Drug Education: Dr. Ariel C. Manlusoc
Drug Education: Dr. Ariel C. Manlusoc
Drug Education: Dr. Ariel C. Manlusoc
Dr. Ariel C. Manlusoc
College Dean / Review Director
Any chemically active substance
rendering a specific effect on the
central nervous system of man.
A chemical substance that affects the
functions of living cells and alters body
or mind processes when taken into the
body or applied through the skin.
Is a chemical substance that brings
about physical, emotional or behavioral
change in a person taking it.
When are drugs harmful?
Any drug may be harmful when taken
Dangerous combinations;
By hypersensitive (allergic)
Drug Abuse
=Is the overuse or consumption of drugs
other than for medical reasons.
=Any non-medical use of drugs that cause
physical, psychological, legal, economic,
or social damage to the user or to the
people affected by the user’s behavior.
= Using drugs without prescription.
= Abuse of drugs and other substances can
lead to physical and psychological
S- Smoking
A- Alcoholism
D- Drugs
(Cigarettes) and
Alcohol are “gateway”
drugs. No Child and or
adolescent ever smoke
marihuana without
learning how to inhale
tobacco smoke first.
Ask a drug abuser
whether or not they
started with aocohol, or
cigarette; the answer is
always “YES”.
S- Suicide by Installment
M- Much money are wasted
O - Organs of the body are injured
K- Kills both smokers and non smokers
(Killing me softly)
I - Infants are poisoned.
N - Nervous system deranged
G - God’s Temple is ruin (defiled) 1 Cor
Smokers’ Bio-data
My name is Philip Moris, My
brothers are Dunhill and
Salem. I live in Marlboro
City, USA, my favorite game
is Bowling Green. My
greatest opponent is
Winston. I need to practice
More. If it is my Fortune, I
may win this competition. I
just Hope and pray that
Mighty Father will help me
become Champion
someday. Mark my word.
Tobacco Chemicals
Effects of Tobacco Use
About 18.7 million people, or 7.7% of the
population, are dependent on or abuse
alcohol, and 12,000 more try it for the first
time every day. Alcoholics Anonymous
has 2 million members – impressive, but
only a small fraction of those who need
It’s the most widely used mood-altering
drug in the world and is routinely ingested
by about 80% to 90% of Americans,
primarily through soda and coffee. A daily
brewed cup of joe, with 100 mg of
caffeine, can lead to physical dependence.
Withdrawal symptoms are experienced by
40% to 70% of those trying to quit.
There are about 71.5 million users of
tobacco products in the U.S. About 23.4%
of men and 18.5% of women are cigarette
smokers, with cigarette use lowest in
Western states and highest in the
Midwest; 44.3% of young adults ages 18
to 25 use tobacco, the highest rate of any
age group.
An estimated 3.6 million people are
dependent on drugs. On average, 8,000
try them for the first time each day, and
Opened are undergoing treatment for
addiction. More than half of first-time users
are female and younger than 18.
Marijuana, cocaine and pain relivers are
the leading drugs of abuse.
Common reasons why people turn
to drug abuse
Methamphetamine hydrochloride-
Commonly known as “shabu”. It is a white
odorless and crystalline powder with bitter
taste. It is popularly known as poor man’s
cocaine. It is considered as the most
abused stimulants in the Philippines. At
present, this chemical has no known
medically acceptable use.
Effects of Stimulants
Causes irritability, restlessness, hyperactivity, anxiety
Impairs judgment and causes deep depression and
physical exhaustion after single dose of moderate
strength wears off
Causes undesirable, acute psychotic consequences
such as suspiciousness, hostility, persecutory delusions,
violent and destructive behavior and recklessness
Physiological effects like hypertension, chest pain,
irregular heart rate, convulsion and cardiac arrest
leading to death.
more popularly known as psychedelics, is a
group of natural or synthetic psychoactive drugs
that produce reactions such as perceptual
alterations and changes in the state of
consciousness. These drugs generally produced
marked distortion of the senses and alter the
way time is perceived by the user. They produce
hallucinations or visions, hence the name.
Chronic use lead to bizarre and anti-social
thoughts as well as to disorientation and
confusion. These drugs work by exciting the
CNS and inhibiting the flow of serotonin, an
important neurotransmitter in the brain.
Common Types of Hallucinogens
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)- a
compound produced from lysergic acid, a
crystalline substance derived from the
fungus claviceps purpurea which infects
wheat. It was discovered by Dr. Albert
Hoffman while working in a Swiss
Pharmaceutical company. Known on the
street as “acid”, it is the best known and
most potent hallucinogens.
Physical Tests
Chemical Tests
imprisonment ranging from twelve (12)
years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years
and a fine ranging from One hundred
thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
Maximum penalty for the following:
import or bring into the Philippines any
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and
essential chemical through the use of a
diplomatic passport, diplomatic facilities or any
other means involving his/her official status
intended to facilitate the unlawful entry of the
organizes, manages or acts as a "financier" of
any of the illegal activities
Sec 4"protector/coddler" of any violator of
the provisions under this Section.
penalty -
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to
twenty (20) years of imprisonment and a
fine ranging from One hundred thousand
pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred
thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
Section 5. Sale, Trading, Administration,
Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and
Transportation of Dangerous Drugs
life imprisonment and fine ranging from
Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos
Section 5. Sale, Trading, Administration,
Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and
Transportation of Controlled precursors and
essential chemicals
penalty –
imprisonment ranging from twelve (12)
years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years
and a fine ranging from One hundred
thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)
Sec 5. Maximum penalty for the
transpires within one hundred (100) meters from
the school
Used of minor or a mentally incapacitated
individual, or should a dangerous drug and/or a
controlled precursor and essential chemical
involved in any offense herein provided be the
proximate cause of death of a victim.
Section 6. Maintenance of a Den,
Dive or Resort involving
penalty –
dangerous drugs
life imprisonment and a fine ranging from Five hundred
thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12)
years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) shall be imposed upon any person or
group of persons who shall maintain a den, dive, or
resort where any controlled precursor and essential
chemical is used or sold in any form.
Section 7 Employees and Visitors
of a Den, Dive or Resort
12 years and 1 day to 20 years (100,000.00 to
(a) Any employee of a den, dive or resort, who is
aware of the nature of the place as such; and
(b) Any person who, not being included in the
provisions of the next preceding, paragraph, is
aware of the nature of the place as such and shall
knowingly visit the same
Section 8. Manufacture of
Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled
Precursors and Essential
Penalty for Manufacture of Dangerous drugs- life
imprisonment and a fine ranging from Five
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten
million pesos (P10,000,000.00)
Penalty for manufacture any controlled
precursor and essential chemical - The penalty
of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years
and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos
The presence of any controlled precursor
and essential chemical or laboratory
equipment in the clandestine laboratory is
a prima facie proof of manufacture of any
dangerous drug.
aggravating circumstance if the clandestine
laboratory is established under the following
conducted in the presence or with the help of
established within one hundred (100) meters of
a residential, business, church or school
secured or protected with booby traps
concealed with legitimate business operations
employment of a practitioner, chemical engineer,
public official or foreigner
Art 9 –Illegal Chemical Diversion of Controlled
precursors and Essential Chemicals
The penalty of imprisonment ranging from
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to
twenty (20) years and a fine ranging from
One hundred thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand
pesos (P500,000.00) shall be imposed
upon any person, who, unless authorized
by law, shall illegally divert any controlled
precursor and essential chemical.
Section 10. Manufacture or Delivery of
Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus, and Other
Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs and/or
Controlled Precursors and Essential
Sec 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs
Possession of Dangerous Drugs
regardless of purity- penalty provided life
imprisonment and a fine ranging from Five
hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to
Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)
10 grams or more of opium, morphine,
heroin, cocaine/ cocaine hydrochloride,
marijuana resin or oil, LSD, GHB, MDMA,
50 grams or more of shabu
500 grams or more of marijuana
Cont. Sec 11
Penalty-Life imprisonment and fine ranging
from Php 400,000.00 to Php 500,000.00
If the quantity of shabu is ten (10) grams but not
more than 50 grams
Penalty- Imprisonment of 20 years and 1 day to
life imprisonment and fine ranging from Php
400,000.00 to Php 500,000.00
If 5 grams or more but less than 10 grams of
any Dangerous Drugs
300 grams or more of marijuana but less than
500 grams
Cont. Sec 11
Penalty- imprisonment of 12 years and 1
day to 20 years and a fine ranging from
Php 300,000.00 to Php 400,000.00
If the quantity of dangerous drugs are less
than 5 grams.
If the quantity of Marijuana is less than
300 grams.
Section 12. Possession of Equipment,
instrument, apparatus and other
paraphernalia for dangerous drugs
Penalty-imprisonment ranging from six (6) months and
one (1) day to four (4) years and a fine ranging from Ten
thousand pesos (P10,000.00) to Fifty thousand pesos
The possession of such equipment, instrument,
apparatus and other paraphernalia fit or intended for any
of the purposes enumerated in the preceding paragraph
shall be prima facie evidence that the possessor has
smoked, consumed, administered to himself/herself,
injected, ingested or used a dangerous drug and shall be
presumed to have violated Section 15 of this Act.
Section 13. Possession of Dangerous Drugs During Parties,
Social Gatherings or Meetings. – Any person found
possessing any dangerous drug during a party, or at a social
gathering or meeting, or in the proximate company of at least
two (2) persons, shall suffer the maximum penalties provided
for in Section 11 of this Act, regardless of the quantity and
purity of such dangerous drugs.
Section 14. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus
and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs During
Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings. - The maximum
penalty provided for in Section 12 of this Act shall be
imposed upon any person, who shall possess or have under
his/her control any equipment, instrument, apparatus and
other paraphernalia fit or intended for smoking, consuming,
administering, injecting, ingesting, or introducing any
dangerous drug into the body, during parties, social
gatherings or meetings, or in the proximate company of at
least two (2) persons.
Sec 15. Use of Dangerous
A person apprehended or arrested, who is
found to be positive for use of any
dangerous drug, after a confirmatory test,
shall be imposed a penalty of a minimum
of six (6) months rehabilitation in a
government center for the first offense
Cont Sec 15
If apprehended using any dangerous drug for the second
time, he/she shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment
ranging from six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12)
years and a fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos
(P50,000.00) to Two hundred thousand pesos
(P200,000.00): Provided, That this Section shall not be
applicable where the person tested is also found to have
in his/her possession such quantity of any dangerous
drug provided for under Section 11 of this Act, in which
case the provisions stated therein shall apply.
Sec 16. Cultivation of plants classified
as source of dangerous drugs
Life imprisonment and fine ranging from
Five hundred thousand pesos
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos
Section 17. Maintenance and Keeping of Original Records of
Transactions on Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled
Precursors and Essential Chemicals. - The penalty of
imprisonment ranging from one (1) year and one (1) day to
six (6) years and a fine ranging from Ten thousand pesos
(P10,000.00) to Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) shall be
imposed upon any practitioner, manufacturer, wholesaler,
importer, distributor, dealer or retailer who violates or fails to
comply with the maintenance and keeping of the original
records of transactions on any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical in accordance
with Section 40 of this Act.
An additional penalty shall be imposed through the
revocation of the license to practice his/her profession, in
case of a practitioner, or of the business, in case of a
manufacturer, seller, importer, distributor, dealer or retailer.
Section 18. Unnecessary Prescription of Dangerous
Drugs. – The penalty of imprisonment ranging from twelve
(12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20) years and a fine
ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to
Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) and the
additional penalty of the revocation of his/her license to
practice shall be imposed upon the practitioner, who shall
prescribe any dangerous drug to any person whose physical
or physiological condition does not require the use or in the
dosage prescribed therein, as determined by the Board in
consultation with recognized competent experts who are
authorized representatives of professional organizations of
practitioners, particularly those who are involved in the care
of persons with severe pain.
Section 19. Unlawful Prescription of Dangerous Drugs. –
The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging
from Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten
million pesos (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon any
person, who, unless authorized by law, shall make or issue a
prescription or any other writing purporting to be a
prescription for any dangerous drug.
Section 20. Confiscation and Forfeiture of the Proceeds or
Instruments of the Unlawful Act, Including the Properties or
Proceeds Derived from the Illegal Trafficking of Dangerous
Drugs and/or Precursors and Essential Chemicals. – Every
penalty imposed for the unlawful importation, sale, trading,
administration, dispensation, delivery, distribution,
transportation or manufacture of any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical, the cultivation or
culture of plants which are sources of dangerous drugs, and
the possession of any equipment, instrument, apparatus and
other paraphernalia for dangerous drugs including other
laboratory equipment, shall carry with it the confiscation and
forfeiture, in favor of the government, of all the proceeds and
properties derived from the unlawful act, including, but not
limited to, money and other assets obtained thereby, and the
instruments or tools with which the particular unlawful act
was committed, unless they are the property of a third person
not liable for the unlawful act, but those which are not of
lawful commerce shall be ordered destroyed without delay
pursuant to the provisions of Section 21 of this Act.
After conviction in the Regional Trial Court in the
appropriate criminal case filed, the Court shall
immediately schedule a hearing for the confiscation
and forfeiture of all the proceeds of the offense and
all the assets and properties of the accused either
owned or held by him or in the name of some other
persons if the same shall be found to be manifestly
out of proportion to his/her lawful income: Provided,
however, That if the forfeited property is a vehicle,
the same shall be auctioned off not later than five (5)
days upon order of confiscation or forfeiture.
During the pendency of the case in the Regional
Trial Court, no property, or income derived
therefrom, which may be confiscated and forfeited,
shall be disposed, alienated or transferred and the
same shall be in custodia legis and no bond shall be
admitted for the release of the same.
The proceeds of any sale or disposition of any
property confiscated or forfeited under this
Section shall be used to pay all proper
expenses incurred in the proceedings for the
confiscation, forfeiture, custody and
maintenance of the property pending
disposition, as well as expenses for
publication and court costs. The proceeds in
excess of the above expenses shall accrue to
the Board to be used in its campaign against
illegal drugs.
Section 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated,
Seized, and/or Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant
Sources of Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors and
Essential Chemicals, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
Laboratory Equipment
Definition of Terms:
1. Prostitution - It is an act or practice of a
woman who engage or habitually in sexual
intercourse for money or profit.
2. Prostitute - A woman who engage in
discriminate sexual intercourse or acts with
males for hire.
3. Pimp - One who provides gratification for
the lust of others. A male procurer of
clients for a prostitute.
4. Operator or Maintainer – one who owns or
manages houses of ill-refute where the
business of prostitution is conducted.
Sometimes they are called “madame or
mama san”.
5. White Slavery -The procurement and
transportation of women across stateliness
for immoral purposes.
6. Organized Crime - Includes gambling,
prostitution, dope (narcotics) and other illegal
or dubious businesses.
7. Whores/Knocker - It is a name often used
for all types of prostitute.
Prostitution is often called the “oldest
profession” in the world and records of
prostitution exist since the beginning of
recorded history. Prostitution today,
although controlled and against the law in
most countries, is still legal in some other
countries. In some countries the laws are
designed to combat the so called
commercialized type of prostitution.
Two Basic Reasons Why Prostitution Must
Be Suppressed
Control of venereal disease (VD)
Prevent organized crime
The Causes of Prostitution
Poor social background and personality handicaps
are some of the basis for drift intoprostitution.
Previous sexual experience, mostly unfortunate
and in or out of wedlock.
Contact with persons in or on the fringe of the
business of prostitution.
Love for money and luxury on the part of the
Lack of restraining check from neighbors, social
environments and laxity of social control much as
the agency for religious training and reforms.
The influence of contraceptives and preventive
treatment for venereal diseases.
Efforts to support another vices such as drug
addiction or alcoholism.
For the unwilling prostitutes, they are victims of
white slave traffic such as kidnapping, keeping
them under physical restraint, forcible abduction
of women and victims of crime against chastity.
The indifference of law enforcement authorities in
safeguarding the virtues of women and lack of
courage of the victim of white slave trade to
pursue the prosecution of cases they filed against
the perpetrators.
Social causes of prostitution such as:
broken families
anonymity of city life
poverty and other
IV. Types of Prostitutes on the Basis of
CALL GIRLS - These are the part-time prostitutes.
They have their own legitimate work or profession but
works as a prostitutes to supplement their income.
Sometimes they are tellers, sales-ladies of
department stores, waitresses, beauticians, or
engage in similar jobs that they use to make contacts
with customers. They receive telephone calls from a
selected group of customers and make arrangements
to meet them at a designated place. She may work
alone or in partnership with an intermediary with
whom she shares her earnings.
B. HUSTLER - is the professional type of
prostitutes. She maybe a bar or tavern “pick-
up” or a “street walker”. The bar or tavern “pick-
up” frequents places where liquor is sold,
sometimes operating with the consent and
knowledge of the management. The
streetwalker is the oldest and the most common
type of prostitute. She may worked with taxi-
drivers and commits prostitution in a taxi-cab. Her
common customers are the tourists, gamblers,
criminals, Addicts and others. Their
operation is oftentimes associated with
swindling their customers.
DOOR KNOCKER - this is the occasional
or selective type of prostitute. She is
usually a newcomer in the business.
Oftentimes, they are motivated by extreme
desire for money due to poverty or
supporting their other vices. She makes
contact thru information coming from the
professional and hustler who are friends
who gives her addresses of prospective
customers. She frequents hotels and
furnished fun houses. She caters the
affluent male members of the business
FACTORY GIRLS - are the real
professional type of prostitutes. She works
in regular houses of prostitution or brothels.
She accepts all comers and has nothing to
do with the selecting and soliciting the
customers. She works in regular hours or
tour of duty under the direct supervision of
the madam or operator of the prostitution
house. She gets her share of the earnings
by commission or per customers.
V. Types of Prostitution Houses
DISORDERLY HOUSES – usually ridges several
number of factory girls or professional prostitutes
and under the control of an organized crime ring.
A “madam” or “maintainer” supervises the
operation supported by a staff of teller
(cashier), bell or room boys, register clerks,
watchmen, pimps and security guards known as
bouncer. Their operation appears to be a
legitimate business entity mostly under the
protection of crooked policemen or law
enforcement authorities and their location is
prominently known to all their customers. They
have number of small rooms with the prostitutes
staying thereat where they wait for customers. At
times, the house provided with secret exits ready
for escaping in case of police raids.
FURNISHED ROOM HOUSE -usually operated
by an experienced “madam” who rent rooms to
legitimate roomers in order to maintain an
appearance of responsibility Purposely, the
madam leaves several rooms not rented to
legitimate roomers for ready use of the
prostitution. These prostitutes are mostly the call
girls who make the room their designated places
in perpetrating their business. Their rent is on per
customers basis or they maintain the rent
continuously but the prostitutes do not live there
permanently but elsewhere to maintain their
anonymity and identity. These houses could be
found mostly in flashy subdivision or residential
C. CALL HOUSES - this is where the customers
call and the madam makes the arrangement
and sends the girls by a transporter who is a man
or woman to the place arrangement. The house
appears to be a legitimate business house such as
service agencies, travel offices, coffee shops,
beauty parlors and the like duly licensed and
registered as such with the government office.
However, the telephone number is limited only to
qualified customers as recommended by their
pimps who conducts the background investigation
on the ability of the prospective customers to pay.
MASSAGE CLINICS - these houses are
operated under a licensed or permit issued
by the government but acts as a front for
prostitution where the act maybe done or as
per arrangement. They operate with
barbershops with manicurists or
“attendants” and “massagists” who while
servicing their customers may make
contacts or the prostitutes or themselves.
These prostitutes are sometimes the
newcomers in the business who do not
earn much as attendants or massagists.
V!!. Control and Prevention of Prostitution
The following schools of thought are the suggested methods
of control and prevention of the existence of prostitution:
This method maintains the idea that we cannot do away with
prostitution unless we consider the problems and remove
the causes of prostitution. The scheme originated from the
French System of controlling the prostitutes under the
direction of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1808 while he was trying
to protect his soldiers from the vile of prostitute exists as
well as the supply, the practice cannot be totally eliminated.
Arrests, detention and punishment of prostitutes would only
drive them to clandestine Activities in places where they
cannot be effectively controlled and inspected. In view
thereof, the following regulatory policy has been adopted to
provide the necessary protection for the society.
Segregation of brothels and soliciting to restricted districts.
Public licensing of houses of prostitution
Registration of prostitutes to protect them from the
of white slave trade
Periodic medical examination of prostitutes and public
health education.
Legalization of the practice of prostitution under
government supervision
and control to make it more realistic.
That arrest of prostitutes be handled by non-police
agencies but should be
taken care by social workers and medical men.
Finally, the rehabilitation of prostitutes by providing them
jobs and
facilities to earn a decent living.
This method believes that prostitution is both a
crime and a vice and therefore, should be
repressed and totally prohibited. It maintains that
chastity and continence should be the rule of
conduct for everybody and to allow prostitution
would be to abet immorality and white slave
trade. As to licensing of prostitution, this school
of thought argues that it invites men to enjoy
promiscuity free and easy and without fear of the
law. While it accepts the fact that men may still
indulge in prostitution despite repression
measures, but men would be more cautious,
apprehensive and afraid of reproach or arrest
from the decent members of the society. This is
an American Plan on the control of prostitution
which suggests the following method of
suppressing prostitution:
Strict enforcement of all legislation against prostitution
and all other vices or activities connected with it.
Education of the public regarding sex, prostitution and
venereal diseases.
Adoption of medical measures and establishments of
medical facilities for the diagnostic and treatment of
venereal diseases.
Adoption of codes of self-regulation and organization of
community cooperation
Making it unlawful for both men and women to engaged
in prostitution.
Increase of penalties now applicable and existing to
prostitution at he persons who may be punishable in
relation to the practice of prostitution.
Police Difficulties in Securing Information on
1. Patrons of houses of prostitution avoid any
open contact with the police.
2. Usually letters and complaints received
by the police are unsigned and the caller
unidentified or anonymous.
3. It is only by maximum effort through
diligent work and investigation on the part of
the police may rid of a community of this
evil. (More often locations of these places of
ill-fame will be discovered by diligent work
and investigation on the part of the police).
Article 202, RPC – Vagrants and Prostitutes
Any person having no apparent means of subsistence, who has
the physical ability to work and who neglects to apply himself or
herself to some lawful calling;
Any person found loitering about public or semi-public buildings or
places or trampling or wandering about the country or the streets
without visible means of support;
Any idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses of ill-fame;
ruffians or pimps and those who habitually associate with
Any person who, not being included in the provisions of other
articles of this Code, shall be found loitering in any inhabited place
belonging to another without any lawful or justifiable purpose;
Prostitutes. For the purpose of this article, women who, for money
or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct are deemed to be prostitutes.
Any person found guilty of any of the
offenses covered by this article shall be
punished by arresto menor or a fine not
exceeding 200 pesos, and in case of
recidivism, by arresto mayor in its medium
period to prison correctional in its minimum
period or a fine ranging from 200 to 2,000
pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court.
Article 201, RPC – Immoral Doctrines, Obscene
Publication and Exhibitions. The penalty of prison
correctional in its minimum period or a fine ranging
from 200 to 2,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed
Those who shall publicly expound or proclaim
doctrines openly contrary to public morals;
The authors of obscene literature, published with their
knowledge in any form, and the editors publishing
such literature;
Those who in theaters, fairs, cinematographers or
any other place open to public view, shall exhibit
indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts or shows;
Those who, shall sell, give away or exhibit prints,
engravings, sculptures or literature which are
offensive to morals.
3. Article 341, RPC – White Slave Trade
The penalty of prison correctional in its minimum
and maximum periods shall be imposed upon any
person who, in any manner, or under any pretext,
shall engage in the business or shall profit
by prostitution or shall enlist the services of women
for the purpose of prostitution.
4. City (Manila) Ordinance No. 4638 (Vag.
Prostitution) (Section 822, RO)
5. MMC Ord. No. 85-04-Child Prostitution Law
Prohibiting minors to work in sauna baths,
massage clinics and the like.
6. Section 18, Rule 111, INP Rules and
Regulations (PD 765)
House of Ill-Refute
Members of the PNP shall not enter any
house suspected or reported as being of ill-
refute except in the performance of duty
and if compiled to enter such place shall
report the fact to their superior officer as
soon as practicable.
7. Senate Bill No. 716 – Anti-Obscenity
Act of 1988 -
Sponsored by Senator Shahani, Leticia.
Gambling – it is a game or scheme the result of
which depends wholly or chiefly upon chance or
Chance or Hazard – is the uncertainty of the
result of the game or when the outcome of the
game is incapable of calculation by human
reason, foresight, sagacity or design.
Lottery – it is a scheme for the distribution of
prizes by chance among persons who have paid
or agreed to pay a valuable consideration for the
chance to obtain a prize.
“Maintainer” – is the person who sets up and
furnishes the means with which to carry on the
gambling game.
Conductor – is the person who manages or
carries the gambling game.
Banker – is the person who keeps the money
from which the winner is to be paid.
Totalizer – is a machine for registering and
indicating the number and nature of bets made on
horse races.
Wager – is the bet or consideration placed on
gambling games.
Prize – is the inequal amount due to the winner.
Topada – the illegal cockfighting conducted on a
day or at a cockpit not permitted by law.
Gullible Person – person who easily deceived
especially in crooked gambling.
PAGCOR (Philippine Amusement and Gambling
Corporation) – office that controls/regulates
gambling games like the casino.
Those who are absolutely or per se prohibited
Under Art. 195, RPC – monte, jueteng, other form of lottery,
policy, banking or percentage game and dog races;
Faro and roulette is absolutely prohibited by the Gambling
Those which are regulated by law. These games are
regulated in the sense that the law allows the same to be
played except on certain specified of the day.
Cockfighting under Art. 199, Revised Penal Code;
Horse Racing under Art. 198, Revised Penal Code;
Panguingue, cuajo, domino, mahjong, entre cuatro, and
other under Sec. 828, Revised Ordinances of the City of
That money or other consideration of value is at stake
That the result of the games depends wholly or chiefly
upon chance or hazrd
In cases of lottery, there must be:
chance, and;
prize or the inequal amount due to the winner