Sajo College of Nursing Sciences Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State: Unit Ix

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Introduction to principles of aseptic techniques
Asepsis is the state of being free from disease-causing micro-organisms (such as pathogenic
bacteria, viruses, pathogenic fungi, and parasites). There are two categories of asepsis: medical
and surgical.
ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE: is a standard healthcare practice that helps prevent the transfer of
germs to or from an open wound and other susceptible areas on a patient’s body.

Aseptic techniques range from simple practices, such as using alcohol to sterilize the skin, to full
surgical asepsis, which involves the use of sterile gowns, gloves, and masks.

Nurses and Midwives uses aseptic technique practices in hospitals, surgery rooms, outpatient
care clinics, and other healthcare settings. Using aseptic technique prevents the spread of
infection by harmful germs.

Nurses Use Aseptic Technique When Carrying Out the Following Procedures:

 Performing surgical procedures

 Performing biopsies
 Dressing surgical wounds or burns
 Suturing wounds
 Inserting a urinary catheter, wound drain, intravenous line, or chest tube
 Administering injections
 Using instruments to conduct a vaginal examination
 Delivering babies


1. Only sterile items are used within sterile field.

2. Sterile objects become unsterile when touched by unsterile objects.

3. Sterile items that are out of vision or below the waist level of the nurse are considered
4. Sterile objects can become unsterile by prolong exposure to airborne microorganisms.
5. Fluids flow in the direction of gravity.
6. Moisture that passes through a sterile object draws microorganism from unsterile surfaces
above or below to the surface by capillary reaction.
7. The edges of a sterile field are considered unsterile.
8. The skin cannot be sterilized and is unsterile.
9. Conscientiousness, alertness and honesty are essential qualities in maintaining surgical


ASEPSIS: The state of being free from microorganisms.
STERILE: Being absolutely free from microorganisms.
ANTISEPTIC OR BACTERIOSTATIC AGENT: A chemical substance which inhibit the
growth and multiplication of microorganisms.
DISINFECTANT: An agent which is capable of destroying microorganisms.
DECONTAMINATION: renders an item or material safe to handle. The level of microbial
contamination is reduced enough that it can be reasonably assumed free of risk of infection
STERILIZATION: the process of destroying all pathogenic microorganisms including spores
forming ones. A sterile surface/object is completely free of living microorganisms and viruses.

Steam Sterilization (Autoclaving), boiling method (water sterilizer), chemicals such as sodium
hypochloride (jik)

DISINFECTION: the process of removing or destroying of pathogenic microorganism, with

exclusion of spores forming ones.

Examples of disinfectants are freshly prepared10% bleach and 70% ethanol, Dettol, Cerdix,
Hydrogen peroxide, Purit, Savlon

Table 1.0 the table below shows different types of sterilizing and disinfectant agents


1. Check physician’s prescription as it provides information and specific instructions for
medication administration
2. Remember to check it is right patient, right drug, right dose, right route an right time for
administering a medication to minimize chances of contamination and infection, use
clean/sterile technique in preparing the medication and handling the equipment
3. Ensure that the patient has no history of drug allergy
4. Ensure that the drug has not already been administered, because such errors could result
in lethal dosage

5. To avoid errors, check the name of the drug, dosage and expiry date against the
prescription and drug label
6. Check the label of drug container with three other form of medicine three times
7. Calculate drug dosage accurately
8. Administer only those medications which prepared. Do not administer a drug pressure by
another person
9. Institute necessary observation and measures before drug administration e.g. accessing
BP before giving antihypertensive medication
10. Check for specific timings prescribed by physician for administration of medication such
as before food and after food, because medication action can be affected by food
11. Do not save parts of tablets or capsules to be used later
12. Do not administer medication ordered by nick name or unofficial abbreviation
13. Record the procedure with patient’s response, including any undesired effects
14. Monitor after-effects and report abnormal findings to the physician
15. In case if an error is made report to nurse in charge and physician as this could help to
minimize the effect of any error

Nurse’s six rights for safe medication administration
1. The right to a complete and clearly written order
2. The right to have the correct drugs, drug route and dose dispense
3. The right to have access to information
4. The right to have policies on medication administration
5. The right to administer medication safely and to identify problem in the system
6. The right to stop, think and be vigilant when administering medications


To give a drug by injecting the muscle in the following situation
When the substance is irritating to the subcutaneous

1. When more rapid adsorption is desired than is thought possible with the subcutaneous
2. When there is a larger quality of fluid from the subcutaneous tissue can be absorb easily

Sterile receiver containing the following:
a) 5 or 10ml syringe
b) 2ml needle (size 1, 1-2)
c) 1 large needle for drawing drug
Sterile receiver containing dissecting forceps
Jar or galipot of sterile spirit swabs (or any antiseptic solution)
Receiver for used swabs
Galipot containing file and ampoule or bottle of medication
Prescription list and bed-head ticket
1. Check physician’s order and identify the patient
2. Explain the procedure to the patient and seek his consent and take the tray to the bedside
3. Provide privacy
4. Through 7 are the same as for the procedure for subcutaneous injection
5. Select the proper site which is most commonly the gluteus muscle. Position in prone or
lateral position and choose place in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks
6. Wash hand and don gloves
7. Cleanse the area well
8. Expel air from the syringe by holding it upright
9. Stretch skin with thumb and forefinger and with quick movement insert the needle into
the muscle at an angle of 900 to the skin surface. If the patient is emaciated, special care
may need to be taken
10. Withdraw back the plunger to ensure that the needle is not in blood vessel and then inject
in to the tissues. If blood is withdrawn in to the syringe, the needle should be removed,
change and another site selected.
11. Withdraw quickly and press the area with an antiseptic swab for a moment

12. Remove equipment, wash it and put it away
13. Make patient comfortable
14. Remove gloves and wash hand
15. Record the injection on the patient’s drug chart

N.B. Hand gloves may be worn in case of sensitivity or allergic reaction


To give a drug by injection directly into the blood stream in the following situations
1. When a very rapid action is desired
2. When a drug is given which irritate the tissues
3. When large amounts of more than 10mls are to be given
Sterile receiver containing:
a) 5 or 10ml syringe
b) Sterile galipot containing sterile antiseptic swabs
c) Tourniquet or piece of rubber tubing or sphygmomanometer
d) Dressing mackintosh and towel
e) Receiver for used swabs
f) Galli pot containing file and medicine to be given
1. Explain the procedure to the patient and seek his consent
2. Provide privacy
3. Place mackintosh and towel under the patient’s arm to protect the bed linen
4. Withdraw drug into the syringe and place syringe in a sterile receiver
5. Tie tourniquet around upper arm
6. Choose the site and cleanses the area with antiseptic swab
7. Expel swab from the syringe and insert needle into vein, withdraw the syringe to be sure
the needle is in the vein wall
8. Inject drug slowly being careful that the needle does not puncture the vein wall

9. Withdraw the needle and using an antiseptic swab, apply pressure over the area to stop
any bleeding
10. Make patient comfortable and record injection on patient’s drug chart
11. Remove equipment and wash it immediately
N.B: Intravenous injection should be given by a doctor


1. To give a drug by injection into the subcutaneous tissue in three following situations:
a) When the drug is absorbed more effective from the subcutaneous
b) When the action of the drug is destroyed by secretions of the gastrointestinal tract or
it is irritating the tract
c) When the patient is vomiting or having gastric suction
Sterile receiver with cover containing:
a) 2ml syringe/5ml
b) Extra syringe and needle
Sterile receiver containing dissecting forceps
Gallipot of sterile spirit swabs (or any antiseptic solution)
Receiver for used swabs
Gallipot containing file and ampoule of medication
Prescription sheet
N.B If a number of injections are to be given, a trolley should be used and set up as follows:
Top shelf:
Sterile receiver with cover containing
a) 2ml and 5ml syringes
b) Hypodermic and intramuscular needles
c) Large needles for drawing medication
Sterile receiver containing dissecting forceps
Gallipot containing file and ampoule or bottles for medication
Bottom shelf:

Receiver for used swabs
Bowl of water, soap and towel for washing hands
Receiver for used needles for disposal
1. Check the bed head ticket and select the correct medicine
2. If the drug is in bottle with a rubber cap:
a) Swab the rubber carefully with an antiseptic swab
b) Assemble a sterile syringe using dissecting forceps
c) Attach large needle to the syringe taking care to kept the needles and the plunger
(pistol) sterile
d) Invert the bottle and withdraw the exact amount desired
e) Turn the bottle upright and withdraw needle taking care not to lost any drug
f) Loosen the large needle with hand attached other needle using dissecting forceps
g) Expel air until a drop of liquid is seen at the tip of the needle
3. If the drug is an ampoule
a) Flick the ampoule lightly with the finger to be sure all fluid in the lower part of the
b) Cleanse the neck of the ampoule with an antiseptic swab
c) Using a file and holding the ampoule against the counter, make several strokes across
the neck of the ampoule. Shake off the top of the ampoule
d) If an ampoule has a line around or a dot on its neck, it can be broken off without the
e) Insert the needle and attached the needle of correct size using dissecting forceps
4. Re-check the drug carefully with the bed head ticket
5. Place syringe in a sterile receiver with an antiseptic swab
6. Check the patient’s name by greeting him and calling his name so that he can explain
7. Wash hand and don gloves
8. Assess the area. Check for lumps, nodules, tenderness, hardness, swelling, scary, itching,
burning sensations and localized inflammation in the area
9. Choose the area to be used and cleanse with and antiseptic swab

10. Take a hold flesh between the thumb and forefinger and insert the needle at an angle 450
to the skin surface
11. Pull back on the plunger of the syringe to ensure that the needle is not in a blood vessel
and then inject the drug in to the tissue
12. Remove needle quickly and press area with antiseptic swab for a few minutes to prevent
escape of drugs and to hasten to its place
13. Record the injection on the proper place
14. Remove gloves and wash hands

If several injections are given, the same procedure is followed up through step 11. After giving
the injection, the following steps should be followed.
15. Record patient’s injection
16. Proceed to the next patient
17. After injection has been given, wash equipment and return to the proper
18. All drugs served to the patient should be cross-checked and witness by a second nurse


1. To promote wound healing
2. To protect the wound from injury
3. To prevent contamination of the wound especially from pathogenic micro-organism
4. To keep edges of the wound together
5. To provide for the local application of drugs
6. To apply pressure to the area
7. To absorb material being discharge from the wound
8. Requirements on a trolley (for single dressing)
1. A large tray with a lid containing
i. 2 gallipots of lotion

ii. 1 receiver for used swabs
iii. 2 dissecting forceps
iv. 2 dressing forceps
v. 1 probe or sinus forceps (if needed)
vi. 1 dressing scissors
vii. 1 suture scissors or clip remover if needed
2. A bowl with gauze lint, cotton swabs, surgical gloves and dressing towel
1. Bottles of lotion for cleaning the skin and for application to the wound
2. Tray containing bandages, adhesive plaster scissors, a jar or mask and non-sterile
mackintosh if needed.
3. Receiver for soiled dressing
4. Receiver for soiled instrument
5. By the side of the trolley, a bowl stand or chair, soap and towel for washing and drying
6. Screen
Method: one nurse should carry out the dressing procedure
The dresser could call for an assistant only when necessary
1. Explain the procedure to the patient and seek consent then screen the bed
2. All equipment should be sterilized
3. Wash hands, put mask, disinfect the trolley and set the trolley
4. Take the trolley to the bed side, pour required lotion, turn back bed linen and remove
outer dressing using hands
5. Wash hands thoroughly and dry. Wear surgical gloves
6. Using your hands take a pair of dissecting forceps to remove the dressing
7. Discard the dressing in the receiver on the bottom shelf and discard the forceps in the
receiver for used instruments on the bottom shelf
8. Using your hands take two pairs of forceps and use them to place a dressing around the
9. Clean the wound using as many swabs as necessary
10. Cover the wound with a suitable dressing

11. If sutures are removed, the same technique is used
12. Discard the instrument into the receiver for used instrument on the bottom shelf
13. Finish the bandage, or strapping the dressing with hands
14. Make patient comfortable and leave the until tidy
15. Remove the trolley and empty the dirty dressings
16. Clean the instruments and re-sterilize them
17. Wash hands and dry.
1. To protect the wound from injury
2. To prevent contamination of wound
3. To keep edges of the wound together by immobilizing the area
4. To provide for the local application of drugs
5. To absorb material being discharge from the wound
6. To apply pressure
Dressing pack on a trolley which contains:
a) Two large towels or packing
b) One small dressing towel
c) One receiver
d) Two gallipots
e) Two dressing forceps
f) Two dissecting forceps
g) Two pairs of surgical gloves
i. Lotions as needed
ii. Small trays containing bandages
iii. Adhesives strapping safety pins and scissors
iv. Receiver for soiled dressing

1. Explain procedure to the patient and seek consent
2. Wash trolley and prepare equipment
3. Wash hands and put on mask
4. Put your dressing pack on trolley
5. Move trolley to the bedside
6. Open dressing pack and arrange equipment as needed
7. Pour lotion as required
8. Remove strapping and the outer dressing discard I the receiver on the bottom shelf and
wash hands
9. Place sterile towel below the wound
10. Remove the inner dressing with forceps, soak dressing with lotion first if it is stinking to
the wound
11. Using the dressing forceps as swabs, cleanse swab for each stroke
12. Apply the sterile dressing with strapping or bandage
13. Fasten the dressing with strapping or bandage
14. Make the patient comfortable
15. Carry the trolley with contents of the back to the treatment area
16. Wash equipment in soapy water, rinse, dry and return to proper place
17. Take another sterile dressing pack if you are to proceed to the next patient
18. When all dressings are over, clean equipment, wash hands and return to proper place

To remove the would sutures after the wound is healed
A. Suture removal tray from CSSD consisting of receiver containing:
1. Suture scissors
2. Dissecting forceps
3. Gauze squares
4. Mackintosh and towel
5. Bottle of methylated spirits

6. Dressing equipment if dressing is to be reapplied
7. Screen
8. Surgical gloves
9. Receiver for soiled dressing
1. Open tray and pour spirits over cotton balls
2. Clean the wound with spirit sponge
3. Using dissecting forceps and scissors, remove the sutures, the way in which they are
removed depends on the type of the sutures that have been made.
4. Cut the suture from the opposite site
5. When all sutures have been removed, inspect the wound to make sure it has healed well.
6. Swab with spirit, leave off dressing unless there are some reasons it should be reapplied
7. A clean equipment and return to CSSD
Carry out antiseptic technique
Never pull exposed suture underneath the skin
If wound is open or draining, Savlon should be substituted for spirits. If wire suture has been
used, obtain wire scissors from CSSD


A. To maintain a closed drainage system to drain the pleural cavity
B. To prevent pressure on the lung and possible collapse of lung
C. For end diagnosis by physician

A. While patient is in the theatre, get basin and draw sheet or towels to maintain the stability
of the drainage bottle. Obtain a clamp large enough to clamp the chest tube.
B. Prevent air from entering the thorax cavity by checking the following:
i. End of the tubing is kept under the water at all times

ii. Sheet or towel is wrapped around the base of the bottle in the bath basin
iii. All connections of tubing are carefully taped so are disconnected
iv. A clamp for each tube is tapped to head of bed at all times. Instruct all personnel
and the patient that if they break in the system occurs the chest tube should be
clamp close to the chest.
C. Observe the patient and the patency of the drainage system frequently.
i. Monitor vital signs noting especially the rate and character of respiration
ii. Observe to see that the tube is draining if tube is blocked, this will not occur
iii. If tubing appears blocked, make the drainage tub from the patient towards the
drainage bottle. If drainage does not resume, notify the doctor
iv. Observe the colour and amount of chest draining. In order to know the amount
plaster should be placed lengthwise on the bottle. A line should be drawn
designating the amount of, sterile water which was added to the bottle. Every 24
hours a line should be drawn and the data and hour written on the plaster
D. Encourage turning, coughing and deep breathing every hour. If patient does not
effectively cough, notify the doctor. Patient should turn on back and unaffected side.
E. If patient has to be transported to X-ray or moved out of the bed for any reason the chest
tube should be handled carefully and always below the level of the patient.
F. If the doctor’s orders the drainage bottle to be changed
i. Clamp the chest tube close to the chest
ii. Obtain sterile bottle and sterile normal saline from CSSD
iii. Assemble equipment maintaining sterile techniques
iv. Measure the contents of the old drainage bottle and subtract the amount of sterile
water, which was originally in the bottle from the total drainage.
Record this amount as chest drainage in the chart.
v. If a new sterile bottle is not available, rinse the old bottle with sterile normal
saline and rinse the same bottle after adding sterile saline.
G. Teach all personnel how to deal with the patient on hest suction.
i. Never hold bottle above or at the level of the patient
ii. Never empty the bottle

iii. If bottle should break or tubes become disconnected, clamp the chest tube
iv. The importance of encouraging patient to turn, cough and deep breath
H. Removal of chest tube
i. Have sterile equipment for dressing and sterile Vaseline Gauze available for the
ii. Doctor will remove chest tube
iii. Vaseline gauze is applied immediately and covered with a small dry dressing
v. Record removal, amount of drainage, and any reaction of the patient in the chart.


- Isolation nursing prevents the spread of infection among patients.
- It is termed source isolation because the patient is the source of infection.


- By implementing precautions to prevent the spread of infection.
- These include hand washing, wearing gloves, wearing protective clothing, disposal of linen and
clinical waste, decontamination of equipment, and patient placement.

- The principle of isolation nursing is to isolate the micro-organism not the patient.


- Source isolation procedures are the outcome of a risk assessment, which includes the source of
infection, route of transmission and susceptibility of others.
- Infected or colonized patients, carriers and people incubating a disease may all as act as a
source of infection.

- The susceptibility of patients varies and will change throughout their stay in hospital. Such
factors include: age, physical and psychological well-being, nutrition, invasive devices and

There are five main routes of transmission:
- Contact - the most common route of transmission of infection is via direct (hands) or indirect
(instruments or equipment) contact.

- Respiratory - the infection is spread via respiratory secretions generated by coughing and

- Airborne - micro-organisms are transferred by droplet nuclei (minute particles) or by dust

particles. Air currents will carry these particles and disperse them in the environment.

- Food or waterborne - some infections can be transmitted via the ingestion of contaminated
food or water resulting in gastro-intestinal symptoms.

- Vector-borne - diseases can be transmitted by vectors such as lice, mosquitoes and ticks.

- Local policies should be followed, but each patient should be assessed to avoid unnecessary
- Accurate documentation is a requirement of the NMC. Reasons for isolation (and type of
isolation) and all communications to patients should be recorded in patient notes. Also note
discontinuation of isolation.

- Nurses should be aware that patients in isolation may suffer anxiety, depression, loneliness and
feelings of confinement. The requirement for continuing isolation should be subject to regular

- All staff entering the isolation area should be aware of the procedures.

- Patients requiring further investigation should not be denied this because they have an

- If isolation precautions are needed, the patient should be given a full explanation of the
problem and the reasons for the measures.

- Isolation nursing should not interfere with rehabilitation.

- Visitors will require a careful explanation of the precautions.

- Advice on isolation is available from the infection control team.

- Policies and procedures on isolation for the control of infection must be in place in order to
safeguard patients, staff and visitors.

ISOLATION AND BARRIER NURSING (Infection prevention and control)

Patients may need to be nursed in “isolation” or “barrier nursed”. This leaflet has been
produced to help everyone understand what this means and to answer any questions.


Isolation nursing is carried out by placing the patient in a single room or side room.
Barrier nursing – this occurs when a patient(s) is kept in a bay and extra precautions are
implemented to prevent spread of the germ.
It may be necessary occasionally to move a patient to another ward. This may arise either
because there are no single rooms available on their own ward or in order to ensure they receive
specialist care. The Infection Prevention and Control team are available to assist the ward nurses
to assess where patients will be nursed.


1. To reduce the risk of spreading certain infections or antibiotic resistant germs to
other patients and staff.
2. To protect patients from infection if they have a weak immune system due to
disease or taking certain drugs.

The nursing care that you receive will be the same whether you are in a side room or on the
main ward.
 Staff will wear protective clothing for example gloves, apron and mask (if required) in
order to reduce the risk of passing the infection / germ to other patients.
 The type of clothing that staff wears will depend upon what type of care they are
carrying out and how the infection is spread.
 If the infection is likely to be spread by breathing in the germs that are causing the
infection then staff will wear masks.

 It is very unlikely that visitors will need to wear any protective clothing such as apron or
gloves. If they do then nursing staff will advise.
 Visitors must check with the nurse in charge before entering the room.
 Isolation rooms can be identified by a red hand sign which will be placed on the door.
 In general it is not advisable for babies or visitors who are sick to visit as they are at risk
of picking up or passing on an infection themselves.
 Visitors are required to clean their hands when entering and leaving the isolation room or
the main ward.
 It is important that visitors do not sit on the bed as this can also transfer germs.


 Patients in isolation should not wander around the ward area as this may pass on the germ
to other patients.
 However, this does depend upon what infection they have and how the germs are passed
 Patients will be asked to keep the door to the isolation room closed.
 Staff in any other department visited will be informed about the infection so that they
can take relevant precautions.
This will depend upon the reason for isolation. It can be anything from a few days to the whole
hospital stay.




The Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) is responsible for delivering sterile supplies of
surgical instruments, linen, dressing material and other reusable devices to clinical areas like
operation theatres, specialty units such as bone marrow transplantation units (BMT), wards, day
care units, and out-patient.

CSSD is also called sterile processing; on central supply department is an integrated place in
hospitals and health care facilities that performs sterilization and other actions on medical
devices, equipment and consumable E.g. Catheterization, wound stitching and bandaging, in
a medical, surgical and maternity or pediatric ward.

CSSD Divisions: -

CSSD is divided into five major areas.

1. Decontamination
2. Assembly & Processing
3. Sterilizing
4. Sterile storage
5. Storage


1. Centralizing the activities of receipt, cleaning, assembly, sterilization, storage and

distribution of sterilized materials from a CSSD.
2. Safe sterilization is done under controlled condition with technical supervision at an
optimum cost.
3.  To provide an efficient, continuous and quality supply of sterilized material to hospital in
various areas and infection free patient care.
4.  Contributes to reduction in hospital infection.
5.  To reduce the burden of work of the nursing personnel, thereby enabling them to devote
more of their time to patient care


1.  Processing issue and control Infection free atmosphere

2. Economic efficient and uniform source
3.  Maintains Standards
4.  Reduces burden on nursing staff Prevents cross infection
5. Shortens patients stay
6.  Ensures safe environment
7. Inventory maintenance & quality one.


1. To provide supplies of sterile linen packs basins, instruments other sterile items.
2.  To maintain an accurate record of the effectiveness of the cleaning, disinfecting and
sterilizing process
3. To monitor and enforce control necessary to prevent cross infection according to
infection control policies.
4.  To review current practice for possible improvement in quality or service provided.
5. To provide consulting services to other departments in all areas of sterile processing.
6. CSSD is the hospital central nervous system where the battle against infection takes


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