Thromboelastography Guide Trans 0413 p127 132
Thromboelastography Guide Trans 0413 p127 132
Thromboelastography Guide Trans 0413 p127 132
This article presents thromboelastography (TEG) as ing coagulopathy and guided transfusion therapy in
an important assay to incorporate into anesthesia trauma patients.
practice for development of evidence-based ther- A potential solution is incorporating the use of the
apy of trauma patients receiving blood transfusions. TEG assay into the care of trauma patients to render
The leading cause of death worldwide results from evidence-based therapy for patients requiring massive
trauma. Hemorrhage is responsible for 30% to 40% blood transfusions. Analysis with TEG provides a com-
of trauma mortality and accounts for almost 50% of plete picture of hemostasis, which is far superior to
the deaths occurring in the initial 24 hours following isolated, static conventional tests. The result is a fast,
the traumatic incident. On admission, 25% to 35% of well-designed, and precise diagnosis enabling more
trauma patients present with coagulopathy, which is cost-effective treatment, improved clinical outcome,
associated with a sevenfold increase in morbidity and accurate use of blood products, and pharmaceutical
mortality. The literature supports that routine plasma- therapies at the point of care.
based routine coagulation tests, such as prothrombin
time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and inter- Keywords: Coagulopathy, thromboelastography,
national normalized ratio, are inadequate for monitor- transfusion therapy, trauma.
he trauma patient presents special condi- conditions that can be experienced in trauma patients
tions and problems for anesthesia providers. and relates contributing factors to the development of
The trauma triad of death is a medical term this derangement. A comprehensive history and review
that is often used to describe the conditions of the literature are presented to demonstrate a thorough
of hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy.1 assessment of the problem relating to coagulopathy. An
This triad is seen in patients who have severe traumatic explanation is provided to the reader why RCoT may
injuries and is the cause of a major rise in the mortality be inadequate to guide transfusion therapy in trauma
rate because of continual microvascular bleeding.2 The anesthesia and why TEG may serve as a more preferable
leading cause of death worldwide results from trauma, diagnostic assay. The pathways of coagulation are dis-
with hemorrhage being responsible for 30% to 40% of cussed, and finally, the author offers recommendations
trauma mortality and accounting for almost 50% of the for future practice.
deaths occurring in the initial 24 hours following the
traumatic incident.3 On admission, 25% to 35% of trauma History and Review of Literature
patients present with coagulopathy, which is associated Evidence from the relevant literature suggests it is im-
with a sevenfold increase in morbidity and mortality.4 portant to address coagulopathy in trauma patients.
There is emerging consensus that routine plasma-based Results of a study between cohorts presenting with
tests (RCoT), such as prothrombin time (PT), activated similar injury severity scores determined that the patient
partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and international cohort presenting with coagulopathy experienced 2 to
normalized ratio (INR), may be inadequate for monitor- 3 times greater mortality rate.5 The prevention of co-
ing coagulopathy and guiding transfusion therapy in agulopathy is superior to treatment, yet most protocols
trauma patients.3 A correct diagnosis is critical for patient are designed to treat preexisting and/or ongoing coagu-
survival. Applying the thromboelastography (TEG) assay lopathy.6 Uncontrolled coagulopathic hemorrhage is now
to transfusion therapy for the trauma patient can help seen as the major cause of preventable death in trauma
guide the anesthesia provider to correctly diagnose and patients.7 There are 3 phases of hemorrhagic shock due
properly treat the hemorrhaging patient. Closing the to coagulopathy. These phases are compensated, uncom-
gap between coagulopathic hemorrhage and death will pensated but reversible, and irreversible hemorrhagic
require a change in current clinical practice to modify and shock. Once the irreversible hemorrhagic shock phase
update transfusion regimens. has been entered, blood pressure, tissue oxygenation,
The purpose of this article is multifaceted. The author and perfusion do not improve with either fluid replace-
outlines the importance of addressing coagulopathic ment therapy or the use of inotropic agents.8 The goal of
in Table 1. The differential diagnosis can be deduced 2 coagulation proteins are represented in the extrinsic
whether the dysfunction is a result of hemodilution, loss pathway, or less than 3% of the overall clot strength.
of coagulation proteins, or platelet dysfunction. The R This condition omits information on approximately 97%
value represents the reaction time for initial fibrin forma- of the hemostatic process.16 Confounding the problem
tion (normal, 7.5-15 minutes). The prolongation of this with RCoT is the fact that platelets are responsible for
value can represent a deficiency in coagulation factors, approximately 80% of total clot strength. Platelets are an
effects of endogenous heparin released in trauma, and/or important variable in the hemostatic process and are im-
hemodilution.15 The treatment with fresh frozen plasma mediately lost during the centrifuge process. When RCoT
or no treatment would depend on the clinical picture of assays are analyzed, the plasma and the contribution of
the patient. Conversely, a shortening in the R value (less platelets in their role to clot strength are gone.
than 3 minutes) would indicate a state of hypercoagula- Analysis of the intrinsic pathway offers double the
bility, and treatment with an anticoagulant of choice may amount of information about the coagulation pathway
prove beneficial. The K value (normal, 3-6 minutes) and compared with the extrinsic pathway. The factors rep-
α angle (normal, 45° to 55°) depicts the speed at which resented are XII, XI, IX, and VIII and 3 natural antico-
the clot strengthens. A low value may indicate the need agulant proteins, C, S, and Z. Although there is twice the
for fibrinogen administration, and a high value may indi- amount of information, less than 10% of the overall clot
cate hypercoagulability for which the patient may benefit strength is represented in this APTT assay.16
from anticoagulant therapy. Last, the MA, or maximum When the final common pathway is reached by either
amplitude (normal, 50-60 mm), represents the overall intrinsic or extrinsic mechanisms, factor X is activated
maximum attainable clot strength. A decreased value can and the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin results.
result from hypofibrinogenemia, decreased platelet func- The conversion of prothrombin to thrombin is where
tion, or quantity.15 Transfusing platelet pools in patients the serious affair of the hemostatic process truly begins.
who present a decreased MA may improve hemostatic Thrombin will activate factor V to factor Va and factor
conditions. An MA result greater than 75 mm is evidence VIII to factor VIIIa and will serve as a positive feedback
of a prothrombotic state, and an anticoagulant of choice loop. This positive feedback mechanism greatly increases
may be clinically indicated. The qualitative analysis that the production of thrombin.17 Information on these
TEG provides can facilitate administration of the right important feedback loops are lost because only isolated
blood product or anticoagulant, in correct amounts, at pieces of the pathway are examined in RCoT because of
just the right time.11 whole blood is not being analyzed. Thrombin cleaves
fibrinogen to fibrin monomers, to form fibrin polymers.
Discussion Formation of fibrin polymers serves as the first mechani-
• Coagulation Pathways. The PT and INR depict the ex- cal evidence of a clot. It is at this point where all RCoT
trinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade. Tissue factor assays stop analysis. Routine coagulation tests stop where
is exposed from the injured endothelium and combines fibrin strands begin to form, and this reveals less than 5%
with factor VII to produce factor VIIa. Factor VIIa will of overall thrombin produced. Thrombin will continue to
subsequently bind with tissue thromboplastin to convert activate factor XIII, which results in the cross-linking of
factor X to Xa. When factor X is activated, it signals the fibrin strands. Thrombin plays perhaps one of the most
beginning of the final common pathway. Therefore, only underappreciated roles in the coagulation cascade, which
Manikappa et al11 (2001) Cardiac surgery 150 TEG demonstrated greater accuracy
than RCoT in predicting significant
postoperative hemorrhage and
significantly decreased the need
for transfusion of RBC, FFP, and
is that of platelet activation. Thrombin is the most potent A landmark study conducted by Shore-Lesserson et al24
platelet activator in the body and serves as the catalyst for compared the effect of TEG-guided transfusion algorithm
the hemostatic process. against routine transfusion therapy in patients under-
Very small amounts of thrombin are required to going complex cardiac surgery. The result produced a
cleave fibrinogen and activate platelets; however, a much 75% reduction in the number of patients receiving fresh
larger amount of thrombin is necessary to produce a frozen plasma and more than a 50% reduction in the
stable network of platelet-fibrin polymers. This fun- transfusion of platelets.
damental principle further explains why RCoT do not Current studies advocate equal transfusion ratios of
agree with actual clinical bleeding observed in vivo.12,18 packed RBC, fresh frozen plasma, and platelets (1:1:1)
Thromboelastography evaluates the mechanical proper- to improve survival rates in trauma patients rather than
ties of the hemostatic process, including time to initial early and substantial use of crystalloids and/or col-
fibrin formation, the kinetics of initial fibrin clot forma- loids.6,10,25-27 This approach to trauma resuscitation has
tion and length of time to achieve maximum strength, been widely studied in severely injured patients and has
and the final strength and stability of the fibrin clot. The become a commonplace practice to minimize dilutional
resulting strength of the fibrin clot formation determines coagulopathy. The ongoing conflict in the United States
how well the clot can prevent hemorrhage without per- Theater of Operations in the Middle East has produced
mitting inappropriate thrombosis formation. Each vari- retrospective data suggesting that whole blood is supe-
able communicated by TEG assay expresses a unique rior to component replacement therapy in the massively
component or relationship within the delicately balanced transfused trauma patient.28-33 However, treating these
coagulation cascade process and benefits the practitio- patients indiscriminately with fresh frozen plasma, plate-
ner by early detection of coagulopathic derangements. lets and cryoprecipitate is not only uneconomical, Hess et
Randomized controlled trials comparing RCoT and vis- al5 posit that this practice is “dangerous.” Perkins et al34
coelastic assay are described in Table 2. reported improved 30-day survival rates associated with
• Benefits of TEG. The TEG assay produces a rapid, the increased use of platelets in massive transfusion. The
low-cost method for differential diagnosis regarding the optimal ratio of packed RBC to platelets is not clearly
need for surgical reexploration in patients with contin- understood and warrants more investigation because
ued microvascular oozing.19 This translates to the poten- although increased platelet ratios increase survival rates
tial for enormous savings in healthcare costs, decreasing in massively transfused patients, they also are associated
the demand on our blood bank reserves and improving with multiple organ failure.35
the quality of patient care.20-22 Acute lung injury is a syndrome of acute hypoxemic
The medical literature is replete with hazards associ- respiratory failure, noncardiogenic in origin, with the
ated with transfusion of allogeneic blood products. Small presence of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Acute lung
shifts in pH has a much greater effect on the coagulation injury has a 33% rate of incidence among the critically
process than small changes in temperature. Stored blood injured trauma population. A recent study published by
has lower levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, lower pH, Edens et al36 suggested that there might be an indepen-
and increased levels of supernatant potassium. These dent relationship between the amount of fresh frozen
changes can exacerbate the conditions of the trauma plasma transfused and the development of early acute
patient because a normal serum pH does not consis- lung injury. Because of the current shifts in transfusion
tently reflect the pH in hypoxic tissue.23 The TEG assay practice leaning toward infusion ratios of packed RBC
has been demonstrated to significantly decrease the to fresh frozen plasma approaching 1:1, mortality rates
requirement for perioperative allogeneic transfusion.14 have improved. However, evidence also suggests that