Instruction: Answer Number 1 and Any 2 Questions.: Theory
Instruction: Answer Number 1 and Any 2 Questions.: Theory
Instruction: Answer Number 1 and Any 2 Questions.: Theory
1. Which of the following metals is the strongest petrol (c) Extinguishing fire (d) Manufacture of
reducing agents? (a) Sodium (b) Silver (c) Potassium fertilizer.
(d) copper 15. What is the oxidation number of chromium in the
2. The negatively charged particle in an atom is the (a) compound K2Cr2O7? (a) +3 (b) +4 (c) +6 (d) +7
Electron (b) Neutron (c) Positron) (d) Proton. 16. The oxidation state of nitrogen in HN0 3 is (a)5 (b) 2
3. How many orbitals are contained in an atom with (c) 2 (d) 1.
atomic number (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 3 17. The relative molecular mass of lead (II)
4. The shape of a molecule of water is (a) Nonlinear (b) trioxonitrate(v) is [pb=108, N=14, O = 16] (a) 138
Octahedral (c) Pyramidal (d) Tetrahedral (b) 218 (c) 152 (d) 218.
5. Which of the following pairs of compounds belongs to 18. Which of the following metals is not extracted by
the same homologous series? (a)C 5H8 and C3H6 (b) electrolysis? (a) Iron (b) Sodium (c) Calcium (d)
C4H10 and C5H10 (c) C2H4 and C4H10 (d) C2H6 and C4H10 Magnesium.
6. Which of the following halogens is solid at room 19. An arrangement of two different metals in aqueous
temperature? (a) Bromine (b) Chlorine (c) Florine (d) solutions of their salt to produce an electronic current
Iodine. is known as______ (a) Electrochemical cell (b)
7. Which of the following statement about an activity series (c)Voltmeter (d) Thermocouple
electrochemical cell is correct? Oxidation occurs (a) 20. When an atom gains an electron, it becomes (a)
At the anode (b At the Cathode (c) Through the salt Chemically Inactive (b) Negativity charged (c)
bride (d) In the aqueous solution. Oxidized (d) a cation
8. Which of the following compounds is a secondary
alkanol? (a) Ethanol (b) 2-Methylbutane-2-0i (c) 3- Instruction: Answer number 1 and any 2 questions.
methypentan-2ol (d) Propan-1-0l.
1. (a) Define Isomerism.
9. The oxidation number of Sulphur is +4 in (a) Na 2S2O3
(b) Describe any type of Isomerism you have studied
(b) H2SO3 (c) H2SO4 (d) SO3
(c) Give the name and structure of the 1st 5
10. The quality of electricity required to discharge 1 mole
members of (i) alkane (ii) Alkene (iii) Alkyne
of univalent ion is (a) 9600℃ (b) 48250℃
(d) Define (i) Oxidation (ii) Reduction
(c)96500℃ (d) 193000℃
(e) Describe Sulphur
11. The gas that will turn acidified potassium
2. (a) Name two elements found in group 1-4 each and
heptaoxochronale (iv)Solution from orange to green
their group trends.
is (a) Carbon(iv)oxide (b) Nitrogen(ii) oxide (c)
Sulphur (iv) o∆∆∆∆∆∆xide (d) Sulphur(vi) Oxide. (b) Why are group zero elements unreactive
12. The change in heat context of a reaction is (c) Define (i) Reactant (ii) Product (iii) Actualism
represented as (a) ∆G (b) G (c) ∆H (d) ∆S. energy.
13. The mass I grams of silver deposited when a current 3. (a) Define and use diagram to show (i) Exothermic
Reaction (ii) Endothermic Reaction
f 10amp is passed through a solution of silver salt for
(b) State the laws of thermodynamics
4830 seconds is (Ag=108, IF=96500℃) (a) 13 (b) 54
(c) 27 (d) 162. 4. (a) State the periodic Law
14. Hydrogen is used for the following EXECPT (a) (b) Calculate the volume of the following at s.t.p
Manufacture of margarine (b) Conversion of coal to (i) 3.2g of Oxygen (ii) 51g of hydrogen sulphate (iii)
55g of carbon (iv) Oxide