Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Theory For Stability Assessment of Two-Time Scale Power System Models
Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Theory For Stability Assessment of Two-Time Scale Power System Models
Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Theory For Stability Assessment of Two-Time Scale Power System Models
©2008 IEEE.
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the stability region of the asymptotically stable equilibrium Therefore it is important to establish a relationship
point z* of (ΠBLS(x*)). between type-one equilibrium points that lie on the stability
The main aim of this paper is to establish a relationship boundary of (Σε) and the equilibrium points that lie on the
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stability boundaries of (Σo) and (ΠBLS(x*)). The next theorem stability boundary ∂Ao(xs,zs) of (Σo) if and only if (xu,zu) lies
is a generalization of a theorem presented in [5]. Its proof is on the stability boundary ∂Aε(xs,zs) of (Σε).
given in [6].
The previous result says that a type-one unstable equilibrium
point (xu,zu) on Γs lies on the stability boundary ∂Ao(xs,zs) of
the slow system if and only if it lies on the stability boundary
∂Aε(xs,zs) of the singularly perturbed system for sufficiently
small ε. Fig. 1 illustrates Theorem 2. On the right side of fig.
1, one can see the unstable equilibrium point (xu,zu) on the
stability boundary ∂Ao(xs,zs) of the slow system. On the right
hand side of the same figure, we can see, for sufficiently small
ε, that (xu,zu) also belongs to the stability boundary ∂Aε(xs,zs)
of the singularly perturbed system.
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respect to the fast-fault-on trajectory φoF (t , xo , zo ) is the type- Step 3: Check whether the trajectory φo(t,xo,zcoF) along Гu
one UEP (xo,zcoF) on the stability boundary ∂ABLS(xo,zS) whose converges to an asymptotically stable equilibrium point
(xco,zco) or the pseudo-trajectory φoP(t,xo,zcoF) reaches the exit
stable manifold W(sΠ ) ( xo , zcoF ) contains the exit point point (xexS,zexS) of the slow system.
BLS ( xo )
(xo,zex) of the fast system. Step 4: If the equilibrium point (xco,zco) is reached first, then
(xco,zco) is the uniform CUEP of (Σε) for sufficiently small ε.
Since the fault-on system and the post-fault system are Otherwise calculate the CUEP (xcoS,zcoS) of the slow system
structurally different, their stable constraint manifolds will be with respect to the pseudo-trajectory φoP(t,xo,zcoF). In this case
different. This fact poses some difficulties to define a CUEP (xcoS,zcoS) is the uniform CUEP of (Σε) for sufficiently small ε.
for the slow system. The CUEP of the slow system belongs to
the constraint manifold Γs, while the fault-on trajectory of the Scenario 2: The fast fault-on system is stable.
slow-fault-on system belongs, if it exists, to a different
{ }
constraint manifold Γ Fs ⊂ ( x, z ) ∈ R n × R m : 0 = g F ( x, z ) . In Step 1: Calculate the asymptotically stable equilibrium point
(xo,zsF) of the fast fault-on system on ГsF.
order to define the CUEP for the slow system, we follow the Step 2: Calculate the trajectory φoF(t,xo,zsF) of the slow fault-
same ideas of [5] considering a pseudo-fault-on trajectory on on system along ГsF starting at (xo,zsF) and the corresponding
Γs. For each point, say (x,z), that lies inside the attraction set pseudo-trajectory φoPF(t,xo,zsF) on Гs.
Atr(Γs) of Γs, there exists a corresponding target-point (x,z*) Step 3: Check whether the trajectory of the slow system
that lies on Γs. The target point z* is an asymptotically stable reaches a singularity on ГsF or the corresponding pseudo-
equilibrium point of the post-fault fast system Π FBLS ( x) . trajectory reaches the exit point of the slow system.
Step 4: If the singularity (xsing,zsing) is reached in the first
Definition 5: The exit point (xexS,zexS) of the slow system is place, then a new fast phase is initiating. Restart the analysis
the point where the pseudo-slow-fault-on trajectory ϕoP F
(t ) from the first step of Scenario 1 with (xo,zo) replaced by
(xsing,zsing). Otherwise calculate the CUEP (xcoS,zcoS) of the
crosses the stability boundary ∂Ao(xs,zs) of the slow system. slow system with respect to the fault-on pseudo-trajectory
φoP (t,xo,zs ). In this case, (xcoS,zcoS) is the uniform CUEP of
Definition 6: The CUEP of the slow system (Σo) is the (Σε) for sufficiently small ε.
type-one UEP (xcoS,zcoS) lying on the stable component Γs of Γ
whose stable manifold W(sΣo ) ( xcoS , zcoS ) contains the exit- Step 2 of Scenario 1 uses the fact that the type-one CUEP
point of the slow system. of (Σε) is an asymptotically SEP of (Σo) in Гu. As a
consequence, the slow trajectory along Гu naturally converges
Using the fast and slow CUEP definitions, a two-time-scale to the CUEP avoiding the necessity of using the gradient
CUEP method for stability assessment of two-time-scale reduced system of BCU method [8]. From a numerical point
power system models will be proposed. Two scenarios have to of view, convenient step sizes can be chosen for the slow and
be considered to propose a two-time-scale CUEP method. In fast phases to speed up computation. The exit point and
the first scenario, the fault-on fast system is assumed to be CUEP of the fast and slow system are calculated as proposed
unstable, while in the second scenario the fast fault-on system in the BCU method; that is, a good approximation for the exit
is assumed to be stable and possess an asymptotically stable point is the point along the fault-on trajectory where the first
equilibrium point. maximum of the potential energy is reached. Numerical
algorithms and alternatives to compute the pseudo-trajectories
are briefly discussed in [5].
A. Conceptual Two-Time-Scale Algorithm for CUEP
B. Conceptual CUEP Based Two-Time-Scale Stability
This algorithm is divided in two scenarios and only considers
Assessment Algorithm
the CUEP calculation. The stability assessment will be
discussed in the next subsection. Once the correct CUEP is calculated, an energy function
can be used to obtain a local estimate of the stability boundary
Scenario 1: The fast fault-on system is unstable. ∂Aε(xs,zs) according to the CUEP method. One issue is the
conservativeness of the estimates when the energy function
Step 1: Calculate the exit-point (xo,zex) and the associated fast does not take into account the time-scale features of the
CUEP (xo,zcoF) ∈ Гu with respect to the fast-fault-on trajectory system. The concept of two-time-scale energy functions
Φo (τ,xo,zo). proposed in [7] may considerably reduce the conservativeness
Step 2: Using the fast CUEP (xo,zcoF) as an initial condition, of stability region estimates. In this paper, the
calculate the trajectory φo(t,xo,zcoF) of the slow system on the conservativeness of estimates will be reduced by decomposing
type-one component Гu and the corresponding pseudo- the stability assessment into stability assessment of fast and
trajectory φoP(t,xo,zcoF) on Гs. slow system.
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The following algorithm explores the CUEPs of the fast • If Vslowcl< Vslowcr, then the slow system (Σo) is first-swing
and slow system to obtain a local estimate of the stability stable. Otherwise it may be unstable.
boundary of (Σε) via energy functions. For this purpose, we
assume the existence of a slow energy function Vslow for the The first-swing stability of the slow system may not be
slow system (Σo), a family of fast energy functions Vfast for sufficient to guarantee the stability of (Σε). The next step is a
the family of fast systems (ΠBLS(x)), and an energy function refinement that monitors the energy along the post-fault
Vε for (Σε) for every sufficiently small ε. Again this algorithm trajectory to guarantee stability of (Σε).
is divided in two different scenarios:
Step 2: Monitoring the post-fault trajectory
Scenario 1: The fast-fault-on system is unstable • Calculate the critical energy Vcr=Vε(xcoS,zcoS) at the CUEP
of (Σε).
Step 1: Assessing the stability of the fast fault-on system: • Calculate the energy Vcl=Vε(φFε(tcl,xo,zo)) of the post-fault-
• Calculate the critical energy function of the fast system system at the clearing time tcl.
Vfastcr=Vfast(xo,zcoF) at the CUEP of the fast system • If Vcl<Vcr then the system is first-swing stable. Otherwise
( xo , zcoF ) ∈ Γu . continue with the analysis.
• Calculate the fast energy Vfastcl=Vfast(Φo(τcl,xo,zo)) of the fast • Calculate the post-fault trajectory until a time t* when
post-fault system at the clearing time τcl. V(φε(t*,xcl,zcl))< Vcr.
• If Vfastcl< Vfastcr then the fast system is first-swing stable. • If (x*,z*)= φε(t*,xcl,zcl) belongs to the connected
Otherwise it may be unstable. component Sc(Vcr) of the level set
{( x, z) ∈ R n
× R m : V ( x, z ) < Vcr } that contains (x ,z ) then
s s
The first-swing stability of the fast system may not be
the system is first-swing stable. Otherwise, it may be
sufficient to guarantee the first-swing stability of (Σε). In the
next step, the energy of the post-fault trajectory is monitored
to refine the stability assessment of the previous step.
Step 2: Monitoring the post-fault system trajectory. The following example illustrates concepts that were
• Calculate the critical energy Vcr=Vε(xco,zco) at the CUEP of introduced in the previous sections. Some tests are conducted
(Σε). to evaluate the proposed two-time-scale algorithm for CUEP
• Calculate the energy Vcl=Vε(ΦFε(τcl,xo,zo)) of the post-fault- calculation and stability assessment. Consider the one-
system at the clearing time τcl. machine-infinite-bus system of fig. 4.
• If Vcl<Vcr then the system is first-swing stable. Otherwise
continue with the analysis.
• Calculate the post-fault trajectory until a time τ* when
Vε(Φε(τ*,xcl,zcl))< Vcr.
• If (x*,z*)= Φε(τ*,xcl,zcl) belongs to the connected
component Sc(Vcr) of the level set Fig. 4. One generator is connected to the infinite bus through four parallel
{( x, z) ∈ R n m
× R : Vε ( x, z ) < Vcr } that contains (xs,zs),
transmission lines. The generator is modeled by the one-axis-model with the
following parameters: H=2.77, T’do=6.6, xd=1.15, x’d=x’q=0.3. The terminal
voltage is 1.0 pu at the pre-fault equilibrium point. The infinite bus is used as a
then the system is first-swing stable. Otherwise, it may be reference for phase angle measurement, and its voltage magnitude is V∞=1.0.
The reactance of each line will be denoted by xline. The
Step 2 checks whether the clearing state (xcl,zcl) belongs to
differential equations that model this system are:
Sc(Vcr) to guarantee first-swing stability. If it does not, then
the post-fault trajectory is monitored for a short period of time dEq′ 1 ⎡ ( xd + xline ) ( x − x 'd ) ⎤
= ⎢− E 'q + d V∞ cos δ + E fd ⎥
to check if it enters Sc(Vcr). Usually the fast CCT estimation is dτ T 'do ⎣⎢ ( x 'd + xline ) ( x 'd + xline ) ⎥
sufficient to guarantee first-swing stability of (Σε). dδ
=ω (6)
Scenario 2: The fast fault-on system is stable V∞ E 'q sin δ
dω 1 ⎡ ⎤
= ⎢ Pm − − Dω ⎥
Step 1: Assessment of the stability of the slow system.
dτ M ⎢⎣ ( x 'd + xline ) ⎥
• Calculate the critical energy of the slow system Since T’do is a relatively large time constant when
Vslowcr=Vslow(xcoS,zcoS) at the CUEP of the slow system. compared to electromechanical oscillation time constants, the
• Calculate the energy of the post-fault slow system at the variable E’q is a slow variable while δ and ω are fast variables.
clearing time Vslowcl=Vslow(φoP(tcl,xo,zsF)) along the pseudo Fig. 5 illustrates the time-domain behavior of these variables
fault-on trajectory. for contingency scenario #1. The system is written in the fast
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time scale τ given in seconds. We define ε=1/T’do and t=ετ, the fault is self-cleared at τcl=0.277s. Fig. 5 illustrates the
the slow time scale. Rewriting the previous system in the slow time-domain simulation of this scenario. The CUEP belongs
time-scale and setting ε=0, we obtain the constraint set Г: to the unstable component Γu of Γ as illustrated in Fig. 6.
⎧ V∞ E 'q sin δ ⎫
( )
Γ = ⎨ E 'q , δ , ω ∈ R3 : ω = 0 and Pm −
⎪ x 'd + xline
= 0⎬
⎩ ⎭
Set Г contains all the equilibrium points of (1), including
the CUEPs. Suppose (E’qs,δs,0) is the asymptotically SEP of
interest on the stable component Гs of Г. The singularities in Г
occur at the points (E’qssinδs,(2n+1)π/2,0), n=…-2,-1,0,1,2,…
A component of Г and the corresponding singular point is
shown in Fig. 6. The singular point separates the connected
component of Г in two components, a stable component Гs,
that contains the stable equilibrium point (xs,zs) of interest,
and the type-one unstable component Гu.
Three different contingency scenarios will be studied in the
next subsections. The following energy functions will be used
for stability assessment:
Mω2 V∞ Eq' Fig. 6 - Illustration of contingency scenario #1. The fast fault-on system is
V fast ( Eq' , δ , ω ) = − Pmδ − ' cos δ (7)
2 xd + xline unstable. The two-time scale CUEP algorithm uses the fast-fault-on trajectory to
calculate the fast CUEP. The slow trajectory of the slow system starting at the
xd + xline Eq fast CUEP converges on Гu to the CUEP of (Σε). The shaded area is the stability
Vslow ( Eq' , δ ) = − E fd Eq' − region estimate Sc(Vcr) obtained with the traditional CUEP algorithm with the
xd' + xline 2 (8) energy function (9).
xd − xd' The proposed algorithm calculates the correct CUEP.
− V∞ Eq' cos δ − ( xd − xd' ) Pmδ
xd' + xline Since the fast fault-on system is unstable, the algorithm
calculates the fast CUEP (1.03;2.74;0) with respect to the
Mω2 V∞ Eq'
V ( Eq' , δ , ω ) = − Pmδ − ' cos δ + sustained fast fault-on trajectory and then uses the trajectory
2 xd + xline (9) of the slow system along Γu to approach the CUEP
( xd + xline ) Eq' 2 E fd (0.41;1.77;0) of (Σε). Fig. 6 illustrates the calculation steps
+ − Eq'
( xd' + xline )( xd − xd' ) 2 ( xd − xd' ) and the location of CUEP’s. In this case, the step size used to
numerically calculate the slow post-fault system trajectory can
be bigger than the step size used to calculate the fast-fault-on
trajectory. Step sizes of 0.01s for the fast phase and 0.1s for
the slow phase were used to speed up the CUEP calculation.
The two-time-scale stability assessment based on CUEP
guarantees stability for clearing times lesser than 0.21s while
the traditional CUEP method guarantees stability for clearing
times lesser than 0.16s, clearly a significant improvement
(30%) in the CCT estimation. Fig. 6 shows the projected
trajectory for a clearing time of 0.277s. The shaded area in
fig. 6 represents the connected component Sc(Vcr) of the
critical level set that contains the stable equilibrium point
(xs,zs). The post-fault trajectory was monitored until it enters
Fig. 5 – Time domain simulation of contingency scenario #1. While the fast B. Contingency Scenario #2
variables, the rotor angle and rotor speed, oscillate with a frequency close to In this scenario, xline=1.40, Pm=0.815, Qpre=0.1187, D=0.0588
1Hz, the slow variable E’q takes about 7 seconds to settle down.
and Efd=1.32. Three lines trip out and after 0.4085s one of
A. Contingency Scenario #1 them reconnects automatically. The point (xo,zo) in Fig. 7
In this scenario, four lines with reactance xline=1.50 p.u. are represents the pre-fault operating point. The fault excites the
connecting the generator to the infinite bus. The input fast variables. The fast system is unstable and the fault is
mechanical power is Pm=0.60 pu and D=0.0294. The reactive cleared to guarantee the first-swing stability of the fast
power that is injected at the terminal generator bus at pre-fault system. However, the fault is cleared close to the critical
equilibrium point is Qpre=0.0684p.u. and Efd=1.1821. A three- clearing time and the post-fault trajectory is pulled by the
phase short-circuit occurs at the generator terminal bus and slow dynamics in the neighborhood of the unstable
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component Гu of Г. As a consequence of that, the slow dynamic phase takes place with the fault-on trajectory slowly
variable is excited and when the fast dynamic brings the sliding along the slow manifold in the neighborhood of ΓsF.
trajectory back to the stable component Гs, this component is This slow phase is a consequence of slow flux decay. The
reached outside the stability region of the asymptotically SEP trajectory reaches the neighborhood of a singularity in ΓsF and
of the slow system. The result is the lack of synchronism that an unstable fast dynamic phase is about to initiate when the
in reality was ignited by a slow flux decay of the generator. third line reconnects at t=28s. The post-fault trajectory
The flux decay, on the other hand, was a result of the fast initiates with a fast phase that brings the trajectory back to the
variables that drove the system trajectory to the neighborhood neighborhood of the stable component Гs of Г. The post-fault
of Гu. trajectory “reaches” the stable component Гs inside the
stability region of the SEP (xs,zs) of the slow system. As a
consequence, the slow phase of the post-fault trajectory slides
along the slow manifold of the post-fault system bringing the
system back to a stable equilibrium point.
Since the fast fault-on system is stable, the two-time-scale
algorithm searches the CUEP along the pseudo-fault-on
trajectory along Гs. In this example, the slow fault-on
trajectory reaches a singularity on ΓsF before the pseudo-fault-
on trajectory reaches the exit point of the slow system. The
instant at which the slow fault-on trajectory reaches a
singularity is an approximation of the corresponding CCT. In
this case, the CCT estimated by the proposed two-time scale
algorithm equals 25s while the real CCT is within the interval
(28s,29s). The CCT estimation obtained with the traditional
CUEP method is very conservative and equals 0.51s.
Fig. 7. Illustration of contingency scenario #2. The fast fault-on system is
unstable. The two-time scale CUEP algorithm uses the fast-fault-on trajectory to
calculate the fast CUEP. The slow trajectory of the slow system starting at the
fast does not converges to the CUEP because the CUEP of (Σε) belongs to the
stable component Γs. The pseudo slow post-fault trajectory associated with the
slow post-fault trajectory reaches the exit point of the slow system and then the
slow CUEP is calculated.
In this scenario, the CUEP belongs to the stable component
Γs of Γ. The proposed two-time scale algorithm calculates the
correct CUEP. Since the fast fault-on system is unstable, it
first obtains the fast CUEP (xo,zcoF). Fig. 7 shows the location
of the fast CUEP and the corresponding fast sustained fault-
on trajectory. Starting from (xo,zcoF) ∈ Гu, the slow post-fault
trajectory along Гu and the corresponding pseudo-trajectory
along Гs are calculated. In this case, the exit-point of the slow
system along the pseudo-trajectory is reached before the slow
system trajectory on Гu reaches an equilibrium point or
singularity. Fig. 7 illustrates the location of the CUEP of the Fig. 8. Illustration of contingency scenario #3. The fast fault-
slow system. In this case, the CUEP of the slow system is the on system is stable. The two-time-scale CUEP algorithm
CUEP of (Σε) for sufficiently small ε. searches the CUEP of the slow system in the direction of the
The two-time-scale algorithm for stability assessment pseudo slow fault-on trajectory. However, a singularity is
based on CUEP theory guarantees the stability for clearing reached on ΓsF before the pseudo trajectory reaches the exit-
times lesser than 0.37s while the traditional CUEP method point of the slow system. The instant at which the slow fault-
cannot be employed because the initial condition (xo,zo) is on trajectory reaches the singularity is an estimate of CCT.
outside the critical level set Sc(Vcr) (the shaded area) as shown
in fig. 7.
In this paper, the foundations of the two-time-scale CUEP
C. Contingency Scenario #3 method were provided. By studying a relationship between the
In this scenario, xline=1.50, Pm=0.815, Qpre=0.1276, stability boundary of the real system and the stability
Efd=1.33 and D=0.0588. At time t=0, two lines trip out boundaries of the slow and fast subsystems, a conceptual two-
exciting the fast dynamic. The fast dynamic is stable and the time-scale CUEP algorithm was proposed.
trajectory rapidly approaches the stable component ΓsF of the The proposed algorithm has the following advantages
constraint set of the fault system (see fig. 8). Then a slow when compared to the traditional CUEP method: (i) the
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