Histamine Intolerance
Histamine Intolerance
Histamine Intolerance
Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85:1185–96. Printed in USA. © 2007 American Society for Nutrition 1185
Contribution to the
Vertigo Headache Nausea, Vomitus Circadian rhythm, arousal
regulation of
body temperature,
food intake,
Hypotonia, locomotion,
Hypertension Central learning, memory
nervous system
Bone marrow
Ana- Mast cell secretion
Neurotransmitter Regulation of
release hematopoiesis
Cardiovascular Vasodilatation cGMP
H3 Leukocytes
system H4
Mucus Estrogen
Stomach ache,
Urticaria Respiratory Uterus
Congestion of the nose,
Bronchoconstriction, dyspnea Dysmenorrhea
rhinorrhea, sneezing
FIGURE 1. Summary of histamine-mediated symptoms. Adapted with permission from Maintz L et al. Dtsch Artzebl 2006;103:A3477-83.
muscle cell contraction, vasodilatation, increased vascular per- secreted into the circulation on stimulation (28, 29). Therefore, it
meability and mucus secretion, tachycardia, alterations of blood has been proposed that DAO may be responsible for scavenging
pressure, and arrhythmias, and it stimulates gastric acid secretion extracellular histamine (eg, after ingestion of histamine-rich
and nociceptive nerve fibers. In addition, histamine has been food) after mediator release. Conversely, HNMT, the second
known to play various roles in neurotransmission, immuno- most important enzyme inactivating histamine, is a cytosolic
modulation, hematopoiesis, wound healing, day-night rhythm, protein (30), which can convert histamine only in the intracellu-
and the regulation of histamine- and polyamine-induced cell lar space of cells (31, 32). Thus, the enzymes do not seem to
proliferation and angiogenesis in tumor models (24, 25) and compete for the substrate, although they have a similar affinity
intestinal ischemia (26). Histamine can be metabolized in 2 for histamine and they are expressed in some overlapping tissues.
ways: by oxidative deamination by DAO (former name: histam- HNMT has a slightly higher affinity for histamine [Michaelis-
inase) or by ring methylation by histamine-N-methyltransferase Menten constant (kM): 6 –13 mol/L] than does DAO (kM:
(HNMT) (27) (Figure 2, Table 2). Whether histamine is catab- 20 mol/L). In mammals, DAO expression is restricted to spe-
olized by DAO or HNMT is supposed to depend on the local- cific tissues; the highest activities are shown for small bowel and
ization of histamine. The DAO protein is stored in plasma mem- colon ascendens (4, 5, 33) and for placenta and kidney (28, 31).
brane–associated vesicular structures in epithelial cells and is Lower DAO activity has been discussed as a potential indicator
of intestinal mucosa damage in inflammatory and neoplastic
TABLE 1 diseases (17, 24, 34) and in persons undergoing chemotherapy
Histamine effects according to plasma histamine concentration (ng/mL) (35). HNMT is widely expressed in human tissues; the greatest
expression is in kidney and liver, followed by spleen, colon,
Histamine Clinical effect
prostate, ovary, spinal cord cells, bronchi, and trachea (36).
0–1 Reference HNMT is regarded as the key enzyme for histamine degradation
1–2 1 Gastric acid secretion in the bronchial epithelium (37).
1 Heart rate
3–5 Tachycardia, headache, flush, urticaria, pruritus
7–12 Bronchospasm Different mechanisms have been proposed as causing hista-
앒100 Cardiac arrest
mine intolerance (38). Histamine intolerance can develop
Histidine HC
1 L-Histidine decarboxylase
2 HN N S-adenosyl-methionine 3
FIGURE 2. Summary of the histamine metabolism. The biogenic amine histamine is synthesized by decarboxylation of the amino acid histidine catalyzed
by L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC) (1). Histamine can be metabolized by extracellular oxidative deamination of the primary amino group by diamine oxidase
(DAO) (2) or intracellular methylation of the imidazole ring by histamine-N-methyltransferase (HNMT) (3). Therefore, insufficient enzyme activity caused by
enzyme deficiency or inhibition may lead to accumulation of histamine. Both enzymes can be inhibited by their respective reaction products in a negative
feedbackloop (4). N-Methylhistamine is oxidatively deaminated to N-methyl-imidazole acetaldehyde by monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) (5) or by DAO (6).
Because the methylation pathway takes place in the cytosolic compartment of cells, MAO B (5) has been suggested to catalyze this reaction in vivo (35).
through both increased availability of histamine and impaired gene spans 앒10 kbp and is located on chromosome 7q35 (27)
histamine degradation. Underlying conditions for increased Various single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the DAO
availability may be an endogenous histamine overproduction gene have been shown to be associated with inflammatory and
caused by allergies, mastocytosis, bacterias, gastrointestinal neoplastic gastrointestinal diseases, such as food allergy (44),
bleeding, or increased exogenous ingestion of histidine or hista- gluten-sensitive enteropathy, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis,
mine by food or alcohol. Other biogenic amines, such as pu- and colon adenoma (45– 47). No significant difference in the
trescine, may also be involved in displacing histamine from its distribution of the investigated HNMT alleles could be shown
mucosal mucine linkage, which results in an increase of free between patients with gastrointestinal diseases and control sub-
absorbable histamine in circulation. However, the main cause of jects (45, 47), but a functional relevant polymorphism of the
histamine intolerance is an impaired enzymatic histamine deg- HNMT gene (chromosome 2q22) has been described for white
radation caused by genetic or acquired impairment of the enzy- asthma patients (48). Conversely, this association could not be
matic function of DAO or HNMT. Gastrointestinal diseases with observed in Japanese (49), German pediatric (50), and East In-
altered enterocytes also may cause decreased production of DAO dian (51) populations. Thus, histamine intolerance seems to be
(17, 33, 39). Yet another cause can be competitive inhibition of acquired mostly through the impairment of DAO activity caused
histamine degradation of DAO by other biogenic amines, alcohol by gastrointestinal diseases or through the inhibition of DAO, but
(7–9), or drugs (10, 12, 40). Acquired histamine intolerance may the high interindividual variations in the expression of DAO in
be transient and therefore reversible after the elimination of the gut and the association of SNPs in the DAO gene with gas-
causes, such as by discontinuing DAO-blocking drugs. DAO trointestinal diseases provide evidence for a genetic predisposi-
inhibits the transepithelial permeation of exogenous histamine tion in a subgroup of patients with histamine intolerance (27).
(41, 42), and impaired DAO activity results in increased enteral
histamine uptake with consequent increased plasma histamine
concentrations (10, 41) and corresponding symptoms. Increased CLINICAL PICTURE
amounts of histamine metabolites may also inhibit HNMT, the Basal plasma histamine concentrations of 0.3 to 1.0 ng/mL are
second enzyme metabolizing histamine (6, 43). considered normal (52). Exceeding the individual histamine
tolerance gives rise to concentration-dependent histamine-
THE GENETIC BACKGROUND OF HISTAMINE mediated symptoms (15, 53, 54) (Table 1). Even healthy persons
INTOLERANCE may develop severe headache or flushing due to ingestion
Recently, a potential genetic background of a reduced hista- of massive amounts of histamine as is known from studies of
mine metabolism has also been investigated. The human DAO scromboid poisoning (55). It has been shown that inhibition of
Characteristics of the histamine-degrading enzymes diamine oxidase (DAO) and histamine N-methyl-transferase (HNMT)1
Gene map locus Chromosome 7q35 Chromosome 2q22
Gene 10 kbp, 5 exons, 4 introns 35 kbp, 6 exons
Associated with Inflammatory and neoplastic gastrointestinal diseases such as Asthma
SNPs food allergy, gluten-sensitive enteropathy, Crohn disease,
ulcerative colitis, and colon adenoma
Protein Soluble homodimeric glycoprotein of MR 200 000 with subunits Soluble, cytosolic protein of MR 33 000 with
of 70–125 kDa; 750 amino acid residues subunits of 29–34 kDa; 292 amino acid residues
Group Copper-containing amine oxidases Methyltransferases
Active form Homodimer with the active-site cofactor 2,4,5- Monomer with a 2-domain structure
trihydroxyphenylalanine quinone (Topa quinone)
DAO followed by oral histamine administration may induce histamine intolerance evidenced by reduced DAO activity, trig-
severe and even life-threatening reactions, such as hypotension, gering of headache by food rich in histamine (eg, long-ripened
bronchospasm, or shock (10, 43). Recurrent anaphylactic reac- cheese or wine), and the alleviation of headache (ie, disappear-
tions have been reported in patients with hyperhistaminemia ance of symptoms) under a histamine-free diet (57, 65) and
(56). In histamine-sensitive patients with reduced DAO activity, therapy with antihistamines (66).
symptoms occur even after the ingestion of the small amounts of
histamine that are well tolerated by healthy persons. Symptoms Histamine and gastrointestinum
can be manifest via the abovementioned actions of histamine in
multiple organs, such as the gastrointestinum, lung, skin, cardio- Besides headache, gastrointestinal ailments including diffuse
vascular system, and brain, according to the expression of his- stomach ache, colic, flatulence, and diarrhea are leading symp-
tamine receptors. Typical symptoms of histamine intolerance toms of histamine intolerance. Elevated histamine concentra-
include gastrointestinal disorders, sneezing, rhinorrhea and con- tions and diminished DAO activities have been shown for vari-
gestion of the nose, headache (14, 57), dysmenorrhea, hypoto- ous inflammatory and neoplastic diseases such as Crohn disease
nia, arrhythmias (58, 59), urticaria (16, 60), pruritus, flushing, (17), ulcerative colitis (67), allergic enteropathy (39), food al-
and asthma (7, 8). lergy (33, 68, 69), and colorectal neoplasmas (24). In the colonic
mucosa of patients with food allergy, a concomitant reduced
Histamine and headache HNMT (70) and an impaired total histamine degradation capac-
ity (THDC) (69) have been found (33), so that the enzymes
Headache can be induced dose-dependently by histamine in cannot compensate each other. Therefore, an impaired histamine
healthy persons as well as in patients with migraine (53, 61). metabolism has been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis
Histamine-induced headache is a vascular headache caused of these diseases.
mainly by nitrate monoxide (62). Histamine releases endothelial
nitrate monoxide upon stimulation of H1R, which is also ex-
pressed in the large intracranial arteries (63). In migraine pa- Histamine and airways
tients, plasma histamine concentrations have been shown to be During or immediately after the ingestion of histamine-rich
elevated both during headache attacks and during symptom-free food or alcohol, rhinorrea or nasal obstruction may occur in
periods. An increase in the number of brain mast cells is associ- patients with histamine intolerance; in extreme cases, asthma
ated with pathologic conditions such as migraine, cluster head- attacks also may occur. Reduced HNMT activity has been shown
ache, and multiple sclerosis (64). Many migraine patients have for patients with food allergy (70) and asthma bronchiale (71).
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Symptoms triggered by
histamine-rich food?
Drugs liberating histamine or
inhibiting DAO?
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