LK 1 - Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri-Modul1

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Nama : Handy Mukti, S.Pd

No UKG : 201800076636

Jl. Siliwangi No. 24 Kota Tasikmalaya 46115 Jawa Barat.
LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri – Modul 1
Judul Modul English For Public Information
Judul Kegiatan Belajar 1. Exploring Public Notice
(KB) 2. Exploring Posters and Banners
3. Exploring Graphic Organizers
4. Exploring Infographic

No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Daftar peta konsep Learning Activity 1
(istilah dan definisi) Public Notice
di modul ini 1. Notice : Written statement that use information,
instruction, or even warning to people.
2. Command: Command sentences are used when you are
telling someone to do something.
3. Caution: A caution is a formal warning that is given to a
person who has admitted the offence. It is usually used to
remind person or reader to be more careful.
4. Information: Information means giving information.
Information notice provides or gives information or
material contained in the notice texts to the readers/people.
5. Prohibition: Prohibition is the action of prohibiting or
inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance there of) to do
6. Warning: Warning usually refers to a message informing
of danger. It can be in both written and spoken form.

Social Function
A notice is a formal means of communication. The purpose of a
notice is to announce or display information to a specific group
of people. In social communication, there are many functions or
purposes of Notice text, they are used:
1. To give an instruction / to instruct people to….
2. To give information / to inform people to….
3. To give direction
4. To ask people to….
5. To advice/to suggest / to recommend people to….
6. To remind people to….
7. To warn / to give warning
8. To ban / to forbid / to prohibit people to…

Generic Structure
- Attention gather (optional)
Attention gather means using expressions or phrases that can
attract readers’ or people’s attention such as Notice, Warning, or
- Information
Information here can be defined as the messages or information
of the text that want to be delivered to people.
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
- Closure (Optional)

1. Short text (simple words, phrases, or clauses)
2. Easy to understand
3. Written in capital font
4. Mostly use images/pictures

Language Features of Public Notice

a. Using Imperative mood (imperative sentence)
The imperative mood is a verb form which makes a
command or a request.
b. Using Declarative reference
c. Spoken / written language features
In writing notice text, we can use spoken or written
language style.

Learning Activity 2
Poster and Banner
1. Poster: a usually large printed sheet that often contains
pictures and is posted in a public place (as to promote
2. Banner: A banner can be a flag or other piece of cloth
bearing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message.

Generic Structure of Poster and Banner

a. Poster
- Header area
- Title area
- Author's photo and address
- Main Area
- Footer Area
- Background
- Background
- Fonts

b. Banner
- Logo
- Value Proposition
- Body Copy
- Image
- CTA (Call to Action)

Social / Language Function of Poster and Banner

a. Poster
- to alert and engage the viewer
- to challenge and call an audience into action.
- to promote an event
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

b. Banner
- At your place of business, to welcome customers and
create that all-important symmetry.
- In public places that draw regular, steady crowds, such
as stores, shopping malls, elevators, coffee shops, train
stations, community centers and bus stops. Keep in mind
that you probably will have to seek permission, or pay a
fee, to hang a poster at these places.
- At trade shows and conventions, where some large and
unconventionally sized posters could be exactly what
you need to stand out in a crowd.
- At other businesses with whom you have created
strategic alliances. These businesses may ask you to
return the favor and post some of their marketing pieces.
But if you've created a solid alliance, the crossover
appeal should be evident.
- As perks to vendors and suppliers.
- As customer prizes at the end of a contest or

Language Features of Poster and Banner

a. Poster
- Short Text Elements
- Phrases and Active Voice
- Serif font for text and san-serif font for title and Heading

b. Banner
- Use simple present tense
- Use simple phrases or statement

Learning Activity 3
Graphic Organizers
1. Graphic Organizers: Graphic organizers help teachers
show and explain relationships between content and sub-
content and how they relate to other areas.
2. Descriptive Graphic Organizers: Mapping generic
information, but particularly well for mapping hierarchical
3. Sequence Graphic Organizers: Are a type of graphic
organizer that help us to see the sequantial relationship
between events in a text.
4. Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizers: Use to
analyze similarities and differences between two things
(people, places, events, idea, etc)
5. Cause and Effect Graphic Organizers: A type of graphic
organizer that describe how events affect one another in a
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
6. Problem and Solution Graphic Organizers: A problem-
Solution Graphic Organizers help us to compare different
solutions to a problem.

Generic Structure
1. Titles, headings, and/or labels
2. Specific locations for information
3. Short descriptions (bullets or limited sentences)

Social/ Language Function

1. Tools for critical and creative thinking
2. Tools for organizing information
3. Tools for understanding information and relationships
4. Tools for depicting knowledge and understanding
5. Tools for self-learning

Language Features
1. Complex information is conveyed in a simple-to-
understand manner through a visual display.
2. Analytical, critical, planning, and creative thinking skills
are concerned.
3. The organizers are made to be easily edited, revised, and
4. Graphic organizers have multiple uses such as planning,
brainstorming, studying, or summarizing.
5. Most graphic organizers use short words or phrases, or
drawings, so they can appropriately be used with all
levels of learners.

Learning Activity 4
1. Infographics: An infographic is a collection of imagery,
charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand
overview of a topic.
2. Statistical Infographic: A statistical infographic puts the
focus on your data.
3. Informational Infographic: Visual representation of
information that aims to make the data easily
understandable at a first glance.
4. Timeline Infographic: Timeline infograpic depicts events
or actions in chronological order. They are often used to
demonstrate a product’s development.
5. Process Infographic: Process infographic is similar to a
how-to infographic. The key distinction is that a process
infographic depicts decision-making processes.
6. Comparison Infographic: A comparison infographic
examines the similaritis and differences between two or
more products, locations, events, actions, ideas, or
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
7. Geographic Infographic: Use map chart as the focus
visual. Different types of map chart work better for
different types of data. Geographical infographics show
data trends based on location
8. Hierarchical Infographic: Organize information into pre-
defined levels. It canorganize information from greatest to
9. List Infographic: It’s show information by list. Lists are
useful educational tools, sharing a lot of information in the
form pf text and icons.

Characteristics of Infographics
1) Clear Goals
2) Easy to Digest
3) Compelling Narrative
4) Unique Concept
5) Creative Design
6) Visual Focus – Not Text

Generic Structure of Infographics

a. Headline/ Title
b. Beginning/ Introduction
c. Middle/ Main Infographic Content
d. End/ Conclusion
e. Sources and Footnotes

Language Features of Infographics

1. Informative
2. Engaging
3. Accessible

2 Daftar materi yang Learning Activity 1

sulit dipahami di Public Notice
modul ini 1. Spoken / written language features
Learning Activity 2
Poster and Banner
1. Poster and Banner definition

Learning Activity 3
Language features of graphic organizers

Learning Activity 4
Social function of infographics
3 Daftar materi yang Learning Activity 1
sering mengalami Public Notice
miskonsepsi 1. Characteristics – Written in capital font
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
Learning Activity 2
Public Notice
Spoken / written language features

Learning Activity 3
Definition dan social functio of graphic organizer

Learning Activity 4
Definition and social function of graphic organizer










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