Press, 2021, 208 pp.
Brexitland: Identity, Diversity, and the Throughout the seven decades since the
Reshaping of British Politics founding of UATo, commentators have
BY MARIA SOBOLEWSKA AND proclaimed that the alliance is in deep
ROBERT FORD. Cambridge University crisis. Most also combine this warning
Press, 2020, 408 pp. with a call for deeper “cooperation,”
often a euphemism for the orthodox
n the past half decade, the United position that the Europeans should bear
rhetoric of UATo’s eternal crisis returns. How Iceland Changed the World: The Big
Yet in the end, the long historical record History of a Small Island
leads the author to view with optimism BY EGILL BJARNASON. Penguin
the future of the Western alliance. Books, 2021, 288 pp.
Bosworth is among the leading English- Two recent books chart the global reach
language biographers of the Italian of Scandinavian societies. Every nation
dictator Benito Mussolini, and those harbors its own myths of world-historical
seeking a magisterial treatment of his greatness—even Iceland. No one is a
life and regime should consult the more enthusiastic advocate for this tiny
author’s previous work. Here, instead, is island than Bjarnason, a journalist who
a provocative reexamination of Italian left to make a successful career in the
fascism. Bosworth is not an apologist for Anglophone world. Reading his ac-
Mussolini’s excesses, but he maintains count, one would think Iceland is the
that labeling both Mussolini and Adolf Forrest Gump of countries: the inad-
Hitler as fascists obscures the relative vertent pivot of every major event in
mildness of the Italian variant. Italian modern history. Its volcanic eruptions
fascism resembled Hitler’s Nazism or triggered the French Revolution. Its
Joseph Stalin’s communism less than it harbors secured the Allied victory in
did other authoritarian regimes that World War II. Its discreet diplomats
spread throughout Europe in the 1930s— helped found Israel, powered the Ameri-
and even some democratic systems. In can Bobby Fischer to the world chess
Italy, domestic repression, although title, and aided Ronald Reagan and
deplorable, was far less thorough than in Mikhail Gorbachev in ending the Cold
Germany or the Soviet Union. Italian War.The tales of an Icelandic nanny
imperialist impulses were less brutal and inspired J. R. R. Tolkien’s sagas. Icelandic
far less successful than British and French scientists prepared U.S. astronauts to
eRorts. Mussolini neither desired nor walk on the moon, pioneered renewable
provoked World War II, but Italy could energy, and provided the data behind
not avoid it as an ally of Germany gene splicing. And not least, Icelanders
shunned by the West. Even so, Italian living in Greenland came to North
casualties remained a third lower than the America in the eleventh century.
number incurred in World War I, when Campbell’s book seems, at first
Italy was led by liberal governments. One glance, to be designed to debunk this
might not accept all these judgments, but last claim. He details the remarkable
this book does pose the question of range of fraud and fakery that has
whether Mussolini should be understood characterized eRorts to explain the
less as a totalitarian and more as a United States’ racial and ethnic origins.
harbinger of modern populism. Since the Pilgrims landed, religious
204 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
leaders have been forging archaeological workout. Far more interesting is his
and textual evidence to show that Native description of the unimaginable courage,
Americans were descended from Ca- suRering, and idealism of Garibaldi’s
naanite and Jewish tribes. Secular band of 5,000 ragged soldiers. As they
scholars have advanced similarly ques- crossed a countryside with little infra-
tionable claims about the feats of Afri- structure, hounded constantly by crack
can, Chinese, Scottish, Turkish, and Austrian and French forces, 95 percent
Welsh explorers. In this vein, racist of them deserted or died. Parks is also
white Anglo-Saxons in the nineteenth attentive to the melancholy ironies of
century propounded manufactured contemporary life in the Italian country-
claims about a Nordic discovery of the side, with its ever-smaller and ever-older
Americas to marginalize Italian Ameri- population. To rural Italians today,
cans, who claimed that honor for Chris- Garibaldi seems an irrelevant figure.
topher Columbus, as well as Native There are some resonances, however: he
Americans, who got there first. Yet fought to rid Italy of foreigners, and
Campbell ultimately acknowledges the many in these regions disparage the
existence of overwhelming archaeological un-Italian character of African immi-
evidence that Greenlanders did, in fact, grants and northern European tourists—
create the first European settlements in even as they seek to exploit both.
North America, although they appear to
have stayed only long enough to harvest
lumber and resupply their fishermen. Western Hemisphere
The Hero’s Way: Walking With Garibaldi Richard Feinberg
From Rome to Ravenna
BY TIM PARKS. Norton, 2021, 352 pp.
Parks has published dozens of books, The Inclusionary Turn in Latin American
among them award-winning novels, Democracies
translations of Italian fiction, and, what EDITED BY DIANA KAPISZEWSKI,
is most distinctive, nonfiction about STEVEN LEVITSKY, AND DEBORAH J.
Italy—a place where he has lived since YASHAR. Cambridge University Press,
the 1980s. In this unique travelogue, he 2021, 420 pp.
recounts retracing the exact 500-kilometer
n this first-rate collection of schol-
route from Rome to Ravenna taken by
the patriotic Italian guerrilla fighter
Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1849, after the
French crushed the 2edgling Roman
I arly essays, leading political scien-
tists celebrate the progress that
many Latin American countries have
Republic he was defending. Parks and achieved since the 1990s in crafting
a friend did it in one month on foot; more inclusive societies. Traditionally
with a smartphone in hand and small underrepresented people—including
cafés, hotels, and pharmacies in every the nonunionized poor, indigenous
village, such a trip seems less like a peoples, and women—have made
pilgrimage than a pleasant daily measurable gains in multiple areas.
They now actively participate in politi- that Chiquita’s lavish donations to U.S.
cal decision-making and enjoy access to politicians shaped U.S. policymaking:
more resources, including fiscal trans- Why else would the U.S. government
fers, educational opportunities, and take up Chiquita’s cause, since the
legal services. In their admirably lucid United States itself grew few bananas?
introduction, the editors attribute this Bernal recognizes but downplays other
“unprecedented expansion of citizen- drivers of U.S. policy, such as the
ship” to how the region’s inequalities distaste for colonial-era trade prefer-
and poverty have manifested at the ences and the competing interests of
ballot box; given the repeated opportu- Latin American banana exporters. U.S.
nity to vote, the poor majority not policymakers also worried that the
surprisingly demanded more rights, Caribbean countries would avoid
more voice, and better livelihoods. developing new export-oriented indus-
Although clearly sympathetic to leftist tries so long as they could rely on
politics, the editors recognize that some bananas. But the Clinton administra-
right-wing governments have also tion’s eRorts on behalf of Chiquita had
advanced inclusionary reforms. At the real consequences. The banana indus-
same time, the editors regret that tries of the eastern Caribbean collapsed,
“changes were slower, less transforma- and as Bernal warned, drug trafficking
tive, and less celebrated than promised increased. In the years since, some of
and hoped.” Nor are these undeniable the islands, less confident of U.S.
gains irreversible; progressive move- support, have embraced Chinese trade
ments remain dangerously fragmented and development oRerings. Bernal
and decentralized. Looking ahead, the faults the United States for not giving
editors find grounds for both pessimism more weight to its national security
and optimism. interests in these small, vulnerable
island economies.
Corporate Versus National Interest in U.S.
Trade Policy: Chiquita and Caribbean “Mafalda”: A Social and Political History
Bananas of Latin America’s Global Comic
Macmillan, 2020, 283 pp. BY LAURA PÉREZ CARRARA. Duke
University Press, 2019, 288 pp.
In the late 1990s, Chiquita Brands
induced the Clinton administration to The social historian Cosse interprets
pressure the European Union to aban- the famous Argentine comic-strip
don trade preferences that favored character Mafalda as a vehicle for its
banana imports from small eastern author, Joaquín Salvador Lavado (who
Caribbean economies. Chiquita sought passed away last year and whose pen
to open European markets to its ba- name was Quino), to explore the
nanas, grown elsewhere in Latin Amer- tribulations of the middle class in
ica. In this well-documented polemic, Buenos Aires in the turbulent 1960s and
Bernal, who was Jamaica’s ambassador early 1970s. Channeling the Peanuts
to the United States at the time, argues comic strip, Mafalda is an intellectually
206 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
precious, rebellious tomboy who regu- on a better path forward. Three recent
larly confronts her rather bewildered publications sketch the dimensions of
parents, questioning traditional social the crisis. A congressionally mandated
hierarchies and gender roles. Mafalda bipartisan commission endorses many
has friends who variously embody of the basic thrusts of existing U.S.
conservative family values and the counternarcotics policies. Crandall
values of materialistic, upwardly condemns the devastation that the
mobile immigrants. Smartly sarcastic, U.S.-led drug wars have caused in
Mafalda comments on the chaos of beleaguered countries in Latin America.
world aRairs and, more specifically, the Andreas sees drug consumption as
authoritarianism and violence in inherent to the human condition.
Argentina that by the mid-1970s drove The U.S. Congress created a biparti-
her creator into exile. Mafalda was san independent commission to address
widely disseminated throughout the a disturbing conundrum: illicit drugs
Spanish-speaking world and beyond; remain plentiful and drug-trafficking
Cosse attributes the comic strip’s organizations have grown stronger
enduring popularity to its universal, despite aggressive U.S. counternarcotics
humanistic humor and to the utopian policies. In their report, the commis-
nostalgia evoked by allusions to the sion’s regional experts oRer tightly
hopeful, youthful 1960s. In explaining reasoned reviews of existing programs,
Malfalda’s relative obscurity in the pointing to progress in some areas:
United States, Cosse suggests that the stronger police and criminal justice
cartoon’s social commentaries are too systems in some countries, for instance,
subtle for many American readers. and the increasing treatment of sub-
stance abuse as a health-care problem
Report of the Western Hemisphere Drug rather than a crime or a moral failing.
Policy Commission But these experts balk at truly confront-
BY THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE ing the massive failures that the report
DRUG POLICY COMMISSION. itself handsomely documents. Instead,
Available online, 2020, 117 pp. they largely recommend staying the
course, albeit with better coordination
Drugs and Thugs: The History and Future across programs and with smarter
of America’s War on Drugs execution of policies. The commission
BY RUSSELL CRANDALL. Yale notes the abject shortcomings of anti-
University Press, 2020, 520 pp. money-laundering measures but badly
underplay the enduring capacities of
Killer High: A History of War in Six Drugs wealthy trafficking organizations to defy
BY PETER ANDREAS. Oxford counternarcotics eRorts. It recognizes
University Press, 2020, 352 pp. that bureaucratic inertia and self-interest
lead to the continuation of many
The United States’ five-decade-long underperforming programs, advocating
“war on drugs” has failed miserably and research-based data collection and
has caused tremendous collateral rigorous cost-benefit analysis of these
damage. But no consensus has emerged initiatives. The chapter on Colombia
208 F O R E Ig n Af fAI R S
Recent Books
n its early years, the Soviet Union Galeotti skips through Russia’s centuries-
Russian Orthodox Church had its head Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in
appointed by the patriarch of Constan- Putin’s Russia
tinople. And not “most” surveyed BY TIMOTHY FRYE. Princeton
Russians, but only one-third, agreed to University Press, 2021, 288 pp.
identify themselves as “Europeans,” a
number that dropped even lower in a The prevailing narrative about Russia,
poll this year. Frye writes, is overpoliticized and over-
simplified. All too often, outside observ-
The Happy Traitor: Spies, Lies, and Exile ers reduce Russian politics either to
in Russia; The Extraordinary Story of “Putinism,” defined by the character and
George Blake background of Russian President Vladi-
BY SIMON KUPER. Profile Books, mir Putin, or to Russia’s unique history
2021, 278 pp. and culture. They neglect the numerous
comparative studies that portray Russia as
George Blake was a British MI6 agent a personalist autocracy with much in
and a Soviet spy. In the 1950s, he fa- common with other contemporary
mously informed the Soviet Union of a regimes in Hungary, Turkey, or Vene-
secret tunnel the Americans and the zuela. Standard political commentary on
British had dug under the Soviet sector Russia also gives little importance to
of Berlin to tap the communications of dynamics within Russian society. But
the Soviet military. By his own account, survey-based academic research—includ-
he revealed the identities of hundreds of ing Frye’s own—illustrates the impact of
British agents operating in communist Russian public opinion on the Kremlin’s
countries, leading, in some cases, to their decision-making process. Frye seeks to
executions. Blake was exposed and tried show how the Kremlin’s actions are the
in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, but result of countless tradeoRs and difficult
he 2ed from jail using a rope ladder and choices, rather than the expression of an
then made a remarkable escape: a former omnipotent ruler’s whims or an insuper-
fellow inmate drove Blake huddled under able historical legacy. The book makes
the back seat of a car all the way to East sophisticated social science accessible to a
Germany. Blake reached Moscow in 1967 broad audience. It seems especially timely,
and lived there until his death in 2020 at too, as Russia’s rising public discontent,
the age of 98. Kuper, who interviewed economic decline, and confrontation with
the double agent in 2012, claims that the West are heightening the dilemmas
Blake felt no remorse for his actions. facing the Kremlin.
Besides his own long interview, Kuper
draws on numerous published sources,
including Blake’s autobiography and his
lectures to security service members in
East Germany (where Blake always
enjoyed a warm welcome). The MI6 has
never made public its files on Blake—
perhaps because, as Kuper writes, “his
case was so embarrassing to the service.”
210 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
212 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
deep social and economic inequality, the to office workers through Mumbai’s
system erodes the dignity of its citizens— impossible transit system, a group of
the principle on which democracy transgender women who collect overdue
depends. That social breakdown produces loans by dancing in front of deadbeats
hordes of cynical young people ready to until they pay, a “prison master” who
join authoritarian militias and political serves other people’s terms. The charac-
movements, dynastic parties run by ters in the book maneuver in the am-
corrupt politicians, captive media, biguous spaces between the modern
dysfunctional legislatures, subservient political economy and the tangled reality
security agencies, and partisan courts. of irrational regulations, strained re-
Elections, marred by violence and money sources, and too many people. The book
politics, become exercises in “voluntary is an unconventional introduction to
servitude.” Chowdhury and Keane say India’s biggest city and an invitation to
these problems started long before the joys and challenges of ethnography.
Narendra Modi became prime minister
in 2014 and have grown worse under his China’s Quest for Foreign Technology:
leadership. One wonders, however, Beyond Espionage
whether to blame social ills for demo- EDITED BY WILLIAM C. HANNAS
cratic decline or the reverse. AND DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW.
Routledge, 2020, 372 pp.
Bombay Brokers
EDITED BY LISA BJORKMAN. Duke A 2013 book by Hannas and two other
University Press, 2021, 472 pp. contributors to the present volume
focused on the many ways that China
This collection of 36 short profiles by as gets hold of advanced U.S. technology.
many authors aRectionately portrays the Since then, as reported by contributors to
middlemen and facilitators who grease this new, deeply researched and sophisti-
the wheels of life in Mumbai (formerly cated volume, the Chinese government
known as Bombay) in imaginative ways. has vastly increased its technology-
There is the construction engineer who acquisition programs, not only in the
specializes in persuading municipal United States but also in Australia, Japan,
officers to approve water hookups for South Korea, and Europe. As before,
buildings that are not certified for some Chinese methods are illegal, such as
occupancy; the retired municipal official hacking and theft, but many are carried
who uses his connections to help neigh- out in the open, including investing in
bors with identity cards, rubbish re- foreign companies, conducting joint
moval, and death certificates; and a research projects with foreign universities
variety of entrepreneurs who specialize and companies, using “talent programs”
in assembling political crowds with to bring Chinese and non-Chinese
money or entertainment. Some of the scientists to China, and oRering returned
subjects are like those who run small scholars venture capital to start busi-
businesses anywhere, but with an Indian nesses. Thousands of university centers,
twist: a messenger who specializes in technology-transfer parks, and startup
delivering daily lunchboxes from homes incubators convert the imported technol-
214 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
ogy into products that increase China’s uniformity versus diversity continues
competitiveness, upgrade its military, or with the current regime’s eRorts to
strengthen the government’s ability to snuR out Tibetan, Uyghur, and other
control society. Officials and observers in languages of the non-Han minorities.
the West lack awareness of the extent of
these activities. Governments face the Taiwan in Dynamic Transition: Nation
dilemma of trying to stop the out2ow of Building and Democratization
advanced technology without interrupt- EDITED BY RYAN DUNCH AND
ing the valuable in2ow of Chinese ASHLEY ESAREY. University of
students and scholars. Washington Press, 2020, 256 pp.
often found in English-language aca- Future Forward: The Rise and Fall of
demic or policy analyses of Taiwan. a Thai Political Party
Bush, an authority on all things BY DUNCAN M C CARGO AND
Taiwan, presents a detailed and compre- ANYARAT CHATTHARAKUL.
hensive account of Taiwan’s transforma- University of Hawaii Press, 2020,
tion from a dictatorship to a wealthy 252 pp.
democracy that needs to balance secu-
rity and prosperity amidst a growing This pithy and accessible book charts
external threat. His review of Taiwan’s the short life of Future Forward, a
budget, economy, energy security, progressive political party founded in
transitional justice, and defense is the 2018 that, until its dissolution in 2020,
most in-depth and up-to-date study challenged Thailand’s authoritarian
available, and it sheds light on the political order. The authors sketch the
tradeoRs involved in all of these areas. party’s leadership, including its charis-
Bush assesses how Beijing and Washing- matic co-founder the tycoon Thana-
ton see Taipei and analyzes how the thorn Juangroongruangkit; its progres-
Taiwanese, particularly the elites, have sive ideological platform; and its
navigated between the superpowers. He supporters. Quietly simmering under
oRers sharp advice for Taiwan on how to the narrative are concerns about
balance domestic and external pressures whether the movement can be revived
as the stakes become ever higher. and whether it represented a new kind
Both books will help readers under- of party or merely put a new spin on a
stand one of the most important elements conventional model centered on high
of Taiwan’s transformation: how its profile, charismatic leaders. The authors
emerging democracy, changing national highlight a generational divide underly-
identity, and civic values inform its ing recent protests in Thailand: digi-
management of domestic and interna- tally savvy youth with global world-
tional challenges. Both books also illus- views do not share the values of older
trate the difficulties in building policy generations, which remain loyal to the
consensus in a democracy with a high level monarchy and the social hierarchy
of public participation. As Bush argues, underpinning it. Future Forward’s
Taiwan must overcome its divisions on political platform—advanced in large
domestic issues and foreign relations if it part on social media—appealed to
is to continue to survive and succeed. younger generations because it advo-
Taken together, the two books suggest that cated values such as inclusivity, diver-
both China and the United States need to sity, and opposition to hierarchy.
reexamine their policies toward the island, Although the book argues that Internet
some of which seem rooted in a past that platforms are crucial to progressive
Taiwan is increasingly leaving behind. politics in Thailand, it is less successful
sYARU SHIRUUY UIU in explaining what this means in a
country where virtually everyone,
including conservative royalists, is
active on social media.
216 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
The Asian Aspiration: Why and How East Africa After Liberation: Conßict,
Africa Should Emulate Asia—and What It Security, and the State Since the 1980s
Should Avoid BY JONATHAN FISHER. Cambridge
BY GREG MILLS, OLUSEGUN University Press, 2020, 328 pp.
DESALEGN, AND EMILY VAN DER Fisher’s excellent political history
MERWE. Hurst, 2020, 256 pp. focuses on the countries in East Africa
where the current regimes came to
Unlike most of the recent books vaunting power through successful insurgencies
the economic success of East Asia decades ago. His book links the fates of
relative to Africa, this one does not limit Ethiopia, Eritrea, Rwanda, and Uganda
its Asian examples to China, South and describes the impact of the many
Korea, and Taiwan; the authors also links that leaders in the four countries
discuss poorer countries, such as Indone- forged before their rises to power.
sia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, whose Ethiopian insurgents had fought side by
history and past economic policy failures side with their Eritrean counterparts to
make their recent successes more instruc- oust the regime of Ethiopian President
tive for African countries. The authors Mengistu Haile Mariam in 1991. The
review the record of private-sector, Rwandan rebels who attained power in
export-led growth in ten Asian countries 1994 had helped Ugandan fighters come
and distill lessons for African states. to power a decade earlier. Fisher shows
Governments, they argue, should seek to convincingly that all four regimes came
create inclusive leadership, improve their to share similar concerns about regional
countries’ educational systems, invest in security, and they all opposed conserva-
infrastructure, and open up their econo- tive regimes in the region, most notably
mies to foreign direct investment. These the government of Mobutu Sese Seko
reasonable prescriptions are not new, but in Zaire. Still, the personal bonds that
they might nonetheless be considered linked the leaderships in the four
controversial among too many African countries frayed considerably over time,
elites. The authors recognize that there as their respective countries’ national
isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; the interests diverged and their ambitions
particular strategy and sequence of led them to view one another with
reforms will vary in each country. They suspicion. Fisher concludes gloomily
also argue explicitly that Africa should that these former insurgents have
diverge from the Asian example by avoid- retained their propensity to use vio-
ing the authoritarian proclivities of many lence as a political instrument to deal
Asian countries and by ensuring that with their foreign policy problems, with
economic growth doesn’t lead to tremen- potentially destabilizing outcomes in
dous environmental destruction. the future for East Africa.
218 R O R U Ig u A r rA I R S
Recent Books
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