Hadoop Part 2
Hadoop Part 2
Hadoop Part 2
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) -- Introduction In this chapter we will learn about the
Hadoop Distributed File System, also known as HDFS. When people say 'Hadoop' it usually includes two
core components : HDFS and MapReduce HDFS is the 'file system' or 'storage layer' of Hadoop. It takes
care of storing data -- and it can handle very large amount of data (on a petabytes scale). In this chapter,
we will look at the concepts of HDFS 8.1. HDFS Concepts Problem : Data is too big store in one computer
Today's big data is 'too big' to store in ONE single computer -- no matter how powerful it is and how
much storage it has. This eliminates lot of storage system and databases that were built for single
machines. So we are going to build the system to run on multiple networked computers. The file system
will look like a unified single file system to the 'outside' world Hadoop solution : Data is stored on
multiple computers Problem : Very high end machines are expensive Now that we have decided that we
need a cluster of computers, what kind of machines are they? Traditional storage machines are
expensive with top-end components, sometimes with 'exotic' components (e.g. fiber channel for disk
arrays, etc). Obviously these computers cost a pretty penny. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) --
Introduction 26 Figure 8.1. Cray computer We want our system to be cost-effective, so we are not going
to use these 'expensive' machines. Instead we will opt to use commodity hardware. By that we don't
mean cheapo desktop class machines. We will use performant server class machines -- but these will be
commodity servers that you can order from any of the vendors (Dell, HP, etc) So what do these server
machines look like? Look at the Chapter 14, Hardware and Software for Hadoop [55] guide. Hadoop
solution : Run on commodity hardware Problem : Commodity hardware will fail In the old days of
distributed computing, failure was an exception, and hardware errors were not tolerated well. So
companies providing gear for distributed computing made sure their hardware seldom failed. This is
achieved by using high quality components, and having backup systems (in come cases backup to
backup systems!). So the machines are engineered to withstand component failures, but still keep
functioning. This line of thinking created hardware that is impressive, but EXPENSIVE! On the other hand
we are going with commodity hardware. These don't have high end whiz bang components like the main
frames mentioned above. So they are going to fail -- and fail often. We need to prepared for this. How?
The approach we will take is we build the 'intelligence' into the software. So the cluster software will be
smart enough to handle hardware failure. The software detects hardware failures and takes corrective
actions automatically -- without human intervention. Our software will be smarter! Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS) -- Introduction 27 Hadoop solution : Software is intelligent enough to deal with
hardware failure Problem : hardware failure may lead to data loss So now we have a network of
machines serving as a storage layer. Data is spread out all over the nodes. What happens when a node
fails (and remember, we EXPECT nodes to fail). All the data on that node will become unavailable (or
lost). So how do we prevent it? One approach is to make multiple copies of this data and store them on
different machines. So even if one node goes down, other nodes will have the data. This is called
'replication'. The standard replication is 3 copies. Figure 8.2. HDFS file replication Hadoop Solution :
replicate (duplicate) data Problem : how will the distributed nodes co-ordinate among themselves Since
each machine is part of the 'storage', we will have a 'daemon' running on each machine to manage
storage for that machine. These daemons will talk to each other to exchange data. OK, now we have all
these nodes storing data, how do we coordinate among them? One approach is to have a MASTER to be
the coordinator. While building distributed systems with a centralized coordinator may seem like an odd
idea, it is not a bad choice. It simplifies architecture, design and implementation of the system So now
our architecture looks like this. We have a single master node and multiple worker nodes. Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS) -- Introduction 28 Figure 8.3. HDFS master / worker design Hadoop
solution : There is a master node that co-ordinates all the worker nodes 8.1. HDFS Architecture Now we
have pretty much arrived at the architecture of HDFS Figure 8.4. HDFS architecture Lets go over some
principles of HDFS. First lets consider the parallels between 'our design' and the actual HDFS design.
Master / worker design In an HDFS cluster, there is ONE master node and many worker nodes. The
master node is called the Name Node (NN) and the workers are called Data Nodes (DN). Data nodes
actually store the data. They are the workhorses. Name Node is in charge of file system operations (like
creating files, user permissions, etc.). Without it, the cluster will be inoperable. No one can write data or
read data. This is called a Single Point of Failure. We will look more into this later. Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS) -- Introduction 29 Runs on commodity hardware As we saw hadoop doesn't need
fancy, high end hardware. It is designed to run on commodity hardware. The Hadoop stack is built to
deal with hardware failure and the file system will continue to function even if nodes fail. HDFS is
resilient (even in case of node failure) The file system will continue to function even if a node fails.
Hadoop accomplishes this by duplicating data across nodes. Data is replicated So how does Hadoop
keep data safe and resilient in case of node failure? Simple, it keeps multiple copies of data around the
cluster. To understand how replication works, lets look at the following scenario. Data segment #2 is
replicated 3 times, on data nodes A, B and D. Lets say data node A fails. The data is still accessible from
nodes B and D. HDFS is better suited for large files Generic file systems, say like Linux EXT file systems,
will store files of varying size, from a few bytes to few gigabytes. HDFS, however, is designed to store
large files. Large as in a few hundred megabytes to a few gigabytes. Why is this? HDFS was built to work
with mechanical disk drives, whose capacity has gone up in recent years. However, seek times haven't
improved all that much. So Hadoop tries to minimize disk seeks. Figure 8.5. Disk seek vs scan Files are
write-once only (not updateable) HDFS supports writing files once (they cannot be updated). This is a
stark difference between HDFS and a generic file system (like a Linux file system). Generic file systems
allows files to be modified. However appending to a file is supported. Appending is supported to enable
applications like HBase. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) -- Introduction 30 Figure 8.6. HDFS file
append 31 Chapter 9. Introduction To MapReduce 9.1. How I failed at designing distributed processing
Once, while working on an eDiscovery system, before Hadoop was born, I had to scale up my
computations: whatever I had done on one computer had to work on thirty computers which we had in
our racks. I chose to install JBoss on every machine, only to use its JMS messaging, and my computers
were talking to each other through that. It was working, but it had its drawbacks: 1. It had a concept of
master and workers, and the master was dividing the job into tasks for the workers, but this
preparation, which happened at the start of the job, took a long time. 2. The system was not stable:
some tasks were forgotten and somehow never performed. 3. If a worker went down, he stopped
working, that is, he did not pick up more work, but the work left undone was in an unknown stage. 4. All
of the data resided on a central file server. When 30 PC's were trying to read and write this data at the
same time, the system gave random errors and reported file status incorrectly. 5. Had my system
worked properly, I would have discovered other problems, which I did not get far enough to see: IO and
network bottlenecks. That was quite upsetting. I started having dreams about stacks of Linux servers,
piled one upon another. Then I read about the Fallacies of distributed computing
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacies_of_Distributed_Computing] and realized that I had violated all of
them. Figure 9.1. Dreams Introduction To MapReduce 32 9.2. How MapReduce does it At the risk of
being a spoiler [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoiler_(media)], I will describe how the MapReduce part
of Hadoop addresses the problems above. Now, if you don't want to take it easy but would rather
design a good multiprocessing system yourself, then take a pause here, create the design, and email it to
us [authors@hadoopilluminated.com]. I will trust you that did not cheat by looking ahead. Whether you
do this or not, looking at the MapReduce solution gives you an appreciation of how much it provides. 1.
MapReduce has a master and workers, but it is not all push or pull, rather, the work is a collaborative
effort between them. 2. The master assigns a work portion to the next available worker; thus, no work
portion is forgotten or left unfinished. 3. Workers send periodic heartbeats to the master. If the worker
is silent for a period of time (usually 10 minutes), then the master presumes this worker crashed and
assigns its work to another worker. The master also cleans up the unfinished portion of the crashed
worker. 4. All of the data resides in HDFS, which avoids the central server concept, with its limitations on
concurrent access and on size. MapReduce never updates data, rather, it writes new output instead.
This is one of the features of functional programming, and it avoids update lockups. 5. MapReduce is
network and rack aware, and it optimizes the network traffic. 9.3. How MapReduce really does it In the
previous section I have shown how MapReduce resolves the common instability problems found in
homegrown distributed systems. But I really just hinted at it, so now let us explain this in a little more
detail. Masters and slaves Nobody likes to be a slave, and up until now we avoided this terminology,
calling them workers. In that, we followed the remark from the movie Big Lebowski"
[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118715/quotes]: "Also, Dude, chinaman is not the preferred
nomenclature. Asian-American, please." However, "slave" is the actual term to be used. MapReduce has
a master and slaves, and they collaborate on getting the work done. The master is listed in the "masters"
configuration file, and the slaves are listed in the "slaves", and in this way they know about each other.
Furthermore, to be a real "master", the node must run a daemon called the "Job Tracker" daemon. The
slave, to be able to do its work, must run another daemon, called the "Tasktracker" daemon. The master
does not divide all the work beforehand, but has an algorithm on how to assign the next portion of the
work. Thus, no time is spent up front, and the job can begin right away. This division of labor, how much
to give to the next Tasktracker, is called "split", and you have control over it. By default, the input file is
split into chunks of about 64MB in size. About, because complete lines in the input file have to be
preserved. MapReduce is stable Recall that in my system I gave the responsibility for selecting the next
piece of work to the workers. This created two kinds of problems. When a worker crashed, nobody knew
about it. Of course, the worker would mark the work as "done" after it was completed, but when it
crashed, there was nobody to do this for him, so Introduction To MapReduce 33 it kept hanging. You
needed watchers over watchers, and so on. Another problem would be created when two overzealous
workers wanted the same portion. There was a need to somehow coordinate this effort. My solution
was a flag in the database, but then this database was becoming the real-time coordinator for multiple
processes, and it is not very good at that. You can image multiple scenarios when this would fail. By
contrast, in MapReduce the Job Tracker doles out the work. There is no contention: it takes the next
split and assigns it to the next available Tasktracker. If a Tasktracker crashes, it stops sending heartbeats
to the Job Tracker. MapReduce uses functional programming MapReduce works on data that resides in
HDFS. As described in the previous section, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is unlimited and
linearly scalable, that is, it grows by adding servers. Thus the problem of a central files server, with its
limited capacity, is eliminated. Moreover, MapReduce never updates data, rather, it writes a new output
instead. This is one of the principles of functional programming
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_programming], and it avoids update lockups. It also avoids the
need to coordinate multiple processes writing to the same file; instead, each Reducer writes to its own
output file in an HDFS directory, designated as output for the given job. The Reducer's output file is
named using the Reducer ID, which is unique. In further processing, MapReduce will treat all of the files
in the input directory as its input, and thus having multiple files either in the input or the output
directory is no problem. MapReduce optimizes network traffic As it turns out, network bandwidth is
probably the most precious and scarce resource in a distributed system and should be used with care. It
is a problem which I have not seen even in my eDiscovery application, because it needs to be correct
and stable before optimizing, and getting there is not an easy task. MapReduce, however, notes where
the data is (by using the IP address of the block of data that needs to be processed) and it also knows
where the Task Tracker is (by using its IP address). If it can, MapReduce assigns the computation to the
server which has the data locally, that is, whose IP address is the same as that of the data. Every Task
Tracker has a copy of the code that does the computation (the job's jar, in the case of Java code), and
thus the computation can begin. If local computation is not possible, MapReduce can select the server
that is at least closest to the data, so that the network traffic will go through the least number of hops. It
does it by comparing the IPs, which have the distance information encoded. Naturally, servers in the
same rack are considered closer to each other than servers on different racks. This property of
MapReduce to follow the network configuration is called "rack awareness". You set the rack information
in the configuration files and reap the benefits. MapReduce has Mappers and Reducers This may sound
like a tautology [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tautology], but without Mappers and Reducers what we
have described so far can only help us produce one line of output per one line of input. To go any
further, we need to introduce the computational capability of MapReduce. Let me give an example.
Suppose you want to output only unique values from your input, and drop all duplicates. That is, if in
processing a large amount of files you find another one with the same content as the previous one, you
don't really need it. It would be nice if you could assign a key to your input file, such as the MD5 hash
signature of the file, and then compare all signatures of all files. Well, this is exactly what MapReduce
does. It asks you to assign a key to your input value, and it then sorts all your values by key. The files
with the same content will have the same hash value, will end up together in the sort order, and you will
be able to drop them. Introduction To MapReduce 34 Or say, you don't want to drop the inputs with the
same key, but rather you want to analyze them. For example, you may be reading financial records,
checking account transactions, and you may want to group all transaction for the same accounts
together, so that you can calculate the balance. Again, MapReduce has already done this for you: all
records for the same account will be grouped together (the sorting being done by the Hadoop
framework), and all you have to do is calculate the total. We can now introduce the concept of Mappers
and Reducers: Mappers process, or understand the input, and express this understanding by assigning
the key, and potentially extracting or changing the value (such as converting the currency). The Reducer
receives all values with the same key, and can loop through them, to perform any operation required.
The Mapper's pair of key and value, usually denoted as , is called a map. The Mapper that does the
above calculation is called to "emit the map", and the Reducer then loops through all the maps, and
summarizes the results in some way. A practical example To explain the MapReduce calculation better,
let me give you a practical example. In one ancient book I read that to get around through the chambers
of Heaven, you had to give a seal to the angel who was guarding each door. The seal was to be created
in your own thought: you concentrate on the mystical name until it becomes a real physical seal. You
then hand this seal to the angel, and he lets you in. Figure 9.2. Angel checks the seal To calculate the
meaning of the seal, the angel had to take the numerical value assigned to each letter, and add them up.
This then becomes the perfect analogy of the MapReduce calculation. Your value is the mystical name,
represented by the seal. It may be a simple string or a multi-dimensional object. From this value, you
calculate the key, or the sum total of each letter. This is the Mapper. With this combination you begin
your travels. All the people who have the same key are collected by the same angel in a certain
chamber. This is your Reducer. The computation is parallel (each person does his own travels) and
scalable (there is no limit on the number of people traveling at the same time). This is the MapReduce
calculation. If one angel fails, another can take its place, because angels too are defined by their names.
Thus you have fault tolerance. Another example According to Michael Lynch, the founder of Autonomy,
Barack Obama's Big Data won the US election [http://www.computerworld.com/s/arti- Introduction To
MapReduce 35 cle/9233587/Barack_Obama_39_s_Big_Data_won_the_US_election#disqus_thread].
The articles says that the campaign carefully selected micro-segments of voters, analyzed their
characteristics, and then addressed them directly. Michael is the creator of the Intelligent Data
Operating Layer (IDOL), the enterprise smart search, so he knows the technology in question. One can
imagine a MapReduce program that would accomplish this purpose as follows: read the person's
characteristics, assign him a hash code (mapper), collect all of the people with the same hash code and
analyze them (reducer). This is aptly illustrated in the following diagram. Figure 9.3. Micro-targeting the
electorate This concludes our introduction to the MapReduce part of Hadoop, where our goal was to
explain how it works, without one line of code. 9.4. Who invented this? According to an article in
"Wired" magazine entitled "If Xerox PARC Invented the PC, Google Invented the Internet
[http://www.wired.com/wiredenterprise/2012/08/google-as-xerox-parc/all/] all of modern computer
science was invented at Google. Definitely the MapReduce technology was invented there, by Jeff Dean
and Sanjay Ghemawat. To prove the point, here are some "facts" about Jeff: Jeff Dean once failed a
Turing test when he correctly identified the 203rd Fibonacci number in less than a second. Jeff Dean
compiles and runs his code before submitting it, but only to check for compiler and CPU bugs.
Introduction To MapReduce 36 The speed of light in a vacuum used to be about 35 mph. Then Jeff Dean
spent a weekend optimizing physics. You can read the complete article by the two Google engineers,
entitled MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
[http://research.google.com/archive/mapreduce.html] and decide for yourself. 9.5. The benefits of
MapReduce programming So what are the benefits of MapReduce programming? As you can see, it
summarizes a lot of the experiences of scientists and practitioners in the design of distributed processing
systems. It resolves or avoids several complications of distributed computing. It allows unlimited
computations on an unlimited amount of data. It actually simplifies the developer's life. And, although it
looks deceptively simple, it is very powerful, with a great number of sophisticated (and profitable)
applications written in this framework. In the other sections of this book we will introduce you to the
practical aspects of MapReduce implementation. We will also show you how to avoid it, by using higher-
level tools, 'cause not everybody likes to write Java code. Then you will be able to see whether or not
Hadoop is for you, or even invent a new framework. Keep in mind though that other developers are also
busy inventing new frameworks, so hurry to read more