New-Operation & Maintenance Manual S16r-Pta (-S)

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December 2016
MAINTENANCE MANUAL Pub. No. 99240-60100


1MW IPP Project

The operator and supervisor are requested to read this Oper-

ation and Maintenance Manual carefully before operating the
engine or conducting inspection and maintenance.
Never operate the engine or conduct maintenance work with-
out completely understanding this manual.

This operation and maintenance manual contains detailed operation, inspection

and maintenance information for engines from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd.

Please be noticed that some contents are repeated among chapters for better


Please read and understand this manual thoroughly before proceeding with oper-

ation, inspection, and maintenance work.

Failure to follow instructions in this manual may result in serious accidents.

Please observe the laws and regulations in the country or region where the

engine is used.


Limited Warranty

During the warranty period, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. (MHIET) will repair and
replace any defective products, which are returned, if such defective are found to be manufacturing defects by
investigation. For warranty period, contact your MHIET dealer.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. (MHIET) warranty is limited to the compensation work of
repair or replacement of parts.
The warranty coverage is effective for the original purchaser only. Those to whom ownership is later transferred are
not provided with the warranty. However, the warranty coverage is effective for the ultimate purchaser and each
subsequent purchaser for emission-related parts.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. makes no warranties, either
expressed or implied, except as provided in this manual, including, but not limited to,
warranties as to marketability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or use, or
against infringement of any patent.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. will not be liable for any dam-
ages or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, damages or other costs
resulting from any abuse, misuse, misapplication of the engine and devices which sup-
plied by us.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. will not be liable for any dam-
ages or personal injuries resulting from any modification, without our written permis-
sion, of the engine and devices which supplied by us.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. will not be liable for any dam-
ages or production losses caused by the use of fuel, engine oil and/or long life coolant
(LLC) that we are not recommended.
Operation with BDF over the Recommended limit stated in Chapter 4 FUEL. (Any material
or workmanship failures may be compensated subject to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. approval.)
The owner of the engine is responsible for performing regular maintenance described in
this manual.
When performing the maintenance, follow the instructions in the service manual pub-
lished by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. may deny the warranty cover-
age if the engine or a part of the engine has failed due to inadequate or improper mainte-

ii 99240-60100

Important Information

To avoid the potential hazard, accident prevention To prevent an accident, do not attempt to carry out
activities must be planned methodically and con- any operation other than those described in this man-
ducted continually by considering all aspects of ual, and do not use the engine for any unapproved
engine operation, maintenance, and inspection. All purpose.
involved personnel, including managers and supervi- When the ownership of the engine is transferred, be
sors, should actively participate, recognize their sure to give this manual to the new owner although
roles, and organize themselves and their work to the warranty does not transfer to the new owner.
ensure a safe environment. Also, inform MHIET of the name and address of the
The foremost safety objective is to prevent accidents new owner of the engine.
which may result in injury or death, or equipment This manual is copyrighted and all rights are
damage. reserved. No part of this manual, including illustra-
Always observe laws and regulations of the local or tions and technical references, may be photocopied,
federal/national government. translated, or reproduced in any electronic medium
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, or machine readable form without prior written con-
Ltd. cannot foresee all potential dangers of the sent from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Tur-
engine, potential dangers resulting from human error bocharger, Ltd.
and other causes, or a danger caused by a specific For improvement of the engine, the contents in this
environment in which the engine is used. Since there manual are subject to change at any time without
are many actions that cannot be performed or must notice.
not be performed, it is impossible to indicate every Pictures or illustrations of the product in this manual
caution in this manual or on warning labels. As such, may differ from those of the product you have.
it is extremely important to follow instructions in this Please note that, depending on specifications, the
manual and also to take general safety measures items described in this manual may differ from those
when operating, maintaining, and inspecting the on your engine in shape, or may not be installed on
engine. your engine.
When the engine is used by individuals whose native Please contact your MHIET dealer if you need more
language is not English, the engine owner must pro- information or if you have any questions.
vide thorough safety guidance to the operators. Also, If the manual is lost or damaged, please obtain a new
attach the warning and operational decals that copy at your MHIET dealer without delay.
describe the original warning label statements in the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger,
native language of the operators. Ltd. recommends the engine owner to install an hour
The engine must be operated, maintained, and meter on the engine so that you can find the exact
inspected only by qualified persons who have thor- engine operating time, thereby performing the speci-
ough knowledge of engines and their dangers, and fied maintenance at the appropriate time as
also have received risk avoidance training. described herein.


Warning Indication

The following signs and symbols are used to call attention of the operators and maintenance personnel to potential
dangers of the engine.
Warning Statements in This Manual
Warning Labels Attached on the Engine

Warning Statements
The warning statements in this manual describe potential danger in operation, inspection, and maintenance of the
engine, using the five symbols below to indicate the degree of potential hazard.
Failure to follow these directions could lead to serious accidents which could result in personal injury, or death in the
worst case.
Please understand the instructions described in this manual well, and handle the engine according to the instruc-

Indicates an immediately hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property
Note: Indicates important or useful information related to the operation and maintenance of the

iv 99240-60100

Unit of Measurement

Measurements are based on the International System of Units (SI), and they are converted to the metric system
units shown in { } in this manual. Conversion rates are as follows:
Pressure: 1 MPa = 10.197 kgf/cm2
Torque: 1 N•m = 0.10197 kgf•m
Force: 1 N = 0.10197 kgf
Power, output: 1 kW = 1.341 HP = 1.3596 PS
Rotational speed: 1 min-1 = 1 rpm
Kinetic viscosity: 1 mm2/s = 1 cSt

Abbreviations, Standards and Others

API = American Petroleum Institute

ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
ISO = International Organization for Standardization
JIS = Japanese Industrial Standards
LLC = Long Life Coolant
MIL = Military Specifications and Standards
SDS = Safety Data Sheet
SAE = Society of Automotive Engineers

Chapter 1 Stop Operation Immediately If You Notice Any
Abnormality ...................................................... 1-5
Do Not Add Coolant Immediately After a Sudden
Fire and Explosion Protection..............1-1
Stop Due to Overheating.................................. 1-5
Keep Flames Away .......................................... 1-1
Be Careful When Starting After an Abnormal
Keep Engine Surrounding Area Tidy and Clean1-1
Stop .................................................................. 1-5
Pay Attention to Engine Room Ventilation ....... 1-1
Stop Engine Immediately When Engine Oil
Do Not Open Side Covers Until Engine Cools . 1-1
Pressure Has Dropped..................................... 1-5
Be Alert for Leaking Fuel, Oil, or Exhaust Gas 1-1
If Belt Breaks, Stop Engine Immediately .......... 1-5
Use Explosion-Proof Light................................ 1-1
Battery Safety Precautions ................. 1-6
Prevention of Electric Short Circuit .................. 1-1
Be Careful When Handling Battery .................. 1-6
Keep Fire Extinguishers and First-Aid Kit Handy..1-1
Other Precautions ............................... 1-7
Stay Away From Rotating and
Do Not Tamper................................................. 1-7
Moving Parts........................................1-2
Observe Safety Rules at Work Site.................. 1-7
Keep Rotating Parts Covered for Safety .......... 1-2
Wear Proper Work Clothing and Protective
Check Work Area for Safety Before Starting.... 1-2
Gears ............................................................... 1-7
Stay Away From Moving Parts During
Never Break the Seals ..................................... 1-7
Operation ......................................................... 1-2
Performance of Pre-Operation Inspection and
Lockout and Tagout ......................................... 1-2
Periodic Inspections ......................................... 1-7
Be Sure to Stop Engine Before Inspection/
Engine Break-in................................................ 1-7
Maintenance..................................................... 1-2
Warming Up Engine First ................................. 1-7
Always Put Turning Tool Back in Place After
Cool Down the Engine Before Stopping........... 1-7
Use................................................................... 1-2
Do Not Operate the Engine in an Overloaded
Prevention of Exhaust Gas Poisoning .1-3 Condition .......................................................... 1-8
Pay Attention to Ventilation When Operating Prohibition of Continuous Low-Load Operation 1-8
Engine .............................................................. 1-3 Do Not Splash Water on Engine ...................... 1-8
Prevention of Hearing Loss .................1-3 Air Cleaner Maintenance Precautions.............. 1-8
Wear Ear Plugs ................................................ 1-3 Use Proper Tools for Maintenance Work ......... 1-8
Fall Prevention.....................................1-3 Do Not Operate Starter for a Long Duration .... 1-8
Lift Engine Carefully ......................................... 1-3 Do Not Turn Off the Battery Switch During
Do Not Climb Onto the Engine......................... 1-3 Operation ......................................................... 1-8
Always Use a Stable Foothold During Engine Transportation Precautions .................. 1-8
Maintenance..................................................... 1-3 Warning Labels ................................... 1-9
Burn Protection....................................1-4 Maintenance of Warning Labels....................... 1-9
Do Not Touch Engine During or Immediately
After Operation................................................. 1-4
Refill Coolant Only After the Coolant Temperature
Chapter 2
Dropped ........................................................... 1-4 NAMES OF PARTS
Burn Prevention When Changing Oil ............... 1-4 Engine External Views ........................ 2-1
Do Not Remove Heat Shields .......................... 1-4 Operating Devices .............................. 2-2
Be Careful When Opening and Closing of Starting and Stopping Device........................... 2-2
Radiator Cap .................................................... 1-4 Engine Protection Devices.................. 2-3
Do Not Touch High-Pressure Fuel Spray......... 1-4 Oil Pressure Switch .......................................... 2-4
Be Careful When Handling Fuel, Thermo Switch ................................................. 2-4
Engine Oil, and Coolant (LLC).............1-5 Oil Filter Differential Pressure Alarm Switch .... 2-4
Use Specified Fuel, Engine Oil, and LLC Only 1-5 Rotation Detection Pickup ................................ 2-5
Handle LLC Carefully ....................................... 1-5 Air Cleaner Indicator ........................................ 2-5
Proper Disposal of Waste Oil, LLC, and Coolant..1-5 Using Manual Turning Gear................ 2-6
When Abnormality Occurs...................1-5
99240-60100 CONTENTS-1

Chapter 3 Definition of Property Limit of Engine

OPERATION Oil........................................................ 5-6
Checking Operational Environment.....3-1 Kinetic viscosity ................................................ 5-6
Base number .................................................... 5-6
Preparation for Operation of New or
Acid number ..................................................... 5-6
Overhauled Engine..............................3-1
Water content ................................................... 5-6
Preparation of Fuel System.............................. 3-1
Flash point........................................................ 5-6
Preparation of Lubrication System ................... 3-3
Insolubles ......................................................... 5-6
Preparation of Cooling System ........................ 3-4
Engine Oil Analysis Service ................ 5-7
Preparation of Electrical System ...................... 3-7
Test Operation ................................................. 3-8
Normal Engine Operation ....................3-9 Chapter 6
Pre-operation Inspection .....................3-9 COOLANT
Engine Exterior - Inspect.................................. 3-9 Recommended Water for Coolant ...... 6-1
Fuel Tank Oil Level - Check............................. 3-9
Long Life Coolant (LLC)...................... 6-1
Fuel Tank - Drain Water................................. 3-10
Genuine MHIET LLC........................... 6-1
Fuel Control Link - Check............................... 3-10
Engine Oil Level - Check................................ 3-11 Other Commercial LLCs ..................... 6-2
Coolant Level - Check.................................... 3-11 Requirements for Other Commercial
Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging ................... 3-12 LLCs.................................................... 6-2
Damper Temperature - Check ....................... 3-12 General Quality Requirements for LLC ............ 6-2
Start-up..............................................3-13 LLC Quality Standard ....................................... 6-3
Warm-up Operation ...........................3-13 Maintenance of LLC............................ 6-6
Engine Oil Pressure - Check.......................... 3-13 Replacement Intervals of LLC .......................... 6-6
Engine - Walk Around Check ......................... 3-13 LLC Concentration (GLASSY and PG GLASSY) . 6-7
Operation...........................................3-14 LLC Concentration Measuring Method ............ 6-8
Precautions in Engine Operation ................... 3-14 Necessity of LLC............................... 6-11
Inspection During Operation .......................... 3-14 Characteristics of LLC Additives ....... 6-11
Stopping ............................................3-15 Examples of Abnormalities Caused
Emergency Stop............................................. 3-15 by Amine Type LLC .......................... 6-11
Inspection After Stopping ............................... 3-15 Pitting of Iron Parts......................................... 6-11
Corrosion of Aluminum Parts ......................... 6-11
Pitting and Clogging of Radiator .................... 6-11
Chapter 4
Recommended Fuel ............................4-1 Chapter 7
Handling Fuel ......................................4-1 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE
Fuel Quality Standard..........................4-2 SCHEDULE
How to Use the Periodic Maintenance
Schedule ............................................. 7-1
Chapter 5
Periodic Maintenance Schedule ......... 7-2
Recommended Engine Oil...................5-1
Genuine MHIET Engine Oil .................5-1 Chapter 8
Recommended Engine Oil...................5-1 PERIODIC INSPECTION AND
Other Commercial Engine Oils ............5-2 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES
Handling Engine Oil.............................5-5 Engine................................................. 8-1
Service Limits for Engine Oil ...............5-5 Engine Exterior - Inspect .................................. 8-1

CONTENTS-2 99400-74110

Belt and Belt Tension - Inspect and Adjust ...... 8-2 Chapter 11
Damper - Inspect.............................................. 8-4
Fuel system .........................................8-6 General Precautions ......................... 11-1
Fuel System - Inspect ...................................... 8-6
Contact Your MHIET Dealer for Repair
Fuel Tank - Clean............................................. 8-6
Service ........................................................... 11-1
Fuel Tank - Drain Water................................... 8-6
Considerations Before Proceeding with Corrective
Gauze Filter - Clean ......................................... 8-7
Action ............................................................. 11-1
Fuel Filter - Replace......................................... 8-8
Cautions Against Contamination .................... 11-1
Fuel Control Link Ball Joint - Inspect................ 8-9
Cautions for Parts Handling ........................... 11-1
Fuel Pipe - Inspect ......................................... 8-10
Safety Working Practices ............................... 11-1
Lubrication System ............................8-11 Problems, Probable Causes, and
Engine Oil, Oil Filter, and Bypass Oil Filter -
Solutions ........................................... 11-2
Replace .......................................................... 8-11
The Starter Does not Crank or Cranks Slowly,
Ingress of Fuel and Water In Engine Oil -
Resulting in Start Failure ................................ 11-2
Inspect ........................................................... 8-13
Starter Cranks, but Engine Does Not Start .... 11-3
Oil Pipe - Inspect............................................ 8-13
Poor Output .................................................... 11-4
Cooling system ..................................8-14
Exhaust Smoke is White or Blue .................... 11-5
Coolant - Change ........................................... 8-14
Exhaust Smoke is Black or Grey.................... 11-6
Radiator Fins - Check and Clean ................... 8-18
Excessive Fuel Consumption ......................... 11-7
Inlet and exhaust systems .................8-19 Excessive Engine Oil Consumption ............... 11-8
Turbocharger - Inspect................................... 8-19 Overheating.................................................... 11-8
Pre-Cleaner - Clean, Inspect, and Replace ... 8-20 Engine Oil Pressure Drop .............................. 11-9
Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging ................... 8-20
When Fuel has Run Out ................... 11-9
Air Cleaner Element - Clean, Check, and
Replace .......................................................... 8-21
Electrical System ...............................8-22 Chapter 12
Starter - Inspect.............................................. 8-23 MAIN SPECIFICATION
Alternator - Inspect......................................... 8-23

Chapter 9
Storing Engine in an Inoperable Condition
for 3 Months up to 1 Year ....................9-1
Preparation for Storage.................................... 9-1
Maintenance During Storage ........................... 9-1
When Using Engine After Storage ................... 9-2
Storing Engine in an Operable
Condition .............................................9-2
Operation for Maintenance Purpose ................ 9-2

Chapter 10
Lifting Engine.....................................10-1

99400-74110 CONTENTS-3

List of Illustrations Fig. 5-2 Engine Oil Grade...................................5-2

Fig. 1-1 Common Warning Labels..................... 1-9 Fig. 5-3 Selection of Oil Viscosity .......................5-4
Fig. 2-1 Engine Left-Side View .......................... 2-1 Fig. 6-1 GLASSY Long Life Coolant...................6-1
Fig. 2-2 Engine Right-Side View........................ 2-1 Fig. 6-2 Coolant Freezing Temperature
Fig. 2-3 Manual Stop Lever ............................... 2-2 (GLASSY and PG GLASSY) .................6-7
Fig. 2-4 Stop Solenoid ....................................... 2-2 Fig. 6-3 Coolant Tester.......................................6-8
Fig. 2-5 Oil Pressure Switch .............................. 2-4 Fig. 6-4 Measuring Procedure 1 .........................6-8
Fig. 2-6 Thermo Switch ..................................... 2-4 Fig. 6-5 Measuring Procedure 2 .........................6-8
Fig. 2-7 Oil Filter Differential Pressure Alarm Fig. 6-6 Measuring Procedure 3 .........................6-8
Switch................................................... 2-4 Fig. 6-7 Measuring Procedure 4 .........................6-9
Fig. 2-8 Rotation Detection Pickup .................... 2-5 Fig. 6-8 Measuring Procedure 5 .........................6-9
Fig. 2-9 Air Cleaner Indicator............................. 2-5 Fig. 6-9 Measuring Procedure 6 .........................6-9
Fig. 2-10 Manual Turning Gear Position Fig. 6-10 Measuring Procedure 7 .......................6-10
(During Operation)................................ 2-6 Fig. 6-11 Measuring Procedure 8 .......................6-10
Fig. 2-11 Manual Turning Gear Position Fig. 8-1 Valve Open/Closed Position - Check ....8-1
(When Pushing-In) ............................... 2-6 Fig. 8-2 Belt Tension (Alternator Side) - Adjust ..8-2
Fig. 2-12 Manual Turning Gear Position Fig. 8-3 Belt Tension - Adjust
(When Turning Shaft) ........................... 2-6 (Air Cooler Water Pump Side)...............8-2
Fig. 3-1 Priming Pump Comparison .................. 3-1 Fig. 8-4 Damper - Check Visually.......................8-4
Fig. 3-2 A-type Priming Pump - Operation ........ 3-2 Fig. 8-5 Damper Temperature Control ...............8-5
Fig. 3-3 B-type Priming Pump - Operation ........ 3-2 Fig. 8-6 Fuel Tank - Drain Water ........................8-6
Fig. 3-4 Fuel Filter - Bleed Air............................ 3-2 Fig. 8-7 Gauze Filter - Clean ..............................8-7
Fig. 3-5 Fuel Injection Pump - Bleed Air............ 3-2 Fig. 8-8 Fuel Filter - Replace ..............................8-8
Fig. 3-6 Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge .............. 3-3 Fig. 8-9 Fuel Filter ..............................................8-8
Fig. 3-7 Lubricating Valve and Cam Oil Bath .... 3-3 Fig. 8-10 Ball Joint - Check for Looseness...........8-9
Fig. 3-8 Radiator Cap ........................................ 3-4 Fig. 8-11 Fuel Control Link - Remove...................8-9
Fig. 3-9 Coolant Drain Cock (Engine Body) ...... 3-5 Fig. 8-12 High-pressure Fuel Injection Pipe and Clamp
Fig. 3-10 Coolant Drain Cock Seat - Inspect and Replace .................8-10
(Engine Water Pump)........................... 3-5 Fig. 8-13 Low-Pressure Fuel Pipe and Clip -
Fig. 3-11 Air Vent Plug (Engine Cooling System) 3-5 Inspect.................................................8-10
Fig. 3-12 Coolant Drain Cock .............................. 3-6 Fig. 8-14 Oil Filter and Bypass Oil Filter -
Fig. 3-13 Air Vent Cock and Plug Replace ...............................................8-11
(Air Cooler Cooling System)................. 3-6 Fig. 8-15 Oil Filter ...............................................8-11
Fig. 3-14 Battery Fluid Level - Check .................. 3-7 Fig. 8-16 Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge .............8-12
Fig. 3-15 Fuel Tank - Drain Water ..................... 3-10 Fig. 8-17 Lubricating Valve and Cam Oil Bath ...8-12
Fig. 3-16 Fuel Control Link - Check................... 3-10 Fig. 8-18 Oil Pipe and Clip - Inspect and Replace. 8-13
Fig. 3-17 Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge ............ 3-11 Fig. 8-19 Radiator Cap .......................................8-14
Fig. 3-18 Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging........ 3-12 Fig. 8-20 Coolant - Drain (Engine Body) ............8-14
Fig. 3-19 Damper Thermo Label ....................... 3-12 Fig. 8-21 Coolant Drain Cock (Water Pump)......8-15
Fig. 3-20 Manual Stop Lever ............................. 3-15 Fig. 8-22 Coolant Drain Cock (Engine Body) .....8-16
Fig. 5-1 JUKOIL Cojera ..................................... 5-1 Fig. 8-23 Coolant Drain Cock

CONTENTS-4 99400-74110

(Engine Water Pump)8-16 List of tables

Fig. 8-24 Air Vent Plug (Engine Cooling System) . 8-16 Table 3-1 Inspection During Operation ...............3-14
Fig. 8-25 Coolant Drain Cock ............................ 8-17 Table 4-1 Recommended Fuel ..............................4-1
Fig. 8-26 Air Vent Cock and Plug Table 4-2 Recommended Limit and Use Limit for
(Air Cooler Cooling System)............... 8-17 Fuel Properties ......................................4-2
Fig. 8-27 Radiator Fin - Clean ........................... 8-18 Table 5-1 Recommended engine oil .....................5-1
Fig. 8-28 Turbocharger - Inspect ....................... 8-19 Table 5-2 Recommended Limits for Engine Oil
Fig. 8-29 Pre-Cleaner - Wash............................ 8-20 Properties ..............................................5-3
Fig. 8-30 Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging........ 8-20 Table 5-3 Engine Oil Properties ............................5-5
Fig. 8-31 Air Cleaner Element - Remove........... 8-21 Table 6-1 Water Quality Standard .........................6-1
Fig. 8-32 Air Cleaner Element - Clean and Check 8-21 Table 6-2 LLC Quality Standard ............................6-3
Fig. 8-33 Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging........ 8-21 Table 6-3 Recommended LLC Concentration .......6-7
Fig. 8-34 Battery Fluid Level - Check ................ 8-22 Table 7-1 Periodic Maintenance Schedule............7-2
Fig. 8-35 Specific Gravity of Battery Electrolyte - Table 8-1 Ribbed Belt Tension Force....................8-3
Check ................................................. 8-23 Table 8-2 Thermo Labels ......................................8-5
Fig. 8-36 Starter - Inspect.................................. 8-23 Table 8-3 Specific Gravity of Battery Electrolyte .... 8-23
Fig. 8-37 Alternator - Inspect ............................. 8-23 Table 9-1 Recommended Rust-Preventive Oil and
Fig. 10-1 Lifting Hangers ................................... 10-1 Corrosion Inhibitor .................................9-1
Fig. 10-2 Engine's Center of Gravity Table 11-1 The Starter Does not Crank or Cranks
(Standard Specification) ..................... 10-1 Slowly, Resulting in Start Failure.........11-2
Table 11-2 Starter Cranks, but Engine Will Not
Table 11-3 Poor Output .........................................11-4
Table 11-4 Exhaust Smoke is White or Blue .........11-5
Table 11-5 Exhaust Smoke is Black or Charcoal ..11-6
Table 11-6 Excessive Fuel Consumption ..............11-7
Table 11-7 Excessive Engine Oil Consumption ....11-8
Table 11-8 Overheating.........................................11-8
Table 11-9 Engine Oil Pressure Drop ...................11-9
Table 12-1 Main Specifications .............................12-1

99400-74110 CONTENTS-5
Fire and Explosion Protection

Keep Flames Away Be Alert for Leaking Fuel, Oil, or

Do not use flames near the engine (in
the engine room). Fuel gas vapor or
Exhaust Gas
If any fuel, oil, or exhaust gas leak is found, immedi-
other gas can catch fire and produces
ately stop the engine. After the engine has completely
hazardous situations.
cooled down, repair the leak.
Wipe off spilled fuel, oil, and LLC
If oil/fuel splashes or leaks on the hot surfaces of the
immediately and thoroughly. Spilled fuel, oil, and LLC
engine, or if exhaust gas comes in contact with flam-
may ignite and cause a fire.
mable materials, it can cause property damage or per-
Store the fuel and engine oil in a well-ventilated area.
sonal injury.
Make sure that the caps of fuel and engine oil contain-
ers are tightly closed. Use Explosion-Proof Light
When inspecting fuel, engine oil, cooling water, bat-
Keep Engine Surrounding Area tery electrolyte, etc., use a flameproof light. An ordi-
Tidy and Clean nary lighting apparatus may ignite gas and cause an
Do not leave combustible or explosive materials such
as fuel, engine oil, and LLC near the engine. It can
cause a fire or explosion. Prevention of Electric Short Cir-
Remove dust, dirt, and other foreign substances accu- cuit
mulated on the engine and surrounding area. Such Do not inspect or repair the electrical system with the
materials can cause a fire or overheating. In particu- ground cable connected to the battery. Otherwise, a
lar, clean the top surface of the battery after mainte- fire could result from short-circuit. Be sure to discon-
nance work has been completed. Dust can cause a nect the battery cable from the negative (-) terminal
short-circuit. before proceeding with any work.
Always place the engine at a position at least 1 m Short-circuit, which may result in fire, is caused by a
[3.28 ft.] away from buildings and other equipment to loose terminal or damaged cable/wire. Inspect termi-
prevent possible fire caused by engine heat. nals, cables, and wires, and repair or replace faulty
parts before proceeding with any work.
Pay Attention to Engine Room
Ventilation Keep Fire Extinguishers and
Always keep the engine room well ventilated. Insuffi- First-Aid Kit Handy
cient air in the room can cause an increase in the Keep fire extinguishers handy and
engine temperature and a decrease in the output become familiar with the usage. Keep
power and performance. Prior to installation of the a first-aid kit at the designated place
engine, it is recommended to provide an adequate where it is easily accessible by any-
ventilation system by calculating the proper amount of one at any time.
supply air needed for the engine. Prepare an emergency action plan in the event of fire
or accident. Provide an emergency evacuation route
Do Not Open Side Covers Until and contact points and means of communication in
Engine Cools case of emergency.
Do not attempt to open the side cover of the crank-
case before the engine cools down. Wait at least 10
minutes after stopping the engine.
If fresh air flows into the crankcase while the engine is
overheating, oil mist can be ignited and exploded.


Stay Away From Rotating and Moving Parts

Keep Rotating Parts Covered Lockout and Tagout

for Safety Be sure to lockout/tagout before starting inspection
Make sure the protective covers
and maintenance work.
attached to the engine rotating parts
Lockout and tagout are effective methods of cutting off
are correctly installed. Repair any
machines and equipment from energy sources.
damaged or loose covers. Do not
To accomplish the lockout/tagout, remove the starter
remove the protective covers of the
switch key, place the battery switch to the OFF posi-
rotating parts during operation.
tion and attach a "DO NOT OPERATE" or similar cau-
When the engine is equipped with driven equipment
tion sign to the starter switch.
or radiator, install protective covers around the
The starter switch key must be kept by the person
exposed connecting belt and coupling.
who performs inspection and maintenance work.
Never remove the protective covers.
Be Sure to Stop Engine Before
Check Work Area for Safety Inspection/Maintenance
Before Starting Be sure to stop the engine before proceeding with any
Before starting the engine, make sure no one is near
inspection and maintenance work. Never attempt to
the engine and no tools are left on or near the engine.
make any adjustments on the engine parts while the
Alert people in the area when starting the engine.
engine is running.
When the starter device is posted with a sign that pro-
Entanglement in rotating parts can result in serious
hibits startup operation, do not operate the engine.
injury or death.

Stay Away From Moving Parts Always Put Turning Tool Back
During Operation in Place After Use
Stay away from rotating parts of the
Be sure to remove all turning tools that are used
engine while the engine is running.
during maintenance and inspection work. Be sure to
Do not place any objects which might
pull out the manual turning gear shaft before starting
be easily entangled near the rotating
the engine.
Starting the engine with the turning tool inserted or
If any part of the clothing or tool is caught in rotating
with the turning gear engaged can lead to not only
parts, it could result in serious injury or death.
engine damage but also personal injuries.

1-2 99240-60100

Prevention of Exhaust Fall Prevention

Gas Poisoning
Lift Engine Carefully
To lift the engine, use slings strong
Pay Attention to Ventilation enough to support the weight of the
When Operating Engine engine.
Check exhaust pipes and pipe joints
Attach proper slings to the hangers
for gas leaks.
provided on the engine to lift the
Exhaust gas from the engine may
contain harmful substances to human
During the lifting process, keep the engine in a well-
body. Operating the engine in a
balanced position by paying attention to the center of
poorly-ventilated area can cause gas poisoning. gravity of the engine.
Prevention of Hearing The hangers provided the engine are designed to lift
the engine only. When coupling the generator to the
Loss engine, use the dedicated hangers provided on the
common bed. Do not use the hangers on the engine.
Keep the angle formed by slings that are attached to
Wear Ear Plugs hangers within 60 degrees. If the angle exceeds this
Always wear ear plugs when entering
limit, an excessive load could be imposed on the
the machine room (engine room).
hangers and this could damage the hangers and
Combustion sound and mechanical
result in a serious accident.
noise generated by the engine can
Remove pipe covers and insulators that located near
cause hearing problems.
the hangers, and then attach wire ropes to the hang-
If the wire rope contacts a part of the engine directly,
place a cloth or other soft padding to avoid damage to
the engine and wire rope. If necessary, remove the
engine parts.

Do Not Climb Onto the Engine

Do not climb onto the engine, nor step on any engine
parts, which located on the engine sides.
When working in a high place such as the upper part
of engine, use a step, or work platform, and be careful
not to fall off.
Climbing on the engine may not only damage engine
parts but also cause a falling-down accident which
can result in a personal injury.

Always Use a Stable Foothold

During Maintenance
When working on the upper part of
the engine and other hard-to-reach
places, use a stable work platform.
Do not stand on a decrepit stool or
parts box. Otherwise, it may result in
personal injury.
Do not put any unnecessary objects on a work plat-


Burn Protection

Do Not Touch Engine During or Be Careful When Opening and

Immediately After Operation Closing of Radiator Cap
Do not touch any part of the engine
Never open the radiator cap while the engine is run-
during or immediately after opera-
ning or immediately after stopping. Stop the engine,
tion. A hot engine can cause burns.
and then open the cap after the coolant temperature
Before conducting maintenance and
has dropped sufficiently.
inspection work, check the water tem-
To open the radiator cap, open slowly to release the
perature gauge to see if the engine has cooled suffi-
pressure in the tank.
The coolant is hot while the engine is running and
Refill Coolant Only After the immediately after stopping. If the radiator cap is

Coolant Temperature Dropped opened while the coolant is hot, steam and hot water
Before adding coolant, check the coolant temperature may blow out and it may result in burns. To avoid the
with the gauge if it is lowered to the normal tempera- risk of getting scalded by steam, wear thick rubber
ture. Adding coolant immediately after engine shut- gloves or wrap a cloth around the cap.
down may result in burns. When fastening the radiator cap, be sure to tighten
Burn Prevention When Chang-
ing Oil Do Not Touch High-Pressure
Before draining oil or changing oil filters, wear leather Fuel Spray
gloves or be sure to check the engine has cooled If fuel is leaking from the high-pressure fuel injection
down. Hot oil or hot parts can cause burns if touched. pipe, do not touch the fuel spray.
The fuel injection pipe delivers high pressure fuel. If
Do Not Remove Heat Shields the fuel spray contacts your skin, it goes into deep
The inlet and exhaust systems are provided with vari-
skin tissues and may result gangrene.
ous heat shields because they become extremely hot
while the engine is running. Do not remove these heat
shields. If any of these heat shields have been
removed due to unavoidable circumstances for the
work, be sure to install them after the work is com-

1-4 99240-60100

Be Careful When Handling When Abnormality Occurs

Fuel, Engine Oil, and
Coolant (LLC) Stop Operation Immediately If
You Notice Any Abnormality
Stop the operation immediately if you notice any
Use Specified Fuel, Engine Oil, unusual noise, odor or vibration. In case of emer-
and LLC Only gency, press the emergency stop button to stop the
Use fuel, oil, and coolant (LLC) specified in this man-
generator set. Contact your local dealer if the cause of
ual, and handle them carefully.
problem cannot be located after stopping the genera-
Use of any other fuel, oil, or coolant (LLC) than the
tor. Continuous operation neglecting an unusual
specified one, or improper handling may cause vari-
symptom could cause serious or fatal accident.
ous engine defects and failures.
Obtain the MSDS issued by the oil and LLC suppliers, Do Not Add Coolant Immedi-
and follow the instructions in the MSDS for proper ately After a Sudden Stop Due
handling. to Overheating
If the engine stops suddenly or if you have no choice
Handle LLC Carefully but stop the engine suddenly due to overheating, do
When handling LLC, always wear rubber gloves, a
not add coolant immediately.
protective face mask, and protective eyeglasses. If
Adding coolant while the engine is hot may cause
LLC or cooling water containing LLC comes into con-
damage to cylinder heads and others due to a sudden
tact with your skin or eyes, or if it is ingested, you
drop of temperature. Add coolant gradually after the
would suffer from damage of your skin or eyes, or poi-
engine has completely cooled.
If coolant (LLC) is accidentally swallowed, induce Be Careful When Starting After
vomiting immediately, and seek medical attention. If an Abnormal Stop
coolant (LLC) gets in your eyes, flush them immedi- Do not restart immediately after an abnormal stop. If
ately with plenty of water and seek medical attention. the engine stops or is brought to a stopped condition
If coolant (LLC) splashes onto your skin or clothing, with an abnormality, find out the cause, repair the
wash it away immediately with plenty of water. troubled part, and then restart the engine. Continued
Keep flames away from LLC. LLC is highly flammable operation of the engine without proper repairs and
and can easily catch a fire if exposed to a flame. maintenance could result in serious engine failure.

Proper Disposal of Waste Oil, Stop Engine Immediately When

LLC, and Coolant Engine Oil Pressure Has
Do not dump waste engine oil, LLC, and coolant into Dropped
sewerage, river, lake, or other similar places. Such a When abnormal engine oil pressure drop is observed,
way of disposal is strictly prohibited by laws and regu- stop the engine immediately, and inspect the lubrica-
lations. tion system to locate the cause. Continued engine
Be sure to dispose of waste oil, LLC, coolant, and operation could cause bearings and other parts to
other environmentally hazardous waste in accordance seize.
with the applicable laws and regulations.
If Belt Breaks, Stop Engine
If the belt breaks, stop the engine immediately and
replace the belt. Continued use of the engine without
any remedy could cause charging failure or cooling
failure, and result in serious engine problems.


Battery Safety Precau-


Be Careful When Handling Bat-

Never use flames or allow sparks
near the battery. The battery
releases flammable hydrogen gas
and oxygen gas. Any flames or
sparks in the vicinity of battery could
cause an explosion.
Do not use the battery when the battery fluid level is
below the "LOWER LEVEL" mark. It may result in an
Do not short the battery terminals with a tool or other
metal object.
When removing battery, always remove the plug from
the negative (-) terminal first. When connecting bat-
tery, always connect the plug to the positive (+) termi-
nal first.
Before charging the battery, remove all battery ca-
bles, and then charge the battery in a well ventilated
Make sure the cable clamps are securely attached to
the battery terminals. A loose cable clamp can cause
sparks, which may result in an explosion.
Before servicing electrical components or conducting
electric welding, set the battery switch to the [Open/
OFF] position or remove the plug from the negative (-
) terminal to cut off the electrical current.
Battery fluid contains dilute sulfuric acid. Careless
handling of the battery can lead to sight loss and/or
skin burns. Also, do not swallow the battery fluid.
Wear protective goggles and rubber gloves when
working with the battery (e.g. when adding water or
charging battery).
If battery fluid is spilled onto the skin or clothing, im-
mediately wash it away with lots of water. Use soap to
clean thoroughly.
The battery fluid can cause sight loss if splashing into
your eyes. If it gets into your eyes, immediately flush
it away with plenty of clean water, and seek immedi-
ate medical attention.
If you accidentally swallow battery fluid, gargle with
plenty of water and then drink lots of water, and seek
immediate medical attention.
If the battery does not fully recover after charging for
24 hours or more, do not use the battery.

1-6 99240-60100

Other Precautions

Do Not Tamper Performance of Pre-Operation

Unauthorized modification of the engine will void your
Inspection and Periodic Inspec-
Modification of the engine may not only cause dam- tions
Be sure to perform the pre-operation inspection and
age to the engine but also may result in personal
periodic inspection as instructed in this manual.
Failure to conduct specified the pre-operation inspec-
Observe Safety Rules at Work tion or periodic inspection may cause various engine
Site problems and damage to parts, which may result in
Observe the safety rules established at your work- serious accidents.
Do not operate the engine if you are not feeling well.
Engine Break-in
For the first 50 hours of operation of a new engine or
Inform your supervisor of your condition. Operation of
the engine that has been overhauled, operate the
the engine with reduced attentiveness may cause
engine under a light load for break-in.
improper operation that could result in accidents.
Operating a new engine or an engine that has been
When working in a team of two or more people, use
overhauled under a severe condition during break-in
specified hand signals to communicate among work-
will shorten the service life of the engine, because the
engine parts are not well lubricated and warmed up
Wear Proper Work Clothing and yet.
Protective Gears Warming Up Engine First
Wear a hard-hat, a face shield, safety shoes, a dust
After starting the engine, run the engine at a low idling
mask, gloves, ear plugs, and other protective gears as
speed until the coolant temperature reaches approx.
needed. When handling compressed air, wear safety
50°C [122°F]. Start the actual engine operation after
goggles, a hard-hat, gloves, and other necessary pro-
warming up operation is completed. (Except for the
tective gears. Working without wearing proper protec-
emergency generator which requires a rapid starting.
tive gears could result in serious injury.
Refer to the technical manual of auxiliary devices for
Never Break the Seals rapid starting.)
To ensure proper engine operation, the fuel control The warm-up operation circulates lube oil through the
links are sealed to prevent the injection volume and engine and contributes to a longer service life and
rotational speed settings from tampering. Removing economical operation.
these seals of the engine will void the warranty. The However, do not perform the warm-up operation for
following problems may occur if these seals are longer than necessary. It may cause accumulation of
removed. carbon in the cylinder, and cause faulty combustion.
Rapid wear of moving and rotating parts
Failures such as seizure and damage of engine parts
Cool Down the Engine Before
Sudden increase of fuel and lubricating oil consump-
Before stopping the engine, operate the engine at a
low idle speed for 5 to 6 minutes to cool down.
Poor engine performance due to improper balance
Stopping the engine immediately after high-load oper-
between fuel injection volume and governor control,
ation will cause engine parts to heat up, and shorten
or a serious accident due to overrunning of the engine
the service life of the engine.
During cooling operation, check the engine for abnor-


Do Not Operate the Engine in Use Proper Tools for Mainte-

an Overloaded Condition nance Work
If overload symptoms such as black exhaust smoke is Always keep in mind to select most appropriate tools
observed, reduce the load immediately and assure the for the work, and use them correctly. If a tool is dam-
proper output and load. aged, replace it with a new one.
Overloaded operation will cause not only excessive
fuel consumption but also excessive carbon deposits. Do Not Operate Starter for a
Carbon deposits cause various problems, and will Long Duration
shorten the service life of the engine. Do not operate the starter for more than 10 seconds at
a time. If the engine does not start, wait for at least 1
Prohibition of Continuous Low- minute before cranking again.
Load Operation Continuous operation of the starter will drain the bat-
When operating the engine at a low load (30% or
tery power or cause the starter to seize.
less), limit the operation to an hour or less. Carbon
deposits accumulate in the cylinder and may cause Do Not Turn Off the Battery
faulty combustion. After one hour operation at low
Switch During Operation
load, operate the engine at a load of 50% or higher for Do not turn off the battery switch during operation.
30 minutes or longer to prevent accumulation of car-
If the battery switch is turned OFF when the engine is
bon deposits.
running, it stops the operation of meters and also may
Do Not Splash Water on Engine deteriorate alternator diode and transistor.
Do not allow water or rainwater to enter the engine
through the air inlet or exhaust opening. Engine Transportation Precau-
Do not wash the engine during operation. Cleaning tions
fluid (water) can be sucked into the engine. When transporting the engine on a truck, consider the
If the water enters into the combustion chambers, the engine weight, width, and height to ensure safety.
internal engine may be damaged due to water ham- Abide by the road traffic law, road vehicles act, vehicle
mer, and result in a serious accident. restriction ordinance, and other pertinent laws.

Air Cleaner Maintenance Pre-

Premature abnormal wear of engine parts is mainly
due to foreign materials contained in the intake air.
Worn parts produce many problems such as an
increase of oil consumption, decrease of output, and
starting difficulties. To remove the foreign materials,
observe the following instructions for maintenance of
air cleaner:
Never remove the air cleaner for maintenance while
the engine is running. The turbocharger may suck
particles of foreign materials into the engine and could
result in serious accidents.
Remove the air cleaner slowly to prevent foreign ma-
terials accumulated on the element from falling off. Af-
ter removing the air cleaner, immediately cover the air
inlet with plastic film, etc. to prevent foreign materials
from entering the engine.
If the engine is equipped with a dust indicator, con-
duct the maintenance when a clogging warning sign

1-8 99240-60100

Warning Labels

Maintenance of Warning Labels

Make sure all warning/caution labels are legible.
Clean or replace the warning/caution labels when the description and/or illustration are not clear to read.
For cleaning the warning/caution labels, use a cloth, water and soap. Do not use cleaning solvents, gasoline or
other chemicals to prevent the letters from getting blurred or the adhesion from being weakened.
Replace damaged or fractured labels with new ones.
If any engine part on which a warning label is attached is replaced with a new one, attach a new identical warning
label to the new part.
To obtain new warning labels, contact your MHIET dealer.



Fig. 1-1 Common Warning Labels

Engine External Views
This external diagram shows the standard type of the engine. The type and shape of each equipment may vary
depending on the specifications.
Left View
Fuel filter Hanger (rear)
Hanger (front) Oil pressure switch

Fuel injection pump

Manual stop lever

Water drain cock

By-pass Starter
oil filter Oil filter
Oil filter Priming pump
Oil level gage

Fig. 2-1 Engine Left-Side View

Right View

Fuel injection pump

Front hanger

Rear hanger

Stop solenoid

Coolant drain cock

Coolant inlet

Priming pump
Fuel filter
Fig. 2-2 Engine Right-Side View


Operating Devices
The type and shape of actually installed device vary with specifications.

Starting and Stopping Device

Manual Stop Lever

When stopping the engine with the manual stop lever,

keep the manual stop lever at the stop position until ST
the engine stops completely. If you release the lever
before the engine stops completely, the engine may
A manual stop lever is equipped to stop the engine in
the event of an emergency and also for the use when
the engine will not stop by the stop button.
You can stop the engine by moving the manual stop Fig. 2-3 Manual Stop Lever
lever, which is located in the fuel control link, in the
"STOP" direction.
If the engine will not stop even after the manual stop
lever is moved to the "STOP" position, cut off the fuel
supply to the engine.

Stop Solenoid
The stop solenoid is used for normal shutdown of
engine operation.
The stop solenoid moves the rack of fuel injection
pump to the no-fuel position to stop the engine.
This engine is equipped with the RUN-ON type stop
solenoid. The stop solenoid is energized while the
engine is running. To stop the engine, it is de-ener-
gized by breaking the contact between governor
power and electrical circuit.

Fig. 2-4 Stop Solenoid

2-2 99240-60100

Engine Protection Devices

The engine protection devices activate an alarm when an abnormality occurs in the engine to protect the engine,
and to prevent serious problems and accidents. When a protection device is activated, stop the engine, inspect the
causes of the abnormality, and take corrective measures. If you cannot find the cause of the problem, contact your
MHIET dealer. Protection devices, their types (setting values) and shapes vary depending on the engine specifica-
Below listed safety devices are installed.
(In case of BMJ'S gen-set)
Low oil press. switch : 0.3MPa (TRIP)
0.4MPa (ALARM)
At the time of slow idling , this sensing should not be operaton.
(Slow idling pressure is about 0.3MPa).
High water temp. switch : 98°C (TRIP)
92°C (ALARM)
High oil temp. switch : 110°C (TRIP)
105°C (ALARM)
Crankcase press. sensor : 3kPa (TRIP)
1.5kPa (ALARM)
Speed relay
Over speed : 115% of rated speed (TRIP)
110% of rated speed (ALARM)
Rated speed : 90 % of rated speed
Start speed : about 450 min-1
High exhaust gas temp. : 550°C (ALARM) ,load down
Oil filter clogging alarm : 0.15MPa switch on
Oil filter alarm display and lamp


Oil Pressure Switch

The oil pressure switch activates an alarm when the
engine oil pressure reaches the lower limit of pres-
Oil pressure
sure. switch

Fig. 2-5 Oil Pressure Switch

Thermo Switch
Thermo switch activates an alarm when the engine
Thermo switch
coolant temperature reaches the higher limit of tem-

Fig. 2-6 Thermo Switch

Oil Filter Differential Pressure Alarm Switch

The oil filter alarm switch generates an alarm to stop
Oil filter alarm switch
the engine when the difference in pressure across the
filter reaches the specified value due to filter clogging.

Fig. 2-7 Oil Filter Differential Pressure Alarm Switch

2-4 99240-60100

Rotation Detection Pickup

Alarm is activated when the engine rotational speed
reaches the higher limit of rotational speed.

Fig. 2-8 Rotation Detection Pickup

Air Cleaner Indicator

When the intake air flow rate is decreased due to the
air cleaner element clogging, the indicator shows the Sign Reset button
red sign. The indicator shows the red signal only, and
no electrical alarm is given. Therefore, the periodic
visual inspection is required.
Press the reset button on the top of the cleaner indica-
tor to reset the sign after the air cleaner is cleaned or

Fig. 2-9 Air Cleaner Indicator


Using Manual Turning Gear

Before starting the engine, make sure that the turning gear is pulled out. If the engine is started with the turning
gear pushed-in, it not only damages the ring gear but also may result in personal injury.
1. Loosen two bolts, and remove the plate from the
shaft groove.

Bolt Plate

Fig. 2-10 Manual Turning Gear Position

(During Operation)

2. Push the shaft fully to engage it with the ring gear.

Fig. 2-11 Manual Turning Gear Position

(When Pushing-In)

3. Using a socket wrench and a ratchet handle, turn

the shaft.
4. After turning, pull out the shaft, insert the plate in
the shaft groove, and tighten the bolts.

Make sure the plate is securely engaged in the shaft


Ratchet handle

Fig. 2-12 Manual Turning Gear Position

(When Turning Shaft)

2-6 99240-60100
Checking Operational Environment

Before proceeding with any operation of engine, make sure the following measures are taken. Operating environ-
ment should be adequate. If not, it causes various problems and may shorten the service life of the engine.
Prevent water (especially, seawater or rain water) and foreign particles from entering the air inlet opening.
Prevent foreign substances from entering to rotating parts.
Prevent accumulation of moisture, dust, and dirt on the electrical system.
Maintain the ambient temperature of 5 to 40°C [41 to 104°F].
Maintain the coolant temperature properly (35°C [95°F] or higher by switching ON the water heater (automatic
mode). (Emergency Generator Equipped With Water Heater)

Preparation for Operation of New or Overhauled Engine

Before proceeding with operation of a new or overhauled engine, conduct the inspections described in this section.
Note that, for second operation onward, follow the instructions described in the "Normal Engine Operation" (3-9).

Preparation of Fuel System

When handling fuel, make sure there are no open flames or other fire hazards near the engine.
Wipe off any spilled fuel completely. It can cause a fire.

Do not remove the strainer during fuel tank filling.

For the fuel to be used, refer to "FUEL" (4-1).
1. Make sure the inside of the fuel tank and the fuel supply pipes to the engine are thoroughly clean.
2. Close the fuel tank drain valve.
3. Fill the fuel tank with fuel.
4. Remove the fuel feed pipe and check the discharged fuel for foreign substances such as dust.
5. Install the pipe to the engine fuel inlet port.
6. After checking the contact of the float switch, add fuel to "FULL" level.
Bleeding the Fuel System

If fuel overflows from the air vent plug, wipe thor- A-type (conventional) B-type (new)
oughly with a cloth. Spilled fuel can cause a fire.
After bleeding air, lock the A-type priming pump
securely. If lock is loose, the priming pump may be
damaged, and a fire may occur from fuel leaking.
Note: There are two different types of priming pumps,
type "A" and type "B". Operation varies depend-
ing on the type. Be sure to check the type before
operation. Fig. 3-1 Priming Pump Comparison
While feeding fuel with the priming pump, bleed air
from the location closest to the fuel tank, that is, in the
order of the oil-water separator, fuel filter, and fuel
return pipe.


A-type Priming Pump - Operation

1. Turn the priming pump cap counterclockwise to un-
[Unlock] [Priming] [Lock]
2. Push the priming pump cap several times to feed Turn left Move up
fuel to bleed air. and down Hold and
turn right
3. After bleeding air, turn the priming pump cap clock-
wise while pushing. Be sure to lock securely.
B-type Priming Pump - Operation
Move the priming pump handle up and down several
times to feed fuel.
Note: Since there is no locking mechanism, you do not Fig. 3-2 A-type Priming Pump - Operation
need lock and unlock the pump handle before
and after air bleeding.

Push several times

to discharge fuel.

Fig. 3-3 B-type Priming Pump - Operation

Fuel Filter - Bleed Air

Tightening torque Air vent plug

If the air vent plug, thread of the bracket, or sealing 8.8 ± 1 N·m
washer is damaged, replace it with a new one. {0.9 ± 0.1 kgf·m}
[6.4 ± 0.7 lbf·ft]
1. Loosen the air vent plug of the fuel filter about 1.5
2. Move the priming pump up and down to feed fuel.
3. When the fuel from the air vent plug becomes free
from air bubbles, stop priming and tighten the air
vent plug to the specified torque.
Fig. 3-4 Fuel Filter - Bleed Air

Fuel Injection Pump - Bleed Air

1. Loosen the air vent plug on the fuel injection pump
by rotating about 1.5 turns.
2. Move the priming pump up and down. When the
fuel flow from the air vent plug becomes free of
bubbles, for the A-type priming pump, lock the
priming pump cap by turning clockwise while push-
ing. Air vent plug
15 ± 2 N·m
3. Tighten the air vent plug on the fuel injection pump. {1.53 ± 0.20 kgf·m}
[11.06 ± 1.48 lbf·ft]

Fig. 3-5 Fuel Injection Pump - Bleed Air

3-2 99240-60100

Preparation of Lubrication System

Engine Oil - Refill

Oil level gauge

Refill the engine with the specified engine oil to the
specified level. If the oil level is higher than the maxi-
mum mark on the level gauge, engine oil may blow
out during operation.Also, the increase of oil tem- High H

perature could adversely affect engine components. Proper

1. Remove the oil filler cap. Improper
Oil level gauge
2. Add the specified engine oil to the specified level.
Oil filler
Note: For engine oil, refer to "ENGINE OIL" (5-1). For
engine oil capacity, refer to "MAIN SPECIFICA- Fig. 3-6 Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge
TION" (12-1).
3. Remove the rocker cover of every cylinder, and
pour engine oil to the valve mechanism and cam-
shaft oil bath. Pour engine oil to the camshaft oil
bath from cylinder head side.
Oil capacity per cylinder: 0.8 L [0.21 US gal.]
4. Reinstall the rocker covers.
5. Check the oil level in oil pan as follows:
6. Pull out the oil level gauge and wipe it clean with a oil bath
Fig. 3-7 Lubricating Valve and Cam Oil Bath
7. Insert the oil level gauge fully into the oil level
gauge guide and then pull it out again.
8. The oil level should be between the maximum and
minimum marks on the oil level gauge. If the oil lev-
el is low, add the specified engine oil.
9. Check the oil pan, etc., for oil leaks. Repair if there
is oil leak.
10. With the stop knob placed in pulled position, rotate
the engine with starter for approx. 10 seconds to
circulate oil to the whole engine. Stop the rotation
for 1 minute, then, repeat the rotation two or three
times to circulate the engine oil to each engine
Note: Also perform the Preparation of Cooling System
described below.
11. Start the engine and run under no-load and low-
idling condition for 5 to 10 minutes.
12. Stop the engine, and after 30 minutes or more has
elapsed, check the oil level with the oil level gauge
again and add oil to the specified level.
For details, refer to "Test Operation" (3-8).


Preparation of Cooling System

Radiator Cap - Open/Close

Turn the cap about Stand the lever to

1/4 turn to release the upright position
Never open the radiator cap during the operation or
pressure. to release pressure.
immediately after stopping. Stop the engine, and then
open the cap after the coolant temperature has
dropped sufficiently.
Place a waste cloth over the radiator cap, and loosen
the cap about a quarter-turn or stand the lever to the
upright position to release internal pressure.
Do not open the radiator cap when the engine is run-
ning or immediately after stopping. You can get burn Fig. 3-8 Radiator Cap
yourself due to hot steam. To prevent burn injuries
from hot steam, wear thick rubber gloves or wrap a
cloth around the cap.
When fastening the radiator cap, be sure to tighten
Note: If the specification of radiator cap differs from the
contents of this operation manual, follow the
manufacturer's operation manual.

3-4 99240-60100

Coolant - Fill (Engine)

Left side Right side

To add coolant, use the same LLC concentration
coolant that is currently in the cooling system.
Note: If the specifications of radiator differs from the
contents in this operation manual, follow the ra-
diator manufacturer's operation manual. Coolant
drain cocks
1. Make sure coolant drain cocks are closed securely.
The coolant drain cocks located in the crankcase
2. Remove the radiator cap, and add a mixture of wa- (behind the each fuel injection pump
ter and LLC of the specified concentration to the accessory drive unit).

specified level. Fig. 3-9 Coolant Drain Cock (Engine Body)

Note: (a) Determine the quantity of LLC based on the
coolant capacity and the LLC concentration
For the coolant, refer to "COOLANT" (6-1).
For the coolant capacity, refer to "MAIN
(b) For complete air bleeding, loosen the air vent
drain cock
3. Check the radiator, etc., for coolant leaks. Repair if
a leak is found.
Fig. 3-10 Coolant Drain Cock
4. When coolant reaches the specified level, close the (Engine Water Pump)
radiator cap securely. Air vent plug
5. With the manual stop lever placed in the pulled po-
sition, crank the engine for approximately 10 sec-
onds using the starter. Stop for approximately 1
minute, and then repeat the cranking 2 or 3 times
to bleed the cooling system.
Note: Also, perform the items described under the
preparation of the lubricating system, and add
the coolant to the air cooler.
6. Check the coolant level in the radiator.
Fig. 3-11 Air Vent Plug (Engine Cooling System)


Coolant - Fill (Air Cooler)

To add coolant, use the same LLC concentration

coolant that is currently in the cooling system.
Note: If the specifications of radiator differs from the
contents in this operation manual, follow the ra-
diator manufacturer's operation manual.
1. Make sure coolant drain cocks are closed securely.
2. Remove the radiator cap and add a mixture of wa-
Coolant drain cock
ter and coolant having the specified concentration.
Note: (a) Determine the quantity of LLC based on the Fig. 3-12 Coolant Drain Cock
coolant capacity and the LLC concentration Air vent cocks
For the coolant, refer to "COOLANT" (6-1).
For the coolant capacity, refer to "MAIN
(b) For complete air bleeding, loosen the air vent
3. Check the radiator and other parts for coolant
leaks. Repair the leak if found.
Air vent plug
4. When coolant reaches the full level, close the radi-
Fig. 3-13 Air Vent Cock and Plug
ator cap securely. (Air Cooler Cooling System)
5. With the manual stop lever placed in the pulled po-
sition, crank the engine for approximately 10 sec-
onds using the starter. Stop for approximately 1
minute, and then repeat the cranking 2 or 3 times
to bleed the cooling system.
Note: Also, perform the items described under the
preparation of lubrication system, and add the
coolant as specified in this manual.
6. Check the coolant level in the radiator.

3-6 99240-60100

Preparation of Electrical System

Battery - Check

Never use flames or allow sparks near the battery. The battery releases flammable hydrogen gas and oxygen gas.
Any flames or sparks in the vicinity of battery could cause an explosion.
Do not use the battery when the battery fluid level is below the "LOWER LEVEL" mark. It may explode.
Do not short the battery terminals with a tool or other metal object.
When removing battery, always remove the plug from the negative (-) terminal first. When connecting battery,
always connect the plug to the positive (+) terminal first.
Before charging the battery, remove all battery cables, and then charge the battery in a well ventilated area.
Make sure the cable clamps are securely attached to the battery terminals. A loose cable clamp can cause sparks,
and it could result in an explosion.
Before servicing electrical components or conducting electric welding, set the battery switch to the [Open/OFF]
position or remove the plug from the negative (-) terminal to cut off the electrical current.
Battery fluid contains dilute sulfuric acid. Careless handling of the battery may cause a sight loss and/or skin
burns. Also, do not swallow the battery fluid.
Wear protective goggles and rubber gloves when working with the battery (e.g. when adding water or charging
If battery fluid is spilled onto the skin or clothing, immediately wash it away with lots of water. Use soap to clean
The battery fluid can cause sight loss if splashing into the your eyes. If it gets into your eyes, immediately flush it
away with plenty of clean water, and seek immediate medical attention.
If you accidentally swallow battery fluid, gargle with plenty of water and then drink lots of water, and seek immedi-
ate medical attention.
If the battery does not fully recover after charging for 24 hours or more, do not use the battery.
Note: If the specification of battery differs from those of this operation manual, follow the battery manufacturer's op-
eration manual.
Battery Fluid Level - Check
The battery fluid evaporates during the use, and the
fluid level gradually decreases. The proper fluid level
10 to 15 mm
is between the LOWER LEVEL (Lower limit) and [0.39 to 0.59 in.]
UPPER LEVEL (Upper limit) marks.
For the battery without level marks, the proper fluid
EVEL Proper
level is about 10 to 15 mm [0.39 to 0.59 in.] above the UPP
top face of the polar plates. LO

If the battery fluid level is low, remove the cap, and

add distilled water to the proper level.
Note: When adding distilled water, add little by little.
Fig. 3-14 Battery Fluid Level - Check


Test Operation
To conduct the test operation, follow the procedures below.

Always place the water heater switch in the ON (automatic mode or the like) position throughout the year.
If the switch is not placed in the ON position (automatic mode), combustion variations may occur within each cylin-
der, producing large amounts of smoke at the start-up of the engine, and causing unburned fuel to explode in the
exhaust pipe. (Emergency generator with water heater)
Before starting the engine, switch the water heater ON (automatic mode or the like) and maintain the coolant tem-
perature properly (at 35°C [95°F] or higher). (Emergency Generator With Water Heater)
Note: For engine operation, refer to "Normal Engine Operation" (3-9).
Start and Stop
1. Start the engine.
2. Operate the engine at a low idling speed under no load for 5 to 10 minutes for warm-up.
3. Stop the engine.

Never open the radiator cap during the operation or immediately after stopping. Stop the engine and, after coolant
has sufficiently cooled down, open the cap.
Place a waste cloth over the radiator cap, and loosen the cap about a quarter-turn or move the lever to the upright
position to release internal pressure.
The coolant is hot while the engine is running and immediately after the engine has stopped. If the cap is opened
while the coolant is hot, steam and hot coolant may blow out and result in burns. To prevent burn injuries from hot
steam, wear thick rubber gloves or wrap a cloth around the cap.
When fastening the radiator cap, be sure to tighten securely.

To add coolant, use the same LLC concentration coolant that is currently in the cooling system.
1. Stop the engine and leave it for about 30 minutes.
2. During this period, walk around the engine to check for leaks of fluids such as fuel, engine oil, or coolant.
3. Then 30 minutes later after the engine has stopped, check the oil level with the oil level gauge.
4. If the oil level is low, add engine oil from the oil filler port. Be sure to use the engine oil of the same brand and type.
5. Open the radiator cap and check the coolant level.
6. If the coolant level is low, add coolant to the specified level.
If the engine is equipped with a reserve tank, fill the reserve tank also with coolant to the "FULL" level mark.

3-8 99240-60100

Normal Engine Operation

This section covers the procedures for the engine operation in normal condition.

If an engine abnormality is observed during operation, stop the engine and correct the problem, or contact your
MHIET dealer.

Pre-operation Inspection
Always conduct daily pre-operation inspection before starting the engine for the day.

Engine Exterior - Inspect

Check external parts of the engine, particularly hot parts (exhaust manifold and others), or the battery for accumu-
lation of flammable materials. Also, check for leaks of fuel and engine oil. Remove dust from the top surface of the
battery. If hot parts have a problem, it may cause a fire. If any abnormality is found, be sure to repair or contact
your MHIET dealer.
Inspect the engine exterior as instructed below:
1. Make sure there is no combustible material near the engine or battery. Also, check to make sure that the engine
and battery are clean. If combustible materials or dust are found near the engine or battery, remove them.
2. Check the electrical wiring for the starter, alternator, and others for looseness.
3. Make sure that the turning tool is disconnected.
4. Make sure fluids, such as fuel, oil, and coolant, are not leaking from the engine. If a leak is found, repair the leak,
or contact your MHIET dealer.
5. Make sure the following valves, plugs, or cocks are properly positioned as indicated below:
Fuel feed valve: open
Coolant drain cocks (plugs): closed
Engine oil drain valve: closed

Fuel Tank Oil Level - Check

Make sure that there is no open flame in the vicinity before handling fuel.
Wipe off any spilled fuel completely. It can cause a fire.

Do not remove the strainer during fuel tank filling.

The float switch, if equipped, may be defective if the fuel level is lower than the lower limit. Inspect and repair.
For the fuel to be used, refer to "FUEL" (4-1).
Make sure that the fuel tank is filled to the specified level.
If the fuel level is low, add fuel to the "FULL" level.
Note: If the specifications of fuel tank differs from the contents in this operation manual, obey the tank manufacturer's
operation manual.


Fuel Tank - Drain Water

Make sure that there is no open flame in the vicinity before handling fuel. Wipe off any spilled fuel completely. It
can cause a fire.

Do not remove the strainer when filling the fuel. For the fuel to be used, refer to "FUEL" (4-1).
The water bleeding procedure described below is for a commonly used fuel tank, and sometimes it may be differ-
ent from the procedure for the fuel tank installed on your engine.
If fuel is contaminated with foreign substances such
as dust, dirt, or water, it can cause not only decrease
of output but also malfunctions of the fuel system. To
avoid such problems, drain water from the fuel tank as
instructed below.
Note: If the specifications of fuel tank differs from the Drain cock
contents in this operation manual, obey the tank
manufacturer's operation manual.
1. Place the oil pan (capacity of 2 L [0.53 US gal.] or Water
more) under the drain cock of fuel tank.
2. Open the drain cock of fuel tank and drain fuel at Fig. 3-15 Fuel Tank - Drain Water
least 1 to 2 liters [0.26 to 0.53 US gal].
3. After the drained fuel shows no water or foreign
substance, close the drain cock.

Fuel Control Link - Check

Check the fuel control link for smooth movement.
Manual stop
Check the rack cancel spring for smooth movement Rack cancel spring lever
by pushing the manual stop lever to the fuel increase
direction. Then, decrease the pushing force little by lit-
tle, and make sure the manual stop lever returns to
the no-fuel position smoothly.
Also, check all ball joints for looseness and play.

Ball joint
Fig. 3-16 Fuel Control Link - Check

3-10 99240-60100

Engine Oil Level - Check

Oil level gauge
Refill the engine with oil to the specified level. If the
oil level is higher than the maximum mark on the
level gauge, engine oil may blow out during opera-
tion. Also, the rise of oil temperature could adversely High H

affect engine components. Proper

When adding engine oil, use the same oil that is Improper
used in the engine. Oil level gauge
Oil filler
1. Stop the engine and leave it for 30 minutes or
more. Fig. 3-17 Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge
2. Pull out the oil level gauge and wipe oil off from the
oil level gauge using a clean waste cloth.
3. Insert the oil level gauge fully into the oil level
gauge guide and then pull it out again.
4. The oil level should be between the maximum and
minimum marks on the oil level gauge. If the engine
oil level is higher than the high mark on the oil level
gauge, drain the oil. If the oil level is low, add the
specified engine oil.
For draining engine oil, refer to "Engine Oil - Drain"
(8-11). For refilling engine oil, refer to "Engine Oil -
Refill" (8-12).
5. Install the oil filler cap after engine oil is refilled.
6. Check the oil pan and others for oil leaks.

Coolant Level - Check

To add coolant, use the same LLC concentration coolant that is currently in the cooling system.
If the coolant level is low, add coolant to the specified level.
Note: Determine the quantity of LLC based on the coolant capacity and the LLC concentration chart.
For the coolant, refer to "COOLANT" (6-1). For the coolant capacity, refer to "MAIN SPECIFICATION" (12-1).


Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging

1. Check the air cleaner indicator for element clog-
ging. Sign Reset button
2. If the air cleaner element is clogged, the red signal
will be displayed.
3. Immediately clean or replace the air cleaner ele-
ment when the indictor shows the red signal.
4. Press the button on top of the indicator to clear the
red signal.
Note: (a) For cleaning of the air cleaner element, refer
to "Air Cleaner Element - Clean, Check, and
Replace" (8-21). Fig. 3-18 Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging
(b) If the specifications of air cleaner differs from
the contents in this operation manual, follow
the air cleaner manufacturer's operation

Damper Temperature - Check

Damper Temperature Control With Thermo Label
Use of thermo label is recommenced for damper tem-
perature control. Check the thermo label before start-
(Display example)
ing the engine as instructed below: When thermal part of the thermo label is Thermo label
black up to 80, it indicates that the maximum ࢧ࣮ࣔࣛ࣋ࣝ 5E-100!
1. Make sure the color of the thermosensitive label is temperature of damper during operating is
from 80°C [176°F] to 85°C [185°F].
black. 100 105 110 115 120

2. Record the highest temperature of thermosensitive ࢧ࣮ࣔࣛ࣋ࣝ 5E-75!

label. Record the temperature regularly so that you 75 80 85 90 95

can tell if there is any abnormal temperature ࢧ࣮ࣔࣛ࣋ࣝ 5E-50!

50 55 60 65 70
Note: The thermo label should be used only as a
guide. At the time of installation of engine, it is
recommended that you check that the damper Fig. 3-19 Damper Thermo Label
temperature is proper during engine operation
using a noncontact thermometer and record the

If the temperature change is abnormal, contact your

MHIET dealer.

Note: For the damper temperature limit and damper in-

spection, refer to "Damper - Inspect" (8-4).

3-12 99240-60100


Before starting the engine, make sure no one is near the engine and that no tools are left on or near the engine.
Also, alert the people in the vicinity before starting the engine.

Do not apply load to the engine at startup.

Do not use the starter continuously. The continuous use of the starter will drain the battery power or cause the
starter to seize. Do not use the starter for more than 10 seconds at a time. When the engine does not start, return
the key to the "OFF" position and wait for one minute or more before cranking the engine again.

Warm-up Operation

Stay away from rotating parts during operation. If you are caught in rotating parts, you can be seriously injured.

Engine Oil Pressure - Check

During warm-up operation, check if the oil pressure is within the range of standard value (0.3 MPa {3.06 kgf/cm2}
[43.51 psi] or more).
Also, make sure the oil pressure gauge is working properly.

Engine - Walk Around Check

Visually inspect the engine for external damage, abnormal noise, odor, vibration, and exhaust gas color, and then
inspect for fuel, engine oil, coolant, or exhaust gas leaks from joints during warm-up operation.


Precautions in Engine Opera- Inspection During Operation
tion During engine operation, check abnormal engine
noise, odor, vibrations, or leaks from pipes.
Also, carefully check the followings for abnormalities.
Stay away from rotating parts during operation. If you Table 3-1 Inspection During Operation
are caught in rotating parts, you can be seriously
Inspection item Criteria/reference value
Warning indicator/ Lighting/numerical value
instruments normality

During operation, do not touch hot parts such as Engine speed/

No large fluctuation
exhaust pipes. You can get burned.
Breather mist volume Should be normal.
Exhaust color Should be normal.
Always keep the engine room well ventilated. The Damper temperature 90.0°C [194°F] or lower
room temperature rises if air ventilation in the engine 0.39 MPa
room is not sufficient, which may reduce engine out- Engine oil pressure {3.98 kgf/cm2}
[56.56 psi] or more
put and performance.
For break-in of a new or overhauled engine, operate Engine oil temperature 105 to 110°C
(oil pan) [221 to 230°F] or lower
the engine at a light load for first 50 hours of opera-
Coolant temperature 70 to 90°C
tion. The new engine components are not well lubri- [158 to 194°F]
cated and fitted in each other. Thus, if operated under
Exhaust temperature 550.0°C [1022°F] or lower
heavy load or severe conditions during the break-in
0.15 to 0.25 MPa
period, it will shorten the service life of the engine. Intake air pressure {1.53 to 2.55 kgf/cm2}
Do not turn the battery switch OFF during operation. [21.76 to 36.26 psi]
If the battery switch is turned off during operation, it
Note: (a) If the engine stops due to engine oil pressure
will not only stop the operation of instruments but
drop, be sure to locate the cause of problem
also deteriorate the alternator diode and transistor.
and correct it before restarting the engine.
Never turn the key to the "START" position during
(b) In the auto mode, the engine will stop imme-
operation. Otherwise, the starter may be damaged.
diately if the thermo switch is activated.
When operating at low load (less than 30%), limit the
In the manual mode, run the engine under no
operation to an hour or less. Carbon deposits accu-
load for about 1 minute to let the engine cool
mulate in the cylinder and may cause faulty combus-
down and then stop the engine.
tion. After a low-load operation for one hour or so,
Before starting the engine again, find the
operate the engine at a load of 50% or higher for 30
cause and be sure to correct the problem.
minutes or longer to prevent accumulation of carbon
Pay attention to the generated voltage of generator

3-14 99240-60100


Do not stop the engine suddenly during high-speed operation or while engine is hot. Otherwise, the engine will be
adversely affected. Except in a case of emergency, operate the engine at a low idle speed for 5 to 6 minutes to
cool the engine before stopping. And check the engine for abnormalities.
Do not race the engine immediately before shutdown.
Do not start the engine immediately after an abnormal stop. If the engine stops with a warning buzzer, be sure to
find the cause and correct the problem before starting the engine again. After the operation has been resumed,
check the engine for abnormalities again. If an abnormality is found, repair it immediately.
Engine stopping method varies depending on the specifications.
To stop, follow the instructions specified for the engine.

Emergency Stop

When stopping the engine by pulling the manual

stop lever, keep pulling the lever until the engine ST
stops completely. If you stop halfway, the engine
may start again.
To perform an emergency stop, pull the manual stop
lever fully to the stop direction (arrow). Keep pulling
the manual lever until the engine stops completely.
Note: When the engine does not stop even after the
manual stop lever is pulled, cut off the fuel sup- Fig. 3-20 Manual Stop Lever

Inspection After Stopping

Inspect the engine for fluid leaks such as fuel, oil, or coolant after the engine is stopped. If any leak is found, repair
the leak, or contact your MHIET dealer if the repair is not easy.

Chapter 4 FUEL
Recommended Fuel

Use the fuel specified in this manual only. Also, do not refill the fuel tank more than the specified level. It could lead
to a fire.
Use a fuel that meets the requirements in the following Table 4-1 of "Recommended Fuel" and Table 4-2 of "Rec-
ommended Limit and Use Limit for Fuel Properties"
It is necessary to use fuel that has a pour point suitable for the ambient temperature.
Note: Please use the fuel that meets the laws and regulations of the country or region where the engine is used, if
the laws and regulations are applied.
Table 4-1 Recommended Fuel
Standard Classification
ASTM D975 No. 1-D, No. 2-D
JIS K2204 TYPE 1, TYPE 2, TYPE 3

Handling Fuel
When using fuel that is stored in a storage tank, leave it for more than 24 hours to settle dust and water at the bot-
tom, and drain them. Use the upper clean fuel.
Fill up the fuel tank or service tank at the end of each operation.
This prevents water from mixing with fuel in the tank, and also gives time for dust and water to separate and settle
at the bottom of the tank.
When refilling, clean the areas around the caps of drum and tank thoroughly before removing the caps. Also clean
your hands and the hose before refueling. When using a hand-operated pump, be careful not to pump water or sed-
iment accumulated at the bottom of the storage tank.
Be sure to use a strainer when filling the fuel tank. Use clean cloth to filtrate the fuel to reduce the contaminants
such as dust.

Chapter 4 FUEL

Fuel Quality Standard

Use a fuel which meets the requirements specified in the table below.
Table 4-2 Recommended Limit and Use Limit for Fuel Properties
Item Recommended limit Use limit Test standard
JIS K 2265: 2007
50°C [122°F] or more
Flash point ISO 3769
(In accordance with the regulation)
ISO 2719
Initial boiling point 170°C [338°F] or more
Distilla- JIS K 2254: 1998
tion 90% distillation tem- ISO 3405
330 to 380°C [626 to 716°F]
JIS K 2269: 1987
Pour point (PP) Lower than ambient temperature by 6°C [42.8°F] or more
ISO 3016
JIS K 2269: 1987
Cloud point (CP) Below ambient temperature
ISO 3015
JIS K 2288: 2000
Cold filter plugging point (CFPP) Lower than ambient temperature by 3°C [37.4°F] or more
IP 309/96
JIS K 2270: 2000
Carbon residue
0.4 weight % or lower 1.0 weight % or lower ISO 6615
(10 % residual oil)
ISO 10370
JIS K 2280: 1996
Cetane number*1 45 or more
ISO 5165
JIS K 2280: 1996
Cetane index (new way) 45 or more
ISO/DIS 4264
2.0 mm2/s [0.0031 in2/s] or more at 30°C [86°F] JIS K 2283: 2000
Kinetic viscosity
8.0 mm2/s [0.0124 in2/s] or more at 30°C [86°F] ISO 3104
JIS K 2541: 2000
Content as low
1.0 weight % or lower
as the diesel
Sulfur content*2 0.2 weight % or lower (Shorten engine oil change
fuel is desirable.
ISO 4260
ISO 8754
JIS K 2275: 1996
Water and sediments 0.1 volume % or less
ISO 3733
JIS K 2272: 1998
Ash content 0.01 weight % or lower 0.03 weight % or lower
ISO 6245
Copper corrosion Class 3 or lower JIS K 2513: 2000
(3 hrs at 50°C [122°F]) (Dark tarnished) ISO 2160
0.83 to 0.87 g/cm3 0.80 to 0.87 g/cm3 JIS K 2249: 1995
Density at 15°C [59°F]
[51.8169 to 54.3123 lb/ft3] [49.9424 to 54.3123 lb/ft3] ISO 3675
250°C [482°F] × 24 hrs Carbonization 75% or less Carbonization 80% or less
Coking 230°C [446°F] × 24 hrs Carbonization 55% or less - Fed 791B
180°C [356°F] × 48 hrs Tar-free -
Aromatics substances
38% by volume or less (total of aroma) JIS K 2536: 2003
(by HPLC)
ISO 3837
Polycyclic aromatic content 8 volume % or less
Asphaltene 0.1 weight % or lower -
Fine foreign substances JIS B 9931: 2000
5.0 mg/liter or less
(foreign substances at fuel inlet) ISO 4405

4-2 99240-60100
Chapter 4 FUEL

Table 4-2 Recommended Limit and Use Limit for Fuel Properties
Item Recommended limit Use limit Test standard
Lubricity: MWSD (Measured mean 460μm [1811 μin.] or less
Wear Scar Diameter) by HFRR (calculated wear scar diame-
- ISO 12156-1
wear test when fuel temperature is ter at WS 1.4 kPa {0.0143
60°C [140°F] kgf/cm2} [0.2031 psi])
BDF : Biodiesel fuel BDF quality shall meet JIS K 2390, or ASTM D6751 or
(FAME:Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) EN14214. -
BDF blending of 5% by volume or less is approved. *3
*1 Cetane index(JIS K2280) substitutes. If the fuel satisfying above requirements is not available, add the cetane
improver or others to ensure the fuel quality of cetane number 45 or higher by consulting with the fuel supplier.
*2 If the sulfur content of fuel is 0.2% by weight or higher, use the specified lubrication oil .
See CHAPTER 5 ENGINE OIL for detail.
If the sulfer content of fuel is 0.2% by weight or higher, do not use BDF.
*3 In case of using BDF, consult with fuel supplier, and consider and take necessary treatment such as;
- Antioxidation at high temperature
- Prevention from fuel solidification at low temperature
- Prevention from breeding of a microbe
- Removal of moisture
For details, refer to ‘Technical Information’
For Engine warranty coverage, refer to Limited Warranty conditions in this manual.

Chapter 5 ENGINE OIL
Recommended Engine Oil

Use the engine oil recommended in this manual only. Do not use any other oil.
The use of inappropriate or inferior oils will result in sticking of piston rings, seizure between piston and cylinder, or
premature wear of bearings and moving parts, and significantly shorten the service life of the engine.

Genuine MHIET Engine Oil

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger,
Ltd. offers the best suited oils, which yielded from
many tests, to Mitsubishi diesel engines. We highly
recommend the use of our genuine engine oil
"JUKOIL Cojera 15W-40 or 30."

Fig. 5-1 JUKOIL Cojera

Recommended Engine Oil
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. offers the best suited oils, which yielded from many test, to
Mitsubishi engines. We highly recommend the use of our genuine engine oil below:
Table 5-1 Recommended engine oil
Manyfacturer Item Ambient temperature
15W-40 class CF
Apolloil Tough Runner -15 to 40°C
Idemitsu Kosan
15W-40 class CF/DH-1 [5 to 104°F]
Shell Rimula D
Showa Shell Sekiyu
15W-40 class CF
JX Nippon Oil & Energy
10W class CF
Apolloil Diesel Motive -25 to 0°C
Idemitsu Kosan
10W class CF [-13 to 32°F]
Shell Rimula D
Showa Shell Sekiyu
10W class CF

Chapter 5 ENGINE OIL

Other Commercial Engine Oils

Never mix different brands of engine oil with genuine MHIET oil. Mixing different brands of engine oil may cause a
chemical reaction of additives in the engine oil that could degrade the engine oil quality.

For the engine oil quality, there are oil standards that
are established through special engine tests based on
the engine specifications and operating conditions.
Among those standards, API (American Petroleum
Institute) service classifications are mostly used to
Grade CF Grade CH-4
classify engine oils. The SAE standard specifies the
viscosity only, while the API service classification indi-
API Service API Service
cates the quality level of engine oil. Classification Classification
Several kinds of diesel engine oils are specified. The
recommended oils are API service classification CF or
CH-4 grade oils which are suitable for highly super- Fig. 5-2 Engine Oil Grade

charged and loaded engines.

When using the CF grade engine oil, the certified year
must be the year of 2009 or before and the oil must
meet the requirements listed in the Table 5-1, Recom-
mended Limit of Engine Oil Properties.
If 0.2% or less sulfur contact fuel is used in the engine,
CF or CH-4 grade oil can be used. However, the oil
must have base value of 8.0 mg KOH/g or higher by
Hydrochloric acid method.
If measured by the perchloric acid method, the total
base value must be 11.0 mg KOH/g or more.

5-2 99240-60100
Chapter 5 ENGINE OIL

Engine Oil Quality Standard

Use engine oil that meets the requirements specified in the table below.
Table 5-2 Recommended Limits for Engine Oil Properties
Item Unit Test method
property value
API/JASO standards Grade CF *1 -
SAE viscosity - 15W-40 -
JIS K 2580
ASTM Color - L4.0
ISO 2049
JIS K 2249
ISO 3675
15°C g/cm3 0.87 to 0.90
Density ISO 3838
[59°F] [lb/ft3] [54.3123 to 56.187]
ISO 649-4
ISO 91-1
40°C 100 to 110
[104°F] [3.94 to 4.33] JIS K 2283
Kinetic viscosity ISO 3107
100°C [in2/s] 13.5 to 15.5 ISO 2904
[212°F] [0.532 to 0.610]
JIS K 2283
Viscosity index - - ISO 3107
ISO 2904
JIS K 2265
°C 225 to 250 ISO 3679
Flash point
[°F] [437 to 482] ISO 2719
ISO 2592
1.0% by weight 10 or higher
Hydrochlo- or lower (up to 13)
Sulfur content
ric acid mg KOH/g
in fuel 0.2% by weight 8 or higher JIS K 2501
or lower (up to 13) ISO 3771
ISO 6618
number 1.0% by weight 13 or higher ISO 6619
Perchloric or lower (up to 16) ISO 7537
Sulfur content
acid mg KOH/g
in fuel 0.2% by weight 11 or higher
or lower (up to 16)
JIS K 2501
ISO 3771
Acid number mg KOH/g 1.5 to 2.0 ISO 6618
ISO 6619
ISO 7537
JIS K 2541
Sulfur content % 0.5 or less ISO 4260
ISO 8754
JIS K 2272
Sulfuric acid ash % 2.0 or less ISO 3987
ISO 6245
JIS K 2270
Carbon residue content % 2.0 or less ISO 10370
ISO 6615
High temperature shear viscosity mPa·S 3.7 or more JPI-5S-36-91
JIS K 2269
Pour point °C [°F] -25 [-13] or less ISO 3015
ISO 3016

Chapter 5 ENGINE OIL

Table 5-2 Recommended Limits for Engine Oil Properties

Item Unit Test method
property value
Ca 0.480 to 0.570
P 0.050 to 0.070
JIS K 0116
Zn 0.060 to 0.080
Additives % by Weight ISO 3696
B -
Si 0.001 or less
N 0.030 to 0.060 JIS K 2609
I 10/0
Bubbling test JIS K 2518
II mL 30/0
*2 ISO 6247
III 10/0
140 or less
Panel coking test [572°F]
mg FED791-3462
*3 325°C
300 or less
*1: API CF grade oil certified in the year of 2009 or before.
*2: I test temp. (24°C [75°F]), II test temp. (93.5°C [200°F]), III test temp. (24°C [75°F] after 93.5°C [200°F])
*3: Aluminum panel temp = 300°C [572°F] and 325°C [617°F], Lubrication oil temp = 100°C [212°F],
Splashing time = 15 seconds, Interval = 45 seconds, Test time = 8 hours, And the property is the solid mass accu-
mulated on the panel.

Selection of Oil Viscosity

Use the chart on the right to select the appropriate oil
viscosity according to the ambient temperature.
Excessively high oil viscosity causes power loss and -30 -20 -10 0
Temperature [-21] 10 20 30 40 50
 [-4] [14] [32] [50] [68] [86] [104] [122]
an abnormal rise of oil temperature, while excessively °C [°F]

low oil viscosity accelerates wear and causes gas leak SAE10W
Engine oil SAE30
from the cylinder due to inadequate lubrication, and viscosity SAE40
also causes a decrease in engine output. SAE15W-40

Fig. 5-3 Selection of Oil Viscosity

5-4 99240-60100
Chapter 5 ENGINE OIL

Handling Engine Oil

Before filling the engine with engine oil, stop the engine and make sure there is no open flame in the vicinity. If oil
is spilled or leaked on hot surfaces or electrical components, it could cause a fire. Wipe off any spilled oil immedi-
ately and thoroughly. After filling oil, securely close the filler cap.
When handling a large amount of engine oil more than the legally specified quantities, be sure to have the work per-
formed in a service station operated under the provision of the law. When draining oil from the engine or oil can, be
sure to use an oil pump.
Tighten the oil can cap securely.
Store the oil can in a well-ventilated place and out of direct sunlight.
Be sure to obtain the SDS of the engine oil and follow the instructions in the SDS.

Service Limits for Engine Oil

Engine oil degrades through the use and by the lapse of time.
The quality of engine oil and the operating condition of the engine have influence on degradation of the engine oil.
Change the engine oil in accordance with Chapter 7 Periodic Maintenance Schedule. However, only if the operating
load is stable and engine oil analysis result allows, oil replacement interval may be extended.
For the determination of engine oil properties degradation, see the table below. If any of oil properties exceeds the
limit, change the engine oil with new oil.

Table 5-3 Engine Oil Properties

Properties Standard value Test standard
Regular or +30% or less rate of change from
general new oil
mm2/s [in2/s] motor use 10 [0.39] or more JIS K 2283: 2007
Kinetic viscosity @100°C +30% or less rate of change from ISO 3107
[212°F] Emergency new oil ISO 2909
use -20% or less rate of change from
new oil
2.0 or more by hydrochloric acid (HCL) method
JIS K 2501: 2003
Base number mgKOH/g 1/2 of new oil or more by the perchloric acid
ISO 3771
(PCA) method
JIS K 2501: 2003
Acid number mgKOH/g +3.0 or less of new oil
ISO 3771
JIS K 2275: 1996
Water content Vol % 0.2 or less
ISO 9029
JIS K 2265: 2007
Flash point
°C [°F] 180 [356] or more ISO 3769
(open cup)
ISO 2719
Compliant to ASTM D
Pentane insolubles Wt % 0.5 or less
Coagulated pen- Compliant to ASTM D
Wt % 3.0 or less
tane insolubles 893

Chapter 5 ENGINE OIL

Definition of Property Limit of Engine Oil

Kinetic viscosity Water content
Kinetic viscosity is a basic physical property of engine
Water in oil promotes corrosion/wear, and decreases
oil and is considered as the most important factor
lubricity between sliding parts.
when evaluating oil.
The kinetic viscosity increases by contamination with Flash point
blow-by gas and degradation of oil. Also, the viscosity The flash point is lowered by contamination with fuel.
decreases by contamination with fuel and molecular Flash point is used to check the fuel dilution of oil. The
disconnection of the viscosity index improver. The for- dilution of oil reduces oil film, and causes insufficient
mer will cause oil filter clogging and sludge accumula- lubrication that will cause friction or wear of engine
tion in the engine, while the latter will cause poor parts.
lubrication and wear.
Base number Insolubles include acid products of engine oil, imper-
Base number shows the ability to neutralize acids fect combustion products, sludge or soot, worn metal
such as organic acid due to engine oil oxidation, and particles and dust. Insolubles value is an indication of
sulfurous or sulfuric acid due to the combustion of sul- degradation/contamination of oil.
fur content in fuel. Dispersant detergent, which is an additive in engine
Because the base number indicates the amount of oil, absorbs sludge particles, and disperses them as
dispersant detergent in oil, it can be used to estimate fine particles in oil. Total insoluble density and remain-
the consumption of basic dispersant detergent. The ing dispersibility can be obtained by measuring insolu-
ability to disperse sludge declines as the dispersant ble and coagulated insoluble (chemical specialties
detergent is consumed. Thus, the base number is which stop action of disperse detergent and collect the
often used as an indication of cleaning capability sludge dispersed in oil) to identify the engine oil con-
decline. tamination level, and thereby, the insoluble value can
be a marker to prevent the piston ring from seizure or
Acid number premature wear.
The acid number in oil increases as the organic acid is
being derived by the engine oil oxidation, or sulfurous
acid or sulfuric acid derived by the combustion of sul-
fur content of fuel, or the oil becomes contaminated
with imperfect combustion products.
An increase in the acid number will result in corrosion
or wear of the inner parts of the engine (such as cylin-
der liner and bearing) due to sulfur content, and the
piston ring seizure due to sludge.

5-6 99240-60100
Chapter 5 ENGINE OIL

Engine Oil Analysis Service

For a long productive service life of engine, the use of engine oil analysis service is recommended.
By this service, the engine oil, extracted from the engine with a dedicated sampling tool, is analyzed to determine
whether the oil being used is acceptable or not for the use.
The following information is obtained by the engine oil analysis service:
The amount of fine metal powder in engine oil due to abrasion is measured, by which, worn parts of the engine can
be located.
Water, LLC, or salt that should not be in engine oil can be detected if presented.
Deteriorated condition of engine oil is shown. These will allow the planning of operational and maintenance counter-
measures, and show the proper engine oil replacement intervals.
The engine oil analysis service can diagnose the internal condition of the engine without disassembling the engine.
It is highly recommended to take advantage of our engine oil analysis service so that you can find the engine condi-
tion before any malfunction occurs in the engine.

Chapter 6 COOLANT
Note: In this operation manual, the word "coolant" denotes a mixture of water and LLC.

Recommended Water for Coolant

Use soft water (such as tap water) for the engine cooling system. The water quality must meet the requirements in
the table below. Basically, the water quality should be within the range of the recommended values, however, up to
the limit value is acceptable.
Table 6-1 Water Quality Standard
Chemical Recommend
Item Unit Limit value Main harm
symbol value
Corrosion and scale for-
pH (25°C [77°F]) - - 6.5 to 8.0 6.5 to 8.5
Electrical conductivity Corrosion and scale for-
- mS/m < 25 < 40
(25°C [77°F]) mation
Total hardness CaCO3 mg/l < 95 < 100 Scale formation
M alkalinity CaCO3 mg/l <70 < 150 Scale formation
Chlorine ion Cl- mg/l < 100 < 100 Corrosion
Sulphate ion SO42- mg/l < 50 < 100 Corrosion
Total iron Fe mg/l < 1.0 < 1.0 Scale formation
Silica SiO2 mg/l - < 50 Scale formation
Residue by evaporation - mg/l < 250 < 400 Scale formation

Long Life Coolant (LLC)

If you swallow coolant or LLC accidentally, induce vomiting immediately and seek medical attention. If LLC gets in
your eyes, flush immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.
Be sure to use Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. (MHIET) genuine long life coolant (LLC),
"GLASSY long life coolant (ethylene glycol type)" or "PG GLASSY long life coolant (propylene glycol type)." When
using an LLC other than genuine MHIET long life coolant by necessity, be sure to use the non-amine type LLC that
meets our requirements. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. disclaims the warranty claim for
defects due to the use of LLC that does not meet our requirements.


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger,
Ltd. recommends the use of our genuine long life cool-
ant "GLASSY long life coolant (ethylene glycol type)"
and eco-friendly product "PG GLASSY long life cool-
ant (propylene glycol type)," which are most appropri-
ate coolant for Mitsubishi diesel engines.

Fig. 6-1 GLASSY Long Life Coolant

Chapter 6 COOLANT

Other Commercial LLCs Requirements for Other

Commercial LLCs
If you must use other brand of LLCs, be sure to use
Never mix genuine MHIET LLC with other brand of
the LLC that meets the requirements below. Mitsubishi
LLCs. Mixing with other brand of LLCs degrades the
Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. dis-
performance of genuine MHIET LLC.
claims the warranty claim for defects caused by the
When using an LLC other than genuine MHIET long
use of LLC that does not meet our requirements.
life coolant (LLC) "GLASSY long life coolant (ethylene
glycol type)" or "PG GLASSY long life coolant (propyl- General Quality Requirements
ene glycol type)," be sure to use the LLC that meets for LLC
our requirements. LLC must be a homogeneous liquid without sediment.
The quality and performance of commercially avail- When the LLC is diluted to 30 to 60% density, the LLC
able LLCs and their component variations are the shall not cause any problems such as corrosion and
responsibility of LLC suppliers. precipitation deposits in the engine cooling system.
Before purchasing a commercial LLC, be sure to dis- LLC shall be mixed well with other non-amine type
cuss the suitability of LLC with the LLC supplier. LLC that meets this requirements and shall not sepa-
Use an all-season LLC (non-amine type) only. Do not rate elements included in the each product, and shall
use antifreeze alone instead of LLC. not decrease the performance of both products.
LLC shall not corrode the container and shall not pro-
duce a precipitate when LLC is stored in the container
for 6 months.
LLC shall be free from any abnormalities such as pre-
cipitates when kept in -20 to -25°F [-4 to -13°F] tem-
The validity period for the quality requirements for
products specified herein shall be 2 years after the de-
livery, provided that they are stored under indoor nor-
mal temperature.

6-2 99240-60100
Chapter 6 COOLANT

LLC Quality Standard

LLC shall be tested in accordance with JIS K 2234, Section 7 "Test method," and satisfy the requirements. General
matters and specimen sampling method shall comply with JIS K 2234.
Table 6-2 LLC Quality Standard
Test items Standard value
Visual inspection No precipitation
Minimum 1.112 g/cm3 [69.4199 lb/ft3]
Specific gravity (20/20°C) [68/68°F]
(undiluted solution)
Water content 5.0 weight or lower (undiluted solution)
30% by volume in aqueous solu-
-14.5°C [5.9°F] or lower
Freezing temperature
50% by volume in aqueous solu-
-34.0°C [-29.2°F] or lower
155°C [311°F] or higher (undiluted solu-
Equilibrium reflex boiling point
7.0 to 11.0 (30 volumetric water solu-
30% by volume in aqueous solu-
4.0 ml [0.0008 gal] or less
Bubbling character tions
(ASTM D3306-01) 331/3% by volume in aqueous solu- 150 ml [0.032 gal] or less, deforming
tions time 5 sec. or less
1.0 or less
Hard water compatibility
(50 volumetric water solution)
Aluminum ±0.30 mg/cm2
Cast iron ±0.15 mg/cm2
Steel ±0.15 mg/cm2
Mass change
Brass ±0.15 mg/cm2
Metallic test
piece Solder ±0.30 mg/cm2
Metallic causticity
(88±2°C Copper ±0.15 mg/cm2
[190.4±4°F], Any corrosion should not be observed
336±2 Hrs, Visual inspection of test piece after except for the contacting position of the
30% by vol water testing test piece and spacer. Discoloration is
solution (ethylene allowed.
50% by vol water Bubble formation during test Bubble shall not overflow.
solution (propylene
glycol)) pH 6.5 to 11.0
pH change ±1.0
Property of 0.5% by volume in aqueous solutions or
liquid after Precipitation
No significant discoloration. No signifi-
Visual inspection of liquid cant changes such as separation and
gel generation.

Chapter 6 COOLANT

Table 6-2 LLC Quality Standard

Test items Standard value
Aluminum, cast
Mass change iron, steel, brass, ±0.30 mg/cm2
solder, and copper
Metallic test
piece Any corrosion should not be observed
Visual inspection of test piece after except for the contacting position of the
Circulating corro- testing test piece and spacer. Discoloration is
sion allowed.
(98±2°C pH 7.0 to 9.0
1000 Hrs, pH change ±1.0
30% by vol water
solution (ethylene Reserve alkalinity change ±15%
50% by vol water 1.0% by volume in aqueous solutions or
Property of Precipitation
solution (propylene less
liquid after
glycol)) test No significant discoloration. No signifi-
Visual inspection of liquid cant changes such as separation and
gel generation.
Iron, copper, alumi-
Ion concen-
num, zinc, lead, 10 ppm or less
and ammonium ion
Aluminum ±0.60 mg/cm2
Cast iron ±0.30 mg/cm2
Steel ±0.30 mg/cm2
Mass change
Brass ±0.30 mg/cm2
Metallic test
piece Solder ±0.60 mg/cm2
Copper ±0.30 mg/cm2
Circulating corro-
sion Any corrosion should not be observed
(88±3°C Visual inspection of test piece after except for the contacting position of the
[190.4±6°F], testing test piece and spacer. Discoloration is
1000±2 Hrs, allowed.
30% by vol water
solution (ethylene pH 6.5 to 11.0
glycol)) Property of pH change Maximum ±1.0
liquid after
test No significant discoloration. No signifi-
Visual inspection of liquid cant changes such as separation and
gel generation.
Free from any malfunction, liquid leak,
Pump seals
Condition of and abnormal noise during operation.
parts Pump case inner surfaces and
Free from significant corrosion.

6-4 99240-60100
Chapter 6 COOLANT

Table 6-2 LLC Quality Standard

Test items Standard value
Tensile strength change rate -60 to 0%
Elongation change rate -40 to +20%
Volume change rate 0 to +40%
Hardness change rate -20 to +10%
Tensile strength change rate 0 to +10%
Rubber adaptability
(30% by vol water Elongation change rate -15 to +15%
solution, Nitrile rubber
115°C [239°F], Volume change rate 0 to +40%
360 Hrs)
Hardness change rate -10 to 0%
Tensile strength change rate 0 to +10%
Ethylene pro- Elongation change rate -30 to 0%
pylene diene
monomer Volume change rate 0 to +10%
Hardness change rate -10 to 0%
Storage stability (% by vol water solution)
0.3 or less
(30% by volume in aqueous solutions, room temp. 6 Hrs)

Chapter 6 COOLANT

Maintenance of LLC

If you swallow coolant or LLC accidentally, induce vomiting immediately and seek medical attention. If LLC gets in
your eyes, flush immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.
LLC is toxic. Do not dump coolant containing LLC drained from the engine casually into sewage. For disposal of
used coolant, consult the LLC distributor.

Replacement Intervals of LLC

Be sure to renew LLC (coolant) at the intervals specified in the "Periodic Maintenance Schedule".
Failure to renew LLC may cause malfunctions due to rust prevention performance degradation and cavitations.

6-6 99240-60100
Chapter 6 COOLANT

LLC Concentration (GLASSY and PG GLASSY)

1. To prevent cavitations of water pump and cylinder liners, LLC concentration must be at least 30% for GLASSY
(ethylene glycol) and 40% for PG GLASSY (propylene glycol) by volume under any temperature conditions
throughout the year.
2. Coolant anti-freeze concentration for the engine is determined by the ambient minimum temperature of the year.
Maintain the coolant concentration in the range shown in the table below.
Table 6-3 Recommended LLC Concentration
Up to -10°C Up to -20°C Up to -30°C Up to -45°C
Ambient temperature
[14°F] [-4°F] [-22°F] [-49°F]
GLASSY (ethylene glycol) 30% 40% 50% 60%
LLC concentration
PG GLASSY (propylene glycol) 40% 55% 70% 90%
3. Concentration must be 60% at a maximum for GLASSY (ethylene glycol) and 90% for PG GLASSY (propylene
glycol). If the concentration is higher than that, the antifreeze effect will decrease, or the cooling water tempera-
ture will increase due to the lowered specific heat.
4. Coolant temperature will increase by approx. 1.5°C [34.7°F] for 60% concentration of GLASSY (ethylene glycol)
and approx. 3°C [37.4°F] for 90% concentration of PG GLASSY (propylene glycol). Check heat exchanger ca-
pacity of the cooling system to avoid overheating.
Freezing Temperature (ºC [ºF])

Freezing Temperature (ºC [ºF])

0 0
[32] Lower limit of [32] Lower limit of
concentration concentration
-10 -10
[14] [14]
-20 -20
[-4] [-4]
-30 -30
[-22] [-22]
-40 -40
[-40] [-40]
-50 -50
[-58] [-58]
-60 -60
[-76] 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [-76] 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Concentration (Volume %) Concentration (Volume %)

Freezing Temperature vs. GLASSY Concentration Freezing Temperature vs. PG GLASSY Concentration

Fig. 6-2 Coolant Freezing Temperature (GLASSY and PG GLASSY)

Chapter 6 COOLANT

LLC Concentration Measuring Method

Coolant tester
Part No. 37591-00100

Fig. 6-3 Coolant Tester

1. Place 1 or 2 drops of distilled or tap water on the

Fig. 6-4 Measuring Procedure 1

2. Close the daylight plate gently.

Fig. 6-5 Measuring Procedure 2

3. Spread the drop evenly on the prism surface. Do
not allow bubbles staying on the surface.

Fig. 6-6 Measuring Procedure 3

6-8 99240-60100
Chapter 6 COOLANT

4. Read the scale through the eye piece. Turn the eye
piece until the scale is clearly visible.

Fig. 6-7 Measuring Procedure 4

5. Verify the boundary line of blue color aligns with the
0% on the scale.
60 -50
1.35 -40
1.25 40
S p e c i f i c g r a v i t y o f 1.20 -20 Freezing temperature
battery electrolyte 䉝
20 -10
1.05 10

1.00 0 0
Antifreeze mixture 䠂

Fig. 6-8 Measuring Procedure 5

6. Adjust the scale calibration screw with the tool to
align the boundary line and the 0% line if they are
not aligned.

Do not rotate the calibration screw excessively. The

refractometer may be damaged.

Fig. 6-9 Measuring Procedure 6

Chapter 6 COOLANT

1. Place 1 or 2 drops of specimen on the prism. (Fig.
2. Close the daylight plate gently. (Fig. 6-5)
3. Spread the specimen evenly on the prism surface.
Do not allow bubbles staying on the surface. (Fig.
4. Read the scale through the eye piece. Turn the eye
piece until the scale is clearly visible. (Fig. 6-7)
5. Read the measured value where the boundary line
crosses the scale line. 60 -50
1.35 -40
1.25 40
S p e c i f i c g r a v i t y o f 1.20 -20 Freezing temperature
b a t t e r y e l e c t r o l y t e 1.15 䉝
20 -10

1.05 10

1.00 0 0
Antifreeze mixture 䠂

Fig. 6-10 Measuring Procedure 7

6. Wipe off the specimen with water-soaked soft facial

Fig. 6-11 Measuring Procedure 8

6-10 99240-60100
Chapter 6 COOLANT

Necessity of LLC Examples of Abnormali-

Smaller and lighter engines are today’s trend as they
ties Caused by Amine
can offer greater output, lower fuel consumption, and
lower exhaust emission levels. Type LLC
Conditions to which engine coolant is subjected, Pitting of Iron Parts
therefore, are becoming severer due to longer operat- Amines are generally effective in suppressing the rust-
ing hours, higher coolant temperature, and higher ing of ferrous metals, but they are said to become cor-
coolant circulating speed. rosion promoter for copper parts.
Furthermore, many different materials such as steel, Dissolved copper (copper corrosion) in the cooling
aluminum, copper, solder, and rubber are used in the system deposits on iron parts, and the copper depos-
cooling system, and they are also subject to the its will cause corrosion and then pitting on iron parts
severe conditions described above. Those materials that have a high ionization characteristics due to gal-
have different ionization characteristics, and this dif- vanic or local-cell action.
ference accelerates corrosion through the medium of
engine coolant. To prevent such a problem, it is nec- Corrosion of Aluminum Parts
Silicate is highly effective in protecting aluminum
essary to use the LLC containing additives that pre-
against rusting. However, it is unstable in a solution in
vent rust.
which the pH is 9 or lower, and can turn to gel and pre-
Characteristics of LLC cipitate in the solution. For this reason, the pH is usu-
Additives ally specified to be about 10 to ensure a high alkaline
LLC contains several chemicals in such proportions level.
as to produce chemical reactions that suppress corro- This means, after silicate is used up, the high alkalinity
sion (ionization) of engine parts that contact with the causes chemical attacks on aluminum. To prevent this
coolant. LLC loses its effectiveness by hours of use as problem, proper maintenance of the coolant is
well as lapse of time. required. For example, rapid wear of water pump
Furthermore, if the chemicals are not well propor- mechanical seal due to gelification of silicate salt has
tioned to match the metals used in the cooling system, been observed.
certain chemicals in the LLC become rapidly used up,
and it results in corrosion of metals to be protected.
Pitting and Clogging of Radia-
Consequently, other corrosion preventing chemicals
When LLC deteriorates or when its concentration in
react with dissolving metals, by which corrosion is
the coolant becomes low, the anti-corrosion perfor-
accelerated. This condition generates more severe
mance of LLC lowers, resulting in the corrosion of
corrosion than when plain soft water is used. This is a
metals. Among other things, brass and solder tend to
typical problem caused by the use of inappropriate
corrode faster than other metals, and corrosion of
these metals may cause water leakage and clogging
in such component as radiator.

How to Use the Periodic Maintenance Schedule
Periodic inspection and maintenance not only extends the service life of the engine but also serves to ensure the
safe operation. Be sure to conduct the inspection and maintenance according to the "Periodic Maintenance Sched-
Basically, obey the standard service intervals specified in the "Periodic Maintenance Schedule". However, if you
notice any abnormalities such as abnormal noise, black exhaust smoke, white exhaust smoke, extremely high tem-
perature of exhaust gas, abnormal vibration, and fuel, oil or exhaust gas leakage, be sure to conduct the inspection
and maintenance work regardless of recommended service intervals in the "Periodic Maintenance Schedule".
Note: Appropriate service intervals vary with usage and operating conditions as well as conditions of fuel, oil, and
Be sure to inspect the items which are included in the applicable interval and shorter intervals. For example,
in the 5000 hour maintenance, also inspect those items listed in every 50, 250, 500, 1000 and 2500 hours. Be
sure to conduct periodic inspection at specified intervals, either service hours or years, whichever comes first.


Periodic Maintenance Schedule

Table 7-1 Periodic Maintenance Schedule
Maintenance Intervals and Service Items
Every 50 hours or every
Fuel Tank - Drain Water 8-6
Re-tightening of external bolts and nuts *
First 50 hours for a new Engine Oil, Oil Filter, and Bypass Oil Filter - Replace
engine The engine oil analysis is also recommended at the same time. 8-11
The oil filters must be also replaced when the filter alarm lamp is turned on.
Oil Filter, and Bypass Oil Filter - Replace
Every 250 hours The engine oil analysis is also recommended at the same time. 8-11
The oil filters must be also replaced when the filter alarm lamp is turned on.
First 250 hours for a new Valve Clearance - Inspect and Adjust
engine (Check the valve mechanism at the same time.)
Engie Oil - Replace** 8-11
Every 500 hours Fuel Filter - Replace 8-8
Gauze Filter - Clean 8-7
Every 1000 hours Belt and Belt Tension - Inspect and Adjust 8-2
Fuel Tank - Drain Water (Replace Parts as Needed) 8-6
Valve Clearance - Inspect and Adjust
(Check the valve mechanism at the same time.)
Fuel Injection Timing - Inspect and Adjust *
Fuel Injection Nozzle Tip, Nozzle Spring and Nozzle Spacer - Replace
Every 2500 hours *
(After the replacement, inspect and adjust the spray/injection pressure)
Movement of rack of the fuel injection pump (including the governor) - Check
(during operation)
Fuel Pipe - Inspect 8-10
Oil Pipe - Inspect 8-13
Engine - Top Overhaul
Remove the cylinder head, and perform inspection and maintenance around *
the combustion chamber.
Turbocharger - Inspect 8-19

Top Overhaul Damper - Inspect 8-4

Starter - Inspect 8-23
Every 5000 hours
Protective Device - Check the Operation *
Unit Seal and Oil Seal of Water Pump - Replace *
LLC Concentration Level in the Coolant - Check *
Main bearing, Connecting rod bearing, Crankcase thrust plate - Replace *
** Follow the installation manual especially for the diesel fuel specification, the lub oil specification and the parts
change interval

7-2 99240-60100

Table 7-1 Periodic Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance Intervals and Service Items
Engine - Major Overhaul
Disassemble the engine, and then clean, check, and replace major parts.
Parts to be changed at the major overhaul:
Inlet and exhaust valves, inlet and exhaust valve seat rings, valve rotators,
valve cotters, rocker arm adjusting screws, bridge caps, camshaft bushings,
main bearings, piston rings, connecting rod bearings, damper, crankcase *
thrust plates, and consumable items (gaskets, oil seals, O-rings, and others)
<At the second overhaul, replace the following parts in addition to the parts
listed above>
Valve guides, valve bridge guides,valve springs, pistons, piston pins, cylin-
Major Overhaul der liners
Fuel Injection Pump - Inspect and Test (Replace Parts as Needed.) *
Every 10000 hours
Governor - Inspect and Test (Replace Parts as Needed.) *
Protective Devices - Repair or Replace
High coolant temperature, low oil pressure, overspeeding, starting stall,
water supply failure, undervoltage, overvoltage, overcurrent, low coolant
level in tank, low fuel level in tank, low air pressure in tank, and others
Auxiliary Devices - Check the Operation
Water heater, oil heater, oil priming pump, fuel transfer pump, governor *
motor, etc.
Every 10000 hours or
every 2years Coolant - Change 8-14
whichever comes first
Bleeding the Fuel System 3-1
Radiator Fins - Check and Clean 8-18
Air Cleaner Element - Clean, Check, and Replace *1 8-21
As required Engine Breather - Clean the Inside of Breather *
Stop Solenoid - Inspect or Replace *
Couplings - Inspect or Replace *
Vibration-isolating Rubber - Inspect *
Note: (a) The table above also includes the parts which MHIET does not supply. For the parts which MHIET does
not supply, perform inspection and maintenance by following the instructions in the manufacturer's opera-
tion manual.
(b) Items marked with * will require special tools or large scale maintenance. For maintenance of those items,
consult with your MHIET dealer.
(c) Be sure to conduct periodic inspection at specified intervals, either service hours or years, whichever
comes first.

Engine Exterior - Inspect

Check external parts of the engine, particularly hot parts (exhaust manifold and others), or the battery for accumu-
lation of flammable materials. Also, check leaks of fuel and engine oil. Remove dust from the top surface of the
battery. If hot parts have a problem, it may cause a fire. If any abnormality is found, be sure to repair or contact
your MHIET dealer.
Inspect the engine exterior as instructed below:
1. Make sure there is no combustible material near
the engine or battery. Also, check to make sure that
the engine and battery are clean. If combustible
materials or dust are found near the engine or bat-
tery, remove them.
2. Make sure fluids, such as fuel, oil, and coolant, are
not leaking from the engine. If a leak is found, re-
pair the leak, or contact your MHIET dealer.
3. Walk around the engine and check bolts and nuts
for looseness.
4. Check electric wiring for disconnection, looseness, Fig. 8-1 Valve Open/Closed Position - Check
cuts, or rubbing.
5. Make sure the following valves, plugs, or cocks are
properly positioned as indicated below:
Fuel feed valve: open
Coolant drain cock (valve): closed
Engine oil drain plug: closed


Belt and Belt Tension - Inspect and Adjust

If defects such as cuts or surface separations are found in the inspection, replace the belt.
Belts must be free from grease and oils. Grease and oils cause belts to slip and shorten their service life.
Excessive belt tension can cause rapid wear of the alternator bearing, and shorten the service life of the belt.
Adjust the belt tension properly by following the procedures below:

Belt - Inspect
1. Inspect the belt visually for separation or damage. If any abnormality is found, replace the belt with a new one.
2. Inspect belt tension (deflection). Refer to Table 8-1 "Ribbed Belt Tension Force" , adjust the pressing force if it is
not average level when pushing the belt downward till 15 mm at the midway between pulleys with gauge.
Belt Tension (Alternator Side) - Adjust
1. Remove the belt cover.
2. Loosen all retaining bolts of the alternator and the Width approx.
10 mm [0.39 in.]
adjusting rod.
15 mm [0.59 in.]
3. Loosen the upper and lower lock nuts on the ad-
justing rod. force
Note: The lower nut on the adjusting rod is of a left-
hand thread.
Lock nut
4. Turn the adjusting rod to adjust the belt tension. (right-hand thread)
5. After the tension adjustment, tighten the upper and Adjusting rod
Lock nut
Fixing bolt (left-hand thread)
lower lock nuts.
6. Tighten all retaining bolts of the alternator and the Fig. 8-2 Belt Tension (Alternator Side) - Adjust
adjusting rod.
7. Install the belt cover and front cover.

Belt tension (air cooler water pumpside) - Adjust

1. Loosen all the slide plate retaining bolts of tension Lock nut Fixing bolt
pulley bracket. Gauge width
approx. 10 mm [0.39 in.]
2. Loosen the lock nut of air cooler water pump ad-
justing bolt. Thrust force
3. Turn the adjusting bolt to adjust the belt tension.
4. After adjusting deflection, secure lock nuts of ad-
15 mm
justing bolt. Gauge [0.59 in.]

5. Tighten all slide plate retaining bolts of air cooler Lock nut Ribbed belt
water pump tension pulley bracket.
Fixing bolt
Fig. 8-3 Belt Tension - Adjust
(Air Cooler Water Pump Side)

8-2 99240-60100

Table 8-1 Ribbed Belt Tension Force

Belt linear distance (mm)
Item 300 or more 400 or more 500 or more
of ribs Up to 300 600 or more
Up to 400 Up to 500 Up to 600
74 N {7.55kgf} 49 N {5.00kgf} 37 N {3.77kgf} 29 N {2.96kgf} 25 N {2.55kgf}
[16.64lbf] [11.02lbf] [8.31lbf] [6.53lbf] [5.62lbf]
88 N {8.97kgf} 59 N {6.02kgf} 44 N {4.49kgf} 35 N {3.57kgf} 29 N {2.96kgf}
[19.78lbf] [13.27lbf] [9.90lbf] [7.87lbf] [6.53lbf]
103 N {10.50kgf} 69 N {7.04kgf} 51 N {5.20kgf} 41 N {4.18kgf} 34 N {3.47kgf}
[23.15lbf] [15.52lbf] [11.46lbf] [9.22lbf] [7.65lbf]
118 N {12.03kgf} 79 N {8.06kgf} 59 N {6.02kgf} 47 N {4.79kgf} 39 N {3.98kgf}
[26.52lbf] [17.77lbf] [13.27lbf] [10.56lbf] [8.77lbf]
132 N {13.46kgf} 88 N {8.97kgf} 66 N {6.73kgf} 53 N {5.40kgf} 44 N {4.49kgf}
[29.67lbf] [19.78lbf] [14.84lbf] [11.90lbf] [9.90lbf]
147 N {14.99kgf} 98 N {9.99kgf} 74 N {7.55kgf} 59 N {6.02kgf} 49 N {5.00kgf}
[33.05lbf] [22.02lbf] [16.64lbf] [13.27lbf] [11.02lbf]
162 N {16.52kgf} 108 N {11.01kgf} 81 N {8.26kgf} 65 N {6.63kgf} 54 N {5.51kgf}
[36.42lbf] [24.27lbf] [18.21lbf] [14.62lbf] [12.15lbf]
176 N {17.95kgf} 118 N {12.03kgf} 88 N {8.97kgf} 71 N {7.24kgf} 59 N {6.02kgf}
[39.57lbf] [26.52lbf] [19.78lbf] [15.96lbf] [13.27lbf]
191 N {19.48kgf} 127 N {12.95kgf} 96 N {9.79kgf} 76 N {7.75kgf} 64 N {6.53kgf}
[42.95lbf] [28.55lbf] [21.58lbf] [17.09lbf] [14.40lbf]
206 N {21.01kgf} 137 N {13.97kgf} 103 N {10.50kgf} 82 N {8.36kgf} 69 N {7.04kgf}
[46.32lbf] [30.80lbf] [23.15lbf] [18.43lbf] [15.52lbf]
51 N {5.20kgf} 34 N {3.47kgf} 26 N {2.65kgf} 21 N} {2.14kgf} 17 N {1.73kgf}
[11.46 bf] [7.65lbf] [5.84lbf] [4.72lbf] [3.81lbf]
62 N {6.32kgf} 41 N {4.18kgf} 31 N {3.16kgf} 25 N {2.55kgf} 21 N {2.14kgf}
[13.93lbf] [9.22lbf] [6.97lbf] [5.62lbf] [4.72lbf]
72 N {7.34kgf} 48 N {4.89kgf} 36 N {3.67kgf} 29 N {2.96kgf} 24 N {2.45kgf}
[16.18lbf] [10.78lbf] [8.09lbf] [6.53lbf] [5.40lbf]
82 N {8.36kgf} 55 N {5.61kgf} 41 N {4.18kgf} 33 N {3.37kgf} 27 N {2.75kgf}
[18.43lbf] [12.37lbf] [9.22lbf] [7.43lbf] [6.06lbf]
93 N {9.48kgf} 62 N {6.32kgf} 46 N {4.69kgf} 37 N {3.77kgf} 31 N {3.16kgf}
[20.90lbf] [13.93lbf] [10.34lbf] [8.31lbf] [6.97lbf]
103 N {10.50kgf} 69 N {7.04kgf} 51 N {5.20kgf} 41 N {4.18kgf} 34 N {3.47kgf}
[23.15lbf] [15.52lbf] [11.46lbf] [9.22lbf] [7.65lbf]
113 N {11.52kgf} 75 N {7.65kgf} 57 N {5.81kgf} 45 N {4.59kgf} 38 N {3.87kgf}
[25.40lbf] [16.87lbf] [12.81lbf] [10.12lbf] [8.54lbf]
123 N {12.54kgf} 82 N {8.36kgf} 62 N {6.32kgf} 49 N {5.00kgf} 41 N {4.18kgf}
[27.65lbf] [18.43lbf] [13.93lbf] [11.02lbf] [9.22lbf]
134 N {13.66kgf} 89 N {9.08kgf} 67 N {6.83kgf} 54 N {5.51kgf} 45 N {4.59kgf}
[30.12lbf] [20.02lbf] [15.06lbf] [12.15lbf] [10.12lbf]
144 N {14.68kgf} 96 N {9.79kgf} 72 N {7.34kgf} 58 N {5.91kgf} 48 N {4.89kgf}
[32.3lbf] [21.58lbf] [16.18lbf] [13.03lbf] [10.78lbf]
The pressing force when pressing the belt downward till 15 mm [0.59 in.] at the midway of the belt direct distance.


Damper - Inspect
Damper - Check Visually

Do not use a closed type cover for the protection of
The damper deteriorates, or its performance
degrades due to the heat, which may cause serious
engine problems.

Visually check the damper for oil leak, scratch, defor- Silicon oil
mation such as bulge of the cover (by applying a scale
to it), and discoloration or peeling of paint due to heat.
Especially, check carefully for the bulge of the cover Fig. 8-4 Damper - Check Visually
(by applying a scale to it), oil leak from the caulking,
discoloration and peeling of paint due to the heat.
Note: If the damper is defective, contact your MHIET

Damper Temperature Control

To ensure the proper function of damper, heat must be dissipated from its surface to prevent excessive heating.
MHIET inspects each engine before shipment to make sure that the temperature of damper does not excessively
rise. However, the damper temperature varies depending on ambient conditions. Therefore, obey the instructions
below, provide sufficient ventilation for the damper, and pay attention to the facility.
1. Make sure the temperature of the damper outer surface does not exceed 90°C [194°F] after operating the engine
at the rated power for about an hour.
2. When installing a protective cover to the damper, provide adequate ventilation so that the damper temperature
is 90°C [194°F] or below.
3. We recommend the use of the thermo label for temperature control.

8-4 99240-60100

Thermo Label - Use

When the thermo label reaches the specified temperature, the white thermosensitive area turns into black color.
Note: The thermo label should be used only as a guide. At the time of installation of engine, it is recommended that
you check that the damper temperature is proper during engine operation using a noncontact thermometer and
record the temperature.
Once the thermosensitive area turns its color, it will never return to the original color again. Therefore, even
when the temperature of damper is dropped after the engine has stopped, the thermo label still indicates the
highest temperature when the engine was running.
1. Attach the thermo label on the damper outer circumference or front end near the outside diameter.
2. Record the highest temperature by checking the thermosensitive area when the engine is not running. Record
the temperature regularly so that you can tell if there is any abnormal temperature change.
Note: (a) When the increase in thermo label temperature is observed, look for the abnormality of engine or other
causes. Then, replace the thermo label with a new one, and check the temperature change again.
(b) If the temperature indication of thermo label comes close to the limit temperature of damper, or if there is
any abnormal temperature change, contact your MHIET dealer.
(c) For damper temperature limit, refer to "Damper - Inspect" (8-4).
Table 8-2 Thermo Labels
Measurable Thermo Label
Part name Part number temperature <5E-100>
32522-04211 100 105 110 115 120
Thermo label 100 to 120°C
(20 sheets:
100-120 [212 to 248°F] <5E-75>
32522-04111 75 80 85 90 95
Thermo label 75 to 95°C
(20 sheets:
75-95 [167 to 203°F] <5E-50>
Thermo label 50 to 70°C 50 55 60 65 70
(20 sheets:
50-70 [122 to 158°F]


Fuel system
Fuel System - Inspect

When handling fuel, make sure there are no open flames or other fire hazards near the engine.
Wipe off any spilled fuel completely. It can cause a fire.

Fuel Tank - Clean

For the fuel to be used, refer to "FUEL" (4-1).

1. Close the fuel feed valve to cut off the fuel supply to the engine.
2. Place a drip pan under the drain cock.
3. Drain all fuel in the tank from drain cock located at the bottom of fuel tank.
4. Clean the inside of fuel tank.
5. Add fuel to the fuel tank.
6. Open the fuel feed valve of the engine.
Note: If the specifications of fuel tank differs from the contents in this operation manual, obey the tank manufacturer's
operation manual.

Fuel Tank - Drain Water

If fuel is contaminated with foreign substances such
as dust, dirt, or water, it can cause not only decrease
of output but also malfunctions of the fuel system. To
avoid such problems, drain water from the fuel tank as
instructed below.
1. Place a drip pan (capacity of 2 L [0.53 US gal.] or Drain cock
more) under the drain cock of fuel tank.
2. Open the drain cock of fuel tank and drain fuel at
least 1 to 2 liters [0.26 to 0.53 US gal]. Water
3. After making sure water and foreign material parti-
cles has been discharged together with fuel, close Fig. 8-6 Fuel Tank - Drain Water
the drain cock.
Note: If the specifications of fuel tank differs from the
contents in this operation manual, obey the tank
manufacturer's operation manual.

8-6 99240-60100

Gauze Filter - Clean

If the gauze filter is clogged, the fuel supply becomes
insufficient, resulting in decrease in power output or
engine stall.
1. Remove the union bolt at the inlet port of fuel feed
Gauze filter
2. Using a screw driver, remove the gauze filter that is Union bolt
fitted inside the union bolt.
3. Soak the gauze filter in the fuel, and clean it with a
brush. Fuel feed pump

4. Check the gauze filter for damage.

5. After cleaning, install the gauze filter into the union Fig. 8-7 Gauze Filter - Clean
bolt using a screw driver.
6. Install the union bolt to the fuel feed pump.
7. Bleed air from the fuel filter.
Note: For bleeding the fuel filter, refer to "Fuel Filter -
Bleed Air" (3-2).


Fuel Filter - Replace

1. Clean the area around the fuel filter.
2. Place a drip pan under the fuel filter.
3. Using a filter wrench, remove the fuel filter.
4. Wipe off fuel on the fuel filter cartridge mounting
surface of the filter bracket with a waste cloth.
5. Prepare new fuel filter, and make sure that gasket
is properly seated in the groove.

If the filter case is dented, do not use the filter. The

filter element in dented case may be damaged Fig. 8-8 Fuel Filter - Replace
during operation, leading to fuel leaks, which eventu-
ally may result in a fire.
6. Apply clean fuel on the gasket of the new fuel filter.
7. Install the fuel filter on the filter bracket. When the Apply fuel to
the gasket.
gasket comes in contact with the mounting surface
of the filter bracket, further rotate the filter by 3/4 to
a full turn.

Hand tighten the fuel filter. Do not tighten with a filter

wrench. Fig. 8-9 Fuel Filter
Be careful not to dent or scratch the fuel filter sur-
8. After the new fuel filter has been installed, bleed air
from the fuel filter.
Note: To bleed air from the fuel filter, refer to "Fuel Fil-
ter - Bleed Air" (3-2).
9. Start the engine and run at an idle speed for sever-
al minutes.
10. Make sure that there is no fuel leak from the fuel fil-
ter mounting face. If the leak is found, loosen the
fuel filter and check the gasket for damage. If there
is no damage, tighten the fuel filter.

8-8 99240-60100

Fuel Control Link Ball Joint - Inspect

Check the ball joint in the fuel control link for loose-
ness or sluggish movement. If the amount of loose- 0.1 mm
[0.004 in.] Ball joint
ness is 0.1 mm [0.004 in.] or more, replace the ball
joint with a new one. 0.1 mm
[0.004 in.]

If the sealed ball joints are found to be loosened,

consult with your MHIET dealer. If the seal on the
ball joint is broken, the engine is no longer covered
under the warranty.
If the ball joint is integrated with the control link, Fig. 8-10 Ball Joint - Check for Looseness
replace the control link assembly. When installing the
Ball joint
ball joint, be sure to tighten the nut firmly.

Control link

Fig. 8-11 Fuel Control Link - Remove


Fuel Pipe - Inspect

Do not use any clamps such as harness for the high- and low-pressure pipes.
Also make sure the fuel pipe does not contact with other pipe and object.
If contacted, a fire disaster may occur due to a pipe hole made by abrasion between pipes.

High-Pressure Fuel Injection Pipe and Clamp Seat - Inspect and Replace
Visual Inspection
Check the clamp seat for crack and wear. Check the
high-pressure fuel injection pipe for wear. If defective,
replace the clamp seat with a new one. Replace the Clamp plate
high-pressure fuel injection pipe with a new one if
Every Major Overhaul
Replace the clamp seat with a new one. Also, check
the high-pressure fuel injection pipe for wear. If defec-
tive, replace the high-pressure fuel injection pipe with Clamp seat
a new one.
Every Other Major Overhaul Fig. 8-12 High-pressure Fuel Injection Pipe and
Clamp Seat - Inspect and Replace
Replace all the high-pressure fuel injection pipes with
new ones.

Low-Pressure Fuel Pipe and Clip - Inspect

Visual Inspection During Overhaul
Loosen clamp retaining bolts and check for clip wear
and metal contact between pipe and clamp. If defec-
tive, replace the pipe assembly with a new one.
During Every Other Major Overhaul
Replace the pipe assembly with a new one.



Fig. 8-13 Low-Pressure Fuel Pipe and Clip - Inspect

8-10 99240-60100

Lubrication System
Engine Oil, Oil Filter, and Bypass Oil Filter - Replace

Before draining engine oil, make sure the oil has cooled down.
When draining oil or replacing oil filters, be sure to wear gloves. Hot engine oil and parts can cause burns.

Do not dump drain oil casually into the sewage. It is prohibited by the laws and regulations. For the disposal of
drained oil, consult with your MHIET dealer.
Change the engine oil, oil filter, and bypass oil filter at a time.
Also, the engine oil analysis is recommended when you change the engine oil.
Do not reuse oil filter elements, as they are a paper type. When replacing filter elements, also replace gaskets with
new ones.

Engine Oil - Drain

Drain engine oil from the drain port of oil pan after stopping the engine.

Oil Filter and Bypass Oil Filter - Replace

Filter bracket Container

If the filter case is dented, do not use the filter. Such
filter may be damaged during operation and cause a
fire due to oil leak.

Do not use a filter wrench to install the oil filter and
bypass oil filter. Tighten the filter by hand.
Be careful not to dent or scratch the oil filter surface. Oil filter oil filter Oil filter

1. Clean the area around the oil filter. Fig. 8-14 Oil Filter and Bypass Oil Filter - Replace
2. Prepare drip pans, and place them under oil filters
Apply engine oil
and bypass oil filter. to gasket.
3. Using a filter wrench, remove oil filters and bypass
oil filter.
4. Thoroughly wipe off oil on the oil filter mounting
surface of the filter bracket with a cloth.
5. Check the new oil filters and bypass filter to make
sure the gasket is properly seated in the groove.
6. Apply clean engine oil to the gasket.
7. Install the oil filters and bypass oil filter to the filter
Fig. 8-15 Oil Filter
bracket. When the gasket comes in contact with
the mounting surface of the filter bracket, further ro-
tate the filter by 3/4 to a full turn.


Engine Oil - Refill

Oil level gauge

Refill the engine with the specified engine oil to the
specified level. If the oil level is higher than the maxi-
mum mark on the level gauge, engine oil may blow
out during operation.Also, the increase of oil tem- High H

perature could adversely affect engine components. Proper

1. Remove the oil filler cap. Improper
Oil level gauge
2. Add the specified engine oil to the specified level.
Oil filler
Note: For engine oil, refer to "ENGINE OIL" (5-1). For
engine oil capacity, refer to "MAIN SPECIFICA- Fig. 8-16 Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge
TION" (12-1).
3. Remove the rocker cover of every cylinder, and
pour engine oil to the valve mechanism and cam-
shaft oil bath. Pour engine oil to the camshaft oil
bath from cylinder head side.
Oil capacity per cylinder: 0.8 L [0.21 US gal.]
4. Reinstall the rocker covers.
5. Check the oil level in oil pan as follows:
6. Pull out the oil level gauge and wipe it clean with a oil bath
Fig. 8-17 Lubricating Valve and Cam Oil Bath
7. Insert the oil level gauge fully into the oil level
gauge guide and then pull it out again.
8. The oil level should be between the maximum and
minimum marks on the oil level gauge. If the oil lev-
el is low, add the specified engine oil.
9. Check the oil pan, etc., for oil leaks. Repair if there
is oil leak.
10. With the stop knob placed in pulled position, rotate
the engine with starter for approx. 10 seconds to
circulate oil to the whole engine. Stop the rotation
for 1 minute, then, repeat the rotation two or three
times to circulate the engine oil to each engine
Note: Also perform the Preparation of Cooling System
described below.
11. Start the engine and run under no-load and low-
idling condition for 5 to 10 minutes.
12. Stop the engine, and after 30 minutes or more has
elapsed, check the oil level with the oil level gauge
again and add oil to the specified level.
For details, refer to "Test Operation" (3-8).

8-12 99240-60100

Ingress of Fuel and Water In Engine Oil - Inspect

If the engine operation is continued with fuel or water mixed in the engine oil, the engine oil viscosity will decrease
and this can cause serious problems such as bearing seizure.
Extract 1 to 2 L [0.26 to 0.53 US gal.] of engine oil, and check abnormal odor and discoloration to determine if the oil
is contaminated with fuel or water.
If fuel is mixed, the oil will smell like fuel.
If water is mixed, oil may turn milky white.
If fuel or water is mixed with the engine oil, find the cause and repair. If the repair seems to be difficult, consult with
your MHIET dealer.
If the coolant enters the engine oil during operation, moisture vapor is discharged from the breather. In such a case,
locate the fuel or water leak, and repair properly.
Note: If oil leaks from oil cooler, oil will float in water in the freshwater tank. Also, LLC that is not mixed with oil will
accumulate at the bottom of oil pan.

Oil Pipe - Inspect

Oil Pipe and Clip - Inspect and Replace
Visual Inspection During Overhaul
Loosen clamp fixing bolts, and check clips and pipes
for wear. If defective, replace the pipe assembly with a
new one.
Every Other Major Overhaul
Replace the pipe assembly with a new one.



Fig. 8-18 Oil Pipe and Clip - Inspect and Replace


Cooling system
Coolant - Change

Do not dump used coolant (containing LLC) down drains.

Such a way of disposal is strictly prohibited by laws and regulations.
Abide by the applicable laws and regulations for disposal of coolant.

When the coolant mixed with LLC recommended by MHIET is used, replace the coolant every 10000 hours or 2
years (whichever comes first) for regular and general use engines, and replace the coolant once in every 2 years
for emergency use engines.

Radiator Cap - Open/Close

Turn the cap about Stand the lever to

1/4 turn to release the upright position
Never open the radiator cap during the operation or
pressure. to release pressure.
immediately after stopping. Stop the engine, and then
open the cap after the coolant temperature has
dropped sufficiently.
Place a waste cloth over the radiator cap, and loosen
the cap about a quarter-turn or stand the lever to the
upright position to release internal pressure.
Do not open the radiator cap when the engine is run-
ning or immediately after stopping. You can get burn Fig. 8-19 Radiator Cap
yourself due to hot steam. To prevent burn injuries
from hot steam, wear thick rubber gloves or wrap a
cloth around the cap.
When fastening the radiator cap, be sure to tighten
Note: If the specification of radiator cap differs from the
contents of this operation manual, follow the
manufacturer's operation manual.

Coolant - Drain
1. To drain coolant immediately after engine opera-
tion, run the engine at low idle for 5 to 6 minutes to Left side Right side
lower the coolant temperature to ambient tempera-
2. Open the coolant inlet.
3. Place coolant receiving cans under the drain cocks
or plugs, and open the coolant drain cocks or plugs
drain cocks
to drain the coolant.
The coolant drain cocks located in the crankcase
(behind the each fuel injection pump
accessory drive unit).
Fig. 8-20 Coolant - Drain (Engine Body)

8-14 99240-60100

Cooling System - Clean

Wash the cooling system before operating the engine

for the first time, or before starting the engine after it
has been in storage under coolant drained condition.

1. Close coolant drain cocks and plugs.

2. Pour a cleaning solution (a solution that is non-cor-
rosive to rubber and metals) into the cooling sys- Coolant
tem, and operate the engine at 800 to 900 min-1 for drain cock

about 15 minutes, then drain the cleaning solution.

3. Close coolant drain cocks and plugs. Fig. 8-21 Coolant Drain Cock (Water Pump)
4. Add fresh water and operate the engine at 800 to
900 min-1 for about 10 minutes.
Repeat the above rinsing steps until the draining
water becomes clear and clean.


Coolant - Fill (Engine)

Left side Right side

To add coolant, use the same LLC concentration
coolant that is currently in the cooling system.
Note: If the specifications of radiator differs from the
contents in this operation manual, follow the ra-
diator manufacturer's operation manual. Coolant
drain cocks
1. Make sure coolant drain cocks are closed securely.
The coolant drain cocks located in the crankcase
2. Remove the radiator cap, and add a mixture of wa- (behind the each fuel injection pump
ter and LLC of the specified concentration to the accessory drive unit).

specified level. Fig. 8-22 Coolant Drain Cock (Engine Body)

Note: (a) Determine the quantity of LLC based on the
coolant capacity and the LLC concentration
For the coolant, refer to "COOLANT" (6-1).
For the coolant capacity, refer to "MAIN
(b) For complete air bleeding, loosen the air vent
drain cock
3. Check the radiator, etc., for coolant leaks. Repair if
a leak is found.
Fig. 8-23 Coolant Drain Cock
4. When coolant reaches the specified level, close the (Engine Water Pump)
radiator cap securely. Air vent plug
5. With the manual stop lever placed in the pulled po-
sition, crank the engine for approximately 10 sec-
onds using the starter. Stop for approximately 1
minute, and then repeat the cranking 2 or 3 times
to bleed the cooling system.
Note: Also, perform the items described under the
preparation of the lubricating system, and add
the coolant to the air cooler.
6. Check the coolant level in the radiator.
Fig. 8-24 Air Vent Plug (Engine Cooling System)

8-16 99240-60100

Coolant - Fill (Air Cooler)

To add coolant, use the same LLC concentration

coolant that is currently in the cooling system.
Note: If the specifications of radiator differs from the
contents in this operation manual, follow the ra-
diator manufacturer's operation manual.
1. Make sure coolant drain cocks are closed securely.
2. Remove the radiator cap and add a mixture of wa-
Coolant drain cock
ter and coolant having the specified concentration.
Note: (a) Determine the quantity of LLC based on the Fig. 8-25 Coolant Drain Cock
coolant capacity and the LLC concentration Air vent cocks
For the coolant, refer to "COOLANT" (6-1).
For the coolant capacity, refer to "MAIN
(b) For complete air bleeding, loosen the air vent
3. Check the radiator and other parts for coolant
leaks. Repair the leak if found.
Air vent plug
4. When coolant reaches the full level, close the radi-
Fig. 8-26 Air Vent Cock and Plug
ator cap securely. (Air Cooler Cooling System)
5. With the manual stop lever placed in the pulled po-
sition, crank the engine for approximately 10 sec-
onds using the starter. Stop for approximately 1
minute, and then repeat the cranking 2 or 3 times
to bleed air from the cooling system.
Note: Also, perform the items described under the
preparation of lubrication system, and add the
coolant as specified in this manual.
6. Check the coolant level in the radiator.


Radiator Fins - Check and Clean

When handling compressed air, wear safety goggles,

a hard-hat, gloves, and other necessary protective
gears. Working without wearing proper protective
gear could result in serious injuries.
Check the radiator fins for holes and cracks.
To clean the radiator fins, blow compressed air from
the opposite direction of the normal air flow.
Note: If the specification of radiator differs from the
contents of this operation manual, follow the ra- Fig. 8-27 Radiator Fin - Clean
diator manufacturer's operation manual.

8-18 99240-60100

Inlet and exhaust systems

Turbocharger - Inspect
Compressor wheel
Inspect the turbocharger when the engine is cold.
Before inspection, make sure that the compressor
wheel is not rotating.

The turbocharger inspection should be also con-

ducted if the color of the exhaust gas is abnormal.
Do not allow foreign objects to enter the turbo-
Fig. 8-28 Turbocharger - Inspect
Disconnect the pipe on the inlet side. Hold the com-
pressor wheel nut by hand and move in the axis direc-
tion and from right to left and up and down to check for
looseness or contact with surrounding parts. Turn the
wheel to check if it rotates smoothly. Replace if defec-
Note: When the inspection requires the removal of tur-
bocharger, contact your MHIET dealer.
Also, check the compressor wheel fins for discol-
oration and breaks, and check for rubbing be-
tween compressor wheel and housing.


Pre-Cleaner - Clean, Inspect, and Replace

Never conduct the maintenance of pre-cleaner tral)

during engine operation. If dust and dirt enter the
engine, it will cause rapid wear of parts, shortening
the service life of the engine.
(Wash) (Rinse)
The pre-cleaner, which is attached to the silencer of
the turbocharger, prevents foreign substances from Install
entering the engine, and keeps the engine clean for
optimum performance. Always keep it clean as
instructed below. Fig. 8-29 Pre-Cleaner - Wash
Note: If the specification of pre-cleaner differs from the
contents of this operation manual, follow the air
cleaner manufacturer's operation manual.
1. Remove the pre-cleaner from the silencer, and
hand-wash the pre-cleaner with a mild detergent.
2. Rinse the pre-cleaner with fresh water.
3. After drying thoroughly, inspect the pre-cleaner for
damage such as breaks. If a break or others are
found, replace the pre-cleaner with a new one.
4. After cleaning, inspection or replacement, install
the pre-cleaner on the silencer.

Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging

1. Check the air cleaner indicator for element clog-
ging. Sign Reset button
2. If the air cleaner element is clogged, the red signal
will be displayed.
3. Immediately clean or replace the air cleaner ele-
ment when the indicator shows the red signal.
Note: (a) For cleaning of the air cleaner element, refer
to "Air Cleaner Element - Clean, Check, and
Replace" (8-21).
(b) If the specification of air cleaner differs from
Fig. 8-30 Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging
the contents in this operation manual, follow
the air cleaner manufacturer's operation

8-20 99240-60100

Air Cleaner Element - Clean, Check, and Replace

When handling compressed air, be sure to wear safety goggles, dust mask, hard-hat, gloves, and other necessary
protective gears. Working without wearing proper protective gear could result in serious injuries.

Never conduct the maintenance of the air cleaner while the engine is running. If foreign particles enter the engine,
the engine parts will wear rapidly, and consequently the engine life will be shortened. Never tap or strike the air
cleaner element.
And also, do not wash the air cleaner element.
If defects such as a cut, pinhole, or local wear are found in the element, or if the air cleaner indicator shows the red
signal soon after cleaning, change it with a new one. Remove the air cleaner slowly to prevent foreign materials
accumulated on the element from falling off.
After removing the air cleaner, immediately cover the air inlet with plastic film, etc. to prevent foreign materials
from entering the engine.
1. Remove the air cleaner cap or wing bolt.
2. Remove the air cleaner element from the body. Air cleaner Body
3. Apply compressed air (0.69 MPa {7.04 kgf/cm2}
[100.08 psi] or lower) to the inside surface of the el-
ement to remove foreign materials.
Wing nut
4. To remove dust accumulated on the air cleaner el-
ement, apply dry compressed air to the outside sur-
face at a little distance from it.
Then, apply compressed air from the inside surface
toward the outside along the pleats. After that, ap-
ply compressed air on the outside and inside sur- Fig. 8-31 Air Cleaner Element - Remove
faces again.
5. After cleaning, illuminate the inside of the air clean-
er element with an electrical lamp and check for de-
fects such as cuts, pinholes, or local wear.
6. If any defect is found, replace the air cleaner ele-
ment with a new one.
7. Install the air cleaner element as it was.
8. After cleaning or replacing the air cleaner element,
Clean Check
press the reset button to clear the indicator.
Note: If the specifications of air cleaner differs from the
Fig. 8-32 Air Cleaner Element - Clean and Check
contents in this operation manual, follow the air
cleaner manufacturer's operation manual. Sign Reset button

Fig. 8-33 Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging


Electrical System
Battery - Check

Never use flames or allow sparks near the battery. The battery releases flammable hydrogen gas and oxygen gas.
Any flames or sparks in the vicinity of battery could cause an explosion.
Do not use the battery when the battery fluid level is below the "LOWER LEVEL" mark. It may explode.
Do not short the battery terminals with a tool or other metal object.
When removing battery, always remove the plug from the negative (-) terminal first. When connecting battery,
always connect the plug to the positive (+) terminal first.
Before charging the battery, remove all battery cables, and then charge the battery in a well ventilated area.
Make sure the cable clamps are securely attached to the battery terminals. A loose cable clamp can cause sparks,
and it could result in an explosion.
Before servicing electrical components or conducting electric welding, set the battery switch to the [Open/OFF]
position or remove the plug from the negative (-) terminal to cut off the electrical current.
Battery fluid contains dilute sulfuric acid. Careless handling of the battery may cause a sight loss and/or skin
burns. Also, do not swallow the battery fluid.
Wear protective goggles and rubber gloves when working with the battery (e.g. when adding water or charging
If battery fluid is spilled onto the skin or clothing, immediately wash it away with lots of water. Use soap to clean
The battery fluid can cause sight loss if splashing into the your eyes. If it gets into your eyes, immediately flush it
away with plenty of clean water, and seek immediate medical attention.
If you accidentally swallow battery fluid, gargle with plenty of water and then drink lots of water, and seek immedi-
ate medical attention.
If the battery does not fully recover after charging for 24 hours or more, do not use the battery.
Note: If the specification of battery differs from those of this operation manual, follow the battery manufacturer's op-
eration manual.
Battery Fluid Level - Check
The battery fluid evaporates during the use, and the
fluid level gradually decreases. The proper fluid level
10 to 15 mm
is between the LOWER LEVEL (Lower limit) and [0.39 to 0.59 in.]
UPPER LEVEL (Upper limit) marks.
For the battery without level marks, the proper fluid
EVEL Proper
level is about 10 to 15 mm [0.39 to 0.59 in.] above the UPP
top face of the polar plates. LO

If the battery fluid level is low, remove the cap, and

add distilled water to the proper level.
Note: When adding distilled water, add little by little.
Fig. 8-34 Battery Fluid Level - Check

8-22 99240-60100

Specific Gravity of Battery Electrolyte - Check

If the specific gravity of battery fluid measured at 20°C
[68°F] is lower than 1.22, charge the battery. Electrolyte
Table 8-3 Specific Gravity of Battery Electrolyte
Specific gravity at
Condition Remedy
20°C [68°F]
From 1.26 to 1.28 Good - Electrolyte

From 1.22 to 1.26 Almost good Charge

Glass tube
1.22 or less Not good Charge

Fig. 8-35 Specific Gravity of Battery Electrolyte -


Starter - Inspect
Visually inspect the starter and ring gear for damage.
Note: If the starter is defective, contact your MHIET

Fig. 8-36 Starter - Inspect

Alternator - Inspect
Visually inspect the alternator for damage.
Remove the belt and turn the pulley by hand to check
the smooth rotation. Check the pulley for wear.
Also, visually inspect the inside of alternator for dust
and salt accumulation since the alternator is an air
cooling type.
Note: If the alternator is defective, contact your MHIET

Fig. 8-37 Alternator - Inspect


If the engine is not in use for more than 3 months, the internal engine parts can rust, and it may cause damage to
the engine.
For long-term engine storage, be sure to follow the instructions below.

Storing Engine in an Inoperable Condition for 3 Months

up to 1 Year
Preparation for Storage
1. Drain engine oil, and fill the engine with new oil.
2. Prepare a fuel mixture containing 50% rust-preventive fuel (NP-9), and fill the fuel tank with it.
3. Run the engine at no load idle speed for 5 to 10 minutes.
4. Immediately before stopping the engine, spray volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) through the inlet port to prevent
rust in the air intake system.
5. Stop the engine, and drain the mixed fuel from the fuel tank.
6. Fill the fuel tank with fuel to protect the fuel tank from rusting.
However, the FRP tank does not require any kind of corrosion protection.
7. Apply a sufficient quantity of anti-rust oil (NP-3-2) on the exposed machined surfaces.
8. Cover the air inlet, exhaust outlet, breather, etc. with adhesive cloth tape or plastic film.
9. Loosen the belt.
10. Apply a thin coat of grease on the starter and alternator terminals and cover the openings. Also place desiccants
inside the openings, and cover the openings with polyethylene sheet or processed polyethylene paper.
11. Disconnect the cables from the battery terminals, and charge the battery. Clean the terminals, apply a thin coat
of grease on the terminals, and store the battery in a cool and dry room.
12. Cover the entire engine.
Note: (a) Store the engine in a well-ventilated and dried indoor area.
(b) It is not necessary to drain coolant since it contains LLC. (LLC must be the specified concentration. For the
LLC concentration, refer to "LLC Concentration (GLASSY and PG GLASSY)" (6-7).)
(c) Post a sign at an easily noticeable place to warn that the fuel tank must be filled before operation of the
engine for the first time after storage.
Recommended Rust-Preventive Oil and Corrosion Inhibitor
Table 9-1 Recommended Rust-Preventive Oil and Corrosion Inhibitor
JIS Recommended product Intended use
JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation
NP-3-2 Exposed machined surfaces
Anti Rust Terami SC
K 2246
JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation
NP-9 Prevention of rust in fuel system
Anti Rust Terami LN
Ryoko Chemical.Co.,Ltd.
Z 1519 - Prevention of rust in air intake system
VCI Diana ND volatile corrosion inhibitor

Maintenance During Storage

Charge the battery once a month. Check battery fluid level, and then charge the battery.


When Using Engine After Storage

1. Remove the cover that has been placed over the entire engine.
2. Connect a fully charged battery.
3. Remove the cover from the starter and alternator.
4. Adjust the belt tension.
Note: Refer to "Belt and Belt Tension - Inspect and Adjust" (8-2) for the belt tension adjustment.
5. Remove sealing tapes that have been covered the openings of the engine.
6. Connect pipes and hoses.
7. Fill the fuel tank with fuel, and bleed air from the fuel system.
Note: To bleed air from the fuel system, refer to "Bleeding the Fuel System" (3-1).
8. Check the engine oil and coolant level.
9. When the emergency generator is equipped with a water heater, turn the water heater switch to the ON position,
and wait until the cooling water temperature becomes a proper value (35°C [95°F] or higher).
10. Inspect every part of the engine.
11. Remove the rocker covers, and lubricate the valve mechanisms.
12. With the manual stop lever placed in the pulled position, crank the engine for approx. 10 seconds using the start-
er. Stop the operation for approx. 1 minute, then, repeat the operation two or three times.
13. After starting, make sure the engine oil pressure rises.
14. Conduct a warm-up operation for a sufficient duration to fully lubricate all the components.
Note: For engine starting procedure, refer to "Start-up" (3-13).
15. Apply load and increase the engine speed to the rated speed.

Storing Engine in an Operable Condition

If the engine is not be used for an extended period of time, internal engine parts can rust and lose oil film. As a
result, the engine may seize when it is started. To prevent such risks, the engine must be operated periodically.

Operation for Maintenance Purpose

Operate the engine at least once a month as instructed below:
1. With the manual stop lever placed in the pulled position, crank the engine for approx. 10 seconds using the start-
er. Stop the operation for approx. 1 minute, then, repeat the operation two or three times.
2. After starting, make sure the engine oil pressure rises.
3. Operate the engine about 5 to 10 minutes at no load.
Note: For engine starting procedure, refer to "Start-up" (3-13).

9-2 99240-60100
Lifting Engine
Front hanger Rear hanger
To lift the engine, use wire ropes, shackles, and
slings which is strong enough to support the weight
of the engine.
Attach slings to the hangers provided on the engine
to lift the engine.
Consider the engine's center of gravity, and maintain
the balance during lifting.
The hangers attached to the engine are designed for
lifting the engine only. For the engine coupled with a Fig. 10-1 Lifting Hangers
generator, use the special hangers provided on the
common bed.
Do not use hangers on the engine.
30 mm
When lifting the engine equipped with a marine gear, [1.1811in.]
etc., take care so that the load is not imposed only on
the hanger on the engine. 215 mm
[8.4646 in.]
Keep wire rope sling angles within 60 degrees. If the
angle exceeds this limit, excessive load will be Engine center of gravity
imposed on the hangers and this could damage the
hangers and result in a serious accident.
Remove pipe covers and insulators that located near Fig. 10-2 Engine's Center of Gravity
(Standard Specification)
the hangers, and then attach wire ropes to the hang-
ers. To prevent damage to the engine and wire ropes,
use a cloth or other soft padding so that the wire
ropes will not come in contact with the engine.

General Precautions
Contact Your MHIET Dealer for Cautions Against Contamina-
Repair Service tion
Except for relatively simple maintenance work such as Dust and foreign materials are the most common
changes and refilling of fuel, engine oil, and coolant, cause of rapid wear of parts.
the repair work of the faulty engine may require spe- When disassembling any part of the engine, take
cial equipment or involves dangerous work. If the measures to prevent dust and foreign materials from
engine failed, contact your MHIET dealer. entering.

Considerations Before Pro- Cautions for Parts Handling

Handle parts carefully.
ceeding with Corrective Action
Before taking any actions, consider possible causes of When replacing the part with a new one, order only

the problem and try to find out if the same problem the genuine MHIET part by referring to the parts cata-

has occurred in the past. logue.

Check the parts that may be causing the problem in

Safety Working Practices
the most efficient manner. Be sure to use a tool suitable for the size. Using a tool
When disassembling any part of the engine, pay close of wrong size can cause not only the damage to the
attention to the disassembly sequence so that you can part but also the personal injury.
effectively assemble as they were. Use correct tools, and perform work with the utmost
Be sure to accurately estimate the weight of the part
being dismounted. If the removed part is much heavier
than you have estimated, it may fall off during lifting
and can result in the damage to the parts or personal
Before proceeding with engine inspection, change the
switch on generator panel from auto mode to manual
mode, and place the battery switch to the OFF posi-
tion so that the engine will not start in the event of
power failure. And also, prepare an auxiliary or tempo-
rary generator set in case of unexpected electric
power interruption, or notice the condition to the elec-
tricity user before the inspection.


Problems, Probable Causes, and Solutions

The Starter Does not Crank or Cranks Slowly, Resulting in Start Fail-
Table 11-1 The Starter Does not Crank or Cranks Slowly, Resulting in Start Failure
Possible cause Solution
Fuse - Inspect
Faulty wire connection Wiring connection of each relay between battery, starter, and
starter switch - Inspect
Alternator - Inspect (Refer to P8-23)
Electrical Battery charge failure
Belt - Inspect and Adjust (Refer to P8-2)
Specific gravity of battery electrolyte - Check (Refer to P8-23)
Weak battery Battery - Charge
Battery - Replace
Faulty starter or faulty safety relay Contact your MHIET dealer.
Oil viscosity too high Use appropriate engine oil. "ENGINE OIL" (5-1)
system Engine oil level and lubrication system - Check
Excessive oil level
(Refer to P3-11)
Engine Sliding parts rapid wear or lock Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.

11-2 99240-60100

Starter Cranks, but Engine Does Not Start

Table 11-2 Starter Cranks, but Engine Will Not Start
Possible cause Solution
Fuel Tank - Inspect, Refill, and Air bleed (Refer to P8-6)
Run out of fuel, blocked pipe
Fuel Pipes and Valves - Inspect
Use appropriate fuel. (Refer to P4-1)
Improper fuel properties
Dust, water, or impurities - Remove (Refer to P8-6)

Fuel leaks from fuel line or injec- Fuel lines and injection pipes - Check and Retighten
tion pipe Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel system
Fuel filter - Inspect and Replace (Refer to P8-8)
Clogged fuel filter
Gauze filter - Clean (Refer to P8-7)
Fuel feed pump malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection pump rack stroke - Inspect
Fuel injection pump malfunction
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection nozzle malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Air intake
Insufficient amount of intake air Turbocharger - Inspect (Refer to P8-19)

Control Fuel control link - Check (Refer to P3-10)

Governor malfunction
system Contact your MHIET dealer.
Faulty solenoid operation Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine body Compression pressure drop Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.


Poor Output
Table 11-3 Poor Output
Possible cause Solution
Improper fuel properties Use appropriate fuel. (Refer to P4-1)
Fuel filter - Inspect and Replace (Refer to P8-8)
Clogged fuel filter
Gauze filter - Clean (Refer to P8-7)
Fuel feed pump malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection pump malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel system Fuel injection nozzle malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection pump drive coupling - Inspect
Faulty fuel injection timing
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection pump rack stroke - Inspect
Improper maximum injection vol-
Right and left bank - Check for imbalance
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fan and radiator - Inspect (Refer to P8-18)
Overheating or overcooling Control system - Inspect
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Turbocharger - Inspect (Refer to P8-19)
Intake air pressure and intake air leaks - Inspect
Insufficient amount of intake air
Intake air temperature and ventilation system - Inspect
Inlet and
exhaust Contact your MHIET dealer.
Turbocharger - Inspect (Refer to P8-19)
Increase of exhaust resistance Exhaust pipes and exhaust mufflers - Check
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Faulty governor control Contact your MHIET dealer.
Compression pressure drop Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine body Faulty valve timing Contact your MHIET dealer.
Excessive wear of sliding parts Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.

11-4 99240-60100

Exhaust Smoke is White or Blue

Table 11-4 Exhaust Smoke is White or Blue
Possible cause Solution
Improper fuel properties Check cetane index, and use appropriate fuel. (Refer to P4-1)
Fuel injection pump drive coupling - Inspect
Faulty fuel injection timing
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection nozzle malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel system
Ignition sound, exhaust gas temperature, left and right bank
Uneven volume of fuel injection balance - Check
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Incorrect fuel injection timing Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine oil level and lubrication system - Check
Combustion of engine oil (Refer to P3-11)
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Radiator - Check (Refer to P8-18)
Cooling Control system - Inspect
system Thermostat - Inspect
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Water heater malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Faulty valve timing Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine body
Compression pressure drop Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.


Exhaust Smoke is Black or Grey

Table 11-5 Exhaust Smoke is Black or Charcoal
Possible cause Solution
Improper fuel properties Use appropriate fuel. (Refer to P4-1)
Fuel feed pump malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection pump malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection nozzle malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel system
Fuel injection pump drive coupling - Inspect
Faulty fuel injection timing
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Exhaust gas temperature, left and right bank balance - Check
Uneven volume of fuel injection
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Turbocharger - Inspect (Refer to P8-19)
Intake air pressure and intake air leaks - Inspect
Insufficient amount of intake air
Intake air temperature and ventilation system - Inspect
Inlet and
exhaust Contact your MHIET dealer.
Turbocharger - Inspect (Refer to P8-19)
Increase of exhaust resistance Exhaust pipes and exhaust mufflers - Check
Contact your MHIET dealer.

Control Control system and governor controller - Check

Excessive load
system Contact your MHIET dealer.
Compression pressure drop Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine body Faulty valve timing Contact your MHIET dealer.
Rapid wear of sliding parts Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.

11-6 99240-60100

Excessive Fuel Consumption

Table 11-6 Excessive Fuel Consumption
Possible cause Solution
Fuel injection nozzle malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel injection pump drive coupling - Inspect
Faulty fuel injection timing
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel system
Improper fuel properties Use appropriate fuel. (Refer to P4-1)

Fuel leaks from fuel line or injec- Fuel lines and injection pipes - Check and retighten
tion pipe Contact your MHIET dealer.
Radiator - Check (Refer to P8-18)
Cooling Control system - Inspect
system Thermostat - Inspect
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Turbocharger - Inspect (Refer to P8-19)
Intake air pressure and intake air leaks - Inspect
Intake air temperature and ventilation system - Inspect
Insufficient amount of intake air
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Inlet and
exhaust Coolant Temperature - Check (Air Cooler)
systems Air Cooler pump operation (belt looseness) - Check
Turbocharger - Inspect (Refer to P8-19)
Increase of exhaust resistance Exhaust pipes and exhaust mufflers - Check
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Compression pressure drop Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine body Faulty valve timing Contact your MHIET dealer.
Rapid wear of sliding parts Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.


Excessive Engine Oil Consumption

Table 11-7 Excessive Engine Oil Consumption
Possible cause Solution
Fuel injection pump drive coupling - Inspect
Fuel system Faulty fuel injection timing
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Oil leaks - Inspect
Oil leaking on outside engine
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine oil viscosity too low Use the oil having appropriate viscosity. (Refer to P5-1)
system Engine oil level and lubrication system - Check
(Refer to P3-11)
Excessive engine oil temperature
Oil cooler and oil thermostat - Inspect
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Radiator - Check (Refer to P8-18)
Cooling Control system - Inspect
system Thermostat - Inspect
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Oil leakage to the turbocharger - Check
Inlet and Oil entry to the air chamber
Contact your MHIET dealer.
systems Worn parts in valve operating sys-
Contact your MHIET dealer.

Control Control system and governor controller - Check

Excessive load
system Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine body Worn sliding parts Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.

Table 11-8 Overheating
Possible cause Solution
Coolant leaks - Inspect
Insufficient coolant level
Coolant level - Check (Refer to P3-11)
Cooling Water Pump faulty operation Contact your MHIET dealer.
Thermostat malfunction Contact your MHIET dealer.
Radiator* malfucntion Clean and inspect the radiator and radiator cap.
Fuel injection pump rack stroke - Inspect
Excessive load Control system and governor controller - Check
Contact your MHIET dealer.
Engine body Rapid wear of sliding parts Contact your MHIET dealer.

Note: The table above also includes the parts that MHIET does not supply. For inspection and maintenance of the
parts that are not supplied by MHIET, follow the instructions in the supplier's operation manual.

11-8 99240-60100

Engine Oil Pressure Drop

Table 11-9 Engine Oil Pressure Drop
Possible cause Solution
Engine oil level and lubrication system - Check
Low engine oil level
(Refer to P3-11)

Faulty engine oil property (viscos- Oil property analysis. Use appropriate engine oil.
ity) (Refer to P5-1)

Lubricating Cooling system - Check

Excessive engine oil temperature
system Contact your MHIET dealer.
Oil filter and bypass oil filter - Inspect and Replace
Clogged oil filter
(Refer to P8-11)
Faulty oil pump operation Contact your MHIET dealer.
Faulty relief valve operation Contact your MHIET dealer.

Control Control system and wiring - Inspect

Oil pressure gauge failure
system Contact your MHIET dealer.
Rapid wear of sliding parts Contact your MHIET dealer.
Increased clearance of sliding part Contact your MHIET dealer.
Fuel loading system - Check
Load system Excessive load
Contact your MHIET dealer.

When Fuel has Run Out

When the engine stops due to fuel runout while engine is running, restart the engine as described below:
1. Turn the starter switch to the "OFF" position.
2. Add fuel to the fuel tank.
For refilling fuel tank, refer to "Fuel Tank Oil Level - Check" (3-9).
3. Bleed air from the fuel system.
To bleed air from the fuel system, refer to "Bleeding the Fuel System" (3-1).
4. Start the engine.
For engine starting procedure, refer to "Start-up" (3-13).

Table 12-1 Main Specifications
Item Specification
Engine model S16R-PTA(-S)
MGS set model MGS1500C(M16R-G)
Type Water-cooled 4-stroke cycle, turbocharged with air cooler
No. of cylinders - Arrangement 16-V type
Cylinder bore × stroke ø170 × 180 mm [6.69 × 7.09 in.]
Total displacement 65.37 L [3989.72 cu in.]
Combustion system Direct injection system
Compression ratio 14.0 : 1
Firing order 1 - 9 - 6 - 14 - 2 - 10 - 4 - 12 - 8 - 16 - 3 - 11 - 7 - 15 - 5 - 13
Direction of rotation Counterclockwise as viewed from flywheel side
Dimensions (L × W × H) Approx. 2875.5 × 1432 × 1960 mm [113.20 × 56.37 × 77.16 in.]
Dry weight Approx. 6905 kg [15223 lb]
Fuel Diesel fuel
Fuel injection pump Mitsubishi PS8
Governor Electric type
Fuel filter Paper element type
Fuel injection nozzle Hole type
Fuel injection starting pressure 30.4 MPa {309.99 kgf/cm2} [4409.16 psi]
Lubricating method Forced circulation (pressure feed by oil pump)
Engine oil CF or CH-4 grade oil (API service classification)
Engine oil capacity Oil pan: 362 L [95.64 US gal.], Entire engine: 392 L [103.6 US gal.]
Oil filter Paper element type
Oil cooler Water-cooled, multi-plate type
Cooling method Forced water cooling
Coolant capacity Approx. 170 L [44.91 US gal.] (engine main body only)
Starting system Electric motor starting
Starter DC 24V - 7.5 kW × 2
Alternator DC 24V - 30 A
Turbocharger Mitsubishi TD10 type
Note: (a) The specifications above are subject to change without notice.
(b) The specifications above are for the standard model. The specifications for special models may differ from
the above.

December 2016 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL Pub. No. 99240-60100
Printed in Japan Pub. No. 99240-60100

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