Drug Education and Vice Control: Reviewer Notes in
Drug Education and Vice Control: Reviewer Notes in
Drug Education and Vice Control: Reviewer Notes in
j. Vitamins – those substances necessary for 2. DEMEROL AND METHADONE – methadone was
normal growth and development and proper first sensitized in Germany in 1943, when an
functioning of the body. opiate analgesic was not available because of
war, it was first called “Dolophine” after Adolf
TO ITS EFFECTS Demerol – is widely used as a painkiller in
childbirth while Methadone is the drugs of
1. Depressants – are group of drugs that has the
choice in the withdrawal treatment of heroin
effect of depressing the Central Nervous
dependents since it relieves the physical craving
for heroin.
2. Stimulants – are group of drugs having the
effect of stimulating the Central Nervous
3. CHINA WHITE – these are drug synthesized from
the basic morphine molecule but perhaps more
3. Hallucinogens – refers to group of drugs that
than 1,000 times more potent than heroin. This
considered mind altering drugs and give general
drug is very dangerous not only because of its
effects of mood distortion.
potency but also because the chance is the
COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS street chemist will make the substance wrong.
NARCOTICS – it is derived from the Greek work STIMULANTS (uppers) – these are drugs that
“narkoticos” meaning sleep. These generally use as produce excitation, alertness and wakefulness,
pain killing drugs, it relieves pain and produce
intense feeling of “highness” and in some cases, a
profound sleep or stupor.
temporary rise in blood pressure and respiration.
1. OPIUM - narcotic drug produced from the drying
resin of unripe capsules of the opium poppy, Their medical uses include treatment of
Papaver somniferum. Opium is grown mainly in Narcolepsy – a condition characterized by an
Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Afghanistan. overwhelming desire to sleep. A person who
has narcolepsy goes to sleep as frequently as
Derivatives of Opium:
5 times a day.
a. Morphine – it is the principal derivative of
opium. Its name was derived from the name
“morpheus”, the Greek God of Dreams 1. COCAINE – this is naturally extracted/ obtained
because of its dreamful effect, which from the leaves of erythroxylon coca or the coca
follows its initial stimulating effect. bush. The plant is called erythroxylon coca and
Discovered by Freidrich Serturner. the alkaloid extracted from the leaves has a
SLANG NAMES: “M”, “Dreamer”, scientific name which is Cocaine Hydrochloride.
“Pectoral”, “Syrup”, “AAA”, “999” Cocaine was discovered in 1850 by Nietman.
Hailed as a wonder drug in the late 19th
b. Heroin - It is derived from morphine. It is century.
three to five times more powerful than
morphine from which it is derived and the Freebasing - it is a method of reducing the
most addicting opium derivative. With impurities in cocaine. The method produces a
continued use, addiction occurs within 14 type of cocaine that is many times more
days. It is the most powerful opium powerful than that of normal cocaine.
derivative. Discovered by Alder Wright.
Magnan’s Symptoms - it is the feeling as if
SLANG NAMES: “Snow”, “stuff”, “junk
grains of sand are lying under the skin or small
tooth”, “H”
insects (cocaine bugs) are creeping on the skin is
c. Codeine – a component of opium and a
the most characterized symptoms.
derivative of morphine, in most respects a
tenth or less as effective as morphine. It is Cocaine “Body Packer” Syndrome - refers to the
widely used as ingredient in cough syrup. it ingestion of multiple small packages of cocaine
is discovered by Robiquet in the process of for the purpose of transporting contraband.
discovering drugs that would cure opium
and morphine addiction. Crack - is a form of cocaine that has been
SLANG NAMES: “School boy”, “cough syrup chemically altered so that it can be smoked. It
looks like small lumps or shaving of soap but has
a mixture of porcelain. The drug is sold in inch has a slow onset but long duration of
that is referred to us french-fries or teeth. action.
DEPRESSANTS (downers) – these are drugs which Two Varieties of the Cannabis Plant:
suppress vital body function especially those of the Resin – Producing – (female mj) – THC is
brain or central nervous system with the resulting found most abundantly in the upper leaves,
barks and flowers of the resin – producing
impairment of judgment, hearing, speech, and
muscular coordination.
Fiber – Producing – (male mj) – contains
lesser THC
They dull minds, slow down body reactions to such
an extent that accidental death or suicides, usually Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - most active and
happen. are considered responsible for the
hallucinogenic effect of mj. THC contains the
highest concentration of the drug.
1. BARBITURATES – are drugs used for inducing “Phantasmagoria” - sensation that figures are
sleep in persons plagued with anxiety, mental rushing toward him at tremendous speed,
stress and insomnia. They are also of value in the increasing in size as they approach.
treatment of epilepsy and hypertension. They
Hashish/ Concentrated Cannabis - This is a crude
are available in capsules, pills or tablets and
resin extracted from the tops of a marijuana
taken orally or injected. SLANG NAMES:
plant. It is 8 – 10 times stronger than commercial
“goofballs”, “footballs”, “barbs”, “blockbuster
grade on the average.
2. METHAQUALONE - is a synthetic sedative which
Hashish Oil/ Marijuana Oil/ Honey Oil – 3 - 4 times
has been widely abused and often caused
stronger than hash and 30 – 40 times stronger
serious poisoning. It is a sedative drug in a
than commercial grade mj. Users smoke hash oil
smaller dose and a hypnotic in a bigger dose.
by adding it to a mj cigarette or commercial
3. TRANQUILIZERS - are drugs used in treating cigarette
nervous disorders or calm psychotic patients or
mental disorders without producing sleep.
was first synthesized by Dr. Albert Hoffman and
Kinds of Tranquilizers: Dr. Arthur Steel from the ergot plants – a fungus
that parasites rye and other grains and
a. Meprobate – a minor tranquilizer used for Diathylamide portion. This drug is the most
the relief of anxiety, tension and muscular powerful of the Psychedelics and it is 1, 000
spasms. times more powerful than marijuana.
b. Diazepam – also known as “valium”. It is the
most commonly used tranquilizer, which
-criminator_budz// [jonathan r. budaden]
Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 4
Subject: Drug Education & Vice Control
3. PEYOTE - is derived from the surface part of a Association – the tendency of a drug abuser to
small gray brown cactus. Peyote emits a look for peer groups where he feels being
nauseating odor and its user suffers from wanted and accepted.
nausea. Experimentation – the tendency of a person to
try and explore the effects of drugs due to
4. MESCALINE - this is the active ingredient of the
curiosity or other reasons.
peyote cactus
Inexperienced doctors – the tendency of
5. PHENCYCLIDINE (PCP) - known on the street as doctors and physicians to unnecessarily
“angel dust”. It is used as an intravenous prescribe drugs.
anesthetic and analgesic and used also as Likewise, addiction may also be acquired
treatment for mental disorder through
Habituation – repetitious engagement of drug
Killer Weed - combination of angel dust and use which is closely related to the experience of
marijuana the euphoric effect of drugs, and the relief of
pain or emotional discomfort.
6. PSILOCYBIN - this hallucinogenic alkaloid from
Toleration – refers to the necessity to increase
small Mexican mushroom. These mushrooms
the dose to obtain an effect equivalent to the
induced nausea, muscular relaxation, mood
original dose.
changes with visions of bright colors and
Dependence – the altered physiological state
shapes. Physiological effects produced by this
brought about by the repeated administration
drug is similar to LSD.
of the drug, which necessitates the continued
Morning Glory Seeds - known as Lysergic Acid use of the drug to avoid withdrawal syndrome.
Amide. The active ingredient in the seed is
similar to LSD although less potent. The
reactions are likened to those resulting from 1. Situational Users – those who use drugs to keep
LSD them awake or for additional energy to perform
an important work. Such individual may or may
7. ECSTASY - is one of the club drugs most often
not exhibit psychological dependence.
associated with rave parties. The scientific name
2. Spree Users – school age users who take drugs
for ecstasy is methylenedioxymethamphetamine
for “kicks”, an adventurous daring experience,
(MDMA). Taken at a dance or rave, ecstasy's
or as a means of fun. There may be some degree
sensory altering properties can be heightened
of psychological dependence but little physical
by the high degree of sensory stimulation
dependence due to the mixed pattern of use.
(lights, music and crowded dance floors).
3. Hard Core Addicts – those, whose activities
Rohypnol - The Date Rape Drug. perhaps best revolve almost entirely around the drug
suited to drug-assisted date rape. Rohypnol is experience and securing supplies. They show
colorless, odorless and tasteless. The drug strong psychological dependence on the drug.
dissolves with ease, especially in carbonated 4. Hippies – those who are addicted to drugs
drinks. Mixing alcohol or other depressants with believing that drug is an integral part of life.
Rohypnol intensifies the drug's sedative effect,
and it can be lethal.
Adding to Rohypnol's "popularity" as a date
rape tool is its amnesia-causing properties. ALCOHOL is one of the oldest intoxicants known to
When the sedative properties of Rohypnol wear man. Ever since there has been a continuous effect,
off, some people experience anterograde everywhere, to control its consumption because of
amnesia—they have no clear memory of events its devastating effects on human life. It is said to be
that occurred during the drug's acute effects. the “most commonly abused drug in the world”.
Rohypnol's reputation as a date rape drug has
made it one of the most notorious of the club Nature and Property. Alcohol is a colorless, tasteless
drugs. clear liquid. It boils at 78.4 degrees Celsius. It has
pleasant odor and gives a burning sensation to the
mouth, esophagus and stomach. Like many drugs,
alcohol is toxic. The kind of alcohol we drink is called
How addiction is acquired? ethanol. Ethanol is a by-product of the fermentation
process (when yeast and sugar are mixed together TOBACCO – Scientifically known as Nicotiana
and react). Tabacum, is a plant grown for its leaves, which are
smoked, chewed, or sniffed for a variety of effects.
Two kinds of alcohol Tobacco is considered addictive because it contains
the addictive chemical Nicotine. Sniffing and chewing
Methyl and ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol is very
tobacco originated in North America and Europe
poisonous and is not put in drinks but is use in some
industries. Ethyl alcohol is used in alcoholic drinks, Tobacco Chemicals:
which are made by breweries.
1. Nicotine – it is the most common important
The Common Alcoholic Drinks active ingredient in controlled doses. It is an
extremely toxic substance. A typical cigarette
1. Beers – they contain 2 – 6 percent alcohol
contains 1 – 2 mg of nicotine. When smoked, less
2. Wines – they contain about 10% alcohol
than 1 mg from each cigarette is filtered.
3. Fortified Wines – liquors that contains 10% – 20%
2. Carbon Monoxide – a poisonous gas similar to
the gas that emanates from a car’s exhaust pipe.
4. Spirits – liquors that contains 40% - 60% of
It impairs the capacity of the blood to supply
adequate amounts of oxygen to the vital organs
Types of Drinkers of the body. It is responsible for the shortness of
breath among smokers.
1. Occasional Drinker – drinks on special occasions 3. Tar – the brownish viscous substance known to
or uses alcohol as a home remedy, takes only a be the cancer – causing component of tobacco
few drinks per year. smoking. It also stains the fingers, teeth, and
2. Frequent Drinker – drinks at parties and social tongue of the smoker. Along with the other
affairs. Intake of alcohol may be once a week or noxious substances in cigarette smoking, it can
occasionally reaches three or four times per lead to lung cancer, emphysema and chronic
week, uses beverages to release inhibitions and bronchitis.
3. Regular Drinker – may drink daily or consistently DRUG TESTING
on weekends, usually comes from cultural
Two phases in the examination of the alleged
background where wine and beer is used with
confiscated Dangerous Drugs:
meals to enhance the flavor of the food. 1. Screening test/Preliminary test (also known as
4. Alcohol Dependent – drinks to have good time, the color test)
excessive drinking occurs occasionally but 2. Confirmatory test
drinker may not become alcoholic.
5. Alcoholic – has lost control of his use of alcohol.
Alcohol assumes primary goal in his life, even to CHEMICAL TESTS & ANALYSIS
the exclusion of physical health and interests of
family and society in general.
Drugs Test Used Color
Effects of Alcohol on the Drinker
1. Euphoria – A feeling of well–being, increased Opium Marquis Test Purple/Violet
confidence, temporary relief from fatigue, pain
or depression. Heroin Nitric Acid Yellow-
2. Muscular In coordination – depression of motor Green
function and causes greater dulling of the brain
Morphine Nitric Acid Red-Orange
that controls inhibitions. The person may
become hilarious, morose, irritable or excitable Cocaine Cobalt Thiocyanate Blue
without proper cause. He may suffer from
slurred speech and staggering gait. Barbiturates Dille-Kopanyi Test Violet
3. Respiratory Paralysis – if more liquor is or the Zwikker Test
consumed the paralysis of the respiratory
centers sets in. The person may suffer from Amphetamin Marquis Test Red/Orange-
complete in coordination of muscles, torturous es Brown
breathing, sleep, coma and death.
LSD (Lysergic Para Amino Purple
Acid BenZoic Acid
The Chinese Triad – The Chinese Triad, also 1. Administer – any act of introducing any
called the Chinese Mafia is the oldest and dangerous drug into the body of any person,
biggest criminal organization in the world. It is with or without his/her knowledge, by injection,
inhalation, ingestion or other means, or of
believed to be the controller of the “Golden
committing any act of indispensable assistance
Triangle” with international connection on drug to a person in administering a dangerous drug to
trafficking. himself/herself unless administered by a duly
licensed practitioner for purposes of medication
Drug Syndicates in the Philippines – The Binondo - 2. Chemical Diversion - the sale, distribution, supply
based Chinese syndicate has been identified as the or transport of legitimately imported, in-transit,
nucleus of the Triad Society, the Bamboo gang based manufactured or procured controlled precursors
in Taiwan and 14K based in Hong Kong. The Bamboo and essential chemicals, in diluted, mixtures or
gang is influenced of the Green gang of the Chinese in concentrated form, to any person or entity
engaged in the manufacture of any dangerous
Triad while the 14K is the newest among the triad
families established only in 1947. 3. Confirmatory Test – an analytical test using a
device, tool or equipment with a different
The most common “modus operandi” by the chemical or physical principle that is more
syndicates – posing as fishermen along Philippine specific which will validate and confirm the
seas, particularly, the northern provinces of Luzon result of the screening test. It refers to the
such as La Union, Ilocos, and Pangasinan where they second or further analytical procedure to more
drop their loads of shabu to shoreline based accurately determine the presence of dangerous
members. The syndicates are famously involved in drugs in a specimen.
4. Den, Dive or Resort – a place where any
marijuana cultivation and other drug smuggling
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
including drug manufacture. essential chemical is administered, delivered,
stored for illegal purposes, distributed, sold or
used in any form.
ANTI-DRUG OPERATIONAL PLANS (OPLAN): 5. Drug Dependence –It is a cluster of physiological,
behavioral and cognitive phenomena of variable
1. Oplan Greengold – MJ eradication intensity, in which the use of psychoactive drug
2. Oplan Hunter – Suspected military & police takes on a high priority thereby involving,
personnel among others, a strong desire or a sense of
3. Oplan Iceberg – Drug prone areas compulsion to take the substance and the
4. Oplan Mercurion – Drug stores violating Drugs difficulties in controlling substance-taking
Law behavior in terms of its onset, termination, or
5. Oplan Thunderbolt I – Against the underworld levels of use;
6. Oplan Thunderbolt II – Against Illegal Drug 6. Drug Dependent – refers to a person suffering
Laboratories from drug dependence;
7. Oplan Thunderbolt III – Neutralization of drug 7. Drug Syndicate – any organized group of two (2)
pushers, dealers & syndicates. or more persons forming or joining together
8. Oplan Tornado – Notorious & high profile places with the intention of committing any offense
9. Oplan Sagip-Yagit – Syndicates using children as prescribed under the Act;
conduit 8. Illegal Trafficking – the illegal cultivation,
10. Oplan Banat – Barangay level drug abuse culture, delivery, administration, dispensation,
prevention & suppression manufacture, sale, trading, transportation,
11. Oplan Athena – 14K & Bamboo gang distribution, importation, exportation and
neutralization possession of any dangerous drug and/or
12. Oplan Cyclops – Chinese triads neutralization controlled precursor and essential chemical;
9. Manufacture – the production, preparation,
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165 compounding or processing of any dangerous
drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
The "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002". chemical, either directly or indirectly or by
Approved: January 23, 2003 extraction from substances of natural origin, or
independently by means of chemical synthesis
Declaration of Policy. – It is the policy of the or by a combination of extraction and chemical
State to safeguard the integrity of its territory synthesis.
and the well-being of its citizenry particularly
the youth, from the harmful effects of 10. Cannabis or commonly known as “Marijuana” or
dangerous drugs on their physical and mental “Indian Hemp’ or by its any other name –
well-being, and to defend the same against embraces every kind, class, genus, or specie of
acts or omissions detrimental to their the plant Cannabis sativa L, including, but not
development and preservation. limited to, Cannabis americana, hashish, bhang,
guaza, churrus and ganjab, and embraces every
Definitions –
(c) A certification of the forensic laboratory trial prosecutor shall inform the Board of the final
examination results, which shall be done under oath termination of the case and, in turn, shall request the
by the forensic laboratory examiner, shall be issued court for leave to turn over the said representative
within twenty-four (24) hours after the receipt of the sample/s to the PDEA for proper disposition and
subject item/s: Provided, that when the volume of destruction within twenty-four (24) hours from
the dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous receipt of the same;
drugs, and controlled precursors and essential
chemicals does not allow the completion of testing
within the time frame, a partial laboratory Exemption from the Criminal Liability Under the
examination report shall be provisionally issued Voluntary Submission Program. - A drug dependent
stating therein the quantities of dangerous drugs under the voluntary submission program, who is
still to be examined by the forensic laboratory: finally discharged from confinement, shall be
Provided, however, that a final certification shall be
exempt from the criminal liability under Section 15 of
issued on the completed forensic laboratory
examination on the same within the next twenty- the Act subject to the following conditions:
four (24) hours; (a) He/she has complied with the rules and
(d) After the filing of the criminal case, the regulations of the Center, the applicable rules and
court shall, within seventy-two (72) hours, conduct regulations of the Board, including the after-care and
an ocular inspection of the confiscated, seized follow-up program for at least eighteen (18) months
and/or surrendered dangerous drugs, plant sources following temporary discharge from confinement in
of dangerous drugs, and controlled precursors and the Center or, in the case of a drug dependent
essential chemicals, including the placed under the care of the DOH-accredited
instruments/paraphernalia and/or laboratory physician, the after-care program and follow-up
equipment, and through the PDEA shall, within schedule formulated by the DSWD and approved by
twenty- four (24) hours thereafter, proceed with the the Board: Provided, that capability-building of local
destruction or burning of the same, in the presence government social workers shall be undertaken by
of the accused or the person/s from whom such the DSWD;
items were confiscated and/or seized, or his/her (b) He/she has never been charged or
representative or counsel, a representative from the convicted of any offense punishable under the Act,
media and the DOJ, civil society groups and any the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972 or Republic Act No.
elected public official. The Board shall draw up the 6425, as amended; the Revised Penal Code, as
guidelines on the manner of proper disposition and amended; or any special penal laws;
destruction of such item/s which shall be borne by (c) He/she has no record of escape from a
the offender: Provided, that those item/s of lawful Center: Provided, that had he/she escaped, he/she
commerce, as determined by the Board, shall be surrendered by himself/herself or through his/her
donated, used or recycled for legitimate purposes; parent, spouse, guardian or relative within the
Provided, further, that a representative sample, duly fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, within one
weighed and recorded is retained; (1) week from the date of the said escape; and
(e) The Board shall then issue a sworn (d) He/she poses no serious danger to
certification as to the fact of destruction or burning himself/herself, his/her family or the community by
of the subject item/s which, together with the his/her exemption from criminal liability.
representative sample/s in the custody of the PDEA,
shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction
over the case. In cases of seizures where no person Privilege of Suspended Sentence to be Availed of
is apprehended and no criminal case is filed, the Only Once by a First-Time Minor Offender. - The
PDEA may order the immediate destruction or privilege of suspended sentence shall be availed of
burning of seized dangerous drugs and controlled only once by an accused drug dependent who is a
precursors and essential chemicals under guidelines
first-time offender over fifteen (15) years of age at
set by the Board. In all instances, the representative
the time of the commission of the violation of
sample/s shall be kept to a minimum quantity as
determined by the Board; Section 15 of the Act but not more than eighteen
(f) The alleged offender or his/her (18) years of age at the time when judgment should
representative or counsel shall be allowed to have been promulgated.
personally observe all of the above proceedings and
his/her presence shall not constitute an admission of Probation or Community Service for a First-Time
guilt. In case the said offender or accused refuses or Minor Offender in Lieu of Imprisonment. - Upon
fails to appoint a representative after due notice in promulgation of the sentence, the court may, in its
writing to the accused or his/her counsel within discretion, place the accused under probation, even
seventy-two (72) hours before the actual burning or if the sentence provided under the Act is higher than
destruction of the evidence in question, the that provided under existing law on probation, or
Secretary of Justice shall appoint a member of the
impose community service in lieu of imprisonment. In case
public attorney’s office to represent the former;
of probation, the supervision and rehabilitative
(g) After the promulgation and judgment in
surveillance shall be undertaken by the Board through the
the criminal case wherein the representative
DOH in coordination with the Board of Pardons and Parole
sample/s was presented as evidence in court, the
and the Probation Administration. Upon compliance with
-criminator_budz// [jonathan r. budaden]
Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 10
Subject: Drug Education & Vice Control
the conditions of the probation, the Board shall submit a drug campaign to be appointed by the President
written report to the court recommending termination of of the Philippines.
probation and a final discharge of the probationer,
whereupon the court shall issue such an order.
The Director of the NBI and the Chief of the PNP
shall be the permanent consultants of the Board, and
DANGEROUS DRUGS BOARD AND shall attend all the meetings of the Board.
The Dangerous Drugs Board. – The Board shall be the DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (PDEA)
policy-making and strategy-formulating body in the
To carry out the provisions of the Act, the PDEA,
planning and formulation of policies and programs on drug
which serves as the implementing arm of the Board, shall
prevention and control. It shall develop and adopt a
be responsible for the efficient and effective law
comprehensive, integrated, unified and balanced national
enforcement of all the provisions on any dangerous drug
drug abuse prevention and control strategy. It shall be
and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical as
under the Office of the President.
provided in the Act.
Composition of the Board. – The Board shall be composed
The PDEA shall be headed by a Director General
of seventeen (17) members wherein three (3) of which are
with the rank of Undersecretary, who shall be responsible
permanent members, the other twelve (12) members shall
for the general administration and management of the
be in an ex-officio capacity and the two (2) shall be regular
Agency. The Director General of the PDEA shall be
appointed by the President of the Philippines and shall
The three (3) permanent members, who shall perform such other duties that may be assigned to
possess at least seven-year training and experience in the him/her. He/she must possess adequate knowledge,
field of dangerous drugs and in any of the following fields: training and experience in the field of dangerous drugs,
law, medicine, criminology, psychology or social work, and in any of the following fields: law enforcement, law,
shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines. The medicine, criminology, psychology or social work.
President shall designate a Chairperson, who shall have
the rank of a secretary from among the three (3)
The PDEA Academy. - Upon the approval of the
permanent members who shall serve for six (6) years. Of
Board, the PDEA Academy shall be established either in
the two (2) other members, who shall both have the rank
of undersecretary, one (1) shall serve for four (4) years and Baguio or Tagaytay City, and in such other places as may
the other for two (2) years. Thereafter, the persons be necessary. The PDEA Academy shall be responsible in
appointed to succeed such members shall hold office for a the recruitment and training of all PDEA agents and
term of six (6) years and until their successors shall have personnel. The Board shall provide for the qualifications
been duly appointed and qualified. and requirements of its recruits who must be at least
The other twelve (12) members who shall be ex- twenty-one (21) years old, of proven integrity and honesty
officio members of the Board are the following: and a Baccalaureate degree holder.
Secretary of the Department of Justice or his/her
representative; The Academy shall be headed by a Superintendent, with
Secretary of the Department of Health or his/her the rank of Director. He/she shall be appointed by the
representative; PDEA Director General.
Secretary of the Department of National Defense or
his/her representative;
Secretary of the Department of Finance or his/her
Secretary of the Department of Labor and
Employment or his/her representative.
Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local
Government or his/her representative;
Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and
Development or his/her representative;
Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs or
his/her representative;
Secretary of the Department of Education or his/her
Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education
or his/her representative;
Chairperson of the National Youth Commission; and
Director General of the Philippine Drug Enforcement