Proceeding SOR 2021-22

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Office of the Engineer-in-Chief (Admn)

I&CAD Dept., Errum Manzil, Hyderabad

Proc.No. ENC/Admn/Dy.EnC/EE(Tech)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SoR 2021-22/Vol.I Dt:09.06.2020

Sub: Schedule of Rates as per Telangana Revised Standard Data for the year 2021-22
-Irrigation & CAD works(Part-I), Road & Bridge Works (Part-II), Building Work
Items(Part-III) and Public Health Items (Part-IV)-Approved-Printing &
Communication of SoRs - Reg.

Ref: 1) G.O.Ms.No.49,I&CAD (PW:Reforms)Dept., dt:2.3.2009

2) The Commissioner, Labour Dept.Lr. No H1/1713/2021 Dt.30.03.2021
3) Minutes of Board of Chief Engineers (BOCEs) meeting on finalization of
Schedule of Rates 2021-22 held on 18.05.2021.
4) ENC (PH) Lr.No.146/ AEE-4/T2/Sor/2021-22 Dt.28.05.2021
5) ENC (NH & Bldgs) R&B Dept Lr. No: DEE-II/AEE-10/Bldgs/SoR-2021-22
6) ENC(SR,CRN&PPP)R&B.DeptLrNo.5040/EE(R)/DEE1/AEE1/2021Dt.01-06-2021.


The Government have approved Revised Standard Data vide ref 1st cited. The
Schedule of Rates as per Telangana Revised Standard Data for the year 2021-22 is
approved based on the following.

The Engineer-in-Chief (Admn), I&CAD Dept., has furnished the draft schedule of
rates proposed for Labour and Materials for Irrigation Items Part-I of Common SoR for the
year 2021-22.

The Engineer-in-Chief (SR,CRN&PP), R&B Dept has furnished the draft Schedule of
rates for the Part-II of Common SoR for Roads & Bridge items for the year 2021-22.

The Engineer-in-Chief (NH & Bldgs), R&B Dept has furnished the draft Building
Schedule of rates for the Part-III of Common SoR for Civil, Plumbing & Electrical items
for the year 2021-22.

The Engineer-in-Chief (PH), PH&ME Dept has furnished Part-IV of Common SoR for
Public Health works items and Public Health Materials for the year 2021-22.

The draft schedule of rates for the year 2021-22 as furnished by the Engineer-in-
Chief (admn), I&CAD Dept., Engineer-in-Chief (NH&Bldgs), R&B Dept., Engineer-in-Chief
(SR ,CRN & PPP), R&B Dept., Engineer-in-Chief (PH), PH&ME Dept were discussed in detail
and finalized in the annual Board of Chief Engineers meeting held on 18.05.2021 at 11.30
AM in BOCE’s Conference hall, Jalasoudha, I&CAD Dept., Hyderabad.

The procedure for the adoption of Irrigation work items, lead & lift charges
(Common to all departments) is incorporated in the Annexure-A of schedule of
rates (SoR).

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The approved basic rates are applicable to the datas as per Revised Standard Data
approved by the Government vide G.O.1st cited.

The Government vide G.O. MS.No.15 T.R&B(R-1) Department Dt: 24.12.2014 have
issued orders for adoption of MoRTH data by all Engineering Departments of Telangana
State in respect of Road and Bridge works, with prevailing Standard Schedule of Rates in
preparation of estimates. The Government approval is necessary to adopt any other data.

The lead & lift charges are common to all Engineering Departments. The detailed
calculations are incorporated in the Lead & lift chapter in the I&CAD Works (Part-I) of
Telangana Revised Standard Data.

One hard copy & compact disc containing Schedule of Rates is here with

No other items other than the items communicated by this office shall be
introduced in the SoR.

The Heads of Department and Officers mentioned below are authorized to print
the Schedule of Rates for the year 2021-22. The unauthorized printing & selling of the SoR
is strictly prohibited. The Schedule of Rates for 2021-22 will be in force until the new SoR
comes in to force.

Any discrepancies found (or) corrections required in SoR 2021-22 may be brought
to the notice of the undersigned for issuing necessary corrigendum/ addendum.

The revised rates will come into force from 1st June of 2021.

The receipt of the proceedings may be acknowledged.

Encl: SoR 2021-22 containing Part-I (Irrigation & CAD works), Part-II (Road & Bridge
works) Part-III (Buildings works) and Part-IV (Public Health works)

Sd/- G.Anil Kumar; Dt:09.06.2021

AEE-1 DEE-1 EE(Tech) Dy.EnC Engineer-in-Chief(Admn)
Irrigation & CAD Department and
Chairman, Board of Chief Engineers

I. Copy submitted to the Special Chief Secretary to Govt., I&CAD Dept., 6th Floor, B.R.K.
Bhavan, Hyderabad for favour of information.
II. Copy Communicated to the following Heads of Departments along with Enclosures for
1. Engineer-in-Chief (NH & Buildings), Roads & Buildings Department.
2. Engineer-in-Chief (SR, CRN & PPP), Roads & Buildings Department
3. Engineer-in-Chief (P.H.), PH & ME Department.

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4. Engineer-in-Chief (P.R.), Panchayat Raj Department.
5. Engineer-in-Chief (RWS) R W S & S, Department.
6. Schedule of Rates 2021-22 & Standard data, Part-1 (Irrigation & CAD works) placing
in Web site of Irrigation & CAD Department for favour of information and necessary
III. Copy to the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Irrigation & CAD Department,
Red Hills, Hyderabad for necessary action
IV. Copy communicated to the DEE (computers) with a request place the Proceedings in I&
CAD department website for wide publicity.

Sd/- G.Anil Kumar; Dt:09.06.2021

AEE-1 DEE-1 EE(Tech) Dy.EnC Engineer-in-Chief (Admn)
Irrigation & CAD Department and
Chairman, Board of Chief Engineers
for Engineer

for Engineer-in-Chief (Admn)

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