Course Outline

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Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi

MBA (IB) - Full Time (2020-22)

Course (Elective): Advertising and Promotion Management
Course Coordinator: Dr. Ashish Gupta
Term-IV Course Credit:02

Course Introduction:
Advertising and Promotion is quite a dynamic and fascinating field to either practice or
study. In our increasingly complex world, organizations in both the private and public
sector have learned that their ability to create and disseminate effective advertising and
promotional messages has become increasingly difficult because of the fragmentation
not just of audiences but also of the media and methods used to reach them.
Advertising and promotion are the most visible part of marketing tends to shroud
the other aspects of marketing. The coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic has
resulted in changes to advertising, marketing, promotional and media spends, forcing
businesses and brands to re-evaluate their thinking about current and future
advertising and marketing campaigns. This course addresses all those aspects which
define the role of advertising and promotion in the changing marketing scenario.

Course Objectives:
• To understand the importance of advertising and other promotional elements in
the marketing programs in a firm’s marketing strategy of domestic and foreign
• Understanding the role of communication and the changing consumer mindset in
covid scenario.
• To be able to apply concepts learnt to real life business situations.
Programme Learning Goals Covered through this course
• LG-2: Innovative and Creative Thinking with Critical Analysis
2.1 : Students will be able to apply appropriate theories, models, and tools
tocritically analyze the problems / issues in international business situations.

2.2 : Students will be able to develop innovative and creative approach

towardssolving of given problems / issues in international business situations.

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• It will include concepts discussions, case studies, assignments, and presentations.
• Emphasis will be on discussion and active exchange of ideas.

Linkages with Other Courses:

• This is a basic course which lays the fundamentals of advertising and
promotion, and it will link to all marketing courses like branding, CRM, service
marketing, international marketing etc.

Evaluation Components:
Mid- Term (Quizzes-2) 15 % + 15 %
Assignment / In-class Activity 10%
Group Project Work/ Presentations 20 %
End term Exam 40 %

Textbook / Reference Text:

1. Advertising and Promotion – An IMC Perspective: G. E. Belch, M. A. Belch
and K.Purani, Mcgraw Hill Education.
2. Advertising and Integrating Marketing communications: Kruti Shah, Mcgraw
3. Advertising Management: Jaishri Jethwaney and Shruti Jain, Oxford University
4. Advertising and Promotions-An Integrated Brand Approach: Semenik, Allen,
O’Guinn and Kaufmann, Cengage Leraning.
5. Advertising: Principles and Practice: William D. Wells, Sandra Moriarty, & John
Burnett,Pearson Education
6. Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications: Clow and
Baack, Pearson Education

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Session Plan:
Session Topics and Sub-topics Readings
Reference / Cases
1-2 IMC and Advertising: An Overview
▪ IMC and Marketing ▪ Book-1: Chapter 1
▪ Promotion Mix ▪ Book-1: Chapter 2
▪ IMC Role in the Marketing Process
▪ Role and Functions of Advertising in AchievingMarketing Objectives

Case: The Saffola Journey (Harvard Business Publishing)

Questions for Discussion:
• Evaluate three campaigns from the perspectives of Segmentation, targeting and positioning.
• What was the role of IMC in the ‘Sehat Se Jeena Hai’ and ‘Kal Se’ campaigns?
• Analyze each of the commercial from a semiotic perspective.
Reading: Storytelling: The Key to Effective Advertising ( marketing / storytelling-
Video Exercise:
(Deconstruct the advertising message on the following parameters: objectives; target audience,message)

3-4 Advertising Campaign Planning ▪ Book-1: Chapter 6

▪ Situation Analysis
▪ Setting Objectives which conform the positioning strategy
for brand
▪ Decide Message, Content and Structure
▪ Decide Appeals and Copy
Case: Godrej Security Solutions Ltd.: Moving Consumers to Action (Harvard Business Publishing)
Questions for Discussion:
• What was GSS’ primary marketing challenge? Which consumer needs did the company’sproducts address?
• Who were the early adopters? What were the barriers of adoption?
• Analyze the company’s first campaign (Trouble doesn’t come announced”).
• As a brand, what did GSS communicate through its second campaign?
• What Challenges do you see in communicating the “fear and control” story in 2013/14?
1. Amazon Has a Plan to Become Profitable. It's Called Advertising
2. How STAR India plans to make money from mega IPL rights deal
Video Exercise:
1. https:// FqImv4)
(Deconstruct the advertising on the following parameters: Ad Appeal; objectives; strategy andcompetitive edge)
5-6 Media Planning and Strategy ▪ Book-1: Chapter 10
▪ Advertising Media types
▪ Developing Media Plan
▪ Understanding media characteristics
▪ Legal, Ethical and Social Considerations

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Case: ‘The complete man’ of the Raymond Gets a New Avatar
Questions for Discussion:
• According to you, has Raymond been correct in continuing with an emotional theme for its suiting range now also
targeted at the younger generations? Why or Why not? In your opinion, how would youngsters perceive the new
• Comment on the Media strategy of Raymond. What kind of alterations would youmake to the plan?
• Is Raymond’s communication effort integrated? Find out what other communication initiatives it has undertaken
recently, and whether these are in sync with its current image.
1. Hairstylist Jawed Habib apologises for hurting religious sentiments with latest DurgaPuja ad
Video Exercise: Volkswagen’s Polowers case (Deconstruct the advertising on the following parameters: Ad media;
objectives; strategy and competitive edge)
7-8 Measuring effectiveness of the Ad Campaign ▪ Book-1: Chapter 18
▪ Measuring Impact- does it works
▪ Types and Stages of Evaluation
▪ Copy testing and Message Evaluation
▪ Message Development Research: Pre-test,
During Execution: Concurrent Testing, Post-
▪ Media Evaluation
Case: Dove Real Beauty Sketches Campaign
Questions for Discussion:
• Discuss the effectiveness of Dove Real Beauty Sketches Campaign keeping in mind the changing trends, competition.
• What emotions did it invoke? How do you think it made the target audience feel? Would these feelings change
purchasing behaviour?
• Critically examine the success and failure of this ad campaign.
1. Buchanan, L., & Basu, A. (1989). The Impact of Advertising Copy Testing: Is the Advertiser Getting More than he
bargained for? Advances in Consumer Research, 16, 479-484
2. Yuan, S. (2017). An investigation of the influence of cinema environment on advertising effectiveness. International
Journal of Advertising, 1-18. 591-608.
9 Promotion Management: An overview ▪ Book-1: Chapter 16
▪ Sales Promotion- Role and Scope
▪ Role of Sales Promotion in Marketing Mix
▪ Different kinds of sales promotion activities
▪ Various promotional tools in marketing mix
▪ Sales promotion Planning and Strategy
▪ Understand sales promotion aimed at consumers and

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Case: Hav Mor Funn with Ice Creams
Questions for Discussion:
• Evaluate the strategic and tactical value of Havmor’s Mera Flavour Contest.
• What were the objectives of Havmor’s contest? Who was the target audience? What kind of implementation difficulties
would the company have faced while executing the contest? How would you evaluate the success of the promotions?
• Suggest other sales promote on tools that the company could use in future, giving reasons for your suggestions.
1. Gelb, B., Andrews, D., & Lam, S. (2007). A strategic perspective on sales promotions. MIT Sloan Management
Review, 48(4). 2. Wah Lee, C. (2002). Sales promotions as strategic communication: the case of Singapore. Journal of
Product & Brand Management, 11(2), 103-114.
2. Mobile Discounts: A Matter of Distance and Time
3. Kasulis, J. J., Morgan, F. W., Griffith, D. E., & Kenderdine, J. M. (1999). Managing trade promotions in the context of market
power. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27(3), 320-332.
Video Exercise: Big Bazaar Diwali Advertisement (View the advertising and design a sales promotion for a brand for Holi
10 Direct Marketing and Public Relations ▪ Book-1: Chapter 14
▪ Understand Direct Marketing and process ▪ Book-1: Chapter 17
▪ Analyze the reason of growth in
Direct Marketing and strategic considerations
▪ Public relation as a tool in Marketing Mix
▪ Using Public relation tools to achieve marketing
Case: Swiggy: Managing Reputation Meltdown through Public Relations
Questions for Discussion:
• The controversy is a double-edged sword; it can work in favour and in against for Swiggy. Discuss both the positive and
negative impacts of controversies.
• What strategies should Swiggy adopt to manage positive and negative consumer reactions? When and how Swiggy
should use public relations and media tools to overcome for engaging stakeholders to handle the controversies?
• Assess Swiggy's crisis response as a marketing communication strategy. What factors made this situation into a
reputational meltdown? How should Swiggy address them?
1. PR Agencies Need to Be More Diverse and Inclusive. Here’s How to Start. Source:
11 COVID - 19 Crisis and MARCOM Insights Industry Insights and readings
• Many Things have Changed, Many will
• The Changing Consumerism
• Implications for the Marketers and Brands
1. Communication in time of crisis: marketing /communication-
2. Is poor communication undermining the chances of success for COVID-19 vaccines?:
3. The 4 phases of marketing communication during covid-19: https://ideas.Darden. marketing-communication-

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12-13 Project Presentations -
In these sessions’ students are expected to
demonstrate their learning from the
assignment/project work by undertaking a systematic
and detailed work on a given communication problem
for a company/brand and develop a presentation on
their work. This exercise will
be evaluated.

Other Instructions (if Any):

• Project brief – Each group will be allotted a specific product/service. They are expected
to analyze the problem assigned to them in light of the discussions on the class, each
group is
expected to make a presentation on their recommendations, in the review session at the
endof the course. Highlighting the following:
▪ Present advertising and promotion strategy for the product/service
▪ Impact of the advertising on the consumer mind, STP Strategy
▪ Developing advertising plan and media buying strategy for the same.
▪ Recommendations for the new advertising planning and execution
▪ project presentations will be held in the session-12-13

Additional Readings / Journals

• Wu, L., & Wen, T. J. (2021). Understanding AI Advertising From the Consumer Perspective: What
Factors Determine Consumer Appreciation of AI-Created Advertisements?. Journal of Advertising
Research, 61(2), 133-146.
• Agnihotri, A., & Bhattacharya, S. (2018). The market value of celebrity endorsement: evidence from
India reveals factors that can influence stock-market returns. Journal of Advertising Research,
58(1), 65-74.

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• Shoenberger, H., Kim, E., & Sun, Y. (2021). Advertising during COVID-19: Exploring Perceived Brand
Message Authenticity and Potential Psychological Reactance. Journal of Advertising, 1-9.
• Frazer, C. F. (1983). Creative strategy: A management perspective. Journal of Advertising, 12(4), 36-
• Halliwell, E., & Dittmar, H. (2004). Does size matter? The impact of model's body size on women's
body-focused anxiety and advertising effectiveness. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23(1),
• De Mooij, M. (2003). Convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour: implications for global
advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 22(2), 183-202.

AOL Evaluation:
• Learning goal to be evaluated- LG 2
• Evaluation component to be used for AOL: Questions in exam
• Rubrics to be used for Evaluation:
Objectives Excellent Good Fair Unsatisfactory
Able to identify and Able to identify Able to Able to Unable properly
analyze ethical and examine identify and identify identify key
conflicts thoroughly all examine the conflicting ethical conflicts /
/ dilemmas in a conflicting thoroughly ethical issues dilemmas.
business case. ethical issues key and partially
and conflicting examine the
recommend ethical issues same.
appropriate and
solutions recommend
highlighting the solutions for
consequences. the same.

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