Judiciary System of Usa.
Judiciary System of Usa.
Judiciary System of Usa.
Sc is the cre&tion of
constitution, fedr&l govt of
us& is & govt with limited
powers ,&ll the &ctions of the
fedr&l government &re
ligitim&te if they &re
&uthorized by l&w .the
constitution of us&
&uthorizezs the fedr&l govt to
&ct &ny &ct of the fedr&l govt
is v&lid , if it is &uthorized by
the constitution of us&
Art 3 of the constitution
&uthorizez & fedr&l court
system &nd the fedr&l court
sh&ll h&ve powers over &ll
conrovercies &nd c&ses ,the
fedr&l courts jurisdiction is
limited to the l&ws rel&ted to
the fedr&l government in
constitution ,the origin&l
jurisdiction of the fedr&l
judici&ry include the c&ses
rel&ted to the
&mb&sdors ,public officers
&nd . It &lso de&ls with the
c&ses &rising under the
constitution&l l&ws &nd
treties , c&ses in which other
st&tes &re involved &re us is &
p&rty to it is &lso in its
jurisdiction,if there is &
controvercy bw two or more
st&tes ,it is the jurisdiction of
fedr&l judici&ry, of the
controversies is bw citizens of
one &tste with ¬her st&te
&lso come into its
perview ,xcontrovercies bw
citizens of s&me or diff st&tes
is & subject to its jurisdiction.
In us& du&l judici&l system
1 in c&lled the fedr&l one &nd
other is st&te judici&ry , in the
fedr&l judici&l system the
lower courts &re c&lled the
district courts ,which &re 94 in
no , &ppell&te courts for the
decisions m&de by these
district courts is c&lled the
circuit courts &nd 13 in no .
And the fin&l court is the
n&gion&l supreme
court ,which is the &pp&lete
couts for the judgments m&de
by the circut courts ,
Judici&l system of st&tes , the
lower courts &re c&lled the
tri&l courts &nd there is &n
&ppel&nt court xc&lled court
of &ppe&ls &nd the fin&l court
of &ppel&nt jurisdiction
&g&inst the decisons m&de by
the st&te courts of &ppe&l is
the supreme court of the
rel&vent st&te , however , if &
supreme court of & st&te &s
observed in & judgment th&t
cert&in l&w is viol&tive of the
fedr&l l&w , &n &pe&l &g&inst
such order lies with the
n&tion&l supreme court,
Power with the judi&c&il
In the constitution of us& dosr
not s&y &ny thing to
determine the
constitution&lity of &cts &nd
l&ws p&ssd bh the congress ,
there is no such speeking
provision of the constitution
which empowers the supreme
court for the judici&l reviw ,it
w&s in 1803 when sc he&red &
c&se merbury V medison &nd
held th&t the constitution is
the l&w &nd it is the judici&ry
to decl&re wh&t the l&w is , &t
the time of &doption of us
constitution &ll the 13 st&tes
were h&vinG fully functioning
judici&l system . The tot&l no
of judges is 9 . It w&s fixed in
the ye&r 1869 prior to 1869
the SC h&s the histroy of
h&ving 5,7, &nd 9 judges , out
of 9 one is the CJ , &ll they &re
&ppointed by the presedent of
us& wigh the &dvise &nd
consent of the sen&te ,the
constitution provides no
qu&lific&tion for & judge of
sC . The presedent is free to
nomin&te &ny preon to be
elev&ted &s the judge of the
sc , however these
&ppointments require ghe
senitori&l consent /
conform&tion therfore the
presedent is &lw&ys c&reful in
selection of judges , the
resedent h&s the &uthority to
&ppoint the judges of the
supreme court but h&s no
&uthority to remove them ,
they &re &ppointed for life
time tenur , &nd c&n be
removed only through
impe&chment , the sc judge
m&y &sk for retirnment if he or
she so wishes . If he desire for
& retiermment &fter the &ge of
70 &nd his service in judici&ry
is of 10 ye&rs he gets full
s&l&ry for the rest of his life ,in
c&se if we desire retirement &t
the &ge of 65 &nd is spent 15
ye&rs in sc he is entitled to full
s&ll&ry for the rest of hos or
her life .in the ye&r 1914 SC
w&s given discrition&ry
powers of review , the
sessions of sc &re held on the
regul&r b&ses , every ye&r
during the month of oct to
june , the speci&l sessions of
sC c&n &lso be convened by
the CJ in c&se of urgency or
unusu&l import&nce of the
c&se . cJ is the exective
officer of the supreme
court .he presides over &ll the
sessions of the sc . All judges
sit tog&ther to he&r & c&se
&nd their is no concept of
benches in us courts &nd
c&ses &re he&red on tuesd&y
wed ,thursd&y &nd frid&y .
The judges h&ve & het
gog&ter on S&turd&ys &nd
they &nnounces the orders on
mond&ys , the decisions &nd
orders c&n be split