Consumer Behaviour & Neural Strategy
Consumer Behaviour & Neural Strategy
Consumer Behaviour & Neural Strategy
Submitted By
IIHMR University
Abbrevations ........................................................................................................ 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
Neural Strategy................................................................................................. 10
Neural Networking.......................................................................................... 10
Neuromarketing ............................................................................................... 12
References.......................................................................................................... 19
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• AI: Artificial Intelligence
• API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
• EEG: Electroencephalogram
• FMRI: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
• OTC: Over the Counter Products
• OTX: products which can be sold as prescription and over the counter.
• USP: Unique Selling Points
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• When one goes to the supermarket, he/she asks for specific product only, when they
cannot find the in on shelves. Such as deodorants, moisturizers, face washes,
cosmetics etc which he or she has been using or advised by a friend or influenced by
a campaign.
• When a person wants to buy a mobile phone or car or electronic appliances, he
performs his own survey asking the relatives & various groups of people about the
best product available in the market which will gives the return on investment.
• In case of pharma & healthcare, people tend to visit that doctor which has treated
them earlier or have heard about them from large group of people or purchase the
same OTC or OTX product which is either suggested by physicians or has taken prior
which showed the desired results such as antacids, cough syrups, multivitamins,
painkillers etc.
• The above-mentioned activities are either influenced by the self-experience, services,
or the opinion of one or more people & group or survey results, or opinions / reviews
of the people over internet or by the Internet.
• This is what a consumer behaviour is look likes. A person prior to purchasing anything
thinks about the products / services, gather information & then make the decision of
buying it.
• Philip Kotler defines Consumer Behaviour as, “the study of how individual, groups and
organisation select, buy, use and dispose of goods and services, ideas or experiences
to satisfy their needs and wants.”
• In other words, Consumer Behaviour is a study of the series of behaviours or patterns
that consumers follow before making a purchase. It starts when the consumer
becomes aware of a need or desire for a product, then concludes with the purchase
• Consumer behaviour is the study of consumption. It aims to have a better
understanding of consumer actions and processes used in their purchase decisions, as
well as the usage of products and services and how they are disposed of.
• The Knowledge of consumer behaviour helps companies to determine their marketing
mix, the 4 Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.
• Through a better understanding of what causes the consumers to buy certain goods
and services, marketers can better determine the needs in the marketplace and
accordingly alter marketing to suit.
• The consumer is not necessarily the purchaser. From the information provider to the
decision-maker, the user, the payer, or the disposer; consumers play numerous roles.
Roles also vary depending on the circumstances.
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• Example: within a family, the mother could be the purchaser, the children consume
the items, and the mother also disposes of them.
• It incorporates idea from the several disciplines including psychology, biology,
chemistry, and economic. Currently Machine Learning & artificial intelligence is also
being used to study the consumer behaviour.
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• The amount of risk involved in a purchase also determines the buying behaviour.
Higher priced goods tend to high higher risk, thereby seeking higher involvement in
buying decisions.
• There are four type of consumer buying behaviour:
1. Complex buying behaviour:
▪ When a consumer is about to a buy an expensive products / services such
as electronic appliances, House, Car etc he/she performs the own survey
by visiting the product websites, comparing the products, studying the
reviews & opinions of existing users along with the taking opinions of
friends, relatives etc.
▪ In this infrequent transaction, consumers are highly involved in the
purchase decision. Consumers will research thoroughly before committing
to invest.
2. Dissonance-reducing buying behaviour:
▪ In dissonance-reducing buying behaviour consumer involvement is very
high. This might be due to high price and infrequent purchase.
▪ In addition, there is a low availability of choices with less significance
differences among brands. In this type, a consumer buys a product that is
easily available.
▪ ‘Dissonance’ can occur when the consumer worries that they will regret
their choice.
3. Habitual buying behaviour:
▪ Habitual Buying Behaviour is the behaviour in which consumer has the
very little involvement in the purchase decision. These products are
generally low-priced, regularly used & customer is habitual to use of it.
▪ When consumers are buying products that they use for their daily routine,
they do not put a lot of thought. They either buy their favourite brand or
the one that they use regularly – or the one available in the store or the
one that costs the least.
▪ Habitual buying behaviour is influenced by radio, television, and print
media. Moreover, consumers are buying based on brand familiarity.
Hence marketers must use repetitive advertisements to build brand
▪ Example: Daily goods & grocery, moisturizers, OTC product etc
4. Variety seeking behaviour:
▪ In this behaviour customers tends to switch the brands a lot to get the
variety because of low price & with desire to try the different products.
▪ Involvement of customer is low in this type of behaviour. and it is because
the cost of switching products is low, and hence consumers might want to
try out new products just out of curiosity or boredom.
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▪ Brands have to adopt different strategies for such type of consumer
behaviour. The market leader will persuade habitual buying behaviour by
influencing the shelf space.
▪ Example: Cookies, Soft drinks etc
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o Income
o Lifestyle
4. Psychological Factors:
▪ It is also called as the Internal factors as it includes the human psychology
& need.
▪ Human psychology is a major determinant of consumer behaviour. These
factors are difficult to measure but are powerful enough to influence a
buying decision.
▪ Psychological Factors are as follows:
o Motivation
o Perception
o Attitude
o Learning & Beliefs
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is the standard of living. But if a person spends less on goods and services, despite
having a good income, they deprive themselves of higher standard of living.
8. Reflects status: The consumer behaviour is not only influenced by the status of a
consumer, but it also reflects it. The consumers who own luxury cars, watches and
other items are considered belonging to a higher status. The luxury items also give a
sense of pride to the owners.
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2. Heuristic triggers:
▪ Familiar brands or medicines that have always been consumed or stored in
the house, friends’ recommendations on medicines that have worked for
them, or previous own experiences often affect purchases of certain
medicines rather than a rational approach to evaluation.
3. Symptomatic triggers:
▪ With consumers being more aware than ever of their symptoms and
medicines available, you have a lot of people doing the research online,
then going to pharmacies and requesting OTC solutions to their problems.
4. Advertising:
▪ Information provided by the company, written info on the
prospectus/leaflet of the product, product pricing, etc. that creates a
preference for one product over another.
Neural Strategy
• Many technological advancements are happening around the world dynamically
which is also bringing out the changes in the marketing world. There was a time when
using internet & computer for marketing seems to be inconvenient but today
everything is being performed online from ordering raw materials to products,
organizing campaigning to pitching the physicians etc.
• Neural Strategy is the current advancement which is being adopted in the various
industry at various level.
• Neural Strategy in Pharmaceutical Industry involves two subtypes.
a. Neural Networking
b. Neuromarketing
• Both of these fields are different from each other but goes hand in hand if used
• The main advantage of neural strategy is that it is recently introduced field which if
used properly can benefit the business to acquire the bigger market effectively &
• Neural Strategy involves Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learnings, facial coding along
with the psychological knowledge, medical devices etc. This is a sophisticated method
which gets better with the experience & data generation.
Neural Networking
• Neural Networking is type of machine learning process in which a human neuron like
structure is created by using the algorithms which can teach itself and give the results
or prediction of certain processes. The more the data it gets the more complex
structure it creates thus the more accurate & précised results.
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• It is defined as ”The series of algorithms that endeavours to recognize underlying
relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain
operates. In this sense, neural networks refer to systems of neurons, either organic or
artificial in nature.”
• In Neural Networking when data is collected about a particular process, the model
that is used to learn about and understand that process and predict how that process
will perform in the future is a simplified representation of how a brain neuron works.
• A neural network is based on a collection of units or nodes called neurons, which
model the neurons in the brain. Each connection can transmit a signal to other
neurons, with the receiving neuron performing the processing.
• The “signal” at the connection is a real number, or a value of a continuous quantity
that can represent a distance along a line. And the output of each neuron is computed
by some function of the sum of its inputs.
• Various companies using neural networking at different levels, example: LinkedIn for
instance, uses neural networks along with linear text classifiers to detect spam or
abusive content in its feeds when it is created.
• Whereas DialogTech uses neural networks to classify inbound calls into
predetermined categories or to assign a lead quality score to calls which provided the
essential information for digital marketing & potential customers.
• These are just two examples; Neural Networking can be utilized from production t o
marketing & supply chain. It can predict the consumer behaviour accurately along with
the product lifecycle & demand forecasting.
• At the moment, machines cannot compete with human brains. They can help you find
something or give you a piece of advice, but they cannot replace a human assistant.
• Neural networks were developed to resolve this issue and create a revolution in this
field. Because artificial neurons are structured in the form that human neurons are,
they can constantly teach themselves by receiving new information, analysing it, and
improving the result step by step.
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• Advantages of Neural Networks
o A neural network can perform tasks that a linear program cannot.
o When an element of the neural network fails, its parallel nature can continue
without any problem.
o A neural network learns, and reprogramming is not necessary.
o It can be implemented in any application.
o It can be performed without any problem.
• Limitations of Neural Networks
o The neural network needs training to operate.
o The architecture of a neural network is different from the architecture of
microprocessors. Therefore, emulation is necessary.
o Requires high processing time for large neural networks.
• Applications:
o Portfolio Management
o Target Recognition
o Medical Diagnosis
o Credit Rating
o Targeted Marketing
o Voice recognition
o Financial Forecasting
o Intelligent searching
o Fraud detection
o Process modelling and control.
o Machine Diagnostics
• The field of neuromarketing, sometimes known as consumer neuroscience, studies
the brain to predict and potentially even manipulate consumer behaviour, and
decision making.
• This can be defined as a “commercial marketing communication field that applies
neuropsychology to market research, studying consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive,
and affective response to marketing stimuli”.
• It loosely refers to the measurement of physiological and neural signals to gain insight
into customers’ motivations, preferences, and decisions, which can help inform
creative advertising, product development, pricing, and other marketing areas.
• Neuromarketing involves five techniques to study the consumer.
o Eye Tracking,
o Brain Imaging (EEG and FMRI),
o Facial Encoding,
o Sensory Marketing,
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o Psychological Techniques.
• Pharmaceutical companies are restricted to many laws and regulations to advertise
their products. New and innovative medicines are constantly being launched on the
market, and consequently, competition might be challenging.
• Therefore, by using neuromarketing methods, a pharmaceutical company can gain a
better understanding of the thoughts of clients, and thus, tailor specific marketing
• The combination of neuromarketing techniques with conventional ones, can produce
more effective marketing practices and help to achieve a deeper understanding of the
consumer and the market.
• The advertising of pharmaceutical drugs involves enormous amounts of money. In all
countries, pharmaceutical companies want to increase their sales and promote new
products and brands in both the traditional and online markets.
• That is why it is essential to create personalized tools and services to adapt our
marketing campaign to the target audience.
• Advantages of Neuromarketing:
o Discover fresh viewpoints.
o Uncover emotional and non-conscious responses.
o Put measurements onto common scales.
o Measure fleeting reactions that people can't remember.
o Ask people to think about how they feel about something can change the feeling.
o Measure priming effects.
o Can be scaled-up.
• Limitations of Neuromarketing
o Ethical concerns
o Availability of specific skills
o Expensive equipment
o Privacy
• Application of Neuromarketing
o Neuromarketing in Branding: Branding is one of the most natural applications of
applied neuromarketing. This concept is formed via contact points- through the
use of its products or services, exposure to it online, traditional marketing
campaigns, experiences of other consumers, etc.
▪ Emotional evaluation of the brand
▪ Brand personality
▪ Evaluation of distinctive assets
▪ Evaluation of new corporative image
o Neuromarketing in Product/Packaging: It is estimated that more than 50% of new
products fail, increasing to 90% when we focus on mass consumption products.
Thanks to neuromarketing, brands can verify up to what point the rational
opinions of consumers coincide with nonconscious aspects.
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▪ Comparison of packaging design
▪ Display visibility
▪ Attribute testing
▪ Consumption experience
o Neuromarketing in Advertising: One of its main objectives is to transmit the core
values of the brand and/or product to the target audience. Neuromarketing is
employed to improve publicity and verify whether the brand is actually
transmitting what it aims to.
▪ Comparison of animatics
▪ Evaluation of ad campaigns
▪ Evaluation of graphic campaigns
▪ Evaluation of digital campaigns
▪ Evaluation of radio campaigns
▪ Evaluation of publicity material at the point of sale
▪ Brand building
o Neuromarketing in digital environments: Neuromarketing is employed in many
cases to understand how digital interaction occurs and how brands can improve
usability and user experience with new digital elements.
▪ Evaluation of graphic lines
▪ Evaluation of landing pages or microsites
▪ Usability studies
▪ Brand building
o Other fields of application:
▪ Point of sale
▪ Entertainment
▪ Politics
▪ Industrial design
▪ Architecture and work environments
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1. Research & Development:
▪ Research & Development is one of the integral parts of Pharmaceutical
Industry. The cost involved in pharmaceutical Research is in thousands of
billions dollars & takes a decade and more to get a single molecule which
could failed also.
▪ But using the neural networking it is quite possible to determine the action
of drug being developed by using receptor biding action & possible effects
of it. Thus, reducing the money & time wastage to get that one molecule
which could show the possible significant result by target specific drugs
▪ It can also be used in evolution parameters such In Vivo & Vitro Analysis,
Pharmacokinetics Profiling, Biotechnological Drugs Development, Genetic
Engineering etc.
2. Epidemiology:
• The practice of monitoring infectious-disease processes has traditionally
relied heavily on surveillance and expert opinion.
• Once the surveillance data are collected, public-health officials consult
with subject-matter experts, and appropriate measures to control an
infectious-disease outbreak are designed and implemented.
• Nut it takes much time and sometimes there are chances of missing out of
certain factor or delayed analysis but with the help of Neural Networking
this prediction has become easier.
• Modelling is a tool that fills the void in precautionary infectious-disease
decision making by using available data to provide quantitative estimates
of outbreak trajectories.
• While modelling is an improvement over standard documentation,
artificial intelligence (AI) technology is evolving at a very rapid rate.
• The ability of Deep Learning to augment decision-making processes is
attributed to the speed of pattern recognition and the robust amount of
data that are digested and analysed for optimal health outcomes.
3. Forecasting & Planning
• One of the main aspects in pharmaceutical industry is forecasting &
planning of all the cycles & departments to be in synchronization & avoid
the any miscommunication or gap in any of the department or supply of
• By using neural networking model one can easily predict the requirement
of particular drugs or APIs or process which could be useful in avoiding the
shortage of it.
• Also, the production facility could work in proper order without getting
troubled by sudden orders or requirement.
• By studying the disease pattern, the need of seasonal drug can also be
forecasted effectively.
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4. Supply Chain Management:
• Supply Chain Management plays the integral role in ordering of Raw
Material to transportation of these raw material & then conversion of it to
effective drugs & finally supplying to the consumer.
• Neural Networking thus can estimate the requirement of essential items &
APIs by forecasting, estimated freight time, production time & delivery
• Hence the time management can be performed effectively and can
maintain the client relation by providing the timely delivery of ordered
medicines or drugs.
5. Consumer Behaviour:
• Neuromarketing & Neural Networking both can be used to determine the
consumer behaviour as both goes hand in hand.
• Consumer behaviour is essential to know how consumer are responding to
our product & to achieve the better customer satisfaction by providing
them the product they needed.
• Neural Networking model can help to predict the consumer behaviour
based on the database, forecast the product demand, product life cycle
• Whereas the neuromarketing can be used to determine how consumers
are responding to the product by its external appearance. Thus, it helps to
study the customer thinking & demand so that company can develop the
product in customer centric way.
6. Marketing & Branding:
• To achieve all the above targets, it is essential to market the product &
build a strong branding.
• Neuromarketing & Neural Strategy can play the integral role here as well
by helping the company to build the brand & market the product.
• Neuromarketing study provide the consumer behaviour data from which
we can find out the target customer by using the neural networking. And
again, using the neuromarketing technique we can market the product
effectively thus building the brand.
7. Business Management:
• Business management includes the planning, organizing, staffing, leading,
or directing, and controlling an organization. There is humongous
workforce is involved in this.
• The effective management of this multilevel complex workforce can be
achieved by the neural strategy by integrating it at various department
level as mentioned above.
• This can be used in financing & operations as well by optimising the
function of instrument & workforce management thus helping in efficient
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Application on the Ferisome:
• Introduction:
▪ Ferisome 30mg tablet is used to treat iron deficiency and low haemoglobin levels
in blood. It improves red blood cell count in body. Iron is an important constituent
of haemoglobin, myoglobin and the enzymes which serves as a carrier for oxygen
and electrons, acts as a catalyst in various biochemical reactions of the body.
▪ Ferisome 30mg tablet plays a vital role for the transport and storage of oxygen in
oxidative metabolism, cell growth and proliferation. It also helps in metabolizing
proteins and plays a role in the production of haemoglobin and red blood cells.
• Key composition of Ferisome 30mg tablet:
▪ Elemental iron (ferric pyrophosphate iron)
• Therapeutic uses of Ferisome 30mg tablet:
▪ Treat iron deficiency and low haemoglobin levels in blood.
▪ Helps in metabolizing proteins and plays a role in the production of haemoglobin
and red blood cells.
▪ Improves red blood cell count in body.
• Side effects of Ferisome 30mg tablet:
▪ Dark stools
▪ Upset stomach.
▪ Constipation
▪ Heartburn
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• Implementation of Consumer Behaviour with Neural Strategy:
Consumer Behaviour
• Generating data throuugh
• Surveys
• Reports
• Influencing Factors
• Analytics
• Interviews
Neuromarketing Study
• Customer Study
• Influencer Study
• Customer Need determination
Neural Strategy
• Using the data of above studies
• Feeding to the neural network
• Estimate the consumer behaviour, wants, product life cycle.
• Forecast the demand
• Product Development based on the results
• Using Neuromarketing strategy to attract the customer
• Building the brand & acquiring the market
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