Fem Sim of R Stresses in Machining Titanium
Fem Sim of R Stresses in Machining Titanium
Fem Sim of R Stresses in Machining Titanium
Structural defects and the stresses to which the structure is exposed affect the life of the
structure. These stresses arises from a combination of operational and manufacturing
processes, the later hereafter is referred to as residual stresses. However, the correlation of
residual stresses with machining parameters is not well understood, especially for high
speed machining of titanium. This paper presents the results of finite element modeling,
simulation and prediction of residual stresses and cutting forces in orthogonal turning of TI-
6Al-4V titanium work piece used in aerospace manufacturing. Finite element modeling and
simulation were performed using Third Wave Systems AdvantEdge software. The effect of
speed at constant feed and rake angle were investigated. The residual stress prediction as
a function of speed and depth from the workpiece surface are presented. Tool temperature,
power, cutting and feed forces are also presented. The results show that residual stresses
are predominantly tensile on the surface and predominantly compressive below the surface,
and both decrease with increase in cutting speed and depth below the workpiece surface.
The main cutting and feed forces increases with length of cut until it reaches a steady state.
Tool temperature follows the same pattern as the main cutting force.
The demand for better surface quality has lead to the tool-workpiece, which could be done by
the study of residual stresses on machined reducing cutting speed, applying flood cooling,
structures. Residual stresses in machined and avoiding the use of dull tools. Excellent
surface result from temperature gradients at the fatigue performance is reported when high
surface and the plastic deformation involved in compressive residual surface stresses are
surface formation, and changes in the combined with smooth defect free surface. The
microstructure. Residual stresses in a machined knowledge and understanding of effects of
surface are vital element in determining surface cutting parameters such as cutting speed,
integrity. Machined structures for the aircraft feedrate, depth of cut on surface integrity is
require high fatigue strength and high resistance highly important for quality machined surface [3].
to corrosion. The effects of residual stress can Residual stresses on machined surface have
be either beneficial or detrimental, depending been studied by many researchers. Jang et al
upon the magnitude, sign or distribution of stress [1] conducted studies on residual stress by
with respect to the load–induced stresses. turning AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel. The
Studies have shown that surfaces of machined study focused on residual stress as a function of
structure has tensile residual stresses which can machining parameters such as speed, feedrate
lead to microcrack formation at the machined and tool geometry. X-ray diffraction technique
surface and reduce the fatigue strength of the was used for the residual stress measurement.
components part [1-2]. The presence of residual The results showed that increasing tool
stress affects stress corrosion cracking of a sharpness leads to a reduction in the level of the
machined component. Residual stresses can be surface residual stress for low values of
reduced by reducing plastic deformation, feedrates. Segawa et al [2] investigated the
frictional heating, and temperature gradients at feasibility of developing a new tool called
Compressive Residual Stress Generating Cutter, employed to determine the effects of cutting
(C.R.S.G) that can generate compressive process parameters. AdvantEdge metal cutting
residual stress within machined surface by software was used to perform the simulation.
means of milling operation, thereby increasing Tests were conducted on a round bar of AI7050
the fatigue life of the machined components. via end turning. The investigation showed that
Residual stresses measured were found to be the magnitude and sign of the state of stress
between -100 and -200 MPa on the workpiece have no observed relation to speed, chip load
surface and between -300 to -400MPa at 0.05 and stress induced bending moment. Sridhar et
mm within the work piece surface. Saoubi et al al [8] studied residual stress variation in titanium
[3] investigated residual stresses induced by alloy, IMI-834 following milling at different feeds,
orthogonal cutting of standard and resulfurized speeds and depth of cuts. Hot-rolled, solution-
austenitic stainless steels using x-ray diffraction treated and ground picked 50mm diameter bars
technique under different cutting conditions, tool were machined into 38mm x 25mm x 15mm
geometries, and tool coatings. Tensile residual rectangular test pieces. In order to remove the
stress of about 800MPa was observed on the residual stresses induced, the test pieces were
work piece surface. Shet and Deng [4] used stress-relieved by keeping them at 600oC for 1
finite element method to simulate and analyze hour in a vacuum furnace following an argon gas
orthogonal metal cutting process under plane quench. The machining operations were
strain conditions with focus on residual stress in implemented on a FN-2V HMT milling lathe, 5HP
finished work pieces. The workpiece considered capacity, using a T Max K-20 face milling cutter
was AISI 4340. To model the effect of contact of 50 mm diameter and four TN-35-M titanium
friction along the tool-chip interface, a modified nitride coater inserts. It was concluded that at
coulomb friction law was used. The finite element low speeds residual stresses were found to
mesh was composed with 1160 four-node plane decrease with increase in feed but at high
strain elements with 1308 node. The process speeds it increases with increase in feed. The
consisted of four stages which were steady state, magnitude of the compressive stresses
tool removal, boundary removal and cooling increased with increase in cutting velocity and
stage. It was concluded that the dominant decreased with the increase in the dept of cut.
residual stress was tensile along and Outeiro et al [9] investigated the influence of tool
immediately below the finished surface. When material on induced residual stresses in the work
the coefficient of friction is high or when the rake piece. They considered three major sources for
angle is small, the residual stress was slightly residual stresses, which are the cutting force
compressive or nearly zero. The residual components, the thermal energy dissipated by
stresses were observed to be moderately the workpiece and possible phase transformation
affected by the cooling down processes. in the surface layer. Round bars of AISI 1045
Sasahara et al [5] used finite element method to steel were used to conduct the experiments. Two
develop a process model and investigated the tools were selected with the same geometry but
effects of corner radius and feedrates in a face one was coated and the other was uncoated for
turning process. Their results showed that conducting the experiments. All tests were
residual stresses changed from tension to performed on a 35KW lathe. Cutting forces were
compression as feedrate decreases and as the measured using a Kistler type 9255B three-
corner radius become smaller. Hua Fuh and Fu component piezoelectric dynamometer. The
Wu [6] presented a mathematical model for residual stress state in the machined layers of
predicting residual stress as a function of cutting the workpiece was detected using X-ray
parameters and tool geometries in the milling of diffraction equipment, equipped with a linear
aluminum alloy and used experimental design detector. It was concluded that the machined
approach known as Response Surface workpieces shows that machining with coated
Methodology (RSM) with Taguchi method to tool induced the most critical residual stresses
investigate the effects of process parameters on compared with uncoated tool. Titanium alloys
residual stress. Marusich and Askari [7] due to their unique and excellent combination of
modeled residual stress and work piece quality in high strength to weight ratio and their resistance
machined surfaces in orthogonal cutting of Al to corrosion is an attractive material in aerospace
7050 using finite element modeling method. A industries. However, titanium and its alloys are
validated finite element-based machining was difficult to machine materials because of its low
thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity. were used. Feedrate was fixed at 0.38mm/rev
In this paper, a lagrangian finite element which was within the recommended feedrates
modeling method is applied to model and predict range for turning titanium alloys. The cutting tool
residual stresses and cutting forces, power and type and depth of cut used for the simulation
tool temperature in orthogonal machining of Ti- were single-point carbide grade-K and 3.81mm
6Al-4V titanium alloy,. Through finite element respectively. The tool was uncoated. The
modeling, optimal cutting conditions for titanium minimum and maximum element sizes were
alloys with aim of minimum induced residual between 0.02 to 0.1mm while the maximum
stress and reduced likelihood of costly mistakes number of nodes used was 120,000.The output
can be achieved. frame was fixed at 30 and the number of cut was
one. The cutting speed was the only cutting
2. FINITE ELEMENT MODELING APPROACH condition that was varied. The variation of the
cutting speed was between 100 and 1000m/min.
In this paper, a Lagrangian finite element-based The workpiece was fed with a cutting speed
machining model is applied in the modeling and (velocity), v moving against the direction of the
simulation of residual stresses, cutting forces, tool. The cutting tool is parameterized by a user-
and temperature in two-dimensional orthogonal defined geometry and cutting edge radius.
cutting of titanium TI-6Al-4V alloy. The modeling Initially, the tool indents the work piece and
and simulations were conducted using Third presents an undeformed mesh structure as
Wave Systems AdvantEdge machining shown in figure 3.1. As the tool feeds into the
simulation software which integrates advanced work piece while machining and at a certain
finite element numerics and material modeling depth of cut, the initial mesh becomes distorted,
for machining. The technique also integrates as shown in figure 3.2 and after machining, it is
techniques such as adaptive remeshing, explicit remeshed into its normal mesh structure. The
dynamic and couple transient thermal analysis model allows thermo-mechanical recuperation of
into modeling metal cutting processes. Figures 1, the workpiece after the machining process.
2.1 and 2.2 below show the orthogonal cutting Mechanical vibrations are also allowed to damp
process that was used in the modeling. The out. The residual stresses can be modeled in
cutting parameters used for the study of residual standard or rapid mode. Residual stresses were
stresses, cutting forces, cutting powers and peak modeled in standard mode for better and
tool temperatures are shown in table 1.The accurate results. The dynamic and transient heat
simulation was conducted with coolant on, the conduction ability of the software makes it
initial room temperature was fixed at 20.00°C. possible to model cutting conditions accurately.
Cutting edge radius, rake and clearance angle of
0.795mm (0.03 inches), 5° and 10° respectively
Workpiece length
Figure 2.1.Schematic diagram showing
the workpiece and tool.
Work piece
The plots of residual stresses as a function of
depth into the work piece obtained at varying
cutting speeds of between 100m/min and
1000m/min are presented in Figure 6.1 to 6.5.
The plots show the residual stress to be tensile
at the surface of the work piece and become
compressive at about 0.1mm into the workpiece
and thereafter reverse to tensile residual stress
till about 1mm beneath the work piece surface
before reversing again to compressive residual
stress at about 2.8mm into the workpiece. With
increase in cutting speed from 100m/min to
1000m/min, the predicted surface tensile residual
stress decreased from 600 to 350 MPa.
Figure 5.1The forces acting on a tool; Fcutting,
cutting or tangential force, Ffeed, thrust or feed
force and Fradial, radial force.
f, feed Tool
Length of Cut
Figure 6.2. Residual stress versus depth from
Figure 5.2. Lines of residual stress work piece surface at 500, 700 and 1000m/min.
3.2 Effect of Cutting Speed on Tangential
Force, Feed Force and Tool Temperature. Temperature
Temperature Force-X
Figure 7.2. Forces in X, Y direction and Tool Figure 7.5. Forces in X, Y direction and Tool
Temperature as a function of length of cut Temperature as a function of length of cut
at 300m/min. at 1000m/min.
The predicted tool temperature followed the
same pattern as the main cutting force.
Temperature was observed to increase as the -60
cutting speed increases. At 100m/min, the 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
100m/min to 500m/min, decreased between
500m/min and 600m/min, and increased 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
forces at the peak values in the X direction were Force in X direction Force in Y direction
1000m/min. Experimental investigations are 40000
currently being conducted with same cutting 20000
conditions used for the finite element modeling 0
and simulation to verify the simulation results. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Cutting Speed (m/min)
Temperature (deg C )
Figure 11. Cutting Power versus Cutting Speed.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Cutting Speed (m /m in)
Finite element modeling, simulation and
prediction of residual stresses, cutting forces,
Figure 8. Tool Peak Temperature versus Cutting power, and temperature in orthogonal turning of
Speed. TI-6Al-4V titanium work piece used in aerospace
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT residual stress distribution in titanium alloy
IMI-834.” Journal of Materials Processing
This research was partially supported by USA Air Technology Vol. 139 (2003) pp 628-634
Force Research Laboratory through contract to [9] Outeiro, J.C., Dias A.M., Lebrun, J.-L.,
the University of Missouri Rolla Center for Astakhov, V.P., “Residual Stresses Induced
Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies, Contact by Machining of a Plain Carbon Steel Using
No. FA8650-04-704. Third Wave Systems Coated and Uncoated Commercial Tungsten
provided the AdvantEdge metal cutting Carbide Tools” Key Engineering Materials
simulation software used. This donation is Vols. 230-232 (2002) pp. 118-121.
gratefully acknowledged.
* Corresponding Author.