LK 1 Profesional

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Nama : Leny Susiana, S.Pd

No UKG : 201502661055


LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Public Notice
2. Exploring Posters and Banners
3. Exploring Graphic Organizers
4. Exploring Infographic
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah Learning Activity 1: Exploring Public Notice
dan definisi) di modul ini 1. Definition of Notice
Notice is a form of functional Text used as
instruction or guidance to someone doing or not
doing something.

2. Social Function of Public Notice Text:

 To announce or display information to a
specific group of people.
 To give an Instruction, information, direction.
To ask people, to warn, to advice

3. Characteristics of Notice Text

 Short text (simple words, phrases, or clauses)
 Easy to understand
 Written in capital font
 Mostly use images/pictures

4. Generic Structure of Public Notice

 Attention gather (optional)
 Information
 Closure

5. Language Features of Public Notice

 Using Imperative mood (imperative sentence)
 Using Declarative reference
 Spoken / written language features

6. Kinds of Notice and their examples

 Command: Command sentences are used when
you are telling someone to do something.
 Caution: A caution is a formal warning that is
given to a person who has admitted the offence.
It is usually used to remind person or reader to
be more careful.
 Information: Information means giving
information. Information notice provides or
gives information or material contained in the
notice texts to the readers/people.
 Prohibition: Prohibition is the action of
prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an
instance there of) to do something.
 Warning: Warning usually refers to a message
informing of danger. It can be in both written
and spoken form.

Learning Activity 2 : Exploring Posters and Banners

1. Definition of Poster and Banner

a. Poster is one of the communication media that is
used to convey a message or an information.
b. Banner is a typically rectangular advertisement
placed on a Web site either above, below or on the
sides of the Web site's main content and is linked to
the advertiser's own Web site. In the early days of
the Internet, banners were ads with text and graphic

2. Generic Sructure of Poster and Banner

 Generic Structure of Poster: header area, title area,
author’s photo and address, main area, footer area,
background, fonts,
 Generic Structure of Banner: Logo, value
proposition, body copy, image, call to action

3. Social Function of Poster and Banner

 Functions of Poster: to alert and engage the viewer,
to challenge and call an audience into action. to
promote an event.
 Function of Banner: Some banners are used to
advertising or naming of college or universities.
Some banners are also used as a media to promote
a product, event, or service. Basically is an
announcement so that everyone can see.

4. Language Features of Poster and Banner

a. Poster
- Short Text Elements
- Phrases and Active Voice
- Serif font for text and san-serif font for title and
Heading (Optional)

b. Banner
- Use simple present tense
- Use simple phrases or statement

Learning Activity 3 : Exploring Graphic Organizers

1. Definition
Graphic organizer represents visual understanding that
structures information by organizing significant
elements of a notion or subject in a pattern using
Graghic Organizer helps teacher show and explain
between content and sub content

2. Generic Structure:
 Titles, headings, and/or labels
 Specific locations for information
Information in a graphic organizer is presented in
the form of pictures, symbols or words specifically
so that the readers will easily understand the
content of an issue or topic.
 Short descriptions (bullets or limited sentences)

3. Social Function:
 Tools for critical and creative thinking
 tools for organizing information
 tools for understanding information and
 tools for depicting knowledge and understanding
 tools for self-learning.

4. type of graphic organizer

 Description
 Sequence
 Compre and Contrast
 Cause and Effect
 Problem and solution

5. Language Features:
 Complex information is conveyed in a simple-to-
understand manner through a visual display. In
other words, a large amount of information can be
converted into easy-to-read display.
 Analytical, critical, planning, and creative thinking
skills are concerned.
 The organizers are made to be easily edited,
revised, and added.
 Graphic organizers have multiple uses such as
planning, brainstorming, studying, or summarizing.
 Most graphic organizers use short words or
phrases, or drawings, so they can appropriately be
used with all levels of learners.

Learning Activity 4 : Exploring Infographic

1. Definition
Infographics are essentially visual representations of
information. Commonly,they are utilized to tell
stories, bring ideas, or explore issues through a range
of different graphics.
2. Characteritic of Infographics: clear goals, easy to
digest, compelling narrative, unique concept, creative
design, visiual focus-Not Text.

3. Generic Structure of infographics

 Headline/ Title
 Beginning/ Introduction
 Middle/ Main Infographic Content
 End/ Conclusion
 Sources and Footnotes

4. Social/Language Function of Infographics

 Statistical Infographics
 Informational Infographics
 Timeline Infographics
 Process Infographics
 Geographic Infographics
 Comparison Infographics
 Hierarchical Infographics
 List Infographics

5. Language Features of Infographics:

 Informatif
 Engaging
 Accesssible

2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. The different between Caution and Warming
dipahami di modul ini 2. Infographic
3 Daftar materi yang sering The differencies between Poster and Banner
mengalami miskonsepsi
LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Personal Letter
2. Invitation
3. Announcement
4. Advertisement

No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban

1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah Learning Activity 1: PERSONAL LETTER
dan definisi) di modul ini 1. Definition of Personal Letter
Personal letter is a type of letter (or informal
composition) that usually concerns personal matters
(rather than professional concerns) and is sent from
one individual to another.
It is addressed to a person who is know well.
2. Social Function of Personal Letter
 To inform or convey personal opinion or

3. Generic Structure of Personal Letter

 Heading: Date of letter, Address of sender
 Greeting/ Salutation
 Body/ Content
 Closing/ Complimentary Close
 Signature

4. Language Features of Personal Letter

 Using Simple Present Tense
 Using Simple Past Tense

5. Type of Personal letter

 Pen pal, fan mail, love, farewall, get well,
condolence, congratulation, thank you, holiday/

Learning Activity 2: INVITATION TEXT

1. Definition of Invitation
 a written or verbal request inviting someone to
go somewhere or to do something.

2. Generic Structure of Invitation

 Invitee
 Body of invitation
 Inviter

3. Social Function
 to ask or request someone to go to a place, do
something or participate in certain event.
4. Language Features of Invitation
 Using Imperatives
 Using Pronoun
 Using passive voice

Learning Activity 3: ANNOUNCEMENT TEXT

1. Definition
A statement made to the public or to the media
which gives information about something that has
happenned or will happen

2. Generic Structure
 Title
 Day, Date, Time
 Place
 Contact
 Adressee

3. Social Function
 To let everyone know what has happened and
what will be happened in the future
 To announce something

4. Language feature
 Using simple present tense
 Using simple future tense
 Using exact noun
 Focusing on pronouciation (spoken
announcement) and intonation (writen

Learning Activity 4: ADVERTISEMENT TEXT

1. Definition
Advertisement is an item in a newspaper, on
television, on the internet, or in public place, which
tries to persuade someone to buy something, or
which gives you information about an event or job

2. Generic Structure
 Purpose
 Name of product
 User

3. Social Function
The sosial function of advertisement is to urgue the
listener or reader to buy or use the product or
service being advertised. To announce about
product, service or event to the public so the user
effort to use the product or service.

4. Language Features
 Using the choice of words related to necessary
 Using the choice of words to indicate the target
 Using the choice of words that is precise,
logical, and courtenous
 Using the choice of the words that have
suggestion for the audience

2 Daftar materi yang sulit Creating a good Advertisement

dipahami di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Personal Letter
mengalami miskonsepsi The General Structure of Personal Letters which
sometimes incorrectly determines which part of the
body of the letter and which part of the closing
2. Invitation
Formal invitation is a letter, written in formal
language, in the stipulated format for official
purpose, while informal invitation written to
friends, family, acquantance, a letter writen in a
friendly manner to someone you are familiar with.
Spoken or Oral announcement is an announcement
that is announced orally. Usually done at
information centers and often found in public
places such as airports, hospitals, supermarkets,
cinemas, schools, and other public places, where
there are crowded crowds of visitors.
Written announcement usually begins with the title
or for whom the announcement is written. The
announcement should be written simply and
The social function
Advertising is a form of communication between
producers and audiences by utilizing mass media,
so that messages can be received globally and
simultaneously. advertising also has the ability to
change people's behavior. so that often there are
misconceptions in the social function of an
LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB)
1. Exploring Descriptive Text 1 (Person and
2. Exploring Descriptive Text 2 (Things and
3. Exploring Report Text 1 (Classifying report
and compositional report)
4. Exploring Report Text 2 (Comparative
report and historical report)
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan Learning Activity 1: Exploring Descriptive
definisi) di modul ini Text 1 (Person and Animals)
1. Definition
Descriptive is text which says what a person
or a thing is like
Descriptive text usually: Make use of
adjective and adverb, use comparisons to help
picture the scene (something is like something
else), Employ the reader’s five senses (how
something feels, smell, looks, sounds, and

2. Social Function
The social function of Descriptive text is to
give information about a particular entity by
describing its features, history, and special

3. Generic Sructure
 Identification or general statements. It
introduces or identifies specific object (a
person, place, animal or object)
 Description. The parts of a text describe the
object characteristics, appearances,
personality, habit or qualities related to what
the writer describes.

4. Language Features
 Focusing on specific participant
 Using Adjectives
 Using Simple Present Tense
 Using action verb
 Using Simple Past Tense (to describe a
thing, place, or a person which does not
exist anymore)
Learning Activity 2: Descriptive Text
Text 2 (Things and Places)
1. Definition
Descriptive Text is a text that described about
what a things or a place is like.

2. Social function
 To give information about particular entity
by describing its features, history, and
special characteristic
 To give information about things or places

3. Generic structure
 Identification or general statements
 Descriptions

4. Language feature
 Simple present
 Use adjective
 Noun phrase
 Passive voice
 Specific participant
 Action verb
 Passive voice
 Technical form
 Conjunction and cause and effect

Learning Activity 3: Report Text

Text 1 (Classifying report and compositional
1. Definition
Report is a text which concerned with general
categories of things rather than events and
happening and with informing about technical
and scientific topic.

2. Social function
 Classifying report: to organize and
describe a field or topic into a class and
subclass hierarchy
 Compositional Report: to organize and
describe a field or topic according to its
part (a part or whole part)
3. Generic structure
 General Classification
 Description

4. Language feature
 Introducing group or general aspect
 Using conditional logical
connection,when, so,etc

Learning Activity 4: Report Text 2

(Comparative report and Historical Report)
1. Definition
Comparative is a similiarities and differencies
between two or more classes or things
Historical Report is an imformation about the
way things were in relation to a particular
historical periode

2. Social Function
 Comparative Report: to identfy
similiarities and differencies between two
or more classes or things
 Historical Report: to give an imformation
about the way things were in relation to a
particular historical periode

3. Generic structure
Comparative Report
 General statement
 Descriptions,its contain the systematic
analysis of similarities and differencies

Historical Report
 General Statements,identifies historical
 Description

4. Language feature
 Generalized participant a
 reinnitials represented in simple noun
 Relating verb
 Timeless present tense
 Attitudinal vocabulary is unusual as the
emphasis is on fact rather on the options

2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami Classifying report and compositional report
di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Classifying report and compositional report
mengalami miskonsepsi
LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. BIOGRAPHY
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan Learning Activity 1: Biography
definisi) di modul ini 1. Definition
A biography, or simply bio, is a detailed
description of a person's life. It involves more
than just the basic facts like education, work,
relationships, and death; it portrays a person's
experience of these life events. and may
include an analysis of the subject's

2. Function of Biography
To know a person’s story about his / her life
outside of any accomplishments this person
may be known for and to give lots of
information easily and to educate the readers.

3. Characteristics of Biography
Biography is not written by subject and is
always written in third person.

4. Grammar and language features

 Use of simple past tense
 Temporal sequence and temporal
 Focus on Specific participant
 Use of Action verbs.

5. Generic Structure
 Orientation (introduction)
 Event
 Re-Orientation (closing)

6. How to write a Biography Article from an

a. Choosing Your Subject and Angle
b. Preparation and Interviewing Your Subject
c. Planning and Drafting Your Article
d. Revising and Editing
Learning Activity 2: Historical Recount
1. Definition
Historical recount is concerned with a history
of a place or an object.
Historical recount is closely related to the
history of a place or an object which is very
memorable and considered important
throughout life.

2. Function of Historical recount

To describe past historical experiences by
retelling chronological events by involving
the important dates, characters as well as the
place of the events.

3. Characteristics of Historical Recount

 Retelling the past historical events
 Upholding the history of a place or an
 Written scientifically or imaginatively
 Purposing to informing or entertaining
(can be both)

4. Generic Structure
 Orientation (introduction)
 Events
 Re-orientation (closing)

5. Grammar and language features

 The participant of historical recount must
be specific, it could involve persons,
animals or things).
 The of use correct pronouns referring to
the participants of the text.
 It deals with the use of material processes
or actions verbs.
 It uses some adverb phrased to mention
location, manner, and frequency, such as
in the afternoon, carefully, and never.
 It used the past tense in the sentences
because historical recount tells the
readers about past events,
 It also requires the use of adjectives to
describe the objects.
 The use of evaluative words are
absolutely needed to assess the
significance of something,
 The historical recount should be focusing
on the ordered events which were
signaled by the use of time connections

Learning Activity 3: Fable

1. Definition
 A fable is a story featuring animals, plants
or forces of nature which are
anthropomorphized (given human
 Fable is a fictional story, foem, or prose
with a specific moral or lesson that is
conveyed to the’s talked about the
animal which speak and act like human

2. Function of Fables
 To entertain or to amuse the readers about
the interesting story
 to convey moral messages or lessons to the
readers, especially for children to behave
morally in the world to understand the
values of the culture in which they are

3. Characteristics of Fable
 Using at least one character makes a bad
 Using simple plot and character
 Using animals or elements of nature (non-
human characters) as the main characters
who act and talk just like people while
keeping their animal traits.
 Containing a moral or lesson which can be
found in the end of the story
 Usingpersonification
(aanthropomorphized) where Non- human
characters can talk or show human
 Containing a funny and amusing story
 Usingpersonification
(aanthropomorphized) where Non- human
characters can talk or show human
 Reflecting cultural beliefs

4. Generic Structure
 Orientation (introduction)
 Complication
 Resolution
5. Grammar and language features
 Using common and nonspecific setting
 Using past action verb
 Using specific noun as pronoun of person,
animal in the story
 Using adjectives which are for noun phrase
 Using time connectives and Conjunctions
to arrange the events
 Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to
show the location of events
 Using dialogue to elicit an emotional
response from the reader
 Using Past Tense
 Ending in happy resolution
 Using of variety of simple, compound and
complex sentences

Common animal characters used in fables

 Lion : Strength, big ego
 Donkey : stupid
 Fox : sly
 Hawk : tyrannical
 Wolf : greedy, dishonest
 Fly : wise
 Hen : conceited
 Lamb : shy

Moral value of the fables

examples of moral value of the fables:Moral value
of the fables
 Persuasion is better than force
 Liars may give themselves away
 Make hay while the sun shines
 Don’t just follow the crowd
 Pride can be costly

Learning Activity 4: Legend

1. Definition
 A legend is “a story or narrative that lies
somewhere between myth and historical
fact and which, as a rule, is about a
particular figure or person.” Traditionally,
a legend is a narrative that focuses on a
historically or geographically specific
figure, and describes his exploits
 A legend is a story about human events or
actions that has not been proved nor
documented in real history. Legends are
retold as if they are real events and were
believed to be historical accounts.

2. Function of Legend
 to present the story of human actions in
such a way that they are perceived by
the the listeners or readers to be true (in
 To entertain or to amuse the readers
about the interesting story (in general)

3. Characteristics of Legend
 A legend is a set in specific place or
 The main character is often heroic
 A legend is a fictional story
 Usually there is some historical truth at
the heart of every legend
 Heroes perform great deeds with their
strength and their intelligence
 Heroes often give up dreams of
happiness to help others
 Handed down through generation
 The story was told orally and turned
into literary masterpieces
 The hero is real but some parts of the
story are not completely true. They have
been stretched or expanded upon.

4. Generic Structure
 Orientation (introduction)
 Complication
 Resolution
 Re-orientation

5. Grammar and language features

 The use of Adjective that form the
noun phrase
 Time connectives and conjunction
 The use of adverb and adverbial
phrases to indicate the location of the
incident or events
 The use of action verbs in the past
 The used of saying verbs that mark
 The use of thinking verbs that mark
the thoughts, perceptions or feelings of
the characters in the story
 The use of dialogue to elicit an
emotional response from the reader
2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami Creating biograghy of someone from interview
di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Definition of Historical Recount
mengalami miskonsepsi
LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Procedure Text; Manual
2. Exploring Procedure Text; Recipe
3. Exploring Procedure Text; Itinerary
4. Exploring News Item
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan Learning Activity 1: Exploring Procedure
definisi) di modul ini Text; Manual
1. Definition of Manual
Manual is text that explains or helps us how
to do something

2. Social Function of Manual as A type of

Procedure Text
 to provide a series of precise, sequenced
steps or directions that explain to the
readers how to do something while also
allowing the readers to reach the outcome
 It is used to describe how something is
done in sequenced steps

3. Generic Structure of Manual

 Goal/aim
 Materials/equipments
 Steps/methods

4. Significant Lexico-grammatical Features

 Generally using simple present tense.
 Using adverbial of sequence or using
temporal adjective
 Using imperative sentences or command.
 Using action verbs.
 Using conjunctions to link a process to
another process.
 Using adverb of time to express details of

Learning Activity 2: Procedure Text; Recipe

1. Definition of Recipe
Recipe is text that explains or helps us how to
make something
a recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of
instructions that tell you how to cook
2. Generic Structure of Recipe
 Goal/aim
 Ingredients
 Steps/Methods

3. Social/Language Function of Recipe

 Recipe is used to describe how food is
completely made or cooked through a
sequence of series
 Communicative purpose of recipe is to
describe how food is completely made
through a sequence of actions or steps

4. Language Features of Recipe

 Noun or noun groups
 Conjunctions
 Action verbs
 Imperatives
 Adverbial of sequence
 Tenses Simple Present

Learning Activity 3 : Itinerary

1. Definition
Itinerary is to make well-prepared program or
travel to make an effective journey or travel
and to be guideline in spending time during

2. Generic Structure
 Goal
 Material/tools
 Steps

3. Social/ language function

 To make a well-prepared program or travel
 To make an effective journey or travel
 To be a guideline in spending time during

4. Language Features
 Use simple present tense
 Use action verb
 Use simple sentence or phrase

Leraning Activity 4: News Item

1. Definition
News item text is a text which inform the
readers, listeners or viewers about events of
the days in chronological order
2. Generic Structure of News Item
 Main Events
 Elaboration / Background event
 Resource of Information

3. Social/Language Function of News Item

The social function of news item is to inform
readers, listeners or viewers about events of
the day which is considered newsworthy or

4. Language Features of News Item

 Using action verbs
 Using saying verb
 Using passive voice
 Using adverb of place, time and manner
 Using present and Past tense

2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami Itinerary

di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Kinds of Procedure Text.
mengalami miskonsepsi
LK 1 Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Analytical Exposition
2. Hortatory Exposition Text
3. Explanation
4. Discussion
No Butir Refleksi
Daftar peta konsep Learning Activity 1: Analytical Exposit Exposition
(istilah dan definisi) di 1. Definition
modul ini  Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the
writer’s idea about the phenomenon surronding.

2. Generic Structure
 Thesis
 Argument
 Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view

3. Social function
To convince the audience that his/her idea is an
important matter

4. Language feature
 Use internal conjunction
 Use cause conjunction
 Simple present
 Relational process
 Compound and complex sentence
 Use of words that link arguments

Learning Activity 2: Hortatory Exposition

1. Definition
Hortatory is a text which represents the attemp of the
writer to have addressee do something in certain way.

2. Generic Structure
 Thesis
 Argument
 Recommendation

3. Social Function
 Is intended by the writer speaker/to persuade the
audience that something should or should not be the
case or be done

4. Language feature
 Use of The Simple Present Tense
 Use of passive sentences
 Use of modals and adverb: certainly, surely,etc.
 Use of subject pronoun (e.g. I and we)
 Use of temporal connectives an causal
 Use of evaluative language

Learning Activity 3: Explanation Text

1. Definition
Explanation is a text which tells process relating to the
forming of natural scientific and cultural phenomena.
Explanation Text is to say “why” and ‘how” of the
forming of the phenomena

2. Generic Structure
 General statement
 Sequenced Explanation
 Concluding statement

3. Social Function
 To Explain the audience how and why something
works happen

4. Language feature
 Use passive voice
 Simple Present
 Technical term
 Cause and effect
 Abstract noun
 Active Verb

Learning Activity 4: Discussion

1. Definition
Discussion is a text which present a problematic

2. Generic Structure
 General statement
 A series of paragraph

3. social Function
To present two point of view about issue or problem

4. Language Feature
 Use simple present
 Use medium high degree of modality
 Used of quote
 Use passive voice
 Focus on beginning of sentence
 Use of complex combination of clauses
 Use complex sentence
2 Daftar materi yang sulit Learning Activity 1
dipahami di modul ini 1. Creating a Brochure
Learning Activity 2
1. Hortatory Exposition Texts
Learning Activity 3
1. Creating and building explanation texts
Learning Activity 4
1. Language feature especially in grammar of Disscussion
3 Daftar materi yang Learning Activity 1
sering mengalami 1. Social Function of Analytical Exposition
miskonsepsi Learning Activity 2
1. Social Function of Hortatory Exposition Text
Learning Activity 3
1. Social Function of explanation texts
Learning Activity 4
1. Discussion text has its characteristic, especially in term
of grammar,vocabulary and expression

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