Design and Analysis of Dry Cylinder Liners Used in Diesel Engines
Design and Analysis of Dry Cylinder Liners Used in Diesel Engines
Design and Analysis of Dry Cylinder Liners Used in Diesel Engines
in Japan, but some countries(or companies) call this block is made from a grey cast iron, the liner is
Cylinder sleeve. Cylinder liners are generally made manufactured from a cast iron alloyed with
of closed grained pearlitic cast iron, nickel CI, nickel- chromium, vanadium and molybdenum. (cast iron
chrome CI, cast steel and forged alloy steel. The contains graphite, a lubricant. The alloying elements
inner surface of the liner is heat treated to obtain a help resist corrosion and improve the wear resistance
hard and smooth surface. The basic dimensions of the at high temperatures.)The cylinder liner will wear
cylinder liner are determined on the basis of strength with use, and therefore may have to be replaced. The
and rigidity to prevent ovalization of the liner during cylinder jacket lasts the life of the engine. At working
assembly and operation. The dimensions should temperature, the liner is a lot hotter than the jacket.
conform to IS:6750 – 1972. A cylinder liner should The liner will expand more and is free to expand
be designed and/or checked in the following modes diametrically and lengthwise. If they were cast as one
of failure: A cylinder liner is designed by treating it piece, then unacceptable thermal stresses would be
as either thick cylinder or thin cylinder depending set up, causing fracture of the material.
upon the bore to thickness ratio. A cylinder liner
should be checked for thermal stress caused by high Less risk of defects. The more complex the casting,
temperature difference between the outer and inner the more difficult to produce a homogenous casting
surfaces of the liner. In a cylinder liner, longitudinal with low residual stresses. The Liner will get tend to
stress is produced in addition to hoop stress, though get very hot during engine operation as the heat
marginal which causes extension of the cylinder. The energy from the burning fuel is transferred to the
side thrust caused by obliquity of the connecting rod cylinder wall. So that the temperature can be kept
on the cylinder liner induces bending stresses. within acceptable limits the liner is cooled. Cylinder
liners from older lower powered engines had a
uniform wall thickness and the cooling was achieved
by circulating cooling water through a space formed
between liner and jacket. The cooling water space
was sealed from the scavenge space using 'O' rings
and a telltale passage between the 'O' rings led to the
outside of the cylinder block to show a leakage.
machine, without the need for transport to a machine 1. A good grade grey cast iron with
shop. However, the larger diesel engines will require homogenous and close grained structure,
removal from the machine and transport to the i.e., Perlitic and similar cast irons.
machine shop for full liner /sleeve replacement. 2. Nickel cast iron and Nickel chromium cast
Another advantage of using sleeves / liners iron
is that the engine block can be manufactured with 3. Nickel-chromium cast steel with
less expensive cast iron, while the liners are molybdenum in some cases.
manufactured with special alloys, making it tougher, The cast iron liners can be centrifugally cast. In
harder, and resistant to heat and wear. These added large engines, usually the cast steel cylinders are
alloys can have chromium, nickel, or molybdenum. used, but may be with cast iron liners. For air-craft
Engines with the bore directly into the engines, the liners are often turned of alloy steel
engine block, like Ford Tractor engines, are referred forgings to get very light cylinders.
to as “wet sleeves,” as the coolant circulated directly
onto it, being cooled by convection. The blocks with 7.2. LINER DISTORTION
are referred to as “dry sleeves” are cooled via Cylinders, cylinder blocks and liners should
conduction heat transfer. be designed so as to reduce the distortion to a
After the initial wear and tear or operation, minimum. The liner distortion can be produced due
the engine block itself is re-bored to a larger diameter to the following reasons:
to fit oversized pistons. With repeated re-boring, Due to temperature stresses: As indicated above,
there comes a time where re-boring has reached its a compressive stress is induced on the inside and a
limits, and a replacement cylinder liner has to be tensile stress is indeed on the outside of the wall. Any
bought and installed. Thus, a sleeveless engine can be defect in the casting on the liner wall will change the
made into a sleeves engine when necessary. stress distribution and the liner may go out of round.
Ford Tractor engines typically have liners Similarly any ribs or bosses on the outer wall of the
fitted with a ridge or flange at the top. This acts as an liner will impose local restraint on the liner wall, they
added sealing feature, separating the water jacket bring under tensile stresses. A circumferential rib will
from the combustion chamber and cylinder head try to distort the liner out of parallel while an axial rib
The sealing of the water jacket and from the will distort it out of round. Therefore ribs and bosses
cylinder head is also supported by using specially on the outer wall of the liner should be avoided as far
made o rings that can be fitted to the top and bottom as possible.
of the liner, depending on application and engine 1. Distortion may also occur due to the axial
design. expansion of the liner. Due to this reason,
7. QUALITIES OF A GOOD DRY CYLINDER one end should be left free.
LINER 2. Distortion is also caused by the gas pressure.
A good liner must possess the following qualities: 3. Distortion may also be caused by bolting on
Strength to resist the gas pressure the cylinder head or any other part.
Sufficiently hard to resist wear 4. Distortion due to fixing, especially at the
Strength to resist the thermal stresses due to lower water joint. Here rubber rings are used
the heat flow through the liner wall. and it is not compressible, if it is pushed out
Corrosion resisting. of shape, it must have room to move.
Capable of taking a good bearing surface.
It should by symmetrical in shape to avoid 7.4 COMPARISON OF DRY AND WET
unequal deflection due to gas load and CYLINDER LINERS:
unequal expansion due to thermal load. 1. Dry type liners may be provided either in the
No distortion of the inner surface due to original design or even afterwards, whereas
restraining fixings. the wet type have to be included in the
original cylinder design.
7.1 MATERIALS DRY CYLINDER LINER 2. A leak proof joint between the cylinder
The liner material should be strong, hard and casting and the liner has to be provided in
corrosion resistant and produce a good bearing case of wet pipe, whereas there is no such
surface. The liner materials in order of preference requirement in the case of dry liners.
are: 3. A cylinder block with dry liners is generally
more robust than a block with wet liners.
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company standards. Integrated Pro-Engineer /
CAD/CAM/CAE solutions allow to design faster Fig 8.1 Dry Cylinder Liner Without Fin
than ever, while maximizing innovation and quality
to ultimately create exceptional products.
Customer requirements may change and
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solution that Pro-ENGINEER provides.
•Unsurpassed geometry creation capabilities
allow superior product differentiation and
•Fully integrated applications allow us to
develop everything from concept to manufacturing Fig. 8.2 Cylinder Liner With Fin (Inside Cylinder)
within one application 9. INTRODUCTION TO ANSYS
•Automatic propagation of design changes ANSYS is general-purpose finite element
to all downstream deliverables allows you to design analysis (FEA) software package. Finite Element
with confidence Analysis is a numerical method of deconstructing a
•Complete virtual simulation capabilities complex system into very small pieces (of user-
enable to improve product performance and exceed designated size) called elements. The software
product quality goals implements equations that govern the behaviour of
•Automated generation of associative these elements and solves them all; creating a
tooling design, assembly instructions, and machine comprehensive explanation of how the system acts as
code allow for maximum production efficiency a whole. These results then can be presented in
tabulated, or graphical forms. This type of analysis is
typically used for the design and optimization of a Specific Heat – 895 J/kg k
system far too complex to analyze by hand. Systems Density - 0.0000027kg/mm3
that may fit into this category are too complex due to Structural ANALYSIS
their geometry, scale, or governing equations. For Cylinder Liner – Cast Iron
ANSYS is the standard FEA teaching tool
within the Mechanical Engineering Department at
many colleges. ANSYS is also used in Civil and
Electrical Engineering, as well as the Physics and
Chemistry departments.
ANSYS provides a cost-effective way to
explore the performance of products or processes in a
virtual environment. This type of product
development is termed virtual prototyping.
In general, a finite element solution can be
broken into the following these categories.
1. Preprocessing module: Defining the problem
The major steps in preprocessing are given below Fig 10.2 Displacement
defining key points /lines/areas/volumes
- define element type and material /geometric
/properties - mesh lines/areas/volumes/are required
The amount of detail required will depend on the
dimensionality of the analysis (i.e. 1D, 2D, axis,
2. Solution processor module: assigning the loads
,constraints and solving. Here we specify the loads
(point or pressure), constraints (translation,
rotational) and finally solve the resulting set of
10. Coupled field analysis of cylinder liner coated
and uncoated materials
Surface of dry Cylinder Liner
Fig 10.3 Von Mises Stress
Fig 10.6.Temperature
After comparing the results, the best coated [6] M.A. Marioni et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater.
cylinder dry liner for this type of diesel engine can 290-291, 35 (2005).
be suggested. In this cylinder liners with coating
materials used, PSZ coating, Al2O3, Nickel [7] R.D. James, R. Tickle, M. Wuttig, Mater Sci
Eng A 273-275, 320 (1999).
Chrome materials. In this these three materials
best material is Al2O3 . [8] 9. M.J. Dapino, Struct. Eng. Mech. 17, 303
[1] Brain, Marshall. "HowStuffWorks "Basic
Engine Parts"". HowStuffWorks, Inc.
Retrieved 3 May 2012. M. ANAND KUMAR
currently pursuing his M.Tech in Thermal
[2] Kennett, Pat (June 1986). "The Cummins Engineering in Kakinada Institute of Technology and
Beat". TRUCK (London, UK: FF Publishing Sciences, Divili, Andra pradesh, India affiliated to
Ltd): 54 JNTUK University.