This document appears to be an exam for the 1st level of the Japanese English Proficiency Test that was administered on a Sunday in 2020. It includes the answers to the reading comprehension and listening sections of the exam.
The reading comprehension section contains a 4 paragraph passage discussing some of the problems that have arisen from globalization, such as centralized authorities limiting local economies and exploitation of foreign labor. The correct answers to 41 multiple choice questions about the passage are provided.
The listening section is divided into 4 parts and provides the correct answers to 20 multiple choice questions about audio recordings.
This document appears to be an exam for the 1st level of the Japanese English Proficiency Test that was administered on a Sunday in 2020. It includes the answers to the reading comprehension and listening sections of the exam.
The reading comprehension section contains a 4 paragraph passage discussing some of the problems that have arisen from globalization, such as centralized authorities limiting local economies and exploitation of foreign labor. The correct answers to 41 multiple choice questions about the passage are provided.
The listening section is divided into 4 parts and provides the correct answers to 20 multiple choice questions about audio recordings.
This document appears to be an exam for the 1st level of the Japanese English Proficiency Test that was administered on a Sunday in 2020. It includes the answers to the reading comprehension and listening sections of the exam.
The reading comprehension section contains a 4 paragraph passage discussing some of the problems that have arisen from globalization, such as centralized authorities limiting local economies and exploitation of foreign labor. The correct answers to 41 multiple choice questions about the passage are provided.
The listening section is divided into 4 parts and provides the correct answers to 20 multiple choice questions about audio recordings.
This document appears to be an exam for the 1st level of the Japanese English Proficiency Test that was administered on a Sunday in 2020. It includes the answers to the reading comprehension and listening sections of the exam.
The reading comprehension section contains a 4 paragraph passage discussing some of the problems that have arisen from globalization, such as centralized authorities limiting local economies and exploitation of foreign labor. The correct answers to 41 multiple choice questions about the passage are provided.
The listening section is divided into 4 parts and provides the correct answers to 20 multiple choice questions about audio recordings.
Beneath globalization's seemingly positive effects of international trade and
integrated markets lie worrying issues. Centralized authoritative bodies, suppression of local economies, and the exploitation of foreign labor are just some of the problems accompanying a more globalized world. As economies grow more interconnected, further regulation of trade and business becomes necessary. More powerful nations, however, are often quick to seize upon this by establishing central trade commissions and all-encompassing laws, leading to smaller countries having less autonomy to make their own decisions regarding how money, labor, and products flow through their economies. In addition to drawing power away from developing countries, globalization also stifles their local economies. The rising desirability of certain products grants 4 corporations that create them greater financial leverage to purchase land and materials in poorer countries. By doing so, corporations appropriate valuable local resources for foreign markets that could be better used for local consumption. Even more concerning is the treatment of foreign labor. Manufacturing is often outsourced to poorer countries to slash costs, which, some argue, provides jobs for low-income communities. In reality, this fosters an unhealthy reliance on large companies, which are then free to exploit local labor—including children—with low wages and poor conditions. From the perspective of developing countries, it is clear the problems arising from one-sided regulatory pressure, monopolization of smaller economies, and the abuse of poor, vulnerable workers are aspects of globalization that, if ignored, will only continue to worsen. (*上記はあくまでも解答例です。)