031 Can-Rus
031 Can-Rus
031 Can-Rus
Match Results
試合結果 / Résultats du match
Match 34 CAN vs ROC Match Duration: 1h 45min
0 3
Team Sets 1 2 3 Total
CAN 0 21 28 22 71
ROC 3 25 30 25 80
Playing Time 29min 36min 34min 1h 39min
1st Referee: CASAMIQUELA Hernan (ARG) 2nd Referee: MURANAKA Shin (JPN) Challenge Referee: NEDERHOED Jacobus (NED)
(c) Team Captain Atts Attempts
L Libero L Substitute libero
MB Middle Blocker [n]
n Starting line-up where n = starting position on court (i.e. positions 1 to 6)
nn Substitute where nn = shirt number of outgoing player No. Shirt number
O Opposite OH Outside Hitter
Pos. Playing position Pts Points scored
S Setter