Engineering Ethics: Aiub DR M Tanseer Ai Eng Ethics Lec 5 /1

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Engineering Ethics

Lecture 5

AIUB Dr M Tanseer Ai Eng Ethics Lec 5 /1

Concept of Safety

❑ Absolute safety is never attainable nor affordable, in

the senses of
❑ (a) entirely risk-free activities and products, or
❑ (b) a degree of safety that satisfies all individuals or groups
under all conditions.
❑ According to William W. Lowrance: “A thing is safe if
its risks are judged to be acceptable.”
❑ A modified version of Lowrance’s definition: A thing is
safe if, were its risks fully known, those risks would
be judged acceptable by reasonable persons in light
of their settled value principles.

AIUB Dr M Tanseer Ali Eng Ethics Lec 5 /2


❑ A risk is the potential that something unwanted and

harmful may occur.
❑ William D. Rowe refers to the risk as “potential for
the realization of unwanted consequences from
impending events.”
❑ In regard to technology, it can equally well include
dangers of bodily harm, of economic loss, or of
environmental degradation.
❑ These in turn can be caused by delayed job
completion, faulty products or systems, or
economically or environmentally injurious solutions
to technological problems.

AIUB Dr M Tanseer Ali Eng Ethics Lec 5 /3

❑In addition to measurable and identifiable hazards
arising from the use of consumer products and
from production processes in factories, some of
the less obvious effects of technology are now
also making their way to public consciousness.
❑Technology has greatly reduced the scope of
some of these, such as floods and earthquakes.

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Acceptable Risk
❑ William D. Rowe says that “a risk is acceptable
when those affected are generally no longer (or not)
apprehensive about it.”
❑ Apprehensiveness depends to a large extent on
how the risk is perceived.
❑ This is influenced by such factors as
(1) whether the risk is accepted voluntarily;
(2) INFORMATION: the effects of knowledge on how the
probabilities of harm (or benefit) are known or perceived;
(3) Job-Related: if the risks are job-related or other
pressures exist that cause people to be aware of or to
overlook risks;
(4) Magnitude: whether the effects of a risky activity or
situation are immediately noticeable or are close at hand;
(5) Proximity: whether the potential victims are identifiable

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Assessing Risk
Figure 5–1
Why both low-risk and high-risk
products are costly. P = primary
cost of product, including cost of
safety measures involved; S =
secondary costs, including
warranties, loss of customer
goodwill, litigation costs, costs of
downtime, and other secondary
costs. T = total cost. Minimum
total cost occurs at M, where
incremental savings in primary cost
(slope of P) are offset by an equal
incremental increase in secondary
cost (slope of S). Highest
acceptable risk (H) may fall below
risk at least cost (M), in which case
H and its higher cost must be
selected as the design or operating
AIUB Dr M Tanseer Ali Eng Ethics Lec 5 /6
Risk-Benefit Analyses
❑ Many large projects, especially public works, are justified on
the basis of a risk-benefit analysis.
❑ The questions answered by such a study are the following:
❑ Is the product worth the risks connected with its use?
❑ What are the benefits?
❑ Do they outweigh the risks?
❑ We are willing to take on certain levels of risk as long as the
project (activity, product, or system) promises sufficient
benefit or gain.
❑ Both risks and benefits lie in the future. As there is some
uncertainty associated with them, we should address their
expected values.
❑ It should be noted that risk-benefit analysis, like cost-benefit
analysis, is concerned with the advisability of undertaking a
❑ Personal Risk versus Public Risk
❑ Examples of Improved Safety

AIUB Dr M Tanseer Ali Eng Ethics Lec 5 /7

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