Administering Intradermal
Administering Intradermal
Administering Intradermal
- The injection of small amount of
- medication/fluid into the dermal layer of the skin just beneath the epidermis
- Indicated for diagnosing allergies and tuberculine testing
- Used to administer vaccinations and local anesthetics
- Inner aspect of the forearm
- Subscapular region of the back
- Right deltoid (for BCG vaccine only)
- Sterile 1 ml syringe
- Needle (25-27 gauge)
- Antiseptic or alcohol swabs
- Medication ampule or vial
- Medication card
- Disposable gloves (agency protocol)
1. Follow the general procedure for giving To identify whether any medication is to be gien
injection: to an individual client on your shift
a. Assess the medication record used in Prevents errors in drug administration
your facility
b. Check the medications listed against Ensure accuracy and prevents medication error
the physician`s order using the Rights
in drug administration
c. Review information regarding the Knowledge on the drug/medicine to be
medication used/ordered can help health care provider to be
more competent
d. Assess the size and general built of To choose the correct size of needle for the
the client injection
e. Assess the status of the client Determine the need for assistance to turn or
restrain the client during the procedure
f. Wash hands and prepare materials For infection control
g. Withdraw the correct dosage of Facilitates proper aspiration of the ordered
medicine using the techniques medicine
described for drawing up from a vial
or an ampule or for mixing
medication in syringe
h. Recheck your dosage calculation To prevent medication error
i. Identify and explain the procedure to To establish correct identity and reduce level of
the client. Provide privacy anxiety
j. Assist client into a comfortable Relaxation minimizes discomfort and diverting
position. Divert client`s attention by client`s attention reduces anxiety
talking about an interesting subject
k. Wear clean gloves on your non- Protect yourself from potential blood spill
dominant hand and select the
appropriate site of injection
l. Clean the site with alcohol Circular motion and mechanical action of swab
swab/alcoholized cotton ball using a removes secretions containing microorganism
circular motion and moving from the
middle of the site outward. Allow
skin to air dry
m. While holding a clean dry cotton ball Dry cotton ball remains accessible during
between fingers of non-dominant procedure. Prevents contamination of needle
hand, pull cap from the needle,
touching only the inside of the cap
2. Using your non-dominant hand make the An injection is less painful if the skin is taut when
skin taut in an appropriate manner in the pierced and allows the needle to enter the skin
injection site chosen more easily
3. Hold the 1 ml/tuberculine syringe with Intradermal tissues will be penetrated when the
gauge 25-27 needle at 10-15 degree needle is held as near parallel to the skin as
angle with bevel of the needle facing up possible
4. Insert the needle just until the bevel is no Facilitate proper introduction of the medicine
longer visible. Do not aspirate
5. Inject the medication slowly while Small wheal/bleb indicates the medication was
watching for a small wheal/bleb to deposited in the dermis
6. Withdraw the needle while applying Supporting tissue around injection site minimizes
gentle pressure using the dry cotton ball. discomfort. Massage can disperse medication
Do not massage the site. into the tissue and altering test result
7. Encircle the wheal/bleb with a skin- Encircling part of the wheal/bleb serves as basis
marking pen if the site must be assessed of reading
for reaction or sensitivity
8. Discard the uncapped needle and syringe Decrease risk of accidental needle prick
in a safe receptacle
9. Remove gloves and wash hands Prevents transmission of microorganism
10. Document procedure done Maintains continuity of care
11. Assess the site as the appropriate time of Determines reaction or sensitivity to the drug
interval (after 30 minutes)
Name ________________________________________ Date _____________________
Course & Year__________________________________ RLE Group_________________