Light Diet (Soft Diet) : Description

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Light Diet (Soft Diet)

The light diet includes foods that are well tolerated by patients whose digestion is impaired as a result of
surgery or illness. The diet is modified from the regular menu excluding foods high in indigestible
cellulose and the less digestible connective tissue of meats, very coarse breads and cereals, and very
highly seasoned food. Foods may be prepared in any way accept fried. The light diet may include foods
which are somewhat soft in texture and easy to chew, although food tolerances may vary among
individuals. Foods on the regular diet which are tolerated by the individual are allowed.
The light diet provides the variety and quantity of foods necessary to plan menus that will meet the
Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances of the Natural Research Council for the average adult. It may
be necessary to plan to include foods high in iron to meet the needs of pre-menopausal women.

Food Group Food Allowed Food Not Allowed

Milk Group (2 cups daily): All types as desired Milk drinks or yogurt containing
Milk whole fruits or berries with seeds or
Meat Group (2 servings Tender beef, veal, lamb, lean pork, mild Tough meat: barbequed, fried, smoked
Daily): ham, fish, liver or poultry. It may be and other highly seasoned meats;
Meat, Poultry and Fish chopped or ground for ease of eating. frankfurters, luncheon meats, sausage.

Cereals Cooked cereals such as farina, cream of Bran and whole grain cereals. Fried
wheat, oatmeal; refined cereals such as potatoes, potato skin, corn, dried
cornflakes, rice cereals, puffed wheat or beans and potato chips, wild rice.
Starchy White sweet potato (no skin), macaroni, Fried potatoes, potato skins, corn,
noodles, spaghetti, grits, white rice, green dried beans and potato chips, wild
English peas. rice.
Miscellaneous Foods:
Fats Butter, margarine, cream, cream Fried foods, lard, salt pork.
substitute, mayonnaise, shortening,
vegetable oil, whipped topping, gravy,
mild salad dressing, crisp bacon.
Soups Soups made from allowed foods. Soups containing prohibited
vegetables and those high in fat.
Desserts and sweets Plain cake and cookies, custard, plain ice Rich pastries, desserts containing
cream, plain puddings (rice, tapioca, nuts, seeds, coconut, raisins and dried
bread and cornstarch), gelatin desserts, fruits.
plain candies, chocolate, honey, jelly,
sugar, syrup, plain frosting.
Beverages Coffee, tea, decaffeinated coffee, cocoa Alcoholic beverages.
and carbonated beverages.

Light Diet – Sample Menu Plan

Regional Digestive Consultants | Phone: 281-528-1511 | Fax: 281-419-8485 | Website: | Email:

Light Diet (Soft Diet)

Suggested Meal Pattern Sample Menu

Breakfast : Breakfast:
Fruit or Juice Orange Juice
Cereal Oatmeal
Breakfast Meat Poached Egg
Bread Toast
Margarine Margarine
Milk Milk
Beverage Coffee
Noon Meal: Noon Meal:
Meat or Meat Substitute Broiled Chicken
Potato Or Substitute Mashed Potato
Vegetable Green Beans
Bread White Bread
Margarine Margarine
Fruit or Dessert Vanilla Ice Milk
Beverage Iced Tea with Lemon
Evening Meal: Evening Meal:
Soup or Juice Cranberry Juice
Meat or Meat Substitute Cheese Soufflé
Vegetable(s) Carrots
Bread Plain Roll
Margarine Margarine
Fruit or Dessert Canned Peaches and Plain Cookies
Milk Milk
Beverage Iced Tea with Lemon

Regional Digestive Consultants | Phone: 281-528-1511 | Fax: 281-419-8485 | Website: | Email:

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