SITS - Engg Phy - Que - Bank

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Engineeing Physics D. Changing continuously.

Ans. B

UNIT 1A Q. Which of the following is conserved

when light waves interfere?
A. Amplitude
Q. Interference of light is evidence that B. Intensity
A. the speed of light is very large C. Energy
B. light is a transverse wave D. Momentum
C. light is electromagnetic in character Ans. C
D. light is a wave phenomenon
Ans. D Q. Two light sources are said to be
coherent if they are obtained from
Q. Interference occurs when two (or A. Two ordinary bulbs
more) waves meet while travelling along B. Two wide sources
the C. Two independent point sources
A. Different medium D. A single point source
B. Same medium Ans. D
C. Two medium
D. Many medium Q. To demonstrate the phenomenon of
Ans. B interference
A. Two sources which emit radiation of
Q. During the interference of light, same frequency are required.
energy is B. Two sources which emit radiation of
A. Created at maxima same frequency and have a constant phase
B. Destroyed at the minima difference are required.
C. Not conserved C. Two sources which emit radiation are
D. Redistributed required of nearly same frequency are
Ans. D required.
D. Two sources which emit radiation of
Q. In Huygen’s wave theory the locus of different wavelengths
all points in same phase is Ans. B
A. A ray
B. A half period zone Q. For sustained interference of light, the
C. A wave front two sources should
D. A vibration A. be close to each other
Ans. C B. be narrow
C. have a same amplitude
Q. The wave front originating from a D. have a constant phase difference
rectilinear slit is called Ans. D
A. Cylindrical wave front
B. Spherical wave front Q. For maxima and minima to be sharp
C. Circular wave front A. The source must be narrow
D. None of these B. The source must be broad
Ans. A C. The distance between the slits and the
screen should be large
Q. The two waves are said to be coherent D. The interfering waves should have
when the phase difference between them is equal amplitudes
A. Constant Ans. D
B. Zero or constant
C. 900
Q. Intensity of light depends upon Q. A complete and precise definition of
A. Wavelength interference where all the necessary
B. Amplitude conditions are satisfied is
C. Frequency A. Superposition of two waves
D. Velocity B. Superposition of any number of waves
Ans. B C. Superposition of waves resulting into
modification of intensity
Q. Two waves of same amplitude ‘A’ D. Superposition of wave fronts and
and same frequency are reaching a point redistribution of intensity into alternate
simultaneously. What should be the phase maxima and minima
difference between the two waves so that Ans. D
the amplitude of the resultant wave be
‘2A’. Q. Two coherent monochromatic light
A. 900 beams of intensities I and 4I are
B. 1200 superposed. The maximum and minimum
C. 00 possible intensities in the resultant beam
D. 1800 are
Ans. C A. 5I and I
B. 5I and 3I
Q. Two sources of intensities I and 4I are C. 3I and I
used to produce interference. The resultant D. 9I and 3I
intensity of 5I is obtained where phase Ans. B
difference is
A. π Q. The two waves of intensity I and 4I
B. 2 π /3 are superpose. The ratio of maximum to
π minimum intensity is
C. A. 9:1
D. zero B. 5:3
Ans. D C. 5:1
D. 4:1
Q. Two sources of intensities I and 4I are Ans. B
used to produce interference. The resultant
intensity of 5I is obtained where phase Q. Ratio of intensities of two waves is
difference is 25:4. Then the ratio of maximum to
A. π minimum intensity will be
B. 2 π A. 5:2
C. 0 B. 4:25
D. both B and C C. 25:4
Ans. D D. 49:9
Ans. D
Q. The condition that is absolutely
necessary/must/unavoidable for producing Q. In an interference pattern energy is
a steady state interference pattern is A. Created at position of maxima
A. Coherence B. Destroyed at position of maxima
B. Monochromatic C. Conserved but redistributed
C. Equal amplitudes D. Not conserved
D. Point source Ans. C
Ans. A

Q. Two coherent sources whose intensity interfere destructively, the path difference
ratio is 81:1 produce interference fringes. P1 - P2 must be equal to
What is the ratio of their amplitudes? A. an odd number of half-wavelengths.
A. 10:1 B. zero.
B. 9:1 C. a whole number of wavelengths.
C. 8:1 D. a whole number of half-wavelengths.
D. 9.9:1 Ans. A
Ans. B
Q. For constructive interference to take
Q. For constructive interference to take place between two monochromatic light
place between two monochromatic light waves of wavelength λ, the path difference
waves of wavelength λ, the path difference should be,
should be, A. Very large
λ B. Very Small
A. ( 2 n−1 )
2 C. Integral multiple of wavelength λ
λ D. Odd multiple of wavelength λ
B. ( 2 n−1 ) Ans. C
C. nλ
λ Q. For destructive interference to take
D. ( 2 n+1 ) place between two monochromatic light
Ans. C waves of wavelength λ, the path difference
should be,
Q. For destructive interference to take A. Very large
place between two monochromatic light B. Very Small
waves of wavelength λ, the path difference C. Integral multiple of wavelength λ
should be, D. Odd multiple of half the wavelength λ
λ Ans. D
A. ( 2 n−1 )
λ Q. Two waves of same frequency and
B. ( 2 n−1 ) amplitude meet at a point where they are
C. nλ 180° out of phase. Which of the following
λ is incorrect?
D. ( 2 n+1 ) A. They superimpose, resulting in zero
Ans. D intensity.
B. Their amplitudes subtract, resulting in
Q. For destructive interference to take zero amplitude.
place between two monochromatic light C. Destructive interference occurs.
waves of wavelength 2λ, the path D. Their energy at that point disappear and
difference should be, thus the energy of the waves after
A. 2 nλ interference is half that of the original
B. ( 2 n−1 ) λ /4 waves.
Ans. D
C. ( 2 n−1 ) λ
D. ( 2 n+1 ) λ/2
Q. When interference takes place
Ans. C A. Only maxima is produced
B. Only minima is produced
Q. One beam of coherent light travels
C. Maxima and Minima is not produced
path P1 in arriving at point Q and another
D. None of the above
coherent beam travels path P2 in arriving at
Ans. D
the same point.  If these two beams are to

Q. For maxima and minima to be sharp Ans. D
A. The source must be narrow
B. The source must be broad Q. In which of the following the
C. The interfering waves should have interference is produced by division of
equal amplitudes wave front method.
D. The distance between the slits and the A. Uniform thickness film
screen should be large B. Non-uniform thickness film
Ans. C C. Newton’s rings
D. None of these
Q. Two waves originating from sources Ans. D
S1 and S2 having zero phase difference and
common wavelength λ will show Q. The thin film interference is based on
completely destructive interference at a A. Division of wavelength
point P if (S1P - S2P) is B. Division of wavefront
A. 5 λ C. Division of intensity
B. 3 λ /4 D. None of the above
C. 2 λ Ans. C
D. 11 λ /2
Ans. D Q. The thin film interference is based on
A. Division of amplitude
Q. For two coherent waves y 1=a1 sin ω B. Division of wavelength
and y 2=a2 sin ω having zero phase C. Division of wavefront
difference between them, the resultant D. Division of frequency
intensity due to interference is Ans. A
A. ( a 1−a2 )
Q. If the path difference between the two
B. ( a 1+ a2 ) interfering waves is 2λ, the phase
C. ( a12−a22 ) difference between them is equal to
D. ( a12+ a22 ) A. 2 π
B. π
Ans. D C. 3 π
D. 4 π
Q. For two interfering waves y 1=a cos ω Ans. D
and y 2=b cos ( ω+Φ ) , destructive
interference at the point of observation Q. If the path difference between the two
takes place if Φ equals interfering waves is λ, the phase difference
A. π between them is equal to
π A. 2 π
2 B. π
C. 0 C. 3 π
D. None of these D. 4 π
Ans. A Ans. A

Q. In which of the following the Q. If the path difference between the two
interference is produced by division of 3λ
amplitude method interfering waves is ,the phase
A. Uniform thickness film difference between them is equal to
B. Non-uniform thickness film A. 2 π
C. Newton’s rings B. π
D. All above C. 3 π

D. 4 π Q. According to Stokes’s law the phase
Ans. C of the light is reversed when the light is
A. Reflected from the surface of denser
Q. If the path difference between the two medium
λ B. Reflected from the surface of rarer
interfering waves is ,the phase
2 medium
difference between them is equal to C. Transmitted from denser to rarer
A. 2 π medium
B. π D. Transmitted from rarer to denser
C. 3 π medium
D. 4 π Ans. A
Ans. B
Q. According to Stoke’s law the phase of
Q. The phase difference between two the light is not reversed when
points x distance apart of a light wave of A. Light is reflected from the surface of
wavelength λ entering a medium of denser medium
refractive index µ from air is B. Light is reflected from medium from
2π medium of very high refractive index to
A. μ x
medium of very low refractive index
2π C. Light is reflected from denser medium
B. ( μ−1 ) x to relatively less denser medium
1 2π D. Light is reflected from the surface of
C. rarer medium
( μ−1 ) λ
1 2π Ans. D
D. x
μ λ
Ans. A Q. The two monochromatic and coherent
interfering rays, one originated by
Q. When light wave suffers reflection at reflection at rare medium while the other
the interface between glass and air incident originated by reflection at denser medium
through glass, a change of phase of the then the additional path difference between
reflected wave is, them is
A. Zero A. ± λ/2
π B. λ /2
B. C. 2λ
D. 3 λ /2
C. π
Ans. A
D. 2 π
Ans. A
Q. The two monochromatic and coherent
interfering rays, one originated by
Q. When light wave suffers reflection at
reflection at rare medium while the other
the interface between glass and air incident
originated by reflection at denser medium
through air, a change of phase of the
then the additional phase difference
reflected wave is,
between them is
A. Zero
A. 2 π
B. B. π
C. 3 π
C. π 3π
D. 2 π D.
Ans. C
Ans. B

Q. The two monochromatic and coherent A. Remains same
interfering rays, both originated by B. Doubled
reflection at rare medium then the C. Become Half
additional path difference between them is D. None of these
λ Ans. A
B. λ Q. A light wave travels a distance ‘d’ in
C. 0 a medium of refractive index ‘µ’. When a
3λ d
D. distance is reduced to and the medium
2 2
Ans. C is replaced by a medium having refractive
index ‘2µ’ then the optical path covered by
Q. The two monochromatic and coherent the light will
interfering rays, both originated by A. Remains same
reflection at denser medium then the B. Doubled
additional path difference between them is C. Become Half
λ D. None of these
A. Ans. A
B. 0
C. λ Q. When the light is diffracted from the
3λ edge of the obstacle it bends in the region
D. of
Ans. B A. Geotechnical shadow
B. Geographical shadow
Q. If light travels a distance ‘t’ in a C. Geometrical shadow
medium of refractive index ‘’ then its D. Geological shadow
equivalent optical path travelled in that Ans. C
medium is given by
A. 2t UNIT 1B
B. t
μt Q. In the equation for path difference of
2 a thin film for reflected system (
3 μt p . d .=2 µtcosr ¿ the factor ±λ/2 will be
2 present, when
Ans. B A. one of the ray is reflected from denser
medium and another from rarer medium
Q. The optical path covered by a light B. both the rays are reflected from denser
wave in a particular medium depends upon medium
A. Refractive index C. both the rays are reflected from rarer
B. Length of medium medium
C. Refractive index and length of medium D. None of the above
D. Directly proportional to refractive index Ans. A
and inversely proportional to length of
medium Q. In the equation for path difference of
Ans. C a thin film for reflected system (
p . d .=2 µtcosr ¿ the factor ±λ/2 will be
Q. A light wave travels a distance ‘d’ in present, when
a medium of refractive index ‘µ’. When a A. the medium above the film and below
distance is made half, then the refractive the film is denser than the film
index is,

B. the medium above the film is denser Q. In the equation for path difference of
and medium below the film is rarer a thin film for reflected system (
C. the medium below the film is denser p . d .=2 µtcosr ¿ the factor ±λ/2 will be
and medium above the film is rarer absent, when
D. None of the above A. The medium above the film is rarer and
Ans. A medium below the film is rarer
B. When the medium above the film
Q. In the equation for path difference of denser and medium below the film is
a thin film for reflected system ( denser
p . d .=2 µtcosr ¿ the factor ±λ/2 will be C. When the medium above the film is
present, when denser and medium below the film is rarer
A. the medium above the film is denser D. None of the above
and medium below the film is rarer Ans. C
B. the medium above the film is rarer and
medium below the film is denser Q. In interference experiment
C. the medium above the film and below monochromatic light is replaced by white
the film is rarer than the film light, we will see
D. None of the above A. uniform illumination of screen
Ans. C B. uniform darkness on screen
C. equally spaced white and dark bands
Q. In the equation for path difference of D. few colour bands and general
a thin film for reflected system ( illumination
p . d .=2 µtcosr ¿ the factor ±λ/2 will be Ans. D
absent, when
A. When upper ray and lower ray is Q. In rainy days the oily films spread on
reflected from denser medium the rod appear colored because
B. When the upper ray is reflected from A. The rays entering in the film are
denser medium and lower ray is reflected reflected back and interfere constructively
from rarer medium and destructively.
C. When the upper ray is reflected from B. The oily film contains various pigments
rarer medium and lower ray is reflected which are colored
from the denser medium C. Certain colors are reflected and certain
D. None of the above colors are absorbed.
Ans. A D. The thin film acts as a dispersive device
like a prism and hence disperses the light
Q. In the equation for path difference of into spectrum.
a thin film for reflected system ( Ans. A
p . d .=2 µtcosr ¿ the factor ±λ/2 will be
absent, when Q. If the days are not rainy then on dry
A. When the upper ray is reflected from roads the films are not observed colored
denser medium and lower ray is reflected because
from rarer medium A. The film is maximumly absorbed in the
B. When the upper ray is reflected from road and the color producing pigments are
rarer medium and lower ray is reflected also absorbed
from the denser medium B. The thickness of the film becomes very
C. When the upper ray and lower ray is much lesser than the wavelength of the
reflected from rarer medium. light and such films can’t produce
D. None of the above interference pattern
Ans. C

C. On dry road the thin films becomes λ
C. 2 μtcosr =( 2n+ 1 )
excessively rough and hence can’t produce 2
the interference pattern D. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=nλ
D. The films on the dry road can’t reflect Ans. A
the light, the light is completely absorbed
in the film Q. In reflected light the condition for
Ans. B brightness for uniform thickness film is
2 nλ
Q. In a uniform thickness thin film all A. 2 μtcosr =
the reflected rays are nλ
A. Parallel B. 2 μtcosr =
B. Anti-parallel λ
C. Perpendicular C. 2 μtcosr =( 2n+ 1 )
D. Inclined D. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=nλ
Ans. A Ans. C
Q. In a uniform thickness thin film all Q. In transmitted light the condition for
the transmitted rays are darkness for uniform thickness film is
A. Anti-parallel 2 nλ
B. Perpendicular A. 2 μtcosr =
C. Parallel nλ
D. Inclined B. 2 μtcosr =
Ans. C λ
C. 2 μtcosr =( 2n+ 1 )
Q. In a non-uniform thickness thin film
D. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=nλ
all the reflected rays are
A. Parallel Ans. C
B. Anti-parallel
Q. In transmitted light the condition for
C. Not-parallel
brightness for uniform thickness film is
D. None of these
2 nλ
Ans. C A. 2 μtcosr =
Q. In uniform thickness thin film the nλ
B. 2 μtcosr =
reflected rays are parallel to each other. 2
They superimpose on each other because λ
C. 2 μtcosr =( 2n+ 1 )
A. The film thickness is comparable with 2
the wavelength of light. D. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=nλ
B. The film is very thin Ans. A
C. Incident light rays are parallel
D. The rays interfere in the eyes of the Q. In uniform thickness film the
observer conditions for brightness and darkness in
Ans. D reflected light and transmitted light are
A. Same
Q. In reflected light the condition for B. For brightness same but for darkness
darkness for uniform thickness film is opposite.
2 nλ C. Opposite
A. 2 μtcosr = D. For darkness same but for brightness
nλ opposite.
B. 2 μtcosr = Ans. C

Q. In uniform thickness film the C. 5320 A0
conditions for brightness in reflected light D. None of above
and darkness in transmitted light are Ans. A
A. Same for all wavelengths
B. Same but only for monochromatic light Q. To view colours or fringes on the
C. Opposite for all wavelengths whole thin film it is necessary to have
D. Opposite but only for monochromatic A. clean source of light
light B. broad source of light
Ans. A C. point source of light
D. all above
Q. The uniform thickness film which Ans. B
appears bright for a light of particular
wavelength in reflected light will appear Q. If monochromatic light is incident on
--------- in transmitted light for the same the uniform thickness thin film with
wavelength. different angle of incidence, in the
A. Dark reflected light on the film we can see
B. Bright A. Dark bands
C. Blue B. Bright bands
D. Red C. Alternate Dark and bright bands
Ans. A D. Half film dark and half film bright.
Ans. C
Q. When white light is incident normally
on a soap film of thickness 5 ×10−5 cm Q. A thin slice is cut out of a glass
having refractive index 1.33, the cylinder along a plane parallel to its axis.
wavelength/s of maximum intensity which The slice is placed on a flat glass plate.
are reflected are The observed interference fringes from
A. 26600 A0 this combination shall be
B. 3800 A0 A. Circular
C. Both a and b B. Straight
D. Neither a nor b C. Equally spaced
Ans. C D. None of these
Ans. B
Q. When white light is incident normally
on a soap film of thickness 5 ×10−5 cm Q. The interfering fringes are formed by
having refractive index 1.33, the a thin film of oil on water are seen in
wavelength/s of maximum intensity which yellow light from a sodium light. The
are reflected in visible region are fringes are
A. 26600 A0 A. Black and white
B. 3800 A0 B. Yellow and black
C. 5320 A0 C. Coloured
D. All above. D. Coloured but without yellow
Ans. C Ans. A

Q. When white light is incident normally Q. Oil floating on water looks coloured
on a soap film of thickness 5 ×10−5 cm due to interference of light. The
refractive index 1.33, the longest approximate thickness of oil for such
wavelength of maximum intensity which is effect to be visible is
reflected is A. 1000 A0
A. 26600 A0 B. 10000 A0
B. 3800 A0 C. 1 mm

D. 1 cm D. None of them.
Ans. B Ans. C

Q. A very thin film in reflected light Q. When viewed in white light, soap
appears bubbles shows colours because of
A. Coloured A. Scattering
B. Black B. Dispersion
C. White C. Interference
D. Yellow D. Diffraction
Ans. B Ans. C

Q. A thin layer of colour less oil having Q. A stationary thin film observed in
refractive index 1.4 is spread over water in white light. The colour of thin film seen at
a container. If the light of wavelength 6400 a particular point depends upon the
A0 is absent in the reflected light, what is A. Width of the source
the minimum thickness of the oil layer? B. Distance of the source
A. 2100 A0 C. Location of the observer
B. 1900 A0 D. None of the above
C. 2285 A0 Ans. C
D. 100 A0
Ans. C Q. When a monochromatic light falls
normally on a thin uniform thickness air
Q. A parallel beam of white light falls on film of thickness 5000 A0. In the
a thin film whose refractive index is 1.33. interference pattern of reflected light,
if the angle of refraction is 300 then the which wavelength of light will be absent
thickness of the film for the reflected light for second order?
to be coloured yellow (λ=6000 A0) most A. 5500 A0
intensively will be B. 5000 A0
A. 26 ( 2 n+1 ) μm C. 4000 A0
B. 2.6( 2 n+1 ) μm D. 5005 A0
C. 0.26 ( 2 n+1 ) μm Ans. B
D. 260 ( 2 n+1 ) μm
Ans. C Q. When a monochromatic light falls
normally on a thin uniform thickness air
Q. What is the least thickness of the soap film of thickness 5000 A0. In the
film of refractive index 1.38 which will interference pattern of transmitted light,
appear black when viewed with sodium which wavelength of light will be present
light of wavelength 589.3 nm reflected for second order?
perpendicular to the film? A. 4000 A0
A. 10000 A0. B. 5000 A0
B. 617 nm C. 6000 A0
C. 428 nm D. 7000 A0
D. 213.5 nm Ans. B
Ans. D
Q. When a monochromatic light falls
Q. Colours in the thin films are because normally on a thin uniform thickness air
of film of thickness 5000 A0. In the
A. Dispersion interference pattern of reflected light,
B. Diffraction which wavelength of light will be present
C. Interference for second order?

A. 5500 A0 Q. The reflectivity of the glass surface
B. 5000 A0 can be enhanced by coating it with a
C. 4000 A0 uniform film of optical thickness
D. 5005 A0 λ
A. and µ less than that of glass
Ans. C 2
Q. When a monochromatic light falls B. and µ greater than that of glass.
normally on a thin uniform thickness air λ
film of thickness 5000 A0. In the C. and µ less than that of glass
interference pattern of transmitted light, λ
which wavelength of light will be absent D. and µ greater than that of glass.
for second order? Ans. A
A. 4000 A0
B. 5000 A0 Q. The reflectivity of the glass surface
C. 6000 A0 can be reduced by coating it with a
D. 7000 A0 uniform film of optical thickness
Ans. A λ
A. and µ less than that of glass
Q. When monochromatic light falls on a λ
excessively thin film the in the reflected B. and µ greater than that of glass.
light the film will appear λ
A. Yellow C. and µ less than that of glass
B. Dark λ
C. White D. and µ greater than that of glass.
D. Blue Ans. C
Ans. B
Q. The loss of intensity due to reflection
Q. A thin film having thickness t << λ is can be increased substantially by coating
seen in white light. It will appear the glass surface with a uniform film of
A. White optical thickness
B. Red λ
C. Violet A. and µ less than that of glass
D. Black λ
Ans. D B. and µ greater than that of glass.
Q. The loss of intensity due to reflection C. and µ less than that of glass
can be reduced substantially by coating the 4
glass surface with a uniform film of optical D. and µ greater than that of glass.
thickness 4
λ Ans. C
A. and µ less than that of glass
λ Q. The glass surface can be made
B. and µ greater than that of glass. completely reflecting for a light of
particular wavelength when a thin uniform
C. and µ less than that of glass thickness film is coated on it having
refractive index
D. and µ greater than that of glass. A. Greater than glass plate
4 B. Less than glass plate
Ans. A C. Less than glass plate but greater than air
D. Greater than glass plate but less than
Ans. C light for which the glass plate surface will
become completely non-reflective is
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of refractive A. 8597 A0
index 1.38 is coated on a glass plate. For B. 5978 A0
what thickness of the film the glass surface C. 9785 A0
will become completely reflecting for the D. 7859 A0
light of wavelength 5890 A0 Ans. B
A. 1.31 ×10−7 m
B. 2.13 ×10−7 m Q. In order to see the brightest reflection
C. 3.21 ×10−7 m of light after passing through the film,
D. 2.31 ×10−7 m coated on the glass, having more refractive
Ans. B index than film, which of the following
must be true?
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of refractive A. the thickness of the film must be greater
index 1.38 is coated on a glass plate. For than the wavelength.
what thickness of the film the glass surface B. the wavelength must be equal to half
will become completely non-reflecting for the thickness of the film
the light of wavelength 5890 A0 C. the wavelength must be equal to 4 times
A. 6.012 ×10−7 m the thickness of the film.
B. 7.016 ×10−7 m D. the wavelength must be a equal to twice
the thickness of the film.
C. 1.067 ×10−7 m
Ans. D
D. 0.076 ×10−7 m
Ans. C Q. In order to see no reflection of light
after passing through the film, coated on
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of thickness the glass, having more refractive index
1.067 ×10−7 m and refractive index 1.38 is than film, which of the following must be
coated on a glass plate. The wavelength of true?
light for which the glass plate surface will A. the thickness of the film must be greater
become completely non-reflective is than the wavelength.
A. 5089 A0 B. the wavelength must be equal to half
B. 5098 A0 the thickness of the film
C. 5980 A0 C. the wavelength must be equal to quarter
D. 5890 A0 the thickness of the film.
Ans. D D. the wavelength must be a multiple of
twice the thickness of the film.
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of thickness Ans. C
2.13 ×10−7 m and refractive index 1.38 is
coated on a glass plate. The wavelength of
light for which the glass plate surface will
become completely reflective is
A. 5887 A0 Q. A thin optically flat slice is cut out of
B. 5987 A0 a glass cylinder along a plane parallel to its
C. 5878 A0 axis. The slice is placed on a optically flat
D. 5898 A0 glass plate and a piece of paper is inserted
Ans. C from one side between them. The observed
interference fringes from this combination
Q. A thin film of MgF2 of thickness shall be
A. Circular
1.083 ×10−7 mand refractive index 1.38 is
B. Circular and equally spaced
coated on a glass plate. The wavelength of
C. Straight

D. Straight and equally spaced Ans. B
Ans. D

Q. A wedge shape film is illuminated by Q. When illuminated by monochromatic

monochromatic light then in the pattern light the interference pattern of non
observed in the reflected light the fringe uniform thickness film in reflected light is
width depend upon, alternate bright and dark fringes having
A. Wavelength of light same fringe width because
B. Refractive index of the film A. Each fringe is the locus of the points at
C. Angle of wedge which the thickness of the film has a
D. All above constant value.
Ans. D B. Fringe width does not depend on the
thickness of the film.
Q. In case of wedge shaped film, the C. Both a and b
fringes are produced in a plane defined by D. None of these
A. Edge of the film and the lower surface Ans. C
of the film
B. Edge of the film and upper surface of Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on
the film a thin film of air of varying thickness, the
C. Upper and lower surface of the film essential condition for constructive
D. None of the above interference by the two interfering rays in
Ans. A the reflected system is
A. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=2 nλ/2
Q. A wedge shape film is illuminated by B. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=( 2 n−1 ) λ /2
monochromatic light then in the pattern C. 2 μtcosr =nλ
observed in the reflected light the fringe D. 2 μtcosr =( 2n−1 ) λ/2
width does not depend upon, Ans. B
A. Wavelength of light
B. Refractive index of the film Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on
C. Thickness of the film a thin film of air of varying thickness, the
D. Angle of wedge essential condition for constructive
Ans. C interference by the two interfering rays in
the transmitted system is
Q. A wedge shaped film can produce A. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=2 nλ/2
distinct fringes only if the wedge angle is B. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=( 2 n−1 ) λ /2
in C. 2 μtcosr =nλ
A. Degrees D. 2 μtcosr =( 2n−1 ) λ/2
B. Minutes Ans. A
C. Seconds
D. There is no such condition necessary Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on
Ans. C a thin film of air of varying thickness, the
essential condition for destructive
Q. A wedge shape film observed in interference by the two interfering rays in
reflected sunlight first through a red glass the reflected system is
and then through a blue glass. The number A. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=2 nλ/2
of fringes in later case is
B. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=( 2 n−1 ) λ /2
A. Less
C. 2 μtcosr =nλ
B. More
D. 2 μtcosr =( 2n−1 ) λ/2
C. Equal in both cases
D. None of these Ans. A

Q. When a light of wavelength λ falls on wedge and refractive index µ then the
a thin film of air of varying thickness, the condition of brightness in reflected light is
essential condition for destructive A. 2 μtcos r =nλ
interference by the two interfering rays in B. 2 t=nλ
the transmitted system is C. 2 μt =nλ
A. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=2 nλ/2 λ
D. 2 μt + =nλ
B. 2 μtcos ( r +θ )=( 2 n−1 ) λ /2 2
C. 2 μtcosr =nλ Ans. D
D. 2 μtcosr =( 2n−1 ) λ/2
Ans. B Q. When the wedge angle of the film
increases, the fringe width is
Q. Light of wavelength 6000 A0 falls A. Decreased
normally on a thin wedge shaped film of B. Increased
refractive index 1.35 forming fringes that C. There is no change
are 2.0 mm apart. The angle of wedge will D. Increased and then decreased
be, Ans. A
A. 0.0630
B. 0.00630 Q. When the wedge angle of the film
C. 0.630 decreases, the fringe width is
A. Decreased
D. 0.000630
B. Increased
Ans. B
C. There is no change
D. Increased and then decreased
Q. When monochromatic light is
Ans. B
incident normally on a non uniform
thickness air film having very small angle
Q. Which of the following light would
of wedge then the condition of darkness in
produce an interference pattern with the
reflected light is
largest separation between the bright
A. 2 μtcos r =nλ
B. 2 t=nλ
A. Red
C. 2 μt=nλ
B. Orange
D. 2 μt + =nλ C. Green
D. Blue
Ans. B
Ans. A
Q. When monochromatic light is
Q. Which of the following light would
incident normally on a non uniform
produce an interference pattern with the
thickness film having very small angle of
smallest separation between the bright
wedge and refractive index µ then the
condition of darkness in reflected light is
A. Red
A. 2 μtcos r =nλ
B. Orange
B. 2 t=nλ
C. Green
C. 2 μt=nλ
D. Blue
D. 2 μt + =nλ Ans. D
Ans. C Q. A wedge shaped film produces an
interference pattern. It is immersed in a
Q. When monochromatic light is medium of higher refractive index. Then
incident normally on a non uniform the fringe width will
thickness film having very small angle of A. Decrease

B. Increase
C. There will not be any noticeable change Q. Newton’s rings are observed with two
D. The fringes will become invisible and different media between the glass surfaces.
undefined The nth rings have diameters as 49:100,
Ans. A then the ratio of refractive indices is,
A. 10:7
Q. A wedge shaped film produces an B. 7:10
interference pattern. It is immersed in a C. 100:49
medium of lower refractive index. Then D. 49:100
the fringe width will Ans. A
A. Decrease
B. Increase Q. In transmitted light the central fringe
C. There will not be any noticeable change of Newton’s rings is,
D. The fringes will become invisible and A. Dark
undefined B. Bright
Ans. B C. Steady
D. None of these.
Q. A wedge shaped film is a convenient Ans. B
tool for measuring the diameters of thin
wires because Q. In reflected light, the central fringe of
A. The fringe width is directly Newton’s rings is dark because the path
proportional to the thickness of the wire difference between reflected rays is,
B. The fringe width is inversely A. nλ
proportional to the thickness of the wire λ
B. 2 n
C. The fringe width is inversely 2
proportional to length of the wire λ
D. None of the above C.
Ans. B nλ
Q. When we test the optical flatness of a Ans. C
glass plate by interference, it is said to be
optically flat when Q. The central fringe can be made bright
A. Fringe widths are same in reflected light if air film between lens
B. Fringe widths reduce gradually towards and glass plate is replaced by liquid having
edge of wedge. refractive index
C. Fringe widths increase gradually A. less that lens and less than glass plate.
towards edge of wedge. B. greater that lens and less than glass
D. None of above plate.
Ans. A C. greater that lens and greater than glass
Q. Newton’s rings are observed with two D. None of these
different media between the glass surfaces. Ans. B
The ratio of their refractive indices is 9:25,
then the ratio of diameter of nth ring will Q. The diameters of dark Newton’ rings
be, in reflected light are proportional to
A. 81:625 A. √ n
B. 3:5 B. n2
C. 18:50 C. √ 2 n−1
D. 5:3 1
Ans. D D.
Ans. A Q. The Newton’s ring cannot be
practically seen in transmitted light
Q. The diameters of bright Newton’ because
rings in reflected light are proportional to A. They are not observed in transmitted
A. √ n light.
B. n2 B. The contrast between bright and dark
C. √ 2 n−1 rings is not good.
1 C. The contrast between bright and dark
D. rings is good.
Ans. C D. It is very difficult to make arrangement
to see them.
Q. The square of diameters of dark Ans. B
Newton’ rings in reflected light are
proportional to Q. Newton’s rings are formed using
A. √ n white light. Then the central spot will be
B. n2 A. Violet
C. √ 2 n−1 B. Dark
1 C. Bright
D. D. Red
√n Ans. B
Ans. B
Q. Newton’s rings are formed using
Q. The square of diameters of bright white light. Then the colour of the
Newton’ rings in reflected light are outermost ring will be
proportional to A. Violet
A. Natural number B. Yellow
B. Complex number C. Red
C. Even natural number D. Indigo
D. Odd natural number Ans. C
Ans. D
Q. In a Newton’s rings experiment, the
Q. In Newton’ rings experiment if the thickness of the air space between the lens
radius of curvature of a plano-convex lens and the glass plate is 1.8 x 10 -6 m for the
is increased the angle of wedge sixth dark ring. The wavelength of the
A. Increases light used is...
B. Decreases A. 1.7 x 10-8 m
C. Becomes zero B. 3 x 10-8 m
D. None of these C. 6 x 10-7 m
Ans. B D. 6 x 10-5 m
Ans. C
Q. If the Newton’s rings arrangement is
illuminated by white light the central Q. In a Newton’s rings experiment, the
fringe will be diameter of 15th bright ring was found to
A. Violet be 59 x 10-4 m. If the radius of curvature of
B. Red plano-convex lens is 1 m, calculate the
C. Dark wavelength of light
D. Bright A. 6000 A0
Ans. C B. 7000 A0
C. 6500 A0
D. 7500 A0

Ans. A A. Non-uniform thickness film.
B. Wedge shape film.
Q. In a Newton’s rings experiment, the C. The film having thickness increasing
diameter of 15th ring was 0.625 cm and from zero to maximum.
that of 5th ring was 0.225cm for air film D. All above.
between lens and plate. When the air film Ans. D
is replaced by a liquid these diameters are
reduced to 0.529 cm and 0.168 cm Q. In Newton’s ring arrangement, bright
respectively. Then the refractive index of and dark rings are obtained using sodium
liquid is yellow light. If the entire arrangement is
A. 1.531 dipped into water then the diameters of
B. 1.351 rings
C. 1.135 A. Increases
D. 1.513 B. Decreases
Ans. B C. Fringe pattern disappears
D. Remains unchanged
Q. In Newton’s rings experiment what is Ans. B
the order of the dark ring produced for
wavelength of light 5890 A0, where the Q. In Newton’s ring experiment the
thickness of air space between the lens and diameter of 5th dark ring is reduced to half
the glass plate is 1.8 x 10-6 m. of its value after placing a liquid between
A. 6.11 plane glass plate and convex surface. The
B. 6 refractive index of liquid is
C. 5.9 A. 2.5
D. 7 B. 5
Ans. B C. 4
D. None of these
Q. The diameter of nth dark ring in Ans. C
Newton’s rings experiment is 2.5 cm. The
diameter of nth dark ring reduces to 2 cm
when the air film is replaced by a liquid. Q. In Newton’s rings experiment the
What is the refractive index of a liquid? diameter of 8th dark ring is 0.6139 cm. If
A. 1.59 the wavelength of light used is 5890 A 0
B. 1.56 then the radius of curvature of the plano
C. 1.49 convex lens used is,
D. 1.5 A. 199.95 cm
Ans. B B. 198.95 cm
C. 189.95 cm
Q. If the air film is replaced by a liquid D. None of these
of refractive index 1.32 in Newton ring Ans. A
experiment the diameter of nth bright ring
A. Decreases. Q. In Newton’s rings experiment the
B. Increases. radius of curvature of the plano convex
C. Remains same. lens used is 200 cm. What is the diameter
D. None of above. of 8th dark ring if the wavelength of light
Ans. A used is 5890 A0.
A. 0.6319 cm
Q. The Newton’s rings experiment is B. 0.6139 cm
based on the phenomenon of interference C. 0.6913 cm
of light in D. 0.6193 cm

Ans. B

Q. Monochromatic light wavelength Q. The ratio of size of obstacle to the

5000 A.U. is incident on the wedge shape wavelength of light to be able to observe
air film having angle of wedge 0.0083 diffraction effect is
degree. Then the distance between A. 1
consecutive bright and dark band is, B. 100
A. 1.506 × 10-4 m. C. 1000
B. 1.506 × 10-5 m. D. Infinite
C. 3.012 × 10-5 m. Ans. D
D. 3.210 × 10-5 m.
Ans. B Q. While both light and sound wave
shows wave character, diffraction (bending
Q. Monochromatic light is incident on round corners) is much harder to observe
the wedge shape air film having angle of in light. This is because
wedge 0.0083 degree. The distance A. Speed of light is far greater
between consecutive bright and dark band B. Wavelength of light is far smaller
is 1.506 × 10-5 m. Then the wavelength of C. Light does not require a medium
light is, D. Waves of light are transverse
A. 5000 A.U. Ans. A
B. 2500 A.U.
C. 4000 A.U. Q.
D. 3000 A.U. In which experiment lenses are required 
Ans. A A. Fresnel’s diffraction
B. Fraunhofer diffraction
UNIT 1D C. Both a and b.
D. None
Q. Which of the following undergo Ans. B
maximum diffraction
A. Radio waves Q. In which experiment the wave front
B. α-rays incident on the slit is not plane
C. γ -rays A. Fresnel’s diffraction
D. Microwaves B. Fraunhofer diffraction
Ans. A C. Both a and b.
D. None of these
Q. An obstacle of size 1 cm will diffract Ans. A
A. Sound waves
B. Light waves
C. X-rays Q. The diffraction pattern is produced
D. Ultrasonic waves due to
Ans. A A. Reflection of secondary wavelets
B. Polarization of secondary wavelets
Q. The phenomenon of diffraction can be C. Refraction of secondary wavelets
considered interference by n number of D. Interference of secondary wavelets
coherent sources. The value of n is Ans. D
A. One
B. Two Q. In Fraunhofer’s diffraction the
C. Zero distance between the source and obstacle
D. Infinite or obstacle and screen is
Ans. D A. Finite

B. Not finite. Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single
C. Infinite slit most of the intensity goes to
D. None of these A. All secondary maxima
Ans. B B. Principal maximum
C. First secondary maximum
Q. In Fresnel’s diffraction the distance D. All principal maxima
between the source and obstacle or Ans. B
obstacle and screen is
A. Finite Q. Pick up the correct statement
B. Not finite. A. Diffraction is exhibited by all
C. Infinite electromagnetic waves but not by
D. None of these mechanical waves.
Ans. A B. Diffraction cannot be observed with
plane polarized light.
Q. In Fresnel’s diffraction, in the plane C. Visible light waves can be diffracted by
of diffraction the all the secondary the edge of wall.
wavelets are D. The width of central maximum in the
A. 900 out of phase diffraction pattern due to single slit
B. 1800 out of phase increases as wavelength increases.
C. out of phase Ans. D
D. None of these
Ans. A Q. The intensity distribution due to
Fraunhofer’s diffraction at a single slit is
Q. In Fraunhofer’s diffraction, in the represented by
plane of diffraction the all the secondary A 2 sin α
wavelets are A.
2 α
A. 900 out of phase sin α 2
B. 1800 out of phase B. A2 ( )
C. In phase 2 sin α sin Nβ
D. None of these C. A
α sin β
Ans. C
sin α 2
Q. In the Fraunhofer diffraction the
D. ( ) α
incident wave front is often Ans. B
A. Spherical
B. Cylindrical Q. The intensity distribution due to
C. Plane Fraunhofer’s diffraction at a single slit is
D. None of these 2 sin α

Ans. C
represented by, A ( )α
here the value
of  is
Q. The condition for observing π
A. a sin θ
Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit is λ
that, the incident wave front on the slit is 2π
B. a sinθ
A. Spherical λ
B. Cylindrical π
C. a sin θ
C. Plane 2λ
D. None of these π
Ans. B D. 2 a sinθ
Ans. A

Q. The first diffraction minimum due to B. 0.180
single slit diffraction is at θ = 300 for a C. 0.720
light of wavelength 5000 A0. The width of D. 0.090
the slit is Ans. B
A. 5 × 10-5 cm
B. 10 × 10-5 cm Q. The slit of width ‘a’ is illuminated by
C. 2.5 × 10-5 cm white light. The first minimum for red
D. 1.25 × 10-5 cm light of wavelength 6328 A0 will fall at
Ans. B angle 300, when ‘a’ will be
A. 3250 A0
Q. The first diffraction minimum due to B. 6.5 × 10-4 mm
single slit of width 10-4 cm is at θ = 300. C. 1.26 µm.
Then wavelength light used is D. 2.6 × 10-6 m.
A. 4000 A0. Ans. C
B. 5000 A0.
C. 6000 A0. Q. Half angular width of central
D. 6250 A0. maximum is 300 when the slit is
Ans. B illuminated by light of wavelength 6000
A0. Then width of the slit will be approx.
Q. A single slit Fraunhofer diffraction A. 12 × 10-6 m.
pattern is formed with white light. For B. 12 × 10-7 m.
what wavelength of light the third C. 12 × 10-8 m.
minimum in diffraction pattern coincides D. 12 × 10-9 m.
with the second minimum in the pattern Ans. B
for red light of wavelength 6500 A.U.?
A. 4400 A0 Q. Light of wavelength 6500 A0 is
B. 4100 A0 incident on a slit, if first minima of red
C. 4333 A0 light is at 300 then the slit width is about
D. 9750 A0 A. 1 ×10−6 m
Ans. C B. 5.2 ×10−6 m
C. 1.3 ×10−6 m
Q. The single slit diffraction pattern is D. 2.6 ×10−6 m
obtained using a beam of red light. What Ans. C
happens if the red light is replaced by blue
light? Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single
A. No change. slit, the width of the central maximum,
B. The diffraction band becomes narrower A. With red light is less than violet light.
and crowed together. B. With red light is equal to violet light.
C. The diffraction band becomes broader C. With red light is more than violet light.
and farther apart. D. None of these.
D. Diffraction band disappear. Ans. C
Ans. B
Q. If white light is used in diffraction at
Q. Light of wavelength 6328 A0 is a single slit, the central maximum will be
incident on a slit having a width of 0.2 A. White
mm. The angular width of the central B. Coloured
maximum measured from first minimum C. Black
to minimum of the diffraction pattern on D. None of these
the screen which is 9 m away will be about Ans. A
A. 0.360

Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single D. ± 3/2
slit the width of central maximum will be Ans. A
A. Greater for narrow slit
B. Less for narrow slit Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single
C. Greater for wide slit slit the first minima is not possible for the
D. Less for wide slit order m = 0 because,
Ans. A A. For m = 0, the condition of minimum
becomes condition of secondary maxima
Q. In diffraction pattern fringe width of B. For m = 0, the condition of minimum
various fringes becomes condition of principal maxima
A. Always equal. C. Both a and b
B. Never equal. D. None of above
C. Can be equalized. Ans. B
D. None of these
Ans. B Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single
slit the position of secondary maxima is
Q. Which one of the following colours A. Half a way between two minima
will be best suited for obtaining the sharp B. Half a way between two principal
image of narrow circular aperture on the maxima
screen? C. Half a way between two secondary
A. Yellow light minima
B. Green light D. Half a way between principal maximum
C. Red light and first minima.
D. Violet light Ans. A
Ans. D
Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single
Q. Which of the following will exhibit the slit produced on the screen the linear
greatest amount of diffraction? distance between principal maximum and
A. light waves incident on a human hair. first minimum depends upon
B. light waves incident on a 1 cm hole. A. Slit width
C. sound waves incident on a 1 cm hole. B. Angle of diffraction
D. sound waves incident on a doorway. C. Linear distance of screen from the slit
Ans. C D. All above
Ans. D
Q. In a diffraction pattern due to single
slit of width ‘a’, if the wavelength of light Q. In a far field diffraction pattern of a
is doubled the angle of diffraction for first single slit under polychromatic
order minima will illumination, the first minimum due to
A. Remain same wavelength λ1 is found to be coincident
B. Become half with the third minimum due to wavelength
C. Doubled λ2. Then the relation between the two
D. None of these wavelengths is
Ans. C A. 3 λ1= λ2
B. 3 λ1= 0.3λ2
Q. In the diffraction pattern due to single C. 0.3 λ1= 3λ2
slit the first minimum is formed for the D. λ1= 3λ2
order m equal to Ans. D
A. ± 1
B. 0
C. ± ½

Q. In diffraction at a single slit, the pattern is formed on a screen placed
intensity of first secondary maximum is perpendicular to the direction of incident
about beam. At the first minimum of diffraction
A. ( 1/22 )th of the intensity of central pattern, phase difference between the rays
maximum coming from the two edges of the slit is
B. ( 1/62 )th of the intensity of central A. 0
maximum B. π /2
C. ( 1/122 )th of the intensity of central C. π
D. 2 π
Ans. D
D. ( 1/4 )th of the intensity of central
maximum Q. At the first minima, path difference
Ans. A between two waves starting from the two
ends of the slit in the single slit Fraunhofer
Q. In diffraction at a single slit, the diffraction experiment is
intensity of second secondary maximum is A. λ /2
about B. λ
A. ( 1/22 )th of the intensity of central C. 3/2 λ
maximum D. 2λ
B. ( 1/62 )th of the intensity of central Ans. B
C. ( 1/122 )th of the intensity of central Q. For a single slit of width d, the first
maximum diffraction minimum using light of
D. ( 1/4 )th of the intensity of central wavelength λ will occur at an angle of
maximum A. sin−1 λ /2 d
Ans. B B. sin−1 λ /d
C. sin −1 d / λ
Q. In the diffraction pattern at a single D. sin−1 2 d / λ
slit the condition of minima is, a sin θ=mλ. Ans. B
The value of m for first order minima is
A. 0 Q. Condition of first secondary
B. 1 maximum in the Fraunhofer’s diffraction
1 pattern of a single slit of width ‘a’ is given
C. 1 by
D. ¿ λ
A. a sin θ=
Ans. B 2

B. a cos θ=
Q. In a fraunhofer’s diffraction at a 2
single slit the principal maximum will C. a sin θ=λ
form for the value of angle of diffraction 3λ
D. a sin θ=
θ, which is equal to 2
A. 0 Ans. D
B. 1
π Q. When a single slit Fraunhofer
2 diffraction set up is used with light of
D. π wavelength 4000 A0, the width ‘b’ of
Ans. A central maximum is found to be 0.3 cm. in
the same set up if the light of wavelength
Q. Parallel monochromatic beam of light 6000 A0 is used the corresponding value of
is incident on a narrow slit. A diffraction ‘b’ will be

A. 0.20 cm
B. 0.24 cm Q. How does the width (W) of the
C. 0.30 cm central maximum formed from diffraction
D. 0.45 cm through a circular aperture (pupil) change
Ans. D with aperture size (D) for a fixed distance
away from the aperture?
Q. Light of wavelength λ is incident on a A. W increases as D increases
slit of width ‘d’. The resulting diffraction B. W decreases as D increases
pattern is observed on the screen at C. W does not depend upon D
distance ‘D’. The linear width of principal D. None of above
maxima is then equal to the width of the Ans. B
slit. D equals
A. d /2 λ Q. The maximum number of orders of
B. 3 λ /d principal maxima present for diffraction of
C. d 2 /2 λ light at a single slit are for the value of
D. 2 λ2 /7 d angle of diffraction θ equal to
Ans. C A. 00
B. 450
Q. A slit 5 cm wide is irradiated C. 900
normally with microwaves of wavelength D. 1800
1 cm. Then the angular spread of the Ans. C
central maximum on one side of the
incident light is nearly equal to Q. When the light is diffracted through
A. 1/5 radians the circular aperture in the diffraction
B. 4 radians pattern the radius of central Airy disc can
C. 5 radians be reduced by
D. 6 radians A. Increasing the diameter of circular
Ans. A aperture
B. Decreasing the diameter of circular
Q. A parallel beam of light of aperture
wavelength 600 nm get diffracted by a C. Increasing the wavelength of light
single slit of width 0.2 mm. the angular D. Increasing the focal length of the lens
divergence of the principal maxima on Ans. A
both sides of incident light is
A. 6 × 10-3 rad UNIT 1E
B. 3 × 10-3 rad
C. 4.5 × 10-2 rad
D. 9 × 10-2 rad Q. Which one of the following
Ans. A characteristics of electromagnetic wave is
needed to explain the spectrum produced
Q. Yellow light is used in a single slit when white light falls on diffraction
diffraction experiment with slit width of grating? Electromagnetic waves can
0.6 mm. If yellow light is replaced by X A. interfere
rays, then the observed pattern will reveal B. be linearly polarised
that C. change speed in passing from one
A. the central maximum is narrower. material to other
B. the central maximum is broader. D. be reflected with little, if any, loss in
C. less number of fringes energy
D. no diffraction pattern is observed Ans. A
Ans. A

Q. In a plane transmission grating the
intensity of principal maximum Q. In a plane diffraction grating the
A. Increases as number of slits increases angle of diffraction is
B. Decreases as number of slits increases A. Directly proportional to the wavelength
C. Remains constant B. Inversely proportional to the
D. None of these. wavelength
Ans. A C. Directly proportional to the square root
of wavelength
Q. In a plane diffraction grating the D. Inversely proportional to the square
directions of minima are given by root of wavelength
A. ( a+ b ) sinθ=± mλ Ans. A
B. N ( a+b ) sinθ=± mλ
C. asinθ=±mλ Q. In the equation of resultant amplitude
D. None of these. of waves, when a light is diffracted
Ans. B through diffraction gratings,
sin α sin Nβ
Eθ =Em the value of N is,
Q. Light is incident normally on α sin β
diffraction grating through which first A. Number of lines per cm on the grating
order diffraction is seen at 320. The second B. Number of lines per m on the grating
order diffraction will be seen at C. Total number of lines on the grating
A. 840. D. Number of lines per unit length
B. 480. Ans. C
C. 640.
D. None of these
Ans. D Q. The reciprocal of grating element a+b
Q. The wavelength of light can be A. Number of lines per cm on the grating
experimentally found using B. Number of lines per mm on the grating
A. Ripple tank C. Total number of lines on the grating
B. Diffraction grating D. Number of lines per unit length
C. Plane mirror Ans. D
D. Glass prism.
Ans. B Q. In the grating element, a+b,
Q. The wavelength of light can be A. a must be equal to b
experimentally found using B. a must be greater than b
A. Newton’s rings C. a must be less than b
B. Diffraction grating D. none of above
C. Both a and b Ans. D
D. None of above
Ans. C Q. In the equation of resultant amplitude
of waves, when a light is diffracted
Q. Maximum number of orders available through diffraction gratings,
with a grating is sin α sin Nβ
Eθ =Em the value of β is,
A. Independent of grating element. α sin β
B. Directly proportional to grating π
A. asinθ
element. λ
C. Inversely proportional to grating π
B. ( a+b ) sinθ
element. λ
D. Directly proportional to wavelength. π
Ans. B C. sinθ

D. π ( a+b ) sinθ Q. Light with a wavelength of 400.0 nm
Ans. B passes through a diffraction grating having
1.00×104 lines/cm. What is the second-
Q. A white light is incident on a order angle of diffraction?
diffraction grating and diffraction pattern A. 21.3°
is produced on the screen placed in front of B. 56.5°
the grating. If the length of the grating is C. 53.1°
increased without changing the value of D. 72.1°
a+b, will the diffraction pattern change? Ans. C
A. Yes
B. No Q. Light with a wavelength of 500.0 nm
C. Partially change passes through a 3.39 × 105 lines/m
D. None of above diffraction grating. The first-order angle of
Ans. B diffraction is
A. 9.73°
Q. Monochromatic light of wavelength λ B. 36.9°
is incident normally on a diffraction C. 23.5°
grating consisting of alternate transparent D. 53.1°
strips of width ‘a’ and opaque strips of Ans. A
width ‘b’. The angle between emerging
zero order and first order spectra depends Q. The angle between the first-order
on maximum and the central maximum for
A. a, b and λ monochromatic light of 2300 nm is 27°.
B. a and λ only Calculate the number of lines per
C. b and λ only centimeter on this grating.
D. λ only A. 1600 lines/cm
Ans. A B. 2500 lines/cm
C. 2000 lines/cm
Q. When monochromatic light of D. 4500 lines/cm
wavelength 5 × 10-7 m is incident normally Ans. C
on a plane diffraction grating, the second
order diffraction lines are formed at angles Q. The light of wavelength 6000 A0 is
of 300 to the normal to the grating. What is diffracted by an angle of 200 in first order
the number of lines per mm in the grating? by diffraction grating then the value
A. 250 grating element is,
B. 500 A. 1.75 × 10-4 cm
C. 1000 B. 1.95 × 10-4 cm
D. 1500 C. 1.65 × 10-4 cm
Ans. B D. 1.69 × 10-4 cm
Ans. A
Q. Monochromatic light shines on the
surface of a diffraction grating with Q. The light of wavelength 6000 A0 is
5.3×103 lines/cm. The first-order diffracted by an angle of 200 in first order
maximum is observed at an angle of 17°. by diffraction grating then the value of
Find the wavelength. number of lines per cm on grating is,
A. 420 nm A. 5741 lines/cm
B. 530 nm B. 5714 lines/cm
C. 520 nm C. 5471 lines/cm
D. 550 nm D. 5147 lines/cm
Ans. D Ans. B

diffraction grating of grating element d. If
Q. The light of wavelength λ is θ is angle between second order diffracted
diffracted by an angle of θ in first order by beam and the direction of incident beam,
diffraction grating then the value of what is the value of sinθ?
number of lines per unit length on grating A. λ /d
is, B. d / λ
A. Sinθ/λ C. 2 λ/d
B. λ/sinθ D. 2 d / λ
C. λsinθ Ans. C
D. none of above
Ans. A Q. Light of wavelength λ is incident
normally on a diffraction grating for which
Q. The light of wavelength 6000 A0 is the slit spacing is 3λ. What is the sine of
diffracted by an angle of 200 in first order angle between the second order maximum
by diffraction grating then the value of and the normal?
total number of lines on the grating if it is A. 1/6
2 cm long is, B. 1/3
A. 5700 C. 2/3
B. 11800 D. 1
C. 11400 Ans. C
D. 11824
Ans. C Q. A grating which should be more
suitable for constructing a spectrometer for
Q. What is the highest order spectrum visible and ultraviolet regions should have
which may be seen with monochromatic A. 100 lines/cm
light of wave length of 6000 A0, by means B. 1000 lines/cm
of a diffraction grating with 5000 C. 10000 lines/cm
lines/cm? D. 100000 lines/cm
A. 5 Ans. C
B. 4
C. 3 Q. Green light of wavelength 5400 A0 is
D. 2 diffracted by a grating ruled 2000
Ans. C lines/cm. The angular deviation of third
order of image is
Q. The number of rulings (N) in grating A. sin −1 ( 0.324 )
is made larger, then B. cos−1 ( 0.324 )
A. The principal and secondary (all) C. tan−1 ( 0.324 )
maxima will become sharp and intense D. 820
B. The principal and secondary (all) Ans. A
maxima will become faint and wide.
C. The principal maxima will become Q. The example of natural diffraction
sharp and intense while, secondary grating is
maxima become weaker A. Compact disc
D. The principal maxima will become B. Peacock’s feather
weaker while, secondary maxima become C. Holohram
sharp and intense D. None of these
Ans. C Ans. B
Q. When a beam of monochromatic light
of wavelength λ is incident normally on a

Q. The peacock’s feather is a natural slits is 8.805 × 10-5 cm. Then the value of
diffraction grating comes under the grating element is,
category of A. 169.33 × 10-4 cm
A. Reflection grating B. 1.6933 × 10-5 cm
B. Refraction grating C. 16.933 × 10-4 cm
C. Transmission grating D. 1.6933 × 10-4 cm
D. Deflection grating Ans. D
Ans. A
Q. In the diffraction grating the value of
Q. The compact disc is a man made grating element is, 1.6666 × 10-4 cm, Then
diffraction grating comes under the the number of slits/cm is,
category of A. 6000
A. Reflection grating B. 1666
B. Refraction grating C. 5000
C. Transmission grating D. 6600
D. Deflection grating Ans. A
Ans. A
Q. Grating spectrum is produced because
A. Dispersion of light Q. Acoustics is the branch of Physics
B. Scattering of light studying...
C. Diffraction of light A. Light
D. Reflection of light B. Motion of planets
Ans. C C. Heat
D. Sound
Q. In the diffraction pattern produced by Ans. D
transmission grating as the value of N
increases the intensity of central principal Q. What type of waves carries sound in
maximum increases thereby air?
A. Intensity of other principal maxima also A. Transverse waves
increases B. Longitudinal waves
B. Intensity of other principal maxima C. Electromagnetic waves
decreases D. Transverse and Longitudinal waves
C. Intensity of other principal maxima Ans. B
remains constant
D. None of these. Q. Sound waves in air are
Ans. B A. Transverse
B. Longitudinal
Q. The condition for principal maximum C. Electromagnetic
for diffraction grating is D. Polarized
A. ( a+ b ) sinθ=± mλ Ans. B
B. N ( a+b ) sinθ=± mλ
Q. In a stationary wave in air the
C. asinθ=±mλ
variation of pressure at node is
D. Nasinθ=± mλ
A. Maximum
Ans. A
B. Minimum
C. Sometimes maximum and sometimes
Q. In the diffraction grating having
15000 lines/inch the slit width is 8.128 ×
D. Initially minimum and then maximum
10-5 cm and the distance between the two
Ans. A
B. Note
Q. Intensity of sound wave is C. Intensity
proportional to D. Wavelength
A. Square of amplitude Ans. A
B. Square of frequency
C. Wavelength Q. When sound waves propagates, which
D. Half of amplitude physical quantity changes in the medium?
Ans. A A. Only density
B. Only pressure
Q. In sound waves, C. Both a and b
A. Strain is maximum at antinodes D. Other than a and b
B. Strain is maximum at nodes Ans. C
C. Strain is minimum at nodes
D. No strain at nodes Q. The parameters that affect the
Ans. B velocity of sound are
A. Density
Q. When the wind is blowing in the same B. Elasticity
direction in which the sound is travelling, C. Both a and b
the velocity of sound D. Neither a nor b
A. Increases Ans. C
B. Decreases
C. Does not change Q. The sound which is produced due to
D. May increase or decrease mixture of several frequencies and
Ans. A pleasant to listen is called,
A. A tone
Q. The velocity of sound in air at 00 C is B. A note
approximately equal to C. Crest
A. 300m/s D. Compression
B. 301m/s Ans. B
C. 345m/s
D. 332m/s
Ans. D Q. Which of the following phenomenon
cannot take place with sound waves
Q. SI unit of sound frequency is A. Reflection
A. Hertz B. Interference
B. Meter C. Diffraction
C. m/s D. Polarization
D. none of the above Ans. D
Ans. A
Q. Sound waves are
Q. Which of the following is a A. Mechanical in nature
mechanical wave? B. Electrical in nature
A. Microwave C. Electromagnetic in nature
B. Radio waves D. None of the above
C. Sound waves Ans. A
D. Light wave
Ans. C Q. The waxing and waning of sound
Q. The sound of single frequency is waves is called
called A. Interference of sound waves
A. Tone B. Diffraction of sound waves

C. Beats Ans. D
D. None of the above
Ans. C Q. Which of the following properties of
wave is independent?
Q. Sound waves exhibits all the wave A. Velocity
properties except B. Amplitude
A. Interference C. Wavelength
B. Diffraction D. Frequency
C. Polarization Ans. A
D. None of the above
Ans. C Q. In a stationary sound wave produced
in air,
Q. Sound waves do not travel through A. All particles are stationary
A. Solids B. Air particles do not execute periodic
B. Liquids motion
C. Gases C. Each air particle executes SHM with the
D. Vacuum same amplitude
Ans. D D. Amplitude of vibration is maximum at
some place and minimum at some other
Q. Which of the following will remain places
unchanged when a sound wave travels in Ans. C
air or in water?
A. Amplitude Q. The velocity of sound will be greatest
B. Wavelength in
C. Frequency A. Water
D. Speed B. Air
Ans. C C. Metal
D. vacuum
Q. The distance between a compression Ans. C
and the next rarefaction of a longitudinal
wave is Q. Which of the following statements
A. λ/2 about sound waves is correct?
B. λ/4 A. The travel of sound waves is not
C. 2λ affected by the medium through which it
D. λ travels.
Ans. A B. Sound waves travel faster in air than in
Q. The speed of sound is fastest in, C. Sound waves travel faster in solid than
A. liquid in air.
B. solid D. Sound waves cannot travel through a
C. gas solid.
D. vacuum Ans. C
Ans. B
Q. The regions of compressions and
Q. Longitudinal waves can be produced rarefactions of a sound wave are
in established because
A. Solids A. The sound wave undergoes diffraction
B. Liquids behind obstacles.
C. Gases B. The reflected sound wave at the fixed
D. In all three states end interferes with the incident wave.

C. The speed of the sound wave changes
as it travels through a medium. Q. Noah stands 170 meters away from a
D. The longitudinal movement of air steep canyon wall. He shouts and hears the
molecules produces pressure fluctuations. echo of his voice one second later. What is
Ans. D the speed of the wave?
A. 360m/s
Q. The frequency of a sound in an 8 m B. 340m/s
long metal rod is 250 Hz. There are two C. 331m/s
completed sound waves in the rod. The D. 170m/s
speed of sound in this metal is Ans. B
A. 250 m/ s
B. 500m /s Q. The main factor that affects the speed
C. 750 m/ s of a sound wave is the
D. 1000m/ s A. amplitude of the sound wave
Ans. D B. intensity of the sound
C. loudness of the sound
Q. The frequency of a wave travelling at D. properties of the medium
a speed of 500 m/s is 25 Hz. Its time Ans. D
period will be
A. 20 s Q. The frequency of a tuning fork that
B. 0.05 s vibrates 3000 times in 3seconds is
C. 25 s A. 750 Hz
D. 0.04 s B. 1250 Hz
Ans. D C. 1500 Hz
Q. A sound source sends waves of 400 D. 1000 Hz
Hz. It produces waves of wavelength 2.5 Ans. D
m. The velocity of sound waves is,
A. 100 m/s Q. When we go from solid to gaseous
B. 1000 m/s state, the speed of sound wave,
C. 10000 m/s A. Decreases
D. 3000 km/s B. Increases
Ans. B C. Remains the same
D. Equals the speed of light
Q. If a vibrator strikes the water 10 times Ans. A
in one second, then the frequency of wave
is Q. If the air in the room warms up, the
A. 10 Hz speed of sound in it
B. 0.5 Hz A. Increases
C. 5 Hz B. Decreases
D. 0.1 Hz C. Remains same
Ans. A D. Does not depend upon temperature
Ans. A
Q. The characteristics of sound which
helps to identify the sound of violin and Q. Sound travels faster in solid than in
piano is, gas because,
A. Pitch A. Density of solid is more
B. Frequency B. Modulus of elasticity of solid is more
C. Timber than that of gases
D. Intensity C. Our ear detects it more
Ans. C D. Can’t say

Ans. B C. Sound is like all waves; it is able to
bend into the regions of space behind
Q. Can two persons hear each other’s obstacles.
voice on the moon? D. Sound wave is able to reflect off fixed
A. Yes, easily ends and interfere with incident waves
B. May be depends upon the pitch of the vibrates longitudinally; the longitudinal
sound wave movement of air produces pressure
C. Depends upon the loudness fluctuations
D. No, there is no conducting medium for Ans. D
sound waves.
Ans. D Q. The speed of sound in medium
depends upon
Q. In sound propagation A. Amplitude
A. Energy of sound travels through the B. Frequency
medium C. Wavelength
B. Particles of medium travel D. Properties of the medium
C. Both a and b Ans. D
D. None of the above
Ans. A Q. Sound and light waves both,
A. Have similar wavelength
Q. An explosion takes place on the B. Obey the laws of reflection
moon. The sound of explosion will reach C. Travel as longitudinal waves
the earth, D. Travel through vacuum
A. After 8 minutes 20 seconds Ans. B
B. After 8 hours 20 minutes
C. At once Q. An example of mechanical wave is
D. Never A. Radio wave
Ans. D B. Light wave
C. Infrared radiation
Q. The sound will be louder in D. Sound wave
A. Liquid Ans. D
B. Gas
C. Solid Q. Sound waves propagate in the form
D. Vacuum of,
Ans. C A. Crest and trough
B. Compression and rarefaction
Q. A sound wave is a pressure wave; C. Electric field vector and magnetic field
regions of high (compressions) and low vector
pressure (rarefactions) are established as D. None of the above
the result of the vibrations of the sound Ans. B
source. These compressions and
rarefactions result because Q. Sound cannot travel in
A. sound is more dense than air and thus A. solid
has more inertia, causing the bunching up B. liquid
of sound. C. gas
B. sound waves have speed which is D. vacuum
dependent only upon the properties of the Ans. D
Q. Sound waves are
A. transverse waves

B. longitudinal waves Q. A sound wave of wavelength 10 cm
C. electromagnetic waves travelling with a speed of 340 m/s has a
D. none of the above time period of ………….
Ans. B A. 1/34 Sec
B. 1/3400 Sec
Q. Velocity of sound wave is given by, C. 3400 Sec
f D. 34 Sec
A. v=
λ Ans. B
B. v=f . λ
λ Q. The distance traveled by sound wave
C. v= of frequency 6.8 KHz traveling with speed
f of 340 m/s in one time period is ……….
D. v= A. 20m
Ans. B B. 2m
C. 0.05m
Q. Which of the following property is D. 0.5m
not exhibited by sound waves? Ans. C
A. Interference
B. Diffraction Q. Assuming that the speed of sound in
C. Polarization air is 340 m/s, a man estimates the distance
D. All of the above of a hill by listening to the echo of his
Ans. C sound which returns after 1.0 second as
Q. Compressions and rarefactions are A. 17m
present in B. 170m
A. longitudinal waves C. 340m
B. transverse waves D. 34m
C. both longitudinal and transverse waves Ans. B
D. neither the longitudinal nor the
transverse wave UNIT 2B
Ans. A
Q. On which of the following factors the
Q. All other things being equal, the
Intensity or loudness of sound depends?
speed of a sound wave ………….. if its
A. Amplitude of vibrating body
wavelength increases.
B. Area of vibrating body
A. increases
C. Distance from vibrating body
B. decreases
D. All factors mentioned above
C. None of these
Ans. D
D. increases and then decreases
Q. Decibel is
Ans. C
A. A musical instrument
B. A musical note
Q. The time required by a particle in a
C. A measure of sound level
medium through which sound wave is
D. The wavelength of noise
travelling to complete one vibration
Ans. C
A. frequency
B. time period
Q. Echo will be heard distinctly when
C. amplitude
the distance of the obstacle from the
D. wavelength
source is
Ans. B
A. 10m or more
B. 17m or more
C. 9m or more C. Threshold of music
D. 17m or less D. Threshold of speech
Ans. B Ans. B

Q. The loudness of a sound wave is Q. When sound travels through air, the
determined by air particles
A. Its amplitude. A. Vibrate along the direction of wave
B. Its frequency. propagation
C. Its wavelength. B. Vibrate but not in any fixed direction
D. The medium of propagation of the C. Vibrate perpendicular to the direction of
sound. wave propagation
Ans. A D. Do not vibrate
Ans. A
Q. The frequency of a sound wave is
determined by Q. If the intensity level of sound is
A. The speed of the wave. increased by 1 dB the intensity of sound
B. The source of the wave. increases by
C. The medium of the wave. A. 36%
D. The loudness of the wave. B. 46%
Ans. B C. 20%
D. 26%
Ans. D
Q. The acoustical design of a hall is
primarily dependent on the A. ultrasonic Q. the sensitivity of the ear is
sound A. directly proportional to the intensity
B. the reflected sound. B. inversely proportional to the intensity
C. the transmitted sound C. reciprocal of square of intensity
D. infrasonic sound D. inversely proportional to square of the
Ans. B intensity
Ans. B
Q. Pitch is a measure of
A. Intensity of sound Q. The rate of change of loudness with
B. Loudness of sound intensity is called as
C. Shrillness of sound A. Intensity level of sound
D. Illness of sound B. Limit of audibility
Ans. C C. Timbre of sound
D. Sensitivity of ear
Q. Which of the following is not a Ans. D
mechanical wave?
A. Sound wave
B. Radio wave Q. The smallest intensity of sound that a
C. Wave in spring human ear can detect is known as
D. Water wave in the deep ocean A. limit of audibility
Ans. B B. limit of sound
C. threshold intensity
Q. The maximum intensity level which a D. none of these
human ear can hear without causing pain is Ans. C
120 dB and is known as
A. threshold of pain Q. The unit of intensity of sound is
B. threshold of feeling or pain threshold. A. Watt/sec

B. Watt/m B. Timber
C. Watt/sec2 C. Loudness
D. Watt/m2 D. Pitch
Ans. D Ans. B

Q. The sound which produces pleasant Q. Bel is an acoustical unit of

sensation is called as measurement of
A. Rock sound A. Intensity level
B. Melody sound B. Pitch
C. Musical sound C. Quality
D. Classical sound D. Frequency
Ans. C Ans. A

Q. The sound which produces unpleasant Q. If ‘I’ is an intensity of sound with ‘A’
sensation is called as as amplitude of the wave
A. Note A. I ∝ A2
B. Noise B. I ∝ A
C. Beat C. I ∝ 1/A2
D. Tone D. I ∝ 1/A
Ans. C Ans. A

Q. According to Weber–Fechner law, the Q. Decibel is the unit of

loudness (L) is A. inversely proportional to A. Pitch of the sound
the logarithm of intensity (I). B. Intensity level of sound
B. directly proportional to the logarithm of C. Coefficient of absorption
intensity (I). D. None of the above
C. inversely proportional to the logarithm Ans. B
of frequency (f).
D. directly proportional to the logarithm of Q. The loudest sound that can be heard
frequency (f). without pain is
Ans. B A. 20 dB
B. 20000 dB
Q. Measurement of intensity of sound is C. 120 dB
A. independent of ear or listener D. 330 dB
B. Dependent of ear or listener Ans. C
C. partially dependent on ear or listener
D. None of these Q. To hear the echo distinctly separately,
Ans. A it must reach the ear in time
A. 10 ms later than direct sound
Q. Which of the following is not a B. 60 ms later than direct sound
characteristic of a musical sound? C. 100 ms later than direct sound
A. Pitch D. 330 ms later than direct sound
B. Wavelength Ans. A
C. Timbre
D. Loudness Q. If the energy in a longitudinal wave
Ans. B travels from south to north, the particles of
the medium would be vibrating,
Q. The sensation corresponds to quality A. from north to south, only
of sound is called B. both north and south
A. Reverberation C. from east to west, only

D. both east and west
Ans. B Q. All musical sounds have the
characteristics of
Q. The loudness of a sound wave is A. Intensity or loudness
determined by: B. Frequency or Pitch
A. Amplitude C. Quality or timber
B. Frequency D. All of the above
C. Period Ans. D
D. Wavelength
Ans. A Q. The sound which produces pleasant
sensation is called as
Q. Which property of waves do echoes A. Noise
demonstrate? B. Musical sound
A. Diffraction C. Note
B. Resonance D. Pitch
C. Interference Ans. B
D. Reflection
Ans. D Q. What is the most important factor
which helps to recognize person by his
Q. The amount of sound energy passing voice alone
each second through unit area is called, A. Timber
A. Intensity B. Pitch
B. Loudness C. Intensity
C. Echo D. All of the above
D. Reverberation Ans. A
Ans. A
Q. Bees, which are not carrying honey,
fly with a flapping frequency of 440 Hz
Q. The wave properties of sound which while those, which are carrying honey, fly
responses to the ear with a flapping frequency of 300 Hz. The
A. Intensity sound made by bees which are not
B. Loudness carrying honey has
C. Pitch A. A lower pitch.
D. Amplitude B. A higher pitch.
Ans. B C. A smaller loudness.
D. A greater loudness.
Q. The loudness of sound depends upon Ans. B
A. Velocity
B. Amplitude Q. Which of the following statement is
C. Pitch correct?
D. Frequency A. The roaring of a lion has high
Ans. B amplitude but low frequency
B. The roaring of a lion has less amplitude
Q. The property of sound wave that will but high frequency
remain invariant after reflection is C. The roaring of a lion has high amplitude
A. Velocity and high frequency
B. Wavelength D. The roaring of a lion has less amplitude
C. Frequency and less frequency
D. All of the above Ans. A
Ans. C

Q. Which of the following statement is C. Partly transmitted
correct? D. Partly transmitted and partly reflected
A. The humming of a mosquito has high Ans. A
amplitude but low frequency
B. The humming of a mosquito has less Q. In ordinary talk the amplitude of
amplitude but high frequency vibration is approximately
C. The humming of a mosquito has high A. 10-7 m
amplitude and high frequency B. 10-9 m
D. The humming of a mosquito has less C. 10-11 m
amplitude and less frequency D. 10-10 m
Ans. B Ans. B

Q. What will happen if stem of vibrating Q. Open window can be considered as,
tuning fork is brought in contact with the A. Ideal absorber of sound
top of the table? B. Ideal reflector of sound
A. Loudness of sound decreases C. Ideal transmitter of sound
B. Loudness of sound remains same D. Partly absorber and partly reflector of
C. Loudness of sound increases sound
D. Tuning fork stops to vibrate Ans. A
Ans. C
Q. What is the standard in terms of
Q. Two different kinds of instrument, which all absorbing surfaces can be
tuned to the same frequency can be described?
differentiated by the property A. A unit area of open window
A. Quality B. A unit area of closed window
B. Pitch C. Audience
C. Intensity D. None of the above
D. Loudness Ans. A
Ans. A
Q. Which of the following has highest
Q. Intensity of sound is absorption coefficient?
A. purely physical quantity A. Closed window
B. purely subjective quantity B. Wood wool board
C. partly physical and partly subjective C. Straw board
quantity D. Open window
D. can’t say anything Ans. D
Ans. A
Q. The persistence of sound in a hall is
Q. Loudness of sound is the result of
A. purely physical quantity A. Single reflection of sound
B. purely subjective quantity B. Repeated reflection of sound
C. partly physical and partly subjective C. Vibration of objects placed in an
quantity auditorium
D. can’t say anything D. Repeated refraction of sound
Ans. C Ans. B

Q. The sound incident on open window Q. Soft surfaces are

is A. Bad reflectors of sound
A. Fully transmitted B. Good reflectors of sound
B. Fully reflected

C. Neither bad nor good reflectors of A. A = α.S
sound B. S = α.A
D. None of the above C. a = A.S
Ans. A D. A = α / S
Ans. A
Q. Heavy rolling sounds of a thunder is a
result of Q. The coefficient of absorption of an
A. Successive reflections of sound from open window is
reflective surfaces A. One
B. Collisions between the clouds B. Less than one
C. Sound has very high velocity C. Greater than one
D. None of the above D. Zero
Ans. A Ans. A

Q. The effect of a sound pulse lasts on

Q. Heavy rolling sound of thunder is a the ear for 0.1 sec. Thus for a person to
result of, hear the echo of sharp sound, the minimum
A. Reverberation of sound distance of reflector in terms of speed of
B. Echo of sound sound v is
C. Friction of clouds A. v/10
D. None of the above B. v/20
Ans. B C. v/5
D. v/40
Q. Which one of the following cannot Ans. B
transmit sound?
A. Liquid air Q. When sound wave falls on the surface if
B. Gaseous oxygen it is converted into another form such as heat
C. Liquid water then it is termed as
D. Perfect vacuum A. Reflection of sound
Ans. D B. Absorption of sound
C. Refraction of sound
Q. Which of the following affects the D. Polarization of sound
absorption of sound in a room: Ans. B
A. The material used for wall surfaces.
B. The temperature in the room. Q. The absorption coefficient of a
C. The volume of air in the room. material is …….. whose area is 5 m2
D. All of the above. which absorbs the same sound energy as
Ans. A absorbed by unit area of open window
A. 0.5
Q. The unit Sabine of perfect absorber is B. 5.0
the area of open window of size C. 0.2
A. 1ft × 1ft D. 1.0
B. 1cm × 1cm Ans. C
C. 1m × 1m
D. 1inch × 1inch Q. An echo repeats 2 syllables. If the
Ans. C velocity of sound is 330 m/s, then the
distance of the reflecting surface is
Q. If actual surface area is ‘S’ and its ………..m.
coefficient of absorption is ‘α’ then the A. 16.5
total absorption A is given by B. 33.0

C. 99 Ans. C
D. 66
Ans. D UNIT 2C
Q. Two square meter of a fiber board Q. Concave architectural shapes in
absorbs sound energy as that of unit area auditoriums can lead to acoustical
of an open window. The absorption co- problems because,
efficient of fiber board is…….. A. It scatters the rays of sound
A. 0 .50 B. It focuses the rays of sound
B. 0.2 C. It absorbs the rays of sound
C. 2.0 D. None of the above
D. 0.825 Ans. B
Ans. A
Q. The walls of a hall built for music
Q. Absorption co-efficient of open concerns should
window is ……………….. A. Amplify sound
A. 0.1 B. Reflect sound
B. 0.57 C. Transmit sound
C. 0.0 D. Absorb sound
D. 1.0 Ans. D
Ans. D
Q. Persistence of audible sound in a
Q. A auditorium of volume 5500m3 is room after the source is stopped is called
found to have reverberation time of 2.5 A. Echo
sec. The sound absorbing surface of the B. Reflection of sound
auditorium has an area of 750 m2. The C. Reverberation
average absorption co-efficient of the D. None of the above
auditorium is ……. Ans. C
A. 0.848
B. 0.484 Q. For good acoustics reverberation time
C. 0.448 should be
D. 0.884 A. Too large
Ans. B B. too small
C. neither too large nor too small
Q. The change in intensity level when D. zero
intensity level increases by 106 times its Ans. C
original intensity is …………
A. 6dB Q. Which architectural shapes in
B. 16dB auditoriums lead to acoustical problems?
C. 60dB A. Convex
D. 66dB B. Concave
Ans. C C. Biconvex
D. None of the above
Q. The change in intensity level when Ans. B
intensity level increases by 106 times its
original intensity is ………… Q. The persistence of audible sound due
A. 6dB to the successive reflections from the
B. 16dB surrounding objects even after the source
C. 60dB has stopped to produce that sound is called
D. 66dB A. reflection

B. echo B. T = V/0.049A
C. reverberation C. T = 0.165V/A
D. rarefaction D. T = V/0.165A
Ans. C Ans. C

Q. The time of reverberation of a hall Q. For good quality, the reverberation

can be reduced by using time is nearly,
A. reflector A. 0.1sec
B. absorbers B. 1 sec
C. domes C. 10 sec
D. archs D. 100 sec
Ans. B Ans. B

Q. The reverberation time of good music Q. The Sabin is the unit of

should be A. Energy
A. 0.5-1.0 sec B. Reverberation time
B. 1-2 sec C. Absorption of sound
C. 2-35 sec D. Reflection of sound
D. 3-45 sec Ans. C
Ans. B
Q. The reverberation time of a hall is the
Q. Which of the following material has time taken by the sound intensity to fall by
highest absorbing power at medium a factor of
frequency? A. 10-1
A. Marble B. 10-2
B. Rock wood C. 10-4
C. Carpet D. 10-6
D. Audience Ans. D
Ans. D
Q. Echo and reverberation, these sound
Q. Which of the following materials has defects are due to,
lowest absorbing power at medium A. Reflection of sound
frequency B. Absorption of sound
A. Marble C. Transmission of sound
B. Rock wood D. All of the above
C. Carpet Ans. A
D. Audience
Ans. A Q. Repetition of sound due to reflection
from surfaces is called,
Q. For uniform distribution of sound A. Reverberation
intensity, it is better to have a, B. Pitch
A. Parabolic reflector C. Timber
B. Concave reflector D. Echo
C. Spherical reflector Ans. D
D. Cylindrical reflector
Ans. A Q. Persistence of sound in a room due to
multiple reflections even when the source
Q. Sabine’s formula for time of stops is known as
reverberation can be expressed as A. Reverberation
A. T = 0.049V/A B. Pitch

C. Timber C. Acoustical quality doesn’t depend upon
D. Echo it
Ans. A D. None of the above
Ans. B
Q. In a hall used for musical
performance, Q. The following surfaces are not
A. Some reverberation is often desirable desirable in a hall.
B. Reverberation is never desirable A. Concave surfaces
C. much reverberation is often desirable B. Fan shaped plan
D. Some echo is often desirable C. Splayed side walls
Ans. A D. All of the above
Ans. A
Q. If walls of room are good reflector of
sound then reverberation time of the hall Q. For speeches and lectures the
would be reverberation time should be
A. Long A. 0.5 sec
B. Short B. 1 - 2 sec
C. Zero C. 1.5 sec
D. Independent of time D. 5 sec
Ans. A Ans. A

Q. Which of the following relation is Q. For concerts the reverberation time

correct? should be,
A. Reverberation time∝volume (V) of the A. 0.5 sec
hall B. 1 - 2 sec
B. Reverberation time∝1/ volume (V) of C. 1.5 sec
the hall D. 5 sec
C. Reverberation time is independent of Ans. B
D. None of the above Q. If reverberation time is 3 to 5
Ans. A seconds, the acoustics of a hall would be
A. Excellent
Q. Which of the following relation is B. Good
correct? C. Satisfactory
A. Reverberation time directly D. Bad
proportional to the total absorption of the Ans. D
B. Reverberation time inversely Q. What is mean by acoustical materials?
proportional to the total absorption of the A. Materials having more capacity to
hall absorb incident sound
C. Reverberation time is independent of B. Materials having less capacity to absorb
absorption incident sound
D. None of the above C. Materials having more capacity to
Ans. B reflect incident sound
D. Materials having more capacity to
Q. How does acoustical quality of room transmit incident sound
depend upon use of splayed walls? Ans. A
A. Reduces the acoustical quality of room
B. Greatly enhances the acoustical quality Q. The examples of porous acoustic
of room material is,

A. Curtains Q. Curved walls and domes are to be
B. Pressed wood fibers avoided while designing an auditorium
C. Plastics because
D. All of the above A. They tend to concentrate sound at their
Ans. A foci
B. They reflect much of the sound
Q. The time of reverberation of a hall C. They absorb much of the sound
can be reduced by, D. None of the above
A. Reflectors Ans. A
B. Absorbers
C. Domes Q. What is the cause of persistence of
D. Arches sound experienced in a hall without
Ans. B furniture of newly built house?
A. Echo phenomenon
Q. In a big hall, B. Pitch of the sound
A. Excessive reverberation is highly C. Reverberation of sound
desirable D. Absorption of sound by walls
B. Excessive reverberation is highly Ans. C
C. Excessive reverberation time is required Q. Which of the following statement is
D. None of the above correct?
Ans. A A. Reverberation time is directly
proportional to absorption
Q. What happens if reverberation time is B. Reverberation time is inversely
too small proportional to absorption
A. Sound vanishes almost instantly C. Reverberation time is independent on
B. Multiple reflections of sound take place absorption
C. Quality of sound will be good D. None of the above
D. Quality of sound does not depend upon Ans. B
reverberation time
Ans. A Q. Which of the following statement is
Q. What happens if reverberation time is A. High frequency waves would have
too large shorter reverberation time
A. Sound vanishes almost instantly B. High frequency waves would have
B. Quality of sound will not be good longer reverberation time
C. Quality of sound will be good C. Low frequency waves would have
D. Quality of sound does not depend upon shorter reverberation time
reverberation time D. Reverberation time is independent on
Ans. B frequency
Q. Due to reverberation a note of sound Ans. D
in a hall becomes
A. Cut shortly Q. In acoustical words a dead room
B. Prolonged means,
C. Short live A. A hall in which sound energy is totally
D. Nothing of the above absorbed
Ans. B B. A hall in which sound energy is totally
C. A hall in which sound energy is partly
absorbed and partly transmitted

D. A hall in which sound energy is totally A. T ∝V
transmitted B. T ∝1/V
Ans. A C. T ∝ √ V
D. T ∝V2
Q. Reverberant sound is a term applied Ans. A
A. The first approximately 50 ms of any Q. A lecture hall has volume of 120000
sound, this is interpreted as part of the m2.It has reverberation time of 1.5 sec.
“initial” sound. What is the average absorbing power of
B. before reaching the listener sound that the surface, if the total sound-absorbing
reflects once but, may reflect from one of surface is 25000 m2?
many surfaces. A. 0.5120 O.W.U.
C. before reaching the listener, sound that B. 0.8120 O.W.U.
reflect many times. C. 5.120 O.W.U.
D. Sound that does not reflect before D. None of the above
reaching listener Ans. A
Ans. C Q. For an empty assembly hall of size 20
× 15 × 10 m3 If reverberation time is 3.5
Q. In an auditorium the walls are sec. Calculate absorption of the hall.
covered with sound absorbent materials. A. 130
Why? B. 148
A. So that sound must be absorbed C. 138
completely. D. 140
B. So that echo effects may be minimized. Ans. C
C. So that sound waves may appear as
noise. Q. A classroom has dimensions 20 × 15
D. To make the hall look better. × 5 m3.The reverberation time is 3.5 sec.
Ans. B Calculate the total absorption of its
Q. Curved sound board may be placed A. 69 m2-sabins
behind the stage because’ B. 79 m2-sabins
A. After reflection, sound waves spread C. 60 m2-sabins
evenly across the width of the hall D. 61 m2-sabins
B. Sound waves may be absorbed Ans. A
C. It makes the stage looks beautiful
D. It reflects the sound to a particular point Q. A classroom has dimensions 20 × 15
in the hall × 5 m3.the reverberation time is 3.5 sec.
Ans. A and total absorption of its surfaces is 69
m2-sabins. Calculate the average
Q. Types of surfaces needed for absorption coefficient.
reflection of sound waves are A. 0.07
A. Polished and smooth surfaces B. 0.05
B. Require hard surface only C. 0.02
C. Polished and rough surface D. 1.00
D. None of the above Ans. A
Ans. C
Q. If dimensions of the hall are 18 × 10
Q. According to Sabine’s formula, the × 8 m3.the reverberation time is 3.5 sec.
time of reverberation T is related to the Calculate the total absorption of its
volume V of the hall as, surface.

A. 60 m2-sabins C. one millionth of the initial level
B. 66.24 m2-sabins D. none of the above
C. 79 m2-sabins Ans. C
D. 61 m2-sabins
Ans. B Q. The assumption in the derivation of
Sabine’s formula are ……..
Q. A cinema hall has a volume of A. sound energy is uniformly distributed
7500m3. It is required to have in hall
reverberation time of 1.5 sec. What should B. absorption of sound in air is negligible
be the total absorption in a hall? C. sound travels with the same velocity in
A. 805 O.W.U. all direction
B. 925 O.W.U. D. all the above
C. 1225 O.W.U. Ans. D
D. 850 O.W.U.
Ans. A Q. The average reverberation time of a
hall is 1.5 sec and the area of the interior
Q. A cinema hall has a volume of surface is 3340 m2. The volume of the hall
7000m and total absorption in the hall is is 13000 m3. The absorption coefficient is
700 O.W.U. The time of reverberation ……..
should be, A. 0.482
A. 0.165 sec B. 0.428
B. 1.75 sec C. 0.248
C. 1.61 sec D. 0.224
D. 4.9 sec Ans. B
Ans. C
Q. For an empty assembly hall of size 20 Q. A cinema hall has a volume of 7500
× 15 × 10 m3 If reverberation time is 3.5 m3. It is required to have reverberation
sec. Calculate average absorption time of 1.5 sec. The total absorption in the
coefficient of the hall. hall is ……..
A. 1.06 A. 825 O.W.U
B. 0.106 B. 852 O.W.U
C. 0.160 C. 528 O.W.U
D. 0.116 D. 258 O.W.U
Ans. B Ans. A

Q. The normal reverberation time in a Q. A window whose area is 1.4 m 2 opens

cubical reverberation chamber 5m of side on a street where the street noise results in
is 5 sec. the total absorption for the an intensity level at the window of 60 dB.
chamber is Acoustic power enters the window via the
A. 11 OWU sound wave is …… (Standard intensity
B. 9.9 OWU level is 10-6 watt/cm2 )
C. 10.06 OWU A. 1.4 X 10-6 watt
D. 100.6 OWU B. 4 X 10-6 watt
Ans. C C. 14 X 10-6 watt
D. 1 X 10-6 watt
Q. Reverberation time is the time taken Ans. A
by the sound to fall to ……… after the
source in a hall is cut off. Q. If the volume of an enclosure is
A. zero expressed in cubic meters, area of its
B. half of the initial level surface in square meter and velocity of

sound in m/sec, then the Sabine’s formula Q. Attenuation of an ultrasonic wave
for time of reverberation can be expressed propagated through material can be
as attributed to:
A. T = 0.049V/A A. Absorption.
B. T = V/ 0.049A B. Diffraction.
C. T = 0.165 V/A C. Scattering.
D. T = 0.49 V/A D. All of the above.
Ans. C Ans. A

UNIT 2D Q. Dogs used as detectives on airports

because they
Q. Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is A. can see at long distance
called…….. B. very loyal
A. Audio sounds C. very hard working
B. Infrasonic D. can smell better and hear ultrasonic
C. Ultrasonic waves
D. Supersonics Ans. D
Ans. B
Q. Sound of frequency above 20 Hz and
Q. Regarding ultrasound waves, which below 20 KHz is called
of the following statements is FALSE? A. sonics
A. Wavelength is inversely related to B. Infrasonic
frequency C. Ultrasonic
B. High frequency waves have deeper D. Supersonics
penetration Ans. A
C. Curved array probes produce lower Q. Audible range of frequency of sound
frequency ultrasound waves is
D. Linear array probes produce higher A. Below 2o Hz
frequency ultrasound B. Above 20 Hz
Ans. B C. 20 Hz to 20 KHz
D. 20Hz to 20000 KHz
Q. The distance from a given point on an Ans. C
ultrasonic wave to the next corresponding
point is referred to as: Q. What is the approximate range of
A. Frequency. audible frequencies for a human ear?
B. Wavelength. A. 20 Hz – 20 kHz
C. Velocity. B. 20 kHz – 200 kHz
D. Pulse length. C. 200 kHz – 2 000 kHz
Ans. B D. 2000 kHz – 20 000 kHz
Ans. A
Q. A piezoelectric transducer will lose its
piezoelectric property if Q. The Piezoelectric phenomenon is
A. immersed in water observed in
B. used on a forging that has not been de- A. Quartz crystal
magnetized B. Calcite crystal
C. used on a surface whose temperature is C. Nickel rod
140 degrees C D. Iron rod
D. heated above its curie point Ans. A
Ans. D

Q. Which materials exhibit Q. The method of detecting the presence,
Magnetostriction effect? position and direction of motion of distant
A. Paramagnetic objects by reflecting a beam of sound
B. Diamagnetic waves is known as
C. Ferromagnetic A. RADAR
D. None of the above B. SONAR
Ans. C C. MIR
Q. In Piezoelectric effect, the Ans. B
interchange of the sign of the charges or
change in sign of potential difference on Q. The technique used by bats to find
the pair of opposite faces of crystal their way or to locate food is
A. Stretching turns contraction A. SONAR
B. Stretching continuous B. RADAR
C. Contraction continuous C. Echolocation
D. None of the above D. Flapping
Ans. A Ans. A

Q. Change in length of rod of Q. The fundamental frequency of a

ferromagnetic material when kept in Piezoelectric crystal used in ultrasonic is a
alternating field is called as function of
A. Piezoelectric effect A. its thickness
B. Magnetostriction effect B. the velocity of sound in the crystal
C. Oscillator effect material
D. None of the above C. both a and b
Ans. B D. none of the above
Q. Bats detect the obstacles in their path Ans. A
by receiving the reflected
A. infrared waves Q. In Magnetostriction method for
B. Radio waves generating ultrasonic waves a rod used of
C. Electromagnetic waves material,
D. Ultrasonic waves A. Paramagnetic
Ans. D B. Diamagnetic
C. Ferromagnetic
Q. The frequency which is not audible to D. none of the above
the human ear is Ans. C
A. 50 Hz
B. 500 Hz Q. The Magnetostriction phenomenon is
C. 5000 Hz useful for producing
D. 50000 Hz A. Ultrasonic waves
Ans. D B. Electromagnetic waves
C. Light waves
Q. The frequency which is not audible to D. Heat
the human ear is Ans. A
A. 50 Hz
B. 500 Hz Q. What is the range of frequency of
C. 5000 Hz waves produced by Magnetostriction
D. 15 Hz method?
Ans. D A. Less than 20 Hz
B. 20 Hz to 20 kHz

C. 20 kHz to 100 kHz C. Radiofrequency oscillator with nickel
D. Greater than 100 kHz rod.
Ans. C D. All of above.
Ans. A
Q. Ultrasonic waves show negligible
diffraction because, Q. State the correct answer:
A. Ultrasonic waves have smaller A. Ultrasonic waves are sound waves of
wavelength very long wavelength
B. Ultrasonic waves have greater B. Ultrasonic waves are sound waves of
wavelength very low frequency
C. Ultrasonic waves have very short C. Ultrasonic waves move faster than
frequency sound waves
D. None of the above D. Ultrasonic waves move with same
Ans. A velocity as sound waves.
Ans. D
Q. Waves used in ultrasonic testing of
materials are ……………in nature. Q. Which property of ultrasonic waves is
A. mechanical responsible for many applications?
B. magnetic A. Ultrasonic waves have very high
C. electromagnetic frequency and small wavelength.
D. harmonious B. Ultrasonic waves have very small
Ans. A frequency and large wavelength.
C. Ultrasonic waves have frequency equal
Q. In ultrasonic testing a piezoelectric to frequency of audible sound.
material is used to: D. None of the above
A. Convert electric energy to mechanical Ans. A
B. Convert mechanical energy to electrical Q. When Nickel rod is kept in alternating
energy magnetic field, frequency of vibration set
C. both a and b up in the rod is,
D. None of the above A. Twice the frequency of magnetic field
Ans. C B. Same as the frequency of magnetic field
Q. Which one from the following is a C. Half the frequency of magnetic field
correct characteristic of ultrasonic waves? D. Not related to frequency of magnetic
A. Ultrasonic waves are sound waves of field.
very long wavelength. Ans. A
B. Ultrasonic waves are sound waves of
very high frequency. Q. If frequency of alternating magnetic
C. Ultrasonic waves move faster than field is f, the frequency with which Nickel
sound waves. rod is kept in it vibrates,
D. Ultrasonic waves move slower than A. f
sound waves. B. 2f
Ans. B C. 0.5f
D. None of the above
Q. Ultrasonic waves cannot be produced Ans. B
A. Radiofrequency oscillator with Q. Which method is suitable for
diaphragm loudspeaker. producing high frequency sound waves of
B. Radiofrequency oscillator with quartz the order of 1×108Hz?
crystal. A. Magnetostriction method

B. Piezoelectric method Q. An ultrasonic source of 0.07 MHz
C. Mechanical vibration method sends down a pulse towards the seabed
D. Any of the above which returns after 0.65 sec. the velocity
Ans. B of sound in seawater is 1700 m/s. calculate
depth of sea.
Q. Which of the following are A. 55.25 m
piezoelectric crystals B. 452.5 m
A. Quartz and Tourmaline C. 45.25 m
B. Iron and nickel D. 552.5 m
C. Both a and b Ans. D
D. None of the above
Ans. A Q. A marine biologist sends a signal into
a lake from the surface. The sound strikes
Q. The limits of human audibility have a school of fish and the echo returns to the
maximum range at biologist 0.020 s after the original signal is
A. 400 Hz sent. If the speed of sound in water at the
B. 1000Hz time was 1500 m/s, then the depth at
C. 20000Hz which the fish are located is approximately
D. 20000kHz A. 75 km
Ans. C B. 150 km
C. 15 m
Q. In a piezoelectric crystal, cut for D. 150m
generating ultrasonic waves, the Ans. B
mechanical axis and electrical axis are
A. Mutually perpendicular Q. An ultrasonic pulse of frequency 80
B. Mutually parallel kHz is sent down towards the seabed. The
C. Inclined at 450 echo is recorded after 0.7 sec. If the
D. Inclined at 300 velocity of sound in sea water is 1500 m/s,
Ans. A calculate the depth of the sea.
A. 525 m
Q. The frequency of vibration of rod in B. 752.2m
Magnetostriction method is ---------------- C. 1052m
the frequency of the applied alternating D. None of the above
current. Ans. A
A. 2 times
B. equal to Q. Calculate the length of an iron rod
C. 4 times which can be used to produce ultrasonic
D. 0.5 times waves of 20 KHz. Density of iron = 7.23 ×
Ans. A 103 kg/m2 and young’s modulus of Iron =
11.6 × 1010N/m2.
Q. Calculate natural frequency of 40 mm A. 1.001m
length of a pure rod. Given: density of B. 10.01m
pure Iron = 7.25 × 103kg/m3 , Young’s C. 0.5m
modulus = 115 × 109 N/m2 D. 0.75m
A. 49.75 kHz Ans. A
B. 4.975 kHz
C. 49.75 Hz Q. An ultrasonic wave is sent from a ship
D. 75.49 Hz towards the bottom of the sea. It is found
Ans. A that the time interval between the sending
and receiving of the wave is 1.6 s. What is

the depth of the sea, if the velocity of A. 1.37 × 10-13 m
sound in the seawater is 1400 m/s? B. 1.37 × 10-3 m
A. 1120 m C. 2.37 × 10-13 m
B. 560 m D. 1.37 m
C. 1400 m Ans. B
D. 112 m
Ans. A Q. Calculate the natural frequency of a
cast iron rod of length 2.6cm. Given:
Q. Calculate natural frequency of Quartz density of rod = 7.23 × 103 kg/m3,
crystal of thickness 5.5 × 10-3m. Young’s Young’s modulus = 1.16 × 10 N/m2

modulus is 8 × 1010 N/m2 and density of A. 770.3 kHZ

the crystal is 2.65 × 103 kg/m3 B. 77.03 kHZ
A. 780 kHz C. 83.3 kHZ
B. 500 kHz D. None of the above
C. 590 kHz Ans. B
D. 600 kHz
Ans. B Q. A quartz crystal in an ultrasonic
interferometer produces stationary waves
Q. Calculate the frequency of the of 1.5 MHz frequency. If the distance
fundamental note emitted by piezoelectric between 6 consecutive nodes is 2.75 mm,
crystal, using the following data. Vibrating find the velocity of ultrasonic waves.
thickness 3 mm, Young’s modulus = 8 × A. 1650 cm/s
1010 N/m2 and density of crystal = 2.5 × B. 2650 m/s
103 g/cm3 C. 1000 m/s
A. 943 Hz D. 1650 m/s
B. 943 kHz Ans. D
C. 94.3 kHz
D. 992.4kHz Q. A quartz crystal of thickness 0.001 m
Ans. B is vibrating at resonance. Calculate the
fundamental frequency of crystal. Given:
Q. An ultrasonic source of 70 kHz sends density of crystal = 2650 kg/m3 Young’s
down a pulse towards the seabed which modulus = 8 × 1010 N/m2
returns after 0.5 sec. The velocity of sound A. 2730kHz
in sea water is 1400 cm/sec. What is the B. 2730Hz
depth of the sea and wavelength of pulse in C. 2730kHz
water? D. 2730kHz
A. Depth of sea =350 m and wavelength of Ans. C
pulse = 20 × 10-3 m
B. Depth of sea =3350 m and wavelength Q. Calculate the natural frequency of a
of pulse = 20 × 10-3 m quartz crystal of thickness 2 mm. Given:
C. Depth of sea =350 m and wavelength of density of iron = 7.2 × 103 kg/m3
pulse = 10 × 10-3 m Young’s modulus = 1.2 × 1011 N/m2
D. None of the above A. 1.374 Hz
Ans. A B. 1.374 MHz
C. 1.021 Hz
Q. Calculate the thickness of a Quartz D. 1.021 MHz
plate required to produce ultrasonic waves Ans. D
of frequency 2 MHz. Given: density of
crystal = 2650 kg/m3, Young’s modulus = Q. Calculate the natural frequency of an
8 × 1010 N/m2 iron rod of length 20 mm. Given: density

of crystal = 2650 kg/m3, Young’s modulus Ans. D
= 8 × 1010 N/m2
A. 1.374 Hz Q. The wavelength of ultrasonic wave in
B. 1.374 MHz air is in the order of
C. 137.4 Hz A. 1 cm
D. 3.74 MH B. 5 X 10-6 cm
Ans. B C. 5 X 10-5 cm
D. 1 X 10-6 m
Q. A quartz crystal of thickness of 0.001 Ans. A
m is vibrating at resonance. The
fundamental frequency is ……. As Q. The fundamental frequency of a
Young’s modulus is 7.9 X 1010 N/m2 and quartz crystal plate of thickness √30 mm is
density for quartz crystal is 2650 Kg /m3 …..
A. 2700 KHz A. 508 KHz
B. 3072 KHz B. 5 KHz
C. 2703 KHz C. 50 KHZ
D. 2730 KHz D. 5.5 KHz
Ans. D Ans. A

Q. An ultrasonic pulse of frequency 80 Q. Wavelength of ultrasonic wave in air

KHz is sent down towards the seabed. The is of the order of 5 X 10-6. Its frequency is
echo is recorded after 0.7 sec. If the A. 165 Hz
velocity of sound in sea water is 1500 m/s B. 68 X 103 Hz
then depth of the sea and wavelength of C. 1.5 X 10-9 Hz
the pulse is D. 170 Hz
A. 525 m and 0.01875 m Ans. B
B. 25 m and 0.0175 m
C. 55 m and 0.0185 m Q. A bat emits ultrasonic wave of
D. 25 m and 0.1875 m frequency 39 KHz and receives an echo
Ans. A 0.2 sec after. The distance of the bat from
the object producing echo in ……. (Speed
Q. The thickness of a quartz plate of sound 330 m/s in air)
required to produce ultrasonic wave of A. 60 m
frequency 2 MHz is ………. (ρ = 2650 B. 33m
Kg/m3, Y = 8 X 1010 N/m2) C. 3 x 107 m
A. 13.73 X 10-3 m D. 3 x 106 m
B. 1.33 X 10-3 m Ans. B
C. 1.373 X 10-3 m
D. 1.73 X 10-3 m Q. Ultrasonic’s have the characteristic of
Ans. C A. long wavelength
B. low frequency
Q. An ultrasonic scanner use to locate C. high frequency
tumours in a tissue function at frequency D. velocity equal to c
4.2 MHz The speed of sound in the tissue Ans. C
is 1.68 Km/s. The wavelength of ultrasonic
waves in the tissue is ….. UNIT 3A
A. 4 X 10-3 m
B. 40 X 10-4 m Q. The transverse nature of light is
C. 4 X 10-6 m shown by
D. 4 X 10-4 m A. Interference

B. Refraction Q. The device used to produce the
C. Polarization polarized light is called as
D. Dispersion A. Analyzer
Ans. C B. Polarizer
C. Prism
Q. Plane polarized light has vibrations of D. None of these
electric vector Ans. B
A. In one plane perpendicular to direction
of propagation Q. In the electromagnetic wave the
B. In one plane along the direction of electric field vibrates in _______ possible
propagation plane/planes perpendicular to the direction
C. In all planes perpendicular to direction of propagation of light.
of propagation A. one
D. In two planes perpendicular to direction B. two
of propagation C. three
Ans. A D. all
Ans. D
Q. Which of the following cannot be
polarized? Q. A plane in which, the vibrations of
A. Radio waves electric vector of a plane polarized light
B. Sound waves comes is called as
C. Light waves A. Plane of polarization
D. X-rays B. Plane of vibration
Ans. B C. Plane of polarized vibration
D. None of these
Q. When unpolarized light is converted Ans. B
to polarized light its intensity
A. is increased Q. A plane perpendicular to the plane of
B. remains same vibration is called as
C. is decreased A. Plane of polarization
D. None of these B. Plane of vibration
Ans. C C. Plane of polarized vibration
D. None of these
Q. For complete polarization, light Ans. A
should be
A. Monochromatic Q. A plane perpendicular to the
B. Dichromatic vibrations of electric vector of a plane
C. From mercury vapour source polarized light is called as
D. None of these A. Plane of polarization
Ans. A B. Plane of vibration
C. Plane of polarized vibration
Q. We use sun glasses in the summer D. None of these
season, which acts as a Ans. A
A. Polarizer
B. Analyzer Q. What is the angle between the plane
C. Both A and B are correct of vibration/oscillation and plane of
D. None of these polarization of the polarized light?
Ans. A A. 0
B. π/2
C. π/4

D. π Q. The plane polarized light obtained by
Ans. B reflection has vibrations of electric vector
_________ to the reflecting surface.
Q. When un-polarized light is incident A. Perpendicular
on the reflecting surface with angle of B. Inclined
incident other than polarizing angle, the C. Parallel
reflected light is D. None of these
A. Un-polarized Ans. C
B. Plane polarized
C. Partially polarized Q. The plane polarized light obtained by
D. Circularly polarized reflection has vibrations of electric vector
Ans. C parallel to
A. Plane of paper
Q. When Polaroid is rotated, the B. Plane of incident light
intensity of light varies but never reduces C. Reflecting surface
to zero. It shows that the incident light is D. None of these
A. Plane polarized Ans. C
B. Partially polarized
C. Unpolarized Q. When the light is incident at the
D. Circularly polarized polarizing angle on the refracting surface,
Ans. B which of the following is completely
Q. The angle of incidence at which A. Reflected light
maximum polarization occurs is known as B. Refracted light
A. Angle of polarization C. Both reflected and refracted light
B. Angle of reflection D. Neither reflected nor refracted light
C. Angle of refraction Ans. A
D. Critical angle
Ans. A Q. When un-polarized light is incident
on the refracting surface with polarizing
Q. When un-polarized light is incident angle the reflected light and refracted light
on the reflecting surface with polarizing are ______________ to each other.
angle, the reflected light is A. Perpendicular
A. Un-polarized B. Inclined
B. Plane polarized C. Parallel
C. Partially polarized D. None of these
D. Circularly polarized Ans. A
Ans. B
Q. According to Brewster’s law, when
un-polarized light is incident on the
refracting surface with polarizing angle
Q. Polarizing angle is, then the angle between the reflected light
A. Same for different reflecting surfaces. and refracted light is,
B. Different for same reflecting surface. A. 150
C. Different for different reflecting B. 450
surfaces. C. 1800
D. Circularly polarized D. 900
Ans. C Ans. D

Q. When un-polarized light is incident A. Brewster method
on the refracting surface with polarizing B. Malus method
angle then the reflected light and refracted C. Piles of plate’s method
light is__________ and __________ D. None of these
respectively. Ans. C
A. Partially and plane polarized
B. Plane and partially polarized Q. In the method of obtaining plane
C. Plane and plane polarized polarized light by piles of plates the
D. Partially and partially polarized _____________ beam is converted into
Ans. B plane polarized.
A. Refracted
Q. The mathematical statement of B. Reflected
Brewster’s law is C. Diffracted
A. µ = sin ip D. Scattered
B. µ = sin rp Ans. A
C. µ = tan ip
D. µ = cos ip Q. Polarization of natural light by
Ans. C reflection from the surface of glass was
discovered in 1808 by
Q. The refractive index for plastic is A. E. L. Malus
1.25. Calculate the angle of refraction for a B. Sir David Brewster
light inclined at polarizing angle. C. Biot
A. 36.8 D. Erasmus Bartholinus
B. 38.6 Ans. A
C. 34.6
D. None of these Q. The intensity of the polarized light
Ans. B transmitted by the analyzer varies as
______________of angle between plane of
Q. The refractive index for water is 1.33. transmission of polarizer and analyzer”.
The polarizing angle for water (in degree) A. Square root of cosine
is B. Square of sine
A. 53.06 C. square of cosine
B. 0.0232 D. Square root of sine
C. 570 Ans. C
D. 52.06
Ans. A Q. According to the Malus law, the
intensity of polarized light emerging
Q. A ray of light strikes a glass plate at through the analyzer varies as _______
an angle of 60°. If the reflected and where θ is angle between plane of
refracted rays are perpendicular to each transmission of polarizer and analyzer.
other, the refractive index of refraction of A. sin2θ
glass is B. cos2θ
A. √(3/2) C. tan2θ
B. 03 D. sec2θ
C. 01 Ans. B
D. √3
Ans. D Q. According to the Malus law, the
intensity of polarized light emerging
Q. The method of obtaining plane through the analyzer is equal to ------------
polarized light by refraction is where, Im is maximum intensity and θ is

angle between plane of transmission of A. 360
polarizer and analyzer. B. 180
A. Imsin2θ C. 90
B. Imcos2θ D. 45
C. Imtan2θ Ans. D
D. Imsec2θ
Ans. B Q. Two polarizing sheets have polarizing
directions parallel so that the intensity of
Q. When the crystals are perpendicular the transmitted light is maximum. If one of
to each other, the intensity of the emergent them is turned through angle of 3150, the
beam from the second crystal is intensity of transmitted light reduces to,
A. Maximum A. Does not reduces
B. Minimum B. Half
C. Zero C. One fourth
D. None of the above D. None of these
Ans. C Ans. B

Q. When the analyzer is rotated through Q. Two Polaroid are adjusted so as to

3600, one observes obtain maximum intensity. Through what
A. One extinction and two brightness angle should polaroid be rotated to reduce
B. one brightness and two extinctions the intensity to one fourth of its original
C. two extinctions and two brightness value?
D. none of the above A. 360
Ans. C B. 180
C. 60
Q. If the angle between a polarizer and D. 45
analyzer is 60°. Then the intensity of Ans. C
transmitted light for original intensity of
incident light as I is Q. The ratio of intensity of the polarized
A. 0.25 Im light transmitted by the analyzer to square
B. 0.50 Im of cosine of angle between plane of
C. 0.75 Im transmission of polarizer and analyzer is
D. 0.125 Im always,
Ans. A A. Constant
B. Not constant
Q. Two polaroid are adjusted so as to C. Less than 1
obtain maximum intensity. Through what D. None of these
angle should polaroid be rotated to reduce Ans. A
the intensity to half of its original value?
A. 3600 Q. In Malus law the intensity of the
B. 450 polarized light transmitted by the analyzer
C. 900 is proportional to square of cosine of
D. 1800 angle between plane of transmission of
Ans. B polarizer and analyzer because,
A. The cosine component of the intensity
Q. Two polarizing sheets have polarizing of polarized light comes in the plane of
directions parallel so that the intensity of analyzer
the transmitted light is maximum. Through B. The cosine component of the intensity
what angle must either sheet be turned if of polarized light comes in the plane of
the intensity is to drop by half? polarizer

C. The sine component of the intensity of Q. When a beam of un-polarized light is
polarized light comes in the plane of incident upon a crystal such as calcite, then
analyzer the beam on entering the crystal get split
D. None of these up into two plane polarized beam of light
Ans. A having their planes of vibrations mutually
perpendicular to each other . This
Q. The intensity of light incident on a phenomenon is known as
polarizer is I and that of the light emerging A. Polarization by refraction
from it is also I. What is the nature of light B. Polarization by double reflection
incident on the polarizer? C. Polarization by reflection
A. Polarized D. Polarization by double refraction
B. Unpolarized Ans. D
C. Partially polarized
D. Circularly polarized Q. The chemical name of the calcite
Ans. A crystal is
A. hydrated calcium carbonate
UNIT 3B B. hydrated sodium carbonate
C. hydrated aluminium carbonate
Q. When a beam of un-polarized light is D. none of these
incident upon a crystal such as calcite then Ans. A
the beam on entering the crystal get split
Q. The structure of calcite-crystal is
up into two components, both are
A. Rectangular
A. Unpolarized
B. Rhombohedra
B. Plane polarized
C. Triangular
C. Partially polarized
D. parallelepiped
D. Circularly polarized
Ans. B
Ans. B
Q. In the structure of calcite the line
Q. When a beam of un-polarized light is
joining the two blunt corners of the crystal
incident upon a crystal such as calcite then
the beam on entering the crystal get split
A. Direction of its central axis
up into _______ plane polarized beam of
B. Direction of its optic axis
C. Direction of its principle axis
A. one
D. None of these
B. two
Ans. B
C. three
D. four
Q. In the calcite crystal the number of
Ans. B
optic axis is
A. one
Q. When a beam of un-polarized light is
B. two
incident upon a crystal such as calcite then
C. three
the beam on entering the crystal get split
D. infinite
up into two plane polarized beam of light
Ans. D
having their planes of
vibrations_____________ to each other
Q. At blunt corner all the sides are
A. parallel
making ____________angle with each
B. anti-parallel
C. perpendicular
A. acute
D. not parallel
B. obtuse
Ans. C

C. right Q. In case of negative crystals,
D. None of these A. The velocity of ordinary ray is less than
Ans. B velocity of extraordinary ray
B. The velocity of ordinary ray is equal to
Q. In calcite structure all acute and velocity of extraordinary ray
obtuse angles are _____ and _____ C. The velocity of ordinary ray is greater
respectively. than velocity of extraordinary ray
A. 680 and 1120 D. The velocity of extraordinary ray is
B. 1090 and 710 greater than velocity of ordinary ray
C. 710 and 1090 Ans. D
D. 690 and 1110
Ans. C Q. Huygen explained the phenomenon
of double refraction on the basis of
Q. Plane containing the optic axis and A. Primary wavelets
perpendicular to the opposite faces of the B. Secondary wavelets
crystal is called the______ C. Circular wavelets
A. Vibration plane D. Cylindrical wavelets
B. Principle plane Ans. B
C. Optic axis
D. None of these Q. When light is incident on the doubly
Ans. B refracting crystal perpendicular to the optic
axis of the crystal then
Q. Rotating calcite crystal is placed over A. The O- and E- ray travel in different
an ink dot. On seeing through the crystal, directions with same velocity
one finds B. The O- and E- ray travel in same
A. two stationary dots directions with same velocity
B. two dots moving along straight lines C. The O- and E- ray travel in different
C. one dot rotating about the other directions with different velocity
D. both dots rotating about a common axis D. The O- and E- ray travel in same
Ans. C directions with different velocity
Ans. D
Q. The examples of double refracting
crystals are Q. When light is incident on the doubly
A. Calcite refracting crystal parallel or along to the
B. Quartz optic axis of the crystal then
C. Tourmaline A. The O- and E- ray travel in different
D. All above directions with same velocity
Ans. D B. The O- and E- ray travel in same
directions with same velocity
Q. In case of positive crystals, C. The O- and E- ray travel in different
A. The velocity of ordinary ray is less than directions with different velocity
velocity of extraordinary ray D. The O- and E- ray travel in same
B. The velocity of ordinary ray is equal to directions with different velocity
velocity of extraordinary ray Ans. B
C. The velocity of ordinary ray is greater
than velocity of extraordinary ray Q. When light is incident on the doubly
D. The velocity of extraordinary ray is refracting crystal normally such that the
greater than velocity of ordinary ray optic axis is inclined to the crystal surface
Ans. C then

A. The O- and E- ray travel in different Q. When light is incident normally on
directions with same velocity the doubly refracting crystal such that the
B. The O- and E- ray travel in same surface on which light is incident is cut
directions with same velocity parallel to its optic axis then O ray and E
C. The O- and E- ray travel in different ray
directions with different velocity A. Does not split up and travels with
D. The O- and E- ray travel in same different velocity.
directions with different velocity B. Does not split up and travels with same
Ans. C velocity.
C. Split up into two component and travels
Q. When light is incident on the doubly with different velocity
refracting crystal along the optic axis of D. Split up into two component and travels
the crystal then O ray and E ray with same velocity
A. Does not split up and travels with Ans. A
different velocity.
B. Does not split up and travels with same Q. In double refraction we get two
velocity. refracted rays called O-ray and E- ray.
C. Split up into two component and travels Which of the following statements is true?
with different velocity A. Only the O-ray is polarized
D. Split up into two component and travels B. Only the E-ray is polarized
with same velocity C. Both O and E rays are polarized
Ans. B D. Neither O-ray nor E-ray is polarized
Q. When light is incident on the doubly Ans. C
refracting crystal perpendicular to optic
axis of the crystal then O ray and E ray Q. For a double refracting crystal, the
A. Does not split up and travels with refractive indices for the ordinary and
different velocity. extraordinary rays are denoted by μ₀ and
B. Does not split up and travels with same μe. Which of the following relations is
velocity. valid along the optical axis of the crystal?
C. Split up into two component and travels A. μ₀ = μe
with different velocity B. μ₀ ≤ μe
D. Split up into two component and travels C. μ₀< μe
with same velocity D. μ₀> μe
Ans. A Ans. A

Q. When light is incident normally on Q. If μ₀ and μe be the refractive indices

the doubly refracting crystal such that the of the doubly refracting crystal for O-ray
surface on which light is incident is cut and E-ray respectively then for the
perpendicular to its optic axis then O ray negative crystal which of the following
and E ray relations is correct?
A. Does not split up and travels with A. μ₀ = μe
different velocity. B. μ₀ ≤ μe
B. Does not split up and travels with same C. μ₀< μe
velocity. D. μ₀> μe
C. Split up into two component and travels Ans. D
with different velocity
D. Split up into two component and travels Q. If μ₀ and μe be the refractive indices
with same velocity of the doubly refracting crystal for O-ray
Ans. B and E-ray respectively then for the positive

crystals which of the following relations is directions is 10:9, then the ratio of the
correct? refractive indices of that crystal for that
A. μ₀ = μe ray is
B. μ₀ ≤ μe A. 100:81
C. μ₀< μe B. 81:100
D. μ₀> μe C. 9:10
Ans. C D. 10:09
Ans. C
Q. The O-ray travels with the same
velocity ‘vo’ in all directions and hence
according to Huygen the corresponding Q. In doubly refracting crystal the ratio
wave front is of its refractive indices for E – ray in two
A. Ellipsoid different directions is 10:9, then the
B. Spherical corresponding ratio of the velocities of that
C. Cylindrical ray is
D. None of these A. 100:81
Ans. B B. 81:100
C. 9:10
Q. The E-ray travels with the different D. 10:09
velocity ‘ve’ in different directions and Ans. C
hence according to Huygen the
corresponding wave front is ________ Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray
A. Ellipsoid and E-ray are travelling along the same
B. Spherical direction but the velocity of E-ray is
C. Cylindrical greater than that of O-ray then the crystal
D. None of these is
Ans. A A. Positive
B. Negative
Q. In the doubly refracting crystals, the C. Both A and B correct
O-ray travels with the same velocity ‘vo’ in D. None of these
all directions therefore its refractive index Ans. B
for O ray is _________ in all directions.
A. Different Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray
B. Same and E-ray are travelling along the same
C. Changes direction but the velocity of E-ray is
D. None of these greater than that of O-ray then
Ans. B A. The light is incident along the optic axis
Q. In the doubly refracting crystals, the and the crystal is negative.
E-ray travels with the different velocity ‘ B. The light is incident along the optic axis
ve’ in all directions therefore its refractive and the crystal is positive.
index for E ray is _________ in all C. The light is incident perpendicular to
directions. the optic axis and the crystal is negative.
A. Different D. The light is incident perpendicular to
B. Same the optic axis and the crystal is positive.
C. Changes Ans. C
D. None of these
Ans. A Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray
and E-ray are travelling along the same
Q. In doubly refracting crystal the ratio direction but the velocity of E-ray is less
of velocities of E – ray in two different than that of O-ray then

A. The light is incident along the optic axis Q. The refractive index of a doubly
and the crystal is negative. refracting crystal for O-ray is 1.586 then
B. The light is incident along the optic axis the velocity of O-ray in that crystal is
and the crystal is positive A. 1.89 × 108 m/s
C. The light is incident perpendicular to B. 1.98 × 107 m/s
the optic axis and the crystal is negative. C. 1.89 × 107 m/s
D. The light is incident perpendicular to D. 1.89 × 109 m/s
the optic axis and the crystal is positive. Ans. A
Ans. D
Q. The velocity of E-ray in a doubly
Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray refracting crystal is 1.65×108 m/s then the
and E-ray are travelling along the same refractive index of that crystal for that ray
direction and same velocity then is
A. The light is incident along the optic axis A. 1.181
and the crystal is negative. B. 1.818
B. The light is incident along the optic axis C. 1.118
and the crystal is positive D. 8.181
C. The light is incident along the optic axis Ans. B
and the crystal is negative or positive
D. The light is incident perpendicular to Q. Certain double refracting crystals
the optic axis and the crystal is negative or have the property of absorbing either the
positive. O-ray or E-ray to large extent than the
Ans. C other then such crystals are known
Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray A. Dichroic crystals
and E-ray are travelling along the same B. Uniaxial crystals
direction but with different velocity then C. Single crystals
A. The light is incident along the optic axis D. None of the above
and the crystal is negative. Ans. A
B. The light is incident along the optic axis
and the crystal is positive Q. Polaroid is a artificial crystalline
C. The light is incident along the optic axis material which can be made in thin sheet
and the crystal is negative or positive and has the property of producing plane
D. The light is incident perpendicular to polarized light by the method of
the optic axis and the crystal is negative or A. Selective refraction
positive. B. Selective absorption
Ans. D C. Selective reflection
D. None of the above
Q. In doubly refracting crystal if O-ray Ans. B
and E-ray are travelling along the same
direction and with same velocity then Q. Polaroid sunglasses decrease glare on
A. The light is incident perpendicular to sunny day because they
the optic axis and the crystal is negative. A. block portion of light
B. The light is incident perpendicular to B. have special colour
the optic axis and the crystal is positive C. completely absorb the light
C. The light is incident perpendicular to D. refract the light
the optic axis and the crystal is negative or Ans. A
D. None of these Q. We prefer Polaroid sunglasses
Ans. D because they

A. have soothing colours Ans. A
B. reduce the intensity of light
C. are cheaper Q. The thickness of QWP made from
D. can change colour of light positive crystal required to produce path
Ans. B difference of λ/2 is
A. t = λ/[2(μ0- μe)]
Q. Which of the following material may B. t = λ/[4(μ0- μe)]
be used for manufacturing Polaroid? C. t = λ/[2(μe - μ0)]
A. Calcite D. t = λ/[4(μe - μ0)]
B. Tourmaline Ans. D
C. Quartz
D. Quinine iodosulphate. Q. The thickness of QWP made from
Ans. D negative crystal required to produce path
difference of λ/2 is
Q. Polaroids are used for A. t = λ/[2(μ0- μe)]
A. Control intensity of light in trains and B. t = λ/[4(μ0- μe)]
airplanes C. t = λ/[2(μe - μ0)]
B. Produce three dimensional pictures D. t = λ/[4(μe - μ0)]
C. Eliminate headlight glare in motor cars Ans. B
D. All of the above
Ans. D Q. The phase change is introduced by
QWP between O-ray and E-ray is
Q. A QWP/HWP is a device from double A. π radians
refracting uniaxial negative /positive B. π/2 radians
crystal whose faces are cut C. 2π radians
A. Perpendicular to the direction of optic D. 4π radians
axis Ans. B
B. parallel to the direction of optic axis
C. parallel to the propagation of incident Q. The phase change is introduced by
beam of light HWP between O-ray and E-ray is
D. perpendicular to the propagation of A. π radians
incident beam of light B. π/2 radians
Ans. B C. 2π radians
D. 4π radians
Q. The thickness of HWP made from Ans. A
positive crystal required to produce path
difference of λ/2 is Q. When polarized light is incident on
A. t = λ/[2(μ0- μe)] the QWP, the possible output is
B. t = λ/[4(μ0- μe)] A. Elliptically polarized light
C. t = λ/[2(μe - μ0)] B. Circularly polarized light
D. t = λ/[4(μe - μ0)] C. A or B is possible
Ans. C D. Neither A nor B
Ans. C
Q. The thickness of HWP made from
negative crystal required to produce path Q. When polarized light is incident on
difference of λ/2 is the QWP such that amplitude of O-ray and
A. t = λ/[2(μ0- μe)] E-ray is same, the possible output is
B. t = λ/[4(μ0- μe)] A. Elliptically polarized light
C. t = λ/[2(μe - μ0)] B. Circularly polarized light
D. t = λ/[4(μe - μ0)] C. Plane polarized light

D. Partially polarized light A. QWP (Quarter wave plate)
Ans. B B. HWP (Half wave plate)
C. Nicol Prism
Q. When polarized light is incident on D. None of these
the QWP such that polarized vibrations are Ans. A
making angle 450 with the optic axis, the
possible output is Q. Plane polarized light can be produced
A. Elliptically polarized light by
B. Circularly polarized light A. QWP (Quarter wave plate)
C. Plane polarized light B. HWP (Half wave plate)
D. Partially polarized light C. Both A and B
Ans. B D. None of these
Ans. B
Q. When polarized light is incident on Q. Determine the thickness of half wave
the QWP such that amplitude of O-ray and plate of a quartz for wavelength of 5000
E-ray is not same, the possible output is A° and μe = 1.553, μo = 1.544
A. Elliptically polarized light A. 0.0000278 m
B. Circularly polarized light B. 0.0000138 m
C. Plane polarized light C. 0.0000238 m
D. Partially polarized light D. 0.0000287 m
Ans. A Ans. A

Q. When polarized light is incident on Q. Determine the thickness of quarter

the QWP such that polarized vibrations are wave plate of a quartz for a wavelength of
making angle other than 450 with the optic 5000 A° and μe = 1.553, μo = 1.544
axis, the possible output is A. 0.0000278 m
A. Elliptically polarized light B. 0.0000138 m
B. Circularly polarized light C. 0.0000238 m
C. Plane polarized light D. 0.0000287 m
D. Partially polarized light Ans. B
Ans. A
Q. To introduce a path difference of λ/2
Q. When polarized light is incident on between the 0– ray and E– ray for light of
the HWP, the possible output is wavelength 650 nm, the required thickness
A. Elliptically polarized light of doubly refracting crystal is, (Given: µo =
B. Circularly polarized light 1.65 and µe = 1.48.)
C. Plane polarized light A. 1.191 × 10 -6 m.
D. Partially polarized light B. 1.119 × 10 -6 m.
Ans. C C. 1.911 × 10 -6 m.
D. 1.991 × 10 -6 m.
Q. Circularly polarized light can be Ans. C
produced by
A. QWP (Quarter wave plate) Q. To obtain plane polarized light of
B. HWP (Half wave plate) wavelength 650 nm, the required thickness
C. Nicol Prism of retardation plate of doubly refracting
D. None of these crystal is, (Given: µo = 1.65 and µe =
Ans. A 1.48.)
A. 1.191 × 10 -6m.
Q. Elliptically polarized light can be B. 1.119 × 10 -6 m.
produced by C. 1.911 × 10 -6 m.

D. 1.991 × 10 -6 m. __________ as seen by an observer facing
Ans. C the emergent light
A. in clockwise direction
Q. What should be the thickness of B. in anticlockwise direction
retardation plate whose faces are cut C. by 1800
parallel to the optic axis to obtain D. None of the above
elliptically polarized light of wavelength Ans. A
650 nm? (Given: µo = 1.65 and µe = 1.48.)
A. 9.55 × 10-7 m. Q. Leavo rotatory optically active
B. 9.55 × 10-6 m. substance rotates the plane of vibrations
C. 9.55 × 10-8 m. __________as seen by an observer facing
D. 9.55 × 10-5 m. the emergent light .
Ans. A A. in clockwise direction
Q. Quarter wave plate is fabricated for B. in anticlockwise direction
wavelength of light λ0 = 600 nm. C. by 1800
Neglecting changes of µ0 and µe, what D. None of the above
phase retardation will it show for light Ans. B
having wavelength, λ = 450 nm?
A. 0.55 π Q. The substance which rotates the plane
B. 0.66 π of vibration of a plane polarized light is
C. 0.78 π called as
D. None of these A. Optically inactive substance
Ans. B B. Optically god substance
C. Optically rotating substance
Q. If a beam of linearly polarized light of D. Optically active substance
wavelength 6000 AU is changed into Ans. D
circularly polarized light by passing it
through a thin plate of positive crystal Q. The angle through which plane of
having 0.003 cm thickness then the polarization rotated is known as
difference in the refractive index of the A. Polarizing angle
crystal for E– ray and 0– ray is, B. Angle of rotation
A. 5 × 10-2 C. Angle of reflection
B. 5 × 10-1 D. Angle of refraction
C. 5 × 10-3 Ans. B
D. 5 × 10-4
Ans. C Q. The angle of rotation produced by an
optically active substance is proportional
Q. Optically active substances are those to its
which A. Length traversed
A. cause double refraction B. Concentration of solution
B. convert unpolarized light into polarized C. 1/λ2 where λ is the wavelength of light
light used
C. rotate the plane of polarization D. All of them
D. convert polarized light into unpolarized Ans. D
Ans. C Q. The angle of rotation produced by an
optically active substance is
Q. Dextro rotatory optically active A. greater for violet and least for red
substance rotates the plane of vibrations wavelength

B. least for violet and greater for red
wavelength Q. The specific rotation S is the observed
C. same for violet and red wavelength angle of optical rotation θ when plane
D. None of these polarized light is passed through a sample
Ans. A with a path length of ___________ and a
sample concentration of 1 gm per 1
Q. The specific rotation of a substance is milliliter.
defined as A. 1 centimeter
A. S = θ/l.c B. 1 decimeter
B. S = 1/θ.l.c C. 1 millimeter
C. S = l/θ.c D. 1 meter
D. S = c/θ.l Ans. B
Ans. A
Q. In optically active substances, for a Q. Determine the specific rotation if the
given wavelength of light, the angle of plane of polarization is turned through
rotation is directly proportional to 26.4° traversing 20 cm in length of 20 %
A. the area of the optically active sugar solution.
substance A. 65.5
B. the length of the optically active B. 640
substance traversed. C. 650
C. the volume of the optically active D. 660
substance . Ans. D
D. All above
Ans. B Q. The plane of polarization of plane
polarized light is rotated through 6.80 in
Q. In optically active substances, the passing through the length of 1.8
angle of rotation decimeter of sugar solution of 4.5%
A. is inversely proportional to wavelength. concentration. Calculate the specific
B. is inversely proportional to square of rotation of the sugar solution.
wavelength. A. 830
C. is inversely proportional to square root B. 840
of wavelength. C. 850
D. is directly proportional to square of D. 860
wavelength. Ans. B
Ans. B
Q. 18 cm long tube containing sugar
Q. In optically active substances, for a solution rotates the plane of polarization
given length and wavelength of light, the by 10o. If the specific rotation of sugar is
angle of rotation 62o, determine the concentration of sugar
A. directly proportional to concentration of solution.
solution of optically active substance. A. 0.089
B. inversely proportional to concentration B. 0.083
of solution of optically active substance. C. 0.08
C. directly proportional to square of D. None of these
concentration of solution of optically Ans. A
active substance.
D. directly proportional to square root of Q. A sugar solution in a tube of length
concentration of solution of optically 18 cm produces optical rotation of 120.
active substance. The solution is then diluted to one–third of
Ans. A its previous concentration. Find the optical

rotation produced by 25 cm long tube C. The number of electrons in higher and
containing the diluted solution. lower energy state is same
A. 5.99 D. None of them
B. 5.94 Ans. A
C. 5.49
D. None of these Q. The characteristics of laser beam are
Ans. C A. Highly directional
B. Highly intense
UNIT 3C C. Highly monochromatic
D. All of them
Q. LASER is a abbreviation of Ans. D
A. Light amplification by spontaneous
emission of radiation Q. The energy of photon is equal to
B. Light amplification by stimulated A. hν
emission of radiation 3
B. hν
C. Light absorption by stimulated emission 2
of radiation hν
C. /2
D. Light absorption by spontaneous D. None of them
emission of radiation Ans. A
Ans. B
Q. Which event is likely to take place
Q. Laser beam is made of when a photon of energy equal to the
A. Highly coherent electrons difference in energy between two levels is
B. Highly coherent photons incident in a system?
C. Highly coherent phonons A. Absorption
D. None of them B. Emission
Ans. B C. Absorption and emission
D. None of the above
Q. The life time of electron in metastable Ans. C
state is of the order of
A. 10-9 S. Q. The first laser was invented in May,
B. 10-3 S. 1960 by
C. 10-8 S. A. T.H. Maiman
D. 10-7 S. B. Maxwell
Ans. B C. Einstein
D. C. V. Raman
Q. The energy state of an atom is said to Ans. A
be metastable when its
A. Life time is of the order of 0.01 sec Q. When atom is expose to radiation
B. Life time is of the order of 0.001 sec having a stream of photons each with
C. Life time is of the order of 0.1 sec energy hν,then the following processes can
D. Life time is of the order of 1 sec take place
Ans. B A. Absorption
B. Spontaneous emission
Q. In the population inversion C. Stimulated emission
A. The number of electrons in higher D. All A,B and C can take place.
energy state is more than the ground state Ans. D
B. The number of electrons in lower
energy state is more than higher energy Q. An atom or molecule in the ground
state state of energy E1 can absorb photon of

energy hν and go the higher energy state B. The energy of external photon and the
E2, this process is known as number of atoms in the ground state.
A. Stimulated radiation C. The energy of external photon and on
B. Stimulated absorption the number of atoms in the metastable
C. Stimulated emission state
D. Spontaneous absorption D. None of the above
Ans. B Ans. C

Q. In spontaneous emission the atoms or Q. The spontaneous emission produces

molecules in the higher energy state E2 A. A Coherent light
eventually return to the ground state E 1 by B. Incoherent light
emitting their excess energy C. White light
spontaneously. The rate of spontaneous D. None of the above
emission is Ans. B
A. Directly proportional to population of
the excited energy level E2.
B. Directly proportional to population of
the energy level E1. Q. The material in which population
C. Inversely proportional to population of inversion can take place is called
the energy level E2. _________
D. None of the above A. Active medium
Ans. A B. Passive medium
C. Gaseous medium
Q. In stimulated emission, a photon D. Vapour medium
having energy E equal to the difference in Ans. A
energy between two levels E2 and E1,
stimulate an atom in the higher state to Q. In case of population inversion, the
make a transition to the number atoms is________
A. Lower energy state with a creation of A. more in higher energy state than in the
second photon. lower energy state
B. Metastable state with creation of second B. more in higher energy state than in
photon. meta-stable state
C. Higher energy state with a creation of C. more in lower energy state than in the
two photons. higher energy state
D. None of the above D. None of them
Ans. A Ans. A

Q. The rate of spontaneous emission Q. The state of population inversion is

depends upon the number of atoms in the also known as ____
A. A Ground state A. positive temperature state
B. Excited state B. Negative temperature state
C. Metastable state C. Equilibrium state
D. None of the above D. Infinite temperature state
Ans. B Ans. B

Q. The rate of stimulated emission Q. The process of raising the atoms from
depends both on a lower energy state to higher, to create
A. The energy of external photon and on population inversion is called
the number of atoms in the excited state. A. Exothermal reaction
B. Endothermic reaction

C. Pumping
D. None of the above Q. Ruby laser is a solid state laser, the
Ans. C active medium is
A. Crystalline substance
Q. In case of optical pumping, an B. Non crystalline substance
external optical source like Xenon flash C. Gaseous substance
lamp is employed to produce D. Amorphous substance
A. A lower population in the meta stable Ans. A
state of laser medium
B. Low population in the higher energy Q. Laser light is produced mainly due to
level of laser medium A. interference phenomenon
C. Higher population in the lower energy B. spontaneous emission of light
level of laser medium C. stimulated emission of radiation.
D. High population in the higher energy D. diffraction phenomenon
level of laser medium Ans. C
Ans. D
Q. Which of the following conditions is
Q. Optical pumping is suitable for any essential for the production of laser light?
medium which is A. Stimulated absorption
A. A Transparent to light B. Stimulated emission process
B. Not transparent to light C. Population inversion process
C. Metallic D. All of them
D. None of the above Ans. D
Ans. A
Q. Which of the following is not a
Q. Electrical pumping is used for some pumping process?
medium which can conduct electricity A. Optical pumping
A. affecting the laser activity B. Electrical pumping
B. without affecting the laser activity C. Chemical pumping
C. without affecting excited energy state D. Thermal pumping
D. None of the above Ans. D
Ans. B
Q. Which of the following is not a laser
Q. In a semiconductor laser, electrical property?
energy is directly converted to A. Coherence
A. Light energy B. Divergence
B. Sound energy C. Extreme brightness
C. Heat energy D. Highly directional
D. Nuclear energy Ans. B
Ans. A
Q. Laser system does not include
Q. An optical resonator plays a major A. Active medium
role in B. Pumping mechanism
A. Stimulating more and more atoms from C. Optical activity
excited state to ground state D. Optical resonator
B. Generation of intense laser output Ans. C
C. Generation of unidirectional beam of
photons Q. Which source of light is brightest?
D. All of them A. Sunlight
Ans. D B. Laser light

C. Arc light
D. Sodium light Q. The condition needed for laser action
Ans. B is…………………..
A. stimulated absorption
Q. The mathematical expression for B. spontaneous emission
existence of stimulated emission was C. stimulated emission
proposed by D. population inversion.
A. Einstein Ans. D
B. de-Broglie
C. Kelvin
D. Heisenberg Q. The population inversion is to………
Ans. A A. Depopulate lower energy state
B. Depopulate higher energy state
Q. The population inversion takes place C. Depopulate metastable state
at __________medium. D. none of the above
A. active Ans. A
B. passive
C. moderate Q. In the optical pumping ……………
D. none of the above A. Photons are used to excite the atoms in
Ans. A the medium
B. electrical energy is used to excite the
Q. The spontaneous emission means atoms in the medium
emitting a photon because of……… C. magnetic energy is used to excite the
A. transition of atom from excited state to atoms in the medium
ground state after completion of life time D. All of these
on its own accord. Ans. A
B. transition of atom from ground state to
excited state after completion of life time Q. Because of _________ in laser
on its own accord. system, laser beam is unidirectional.
C. transition of atom from excited state to A. active medium
ground state before completion of life time B. composition of active medium
on its own accord. C. resonant cavity
D. Stimulation of atom from excited state D. pumping mechanism
to ground state before completion of life Ans. C
time on its own accord.
Ans. A UNIT 3D
Q. The stimulated emission of radiation Q. Which one of the following laser has
means ……………… highest efficiency?
A. before completion of life time, A. Ruby
stimulation of an atom from higher state B. Semiconductor
to lower energy state C. He-Ne
B. after completion of life time, D. Carbon dioxide
stimulation of an atom from higher state Ans. B
to lower energy state
C. before completion of life time, Q. The method of population inversion
stimulation of an atom from lower state to in the He-Ne laser is
higher energy state A. Molecular collision
D. none of the above B. Direction conversion
Ans. A C. Optical pumping

D. Electron impact D. Replace some Al atoms and some Na
Ans. A atoms in the crystal lattice
Ans. C
Q. In case of ruby laser, optical resonator
cavity is formed by the silvered ends of Q. The main advantage of gas lasers is
A. Tourmaline crystal that
B. The Calcium crystal A. They can operate in the pulse mode
C. Ruby crystal B. They cannot be operated continuously
D. Quartz crystal C. They can operate continuously
Ans. C D. None of the above
Ans. C
Q. Ruby laser works in the
A. Non pulse mode due to the high pump Q. Advantages of semiconductor diode
energy laser are
B. Pulsed mode due to the high pump A. Efficiency is more than 10%
energy B. They can have a continuous wave
C. Pulsed mode due to the low pump output or pulsed output.
energy C. Highly economical, and the
D. None of the above arrangement is compact
Ans. B D. All of them
Ans. D
Q. The He-Ne laser is a kind of neutral
atom gas laser in which the wavelength of Q. The applications of laser in
laser is communication are the laser beams are
A. 6443A0 used to transmit thousands of TV
B. 6328A0 programs and simultaneous telephone
C. 10600A0 conversation at
D. None of the above A. time
Ans. B B. The communication between the planets
has been made possible using laser beams
Q. Ruby is crystalline substance of C. The laser light waves are not absorbed
Aluminium oxide doped with by water and hence it can be successfully
A. Approximately 0.005% by weight of employed to establish under water
Chromium oxide. communication between submarines
B. Approximately 0.5% by weight of D. All of them
Chromium oxide. Ans. D
C. Approximately 0.05% by weight of
Chromium oxide. Q. Which laser was invented first?
D. Approximately 5% by weight of A. Semiconductor laser
Chromium oxide B. Ruby laser
Ans. A C. He-Ne laser
D. CO2 laser
Q. In case of Ruby laser, the resultant Ans. B
pink colour is due to presence of Cr+3 ions
in the appropriate concentration which Q. Which of the following is a gas laser?
A. Replace Na atoms in the crystal lattice A. He-Ne laser
B. Replace Oxide atoms in the crystal B. Ruby laser
lattice C. Semiconductor laser
C. Replace Al atoms in the crystal lattice D. Nd-YAG laser
Ans. A

A. Neon
Q. Pulsed laser light is produced from a B. Xenon
A. Ruby laser C. Argon
B. CO2 laser D. none of these.
C. Semiconductor laser Ans. B
D. He-Ne laser
Ans. A Q. The active medium of a helium-neon
laser is made up of ......... ratio of helium-
Q. In Ruby laser which ions give rise to neon.
the laser action? A. 10:2
A. Al2O3 B. 10:1
B. Al+3 C. 10:3
C. Cr+3 D. 10:49
D. O+3 Ans. B
Ans. C
Q. Complete the following reaction for
Q. Example of solid-state laser is helium-neon laser reaction He* + Ne →
A. He-Ne laser He + _________
B. Ruby laser A. Ne*
C. CO2 laser B. He*
D. none of the above C. Ne
Ans. B D. He
Ans. A
Q. In a Ruby laser, the active medium
consist of aluminum-oxide doped with Q. In a He-Ne laser, helium is used to
0.005 wt. of decrease the population in ………….
A. chromium oxide A. higher level of Ne
B. carbon oxide B. lower level of Ne
C. iron oxide C. metastable level of Ne
D. Silver oxide D. Intermediate level of Ne
Ans. A Ans. B

Q. In a Ruby laser, the laser action is Q. Diode laser consists of .…..........

achieved by ………… doped in a single crystal.
A. gas discharge A. p-n junction
B. electrical pumping B. p type
C. optical pumping C. n-type
D. Molecular collision D. n-p-n transistor
Ans. C Ans. A

Q. Ruby laser radiates an intense pulse Q. LED is converted into a laser diode
laser of wavelength ………… employing a………………
A. 6328A0 A. low current
B. 6938 A0 B. high current
C. 6943 A0 C. medium current
D. 6334 A0 D. none of the above
Ans. C Ans. B

Q. The light source used for optical Q. This is not a type of laser
pumping in Ruby laser is………….. A. solid state lasers

B. gas lasers Ans. A
C. semiconductor lasers
D. liquid laser Q. The application of laser beam in
Ans. D computer peripherals is/are …………
A. optical disks
Q. The advantages of using laser drilling B. optical wave guide
in industries is/are C. CD ROM disk
A. it generates very low heat in the D. all of them
material during drilling Ans. D
B. it is possible to drill at different angles
C. its accuracy and consistency are very Q. The method of producing 3D image
high of an object due to the ……………… is
D. all of them known as holography.
Ans. D A. interference of non coherent light
waves on a photographic plate
Q. The advantages of gas cutting laser B. interference of coherent light waves on
is/are a photographic plate
A. very fast and accurate C. only reflection of coherent light waves
B. very simple and cost effective D. none of the above
C. it is used to cut materials of any Ans. B
thickness with high precision
D. all of them Q. In holography
Ans. D A. Only phase of a wave reflected from the
object is recorded on the film
Q. The condition of total internal B. Only amplitude of a wave reflected
reflection is that …………… from the object is recorded on the film
A. the angle of incidence exceeds the C. Amplitude as well as phase of a wave
critical angle reflected from the object is recorded on the
B. the angle of incidence is less than film
critical angle D. Neither amplitude nor phase of a wave
C. the angle of incidence is equal to reflected from the object is recorded on the
critical angle film
D. none of the above Ans. C
Ans. A
Q. When hologram is reconstructed we
Q. The critical angle is defined as get the 3D image of the object because
A. the refraction at which the total internal A. Only phase of a wave reflected from the
reflection occurs object is recorded on the hologram
B. the reflection at which the total internal B. Only amplitude of a wave reflected
reflection occurs from the object is recorded on the
C. the angle of incidence at which total hologram
internal reflection occurs C. Amplitude as well as phase of a wave
D. none of the above reflected from the object is recorded on the
Ans. C hologram
D. Neither amplitude nor phase of a wave
Q. The main principle of optical fiber is reflected from the object is recorded on the
A. total internal reflection hologram
B. total internal refraction Ans. C
C. total internal dispersion
D. none of the above

Q. The basic principle of holography is A. (Eg)C> (Eg)Si
that E. (Eg)C<(Eg)Si
A. to create the interference pattern of F. (Eg)C=(Eg)Si
object wave and reference wave G. (Eg)C<(Eg)Ge
B. to create the interference pattern of Ans. A
object wave only
C. to create the interference pattern of Q. The forbidden energy gap in an
reference wave only insulator is
D. none of the above A. > 6 eV
Ans. A H. < 6 eV
I. 1 eV
Q. Holography was invented by J. 4 Ev
A. C.K.N.Patel in 1948 Ans.B
B. Leith and Upatnicks in 1962
C. Dennis Gabour in 1948 Q. In an insulator, the number of electrons
D. Ali-Jawan in the valence shell in general is
Ans. C A. lessthan 4
Q. The applications of holography are K. more than 4
A. Holographic storage (mainly used in L. equal to 4
ROM devices) M. none of these
B. Three dimensional display of an object Ans.C
C. Used to determine Young’s modulus of
metallic rods. Q. Energy band gap size for
D. all of them semiconductors is in the range
Ans. D __________ eV.
A. 1-2
Q. Lasers are used in fibre optic N. 2-3
communication because O. 3-4
A. lasers are unidirectional P. >4
B. lasers are coherent Ans.A
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B Q. Energy band gap size for insulators is in
Ans. C the range _____ eV.
A. 1-2
R. 3-4
Q. At absolute zero, Si acts as? S. 3-6
A. non-metal Ans.D
B. metal
C. insulator Q. Not an example for intrinsic
D. none of these semiconductor
Ans.C A. Si
T. Al
Q. Carbon, Silicon and Germanium atoms U. Ge
have four valence electrons each. Their V. Sn
valence and conduction bands are Ans.B
separated by energy band gaps represented
by (Eg)C, (Eg)Si and (Eg)Ge respectively. Q. Which is the correct ordering of the
Which one of the following relationship is band gaps within the group 14 elements?
true in their case? A. Diamond>silicon<germanium

W. Diamond>silicon >germanium Q. __________band does not contain
X. Diamond<silicon>germanium electrons.
Y. Diamond<silicon<germanium A. Valence
Ans.B RR. Conduction
SS. Forbidden
Q. Energy bandformation is prominent in TT. Both valence and conduction
A. Solids Ans.C
Z. Liquids
AA. Gases Q. Electrons can exist in
BB. All the above A. Valence band
Ans.A UU. Conduction band
Q. Elements in gaseous state give rise to VV. Forbidden band
A. band spectrum WW. Both valence and conduction band
CC. line spectrum Ans.D
DD. continuous spectrum
EE. all the above Q. If N atoms are brought close together to
Ans.B form a solid, the s energy band can
Q. Elements in crystalline solid give rise to A. Nelectrons
A. band spectrum XX. 2N electrons
FF. line spectrum YY. 6N electrons
GG. continuous spectrum ZZ. 8N electrons
HH. all the above Ans.B
Q. If N atoms are brought close together to
Q. In solids there is significant interaction form a solid, the p energy band can
between _____ electrons orbit of different accommodate
atoms. A. N electrons
A. innermost AAA. 2Nelectrons
II. outermost BBB. 6N electrons
JJ. both A and B CCC. 8Nelectrons
KK. neither A nor B Ans.C
Q. If the outermost energy band in a solid
Q. The band which contains free electrons is partially filled, the solid will be
is A. Insulator
A. Valence band DDD. Semiconductor
LL. Conduction band EEE. Good conductor
MM. Forbidden band FFF. Any of the above
NN. Both valence and conduction bands Ans.C
Q. If the outermost energy band in a solid
Q. The band which contains valence is completely filled, the solid will be
electrons is A. Insulator
A. Valence band GGG. Semiconductor
OO. Conduction band HHH. Good conductor
PP. Forbidden band III. Either insulator or semiconductor
QQ. Both valence and conduction bands Ans.D

Q. If the outermost energy band in a solid YYY. Holes
is completely filled and the energy ZZZ. Valence electrons
difference with the next energy band is AAAA. Both holes and valence electrons
small, the solid will be Ans.A
A. Insulator
JJJ. Semiconductor Q. Valence band in a semiconductor
KKK. Good conductor contains
LLL. Any of the above A. Electrons
Ans.B BBBB. Holes
CCCC. Valence electrons
Q. If the outermost energy band in a solid DDDD. Both holes and valence electrons
is completely filled and the energy Ans.D
difference with the next energy band is
large, the solid will be Q. Conduction band in a metal contains
A. Insulator A. Free electrons
MMM. Semiconductor EEEE. Holes
NNN. Good conductor FFFF. Valence electrons
OOO. Any of the above GGGG. Both holes and valence electrons
Ans.A Ans.A

Q. An energy band is Q. Conduction band in a semiconductor

A. A set of continuous energies contains
PPP. A set of closely spaced allowed A. Free electrons
energy levels HHHH. Holes
QQQ. A set of widely spaced allowed IIII. Valence electrons
energy levels JJJJ. Both holes and valence electrons
RRR. None of the above Ans.A
Q. The energy gap in good conductors is
Q. The origin of energy bands in solids is A. 0
A. Atomic mass KKKK. 1 eV
SSS. Temperature LLLL. ~5 eV
TTT. Closely packed periodic structure of MMMM. None of the above
solid Ans.A
UUU. Atomic number of atoms in solid
Ans.C Q. The energy gap in insulators is
A. 0
Q. Which of the following decides NNNN. ~ 1 eV
electrical properties of a solid? OOOO. ~ 5 eV
A. Electronic configuration PPPP. None of the above
VVV. Interatomic distance Ans.C
WWW. Both Electronic configuration and
Interatomic distance Q. The energy gap in semiconductors is
XXX. Neither Electronic configuration nor A. 0
Interatomic distance QQQQ. ~ 1 eV
Ans.C RRRR. ~ 5 eV
SSSS. None of the above
Q. Valence band in a metal contains Ans.B
A. Free electrons

Q. Which of the following has maximum Ans. C
band gap energy?
A. Tin Q. When number of electrons
TTTT. Silicon in conduction band is less number
UUUU. Germanium of holes in valance band at
VVVV. Carbon in diamond form particular temperature the
Ans.D semiconductor is
A. Intrinsic
Q. Which of the following has minimum B. Extrinsic p type
band gap energy? C. Extrinsic n type
A. Tin D. Compound
WWWW. Silicon Ans. B
XXXX. Germanium
YYYY. Carbon in diamond form Q. The donor impurity level lie
Ans.A A. Just above the valence band
FFFFF. Just below the conduction band
Q. Pure semiconductors are known as GGGGG. At the centre of forbidden band
A. Intrinsic HHHHH. Just above the conduction band
ZZZZ. Doped Ans.B
AAAAA. Extrinsic
BBBBB. Compound Q. The acceptor impurity level lie
Ans.A A. Just above the valence band
IIIII. Just below the conduction band
Q. Impure semiconductors are known as JJJJJ. At the centre of forbidden band
A. Intrinsic KKKKK. Just above the conduction band
CCCCC. wide band Ans.A
DDDDD. Extrinsic
EEEEE. Compound Q. There is no forbidden band in
Ans.C A. Good conductor
LLLLL. Semiconductor
Q. When number of electrons MMMMM. Insulators
in conduction band is equal to NNNNN. Both semiconductors and
number of holes in valance band at insulators
particular temperature the Ans.A
semiconductor is
A. Intrinsic Q. The band gap energy in Silicon is
B. Doped A. 0eV
C. Extrinsic OOOOO. 0.7 eV
D. Compound PPPPP. 1.1 eV
Ans. A QQQQQ. 5 eV
Q. When number of electrons
in conduction band is greater than Q. The band gap energy in Germanium is
number of holes in valance band at A. 0eV
particular temperature the RRRRR. 0.7 eV
semiconductor is SSSSS. 1.1 eV
A. Intrinsic TTTTT. 5 eV
B. Extrinsic p type Ans.B
C. Extrinsic n type
D. Compound

Q. Which of the following is not a Ans.A
A. Silicon Q. When arsenic is added as an impurity to
UUUUU. Germanium Silicon, the resulting material is
VVVVV. GaAs A. n-type semiconductor
WWWWW. Carbon MMMMMM. p-type semiconductor
Ans.D NNNNNN. n-type conductor
OOOOOO. Insulator
Q. Valence band of a semiconductor at 0 K Ans.A
will be
A. Completely filled Q. To obtain a p-type germanium
XXXXX. Partially filled semiconductor, it must be doped with?
YYYYY. Completely empty A. Arsenic
ZZZZZ. Either completely filled or PPPPPP. Antimony
completely empty QQQQQQ. Indium
Ans.A RRRRRR. Phosphorus
Q. Valence band of a semiconductor at Ans.C
temperatures above 0 K will be
A. Completely filled Q. Which of the following when added
AAAAAA. Partially filled acts as an impurity into silicon produced n-
BBBBBB. Completely empty type semi-conductor?
CCCCCC. Either completely filled or A. P
completely empty SSSSSS. Al
Q. Conduction band of a semiconductor at Ans.A
0 K will be
A. Completely filled Q. A semiconductor is doped with donor
DDDDDD. Partially filled impurity is
EEEEEE. Completely empty A. p-type          
FFFFFF. Either completely filled or VVVVVV. n-type
completely empty WWWWWW. npn type     
Ans.C XXXXXX. pnp type
Q. Conduction band of a semiconductor at
temperatures above 0 K will be Q. One serious drawback of
A. Completely filled semiconductors is
GGGGGG. Partially filled A. they are costly
HHHHHH. Completely empty YYYYYY. they pollute the environment
IIIIII. Either completely filled or ZZZZZZ. they do not last for long time
completely empty AAAAAAA. they can’t withstand high
Ans.B voltage
Q. Which of the following, when added as
an impurity, into the Silicon, produces n- Q. In a p type semiconductor, the acceptor
type semi conductor level is
A. Phosphorous A. Just above the conduction band of the
JJJJJJ. Aluminum host crystal
KKKKKK. Magnesium BBBBBBB. Just below the conduction
LLLLLL. Both ‘B’ and ‘C’ band of the crystal

CCCCCCC. Just above the valence band
of the crystal Q. A long specimen of p-type
DDDDDDD. Just below the valance band semiconductor material:
of the crystal A. Is positively charged
Ans.C TTTTTTT. Is electrically neutral
UUUUUUU. Has an electric field directed
Q. In intrinsic semiconductors, number of along its length
free electrons is _____________number of VVVVVVV. None of the above
holes. Ans.B
A. Equal to
EEEEEEE. Greater than Q. When N-type semiconductor is heated,
FFFFFFF. Less than A. Number of free electrons increases
GGGGGGG. Can not define while that of holes decreases
Ans.A WWWWWWW. Number of holes
increases while that of electrons decreases
Q. In n-type semiconductors, number of XXXXXXX. Number of electrons and
holes is __________ number of free holes remain same
electrons. YYYYYYY. Number of electron and
A. Equal to holes increases equally
HHHHHHH. Greater than Ans.D
IIIIIII. Less than
JJJJJJJ. Can not define Q. A piece of copper and other of
Ans.C germanium are cooled from the room
temperature to 80K, then
Q. In p-type semiconductors, number of A. Resistance of each will increase
holes is__________number of free ZZZZZZZ. Resistance of copper will
electrons. decrease
A. Equal to AAAAAAAA. The resistance of copper
KKKKKKK. Greater than will increase while that of germanium will
LLLLLLL. Less than decrease
MMMMMMM. Twice BBBBBBBB. The resistance of copper
Ans.B will decrease while that of germanium will
Q. n-type semiconductors is Ans.D
A. pure semiconductor
NNNNNNN. produced when Indium is Q. The intrinsic semiconductor becomes
added as an impurity to Germanium an insulator at
OOOOOOO. produced when phosphorous A. 0°C
is added as an impurity to silicon CCCCCCCC. 0K
PPPPPPP. None of the above DDDDDDDD. 300K
Q. p-type semiconductors are
A. Negatively charged Q. In semiconductors at a room
QQQQQQQ. Produced when Indium is temperature
added as an impurity to Germanium A. The conduction band is completely
RRRRRRR. Produced when phosphorous empty
is added as an impurity to silicon FFFFFFFF. The valence band is partially
SSSSSSS. None of the above empty and the conduction band is partially
Ans.B filled

GGGGGGGG. The valence band is TTTTTTTT. None of these
completely filled and the conduction band Ans. B
is partially filled
HHHHHHHH. The valence band is Q. The temperature coefficient of the
completely filled resistance of semiconductors is always
Ans.B A. Positive                   
UUUUUUUU. Negative
VVVVVVVV. Zero      
Ans. B
Q. Choose the only false statement from
the following. Q. Electrical conductivity of insulators is
A. In conductors the valence and of the order of
conduction bands overlap. A. 10-10(Ω-mm)-1
IIIIIIII. Substances with energy gap of the XXXXXXXX. 10-10(Ω-cm)-1
order of 5 eV are insulators. YYYYYYYY. 10-10(Ω-m)-1
JJJJJJJJ. The resistivity of a semiconductor ZZZZZZZZ. 10-8(Ω-m)-1
increases with increase in temperature. Ans. A
KKKKKKKK. The conductivity of a
semiconductor increases with increase in Q. Unit for electric field strength is
temperature. A. A/cm2
Ans. C AAAAAAAAA. mho/meter
Q. What is the conductivity of CCCCCCCCC. V/cm
semiconductor if free electron density = Ans. D
5x1012/cm3 and hole density = 8x1013/cm3?
[μe = 2.3 and μh = 0.01 in SI units] Q. Flow of electrons is affected by the
A. 5.634           following
LLLLLLLL. 1.968 A. Thermal vibrations
MMMMMMMM. 3.421 DDDDDDDDD. Impurity atoms
NNNNNNNN. 8.964 EEEEEEEEE. Crystal defects
Ans. D
Q. The difference in the variation of
resistance with temperature in Q. Mobility of holes is________mobility
semiconductor arises essentially due to the of electrons in intrinsic semiconductors.
difference in A. Equal to
A. type of bonding GGGGGGGGG. Greater than
OOOOOOOO. crystal structure HHHHHHHHH. Less than
PPPPPPPP. scattering mechanism with IIIIIIIII. Can not define
temperature Ans. C
QQQQQQQQ. number of charge carriers
with temperature Q. The conductivity of an intrinsic
Ans. D semiconductor is given by (symbols have
the usual meanings):
Q. Resistance of a semiconductor A. σi= eni2 (µn – µp)
A. Increases with temperature JJJJJJJJJ. σi = eni (µn – µp)
RRRRRRRR. Decreases with temperature KKKKKKKKK. σi = eni (µn + µp)
SSSSSSSS. Remains unaffected with LLLLLLLLL. None of the above
temperature Ans. C

Q. In an intrinsic semiconductor, the Q. The mobility is given by (notations
mobility of electrons in the conduction have their usual meaning:
band is: A. µ = vd/E
A. Less than the mobility of holes in the BBBBBBBBBB. µ = vd/2E
valence band CCCCCCCCCC. µ = vd/E2
MMMMMMMMM. Zero DDDDDDDDDD. None of the above
NNNNNNNNN. Greater than the mobility Ans. A
of holes in the valence band
OOOOOOOOO. None of the above Q. In a p-type semiconductor, the
Ans. C conductivity due to holes (σp) is equal to (e
is the charge of hole, µp is the hole
Q. If the drift velocity of holes under a mobility, ρ0 is the hole concentration):
field gradient of 100 V/m is 5m/s, the A. ρ0.e/µp
mobility (in the same SI units) is EEEEEEEEEE. µp/ρ0.e
A. 0.05 FFFFFFFFFF. ρ0.e.µp
PPPPPPPPP. 0.55 GGGGGGGGGG. None of the above
RRRRRRRRR. None of the above
Ans. A Q. Near room temperature, resistivity is
Q. The electron and hole concentrations in maximum for
aintrinsic semiconductor are niand pi A. Good conductors
respectively. When doped with a p-type HHHHHHHHHH. Semiconductors
material, these change to n and p, IIIIIIIIII. Insulators
respectively. Then: JJJJJJJJJJ. Both semiconductors and
A. n + p = ni + pi insulators
SSSSSSSSS. n + ni = p + pi Ans. C
TTTTTTTTT. np = nipi
UUUUUUUUU. None of the above Q. Near room temperature, resistivity is
Ans. D minimum for
A. Good conductors
Q. If the temperature of an extrinsic KKKKKKKKKK. Semiconductors
semiconductor is increased so that the LLLLLLLLLL. Insulators
intrinsic carrier concentration is doubled, MMMMMMMMMM. Both
then: semiconductors and insulators
A. The minority carrier density doubles Ans. A
VVVVVVVVV. The majority carrier
density doubles Q. Resistivity increases with increase in
WWWWWWWWW. Both majority and temperature for
minority carrier densities double A. Good conductors
XXXXXXXXX. None of the above NNNNNNNNNN. Semiconductors
Ans. A OOOOOOOOOO. Insulators
PPPPPPPPPP. Both semiconductors and
Q. At room temperature, the current in an insulators
intrinsic semiconductor is due to Ans. A
A. Holes
YYYYYYYYY. Electrons Q. Resistivity decreases with increase in
ZZZZZZZZZ. Holes and electrons temperature for
AAAAAAAAAA. None of the above A. Good conductors
Ans. C QQQQQQQQQQ. Semiconductors

RRRRRRRRRR. Insulators DDDDDDDDDDD. Both free electrons
SSSSSSSSSS. Both semiconductors and and holes
insulators EEEEEEEEEEE. Positive and negative
Ans. D ions
Ans. C
Q. If a semiconductor is transparent to
light of wavelength greater than λ, the Q. If a free electron moves towards right
band gap energy will be and combines with a hole, the hole
hλ A. Moves towards right
FFFFFFFFFFF. Moves towards left
A. c
GGGGGGGGGGG. Remains at the same
h Ans. D
λc Q. If a bound electron moves towards right
and combines with a hole, the hole
VVVVVVVVVV. h A. Moves towards right
Ans. B IIIIIIIIIII. Moves towards left
JJJJJJJJJJJ. Remains at the same place
Q. If the band gap energy of a KKKKKKKKKKK. is neutralized
semiconductor is Eg,the material will be Ans. B
A. transparent to wavelength greater than
Eg Q. In an electric field, an electron initially
WWWWWWWWWW. opaque to at rest will move
A. In the direction of electric field
LLLLLLLLLLL. Opposite to the direction
wavelength greater than g of electric field
XXXXXXXXXX. transparent to MMMMMMMMMMM. Perpendicular to
hc the direction of electric field
NNNNNNNNNNN. None of the above
wavelength less than
Ans. B
YYYYYYYYYY. none of the above
Ans. A Q. In an electric field, a hole initially at
rest will move
A. In the direction of electric field
Q. Which of the following have a positive OOOOOOOOOOO. Opposite to the
temperature coefficient of resistance? direction of electric field
A. Good conductor PPPPPPPPPPP. Perpendicular to the
ZZZZZZZZZZ. Semiconductor direction of electric field
AAAAAAAAAAA. Insulators QQQQQQQQQQQ. None of the above
BBBBBBBBBBB. Both semiconductors Ans. A
and insulators
Ans. A Q. Mobility of holes is _____ that of free
Q. Conduction in intrinsic semiconductors A. More than
is due to RRRRRRRRRRR. Less than
A. Only free electrons SSSSSSSSSSS. Equal to
CCCCCCCCCCC. Only holes TTTTTTTTTTT. Can be more or less than

Ans. B

Q. The charge carriers in intrinsic Q. The resistance of a conductor of unit

semiconductors are length and unit cross section area is known
A. Free electrons as
UUUUUUUUUUU. Holes A. Resistivity
VVVVVVVVVVV. Both free electrons JJJJJJJJJJJJ. Conductivity
and holes KKKKKKKKKKKK. Resistance
WWWWWWWWWWW. Neither free LLLLLLLLLLLL. Conductance
electrons nor holes Ans. A
Ans. C
Q. The reciprocal of resistivity is
Q. The charge carriers in p - type A. Resistivity
semiconductors are MMMMMMMMMMMM. Conductivity
A. Free electrons NNNNNNNNNNNN. Resistance
YYYYYYYYYYY. Both free electrons Ans. B
and holes
ZZZZZZZZZZZ. Neither free electrons Q. The reciprocal of resistance is
nor holes A. Resistivity
Ans. C PPPPPPPPPPPP. Conductivity
Q. The charge carriers in n - type RRRRRRRRRRRR. Conductance
semiconductors are Ans. D
A. Free electrons
AAAAAAAAAAAA. Holes Q. The amount of charge flowing through
BBBBBBBBBBBB. Both free electrons unit cross section area per unit time is
and holes known as
CCCCCCCCCCCC. Neither free electrons A. Current
nor holes SSSSSSSSSSSS. Current density
Ans. C TTTTTTTTTTTT. Conductance
Q. The majority charge carriers in p - type Ans. B
semiconductors are
A. Free electrons
DDDDDDDDDDDD. Holes Q. The amount of charge flowing through
EEEEEEEEEEEE. Both free electrons and any cross section area per unit time is
holes known as
FFFFFFFFFFFF. Neither free electrons A. Current
nor holes VVVVVVVVVVVV. Current density
Ans. B WWWWWWWWWWWW. Conductance
Q. The majority charge carriers in n - type Ans. A
semiconductors are
A. Free electrons Q. Current in a semiconductor can be due
HHHHHHHHHHHH. Both free electrons A. Electric field
and holes YYYYYYYYYYYY. Density gradient of
IIIIIIIIIIII. Neither free electrons nor holes charge carriers
Ans. A

ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Both electric field and Q. The equation for current I is
density gradient of charge carriers
nev d
AAAAAAAAAAAAA. Either electric
field or density gradient of charge carriers MMMMMMMMMMMMM. d neav
OOOOOOOOOOOOO. None of the above
Q. The unit for resistivity is Ans. B
A. ohm
BBBBBBBBBBBBB. Ohm/m Q. If an electric field of 10 V/m is applied
CCCCCCCCCCCCC. Ohm-m to n-type Germanium in which the
DDDDDDDDDDDDD. mho/m mobility of free electrons is 3800 cm2 /
Ans. C V.sec, the drift velocity of electrons will
Q. The unit for conductivity is A. 38000 m/s
Ans. D
. If an electric field of 10 V/m applied to
p-type Germanium gives rise to a drift
Q. Which of the following equations for velocity of 1.7 m/s for the holes, the
mobility is correct? mobility of holes is
v A. 1.7 cm2 / V.sec.
μ= d SSSSSSSSSSSSS. 17 cm2 / V.sec.
A. E
TTTTTTTTTTTTT. 170 cm2 / V.sec.
μ= UUUUUUUUUUUUU. 1700cm2 / V.sec.
μ= Q. A small concentration of minority
carriers is injected into a homogeneous
JJJJJJJJJJJJJ. All the above
semiconductor crystal at one point. An
Ans. D
electric field of 10 V/cm is applied across
the crystal and this moves the minority
Q. If Ie is the current due to electrons and Ih
carrier a distance of 1 cm in 20 µsec. The
is the current due to holes in a
mobility (in cm2/V.sec) is:
semiconductor under the influence of an
A. 10000
external electric field, the total current is
A. Ie + Ih
B. Ie - Ih
C. Ie / Ih
Ans. B
D. Ih/ Ie
Ans. A
Q. What will the mobility of charge
carriers moving with velocity 3 x 105 m/s
Q. The equation for current density ‘J’ is
when electric field of 103 V/m is applied to
A. n e vd
E. n e a vd
A. 300m2/V.sec
LLLLLLLLLLLLL. None of the above
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. 30000m2/V.sec
Ans. A
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. 300000m2/V.sec

Q. What will the mobility of charge Ans. A
carriers moving with velocity 3 x 106 m/s
when electric field of 103 V/m is applied to Q. The value of Fermi Function at T > 0K
it? for E = EFis ………….
A. 300m2/V.sec A. 0
Ans. B Ans. C

Q. If the electrical resistivity of Ti is 4.3 × Q. The probability that an electron in a

10–7 Ω m, what is the resistance of a 0.85 metal occupies the Fermi-level, at any
m long piece of wire of cross section 2.0 × temperature (>0 K) is:
10–6 m2? A. 0
GGGGGGGGGGGGGG. 3.95 Ω the above

UNIT IVC Q. The value of Fermi-distribution

function at absolute zero (T = 0K ) is 1,
i.Ans. P(E) = 1, under the
Q. The Fermi-Dirac probability
distribution function is
A. E > EF
P( E)= ( E−E f )/ KT F. E < EF
A. 1+ e G. E = EF
1 H. E >> EF
P( E)=
1+ e
( E F −E )/ KT Ans. B
P( E)= ( E− E f )/ KT Q. Fermi energy level for intrinsic
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. e semiconductors lies
KKKKKKKKKKKKKK. A. At middle of the band gap
P( E)=
( E −E f )/KT conduction band
Ans. A YYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Close to valence
Q. The value of Fermi Function at 0K for band
A. 0 Ans. A
MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. 0.5 Q. Fermi energy level for p-type
NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 0.75 semiconductors lies
Ans. B A. At middle of the band gap
Q. The value of Fermi Function at 0K for conduction band
E > EF is BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. Close to valence
A. 0 band

Ans. C RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. between donor
level and conduction band
Q. Fermi energy level for n-type extrinsic Ans. A
semiconductors lies
A. At middle of the band gap Q. In a n-type semiconductor, the Fermi
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Close to level at T > 0 K is
conduction band A. between valence band and acceptor
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Close to valence levels
band SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. between acceptor
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. None levels and intrinsic Fermi level
Ans. B TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. between intrinsic
Fermi level and donor level
Q. Fermi level for extrinsic semiconductor UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. between donor
depends on level and conduction band
A. Donor element Ans. C
concentration Q. In a p-type semiconductor, the Fermi
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Temperature level at T > 0K is
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII. All A. between valence band and acceptor
Ans. D levels
Q. When we increase the temperature of acceptor levels and intrinsic Fermi level
extrinsic semiconductor, after a certain WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. betwe
temperature it behaves like en intrinsic Fermi level and donor level
A. an insulator XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. between donor
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. an intrinsic semiconductor level and conduction band
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. a conductor Ans. B
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. a superconductor
Ans. B Q. The Fermi level shifts ______ in p-type
semiconductor with increase in
Q. In a n-type semiconductor, the Fermi temperature.
level at 0K is A. upwards
A. between valence band and acceptor YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. downwards
levels ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. neither upward nor
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. between downward
acceptor levels and intrinsic Fermi level AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. none of the
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. between above
intrinsic Fermi level and donor level Ans. A
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. between donor
level and conduction band Q. The Fermi level shifts ______ in n-type
Ans. D semiconductor with increase in
Q. In a p-type semiconductor, the Fermi A. upwards
level at 0 K is BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. downwards
A. between valence band and acceptor CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. neither upward
levels nor downward
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. between acceptor DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. none of the
levels and intrinsic Fermi level above
intrinsic Fermi level and donor level

Q. The Fermi level shifts ________ in Q. In a semiconductor the charge carriers
intrinsic semiconductor with increase in (electrons or holes) have a tendency to
temperature. move from the region of higher
A. upwards concentration to the region of lower
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. downwards concentration of same type of charge
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. neither upward nor carriers resulting a current called as
downward A. diffusion current
above UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. ac current
Ans. A
Q. The Fermi level shifts ________ in n-
type semiconductor with increase in UNIT IVD
impurity concentration.
A. upwards Q. p-n junction is said to be forward
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. downwards biased, when
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. neither upward nor A. The positive pole of the battery is
downward joined to the p-semiconductor and negative
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. none of the above pole to the n-semiconductor
positive pole of the battery is joined to the
Q. The Fermi level shifts _________ in p- n-semiconductor and negative pole of the
type semiconductor with increase in battery is joined to the p-semiconductor
impurity concentration. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The positive
A. Upwards pole of the battery is connected to n-
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. downwards semiconductor and p- semiconductor
nor downward mechanical force is applied in the forward
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. none direction
of the above Ans. A
Ans. B
Q. The depletion layer in the P-N junction
Q. When the current flows in region iscaused by?
semiconductor due to the influence of K. Drift of holes
external electric field it is called as ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Diffusion of
I. diffusion current charge carriers
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. ac current of impurity ions
Ans. B electrons
Ans. B
Q. When the current flows from one place
to other in semiconductor due to the Q. A semi-conducting device is connected
concentration gradient it is called as in a series circuit with a battery and a
J. diffusion current resistance. A current is found to pass
QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. drift current through the circuit. If the polarity of the
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. ac current battery is reversed, the current drops to
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. dc current almost zero. The device may be
Ans. A A. A p-n junction

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. An intrinsic Q. The part of depletion layer in the n-type
semi-conductor contains
semi-conductor RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. positive ions
semi-conductor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. negative ions
Ans. A Ans. B

Q. The cause of the potential barrier in a p- Q. In a junction diode, the holes are due to
n diode is A. protons
A. Depletion of positive charges near the UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. extra
junction electrons
positive charges near the junction
of negative charges near the junction issing electrons
ion of positive and negative charges near
the junction Q. In an unbiased p-n junction
Ans. D A. The potential of the p and n sides
becomes higher alternately
Q. In forward bias, the width of potential XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. The p side
barrier in a p-n junction diode is at higher electrical potential than the n
A. increases side
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. remains constant is at higher electrical potential than the p
increases then decreases ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Both the p and
Ans. B n sides are at the same potential
Ans. B
Q. A depletion layer consists of
A. electrons Q. Reverse bias applied to a junction diode
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. protons A. increases the minority carrier current
bile ions the potential barrier
ions potential barrier
the majority carrier current
Q. The part of depletion layer in the p-type Ans. C
A. holes Q. Application of a forward bias to a pn
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. positive junction
ions A. Widens the depletion zone.
QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. negative s the potential difference across the
ions depletion zone.
number of donors on the n side.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Increases the Q. In forward biased p-n junction the
electric field in the depletion zone. current is of the order of
Ans. C A. ampere                
Q. On increasing the reverse bias to a large TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. microampere   
value in pn junction diode, the current  
A. Increases slowly               UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. nanoamp
fixed Ans. B
increases          Q. When p-n junction diode is reverse
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. decreases slowly biased the flow of current across the
Ans. C junction is mainly due to
A. diffusion of charges
Q. The number of _________ charge VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV. depends
carriers increases with increase in on nature of material
temperature in n-type semiconductor. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
A. minority drift of charges
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. both and diffusion of charges
minority and majority Ans. C
minority nor majority Q. The number of ______ charge carriers
Ans. C increases with increase in light incident on
n-type semiconductor.
Q. The number of ________ charge A. minority
carriers increases with increase in YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. majority
temperature in p-type semiconductor. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. both minority
A. minority and majority
ajority minority nor majority
minority and majority
minority nor majority Q. The number of _______ charge carriers
Ans. C increases with increase in light incident on
p-type semiconductor.
A. minority
Q. The electrical resistance of depletion BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. majority
layer is large because CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. both
A. it has no charge carriers minority and majority
number of charge carriers minority nor majority
contains electrons as charge carriers
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. it has holes Q. Application of forward bias to the p-n
as charge carriers junction
Ans. A A. increases the number of donors on n

electric field in depletion region above
potential difference across the depletion
region Q. The dominant mechanism for motion of
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. widens charge carriers in forward and reverse
the depletion zone biased silicon p-n junction are
Ans. B A. drift in both forward and reverse bias
Q. Within depletion region of the p-n both forward and reverse
junction diode UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. diffusi
A. p side is positive and n side is negative on in forward and drift in reverse
is negative and n side is positive forward and diffusion in reverse
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. both sides are either Ans. A
positive or negative
Q. If V B is the barrier potential, the
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. both sides are neutral
Ans. B
energy difference between the conduction
bands of n-type and p-type in open
Q. Barrier potential of p-n junction does
circuited (unbiased) p-n junction diode is
not depend on
A. temperature                     A. eV B
d bias VB
diode design
Ans. D
e−V B
Q. For the same electric field and density Ans. A
of doping in two identical semiconductors,
one p-type and the other n-type, the current Q. If V B is the barrier potential and
will be V is the applied voltage, the energy
A. more in n-type
difference between the conduction bands
of n-type and p-type in forward biased p-n
junction diode is
both A. eV B
Ans. B eV B−eV
Q. The potential difference across an open BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.
circuited p-n junction is known as V −V B
A. knee voltage Ans. C
voltage Q. If V B is the barrier potential and
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. barrier V is the applied voltage, the energy
difference between the conduction bands
of n-type and p-type in reverse biased p-n PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. remains
junction diode is constant
A. eV B
ly increases and then decreases
Ans. B
eV B+eV
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Q. When reverse bias voltage is applied to
eV B −eV a p-n junction diode, the width of the
A. increases
Ans. B
Q. Under equilibrium conditions in a p-n
junction, the Fermi level in n-type is at
______ level than/as that in p-type.
A. higher
increases and then decreases
Ans. A
Ans. none of the above
Q. In a forward biased diode, the
conduction is mainly due to
A. electrons
Q. When forward bias is applied to a p-n
junction diode, the Fermi level in n-type
______ with respect to the Fermi level in
ons in p-type and holes in n-type
A. rises
holes in p-type and electrons in n-type
Ans. D
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. remains at the same
Q. In a reverse biased diode, the
conduction is mainly due to
ly rises and then falls
A. electrons
Ans. A
Q. When reverse bias is applied to a p-n
ons in p-type and holes in n-type
junction diode, the Fermi level in n-type
_______ with respect to the Fermi level in
type and electrons in n-type
Ans. C
A. rises
Q. The recombination of electron hole
pairs in a forward biased GaAs diode gives
remains at the same level
rise to _______ radiation.
A. visible
ly rises and then falls
Ans. B
a red
Q. When forward bias voltage is applied to
a p-n junction diode, the width of the
depletion layer
A. increases
Ans. A

Q. The depletion layer opposes the flow of QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. not
A. majority charge carriers be biased
ority charge carriers the above
minority and majority charge carriers
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. neither Q. In an n-p-n transistor, _____ electrons
minority nor majority charge carriers from emitter get neutralized in base.
Ans. A A. a large number of
Q. The part of a transistor, which is TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. all
heavily doped to produce large number of UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. non
majority carriers, is e of the
A. emitter Ans. B
e Q. The concentration of impurities in a
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. coll transistor are
ector A. equal for emitter, base and collector
depending upon the nature of transistor t for emitter region
largest for emitter region
Q. When a n-p-n transistor is used as an XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. larg
amplifier then est for collector region
A. the electrons flow from emitter to Ans. C
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. the holes flow from Q. In an n-p-n transistor, _____ electrons
emitter to collector from emitter cross over to collector.
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. the A. a large number of
electrons flow from collector to emitter YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ver
electrons flow from battery to emitter ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. all
one of the
Q. If a transistor is to work as an amplifier, Ans. A
the emitter-base junction must be
A. forward biased
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Q. In a biased n-p-n transistor, the Fermi
reversed biased level of emitter ________ with respect to
be biased A. remains at the same level
of the above s upwards
Q. If a transistor is to work as an amplifier, s downwards
the collector-base junction must be DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. fi
A. forward biased rst shifts up and then down

Q. In a biased n-p-n transistor, the Fermi RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. eithe
level of collector ______ with respect to r in or opposite to direction of current
that in base. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. perpendicu
A. remains at the same level lar to direction of current
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. shifts Q. If an electron moves along positive X
downwards axis and a magnetic field is applied in
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. fi positive Y direction, the electron will
rst shifts up and then down experience a force along
Ans. C A. positive Z
Q. The base of transistor is made thin and eZ
lightly doped because UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. p
A. about 95% of the charge carriers may ositive X
bout 100% of the charge carriers may Ans. B
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. the transistors can be
Q. If a hole moves along positive X axis
saved from large currents and a magnetic field is applied in positive
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. none of these Y direction, the hole will experience a
Ans. A force along
A. positive Z
Q. The Hall voltage in intrinsic silicon is WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
A. Positive negative Z
ero ositive X
the above egative X
Ans. B
Q. The Hall voltage is given by VH =
Q. In Hall-effect, the magnetic field is
applied A. nqa
A. in the direction of current Bd
pposite to direction of current AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
ther in or opposite to direction of current na
lar to direction of current
Ans. D
Q. In Hall effect voltage is developed Ans. A
A. in the direction of current
QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. o Q. The Hall coefficient is given by RH =
pposite to direction of current A. nq

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. A. direction normal to both current and
1 magnetic field
anti parallel to magnetic field
q one of the above
Ans. B
Q. When ne and nh are electron and hole
Q. The Hall-Effect is used to determine densities, and µe and µh are the carrier
A. polarity of majority charge carriers mobility, the Hall coefficient is positive
charge carriers A. nh µh >neµe
obility of charge carriers µh2> neµe2
Ans. D of the above
Ans. A
Q. The Hall coefficient of an intrinsic
semiconductor is Q. Measurement of Hall coefficient in a
A. Positive under all conditions semiconductor provides information on the
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Negative under all A. Sign and mass of charge carriers
JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. Zero under all ass and concentration of charge carriers
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. N ign of charge carriers alone
Ans. C Sign and concentration of charge carriers
Ans. D
Q. If the Hall coefficient of a material is
1.25×10-11 m3/C and charge of an electron Q. Hall coefficient is given by the relation
A. R H =−neJ
is 1.6× 10 C, the density of electron is
A. 2×1029 1
5×1029 R H =−
Ans. C −1
R = H
Q. Hall-Effect is observed in a specimen Ans. D
when it (metal or a semiconductor) is
carrying current and is placed in a Q. The Hall coefficient of sample A at
transverse magnetic field. The resultant room temperature is 4×10–4 m3 coulomb–1.
electric field inside the specimen will be in

The carrier concentration in sample A at OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
room temperature is short circuit voltage
A. ~ 1021 m–3 Ans. B
~ 1020 m–3 Q. When the load resistance connected
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. ~ across the solar cell is zero, we get
1022 m–3 A. open circuit current
one of the above circuit voltage
short circuit current
Q. The generation of an e.m.f. across an RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. s
open circuited p-n junction when light is hort circuit voltage
made incident on it is known as ______ Ans. C
A. photo emissive Q. The Hall coefficient of a n type
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. semiconductor sample is 2.083 x 10-
photoconductive m3/C, then number of electrons in it are
Ans. C 1022 m-3
Q. The output from a solar cell is 2 x 1021 m-3
A. a.c. Ans. B
d.c. Q. The Hall coefficient of a p type
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. semiconductor sample is 3.125 x 10-
5 3
can be either a.c. or d.c. m /C, then number of electrons in it are
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. none of the above A. 2 x 1022 m-3
3 x 1023 m-3
Q. A solar cell consists of WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
A. alkali metal 4 x 1023 m-3
semiconductor 2 x 1023 m-3
intrinsic semiconductor
LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. p-n Q. The number of electrons of in n type
junction semiconductor sample is 3 x 1022 m-3, then
Ans. D Hall coefficient is
A. 2.083 x 10-4 m3/C
Q. When the load resistance connected YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
across the solar cell is infinite, we get 2.083 x 10-3 m3/C
A. open circuit current ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. 3.08
short circuit current Ans. A

Q. The electric field applied across the fermi level
semiconductor of length 2 cm is 200 V/m. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
The voltage applied across it is Dirac level
Volt Ans. B
Volt Q. The fermi level in semiconductor
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. A. is energy level of electron
Ans. C need not be the energy level of electron
Q. The voltage applied across the an be energy level of electron
semiconductor of length 2 cm is 5 V. Then SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. is
the electric field developed across it is always energy level of electron
A. 520 Volt/m Ans. B
Volt/m Q. The ratio of actual output power to
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. 400 ideal power of solar cell is called as
Volt/m A. solar cell factor
250 Volt/m factor
field factor
Q. The semiconductor is transparent to the VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.
radiation of wavelength 11000 A.U. The feel factor
energy gap of that semiconductor is Ans. B
A. 1.310 eV
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Q. In the solar cell the light energy
1.013 eV incident on the solar cell must be
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. 1.130 eV ________ than the energy gap of a
Ans. C A. smaller
Q. The energy gap of a semiconductor is equal
0.7 eV. Then it will absorb the light of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
wavelength greater
17870 A.U. Ans. C
80 A.U. Q. We do not get the ideal power (IscVoc)
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. from the solar cell because
17760 A.U. A. Isc and Voc are not measurable.
Ans. D L. Isc and Voc cannot be measured
Q. The highest possible level at absolute M. Isc can be measured but not Voc.
zero temperature is called as N. Voc can be measured but not Isc.
A. fermo level Ans. B


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