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MPA 501 - Statistical Methods Assignment

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3rd Subject

MPA 501 - Statistical Methods

The subject Statistical Methods will help the students to be able to gain
knowledge to correctly gather, present, analyze and interpret qualitative and quantitative

The Group Reporter will be assigned to workout the topics to present using the
video presentation while the Non-Group Reporter members of the class will be required
to view the presentation and submit reaction papers. The topics to be developed are the

I What I know the subject Statistics

The members of the Group Reporter are being ask of what he/she know about
the topics. Below, please answer the questions by writing your ideas under the first and
third columns What I Know and What I Learned. Write your key words or phrases that
you think are related to the questions.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1 How do you know that
the word statistics is a

2 How do you know that

the word statistics has it
body of knowledge?

3 Cite a situation that

focus on the importance
of studying statistics..

4 Statistical data are the

raw materials of
statistics. Cite some
information where it is
5 Differentiate the
functions of Descriptive
Statistics to the functions
of Inferential Statistics.

II. Presentation of Data

The members of the Group Reporter are required to respond comprehensively to
the following questions below:
1. What are the different ways of presenting the data collected?
2. How these data presentations are done?
3. The importance of each presentation
4. Uses of these presentation
5. Advantages and disadvantages of each data presentation

III Familiarity of computation of the statistical tools under descriptive

measures of data.
The members of the Group Reporter are required to response comprehensively
to the following questions below.

1. If the data comes from a sample, what is the procedure for finding the
2. Mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a set of data, Why the set
of data is said to be bimodal?
3. Weighted mean is used in averaging some set of data like performance of
employees given the plural credit strengths as the weight. To find the average
score, why weighted average is the one to be used?
4. Ranks is an index of the absolute number of scores above a given score in
a population (Trooper, 1998). How to facilitate the ranking of the employees
according to performance.

IV Provide theory that describe Sampling.

Sampling is the process of selecting the sample of the study units from a
1. The sample means vary from sample to sample and none of them equals
the population mean, when sampling error occur?
2. The sampling error is said to be positive for those samples whose means
are greater than population mean, How the sample mean behave against the
population mean?
3. On the other hand, sampling error is said to be negative for those samples
whose means are less than the population mean, What is the sample means
behaviour against the population mean?

V Provide the significant of Test of Hypothesis.

Statistical hypothesis is an assertion or an assumption concerning some
characteristics of one or several population. Hypothesis testing comprises the methods
for validating decision concerning a hypothesis about one or more population. There are
two types of error in hypothesis testing, the type I and type II errors.
1. When the type I and II errors committed? Site examples
2. What happen if the null hypothesis is true? What also happen if the null
hypothesis is false?
3. When a test of hypothesis is performed?

VI Parametric Test
In your own respective place of works, create, formulate and design a
topic/problem that would be a subject for computation using following parametric tests:
a. T- test for independent sample; b. Test for correlated sample; c. F test ( anova ); d.
Pearson Coefficient off Correlation; and e. Simple Linear Regression:.
1. Formulate a Null Hypothesis
2. Formulate an Alternative Hypothesis
3. Use standard Level of significance of .05
4. Computation, interpretation, decision and conclusion

The Group Reporter will divide the tasks and prepare a 20-25 minute Video
Presentation on every Topic. One (1) Topic one (1) Video Presentation.

The Group Reporter will submit the Video Presentations to the Professor on/or
before April 17, 2021 (11:59 pm, Saturday).

Video Presentations will be shared to Other Groups (Non-Group Reporters) also

on/or before April 17, 2021 (11:59 pm, Saturday).

The Non-Group Reporters will view the Video Presentations of the Group
Reporter and submit Reaction Papers on the content of the Video Presentations on/or
before April 23, 2021 (11:59 pm, Friday).

Each member of the Non-Group Reporters will submit five (5) individual Reaction
Papers to the five (5) Video Presentations they have chosen.

One (1) Video Presentation one (1) Reaction Paper. One (1) page Reaction
Paper for every Video Presentation chosen.

A point each day will be deducted for late submission of the Video Presentation
and Reaction Papers. Five (5) points will also be deducted for non-compliance of the
prescribed format.

GROUP REPORTER: (or the Reporters)

1. BONGO, EMELDA SAYABO emeldabongo@yahoo.com

2. GUILLEN, MA. CHRISTINA LOUISE D. xtina.duncano07@gmail.com
3. LOPEZ, JOCELYN ARANAS joylopezmyphone@gmail.com
4. MACAPOBRE, MAE maymacapobre@gmail.com
5. PANGATUNGGAN, LIA ENTERA leyh.pangatunggan@gmail.com
6. SILAGAN, MICHELLE ARNON arnonmichelle83@gmail.com
7. TALITA, MARIA ALMA BOKINGO maalbokingo@gmail.com
8. REQUINA, BILLY JOSEPH billyboireqs2013@gmail.com


*It is important that the group make sure that the submitted video can be viewed using
commonly used applications.




**Reaction papers must be submitted in MSWord format, with font size of 12, margins 1” on
all sides, portrait orientation, double space and letter size. One (1) page Reaction Paper for
every Video Presentation.

Any Source

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