Class IV 1 Semester Paper Math Inv. - Checked by - Re Checked by - Total Marks: Obtained Marks: Name: - Roll No: - Date: - /05

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Class IV 1st Semester Paper Math

Inv. _________ checked by __________ Re checked by __________
Total Marks: 50 Obtained Marks: /50
Name: ________________ Roll No: ___________ Date: _____________

Q 1 Dodging of tables. /05

Q 2 Choose the best answer. /2.5

i. What is the place value of 3 in 653,814? a) Hundred b) Ten Thousand c) Thousand

ii. Which number is not divisible by 2? a) 819 b) 900 c) 182
iii. is a ______ fraction. a) Improper b) Mixed c) Proper
iv. Smallest 3-digit number is________. a) 100 b) 1000 c) 999
v. Largest four digit number is_______. a) 1000 b) 9999 c) 10,000
7 12
Q 3 Fill in the blanks. [ 4 , Mixed, 3003, 16 , 10 Million] /2.5

1. The place value of 4 in 349,876,908 is___________.

2. Convert 1 into improper fraction we get ____________.
3. 4009−¿ 1006=___________.
4. 1 is a _____________ fraction.
5. =_________________.
Q 4 Arrange in ascending order: /05
a. 9,248,517 ; 9,208,715 ; 9,208,751 __________ ___________ ___________

b. 4,053,612 ; 4,035,812 ; 4,530,216 __________ ___________ ___________

Q 5 Put ¿, = or ¿. /02
a. 34,567,765 43,123,765

b. 23,910,789 23,300,120
Q 6 a) Give expanded form: /06
561,097= __________________________________________________

b) Write in words:
456,764 =_______________________________________________________

Q 7 Write three equivalent fraction. /06
, _______ , _______ , _________

, _______ , _______ , _________
Q8 Solve: (on separate sheet) /06
i. 120,147 + 641,764 ii. 56,890 × 32
Q 9 Find the HCF of 16 and 12 OR Solve 208÷8 /05
Q 10 Word problems: (any 2) (2+2+1) /10
1. A dealer bought 12 chairs for Rs.6405.Find the cost of 1 chair.
2. There are 397,846 men ; 274,398 women and 435,786 children in Greenwood
Village. What is the total population of the village?
3. A cloth merchant sells 72,560 cm of cloth everyday. How much does he
Sell in 210 days?

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