Information Technology Solutions: ALL EMT LEVELS - Open Until Filled

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Fire District 3 – Seeking Applications

Information Technology Solutions

Community Care Providers
ALL EMT LEVELS – Open Until Filled

To preserve quality of life and
S ca n th e Q R Co de protect property through public
f or mo r e info on education, prevention activities,
emp lo ym ent and emergency response services.
oppo rtun iti e s
To reduce and eliminate risk from
fire, rescue, and medical events in
the communities we serve.


The CCRU responds and performs
medical services in low acuity and
emergent environments. Other
Pos itio n De s c ript on s
Minimum Requirements activities include risk reduction,
 Educational background with emphasis on public education activities, and the
CCP – Pa ra m e dic pre-hospital care or related field with participation in and delivery of
CCP – EM T demonstrated knowledge, skills, and EMS training. The CCRU is
abilities to perform essential functions. committed to assisting our patrons
Ap pl i cat ion Pa c k et
 One (1) year experience performing EMS in to provide alternative solutions to
Sup pl em ent al a pre-hospital setting. meet their medical needs.
Q ue sti onn ai r e  Experience using computers, radios, COMPLETED APPLICATIONS
reporting platforms, database and  Resume
A pp l ic at i on an d spreadsheet software.  Signed Application
s up p l em ent a l
 Valid Oregon OR National Registry  Supplemental Questionnaire
doc um en ts c a n be
Paramedic OR EMT license or reciprocity  Application
f ou nd a t
within 90 days of hire. Acknowledgement Form
ww w.j c f d 3.c om
 Veteran’s Preference Form
 Valid Oregon driver’s license or ability to
W hite C it y A dm in (If applicable)
obtain one within 90 days of hire.
O f f ic e l oc a t ed a t
Completed application packets
83 8 3 A g at e Ro a d,  Good attitude with the desire to serve.
may be sent electronically to
W hite C it y, O R  See position description for desirables.
A pp l ic at i ons w i l l
on ly b e ac c e pt ed i n
per s o n, v ia em a i l, or Compensation and Benefits
US P S . Fax e d  $3,088 - $3,753 per month EMT
ap p l ic a t io ns w i l l b e  $4,081 - $4,960 per month Paramedic
re jec te d . (dependent on experience and qualifications)
Education Incentive: 1% for an AA Degree; 2% for a BA Degree (of base salary)
IMPORTANT DATES Represented by the International Association of Firefighters Local 1817
Application Opens Accrued vacation and sick leave; holiday time-off/pay
May 26th – 0900
Family medical, dental, vision, and prescription insurance (employee pays 5%) with
Application Closes Deferred Comp and HRA/VEBA
June 15th – 1200 Oregon PERS member (employee pays their 6%)
Interview Process
June 29th and 30th
Go to for detailed information about the Community Care Program.
Information Technology
Fire District Solutions
3 – Firefighter
(1-2 Open Positions)

To preserve quality of life and protect property through public education, prevention activities,
and emergency response services.
S ca n th i s Q R Cod e To reduce and eliminate risk from fire, rescue, and medical events in the communities we serve.
f or mo r e info on:
Honesty and Integrity
Fire fi ghte r Pos i tion
De s c rip ton
Ap pl i cat ion Pa c k et Teamwork


Fire District 3 provides fire

suppression, emergency medical,
rescue, and risk reduction
services to the residents living in
ABOUT OUR COMMUNITY the cities of Central Point, Eagle
Point, and Gold Hill and the
Jackson County is a beautiful area bordering communities of White City, Sams
California to the south, settled between the Cascade Valley, Dodge Bridge, and Agate
and Siskiyou mountain ranges, and conveniently Lake.
Application Opens located along the I-5 corridor between Portland and
October 7th – 0900 San Francisco. FIREFIGHTER POSITION
Application Closes Southern Oregon is home to the Rogue River Are you a service minded and
October 28th – 1600 offering multiple water sports, the Britt Music motivated professional? If so, we
Festival, Ashland’s Oregon Shakespeare Festival, invite you to submit an application.
National Testing award-winning wineries, and multiple museums and Fire District 3 is seeking qualified
Network Required historical areas. applicants to establish a register
Testing Due by for 1-2 open Firefighter/EMT
Jackson County has a growing economic base,
October 28th – 1600 positions. Information about the
moderate weather, a state university, and an
international airport. District, the community, the
Physical Agility
Firefighter position description,
Practice – November
and detailed information about the
14th 9:00-12:00
testing process is located on the
On-site Physical District’s website at
Agility Test
November 16th
Reservation Required

Go to for detailed information about the Firefighter Process.

Compensation and Benefits
The District application
and supplemental $5,657 – $6,876 per month (dependent
documents are available on experience and qualifications)
on the District’s website
at: Education Incentive: 1% for an AA
Application packets are Degree; 2% for a BA Degree (based on
also available at the White Top Step Firefighter Pay)
City Administration Office EMS Incentive: 3% for AEMT; 5% for
located at 8383 Agate
Intermediate; 11% for Paramedic (based
Road, White City Monday
through Thursday from on Top Step Firefighter Pay)
7:30 am – 5:30 pm.
Represented by the International Association of Firefighters Local 1817. Please see the
Veteran’s preference will
website for the labor agreement.
be awarded as provided
by Oregon Revised Accrued vacation and sick leave; holiday time-off/pay
Statute ORS 408.230.
Family medical, dental, vision, and prescription insurance provided (employee pays 5%)
Applications will only be
accepted in person, Deferred Comp and HRA/VEBA
electronically via email, or
sent through the US Oregon PERS member (employee pays their 6%)
Postal Service; faxed
applications will be
rejected without
All applications and
NTN Testing scores are
due in our office by
1600 on October 28th.

A completed application
 Signed Application
 Supplemental
Minimum Requirements
 Application  Minimum age of 18 years old.
Form  Graduation from high school or equivalent GED.
 Veteran’s
 NFPA Firefighter 1 or equivalent (TBD by Training Department).
Preference Form
(If applicable)  Valid, acitve, and in good standing Oregon OR National Registry EMT license or
reciprocity within 90 days of hire.
Completed application  Valid Oregon driver’s license or ability to obtain one within 90 days of hire.
packets may be sent
electronically to  Good attitude with the desire to serve.
Go to for detailed information about the Firefighter Process.
Fire District 3
Technology Solutions
Logistics Support Technician

Applications accepted Until Filled – First Review June

14, 2021 with the most qualified invited to interview
The District application and
supplemental documents MISSION
are available on the To preserve quality of life and
District’s website at: protect property through public education, prevention activities,
and emergency response services.
Application packets are
also available at the White
City Administration Office VISION
located at 8383 Agate To reduce and eliminate risk from
Road in White City Monday fire, rescue, and medical events in
through Thursday from the communities we serve.
7:30 am – 5:30 pm.
Veteran’s preference will ABOUT OUR DISTRICT
be awarded as provided by Fire District 3 provides fire
Oregon Revised Statute suppression, emergency medical,
ORS 408.230. rescue, and risk reduction services
to the residents living in the cities
Applications will only be
accepted in person,
Minimum Requirements of Central Point, Eagle Point, and
electronically via email, or  High School Diploma or equivalent (G.E.D.) Gold Hill and the communities of
sent through the US Postal White City, Sams Valley, Dodge
 Valid Oregon driver’s license
Service; faxed applications Bridge, and Agate Lake.
will be rejected without  Good attitude with the desire to serve the
notification. community THE POSITION

Benefits This position supports the

FD3 Application  $15.00 per hour starting wage (with annual logistical needs of the Fire District
increases) and is responsible for assisting
with purchasing supplies, filling
 Accrued vacation and sick leave; personal and delivering supply orders, and
LST Job Description
and holiday leave days providing miscellaneous support.
 Family medical, dental, vision, and This is a part-time position working
All applications are due prescription insurance provided (employee an average of five (5) hour days,
by 1200 on June 14, pays 50% of monthly premium) four (4) days a week. The exact
Completed Application Includes: schedule can be flexible to
achieve the desired hours.
 Resume
 Signed Application  some Resume
 Signed Application Acknowledgement Form  Signed Application
 Documents to support qualifications  Signed Application
 Veteran’s Preference Form (If applicable) Acknowledgement Form
 Documents to support
Completed application packets may be sent qualifications
electronically to  Veteran’s Preference Form
(If applicable)
Completed application packets
may be sent electronically to:
Go to for detailed information about
 Fire District 3.
 Signed Application
 Signed Application

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