The Following Text Is For Question No. 1-3 Gift Card Bring Advantages and Disadvantages

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The following text is for question no.

Gift card Bring Advantages and Disadvantages
Gift cards become more popular during recent years. For example, in one holiday
season, sales can reach USD19 billion in united Stated and it is seen to grow more in the
following season due to their convenience in the side of consumers and retailers.
In retailer’s side, gift cards bring them some benefits. Selling gift cards is simply
selling product. When the cards are sold, they will get benefit. Gift cards tend to be a matter
of image and trend, which means
is not strictly influenced by the functionality. Since sending gift cards is a trend, the
sales will increase significantly.
However, there are potential disadvantages in the side of consumers. For example, iTune
gift cards apply process in the way of completing the shopping. They need to do one step to
another step in processing the shopping. Likely, most of the steps need time and date of
validity or expiration. When certain step loses that validating date, the gift cards may be in
risk. The card can be rejected to redeem. Again, in retailer’s side, producing card itself is
costly. It means that there is additional cost which retailers have to pay.
In whatever thing, we need to be wise, if we can use that gift.
1. How do gift cards bring some benefits C. benefit obtained by the retailer
to retailers? D. the convenience of using gift cards
A. by influencing customers to merchant E. disadvantages in side of consumers
B. by adding some costs producing them
C. by completing the shopping process 3. We know from the text that if the gift
D. by applying purchasing process cards are rejected, the retailers ……
E. by selling the products A. will be wise
B. will get lose
2. Paragraph 3 of the text is mainly about C. will get profit
…… D. will be in risk
A. the trend of gift cards E. will return
B. popularity of gift cards

The following text is for question no. 4-6

Boarding School Education
There are many arguments in favor of a boarding school education. Nevertheless,
the boarding school is not always the best education institution for everyone.
At an early age interacting and communicating with people is very important for a
child’s personal life and can be especially helpful for his/her future. In a boarding school, shy
children can take advantage of interaction through communal activities. The boarding
school also offers a great variety of activities such as arts, sports, and music that allow
children to demonstrate and develop specialized skills in their free time.
Furthermore, the structured way of life and strict rules at the boarding school may
helps students to get used to a well ordered way of life. The manners and social skills will
help them to become more responsible and confident, and to develop their talents in
leadership. Professionally trained teachers and educators in the boarding school can offer
excellent education without the parents’ constant supervision.
In spite of these good points, it is not advisable to send a child to a boarding school if
he/she is a dependent learner. A boarding school usually demands that student learn
independently. In addition, the boarding school should not be seen as a measure to solve
inappropriate behavior or unsatisfactory study performance. Instead of improving,
problematic children may close off their relationship with their peers and teachers.
In conclusion although a boarding school may provide good education to many
children, it is not recommended for those who are strongly attached to their families. They
may become frustrated and socially isolated.
4. According to the writer, children in a E. It is safe and makes children become
boarding school can develop specialized responsible and develop talents in
skills in… leadership
A. Entrepreneurship
B. Community service 6. From the text, we can conclude that…
C. Reading A. The boarding school can be very
D. Drama expensive
E. Music B. There are good and bad boarding
5. Why do parents send their children to C. The boarding school is the solution to
boarding school? Because… our educational problems
A. It is good for shy children D. It’s not necessary to send children to a
B. It gives good education for adults boarding school because the students
C. Interacting and communicating with can live independently
people is very important E. Not everyone thinks that the boarding
D. It does not allow children demonstrate school is the best educational
excellence and develop their skills institution for children

The following text is for question no. 7-9

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are
several things that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local groceries
as much as possible. It of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course
means, the amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other region.
Therefore, by buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore,
fresh food or groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no
electricity is needed and saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and money.
So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global warming.
7. The text gives us information about …. A. Buy import product
… B. Buy expensive clothes
A. The ways to minimize global warning C. Consume frozen foods
B. The ways to increase global warning D. Consume fresh foods
C. The effects of global warning E. Not use electricity efficiently
D. The importance of consuming local 9. We are helping reduce the amount of
groceries global warming” (Paragraph 2) The reduce
E. The importance of knowing global word can be replaced by ….
warning A. Increase
8. To reduce the global warming we B. Decrease
should …. C. Improve
D. Add E. Maximize

The following text is for question no. 10-12

Study groups are commonly utilized by many students to prepare themselves for
class discussions, examinations, or class presentation. They can also make use of it to review
their weak points and learn new ideas. I myself find that we can learn more effectively in a
study group. However, I can’t deny that study group has also some disadvantages.
On the positive side a study groups gives the students motivation to study and
update their readings because other members likely give them encouragement. It also helps
them to learn new ideas as well as important points they missed on their readings so I could
also share something.
On the other hand, the disadvantage of a study group is the part of compelling the
student to attend it after class or during their free time. Commitment among each member
is also an important aspect in a study group.
Hence, the members of a study group to set aside other activities to study together.
To Join a study group or not is the student’s own choice, because there are other  students
who learn better when they do it on their own. If student thinks he/she will be learning
effectively in group, he/she had better go on and enjoy the fun way of learning.

10. Some students are motivated to study minded.

in a study group because the other E.  His friends have more knowledge
members likely … compared to him.
A. Give them better ideas.
B. Come up with important ideas. 12. From the text, we know that…
C. Are clever than them. A. A study group has nothing to do with
D. Solve the problem. reading ability.
E. encourage them to study. B. The members have to sacrifice their
time for their study group.
11. The writer finds it necessary to join a C. The writer doesn’t think a study group
study group because… useful for him.
A. He knows study groups have also D. An agreement made to study regularly
some disadvantages. in a study group isn’t necessary.
B. He should update his readings. E. A study group is always useful for
C. He can learn things more effectively. every-body.
D. The members in his group are open-

The following text is for question no. 13-15

I strongly believe that mobile phones are necessary. My reasons for this belief are
that these phones are convenient for business people who travel a lot, and they are handy
for emergencies.
To begin with, mobile phones are necessary in the case of emergencies. For instance,
if you fall down a set of stairs in a building and are badly injured and can’t reach a pay
phone, it is handy to have one to use. Or, if your car breaks down in the middle of the night
in a strange neighbor-hood, it would be dangerous to leave it in search of a public phone
My other main reason is that mobile phones are convenient for business people. For
example, if you are out of the state or even overseas and you have to contact a client to do
some important work, it is useful to have one to use. By using a mobile phone, important
information can be received. People can’t stay in an office all day waiting for their phone to
ring. Some people have to go and do jobs or they will go out of business. You can even send
faxes or messages and use the internet with your mobile.
In conclusion, I believe that mobile phones have now become a necessary part of
everyday life. Instant communication will ensure that information can be passed on with a
simple press of a button. Whether this is to do with business or personal information or
emergencies, it goes to show that they are necessary in the new millennium.
13. How many reasons are used to E. They can run business by staying in and
support the writer’s opinion? out office
A. One reason
B. Two reasons 15. What is the main idea of the second
C. Three reasons paragraph?
D. Four reasons A. The advantages cellular phones during
E. Five reasons the emergencies
B. The solution to do when your car
14. Why are mobile phones very breaks down
convenient for business people? C. The danger to leave a mobile phone in
A. They can contact clients the car
B. They can do some important works D. The differences of a mobile phone and
C. They can receive some important a pay phone
information E. The necessary equipment among
D. They can send some data and surf neighbors

The following text is for question no. 16-18

Should Americans be forced to Public Transportation?
First, let me define what the question is and isn’t asking. It isn’t asking if we should
abandon cars right now, nor is it asking if we should abandon them completely, nor is it
asking if every American should do so. It is asking whether some Americans should have to
take public transit some of the time, and I would say yes.
Oil use and pollution aside, in some cities like Los Angeles and New York there just
isn’t room for any more roads, so in order for large cities to grow, they need more people to
take public transit or risk permanent traffic jam. One bus can safely hold 40 people so even
at half capacity that’s nearly 20 cars’ worth of space in traffic cleared up, and nearly 20
parking spaces that don’t need to be built.
There are a lot of people that can take with transit little inconvenience but simply
don’t because they never have in the past. If residents in areas with plenty of transit had to
buy transit passes as part of their property taxes then, they would have little excuse not to
bus occasionally. QA number of universities already bundle a ‘U-Pass’ with their tuition
feeds, forcing their students to take the bus. When given the change the majority of those
students have voted to keep these programs.
A similar system in apartments where a portion of the tenants are not issued parking
spaces in exchange for a discount on their rent would also be community car to several
apartment tenants that arrange a schedule for the car, and this program gets many positive
So yes, I would say that Americans should be forced to use public transit, as
Americans whom are already forced to do so find that it works well for them.
16. What does writer suggest? B. Banning the use of cars
A. Americans should learn to use public C. Stop automobile productions
transportation D. Fine people who do not use public
B. Americans should give up their car transportation
C. Americans should be forced to use E. Limit the number of gasoline
public transportation
D. The government should limit the 18. What is the purpose of the article?
number cars A. Defining the functions of public
E. The government should charge extra transportation
taxes for those who use cars B. Arguing that Americans should not use
public transportation
17. The following is one of the writer’s C. Suggesting American the ways to use
suggestions in forcing people to use Public public transportation
Transportation …. D. Asking for more public transportation
A. Make people buy transit passes as part E. Suggesting that Americans should be
of their property taxes forced to use public transportation

The following text is for question no. 16-18

There are a lot of discussions as to whether children should be given homework or not.
Some people claim that children do enough work in school already. They also argue
that children have hobbies that they want to do after school, such, as sports or music. A
further point they make is that a lot of homework is pointless and doesn’t help the child
learn at all.
However, there are also strong arguments against this point of view. Parents and
teachers argue that it is important to find out whether children can work on their own
without the support from the teacher.
They say that the evening is a good time for children to sit down and think about
what they have learned in school. Furthermore they claim that the school day is too short to
get anything done that needs doing and it makes sense to send home tasks like independent
reading or further writing tasks that don’t need teacher’s support.
On balance, I think that some homework is a good idea but that it should only be
given at the weekend when children have more time.
17. How do we compare the second and E. The second and the fourth paragraphs
the fourth paragraph? do not say anything about the benefit of
A. Both paragraphs argue that homework homework.
is necessary for students.
B. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the 20. “A further point they make is that a lot
second paragraph argues that of homework is pointless and doesn’t help
homework is unnecessary. the child learn at all.” (Paragraph 2)
C. The second paragraph supports that The underlined word is synonymous with
students need homework, but the …
fourth paragraph does not. A. terrible
D. The second paragraph and the fourth B. careless
paragraph argue that students do not C. difficult
need homework. D. unimportant
E. uninteresting

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