02.telangana Standard Data Yr 2022-23 01-06-2021 Updated
02.telangana Standard Data Yr 2022-23 01-06-2021 Updated
02.telangana Standard Data Yr 2022-23 01-06-2021 Updated
Sub: Telangana Revised Standard Data for I&CAD works(Part-I) for the year 2022-23
– approved-Printing & communication of Standard Data –Reg.,
The Board of Chief Engineers during its meeting held on 25.05.2022 has discussed
and finalized the Schedule of Rates (SoR) for the year 2022-23 for I&CAD (Part-I), Road
& Bridges (Part-II), Buildings (Part-III) and Public Health (Part-IV) and approved the
same, accordingly. Based on the approval of BoCE’s, the SoR for I&CAD Dept.(basic input
required for arriving unit item rates as per Telangana Revised Standard data), R&B
Department, PR Department and Public Health Department items were communicated
vide this office proceeding 3rd cited.
By incorporating the Basic data items and Labour rates, the Telangana Revised
Standard Data (unit rate for work items) for the year 2022-23 is finalized. Any
additions, modifications or deletions in the existing data must be approved by Board of
Chief Engineers (BoCEs).
Encl: Soft copy of Telangana Revised Standard Data for I&CAD Department for the year
I) Copy submitted to the Special Chief Secretary to Govt., I&CAD Dept., 6th Floor, B.R,K
Bhavan, Hyderabad for favour of information.
II) Copy Communicated to the following Heads of Departments along with Enclosures for
1) Engineer-in-Chief (NH & Buildings), Roads & Buildings Department.
2) Engineer-in-Chief (SR & CRN), Roads & Buildings Department
3) Engineer-in-Chief (P.H.), PH & ME Department.
4) Engineer-in-Chief (P.R.), Panchayat Raj Department.
5) Engineer-in-Chief (RWS) R W S & S, Department.
Proceedings of Std.DATA 2022-23
6) Soft Copy of Standard data, part-1 (Irrigation & CAD works) PDF format is Placing
in Irrigation & CAD department Web Site for all the Engineers-in-Chief, Chief
Engineers of Irrigation & CAD Department for information and necessary action.
III) Copy of C.D containing Schedule of Rates 2022-23 & Standard data, part-1 (Irrigation
& CAD works) to the Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle, Irrigation & CAD
Department, Red Hills, Hyderabad for necessary action.
Sd/- G.Anil Kumar Dt: 22.06.2022
Engineer-in-Chief (Admn),
Irrigation &CAD Department and
Chairman, Board of Chief Engineers
2. The existing AP Standard Data for various construction items were based
on observations made several decades back mostly by utilizing manpower for
execution of all items of works, and deployment of machinery was at the
barest minimum. The advent of latest machinery and their extensive use has
changed the structure and methodology of data formulation and rate structure.
There is a need to revise the present “Standard Data” for all items of works
dealing with Public works. Realizing the urgency and importance to have
realistic data, Government in the GO.Rt.No.7326 G.A (GPM & AR) Department
dated 26-10-2005 constituted a High Level Committee under the chairmanship
of Special Chief Secretary, General Administration (GPM&AR) Department, to
advise on “Updating and Revising the A.P.Standard Data”. A project for
Standard Data (revision) and Schedule of Rates was conceived and entrusted to
the Centre for Good Governance. Keeping in view the strategy, factors
considered and classification of works, a number of High Level Committee
meetings and review meetings were conducted at Centre for Good
Governance/ A.P.Secretariat and in the offices of concerned Engineers-in-Chief
I&CAD, Public Health, Panchayati Raj and Roads & Buildings Departments etc.
Their specific views, suggestions and recommendations were taken into
account, besides collecting the data from various sources while finalizing the
Draft AP standard Data and Standard Schedule of Rates. This has been cleared
by the Board of Chief Engineers’ and finally by the High level Committee. The
Standard Data has been revised and updated in four parts considering nature of
work, location of work and magnitude of work as indicated below.
3. The revision of Standard Data and Schedule of Rates in respect of works items
of Irrigation Department has been taken up by the SPIU (Irrigation) and completed as
per the C.W.C guidelines and B.I.S standards and also observations and
recommendations made by the High Level Committee. In respect of other Departments,
MORTH data is adopted for Roads & Bridges, where higher capacity machinery can be
deployed and MORD data is adopted for Roads & Bridges in Rural areas. For other
works data as per MORTH, MORD, and C.P.W.D. etc., is adopted. The comparative
estimates have been prepared by the T.R. &B Dept. , Engineering-in-Chief (Irrigation)
and MA & UD Department for various types of works of a magnitude of Rs.15-20
crores, based upon the earlier data and the newly revised and proposed data .
4. After detailed deliberations and discussion on the above issue, the Govt.
accept the recommendations of Board of Chief Engineers and High level
Committee and accordingly issue the orders for adoption of the Revised and
Updated Standard data in all Engineering/ Public works Department and other
organisations in four parts considering nature of work, location of work and
magnitude of work as indicated below. The four parts of Standard Data
booklets are forwarded to Engineer-in-Chief (AW), who in turn will publish the
authenticated version and circulate a copy to all works Departments.
6. These orders shall come into force from the date of issue.
7. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their
U.O.No.5532/520/Exp.PW.I Dept/08, dated 13-5-2008.
All the Engineer-in-Chief of Irrigation & CAD Department.
All the Chief Engineers of Irrigation & CAD Department.
The Commissioner, Commissioner of Tenders,
The Engineer-in-Chief, PR &RD Department, Hyderabad.
The Engineer-in-Chief (R&B) Admn.,Dept., Hyderabad.
The Engineer-in-Chief (PH) Hyderabad.
Copy to:
All the Collectors & Dist. Magistrate of Andhra Pradesh
All Sections in Irrign. & CAD (PW/Irrgn.) Dept.
The Accountant General Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad.
The G.A. (Cabinet) Dept. w.r.t. U.O.No.79/2009, dated 17-2-2009.
The G.A. (GPM&AR) Dept.
The Finance (W&P) Dept.
The P.S. to Ministers (PR & RD/ MA &UD/ T.R. & B / Housing )
The P.S. to Prl. Secy. (SKJ)/ P.S. to Secretary (AD)/ P.S. to Secretary (RRM)
The P.S. to Prl. Secretary, Housing/P.S. to Prl. Secy, M.A. & U.D. / P.S. to
Secretary, T.R.& B / P.S. to Prl. Secretary, PR & RD./P.S. to Secretary ,
All the Advisors of Irrgn. & CAD Dept.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
The TS Revised Standard data adopted for various construction items has come into
existence as per the Government Orders G.O.Ms.No.49, I & CAD (PW: Reforms) Dept., dt: 02-03-
1. Government, in GO 7326 (GAD-GPM& AR), Dated 26-10-2005, has observed that the age old
“Standard data” requires revision and updation with reference to the latest machinery and
contemporary practices and has constituted a High Level Committee to advise on updating
and revision of standard data and schedule of rates. The work has been taken up by CGG and
SPIU-Irrigation. The Secretary (Irrigation) is the Member- Convener of the Committee
Accordingly, the data has been revised adopting the procedures and guidelines given
by CWC, Report on “committee on cost control of River valley Projects, BIS specifications,
NHAI, MORTH, MORD, CPWD and Government of Karnataka and revised data and formulated
schedule of rates for all infrastructure Departments (I&CAD, R&B, PR and PH). The team of
senior engineers interacted with the S.R Committee of Karnataka on implementation and
improvements needed. For irrigation works, the data pattern as adopted by Karnataka has
been considered and for other Departments, the data adopted by MORTH, MORD and NHAI etc.
is considered.
The committee made indepth study on the methodology and systems followed by the
reputed National organizations and other States and made detailed deliberations with
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
4. The Chief Secretary held a detailed discussion on 04-07-2007, with the Secretaries of the
Departments and Heads of Departments.
PART -1: Irrigation& CAD (Dam and Allied Works, Canals and Allied Works, Canal C.D.
Works, Tunnels and Allied Works, Preliminary and Maintenance Works,
Hydraulic Gates and allied works and Leads and Lifts applicable to all
PART -4: Drinking Water Supply and Public Health (Only for works done by manual
Though the cycle time of operations is the criteria for hourly / daily out-put of machinery
work-force, the actual progress of work depends on several other factors such as power
interruptions, minor break-downs, time for meals and other needs of work-force, stray rains etc.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
Therefore, it is the general practice to consider 50 minutes as the actual working time per hour
for working out the hourly / daily out-put of machinery / work-force. CWC / BIS guide-lines
stipulate the actual working hours for the purpose of equipment planning and utilisation. The
daily out-put is computed duly considering the actual available working time and feedback from
the field.
• For gate and hoist works, it is the general practice to specify the quantity of work in
terms of number of sets of embedded parts / gates. The requirement of machinery and
work-force for cutting, bending, fabrication, erection, painting etc., is assessed to
commensurate with the task involved.
• The data for gates and E.M. Parts is arrived per Metric Tonne (MT) quantity.
• The data for Hoists and Gantry Cranes is worked out on the basis of capacity in
4. The lead and lift charges provided in SoR are generally applicable and common to all
Engineering Departments. Any item which is not covered in this part, the rates as provided in
the data of the relevant works may be adopted in preparation of estimates.
5. Input Basic Materials needed for all works are listed and incorporated in the data. The
requirements are analyzed and the specifications adopted shall confirm to Standards
published by the BIS.
• The labour and material rates will be communicated by the Board of Chief Engineers.
• For Sand, Gravel, Murrum, Stones, Coarse Aggregates etc, the rates are ex-quarry/Stock
yard, adding loading charges by machinery / manual means and idle hire charges of
machinery as per table under chapter “ Conveyance or Lead and Lift charges”, as
• For AC sheets, GI sheets, Hume pipes, wood and stone slabs, the rates are to be taken
prevailing at major commercial centre near project area. The lead charges, as applicable
are to be added in preparing estimates
• For Steel and Cement, the rates are delivery at site excluding GST.
• The specifications of the aggregates for sizes and gradation and its adoption shall be as per
IS 383.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
• On Labour Component: Certain additional allowances are added extra to the wages of
labour (,i.e. only on labour component in the work item) in the form of percentage, as
recommended by the Government/Board of chief engineers due to statutory and other
7. Hire Charges Of Machinery: The machinery and /or group of machinery For items of works and
their output has been worked out based on the availability of machinery generally in the
market and working in the field successfully, duly considering cycle time, idle time, operator
efficiency, type of work etc.
• The hire charge of a machinery / equipment is worked out based on the guidelines
published by CWC and BIS codes.
• For the other machinery not covered by the list, the R&B and other users may adopt hire
charges as recommended by the MORTH.
8. Lead Charges
a. The high level committee has recommended to adopt, for conveyance by head load, a
minimum lead of 50 meters and additional lead up to 150 meters in the intervals of 50
meters. Beyond 150 meters lead, only machinery rates are to be adopted.
b. The basic work item rates provided in the Standard Data & Schedule of rates include 50 m
or 1 km as initial lead and no lead charges shall be allowed where the source of material is
within the initial lead specified in item rate. Additional lead charges shall be allowed for
the lead exceeding initial lead specified in the item rate. The Guidelines may be followed
regarding adding Lead charges as given against each chapter.
c. For the materials where the basic rates are mentioned as “Quarry Rates” in the SoR, which
includes initial lead of 1.00km lead charges are to be added for the lead distances from
the approved quarries as applicable
d. The lead charges per unit quantity for conveyance of the materials are worked out, and
included in the schedule of rates in increment of 50 m for head load and in increment of 1
km for mechanical mode.
e. The rates for lead charges by head load up to 150 meters and by machinery up to 5 km,
shall be cumulative and inclusive of lead charges for preceding lead. For lead beyond 5
km, the lead charges shall be worked out on per km basis.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
a. Loading and unloading charges are not payable for conveyance by head load.
b. Loading and unloading charges are not payable for conveyance by mechanical means, for
disposal of excavated material unless specified.
c. The rates for unloading of materials except earth, sand, gravel, coarse aggregate, rubble,
size stone and cut stone, are inclusive of stacking wherever applicable.
b) Steel: The wastage of steel @ 2.5% is allowed for gates and allied structures. For
RCC works the wastage is @2.5% for the reinforcement rods above 36mm dia.
and @ 5% for rods below 36mm dia. including overlaps, if they are not welded.
If welding is adopted for the reinforcement rods even for below 36mm dia,
2.5% of wastage is only recommended.
13) In respect of RCC works: the rate for cement concrete for 1 cum is worked separately for
all grades based on Indian Standards. The rate of Reinforcement steel per MT is
calculated separately and to be added separately in the estimates of RCC works as a
separate item.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
14) Soil classification: The Committee recommended to allow uniform classification of soils for
all Departments and data is worked out accordingly.
1. All soils
2. Marshy soil
4. Hard rock
Concrete admixtures such as Air-Entraining Agent (AEA) / Water reducing agent can
be used advantageously for better quality concrete. The high level committee has
recommended to adopt for super plasticizers and admixtures at 0.4% on cement for
concrete work as per MORTH standards for batching plants.
The provision towards GST as fixed by the Government from time to time should be
made separately in Part-B of the estimate. The provisions allowed in G.O.Ms.No.94,
I&CAD, dt: 01.07.03, need not be added separately for the items covered in the
contractor overhead charges
i. Site accommodation, setting up plant, access road, water supply, electricity and
general site arrangements.
ii. Office furniture, equipment and communications
iii. Expenditure on:
a. Corporate office of contractor
b. site supervision
c. Documentation and “as built” drawings
iv. Mobilisation/ de-mobilisation of resources
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
The High level committee considering the local conditions of rainfall / seepage has
recommended towards de-watering and de-silting at 3 percent on the relevant work
component for which dewatering is required.
18) For each chapter separate additional details are incorporated for clarity.
Note: The GST (Goods & Service Tax) on Works Contract will be implemented as per ordh
ers of the Government from time to time. At present GST @ 5% on Works Contract where in
earth work component is 75% or more and for all other works GST @ 12% will be applicable.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
1. The common data items like, lead, lift, conveyance and manual excavation (without
involving contracting agencies) is applicable to all Departments (volume-1).
2. The departments have to adopt the relevant data from other Departments, if such works
are executed by them.
3. The unit rate /hire charges, of machinery not covered in the Irrigation data, the MORTH
data may be taken with the approval of Board of Chief Engineers.
4. For “Drinking water Supply works” (PART-IV), the data incorporated is generally applicable
only for manual means of execution. The rates deploying machinery have to be worked out
by the Board of Chief engineers and approved for adoption.
5. Any item not found in one chapter and available in another chapter, the same can be
adopted duly making required changes if necessary duly getting approval from.
a) The Board of Chief Engineers under the Chairman ship of Engineer-in- Chief,
(Administration) I&CAD Department is the competent authority to finalize and recommend
the Schedule of Rates applicable for all Engineering Departments. The Board has to assess
and incorporate only the three basic inputs required to generate unit work item rates as
1. Basic rates of labour:
Wages of labour commonly required in execution of works has to be arrived and
incorporated in the schedule of rates (Basic input of Labour Wages), without adding extra
towards area allowances (like municipality allowance, tribal area and ghat road allowances
etc, which shall be added to the rates where applicable in the form of separate percentage
as explained in the preceding paras. The rates shall be the prevailing daily rates in the
State and shall not be less than the minimum wages fixed by the Government from time to
Materials rates:
The basic input material rates common to all departmental works are listed out and
incorporated (in the chapter “Basic inputs”) The material specifications adopted shall
confirm to Standards published by the BIS.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
The Prevailing market rates for all basic input materials shall be obtained from the
major commercial centers near the project areas. Average of the rates, ignoring freak
rates, shall be reckoned as the prevailing market rate excluding all taxes viz., GST.
For sand, gravel, murrum, stones, aggregates etc., the rates are ex-quarry/stock yard
including loading charges and idle hire charges
For AC sheets, GI sheets, Hume pipes, wood and stone slabs, the rates prevailing at
major commercial centre near project area has to be adopted. The lead charges, as
applicable are to be added in preparing estimates
For Steel and Cement, the rates are delivery at site excluding GST
The list and capital cost of machinery required to be used in the construction activity,
the rate has to be obtained from major manufacturers and outlet sources and the rate
shall be the current market price inclusive of all taxes, duties i.e G.S.T etc., and
including freight charges.
The prevailing fuel charges of petrol and diesel are ascertained and average rate
Borrow rate of interest as fixed by the Government/competent authority be indicated.
For the other machinery not covered by the list, the R&B and other users may adopt
hire charges as recommended by the MORTH
b) The Chairman, Board of Chief Engineers or competent authority appointed by the
Government, based on the approved basic inputs, load the above three basic parameters in
the software program. The unit rate of all works including hire charges of all machinery will
be generated automatically for adoption.
The Chairman, BOCEs shall communicate the uniform Schedule of rates arrived from
Standard Data, to all users for uniform and direct adoption in all infrastructure
Departments, as applicable.
Preamble of Std.DATA 2022-23
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Abstract of Work Items Std.Data 2022-23
134 IRR-CAW-5-3 Providing rubble and Murum filling in layers cum 828.30
of 22.5 to 30 cm including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, watering,
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Abstract of Work Items Std.Data 2022-23
Labour Component (including contractor's sqm
profit and Overheads)
164 IRR-CAW-7-18 Providing and fixing pre-cast RCC template Rm 1544.40
walls consisting of 0.05 cum M-15 grade
concrete using 20 mm down size coarse
aggregates and 10 kg reinforcement steel
moulded as per specifications and drawing in
CM 1:4 proportion including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
fabricating and placing reinforcement steel,
mixing, laying, conveying and fixing in
position including necessary excavation for
seating, finishing joints in CM 1:4, curing etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all
Labour Component (including contractor's Rm
profit and Overheads)
165 IRR-CAW-7-19 Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI Each 143.20
pressure relief pipes 12.50 cm long with one
end closed with perforated GI plate and other
end provided with alluminium lid hinged to
pipe including cost of all materials, labour,
drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
166 IRR-CAW-7-20 Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI Each 192.00
pressure relief pipes 22.50 cm long with one
end closed with perforated GI plate and other
end provided with alluminium lid hinged to
pipe including cost of all materials, labour,
drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with
all leads and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
167 IRR-CAW-7-21 Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI Each 224.40
pressure relief pipes 30 cm long with one
end closed with perforated GI plate and other
end provided with alluminium lid hinged to
pipe including cost of all materials, labour,
drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with
all leads and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
168 IRR-CAW-7-22 Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI Each 286.50
pressure relief pipes 45 cm long with one
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Abstract of Work Items Std.Data 2022-23
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
profit and Overheads)
320 IRR-PMW-1- For every 0.5 m increase in girth of Each 1141.50
15 tree beyond 3 m add
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
beyond 30 m from surface increase the
rate per Rm by 10 percent.
2. For providing HDPE or light black MS
casing pipe add the cost of pipe per Rm.
Labour Component (including contractor's Rm
profit and Overheads)
326 IRR-PMW-2-5 Drilling 76 mm dia ( NX ) core hole in Rm 7585.80
hard rock using diamond core bit
vertical / inclined upto 10 degree to
vertical as directed including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, water
charges, collection of core samples,
logging and lebelling, supplying honne
wood core box and redrilling in case of
collapse of sides etc., complete for
depth upto 30 m from surface.
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
collection of core samples, logging and
lebelling, supplying honne wood core box
and redrilling in case of collapse of sides
etc., complete for depth upto 30 m from
surface for Test Holes
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
demarcation / chainage / arrow stones
including cost of all materials, labour,
engraving marks, fixing in position,
murum filling etc., complete with lead
upto 50 m and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
332 IRR-PMW-2- Providing and fixing 20 x 20 x 75 cm Each 695.70
11 size temporary bench mark stone in CC
1 : 4 : 8 using 40 mm down size graded
coarse aggregate including cost of all
materials, labour, dressing top surface,
engraving BM data etc.,complete with
lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
NOTE: Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
For providing 30 cm thick compacted
murum bed in B.C soil area including
excavation for thickness of murum Each 4.00
bedding add per
333 IRR-PMW-2- Providing and fixing 20 x 20 x 75 cm Each 8016.30
12 size permanent bench mark stone in CC
1 :3 : 6 block of size 90 x 90 x 120 cm
using 40 mm down size graded coarse
aggregate and providing 35 cm thick 30
cm high UCR masonry in CM 1 : 5
proportion protective wall alround the
BM stone, including cost of all materials,
labour, dressing top surface of stone,
engraving BM data
Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
334 IRR-PMW-3-1 Removing dry stone rock-toe / cum 313.20
rivetment and filter layers below rock-
toe/ rivetment including stacking all
materials separately as directed with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
335 IRR-PMW-3-2 Re-constructing 60 cm thick hand sqm 343.50
packed rough stone revetment with
through stones at 1.5 m c / c over a
backing of 45 cm thick graded filter
media consisting of sand, 10 mm and 40
mm size graded aggregates satisfying
filter criteria laid in layers of 15 cm thick
each using sand from approved quarry
and stones and filter aggregates obtained
from revetment removed for re-
construction including cost of all
machinery, labour, laying filter and
stones to specified slopes, wedging with
chips, finishing etc. complete with initial
lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
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Abstract of Work Items Std.Data 2022-23
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
Labour Component (including contractor's sqm
profit and Overheads)
336 IRR-PMW-3-3 Re-constructing dry rubble rock-toe cum 405.30
and filter media for rock-toe consisting
of sand 20 mm and 80 mm size graded
aggregates satisfying filter criteria laid in
layers of 15 cm thick each using sand
from approved quarry and stones and
filter aggregates obtained from rock-toe
removed for re-construction including
cost of all machinery, labour, laying
filter and stones to specified slopes,
wedging with chips, finishing etc.
complete with initial lead upto 50 m
and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
337 IRR-PMW-3-4 Removing and resetting disturbed sqm 84.90
Yarguntla / Shahabad / Talikot / PCC /
Other types of slab lining set in CM 1 : 3
including flush cement mortar pointing in
CM 1 : 3 with lead upto 50 m and all
Labour Component (including contractor's sqm
profit and Overheads)
338 IRR-PMW-3-5 Removing and resetting disturbed dry sqm 80.70
rubble / khandki stone pitching 25 to
45 cm thick including packing, wedging,
finishing etc., complete with all leads
and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's sqm
profit and Overheads)
339 IRR-PMW-3-6 Removing and refixing disturbed Each 108.90
chainage / demarcation / hectometre /
guard stones including excavation, back
filling etc., complete with all leads and
Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
340 IRR-PMW-3-7 Removing and refixing disturbed km Each 245.00
stone / sign board / hecto-metre stone
etc., including excavation, back filling
with available stuff after refixing,
forming base platform of size 90 x 90 x
7.5 cm including watering, ramming etc
complete with all leads and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's Each
profit and Overheads)
341 IRR-PMW-3-8 Providing impervious hearting for cum 241.80
breached / damaged portion of
embankment with soil from approved
borrow areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm
before compaction including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all
operations such as collection of soil,
sorting out, spreading soil to specified
Page 105 of 496
Abstract of Work Items Std.Data 2022-23
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,
watering, compacting each layer to
density control of not less than 98
percent or as stipulated by rolling or by
using mechanical tampers etc., complete
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
342 IRR-PMW-3-9 Providing pervious/semi-pervious casing cum 276.70
for breached / damaged portion of
embankment with soil from approved
borrow areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm
before compaction including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all
operations such as collection of soil,
sorting out, spreading soil to specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,
watering, compacting each layer to
density control of not less than 98
percent or as stipulated by rolling or by
using mechanical tampers etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
343 IRR-PMW-3- Providing impervious hearting for cum 221.60
10 breached / damaged portion of
embankment with soil from approved
dump areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm
before compaction including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all
operations such as collection of
soil,sorting out, spreading soil to
specified thickness, breaking clods,
sectioning, watering, compacting each
layer to density control of not less than
98 percent or as stipulated by rolling or
by using mechanical tampers etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
344 IRR-PMW-3- Providing pervious /semi-pervious cum 252.60
11 casing for breached /damaged portion
of embankment with soil from approved
dump areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm
before compaction including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all
operations such as collection of soil,
sorting out, spreading soil to specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,
watering, compacting each layer to
density control of not less than 98
percent or as stipulated by rolling or by
using mechanical tampers etc., complete
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
345 IRR-PMW-3- Repairing rain cuts / resectioning canal sqm 5.50
12 slopes to required lines and grades as
directed using available soil including
dressing, clod breaking, packing, tamping
etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's sqm
profit and Overheads)
346 IRR-PMW-3- Cleaning drainage gallery, adits, Rm 56.80
13 instrumentation galleries etc., by
scrubbing / brushing including chiselling
and removing leached lime deposit and
disposing off all the waste material out
side adits in specified location etc.,
complete with all leads and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's Rm
profit and Overheads)
347 IRR-PMW-3- Cleaning dam parapet inner face and Rm 49.40
14 top using oxalic acid and water by
scrubbing / brushing and washing to
remove all surface coatings etc.,
complete .
Labour Component (including contractor's Rm
profit and Overheads)
348 IRR-PMW-3- Excavation and removal of silt and silt cum 236.30
15 mixed with sand from canal bed in dry
condition including disposing off the
same in spoil bank or on the canal
embankment in layers as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m
and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
349 IRR-PMW-3- Excavation and removal of silt or silt cum 295.40
16 mixed with sand in slussy condition
from canal bed including disposing off
the same in spoil bank or on the canal
embankment in layers as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m
and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
350 IRR-PMW-3- Providing homogeneous embankment cum 124.10
17 using soil from approved borrow area in
layers of 25 to 30 cm before compaction
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, all operations such as
excavation, sorting out, transportation,
spreading soil in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods,
sectioning,etc.,complete with initial
lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
351 IRR-PMW-3- Providing homogeneous embankment cum 59.80
Page 107 of 496
Abstract of Work Items Std.Data 2022-23
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
18 using soil from approved borrow area in
layers of 25 to 30 cm before compaction
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, all operations such as
watering, compactingto density control
of not less than 95 percent or as
stipulated using 8T roller etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's
profit and Overheads)
352 IRR-PMW-3- Providing homogeneous embankment cum 9.20
19 using soil from approved borrow area in
layers of 25 to 30 cm before compaction
including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, all operations such as
compactingto density control of not less
than 90 percent or as stipulated using
2T roller etc., complete with initial lead
upto 1 km and all lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's cum
profit and Overheads)
353 Weed Removal by Manual Means
354 Removal of Water Hyacinth up to 30 cm Sqm 9.60
355 Removal of Water Hyacinth beyond 30 cm Sqm 13.20
356 Clearing Alchi Tilla Sqm 8.80
357 Removal of Jammu Sqm 7.50
358 Removal of Imponea, Cornea Sqm 8.80
359 Removal of Natchu, goobi, thooti, etc. Sqm 2.80
Surface cleaning of metal surfaces by
chemical cleaners and then by hand and
power tool cleaners and removing dust.
After cleaniong, applying primary coat
with one coat of Zinc rich epoxy primer
to a thickness of 100 microns, followed
by finishing coats 2 coats with Coal tar
epoxy with material, labour, and all
accessories with all leads and lifts.
Labour Component (including contractor's Sqm 243.14
Sl. Labour
wise item Item Description Unit Rate
No Component
1 2 3 4 5 6
profit and Overheads)
New extra items-- common item for all
earth works using only manual labour
for all other works
without involving contractors
361 COM-MWRK-1 (Manual)Excavation in all kinds of soil cum 173.30
including boulders upto 0.30 m dia. for
foundations of canal cross drainage and
other appurtenant structures and placing
excavated stuff neatly in specified dump
area or disposing off the same as
directed etc., complete with initial lead
upto 10 m and initial lift upto 1.5 m.
(WIthout involving the contractors for
specified works )
With 3 Cum per day output
362 COM-MWRK-2 (Manual)Excavation in all kinds of cum 208.00
soil/HDR including boulders upto 0.30 m
dia. for foundations of canal cross
drainage and other appurtenant
structures and placing excavated stuff
neatly in specified dump area or
disposing off the same as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 10 m
and initial lift upto 1.5 m. (WIthout
involving the contractors for specified
works )
With 2.5 Cum per day output
363 COM-MWRK-3 (Manual)Excavation in soft rock cum 391.00
(including F&F rock) without blasting,
including boulders upto 0.30 m dia. for
foundations of canal cross drainage and
other appurtenant structures and placing
excavated stuff neatly in specified dump
area or disposing off the same as
directed etc., complete with initial lead
upto 10 m and initial lift upto 1.5 m.
(WIthout involving the contractors for
specified works ) Soft rock 1.33
364 COM-MWRK-4 (Manual)Excavation in hard rock, cum 776.10
including boulders upto 0.30 m dia. for
foundations of canal cross drainage and
other appurtenant structures and placing
excavated stuff neatly in specified dump
area or disposing off the same as
directed etc., complete with initial lead
upto 10 m and initial lift upto 1.5 m.
(WIthout involving the contractors for
specified works )
Hard rock 0.67Cum/ day
FOR THE YEAR :2022-23
Index- code
2. The appropriate Seigniorage Charges for relevant materials are to be added to the Unit rate of work item
Charges while adding Seigniorage Charges to the data in the estimate
3. The Leads for Steel and Cement shall be from the nearest market place to the Project area
4. For earth/rockfill embankments wherever initial lead of 1km is considered in the basic rate, the additional
lead charges are to be added as follows:
Additional lead charges for Earth, Murrum etc., shall be worked out for total lead involved and 1 km lead
charges included in basic rate shall be deducted from total lead charges. No loading and unloading charges
shall be allowedfor any item. (same as above)
Example: 15 Km
Total lead for earth from approved borrow area : 1 Km
Initial lead included in the basic rate in the SR :
Additional lead charges : Lead charges for 5 km Rs. 113.60
Lead charges for next 10 km Rs. 170
Total lead charges for 15 km /cum 283.60
Less 1 km initial lead charges /cum 42.60 (-)
Net additional lead charges / cumRs. 241.00
5. The initial lead up to 50 m as mentioned in some standard data items is meant for manual lead
within the working area. For conveyance of materials, the lead required from quarry/Borrow area/
Dump Area to worksite shall be added to the data without deducting the 50 m initial lead charges
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 6 Nos Hour 48.00 642.60 30844.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 677.90 32539.20
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 8.00 504.80 4038.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 508.40 4067.20
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 96975.20
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 48.00 303.30 14558.40
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 8.00 236.90 1895.20
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
5 mazdoor Day 16.00 520.00 8320.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 27996.20
labour component/unit qty 31.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 36.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 96975.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 27996.20
Total Rs: 124971.40
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 17014.86
Total cost for 880.00 cum Rs: 141986.26
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/880 Rs: 161.30
Excavation for foundation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without blasting including boulders
above 0.3 m upto 0.6 m dia for dam, spillway, intake structure and other appurtenant works and
placing the excavated material neatly in dump area or disposing off the same as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity( 4 Nos) Hour 32.00 642.60 20563.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 677.90 21692.80
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity( 1 No) Hour 8.00 504.80 4038.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 508.40 4067.20
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 75847.20
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 32.00 303.30 9705.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 8.00 236.90 1895.20
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
5 Crowbarman Day 2.50 550.00 1375.00
6 mazdoor Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 21398.40
labour component/unit qty 41.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5.60
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 46.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 75847.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 21398.40
Total Rs: 97245.60
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 13239.99
Total cost for 520.00 cum Rs: 110485.59
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/520 Rs: 212.50
Excavation for foundation in hard rock (including F&F) requiring blasting including boulders above
0.6 m upto 1.2 m dia. for dam, spillway, intake structure and other appurtenant works and placing
the excavated material neatly in dump area or disposing off the same as directed etc., complete
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 520.00 cum.
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of 1.5 m drill rod Rm 216.00 26.95 5821.20
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 582.12
2 Use rate of air hose 4 Nos. Hour 26.00 11.31 294.13
3 Explosive small dia kg 104.00 83.00 8632.00
4 Electric detonators Nos 154.00 12.00 1848.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 4 Nos. Hour 32.00 642.60 20563.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 677.90 21692.80
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 8.00 504.80 4038.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 508.40 4067.20
4 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) 2 Nos Hour 13.00 171.40 2228.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 13.00 553.90 7200.70
5 Jack hammers 4 Nos. Hour 26.00 21.40 556.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 26.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 85832.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 32.00 303.30 9705.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 8.00 236.90 1895.20
4 Crew for Air compressor Hour 13.00 225.20 2927.60
5 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 26.00 450.50 11713.00
6 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
7 Blaster Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
8 Helper blaster Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
9 Crowbarman Day 2.50 550.00 1375.00
10 Stone breaker Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
11 mazdoor Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 37824.00
labour component/unit qty 72.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 9.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 82.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 20187.45
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 85832.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 37824.00
Total Rs: 143843.95
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 19584.35
Total cost for 520.00 cum. Rs: 163428.30
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/520 Rs: 314.30
Excavation for foundation in hard rock (including F&F rock) including boulders above 0.6 m
upto 1.2 m dia. by controlled blasting and controlling fly rock by muffling arrangements for
dam, spillway, intake structure and other appurtenant works and other open foundation works
and placing the excavated material neatly in dump area or disposing off the same as directed
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
2 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 1.00 1746.80 1746.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 1035.00 1035.00
3 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 4 Nos. Hour 32.00 642.60 20563.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 677.90 21692.80
4 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 8.00 504.80 4038.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 508.40 4067.20
5 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) 2 Nos Hour 13.00 171.40 2228.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 13.00 553.90 7200.70
6 Jack hammers 4 Nos. Hour 26.00 21.40 556.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 26.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 88614.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Angle dozer Hour 1.00 317.20 317.20
3 Crew for Dumper Hour 32.00 303.30 9705.60
4 Crew for Tipper Hour 8.00 236.90 1895.20
5 Crew for Air compressor Hour 13.00 225.20 2927.60
6 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 26.00 450.50 11713.00
7 work inspector Day 3.00 685.00 2055.00
8 Blaster Day 1.50 685.00 1027.50
9 Helper blaster Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
10 Crowbarman Day 2.50 550.00 1375.00
11 Stone breaker Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
12 mazdoor Day 18.00 520.00 9360.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 45113.70
labour component/unit qty 86.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 11.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 98.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 80081.70
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 88614.30
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 45113.70
Excavation for foundation in hard rock of all toughness by blasting including boulders above 1.2 m dia.
for dam, spillway, intake structure and other appurtenant works and placing the excavated rock neatly in
dump area or stack yard including levelling as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all
A. MATERIALS: UNIT 320.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of drill rod 1.5 m long Rm 310.00 35.93 11139.33
Reconditioning charges @ 0.10 1113.93
2 Use rate of air hose 4 Nos. Hour 48.00 11.31 543.00
3 Explosive small dia kg 95.00 83.00 7885.00
4 Ordinary detonators Nos 10.00 10.00 100.00
5 Electric detonators Nos 333.00 12.00 3996.00
6 Fuse coil Rm 450.00 9.00 4050.00
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 28957.26
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 3 Nos. Hour 24.00 642.60 15422.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 677.90 16269.60
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 4.00 504.80 2019.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
4 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 1.00 1746.80 1746.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 1035.00 1035.00
5 Air compressor 8.5 cmm (ele) 2 Nos. Hour 24.00 171.40 4113.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 553.90 13293.60
6 Jack hammers 4 Nos. Hour 48.00 21.40 1027.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs. 82446.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 24.00 303.30 7279.20
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
4 Crew for Dozer Hour 1.00 317.20 317.20
5 Crew for Air compressor Hour 24.00 225.20 5404.80
6 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 48.00 450.50 21624.00
7 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
8 Blaster Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
9 Helper blaster Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
10 Crowbarman Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
11 Stone breaker Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
12 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Excavation for foundation in hard rock of all toughness including boulders above 1.2 m dia. by
controlled blasting method and controlling fly-rock by muffling arrangements for dam, spillway, intake
structure and other appurtenant structures etc., including placing and levelling the excavated rock neatly
in dump area or other place as directed etc., complete with lead upto upto 1 km and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 480.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of drill rod 1.5 m length Rm 464.00 35.93 16673.07
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 1667.31
2 Use rate of 50 m air hose 4 Nos. Hour 70.00 11.31 791.88
3 Use rate of chain link wire mesh sqm 715.00 72.89 52114.56
4 Use rate of sand bag Nos 580.00 117.75 68295.00
5 Explosive small dia. kg 149.00 83.00 12367.00
6 Ordinary detonators Nos 23.00 10.00 230.00
7 Electric delay detonators Nos 500.00 19.00 9500.00
8 Fuse coil Rm 700.00 9.00 6300.00
9 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 168198.82
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 12.00 1706.20 20474.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 12.00 1479.50 17754.00
2 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 2.00 1746.80 3493.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 1035.00 2070.00
3 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 3 Nos. Hour 36.00 642.60 23133.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 36.00 677.90 24404.40
4 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 4.00 504.80 2019.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
5 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) 2 Nos Hour 35.00 171.40 5999.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 35.00 553.90 19386.50
6 Jack hammers 4 Nos. Hour 70.00 21.40 1498.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 70.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 122266.30
Note : i) 1 m width of excavation along the face to be dressed shall be treated as excavation by line drilling and
smooth blasting.
ii) The rate includes controlling fly-rock wherever required.
iii) The rate under this item shall be paid only on ascertaining that the surface requiring dressing has
come off neatly as per specifications or atleast 50 percent of smooth blast holes are visible for inspection
and are spaced at specified interval.
iv) In case, where the above criteria is not fulfilled payment shall be restricted to the rate provided for
excavation by normal or controlled blasting as the case may be.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 40.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of drill rod 1.5 m length Rm 138.00 35.93 4958.80
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 495.88
2 Use rate of 50 m air hose 4 Nos. Hour 22.00 11.31 248.88
3 Explosive small dia. kg 10.50 83.00 871.50
4 Ordinary detonators Nos 2.00 10.00 20.00
5 Electric delay detonators Nos 76.00 19.00 1444.00
6 Fuse coil Rm 140.00 9.00 1260.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 1.00 317.20 317.20
2 Crew for Angle dozer Hour 0.25 317.20 79.30
3 Crew for Dumper Hour 3.00 303.30 909.90
4 Crew for Air compressor Hour 11.00 225.20 2477.20
5 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 22.00 450.50 9911.00
6 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
7 Blaster Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
8 Helper blaster Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
9 Crowbarman Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
10 Stone breaker Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
11 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 16244.60
labour component/unit qty 406.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 55.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 461.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 9351.06
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 16291.75
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 16244.60
Total Rs: 41887.41
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 5702.97
Total cost for 40.00 cum Rs: 47590.38
Rate Per CUM (A+B+C+D)/40 Rs: 1189.80
Preparing foundation bed for masonry or concrete by benching, stepping, removing all loose
material by wedging / chiselling and disposing off the same as directed and cleaning the surface
with air and water jet etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 1.00 171.40 171.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 553.90 553.90
2 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 1.00 3.20 3.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 49.20 49.20
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs. 777.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 1.00 225.20 225.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
3 Stone breaker Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
4 mazdoor Day 2.50 520.00 1300.00
5 Crowbar man Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3838.40
labour component/unit qty 38.40
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 43.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 777.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3838.40
Total Rs: 4616.10
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 628.48
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 5244.58
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 52.40
Preparing foundation bed for cut-off trench filling in rock portion by removing all loose materials by
wedging / chiselling and disposing off the same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m
and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs. 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Machinery Rs. 0.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3240.00
Total Rs: 3240.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 441.13
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 3681.13
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 36.80
Drilling 45 to 50 mm dia holes vertical or inclined up to 10 degrees to vertical in rock /masonry/
concrete by percussion drilling using waggon drill or any other suitable equipment including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, re-drilling through partially set grout wherever required etc., complete.
for drilling up to 6 m depth from surface.
NOTE: The item rate for drilling through rock / masonry / concrete includes redrilling
through partially set grout, if any, in the portion of hole already grouted.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of cross bit 50 mm dia Rm 96.00 64.75 6216.00
2 Use rate of 50 mm dia air hose 50 m Hour 8.00 16.88 135.00
3 Use rate of extension rod 4.5 m Rm 96.00 7.19 689.76
Total cost of Materials Rs. 7040.76
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Waggon drill Hour 8.00 190.80 1526.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
2 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 171.40 1371.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 553.90 4431.20
3 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 7380.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Waggon drill Hour 8.00 379.10 3032.80
2 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 225.20 1801.60
3 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 5874.40
labour component/unit qty 61.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 8.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 7040.76
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 7380.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 5874.40
Total Rs: 20295.96
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 2763.29
Total cost for 96.00 Rm Rs: 23059.25
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/96 Rs: 240.20
Upto 6 m from surface 240.20
Beyond 6 m upto 12 m from surface :
Upto 6 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 240.20
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ 10% Rs: 24.02
Beyond 6 m upto 12 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 264.20
Beyond 12 m upto 18 m from surface :
For 6 m to 12 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 264.20
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ 10% Rs: 26.42
Beyond 12 m upto 18 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 290.60
Beyond 18 m upto 24 m from surface :
For 12 m to 18 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 290.60
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ 10% Rs: 29.06
Beyond 18 m upto 24 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 319.70
Beyond 24 m upto 30 m from surface :
For 18 m to 24 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 319.70
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ : 10% Rs 31.97
Beyond 24 m upto 30 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 351.70
Beyond 30 m upto 36 m from surface :
For 24 m to 30 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 351.70
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ 10% Rs: 35.17
Beyond 30 m upto 36 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 386.90
Beyond 36 m upto 42 m from surface :
For 30 m to 36 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 386.90
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ 10% Rs: 38.69
Beyond 36 m upto 42 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 425.60
Beyond 42 m upto 48 m from surface
For 36 m to 42 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 425.60
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ 10% Rs: 42.56
Beyond 42 m upto 48 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 468.20
Flushing grout holes of all sizes with water and air jets alternatively for an average period of 30 minutes
including water intake observations after flushing, cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 192.00 Rm.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 225.20 1801.60
2 Crew for Pump Hour 8.00 113.20 905.60
3 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4787.20
labour component/unit qty 24.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 28.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 408.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6273.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4787.20
Total Rs: 11468.80
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 1561.48
Total cost for 192.00 Rm. Rs: 13030.28
Rate per RM (A+B+C+D)/192 Rs: 67.90
Consolidation grouting with neat cement grout mix of suitable consistency under specified pressure as
Directed in drilled holes by stage grouting method including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling if necessary etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 1.05 Tonne
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement tonne 1.05 5600.00 5880.00
2 Use rate of 50 m pressure hose Hour 8.00 11.31 90.48
3 Sundries ( packer assembly etc ) LS 3.00 26.00 78.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 6048.48
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Grouting equipment Hour 8.00 36.30 290.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 2.00 3.20 6.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 49.20 98.40
3 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 840.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 4.00 171.40 685.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 553.90 2215.60
2 Waggon drill Hour 4.00 190.80 763.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3664.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 4.00 225.20 900.80
2 Crew for Waggon drill Hour 4.00 379.10 1516.40
3 Bar bender Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
4 Mason Cl- II Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
5 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3554.70
labour component/unit qty 142.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 19.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 161.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 26305.09
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3664.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3554.70
Total Rs: 33524.19
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 4564.32
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 0.05 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 2.13
Providing and fixing 25 mm dia. 2.75 m long ribbed steel anchor rods with one end split and driven firmly
using steel wedge into 1.25 m deep 45 to 50 mm dia. hole drilled in bed rock and other end provided
L- bend for embedding in concrete / masonry for spillway and appurtenant works including drilling and
cleaning hole, filling hole with thick cement slurry, driving anchor rod, cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, steel wedge etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts
Consider 25 anchor rods for analysis.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 25.00 Nos.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of 50 mm dia drill bit Rm 31.25 64.75 2023.44
2 Use rate of air hose 50 m 1 Nos. Hour 3.00 16.88 50.64
3 Anchor rod 25 mm dia kg 277.92 77.00 21399.84
4 Cement kg 62.50 5.60 350.00
5 Gas for splitting anchor rods LS 5.00 44.20 221.00
6 Steel wedges LS 10.00 18.00 180.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 24224.92
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 3.00 171.40 514.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 553.90 1661.70
2 Waggon drill Hour 3.00 190.80 572.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2748.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 3.00 225.20 675.60
2 Crew for Waggon drill Hour 3.00 379.10 1137.30
3 Bar bender Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
4 Mason Cl- II Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
5 Gas cutter Day 1.00 615.00 615.00
6 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4085.40
labour component/unit qty 163.40
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 22.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 185.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 24224.92
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2748.30
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4085.40
Total Rs: 31058.62
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 4228.63
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne
Charges) 13.15625
Lead Charges for 1Km for Steel (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 247.1 Rs./Tonne 68.674032
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 welding machine hour 10.00 16.00 160.00
fuel charges hour 10.00 118.20 1182.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1342.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 welder day 2.50 615.00 1537.50
2 Bar bender Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
3 mazdoor Day 6.84 520.00 3556.80
Total cost of Labour 6464.30
labour component/unit qty 6464.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 880.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 7344.40
A. Cost of Materials 79835.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery 1342.00
C. Cost of Labour 6464.30
Total 87641.30
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on A+B+C 13.615% 11932.36
Lead Charges for 1Km for Steel (including Loading and Unloading Charges) Rs/Tonne 253.2775
Total cost for 1.00 Tonne 99826.94
Rate per Tonne (A+B+C+D) / I 99826.94
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 80 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead upto
1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 250 kg /cum with use of super plasticiser equal to 0.4% of cement
content , CA : 0.98 cum, Blending Ratio of CA -- 40:30:20:10, FA : 0.35 cum )
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 240.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 60000.00 5.60 336000.00
Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg / cum kg 720.00 5.60 4032.00
2 Coarse aggregate 80-40 mm cum 94.08 568.00 53437.44
Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 70.56 899.00 63433.44
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 47.04 1000.00 47040.00
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 23.52 768.00 18063.36
3 Fine aggregate (Un-screened ) cum 84.00 630.00 52920.00
4 Super Plasticizer or AEA kg 240.00 64.00 15360.00
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 80 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead upto
1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 300 kg /cum with use of 0.4% of cement content super plasticiser ,
CA : 0.90 cum, Blending Ratio of CA -- 40:30:20:10, FA : 0.40 cum )
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 240.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 72000.00 5.60 403200.00
Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg / cum kg 720.00 5.60 4032.00
2 Coarse aggregate 80-40 mm cum 86.40 568.00 49075.20
Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 64.80 899.00 58255.20
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 43.20 1000.00 43200.00
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 21.60 768.00 16588.80
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 96.00 630.00 60480.00
4 Super Plasticizer or AEA kg 288.00 64.00 18432.00
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 120.00 514.18 61701.60
Total cost of Materials Rs: 714964.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Batching plant Hour 8.00 510.50 4084.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 541.60 4332.80
2 Air compressor 7 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 144.50 1156.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 443.10 3544.80
3 Tipper Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Tower crane 5 t Hour 16.00 876.20 14019.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 256.00 4096.00
5 Concrete bucket Hour 40.00 16.30 652.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 40.00 0.00 0.00
6 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 8.00 6.90 55.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 98.50 788.00
7 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 16.00 6.50 104.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 14.80 236.80
8 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 65751.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Batching plant Hour 8.00 454.80 3638.40
2 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 225.20 1801.60
3 Crew for Tipper ( 4 ) Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Tower crane ( 2 ) Hour 16.00 252.70 4043.20
5 Crew for Pump Hour 8.00 113.20 905.60
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than10 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 80 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead upto
1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 220 kg /cum with use of super plasticiser,CA: 0.98 cum, Blending
Ratio of CA-40:30:20:10, FA:0.37 cum)
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 240.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 52800 5.60 295680.00
Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg / cum kg 720.00 5.60 4032.00
2 Coarse aggregate 80-40 mm cum 94.08 568.00 53437.44
Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 70.56 899.00 63433.44
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 47.04 1000.00 47040.00
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 23.52 768.00 18063.36
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 88.8 630.00 55944.00
4 Super Plasticizer or AEA kg 211.20 64.00 13516.80
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 120.00 514.18 61701.60
Total cost of Materials Rs: 612848.64
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for RCC works of gallery, sluice, spillway crest,
spillway d / s face, energy dissipating structures, training walls, piers, abutments and such other locations
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 310 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser,
CA : 0.90 cum, blending ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum).
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 240.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 74400 5.60 416640.00
2 Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg / cum kg 720.00 5.60 4032.00
Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 108 899.00 97092.00
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 64.8 1000.00 64800.00
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 43.2 768.00 33177.60
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 96 630.00 60480.00
4 Super Plasticizer or AEA kg 297.60 64.00 19046.40
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 360.00 514.18 185104.80
6 Scaffolding of shuttering @ 15% 27765.72
Total cost of Materials Rs: 908138.52
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Batching plant 2 x 1.5 cum Hour 8.00 510.50 4084.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 541.60 4332.80
2 Air compressor 7 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 144.50 1156.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 443.10 3544.80
3 Tipper Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Tower crane 5 t Hour 16.00 876.20 14019.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 256.00 4096.00
5 Concrete bucket Hour 40.00 16.30 652.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 40.00 0.00 0.00
6 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 8.00 6.90 55.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 98.50 788.00
7 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 16.00 6.50 104.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 14.80 236.80
8 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 65751.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Batching plant Hour 8.00 454.80 3638.40
2 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 225.20 1801.60
3 Crew for Tipper ( 4 ) Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Tower crane ( 2 ) Hour 16.00 252.70 4043.20
5 Crew for Pump Hour 8.00 113.20 905.60
6 Crew for Needle vibrator ( 2 ) Hour 16.00 218.00 3488.00
7 Mason Class-I Day 4.00 580.00 2320.00
8 Foreman Day 2.00 675.00 1350.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Batching plant 2 x 1.5 cum Hour 8.00 510.50 4084.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Batching plant Hour 8.00 454.80 3638.40
2 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 225.20 1801.60
3 Crew for Tipper ( 4 ) Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Tower crane ( 2 ) Hour 16.00 252.70 4043.20
5 Crew for Pump Hour 8.00 113.20 905.60
6 Crew for Needle vibrator ( 2 ) Hour 16.00 218.00 3488.00
7 Mason Class-I Day 4.00 580.00 2320.00
8 Foreman Day 2.00 675.00 1350.00
9 mazdoor 0.00
for silo ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Batching plant 2 x 1.5 cum Hour 8.00 510.50 4084.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 541.60 4332.80
2 Air compressor 7 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 144.50 1156.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Batching plant 2 x 1.5 cum Hour 8.00 510.50 4084.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 541.60 4332.80
2 Air compressor 7 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 144.50 1156.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 443.10 3544.80
3 Transit Mixers (4 Nos) Hour 24.00 504.80 12115.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 508.40 12201.60
4 Tower crane 5 t Hour 8.00 876.20 7009.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 256.00 2048.00
5 Concrete bucket Hour 20.00 16.30 326.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 0.00 0.00
6 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 8.00 6.90 55.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 98.50 788.00
7 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 16.00 6.50 104.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 14.80 236.80
8 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 48262.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Batching plant Hour 8.00 454.80 3638.40
2 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 225.20 1801.60
3 Crew for Transit Mixers (4 Nos) Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Tower crane Hour 8.00 252.70 2021.60
5 Crew for Pump Hour 8.00 113.20 905.60
6 Crew for Needle vibrator ( 2 ) Hour 16.00 218.00 3488.00
7 Mason Class-I Day 4.00 580.00 2320.00
8 Foreman Day 2.00 675.00 1350.00
9 mazdoor 0.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 563711.30
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 48262.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 73685.40
Total Rs: 685658.70
Add for aggregate conveyor system @ 3.0% 20569.76
Add for electric sub-station / Demand charges @ 2.50% 17141.47
Add for trestle bridge for tower crane track @ 4.0% 27426.35
Total Rs: 750796.28
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C+other percentages) Rs. 102220.910
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 53.76 cum @ 31.5 Rs./Cum 1693.440
Lead Charges for 1 Km for CA 120.96 cum @ 30.4 Rs./Cum 3677.184
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and 51.48 tonne @ 143.8 Rs./Tonne
Unloading Charges) 7402.134
Total cost for 134.40 cum Rs: 865789.95
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/134.40 Rs: 6441.90
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead upto
1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 260 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser, CA : 0.90 cum, Blending
Ratio of CA 50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.0 57.80 462.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 520.00 4680.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 14.00 520.00 7280.00
for cleaning / washing / curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
6 Labour cost of shuttering sqm 14.00 127.50 1785.00
7 Labour cost of scaffolding @ 15% 267.75
Total cost of Labour Rs: 24073.15
labour component/unit qty 1719.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 234.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1953.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 41976.86
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1087.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 24073.15
Total Rs: 67137.01
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 9140.7
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 5.60 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 238.56
Lead Charges for 1 Km for CA 12.60 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 517.86
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne
Charges) 775.061
Total cost for 14.00 cum Rs: 77809.19
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/14 Rs: 5557.80
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates with placing and
sinking plums of size 150 to 80 mm upto 15 percent for gravity type structures including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position,
levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement
content : 260 kg / cum of concrete with use of plums and super plasticiser of 0.4% of cement quantity,
CA : 0.77 cum, Blending Ratio of CA : 50:30:20,FA : 0.34 cum, plums of size 150 to 80 mm : 0.25 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.90 6.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 98.50 98.50
3 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 8.00 6.50 52.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 14.80 118.40
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1131.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 520.00 4680.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for loading plums Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for laying concrete and plums Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for conveying concrete Day 13.99 520.00 7272.73
for conveying plums Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for cleaning / washing / curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour for shuttering sqm 16.45 127.50 2097.38
8 Labour for scaffolding @ 15% 314.61
Total cost of Labour Rs: 27710.12
labour component/unit qty 1684.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 229.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1913.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 48985.06
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1131.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 27710.12
Total Rs: 77826.98
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 10596.14
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 5.59 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 238.2618
Lead Charges for 1 Km for CA and Plums 16.77 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 689.35
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne 910.696675
Total cost for 16.45 cum Rs: 90261.43
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/16.45 Rs: 5487.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 520.00 4680.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 16.53 520.00 8595.60
for cleaning / washing / curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
6 Labour cost of shuttering sqm 16.53 127.50 2107.58
7 Labour cost of scaffolding @ 15% 316.14
Total cost of Labour Rs: 25759.72
labour component/unit qty 1558.40
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 212.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1770.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 45690.68
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead upto
1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 280 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser, CA : 0.80 cum, Blending
Ratio of CA -- 65:35, FA : 0.44 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.90 6.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 98.50 98.50
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 8.00 5.90 47.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 9.80 78.40
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1087.00
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for RCC solid parapet consisting of
35 cm x 20 cm kerb, 35 cm x 35 cm x 1 m pillars spaced approximately at 3.35 m c / c, 12.5 cm thick wall
80 cm height with 12.5 cm thick and 35 cm wide coping slab for wall and 12 .5 cm thick 40 cm x 40 cm coping
for pillars with top edges of kerb and coping chamferred / rounded as directed etc., complete (excluding
cost of providing and placing reinforcement steel and gate) with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
( Cement content 350 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser( 0.4% by wt. of cement), CA : 0.80 cum,
Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.44 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 Needle vibrator 40 mm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 5.90 47.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 9.80 78.40
3 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 0.50 6.90 3.45
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 98.50 49.25
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1034.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 113.20 56.60
3 Crew for Vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 520.00 4680.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying & packing concrete Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for conveying concrete Day 8.67 520.00 4508.40
for curing & miscellaneous Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
7 Labour for shuttering sqm 95.00 127.50 12112.50
8 Labour for scaffolding @ 15% 1816.88
Total cost of Labour Rs: 34386.58
labour component/unit qty 955.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 130.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1085.30
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N
/ sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,complete for RCC
ornamental parapet consisting of 35 cm x 20 cm kerb, 35 cm x 35 cm x 1 m pillars spaced
approximately at 3.5 m apart, 20 cm x 15 cm posts 80 cm height approximately 30 cm c / c with
12.5 cm thick and 35 cm wide coping slab for posts and pillars with top edges of kerb and coping
chamferred or rounded as directed etc., complete ( excluding cost of providing and placing
reinforcement steel and gate ) with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content :
350 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement, CA : 0.80 cum, Blending
Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.44 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 113.20 56.60
3 Crew for Vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 520.00 4680.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying & packing concrete Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for conveying concrete Day 7.00 520.00 3640.00
for curing & miscellaneous Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
7 Labour for shuttering sqm 115.00 127.50 14662.50
8 Labour for scaffolding @ 15% 2199.38
Total cost of Labour Rs: 36450.68
labour component/unit qty 1012.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 137.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1150.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 67013.54
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1034.30
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 36450.68
Total Rs: 104498.51
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 14227.47
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 3.08 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 131.208
Lead Charges for 1 Km for CA 5.60 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 230.16
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne
Charges) 523.0925
Total cost for 36.00 Rm Rs: 119610.44
Rate Per Rm (A+B+C+D)/36 Rs: 3322.50
Providing and laying insitu M- 25 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 25 N / sq mm ) grade
Cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for wearing coat
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position in alternate panels, levelling, compacting, finishing, curing, packing joints with asphalt mortar
etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 380 kg / cum with use of
super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement, CA : 0.80 cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 0.50 6.90 3.45
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 98.50 49.25
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 908.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 113.20 56.60
3 Mason Class-I Day 3.00 580.00 1740.00
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
5 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching materials Day 9.00 520.00 4680.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying & compacting Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
for conveying concrete Day 11.70 520.00 6084.00
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
6 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 5.85 127.50 745.88
Total cost of Labour Rs: 22654.68
labour component/unit qty 1936.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 263.60
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2199.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 40415.56
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 908.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 22654.68
Total Rs: 63978.93
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 8710.73
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 5.27 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 224.289
Lead Charges for 1 Km for CA 9.36 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 384.70
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne 948.19725
Total cost for 11.70 cum Rs: 74246.84
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/11.70 Rs: 6345.90
Pre-cooling to control placement temperature of cement concrete in the range of 18 to 21 C at the
concrete placement point by inundation of coarse aggregates and adding flaked ice as part of mixing
water including cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Ice maker unit consisting of: Hour 24.00 185.50 4452.00
Compressor 125 hp - 1 No
Condenser with 30 hp motor - 1 No.
Ice makers 10 t / day each - 3 Nos.
Pump 2 hp for ice cutting - 3 Nos.
Pump 2 hp for pumping water-3 Nos.
Screw conveyor with 15 hp motor -1
Ice elevator with 5 hp motor - 1 No.
Fuel / Energy charges for system Hour 24.00 1403.20 33676.80
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 38128.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Ice maker unit Hour 24.00 181.70 4360.80
2 mazdoor
for Ice chamber ( 2 x 3 ) Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
for miscellaneous works ( 1 x 3 ) Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 9040.80
labour component/unit qty 18.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 20.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 78.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 38128.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 9040.80
Total Rs: 47247.60
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 6432.76
Total cost for 500.00 cum Rs: 53680.36
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/500 Rs: 107.40
Conveying and fixing elastomeric bearing for spillway bridge including cleaning and preparing surface,
mixing and applying adhesive, fixing bearing in correct position etc., including cost of all materials except
bearings, machinery, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Synthetic adhesive ( Resin + Hardener) kg 0.60 330.00 198.00
2 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 250.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Marker / Erector Day 1.00 695.00 695.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2420.00
labour component/unit qty 403.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 54.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 458.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 250.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2420.00
Total Rs: 2670.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 363.52
Total cost for 6.00 Nos. Rs: 3033.52
Rate Per Each (A+B+C+D)/6 Rs: 505.60
Providing and constructing 150 mm dia hume pipe weep holes for concrete / masonry walls including
providing 20 x 20 x 20 cm size porous concrete block made of cement and 20 mm down coarse aggregate
in 1 : 4 proportion including 10 cm thick sand backing at the junction of wall and soil back fill, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 150 mm dia hume pipe Rm 2.90 351.00 1017.90
2 Cement kg 3.00 5.60 16.80
3 20 - 10 mm coarse aggregate cum 0.01 1000.00 8.00
4 Sand for filling cum 0.02 630.00 12.60
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1055.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Mason Class-II Day 0.25 550.00 137.50
2 mazdoor Day 0.25 520.00 130.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 267.50
labour component/unit qty 89.20
Providing and forming expansion joint for spillway bridge consisting of 75 x 75 x 6 mm angles 2 numbers
provided with 25 cm long 12 mm dia. anchors fixed to both flanges at 15 cm c /c and 140 x 6 mm plate
welded on top of one of the angle including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, providing and fixing
38 mm thick joint filler board matching the thickness of wearing coat, painting etc., complete with lead
upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Structural steel plate kg 50.70 83.00 4208.10
2 Structural steel angle kg 104.50 69.00 7210.50
3 12 dia steel anchors kg 27.40 77.00 2109.80
4 Welding electrodes Nos 70.00 13.00 910.00
5 Joint filler board 19 mm thick sqm 1.00 597.00 597.00
6 Sundries ( cutting gas / paint etc ) LS 1.50 26.00 39.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 15074.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Welding set Hour 8.00 16.00 128.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 118.20 945.60
2 Sundries (cutting torch/ welding guns etc) LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1125.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 1.50 695.00 1042.50
2 Gas cutter / Welder Day 1.50 615.00 922.50
3 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3005.00
labour component/unit qty 400.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 54.60
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 455.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 15074.40
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1125.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3005.00
Total Rs: 19205.00
Providing and constructing coursed rubble face stone masonry using approved rubble stones in cement
mortar 1 : 3 proportion including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, ramps, cleaning,
packing mortar, wedging stone chips, curing etc., with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Thickness of
the CR face assumed: 0.75 m,Cement content : 178 kg/cum of masonry, rubble stones : 0.35 cum, stone
chips:0.15 cum/cum, FA:0.375 cum, CR stones 30x30x45 cm:9.75 No, CR stones 30x30x60 cm:3.25 No)
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 25.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mortar kg 4450 5.60 24920.00
2 Coursed rubble stone 30 x 30 x 45 cm Nos 244 30.00 7320.00
3 Coursed rubble stone 30 x 30 x 60 cm Nos 82 36.00 2952.00
4 Rubble stones cum 8.75 419.00 3666.25
5 Stone chips cum 3.75 540.00 2025.00
6 Sand (Screened ) cum 9.375 830.00 7781.25
Total cost of Materials Rs: 48664.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.90 6.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 98.50 98.50
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 961.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 Stone chiseller Cl -II Day 7.00 550.00 3850.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 2.50 580.00 1450.00
6 Mason Class-II Day 4.00 550.00 2200.00
7 Chavali Day 16.00 550.00 8800.00
8 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching sand Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying & packing mortar Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
for loading chips Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.90 6.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 98.50 98.50
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 961.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 Stone chiseller Cl -II Day 7.00 550.00 3850.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 2.50 580.00 1450.00
6 Mason Class-II Day 4.00 550.00 2200.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 42504.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 961.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 39801.40
Total Rs: 83267.30
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 11336.84
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 9.38 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 399.375
Lead Charges for 1 Km for Stones/Stone Chips 26.81 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 1101.89
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne
Charges) 705.175
Total cost for 25.00 cum Rs: 96810.58
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/25 Rs: 3872.40
Providing and constructing chisel drafted and hammer dressed face stone masonry with approved stones
in cement mortar 1 : 3 proportion including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, ramps,
cleaning, packing mortar, wedging stone chips, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
( Cement content : 167 kg/cum of masonry, rubble stones : 0.35 cum, stone chips : 0.15 cum/cum, FA :
0.35 cum, Dressed stones 30 x 30 x 45 cm : 10 No, Dressed stones 30 x 30 x 60 cm : 3.40 No)
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 25.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mortar kg 4175 5.60 23380.00
2 Coursed rubble stone 30 x 30 x 45 cm Nos 250 30.00 7500.00
3 Coursed rubble stone 30 x 30 x 60 cm Nos 85 36.00 3060.00
4 Rubble stones cum 8.75 419.00 3666.25
5 Stone chips cum 3.75 540.00 2025.00
6 Sand (Screened ) cum 8.75 830.00 7262.50
Total cost of Materials Rs: 46893.75
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.90 6.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 98.50 98.50
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 961.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 46893.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 961.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 48341.40
Total Rs: 96196.55
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 13097.16
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 8.75 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 372.75
Lead Charges for 1 Km for Stones/Stone Chips 27.22 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 1118.54
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne
Charges) 878.8375
Total cost for 25.00 cum Rs: 111663.83
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/25 Rs: 4466.60
Providing and constructing chisel drafted and hammer dressed face stone masonry with approved stones in
cement mortar 1 : 4 proportion including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, ramps, cleaning,
packing mortar, wedging stone chips, curing etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement
content : 125 kg/cum of masonry, rubble stones : 0.35 cum, stone chips : 0.15 cum/cum, FA : 0.35 cum,
Dressed stones 30 x 30 x 45 cm : 10 No, Dressed stones 30 x 30 x 60 cm : 3.40 No)
A. MATERIALS: UNIT: 25.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mortar kg 3125 5.60 17500.00
2 Coursed rubble stone 30 x 30 x 45 cm Nos 250 30.00 7500.00
3 Coursed rubble stone 30 x 30 x 60 cm Nos 85 36.00 3060.00
4 Rubble stones cum 8.75 419.00 3666.25
5 Stone chips cum 3.75 540.00 2025.00
6 Sand (Screened ) cum 8.75 830.00 7262.50
Total cost of Materials Rs: 41013.75
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 57.80 462.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 Stone chiseller Cl -I Day 14.00 610.00 8540.00
5 Stone chiseller Cl -II Day 7.00 550.00 3850.00
6 Mason Class-I Day 2.50 580.00 1450.00
7 Mason Class-II Day 4.00 550.00 2200.00
8 Chavali Day 16.00 550.00 8800.00
9 mazdoor
for batching cement ( cement handling Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for batching sand Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying & packing mortar Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
for loading chips Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for washing rubble / finishing / curing Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for conveying mortar / chips Day 12.00 520.00 6240.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 48341.40
labour component/unit qty 1933.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 263.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2197.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 41013.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 961.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 48341.40
Total Rs: 90316.55
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 12296.6
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 8.75 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 372.75
Lead Charges for 1 Km for Stones/Stone Chips 27.22 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 1118.54
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne
Charges) 657.8125
Total cost for 25.00 cum Rs: 104762.25
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/25 Rs: 4190.50
Providing cement mortar pointing to coursed rubble face stone masonry 50 mm deep in CM 1 : 2
proportion by volume including raking and cleaning joints, pressing mortar into joints, cost of all materials,
labour, scaffolding, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement kg 455.446 5.60 2550.50
2 Sand (Screened ) cum 0.735 830.00 610.05
Total cost of Materials Rs: 3160.55
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Mason Class-I Day 10.00 580.00 5800.00
2 mazdoor Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 11000.00
labour component/unit qty 110.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 15.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 125.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3160.55
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11000.00
Total Rs: 14160.55
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 1927.96
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 0.74 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 31.311
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne 95.871383
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 16215.69
Rate Per sqm (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 162.20
Providing cement mortar pointing to coursed rubble face stone masonry 50 mm deep in CM 1 : 3
proportion by volume including raking and cleaning joints, pressing mortar into joints, cost of all materials,
labour, scaffolding, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Mason Class-I Day 10.00 580.00 5800.00
2 mazdoor Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 11000.00
labour component/unit qty 110.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 15.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 125.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 2412.13
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11000.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Guniting equipment Hour 8.00 117.60 940.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
2 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 171.40 1371.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 553.90 4431.20
3 Pump 10 hp ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.90 6.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 98.50 98.50
4 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6900.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Guniting equipment Hour 8.00 300.30 2402.40
2 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 225.20 1801.60
3 Crew for pump Hour 1.00 113.20 113.20
4 Mason Cl II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
5 mazdoor
for cement handling Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for sand Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
mazdoor for other works Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 7987.20
labour component/unit qty 221.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 30.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 252.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 4492.54
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6900.60
Providing and constructing contraction joints by fixing 16 SWG 60 cm wide annealed copper sheets in
two lines with 8 mm dia steel dowel rods on either side at one metre interval, forming 125 x 125 mm size
groove in between copper strips for filling asphalt including fixing 15 mm dia two legged G.I pipe with
U - bend at bottom for circulation of steam at intervals and forming 150 mm dia formed drain behind water
seals including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, filling asphalt, circulation of steam through
pipes etc., complete with all leads and lifts. consider 12 m height of contraction joint for analysis.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Copper sheet 16 SWG kg 215.00 690.00 148350.00
2 Reinforcement steel 8 mm dia kg 30.00 77.00 2310.00
3 GI pipe 15 mm dia Rm 24.00 107.00 2568.00
4 Asphalt kg 192.00 52.00 9984.00
5 Elbows / Nipple / Plugs etc., LS 5.00 22.00 110.00
6 Soldering materials LS 40.00 19.00 760.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 164082.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Steam circulation arrangement LS 8.00 20.00 160.00
Fuel charges ( gas for heating ) LS 10.00 20.00 200.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 360.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Welder Day 1.00 615.00 615.00
2 Tinsmith Day 1.00 575.00 575.00
3 Bar bender Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
4 Pipe fitter Day 0.50 675.00 337.50
5 Mason Class-I Day 0.50 580.00 290.00
6 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2680.00
labour component/unit qty 223.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 30.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 253.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 164082.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 360.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2680.00
Total Rs: 167122.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 22753.66
Total cost for 12.00 Rm Rs: 189875.66
Providing and constructing contraction joints by fixing 310 mm wide central bulb type approved quality
PVC water stop in two lines with 8 mm diameter steel dowel rods on either side at 1m interval, forming
125 x 125 mm size groove in between two water stops, providing & fixing 15 mm dia two legged G.I pipe with
U-bend at bottom for circulation steam at interval, forming 150 mm diameter formed drain behind water
seals including filling groove with asphalt, circulation of steam at intervals, cost of all materials, machinery,
labour etc, Complete with all leads and lifs
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 PVC water stops 310 mm wide Rm 24.50 437.00 10706.50
2 Reinforcement steel 8 mm dia kg 30.00 77.00 2310.00
3 GI pipe 15 mm dia Rm 24.00 107.00 2568.00
4 Asphalt kg 192.00 52.00 9984.00
5 Elbows / Nipple / Plugs etc., LS 5.00 22.00 110.00
6 Vulcanizing materials LS 25.00 22.00 550.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 26228.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Steam circulation arrangement LS 8.00 20.00 160.00
Fuel charges ( gas for heating ) LS 10.00 20.00 200.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 360.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Welder Day 0.50 615.00 307.50
2 Bar bender Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
3 Pipe fitter Day 0.50 675.00 337.50
4 Mason Class-I Day 0.50 580.00 290.00
5 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1797.50
labour component/unit qty 149.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 20.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 170.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 26228.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 360.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1797.50
Total Rs: 28386.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 3864.75
Total cost for 12.00 Rm. Rs: 32250.75
Rate Per Rm. (A+B+C+D)/12 Rs: 2687.60
Providing and constructing contraction joints by fixing 16 SWG 60 cm wide annealed copper sheets in
single line with 8 mm dia steel dowel rods on either side at 1 metre interval including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 54475.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 178.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1487.50
Total Rs: 56140.50
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 7643.53
Total cost for 8.70 Rm Rs: 63784.03
Rate Per Rm (A+B+C+D)/8.70 Rs: 7331.50
Providing and constructing contraction joints by fixing 23 cm wide central bulb type PVC water stop in
single line supported by 10 mm dia steel dowel rods on either side at 1 metre interval including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, valcunising joints etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 PVC water seal 23 cm wide Rm 9.00 51.00 459.00
2 Reinforcement steel 10 mm dia kg 10.00 77.00 770.00
3 Vulcanising materials LS 2.00 22.00 44.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1273.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Sundries such as heater etc., LS 0.50 26.00 13.00
Fuel charges for heating LS 0.50 20.00 10.00
Total hire charges of Machinery 23.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1273.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 23.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1200.00
Total Rs: 2496.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 339.83
Total cost for 8.70 Rm Rs: 2835.83
Rate Per Rm (A+B+C+D)/8.70 Rs: 326.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 4.60 317.20 1459.12
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 5.40 1746.80 9432.72
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.40 1035.00 5589.00
2 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 5 Nos. Hour 40.00 504.80 20192.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 40.00 508.40 20336.00
4 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 4.00 3.20 12.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 49.20 196.80
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 8.00 430.40 3443.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 508.40 4067.20
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 6.40 1364.80 8734.72
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.40 1748.50 11190.40
7 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 108732.44
Providing embankment adjacent to masonry / concrete structures and filling trial pits using impervious
soil from approved borrow areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm and compacting each layer to density control of
not less than 95 percent using pneumatic tampers or by vibratory earth rammers including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, picking previous layer, spreading soil in layer, breaking clods, watering etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of air hose Hour 16.00 11.31 181.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 181.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 0.15 1746.80 262.02
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.15 1035.00 155.25
2 Shovel 0.85 cum Hour 0.80 1706.20 1364.96
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.80 1479.50 1183.60
3 Tipper 5 cum Hour 3.00 504.80 1514.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 508.40 1525.20
4 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 171.40 1371.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 553.90 4431.20
5 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 0.40 3.20 1.28
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.40 49.20 19.68
6 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 0.80 430.40 344.32
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.80 508.40 406.72
7 Pneumatic tampers 2 Nos. Hour 16.00 21.70 347.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 0.00 0.00
8 Sundries LS 1.00 26.00 26.00
Total cost of Machinary Rs: 12953.03
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 30.00 288.30 8649.00
2 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 60.00 450.50 27030.00
3 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
4 Crew for Tipper Hour 24.00 236.90 5685.60
5 Crew for Dozer Hour 4.00 317.20 1268.80
6 Blaster Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
7 Helper blaster Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
8 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
9 Mason Class-II Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
10 mazdoor Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 54076.00
labour component/unit qty 135.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 18.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 153.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 32981.94
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 116024.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 54076.00
Total Rs: 203082.54
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 27649.69
Total cost for 400.00 cum Rs: 230732.23
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/400 Rs: 576.80
Providing and constructing dry rubble rock-toe using rubble and stone chips from approved source including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, hand packing rubble and stone chips, finishing top and sides to
required slopes etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of drill rod 1.5 m long Rm 97.00 43.37 4206.57
Reconditionong charges @ 10% 420.66
2 Use rate of air hose Hour 15.00 11.31 169.69
3 Explosive small dia kg 30.00 83.00 2490.00
4 Electric detonator Nos 40.00 12.00 480.00
5 Detonator ordinary Nos 2.00 10.00 20.00
6 Fuse coil Rm 50.00 9.00 450.00
7 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 8288.91
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( diesel ) Hour 7.50 280.50 2103.75
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 7.50 1513.20 11349.00
2 Jack hammer Hour 15.00 21.40 321.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 15.00 0.00 0.00
Providing and constructing dry rubble rock-toe with rubble and stone chips from dump yard (Spoil Bank)
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, hand packing rubble and stone chips, finishing top and
sides to required slopes etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Note: Useful rubble and stone chips will be issued at dump yard at the issue rate for usefull rubble /stone
chips. Sorting out and breaking charges included in rate analysis.
Providing and constructing Dry rock Pitching for Groynes using Un-Coursed rubble stone of size 300 mm
thick and Un-Coursed rubble stone chips from Quarry to site of work including cost of all materials,
Machinery, Labour charge hand packing Un-Course rubble stone &chips to the designed profile with all
leads and lifts etc
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Un Coursed Rubble Stones at quarry cum 100.00 419.00 41900.00
2 Stone Chips at Quarry cum 15.00 540.00 8100.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 50000.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum for loading tipper at the worksite Hour 2.00 1706.20 3412.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 1479.50 2959.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 2.00 317.20 634.40
2 Crew for Tipper Hour 6.00 236.90 1421.40
3 Mason Class-II Day 7.00 550.00 3850.00
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 Stone breaker Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
7 mazdoor Day 21.00 520.00 10920.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 18610.80
labour component/unit qty 186.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 25.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 211.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 50000.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 12450.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 18610.80
Total Rs: 81061.40
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 11036.51
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 92097.91
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 921.00
Providing and laying 30 cm diameter open jointed hume pipes with collars in rock-toe for
drainage including cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Hume pipe 300 mm dia.with collar Rm 100.00 600.00 60000.00
0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 60000.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Mason Cl- II Day 2 550.00 1100.00
2 mazdoor Day 6 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4220.00
labour component/unit qty 42.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 47.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 60000.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ( ele ) Hour 4.00 57.80 231.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 49.20 196.80
2 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 4.00 5.90 23.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 9.80 39.20
3 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 0.50 3.20 1.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Mason Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
2 Bar bender Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 mazdoor
for excavation for foundation Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for bar bending Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for concreting Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
for excavation for foundation Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for concreting Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
5 Labour for shuttering sqm 36.00 127.50 4590.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 14310.00
labour component/unit qty 14310.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1948.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 16258.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 40036.35
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 543.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 14310.00
Total Rs: 54889.35
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 7473.19
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 1.95 cum @ 42.6 Rs./Cum 83.204616
Lead Charges for 1 Km for CA 3.55 cum @ 41.1 Rs./Cum 145.95
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 210.5 Rs./Tonne283.1260785
Lead Charges for 1Km for Steel (including Loading and Unloading tonne @ 247.1 Rs./Tonne 40.4490345
Total cost for 1.00 Each Rs: 62915.27
Rate Per Each (A+B+C+D)/1.0 Rs: 62915.30
Providing and constructing longitudinal and cross graded filter drains using sand and 80-20 mm and 20 mm down
graded aggregates satisfying specified filter creteria in layers as per specifications including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, laying to required slopes, compaction etc. complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 47.50 630.00 29925.00
2 Coarse aggregate 80-40 mm cum 17.87 568.00 10147.32
3 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 1.99 899.00 1784.52
4 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 24.49 1000.00 24487.50
5 Coarse aggregate 10 mm down cum 8.16 768.00 6268.80
Total cost of Materials Rs: 72613.14
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 38.00 520.00 19760.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 20445.00
labour component/unit qty 204.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 27.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 232.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 72613.14
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 20445.00
Total Rs: 93058.14
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 12669.87
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 105728.01
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 1057.30
Providing and constructing 1.40 m thick vertical or inclined graded filter media consisting of 20 cm thick sand
layers, 25 cm thick 20 mm down coarse aggregate layers and 50 cm thick 80-20 mm coarse aggregate layer using
approved materials satisfying specified filter criteria as per specifications including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, laying to required slope, compaction etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 28.60 630.00 18018.00
2 Coarse aggregate 80-40 mm cum 32.13 568.00 18249.84
3 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 3.57 899.00 3209.43
4 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 28.13 1000.00 28125.00
5 Coarse aggregate 10 mm down cum 8.93 768.00 6854.40
Total cost of Materials Total cost of Materials Rs: 74456.67
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 38.00 520.00 19760.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 20445.00
labour component/unit qty 204.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 27.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 232.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 74456.67
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 34.00 520.00 17680.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 18365.00
labour component/unit qty 183.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 25.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 208.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 70843.11
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 12.00 520.00 6240.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6925.00
labour component/unit qty 69.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 9.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 78.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 78165.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6925.00
Total Rs: 85090.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 11585
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 96675.00
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 966.80
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 sqm
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 PP filter fabric 250 gsm sqm 220.00 59.00 12980.00
2 20 - 10 mm CA @ 75 % cum 30.00 1000.00 30000.00
10 mm down CA @ 25 % cum 10.00 768.00 7680.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 50660.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 14.00 520.00 7280.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 7965.00
labour component/unit qty 79.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 10.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 90.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 50660.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 7965.00
Total Rs: 58625.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 7981.79
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 66606.79
Rate Per sqm (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 666.10
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate
in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl No Description Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 8.00 520.00 4160.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4845.00
labour component/unit qty 48.45
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 6.60
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 55.05
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 63000.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4845.00
Total Rs: 67845.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) Rs. 9237.09675
Total cost for 100 cum Rs: 77082.10
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 771.00
Providing and constructing 45 cm thick chimney filter using clean approved sand satisfying filter criteria including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, compacting etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 66150.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 16285.00
Total Rs: 82435.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 11223.53
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 93658.53
Rate Per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 936.60
Providing and constructing 90 cm thick transition cum filter media behind rock fill using approved sand and
80-20 mm and 20 mm downgraded, aggregates satisfying the filter criteria in layers of 30 cm thickness each as per
Specifications including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying each layer to required slope, compaction
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 40.00 520.00 20800.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 21485.00
labour component/unit qty 214.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 29.30
Providing and constructing 60 cm thick hand packed rough stone revetment with 65 to 75 cm long through
stones at 1.50 m c / c over a backing of 45 cm thick graded filter media consisting of sand, 10 mm and 40 mm size
approved graded aggregates laid in layers of 15 cm thick each including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
laying to required slopes, wedging with chips, finishing etc. complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Class-II Day 10.00 550.00 5500.00
3 mazdoor Day 39.00 520.00 20280.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 26465.00
labour component/unit qty 264.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 36.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 300.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 79373.20
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 26465.00
Total Rs: 105838.20
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 14409.87
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 120248.07
Rate Per sqm (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 1202.50
Providing and constructing 60 cm thick hand packed rough stone riprap over a backing of 45 cm thick graded
filter media consisting of sand, 10 mm and 40 mm size graded approved aggregates laid in layers of 15 cm thick
each including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying to required slopes, wedging with stone chips etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 sqm.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Sand (Un-Screened ) cum 15.30 630.00 9639.00
2 Coarse aggregate 10 mm down cum 15.30 768.00 11750.40
3 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 15.30 899.00 13754.70
4 Stone chips cum 9.00 540.00 4860.00
5 Rough stones ( rubble ) cum 60.00 419.00 25140.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 65144.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Class-II Day 5.00 550.00 2750.00
3 mazdoor Day 28.00 520.00 14560.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 17995.00
labour component/unit qty 180.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 24.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 204.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 65144.10
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 17995.00
Total Rs: 83139.10
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 11319.39
Total cost for 100.00 sqm. Rs: 94458.49
Rate Per sqm. (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 944.60
Providing and constructing 75 cm thick hand packed rough stone riprap over a backing of 45 cm thick graded
filter media consisting of sand, 10 mm and 40 mm size graded approved aggregates laid in layers of 15 cm thick
each including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying to required slopes, wedging with stone chips, etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 sqm
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Sand (Un-Screened ) cum 15.30 630.00 9639.00
2 Coarse aggregate 10 mm down cum 15.30 768.00 11750.40
3 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 15.30 899.00 13754.70
4 Stone chips cum 11.00 540.00 5940.00
5 Rough stones ( rubble ) cum 75.00 419.00 31425.00
Total cost of Materials Total cost of Materials Rs: 72509.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 80144.10
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
FOR THE YEAR :2022-23
Index- code
2. The appropriate Seigniorage Charges for relevant materials are to be added to the Unit rate of work item
Charges while adding Seigniorage Charges to the data in the estimate
3. The Leads for Steel and Cement shall be from the nearest market place to the Project area
4. For earth/rockfill embankments wherever initial lead of 1km is considered in the basic rate, the additional
lead charges are to be added as follows:
Additional lead charges for Earth, Murrum etc., shall be worked out for total lead involved and 1 km lead
charges included in basic rate shall be deducted from total lead charges. No loading and unloading charges
shall be allowed for any item. (same as above)
Example: 15 Km
Total lead for earth from approved borrow area : 1 Km
Initial lead included in the basic rate in the SR : Lead charges for 5 km Rs. 113.60
Additional lead charges : Lead charges for next 10 km Rs. 170
Total lead charges for 15 km /cum Rs. 283.60
Less 1 km initial lead charges /cum Rs. 42.60 (-)
Net additional lead charges / cum Rs. 241.00
5. The initial lead up to 50 m as mentioned in some standard data items is meant for manual lead within the
working area. For conveyance of materials, the lead required from quarry/Borrow area/ Dump Area to worksite
shall be added to the data without deducting the 50 m initial lead charges
DATA: A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 38.50 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Small dia explosive kg 40.00 83.00 3320.00
2 Delay detonators Nos 54.00 19.00 1026.00
3 Electric detonators Nos 5.00 12.00 60.00
4 Detonating fuse coil Rm 50.00 9.00 450.00
5 Use rate of drill rod 2.5 m long Rm 119.00 43.37 5160.63
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 516.06
6 Use rate of air hose Hour 20.00 5.66 113.13
7 Use rate of water hose Hour 20.00 5.47 109.38
8 Sundries( paint / template etc ) LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 10807.20
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Drilling jumbo Hour 8.00 385.70 3085.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 72.60 580.80
2 Air compressor 15 cmm ( ele ) Hour 5.00 137.80 689.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.00 1230.90 6154.50
3 Jack hammer ( 4 x 5 hrs ) Hour 20.00 21.40 428.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 0.00 0.00
4 Pusher leg Hour 20.00 12.90 258.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 0.00 0.00
5 Convey mucker Hour 6.50 853.40 5547.10
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.50 342.70 2227.55
6 Dumper ( 1 x 6.5 hrs ) Hour 6.50 642.60 4176.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.50 677.90 4406.35
7 Pump 10 hp ( ele ) Hour 5.00 6.90 34.50
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.00 98.50 492.50
8 Ventilation fans 20 hp Hour 1.00 11.90 11.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 196.90 196.90
9 Sundries(explosive van / magazine ) LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 28341.60
NOTE: Where mucking is to be carried out through shaft using winch and mucking tub system increase the
basic rates for items IRR-TAW-1-3, IRR-TAW-1-4 & IRR-TAW-1-5 by 8 percent
Removing and hauling muck overfallen due to natural causes such as geological faults etc., out of tunnel
including breaking large fragments by blasting if necessary and disposing off the same in specified dump area
or as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, ventilation, drainage, lighting and all other
ancillary operations etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100.00 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of drill rod Rm 15.00 35.93 539.00
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 53.90
2 Explosive small dia. kg 8.00 83.00 664.00
3 Detonator ( ele ) Nos. 30.00 12.00 360.00
4 Detonating fuse coil Rm 20.00 9.00 180.00
5 Use rate of air hose Hour 4.00 5.66 22.63
6 Use rate of water hose Hour 4.00 5.47 21.88
7 Sundries LS 1.00 26.00 26.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1867.40
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Providing 25 mm thick guniting to sides and arch of tunnel in cement mortar 1 : 3 proportion by weight
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, ventilation, lighting, drainage and all other ancillary operations
etc., complete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 36.00 sqm
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement kg 600.00 5.60 3360.00
2 Sand (Screened) cum 1.10 830.00 913.00
3 Use rate of grout hose 20 m Hour 8.00 5.66 45.25
4 Use rate of water hose 20 m Hour 8.00 5.47 43.75
5 Use rate of guniting nozzle Hour 8.00 3.93 31.40
6 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 4445.40
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Guniting equipment Hour 8.00 117.60 940.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
2 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 171.40 1371.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 553.90 4431.20
3 Pump 10 hp ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.90 6.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 98.50 98.50
4 Drilling jumbo Hour 4.00 385.70 1542.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 72.60 290.40
5 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 8733.80
Providing and fixing 25 mm diameter steel rock bolts with resin bond cement capsule anchorage including
drilling 35 mm dia holes, inserting grout capsule, driving bolt,fixing 10 mm thick plate washers and nuts and
tightening the same by torque wrench after hardening of cement grout, cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
ventilation, lighting, drainage and other ancillary operations etc., complete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Providing, fabricating and fixing in position permanent structural steel supports as per details including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, bending, welding, grinding, lighting, ventilation, drainage and all other
ancillary operations etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Providing, fabricating and fixing in position temperary structural steel supports as per details and dismantling
the same before concreting including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, bending, welding, grinding,
ventilation, lighting, drainage and all other ancillary operations etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and
all lifts
A. MATERIALS (for 20 uses): UNIT : 1.00 tonne
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Structural steel beams kg 760.00 69.00 52440.00
2 Structural steel plates kg 115.00 83.00 9545.00
3 Tie rods & anchors kg 150.00 77.00 11550.00
4 For cutting sections:
Oxygen gas @ 2.40 cum / t cum 2.40 56.00 134.40
Acetylene @ 0.8 cum / t cum 0.80 386.00 308.80
5 For welding sections:
Electrodes @ 125 Nos / t Nos. 125.00 13.00 1625.00
6 For field connections:
M.S.Bolts / Nuts / Washers kg 50.00 85.00 4250.00
7 Sundries LS 20.00 26.00 520.00
Total cost of Materials for 20 uses of supports Rs: 80373.20
Cost per use considering 20 uses Rs: 4018.66
B. MACHINERY (for fabrication):
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Bending machine Hour 8.00 42.20 337.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 147.70 1181.60
2 Welding set Hour 16.00 16.00 256.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 118.20 1891.20
3 Sundries LS 30.00 26.00 780.00
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N / sqmm ) grade
cement concrete using 40 mm and down size approved clean, hard, graded aggregates crushed from tunnel muck
for sides and arch lining including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, batching, mixing, conveying
upto placing point in agitator cars, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing, ventilation, lighting,
drainage and all other ancillary operations etc., complete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content 330
kg / cum for use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement), CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20,
FA : 0.40 cum)
Drilling 75 mm diameter drainage holes vertical or inclined in rock / concrete in tunnel by
percussion drilling using waggon drill or other suitable drilling equipment including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, ventilation, lighting, drainage etc., complete.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 120.00 Rm
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Chapter III
FOR THE YEAR : 2022-23
Index- code
5. The initial lead up to 50 m as mentioned in some standard data items is meant for manual lead within the
working area. For conveyance of materials, the lead required from quarry/Borrow area/ Dump Area to
worksite shall be added to the data without deducting the 50 m initial lead charges
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
2 Tippers 5 cum capacity 6 Nos Hour 48.00 504.80 24230.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 508.40 24403.20
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 74119.20
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 mazdoor Day 30.00 520.00 15600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 30193.80
labour component/unit qty 32.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 37.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 74119.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 30193.80
Total Rs: 104313.00
Add 13.615% Rs: 14202.21
Total cost for 925.00 cum Rs: 118515.21
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/925 Rs. 128.10
Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.30 m dia for field channels, seating
of embankment for field channels etc., including dressing of bed and sides to required profile,
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, placing the excavated stuff for formation of service
road / embankment as directed etc., complete with lead upto 10 m and lift upto 3 m.
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 12376.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2624.20
Total Rs: 15000.20
Add 13.615% Rs: 2042.28
Total cost for 400.00 cum Rs: 17042.48
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/400 Rs. 43.00
Excavation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without blasting including boulders above 0.30 m upto
0.6 m dia. For canals, seating of embankment, filter drain / catch water drains etc., including
dressing of bed and sides to required level and profile, cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
placing the excavated soft rock neatly in dump area or for formation of service road as directed etc.,
complete with lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1706.20 13649.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 1479.50 11836.00
2 Tippers 5 cum capacity 5 Nos Hour 40.00 504.80 20192.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 40.00 508.40 20336.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 66013.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Tipper Hour 40.00 236.90 9476.00
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 Crowbarman Day 11.00 550.00 6050.00
5 mazdoor Day 22.00 520.00 11440.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 30188.60
labour component/unit qty 47.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 6.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 54.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 66013.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 30188.60
Total Rs: 96202.20
Excavation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without blasting including boulders above 0.3 m upto
0.60 m dia. For field channels, seating of embankment for field channels etc., including dressing of
bed and sides to required profile, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, placing the excavated
stuff for formation of service road as directed etc.,complete with lead upto 10 m and lift upto 3 m.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 14401.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 Crowbarman Day 5.00 550.00 2750.00
4 mazdoor Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 11692.60
labour component/unit qty 44.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 6.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 50.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 14401.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11692.60
Total Rs: 26094.20
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3552.73
Total cost for 265.00 cum Rs: 29646.93
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/265 Rs. 111.90
Excavation in hard rock (including F&F rock) requiring blasting including boulders above 0.6 m
upto 1.2 m dia. for canals, seating of embankment, filter drain / catch water drains etc., including
dressing bed and sides to required level and profile, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, placing
the excavated rock in dump area or for formation of service road as directed etc., complete with
lead upto 1 km and all lifts
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of drill rod 1.5 m length Rm 316.00 26.95 8516.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 0.50 317.20 158.60
2 Crew for Tipper Hour 1.12 236.90 265.33
3 Crew for Air compressor Hour 5.00 288.30 1441.50
4 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 10.00 450.50 4505.00
5 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
6 Blaster Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
7 Helper blaster Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
8 Stone breaker Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
9 Stone chiseller Cl - II Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
10 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 8400.43
labour component/unit qty 480.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 65.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 545.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3517.81
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 11209.28
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 8400.43
Total Rs: 23127.51
Add for blasting studies & monitoring vibrations etc 0.50% Rs: 115.64
Total Rs: 23243.15
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C+blasting study
charges) 13.615% Rs: 3164.55
Total cost for 17.50 cum Rs: 26407.70
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/17.50 Rs. 1509.00
Excavation in hard rock by blasting including boulders above 1.2 m dia. for canals, seating
embankment etc., including levelling bed by removing all projections by hammering / chiselling,
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, placing the excavated rock neatly in approved dump
area and levelling the same as directed etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Note: i ) The rate under this item shall be adopted for canals designed for carrying capacity of more
than 15 cumecs or where the average depth of excavation in hard rock is more than 3 m.
Note: i ) The rate under this item shall be adopted for canals designed for carrying capacity of more
than 15 cumecs or where the average depth of excavation in hard rock is more than 3 m.
ii ) The rate under this item shall be adopted where the control of fly-rock and ground vibrations
is required.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of T.C bit 100 mm dia Rm 104.00 164.50 17108.00
2 Use rate of Extension rod with coupling sleeve Rm 104.00 7.19 747.24
3 Use rate of Jack hammer drill rod 1.6 m Rm 12.00 35.93 431.20
reconditioning charges @ 10% 43.12
4 Use rate of 50 m air hose 50 mm 1 No. Hour 10.50 16.88 177.19
Use rate of 25 mm air hose 2 Nos Hour 2.00 11.31 22.63
5 High strength ANFO booster kg 38.00 78.00 2964.00
6 ANFO kg 155.00 67.00 10385.00
7 Diesel oil ltr 35.00 97.82 3423.70
8 Explosive small dia ( Kelvex-220 ) kg 4.00 83.00 332.00
9 Ordinary detonators Nos 20.00 10.00 200.00
10 Shock tube detonators Rm 120.00 37.00 4440.00
11 Noiseless trunk line delays Nos 12.00 18.00 216.00
12 Detonating fuse coil Rm 20.00 9.00 180.00
13 Use rate of chain link wire mesh sqm 132.00 214.20 28274.40
14 Use rate of sand bag Nos 110.00 18.37 2020.70
15 Sundries LS 20.00 26.00 520.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 71485.17
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Tipper Hour 30.00 236.90 7107.00
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 10.00 317.20 3172.00
3 Crew for Dozer Hour 2.00 317.20 634.40
4 Crew for Air compressor Hour 12.50 288.30 3603.75
5 Crew for Waggon drill Hour 11.50 379.10 4359.65
6 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 2.00 450.50 901.00
7 work inspector Day 1.50 685.00 1027.50
8 Blaster Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
9 Helper blaster Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
10 Stone chiseller Cl - II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
11 Stone breaker Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
12 mazdoor Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 25122.80
labour component/unit qty 65.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 8.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 74.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 71485.17
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 92474.85
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 25122.80
Total Rs: 189082.82
Add for blasting studies & monitoring vibrations etc 0.50% Rs: 945.41
Total Rs: 190028.24
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C+blasting study
charges) 13.615% Rs: 25872.34
Total cost for 386.00 cum Rs: 215900.58
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/386 Rs. 559.30
Note: i ) For excavation of canal below free board level combination of normal / controlled blasting and
line drilling and smooth blasting shall be adopted to obtain neat side slopes. For the purpose
of payment 1 m width of excavation on either side shall be treated as excavation by line drilling
and smooth blasting and remaining portion shall be treated as excavation by normal / controlled
blasting as the case may be.
ii ) The rate under this item shall be adopted for canals designed for carrying capacity of more
than 15 cumecs or where the average depth of excavation in hard rock is more than 3 m.
iii ) The rate includes controlling fly-rock wherever required.
iv ) The rate under this item shall be paid only on ascertaining that the excavated face has
come off neatly as per specifications or atleast 50 percent of smooth blast holes are visible for
inspection and are spaced at specified interval.
v ) In case, where the above criteria is not fulfilled payment shall be restricted to rate provided
for excavation by normal blasting or controlled blasting as the case may be.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Tipper Hour 5.24 236.90 1241.36
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 1.56 317.20 494.83
3 Crew for Dozer Hour 0.50 317.20 158.60
4 Crew for Air compressor Hour 13.45 288.30 3877.64
5 Crew for Waggon drill Hour 13.45 379.10 5098.90
6 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 0.50 450.50 225.25
7 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
8 Blaster Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
9 Helper blaster Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
10 Stone breaker Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
11 Stone chiseller Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
12 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 14196.57
labour component/unit qty 146.40
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 19.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 166.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 26140.81
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 39337.49
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 14196.57
Total Rs: 79674.86
Add for blasting studies & monitoring vibrations etc 0.50% Rs: 398.37
Total Rs: 80073.24
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C+blasting study
charges) 13.615% Rs: 10901.97
Total cost for 97.00 cum Rs: 90975.21
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/97 Rs. 937.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer Hour 3.40 1746.80 5939.12
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.40 1035.00 3519.00
2 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 4 Nos. Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 2.00 9.30 18.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 134.50 269.00
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 4.00 430.40 1721.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 5.10 1364.80 6960.48
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.10 1748.50 8917.35
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 76332.75
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.40 317.20 1078.48
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Pump Hour 2.00 151.00 302.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
6 Crew for Roller Hour 5.10 361.90 1845.69
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 17742.17
labour component/unit qty 43.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 48.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 76332.75
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 17742.17
Total Rs: 94074.92
Providing impervious hearting embankment with selected soil from approved borrow areas in
layers of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
all operations such as excavation, sorting out, transporting, spreading in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each layer to density control of
not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 3.40 1746.80 5939.12
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.40 1035.00 3519.00
2 Shovel 0.5 cum Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5 cum Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 2.00 9.30 18.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 134.50 269.00
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 4.00 430.40 1721.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 4.18 1364.80 5704.86
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.18 1748.50 7308.73
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 73468.51
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.40 317.20 1078.48
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Pump Hour 2.00 151.00 302.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
6 Crew for Roller Hour 4.18 361.90 1512.74
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 17409.22
labour component/unit qty 42.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 3.40 1746.80 5939.12
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.40 1035.00 3519.00
2 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 3 Nos. Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 2.00 9.30 18.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 134.50 269.00
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 4.00 430.40 1721.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 5.10 1364.80 6960.48
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.10 1748.50 8917.35
7 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 76254.75
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.40 317.20 1078.48
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Pump Hour 2.00 151.00 302.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 3.40 1746.80 5939.12
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.40 1035.00 3519.00
2 Shovel 0.5 cum Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5 cum Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 2.00 9.30 18.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 134.50 269.00
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 4.00 430.40 1721.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 4.17 1364.80 5691.22
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.17 1748.50 7291.25
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 73437.38
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.40 317.20 1078.48
Providing semi-pervious / pervious casing embankment using soil from approved borrow area
in layers of 25cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
all operations such as excavation, sortingout, transporting, spreading in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, compacting each layer without watering to density
control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 3.40 1746.80 5939.12
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.40 1035.00 3519.00
2 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 3 Nos. Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 4.17 1364.80 5691.22
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.17 1748.50 7291.25
5 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 69316.58
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 69316.58
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 16156.00
Total Rs: 85472.58
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 11637.09
Total cost for 412.80 cum Rs: 97109.67
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/412.80 Rs. 235.20
Providing hearting / casing embankment with homogeneous soil from approved borrow
areas in layers of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, all operations such as excavation, sorting out, transporting, spreading in layer of
specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each layer to density
control of not less than 98 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer Hour 6.06 1746.80 10585.61
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.06 1035.00 6272.10
2 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 6 Nos. Hour 48.00 504.80 24230.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 508.40 24403.20
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 3.00 9.30 27.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 134.50 403.50
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 6.00 430.40 2582.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.00 508.40 3050.40
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 7.53 1364.80 10276.94
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 7.53 1748.50 13166.21
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 6.06 317.20 1922.23
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
4 Crew for Pump Hour 3.00 151.00 453.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 6.00 236.90 1421.40
6 Crew for Roller Hour 7.53 361.90 2725.11
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 23880.54
labour component/unit qty 35.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 40.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 109452.26
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 23880.54
Total Rs: 133332.80
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 18153.26
Total cost for 677.28 cum Rs: 151486.06
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/677.28 Rs. 223.70
Providing hearting / casing embankment with homogeneous soil from approved borrow
areas in layers of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, all operations such as excavation, sorting out, transporting, spreading in layer of
specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each layer to density
control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 6.06 1746.80 10585.61
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.06 1035.00 6272.10
2 Shovel 0.5 cum Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5 cum 3 Nos Hour 48.00 504.80 24230.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 6.06 317.20 1922.23
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
4 Crew for Pump Hour 3.00 151.00 453.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 6.00 236.90 1421.40
6 Crew for Roller Hour 6.16 361.90 2229.30
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 23384.74
labour component/unit qty 34.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 39.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 105265.04
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 23384.74
Total Rs: 128649.77
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 17515.67
Total cost for 677.28 cum Rs: 146165.44
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/677.28 Rs. 215.80
Providing casing embankment using homogeneous soil from approved borrow area
in layers of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
all operations such as excavation, sortingout, transporting, spreading in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, compacting each layer without watering to density
control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 6.06 317.20 1922.23
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
4 Crew for Roller Hour 6.16 361.90 2229.30
5 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
6 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 21510.34
labour component/unit qty 31.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 36.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 99122.84
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 21510.34
Total Rs: 120633.17
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 16424.21
Total cost for 677.28 cum Rs: 137057.38
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/677.28 Rs. 202.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer Hour 4.04 1746.80 7057.07
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.04 1035.00 4181.40
2 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 6 Nos. Hour 48.00 504.80 24230.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 508.40 24403.20
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 3.00 9.30 27.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 134.50 403.50
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 6.00 430.40 2582.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.00 508.40 3050.40
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 7.50 1364.80 10236.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 7.50 1748.50 13113.75
7 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 103739.62
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.58 317.20 1135.58
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
4 Crew for Pump Hour 3.00 151.00 453.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 6.00 236.90 1421.40
6 Crew for Roller Hour 7.50 361.90 2714.25
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 24123.03
labour component/unit qty 32.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 37.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 103739.62
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 24123.03
Total Rs: 127862.65
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 17408.5
Total cost for 735.36 cum Rs: 145271.15
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/735.36 Rs. 197.60
Providing impervious hearting embankment with soil from approved dump areas in layers
of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all
operations such as re-excavation, sorting out, transporting, spreading in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each layer to achieve density
control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 4.04 1746.80 7057.07
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.04 1035.00 4181.40
2 Shovel 0.5 cum Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5 cum Hour 48.00 504.80 24230.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 508.40 24403.20
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 3.00 9.30 27.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 134.50 403.50
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 6.00 430.40 2582.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.00 508.40 3050.40
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 6.13 1364.80 8366.22
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.13 1748.50 10718.31
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 99552.40
Sl No Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 4.04 317.20 1281.49
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
4 Crew for Pump Hour 3.00 151.00 453.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 6.00 236.90 1421.40
6 Crew for Roller Hour 6.13 361.90 2218.45
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 23773.14
labour component/unit qty 32.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 36.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 99552.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 23773.14
Total Rs: 123325.54
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 16790.77
Total cost for 735.36 cum Rs: 140116.31
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/735.36 Rs. 190.50
Providing semi-pervious / pervious casing embankment using soil from approved dump area
in layers of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 105236.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 24441.84
Total Rs: 129678.44
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 17655.72
Total cost for 768.00 cum Rs: 147334.16
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/768 Rs. 191.80
Providing semi-pervious / pervious casing embankment using soil from approved dump area
in layers of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
all operations such as re-excavation, sorting out, transporting, spreading in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each layer to density control of
not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 4.22 1746.80 7371.50
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.22 1035.00 4367.70
2 Shovel 0.5 cum Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5 cum of 6 Nos Hour 48.00 504.80 24230.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 508.40 24403.20
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 3.00 9.30 27.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 134.50 403.50
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 6.00 430.40 2582.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.00 508.40 3050.40
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 6.40 1364.80 8734.72
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.40 1748.50 11190.40
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 100893.72
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 4.22 317.20 1338.58
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
4 Crew for Pump Hour 3.00 151.00 453.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 6.00 236.90 1421.40
6 Crew for Roller Hour 6.40 361.90 2316.16
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 23927.94
labour component/unit qty 31.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 35.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Providing semi-pervious / pervious casing embankment using soil from approved dump area
in layers of 25 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
all operations such as re-excavation, sorting out, transporting, spreading in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, compacting each layer without watering to density
control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 4.22 1746.80 7371.50
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.22 1035.00 4367.70
2 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 6 Nos. Hour 48.00 504.80 24230.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 508.40 24403.20
4 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 6.40 1364.80 8734.72
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.40 1748.50 11190.40
5 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 94751.52
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 4.22 317.20 1338.58
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 236.90 11371.20
4 Crew for Roller Hour 6.40 361.90 2316.16
5 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
6 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 22053.54
labour component/unit qty 28.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 32.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 94751.52
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 22053.54
Total Rs: 116805.06
Providing impervious hearting embankment with soil collected in embankment area in
heaps as part of disposal of excavated soil from canal including cost of all materials,machinery,
labour, all operations such as sortingout, spreading in layer of 25 cm before compaction,
breaking clods,sectioning, watering and compacting each layer to density control of not less
than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/
8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with lead upto 1 km for water.
Providing semi-pervious / pervious casing embankment using soil collected in heaps in
embankment area as part of disposal of excavated soil from canal including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as sorting-out, spreading in layers of 25
Providing semi-pervious / pervious casing embankment using soil collected in heaps in
embankment area as part of disposal of excavated soil from canal including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as sorting-out, spreading in layers of 25
cm before compaction, breaking clods, sectioning and compacting each layer without
watering to density control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated by Sheep foot roller /
Providing compacted embankment for field irrigation channels with gravely soil from
approved borrow area including sorting out, spreading in layers of 15 cm thickness, breaking
clods, watering, compacting, dressing sides to required slopes etc.,complete with lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 1.00 9.30 9.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 143.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 9811.00
Total Rs: 9954.80
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1355.35
Total cost for 25.00 cum Rs: 11310.15
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/25 Rs. 452.40
Providing and constructing dry rubble rock-toe using rubble and stone chips from
approved source including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, hand packing rubble
and stone chips, finishing top and sides to required slopes etc., complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Rubble cum 100.00 419.00 41900.00
2 Stone chips cum 15.00 540.00 8100.00
3 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 50052.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Class-II Day 7.00 550.00 3850.00
3 mazdoor Day 19.00 520.00 9880.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 14415.00
labour component/unit qty 144.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 19.60
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 163.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 50052.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 14415.00
Total Rs: 64467.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 8777.18
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 73244.18
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs. 732.40
Providing and constructing longitudinal and cross graded filter drains using sand and
20 mm down graded aggregates satisfying specified filter creteria in layers as per specifications
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, laying to required slopes, compaction etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 36.00 520.00 18720.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 19405.00
labour component/unit qty 194.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 26.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 70238.40
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 19405.00
Total Rs: 89643.40
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12204.95
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 101848.35
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs. 1018.50
Laying Longitudinal Drains and Transverse drains of Size 600 x600 x750 mm in Bed and
filling with 12 mm to 40 mm HG machine Crushed metal and sand in bed including
Excavation of drains and Cost of procuring of all materials including 50 m lead and for all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: Unit: 100 mt
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 12 mm to 40 mm metal Cum 13.50 899.00 12136.50
2 Sand (Un-Screened ) cum 36.00 630.00 22680.00
Total cost of Materials Rs. 34816.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Excavation of drain with Excavator Cum 45 48.00 2160.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Total Rs. 2160.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Labour for Sand laying Cum 5.14 520.00 2672.80
2 Labour for Metal laying Cum 1.93 520.00 1003.60
Total cost of Labour Rs. 3676.40
labour component/unit qty 36.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 41.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs. 34816.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs. 2160.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs. 3676.40
Total Rs: 40652.90
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 5534.89
Total cost for 100.00 mt Rs: 46187.79
Rate per mt (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs. 461.90
Laying and fixing of 100 mm Dia 300 mm long precast porus CC plugs in bed and sides
using 1.181 Kgs of cement per each using 20 mm HG metal and placing in local filters of size
600x600x750 mm in size including Excavation of drains and Cost of procuring of all materials
including 50 m lead and for all lifts.
DATA Rate Analysis Unit 1 Plug
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Excavation of drain with Excavator Cum 0.27 48.00 12.96
2 Machine mixing Charges Cum 0.00 495.80 1.49
Total hire charges of Machinery Total Rs. 14.45
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mazdoor Day 0.30 520.00 156.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 156.00
labour component/unit qty 156.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 21.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 177.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs. 214.90
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs. 14.45
C. Cost of Labour Rs. 156.00
Total Rs: 385.35
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 52.47
Total cost for 1.00 Plug Rs: 437.82
Rate per Plug (A+B+C+D)/1.0 Rs. 437.80
Providing and constructing 0.50 m thick vertical or inclined graded filter media consisting of
15 cm thick sand layers and 20 cm thick 20 mm down coarse aggregate layer using approved
materials satisfying specified filter creteria as per specifications including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, laying to required slope, compaction etc., complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Sand (Un-Screened ) cum 60.00 630.00 37800.00
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm 75 % cum 30.00 1000.00 30000.00
3 Coarse aggregate 10 mm down 25 % cum 10.00 768.00 7680.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 75480.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
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Canal and Allied Works-2022-23
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 36.00 520.00 18720.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 19405.00
labour component/unit qty 194.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 26.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 220.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 75480.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 19405.00
Total Rs: 94885.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12918.59
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 107803.59
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 1078.00
Providing and constructing graded filter media below and behind rock-toe consisting of
20 cm thick sand, 15 cm thick 20 mm down and 15 cm thick 40 mm down size graded coarse
aggregates satisfying filter creteria behind rock-toe and 15 cm thick sand, 20 cm thick 20 mm
down coarse aggregate and 65 cm thick 40 mm down size coarse aggregate satisfying filter
creiteria below rock-toe as per specifications including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
laying to required slope, compaction etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Sand (Un-Screened ) cum 58.77 630.00 37025.10
2 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 52.70 899.00 47377.30
3 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 50.70 1000.00 50700.00
4 Coarse aggregate 10 mm down cum 13.80 768.00 10598.40
Total cost of Materials Rs: 145700.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoors Day 60.00 520.00 31200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 31885.00
labour component/unit qty 181.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 24.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 205.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 145700.80
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 31885.00
Total Rs: 177585.80
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 24178.31
Providing and laying filter media consisting of 2 layers of poly-propeline nonwoven filter
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.00 317.20 951.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 24.00 236.90 5685.60
4 Crew for Pump Hour 4.00 151.00 604.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
6 Crew for Road roller Hour 11.50 304.50 3501.75
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 38.00 520.00 19760.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 35358.15
labour component/unit qty 89.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 12.20
Providing cohesive non-swelling ( CNS ) soil lining to canals using soil from approved borrow
area including spreading soil in layers of thickness not more than 15 cm, breaking clods,
watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated,
dressing to required profile etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Shovel 0.5 cum Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
2 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 3.00 1746.80 5240.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 1035.00 3105.00
3 Tippers 5 cum Hour 24.00 504.80 12115.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 508.40 12201.60
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 4.00 9.30 37.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 134.50 538.00
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 4.00 430.40 1721.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
6 Diesel road roller 8-10 tonnes Hour 10.00 219.80 2198.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 10.00 1210.50 12105.00
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 65827.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
2 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.00 317.20 951.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 24.00 236.90 5685.60
4 Crew for Pump Hour 4.00 151.00 604.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
6 Crew for Road roller Hour 10.00 304.50 3045.00
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 38.00 520.00 19760.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 34901.40
labour component/unit qty 88.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 81678.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 9830.00
Total Rs: 91508.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12458.81
Total cost for 1000.00 kg Rs: 103966.81
Rate per kg (A+B+C+D)/1000.0 Rs. 104.00
Providing and laying 75 mm thick in-situ M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less
than 15 N / sqmm ) grade cement concrete with 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard,
graded aggregates for canal lining using vibrating cylinder type mechanical paver including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position,
finishing, forming contraction joints, fixing PVC joint sealing strips, curing, shifting of paver
from one side to other side of canal etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
(43 Gr Cement content: 300 kg /cum (22.5 kg/ sqm) for
use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35,
FA : 0.45 cum equivalent concrete volume:79.2 cum including the extra quantity of
concrete for curvatures and bends etc.,)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement 43 Gr kg 23760.00 5.60 133056.00
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 41.18 1000.00 41184.00
Coarse aggregate 10-4.75 mm cum 22.18 768.00 17031.17
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 35.64 630.00 22453.20
4 Super plasticiser kg 95.04 64.00 6082.56
5 PVC sealing strip Rm 640.00 51.00 32640.00
6 Use rate of paving cylinder sqm 960.00 0.89 858.60
7 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 253435.53
Dismantling, shifting and re-erecting mechanical concrete paver and DG set with all
accessories across canal CD work or other locations wherever shifting and re-erecting is
necessary including aligning paver correctly for continuing canal lining work, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Note: Local shifting and re-erection of paver for LH and RH side lining included in concrete lining rates
under items IRR-CAW-7-7 and IRR-CAW-7-8 and saperate rate for shifting shall not be allowed.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Tipper Hour 4.00 504.80 2019.2
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.4
2 Sundries (ropes / rails etc) LS 1.00 26.00 26
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2553.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Tipper Hour 4.00 236.90 947.6
2 Crew for Paver Hour 8.00 581.60 4652.8
3 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120
Total cost of Labour Rs: 8720.40
labour component/unit qty 8720.40
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1187.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 9907.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 17684.04
Total cost for 28.17 cum Rs: 147570.45
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/28.17 Rs. 5238.60
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 (28 days cube compressive strength not less than
10 N/sqm) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregade for bed and side lining of canal(100 mm thick) including, finishing the junction of bed
and sides to required curvature, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork including supports
cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,
complete with initial lead up to 50 m and all lifts (Cement content: 250 kg/cum)
( 43 Gr Cement content: 250 kg / cum for use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 6750 5.60 37800.00
Cement for incidentals @ 5 Kg / cum kg 135 5.60 756.00
2 Coarse aggregate 40mm cum 12.15 899.00 10922.85
Coarse aggregate 20 mm . cum 7.29 1000.00 7290.00
Coarse aggregate 10 mm . cum 4.86 768.00 3732.48
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened) cum 10.8 630.00 6804.00
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
15 N /sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for bed and side lining of canal(150 mm thick) including finishing the junction of bed
and sides to required curveture, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork including supports,
cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 290 kg / cum for use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 7226.8 5.60 40470.08
Cement for incidentals @ 5 kg / cum kg 124.6 5.60 697.76
2 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 11.21 899.00 10081.386
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 6.73 1000.00 6728.4
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 4.49 768.00 3444.94
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened) cum 9.97 630.00 6279.84
4 Super Plasticizer kg 28.91 64.00 1850.06
5 Use rate of manual paver sqm 166.14 27.12 4505.11
Providing and laying150mm thick insitu vibrated M-15 (28 days cube compressive strength-not
less than 15.00 N / sq mm) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard,
graded aggregates for bed and side lining of canal lining using vibrating cylindertype
mechanical paver including cost of all materials mechinery labour batching mixing placing in position
forming contractiom joints fixing pvc joint seiling strips shifting of paver from one side of canal to
other side etc.complete with 1km lead & all lifts.
(43 Gr Cement content: 300 kg /cum (45 kg/ sqm) for
use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35,
FA : 0.44 cum equivalent concrete volume:132 cum including the extra quantity of
concrete for curvatures and bends etc.,)
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement 43 Gr Kg 39600.00 5.60 221760
2 Coarse aggregate 20 mm cum 68.64 1000.00 68640
Coarse aggregate 10 mm cum 36.96 768.00 28385.28
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened) cum 58.08 630.00 36590.4
4 Super plasticiser kg 158.40 64.00 10137.6
5 PVC sealing strip Rm 533.00 51.00 27183
6 Use rate of paving cylinder sqm 800.00 0.894 715.5
Total cost of Materials Rs. 393411.78
Sl.No Particulars Unit Qty Rate in Rs. Amount
Providing and fixing pre-cast RCC template walls consisting of 0.05 cum M-15 grade
concrete using 20 mm down size coarse aggregates and 10 kg reinforcement steel moulded
as per specifications and drawing in CM 1:4 proportion including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, formwork, fabricating and placing reinforcement steel, mixing, laying,
conveying and fixing in position including necessary excavation for seating, finishing joints in
CM 1:4, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI pressure relief pipes 12.50 cm long with
one end closed with perforated GI plate and other end provided with alluminium lid hinged
to pipe including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI pressure relief pipes 30 cm long with
one end closed with perforated GI plate and other end provided with alluminium lid hinged
to pipe including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 GI pipe 50 mm dia 10 Nos Rm 3.00 312.00 936.00
2 GI plate & Alluminium lid ( hinged ) LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1196.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Drilling 8 mm dia holes LS 7.00 26.00 182.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 182.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Pipe fitter Day 0.50 675.00 337.50
mazdoor Day 0.50 520.00 260.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 597.50
labour component/unit qty 59.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 8.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 67.90
Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI pressure relief pipes 45 cm long with
one end closed with perforated GI plate and other end provided with alluminium lid hinged
to pipe including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 GI pipe 50 mm dia 10 Nos Rm 4.50 312.00 1404.00
2 GI plate & Alluminium lid ( hinged ) LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1664.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Drilling 8 mm dia holes LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 260.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Pipe fitter Day 0.50 675.00 337.50
mazdoor Day 0.50 520.00 260.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 597.50
labour component/unit qty 59.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 8.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 67.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1664.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 260.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 597.50
Total Rs: 2521.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 343.3
Total cost for 10.00 Nos. Rs: 2864.80
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 286.50
Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI pressure relief pipes 75 cm long with
one end closed with perforated GI plate and other end provided with alluminium lid hinged
to pipe including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Providing and fixing 100 mm dia perforated PVC pipes 40 cm long for Weep holes
including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc. complete with all
leads and lifts.
Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Particulars Unit Qty Rs Rs.
1 PVC pipe 100 mm dia 10 Nos Rm 10.00 172.00 1720.00
Total cost of Materials Rs. 1720.00
Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Description Unit Quantity
Rs. Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire chargs of Machinery Rs. 0.00
Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Particulars Unit Qty Rs Rs.
1 Pipe fitter Day 0.25 675.00 168.75
2 Mazdoor Day 0.25 520.00 130.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 298.75
labour component/unit qty 29.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs. 1720.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs. 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs. 298.75
Total Rs: 2018.75
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 274.85
Total cost for 10.00 Nos. Rs: 2293.60
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 229.40
Drilling 32 mm dia pressure relief hole below pressure relief pipe for bed and side lining of
canal laid on rock including cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of drill rod 1.6 m long Rm 10.00 35.93 359.33
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 35.93
2 Use rate of air hose 2 Nos. Hour 2.00 11.31 22.63
Total cost of Materials Rs: 417.89
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Air compressor 8.5 cmm diesel Hour 1.00 280.50 280.50
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 1513.20 1513.20
2 Jack hammer 2 Nos. Hour 2.00 21.40 42.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1836.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 1.00 288.30 288.30
2 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 2.00 450.50 901.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1189.30
labour component/unit qty 118.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 16.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 135.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 417.89
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1836.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1189.30
Total Rs: 3443.69
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 468.86
Total cost for 10.00 Nos. Rs: 3912.55
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 391.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 0.10 550.00 55.00
2 mazdoor Day 0.10 520.00 52.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 107.00
labour component/unit qty 10.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 12.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 335.70
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 107.00
Total Rs: 442.70
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 60.27
Total cost for 10.00 Nos. Rs: 502.97
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 50.30
Providing and fixing 25 to 40 mm thick Shahabad / Talikota / other similar stone slabs
with pointing and finishing joints neatly in CM 1:3 proportion for canal / field channel lining
including cutting slabs to required size, mixing mortar, finishing joints neatly, curing etc.,
complete with lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Fixing PCC slabs of various sizes in CM 1 : 3 proportion to the side slopes of canal
including preparing bed, flush pointing joints in CM 1 : 3 propn, cost of all materials ( excluding
PCC slabs ), labour, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 1.00 9.30 9.30
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 134.50 134.50
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 143.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Operator pump Hour 1.00 151.00 151.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 Mason Class I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
4 Mason Class II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
5 mazdoor Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
6 Cartman with Double Bullock cart for water Day 1.00 605.00 605.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 5751.00
labour component/unit qty 57.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 7.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 65.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 424.40
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 143.80
Providing and fixing LDPE sheet for bed and sides of canal including cost of all materials,
labour, laying, joining etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Using 500 micron thick LDPE sheet.
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 2033.06
Total cost for 250.00 sqm Rs: 16965.56
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/250.0 Rs. 67.90
Providing and fixing LDPE sheet for bed and sides of canal including cost of all materials,
labour, laying, joining etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
b. Using 750 micron thick LDPE sheet.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 LDPE sheet 750 micron thick 275.00 149.00 40975.00
2 Bitumen 85 / 25 and 80 / 100 Gr 4.00 52.00 208.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 41183.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Joining & laying @ 10 % of sheet cost sqm 250.00 14.90 3725.00
2 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4245.00
labour component/unit qty 17.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 19.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 41183.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4245.00
Total Rs: 45428.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 6185.02
Total cost for 250.00 sqm Rs: 51613.02
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/250.0 Rs. 206.50
Note : i ) If the surface on which the LDPE sheet is to be laid is too rough and undulating
provide average 75 mm thick unscreened sand backing to LDPE sheet.
Providing and fixing LDPE sheet for bed and sides of canal including cost of all materials,
labour, laying, joining etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
c. Using 1000 micron thick LDPE sheet.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 LDPE sheet 1000 micron thick 275.00 195.00 53625.00
2 Bitumen 85 / 25 and 80 / 100 Gr 4.00 52.00 208.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 53833.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Joining & laying @ 10 % of sheet cost sqm 250.00 19.50 4875.00
2 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 5395.00
labour component/unit qty 21.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 24.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 53833.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 5395.00
Total Rs: 59228.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 8063.89
Total cost for 250.00 sqm Rs: 67291.89
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/250.0 Rs. 269.20
Note : i ) If the surface on which the LDPE sheet is to be laid is too rough and undulating
provide average 75 mm thick unscreened sand backing to LDPE sheet.
For providing average 75 mm thick sand backing add per sqm Rs: 67.90
Providing and fixing 12 mm thick 380 mm depth tarfelt expansion joint filler boards for
stone masonry lining of canal including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Tarfelt joint filler board 12 mm thick sqm 38.75 390.00 15112.50
Total cost of Materials Rs: 15112.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 15112.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1070.00
Total Rs: 16182.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 2203.25
Total cost for 100.00 Rm Rs: 18385.75
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/100.00 Rs. 183.90
Providing and fixing 20 mm thick 100 mm depth tarfelt expansion joint filler boards for
cement concrete lining of canal including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Tarfelt joint filler board 20 mm thick sqm 10.00 597.00 5970.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 5970.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Carpenter Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
2 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1070.00
labour component/unit qty 10.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 12.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5970.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1070.00
Manufacturing 550 x 300 x 55 mm size PCC lug slabs in M-15 grade ( 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than 15 N / sqmm ) cement concrete using 20 mm down graded
coarse aggregate including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, batching, mixing, laying,
compacting, formwork, finishing, curing etc.,complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( Cement content : 300 kg / cum with super plastcizer (0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80 cum, Blending Ratio of CA : 65:35, FA : 0.45cum,
equivalent concrete volume: 0.23 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 69.00 5.60 386.40
Cement for incidentals @ 0.5 kg/slab kg 12.50 5.60 70.00
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 0.12 1000.00 119.60
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 0.06 768.00 49.46
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 0.10 630.00 65.21
4 Super Plasticizer kg 0.28 64.00 17.66
5 Use rate of moulds for 500 uses No. 25.00 3.26 81.60
Total cost of Materials Rs: 789.93
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
Manufacturing 600 x 300 x 100mm size PCC lining slabs in M-15 grade (28 days cube
compressive strength not less than 15 N/Sqmm) cement concrete using 20mm down
grades coarse aggregate including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, batching,
mixing, laying, compacting, formwork, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m
and all lifts.
( Cement content : 300 kg / cum with super plastcizer (0.4% by wt. of cement),
A. Cost of Materials Rs. 12146.88
B. Hire Charges of machinery Rs. 1570.81
C. Cost of Labour Rs. 4871.23
Total Rs: 18588.92
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 2530.88
Total cost for 225.00 Nos. Rs: 21119.80
Manucturing 400 x 400 x 30 mm size PCC lining slabs in M-15 grade ( 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than 15 N / sqmm )cement concrete using 10 mm down graded
coarse aggregate including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, batching, mixing, laying,
compacting, formwork, finishing, curing etc.,complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( Cement content : 300 kg / cum with super plastcizer (0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.68 cum, FA : 0.43cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 324.00 5.60 1814.40
Cement for incidentals @ 0.5 kg/slab kg 112.50 5.60 630.00
2 Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 0.73 768.00 564.02
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 0.46 630.00 292.57
4 Super Plasticizer kg 1.30 64.00 82.94
5 Use rate of moulds for 250 uses No. 225.00 2.21 497.24
Total cost of Materials Rs: 3881.18
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hand mixer 45 / 30 ltr Hour 8.00 6.40 51.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.10 9.30 0.93
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.10 134.50 13.45
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 0.20 430.40 86.08
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.20 508.40 101.68
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 253.34
Aportioned hire charges of machinery for lining slab 90% 228.01
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Pump Hour 0.10 151.00 15.10
2 Crew for Water tanker Hour 0.20 236.90 47.38
3 Mason Class-I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
5 mazdoor
for batching / mixing / laying Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for demoulding / cleaning / oiling Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for shifting slabs to curing pond Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for stacking after curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for cleaning & miscellaneous Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 5547.48
Aportioned cost of labour for lining slabs 90% 4992.73
labour component/unit qty 22.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 25.20
Manufacturing 400 x 150 x 30 mm size PCC lug slabs in M-15 grade ( 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than 15 N /sqmm ) cement concrete using 10 mm down graded
coarse aggregate including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, batching, mixing, laying,
compacting, formwork, finishing, curing etc.,complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( Cement content : 300 kg / cum with super plastcizer (0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.68 cum, FA : 0.43cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 13.50 5.60 75.60
Cement for incidentals @ 0.3 kg/slab kg 7.50 5.60 42.00
2 Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 0.03 768.00 23.50
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 0.02 630.00 12.19
4 Super Plasticizer kg 0.05 64.00 3.46
5 Use rate of moulds for 250 uses No. 25.00 1.21 30.17
Total cost of Materials Rs: 186.91
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hand mixer 45 / 30 ltr Hour 8.00 6.40 51.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.10 9.30 0.93
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.10 134.50 13.45
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 0.20 430.40 86.08
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.20 508.40 101.68
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 253.34
Aportioned hire charges of machinery for lug slabs 10% 25.33
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Pump Hour 0.10 151.00 15.10
2 Crew for Water tanker Hour 0.20 236.90 47.38
3 Mason Class-I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
5 mazdoor
for batching / mixing / laying Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for demoulding / cleaning / oiling Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for shifting slabs to curing pond Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for stacking after curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 186.91
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 25.33
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 554.75
Total Rs: 767.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 104.43
Total cost for 25.00 Nos. Rs: 871.43
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/25.0 Rs. 34.90
Providing and laying uncoursed rubble stone masonry in CM 1 : 5 proportion for canal side
lining using stones and chips from approved quarry including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, forming weep holes at specified intervals, finishing, curing etc., complete
with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Thickness of the masonry assumed: 0.3 m, rubble stones : 0.96 cum, Stone Chips : 0.15cum,
Through Stones 20 x 20 x 30cm : 1/sqm)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement 43 Gr kg 1152.00 5.60 6451.20
2 Sand (Screened ) cum 4.00 830.00 3320.00
3 Uncoursed rubble stones at quarry cum 9.60 419.00 4022.40
4 Through stones 20x20x30 cm Nos 32.00 29.00 928.00
5 Stone chips at quarry cum 1.50 540.00 810.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 15531.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 4.00 9.30 37.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 134.50 538.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 575.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Operator pump Hour 4.00 151.00 604.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 Mason Class I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
4 Mason Class II Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
5 mazdoor Day 8.00 520.00 4160.00
6 Cartman with Double Bullock cart for water Day 1.00 605.00 605.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 8314.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 15531.60
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 575.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 8314.00
Total Rs: 24420.80
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3324.89
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 27745.69
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 2774.60
Providing and laying uncoursed rubble stone masonry in CM 1:5 proportion for canal side
lining using stones from approved quarry including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, forming weep holes at specified intervals, finishing, curing etc., complete
with initial lead upto 50m and all lifts.(without pin headers) : 1.1 cum)
(Thickness of the Masonry assumed: 0.3 m , rubble stones
Rate Amount
Sl. No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hand Mixing Charges Hour 8 6.40 51.20
2 5 hp pump (diesel) Hour 4 9.30 37.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5 134.50 672.50
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs. 760.90
Rate Amount
Sl. No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Operator pump Hour 4 151.00 604.00
2 Mason Class I Day 13 580.00 7540.00
3 Mason Class II Day 6 550.00 3300.00
4 Mazdoor Day 29 520.00 15080.00
5 Cartman with Double Bullock cart for water Day 1 605.00 605.00
Total Cost of Labour Rs. 27129.00
labour component/unit qty 2712.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 369.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 3082.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs. 12914.52
Providing and laying uncoursed rubble stone masonry in CM 1 : 5 proportion for canal side
lining using stones and chips from canal excavation including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, forming weep holes at specified interval, finishing, curing etc., complete
with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( rubble stones : 0.96 cum, Stone Chips : 0.15cum, Through Stones 20 x 20 x 30cm : 1/sqm)
Note: Stones and chips will be issued from dump yard at specified issue rate.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement 43 Gr kg 1144.00 5.60 6406.40
2 Sand (Screened ) cum 4.00 830.00 3320.00
3 Uncoursed rubble at dump yard cum 9.60 218.00 2092.80
4 Through stones 20x20x30 cm Nos 32.00 29.00 928.00
5 Stone chips at dump yard cum 1.50 227.00 340.50
Total cost of Materials Rs: 13087.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 4.00 9.30 37.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 134.50 538.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 575.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Operator pump Hour 4.00 151.00 604.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 Mason Class I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
4 Mason Class II Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
5 Crowbarman Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
6 mazdoor Day 9.00 520.00 4680.00
7 Cartman with Double Bullock cart for water Day 1.00 605.00 605.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 9384.00
labour component/unit qty 938.40
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 127.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1066.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 13087.70
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 575.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 9384.00
Total Rs: 23046.90
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3137.84
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 26184.74
Providing and laying uncoursed rubble stone masonry in CM 1:5 proportion for canal side lining
using stones from canal excavation including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, forming weep
holes at specified intervals, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50m and all lifts.
( rubble stones : 1.1cum, cement : 98kg, sand 0.34 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2080.00
labour component/unit qty 20.80
Providing and constructing 22.5 cm thick dry rubble stone pitching with pin headers at 2 per
sqm including cost of all materials, labour, hand packing, finishing etc., complete with initial
lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( rubble stones : 0.207 cum/sqm, Stone Chips : 0.03375cum/sqm, Pin Headers 30cm : 2/sqm)
(For Maintenance works)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Uncoursed rubble stones at quarry cum 20.70 419.00 8673.30
2 Pin header (Through stone) 30 cm Nos 200.00 29.00 5800.00
3 Stone chips at quarry cum 3.375 540.00 1822.50
Total cost of Materials Rs: 16295.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Class II Day 5.00 550.00 2750.00
3 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6555.00
labour component/unit qty 65.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 8.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 74.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 16295.80
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6555.00
Total Rs: 22850.80
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3111.14
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 25961.94
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 259.60
Providing and constructing 225 mm thick dry rubble stone pitching including cost of all materials,
labour, hand packing, finishing etc., complete
( rubble stones : 0.2475 cum/sqm) (For Maintenance Works)
Providing and constructing 45 cm thick dry rubble stone pitching with pin headers at 2 per
sqm including cost of all materials, labour, hand packing, finishing etc., complete with initial
lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( rubble stones : 0.40 cum/sqm, Stone Chips : 0.0675cum/sqm, Pin Headers 45cm : 2/sqm)
Providing and Constructing 45 cm thick dry rubble stone pitching including cost of all materials,
labour,hand packing,finishing etc.,complete ( rubble stones : 0.495 cum/sqm)
Providing and constructing 45 cm thick khandki stone pitching using 25 to 30 cm stones
with pin headers at 2 per sqm set in CM 1 : 5 proportion with pointing joints in CM 1 : 3
proportion including cost of all materials, labour, packing chips and mortar, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( Khandki stones 25- 30 cm height : 730 Nos/sqm, Stone Chips : 0.0675cum/sqm,
Pin Headers 45cm : 2/sqm)
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 66056.70
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 575.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 14669.00
Total Rs: 81300.90
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 11069.12
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 92370.02
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 923.70
NOTE: If 15 cm thick murum bed is to be provided below pitching add 75.80
( As per rate analysis under item IRR-CAW-8-1 - Note )
Providing 10 cm thick approved type grass turfing to the side slopes of canal including cost of
all materials, labour, watering for minimum 15 days etc.,complete with lead 50 m and all lifts.
(FA : 2 cum/sqm)
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Turfing sods sqm 100.00 43.00 4300.00
2 Sand for filling cum 2.00 630.00 1260.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 5560.00
A.Cost of Materials including ryolty charges Rs: 4300.00
2. The appropriate Seigniorage Charges for relevant materials are to be added to the Unit rate of work item
Charges while adding Seigniorage Charges to the data in the estimate
3. The Leads for Steel and Cement shall be from the nearest market place to the Project area
4. For earth/rockfill embankments wherever initial lead of 1km is considered in the basic rate, the additional
lead charges are to be added as follows:
Additional lead charges for Earth, Murrum etc., shall be worked out for total lead involved and 1 km lead
charges included in basic rate shall be deducted from total lead charges. No loading and unloading charges
shall be allowed for any item.
(same as above)
Example:Total lead for earth from approved borrow area : 15 Km
Initial lead included in the basic rate in the SR : 1 Km
Additional lead charges :
Lead charges for 5 km Rs. 113.60
Lead charges for next 10 km Rs. 170
Total lead charges for 15 km /cum Rs. 283.60
Less 1 km initial lead charges /cum Rs. 42.60 (-)
Net additional lead charges / cum Rs. 241.00
5. The initial lead up to 50 m as mentioned in some standard data items is meant for manual lead within the
working area. For conveyance of materials, the lead required from quarry/Borrow area/ Dump Area to worksite
shall be added to the data without deducting the 50 m initial lead charges
IRR-CCDW-1-2 Excavation for Structures- Mechanical Means ( Data adopted from MORTH)
Earth work in excavation in all kinds of soils of foundation of structures as per drawing and technical
specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Depth upto 3 m
Unit = cum
DATA: RATE ANALYSIS Unit 240.00 cum
A. Materials:
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
B. Machinery:
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hydraulic excavator 1.0 cum bucket capacity hour 6.00 1706.20 10237.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crowbarman Day 1.25 550.00 687.50
2 Stone breaker Day 1.25 550.00 687.50
3 work inspector Day 0.25 685.00 171.25
4 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4666.25
labour component/unit qty 466.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 63.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 530.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4666.25
Total Rs: 4666.25
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 635.31
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 5301.56
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 530.20
B. Machinery:
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hydraulic excavator 1.0cum bucket capacity hour 6.00 1706.20 10237.20
2 Fuel/ Energy charges hour 6.00 1479.50 8877.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 19114.20
C. Labour:
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector day 0.24 685.00 164.40
2 Mazdoor day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
3 crew for excavator hour 6.00 317.20 1903.20
Total cost of Labour Rs: 5187.60
labour component/unit qty 28.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 32.70
a) Material Rs 0.00
b) Machinery Rs 19114.20
c) Labour Rs 5187.60
Total Rs 24301.80
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3308.69
Total cost for 180.00 cum Rs: 27610.49
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/180.0 Rs. 153.40
Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting including boulders above 0.6 m upto 1.2 m dia. for
foundations of canal cross drainage and other appurtenant structures and placing the
excavated stuff neatly in specified dump area or disposing off the same as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and initial lift upto 3 m.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 9400.47
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 14692.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 44554.40
Total Rs: 68646.87
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 9346.27
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 77993.14
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 779.90
Excavation in hard rock with blasting prohibited for foundations of canal cross drainage and other a
ppurtenant structures and placing the excavated rock neatly in or stack yard as directed etc., complete
with specified dump area initial lead upto 50 m and initial lift upto 3 m.
Hard Rock ( blasting prohibited ) ( Data adopted from MORTH)
Mechanical Means RATE ANALYSIS Unit 10.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
Air Compressor 250 cft with 2 leads of pneumatic hour 6.00 247.50 1485.00
Fuel/ Energy charges hour 6.00 1210.50 7263.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 8748.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector day 0.20 685.00 137.00
2 Mazdoor day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
3 crew for compressor hour 6.00 288.30 1729.80
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4466.80
labour component/unit qty 446.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 60.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 507.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs 8748.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( diesel ) Hour 1.00 280.50 280.50
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 1513.20 1513.20
2 Jack hammer 2 Nos Hour 2.00 21.40 42.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1836.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 1.00 288.30 288.30
2 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 2.00 450.50 901.00
3 Mason Class-II Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
4 Bar bender Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
5 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
6 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2669.30
labour component/unit qty 266.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 36.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 303.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 8321.71
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1836.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2669.30
Total Rs: 12827.51
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1746.47
Total cost for 10.00 Nos. Rs: 14573.98
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 1457.40
Providing, fabricating and placing in position reinforcement steel bars for RCC works including
cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapping, welding wherever required,tying with
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Bar bender Day 6.00 685.00 4110.00
3 mazdoor Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 10515.00
labour component/unit qty 10.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 11.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 81496.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 10515.00
Total Rs: 92011.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12527.3
Total cost for 1000.00 kg Rs: 104538.30
Rate per Kg (A+B+C+D)/1000.0 Rs. 104.50
Providing, fabricating and fixing in position structural steel cutting edge consisting of 100 x
100 x 10 mm angle and 250 x 12 mm plate for sinking for sinking 4.50 m outer diameter
foundation wells foundation wells including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, bending,
welding, providing anchors etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Bending machine Hour 8.00 42.20 337.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 147.70 1181.60
2 Welding set Hour 30.00 16.00 480.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 30.00 118.20 3546.00
3 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 5805.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Str. Steel fabricator Day 2.00 695.00 1390.00
2 Welder / Gas cutter Day 5.00 615.00 3075.00
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 mazdoor Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 7750.00
labour component/unit qty 12.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 14.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 51987.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 5805.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 7750.00
Total Rs: 65542.20
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 8923.57
Total cost for 615.00 kg Rs: 74465.77
Rate per kg (A+B+C+D)/615.0 Rs. 121.10
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
15 N /sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for foundation filling including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 260 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
4 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
4 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
7 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.38 520.00 7997.60
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
8 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 15.38 127.50 1960.95
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 10% 196.10
Total cost of Labour Rs: 25779.25
labour component/unit qty 1676.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 228.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1904.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 46073.95
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 25779.25
Total Rs: 74699.09
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10170.28
Total cost for 15.38 cum Rs: 84869.37
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.38 Rs. 5518.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 600/400 ltr ( diesel) Hour 8.00 95.30 762.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 269.00 2152.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
4 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( petrol) Hour 8.00 6.60 52.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 45.20 361.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4339.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
4 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
6 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
7 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 14.40 520.00 7488.00
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
8 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 14.40 127.50 1836.00
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 10% 183.60
Total cost of Labour Rs: 25132.20
labour component/unit qty 1745.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 237.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 41197.52
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4339.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 25132.20
Total Rs: 70669.22
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 9621.61
Total cost for 14.40 cum Rs: 80290.83
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14.40 Rs. 5575.80
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 10 N / sq mm)
grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for foundation
filling including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 220 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement), CA : 0.90cum,
Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
4 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
4 Crew for Vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
6 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
7 mazdoor
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 45176.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 26217.70
Total Rs: 74240.35
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10107.82
Total cost for 16.36 cum Rs: 84348.17
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/16.36 Rs. 5155.80
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 10 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 80 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for foundation
filling including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 220 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement), CA : 0.98cum,
Blending Ratio of CA--35:30:20:15, FA : 0.35 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 600/400 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 95.30 762.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 269.00 2152.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
4 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.60 52.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 45.20 361.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4339.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 39070.38
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4339.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 25231.24
Total Rs: 68641.12
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 9345.49
Total cost for 14.55 cum Rs: 77986.61
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14.55 Rs. 5359.90
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N / sq mm )
grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for foundation
filling including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
( Cement content : 220 kg / cum) (Cement content: 310 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by
wt. of cement), CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 4398.90 5.60 24633.84
Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg / cum kg 42.57 5.60 238.39
2 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 6.39 899.00 5740.56
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 3.83 1000.00 3831.30
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 2.55 768.00 1961.63
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened) cum 5.68 630.00 3575.88
4 Super Plasticizer kg 17.60 64.00 1126.12
5 Use rate of shuttering for 40 uses sqm 14.19 355.19 5040.16
Scaffolding @ of shuttering 10% 504.02
6 Sundries LS 0.50 26.00 13.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 46664.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
4 Crew for Vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
6 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
7 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 14.19 520.00 7378.80
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
8 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 14.19 127.50 1809.23
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 10% 180.92
Total cost of Labour Rs: 24993.55
labour component/unit qty 1761.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 239.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2001.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 46664.90
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 24993.55
Total Rs: 74504.35
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10143.77
Total cost for 14.19 cum Rs: 84648.12
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14.19 Rs. 5965.30
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for sub-structure / super- structure works including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position,
levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 320 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 4800.00 5.60 26880.00
Cement for incidentals @ 5 kg / cum kg 75.00 5.60 420.00
2 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 6.75 899.00 6068.25
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 4.05 1000.00 4050.00
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 2.70 768.00 2073.60
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened) cum 6.00 630.00 3780.00
4 Super Plasticizer kg 19.20 64.00 1228.80
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 30.00 355.19 10655.73
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
4 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
4 Crew for Vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
6 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
7 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying including lifting Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.00 520.00 7800.00
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
8 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 15.00 79.80 1197.00
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 25% 299.25
Total cost of Labour Rs: 25440.85
labour component/unit qty 1696.06
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 230.92
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1926.97
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 49454.39
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 25440.85
Total Rs: 77741.14
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10584.45587
Total cost for 15.00 cum Rs: 88325.59
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.0 Rs. 5888.00
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
4 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
4 Crew for Vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
6 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
7 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.76 520.00 8195.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
8 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 31.52 127.50 4018.80
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 25% 1004.70
Total cost of Labour Rs: 29363.30
labour component/unit qty 1863.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 253.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2116.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 56163.64
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 29321.36
Total Rs: 88330.91
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12026.25
Total cost for 15.71 cum Rs: 100357.16
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.71 Rs. 6388.10
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
10 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for sub-structure / super- structure works including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position,
levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 220 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
4 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 58024.08
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2845.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 31242.10
Total Rs: 92112.08
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12541.06
Total cost for 18.00 cum Rs: 104653.14
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/18.0 Rs. 5814.10
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for well kerb including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 350 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 5250.00 5.60 29400.00
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 7.80 1000.00 7800.00
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 4.20 768.00 3225.60
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened) cum 6.75 630.00 4252.50
4 Super Plasticizer kg 21.00 64.00 1344.00
5 Use rate of curved shutter (40 uses) sqm 82.50 390.71 32233.59
6 Sundries LS 0.50 26.00 13.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 78268.69
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 78268.69
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 33706.45
Total Rs: 113882.24
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 15505.07
Total cost for 15.00 cum Rs: 129387.31
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.0 Rs. 8625.80
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for well steining including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 320 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 67704.26
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 30837.70
Total Rs: 100449.06
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 13676.14
Total cost for 15.00 cum Rs: 114125.20
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.0 Rs. 7608.30
Providing and laying insitu M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N / sq
mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for well bottom plug by tremie or skip box method including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, batching, mixing, placing in position as per detailed specifications etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts. ( Cement content : 350 kg / cum )
(Cement content: 350 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Fitter shuttering Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
5 mazdoor
for erecting/ dismantling tremie Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for feeding tremie hopper Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
for conveying concrete Day 16.00 520.00 8320.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 22973.70
labour component/unit qty 1641.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 223.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1864.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 43383.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1745.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 22973.70
Total Rs: 68102.30
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 9272.13
Total cost for 14.00 cum Rs: 77374.43
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14.0 Rs. 5526.70
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
15 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for well top plug including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 280 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 14.29 520.00 7430.80
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 22818.50
labour component/unit qty 1596.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 217.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1814.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 38646.88
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 22818.50
Total Rs: 63372.48
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 8628.16
Total cost for 14.29 cum Rs: 72000.64
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14.29 Rs. 5038.50
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for well cap including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 330 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.76 520.00 8195.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 15.76 127.50 2009.40
Total cost of Labour Rs: 25592.30
labour component/unit qty 1623.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 221.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1845.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 52560.17
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 25592.30
Total Rs: 80059.57
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10900.11
Total cost for 15.76 cum Rs: 90959.68
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.76 Rs. 5771.60
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
15 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 80 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for piers and abutments including cost of all materials, labour, machinery,
formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 250 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.98cum, Blending Ratio of CA--35:30:20:15, FA : 0.35 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 600/400 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 95.30 762.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 269.00 2152.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.60 52.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 45.20 361.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3400.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
for conveying concrete Day 14.40 520.00 7488.00
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 39.60 127.50 5049.00
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 30% 1514.70
Total cost of Labour Rs: 30999.40
labour component/unit qty 2152.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 293.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2445.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 54919.07
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3400.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 30999.40
Total Rs: 89319.17
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12160.81
Total cost for 14.40 cum Rs: 101479.98
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14.40 Rs. 7047.20
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-10 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
10 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 80 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for piers and abutments including cost of all materials, labour, machinery,
formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 600/400 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 95.30 762.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 269.00 2152.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.60 52.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 45.20 361.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3400.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
for conveying concrete Day 14.55 520.00 7566.00
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 40.01 127.50 5101.59
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 30% 1530.48
Total cost of Labour Rs: 31145.77
labour component/unit qty 2140.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 291.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2432.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 52935.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3400.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 31145.77
Total Rs: 87481.47
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
for conveying concrete Day 16.36 520.00 8507.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 44.99 127.50 5736.23
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 30% 1720.87
Total cost of Labour Rs: 32391.99
labour component/unit qty 1980.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 269.60
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2249.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 60767.72
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 32391.99
Total Rs: 95066.81
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 12943.35
Total cost for 16.36 cum Rs: 108010.16
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/16.36 Rs. 6602.10
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for cantiliver / counterfort retaining walls including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position,
levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 320 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.90cum, Blending Ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.60 52.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 45.20 361.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2029.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 69734.05
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2029.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 34750.95
Total Rs: 106514.49
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 14501.95
Total cost for 18.09 cum Rs: 121016.44
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/18.09 Rs. 6689.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.38 520.00 7997.60
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour for shuttering sqm 30.76 127.50 3921.90
Labour for scaffolding @ 15% 588.29
Total cost of Labour Rs: 27895.49
labour component/unit qty 1813.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 246.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2060.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 53429.84
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 27895.49
Total Rs: 83232.42
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 11332.09
Total cost for 15.38 cum Rs: 94564.51
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.38 Rs. 6148.50
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
15 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 80 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for cast in-situ pipes including cost of all materials, labour, machinery, formwork,
cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 250 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.98cum, Blending Ratio of CA--35:30:20:15, FA : 0.35 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 600/400 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 95.30 762.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 269.00 2152.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 60 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.60 52.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 45.20 361.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3400.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 48071.70
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3400.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 27098.50
Total Rs: 78570.90
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10697.43
Total cost for 14.40 cum Rs: 89268.33
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14.40 Rs. 6199.20
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for deck slab & kerb including cost of all materials,machinery, labour, formwork,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 330 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.76 520.00 8195.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
6 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 39.40 127.50 5023.50
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 100% 5023.50
Total cost of Labour Rs: 33464.90
labour component/unit qty 2123.41
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 289.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2412.51
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 73633.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 33464.90
Total Rs: 109005.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 14841.03139
Total cost for 15.76 cum Rs: 123846.04
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.76 Rs. 7858.00
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for slabs for small culverts span upto 2-4 mts including cost of all materials,machinery,
labour, formwork,scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating,
finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 330 kg / cum,
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement for mix kg 5200.80 5.60 29124.48
Cement for incidentals @ 5 kg / cum kg 78.80 5.60 441.28
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 8.20 1000.00 8195.20
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 4.41 768.00 3389.03
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened) cum 7.09 630.00 4467.96
4 Use rate of shuttering for 30 uses sqm 39.40 355.19 13994.53
Scaffolding @ of shuttering 200% 27989.05
5 Sundries LS 1.00 26.00 26.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 87627.53
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.76 520.00 8195.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
6 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 39.40 127.50 5023.50
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 200% 10047.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 38488.40
labour component/unit qty 2442.16
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 332.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2774.66
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 87627.53
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 38488.40
Total Rs: 128023.03
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 17430.33578
Total cost for 15.76 cum Rs: 145453.37
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.76 Rs. 9229.00
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for columns and beams including cost of all materials, labour, machinery,
formwork, scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating,
finishing, curing etc.,complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum.
(Cement content: 330 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.76 520.00 8195.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 78.80 127.50 10047.00
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 50% 5023.50
Total cost of Labour Rs: 38653.40
labour component/unit qty 2452.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 333.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2786.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 88958.94
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 38653.40
Total Rs: 129519.44
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 17634.07
Total cost for 15.76 cum Rs: 147153.51
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.76 Rs. 9337.20
Providing and laying insitu M- 20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 20 N /
sqmm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for wearing coat including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position in alternate panels, levelling, compacting,
finishing, curing, packing joints with asphalt mortar etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m
and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum. to the data
(Cement content: 330 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( petrol ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 2.00 580.00 1160.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.76 520.00 8195.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 7.88 127.50 1004.70
Total cost of Labour Rs: 26207.60
labour component/unit qty 1662.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 226.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1889.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 49878.26
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 26207.60
Total Rs: 77992.96
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10618.74
Total cost for 15.76 cum Rs: 88611.70
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.76 Rs. 5622.60
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than
20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for troughs including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position,levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Note: If water is to be brought from other place add only lead charges @ 500 ltr / cum. to the data
(Cement content: 330 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 6.30 50.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 30.20 241.60
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 302.90 2423.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 218.00 1744.00
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor
for batching materials Day 11.00 520.00 5720.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for laying Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.76 520.00 8195.20
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
7 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 70.92 127.50 9042.30
Labour cost for scaffolding @ 25% 2260.58
Total cost of Labour Rs: 35925.78
labour component/unit qty 2279.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 310.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2590.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 78450.04
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1907.10
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 35925.78
Total Rs: 116282.92
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 15831.92
Total cost for 15.76 cum Rs: 132114.84
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
Hire & running charges of crane with grab
1 Hour 2.00 623.10 1246.20
bucket of 0.75 cum capacity and accessories.
Fuel Charges Hour 2.00 508.40 1016.80
2 Crew Charges Hour 2.00 236.90 473.80
3 Consumables in sinking @ 10% of machinery charges 273.68
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3010.48
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mate (Mason Cl- ll ) day 0.12 550.00 66.00
2 Sinker ( skilled) day 1.00 580.00 580.00
3 Sinking helper ( Semi skilled) day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1686.00
labour component/unit qty 1687.00
Contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 294.20
labour component/unit qty(including contractor's profit) 1981.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 3010.48
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1686.00
Total Rs: 4696.48
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 639.43
Total cost for 1.00 Rm Rs: 5335.91
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/1 Rs. 5335.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
Hire & running charges of crane with grab
1 Hour 3.00 623.10 1869.30
bucket of 0.75 cum capacity and accessories.
Fuel Charges Hour 3.00 508.40 1525.20
2 Crew Charges Hour 3.00 236.90 710.70
Consumables in sinking @ 10% of machinery
3 charges
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4515.72
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mate (Mason Cl- ll ) day 0.15 550.00 82.50
2 Sinker ( skilled) day 1.25 580.00 725.00
3 Sinking helper ( Semi skilled) day 2.50 520.00 1300.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2107.50
labour component/unit qty 2818.20
Contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 383.70
labour component/unit qty(including contractor's profit) 3201.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4515.72
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2107.50
Total Rs: 6623.22
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 901.75
Total cost for 1.00 Rm Rs: 7524.97
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/1 Rs. 7525.00
Filling foundation wells with sand in layers of 25 to 30 cm and compacting by watering,
ramming as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.25 685.00 171.25
2 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2251.25
labour component/unit qty 150.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 20.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 170.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 9922.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2251.25
Total Rs: 12173.75
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1657.46
Total cost for 15.00 cum Rs: 13831.21
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/15.0 Rs. 922.10
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1010.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 15699.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1010.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 10477.40
Total Rs: 27187.60
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3701.59
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 30889.19
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 3088.90
Providing and constructing un-coursed rubble stone masonry with approved stones in
CM 1 : 4 proportion for super-structure portions of return walls / abutments etc., including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, cleaning, packing cement mortar, wedging
stone chips, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 143 kg / cum of masonry, rubble stones : 0.85cum, FA : 0.40 cum,
Stone Chips : 0.15 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1010.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 16091.99
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1010.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 10739.34
Total Rs: 27842.02
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3790.69
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 31632.71
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 3163.30
Providing and constructing coursed rubble masonry second sort in CM 1:4 proportion with
stones from approved source including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding,
ramps, cleaning, packing mortar, wedging stone chips, finishing, curing etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and initial lift upto 3m.
(Cement content: 133 kg / cum of masonry, rubble stones : 0.45cum, FA : 0.35 cum,
Stone Chips : 0.15 cum, Khandki stones 25 x 25 x 30 cm : 180 Nos, Header stones
25 x 25x 45 cm : 60 Nos)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 Stone chiseller Cl -II Day 3.00 550.00 1650.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
6 Mason Class-II Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
7 mazdoor
for conveying stones / rubble Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for preparation of mortar Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for loading mortar pans Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for laying & packing mortar Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for washing rubble / finishing / curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for conveying mortar / chips Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
TOTAL Rs: 11607.40
Add for labour for scaffolding @ 2.5% Rs: 290.19
Total cost of Labour Rs: 11897.59
labour component/unit qty 1189.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 162.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1351.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 21062.21
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1010.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11897.59
Total Rs: 33970.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 4625.08
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 38595.58
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 3859.60
Providing and constructing coursed rubble masonry first sort in CM 1:4 proportion with
stones from approved source including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding,
ramps, cleaning, packing mortar, wedging stone chips, finishing, curing etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and initial lift upto 3 m.
(Cement content: 133 kg / cum of masonry, rubble stones : 0.45cum, FA : 0.35 cum,
Stone Chips : 0.15 cum, Khandki stones 25 x 25 x 30 cm : 180 Nos, Header stones
25 x 25x 45 cm : 60 Nos)
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement kg 1330.00 5.60 7448.00
2 Header stones 25x25x45 cm Nos 60.00 53.00 3180.00
3 Khandki stones 25x25x30 cm Nos 180.00 24.00 4320.00
4 Rubble stones cum 4.50 419.00 1885.50
5 Stone chips cum 1.50 540.00 810.00
6 Sand (Screened) cum 3.50 830.00 2905.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1010.70
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Water tanker Hour 1.00 236.90 236.90
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 151.00 75.50
3 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 Stone chiseller Cl -II Day 6.00 550.00 3300.00
5 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 580.00 580.00
6 Mason Class-II Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
7 mazdoor
8 for conveying rubble/ stones Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
for preparation of mortar Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for loading mortar pans Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for laying & packing mortar Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
for washing rubble / finishing / curing Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
for conveying mortar / chips Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
TOTAL Rs: 13257.40
Add for labour for scaffolding @ 2.5% Rs: 331.44
Total cost of Labour Rs: 13588.84
labour component/unit qty 1358.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 185.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1543.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 21062.21
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1010.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 13588.84
Total Rs: 35661.75
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 4855.35
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 40517.10
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 4051.70
Providing cement mortar pointing to coursed rubble face stone masonry in CM 1 : 2
proportion by volume including raking and cleaning joints for 50 mm depth, pressing cement
mortar into joints, cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding, finishing, curing etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cement kg 456.00 5.60 2553.60
2 Sand (Screened) cum 0.75 830.00 622.50
TOTAL Rs: 3176.10
Add for scaffolding / ramps etc @ 2.5% Rs: 79.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- I Day 10.00 580.00 5800.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 10.00 520.00 5200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 11685.00
labour component/unit qty 116.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 15.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 132.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3255.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11685.00
Total Rs: 14940.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 2034.15
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 16974.65
Rate pe Sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 169.70
Providing cement mortar pointing to coursed rubble face stone masonry in CM 1 : 3
proportion by volume including raking and cleaning joints for 50 mm depth, pressing cement
mortar into joints, cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding, finishing, curing etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 2486.34
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 11685.00
Total Rs: 14171.34
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1929.43
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 16100.77
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 161.00
Providing 12 mm thick plastering in cement mortar 1:3 proportion by volume including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, cleaning joints, smooth finishing, curing etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- I Day 10.00 580.00 5800.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 20.00 520.00 10400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 16885.00
labour component/unit qty 168.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 23.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 191.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 4733.45
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 16885.00
Total Rs: 21618.45
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- I Day 15.00 580.00 8700.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 25.00 520.00 13000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 22385.00
labour component/unit qty 223.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 30.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 254.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 7898.65
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 22385.00
Total Rs: 30283.65
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 4123.12
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 34406.77
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 344.10
Providing 20 mm thick plastering in cement mortar 1:4 proportion by volume including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour, scaffolding, cleaning joints, smooth finishing, curing etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- I Day 15.00 580.00 8700.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 25.00 520.00 13000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 22385.00
labour component/unit qty 223.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 30.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 254.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
2 Stone chiseller Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
3 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
4 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2482.50
labour component/unit qty 248.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 33.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 282.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3798.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2482.50
Total Rs: 6280.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 855.09
Total cost for 10.00 sqm Rs: 7135.59
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 713.60
Providing and fixing 10 cm thick one line dressed burnt stone slabs for coping set in
CM 1: 6 proportion by volume with pointing to joints in CM 1 : 3 proportion by volume including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
2 Stone chiseller Cl-I Day 8.00 610.00 4880.00
3 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
4 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6812.50
labour component/unit qty 681.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 92.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 774.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3798.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6812.50
Total Rs: 10610.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1444.62
Total cost for 10.00 sqm Rs: 12055.12
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 1205.50
Providing and laying insitu M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not less than 15 N /
sqmm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved clean, hard, graded
aggregates for coping slab including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
cleaning surface, batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, compacting, finishing, curing
etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and initial lift upto 3 m.
(Cement content: 300 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),
CA : 0.80cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( diesel ) Hour 8.00 58.40 467.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 134.50 1076.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) Hour 0.50 9.30 4.65
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 134.50 67.25
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 1.00 430.40 430.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 508.40 508.40
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2553.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Class I Day 0.50 580.00 290.00
2 Bar bender Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
3 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
4 mazdoor Day 1.50 520.00 780.00
5 Painter Cl- II Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
6 Fitter shuttering Day 0.50 550.00 275.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2305.00
labour component/unit qty 230.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 31.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 261.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 10900.16
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2305.00
Total Rs: 13205.16
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1797.88
Total cost for 10.00 Rm Rs: 15003.04
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 1500.30
Laying and jointing 300 mm dia. NP- 2 class or IRC standard hume pipes in CM 1 : 2
proportion by volume including cost of all materials ( excluding pipes and collars ), machinery,
labour, aligning, packing joints with hemp, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 9.9 kg / joint, FA : 0.01cum/joint, Hemp Yarn : 0.091kg/joint)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 714.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3345.00
Total Rs: 4059.75
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 552.73
Total cost for 10.00 Joints Rs: 4612.48
Rate per Joint (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 461.20
Note: (1) For NP3 Class - 10% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
(2) For NP4 Class - 20% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
Laying and jointing 450 mm dia. NP- 2 class or IRC standard hume pipes in CM 1 : 2
proportion by volume including cost of all materials ( excluding pipes and collars ), machinery,
labour, aligning, packing joints with hemp, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 17.4 kg / joint, FA : 0.022cum/joint, Hemp Yarn : 0.127kg/joint)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3345.00
labour component/unit qty 334.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 45.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 380.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 2.50 550.00 1375.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4140.00
labour component/unit qty 414.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 56.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 470.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1783.30
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4140.00
Total Rs: 5923.30
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 806.46
Total cost for 10.00 Joints Rs: 6729.76
Rate per Joint (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 673.00
Note: (1) For NP3 Class - 10% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
(2) For NP4 Class - 20% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 2.50 550.00 1375.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4140.00
labour component/unit qty 414.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 56.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 470.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 2267.40
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4140.00
Total Rs: 6407.40
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 872.37
Total cost for 10.00 Joints Rs: 7279.77
Rate per Joint (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 728.00
Note: (1) For NP3 Class - 10% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
(2) For NP4 Class - 20% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
Laying and jointing 800 mm dia. NP- 2 class or IRC standard hume pipes in CM 1 : 2
proportion by volume including cost of all materials ( excluding pipes and collars ), machinery,
labour, aligning, packing joints with hemp, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 39.6 kg / joint, FA : 0.039cum/joint, Hemp Yarn : 0.31kg/joint)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 3.00 550.00 1650.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4935.00
labour component/unit qty 493.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 67.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 560.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 2804.80
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4935.00
Total Rs: 7739.80
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1053.77
Total cost for 10.00 Joints Rs: 8793.57
Rate per Joint (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 879.40
Note: (1) For NP3 Class - 10% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
(2) For NP4 Class - 20% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
Laying and jointing 900 mm dia. NP- 2 class or IRC standard hume pipes in CM 1 : 2
proportion by volume including cost of all materials ( excluding pipes and collars ), machinery,
labour, aligning, packing joints with hemp, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 44.6 kg / joint, FA : 0.045cum/joint, Hemp Yarn : 0.34kg/joint)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 3.00 550.00 1650.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4935.00
labour component/unit qty 493.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 67.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 560.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3160.10
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4935.00
Total Rs: 8095.10
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1102.15
Total cost for 10.00 Joints Rs: 9197.25
Rate per Joint (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 919.70
Note: (1) For NP3 Class - 10% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
(2) For NP4 Class - 20% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
Laying and jointing 1000 mm dia. NP- 2 class or IRC standard hume pipes in CM 1 : 2
proportion by volume including cost of all materials ( excluding pipes and collars ), machinery,
labour, aligning, packing joints with hemp, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
(Cement content: 49.5 kg / joint, FA : 0.05cum/joint, Hemp Yarn : 0.377kg/joint)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 3.00 550.00 1650.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 3.00 550.00 1650.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 5455.00
labour component/unit qty 545.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 74.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 619.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 4020.55
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 5455.00
Total Rs: 9475.55
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1290.1
Total cost for 10.00 Joints Rs: 10765.65
Rate per Joint (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 1076.60
Note: (1) For NP3 Class - 10% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
(2) For NP4 Class - 20% extra over the rates of NP2 Class
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
2 Mason Cl II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
3 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2972.50
labour component/unit qty 297.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 40.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 337.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 6710.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2972.50
Total Rs: 9682.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1318.27
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 11000.77
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 1100.10
Providing and filling murrum / gravely soil ( CNS soil ) for foundation or around pipes
including breaking clods, spreading in layers of 10 to 15 cm, watering, compaction by earth
masters to achieve density control of not less than 95 percent etc., complete with lead
upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Cartman with double bullock cart Day 0.50 605.00 302.50
2 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
3 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3765.00
labour component/unit qty 376.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 51.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 427.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3060.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Diesel road roller 8-10 tonne Hour 0.17 219.80 37.51
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.17 1210.50 206.57
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 244.08
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Operator road roller Hour 0.17 304.50 51.96
2 Cartman with double bullock cart Day 0.50 605.00 302.50
3 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
4 mazdoor Day 1.50 520.00 780.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1476.96
labour component/unit qty 147.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 20.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 167.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3060.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 244.08
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1476.96
Total Rs: 4781.04
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 650.94
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 5431.98
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 543.20
Providing and fixing one line dressed 111x35x25 cm thick IRC standard kilometre stone in
cement concrete M-10 grade with 40 mm down size aggregates including excavating pit of
size 70x45x40 cm, embedding the stone by 30 cm in concrete, providing 2 coats synthetic
enamel paint of approved quality and colour to exposed surfaces and lettering as directed, cost
of all materials, labour, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
( Manual mixing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
2 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
3 mazdoor Day 1.00 520.00 520.00
4 Painter Cl- I Day 1.00 665.00 665.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2420.00
labour component/unit qty 605.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 82.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 687.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3524.60
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2420.00
Total Rs: 5944.60
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 809.36
Total cost for 4.00 Nos. Rs: 6753.96
Rate per No (A+B+C+D)/4.0 Rs. 1688.50
Providing and fixing one line dressed 65x15x10 cm thick IRC standard hectometre stone in
cement concrete M-10 grade with 40 mm down size aggregates including excavating pit of
size 50x45x40 cm, embedding the stone by 30 cm in concrete, providing 2 coats synthetic
enamel paint of approved quality and colour to exposed surfaces and lettering as directed, cost
of all materials, labour, finishing, curing etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
FOR THE YEAR - 2022-23
1 All materials / bought out components for embedded parts, gates, hoists and allied works
shall conform to relevant Indian standards / technical specifications and approved drawings.
2 The basic rates are EXCLUSIVEof preparation of designs / drawings / material schedules etc.,
as per specifications and other technical data including revisions.
If designs &drawings are to be done by private agency 2% of estimated cost be added
3 The basic rates are inclusive of cost of all materials, machinery, labour, fabrication, erection,
commissioning and testing of gates, hoists and other related components as per technical
The basic rates are inclusive of finishing, wastage of materials , incidental works, temperary
supports, all enabling works, profit, overheads, small tools / plants, hidden cost
on labour etc.
The basic rates are inclusive of taxes, duties (excise ), levies and all other incidental charges including
5 turn over tax/sales tax on works contract. Separate provision shall be made in the estimate towards such
tax on works contract at the rate prevailing at the time of preparation of estimate.
The basic rates are inclusive of all leads and lifts including rehandling.
6 no provision is made for stitch welding and it is part of welding work
7 The basic rates are inclusive of preparatory works such as rectification of damages, repairing
8 shop painting, cleaning, positioning and anchoring first stage embedments,
The basic rates are not inclusive of painting with or without sand blasting,and are to be added to the rate
9 as perschedule rates formulated in the same chapter as per applicability and specifications
The basic rates are exclusive of cost of river diversion arrangements, dewatering, desilting ,secondary
10 concreting of EM parts etc., which form part of civil works.
12 Add contractors profit and overheads at 14% to all items
13 Painting Charges added extra to the data items as per applicability wherver necessary
14 HOIST EQUIPMENT1.-where sand blasting is not possible, hand and power tool cleaning be
15 adopted - Guidance may be taken from Mechanical workshop in this regard
2. Machined surfaces should not be painted
3. for maintenance unless sand blasting is essential hand and power tool cleaning be adopted
Painting of Hoast Gates is to be done as per IS 14177:1994
GAW - Work Items
Index- code
E.M Parts and anchorages
fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Embedded parts for radial gate
consists of sill beam, wall plates, anchor girders , yoke girders, tie flats, trunnion supports etc., including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, welding, finishing, with leads and lifts &all accessories
(without painting on sand-blasted or mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra
as perscedule of rates under itemsinthis chapter and add as applicable separately)
Drawing no. MD/CDO/VRSP/90-92/85-86 (Vengalaraya Sagar - Gomukhi Project)
Vent Size: 12.00 X 6.6 Mtrs
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 1945.00 16.00 31120.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1945.00 118.20 229899.00
Tower crane/heavy duty tyre mounted
2 crane 16.00 876.20 14019.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 256.00 4096.00
3 Plate shearing machine Hour 16.00 46.80 748.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 196.90 3150.40
4 Pug cutting machine Hour 76.00 7.60 577.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 76.00 4.90 372.40
5 Mobile crane 16 Tonnes Hour 22.00 2237.40 49222.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 22.00 75.00 1650.00
6 Stationery derric crane Hour 64.00 83.70 5356.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 64.00 0.00 0.00
7 Grinding machine Hour 30.00 24.80 744.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 30.00 49.20 1476.00
8 Drilling machines Hour 30.00 24.80 744.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 30.00 49.20 1476.00
9 Planing machine Hour 100.00 114.00 11400.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 100.00 147.70 14770.00
10 Bending Machine Hour 30.00 42.20 1266.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 30.00 147.70 4431.00
11 Sundries LS 100.00 26.00 2600.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 379120.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Tower crane Hour 16.00 252.70 4043.20
2 Crew for Mobile crane 16 T Hour 22.00 715.10 15732.20
3 Crew for Shearing machine Hour 16.00 189.50 3032.00
4 Crew for Planing machine Hour 100.00 288.30 28830.00
5 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 30.00 259.40 7782.00
6 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 30.00 259.40 7782.00
7 Crew for Bending machine 30.00 180.20 5406.00
8 Foreman Day 15.00 675.00 10125.00
9 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 75.00 695.00 52125.00
10 Gas cutter Day 20.00 615.00 12300.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1629339.68
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 379120.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 860252.12
Total Rs: 2868711.80
D.Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 2868711.80
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 86061.35
Total Rs: 2954773.15
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on 13.615% Rs: 402292.36
Add 2 leads
Add 1 km lead charges for fabricated parts Rs. 25.70 per tonne 786.42
Unloading charges of fabricated parts Rs 110.70 per tonne 3387.42
Total cost for 15.300 tonne Rs: 3361239.35
Rate per Tonne Rs: 219688.80
(without painting on sand-blasted or mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra
as perscedule of rates under itemsinthis chapter and add as applicable separately)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 156.00 16.00 2496.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 156.00 118.20 18439.20
2 Plate shearing machine Hour 29.00 46.80 1357.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 29.00 196.90 5710.10
3 Pug cutting machine Hour 114.00 7.60 866.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 114.00 4.90 558.60
4 Bending machine Hour 116.00 42.20 4895.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 116.00 147.70 17133.20
5 Tower crane 5 t cpacity Hour 29.00 876.20 25409.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 29.00 256.00 7424.00
6 Mobile derric crane Hour 58.00 623.10 36139.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 58.00 508.40 29487.20
7 Stationery derric crane Hour 58.00 83.70 4854.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 58.00 0.00 0.00
8 Grinding machine Hour 58.00 24.80 1438.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 58.00 49.20 2853.60
9 Drilling machines Hour 58.00 24.80 1438.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 58.00 49.20 2853.60
10 Mobile Crane 30 T Hour 100.00 3318.80 331880.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 100.00 118.80 11880.00
11 Sundries LS 500.00 26.00 13000.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 520115.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane 30T Hour 100.00 715.10 71510.00
2 Crew for Tower crane Hour 29.00 252.70 7328.30
3 Crew for Bending machine Hour 116.00 180.20 20903.20
4 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 58.00 259.40 15045.20
5 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 58.00 259.40 15045.20
6 Foreman Day 29.00 675.00 19575.00
7 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 145.00 695.00 100775.00
8 Gas cutter Day 29.00 615.00 17835.00
9 Welder ( General ) Day 17.00 615.00 10455.00
10 Welder ( X - ray ) Day 5.00 665.00 3325.00
11 Khalasi Day 493.00 605.00 298265.00
12 Helper fabrication / erection Day 667.00 550.00 366850.00
13 Electrician Day 15.00 660.00 9900.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 956811.90
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 287043.57
Total Cost of Labour 1243855.47
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 2961798.46
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 520115.30
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1243855.47
Total Rs: 4725769.23
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 4725769.23
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 141773.08
Total Rs: 4867542.31
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on 13.615% Rs: 662715.89
Add 2 leads
Add 1 km lead charges for fabricated parts Rs. 25.70 per tonne 1490.6
Unloading charges of fabricated parts Rs 110.70 per tonne 6420.6
Total cost for 29.000 tonne Rs: 5538169.39
Rate per Tonne Rs. 190971.40
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 566.00 16.00 9056.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 353.00 118.20 41724.60
2 Tower crane 5 t capacity Hour 4.00 876.20 3504.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 256.00 1024.00
3 Pug cutting machine Hour 53.00 7.60 402.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 53.00 4.90 259.70
4 Mobile derric crane Hour 50.00 623.10 31155.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 50.00 508.40 25420.00
5 Grinding machine Hour 8.00 24.80 198.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
6 Drilling machines Hour 16.00 24.80 396.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 49.20 787.20
7 Sundries LS 100.00 26.00 2600.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 116922.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 50.00 236.90 11845.00
2 Crew for Tower crane Hour 4.00 252.70 1010.80
3 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 16.00 259.40 4150.40
4 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 8.00 259.40 2075.20
5 Foreman Day 35.00 675.00 23625.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector / Mechanic 58.00 695.00 40310.00
7 Gas cutter Day 18.00 615.00 11070.00
8 Welder ( General ) Day 53.00 615.00 32595.00
9 Khalasi Day 20.00 605.00 12100.00
10 Helper fabrication / erection Day 175.00 550.00 96250.00
11 Electrician Day 3.00 660.00 1980.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 237011.40
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 71103.42
Total Cost of Labour 308114.82
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3417311.71
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 116922.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 308114.82
Total Rs: 3842349.43
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 3842349.43
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 150.00 16.00 2400.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 150.00 118.20 17730.00
2 Tower crane Hour 6.00 876.20 5257.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.00 256.00 1536.00
3 Pug cutting machine Hour 12.00 7.60 91.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 12.00 4.90 58.80
4 Mobile CRANE 16T Hour 8.00 2237.40 17899.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 75.00 600.00
5 Grinding machine Hour 12.00 24.80 297.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 12.00 49.20 590.40
6 Drilling machines Hour 12.00 24.80 297.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 12.00 49.20 590.40
7 Bending Machine Hour 10.00 42.20 422.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 10.00 147.70 1477.00
8 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 49507.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 388170.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 49507.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 214259.24
Total Rs: 651937.39
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 651937.39
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 19558.12
Total Rs: 671495.51
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 385.00 16.00 6160.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 385.00 118.20 45507.00
2 Plate shearing machine Hour 8.00 46.80 374.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 196.90 1575.20
3 Pug cutting machine Hour 110.00 7.60 836.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 110.00 4.90 539.00
4 Planing machine Hour 270.00 114.00 30780.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 270.00 147.70 39879.00
5 Mobile Crane 16 T Hour 24.00 2237.40 53697.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 75.00 1800.00
6 Stationery derric crane Hour 14.00 83.70 1171.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 14.00 0.00 0.00
7 Grinding machine Hour 14.00 24.80 347.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 14.00 49.20 688.80
8 Drilling machines Hour 21.00 24.80 520.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 21.00 49.20 1033.20
9 Bending Machine Hour 14.00 42.20 590.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 14.00 147.70 2067.80
10 Sundries LS 40.00 26.00 1040.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 188608.60
Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of vertical lift gates and
stoplog gate elements, consisting of skin plate,
horizontal and vertical girders, stiffeners, lifting pins, bronze padded slide blocks/bearings, guide shoes,
rubber seals, clamps etc., with all accessories including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, seal fixing etc.,complete as per specifications and approved drawings
(without painting on sand-blasted or mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra
as perscedule of rates under items in this chapter and add as applicable separately)
Drawing NO. CE/CDO/CL3/MRP/783/2002 (Spillway Stop log gate Elements of Madduvalasa Project)
Vent Size: 12.624 X 0.50 M 16 Elements
RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 119.000 tonne
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Structural steel
Angles / beams / channels / bars kg 5280.00 69.00 364320.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 12880.00 16.00 206080.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 12880.00 118.20 1522416.00
2 Pug cutting machine Hour 6440.00 7.60 48944.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6440.00 4.90 31556.00
3 Mobile crane 16 T Hour 360.00 2237.40 805464.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 360.00 75.00 27000.00
4 Stationery derric crane Hour 238.00 83.70 19920.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 238.00 0.00 0.00
5 Grinding machine Hour 238.00 24.80 5902.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 238.00 49.20 11709.60
6 Drilling machines Hour 357.00 24.80 8853.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 357.00 49.20 17564.40
7 Bending Machine Hour 240.00 42.20 10128.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 240.00 147.70 35448.00
8 Sundries LS 180.00 26.00 4680.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2755666.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane 16T Hour 360.00 715.10 257436.00
2 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 357.00 259.40 92605.80
3 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 238.00 259.40 61737.20
4 Crew for Bending machine Hour 240.00 180.20 43248.00
5 Foreman Day 120.00 675.00 81000.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 195.00 695.00 135525.00
7 Gas cutter Day 100.00 615.00 61500.00
8 Welder ( General ) Day 1442.00 615.00 886830.00
9 Welder ( X - ray ) Day 275.00 665.00 182875.00
10 Khalasi Day 2023.00 605.00 1223915.00
11 Helper fabrication / erection Day 2727.00 550.00 1499850.00
12 Electrician Day 10.00 660.00 6600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4533122.00
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 1359936.60
Total Cost of Labour 5893058.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 12416790.10
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2755666.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 5893058.60
Total Rs: 21065515.30
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 21065515.30
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 631965.46
Total Rs: 21697480.76
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on
(A+B+C+D+E) Rs: 2954112.01
Add 2 leads
Add 1 km lead charges for fabricated parts Rs. 25.70 per tonne 6116.600
Unloading charges of fabricated parts Rs 110.70 per tonne 26346.6
Total cost for 119.00 tonne Rs: 24684055.96
Rate per tonne Rs: 207429.00
STOP LOGS-automatic lifting beam
fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of automatic lifting beam
with all accessories for handling, lowering and lifting of spillway stop log gate elements
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, aligning, welding, finishing,
etc., complete as per specifications and drawings with all leads and lifts.
(without painting on sand-blasted or mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra
as perscedule of rates under items in this chapter and add as applicable separately)
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 187.00 16.00 2992.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
2 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
3 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
4 Foreman Day 10.00 675.00 6750.00
5 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 18.00 695.00 12510.00
6 Gas cutter Day 10.00 615.00 6150.00
7 Welder ( General ) Day 18.00 615.00 11070.00
8 Helper fabrication / erection Day 52.00 550.00 28600.00
9 Electrician Day 1.00 660.00 660.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 67725.20
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 20317.56
Total Cost of Labour 88042.76
labour component/unit qty 24955.40
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3397.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 28353.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 422448.65
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 23323.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 88042.76
Total Rs: 533814.41
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 533814.41
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 16014.43
Total Rs: 549828.84
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on
(A+B+C+D+E) 13.615% Rs: 74859.20
Add 2 leads
Add 1 km lead charges for fabricated parts Rs. 25.70 per tonne 181.34
Unloading charges of fabricated parts Rs 110.70 per tonne 781.1
Total cost for 3.528 tonne Rs: 625650.47
Rate per tonne Rs: 177338.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 1197.00 16.00 19152.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 748.00 118.20 88413.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 100.00 236.90 23690.00
2 Crew for Tower crane Hour 6.00 252.70 1516.20
3 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 16.00 259.40 4150.40
4 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 32.00 259.40 8300.80
5 Foreman Day 74.00 675.00 49950.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 124.00 695.00 86180.00
7 Gas cutter Day 48.00 615.00 29520.00
8 Welder ( General ) Day 112.00 615.00 68880.00
9 Khalasi Day 20.00 605.00 12100.00
10 Helper fabrication / erection Day 350.00 550.00 192500.00
11 Electrician Day 10.00 660.00 6600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 483387.40
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 145016.22
Total Cost of Labour 628403.62
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5474858.70
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 246998.30
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 628403.62
Total Rs: 6350260.62
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 6350260.62
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 190507.82
Total Rs: 6540768.43
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 193.00 16.00 3088.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 121.00 118.20 14302.20
2 Mobile derric crane Hour 4.00 623.10 2492.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
3 Grinding machine Hour 8.00 24.80 198.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
4 Drilling machines Hour 50.00 24.80 1240.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 50.00 49.20 2460.00
5 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 26468.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
2 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 50.00 259.40 12970.00
3 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 8.00 259.40 2075.20
4 Foreman Day 8.00 675.00 5400.00
5 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 32.00 695.00 22240.00
6 Gas cutter Day 17.00 615.00 10455.00
7 Welder ( General ) Day 18.00 615.00 11070.00
8 Helper fabrication / erection Day 52.00 550.00 28600.00
9 Electrician Day 1.00 660.00 660.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 94417.80
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 28325.34
Total Cost of Labour 122743.14
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane 16 T Hour 30.00 715.10 21453.00
2 Crew for Tower crane Hour 10.00 252.70 2527.00
3 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 30.00 259.40 7782.00
4 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 10.00 259.40 2594.00
5 Crew for Bending machine Hour 10.00 180.20 1802.00
6 Foreman Day 16.00 675.00 10800.00
7 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 50.00 695.00 34750.00
8 Gas cutter Day 8.00 615.00 4920.00
9 Welder ( General ) Day 52.00 615.00 31980.00
10 Welder ( X - ray grade ) Day 14.00 665.00 9310.00
11 Khalasi Day 170.00 605.00 102850.00
12 Helper fabrication / erection Day 230.00 550.00 126500.00
13 Electrician Day 4.00 660.00 2640.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 359908.00
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 107972.40
Total Cost of Labour 467880.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1066673.66
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 156689.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 467880.40
Total Rs: 1691243.56
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 1691243.56
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 50737.31
Total Rs: 1741980.87
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 10.00 236.90 2369.00
2 Crew for Tower crane Hour 2.00 252.70 505.40
3 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
4 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
5 Foreman Day 15.00 675.00 10125.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 19.00 695.00 13205.00
7 Gas cutter Day 4.00 615.00 2460.00
8 Welder ( General ) Day 8.00 615.00 4920.00
9 Khalasi Day 4.00 605.00 2420.00
10 Helper fabrication / erection Day 44.00 550.00 24200.00
11 Electrician Day 2.00 660.00 1320.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 62562.00
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 18768.60
Total Cost of Labour 81330.60
labour component/unit qty 3253.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 442.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 3696.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1635403.68
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 22337.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 81330.60
Total Rs: 1739071.78
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 1739071.78
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 52172.15
Total Rs: 1791243.93
1 Structural steel angles/ beams / channels 1494.00 69.00 103086.00
Structural steel plates / flats kg 6564.00 83.00 544812.00
Chequered plate kg 2442.00 68.00 166056.00
2 MS pipe 25 mm dia Rm 60.00 165.00 9900.00
3 Bolt / Nut / Washers kg 18.00 85.00 1530.00
4 Oxygen gas cum 105.00 56.00 5880.00
5 Acetyline gas cum 35.00 386.00 13510.00
6 Welding electrodes Nos 3150.00 13.00 40950.00
7 Use rate welding holder set Hour 394.00 8.94 3520.39
8 Use rate gas cutting torch set Hour 105.00 26.45 2777.25
9 Sundries LS 50.00 26.00 1300.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 893321.64
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 394.00 16.00 6304.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 394.00 118.20 46570.80
2 Pug cutting machine Hour 52.00 7.60 395.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 52.00 4.90 254.80
3 Mobile crane 30 T Hour 30.00 3318.80 99564.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 30.00 118.80 3564.00
4 Stationery derric crane Hour 20.00 83.70 1674.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 0.00 0.00
5 Drilling machine Hour 20.00 24.80 496.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 49.20 984.00
6 Grinding machine Hour 20.00 24.80 496.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 49.20 984.00
7 Tower Crane Hour 20.00 876.20 17524.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 256.00 5120.00
8 Sundries LS 50.00 26.00 1300.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 185230.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane 30 T Hour 30.00 715.10 21453.00
2 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 20.00 259.40 5188.00
3 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 20.00 259.40 5188.00
4 Crew for Tower Crane Hour 20.00 252.70 5054.00
5 Foreman Day 10.00 675.00 6750.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 50.00 695.00 34750.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 893321.64
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 185230.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 446612.40
Total Rs: 1525164.84
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 1525164.84
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 45754.95
Total Rs: 1570919.79
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 47.00 16.00 752.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 47.00 118.20 5555.40
2 Tower crane 5 t capacity Hour 2.00 876.20 1752.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 256.00 512.00
3 Pug cutting machine Hour 9.00 7.60 68.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 9.00 4.90 44.10
4 Mobile derric crane Hour 10.00 623.10 6231.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 10.00 508.40 5084.00
5 Grinding machine Hour 2.00 24.80 49.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 49.20 98.40
6 Drilling machines Hour 2.00 24.80 49.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 49.20 98.40
7 Sundries LS 25.00 26.00 650.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 20945.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 10.00 236.90 2369.00
2 Crew for Tower crane Hour 2.00 252.70 505.40
3 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
4 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
5 Foreman Day 13.00 675.00 8775.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 17.00 695.00 11815.00
7 Gas cutter Day 3.00 615.00 1845.00
8 Welder ( General ) Day 5.00 615.00 3075.00
9 Khalasi Day 4.00 605.00 2420.00
10 Helper fabrication / erection Day 36.00 550.00 19800.00
11 Electrician Day 2.00 660.00 1320.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 52962.00
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 15888.60
Total Cost of Labour 68850.60
labour component/unit qty 1377.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 187.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1564.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 8.00 16.00 128.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
2 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 2.00 259.40 518.80
3 Foreman Day 4.00 675.00 2700.00
4 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 5.00 695.00 3475.00
5 Gas cutter Day 2.00 615.00 1230.00
6 Welder ( General ) Day 1.00 615.00 615.00
7 Helper fabrication / erection Day 9.00 550.00 4950.00
8 Electrician Day 0.50 660.00 330.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 14337.60
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 4301.28
Total Cost of Labour 18638.88
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 94666.43
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1067.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 18638.88
Total Rs: 114372.31
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 114372.31
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 3431.17
Total Rs: 117803.48
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 73.00 16.00 1168.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 46.00 118.20 5437.20
2 Pug cutting machine Hour 8.00 7.60 60.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 4.90 39.20
3 Mobile derric crane Hour 4.00 623.10 2492.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 508.40 2033.60
4 Stationery derric crane Hour 8.00 83.70 669.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
5 Grinding machine Hour 8.00 24.80 198.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
6 Drilling machines Hour 16.00 24.80 396.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 49.20 787.20
7 Sundries LS 25.00 26.00 650.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 14326.80
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 4.00 236.90 947.60
2 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 16.00 259.40 4150.40
3 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 8.00 259.40 2075.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 662974.16
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 14326.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 83249.66
Total Rs: 760550.62
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 760550.62
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 22816.52
Total Rs: 783367.13
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 30.00 16.00 480.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 30.00 118.20 3546.00
2 Pug cutting machine Hour 12.00 7.60 91.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 12.00 4.90 58.80
3 Drilling machine Hour 8.00 24.80 198.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 49.20 393.60
4 Grinding machine Hour 36.00 24.80 892.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 36.00 49.20 1771.20
5 Lathe machine (Screw Rod M/C) Hour 16.00 300.00 4800.00
6 Sundries LS 10.00 26.00 260.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 12492.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 8.00 259.40 2075.20
2 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 36.00 259.40 9338.40
3 Foreman Day 2.00 675.00 1350.00
4 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 10.00 695.00 6950.00
5 Gas cutter Day 4.00 615.00 2460.00
6 Welder ( General ) Day 4.00 615.00 2460.00
7 Mazdoors Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
8 Helper fabrication / erection Day 6.00 550.00 3300.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 31053.60
labour component/unit qty 31053.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4227.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 35281.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 77250.74
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 12492.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 31053.60
Total Rs: 120796.34
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 120796.34
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 3623.89
Total Rs: 124420.23
OT SLUICE SHUTTERS EM parts for Below 5 Tons capacity (small gates)
As per Guidelines of Chief Engineer, Central Designs Organization, Hyderabad Specification drawing
for Krishna Delta System
Fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Embedded parts consisting of sil beam, slide
tracks, seal seats, Guide plates etc. with all accessories including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
etc. complete as per specifications and approved drawings.
(without painting on mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra as per schedule of rates
under items in this chapter and add as applicable separately)
Height of EM parts: 5.4 M Gate Size: 0.99 X 0.875 M
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 30.00 16.00 480.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 30.00 118.20 3546.00
2 Pug cutting machine Hour 20.00 7.60 152.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 4.90 98.00
3 Drilling machine Hour 4.00 24.80 99.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 49.20 196.80
4 Grinding machine Hour 20.00 24.80 496.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 20.00 49.20 984.00
5 Sundries LS 3.00 26.00 78.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6130.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 4.00 259.40 1037.60
2 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 20.00 259.40 5188.00
3 Foreman Day 8.00 675.00 5400.00
4 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 6.00 695.00 4170.00
5 Gas cutter Day 2.00 615.00 1230.00
6 Welder ( General ) Day 4.00 615.00 2460.00
7 Mazdoors Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
8 Helper fabrication / erection Day 8.00 550.00 4400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 25965.60
labour component/unit qty 25965.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3535.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 117246.46
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6130.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 25965.60
Total Rs: 149342.06
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 149342.06
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 4480.26
Total Rs: 153822.32
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hire Charges of Airless Spray Gun Hr 6.00 127.70 766.20
Hire Charges of Air Compressor-7 Cmm
2 (diesel) 6.00 247.50 1485.00
3 Fuel Charges of Air Compressor Hr 6.00 1210.50 7263.00
Total cost of Machinery 9514.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hire Charges of Airless Spray Gun Hr 6.00 127.70 766.20
Hire Charges of Air Compressor-7 Cmm
2 (diesel) 6.00 247.50 1485.00
3 Fuel Charges of Air Compressor Hr 6.00 1210.50 7263.00
Total cost of Machinery 9514.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
A. Cost of Materials Rs. 11303.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs. 9514.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs. 25429.80
Total Rs: 46247.50
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 46247.50
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 1387.43
Total Rs: 47634.93
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on
(A+B+C+D+E) Rs: 6485.50
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 54120.42
Rate per sq.meter 541.20
Surface cleaning of metal surfaces by chemical cleaners and then by hand and power tool cleaners
and removing dust. After cleaning,applying primary coat with one coat of Zinc rich epoxy primer to
a thickness of 40 microns ,followed by finishing coats 2 coats with Solventless Coal tar epoxy with
material, labour and all accessories with all leads and lifts
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hire Charges of Airless Spray Gun Hr 6.00 127.70 766.20
Hire Charges of Air Compressor-7 Cmm
2 (diesel) 6.00 247.50 1485.00
3 Fuel Charges of Air Compressor Hr 6.00 1210.50 7263.00
Total cost of Machinery Rs: 9514.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 21157.80
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 9514.20
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 17134.80
Total Rs: 47806.80
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 47806.80
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 1434.20
Total Rs: 49241.00
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on
(A+B+C+D+E) Rs: 6704.16
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 55945.17
Rate per sq.meter Rs: 559.50
For the Year:2022-23
Index- code
3. The Leads for Steel and Cement shall be from the nearest market place to the Project area
4. For earth/rockfill embankments wherever initial lead of 1km is considered in the basic rate, the additional lead
charges are to be added as follows:
Additional lead charges for Earth, Murrum etc., shall be worked out for total lead involved and 1 km lead charges
included in basic rate shall be deducted from total lead charges. No loading and unloading charges shall be allowed
for any item. (same as above)
Example:Total lead for earth from approved borrow area : 15 Km
Initial lead included in the basic rate in the SR : 1 Km
Additional lead charges : Lead charges for 5 km Rs. 113.60
Lead charges for next 10 kmRs. 170
Total lead charges for 15 km Rs.
/cum 283.60
Less 1 km initial lead chargesRs.
/cum 42.60 (-)
Net additional lead charges /Rs.
cum 241.00
5. The initial lead up to 50 m as mentioned in some standard data items is meant for manual lead within the
working area. For conveyance of materials, the lead required from quarry/Borrow area/ Dump Area to worksite
shall be added to the data without deducting the 50 m initial lead charges
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2942.50
Total Rs: 2942.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 400.62
Total cost for 1000.00 sqm Rs: 3343.12
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/1000.0 Rs. 3.30
Removing stumps, tree roots, roots of bamboo clusters etc., upto 1.50 m girth
including excavation, stacking the materials neatly and levelling the surface etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.25 685.00 171.25
2 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1211.25
labour component/unit qty 67.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 9.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 76.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1211.25
Total Rs: 1211.25
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 164.9116875
Total cost for 18.00 Nos. Rs: 1376.16
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/18.0 Rs. 76.50
Removing stumps, tree roots, roots of bamboo cluster etc., with girth above 1.50 m
and upto 3.0 m including excavation, stacking the materials neatly and levelling the area etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
2 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2422.50
labour component/unit qty 484.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 66.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 550.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2422.50
Total Rs: 2422.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 329.82
Total cost for 5.00 Nos. Rs: 2752.32
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/5.0 Rs. 550.50
Additional rate for every 0.5 m increase in girth of tree stump / stumps of bamboo cluster
beyond 5 m.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.22 685.00 150.70
2 mazdoor Day 0.88 520.00 455.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 605.70
labour component/unit qty 86.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 11.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 98.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 605.70
Total Rs: 605.70
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 82.47
Total cost for 7.00 Nos. Rs: 688.17
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/7.0 Rs. 98.30
Cutting and stacking bamboos excluding removing stumps and roots etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
2 mazdoor Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2942.50
labour component/unit qty 19.62
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.67
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 22.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2942.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1902.50
Total Rs: 1902.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 259.03
Total cost for 50.00 Nos Rs: 2161.53
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/50.0 Rs. 43.20
Cutting trees above 0.3 m and upto 0.6 m girth excluding removal of stumps and including
stacking the materials neatly as directed with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.25 685.00 171.25
2 mazdoor Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
labour component/unit qty 123.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 16.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 140.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 43.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
Total Rs: 1775.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 241.67
Total cost for 14.00 Nos. Rs: 2016.67
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/14.0 Rs. 144.00
Cutting trees above 0.6 m and upto 1.2 m girth excluding removal of stumps and including
stacking the materials neatly as directed with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.25 685.00 171.25
2 mazdoor Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
labour component/unit qty 432.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 58.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 491.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 43.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
Total Rs: 1775.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 241.67
Total cost for 4.00 Nos. Rs: 2016.67
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/4.0 Rs. 504.20
Cutting trees above 1.2 m and upto 1.8 m girth excluding removal of stumps and including
stacking the materials neatly as directed with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.25 685.00 171.25
2 mazdoor Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
labour component/unit qty 865.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 117.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 983.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 43.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
Total Rs: 1775.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.25 685.00 171.25
2 mazdoor Day 3.00 520.00 1560.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
labour component/unit qty 1731.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 235.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1967.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 43.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1731.25
Total Rs: 1775.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 241.67
Total cost for 1.00 No. Rs: 2016.67
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/1.0 Rs. 2016.70
Cutting trees above 2.4 m and upto 3.0 m girth excluding removal of stumps and including
stacking the materials neatly as directed with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of ropes etc LS 0.50 175.00 87.50
Total cost of Materials Rs: 87.50
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 87.50
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2771.25
Total Rs: 2858.75
13.615% Rs:
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 389.22
Total cost for 1.00 Nos. Rs: 3247.97
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/1.0 Rs. 3248.00
Additional rate for cutting tree for every 0.5 m increase in girth of tree beyond 3 m.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.10 685.00 68.50
2 mazdoor Day 1.75 520.00 910.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 978.50
labour component/unit qty 978.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 133.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1111.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 26.25
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 978.50
Total Rs: 1004.75
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 136.80
Total cost for 1.00 No Rs: 1141.55
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/1.0 Rs. 1141.50
Cutting and burning or disposing off Apu / Jondu from marshy areas as directed with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 12.00 520.00 6240.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6925.00
labour component/unit qty 6.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 0.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 7.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6925.00
Total Rs: 6925.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 942.84
Total cost for 1000.00 sqm Rs: 7867.84
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/1000.0 Rs. 7.90
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
2 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3462.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3462.50
Total Rs: 3462.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 471.42
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 3933.92
Rate per
cumCum (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 393.40
Earthwork excavation for trial pits / borrow pits and other investigation works in soft
rock including disposing off the excavated rock as directed with lead upto 10 m and lift
upto 3 m.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
2 Crowbarman Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
3 mazdoor Day 7.50 520.00 3900.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4792.50
labour component/unit qty 479.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 65.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 544.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4792.50
Total Rs: 4792.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 652.50
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 5445.00
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 544.50
Conducting geophysical investigation studies by electrical resistivity method in
stages of 5m for sub-surface details such as depth of formations, shear zones, classification
of strata, depth of water table etc., including cost of all materials, equipments, labour,
analysing and reporting the details of field studies conducted etc., complete excluding cost of
transportation arrangements.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Electric resistivity meter Hour 8.00 107.90 863.20
Battery / charging cost etc @ 20% 172.64
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1035.84
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Geophysist / Geologist Day 2.00 1250.00 2500.00
2 Graduate Engineer Day 1.00 1250.00 1250.00
3 Lab Assistant Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
4 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6515.00
labour component/unit qty 325.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 44.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 370.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 130.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1035.84
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6515.00
Total Rs: 7680.84
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1045.75
Total cost for 20.00 Stages Rs: 8726.59
Rate per Stage (A+B+C+D)/20.0 Rs. 436.30
Drilling 80 mm dia hole through over-burden using casing shoe bit vertical or inclined
upto 10 degrees to vertical as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, water
charges, reaming, collection of wash samples at suitable intervals, logging and lebelling,
supplying honne wood core box, fixing casing pipes ( excluding cost of casing pipes ) etc.,
complete for depth upto 30 m from surface.
Note: 1. For drilling through over-burden beyond 30 m from surface increase the basic rate per
Rm by 10 percent.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of casing shoe bit Rm 3.00 114.72 344.17
2 Use rate of reamer shell Rm 3.00 31.25 93.75
3 Use rate of extension rod set 16.5 m Rm 3.00 1.98 5.93
4 Use rate of honne core box Rm 3.00 304.52 913.55
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1357.39
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Core drilling machine Hour 1.00 330.60 330.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 403.50 403.50
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) 2 Nos. Hour 2.00 9.30 18.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Core drilling machine Hour 1.00 379.10 379.10
2 Crew for Pump Hour 2.00 151.00 302.00
3 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1721.10
labour component/unit qty 573.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 78.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 651.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1357.39
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 1073.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1721.10
Total Rs: 4152.19
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 565.32
Total cost for 3.00 Rm Rs: 4717.52
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/3.0 Rs. 1572.50
Drilling 76 mm dia ( NX ) core hole in hard rock using diamond core bit vertical / inclined
upto 10 degree to vertical as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, water
charges, collection of core samples, logging and lebelling, supplying honne wood core box
and redrilling in case of collapse of sides etc., complete for depth upto 30 m from surface.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of diamond core bit Rm 3.00 834.33 2503.00
2 Use rate of reamer shell Rm 3.00 93.75 281.25
3 Use rate of double tube core barrel Rm 3.00 243.42 730.25
4 Use rate of extension rod set 16.5 m Rm 3.00 26.35 79.04
5 Use rate of honne core box Rm 3.00 548.13 1644.39
Total cost of Materials Rs: 5237.93
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Core drilling machine Hour 8.00 330.60 2644.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 403.50 3228.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) 2 Nos. Hour 16.00 9.30 148.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 134.50 2152.00
3 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 8303.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Core drilling machine Hour 8.00 379.10 3032.80
2 Crew for Pump Hour 16.00 151.00 2416.00
3 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6488.80
labour component/unit qty 2162.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5237.93
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 8303.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6488.80
Total Rs: 20030.33
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 2727.13
Total cost for 3.00 Rm Rs: 22757.45
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/3.0 Rs. 7585.80
NOTE: 1. For drilling in hard rock beyond 30 m upto 60 m from surface increase the basic
rate per Rm by 25 percent.
2. For drilling in hard rock beyond 60 m upto 90 m from surface increase the basic
rate per Rm by 40 percent.
Drilling 76 mm dia ( NX ) core hole in all types of rocks (other than Hard Rock) including
Masonry/CC (where drilling is not possible by casing shoe) using diamond core bit vertical /
inclined upto 10 degree to vertical as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
water charges, and redrilling in case of collapse of sides etc., complete for depth upto 30 m from
surface for Primary and Secondary Holes
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Use rate of diamond core bit Rm 3.00 1184.01 3552.03
2 Use rate of reamer shell Rm 3.00 56.25 168.75
4 Use rate of extension rod set 16.5 m Rm 3.00 15.81 47.42
Total cost of Materials Rs: 3768.21
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Core drilling machine Hour 4.78 330.60 1578.95
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.78 403.50 1927.12
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) 2 Nos. Hour 9.55 9.30 88.83
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 9.55 134.50 1284.74
3 Sundries LS 2.99 26.00 77.74
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4957.38
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Core drilling machine Hour 4.78 379.10 1810.58
2 Crew for Pump Hour 9.55 151.00 1442.05
3 mazdoor Day 1.19 520.00 618.80
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3871.43
labour component/unit qty 1290.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 175.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1466.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3768.21
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4957.38
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3871.43
Total Rs: 12597.02
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Core drilling machine Hour 4.78 379.10 1810.58
2 Crew for Pump Hour 9.55 151.00 1442.35
3 mazdoor Day 1.19 520.00 620.88
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3873.81
labour component/unit qty 1291.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 175.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1467.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5850.75
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4957.38
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3873.81
Total Rs: 14681.94
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1998.95
Total cost for 3.00 Rm Rs: 16680.88
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/3.0 Rs. 5560.30
NOTE: 1. For drilling in all types of rocks (other than hard rock) including masonry/CC beyond 30 m
upto 60 m from surface increase the basic rate per Rm by 25 percent.
2. For drilling in all types of rocks (other than hard rock) including masonry/CC m from
surface increase the basic beyond 60 m upto 90 rate per Rm by 40 percent.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Core drilling machine Hour 8.00 330.60 2644.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 403.50 3228.00
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) 2 Nos. Hour 16.00 9.30 148.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 16.00 134.50 2152.00
3 Sundries LS 5.00 26.00 130.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 8303.60
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Core drilling machine Hour 8.00 379.10 3032.80
2 Crew for Pump Hour 16.00 151.00 2416.00
3 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6488.80
labour component/unit qty 2162.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 294.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2457.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5362.02
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 8303.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6488.80
Total Rs: 20154.42
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 2744.02
Total cost for 3.00 Rm Rs: 22898.45
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/3.0 Rs. 7632.80
NOTE: 1. For drilling in hard rock beyond 30 m upto 60 m from surface increase the
basic rate for drilling upto 30 m from surface by 25 percent per Rm.
2. For drilling in hard rock beyond 60 m upto 90 m from surface increase the basic
rate for drilling upto 30 m from surface by 40 percent per Rm.
Drilling 47 mm (BX )dia core hole in all types of rocks (other than Hard Rock) including
Masonry/CC (where drilling is not possible by casing shoe) using diamond core bit vertical /
inclined upto 10 degree to vertical as directed including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
water charges, and redrilling in case of collapse of sides etc., complete for depth upto 30 m
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Core drilling machine Hour 4.78 330.60 1578.95
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.78 403.50 1927.12
2 5 hp pump ( diesel ) 2 Nos. Hour 9.55 9.30 88.83
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 9.55 134.50 1284.74
3 Sundries LS 2.99 26.00 77.74
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4957.38
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Core drilling machine Hour 4.78 379.10 1810.58
2 Crew for Pump Hour 9.55 151.00 1442.05
3 mazdoor Day 1.19 520.00 618.80
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3871.43
labour component/unit qty 1290.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 175.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1466.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 3047.85
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 4957.38
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3871.43
Total Rs: 11876.66
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1617.01
Total cost for 3.00 Rm Rs: 13493.67
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/3.0 Rs. 4497.90
NOTE: 1. For drilling in all types of rocks (other than hard rock) including masonry/CC beyond 30 m
upto 60 m from surface increase the basic rate per Rm by 25 percent.
2. For drilling in all types of rocks (other than hard rock) including masonry/CC m from
surface increase the basic beyond 60 m upto 90 rate per Rm by 40 percent.
Providing and fixing 20 x 20 x 75 cm size roughly dressed boundary / demarcation /
chainage / arrow stones including cost of all materials, labour, engraving marks, fixing in
position, murum filling etc., complete with lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Rough stone 20x20x75 cm Each 18.00 41.00 738.00
2 Murrum cum 1.00 255.00 255.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 993.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
13.615% Rs:
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 523.91
Total cost for 18.00 Nos. Rs: 4371.91
Rate per Each (A+B+C+D)/18.0 Rs. 242.90
Providing and fixing 20 x 20 x 75 cm size temporary bench mark stone in CC 1 : 4 : 8
using 40 mm down size graded coarse aggregate including cost of all materials, labour,
dressing top surface, engraving BM data etc.,complete with lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Rough stone 20x20x75 cm Each 10.00 41.00 410.00
2 Cement for CC & top finishing kg 91.00 5.60 509.60
3 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 0.25 899.00 224.75
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 0.15 1000.00 150.00
Coarse aggregate 10-4.75 mm cum 0.10 768.00 76.80
4 Sand (Un-Screened ) cum 0.25 630.00 157.50
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1528.65
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Stone chiseller Cl- I Day 3.00 610.00 1830.00
3 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4595.00
labour component/unit qty 459.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 62.60
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 522.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1528.65
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4595.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Stone chiseller Cl- I Day 0.50 610.00 305.00
3 Mason Cl- II Day 1.00 550.00 550.00
4 mazdoor Day 5.00 520.00 2600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4140.00
labour component/unit qty 4140.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 563.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 4703.70
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 2915.65
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4140.00
Total Rs: 7055.65
13.615% Rs:
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 960.63
Total cost for 1.00 No. Rs: 8016.28
Rate per Ecah (A+B+C+D)/1.0 Rs. 8016.30
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Cl- II Day 6.00 550.00 3300.00
3 mazdoor Day 48.00 520.00 24960.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 28945.00
labour component/unit qty 275.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 37.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 313.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 28945.00
Total Rs: 28945.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3940.86
Total cost for 105.00 cum Rs: 32885.86
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/105.0 Rs. 313.20
Re-constructing 60 cm thick hand packed rough stone revetment with through
stones at 1.5 m c / c over a backing of 45 cm thick graded filter media consisting of sand,
10 mm and 40 mm size graded aggregates satisfying filter criteria laid in layers of 15 cm thick
each using sand from approved quarry and stones and filter aggregates obtained from
revetment removed for re-construction including cost of all machinery, labour, laying filter and
stones to specified slopes, wedging with chips, finishing etc. complete with initial
lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Data: RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 100 sqm
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Sand (Un-Screened ) ( from quarry) cum 15.30 630.00 9639.00
2 Coarse aggregate 10 mm (available) cum 15.30 0.00 0.00
3 Coarse aggr. 40-20 mm ( available) cum 15.30 0.00 0.00
4 Stone chips ( available ) cum 9.00 0.00 0.00
5 Rough stones ( available ) cum 57.60 0.00 0.00
6 Through stones ( available ) Nos 44.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 9639.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Cl- II Day 5.00 550.00 2750.00
3 mazdoor Day 33.00 520.00 17160.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 20595.00
labour component/unit qty 206.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 28.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 234.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 9639.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 20595.00
Total Rs: 30234.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 4116.36
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 34350.36
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 343.50
Re-constructing dry rubble rock-toe and filter media for rock-toe consisting of
sand 20 mm and 80 mm size graded aggregates satisfying filter criteria laid in layers of 15 cm
thick each using sand from approved quarry and stones and filter aggregates obtained from
rock-toe removed for re-construction including cost of all machinery, labour, laying filter and
stones to specified slopes, wedging with chips, finishing etc. complete with initial lead upto
50 m and all lifts.
Data: RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 100 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Rubble ( available ) cum 58.20 0.00 0.00
2 Stone chips ( available ) cum 8.70 0.00 0.00
3 80-20 mm filter ( available ) cum 19.40 0.00 0.00
4 20 mm down filter ( available ) cum 12.10 0.00 0.00
5 Sand (Un-Screened) ( fresh from quarry ) cum 9.80 630.00 6174.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 6174.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Cl- II Day 7.00 550.00 3850.00
3 mazdoor Day 48.00 520.00 24960.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 29495.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 6174.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 29495.00
Total Rs: 35669.00
13.615% Rs:
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 4856.33
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 40525.33
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 405.30
Removing and resetting disturbed Yarguntla / Shahabad / Talikot / PCC / Other types
of slab lining set in CM 1 : 3 including flush cement mortar pointing in CM 1 : 3 with
lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Class I Day 4.00 580.00 2320.00
3 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
4 Cartman with Double Bullock cart for water Day 1.00 605.00 605.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6730.00
labour component/unit qty 67.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 9.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 76.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 739.90
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6730.00
Total Rs: 7469.90
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 1017.03
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 8486.93
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 84.90
Removing and resetting disturbed dry rubble / khandki stone pitching 25 to 45 cm
thick including packing, wedging, finishing etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 Mason Class II Day 6.00 550.00 3300.00
3 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 7105.00
labour component/unit qty 71.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 9.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 80.80
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 7105.00
Total Rs: 7105.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 967.35
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 8072.35
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 80.70
Removing and refixing disturbed chainage / demarcation / hectometre / guard stones
including excavation, back filling etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1725.00
labour component/unit qty 95.83
Removing and refixing disturbed km stone / sign board / hecto-metre stone etc., including
excavation, back filling with available stuff after refixing, forming base platform of size 90 x 90 x
7.5 cm including watering, ramming etc complete with all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1725.00
labour component/unit qty 215.63
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 29.36
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 245.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1725.00
Total Rs: 1725.00
13.615% Rs:
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 234.86
Total cost for 8.00 Nos. Rs: 1959.86
Rate per each (A+B+C+D)/18.0 Rs. 245.00
Providing impervious hearting for breached / damaged portion of embankment
with soil from approved borrow areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm before compaction including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as collection of soil, sorting out,
spreading soil to specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each
layer to density control of not less than 98 percent or as stipulated by rolling or
by using mechanical tampers etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Data: RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 480 cum
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 83507.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 18646.10
Total Rs: 102153.70
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 13908.23
Total cost for 480.00 cum Rs: 116061.93
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/480.0 Rs. 241.80
Providing pervious/semi-pervious casing for breached / damaged portion of
embankment with soil from approved borrow areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm before
compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as collection
of soil, sorting out, spreading soil to specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering,
compacting each layer to density control of not less than 98 percent or as stipulated by rolling
or by using mechanical tampers etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 63992.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 15168.20
Total Rs: 79160.20
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10777.66
Total cost for 325.00 cum Rs: 89937.86
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/325.0 Rs. 276.70
Providing impervious hearting for breached / damaged portion of embankment with
soil from approved dump areas in layers of 10 to 15 cm before compaction including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as collection of soil,sorting out,
spreading soil to specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting each
layer to density control of not less than 98 percent or as stipulated by rolling or by using
mechanical tampers etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 3.00 1746.80 5240.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 1035.00 3105.00
2 Shovel 0.50 cum capacity Hour 8.00 993.20 7945.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 807.00 6456.00
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 4 Nos. Hour 32.00 504.80 16153.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 508.40 16268.80
4 Pump 5 hp ( diesel ) Hour 3.00 9.30 27.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 3.00 134.50 403.50
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 6.00 430.40 2582.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.00 508.40 3050.40
6 Vibratory pad foot roller 8 tonne Hour 5.50 1364.80 7506.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.50 1748.50 9616.75
7 Sundries LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 78408.75
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 3.00 317.20 951.60
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 32.00 236.90 7580.80
4 Crew for Pump Hour 3.00 151.00 453.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 6.00 236.90 1421.40
6 Crew for Roller Hour 5.50 361.90 1990.45
7 work inspector Day 2.00 685.00 1370.00
8 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 19424.85
labour component/unit qty 44.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 6.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 50.10
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 78408.75
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 19424.85
Total Rs: 97833.60
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 13320.04
Total cost for 440.00 cum Rs: 111153.64
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/440.0 Rs. 252.60
Repairing rain cuts / resectioning canal slopes to required lines and grades as directed
using available soil including dressing, clod breaking, packing, tamping etc., complete with
all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
2 mazdoor Day 8.00 520.00 4160.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4845.00
labour component/unit qty 4.85
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 0.66
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 5.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4845.00
Total Rs: 4845.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 659.65
Total cost for 1000.00 sqm Rs: 5504.65
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/1000.0 Rs. 5.50
Cleaning drainage gallery, adits, instrumentation galleries etc., by scrubbing / brushing
including chiselling and removing leached lime deposit and disposing off all the waste material
out side adits in specified location etc., complete with all leads and lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Wire brush Each 5.00 44.00 220.00
2 Coir brush Each 10.00 51.00 510.00
3 Sundries ( brooms, gloves etc ) LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 782.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Chiseller Cl II Day 2.00 550.00 1100.00
2 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4220.00
labour component/unit qty 42.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 47.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 782.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
13.615% Rs:
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 681.02
Total cost for 100.00 Rm Rs: 5683.02
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 56.80
Cleaning dam parapet inner face and top using oxalic acid and water by scrubbing /
brushing and washing to remove all surface coatings etc., complete .
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Oxalic acid ltr 5.00 90.00 450.00
2 Wire brush Each 5.00 44.00 220.00
3 Coir brush Each 10.00 51.00 510.00
4 Sundries ( brooms, gloves etc ) LS 2.00 26.00 52.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1232.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3120.00
labour component/unit qty 31.20
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 35.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1232.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3120.00
Total Rs: 4352.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 592.52
Total cost for 100.00 Rm Rs: 4944.52
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 49.40
Excavation and removal of silt and silt mixed with sand from canal bed in dry condition
including disposing off the same in spoil bank or on the canal embankment in layers as
directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 mazdoor Day 4.00 520.00 2080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 2080.00
labour component/unit qty 208.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 28.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 236.30
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 2080.00
Total Rs: 2080.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 283.19
Total cost for 10.00 cum Rs: 2363.19
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 236.30
Excavation and removal of silt or silt mixed with sand in slussy condition from canal bed
including disposing off the same in spoil bank or on the canal embankment in layers as
directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs.
1 mazdoor Day 6.00 520.00 3120.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3120.00
labour component/unit qty 260.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 35.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 295.40
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3120.00
Total Rs: 3120.00
13.615% Rs:
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 424.79
Total cost for 12.00 cum Rs: 3544.79
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/12.0 Rs. 295.40
Providing homogeneous embankment using soil from approved borrow area in layers of 25 to 30 cm
Before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as excavation,
sorting out, transportation, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 2.70 317.20 856.44
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 317.20 2537.60
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 40.00 236.90 9476.00
4 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
5 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 14595.04
labour component/unit qty 18.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 20.60
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 73524.46
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 14595.04
Total Rs: 88119.50
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 11997.47
Total cost for 807.00 cum Rs: 100116.97
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/807 Rs: 124.10
Providing homogeneous embankment using soil from approved borrow area in layers of 25 to 30 cm
before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as watering,
compacting to density control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated using 8T roller etc., complete
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 807.00 cum
Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 2.70 1746.80 4716.36
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.70 1035.00 2794.50
2 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 4.00 3.20 12.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 49.20 196.80
3 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 8.00 430.40 3443.20
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 2.70 317.20 856.44
2 Crew for Pump Hour 4.00 113.20 452.80
3 Crew for Water tanker Hour 8.00 236.90 1895.20
4 Crew for Roller Hour 6.40 361.90 2316.16
5 work inspector Day 1.00 685.00 685.00
6 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 7245.60
labour component/unit qty 9.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 10.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 35207.98
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 7245.60
Total Rs: 42453.58
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 5780.05
Total cost for 807.00 cum Rs: 48233.63
Rate per Cum (A+B+C+D)/807 Rs: 59.80
Providing homogeneous embankment using soil from approved borrow area in layers of 25 to 30 cm
Before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as compacting to
density control of not less than 90 percent or as stipulated using 2T roller etc., complete with initial
lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 0.50 685.00 342.50
2 mazdoor Day 2.00 520.00 1040.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1382.50
labour component/unit qty 1.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 0.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1.90
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
C.COST OF LABOUR Rs. 16957.50
Total 16957.50
D. Add for Contractor's Profit and overheads 13.615% 2308.76
Total Cost for removal weed in the extent of 2000 Sqm 19266.26
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/2000 9.6
Removal of Water Hyacinth beyond 30 cm thick
A. MATERIALS Unit : 2000 Sqm
Sl. Rate Amount
Particulars Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 Work Inspector Day 5 685.00 3425
2 Mazdoor Day 38 520.00 19760
Total cost of Labour Rs: 23185.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 Work Inspector Day 3.00 685.00 2055.00
2 Mazdoor Day 26.00 520.00 13520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 15575.00
C.COST OF LABOUR Rs. 15575.00
Total 15575.00
D. Add for Contractor's Profit and overheads 13.615% 2120.54
Total Cost for removal weed in the extent of 2000 Sqm 17695.54
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/2000 8.8
Removal of Jammu
A. MATERIALS Unit : 2000 Sqm
Sl. Rate Amount
Particulars Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 Work Inspector Day 2.5 685.00 1712.5
2 Mazdoor Day 22 520.00 11440
Total cost of Labour Rs: 13152.50
C.COST OF LABOUR Rs. 13152.50
Total 13152.50
D. Add for Contractor's Profit and overheads 13.615% 1790.71
Total Cost for removal weed in the extent of 2000 Sqm 14943.21
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/2000 7.5
Removal of Imponea, Cornea
A. MATERIALS Unit : 2000 Sqm
Sl. Rate Amount
Particulars Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 Work Inspector Day 3 685.00 2055.00
2 Mazdoor Day 26 520.00 13520.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 15575.00
C.COST OF LABOUR Rs. 15575.00
Total 15575.00
D. Add for Contractor's Profit and overheads 13.615% 2120.54
Total Cost for removal weed in the extent of 2000 Sqm 17695.54
Rate per Sqm (A+B+C+D)/2000 8.80
Removal of Natchu, goobi, thooti, etc.
RATE ANALYSIS Unit : 2000 Sqm
Sl. Rate Amount
Particulars Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
Sl. Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0 0 0
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs. 0.00
1 For total lead upto 150 m ( including initial lead ) lead charges by head load only shall be adopted irrespective of mode of
2 For total lead exceeding 150 m conveyance by mechanical means only shall be adopted irrespective of mode of conveyance.
3 The rates for loading at quarry including idle hire charges of trucks and hire charges per for each kilometer and upto 5 km
are cumulative and inclusive of total charges for preceding lead.
4 Unless otherwise specified lead charges for Earth / Sand / Gravel / Aggregates and Stones are for loose volume and not for
compacted or in-situ volume.
5 The rates for lift charges,lead charges, hire charges are cumulative and inclusive of rates for preceding lift, lead and hire
6 Lift charges are not payable where conveyance of materials is by mechanical means to final placing point.
7 Loading and unloading charges are not payable for conveyance by head load.
8 Loading charges are not payable for conveyance by mechanical means for disposal of excavated materials beyond initial lead
of 50 m wherever specified.
9 Loading and unloading charges are not payable for conveyance by mechanical means for disposal of excavated materials
beyond initial lead of 1 km wherever specified.
10 The rates for unloading of materials except earth, sand, gravel, coarse aggregate, rubble, size stone and cut stone are
inclusive of stacking.
11 Hire charges are per 1KM for tippers and trucks for tranport of materials from work site to dump yard and other places are
cumulative& includes previous km upto 5 kms
12 The lead & lift charges are inclusive of contractor's profit and overhead charges of 13.615%
A. (Lead) Conveyance Charges for materials by head load
1 2 3 4 5
Total lead upto 50 m (covered
1 Initial Lead Initial Lead Initial Lead
by item rate)
2 Total lead upto 100 m 84.40 49.20 107.40
3 Total lead upto 150 m 168.80 98.50 214.80
Notes: 1. No loading or unloading charges are admissible for conveyance by head load.
2. For total lead exceeding 150 m conveyance charges by mechanical means only shall
be adopted irrespective of mode of conveyance.
3. The Lead Charges are inclusive of 13.615% Contractor Profit and Overhead charges
B.( Lead) Conveyance charges for machinery per kilometer for transporting materials
by tippers and trucks excluding loading, unloading and idle hire charges of machinery.
FOR THE YEAR: 2022-23
( No loading and unloading charges allowed for machinery loading and unloading )
(Lead) charges
(Lead) charges
(Lead) charges (Lead) charges for trucks and
for trucks and
for trucks and for trucks and tippers per
tippers for (Lead) charges
tippers for tippers for cu.meter for (Lead) charges
Cement/ Steel/ for per
Sl Earth / Sand Rubble/Size PCC slabs/ for trucks per
Distance RCC poles/ AC cu.meter for
No. /Gravel / stones/ Cut Shahabad 1000 Nos. of
& GI sheets/ water/ 1000
Murrum/ Lime/ Stones/ Coarse slabs/ CC & Bricks
Packed litres
Surki/ per aggregate per Laterite
cu.meter cu.meter blocks/ Wood/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Lead upto 1 km 42.60 41.10 25.70 60.40 25.00 68.50
2 Lead upto 2 km 59.70 57.50 36.00 84.60 35.10 95.90
3 Lead upto 3 km 79.50 79.50 49.70 117.00 46.80 127.90
4 Lead upto 4 km 96.60 96.60 60.40 142.00 56.80 155.30
5 Lead upto 5 km 113.60 113.60 71.00 167.10 66.80 182.60
for Every km beyond 5 km
6 upto 30 km 17.00 17.00 10.70 25.10 10.00 27.40
7 for Every km beyond 30 km 14.20 14.20 8.90 20.90 8.30 22.80
Note: The Lead Charges are inclusive of 13.615% Contractor Profit and Overhead charges
(Manual)Excavation in all kinds of soil/ HDR including boulders upto 0.30 m dia per cum 208.00
For foundations of canal cross drainage and other appurtenant structures
and placing excavated stuff neatly in specified dump area or disposing
off the same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 10 m and
initial lift upto 1.5 m. (WIthout involving the contractors for specified works )
With 2.5 Cum per day output
(Manual)Excavation in soft rock (including F&F) without blasting, including per cum 391.00
boulders upto 0.30 m dia. for foundations of canal cross drainage and other
appurtenant structures and placing excavated stuff neatly in specified dump area or
disposing off the same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 10 m and
initial lift upto 1.5 m. (WIthout involving the contractors for specified works )
Soft rock 1.33 Cum/Day
(Manual)Excavation in hard rock, including boulders upto 0.30 m dia. for per cum 776.10
foundations of canal cross drainage and other appurtenant structures
and placing excavated stuff neatly in specified dump area or disposing
off the same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 10 m and
initial lift upto 1.5 m. (WIthout involving the contractors for specified works )
Hard rock 0.67Cum/ day
Note: The Lead Charges are inclusive of 13.615% Contractor Profit and Overhead charges
For the purpose of working out conveyance charges by head load the category of materials as
classified in ( I ) above are grouped together as under :
CATEGORY : Earth / Sand / Gravel / Murrum / Lime / Surki / Coarse aggregate / Rubble stone
In this group materials which are comparatively lighter and generally conveyed by head
load by light / heavy mazdoor are included. Method of conveyance, approximate weight
per load and time required to cover specified additional distance will be generally same.
Therefore common data is considered for conveyance by head load for materials under this category.
CATEGORY : PCC slab / Shahabad stone slab / CC block / Laterite stone / BS slab /Wood
In this group the materials in moulded condition / cut to standard size
which are heavier per load compared to materials under Category above are included.
A. (Lead) Conveyance Charges for materials by head load
CATEGORY : Earth / Sand / Gravel / Murrum / Lime / Surki / Coarse aggregate / Rubble stone
/ Size stone / Cut stone
Lead: Upto 50 m :
This is initial lead and cost is covered under item basic rate.
CATEGORY : PCC slab / Shahabad stone slab / CC block / Laterite stone / BS slab / Wood
Lead: Upto 50 m :
This is initial lead and cost is covered under item basic rate.
B.( Lead) Conveyance charges for machinery per kilometer for transporting materials
by tippers and trucks excluding loading, unloading and idle hire charges of machinery.
CATEGORY : Cement/ Steel/ Pipes/ RCC poles/ AC & GI sheets/ Packed materials
are not added)MORD -data
Loading of Lime, Aggregate, Stone Boulder, Brick Aggregate, Kankar, Building
1) Rubbish, Building Rubbish, Crushed Slag, Stone for Masonry Work by manual means
including a lead upto 30 m
Labour Unit 5.5 cum
Sl Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs.
1 Head Mazdoor day 0.02 550.00 11.00
2 Mazdoor day 0.5 520.00 260.00
Total Rs. 271.00
contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 36.90
Rate per cum Rs: 56.00
b) Unloading 50% of the loading charges i.e., 28.00
Loading of Bricks - 1000 Nos (Regular sizes - 225x140x70 mm) by manual means
6) including a lead upto 30 m
a). Loading Unit 2000 Tonnes
Sl Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs.
1 Head Mazdoor day 0.01 550.00 5.50
Mazdoor day 0.25 520.00 130.00
Total 135.50
contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 18.45
Total for materials under this Category 2000.00 Tonnes Rs: 153.95
Rate per Tonnes 153.95/2000 Rs: 77.00
b) Unloading 100% of the loading charges i.e., 77.00
D. LOADING AND UNLOADING CHARGES BY MANUAL MEANS (including idle hire charges of trucks )
Loading of Lime, Aggregate, Stone Boulder, Brick Aggregate, Kankar, Building
1) Rubbish, Building Rubbish, Crushed Slag, Stone for Masonry Work by manual
means including a lead upto 30 m
a). Loading Unit 5.5 cum
Sl Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs.
1 Head Mazdoor day 0.02 550.00 11.00
Mazdoor day 0.5 520.00 260.00
2) Loading of Earth, Sand, Moorum, Manure, Flyash by manual means including a lead
upto 30 m
a). Loading Unit 5.5 cum
Sl Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
No. in Rs. in Rs.
1 Head Mazdoor day 0.01 550.00 5.50
Mazdoor day 0.25 520.00 130.00
2 Mechinary
Truck 10 T Hour 0.5 1205.70 602.85
Total Rs. 738.35
contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 100.53
Total for materials under this Category 5.50 cum Rs: 838.88
Rate per cum 838.88/5.5 Rs: 152.50
of trucks)
1) Loading of Lime, Aggregate, Stone Boulder, Brick Aggregate, Kankar, Building
Rubbish, Crushed Slag, Stone for Masonry work by mechanical means including
a lead upto 30 m. Placing tipper at loading point, loading with front end loader
excluding time for haulage and return trip.
Data: i) Positioning of tipper at loading point Min 1.00
ii) Loading by front end loader 1 cum bucket capacity Min 7.33
@ 45 / 25 cum per hour
iii) Manoevouring, reversing, dumping and turning Min -
for return
iv) Waiting time, unforeseen contingencies, etc. Min 2.00
Total Min 10.33
FOR CATEGORY : Earth / Sand / Gravel / Murrum / Lime / Surki / Coarse aggregate /
Rubble stone / Size stone / Cut stone
FOR CATEGORY : PCC slab / Shahabad stone slab / CC block / Laterite stone / BS slab / Wood