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Computers and Geotechnics: Shunchao Qi, Sai K. Vanapalli

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Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169

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Computers and Geotechnics

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Research Paper

Influence of swelling behavior on the stability of an infinite unsaturated

expansive soil slope
Shunchao Qi, Sai K. Vanapalli ⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The influence of the stress regime change and associated softening can be significant on unsaturated
Received 7 September 2015 expansive soil slope stability due to soil swelling upon wetting, which cannot be considered in conven-
Received in revised form 6 January 2016 tional hydrological models. In this paper, the shallow expansive soil slope failure mechanism is addressed
Accepted 28 February 2016
in the framework of an infinite slope formulation. The unsaturated soil elasto-plastic constitutive rela-
tionship is utilized for interpretation of stress regime evolution induced by expansive soil swelling during
infiltration. The extended Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion for unsaturated soils is used as the yield sur-
face, under which the nonlinear elastic behavior is considered by quantifying the effect of two stress state
Expansive soils
Shallow slope failure
variables (net stress and suction) on elasticity parameters. The strain softening behavior in unsaturated
Infiltration-induced failure soils is accounted for via reducing the material parameters of the yield surface with respect to plastic
Swelling-induced stress deviatoric strain. A numerical exercise is performed on a relatively gentle slope in Regina, Canada with
Softening behavior highly expansive soil properties, using the developed computer program that implements the constitu-
Infinite slope tive model into infinite slope formulation. The results suggest that neglecting the swelling-induced stress
change and associated softening behavior can significantly overestimate the stability of expansive soil
shallow layer under infiltration, in terms of both failure occurrence and failure time. Additional paramet-
ric study shows that all the considered parameters (including initial stress condition, softening rate and
slope angle) have a considerable effect on the failure time and failure depth of the shallow deposit, which
have important implications for the engineering design of expansive soil slopes.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction surficial layer of expansive soil slopes addressed in the present

study occurs in a state of unsaturated condition, and are likely to
Infiltration (rainfall, ground snow melting or other types) fail before attaining fully saturated condition. There is significant
induced shallow failures of expansive (swelling) soil slopes are fre- evidence of the strain softening behavior of unsaturated soil spec-
quently reported in many countries around the world, including imens in the literature from laboratory test results (e.g. [4,19–22]).
Canada [1], China [2–5], Spain [6,7], and United States [8]. The Hoyos et al. [19] suggested that the residual shear strength contri-
wetting-induced slope failure in expansive soil advances in a pro- bution due to suction may be described using models similar to
gressive pattern typically initiating at or near the toe of slope. The that postulated for peak shear strength of unsaturated soils (e.g.
progressive failures of slopes were observed a long time ago (e.g. [23,24]). The experimental results of triaxial tests conducted by
[9]), and were usually interpreted using strain softening behavior Miao et al. [20] on expansive soils at several constant suction val-
of soils (e.g. [10,11]). Many investigators have used numerical ues showed that the deviator stress gradually decreased with
techniques, such as the Finite Element Method [12–16] and the increasing axial strain after reaching peak values. Similar trends
Material Point Method [17,18], to reproduce and (or) quantify of results were also observed from the direct shear tests carried
the progressive failures, based on strain softening Mohr–Coulomb out by Zhan and Ng [21] on expansive soils. In order to simulate
elasto-plastic model [12–14,17,18], elasto-viscoplastic model [15] stress path within the slope soil subjected to rainfall infiltration,
or pragmatic Modified Cam Clay model [16]. a different loading sequence (i.e. shearing infiltration: reducing
Most of the previous numerical analyses were mainly the suction after shearing by increasing the net deviator stress to
conducted within the framework of saturated soil mechanics. The a prescribed level) was applied to unsaturated expansive soil spec-
imens by Zhan et al. [4] and Gui and Wu [22] in a series of triaxial
tests. The results from both the shearing infiltration tests also
⇑ Corresponding author.

0266-352X/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169 155

indicated a softening behavior as those observed in constant- [37–40]). More recently, this simplified model has been combined
suction shear tests (e.g. [20]). with probabilistic analysis to estimate failure probability of the
The significant swelling of expansive soils upon wetting would shallow soil layer under both saturated (e.g. [41]) and unsaturated
be another important factor contributing to infiltration-induced (e.g. [42,43]) conditions. It is interesting to note that both the
shallow slope failures. This is because the swelling deformation deterministic [44,74] and probabilistic [41] analyses revealed that
can induce a constant and substantial change in the net stress the failure surface does not necessarily occur at the base of shallow
regime of slope, especially within the surficial layer where the suc- layer in either saturated or unsaturated conditions as opposite to
tion in soil element is reduced by water infiltration. The swelling- the assumption adopted in conventional infinite slope stability
induced stress exerting on a soil element has the same effect as the analysis.
external net stress. When the amount of non-uniform stress (in- In this paper, the infinite unsaturated expansive soil slope is
situ stress plus the swelling-induced stress) state reaches the addressed through a general elasto-plastic constitutive relation-
strength of soil element, local failure starts to occur at that partic- ship based on two stress state variables for unsaturated soils. There
ular point within the slope profile. Expansive soil exhibits swelling are some sophisticated constitutive models proposed in the litera-
potential in any direction, however, the amount of swelling- ture, which can describe the double-structure (e.g. [45]) and cou-
induced pressure in one direction might be different from another, pled hydro-mechanical (e.g. [46]) characteristics of expansive
depending on the deformation allowed in the corresponding direc- soil, but require a number of parameters to be defined for proper
tion. The vertical swelling pressure can be high and result in severe application. In this paper, in order to maintain the simplicity as
distress on lightly loaded buildings constructed on expansive soil of the nature of infinite slope formulation, the Mohr–Coulomb
ground. Vanapalli and Lu [25] provided a comprehensive summary plasticity model that only needs some common soil parameters
of these research studies. However, for the shallow layer of expan- is adopted. Specifically, the extended Mohr–Coulomb failure crite-
sive soil, the swelling induced stress can be essentially released in rion is used as the yielding surface, under which the nonlinear vari-
the direction perpendicular to the sloping surface since soil is ation of elasticity parameters with respect to both net stress and
allowed to swell freely. While, a large amount of stress along the suction is considered. The possible evolution of stress regime
sloping direction will be formed due to constraints exerted on within the infinite slope profile upon infiltration is critically dis-
the soil deformation. Many previous laboratory measurements on cussed. The numerical exercise conducted on an illustrative exam-
expansive soils suggested that the lateral swelling stress can be ple using the developed computer program also illustrates that the
several times higher than the vertical stress (e.g. 2 times from critical slip surface may not necessarily be at the base of shallow
[26], up to 10 times from [27], up to 3 times from [28]) under lat- layer. The results from the parametric analyses highlight some
erally confined condition. In-situ records also showed that the hor- engineering practice implications.
izontal earth pressures due to soil expansion can be much higher
than the vertical stress (e.g. 1.3–5.0 times from [29] and 2–4 times
2. Elasto-plastic constitutive matrix for unsaturated soils
from [30]). For sloping ground, the maximum ratio of stress paral-
lel to the sloping direction to the total vertical stress was observed
For saturated soils, the yield function in stress space, which sepa-
to be 3 by Ng et al. [31] in an expansive slope in Zaoyang, China
rates purely elastic from elasto-plastic behavior, can be expressed as
during an artificial rainfall period. Under such condition, the pas-
sive failures within an unsaturated soil element are likely to occur Fðfrg; fkgÞ ¼ 0 ð1Þ
[32] and initiate the failure of expansive soil slopes.
There is a strong link between the above two phenomena (i.e. where {r} represents the stress state in stress space, {k} are the
swelling-induced stress and softening behavior) observed from state parameters. The state parameters define the size of yielding
experimental results. These phenomena can likely contribute to surface, which can be related to hardening (softening) parameters
the shallow sliding in in-situ expansive soils. The effect of these (e.g. plastic strain or plastic work) to describe the hardening and
phenomena on stability has not been explicitly considered or well softening behavior of material.
discussed in the most existing numerical seepage analyses and For unsaturated soils, Fredlund et al. [23] suggested using two
coupled hydro-mechanics analyses (e.g. [33]) extending the princi- independent stress state variables to describe the mechanical
ples of unsaturated soils. The main objective of the present study is behavior and establish the constitutive relationships. The best
to investigate the evolution of stress regime, softening behavior, combination of stress state variables for geotechnical applications
and their effect on expansive soil slope stability upon infiltration is net stress and suction, which, respectively, refer to total stress in
in the framework of infinite slope formulation. excess of pore air pressure, (r  ua), and pore air pressure in excess
The infinite slope formulation has been extensively used in of pore water pressure (ua  uw), where r is the total stress, uw and
assessing stability of slope shallow layer in the past [34]. One of ua are pore water pressure and pore air pressure, respectively. The
the main advantages of this infinite slope model is that it provides net stress and suction should be treated separately to describe the
a numerically cheap and rapid estimation of the factor of safety. stress state of unsaturated soils in the yield function. For most
The basic assumption of this simplified model is that the sliding geotechnical problems, ua can be assumed to remain constant
mass extends infinitely in the sliding direction (i.e. generally in a (usually atmospheric), the net stress is equivalent to the total
downslope direction), which is considered rational for shallow stress, and suction, s, is equivalent to negative pore water pressure.
landslides. Milledge et al. [35] tested this assumption by compar- Thus, the general simplified form of yield function for unsaturated
ing the results from infinite slope formulation against those soils, defined in terms of net stress, suction, and state parameters,
obtained on 5000 synthetic two dimensional slopes using the finite can be expressed as
element strength reduction approach presented by Griffiths and Fðfrg; s; fkgÞ ¼ 0 ð2Þ
Lane [36]. This study provided quantitatively the errors that the
infinite slope formulation may induce, as well as the critical Correspondingly, the plastic potential function for unsaturated
length/depth ratio above which the errors are acceptable (within soils, which is used to specify the plastic straining direction in
5%) for different slope scenarios. In addition to calculation of FS, the flow rule, is of the form
the infinite slope formulation has also been used to analyze stress Gðfrg; s; fggÞ ¼ 0 ð3Þ
and strain (displacement) evolution before slope collapse or inter-
pret the shear mechanism responsible for the shallow slides (e.g. where {g} is a vector of the state parameters.
156 S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169

  T !
The total incremental strains {de} for unsaturated soil, based on pe ½D @@Gr @@Fr ½D
the concept of two stress state variables, include two components: ½D  ¼ ½D   T   ð15Þ
½D @@Gr þ A
(i) the strains induced by net stress change, and (ii) the strains
induced by suction change. Considering the elasto-plastic behavior,
the total incremental strains can be further split into four parts: fDps g ¼ ½Dpe H1 fmg  fW ps g ð16Þ

fdeg ¼ fde g þ fde g þ fde þ fde @G @F

sg sg ð4Þ
e p e p
fW ps g ¼  T @r  @s
where {dee} and {dep} are the elastic and plastic incremental strains @r
½D @@Gr þ A
due to changes in net stress, and {dees } and {deps } denote the incre-
mental elastic and plastic strains due to changes in suction, Eq. (14) describes the general increment elasto-plastic stress–strain
respectively. relationship for unsaturated soils. There is an additional term asso-
The change in net stress is considered to be only caused by cor- ciated with suction on the right hand side of Eq. (14), compared to
responding incremental elastic strain {dee}, as a result, the incre- that of saturated soils. Eq. (14), mathematically, treats the suction
mental net stress, {dr}, can be calculated as as an additional strain component instead of its physical meaning,
i.e. stress variable. This approach has the advantage of being incor-
fdrg ¼ ½Dfdee g ð5Þ porated into conventional displacement finite-element method, as
suggested by Sheng et al. [47] and Sánchez et al. [48]. In the present
where [D] is the elastic constitutive matrix.
analysis, Eq. (14) will be used to track the change in stress–strain
Similarly, the incremental elastic strain in response to suction
field within an infinite expansive soil slope after onset of yielding
change, {dees }, can be calculated as
upon infiltration (i.e. decreasing suction).
fdees g ¼ H1 fmgds ð6Þ
3. Infinite slope formulation for expansive soils
where H is the elasticity parameter defined by Fredlund and
Rahardjo [32] for the soil structure with respect to incremental suc-
3.1. Stress field within an infinite slope profile
tion change, {m} is the vector {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}T.
The incremental plastic strains are computed, via the flow rule,
Infiltration-induced slope failures in unsaturated expansive
from the plastic potential function, as:
  soils usually have shallow slip surfaces, as suggested in the intro-
@G duction part. For this reason, infinite slope model is considered
fdep g ¼ K ð7Þ
@r to be a practical model for analyzing the stability of unsaturated
expansive soil slope under infiltration condition. The problem in
where K is the scalar plastic multiplier.
this study is idealized in Fig. 1, where g and n are the axes rotated
The plastic strain induced by change in suction, {deps }, is
by a slope angle, b, from the x and y axes in Cartesian coordinate
assumed to be equal to zero. The plastic strain still develops during
system, respectively. When using two stress state variables theory,
wetting, since that the suction decrease influences yield surface
the stresses acting on a soil element include two independent
through net stress tensor (i.e. yield surface is suction-dependent).
parts: net stress, r = (r  ua), and suction, s = (ua  uw).
Substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (5) yields:
The net normal stress, rn, and shear stress, sng, at a certain
fdrg ¼ ½Dðfdeg  fdep g  fdees gÞ ð8Þ depth can be determined by applying the static force equilibrium
condition in the vertical direction for a unit width soil slice:
Substituting Eqs. (6) and (7) into (8) gives:
    rn ¼ cZ cos2 b ð18Þ
fdrg ¼ ½D fdeg  K  H1 fmgds ð9Þ
@r sng ¼ cZ cos b sin b ð19Þ
The consistency equation for unsaturated soil is written as:
where c stands for the unit weight of the soil, Z for the element
 T  T depth under the ground surface measured along the y axis. The
@F @F @F
dF ¼ fdrg þ ds þ fdkg ¼ 0 ð10Þ net normal stress, rg, in the g direction can be related to net normal
@r @s @k
stress, rn, by equation below:
Combining Eqs. (9) and (10) gives:
 T  T    T
@F @F @G @F
 ½Dfdeg þ ½DK þ ½DH1 fmgds
@r @r @r @r
@F @F
¼ ds þ fdkg ð11Þ
@s @k
Solving for K using Eq. (11) gives:
 @F T   T
½Dfdeg þ @F @s
 @@Fr ½DH1 fmg ds
K¼  @F T @G ð12Þ
½D @ r þ A

1 @F
A¼ fdkg ð13Þ
K @k
Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (9) gives:

fdrg ¼ ½Dpe fdeg þ fDps gds ð14Þ

where Fig. 1. Geometrical scheme of the infinite slope.
S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169 157

rg ¼ K rn ¼ K cZ cos2 b ð20Þ The potential plastic function is assumed to have a similar form to
the yield surface, but with the effective internal friction angle, /0 ,
where K is the stress ratio of the net normal stresses rg to rn. Sim-
replaced by dilatancy angle, u.
ilar relation between these two net normal stresses was adopted in qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
[37,38] for sloping ground. The stress ratio, K, is similar to the coef- Gðfrg; s; fggÞ ¼ 2 0:25ðrg  rn Þ2 þ s2ng  2 cos u½c0 þ s tan /b 
ficient of earth pressure at rest, but it is with respect to the parallel
and normal axes of the slope (see Fig. 1). Urciuoli [38] suggested the  ðrg þ rn Þ sin u ð24Þ
stress ratio, K, could also be calculated as K = l/(1  l), where l is
the Poisson ratio, as determination of the coefficient of earth pres-
3.3. Analyses of infiltration-induced stress evolution in the infinite
sure at rest. However, quantifying K value more accurately should
slope formulation
take stress history of deposit of interest and other actual ground
information into consideration. Lytton [49] reported that the coeffi-
As was suggested before, the expansive soils exhibit significant
cient of earth pressure at rest in expansive soils can vary from 0 to 3
swelling behavior upon wetting. Therefore, the infiltrated water
for different ground conditions.
from the ground surface will not only decrease the suction, but
The variation of suction, s, over time at any depth under infiltra-
lead to a considerable redistribution of the net stress field within
tion condition can be obtained by either analytical (e.g. [50–53]), or
the slope profile.
numerical (e.g. SEEP/W software [54] and Hydrus-1D software
For the infinite slope case, the soil element in Fig. 1 will have a
[55]) solutions to a seepage model. It is worth mentioning that
swelling trend in all directions with a decreasing suction. In the g
some analytical [56] and numerical [74] solutions specifically for
direction, the normal strain induced by swelling is restrained due
infinite slope case can be found in the literature.
to the unlimited extension of the slope, so that the net normal
stress rg will be increased such that there is no normal strain in
3.2. Yield function for infinite slope formulation
this direction during a wetting process. This condition is similar
to that of constant volume test conducted for measuring the swel-
The well-known Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is often used
ling pressure of expansive soil [61].
as the yield function to describe the elastic perfectly plastic behav-
In the n direction, the soil close to the ground surface can swell
ior of saturated soils in interpreting the failure mechanism of infi-
freely; however, at a deeper depth, it can only swell partially
nite slope [38–40]. For saturated soils, the Mohr–Coulomb yield
because of the influence of the overburden pressure. This scenario
function is expressed in terms of major and minor effective princi-
is similar to that of loaded-swell oedometer test for measuring the
pal stresses as:
swelling pressure of expansive soil [61]. Certain magnitude of nor-
Fðfr0 g; fkgÞ ¼ r01  r03  2c0 cos /0  ðr01 þ r03 Þ sin /0 ð21Þ mal strain in this direction can be induced by soil swelling. During
the wetting process, the whole infinite slope layer within the depth
where r and r are major and minor principal effective stress act-
0 0
1 3 of Z is always under a static force equilibrium condition even
ing on a soil element, respectively; c0 and /0 are the effective cohe- though soil swelling occurs within it. This argument can be
sion and effective angle of internal friction, which constitute the extended for using Eqs. (18) and (19) for determining the net nor-
state parameters of vector {k}. mal stress, rn, and shear stress, sng. This implies that these two
The classic Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion was extended into stresses will keep constant if the effect of increase in soil unit
unsaturated soils in [23] using the concept of two stress state vari- weight during the wetting process is ignored. In addition, this also
ables, in which the rate of increase in shear strength relative to suggests that the induced swelling pressure in the n direction can
suction is quantified using a constant parameter, /b. Although, be released by the swelling straining allowed.
the nonlinear variation of shear strength with respect to suction However, the soil is not able to sustain unlimited increase in the
is reported in the literature (e.g. [24,57,58], etc.), the extended net normal stress in the g direction with decreasing suction, since
Mohr–Coulomb shear strength envelope [23] is still able to provide yielding and subsequent strain softening are likely to occur once a
reasonable estimation of unsaturated shear strength for slope sta- certain amount of irreversible plastic strain is accumulated. The
bility analysis in most cases using limit equilibrium analysis [59]. evolution of stress state acting on a soil element within the infinite
Most recently, this linear strength model has also been used as slope during wetting process can be generally divided into three
the yield function in elasto-plastic analysis by Sołowski et al. phases as shown in Fig. 2, and is interpreted as follows using
[60], who simulated the shear bands developed in the unsaturated extended Mohr–Coulomb elasto-plastic model.
triaxial shear test specimen using Material Point Method. In the FIRST PHASE (pure elastic phase): A relatively high initial suc-
present study, the extended Mohr–Coulomb shear strength envel- tion (s1) is assumed to be present within the infinite slope profile
ope [23] is utilized as yield criterion for unsaturated expansive prior to the commencement of any types (e.g. rainfall or snow
soils, and is expressed, in terms of suction, major and minor prin- melting) of wetting process. The initial two stress components
cipal net stresses, as: (rn, sng) are calculated from Eqs. (18) and (19), and the other stress
Fðfrg; s; fkgÞ ¼ ðr1  r3 Þ  2ðc0 þ s tan /b Þ cos /0  ðr1 r, can be determined using Eq. (20) by assuming a reasonable ini-
tial value of K0. The initial stress Mohr’s circle in the three-
þ r3 Þ sin /0 ð22Þ
dimensional stress space can be plotted as shown in Fig. 2(a) in
where / is the friction angle relative to suction. As can be seen, the accordance to the known stress state (rn, rg, sng, s1), which is far
net stress and suction constitute of the complete stress state in the below the extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope.
yield function, and the vector of state parameters of unsaturated When the soil element is wetting, the location of Mohr’s circle is
soil includes three components, namely, effective cohesion, effec- moving towards the frontal plane (i.e. plane s = 0) with decreasing
tive angle of internal friction and friction angle relative to suction. suction, s. In the meantime, the size of the Mohr’s circle increases
When considering the stress condition within the infinite slope due to increasing net normal stress, rg, although the two other
(Fig. 1), Eq. (22) can be rewritten as: stress components (rn, sng) are maintained constant as suggested
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi in the preceding paragraphs. Further, the intersection line between
Fðfrg; s; fkgÞ ¼ 2 0:25ðrg  rn Þ2 þ s2ng  2cos/0 ½c0 þ s the extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope and the vertical plane
s = corresponding suction, gradually lowers with reference to the
 tan /b   ðrg þ rn Þ sin /0 ð23Þ rn vs s plane (i.e. horizontal plane s = 0), as the apparent cohesion,
158 S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169

As the suction within the unsaturated expansive soil element

continues decreasing from s2 during wetting, first, the location of
Mohr’s circle will move further towards the frontal plane (plane
s = 0); second, the size of the Mohr’s circle will reduce to keep tan-
gential to the yield surface. This behavior is somewhat different
with those of saturated soil, for which the size of the Mohr’s circle
may not change for perfectly plastic behavior. The ostensible dis-
crepancy is due to the inclusion of suction, s, in the yield function
for unsaturated soils (see Eqs. (2), (22), and (24)). Suction decrease
leads to lowering position of the intersection line between the
extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope and the vertical plane
s = corresponding suction, which will force the Mohr-Circle to
become smaller. As a result, the net normal stress, rg, will gradu-
ally reduce. The other two stress components (rn, sng), however,
are unchanged as before. The position of three dimensional
Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope is also unchanged, similar to the
two dimensional Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope for perfectly plas-
tic behavior of saturated soil.
In the SECOND PHASE, plastic straining (irreversible deforma-
tion) develops in the soil element, thus stress–strain relationship
needs to be described using the elasto-plastic constitutive matrix
(i.e. Eq. (14)) given in Section 2.
THIRD PHASE (strain softening phase): strain softening occurs
within the soil elements once the plastic strain is beyond a certain
amount at s = s3. The change of Mohr’s circle during the wetting
process is generally same as that during the SECOND PHASE: (i)
Further movement of the Mohr’s circle towards the frontal plane;
(ii) Further reduction in the Mohr’s circle size; (iii) Further
decrease in the net normal stress, rg. The important difference is
that the state parameters ({k} = {c0 , /0 , /b}) defining the position
of yield surface will decrease with the development of plastic
strain, which leads to a gradual shrinkage of the yield surface in
the stress space (see Fig. 2(c)). Specifically, the angle of the inter-
section line between the extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope
and the vertical plane s = corresponding suction will become gen-
tler (i.e. decrease in /0 ), its position will be significantly lowered
Fig. 2. Evolution of stress state within the infinite slope upon wetting: (a) FIRST by decrease not only in s but also in c0 , /b. Moreover, the intersec-
tion line between the extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope and
ca = c0 + s tan /b, is decreasing with decreasing suction. As a conse- s versus s plane will be curved, as its angle (/b) with respect to s
quence, the stress Mohr’s circle is gradually approaching and even- axes is gradually becoming gentler as well. It is obvious that the
tually tangential to the Mohr Coulomb yield envelope at suction Mohr-Circle size will shrink faster when strain softening is taking
s = s2. place. However, the Mohr-Circle will be always tangential to the
During this phase, the stress Mohr’s circle is always under the extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope.
extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope, the soil element only In the THIRD PHASE, the elasto-plastic constitutive matrix (i.e.
behaves purely elastically, in other words, all strains occurring dur- Eq. (14)) should be used as in the SECOND PHASE. A softening rule
ing FIRST PHASE are reversible. The stress strain relationship can quantifying how the size of yielding surface reduces is also required.
be obtained by combining Eqs. (6) and (8) (noting plastic strain For saturated soils, a practical softening model was suggested and
is zero here), as: used to investigate the progressive failure of Carsington dam [12]
and the delayed collapse of London clay slope [13]. This softening
fdrg ¼ ½Dðfdeg  fdees gÞ ¼ ½Dðfdeg  H1 fmgdsÞ ð25Þ model assumes that the state parameters (i.e. c0 , /0 and u for satu-
rated soils) reduce from peak to residual value in a linear manner
where the elastic constitutive matrix, [D], associated with change in with accumulation of deviatoric plastic strain. This model was
net stress can be determined using Young’s modulus, E, and Pois- recently implemented into Material Point Method (MPM) to analyze
son’s ratio, l. the coupled soil deformation and pore fluid flow behavior [18].
SECOND PHASE (perfectly plastic phase): The soil element is In the present study, this model has been extended for unsatu-
assumed to behave perfectly plastically after yielding at suction rated soils as shown in Fig. 3, in which /b is assumed to vary in the
s = s2 until a certain amount of plastic strain is accumulated same manner with respect to accumulated deviatoric plastic strain
(Fig. 2(b)). For perfectly plastic material, any type of loading can as those of c0 , /0 and u. The deviatoric plastic strain is calculated as:
only lead to a stress state moving within (along) rather than out
of the yield surface; while, the plastic strain occurs and keeps
2 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
increasing indefinitely in an element [62]. For the infinite slope ded;p ¼ pffiffiffi de2n þ 3dc2ng ð26Þ
case, only when a collapse condition (slope failure) is developed,
can the plastic strains within some soil elements increase indefi- In Fig. 3, kpeak and kres represent the peak and residual values of
nitely. Otherwise, the strains are restricted because it is not kine- state parameters. ed,ppeak represents the deviatoric plastic strain at
matically admissible. Failure condition will be discussed in which softening starts, and ed,pres represents the deviatoric plastic
greater detail in later sections. strain when softening is completed.
S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169 159

rated soils, the elastic constitutive matrix, [D], elastic parameter,

H, and elasto-plastic matrices, [Dpe] and [Dps], are all not constants,
but highly dependent of both net stress and suction [32,63,76].
Thus, a stress integration algorithm based on two stress variables
is required to obtain a solution to the highly nonlinear problem,
as those based on single stress variable used in conventional Finite
Element Method. Recently, several explicit stress integration
schemes have been developed in the literature, such as the modi-
fied Euler algorithm [47,48,64] and Runge–Kutta algorithms [64]
for different unsaturated soil constitutive models. In the present
study, the modified Euler’s scheme with error control is coded
using FORTRAN language to perform the stress integration over
Fig. 3. Variation of mobilized material parameters with plastic deviatoric shear the strain and suction increment, which can be regarded as the
extension of that described in [62] for saturated soil elasto-
plastic model. It is worth repeating that the stress integration
scheme needs to be performed both for elastic and elasto-plastic
It should be noted that some constitutive models are available
phases. For the purpose of completeness, Eq. (27) is also coded in
in the literature [45,46,80] for interpreting expansive soil behavior,
this program to calculate the variation of FS with time during wet-
which include components to quantify the plastic volumetric
ting until failure (FS = 1), and then investigate the effect of
strain accumulated during cyclic suction changes at relatively
swelling-induced strain softening on the stability of an expansive
low net stress level, from either double-level structure or macro-
soil infinite slope.
scopic and phenomenological perspective. However, a softening
law concerning this plastic strain has not been explicitly included
yet into these existing models. This plastic volumetric strain accu- 4. Description of the illustrative example
mulates gradually with wetting and drying cycles [80], and has an
influence on the mobilized shear strength. This influence is neither The city of Regina is situated on a glacial deposit basin consist-
considered in the adopted softening law, which assumes that the ing of over-consolidated expansive clays, which is commonly
strength parameters varies with deviatoric plastic strain. This first referred to as Regina clay in the literature. Infiltration (from snow
approximation is made considering that current analysis involves melting or rainfall)-induced shallow failures in cuts and fills con-
mainly a monotonic decrease in suction. Incorporating the effect structed of Regina clay are widely reported (e.g. [1,65]). The basic
of plastic volumetric strain is a worthy effort in the future, partic- soil properties of Regina clay have been investigated by several
ular for cases that involves a number of suction cycles leading to a researchers (e.g. [1,66,67]). The numerical analysis using the devel-
certain amount of accumulated plastic volumetric strain. oped code is performed with reference to slopes using Regina clay
soil properties.
3.4. Collapse of expansive soil infinite slope The infinite slope analyzed in this study is assumed to have a
thickness of 3 m, based on a comprehensive investigation pre-
Fig. 2 illustrates the possible three PHASEs of stress path fol- sented in [68], which suggested that the depths of shallow slip sur-
lowed within a soil element under the ground surface before the faces in several dozens of compacted high plasticity clay slopes
collapse (failure) of the infinite slope. When the stress Mohr’s circle ranged from 0.6 m to 3.0 m. Prior to the stress evolution analysis
at a particular depth is tangential to the extended Mohr–Coulomb within the infinite slope profile, the suction profile variation with
yield envelope at the point (rn, sng, s4) as shown in Fig. 2(c), the time upon wetting is required as the input parameters. This is
infinite slope is about to collapse or fail along the straight line at obtained by conducting a finite element saturated and unsaturated
that depth. This can be interpreted by recalling the traditional Fac- seepage analysis on a one dimensional soil column using SEEP/W
tor of Safety (FS). The traditional FS for infinite slope case is defined [54]. The soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) used in the seep-
as: age analysis is shown in Fig. 4, the test data was measured by Shuai
[66] on a Regina clay along the wetting path under K0 condition
c þ rn tan /0 þ s tan /b
FS ¼ ð27Þ with an initial suction of 575 kPa, which is similar to the condition
sng considered in the present study. Some researchers suggested that
For the condition when suction s = s4 in Fig. 2(c), sng = c0 m + rn- the volume change has a significant influence on the measured
tan /0 m + s4tan /bm, which leads to a FS = 1. FS = 1 corresponds to a SWCC expressed in terms of volumetric water content or degree
limiting condition for equilibrium. Any infinitesimal decrease in
suction can result in an indefinite plastic straining along the
straight line at this depth that forms the slip surface, since it is
kinematically admissible now.

3.5. Evaluation of infinite slope stability in expansive soil

From the interpretation discussed earlier, a complete stability

analysis, for an infinite expansive soil slope during wetting,
requires solutions to Eqs. (25) and (14), given suction (unloading)
increments and an initial stress condition (including the initial suc-
tion and net stress components) within the infinite slope profile.
Eq. (25) is used for stress state under the yield surface where soil
element behaves purely elastic (FIRST PHASE), while Eq. (14) is
adopted when stress state is on the yield surface which involves
elasto-plastic behavior (SECOND and THIRD PHASEs). For unsatu- Fig. 4. The SWCC used in the seepage analysis.
160 S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169

of saturation for expansive soils (e.g. [69]), which, in turn, affects between those two curves provided in [66] is used to account for
the hydraulic response in seepage analysis [70]. Thus, caution is the effect of wetting induced swelling (void ratio increase) on per-
exerted in selecting the measured data with a volume change cor- meability. One should note that both the SWCC and permeability
rection. It is also interesting to note the relative steeper portion function are affected by the net stress applied on the specimen,
along the SWCC at low suction values, which is due to the wetting which can be considered through using three-dimensional water
path followed and probably swelling allowed in the measurement. content and permeability surfaces as suggested in [75] in a fully
The van Genuchten SWCC equation [71] is used to best fit the mea- coupled analysis. Every point within the infinite slope has a differ-
sured data and get a continuous relation between the water con- ent stress state from other points at the same elapsed time, this is
tent and suction. The parameters used to fit the SWCC are not explicitly accounted for by the selected the average hydraulic
summarized in Table 1. Two sets of data for permeability function properties in the uncoupled (seepage followed by mechanical anal-
were provided in [66] on compacted Regina clay sample, one was ysis) analysis in the present study, which focuses on effect of the
for free swell and the other for constant volume test conditions. swelling behavior on shallow layer stability only. It should also
Since the soil element swelling is partially constrained within the be noted that the coefficient of permeability measured on the lab-
infinite slope profile, thus an average permeability function oratory clay specimen was quite low, which is not a representative
of the actual value of weathered in-situ surficial layer. Thus, in
numerical analyses, the coefficients of permeability increased by
Table 1 2–3 of orders in comparison to the measured value from laboratory
Hydraulic parameters of Regina clay used in the present study. tests were usually used to obtain a better match between predic-
tions and measurements in the literature (e.g. [6,72,73]). In the
Parameters Symbol Units Value
present study, the saturated coefficient of permeability is increased
Saturated volumetric water content hs % 50.1
to 5  107 m/s (see Table 1), while keeping the shape of perme-
Residual volumetric water content hr % 10
Fitting parametera a kPa1 1 ability function same with that provided in [66]. Fig. 5 illustrates
Fitting parametera n 1.062 the permeability functions in the seepage analysis. The lower
Saturated degree of saturation Ss % 95.4 boundary for the one dimensional seepage analysis is assumed to
Residual degree of saturation Sr % 30 be partially drained. Partially drained boundary condition is built
Fitting parameterb a kPa1 1
using the technique suggested by Ali et al. [74]: i.e. another 3 m
Fitting parameterb n 1.059
Saturated permeability ks m/s 5  107 thickness soil layer with a lower coefficient of permeability is con-
structed beneath the upper 3 m thickness layer of interest. This can
van Genuchten [71] fitting parameters for SWCC in terms of volumetric water
be regarded to better represent the actual ground condition,
In terms of degree of saturation. because the soil at deeper depth is usually less weathered and
has a lower coefficient of permeability. The permeability function
used for the lower soil layer is also shown in Fig. 5, which is 2
orders lower than that of the upper soil layer for the whole suction
range. An infiltration with an intensity of 0.8ks (i.e.
0.8  5  107 m/s = 4  107 m/s) is applied on the upper bound-
ary of soil profile for 7 days to simulate a wetting process. The ini-
tial suction value for the whole slope profile is set to be 450 kPa,
which is commonly encountered in arid and semi-arid regions.
The suction profile variation obtained from the seepage analysis
is then input into the developed code for stress evolution analysis
and slope stability analysis. The soil mechanical property parame-
ters required for the stress and stability analysis are summarized in
Table 2. We first conducted a base analysis, followed by a paramet-
ric study to show the effect of several varying parameters (see
Table 2), including slope angle, plastic deviatorical strain at resid-
ual state, and initial stress ratio. In the base analysis, the infinite
slope is assumed to be relatively gentle with a slope angle,
Fig. 5. The permeability functions used in the seepage analysis.

Table 2
Regina clay mechanical properties used in the present study.

Parameters Symbol Units Value

Slope angle b deg. 18 (14, 16, 18, 20, 22)a
Initial stress ratio K 1.5 (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5)a
Soil unit weight c kN/m3 18.04
Peak effective cohesion c0 peak kPa 0
Residual effective cohesion c0 res kPa 0
Peak effective frictional angle /0 peak deg. 20
Residual effective frictional angle / res deg. 13
Peak angle with suction /bpeak deg. 13.33
Peak angle with suction /bres deg. 8.67
Plastic deviatorical strain at peak ed,ppeak % 3.2
Plastic deviatorical strain at residual ed,pres % 12 (6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 32)a
Elasticity modulus with stress E kPa Eq. (28)
Elasticity modulus with suction H kPa Eq. (29)
Poisson’s ratio l 0.4
Value of parameters for parametric analysis.
S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169 161

b = 18°, and have an initial stress ratio, K = 1.5. One set of strength variation in void ratio, e, with respect to changes in two stress vari-
data (i.e. the peak and residual shear strength parameters with cor- ables. Vu and Fredlund [75] proposed a function to fit the void ratio
responding strain values) measured by Widger and Fredlund [1] data measured by Shuai [66] for numerical modeling of swelling of
using direct shear tests on the saturated samples from a failed Regina clay. The nonlinear moduli E and H generated by Vu and
embankment in Regina is selected to define the yielding surface. Fredlund [75] are used in the present study. Consistency with the
The angle indicating the rate of increase in shear strength relative hydraulic properties discussed above is assured since the data used
to matric suction, /b, is assumed to equal 2/3 of effective internal are from the same source [66]. The nonlinear elasticity parameters
friction angle, /0 , at both peak and residual conditions. The soil unit used for Regina clay is graphically illustrated in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The
weight was reported by Widger and Fredlund [1] to be 18.04 kN/ parametric analyses is performed in such a fashion: for each case,
m3. Some early works used simplified assumptions for elasticity only the parameter under consideration is allowed to vary, all other
parameters, E and H; however, nonlinearity of the elasticity param- parameters were kept with those used for the ‘‘base case”.
eters with both net stress and suction has been recently implied for
unsaturated soil modeling e.g. [63,75–77]. Some explicit equations
expressing the E as a function of two stress state variables have 5. Numerical results
also been developed, such as: (i) the power function by Rahardjo
et al. [77], and (ii) the semi-empirical model using SWCC as tool This section is organized as follows. The results between soften-
[63]. An alternative and effective way to determine the two elastic- ing and non-softening analyses are compared in terms of the evo-
ity parameters (E and H) is to differentiate the void ratio constitu- lution of stress, rn, and Factor of Safety, FS, within the slope profile.
tive surface function [75] by assuming a value of Poisson’s ratio, l, The non-softening analysis herein means the expansive soils are
as follows: assumed to be an elastic perfectly plastic material, and there are
no reductions in the material parameters (c0 , /0 , /b and u) with
de increasing deviatoric plastic strain. Then, the stress evolution with
E ¼ 3ð1  2lÞð1 þ e0 Þ ð28Þ
dr time at the failure depth from the base case analysis is detailed, fol-
lowed by the results of parametric analysis.

H ¼ 3ð1 þ e0 Þ ð29Þ
5.1. Comparison between softening and non-softening analyses
where e0 and e is the initial void ratio and the void ratio, respec-
tively. Mathematical equations are usually used to describe the Fig. 7 illustrates the variation of pore water pressure profile
within the infinite slope from the saturated–unsaturated seepage
analysis. The suction unloading that were converted from Fig. 7
(a) are used for all the following analyses.
The variation of FS profile from non-softening and softening
analyses are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. The initial FS at
25 the shallower depth (for example, above the depth of 1 m) are sig-
nificantly higher than those at deeper depth, this is because the
driving shear stresses mobilized at these positions due to the over-
E (MPa)

15 burden pressure are quite low. The FS values reduce with decreas-
10 ing suctions for both non-softening and softening analyses. For the
softening analysis, the FS at depth of 0.9 m first decreases to 1 at
5 250
the end of 6.16 days (147.84 h) (see Fig. 9), while, the FSs within

0 the entire slope profile at the end of 7th day are still greater than

1 when softening is not considered (see Fig. 8). In other words,


600 100

400 no failure is observed in the non-softening analysis for the suction

300 50

Suct 200

ion (k 0

350 1
Depth (m)

H (MPa)

200 2
100 2.5
50 250

0 3
150 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0

600 100 PWP (kPa)


400 50

Suct 200
ion (k 100

Pa) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (days)
Fig. 6. The nonlinear elasticity parameters: (a) variation of E with respect two
stress state variables; (b) variation of H with respect two stress state variables (after Fig. 7. The variation of pore water pressure profile within the infinite slope from
[75]). seepage analysis.
162 S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
1.5 1.5

2 2

2.5 2.5

3 3
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (days)

Fig. 8. Variation of FS profile from non-softening analysis.

0 0

0.5 0.5

1 1
Depth (m)

Depth (m)

1.5 1.5
FS = 1.0 at
0.9 m depth
2 2

2.5 2.5

3 3
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (days)

Fig. 9. Variation of FS profile from softening analyses.

unloading scenario considered in the present study. This can be

explained using the alternative FS expression given below:

c0 tan /0 s tan /b
FS ¼ þ þ ð30Þ 1 day
cZ cos b tan b cZ cos2 b
2 days
Eq. (30) is obtained by substituting the Eqs. (18) and (19) into Eq. 1.0
Depth (m)

(27). The three terms on the right hand side of Eq. (30) represent 3 days
the shear strength contribution due to effective cohesion, effective 1.5 0 day
angle of internal friction and suction for unsaturated conditions,
respectively. The first term on the right hand side of Eq. (30) van- 2.0 4 days

ishes for this case, as c0 = 0 kPa in the present study. The third term
is always positive as long as s > 0 kPa (see Fig. 7). Therefore, the 2.5 6 days
Softening 5 days
value of FS can be equal to or less than 1, only if the value of second Nonsoftening

term is less than 1. For non-softening analysis, the peak value of /0 3.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
selected in the present study is always greater than the slope angle, ση (kPa)
b (see Table 2). This leads to the second term being always larger
than 1. In other words, failure (FS 6 1) will never occur provided Fig. 10. Evolutions of stress profile, rg, at several elapsed times from non-softening
the slope is in a state of unsaturated condition. For softening anal- and softening analyses.
S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169 163

ysis, the internal friction angle, /0 , may be reduced to a value lower 140
than the slope angle, leading to the second term to a value less than
120 Z = 3.0 m
1. For this scenario, the possibilities of failure (FS 6 1) emerge even Z = 2.0 m
for unsaturated condition, as indicated in the results for the present 100 Z = 0.9 m
case illustrated in Fig. 9. Therefore, it can be concluded that the

ση (kPa)
methods neglecting softening behavior may result in an unsafe 80 Yielding
design of the unsaturated expansive soil slopes. 60
Fig. 10 compares the evolutions of stress profile, rg, at several Yielding

elapsed times from non-softening and softening analyses. It can 40

be seen that, the stress, rg, at the whole profile first increase, Softening
and then decrease after reaching its maximum value for both
non-softening and softening analyses. Change in the stress, rg, first 0
occurs at shallow depth and gradually extends towards deeper 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
depth over time. Correspondingly, the maximum value of rg also Time (days)
propagates from shallower to deeper depths over time. These
Fig. 12. The evolution of net stress in the sloping direction, rg, at the several depths
changes in the stress, rg, are consistent with the variation of pore
with time.
water pressure profile shown in Fig. 7. After first day, there is no
difference in the stress profile, rg, between non-softening and soft-
ening analyses. At the end of 2 days, the stress, rg, from softening 22
analysis is observed to be smaller than that from non-softening
analysis at shallow depth (within the depth of around 0.5 m in Z = 3.0 m
Fig. 10). This difference between non-softening and softening anal-
yses becomes more evident, and gradually develops towards
greater depths over time. At the end of 6 days, the stress, rg, from 18 Yielding
Z = 2.0 m

φ' ( ο )
softening analysis is smaller than that from non-softening analysis Softening
for the entire slope profile. Owing to the complex nature of spatial 16 Z = 0.9 m
and temporal stress variation, the following sections provide
details on the change of stress regime at the failure depth over
time, tracing the three phases (pure elastic, perfectly plastic and Failure
softening) that the soil element undergoes until failure.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5.2. Evolution of stress at the failure depth Time (days)

Fig. 13. The evolution of angle of internal friction at the several depths with time.
The evolution of suction and net stress in the sloping direction,
rg, at the failure depth with time (i.e. 0.9 m identified in the previ-
ous section) are shown in Figs. 11 and 12. Also, illustrated along
with these are the timely evolution of two other parameters, 2.0
namely, angle of internal friction and FS (see Figs. 13 and 14). In Z = 0.9 m 1.8
addition, the corresponding parameters at the depths of 2.0 m 20 Z = 2.0 m 1.6
Z = 3.0 m
and 3.0 m are included in these figures, for comparison purposes. 1.4 Z = 2.0 m
Z = 3.0 m
It can be seen from Figs. 11 and 12 that, there is a significant ini- 15 1.2
tial increase in the value of net stress, rg, at depth of 0.9 m, when Failure Z = 0.9 m

suction is decreasing with time. The net stress reaches its maxi- 0.8
10 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
mum value when soil yields at 2.24 days, which is more than 3
times its initial value. After yielding, the net stress decreases with
further decease in suction until failure at 6.16 days. In the mean- 5
time, plastic straining develops within the soil at this depth. Once
the accumulated plastic strain reaches a certain amount (ed,p = 3.2% 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (days)

400 Fig. 14. The evolution of FS at the several depths with time.

for this case), soil softening occurs with reductions in the material
Suction (kPa)

300 Z = 3.0 m
Z = 2.0 m parameters, for example, the effective internal friction angle starts
Z = 0.9 m to decrease from its peak value at 3.19 days, as shown in Fig. 13. It
200 should be noted that the net stress decreases at a slightly faster
rate after softening than before. The is because, it is only the suc-
tion decrease that contributes to reduction in net stress before
softening, in order to keep the stress state on the yield surface
(i.e. the extended Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion), while after
0 softening, stress is decreasing not only due to suction reduction
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
but the change in the position of yield surface (reduction in the
Time (days) material parameters). It can also be observed that suction decrease
has a dominant effect on the decreasing rate of net stress.
Fig. 11. The evolution of suction at the several depths with time.
164 S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169

Similar trends can be observed for the net stress evolution at (a)
the depth of 2.0 m and 3.0 m, but they reach their maximum values
and the point of softening later than those at 0.9 m depth, which is 120

Shear stress (kPa)

mainly due to the slower suction decrease rate at deeper depth
(see Fig. 11). When the slope failure occurs at the depth of 0.9 m, T = 0 hrs, ca = 106.357 kPa, φ' = 20
soils at 2.0 and 3.0 m depths are in the softening phase. However,
the FSs at these two depths are approximately around 1.4 (see 100
Fig. 14), indicating a fairly stable state at those depths. 10
When the stress paths followed at the three depths are plotted
in the three dimensional (p–q–s) stress space in Fig. 15, three
phases can be clearly observed: (i) purely elastic behavior when
stress state is below the yield surface; (ii) perfectly plastic behavior 0
when the stress state is on the original yield surface; (iii) strain 0 10 20 30 40
softening behavior when the stress state falls back below original Net normal stress (kPa)
yield surface. It is worth mentioning that the stress state should
also be on the yield surface during softening, Fig. 15 only shows (b) 8
T = 53.76 hrs, ca = 16.58 kPa, φ' = 20
the original yield surface without changing its positions according 7
to reduced state parameters. 6 T = 63.60 hrs, ca = 13.15 kPa, φ' = 20
50 o
Fig. 16 depicts the stress state at the failure depth at several 5 T = 76.44 hrs, ca = 9.59 kPa, φ' = 20
typical elapsed times in two dimensional space plots. The effect

Shear stress (kPa)

of suction on shear strength is included in the intercepts (ca = c0 40
+ s tan /b) between extended Mohr–Coulomb yield envelope and 14 15 16

shear stress axis. The Mohr-Circle always goes through the same 30
point (rn, sng), because these two stress components are keeping
unchanged. Initially, the stress Mohr-Circle is far below the yield 20
envelope (see Fig. 16(a)). Once the yielding occurs, the Mohr-
Circle is always tangential to the yield envelope during both the 10
perfectly plastic (Fig. 16(b)) and strain softening (Fig. 16(c))
phases. During perfectly plastic phase, the failure envelopes are 0
0 20 40 60 80
parallel to each other with changing intercepts (different suctions),
Net normal stress (kPa)
as can be expected (Fig. 16(b)). The decrease in the inclination of
failure envelope (/) indicating a reduction of yield surface can be
seen during the softening phase (Fig. 16(c)). Slope fails when tan- T = 76.440 hrs, ca = 9.59 kPa, φ' = 20
gential point between the Mohr-Circle and the failure envelope o
T = 110.88 hrs, ca = 3.82 kPa, φ' = 17.03
evolves eventually to the point (rn, sng).
(c) o
T = 147.84 hrs, ca = 1.37 kPa, φ' = 13.01

5.3. Results of parametric analysis 6
Shear stress (kPa)

The slope failure occurs at the depth of 0.9 m at 6.16 days (i.e. 30
147.84 h), from the ‘‘base case” analysis, it should be noted that 2

the failure depths can be different for varying scenarios. The slip
surface of infinite slope would be at the depth, at which the stress 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

condition first evolves to such a condition: the failure envelope is

tangential to the Mohr circle at point (rg, sng, s) in three dimen- 10
sional space. This can be influenced by many factors including
the initial net stress and suction state, suction decrease rate, soft-
ening rate, and the material properties, etc. 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Net normal stress (kPa)

FIRST PHASE Fig. 16. The stress state at the failure depth at several typical elapsed times in two
dimensional space plots: (a) elastic phase; (b) perfectly plastic phase; (c) softening

q (kPa)


100 However, for a given slope, decrease in suction is the only factor

Z = 3.0 m

that leads to changes in stress state and yield envelope position,


Z = 2.0 m
50 Z = 0.9 m and brings it to condition stated above. Thus, for a given initial suc-
450 tion profile within a given slope, the value of suction correspond-
0 ing to failure condition for any depth stated above can be


a) uniquely determined by conducting the elasto-plastic analysis.


p (k 150 The suctions corresponding to condition stated above at each


40 n

Pa) o
20 cti depth are referred to as the ‘‘critical suction” profile for a given
0 0 Su
slope. The parametric analysis is conducted to investigate the
Fig. 15. The evolution of stress in three dimensional space at the several depths effect of several factors (including the initial stress ratio, slope
with time. angle and softening rate) on the ‘‘critical suction” profile.
S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169 165

0.0 (a) 0.0

Decreasing K0 Failure occurs at depth:
1.2 m 0.9 m 0.6 m
0.5 K0 = 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.5 0.5

Suction profiles from

1.0 1.0 Seepage Analysis
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
Critical suction

6.42 days
6.16 days
6.04 days
1.5 1.5 K0 = 0.5

2.0 2.0
2.5 2.5

3.0 3.0
25 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0
Critical suction (kPa) Suction (kPa)

Fig. 17. Effect of initial stress ratio on the ‘‘critical suction” profile. (b) 0.0 Failure occurs at depth:
1.05 m 0.75 m
5.3.1. Effect of initial stress ratio 0.5
Fig. 17 shows the ‘‘critical suction” profiles obtained using dif-
ferent initial stress ratios. It can be seen that the initial stress ratio 1.0 Suction profiles from

Depth (m)
has a significant influence on the value of ‘‘critical suction” at dee- Seepage Analysis

6.26 days
6.08 days
per depth (below the depth of about 1.0 m). The smaller the initial 1.5 Critical suction
stress ratio, the smaller will be the ‘‘critical suction”. This can be K0 = 1.0
interpreted as: the smaller initial stress ratio forms a smaller size 2.0
of initial stress Mohr’s circle. For this reason, more change in the
suction is required to bring to soil element into yielding, softening 2.5
and failure (note that the initial suction for the whole slope profile
is 450 kPa). This can also be seen in relationship between the 3.0
25 20 15 10 5 0
stress, rg, and suction, s, for three initial stress ratios (i.e.
Suction (kPa)
K0 = 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5) shown in Fig. 18. At the depth of 2.5 m as a
representative of value of greater depth, the initial value of stress, Fig. 19. Graphical determination of the failure time and depth for different initial
rg, for K0 = 2.5 is significantly higher than the other two, which stress ratios.
indicates a larger initial Mohr’s circle, and results a failure at larger
suction value.
However, at shallower depths near the ground surface (above stress ratios under the infiltration used in the present study are
1.0 m), the effect of initial stress ratio on the ‘‘critical suction” is graphically shown in Fig. 19. The suction profiles shown in
negligible. The value of net stress, rn, (determined using Eq. (18)) Fig. 19 are extracted from pore water pressure profile in Fig. 7. It
at shallower depth due to overburden pressure is low. Therefore, can be seen clearly seen that why the failure occur at a particular
changing the initial stress ratio will not lead to a big difference depth instead of others for each case. Generally, the larger initial
in the value of net stress, rg = K0rn, as well as the size of initial stress ratio, the deeper and earlier will be the failure depth and
stress Mohr’s circle. As a result, the critical suction value is not sub- time, for the scenarios illustrated in Fig. 19.
stantially affected by the initial stress ratio, as can be seen in the
stress, rg, vs suction, s, relationship at the depth of 0.5 m in Fig. 18.
One of the basic applications of ‘‘critical suction” profile is to 5.3.2. Effect of softening rate
determine the failure time and depth for each case, combined with Fig. 20 presents effect of softening rate on ‘‘critical suction” pro-
pore water pressure (suction) profile from seepage analysis under a files. The softening rate here means the rate of decrease in state
particular infiltration condition. To be more specific, slope fails at parameters with respect to plastic deviatoric strain. Different soft-
that depth where the suction profile from seepage analysis first ening rates are considered by using different plastic deviatoric
touches the ‘‘critical suction” profile. The results for different initial strains at residual state. Two smaller and three larger than the base

180 0.0
Z=2.5m, K0=2.5
160 Z=2.5m, K0=1.5 Decreasing softening rate
140 Z=2.5m, K0=0.5 0.5 ε d,pres = 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.18, 0.24, 0.32
Z=0.5m, K0=2.5
120 Z=0.5m, K0=1.5
ση (kPa)

Depth (m)

Z=0.5m, K0=0.5
80 1.5

Failure Failure Failure 2.0
20 2.5
1000 100 10 1 3.0
25 20 15 10 5 0
Suction (kPa)
Critical suction (kPa)
Fig. 18. The relationship between the stress, rg, and suction, s, for three initial
stress ratios at shallower (0.5 m) and deeper (2.5 m) depths. Fig. 20. Effect of softening rate on the ‘‘critical suction” profile.
166 S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169

value (0.12) are used in the parametric analysis to produce Fig. 20. 0.0
Smaller plastic deviatoric strains at residual state indicate faster ro
s f at
r ofile sis
softening rates, and an unfavorable engineering material in terms 0.5 p aly
on e An
of slope stability. Su epag ays
Failure occurs at depth: Se 97 d
Generally, faster softening rates result in larger ‘‘critical suc- 1.0

No failure
5. s

Depth (m)
2.0 m 1.4 m ay
tion” value, which means a smaller change in the suction (suction 6.0
1.5 ay
unloading) is needed to cause slope failure at that depth (Fig. 20). 7d
When softening rates are larger than that for base analysis, it has a
substantial influence on the ‘‘critical suction” at deeper depths, and 2.0
a negligible effect on the ‘‘critical suction” at shallower depths (e.g. Critical suction
above 1.0 m). When softening rate are smaller than that for base
ε d,pres =0.06 0.09 0.18 0.24 0.32
analysis, the effect of the softening rate on ‘‘critical suction” suc-
tion value is evident for the entire slope profile. 25 20 15 10 5 0
This phenomenon can be better explained with the aid of Suction (kPa)
Fig. 21. Fig. 21 illustrates the degradation of shear strength param-
eter, /0 , with suction unloading for several softening rates, at 0.5 Fig. 22. Graphical determination of the failure time and depth for different
and 2.0 m depths as examples for shallow and deep depths, respec- softening rates.
tively. The other shear strength parameter, /b, exhibits the same
change trend with suction, and is not included in Fig. 21 for sim-
plicity. It can be seen that higher softening rates result in faster 0.0
decrease in the value of /0 , with respect to suction for two depths. Decreasing slope angle

The soil element at the depth of 0.5 m starts to soften at a higher

0.5 β = 22o, 20o, 18o, 16o, 14o
suction value than that at 2.5 m depth. When the softening rate

Depth (m)
is equal to or higher than that for the ‘‘base analysis”, the value
of angle of internal friction, /0 decreases to residual value at the
depth of 0.5 m before reaching failure condition. The same shear
strength parameters (i.e. residual value) result in the same ‘‘critical 2.0
suctions” at failure (see Eq. (30)) at this depth. While for other
cases, the angle of internal friction, /0 , is between peak and residual 2.5
values at failure, and have different values due to different soften-
ing rates, and hence resulting in different ‘‘critical suctions” (see 3.0
Eq. (30)) at failure. 25 20 15 10 5 0
Fig. 22 illustrates the failure time and depth determined using Critical suction (kPa)
the ‘‘critical suction” profile and suction profile from seepage anal-
ysis for different softening rates considered in the present study. Fig. 23. Effect of slope angle on the ‘‘critical suction” profile.

Since the ‘‘base case” is already shown in Fig. 19, it is not included
in Fig. 22. When the softening rate is larger than that of the base is equal to /0 peak, and the remaining three (18°, 16°, 14°) are
case, the failure is deeper and earlier. However, no failure was between /0 peak and /0 res.
observed in 7 days of infiltration when softening rate is lower than Slope angle has influence on the ‘‘critical suctions” within the
that of the base case, as the suctions from seepage analysis at the entire slope profile, as can be seen in Fig. 23. The influence of slope
end of 7 days are still higher than the ‘‘critical suction” for the angle on the ‘‘critical suction” becomes gradually stronger with
whole slope profile. increasing depth. As can be expected, at a particular depth, the lar-
ger the slope angle, the larger the ‘‘critical suction” value is, since
5.3.3. Effect of slope angle the suction change (suction unloading) required to cause slope fail-
Fig. 23 illustrates effect of slope angle on the ‘‘critical suction” ure is less.
profile. Five different slope angles are adopted: a value of 22° Slopes with angles between /0 peak and /0 res (i.e. 18°, 16°, 14°),
which is larger than value of /0 peak, another, a value of 20° which will never fail at unsaturated condition if softening is not consid-
ered, which can be interpreted using Eq. (30) as was suggested in
the previous section. However, Fig. 23 shows that, for b = 14°, pos-
26 Z = 2.5m, εd,pres = 0.24
sible failure can still occur at certain depths (0–1.8 m) at unsatu-
Z = 2.5m, εd,pres = 0.12 F = Failure rated condition when softening is included in the analysis. This
24 Z = 2.5m, εd,pres = 0.06 means the /0 with this zone is already decreased below 14° from
Z = 0.5m, ε d,p res = 0.24
Z = 0.5m, εd,pres = 0.12
the peak value by strain softening when suction decreases to the
Z = 0.5m, εd,pres = 0.06 ‘‘critical suction” value. While, at the zone (1.8–3.0 m depth), the
Peak value
20 mobilized /0 is still larger than 14° when suction decreases to zero,
φ' (o)

slope failure does not occur within this zone at unsaturated condi-
18 tion. An appropriate engineering slope design should take the both
16 the peak and residual shear strength parameters into consideration
by conducting a strain softening analysis, if necessary. A slope
14 Residual value
angle lower than /0 peak cannot ensure enduring stability, and
expansive soils with high peak but very low residual strength could
50 40 30 20 10 0 be unfavorable for fills and cuts.
Fig. 24 illustrates the failure time and depth determined using
Suction (kPa)
the ‘‘critical suction” profile and suction profile from seepage anal-
Fig. 21. Degradation of shear strength parameter, /0 , with suction unloading for ysis for different slope angles considered in the present study. The
several softening rates, at shallower (0.5 m) and deeper (2.0 m) depths. ‘‘base case” is not included in Fig. 24. The failures occur at 0.8 m
S. Qi, S.K. Vanapalli / Computers and Geotechnics 76 (2016) 154–169 167

0.0 limitation, the most important features (i.e. swelling stress

Failure occurs at depth:
0.7 m 0.8 m increase, associated softening and failure) focused in this study,
0.5 are reasonably well captured by stress analysis in n–g plane with
the shear stress sng, using the framework of infinite slope.
Depth (m)

fr o a t 14o

No failure
es 7. Conclusions
o fil ysis ays s
1.5 pr al d ay ay
n An .09 3d
tio ge 5 5 7d

c 5 .
Su epa In the present study, the infiltration-induced shallow failure of

expansive soil slope has been critically discussed and addressed in

the framework of infinite slope formulation, with emphases on the
important roles of swelling-induced stress regime change and asso-
β = 22o 20o 16o
3.0 ciated softening behavior of unsaturated soils. The practical strain
40 30 20 10 0 softening Mohr–Coulomb model in terms of two stress state vari-
Suction (kPa) ables, extended from that of saturated soil, is adopted. A computer
program is developed to trace the highly nonlinear behavior of unsat-
Fig. 24. Graphical determination of the failure time and depth for different slope
urated expansive soils and evaluate the slope stability under infiltra-
tion, combined with the conventional FS definition in standard limit
equilibrium method. A numerical exercise is conducted using the
after 5.09 days and 0.75 m after 5.53 days, when the slope angle is developed program on an infinite slope consisting of Regina clay,
22° and 20°, respectively. A time period of 7 days of infiltration with carefully selected material parameters in the literature.
with intensity used in this study is not long enough to cause fail- The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of the
ures when slope angle is lower than that of the base case. results presented in this study:

(i) During wetting, the net stress in the sloping direction keeps
6. Discussion increasing and reaches its maximum value at yielding, after
which it decreases due to suction decrease and possible soft-
Two key characteristics associated with the expansive soil fail- ening. The maximum value of net stress in the sloping direc-
ure mechanism: (1) stress increase due to expansion upon wetting tion can be several times the net stress perpendicular to the
and (2) softening behavior of the slope stability have been well sloping direction. These phenomena are similar to those
captured in this study via the simple infinite slope formulation observed from the published experimental tests.
with an extended elasto-plastic strain softening constitutive (ii) Neglecting the softening behavior may overestimate the
model. conventional factor of safety under infiltration conditions,
The constitutive model consists of three components: (i) and leads to an unsafe engineering design for expansive soil
suction-dependent yielding surface; (ii) nonlinear elastic behavior; slopes.
and (iii) a softening law. All the three components directly influ- (iii) The failures depths are not necessarily at the base of surface
ence the computation results; specifically, the nonlinear elastic layer. It can be affected by many factors: such as softening
moduli affect the magnitude of stress increase during initial wet- rate, slope angle, initial stress ratio. The failure depth and
ting, which, therefore, also affect the stress magnitude and time time can be well defined and recognized by combining the
at onset of yielding. The mobilized shear strength parameters used ‘‘critical suction” profile obtained from the developed pro-
to compute the FS are affected by yielding and subsequent soften- gram and suction profile from a seepage analysis.
ing. The first two components have sound theoretical basis. The (iv) The initial stress ratio, softening rate and slope angle have a
third one includes an assumption that the residual shear strength more significant effect on the ‘‘critical suction” at greater
of unsaturated soils can be described using extended Mohr–Cou- depths than shallow depths. Generally, slope with lower ini-
lomb strength criterion, and /b varies in the same linear manner tial stress ratios would be relatively more stable under infil-
with accumulated deviatoric plastic strain as those of c0 , /0 . This tration condition. Use of expansive soils with lower
assumption can be regarded as a reasonable first approximation, softening rate as engineering materials can produce a more
in view of the evidence of recent experimental results [19,22], as stable slope. Due to softening-induced strength loss, a gentle
well as the similar artifice used in shear strength reduction tech- slope with an angle lower than /0 peak does not assure stabil-
nique for slope stability analysis of unsaturated soils [78,79]. The ity in unsaturated conditions as suggested in the traditional
measured constitutive properties for Regina clay that were used infinite slope formulations. An appropriate engineering
in the present study provide credence to the modeling results for slope design hence should consider both the peak and resid-
the stability analysis of slopes in Regina clay and clays with similar ual shear strength parameters.
properties and initial conditions.
Another assumption used in the present study is associated
with the infinite slope framework (see Fig. 1), in which the strain
in the g direction is assumed to be zero (fully constrained). This
assumption can also be applied for strain in the direction perpen-
The first author gratefully acknowledges and appreciates to the
dicular to n–g plain (i.e. the ‘‘direction perpendicular to the down-
China Scholarship Council and the University of Ottawa, Canada for
slope”). Due to this reason, the model predicts the same
funding his PhD research program. The second author thanks the
magnitudes of stresses in g direction and the direction perpendic-
support from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
ular to n–g plane. The field scenario however may be somewhat
of Canada (NSERC) for his research programs.
different, e.g. field measurements by Ng et al. [31]. The field condi-
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