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Tellabs 8000 Network Manager R17A Software Installation Manual

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Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

Software Installation Manual

Document Information

Revision History

Document No. Date Description of Changes

70170_04 12.02.2010 Windows Server 2008 R2 added throughout the document.
Figures 1, 3, 9, 14, 16 and 22 updated.
Database device sizes updated in chapter 5.2.2.
Naming instructions in the Sybase Server installation instructions
updated in chapter 5.5.2.
Changes related to password data in chapters 5.5.4 and 5.5.5.
Changes made to sql paths and step 10 related to configuration
changes removed in chapter 5.6.
The order of the offered instructions for Installing Database Server
on Solaris modified in chapter 6.
Introductory part to Database Server installation on Solaris and
database device sizes updated in chapter 6.
Instructions on changing the volumes to match the ones on Database
Server added in chapter 6.3.3.
Instructions on installing Sybase binaries from CD-ROM and
installing Adaptive Server from resource files modified in chapters
6.4.1 and 6.4.2.
The location of Adaptive Server configuration data changed and
updated and scripts added in chapters 5.7 and 6.10.
Device path data edited in chapters 5.6 and 6.9.
Instructions on giving execution rights to dbdump.sh added in
chapter 6.11.
Backup script data edited and compression parameter added in
chapter 6.11.1.
PLTSRV_BCKMGR= parameter removed in chapter 8.7.3.
A note on installation message added in chapter 8.8.1.
MetroWatch-related data and a note on NetBIOS ports added in
the appendix part.
Sybase Adaptive Server Configuration Commands appendix
Other minor changes throughout the document.
70170_03 27.11.2009 Figures 1, 9, 14 and 22 updated.
Solaris 10 data edited in step 2 in chapter 6.3.1.
An example on how to map incoming management traffic to class
cs7 added in chapter 8.12.2.

© 2010 Tellabs. All rights reserved.

This Tellabs manual is owned by Tellabs or its licensors and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws, conventions and
treaties. Your right to use this manual is subject to limitations and restrictions imposed by applicable licenses and copyright laws.
Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, display or other use of this manual may result in criminal and civil penalties.
The following trademarks and service marks are owned by Tellabs Operations, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or
other countries: TELLABS ®, TELLABS ® logo, TELLABS and T symbol ®, and T symbol ®.

Any other company or product names may be trademarks of their respective companies.

The specifications and information regarding the products in this manual are subject to change without notice. All statements,
information, and recommendations in this manual are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind,
express or implied. Users must take full responsibility for their application of any products.

Adobe ® Reader ® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

Document Information

Terms and Conventions

Term Explanation
Access ACL
Control List
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BMP Broadband Management Protocol
CLI Command Line Interface
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
DNS Domain Name Service
ESW Embedded Software
IFM Interface Module
IIS Internet Information Server
IP Internet Protocol
LAN Local Area Network
LDAP Light Directory Access Protocol
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
NIC Network Interface Card
NSM Network Services Module
NTP Network Time Protocol
OCNM Online Core Network Monitoring
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
PE Provider Edge
QoS Quality of Service
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UAC User Account Control
WINS Windows Internet Naming Service

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04
Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Manual .............................................................................................................. 10

Objectives....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Audience......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Related Documentation .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Document Conventions ...................................................................................................................................................11
Documentation Feedback................................................................................................................................................11

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 12

1.1 Installation Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 12

1.2 Before You Begin ................................................................................................................................................ 12
1.3 Conventions and Terms Used .............................................................................................................................. 13
1.4 Common Actions and Important Remarks .......................................................................................................... 14
1.4.1 Windows Server 2008 User Account Control – Elevated Privileges .................................................. 14
1.4.2 Microsoft Windows Shutdown and Boot-Up Procedure ..................................................................... 14
1.4.3 Run Program Procedure....................................................................................................................... 15
1.4.4 SETUP.EXE - Installation Modes ....................................................................................................... 15
1.4.5 Network Interfaces .............................................................................................................................. 15
1.4.6 Modifying Files ................................................................................................................................... 15
1.4.7 Editing NMS.INI Files ....................................................................................................................... 16
1.4.8 Defaults................................................................................................................................................ 16
1.4.9 After Installing a Program ................................................................................................................... 16
1.4.10 Computer Hardware Drivers ............................................................................................................... 16
1.4.11 Downloading Updated Drivers for Tellabs 8000 Manager Recommended Computers ...................... 17

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation .................................... 18

2.1 Installing Multi-User Tellabs 8000 Network Manager........................................................................................ 18

2.2 Installing Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8000 Manager................................................................... 21
2.3 Installing Single-User Tellabs 8000 Network Manager ...................................................................................... 22
2.4 Installing Typical and Small Tellabs 8000 Manager Configurations................................................................... 23
2.5 Installing Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 Networks.............. 25
2.6 Installing Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 Networks ........... 26

3 Prerequisites to Server and Workstation Installations............................................ 28

3.1 Third Party Software and Updates....................................................................................................................... 28

3.1.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates ...................................................................... 28

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

Table of Contents

3.1.2 Web Browser ....................................................................................................................................... 28

3.1.3 Adobe Reader ...................................................................................................................................... 29
3.1.4 Device Drivers..................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.1 LAN and Network Parameters ............................................................................................................ 29
3.2.2 Name Resolution Systems/Services .................................................................................................... 29
3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup......................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.5 LDAP Authentication .......................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.6 Clock Synchronization in Servers and Workstations........................................................................... 31

4 Operating System Installation Overview................................................................... 32

4.1 Installing Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 and 2008 SP2/R2 ...................................................................... 32
4.2 Installing Microsoft Windows XP Professional .................................................................................................. 33
4.3 Installing and Configuring Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Route Masters........................................................... 34
4.3.1 Installing Red Hat Linux ..................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.2 Configuring Red Hat Linux ................................................................................................................. 36

5 Installing Database Server on Windows ................................................................... 37

5.1 General................................................................................................................................................................. 37
5.2 Prerequisites......................................................................................................................................................... 38
5.2.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates ...................................................................... 38
5.2.2 Partitioning Hard Drives...................................................................................................................... 38
5.3 Installation Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 38
5.4 Changes to Standard Operating System Installation ........................................................................................... 39
5.4.1 Necessary Changes in Database Server............................................................................................... 39
5.5 Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server...................................................... 39
5.5.1 Installing Updates for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.2 ...................................................... 42
5.5.2 Installing Sybase Servers..................................................................................................................... 43
5.5.3 Installing Sybase ASE Licenses .......................................................................................................... 46
5.5.4 Testing New Adaptive Server.............................................................................................................. 48
5.5.5 Changing Sybase Adaptive Server Character Sets from iso_1 – Optional.......................................... 49
5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database ........................................................................................................... 51
5.7 Configuring Adaptive Server............................................................................................................................... 58
5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows 2003/2008 Database Server ........................................................... 58
5.8.1 Verifying That Task Scheduler is Running.......................................................................................... 59
5.8.2 Backing Up Database Dumps to Disk ................................................................................................. 60
5.8.3 Backing up Databases to Tape Drive................................................................................................... 62
5.8.4 Restoring Backed Up Data to Disk...................................................................................................... 65
5.9 Database Backup to Another Computer .............................................................................................................. 66
5.9.1 Backup Procedure for Windows 2003/2008 Server Based Database Server ...................................... 66

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris ....................................................................... 70

6.1 General................................................................................................................................................................. 70
6.2 Installation Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 71

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

Table of Contents

6.3 Prerequisites......................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.3.1 Configuring Advanced Lights Out Monitoring (ALOM).................................................................... 71
6.3.2 Operating System ................................................................................................................................ 72
6.3.3 Preparing RAW Volumes for Sybase Devices..................................................................................... 73
6.3.4 Preparing Sybase User Environment................................................................................................... 74
6.4 Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server...................................................... 74
6.4.1 Installing Sybase Binaries from CD-ROM.......................................................................................... 74
6.4.2 Installing Adaptive Server from Resource Files.................................................................................. 75
6.4.3 Adding File Handles for Devices and User Connections .................................................................... 77
6.5 Installing EBF Update for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0................................................................... 77
6.6 Changing Sybase Adaptive Server Character Sets from iso_1 – Optional.......................................................... 78
6.7 Installing Sybase Licenses................................................................................................................................... 78
6.7.1 Installing Sybase Licenses Using lmutil Tool ..................................................................................... 78
6.7.2 Installing Sybase Licenses from a License Server .............................................................................. 79
6.8 Testing New Adaptive Server ............................................................................................................................. 79
6.9 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database ........................................................................................................... 79
6.10 Configuring Adaptive Server............................................................................................................................... 80
6.11 Database Backup Procedures for Solaris............................................................................................................. 80
6.11.1 Backup Scripts..................................................................................................................................... 81

7 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and

Workstations................................................................................................................ 83

7.1 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Computers ................................................................. 83
7.2 Installing Upgrade Software for Sybase Open Client 15.0.2 on Tellabs 8000 Manager Computers .................. 85

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers .................................................................. 86

8.1 Prerequisites......................................................................................................................................................... 86
8.1.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates ...................................................................... 86
8.1.2 Required Hard Drive Space................................................................................................................. 86
8.2 Installation Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 87
8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers ....................................................................................................... 87
8.3.1 Running Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation Wizard ............................................................ 87
8.4 Installing DXX Server (8100 Adapter) ............................................................................................................. 102
8.4.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 102
8.4.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 102
8.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 102
8.5 Installing Recovery Server ................................................................................................................................ 103
8.5.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 103
8.5.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 103
8.5.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 103
8.6 Installing Combined DXX and Recovery Server .............................................................................................. 105
8.6.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 105
8.6.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 105
8.6.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 106
8.7 Installing Management Server........................................................................................................................... 106
8.7.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 106
8.7.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 107
8.7.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 107

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

Table of Contents

8.8 Installing Communication Server...................................................................................................................... 108

8.8.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 108
8.8.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 108
8.8.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 109
8.9 Installing Front-End Server of Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 Networks ............................. 109
8.9.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 109
8.9.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 109
8.9.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries .................................................................................................................110
8.10 Installing Single User SCC/DCC Configuration for Tellabs 8100 Nodes..........................................................110
8.10.1 General................................................................................................................................................110
8.10.2 Step List..............................................................................................................................................110
8.10.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries .................................................................................................................111
8.11 Installing Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 Networks ..............................................................112
8.11.1 General................................................................................................................................................112
8.11.2 Step List..............................................................................................................................................112
8.11.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries .................................................................................................................113
8.12 Node and Network Element Communications ...................................................................................................113
8.12.1 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers.............................113
8.12.2 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and Communication Servers............119
8.13 Running Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers as Windows Service .......................................................................... 127
8.13.1 Installing and Activating Server Services ......................................................................................... 128
8.13.2 Stopping Server Services................................................................................................................... 129
8.13.3 Restarting Server Service .................................................................................................................. 130
8.13.4 Deactivating Server Service .............................................................................................................. 130
8.13.5 Removing Server Service .................................................................................................................. 131

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations ....................................................... 132

9.1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................... 132

9.1.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates .................................................................... 132
9.1.2 Required Hard Drive Space............................................................................................................... 132
9.1.3 Display Properties.............................................................................................................................. 132
9.2 Installation Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 133
9.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Workstations ............................................................................................ 133
9.3.1 Running Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation Wizard .......................................................... 133
9.4 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Standard, Power or Satellite Workstations ................................................... 145
9.4.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 145
9.4.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 146
9.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 146
9.4.4 Installing Session Support in Standard Workstations........................................................................ 148
9.4.5 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 6300 Managed Transport System............................ 149
9.4.6 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 7100 Optical Transport System and Tellabs 7300 Metro
Ethernet Switching Series.................................................................................................................. 150
9.5 Installing 8100 Service Computer ..................................................................................................................... 150
9.5.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 150
9.5.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 150
9.5.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 151
9.6 Installing Private Subnetwork Workstation ....................................................................................................... 152
9.6.1 General............................................................................................................................................... 152
9.6.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 152
9.6.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries ................................................................................................................ 153

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

Table of Contents

10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master ....................................................................................... 154

10.1 Installing Tellabs 8000 Route Master Software ................................................................................................ 154

10.2 Starting Route Master Processes ....................................................................................................................... 155
10.2.1 Preconditions ..................................................................................................................................... 155
10.2.2 Step List............................................................................................................................................. 155
10.3 Stopping Route Master Processes...................................................................................................................... 155
10.4 Configuring Route Master Process .................................................................................................................... 156
10.4.1 Configuring OSPF Daemon with Command Line Interface ............................................................. 156
10.5 Example Configuration...................................................................................................................................... 156
10.5.1 Example of nsm.conf......................................................................................................................... 158
10.5.2 Example of ospfd.conf....................................................................................................................... 159
10.6 Uninstalling Route Master................................................................................................................................. 159

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network........................................................... 160

11.1 Partitioned Network........................................................................................................................................... 175

11.1.1 Converting from Non-Partitioned to Partitioned Network ................................................................ 175

12 Command Line Installation of Tellabs 8000 Manager ............................................ 177

12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries................................................................................................................................ 177

12.2 Creating a File Share for Installation Files........................................................................................................ 178
12.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager from Command Line..................................................................................... 178

13 Windows Related Instructions ................................................................................. 179

13.1 Adding Windows Registry Key Values ............................................................................................................. 179

13.2 Finding out Sybase SQL Server Service Name................................................................................................. 180

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A ........................... 181

Firewall Settings Between Tellabs 8000 Manager and Network Elements ................................................................. 181
Firewall Settings Between Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations ............................................................. 187
Other Services .............................................................................................................................................................. 197
Note on NetBIOS Ports ................................................................................................................................................ 197

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

About the Manual

About the Manual

This chapter discusses the objectives and the intended audience of this manual, Tellabs® 8000
Network Manager Software Installation Manual, and consists of the following sections:

• Objectives
• Audience
• Related Documentation
• Documentation Feedback


This manual provides detailed instructions on how Tellabs ® 8000 network manager and third
party software are installed on Tellabs 8000 network manager computers. Use this document in
conjunction with the manuals of the respective third party programs. Bear in mind that many
different practices apply between the applications. Acquainting yourself with the manuals provided
with your hardware and other software will help you in installing the system in a more flexible


This manual is designed for software installation and administration personnel and for system

Related Documentation

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A Describes all the needed third party software
Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements components and versions in the Tellabs 8000
(70002_XX) network manager system (operating systems,
service packs, database server versions, client
versions, web browsers). Describes also
the recommended computer platforms, LAN
configurations and minimum performance
requirements for computers.
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A Provides instructions on how to install and
Installation and Configuration Guide for configure Tellabs 8000 network manager servers.
Communication Server and DXX Server
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A Provides instructions on how to install and
Installation and Configuration Guide for configure Tellabs 8000 network manager servers,
Management Server, Route Master and Recovery route masters and other components.
Server (70171_XX)

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

About the Manual

Web Reporter for Tellabs ® 8000 Network Provides instructions on installing the Web
Manager R17A Reporter tool.
Installation and Configuration Manual
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A Provides instructions on how to configure
LDAP/RADIUS Authentication Configuration LDAP/RADIUS Authentication in Tellabs 8000
User Manual (70186_XX) network manager.
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A Describes the recommendations and restrictions
Release and Installation Notes (70179_XX) for installing, configuring and using Tellabs 8000
network manager.
Tellabs ® 8600 Managed Edge System Provides commands available to configure, monitor
CLI Commands Manual (50117_XX) and maintain Tellabs 8600 system products with

Tellabs ® 8600 Managed Edge System Provides instructions on how to install Tellabs 8600
Hardware Installation Guide (40039_XX) hardware up to the point when the network element
is ready to be powered up. Guidance is provided
on mechanical installation, grounding, powering,
cabling, maintenance, commissioning and ESW

Document Conventions

This is a note symbol. It emphasizes or supplements information in the document.

This is a caution symbol. It indicates that damage to equipment is possible if the instructions
are not followed.

This is a warning symbol. It indicates that bodily injury is possible if the instructions are not

Documentation Feedback

Please contact us to suggest improvements or to report errors in our documentation:

Email: fi-documentation@tellabs.com

Fax: +358.9.4131.2430

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Installation Overview

The installation process of Tellabs ® 8000 network manager comprises of the following steps.

• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 or Solaris 10 op-
erating system software on Database Server.
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 operating system
software on Recovery Servers, DXX Servers, Management Servers and Communication Servers.
• Install Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.2 on Database Server.
• Install Microsoft Windows XP Professional on all Tellabs 8000 manager workstations and other
• Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3 update 5 on Tellabs 8000 Route Master servers.
• Install the Sybase Open Client 15.0.2 software on all the computers except Database Server, Route
Masters and Service Computers.
• Install the Tellabs 8000 manager software on all computers except for Database Server and Route
Master servers and modify some system files.
• Install the Tellabs 8000 Route Master software on Route Master servers.
• Configure communication links to DXX Servers and Communication Servers.
• Create the database.
• Configure Tellabs 8000 manager and start building your network.

1.2 Before You Begin

As you leaf through this manual, you will notice that the instructions have been presented as steps
and bullets. Steps, which are numbered, are the main phases that can be divided into smaller actions.
As the installation process may take days, it is likely that all of it cannot be done in one go. You
can tick the steps as you progress; this can help you keep track of what you have already done and
which stages have not been completed yet. It might also be a good idea to photocopy the installation
manual, one for each computer, and use the copy as a logbook.

To install all Tellabs 8000 manager and respective third party applications and programs, you
should reserve up to two working days of your time. The time needed, of course, depends on how
experienced you are in installation. If you are familiar with Tellabs 8000 manager, the installation
process will naturally be faster. If you are new to the system, be prepared to spend more time by the
computer. Tellabs 8000 manager is a complicated system and installing it will take time.

Please keep in mind that Tellabs Oy can guarantee the optimal performance of the system only if
exactly the same computers and programs are used as recommended in this manual and in Tellabs ®
8000 Network Manager Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

1 Introduction

The installation procedures can vary between different computer makes and models.
Therefore, when installing operating systems or drivers, you should follow the instructions
provided by your computer/driver manufacturer or Microsoft.

Remember to login as an administrator when installing drivers and other software on

Microsoft Windows computers. You will also have to login as an administrator when changing
environmental settings.

1.3 Conventions and Terms Used

In this manual, the following typographical conventions are used to help to distinguish different
elements in the text.

Text Element Usage

Bold Indicates the name of an item (window/ dialog/ button, etc.) you need to
select. When more than one item needs to be selected in a step, the items to
be selected are separated by a dash (-).
Bold also indicates the name of a window, a dialog, a list, a drop-down
list, or a field.
Italics The italics style is used when references are made to other documents.
Type this This font and point size indicates variable information you need to enter.
Note that the letters are case-sensitive, there will be a note reminding you
of it.

<Type this> If the text has <> characters around it, you should enter your choices instead.
Message This font in bold indicates basically what you will see on the screen or on
paper. It also gives the system responses, i.e. messages that you might/will
get as a reply to your actions.

The following terms are used to describe actions taken with a mouse.

Term Action
Click Press and release a mouse button.
Double-click Press and release the left mouse button twice in quick succession.
Point Move the mouse pointer.
Select/Choose As a rule: point to an item and click the left mouse button.
(There are also cases when these words are used to mean operating with
the arrow keys and enter key, or mentally making a selection over several
options. The context in which the term is used will however clearly tell
you which of the above is meant.)

On the keyboard, the term press the keys means that one or more keys are pressed down and
released; enter text means to type on the keyboard; the terms type and enter are interchangeable.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

1 Introduction

1.4 Common Actions and Important Remarks

1.4.1 Windows Server 2008 User Account Control – Elevated Privileges

In Windows Server 2008 a security infrastructure called User Account Control (UAC) is introduced.
It limits application software to standard user privileges until an administrator authorizes an increase
in a privilege level. In other words, a user account may have administrator privileges assigned to it,
but applications that the user runs do not have those privileges unless they are approved beforehand
or the user explicitly authorizes it to have higher privileges.

Running programs with elevated privileges:

• Example 1: Starting a program with elevated privileges. In Windows 2008 server, it has to be
started as follows (Sybase DSEDIT is used as an example):
• Right-click Start – All Programs – Sybase – Connectivity – Open Client Directory Ser-
vice Editor (DSEDIT).
• Select Run As Administrator.
• If UAC gives a warning message, click allow.
• Example 2: Program can be started with elevated privileges from a command prompt (Sybase
DSEDIT is used as an example):
• Right-click Start – Command Prompt.
• Select Run As Administrator.
• If UAC gives a warning message, click allow.
• Start the program (e.g C:\sybase\OCS-15_0\bin\dsedit.exe)
• Example 3: Opening a file to editor with elevated privileges:
• Right-click Start – All Programs – Accessories – Notepad.
• Select Run As Administrator.
• If UAC gives a warning message, click allow.
• Select File – Open and browse for the file to be edited.
• Click Open.

1.4.2 Microsoft Windows Shutdown and Boot-Up Procedure

You can preserve the integrity of the operating system by performing the system shutdown and
boot-up with the following procedures.

To shut down the system from the Start menu:

• Click the Start button.

• Click on Shut Down in the Start menu.
• Select the Shutdown… menu option.
• You can select either Shut down or Restart. Select the desired option and click Yes.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

1 Introduction

1.4.3 Run Program Procedure

The text Run A:\PROGRAM.EXE in this manual means:

In the Microsoft Windows Command Prompt

• Press the Enter key to start the program.
Alternatively, either the shortcut or the icon of a file can be double-clicked to start the program.

1.4.4 SETUP.EXE - Installation Modes

The Tellabs 8000 manager installation program SETUP.EXE has two different installation modes:

• 8000 Manager Mode installs Tellabs 8000 manager with support for Tellabs ® 8600 managed
edge system, Tellabs ® 8100 managed access system, Tellabs ® 6300 managed transport system,
Tellabs ® 8800 multiservice router series nodes, Tellabs ® 7100 optical transport system nodes and
Tellabs ® 7300 metro Ethernet switching series nodes.
• 8100 Manager Mode installs Tellabs 8000 manager without support for Tellabs 8600, Tellabs
7100, Tellabs 7300 and Tellabs 8800 nodes.
Using 8100 Manager Mode for installation is recommended if there are no plans to install Tellabs
8600 system network elements to the network in the near future. It corresponds to the former
Tellabs 8100 manager installation. 8000 Manager Mode is recommended and even required in some
configurations if there is an existing Tellabs 8600 system network or if there are plans to install
Tellabs 8600 system network elements to the network.

In the same network management system, there can be computers installed in both modes, i.e., some
can be installed using 8000 Manager Mode and others using 8100 Manager Mode.

1.4.5 Network Interfaces

If a Tellabs 8000 manager computer has more than one active network interface, including a possible
wireless LAN connection, the user needs to make selection on the network interface that will be
used for management during the Tellabs 8000 manager installation.

1.4.6 Modifying Files

It is a good practice to leave the original text as commented lines in the files.

• Use the Copy and Paste commands to duplicate the text to be modified.
• Comment the original text, i.e. use semicolon (;), square (#) or rem remarks.
• Modify the new text according to your needs.
You can use the Start-Programs-Accessories-Notepad editor to edit the files.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

1 Introduction

1.4.7 Editing NMS.INI Files

If you need to edit the NMS.INI files in Tellabs 8000 manager computers, it is a good practice to
copy the changes made into a backup file named as NMS.PAR. To be sure that the required changes
will also be taken into use after upgrading to a new version of Tellabs 8000 manager, these changes
should be in an NMS.PAR file in the %NMSDIR% directory. The settings in the NMS.PAR file in
that directory will override the default NMS.INI settings. If the parameter is valid and it has been
defined in the default NMS.INI, the value for that parameter will change according to the NMS.PAR
file. If the parameter is new (not existing in the default NMS.INI), invalid or unknown, it will be
appended to the end of the NMS.INI file. You should find out from the Tellabs 8000 manager
online help if this parameter is required at all.

From Tellabs 8000 manager R17A on, the NMS.PAR file is no longer needed if updating from
Tellabs 8000 manager R17-SP3 or later. In the installation you can select the Keep configurations
from the old installation option, which keeps the old NMS.INI. However, if NMS.PAR is still
used it overrides all other settings.

When the Session Supported Installation option is used (selection in the Environment
Selection dialog of Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Setup Wizard), the changes made to
%NMSINSTDIR%\NMS.INI will be copied to each Windows user’s %NMSDIR%\NMS.INI
when the user starts Tellabs 8000 manager for the first time. After that, only changes made to the
user’s own %NMSDIR%\NMS.INI will have an effect. There can be a different NMS.PAR file in
%NMSINSTDIR% (common changes) and each user’s own %NMSDIR% directory for preserving
old parameters.

Do not copy the whole existing NMS.INI file to the .PAR file as this can make the system

The installer does not show the overriding values in the NMS.PAR file. If you change the
values in the installer GUI, they will be overwritten by the values in the NMS.PAR file.

1.4.8 Defaults

Only those settings are indicated that will be changed or are very important to verify. All the other
settings will be default settings of the programs.

1.4.9 After Installing a Program

Shut down and boot the computer after installing each program.

1.4.10 Computer Hardware Drivers

Always install the correct software drivers to your computers.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

1 Introduction

1.4.11 Downloading Updated Drivers for Tellabs 8000 Manager Recommended


For updated hardware drivers, please contact your computer manufacturer.

For different HP models:


For different IBM models:


Drivers for Eiconcard can be obtained from


For any other computer or accessory, please see the respective manufacturers’ WWW pages for
information on their hardware drivers.

Tellabs Oy supports only computer systems that are configured according to Tellabs ® 8000
Network Manager Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements. Tellabs 8000 manager
R17A may work on other types of configurations as well, but performance is not guaranteed,
and Tellabs Oy is not obliged to provide corrections specific to those configurations.

Always use the latest software drivers for the hardware you are using.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software

Tellabs 8000 manager can be configured in different ways depending on the size of the network,
the number of concurrent users and the type of network elements and nodes used. The different
configurations that will be described below are multi-user configurations for networks where there is
a mixture of different nodes and network elements, such as Tellabs 6300, Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs
8600 system nodes, dual computer configurations and single-user configurations for networks that
have mainly Tellabs 8100 system nodes. Also typical, small and dual computer configurations for
networks that have mainly Tellabs 8600 system network elements are described.

In Tellabs 8000 manager R16 and later, it is also possible to install Single Computer Configuration
for Tellabs 8600 networks.

As a rule of thumb, the management system should always be configured as multi-user system if
there are network elements from more than one Tellabs product line.

2.1 Installing Multi-User Tellabs 8000 Network Manager

Step 1 Install the Database Server.

• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 or Solaris
10 software with the required service packs and patches.
• Create partitions and configure the server.
• Install the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise software (see chapter 5.5 Installing Sybase
Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server).
• Start the Sybase Adaptive Server.
Step 2 Install the DXX Server. If there are no Tellabs 8100 system nodes in your network, you can skip this
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Configure the server.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the DXX Server (8100 Adapter) software (see chapter 8 Installing Tellabs 8000
Manager Servers).
• Configure communication links to nodes (see chapter 8.12.1 Defining Communication
Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers).
• For more information on DXX Servers, see Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation
and Configuration Guide for Communication Server and DXX Server.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

Step 3 Install the Communication Server. If there are no Tellabs 8600 system nodes, Tellabs 6300 system
nodes, Tellabs 7100 system nodes, Tellabs 7300 system nodes, Tellabs 8600 system nodes, SNMP
nodes or other elements and nodes that require the services of a Communication Server in your
network, you can skip this step.
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Configure the server.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Communication Server software (see chapter 8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager
• Install and configure the needed adapters and communication links for the Communication
Server (see chapter 8.12.2 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and
Communication Servers).
• For more information about Communication Servers and configuring communications, see
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Communication
Server and DXX Server.
Step 4 Install either Recovery Server or the combined DXX Server and Recovery Server. If there are
no Tellabs 8100 system nodes in your network or if circuit or trunk recovery will not be used,
you can skip this step.

Combined DXX Server and Recovery Server configuration is supported when there is only
one DXX Server in the system.

Installation of the Recovery Server:

• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Configure the server.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Recovery Server software (see chapter 8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager
Installation of the combined DXX Server and Recovery Server:
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Configure the server.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the DXX Server and Recovery Server software (see chapter 8 Installing Tellabs
8000 Manager Servers).
• Configure communication links to nodes (see chapter 8.12.1 Defining Communication
Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers).

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

Step 5 Install the Tellabs 8000 Manager Management Server. If there are no Tellabs 8600 system nodes, or
if you do not use any other services provided by the Management Server, you can skip this step.
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Configure the server.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Management Server Software (see chapter 8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager
• For more information about the Management Server and its services, see Tellabs ® 8000 Net-
work Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Management Server, Route Master
and Recovery Server.
Step 6 Install the Tellabs 8000 manager Standard or Power Workstation.
• Install the Microsoft Windows XP Professional software with the required service packs
and patches.
• Configure the workstation.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Standard or Power Workstation software (see chapter 9 Installing Tellabs 8000
Manager Workstations).
Step 7 Configure and start the Tellabs 8000 manager computers.
• Create the database (see chapter 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database).
• Start the Management Server(s) by double-clicking on the Management Server and Server
Command Center shortcuts in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 network manager workstation and configure the network (see chapter
11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network).
• Start DXX Server and Recovery Server by double-clicking on their respective shortcuts in
the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder or by running the SUPV.EXE program.
• After configuring Communication Servers to the database, start the Communication
Server(s) by double-clicking on the Communication Server and Server Command
Center shortcuts in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 Manager Route Masters and configure them to the database.
• Verify that everything functions properly.
Step 8 Customize database backup procedures (see chapter 5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows
2003/2008 Database Server).
Step 9 Install and configure additional servers and workstations to your system.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

2.2 Installing Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8000 Manager

The Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8000 manager contains the Database Server on one
computer and the Tellabs 8000 manager software (DXX Server installed with the option of using
workstation in the same computer) on the other computer. The Tellabs 8000 manager DXX Server
(8100 Adapter) configuration contains the functionality of the Tellabs 8000 manager Workstation
and DXX Server, so it will be used for both handling the communication to the nodes and for
operating the network.

The Dual Computer Configuration as such can be used only when 8100 Manager Installation
mode has been used and there are only Tellabs 8100 system nodes in the network.

To install the Dual Computer Configuration, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install the Database Server.

• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Create partitions and configure the server.
• Install the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise software (see chapter 5.5 Installing Sybase
Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server).
• Start the Sybase Adaptive Server.
Step 2 Install the Tellabs 8000 manager DXX Server.
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Tellabs 8000 manager DXX Server (8100 Adapter) software (see chapter 8 In-
stalling Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers). Make sure that you select the Use also Workstation
in this configuration option as installation option.
• Create the database (see chapter 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database).
• Configure communication links to nodes (see chapter 8.12.1 Defining Communication
Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers).
Step 3 Configure the network.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 manager DXX Server in workstation mode by double-clicking on the
Toolbox icon in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder or by running WKST.EXE.
• Configure the network (see chapter 11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network).
• Start the DXX Server configuration by double-clicking on the DXX Server icon in the
Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder or by running the SUPV.EXE program.
• Wait until the server starts and verify that everything functions properly.
Step 4 Customize database backup procedures (see chapter 5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows
2003/2008 Database Server).

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

2.3 Installing Single-User Tellabs 8000 Network Manager

The Single Computer Configuration (SCC) is a system in which the Tellabs 8000 manager
Workstation, DXX Server and Database Server are installed on one computer.

The Single Computer Configuration can be used only when 8100 Manager Installation mode
has been used and there are only Tellabs 8100 system nodes in the network.

To install the SCC, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install the Single-User Tellabs 8000 manager computer.

• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Create partitions and configure the server.
• Install the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise software (see chapter 5.5 Installing Sybase
Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server).
• Install the Tellabs 8000 manager DXX Server software (see chapter 8 Installing Tellabs
8000 Manager Servers). Make sure that you select the Use also Workstation in this con-
figuration option as installation option.
• Create the database (see chapter 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database).
• Configure communication links to nodes (see chapter 8.12.1 Defining Communication
Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers).
Step 2 Configure the network.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 manager DXX Server in workstation mode by double-clicking on the
Toolbox icon in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder or by running WKST.EXE.
• Configure the network (see chapter 11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network).
• Start the DXX Server configuration by double-clicking on the DXX Server icon in the
Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder or by running the SUPV.EXE program.
• Verify that everything functions properly.
Step 3 Customize database backup procedures (see chapter 5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows
2003/2008 Database Server).

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

2.4 Installing Typical and Small Tellabs 8000 Manager Configurations

The typical Tellabs 8000 manager system configuration for Tellabs 8600 system nodes consists
of multiple Management and Communication Servers, Route Masters, workstations and/or
Power Workstations. The small system configuration differs in such a way that there is only one
Communication Server and one Management Server. In both configurations, there can be two Route
Masters. The possible number of concurrent users is lower in the small configuration. To install
the typical or small system configurations, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install the Database Server.

• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Create partitions and configure the server.
• Install the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise software (see chapter 5.5 Installing Sybase
Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server).
• Start the Sybase Adaptive Server.
Step 2 Install the Communication Server.
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Configure the server.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see chapter 7 Installing Sybase Open
Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Communication Server software (see chapter 8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager
• Configure communication links to nodes (see chapter 8.12.2 Defining Communication
Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and Communication Servers).
• For more information on Communication Servers and configuring communications, see
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Communication
Server and DXX Server.
Step 3 Install the Management Server.
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Configure the server.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see 7 Installing Sybase Open Client on
Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Management Server software (see 8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers).
• For more information about the Management Server and its services, see Tellabs ® 8000 Net-
work Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Management Server, Route Master
and Recovery Server.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

Step 4 Install the Tellabs 8000 manager Standard or Power Workstation.

• Install the Microsoft Windows XP Professional software with the required service packs
and patches.
• Configure the workstation.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see 7 Installing Sybase Open Client on
Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Standard or Power Workstation software (see 9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Man-
ager Workstations).
Step 5 Install the Tellabs 8000 Route Master servers.
• Install the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (see 4.3 Installing and Configuring Red Hat Enterprise
Linux for Route Masters).
• Install the Route Master software.
• Configure Route Master processes.
• Start the Route Master processes.
• For more information about the Route Master servers, see Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager
Installation and Configuration Guide for Management Server, Route Master and Recovery
Server. See also 10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master.
Step 6 Install and configure additional servers and workstations to your system.
Step 7 Configure and start the Tellabs 8000 manager computers.
• Create the database (see 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database).
• Start the Management Server(s) by double-clicking on the Management Server and Server
Command Center shortcuts in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 network manager Workstation and configure the network (see chapter
11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network).
• After configuring Communication Servers to the database, start the Communication
Server(s) by double-clicking on the Communication Server and Server Command
Center shortcuts in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 Route Master servers and configure them to the database.
• Verify that everything functions properly.
Step 8 Customize database backup procedures (see 5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows
2003/2008 Database Server).

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

2.5 Installing Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Dual Computer

Configuration for Tellabs 8600 Networks

The Tellabs 8000 manager Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks consists of
two servers: a front-end server, which includes workstation, Management and Database Server
functionalities, and a Communication Server. To install the dual computer configuration for Tellabs
8600 networks, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install the front-end server (Database and Management Servers, workstation software).
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Create partitions and configure the server.
• Install the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise software (see chapter 5.5 Installing Sybase
Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server).
• Install the Tellabs 8000 manager Management Server software (see chapter 8 Installing
Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers). Make sure that you select the Use also Workstation in
this configuration installation option.
Step 2 Install the Communication Server.
• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Install and test the Sybase Open Client software (see 7 Installing Sybase Open Client on
Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations).
• Install the Tellabs 8000 manager Communication Server software (see chapter 8 Installing
Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers).
• Configure communication links to nodes (see chapter 8.12.2 Defining Communication
Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and Communication Servers).
• For more information on Communication Servers and configuring communications, see
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Communication
Server and DXX Server.
Step 3 Configure the network.
• Start and configure Sybase Adaptive Server.
• Create the database and install licenses (see chapter 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager
• Start the Management Server by double-clicking on the Management Server and Server
Command Center shortcuts in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Toolbox and configure the network (see 11 Con-
figuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network).
• After configuring Communication Servers to the database, start the Communication Server
by double-clicking on the Communication Server and Server Command Center shortcuts
in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder.
• Verify that everything functions properly.
Step 4 Customize database backup procedures (see chapter 5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows
2003/2008 Database Server).

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

2.6 Installing Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Single Computer

Configuration for Tellabs 8600 Networks

The Tellabs 8000 manager Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks consists of
one server: a server, which includes workstation, Management, Communication and Database
Server functionalities. To install the Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks
configuration, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install the Single-User Tellabs 8000 manager server.

• Install the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 software
with the required service packs and patches.
• Create partitions and configure the server.
• Install the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise software (see 5.5 Installing Sybase Adap-
tive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server).
• Install the Standard Workstation software in 8000 mode (see 9.3 Installing Tellabs 8000
Manager on Workstations). Use this computer as Preferred Management Server. You can
also use Local loopback as the preferred network adapter for Tellabs 8000 manager.
Step 2 Configure the network.
• Start and configure Sybase Adaptive Server.
• Create the database and install licenses (see chapter 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager
• Configure communication links to nodes (see chapter 8.12.2 Defining Communication
Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and Communication Servers).
• Start the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Toolbox and configure the network (see 11 Con-
figuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network and accomplish the steps 2–7 and the steps 18–23).
• After configuring the basic settings, shutdown the workstation.
• Verify that everything functions properly.
• Re-configure the Tellabs 8000 manager software. Install the Single Computer for 8600 El-
ements configuration in 8000 mode (see 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers).
Communication Service with Tellabs 8600 Adapter, EMS Service, VPN Provisioning Ser-
vice and 8600 Macro Manager Service are selected by default. Select the other needed ser-
vices (Fault Service, Service Management Service, Packet Loop Test Service, Performance
Management Service, Northbound Interface, etc.).
• Start the Management Server by double-clicking on the Management Server and Server
Command Center shortcuts in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder.
• Start the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Toolbox and continue building the network (see
11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network).
• Verify that everything functions properly.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

2 Check List for Tellabs 8000 Manager Software Installation

Step 3 Customize database backup procedures (see 5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows
2003/2008 Database Server).

If Macro Manager Service and Northbound Interface are selected simultaneously and for
information about the supported configurations, see Installation and Configuration Guide
for Northbound Interface.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

3 Prerequisites to Server and Workstation Installations

3 Prerequisites to Server and Workstation

This chapter describes the prerequisites for the installation and configuration of Microsoft Windows
Server 2003 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 and Microsoft Windows XP Professional
on servers and workstations.

3.1 Third Party Software and Updates

For more information regarding third party software versions, see Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager
Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements.

3.1.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates

Tellabs 8000 manager R17A supports Windows Server 2003/2008 operating systems for servers
and Windows XP Professional for workstations. These configurations are mentioned in the
subsequent chapters.

Make sure that you always have the latest operating system service packs and critical updates
installed on the computers that are used with Tellabs 8000 manager. You can obtain the required
service packs and critical updates from Microsoft. From the following link you can find updates for
the operating system.

For security reasons, it is good to visit this site often to obtain the latest updates:


Tellabs 8000 Communication Server with Tellabs 6300 Adapter cannot be run on Windows
Server 2008 or the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003.

3.1.2 Web Browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer can be downloaded at


Make sure that Microsoft Internet Explorer is configured as the default web browser if several web
browsers are installed in the system. Tellabs 8000 manager works with Internet Explorer version 5.5
Service Pack 2 and later, but for security reasons it is recommended to install the latest available
version of Internet Explorer.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

3 Prerequisites to Server and Workstation Installations

3.1.3 Adobe Reader

Tellabs 8000 manager documentation is provided as Adobe PDF files, therefore it is recommended
that Adobe Reader with search capability is installed on the computers.

The software can be downloaded at


It is recommended to download the full version of Adobe Reader that allows searching the Adobe
PDF files.

After installing Adobe Reader with the search support you need to configure Adobe Reader so that it
does not open inside a browser. Proceed as follows.

Step 1 Open Adobe Reader.

Step 2 Configure Adobe Reader so that it does not open in browser:
• Select the Edit - Preferences menu option.
The Preferences dialog opens.
• Select Internet.
In the versions prior to Adobe Reader 6.0, select Options.
• Deselect the Display PDF in Browser check box.
• Click OK.

3.1.4 Device Drivers

Install the correct device drivers for your hardware. Your computer manufacturer should provide
you with the drivers and updates to these drivers can also be obtained from them.

3.2 Configuration

3.2.1 LAN and Network Parameters

Make sure that the LAN/Network parameters are set correctly on the computer and no duplicate IP
addresses are used in the network. TCP/IP protocol should be installed, and either static IP addresses
should be used or a dedicated IP address should be reserved from a DHCP server. PING and NET
TIME commands should work between computers in the management LAN.

3.2.2 Name Resolution Systems/Services

Tellabs recommends you have WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) and/or DNS (Domain
Name Service) servers running in the LAN. These servers provide other computers in the network
with name resolution services, so that they can resolve computer names to an IP address that enables
computers in a network to locate one another and transfer information. The name resolution services
should not be running in any of the dedicated Tellabs 8000 manager servers, i.e., separate servers
are needed.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

3 Prerequisites to Server and Workstation Installations

An alternative to using this kind of servers for name resolution purposes is to manually edit
the HOST and LMHOST files on all computers to add information on the other computers.
This however makes the system hard to administer and is very laborious, as there can be tens
of computers to administer.

3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup

It is recommended to connect the Tellabs 8000 manager computers either to a domain or a

workgroup. The servers and workstations should be connected to a domain if there are more than
ten computers in the management LAN. This should also be done if the users use unique accounts
to access the computers. In a Windows domain, the user accounts are stored centrally on one
computer that authenticates the users.

The workgroup model (Peer-to-Peer) network can be used if there are fewer than 10 computers
in the management LAN or if the users are using same usernames and passwords to login into
the computers.

The easiest configuration is to create a workgroup and to use a common username on each computer.
The security of this kind of configuration is very poor as each user has access to all computers in the
management LAN. Furthermore, there is no way of auditing log ins or log outs as every operator
uses the same user accounts.

A computer domain enables usernames and passwords to be stored centrally and the use of user
groups. In big management networks, a domain is required for ease of administration.

3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords

It is recommended that the users making installations have administrator rights to the computers.
Only then can the installation program add the required environment variables to Windows system
variables, which enables any authenticated user to use the program. In Tellabs 8000 manager R17A,
it is also possible to add the environment variables to Windows user variables, but in this case only
the user who installed the program is able to use it. Most of the required third party software, e.g.
Sybase software, requires administrator rights for the installation.

Users using the Tellabs 8000 manager software should at least have Power user rights to the
computer they are operating, and also to the servers. The server users starting Management and
Communication Server programs can also have only local user rights to the corresponding servers.
Some servers require the server users to have administrative rights. In addition, the users need
access rights to other computers in the management LAN. In the case of a domain, users logged
into the workstations should be added to the Users group in the servers, and users logged into the
servers should be added to the Users group in other servers. (A simple rule is to add domain users to
the Users group in each computer.)

3.2.5 LDAP Authentication

A centralized LDAP server can be used for storing the user accounts and passwords. For more
information on configuring Tellabs 8000 manager for LDAP authentication, see Tellabs ® 8000
Network Manager LDAP/RADIUS Authentication Configuration User Manual.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

3 Prerequisites to Server and Workstation Installations

3.2.6 Clock Synchronization in Servers and Workstations

It is strongly recommended to use an NTP Server for clock synchronization of the

management system servers and workstations as well as network nodes.

The clocks in all Tellabs 8000 manager servers and workstations should be synchronized with
the time in Database Server. If your computer network is configured to keep all the computers,
including Unix Database Server, continuously synchronized using other tools, e.g. Network Time
Protocol (NTP), you can skip the instructions in this chapter.

To set time from the Database Server to other Tellabs 8000 manager server and workstation
configurations, a command file has to be created and added to the Startup group in the Windows
Start menu. Follow the instructions below. There is no need to run this script on Database Server as
it is used as a time reference for the other computers.

Step 1 Log into Windows with a username that is used for starting Tellabs 8000 manager.
Step 2 Create a script file named, e.g., startup.bat.
• Start your text editor.
• Type the line below.
where DBSERVER is the name of your Database Server.
• Save the file.
• Exit the editor.
Step 3 Add the script to the Startup group.
• Select the Start – Settings – Taskbar & Start Menu… menu option on the desktop.
• Click the Advanced tab.
• Click Add.
The Create Shortcut dialog will open.
• Click Browse.
• Find and select the file that you created and click OK.
• Click Next.
The Select Program Folder dialog will open.
• Click on Startup.
If multiple users log into this computer with different usernames and passwords, you might
want to add the file to the All Users startup folder.
• Click Next.
The Select a Title for the Program dialog will open.
• Click on Finish.
Step 4 Shutdown and reboot the computer.

If you have a Unix based database server and you do not use an NTP server to synchronize
clocks, use a DXX Server or a Communication Server as the time reference.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

4 Operating System Installation Overview

4 Operating System Installation Overview

Follow your computer manufacturer’s instructions when installing an operating system on your
server and workstation. The instructions provided here can be used as an overview of the installation

It is strongly recommended that you do a clean operating system installation on the

computers rather than running the upgrade from an earlier version.

Only the 64-bit version of the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 software is supported.

4.1 Installing Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 and 2008 SP2/R2

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 and 2008 SP2/R2 are the supported operating systems for
the Tellabs 8000 manager servers. The installation of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 and
2008 SP2/R2 comprises of the following steps. For further instructions refer to the Microsoft

Always use setup and installation CD-ROMs provided by your computer manufacturer when
installing servers.

Step 1 Create and format partitions.

Step 2 Copy the files.
Step 3 Customize your regional settings.
Step 4 Personalize the software.
Step 5 Select your licensing mode (per server/per seat).
Step 6 Enter a unique computer name and administrator password.
Step 7 Add and remove Windows 2003/2008 components.
• Due to security and performance reasons, do not install any components that are not required
in Tellabs 8000 manager installation manuals.
Step 8 Set the correct date, time and time zone.
Step 9 Set up networking.
• Use Custom settings.
• Enter the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties.
Step 10 Add the computer to a domain or a workgroup.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

4 Operating System Installation Overview

Step 11 Configure the server.

Step 12 Configure your Internet connection.
Step 13 Set up your display properties.
Step 14 Set the paging file size (virtual memory settings) to at least twice the amount of physical memory in
your server. It is advisable to set the same value to the initial and maximum sizes.
Step 15 Set up users and passwords.
For more information, see 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords.

Step 16 Install hardware drivers and configure the computer according to your needs.
Step 17 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later.
Step 18 Install Microsoft Windows 2003/2008 service packs and critical updates on your server.
For more information on the latest supported Windows service packs, see Tellabs ® 8000 Network
Manager Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements.

Instructions in this manual are written for the Classic Start menu of Windows Server 2003 and 2008.
You can turn on the Classic Start menu in Windows 2003/2008 by selecting Start - Settings -
Taskbar and Start Menu, clicking the Start Menu tab, selecting the Classic Start menu radio
button and clicking OK.

4.2 Installing Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Microsoft Windows XP Professional is the supported operating systems for the Tellabs 8000
manager workstations. The installation of Microsoft Windows XP Professional comprises of the
following steps. For more detailed instructions refer to the Microsoft documentation.

Step 1 Create and format partitions.

Step 2 Customize your regional settings.
Step 3 Personalize the software.
Step 4 Enter a unique computer name and administrator password.
Step 5 Set the correct date, time, time zone and daylight saving settings.
Step 6 Set up networking.
• Use Custom settings.
• Enter the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) properties.
Step 7 Connect the computer to the network.
Step 8 Set up display properties.
Step 9 Configure your Internet connection.
Step 10 Set the paging file size (virtual memory settings) to at least twice the amount of physical memory in
your server. It is advisable to set the same value to the initial and maximum sizes.
Step 11 Set up users and passwords.
For more information, see 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords.

Step 12 Add the computer to a domain or a workgroup.

Step 13 Install hardware drivers and configure the computer according to your needs.
Step 14 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

4 Operating System Installation Overview

Step 15 Install Microsoft Windows XP service packs and critical updates on your computer.
For more information on the latest supported Windows service packs, see Tellabs ® 8000 Network
Manager Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements.
Instructions in this manual are written for the Classic Start menu of Windows XP Professional. You
can turn on the Classic Start menu in Windows XP by selecting Start - Settings - Taskbar and Start
Menu, clicking the Start Menu tab, selecting the Classic Start menu radio button and clicking OK.

4.3 Installing and Configuring Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Route

Route Masters supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux as the operating system. This chapter focuses on
the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3 update 5. More detailed operating system
installation instructions can be obtained from Red Hat.

4.3.1 Installing Red Hat Linux

Step 1 Start the installation of Red Hat Linux.

• Start the server with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation CD on the CD-ROM drive.
• Press Enter to start the installation in graphical mode.
• Select Skip to skip the media test and start the installation.
• Read the Red Hat Enterprise Linux welcome message and click Next.
• Select English as the language used during the installation process and click Next.
• Select the correct keyboard layout type and click Next.
• Select the appropriate mouse type and click Next.
• Partition the disks automatically by clicking on Automatic partition and click Next.
• If this is a new installation, the installation program complains that it needs to clear the data
on disk. Click Yes.
• Remove any existing partitions and select the drive that is used for installation and click
• Click Yes to delete all existing data on disk.
• Verify the disk setup (make sure that there are at least root, /boot and swap partitions) and
click Next.
• Click Next in Boot Loader configuration.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

4 Operating System Installation Overview

Step 2 Configure network devices.

One NIC should be connected to the management LAN, the other towards the Tellabs 8600 network
• Make sure that all network devices are active on boot.
• Set the host name.
• Select the correct device and set the IP addresses and netmasks by clicking on Edit.
• Deselect Configure using DHCP.
• Make sure Activate on Boot is selected.
• Enter the address details.
• Click OK.
• Set the Gateway and DNS settings and click Next.
Step 3 Define the rest of the installation settings.
• Select No Firewall and click Next in Firewall configuration.
• Select English (USA) as the default language for the system.
• Select the correct time zone and click Next.
• Set and confirm the root password and click Next.
• Select Customize the set of packages to be installed and click Next.
• Select the following packages in Package Group Selection and click Next.

Desktops X Window System

GNOME Desktop Environment
KDE Desktop Environment
Applications Editors
Graphical Internet (optional)
Text-based Internet
Office and Productivity (PDF reader) (optional)
Authoring Publishing (Optional)
Servers Server configuration tools
Web Server (optional)
FTP Server
Network Servers (Optional)
Legacy Network Server (Optional)
System Administration Tools
System Tools
Printing Support

• Click Next to start the installation.

• Click Next again.
• Insert disk 2 when asked and click OK.
• Insert disk 3 when asked and click OK.
• Insert disk 4 when asked and click OK.
• Insert disk 1 again when asked and click OK.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

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4 Operating System Installation Overview

Step 4 Configure the graphical interface.

• Make sure the correct video hardware and amount of RAM are selected and click Next.
Step 5 Configure the monitor.
• Select the correct monitor type and click Next.
Step 6 Customize the graphics settings.
• Select the correct color depth.
• Select a suitable screen resolution.
• Choose graphical as your login type.
• Click Next.
The installation is now completed.
Step 7 Reboot the system.
• Click Exit.

4.3.2 Configuring Red Hat Linux

After the first successful startup of the Linux server, you need to configure the system initially.

Step 1 Start the system configuration.

• Click Next in the Welcome screen.
• Read the license agreement and select Yes, I agree to the License Agreement.
• Click Next.
• Verify the correct date and time and click Next.
Step 2 Create a user account for normal (non-administrative) user.
• Enter the username, full name and password, and confirm the password.
Note that the RouteMaster installation program will automatically add a user with the
username routemaster.
• Click Next.
Step 3 Configure the system settings.
• Do not register with Red Hat Network, click Next.
• Click Next in the Additional CD-ROMs window.
• Click Next to finish the setup.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.1 General

Database Server contains a database in which the networks are defined. Most Tellabs 8000 manager
computers are continuously accessing the database during their operation, either directly or via a
specific server.

The installation of Database Server requires that computer models, parts and the needed software
are planned carefully before doing the actual installation. Refer to Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager
Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements when selecting the needed computer hardware
and software.

The partitions in the database server computer depend on your hard disk configuration. It is strongly
recommended that you use multiple hard disks for the five partitions as follows.

For reliability and performance reasons Database Server requires the use of multiple hard disks on
the server. The number of needed hard disks is four or eight, depending on whether the mirroring of
hard disks will be used. If mirroring is used, four primary disks and four mirroring disks will be
used. If mirroring is not used, four hard disks should be used. However, it is strongly recommended
that hardware RAID 1 mirroring for hard disks is used in the Database Server.

In addition to multiple hard disk configuration, the used disk partitions also need to be planned
carefully. The recommended configuration of disks and partitions for Database Server and Tellabs
8000 manager database is as follows:

Partition Location Description

C: Disk 1 Microsoft Windows operating system and Sybase Adaptive Server
D: Disk 1 Adaptive Server Master, Tempdb and Sybsystemprocs devices
E: Disk 2 Database data device
F: Disk 3 Database log device
G: Disk 4 Database backups

The procedures in this manual are written according to the above disk configuration. Plan
carefully the disk configuration of the Database Server before you start the installation.

If you do not follow the above recommendations for disk configuration, make sure that at
least database data and log devices use different hard disks. Otherwise, Tellabs Oy cannot
guarantee the performance level.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.2 Prerequisites

The following describes the prerequisites to the installation of the Database Server.

5.2.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates

Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 with the latest service packs and critical
updates should be installed. From the following link you can find updates for the operating systems.
For security reasons, it is good to visit this site often to obtain the latest updates:


If you are planning to install the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 64-bit version, you will
need to have the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2
as the operating system in Database Server. For Windows Server 2008, only 64-bit version is

5.2.2 Partitioning Hard Drives

As stated at the beginning of chapter 5 Installing Database Server on Windows, you should have
at least four physical hard disks in the server. Tellabs strongly recommends the use of RAID 1
hardware mirroring on the Database Server hard disks for safety and performance reasons. The sizes
of hard disks and partitions depend on the size of your database but, in most cases, the following
partition sizes should be adequate. Please format the partitions with the NTFS file system.

• Drive C: System (operating system/Sybase Adaptive Server) – 40 GB

• Drive D: Master (Adaptive Server Master, Sybsystemprocs and tempdb devices) – 10 GB
• Drive E: Data (database data device) – 40 GB or the entire hard disk
• Drive F: Log (database log device) – 40 GB or the entire hard disk
• Drive G: Backup (database backups) – 40 GB or the entire hard disk
Note that using RAID 1 mirroring doubles the number of needed physical hard disks.

5.3 Installation Overview

The installation of Tellabs 8000 manager Database Server comprises of the following steps. Not all
the steps are described in detail in this manual.

• Installation and configuration of Windows Server 2003/2008 and Service Packs.

• Creating Users.
• Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.0.2
• Installing an update for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise.
• Configuring the Adaptive Server.

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

• Creating Tellabs 8000 manager database and installing licenses.

• Creating database backup procedures.

5.4 Changes to Standard Operating System Installation

This chapter describes the necessary changes or additions to the operating system installation on
the Database Server.

5.4.1 Necessary Changes in Database Server

A new value KeepAliveTime needs to be added to the Windows registry. The values needed for
updating the registry are shown in the table below. For more detailed instructions, see chapter
13.1 Adding Windows Registry Key Values.

registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters

value type DWORD
value name KeepAliveTime
value data 300000

5.5 Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on

Database Server

The configuration for the Adaptive Server in this sample installation is

C: Microsoft Windows operating system and Adaptive Server software

D: Adaptive Server Master, Sybsystemprocs and Tempdb devices
E: Database data device
F: Database log device
G: Database backups

To install the Sybase Adaptive Server software, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Log on to the Windows computer using an account with administrator privileges, e.g.
User ID:Administrator
Password:<your Administrator password>
Step 2 Create the following directories.
• D:\SYBASE\DATA for the Adaptive Server Master, Sybsystemprocs and Tempdb devices
• E:\SYBASE\DATA for the Adaptive Server data device
• F:\SYBASE\DATA for the Adaptive Server log device
Step 3 Close any open applications or utilities to free up system resources.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 4 If you are installing the 64-bit version of Sybase ASE, download and install the Microsoft Visual
C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64). Otherwise, the Sybase installation program will
not work.
• Download the update from Microsoft. Search for the correct package from
• Install the update to Database Server.

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 5 Install the Sybase software.

• Insert the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.0.2 installation CD-ROM into
the CD-ROM drive.
• If the Autoplay feature is not enabled, select the Start – Run menu option and type <your
CD-ROM drive>\setup.exe.
• Click Next in the Welcome dialog.
• Select your country or location from the drop-down list in the End-User Agreement dialog,
and tick I agree to the terms of the Sybase Licence for the install location specified.
• Click the Next button.
• Select C:\SYBASE as the installation directory. Click Next.
• Click Yes to create the directory.
• Select Custom as Installation Type.
• Click the Next button.
• In addition to the features that have been selected by default, select also the SySAM License
Server and SySAM Agent Plugin features to install a Sybase License Server on this server.
It is recommended to use a License Server with Sybase licenses.
• Click the Next button.
The Summary dialog opens.
• Click Next.
The system begins copying the Adaptive Server product files. Do not cancel the process!
• When all the files have been copied, click Next.
• Click Yes if you have the Sybase ASE licenses in a centralized license server or if you are
installing a License Server on this server.
• Enter the correct host name for the License Server and click Next. Note that if you are
installing a License Server on this computer, use its host name as License Server Host
• Click Next.
• Configure e-mail alerts if needed. You can skip this step by clicking No.
• Click Next.
• Select the correct Product Edition you wish to configure. Usually this would be Enterprise
or Small Business Edition, but verify the correct version from the product description.
• Select the correct license type for this installation (verify your license type from the informa-
tion provided by Sybase) and click Next. Note that if you have obtained your license from
Tellabs, select AR: OEM Application Deployment Server License from the drop-down
• Click Yes in the Product Licenses dialog to continue the installation without a license.
• Deselect all options in the Configure New Servers dialog.
• Click Next.
• Click Finish.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.5.1 Installing Updates for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.2

Sybase recommends that you install this updated software release (EBF15683 or EBF15963 for the
32-bit version, or EBF15688 or EBF15968 for the 64-bit version) as soon as possible. It contains
fixes to several problems. For a complete listing of the EBF fixes, see the EBFxxxxx_Buglist.txt file
delivered with the software (xxxxx denotes the EBF number).

If you need to install additional EBFs on the Database Server after taking the system into use,
follow the instructions in the EBFxxxxx_README.txt (or .html) file provided by Sybase for that
particular EBF. In this file the steps that need to be followed when installing the update are
described. You should stop all Tellabs 8000 manager computers before running the update.
The sa user must have the password defined prior to running the EBFxxxxx post installation

Step 1 Download the correct updated software version from Sybase.

Step 2 Uncompress the upgraded files to a local hard disk using WinZIP or PKUnzip.
• Create a new directory to the hard disk, e.g. C:\UPGRADE.
• Uncompress the <drive>:\EBFxxxxx/xxxxx.ZIP file to the new directory. Note that the ZIP
file contains both directories and files.
Step 3 Install the update.
• Backup your Sybase (%SYBASE%) directory.
• Run the setup.exe file delivered with the EBF.
• Click Next in the Welcome dialog.
• Select your country or location or All regions from the drop-down list in the End-User
Agreement dialog, and tick I agree to the terms of the Sybase Licence for the install
location specified.
• Click Next.
• Enter the destination directory where you installed Adaptive Server (C:\SYBASE).
• Click the Next button.
• Click Yes to continue the installation into this directory.
• Select Custom as Installation Type.
• Click the Next button.
• In addition to the features that have been selected by default, select also the SySAM License
Server and SySAM Agent Plugin features to install a Sybase License Server on this server.
• Click the Next button.
The Summary dialog opens.
• Click Next.
• Click Yes in the Product Licenses dialog to continue the installation without a license.
• Click Next and Finish to complete the installation.
Step 4 Reboot the server.
• Restart the computer after completing the installation.

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.5.2 Installing Sybase Servers

Sybase servers are installed using the Server Config graphical user interface. If you are updating
the Tellabs 8000 manager database from a previous database version, the character sets have to be
the same for both databases. Loading database dumps that have different character sets is not
supported. Therefore, you should decide which character set you want to use. For more information
on character sets and changing them, see 5.5.5 Changing Sybase Adaptive Server Character Sets
from iso_1 – Optional.

Step 1 Configure the Adaptive Server.

• Start the Server Config application by selecting Start - Programs - Sybase - Adaptive
Server Enterprise - Server Config.
The Configure Sybase Servers dialog opens.
• Click on Create Adaptive Server.
• Enter the name of the Adaptive Server. Usually the host name is used. In this document the
name DBSRVHOST is used.
• Click Continue.
• Set the server page size to 2k and click Continue.
• Set D:\SYBASE\DATA\MASTER.DAT as the master device location, 511MB as the mas-
ter device size and 500MB as the master database size. Make sure that the directory for the
master device is already created. Note that the master device size has to be 11 MB larger
than the master database size.
• Click Continue.
• Set D:\SYBASE\DATA\SYBPROCS.DAT as the system procedures device location, and
300MB as the size. Make sure that the directory for the system procedures device is already
• Click Continue.
• Set D:\SYBASE\DATA\SYBSYSDB.DAT as the sybsystemdb database, and accept the de-
fault size.
• Click Continue.
Step 2 Define the other options for the Adaptive Server.
• Accept the default error log path, or set the path to C:\SYBASE\ERRORLOG.LOG.
• Click on Network Addresses.
• Click Add to set the network addresses.
The Enter Connection dialog opens.
• Make sure TCP Winsock TCP/IP Net-Library driver is selected as the protocol.
• Enter the computer name and the socket number separated by a comma, e.g. DB-
• Click OK twice.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 3 Configure the default XP server.

• Click on Configure Default XP Server.
• Click on Network Addresses.
• Click Add to set the network addresses.
The Enter Connection dialog opens.
• Make sure TCP Winsock TCP/IP Net-Library driver is selected as the protocol.
• Enter the computer name and the socket number separated by a comma, e.g. DB-
• Click OK three times.
• Click Continue.
The Adaptive Server is configured.
• Click Continue in the New Server Configuration was Finished message.
Note that this message appears behind the Adaptive Server Options window when
installing some Sybase ASE versions. Do not click Continue in the Adaptive Server
Options window.
• Click Cancel in Adapter Server Options dialog.
Step 4 Change the Adaptive Server character set.
• Click on Adaptive Server.
• Click on Configure Adaptive Server.
• Make sure that your server name is displayed and click Continue.
• Click Continue in Enter the System Administrator password. The password will be de-
fined later.
• Click on Language.
• If you want to use a character set that is not installed by default, for instance iso15, click the
Add/Remove button below Character Set and select ISO_8859-15:1998, Latin9, West-
ern Europe from the list and click Add and OK.
Note that this is optional.
• Set the character set to be used by clicking the Set Default button below Character Set.
• Select the character set to be used by default, e.g. ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)-Western European
8-bit (iso_1), and click OK. Tellabs 8000 manager supports this character set by default and
does not need any extra configurations the other character sets do. Other possible character
sets include ISO_8859-15: 1998, Latin9, Western Europe (iso15) and Code Page 850
(Multilingual) character set (cp850).
• Click OK twice.
• Click Save.
The character set is changed.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 5 Verify Adaptive Server sort order.

• Click on Configure Adaptive Server.
• Make sure that your server name is displayed and click Continue.
• Click Continue in Enter the System Administrator password. The password will be de-
fined later.
• Click on Language.
• Click the Set Default button below Sort Order.
• Make sure that binary ordering for your character set is selected and click OK.
• Click OK.
• If you made changes, click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel.
Step 6 Create the backup server.
• Select Backup Server.
• Click on Create Backup Server.
• Enter SYB_BACKUP as the name of the backup server and click Continue.
• Change the error log path to C:\SYBASE\BACKUP.LOG.
• Make sure English is selected as the language.
• Select the correct character set from the drop-down list. Use the same character set as with
the Adaptive Server.
• Click on Network Addresses.
• Click Add.
The Enter Connection dialog opens.
• Make sure TCP Winsock TCP/IP Net-Library driver is selected as the protocol.
• Enter the computer name and the socket number separated by a comma, e.g. DB-
• Click OK twice.
• Click Continue.
The backup server is created.
• Click Continue after the New Backup Server Configuration is Finished message is dis-

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 7 Create the monitor server.

• Select Monitor Server.
• Click on Create Monitor Server.
• Either accept the default name for the monitor server, or enter the name of your choice and
click Continue.
• Change the error log path to C:\SYBASE\MS.LOG.
• Click on Network Addresses.
• Click Add.
The Enter Connection dialog opens.
• Make sure TCP Winsock TCP/IP Net-Library driver is selected as the protocol.
• Enter the computer name and the socket number separated by a comma, e.g. DB-
• Click OK twice.
• Click Continue.
The monitor server is created.
• Click Continue after the New Monitor Server Configuration is Finished message is dis-
• Click Exit.
• Make sure all Sybase services are stopped (from Settings - Control Panel - Administrative
Tools - Services) and reboot the computer.

5.5.3 Installing Sybase ASE Licenses

There are two possible ways to install licenses to the Sybase ASE. The installation can be made
either by using a license server or by using license files. However, it is recommended to use license
servers when installing Sybase ASE licenses.

Installing Sybase ASE Licenses Using a License Server

This chapter covers the configuration of a license server and shows how the licenses are installed
with it.

Step 1 Copy the license file to the Database Server that has the license server installed.
• Copy the license file provided by Tellabs or Sybase to the %SYBASE%\SYSAM-2_0\li-
censes directory.
Step 2 Start Sybase Central.
• Select Start - Programs - Sybase - Sybase Central v4.3.
Sybase Central starts.
Step 3 Start the lmtools application.
• Select the Tools - SYSAM Administrator - lmtools menu option.
The LMTOOLS application starts.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 4 Configure licensing.

• Click on the Config Services tab.
• Accept the default service name.
• Set the correct path to the lmgrd.exe file (usually %SYBASE%\SySAM-2_0\bin\lm-
• Set the correct path to the license file (usually %SYBASE%\SySAM-2_0\licensing\<li-
• Click the Save Service button.
Step 5 Start the Licensing Server.
• Click on the Start/Stop/Reread tab.
• Check that your licensing service name is shown in the window and click Start Server.
• Select the File - Exit menu option to shut down the LMTOOLS application.

Installing Sybase ASE Licenses Using License Files

This chapter covers the installation of licenses using license files.

Step 1 If you are installing the licences to an OEM version of Sybase ASE, check that you have the correct
license information in the <server name>.properties file.
Note that in Windows Server 2008 modifying the properties file may require elevated privileges. See
chapter 1.4.1 Windows Server 2008 User Account Control – Elevated Privileges for instructions.
• Browse to the C:\sybase\ASE-15_0\sysam\ directory and open the <server name>.prop-
erties file with a text editor.
• Make sure that you have LT=AR written in the file. If you have e.g. LT=SR, replace the ’S’
with ’A’.
• If you made any changes, save and exit.
Step 2 Copy the license file provided by Tellabs or Sybase to %SYBASE%\SYSAM-2_0\licenses.
Step 3 Start Sybase Central.
• Select Start - Programs - Sybase - Sybase Central v4.3.
Sybase Central starts.
Step 4 Start the lmtools application.
• Select the Tools - SYSAM Administrator - lmtools menu option.
The LMTOOLS application starts.
Step 5 Select the license file.
• In the Service/License File tab select the Configuration using License File option and click
• Browse to the %SYBASE%\SYSAM-2_0\licenses directory and select the correct license
file from the list and click Open.
• Select the File - Exit menu option.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.5.4 Testing New Adaptive Server

Step 1 Test the new server.

• Select Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services.
Services Management Console opens.
• Right-click the Sybase SQLServer_<server name> service, and select Start from the pop-
up menu.
The status should soon change to Started.
Step 2 Test the Backup Server.
• Right-click the Sybase BCKServer_<server name>_BS service, and select Start from the
pop-up menu.
The status should shortly change to Started.
Step 3 Verify the Sybase Adaptive Server version.
• Start ISQL by entering
C:\> isql -Usa -P -S<server name>
select @@version
The result should be as follows:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.2/EBF 15683 ESD#5/P/NT
(IX86)/Windows 2003/ase1502/2528/32-bit/OPT/Tue Jun 17
09:13:11 2008
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.2/EBF 15963 ESD#6/P/NT
(IX86)/Windows 2003/ase1502/2537/32-bit/OPT/Wed Oct 01
21:41:43 2008
for the 32-bit version and
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.2/EBF 15688 ESD#5/P/X64/Win-
dows Server/ase1502/2528/64-bit/OPT/Tue Jun 17 09:16:15 2008
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.2/EBF 15968 ESD#6/P/X64/Win-
dows Server/ase1502/2536/64-bit/OPT/Tue Sep 30 21:55:30 2008
for the 64-bit version.
Note that there can be a difference in the posted EBF version string and what is displayed when the
version is queried (for example 15097 = 15354).
Step 4 Change the password by entering the following commands. (In some examples in this manual the
password admin10 is used.)
> sp_password null, <your Sybase Administrator password>
> go
> quit

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 5 Check that the Sybase Adaptive Server licence was installed correctly.
• Start the Sybase Central application by selecting Start - Programs - Sybase - Sybase Cen-
tral v4.3.
• Click with the right mouse button on Adaptive Server Enterprise in the left pane and select
• Enter the user name (e.g. sa) and select the <server name> from the list.
• Click OK.
• Click with the right mouse button on the <server name>(sa) in the left pane and select
• Click the Details button in the General tab.
The Licence Details window opens.
• Make sure that you have the Status - OK and the Expiry Date - Permanent in the ASE-
CORE row.
Step 6 Backup the database.
• After you have verified that the installation succeeded, take a backup of the master database
using the dump command (create the g:\backup directory first).
use master
dump database master to “g:\backup\dumpmaster.bkp”

5.5.5 Changing Sybase Adaptive Server Character Sets from iso_1 – Optional

If you want to change the character set to another one when some other character set has already
been configured to be used by default (e.g. to iso15, which supports the euro symbol), follow the
instructions below. Note that Tellabs 8000 manager does not support all the available character sets
and that the character set selection has to be made before the database has been built.

If you have changed the character set from iso_1 to any other, you have to accomplish step 5
in the step list below. All the other steps are optional and needed only if the character set
selected during the server build process was incorrect.

Step 1 Verify that the files for the required character set are installed in the computer.
• Browse to the C:\SYBASE\CHARSET directory.
• Verify that there is a folder having the name of the character set (there should be a folder
named iso15).

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 2 Load the character set to the server with the CHARSET tool.
• Type the following command in Command Prompt.
C:\>charset -Usa -P<password> -S<dbservername> binary.srt
The following information should appear on screen.
Loading file ’binary.srt’.
Found a [sortorder] section.
This is Class-1 sort order.
Finished loading the Character Set Definition.
Finished loading file ’binary.srt’.
1 sort order loaded successfully
Step 3 Find out the ID for the installed (iso15) character set.
• Start ISQL by entering the following command.
C:\> isql -Usa -P<password> -S<dbservername>
In this case the ID is 14 for the iso15 character set.
• Check the ID of the character set by entering the following commands:
1> select id, csid, name, description from mas-
ter..syscharsets where type < 2000
2> go
The result should be as follows:
id csid name description
0 0 ascii_8 ASCII, for use with unspecified 8-bit data.
1 0 iso_1 ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) - Western European 8-bit
character set.
2 0 cp850 Code Page 850 (Multilingual) character set.
14 0 iso15 ISO_8859-15:1998, Latin9, Western Europe
(4 rows affected)
Step 4 Install the iso15 character set.
• Enter the following commands with ISQL:
1> exec sp_configure "default character set id", 14
2> go
1> shutdown
2> go
• Restart the Adaptive Server. Note that the Adaptive Server needs to be restarted twice as the
server refuses to start after the first start-up. Note also that when starting ISQL sessions to
the database, you will now need to use the -Jiso15 option, otherwise the server will display
the following error message:
Character set conversion is not available between client
character set ’iso_1’ and server character set ’iso15’
Alternatively, you can set the default client character set to correspond to the character
set used by the server as instructed in 7.1 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000
Manager Computers.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database

To create a Tellabs 8000 manager database, the Sybase Adaptive Server has to be running. A
Tellabs 8000 manager Standard or Power Workstation must also be installed as these procedures
are run from a workstation.

Create the database from your workstation, not from the console of the Database Server.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 1 Edit the %NMSINSTDIR%\SQL\DBINIT.QRY file if necessary.

• Device paths and sizes are in bold and these can be edited if necessary.
<text removed>
select @vdevno_data = max(vdevno)+1 from master..sysdevices
select @cmd = ’disk init’ + char(10) +
’name = "nms_db1",’ + char(10) +
’physname = "e:\sybase\data\nmsdb1.dat",’ + char(10) +
’vdevno = ’ + str(@vdevno_data) + ’,’ + char(10) +
’size = "2G",’ + char(10) +
’dsync = false, directio = true’
<text removed>
select @vdevno_log = max(vdevno)+1 from master..sysdevices
select @cmd = ’disk init’ + char(10) +
’name = "nms_log1",’ + char(10) +
’physname = "f:\sybase\data\nmsdb1.log",’ + char(10) +
’vdevno = ’ + str(@vdevno_log) + ’,’ + char(10) +
’size = "4G",’ + char(10) +
’dsync = false, directio = true’
<text removed>

The data device should be at least 2 GB and the log device at least 4 GB. If you are upgrading
the Database Server of an existing network, the size of the parameter can be calculated from
the amount of data in the current database. At least twice the amount of data in the current
database should fit in the new data device. The amount of used data on the data device can
be calculated from the output of the ISQL command sp_helpdb <dbname>, where <dbname>
is the name of the database.
For example, the sp_helpdb db8000 command reports that the current data device is 1000
MB and free Kbytes is 344486. The amount of the used data is (device size - free Kbytes) =
655514 kbytes. Two times the current data should fit in the new device, so the new device
should be at least 2 * 655514 kbytes ≈ 1311 MB. A good practice is to round the value to the
next 100 MB, meaning that the device should be 1400 MB.

Performance history data collection of Tellabs 8600 network elements requires considerably
larger database devices. If performance data collection is going to be used, contact Tellabs
Oy for more detailed information about the requirements for database device sizes.

Step 2 Execute the following SQL statement from Command Prompt.

C:\nms\sql>ISQL -Usa -S<dbservername> -P<your Sybase
Administrator password> -i %NMSINSTDIR%\sql\dbinit.qry –o
%NMSINSTDIR%\sql\dbinit.log —w9999
• Press Enter.
The execution of the command may take some time.
• Check that dbinit.log contains no error message.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 3 Edit the %NMSINSTDIR%\SQL\DBCRE.QRY file.

• Edit the database name and sizes for the data and log devices if necessary.
• The default databasename <dbname> in scripts is db8000.
use master
create database <dbname> on nms_db1=10000 log on
sp_addlogin dxxnms,dxxnms,<dbname>
sp_addlogin dxxdata,dxxdata,<dbname>
use <dbname>
sp_addgroup nmsgroup
sp_adduser dxxnms
sp_adduser dxxdata,dxxdata,nmsgroup
• Verify that you have the same database name <dbname> in all cases (four) in the file above.
• Verify that you have equal names in the files dbinit.qry and dbcre.qry for the data device
(nms_db1) and for the log device (nms_log1).

10000 and 20000 refer to the data (10 GB) and log (20 GB) device sizes.

Step 4 Execute the following SQL statement from Command Prompt:

C:\nms\sql>ISQL -Usa -S<dbservername> -P<password> -i
%NMSINSTDIR%\sql\dbcre.qry –o %NMSINSTDIR%\sql\dbcre.log —w9999
• Press Enter.
The execution of the command may take some time.
• Check that dbcre.log contains no error messages.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 5 Edit the %NMSINSTDIR%\SQL\alter_tempdb.sql file.

This script creates devices for the tempdb. You can use the default paths and names for the tempdb
devices or enter new ones if necessary.
<text removed>
select @cmd = ’disk init’ + char(10) +
’name = "temp_db1",’ + char(10) +
’physname = "d:\sybase\data\tempdb1.dat",’ + char(10) +
’size = "2000M",’ + char(10) +
’dsync = false, directio = true’
<text removed>
select @cmd = ’disk init’ + char(10) +
’name = "temp_log1",’ + char(10) +
’physname = "d:\sybase\data\tempdb1.log",’ + char(10) +
’size = "1000M",’ + char(10) +
’dsync = false, directio = true’
<text removed>
Step 6 Execute the following SQL statement from Command Prompt:
C:\nms\sql>isql -Usa -P<password> -S<dbservername> -i %NMSINST-
DIR%\sql\alter_tempdb.sql -o %NMSINSTDIR%\sql\alter_tempdb.log
• Check that alter_tempdb.log contains no error messages.
Step 7 Define the correct class types, TE classes and service classes for your network. For more
information, refer to the Quality of Service section in Tellabs 8000 manager online help.
The edited settings are used when the MAKEDB.CMD is run.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 8 Create the database using Command Prompt.

• Change the directory to %NMSINSTDIR%\SQL.

It is important that you have changed the directory path before executing the next command.

• Enter the following command.

C:\nms\sql>makedb <dbservername> <dbname> sa <your Sybase
Administrator password>
• Press Enter.
The execution of this command may take several minutes.
• In the end of the database creation “Node drivers configuration” is launched. If you have
Tellabs 8600/Tellabs 8800 nodes in the network you have to enable the drivers here.
Go to “Advanced driver configuration” and select “Enable/disable drivers manually”.
Enable the used node types and feature packs.
The selected drivers can be changed later by running the %NMSINSTDIR%\sql\con-
fig_node_drivers.cmd script again.

At least one driver needs to be enabled so that EMS Service is able to start.

Step 9 Check the makedb.log file for errors. This is important in order to guarantee that the database
has been correctly installed.
You can find the file in your current directory.
Step 10 Check that the database has been correctly installed.
• Enter the following command in Command Prompt to start the ISQL utility:
ISQL -Usa -S<dbservername> -P<your Sybase Administrator
• Enter the following commands:
1>use db8000
1>select * from sysobjects
The system displays several rows on the screen.
• Check that the tables and the stored procedures have been created.
• Enter the following commands:
1>select * from node
• Check that no error messages are displayed.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 11 Select the encryption method for user passwords.

If you have installed and used R15B or later release, the user passwords are already
encrypted using the MD5 algorithm and the system cannot be configured to use SHA-1. Thus,
you have the choice of MD5 or SHA-1 only if R15B or later release has not been installed
and used before.

• MD5 algorithm is used by default. If you want to use SHA-1 instead, enter the following
commands in the ISQL utility.
1>use <dbname>
1>update nms
2>set operpwencryptalgorithm = 2

The selection for the used algorithm has to be done right after the installation, before
logging into the system for the first time. Further encryption method changes should not
be performed.

Step 12 Change an option for the database on the Adaptive Server.

• Enter the following commands in the ISQL utility.
1>use master
1>sp_dboption <dbname>, “abort tran on log full”, true
1>use <dbname>
Step 13 Shutdown and restart Sybase ASE using Services Management Console.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 14 Install the license system on the database from the Tellabs 8000 manager workstation.
You have received Tellabs 8000 manager R17A licence file by mail on an USB memory stick. The
licence file is also available by e-mail on request.
• Save the license file (e.g. licence.dat) on the workstation from which the license installation
will be done.
• Run the License Installer program by entering the following command on the Command
Prompt or in the Start - Run menu.
• Click the Open File... button.
The Open file dialog opens.
• Browse to the file including the license (licence.dat), and click OK.
You will return to the License Installer window.
• Click Next>>.
• Enter your database server name, username and password.
Server: DBSRVHOST (Note! Use your database server name)
Username: dxxdata (Note! Use lower case letters.)
Password: dxxdata (Note! Use lower case letters.)
• Click Login.
Wait until the Login done text appears.
• Click Next >>.
• Select the database <dbname>, on which you want to install the licenses. This is the so-
called target database.
• Click Next>>.
The Select Main License Database dialog opens.
• Select the main license database <dbname>.
• Click the Install button.
Wait until the License Installation to database done pop-up window appears.
• Click OK.
• Click the Exit button to close License Installer.
• Click Yes.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.7 Configuring Adaptive Server

Step 1 Configuration of Adapter Server is done with a configuration script. The script is located in the
%NMSINSTDIR%\sql folder. Select a proper configuration file depending on the RAM in
Database Server. The configuration files are available for servers with 4, 8, 16 or 32 GB of memory.
• If the server has, for example, 16 GB of memory, use the ase_config_16g.sql configuration
• Check the number of cores defined in the sql file and, if needed, correct that to match the
number of cores in the server. The value needs to be checked/changed in these two lines:
sp_configure "max online engines", 8
sp_configure "number of engines at startup", 8
• Run the the configuration script to the database:
C:\> isql -Usa -S<server> -P<password> -i %NMSINSTDIR%\SQL\ase_config_16g.sql
-o %NMSDIR%\SQL\ase_config_16g.log -w9999
• Check that the log file %NMSDIR%\SQL\ase_config_16g.log contains no errors.
• The configuration script should not be executed more than once. If you need to change the
settings, you need to first reset all parameters in the Database Server to default. Execute
the following commands in Database Server, if the database configuration needs to be set
back to default.:
Stop the Adaptive Server using Services Management Console. Change the configuration
back to defaults using the following commands.
C:\> type %SYBASE%\DBSRVHOST.cfg
(check that all values are DEFAULT)
Start the Adaptive Server using Services Management Console. Rerun the configuration
script from the workstation as above.
Step 2 Stop and restart the Adaptive Server using Services Management Console.

5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows 2003/2008 Database


These database backup procedures are made for Microsoft Windows 2003 Database Server,
but Windows 2008 Server can be done similarly. However, Windows Server 2008 does not
natively support backup to tape. Third party software can be used to take tape backups, but
that is out of the scope of this document.

The backup disk partition should be on another physical hard disk from the operating system and
the Adaptive Server disk partitions.

The configuration in this installation is as follows:

C: Microsoft Windows operating system and Adaptive Server software

D: Adaptive Server Master, Sybsystemprocs and Tempdb devices

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

E: Database data device

F: Database log device
G: Database backups

A new tape must be changed to the drive every morning. It is recommended to have at least
8 tapes: Seven tapes are needed for the backups from the previous week. The 8th tape is
used as a two-week-old backup tape. For example, every Monday morning the two-week-old
Monday backup tape is put into the drive and the one-week-old Monday backup tape becomes
the oldest backup tape. This way you have a tape backup of the last seven days plus an
approximately two-week-old backup tape.

If tape backup cannot be used, the backups should be copied to a separate computer. For
more information, see chapter 5.9 Database Backup to Another Computer.

5.8.1 Verifying That Task Scheduler is Running

Step 1 Verify that Task Scheduler is running.

• Right-click the My Computer icon.
• Select Manage from the pop-up menu.
• Expand the Services and Applications branch.
• Click on Services.
• Scroll down the list of services until you find Task Scheduler.
• Verify that the Task Scheduler service has been started automatically.
If it has not been started, double-click on Task Scheduler and proceed to the next step
to configure it.
Step 2 Set Task Scheduler Properties.
You can skip this step if Task Scheduler is already running.
• Set the Startup type to Automatic.
• Click on the Log On tab.
• Select Log on as This Account and enter the administrator username and password. If the
administrator password is changed at some stage, the new password needs to be re-entered
here as well. Alternatively, you can let the Task Scheduler run as Local System account.
In that case make sure the Allow service to interact with desktop option is enabled.
• Click on the General tab.
• Select Start to start the service.
• Make sure the Service status shows Started.
• Click OK and close the Computer Management window.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

5.8.2 Backing Up Database Dumps to Disk

This chapter provides you with instructions on creating backups of your database to a disk
automatically by using the AT command. Note that in Windows Server 2008 the AT command must
be run with elevated privileges. See chapter 1.4.1 Windows Server 2008 User Account Control –
Elevated Privileges for instructions.

Creating Backup Directories in Backup Disk Partition

Step 1 Select the backup disk partition or drive, e.g. G.

Step 2 Create the backup directory, e.g. G:\BACKUP.
Step 3 Create subdirectories for each week day:
• G:\BACKUP\MON for Monday
• G:\BACKUP\TUE for Tuesday
• G:\BACKUP\WED for Wednesday
• G:\BACKUP\THU for Thursday
• G:\BACKUP\FRI for Friday
• G:\BACKUP\SAT for Saturday
• G:\BACKUP\SUN for Sunday

Creating Script Files for Automatic Database and Transaction Log Backups

The following script files are created according to the assumptions below.

• The backup directory is G:\BACKUP.

• The Sybase Adaptive Server has been installed to the C:\SYBASE directory.
• The name of the Database Server is DBSRVHOST.
• The user ID is sa.
• The password used in these example files is admin10. This password is defined in Adaptive
Server installation (see chapter 5.5 Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on
Database Server).
• One database backup and six transactions log backups are taken every day.

The sixth transaction log backup is taken right before the database backup.

The password of the database administrator for Adaptive Server is written into the two script
files below. Only the database administrator should be able to access the G:\BACKUP

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

• Copy the files from the <DVD-ROM drive>\NMS\DBBACKUP\WINDOWS\ directory to the

G:\BACKUP directory.
• Edit the example files. They are only templates for your backup system. Check and modify at
least the following items in the files:
• Drive names
• Name of the Database Server
• Name of the database
• User ID and password

You can enable compression of database dump by uncommenting it

in this file. See detailed instructions in the file. When
using compression the dump will consume more time so both
dump and load operations should be tested before permanently
enabling compression.

Remember to change the used password and server name with the
correct ones. See detailed instructions in the file.

You can enable compression of transaction log dump by

uncommenting it in this file. See detailed instructions in
the file. When using compression the dump will consume more
time so both dump and load operations should be tested before
permanently enabling compression.

Remember to change the used password and server name with the
correct ones. See detailed instructions in the file.

You can enable compression of master database dump by

uncommenting it in this file. See detailed instructions in
the file. When using compression the dump will consume more
time so both dump and load operations should be tested before
permanently enabling compression.

Remember to change the used password and server name with the
correct ones. See detailed instructions in the file.


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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Activating Backup Procedures

Step 1 Activate the backup procedure for the database <dbname>.

• Run G:\BACKUP\ATDUMPDB.BAT in Command Prompt.
Step 2 Activate the backup procedure for the transaction log.
• Run G:\BACKUP\ATDUMPTR.BAT in Command Prompt.
Step 3 Verify that the scheduled backup procedures were activated successfully.
• Run the following command in Command Prompt:
at | more

This verification should always be done after booting the Database Server.

Step 4 In case of incorrect information, delete all the scheduled operations and start again from Step 1.
• Run the following command in the Command Prompt:
at /delete

5.8.3 Backing up Databases to Tape Drive

This chapter explains how to backup the databases to tape devices in Windows 2003.

Setting up Media Pools

Step 1 Open the Computer Management Console.

• Right-click on the My Computer icon.
• Select Manage from the pop-up menu.
Step 2 Insert a tape into the drive.
Step 3 Expand the Storage/Removable Storage tree. Expand also Media Pools.
Step 4 Prepare the tape.
• Select Media under Removable Storage on the left pane.
• Right-click on the tape on the right pane.
• Select Free from the pop-up menu.
• Click Yes.
• Click Yes to confirm.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 5 Name the medium.

• Right-click on the tape name in the right pane.
• Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
The Properties dialog will open.
• Give a meaningful name to the medium, e.g. nms_backup_1. Write this name on the medium
• Click Apply and OK.
Step 6 As we are making a media pool (a set of mediums), eject the tape and insert a new one. Repeat the
steps 2 to 5 for each tape (8 tapes) that you plan to use for backup purposes. Remember to give each
tape a unique name. You can also later add tapes to the media pool by following these instructions.
Step 7 After all the tapes have been prepared, verify that they have been added to the media pool.
• Select Removable Storage - Media Pools -Free - LTO Utrium (or DLT / 4mm DDS).
All the tapes should be displayed in the right pane.

Configuring Backup Application

Step 1 Start the Backup application.

• Select Start – Programs – Accessories - System Tools - Backup.
• Deselect the Always Start in Wizard Mode option and click Advanced Mode.
Starting the Backup application for the first time creates a Backup media pool to the
Removable Storage/Media Pools tree.
Step 2 Set the Backup options.
• Select Tools - Options... menu option.
• Click the General tab.
• Make sure that the verify data after backup completes option is enabled. Do not change
the other options.
• Click the Backup Type tab.
• Verify that Normal is set as Default Backup Type.
• Click on Backup Log.
• Make sure that Detailed is selected.
• Click OK.
Step 3 Select the Tools - Backup Wizard.
• Click Next to continue.
Step 4 Select the Backup selected files, drives, or network data option.
• Click Next.
Step 5 Select the files to be backed up.
• Select the G: drive (Backup) and click Next.
The Backup Type, Destination and Name dialog opens.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 6 Select LTO Utrium (or DLT / 4mm DDS) as the backup media type, and the name of the created
medium as the backup media name.
• Click Next.
The Completing the Backup Wizard dialog opens.
• Click the Advanced button.
• Make sure Normal is selected as type of backup operation.
• Click Next.
The How to Back Up dialog opens.
• Check that the Verify data after backup option is enabled.
• Click Next.
The Backup Options dialog opens.
• Tick the Replace the existing backups radio button.
• Click Next.
The Backup Label dialog opens.
• Give a label to the backup, e.g. 8000_DB_BACKUP.
• Click Next.
The When to Back Up dialog opens.
• Tick the Later radio button to schedule the backup for a later time.
• Give a job name to the backup job, e.g. DB_TAPE_BACKUP.
• Click on Set Schedule.
• Select Daily at 00:00.
• Click OK.
The Set Account Information dialog opens.
• Set the account information that runs the backup. Remember that if the password for this
account is changed, you will need to change the password for this scheduled event as well.
• Click OK.
You will return to the When to Back Up dialog.
• Click Next.
• Click Finish.
Step 7 Start the Scheduled Tasks application.
• Select Start – Programs – Accessories - System Tools - Scheduled Tasks.
• Verify that your scheduled backup is seen in the list in addition to all the AT commands.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 8 Edit the scheduled backup task.

• Right-click on the DB_TAPE_BACKUP task name.
• Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
• Add the /um parameter to the end of the command line. This parameter allows the backup
program to format the tape in the drive and use it for the current backup operation. After
editing the command line it should look similar to the lines below:
C:\WINNT\system32\NTBACKUP.EXE backup "@C:\Documents
and Settings\dbadmin\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\NTBackup\data\DB_TAPE_BACKUP.bks"
/n "8000_DB_Backup" /d "8000_DB_Backup" /v:yes /r:no /rs:no
/hc:off /m normal /j "DB_TAPE_BACKUP" /l:f /p "4mm DDS" /um
• Click Apply and OK.

You can add the Backup command line to the end of DUMPDB.BAT command. This enables
the system to backup the database on a tape right after the last database dump has been
taken. You should, however, remove the backup entry from Scheduled Tasks.

You cannot copy the command line above directly to your computer, it does not work.
Please follow all the steps in this chapter; the command line is created with the backup
and Scheduled Tasks applications.

Step 9 Test the backup operation.

• Right-click on the backup job name (DB_TAPE_BACKUP) and select Run.
The backup program should start.
Step 10 Check the backup report after the backup program finishes.
• Select the backup applications Tools - Report menu option.
• Verify that the backup has been taken correctly.

If you edit any of the tasks scheduled with the AT command in the Scheduled Tasks
application, these tasks will disappear from the list of AT scheduled entries.

5.8.4 Restoring Backed Up Data to Disk

Even if you do not have any problems with your database currently, you should occasionally
verify that the tape backups are functioning correctly by restoring data from a tape.

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5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Restoring Backups from Tape Drive

Step 1 Start the Backup application

• Select Start – Programs – Accessories - System Tools - Backup.
Step 2 Select the files and/or directories to be restored from the tape.
• Click on the Restore and Manage Media tab.
• Select the files or directories by clicking on the check box in front of their names.
Step 3 Select the path where to restore the files.
• By default, the files and folders will be restored to the original locations.
Step 4 Start the restore.
• Click on Start Restore.
• Click OK to confirm restore.
Step 5 Verify the results.
• Click on Report.
• Scroll down the list to the last restore event.
Step 6 Close the report and exit the Backup application.

Never leave the Backup application open. If you do, problems may occur when saving data to
the tape drive.

5.9 Database Backup to Another Computer

This chapter describes how the database backup is copied to an external network drive. This is an
alternative or a supplement for tape backup.

Database backup to another computer is very important especially if tape backup is not used.
The database backups must be kept in a separate physical location apart from Database
Server. A media containing the daily backup should be kept in a safe place (protected from
fire etc.).

5.9.1 Backup Procedure for Windows 2003/2008 Server Based Database Server

The backup procedure collects database dumps onto the local hard disk. With the backup procedures
described in this chapter, dumps can be moved afterwards on another computer. These procedures
require that dumps are taken as instructed in chapter 5.8 Database Backup Procedures for Windows
2003/2008 Database Server. Note that in Windows Server 2008 the AT command must be run with
elevated privileges. See chapter 1.4.1 Windows Server 2008 User Account Control – Elevated
Privileges for instructions.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Option We recommend that you copy the backup file of your database on another
computer on the LAN (preferably in another location). For example, you
can copy it to a Tellabs 8000 network manager workstation on which there
is enough free disk space available.
Tool(s) to use Command Prompt, Notepad, Regedt32

Step 1 Share a drive of another computer than Database Server, e.g. a workstation, and create a shared
folder called e.g. backup on this drive.
• With the Explorer drive utility, share a drive on a workstation.
• Create the following backup folders on this drive:
md DRIVE:\backup\mon
md DRIVE:\backup\tue
md DRIVE:\backup\wed
md DRIVE:\backup\thu
md DRIVE:\backup\fri
md DRIVE:\backup\sat
md DRIVE:\backup\sun
• On the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server, open a Command Prompt window and type
(z: states as an example)
Step 2 Create the G:\backup\copydump\ directory on the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server.
cd g:\backup
md copydump
Step 3 Create the file copydump.bat in this directory: G:\backup\copydump\.
• From the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server, start the Notepad program.
• Type the following command into the new file:
copy g:\backup\%1\dumpdb.bkp z:\%1\dumpdb.bkp
• Save the file as G:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat.
Step 4 Create the file atcopydump.bat in the directory G:\backup\copydump\.
• From the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server, start the Notepad program.
• Type the following commands into the new file:
at 23:30 /E:M g:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat mon
at 23:30 /E:T g:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat tue
at 23:30 /E:W g:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat wed
at 23:30 /E:TH g:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat thu
at 23:30 /E:F g:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat fri
at 23:30 /E:S g:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat sat
at 23:30 /E:SU g:\backup\copydump\copydump.bat sun
• Save the file as G:\backup\copydump\atcopydump.bat.
Step 5 Create the file copytran.bat in the directory G:\backup\copydump\.
• From the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server, start the Notepad program.
• Type the following command into the new file.
copy g:\backup\%1\dumptr%2.bkp z:\%1\dumptr%2.bkp
• Save the file as G:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 6 Create the file atcopytran.bat in the directory: G:\backup\copydump\.

• From the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server, start the Notepad program.
• Type the following commands into the new file:
at 03:30 /E:M g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat mon 1
at 03:30 /E:T g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat tue 1
at 03:30 /E:W g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat wed 1
at 03:30 /E:TH g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat thu 1
at 03:30 /E:F g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat fri 1
at 03:30 /E:S g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sat 1
at 03:30 /E:SU g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sun 1
at 07:30 /E:M g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat mon 2
at 07:30 /E:T g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat tue 2
at 07:30 /E:W g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat wed 2
at 07:30 /E:TH g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat thu 2
at 07:30 /E:F g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat fri 2
at 07:30 /E:S g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sat 2
at 07:30 /E:SU g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sun 2
at 11:30 /E:M g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat mon 3
at 11:30 /E:T g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat tue 3
at 11:30 /E:W g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat wed 3
at 11:30 /E:TH g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat thu 3
at 11:30 /E:F g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat fri 3
at 11:30 /E:S g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sat 3
at 11:30 /E:SU g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sun 3
at 15:30 /E:M g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat mon 4
at 15:30 /E:T g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat tue 4
at 15:30 /E:W g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat wed 4
at 15:30 /E:TH g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat thu 4
at 15:30 /E:F g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat fri 4
at 15:30 /E:S g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sat 4
at 15:30 /E:SU g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sun 4
at 19:30 /E:M g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat mon 5
at 19:30 /E:T g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat tue 5
at 19:30 /E:W g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat wed 5
at 19:30 /E:TH g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat thu 5
at 19:30 /E:F g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat fri 5
at 19:30 /E:S g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sat 5
at 19:30 /E:SU g:\backup\copydump\copytran.bat sun 5
• Save the file as G:\backup\copydump\atcopytran.bat.
Step 7 Start the registry editor in the backup computer.
• Type the following command:
• Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - Services - Lan-
manServer - Parameters.
• Double-click NullSessionShares.
The Multi-String Editor window will open.
• Add the name of your shared folder, e.g. Backup, as a new line into the Data list box.
• Click OK.

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

5 Installing Database Server on Windows

Step 8 Close the registry editor and restart the computer.

Step 9 On the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server execute (only once) the atcopydump.bat file.
The at command requires that you are a member of the local administrator group.
• Start a Command Prompt session and type:
Step 10 On the Windows 2003/2008 Database Server execute (only once) the atcopytran.bat file.
The at command requires that you are a member of the local administrator group.
• Start a Command Prompt session and type:

Check that the copy is functioning properly every day by comparing the files on the two

The at command on Windows 2003 runs under the SYSTEM account and therefore has no
privileges to the network resources. (i.e. it cannot write or read a file from the network).
However, if you select Start - Settings - Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Computer
Management – Services And Applications – Services – Task Scheduler – Properties and
change Log On As to a user that has the appropriate permissions (a user with access to the
network), a running at command can actually use the network.

The at command requires you to be a member of the local administrator group on both
computers. If needed, check Windows 2003 help for more instructions on the at command.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

6.1 General

Database Server contains a database in which the networks are defined. Most Tellabs 8000 manager
computers are continuously accessing the database during their operation, either directly or via a
specific server.

The installation of Database Server requires that computer models, parts and the needed software
are planned carefully before doing the actual installation. Refer to Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager
Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements when selecting the needed computer hardware
and software.

The partitions in the database server computer depend on your hard disk configuration. For
reliability and performance reasons Database Server requires the use of multiple hard disks on the
server. The number of needed hard disks is four or eight, depending on whether the mirroring of
hard disks will be used. If mirroring is used, four primary disks and four mirroring disks will be
used. If mirroring is not used, four hard disks should be used. However, it is strongly recommended
that hardware RAID 1 mirroring for hard disks is used in the Database Server.

Configuration of disk array is out of the scope of this document. In the example commands it is
assumed that the mirroring configuration is done with ZFS, but it can also be configured in the array.

In addition to multiple hard disk configuration, the used disk partitions also need to be planned
carefully. The table below shows the needed raw volume spaces.

Device Size
master 2 GB
procs 2 GB
tempdb1 2 GB
templog1 1 GB
nmsdb1 10 GB
nmslog1 20 GB

Keep the data and log on separate physical disks. You can have the data and master on the
same physical disk, and the log and procs on another physical disk. Make sure that the
mirroring does not place the data and log on the same physical disk.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

6.2 Installation Overview

The installation of Tellabs 8000 manager Database Server comprises of the following steps. Not all
the steps are described in detail in this manual.

• Installation and configuration of Solaris 10 and the latest patches.

• Creating Users.
• Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.0.2.
• Installing EBF15651 update for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise.
• Configuring the Adaptive Server.
• Creating Tellabs 8000 manager database and installing licenses.
• Creating database backup procedures.

6.3 Prerequisites

There are some operating system prerequisites to be met before you can start the actual installation
of the Sybase software. Note that in the step lists below the # sign is used as a superuser prompt
and the $ sign is used as a user sybase prompt.

6.3.1 Configuring Advanced Lights Out Monitoring (ALOM)

The operating system needs to be installed first on the server using the serial management port at
the rear panel of the server. The terminal settings are as follows.

Speed 9600 bps

Data bits 8
Stop bit 1
Parity none
Flow control none

In the login prompt you need to log in as a user root. The default password for a Sun server is
changeme. When you have entered the ALOM console, you need to create the administrator

Step 1 Create the administrator user by entering the following commands.

-> create /SP/users/admin
-> set /SP/users/admin role=Administrator
-> set /SP/users/admin cli_mode=alom
-> exit
Step 2 Login as admin, insert the Solaris 10 installation DVD-ROM and enter the following commands.
Server Login: admin
Password: Tellabs123
SC> console
OK> boot cdrom

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 3 Answer the installation prompts as needed. When the installer starts and tries to access the disks it
may encounter an error if none of the disks is labelled. In that case, exit to the operating system
prompt and label the disks.
# format
Disk number: 0
disk 1

disk 7
Step 4 Restart the system to OK> prompt and reboot from the DVD-ROM as follows.
# init 0
OK> boot cdrom
Step 5 Install the system with the desired options. When partitioning the boot drive add some 1 GB for
a separate /var file system. That is for the operating system logs. It is recommended to select the
entire system and the OEM support when selecting the packages to install. This is needed at least
for Veritas Volume Manager if you select to use it.

6.3.2 Operating System

The operating system is pre-installed on the Sun servers with the latest patches. Only the boot disk
should be used, the rest of the disks should remain intact.

The default shared memory settings of the operating system are too low. Because of this, you need
to change the global shared memory parameters and the maximum amount of memory that the
Sybase Adaptive Server software is allowed to use.

Step 1 Add “Sybase ASE” as user to /etc/project file:

# projadd -c "Sybase ASE" ’user.sybase’
Step 2 Calculate and set the shared memory value as follows:
If RAM in server <8 GB, shared memory is RAM-1 GB.
If RAM in server >=8 GB, shared memory is RAM-2 GB.
Thus, add the shared memory limitation to server. In this example the server has 16 GB of RAM and
shared memory is 16 GB-2 GB = 14 GB. Change the calculated value to the command below.
# projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,14GB,deny)"
Step 3 Degrade the parameter for keepalive processes from the default of 2 hours down to 5 minutes
equalling 300000 milliseconds by creating the following with the vi editor.
# vi /etc/rc3.d/S99keepalive
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval 300000
Step 4 Create a sybase group and /sybase directory.
# groupadd sybase
# mkdir /sybase

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 5 Create a user sybase and give the password.

# useradd -d /sybase -g sybase -s /bin/bash sybase
# passwd sybase
password: sybase
password: sybase
Step 6 Create the backup directory structure.
# mkdir /backup
Step 7 Change the ownership and rights of the directory and files to be used by the user sybase.
# chown sybase:sybase /sybase /backup
# chmod 700 /sybase /backup
Step 8 Change the ownership and rights for ifconfig so that the user sybase can execute the command with
the superuser rights. ifconfig is used for modifying network listening port parameters.
# cd /usr/sbin
# chown root:sybase ifconfig
# chmod 4655 ifconfig

6.3.3 Preparing RAW Volumes for Sybase Devices

Either Veritas Volume Manager, Sun Volume Manager (Disk Suite) or zfs needs to installed as
mirroring software.

The step list below instructs you to reserve space for database volumes. The example below uses zfs
available from Solaris 10 onwards.

Step 1 Configure sybase owned and mirrored raw volumes for Sybase devices. sybasepool is an allocated
space for Sybase binaries. datapool is an allocated space for the Sybase data device. logpool is an
allocated space for the Sybase log device. Change the volumes to match the ones on Database Server.
# zpool create sybasepool mirror c1t2d0 c1t3d0
# zpool create datapool mirror c1t4d0 c1t5d0
# zpool create logpool mirror c1t6d0 c1t7d0
Step 2 Record the names of the devices as well as the metasets, disk groups or disk pools for the Sybase
# zfs create -V 2GB datapool/master
# zfs create -V 2GB datapool/tempdb1
# zfs create -V 10GB datapool/nmsdb1
# zfs create -V 1GB datapool/templog1
# zfs create -V 2GB logpool/procs
# zfs create -V 20GB logpool/nmslog1
# zfs create sybasepool/backup
# zfs create sybasepool/sybase
Step 3 Give the Sybase user and group access rights to the volumes created.
# chown sybase:sybase /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/master
# chown sybase:sybase /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/tempdb1
# chown sybase:sybase /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/nmsdb1
# chown sybase:sybase /dev/zvol/rdsk/datapool/templog1
# chown sybase:sybase /dev/zvol/rdsk/logpool/procs
# chown sybase:sybase /dev/zvol/rdsk/logpool/nmslog1
Step 4 Define the default mount points for the file system volumes.
# zfs set mountpoint=/backup sybasepool/backup
# zfs set mountpoint=/sybase sybasepool/sybase

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 5 Give the Sybase user and group access rights to the mount points.
chown sybase:sybase /backup /sybase

6.3.4 Preparing Sybase User Environment

The following commands are run with user sybase.

Step 1 Copy the template of the default profile into the Sybase home directory.
$ cp /etc/skel/local.profile /sybase/.profile
Step 2 Add the following entries at the end of the file.
$ vi .profile
umask 077
set -o vi
Step 3 Run the .profile. Note that there is a space before .profile.
$ . .profile

6.4 Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on

Database Server

This chapter describes the installation procedure of Sybase Adaptive Server 15.0.2 for Tellabs 8000
manager using a Sun M4000 server.

6.4.1 Installing Sybase Binaries from CD-ROM

Step 1 Insert the Sybase CD and check the name of the CD-ROM device by typing the following command
in the command prompt.
$ df -k
This command shows each file system mounted on the system and the CD-ROM label should be
visible in the mounted file system list.
Step 2 Change the directory to the CD-ROM label shown in the list.
$ cd /cdrom/cdrom0/
Step 3 Run the installation program to load the SYBASE software and use the options given below. Note
that the naming of the installation program may vary depending on the distribution.
$ ./install -c (./setup -console or ./setup -c)
• Install into the /sybase directory.
• Select the Typical installation option.
• If license server is used you need to configure Host Name and Port Number of the License
Server. If using a license file, it is configured later in chapter 6.7 Installing Sybase Licenses.
• Deselect all items in the product configuration list. The servers will be configured with
resource files in chapter 6.4.2 Installing Adaptive Server from Resource Files.

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 4 Add the contents of SYBASE.sh at the end of the .profile.

$ cd /sybase
$ cat SYBASE.sh >> .profile
$ . .profile
Step 5 Create the directory for Sybase utilities binaries and create a symbolic link from the ISQL utility to
the binary directory.
$ mkdir $SYBASE/bin
$ ln -s $SYBASE/OCS-15_0/bin/isql $SYBASE/bin/isql
Step 6 Create a startdb script in the $SYBASE/bin directory. This script is used to start the Database
Server and it contains the following on one line:
$SYBASE/ASE-15_0/install/startserver -f $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/in-
Step 7 Create a stopdb script in the $SYBASE/bin directory. This script is used to stop the Database
Server and it contains the following on one line:
$SYBASE/bin/isql -Usa -P$1 -SDBSERVER -i$SYBASE/bin/stopdb.qry
Step 8 Create a stopdb.qry containing the following lines in the same directory:
shutdown SYB_BACKUP
Step 9 Give the Sybase user the execute permissions to the created files:
$chmod +x $SYBASE/bin/startdb $SYBASE/bin/stopdb

The above scripts do not contain any line breaks.

6.4.2 Installing Adaptive Server from Resource Files

In this chapter the resources files are prepared for creating the Adaptive Server.

Step 1 Create the resource files for installing Adptive Server by entering the following commands.
$ cd $SYBASE
$ mkdir log
$ cp -r sample_resource_files tellabs
$ cd tellabs
$ cp srvbuild.adaptive_server.rs DBSERVER.rs
$ cp srvbuild.backup_server.rs SYB_BACKUP.rs

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 2 Modify the resource file to reflect your server settings. Change the lines with bolded values below
and replace values in brackets with the correct values. Note that all the parameters below need to
be on one line starting with sqlsrv.
$ vi DBSERVER.rs
sybinit.release_directory: USE_DEFAULT
sybinit.product: sqlsrv
sqlsrv.server_name: DBSERVER
sqlsrv.new_config: yes
sqlsrv.do_add_server: yes
sqlsrv.network_protocol_list: tcp
sqlsrv.network_hostname_list: [server hostname]
sqlsrv.network_port_list: 2048
sqlsrv.server_page_size: USE_DEFAULT
sqlsrv.force_buildmaster: yes
sqlsrv.master_device_physical_name: /dev/zvol/rdsk/dat-
# (or /dev/vx/rdsk/sybasedg/master)
sqlsrv.master_device_size: 2000
sqlsrv.master_database_size: 1000
sqlsrv.errorlog: /sybase/log/DBSERVER.log
sqlsrv.do_upgrade: no
# (or /dev/vx/rdsk/sybasedg/procs)
sqlsrv.sybsystemprocs_device_size: 2000
sqlsrv.sybsystemprocs_database_size: 1000
sqlsrv.sybsystemdb_device_size: USE_DEFAULT
sqlsrv.sybsystemdb_database_size: USE_DEFAULT
sqlsrv.default_backup_server: SYB_BACKUP
Step 3 Modify the resource file to reflect your back-up server. Change the lines with bolded values below
and replace values in brackets with correct values. Note that all the parameters below need to be on
one line starting with bsrv.
$ vi SYB_BACKUP.rs
sybinit.release_directory: USE_DEFAULT
sybinit.product: bsrv
bsrv.server_name: SYB_BACKUP
bsrv.new_config: yes
bsrv.do_add_backup_server: yes
bsrv.do_upgrade: no
bsrv.network_protocol_list: tcp
bsrv.network_hostname_list: [server hostname]
bsrv.network_port_list: 2025
bsrv.language: USE_DEFAULT
bsrv.character_set: USE_DEFAULT
bsrv.tape_config_file: USE_DEFAULT
bsrv.errorlog: /sybase/log/SYB_BACKUP.log
sqlsrv.related_sqlsrvr: DBSERVER
sqlsrv.sa_login: sa
sqlsrv.sa_password: USE_DEFAULT

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6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 4 Run the following resource files to build up Adaptive Server and back-up server.
$ srvbuildres -r DBSERVER.rs
$ srvbuildres -r SYB_BACKUP.rs

6.4.3 Adding File Handles for Devices and User Connections

By default, the number of file handles allocated by the operating system is too low. Therefore, you
need to change the amount of file handles in the Adaptive Server start-up script.

Step 1 Change the password and then stop Adaptive server by entering the following commands. (In some
examples in this manual the password admin10 is used.).
$ isql -Usa -P -S<server name>
> sp_password null, <your Sybase Administrator password>
> go
> shutdown SYB_BACKUP
> go
> shutdown
> go
Step 2 Change the working directory to the install directory as follows.
$ cd $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install
Step 3 Edit the start-up script with the vi editor.
Step 4 Add the following line at the end of the RUN_DBSERVER file.
ulimit -n 250
The ulimit -n allocates nonfile handles that you need one for each connection. The amount is per
CPU, so having two CPUs doubles the effect. Sybase also takes a few handles for its devices.

6.5 Installing EBF Update for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0

To fix a memory leakage bug that was in the GA version of Sybase ASE 15.0.2, you need to install
an EBF fix. EBF15651 or EBF 15959 updates the server to 15.0.2 ESD #4.

Step 1 Copy the EBF file into hard disk from fpt, USB memory stick or CD/DVD-ROM by entering the
following commands.
$ cd $SYBASE
$ cp /cdrom/cdrom0/ebf15651.tgz $SYBASE
Step 2 Unzip and open the tar archive by entering the following commands.
$ gunzip ebf15651.tgz
$ tar xf ebf15651.tar
$ cd ebf14374
Step 3 Check that there are no server processes running by entering the following command.
$ showserver
Step 4 If there are no processes running, start the setup.
$ ./setup –console
Step 5 Run the EBF upgrade. For more information, refer to EBF15651_README.html.
Step 6 Start the Adaptive Server.
$ $SYBASE/bin/startdb &

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 7 Run the installmaster and instmsgs scripts.

$ isql -Usa -P<password> -S<server name> -n -i
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/installmaster -o
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/installmaster.log -w9999
$ isql -Usa -P<password> -S<server name> -n -i
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/instmsgs.ebf -o
$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/instmsgs.ebf.log -w9999
Step 8 Check that the generated log-files do not contains errors.

6.6 Changing Sybase Adaptive Server Character Sets from iso_1

– Optional

Sybase Adaptive Server character sets are changed in the same way as for a Windows Database
Server. For more detailed instructions, refer to 5.5.5 Changing Sybase Adaptive Server Character
Sets from iso_1 – Optional.

6.7 Installing Sybase Licenses

To keep the Database Server running for more than the 30 days grace time from the installation
date, and to configure the parameters having more than 25 user connections you need to install the
license. There are two possible ways to install licenses to the Sybase ASE. The installation can be
made either from a license server or by using the lmutil tool.

6.7.1 Installing Sybase Licenses Using lmutil Tool

To install Sybase licenses by using the lmutil tool, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Insert the USB memory stick containing the license information file into the front panel USB
connector of the SUN server.
Step 2 Copy the license file from the USB memory stick into the $ cp /rmdisk/rmdisk0/ANY_###.lic
$SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory.
Step 3 Edit the properties file for the server to match the information in the license file.
$ cd $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/sysam
$ more DBSERVER.properties
Step 4 If the file contains a keyword LT=, it must continue with the text AR. If the key word is missing just
add LT=AR as the last line of the file and save it.
Step 5 Start the lmtool utility to read the information from the license. Note that the command below
needs to be on one line.
$ $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin/lmutil lminstall -i $SYBASE/SYSAM-

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6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Step 6 Restart the ASE server and verify that the license is valid.
$ $SYBASE/bin/stopdb <password>
$ $SYBASE/bin/startdb &
$ isql -Usa -Padmin10 -SDBSERVER
1> sp_lmconfig
2> go
It should read permanent in the ASE Core license row.

6.7.2 Installing Sybase Licenses from a License Server

To use a license server with Sybase it needs to be configured when installing the Sybase binaries as
in chapter 6.4 Installing Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Software on Database Server.

6.8 Testing New Adaptive Server

Sybase ASE 15.0.2 has to be started and stopped by using the scripts in Solaris Database Server.

Step 1 Test the new server. If the server is not currently running, start it accordingly.
• Log into Database Server using Sybase user account (normally Sybase).
• Start the database by running the command script startdb, or if that does not exist, go to
install–directory and start the RUN files manually as follows.
$ cd $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install
$ startserver –f RUN_<server name> –f RUN_SYB_BACKUP
Step 2 Verify the version of Sybase Adaptive Server.
• Start ISQL in any workstation by entering
C:\> isql -Usa -P<password> -S<server name>
select @@version
The result should be as follows for the 64-bit version:
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.2/EBF 15651
ESD#4/P/Sun_svr4/OS 5.8/ase1502/2528/64-bit/FBO/Sat
Apr 5 09:36:08 2008

6.9 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database

The procedure for creating Tellabs 8000 manager database is almost identical to the one for
Windows Database Server. Only the paths to the database devices must be edited according to the
actual device paths, such as:

Refer to chapter 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database for the creation of the database.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

6.10 Configuring Adaptive Server

Step 1 Start an ISQL session in workstation.

• Start ISQL by entering
C:\> isql -Usa -P<password> -S<server name>
Step 2 Configuration of Adaptive Server is done with a configuration script. The script is located in the
%NMSINSTDIR%\sql folder. Select a proper configuration file depending on the RAM in the
Database Server. The configuration files are available for servers with 4, 8, 16 or 32 GB of memory.
• If the server has, for example, 16 GB of memory, use the ase_config_16g.sql configuration
• Check the number of cores defined in the sql file and, if needed, correct that to match the
number of cores in the server. The value needs to be checked/changed in these two lines:
sp_configure "max online engines", 8
sp_configure "number of engines at startup", 8
• Run the the configuration script to the database:
C:\> isql -S<server name> -Usa -P<password> -i %NMSINSTDIR%\SQL\ase_con-
fig_16g.sql -o %NMSDIR%\SQL\ase_config_16g.log -w9999
• Check that the log file %NMSDIR%\SQL\ase_config_16g.log contains no errors.
• The configuration script should not be executed more than once. If you need to change the
settings, you need to first reset all parameters in the database server to default. Execute
the following commands in database server, if the database configuration needs to be set
back to default.
$ $SYBASE/bin/stopdb <password>
$ more $SYBASE/ASE-15_0/DBSERVER.cfg
(check that all values are DEFAULT)
$ $SYBASE/bin/startdb &
Then rerun the configuration script from the workstation as above.
Step 3 Shut down and restart the Adaptive Server from the database server:
$ $SYBASE/bin/stopdb <password>
$ $SYBASE/bin/startdb &

6.11 Database Backup Procedures for Solaris

This chapter describes the Tellabs 8000 manager database backup procedures using SUN Solaris
and Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise. The backup scripts can be found from the Tellabs 8000
manager DVD-ROM under folder dbbackup. Create a directory $SYBASE/bkscripts to Database
Server and copy the script file dbdump.sh there.

Give execution rights to dbdump.sh:

$ chmod +x $SYBASE/bkscripts/dbdump.sh

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

6.11.1 Backup Scripts

crontab Entries

The backup has been defined by using Solaris cronjob. This cronjob runs script files as defined. The
information will be stored in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file.

To create a crontab file called newcron, run the following command:

# crontab -l > newcron

Edit the newcron file and add the following lines at the end of the file. Change the script location if

# vi newcron
0 4 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh data"
0 5 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh tape"
55 5 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh clean"
0 6 * * 0 su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh master"
0 7 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh tran"
0 11 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh tran"
0 15 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh tran"
0 19 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh tran"
0 23 * * * su - sybase -c "/sybase/bkscripts/dbdump.sh tran"
Take the modified scripts into use:

# crontab newcron

All backup script files described must be located in the /sybase/bkscripts directory in order to
be able to run the dump scripts. These files must be created manually or transferred using
ascii ftp to copy them from the Tellabs 8000 manager installation DVD-ROM

dbdump.sh File

In this case the database backup script is a file that can be called with different parameters to
perform either a database dump, tran dump, master dump, transfer to tape or cleaning of old dump
files from a disk.

All the parameters that you can change are at the beginning of the script file.

Parameter Description
password Password of the sa user needed for ISQL and
backups (admin10)
host Name of the server computer (‘uname –n’)
tapehost Computer name of the remote tape host, or the
same as the host if no remote backup server is used

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

6 Installing Database Server on Solaris

Parameter Description
tapedev Name of the DAT or DLT tape device where the
dumps from the disk are copied (dev/rmt/0n from
nonrewinding tape)
dumpdir The place where the database and tran dumps are
collected on the disk (/backup)
server Name of the SYBASE Server (DBSERVER)
logdir The place where the output of the dbdump.sh script
and DBSERVER.log is stored (/sybase/log)
db Name of the database (db8000)
compression Compression of database dumps

Do not alter any other parameters without testing them properly.

If you want to change the default setting of keeping the last 3 days dumps on disk, you need to edit
the following entries in bold in the dbdump.sh script.

find $dumpdir/ -name "$db*" -mtime +2 |xargs rm

find $logdir/ -name "$db*" -mtime +2 |xargs rm
If you want to change the default time to keep the master dumps, you need to edit the following
entries in bold in the dbdump.sh script.

find $dumpdir/ -name "master*" -mtime +14 |xargs rm

find $logdir/ -name "master*" -mtime +14 |xargs rm
The tape should be changed every morning .There should be at least two but preferably eight tapes
and the tape should be changed every day. This procedure eliminates the possibility of total loss
of the database if one tape is faulty. The tapes should always be tested by loading the dumped
database from the tape into a test database.

A failure to test the integrity of the dump makes the whole backup procedure obsolete. There
is no point dumping database onto a tape if the tape is not verified.

The database server should be monitored on a daily basis. Check at least the
/var/adm/messages log for any hardware warnings or errors. Check also that there is no error
messages in /sybase/log/DBSERVER.log. Run Checkdb daily and verify its output for any
possible errors or warnings. Useful hints on maintenance can be found on Tellabs ® 8000
Network Manager Maintenance Procedures.
It is recommended to create a contingency plan for any possible hardware failures. The traffic
is not cut during the time the database is down, but no network configuring is possible during
that time, nor is it possible to monitor FMS faults. Therefore, a contingency plan needs to be
prepared to minimize the downtime. Remember to test everything.

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

7 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations

7 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000

Manager Servers and Workstations
Install Sybase Open Client version 15.0.2 on the following Tellabs 8000 manager computers.

• DXX Server (8100 Adapter), Recovery Server and DXX and Recovery server configurations
• Management, Communication and front-end Servers
• Standard and Power Workstations
• Satellite Workstations (optional), needed only if the operator needs to open ISQL sessions from
the Satellite Workstation.

7.1 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager


To install Sybase Open Client, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Start the installation program.

• Insert the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise PC Client version 15.0.2 CD-ROM into
the drive.
If the autorun feature is enabled, the Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.2 PC Client
CD dialog appears.
• If the autorun feature is not enabled, click the Start button, select Run, and type X:\AU-
TORUN.EXE, where X: is your CD-ROM drive.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

7 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations

Step 2 Install the software.

• Click on Install PC Client Components 15.0.2 in the Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.2
PC Client dialog.
• Click Next in the Welcome dialog.
• Select your country from the drop-down list in the End-User License Agreement dialog,
and tick the I agree to the terms of the Sybase License for the install location specified.
• Click Next.
• Enter the destination directory (C:\SYBASE\) and click Next.
• Click Yes to create the directory, if it does not exist yet.
• Select Typical as the type of the setup.
• Click Next.
The Summary dialog opens.
• Click Next.
• Click Next after a successful installation.
• Click Finish to complete the installation.
• Click Exit in the Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0.2 PC Client CD window.
Step 3 Add information on Database Server.

In Windows Server 2008 the Dsedit must be opened with elevated privileges. See chapter
1.4.1 Windows Server 2008 User Account Control – Elevated Privileges for instructions.

• Start the Dsedit tool by selecting Start – Programs – Sybase – Connectivity – Open Client
Directory Service Editor (DSEDIT).
The Select Directory Service dialog will open.
• Click OK.
The InterfacesDriver window will open.
• Select the Server Object - Add menu option.
The Input Server Name dialog will open.
• Enter the name of your Database Server.
• Click OK.
• Double-click on Server Address in the InterfacesDriver window.
The Network Address Attribute dialog will open.
• Click Add.
The Input Network Address for Protocol dialog will open.
• Select TCP as Protocol.
• Type the IP address of the Database Server and the port number of the connection into the
entry field, e.g. <your database server host name,5000>.
Alternatively, you can use the IP address of your server and the port number, e.g.
• Click OK twice.

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7 Installing Sybase Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations

Step 4 Test the database connection.

• Select the Server Object - Ping Server menu option.
The Ping dialog will open.
• Click the Ping button.
A message informing that the connection to the Database Server succeeded should appear.
In case of failure, check once more that you have followed the instructions.
• After successfully pinging the server, click OK and Done.
Step 5 Exit the Dsedit program.
• Select the File - Exit menu option.
Step 6 If necessary, set the default character set for the client (iso15 is used as an example here).
Note that you need to accomplish this step only if the default character set for the server has been
changed from iso_1.
• Open the C:\SYBASE\LOCALES\LOCALES.DAT file in NotePad.
• Scroll down to the [NT] section in the file.
• Edit the following line:
locale = default, us_english, iso_1
so that it corresponds to the currently installed default character set of ASE, e.g.
locale = default, us_english, iso15
• Save the file and exit.

7.2 Installing Upgrade Software for Sybase Open Client 15.0.2 on

Tellabs 8000 Manager Computers

Tellabs 8000 manager R17A does not require upgrade software to be installed on Sybase Open

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

This chapter describes the steps required for installing Tellabs 8000 manager servers. Tellabs 8000
manager servers consist of the following configurations.

• Management Servers (and Front End Servers)

• Communication Servers
• DXX Servers (8100 Adapters)
• Recovery Servers
• Combined DXX and Recovery Servers

8.1 Prerequisites

The following subchapters describe the prerequisites to the installation of all Tellabs 8000 manager

8.1.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates

Windows Server 2003 R2 or 2008 SP2/R2 with the latest service packs and critical updates should
be installed. From the following link you can find updates for the operating systems. For security
reasons, it is good to visit this site often to obtain the latest updates.


If you are using Solaris 10 Server, the latest patches should be installed. From the link above you
can find the latest patch bundles. Download and install “Recommended Patch Clusters”.


8.1.2 Required Hard Drive Space

It is recommended to have two partitions in the server computers. Each partition should be at
least 10 GB.

It is recommended to install the Tellabs 8000 manager software on another hard disk partition
from the operating system. If the Tellabs 8000 manager log files fill up the partition on which the
operating system is installed, the computer might crash and not restart successfully.

In both cases it is important to delete the old trace files regularly from the log directory (by default

Note, however, that with Dual Computer Configuration and single-user configurations, you will
need to follow the partition scheme of the Database Server in the Management Server.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

8.2 Installation Overview

The installation of most Tellabs 8000 manager servers comprises of the following steps. Note that
not all the steps are described in detail in this manual.

• Installing and configuring Windows Server 2003 R2 and 2008 and service packs.
• Installing of Adobe Reader
• Creating users.
• Installing Sybase Open Client version 15.0.2. In Single Computer Configurations, Sybase ASE
will be installed instead of Sybase Open Client.
• Installing Tellabs 8000 manager software.
• Installing and configuring communication links (Communication Servers, DXX Servers, com-
bined DXX and Recovery Servers and SCC and DCC configurations)

8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers

The installation of Tellabs 8000 manager on server computers is described in this chapter. In addition
to running the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation Wizard, the different configurations can
be installed using a command line as well. For more information on the command line installation
of Tellabs 8000 manager, see 12.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager from Command Line.

8.3.1 Running Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation Wizard

Step 1 Start the installation of the Tellabs 8000 manager software.

• Login to the server with a username that has administrator rights.
• If you are installing Tellabs 8000 network manager R17A for the first time on Windows
operating system, run vcredist_x86.exe as a user with the administrator rights. The file is
located in nms\install\install\vcredist_x86 directory on your Tellabs 8000 Network Manager
installation DVD-ROM.
This installs the needed versions of the Microsoft runtime libraries. The successful
installation does not display any notice.
• Run the X:\NMS\INSTALL\SETUP.EXE file by double-clicking it in Explorer.
Note that X denotes your DVD-ROM drive.
Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Setup Wizard starts.
• Click Next.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 2 Select the installation type and mode.

Fig. 1 Installation Type and Mode Selection

• Select the Installation Mode.

The Tellabs 8000 manager installation program has two different installation modes.
• 8000 Manager Mode installs Tellabs 8000 manager with support for the Tellabs 8600,
Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 system as well as for the Tellabs 8800 multiservice
router nodes, Tellabs 7100 optical transport system nodes and Tellabs 7300 metro Eth-
ernet switching series nodes.
• 8100 Manager Mode installs Tellabs 8000 manager without the support for the Tellabs
8600 and Tellabs 8800 nodes.
Using 8100 Manager Mode for installation is recommended if there are no plans to install
Tellabs 8600 system network elements to the network in the near future. It corresponds to
the former Tellabs 8100 manager installation. 8000 Manager Mode is recommended and
even required in some configurations if there is an existing Tellabs 8600 system network or
if there are plans to install Tellabs 8600 system network elements to the network.
In the same network management system, there can be computers installed in both modes,
i.e. some can be installed using 8000 Manager Mode and others using 8100 Manager Mode.
• Select the installation type.
The available installation types are listed below. Some options may be disabled in new
• Install – Install a new version or update from previous version of Tellabs 8000 man-
• Pre-Install – Install the new Tellabs 8000 manager, but keep on using the previous
version for a certain time period.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• Re-Configure Old Installation – Change the installed configuration or other settings.

Note that this option is possible only when launching %NMSINSTDIR%\in-
stall\setup.exe. If you are launching from DVD-ROM, this option is disabled (unless
the installed build has the same version).
• Create n new sessions for the currently logged user – This option is not valid for
server installations.
• Uninstall – Remove currently installed Tellabs 8000 manager from this computer.
• The drop-down list displays the release and version information.
• Click Next.
Step 3 Select the Tellabs 8000 manager configuration.
The installation parameters are configuration specific, so you may not be able to change all
parameters with certain configurations.

Fig. 2 Configuration Settings Dialog

• Select a server configuration from the left pane. When selecting the Management Server
configuration, you can also select or deselect the default services by clicking on the Default
Services or Clear Services buttons.
• Tick the necessary options in the Options pane.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

The following options are selectable.

• Partitioned Network – Installs support for network partitioning. Recommended in
big networks. Note that partitioning needs to be enabled separately in the database.
For more information, refer to 11.1 Partitioned Network.
• Keep configurations from the old installation – Keeps all the changes made in the
nms.ini file in addition to making all changes related to the installation. It also keeps
old settings from most of the other *.ini files. This option is only available if upgrading
Tellabs 8000 manager from the version R17-SP3 or later.
• Keep application-generated files from the old installation – Keeps all the settings
the applications have generated (windows positions, default selections etc.) from the
old installation.
• Keep macro files from the old installation – User made macro files are kept from the
previous release. Macros distributed with Tellabs 8000 manager will be overwritten.
• Use also Workstation in this configuration – Adds a Toolbox shortcut to the Tellabs
8000 manager folder and optimizes some settings for workstation use. This option is
available in Management Server and DXX Server (8100 Adapter) configurations. Se-
lecting this option corresponds to the SCC/DCC configuration in Tellabs 8100 manager
installations or Front End Server in Dual Computer Configurations for Tellabs 8600
• Computer can be used for remote data load – When this option is enabled in a
powerful computer that is connected to the management LAN, that computer can be
used as the data source for initialization of Tellabs 8000 manager in other computers.
• Select the necessary services.
Note that all services listed below are not available in every configuration. Some
configurations do not have any services at all. Some services can be preselected in certain
• Communication Service – Takes care of node communications with dedicated
adapters. The service is selectable in Communication Server and Management Server
You will also need to select necessary adapters for Communication Service.
Available adapters are:
Tellabs 6300, Tellabs 6300 ETEX, Tellabs 8600, Tellabs 8606, Tellabs 7100, Tellabs
7300, Tellabs 8800, SNMP and NWI3.
Note that the Discovery Service is automatically selected with the Tellabs 7100
• EMS Service – Used for configuring Tellabs 8600 system network elements, setting
QoS attributes for interfaces and trunks and distributing authentication keys for differ-
ent protocols. This service is preselected in Management Server configuration.
• VPN Provisioning Service – Provides network level topology and customer related
information to clients. Provides also provisioning information which is used by the
VPN Provisioning tool. This service is preselected in Management Server configura-
• Fault Service – Provides information on faults in the network. Used by the Fault
Management tool in workstations. Not needed in Single Computer Configuration for
Tellabs 8600 Networks.
• Service Management Service – Used by the Service Management tool that can be
started from Tellabs 8000 Manager Toolbox to define and monitor services. This ser-
vice is preselected in Management Server configuration.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• Satellite Service – Provides access interface to Tellabs 8000 manager network for
Satellite Workstations. Corresponds to the Gateway Server service in Tellabs 8100
manager. The service cannot be run in the same server as the Private Subnetwork
• Packet Loop Test Service – Used by the Packet Loop Test tool.
Select PLT Server Background Manager if this server is selected to be managing
scheduled packet loop tests in the network. Note that there must be only one PLT
background manager running in the network.
• Performance Management Service – The Performance Management service deliv-
ers the packet performance data to the Performance Management GUI. (Packet perfor-
mance data collection is done by Communication Server). This service is preselected
in Management Server configuration.
• 8600 Macro Manager Service – Used by the Macro Management tool that can be
started from Tellabs 8000 Manager Toolbox to run Tellabs 8600 network element
macros. This service is preselected in the Management Server configuration.
• Automatic Maintenance Procedures Service – Takes care of automatic maintenance
procedures in the Tellabs 8000 manager database.
• Web Reporter Service – Enables the operators or end customers to receive relevant
network data through the intranet or the Internet using web browsers. Web Reporter
Service has to be the single service running in one Management Server, i.e. no other
Management Server service can run in the same server as the Web Reporter server is
• Northbound Interface – Northbound interface for fault information, creates also
some notifications. It is recommended to run the Northbound Interface service in
a dedicated Management Server. It is however also possible to run the service in a
Management Server (or Single Computer Configuration for 8600 Networks) that is
running other services as well. It should be noted though, that NBIF macros should
not be run in a system where Tellabs 8000 Manager Toolbox can be used.
With Northbound Interface you can also install additional support: 8600 macro
support and MTOSI support. The MTOSI support requires also the 8600 macro
support to be selected.
• OCNM Front End – Provides a front end for the Online Core Network Monitoring
functionality. Updates core network topology and bandwidth reservation information
to the database. Should run in only one Management Server.
• Private Subnetwork Service – Acts as a gateway between Private Subnetwork Work-
stations and all other Tellabs 8000 manager components. It cannot be run in the same
server as the Satellite service.
• SLA Service – Customer specific service.
• Discovery Service – Discovery service for Tellabs 7100 OTS network elements. It can
be selected in Communication Server and all Management Server configurations. It
is automatically selected with the Tellabs 7100 Adapter in the Communication Server
• NetAct Adapter for OSS4.X – NetAct Adapter.
• NetAct Adapter for OSS5.X – NetAct Adapter.
• FA Service – Customer specific service.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• In Tellabs 8000 manager R17A, you do not need to select EMS Drivers during the instal-
lation anymore. When updating the database to R17A the drivers are read from the data-
base and the required ones are selected automatically. Only if you need to add a network
element with ESW other than the ones used currently in the network, you need to run con-
fig_node_drivers.cmd in the NMS\SQL directory to take necessary drivers into use.
• After you have selected the installation options, click Next.
Step 4 Set the names of the used Tellabs 8000 manager servers.
If you have a previous installation in the computer, these settings are taken from the old NMS.INI
file. The installation parameters are configuration specific, so you may not be able to change all
parameters with certain configurations.

Fig. 3 Adding Server Information

• Enter or verify that the following settings are correct.

Mandatory settings for each Tellabs 8000 manager configuration are underlined in the
• Database Server name – Enter the name of the database server.
• Database name – Enter the name of the database.
• Preferred Management Server – Enter the name of one Management Server running
EMS, VPN Provisioning, Service Management and PMS Services.
• Backup Management Server – Enter the name of one Management Server running
backup EMS, VPN Provisioning, Service Management and PMS Services.
• Primary Fault Service host – Enter the name of Management Server running the
Fault Service.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• Secondary Fault Service host – Enter the name of the alternate Management Server
running the Fault Service.
• Satellite Service host – Enter the name of the Management Server running the Satellite
Service. This setting is valid only in Satellite Workstations.
• Web Reporter Service host or URL – Enter the name of the Management Server
running the Web Reporter Service or the URL.
• Private Subnetwork Service host – Enter the name of the Management Server run-
ning the Private Subnetwork Service. This setting is valid only in Private Subnetwork
• Packet Loop Test Service host – Enter the name of the Management Server running
the Packet Loop Test Service.
• Secondary Packet Loop Test Service host – Enter the name of alternate Management
Server running the Packet Loop Test Service.
• Click Next.
Step 5 Set other miscellaneous settings.
• If you selected the Web Reporter service, specify the Web Reporter specific settings.

Fig. 4 Setting Web Reporter Parameters

• Click Next.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• Make sure that you select the correct adapter as the preferred network adapter for Tellabs
8000 manager.

Fig. 5 Setting Miscellaneous Settings

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• Make the following selections.

• Select the preferred network adapter for Tellabs 8000 Network Manager using the
drop-down list. This adapter is the one that is connected to the management LAN. It is
recommended to use Local loopback as the preferred network adapter when installing
Single Computer Configuration for 8600 Networks.
• If you are installing a DXX Server or a combined DXX and Recovery Server you can
enter the Performance data collection UTC times. The local time of data collection
will be shown next to the field.
If you leave the fields empty the default times (01:00 and 00:30 UTC time) are used.
Note also that the values given here are overruled by the possible database values.
• If you are installing a DXX Server or a combined DXX and Recovery Server, click the
Advanced button and set the UTC date when DXX Server will convert the real time
clock of the nodes of its area to the UTC time.
This setting is required only if you are updating the existing system (running release
15A or older) to release 15B or later and you are updating a system that is located in
a time zone east of UTC.
The date must be the same UTC date as when DXX Server is started the first time
after the upgrade to R15B or later release.
The current UTC time and date is shown for reference in the dialog.

Fig. 6 Setting UTC Date

• The Private Subnetwork username and password settings are available only for Pri-
vate Subnetwork Workstations.
• Click Next.
Step 6 Select the environment where to store settings.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

The installation wizard informs you if you do not have administrator rights. If you do not have these
rights, you cannot save the environment settings to the system environment.

Fig. 7 Environment Selection Dialog

• In server configurations, it is only possible to select the system environment for storing the
system settings.
• Select the Create shortcuts to Desktop option to create a Tellabs 8000 manager folder with
shortcuts to Tellabs 8000 network manager applications to the desktop.
• Select the Create shortcuts to Start Menu option to create a Tellabs 8000 manager group
with shortcuts to Tellabs 8000 manager applications to the Start Menu.
• Selecting Run server as a Windows service allows you to enable automatic startup of the
server configuration when the server is restarted without the user logging in. Note that the
user needs to have administrative privileges to be able to set the server to start automati-
cally. The Windows service is always installed in manual mode and selecting this option
and either Run as a local System account or Run as a named Windows account option
makes the startup automatic. It is recommended to use the Run as a named Windows ac-
count option as the local system account might not have enough privileges, for instance for
network operations. If you select the Use current Control Panel settings option, the old
service settings will be used. It is recommended to use this option when re-installing the
software or upgrading. Enter also the user account and password.
Accounts in the Windows domain must be typed in format domain\username and local
accounts in format computername\username.
• Click Next.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

In the SCC system, the Sybase SQL Server service must be running before the Tellabs
8000 Network Manager service can start. Therefore, a service dependency has to be set by
adding a registry value. The values needed are shown in the table below. For more detailed
instructions, refer to 13.1 Adding Windows Registry Key Values.

Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tellabs 8000

key Network Manager
Value type Multi-String (REG_MULTI_SZ)
Value name DependOnService

Value data <SQL server service name>

For instructions on finding out the SQL server service name, refer to 13.2 Finding out
Sybase SQL Server Service Name.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 7 Select the destination drive and directory and make other needed selections explained below.

Fig. 8 Drive and Directory Selection

• Make the following selections.

• Select the destination drive and directory. C:\nms is the default installation direc-
Make sure that you have plenty of free space in the C: drive for the NMS log files.
If the drive where the Windows operating system is installed is filled with logs, the
operating system stops working.
Note that the installation wizard shows you the available disk space in each hard
• Select the Backup the old installation directory option if you want to save the old
installation directory during installation or activation of pre-installation.
• Install additional HTML Online Helps installs the HTML online help files in addi-
tion to default Windows help files.
• Selecting the Install full documentation set option copies all Tellabs 8000 manager
documents included on the installation media to the target computer.
• Click Next.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 8 Verify that the Summary of selections show the selected options correctly.

Fig. 9 Installation Summary Window

• Note that if you scroll down to the end of the summary, you will be able to see the command
line response to this installation.
• Click Install to proceed with the installation.
The progress of the installation will be displayed.
The Windows runtime library installation may fail if:
• the user does not have the administrator rights,
• the Windows Installer version is older than 3.0 because the latest Windows Service
Packs and hot fixes are not installed.
If a notification about the missing Microsoft VS 2005 runtime libraries is displayed,
proceed as follows:
• Complete the installation of Tellabs 8000 manager normally by clicking the Yes button.
• Install the required version of Microsoft runtime libraries as an administrator by run-
ning vcredist_x86.exe located in the nms\install\install\vcredist_x86 directory on
your Tellabs 8000 network manager installation DVD-ROM.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

If the runtime library installation still fails proceed as follows:

• Install the newer version of the Windows Installer as an administrator by running Win-
dowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe located in the nms\install\install\windowsin-
staller directory on your Tellabs 8000 network manager installation DVD-ROM.
• Install the required version of Microsoft runtime libraries as an administrator by run-
ning vcredist_x86.exe located in the nms\install\install\vcredist_x86 directory on
your Tellabs 8000 network manager installation DVD-ROM.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 9 Complete the installation.

Fig. 10 Completing Installation

• You can do the following.

• Manually edit the NMS.INI file by clicking on the Edit nms.ini file button. This opens
the NMS.INI file in a text editor.
• Check the installed files for errors by clicking on the Check installed files button. This
opens the Installation Checker window in which you can click on Start to check the
installed configuration for errors.
• View the installation log file by clicking on the View installation log file button.
• Click Finish to finish the installation. The setup makes changes to the environment
settings during the installation. If there are any problems starting Tellabs 8000 man-
ager after the installation, a Windows logoff or reboot is recommended.
• If you selected the Install as a Windows service option during the server configuration,
the following message will appear:

Fig. 11 Reboot Reminder Dialog

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

8.4 Installing DXX Server (8100 Adapter)

8.4.1 General

DXX Servers are responsible for the following server functions: control path service,
communication service, fault polling, monitoring real time in the Tellabs 8100 system network,
collecting performance statistics, line fault processing, monitoring the consistency of data and
backup monitoring.

Tellabs 8100 manager had a dedicated installation configuration for SCC/DCC configurations. In
Tellabs 8000 manager, this configuration is installed as DXX Server with the Use also workstation
in this configuration option enabled.

8.4.2 Step List

To install DXX Server, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows Server 2003/2008, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
For further instructions, see 3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup and 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Sybase Open Client and the needed upgrade software as instructed in 7 Installing Sybase
Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select DXX Server (8100 Adapter) as the configuration to be installed.
• If you plan to use a SCC or DCC configuration, select the Use also Workstation in this
configuration as installation option.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Install and configure communication links to Tellabs 8100 system network nodes as instructed in
8.12.1 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers.
Step 11 Enable or disable the automatic startup of server processes when the computer is started. For more
information regarding the automatic startup of servers, see 8.13 Running Tellabs 8000 Manager
Servers as Windows Service.

8.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

In addition to the common parameters that are given during the installation, these parameters can be
changed by manually editing the NMS.INI file.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in: %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

8.5 Installing Recovery Server

8.5.1 General

The Recovery Server is used for restoring user communication links if trunk or node faults occur in
the Tellabs 8100 system network. The Recovery Server is also used for circuit and trunk protection.

8.5.2 Step List

To install Recovery Server, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows Server 2003/2008, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
For further instructions, see 3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup and 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Sybase Open Client and the needed upgrade software as instructed in 7 Installing Sybase
Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select Recovery Server as the configuration to be installed.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.5.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Create a script to synchronize clocks in workstations and servers. When using a Unix database
server, use the real time provided by a DXX Server. Instructions are provided in 3.2.6 Clock
Synchronization in Servers and Workstations.
Step 11 Enable or disable the automatic startup of server processes when the computer is started. For
more information regarding the automatic startup of servers, please see 8.13 Running Tellabs
8000 Manager Servers as Windows Service.

8.5.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

A brief explanation of some Recovery Server related configuration parameters in the NMS.INI file
is provided in the table below. The default values of the parameters are shown in bold. Some
parameters are not in use by default, they are marked with commented lines in NMS.INI with the #
character in front. In addition to the common parameters that are given during the installation, these
parameters can be changed by manually editing the NMS.INI file.


RMS_TRACE = (0 = disabled, 0xffffffff = Recovery Management System (RMS)
enabled). related messages in NMStrace.
RMS_LOGGING = ON / OFF Log printing from RMS to rms.log or
RMS_LOG_TO_TRACE = ON / OFF Log printing from RMS to NMStrace.
RMS_LOG_FILE_APPEND ON / OFF New information appended to the log file,
= when the value is ON or overwritten,
when the value is OFF.
RMS_AMS = ON / OFF Defines whether or not the circuit and
trunk recovery operations are written to
the Accounting Management table in the
database. If the value is ON, the recovery
information is visible in the Accounting
Management reports.
RMS_TRUNK_RECOVERY ON / OFF Trunk Recovery enabled, when the value
= is set ON.
RMS_TRUNK_RE- ON / OFF Trunk refresh command starts a circuit
FRESH_CRM = recovery management (CRM) action.
RMS_CRM_AGENT = Unlimited by default. The number of CRM circuit agent threads.
Possible values: 1-1024
RMS_CUSTOMER_NODES ON / OFF When the value is ON, Circuit Recovery
= does not use dedicated customer nodes for
protecting circuits owned by some other
RMS_RETRY = Default: 120. Delay = 10 Defines the delay between periodical
sec + n * RMS_RETRY, retries of circuit recovery in seconds.
where n is periodical
retry counter after latest
event (n = 0,1,2...). The
maximum delay is 30
RMS_FAST_PR_FOR_ALL ON / OFF When set ON the fast periodical retry (10
= sec. after an event) is executed for all
the broken circuits. If set OFF the fast
periodical retry is executed only for the
new broken circuits.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers


RMS_TRM_PRIBUMP = ON / OFF Priority Bumping is enabled / disabled for
trunk recovery.
RMS_BK_SWITCH = OFF / MAN / AUT Configuration of backup Recovery Server
activation logic.
OFF means that if a Recovery Server is
started and there is already another active
recovery server running, the starting
server will stop.
MAN means that if a Recovery Server is
started and there is already another active
recovery server running, the starting
server will wait in the standby state. The
activation needs to be done manually if
the primary server fails.
AUT means that if a Recovery Server is
started and there is already another active
recovery server running, the starting
server will wait in the standby state. The
is activated automatically if the primary
server goes into not responding state.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in: %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

8.6 Installing Combined DXX and Recovery Server

8.6.1 General

A Combined DXX and Recovery Server provides the facilities of a DXX Server and Recovery

Combined DXX Server and Recovery Server configuration should be used when there is
only one DXX Server in the system.

8.6.2 Step List

To install Combined DXX and Recovery Server, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows Server 2003/2008, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
For further instructions, see 3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup and 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Sybase Open Client and the needed upgrade software as instructed in 7 Installing Sybase
Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select DXX Server and Recovery Server as the configuration to be installed.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.6.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Install and configure communication links to Tellabs 8100 system network nodes as instructed in
8.12.1 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers.
Step 11 Enable or disable the automatic startup of server processes when the computer is started. For more
information regarding the automatic startup of servers, see 8.13 Running Tellabs 8000 Manager
Servers as Windows Service.

8.6.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

For relevant NMS.INI entries in combined DXX and Recovery Servers, see chapters 8.4.3 Relevant
NMS.INI Entries for entries in DXX Server and 8.5.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries for entries
in Recovery Server.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in: %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

8.7 Installing Management Server

8.7.1 General

Management Servers run most of the Tellabs 8000 manager application logic. This is divided into
services, each running a process of their own. Nearly all the services can be run in the same server
or different services can be located in different servers. Some services can be run only in one
server, whereas some can be run in different servers at the same time so that they are backing up or
load balancing each other. If you are using multiple Management Servers in your network, plan
the distribution of services between those servers beforehand.

Tellabs 8100 manager had dedicated server configurations, such as: VPN Server (Private
Subnetwork Service), Web Reporter Server (Web Reporter Service), Northbound Interface Server
(North-bound Interface Service) and NetAct Adapter Server (NetAct Adapter). Now these servers
are installed as Management Server services.

For more information on configuring, see Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation and
Configuration Guide for Management Server, Route Master and Recovery Server.

The Windows Server 2008 operating system is not supported in Web Reporter Server.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

8.7.2 Step List

To install Management Server, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows Server 2003/2008, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
Use for instance NMSUSER as username and password for the easiest configuration (see
3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup and 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords).
The workstation users should have access rights to Management Server.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Sybase Open Client and the needed upgrade software as instructed in 7 Installing Sybase
Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select Management Server as the configuration to be installed.
• Select the required options, services and adapters. You can use the Default Services and
Clear Services buttons to select and deselect preselected services.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.7.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Create a script to synchronize clocks in workstations and servers. When using a Unix database
server, use the real time provided by Communication Server. For further instructions, see chapter
3.2.6 Clock Synchronization in Servers and Workstations.
Step 11 Enable or disable the automatic startup of server services when the computer is started. For more
information on the automatic startup of servers, see chapter 8.13 Running Tellabs 8000 Manager
Servers as Windows Service.

8.7.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

A brief explanation of some Management Server related configuration parameters in the NMS.INI
file is provided in the table below. The default parameters are shown in bold. Some parameters are
not in use by default, they are marked with commented lines in NMS.INI with the # character in
front. In addition to the common parameters that are given during the installation, these parameters
can be changed by manually editing the NMS.INI file.

Parameter Value Explanation

SRV_SERVICEx= [Servicename] The name of the server service
in the server platform. x is 1,
2, 3 etc.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

8.8 Installing Communication Server

8.8.1 General

The Communication Server is required for managing certain types of nodes, e.g. Tellabs 8600
network elements, Tellabs 6300 system nodes, Tellabs 7100 OTS nodes, Tellabs 7300 series nodes,
Tellabs 8800 nodes and generic SNMP nodes. The Communication Server performs similar type
of tasks as the DXX Server. For more information regarding the Communication Server, see
Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Communication Server
and DXX Server.

Communication Server with Tellabs 6300 Adapter cannot be run on Windows Server 2008 or
the 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003.

In Windows Server 2008, you may get a message about running commands in the
administrator elevated command prompt and rebooting the server. In some cases processes
can prevent the installation making necessary changes. Perform the instructed commands
and reboot the server. The message is shown even if there are no blocking processes.

8.8.2 Step List

To install Communication Server, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows Server 2003/2008, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
Use for instance NMSUSER as username and password for the easiest configuration (see
3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup and 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords).
Workstation users should have access rights to Communication Servers.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Sybase Open Client and the needed upgrade software as instructed in 7 Installing Sybase
Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select Communication Server as the configuration to be installed.
• Select the Communication Service with required adapters.
• Also Discovery Service and Background CC Service can be selected.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.8.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Enable or disable the automatic startup of server services when the computer is started. For more
information on the automatic startup of servers, see 8.13 Running Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers
as Windows Service.
Step 11 Install and configure communication links to network elements of Tellabs 8600 system as instructed
in 8.12.2 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and Communication Servers.
Step 12 Continue by installing and configuring the needed adapters according to the instructions in Tellabs ®
8000 Network Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for Communication Server and
DXX Server.

8.8.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in: %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

8.9 Installing Front-End Server of Dual Computer Configuration for

Tellabs 8600 Networks

8.9.1 General

The Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks consists of a front-end server and
Communication Server. The front-end server has the functionalities of a workstation, Management
Server and Database Server.

8.9.2 Step List

To install front-end server for Dual Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks, proceed
as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows 2003/2008 Server, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
Use for instance NMSUSER as username and password for the easiest configuration (see
3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup and 3.2.4 Usernames and Passwords).
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Follow the Database Server installation instructions on installing Sybase Adaptive Server,
configuring it and creating a database, etc. in 5 Installing Database Server on Windows.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select Management Server as the configuration to be installed.
• Select the required services (for example EMS, VPN Provisioning, Fault, Packet Loop Test
and Performance Management Services).
• Select also the option to Use also Workstation in this configuration.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.9.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Install and configure communication links to network elements of Tellabs 8600 system as instructed
in 8.12.2 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and Communication Servers.

8.9.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in: %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

8.10 Installing Single User SCC/DCC Configuration for Tellabs 8100


8.10.1 General

The single-user configurations for Tellabs 8100 system nodes are the Single Computer Configuration
(SCC) and the Dual Computer Configuration (DCC). In the SCC configuration, the Tellabs 8000
manager workstation, the DXX Server and the Tellabs 8000 manager database are all installed on
one computer. In the DCC configuration, the Tellabs 8000 manager workstation and the DXX
Server are installed on one computer and the Tellabs 8000 network manager database is installed
on another computer.

8.10.2 Step List

To install single-user SCC/DCC configuration, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows Server 2003/2008, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 In SCC configurations, follow the Database Server installation instructions on installing Sybase
Adaptive Server, configuring it and creating a database, etc. in 5 Installing Database Server on

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 7 Install Sybase Open Client and the needed upgrade software as instructed in 7 Installing Sybase
Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations.
Note that Sybase Open Client need not be installed in SCC.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select DXX Server (8100 Adapter) as the configuration to be installed.
• Select also the option Use also Workstation in this configuration.
Step 9 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 10 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.10.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 11 Install and configure communication links to Tellabs 8100 system network nodes as instructed in
8.12.1 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX Servers.
Step 12 Enable or disable the automatic startup of server processes when the computer is started. For
more information regarding the automatic startup of servers, please see 8.13 Running Tellabs
8000 Manager Servers as Windows Service.

8.10.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

A brief explanation of some single-user SCC/DCC configuration related parameters in the NMS.INI
file is provided in the table below. The default values of the parameters are shown in bold. Some
parameters are not in use by default, they are marked with commented lines in NMS.INI with the #
character in front. In addition to the common parameters that are given during the installation, these
parameters can be changed by manually editing the NMS.INI file.

In addition to these NMS.INI entries, the SCC and DCC configurations use the same entries as DXX
Servers (8.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries) and Standard Workstations (9.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI


SCCPMAXWAIT = Default: 480000 The maximum wait time (in
milliseconds) sccp.exe will
wait for response after sending

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

8.11 Installing Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600


8.11.1 General

In the Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks, the Tellabs 8000 manager
workstation, Management Server, Communication Server and the Tellabs 8000 manager database
are all installed on one computer.

8.11.2 Step List

To install Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows Server 2003/2008, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Follow the Database Server installation instructions on installing Sybase Adaptive Server,
configuring it and creating a database, etc. in 5 Installing Database Server on Windows.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 8.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Servers.
• Select Workstation (8000 mode) as the configuration to be installed.
• Use the computer name of the Single Computer as Preferred Management Server.
• Select Local loopback as the preferred network adapter.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
8.10.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Install and configure communication links to network elements of Tellabs 8600 system as instructed
in 8.12.2 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and Communication Servers.
Step 11 Setup the basic configuration settings with Tellabs 8000 manager.
• Define areas, Communication Servers and other basic settings.
Step 12 Re-configure the Tellabs 8000 manager installation by using %\NMSINSTDIR%\IN-
• Select Single Computer for 8600 Elements (8000 mode) as the configuration to be in-
• Select the needed services. Please note that usually it is not necessary to separately install
Fault Service in Single Computer systems.
Step 13 Enable or disable the automatic startup of server processes when the computer is started. For more
information on the automatic startup of servers, see 8.13 Running Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers
as Windows Service.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

8.11.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

8.12 Node and Network Element Communications

The following subchapters describe the possible ways of defining communications to Tellabs 8100
nodes and Tellabs 8600 network elements.

8.12.1 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8100 Nodes and DXX


Control network takes care of the communication between the nodes and DXX Servers. One
DXX Server can be connected to one or more network nodes. These connections are called
communication links. There are the following three communication link types.

• Asynchronous
• X.25
• Ethernet
The DXX Server connection is always created to the control unit of the network node. If the control
unit is SCU, the connection can be made using either the asynchronous or X.25 interfaces of the
unit. If the control unit is SCU-H equipped with the SCP-H module, the DXX Server connection
can be created using either the asynchronous or the Ethernet interfaces of the unit/module.

Asynchronous Links

Asynchronous links are the easiest to set up as they do not need much configuration. There is a limit
to the number of nodes that you can use with asynchronous links.

A normal straight modem cable can be used for connecting the DXX Server to a node with an
asynchronous link.

Step 1 Configure asynchronous links in the NMS.INI file of the DXX Server.
Usually the default values for parameters can be used and you do not need to change them.
• Open the NMS.INI file from the %NMSDIR% folder.
• Check that the following default parameters are set.
# DSR modem control signal is used by ASYN, communication
# are not sent to NmsTrace

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 2 Continue with setting up other communication links.

Installing Eicon X.25 Card

The following chapter describes how to install an Eicon X.25 card. It is assumed that you are
installing an S94 type card. These instructions also assume that you are installing the card and driver
version V6R7 to Windows Server 2003. Options in Windows Server 2008 are shown in parenthesis.

For more information regarding the EiconCard and driver installation for Microsoft Windows Server
2003/2008, please see the following web page:


Note that if you are installing two Eicon X.25 cards you can install both of them at the same time.

If you are updating Eicon drivers from an older version, export the configuration file first to a file
using the File - Export command in the Eicon Configuration program.

Make sure that the Plug ’n’ Play option is enabled in the computer BIOS when installing the Eicon
S94 adapter.

Step 1 Install the EiconCard hardware.

For instructions refer to Installation Guide that is delivered with the EiconCard.
Step 2 Login as an administrator or equivalent to the DXX Server.
Step 3 If you are installing EiconCard S94, or updating drivers of a card that has been installed earlier,
install the Connections for Windows XP or Windows Server 2003/2008 V6R7 software on
your computer.1
• When the EiconCard has been installed with the built-in drivers, run the ConnectionsFor-
WindowsV6R7_x86.exe (or ConnectionsforWindowsV6R7_x64.exe in the 64–bit oper-
ating system) file in the Eicon directory of Tellabs 8000 manager installation DVD-ROM.
This will extract the new drivers to the C:\C4W_x86 (or C:\C4W_x64) directory by de-
• Click Next in the Welcome screen.
• Read the License Agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement and
click Next if you agree.
• Accept the default path and click Next.
• Click Ok to continue.
Files will be copied.
• Click Finish after the drivers have been updated.
• If prompted to restart, click Yes.
Step 4 Configure the EiconCard.
If you updated the drivers of an EiconCard that has been installed earlier, import the configuration
from the file that you created before starting the update of the drivers, and proceed to the step 7.
• Select Start – Programs – Dialogic - Eiconcard - Eiconcard Configuration Program.
• Click on the EiconCard icon in the Eiconcard Configuration window.

1S94 EiconCards are Plug ’n’ Play cards. Therefore Windows 2003/2008 will automatically detect them and use the built-in EiconCard drivers. You
can verify this by checking that EiconCard appears as a Network Adapter in Device Manager in Windows 2003/2008.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• Click on the Adapter tab. If you have an S94 type card, select 2 for the number of Total
Ports. Check that Auto Activate is set to ON.
If you intend to use only one S94 port in node communication, set the number of ports to 1.
• Click on the Trace tab. Set the trace size for the Mail and NCB to 0.
• Click on the plus sign in front of the EiconCard icon.
• Check the High-Level Protocols. None of the protocols should be selected.
• Click on Port 1. Check that you have the following selections: Dialer: Direct and Protocol:
• Click on X.25 “Cloud”. Set the following parameters under the General tab.

Node Type: DTE

Packet Format: Basic
X.25 Version: 1984
Window Size: Maximum: 7 Default: 7
Packet Size: Maximum: 128 Default: 128

• Click on the VC tab.

• Tick the Sequential assignment of virtual circuits check box.
• Set the following quantities.

PVCs: 1 TVCs: 0
IVCs: 0 OVCS: 0

• Click on the Timers tab.

• Set the timer. Enter the time in seconds.

T20: 180 T23: 60

T21: 60 Idle: 0 (The default for this option is 0)
T22: 180
Acknowledge: 10 (msec)

• Click on the Advanced tab. The settings should be as follows.

Max. retry count N3: 1

Data link layer: HDLC

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• Click on HDLC “Cloud”.

• Remove the tick from FRMR to RRC/RNRC/REJC with P=0.
• Remove the tick from Disable Automatic DTE/DCE settings for Dialup Link. This
setting can be disabled and you cannot select it.
• Make sure that Fast Connection Drop is not selected.
• In Maximum Size check that you have the following selections: Frame N1 (octets):
144 and Window K: 7.
• Click on the Advanced tab.
• Set Link Setup: Passive; Sequence: Normal; and Maximum retry count (N2): 7.
• Set the Timer (msec) parameters as follows.

Check point (T1): 1000

Ack delay (T2): 250
Idle probe (T3): 10000

• Set HDLC X.32 service selection to NONE.

• Disable GOSIP by removing the tick from the check box.
• Click on PVC “Cloud”.
• Check that No. =1; Winsize = 7 and Pktsize = 128.
• Click on Direct. The delays should be as follows.

RI(on) -> DTR(on): 0

DSR(on) -> RTS(on): 0
DSR debouncing: 100
Maximum delay for a 15
connection establis. (sec):

• Click on Sync. Click on the General tab. Set the following parameters.

Line interface: LEASED

Duplex: FULL
Type: Point-to-Point
Modem Interface: X21
Data encoding: NRZ
Clocking: EXTERNAL (Can be disabled and cannot be changed)

• Click on the Delay tab.

• Check that all delays are 0.
• Click on the Confirm entries icon (the 2nd button on the right in the toolbar).
If you have an S52 or S94 EiconCard and will be using both ports of the card for node
communications, configure the second port with the same parameters. Do not configure the second
port, if you will not use it as this may cause unnecessary EiconCard resets. After having completed
the configuration of the second port, please continue according to the instructions below.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 5 Save your EiconCard configuration.

• Select the File – Save menu option.
• Click No when asked if you wish to restart EiconCards now.
Step 6 Finish the installation
• Select File – Exit.
Step 7 Restart the computer.
• Shut down and restart the computer.
Step 8 Add the path to EiconCard drivers to the environment if it doesn’t exist already.
• Click on My Computer (Computer) with the right mouse button, select Properties, and
click on the Advanced tab (Advanced system settings in the Tasks section).
• Click on Environment Variables…
• Add the %systemroot%\SYSTEM32\EICON value for the Path variable in system vari-
Step 9 Test the EiconCard.
• Stop the Eicon card with the ECCARD STOP command in the Windows command prompt.
• Start the Eiconcard with the ECCARD START /E 1 command.
• Enter the ECCARD STOP command to stop the testing.
• If the card fails to start, reconfigure the EiconCard card. Note that the EiconCard should be
connected to a node with a cable, otherwise you will receive connection errors.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 10 Configure EiconCards in the %NMSDIR%\NMS.INI file of the DXX Server as follows.
The following settings are taken from the default NMS.INI file. Please set the parameters according
to your configuration. See the instructions below.
### Eicon card parameters
### EiconCard / OSI PC Gateway V3R3
### meaning of numbers after /LOG:
### cardnr portnr linknr runcmd
### Enable/disable following settings depending how many ports
/ card you have.
# Eicon cards with 1 port / each card
X25PARAM1 = /LOG 1 1 1 1 "eccard start /e 1" "eccard stop /e 1
X25PARAM2 = /LOG 2 2 2 1 "eccard start /e 2" "eccard stop /e 2
X25PARAM3 = /LOG 2 3 4 0 "eccard start /e 2" "eccard stop /e 2
X25PARAM4 = /LOG 2 4 5 0 "eccard start /e 2" "eccard stop /e 2
# Eicon cards with 2 ports / each card
# X25PARAM1 = /LOG 1 1 1 1 "eccard start /e 1" "eccard stop /e
1 /y"
# X25PARAM2 = /LOG 1 2 2 0 "eccard start /e 1" "eccard stop /e
1 /y"
# X25PARAM3 = /LOG 2 3 4 1 "eccard start /e 2" "eccard stop /e
2 /y"
# X25PARAM4 = /LOG 2 4 5 0 "eccard start /e 2" "eccard stop /e
2 /y"
These default parameters are suitable to be used in a setup where there are two EiconCards with
one or two ports in each card. These settings apply also for cases in which only one EiconCard
is used. The entry has the following format:
X25PARAMx = logopt cardnum portnum linknum runcmd startcmd
logopt = controls trace information, should be: /LOG
cardnr = card number (1 or 2)
portnr = port number, should be the same as x in X25PARAMx
linknr = link number (1, 2, 4 or 5)
runcmd = is the port first port of the Eicon Card (1=Yes,
0=No)?,controls the running of start / stop commands.
startcmd = command to start Eicon Card
stopcmd = command to stop Eicon Card
A special cable is needed when connecting the DXX Server to a node with an X.25 link. Tellabs Oy
manufactures special interface cables to connect the EiconCard to an SCU unit. A more thorough
description of the cable can be obtained from Tellabs Oy.
Step 11 Make sure that the user who will be logged into DXX Server during normal operation belongs to the
Administrators group on the computer. This is necessary for starting to use the EiconCard.
Step 12 Log off and log in as the operating DXX Server user.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Ethernet Links

Setting up Ethernet communication links requires a good knowledge of TCP/IP networks. It is

important to remember that the SCU-H unit with the SCP-H module should be connected to a
different subnet than the other equipment (a dedicated LAN). The easiest way to set up a different
subnet is to configure a second LAN adapter to the DXX Server. In this way, you can configure the
DXX Server to communicate to two different subnets.

Step 1 Install the second LAN adapter to the DXX Server computer.
Step 2 Set the parameters for the second LAN adapter so that it is connected to a different subnet.
• Create a separate subnet for the DXX control traffic.
• Define the IP address of the second DXX Server LAN adapter and SCU-H. Remember that
SCU-H can be connected only to one DXX Server.
• Do not configure any address as default gateway for the second adapter.
Step 3 Set the IP address of the DXX Server and SCU-H unit to SCU-H with Service Computer.
• Double-click the SCU-H unit.
• Select the Unit – Ethernet Control CH parameters menu option.
• Click the Local host button.
• Enter the IP address of the local SCU-H, the subnet mask of the LAN segment and the IP
address of the default router. The IP address of the default router should not be left empty. If
you are not using a router, use the IP address of the DXX Server (the second LAN adapter)
• Click OK.
• Click the desired channel number. Channel 1 should be used when adding the first node to
the network.
• Type the IP address of the DXX Server (the second LAN adapter) in the IP Address entry
• Click Update.
• Click Exit.
Step 4 Create the physical connection between the DXX Server and SCU-H.
Step 5 Test the connection from the DXX Server to SCU-H.
• Type PING (IP address of SCU-H) in Command Prompt.

8.12.2 Defining Communication Links between Tellabs 8600 Nodes and

Communication Servers

Control network takes care of the communication between network elements and Communication
Servers. One Communication Server can be connected to one or more network elements. These
connections are called communication links.

There are three possible ways of configuring communication to network elements:

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

• outband management
• inband management
• a combination of outband and inband management.
In outband management the communication links to network elements are created using an external
LAN that is connected to the MFE (management Ethernet port) ports or other Fast Ethernet ports of
the network elements. In inband management the management addresses of network elements and
the network address to the management LAN are advertised in the OSPF protocol.

Communication Servers can be configured with either one or two network interface cards. You can,
e.g., configure the first NIC (Network Interface Card) towards the management LAN and the second
towards the control LAN (towards the network elements). If you decide to use Communication
Servers with multiple NICs, the Routing and Remote Access service needs to be enabled in
Communication Servers. A Communication Server with two NICs is used for the outband
management and a Communication Server with a single NIC is used for the inband management in
the configuration examples below.

The operation of the MFE port is limited in Tellabs 8620 access switches. It should be used only for
traffic that is terminated in the network element. If you have a Tellabs 8600 system network with
only Tellabs 8620 access switches, and you are planning to use inband management, you should use
one of the standard (non MFE) link interfaces also for the first hop.

It is recommended to use the CDC protection provided by Tellabs 8660 edge switch as the first hop
between the management LAN and network elements. For more information on CDC protection,
refer to the online help of Tellabs 8000 manager.

You will need to enable the BMP server port in the network elements before they can be taken
into use with the Tellabs 8000 manager. To do this, run the bmp-server enable command
in the privileged CLI configuration mode.

Setting Up Links (Outband Management)

These instructions assume that there are two NICs in the Communication Server. The first interface
should be configured towards the management LAN, and the second one towards the network
elements. Outband management can be handled with just single NIC as well. The example
configuration can be seen in the figure below.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Fig. 12 Outband Management

Step 1 Set the parameters for the second LAN adapter of the Communication Server so that it is connected
to a different subnet than the management LAN.
• Create a separate subnet for the control traffic (in the figure above is used).
• Define the IP address of the second LAN adapter in Communication Server.
• Do not configure any address as default gateway for the second adapter.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 2 Set the IP address of the BMI port (mfe 14/0) with a terminal console (emulator).
• Configure the terminal console (emulator software). For more information, refer to the doc-
ument Tellabs ® 8600 Managed Edge System Hardware Installation Guide.
• Connect to the network element with a serial cable.
The following information is displayed.
* Tellabs 8660 Network Element
* Copyright (c) 2004 Tellabs. All rights reserved.
• Login to the network element as follows.
user name:superuser
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with ^Z
• Enable the configuration mode and enter the following commands.
This configuration example assumes that the IP address of mfe 14/0 is
and that the second LAN adapter of the Communication Server is also configured to the
same subnet.
N-PE 10>en
N-PE 10#conf t
N-PE 10(config)#interface mfe 14/0
N-PE 10(config-if)#ip address
N-PE 10(config-if)#no shutdown
N-PE 10(config-if)#description link to Communication Server
N-PE 10(config-if)#exit
Step 3 Add a static route towards the management LAN by entering the following commands.
It is assumed that the network address of the management LAN is and that the IP
address of the second LAN adapter of the Communication Server is
N-PE 10(config)#ip route
N-PE 10(config)#exit
Step 4 Enable BMP protocol (used by the management system) communication to the network element.
N-PE 10 (config)#bmp-server enable
N-PE 10 (config)#exit
Step 5 Create a physical connection between the Communication Server and the MFE port of the network

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 6 Enable Routing and Remote Access in Communication Server.

• Select Start - Programs - Administrative Tools - Routing and Remote Access in Com-
munication Server.
• Click with the right mouse button on the server name in the left pane and select Configure
and Enable Routing and Remote Access.
• Click Next.
• Select Network Router and click Next.
• Verify that TCP/IP is selected in the list of protocols and click Next.
• Select No and click Next in Demand-Dial Connections.
• Click Finish.
The Routing and Remote Access service is now running.
Step 7 Test the connection from the Communication Server to the network element.
• Type PING (IP address of MFE port) in Command Prompt.
Step 8 Repeat the steps from 2 to 4 for each element in the network.
During the Tellabs 8000 manager network configuration you will need to use the IP address and
mask of the MFE interface of each network element as the BMP IP address of the relevant network
elements in Tellabs 8000 manager.

Setting Up Links (Inband Management)

These instructions assume that there is one Ethernet interface in the Communication Server.
Communication Servers with multiple NICs can be used as well. An example configuration of the
inband management can be seen in the figure below.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Fig. 13 Inband Management

You will need to configure the IP address of the first Tellabs 8600 network element that is connected
to the management LAN. Note that if the first network element is a Tellabs 8620 access switch, you
will need to use one of the standard link interfaces from the IFM. The MFE port should not be used
for this purpose in Tellabs 8620 access switch.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

In the example configuration the network address of the management LAN is The
Tellabs 8000 manager servers and workstations are configured to this subnet as well as the first
Tellabs 8660 edge switch (N-PE-10).

Step 1 Set the IP address of the MFE port (mfe 14/0) of the first Tellabs 8660 edge switch (N-PE 10)
with a terminal console (emulator).
• Configure the terminal console (emulator software).
• Connect to the network element with a serial cable.
The following information is displayed.
* Tellabs 8660 Network Element
* Copyright (c) 2004 Tellabs. All rights reserved.
• Login to the element as follows.
user name:superuser
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with ^Z
• Enable the configuration mode and enter the following commands.
N-PE 10>en
N-PE 10#conf t
N-PE 10(config)#interface mfe 14/0
N-PE 10(config-if)#ip address
N-PE 10(config-if)#no shutdown
N-PE 10(config-if)#description link to Management LAN
N-PE 10(config-if)#exit
Step 2 Enable BMP protocol (used by the management system) communication to the network element.
N-PE 10 (config)#bmp-server enable
N-PE 10 (config)#exit
Step 3 If needed, map the Tellabs 8660 edge switch BMP traffic to a QoS class. From the ESW version
2.10 onwards the outgoing traffic is mapped to class cs7 by default. This can be changed with the
mgmt-traffic command. Incoming traffic can be mapped using an Access Control List (ACL).
The following example shows how to map incoming management traffic to class cs7.
• Create an ACL.
N-PE 10(config)#ip access-list MfeInList
N-PE 10(cfg-acl[MfeInList])#sequence 10 permit udp any any
eq 56564 action qos cs7
N-PE 10(cfg-acl[MfeInList])#sequence 20 permit udp any any
eq 56565 action qos cs7
N-PE 10(cfg-acl[MfeInList])#sequence 30 permit ip any any
N-PE 10(cfg-acl[MfeInList])#exit
• Configure the ACL to an interface.
N-PE 10(config)#interface mfe14/0
N-PE 10(cfg-if[mfe14/0])#ip access-group MfeInList in
N-PE 10(cfg-if[mfe14/0])#exit
Step 4 Create a physical connection between the management LAN and the MFE port of the network

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 5 Test the connection from the Communication Server to the first network element.
• Type PING (IP address of MFE port) in Command Prompt.
Step 6 Continue the configuration of the first network element with Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in
chapter 11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network.
Note that for the management to work correctly, you will need to advertise the management LAN in
the OSPF protocol. You will also need to advertise the loopback addresses of network elements in
OSPF. If you do not want OSPF hello messages to be sent to the management LAN, configure the
mfe 14/0 port to be a passive interface in OSPF.
Subsequent network elements in the network will be reached by their loopback addresses advertised
in the OSPF protocol.
If the first Tellabs 8660 edge switch is not configured as a default gateway for the management
computers, you will need to add a static route towards the loopback addresses of the elements for all
computers that need to connect directly to the elements. Tellabs 8000 manager requires that only the
Communication Server has a route towards the network elements, but if you want to use FTP, Telnet
or other similar applications from workstations, you need to add the static route to the network
elements. In the example configuration the static route would be configured as follows.
route –p add MASK
Step 7 Configure the first network element (N-PE 10 in the figure above).
Before adding the following network element to the network, you need to configure the first NE.
• Configure the interface towards the new network element (U-PE 20 in the figure above) by
setting all the required parameters.

Do not use the MFE interface of the new network element (U-PE 20) as the link interface, but
one of the standard link interfaces.

• Configure OSPF for the first network element (N-PE 10).

You will need the following or similar configuration setup for OSPF.
• Create the OSPF process
router ospf 1
• Enter the OSPF router ID
ospf router-id
• Advertise the network between N-PE 10 and U-PE 20 in OSPF
network area
• Advertise the loopback address of N-PE 10 in OSPF
network area
• Advertise the management LAN in OSPF
network area

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 8 Add and configure the next network element (U-PE 20 in the figure above).
• Start a terminal console (emulator).
• Configure the NE with CLI as follows.
• Set all the required parameters for the interface towards N-PE 10.
• Configure the loopback address.
• Configure OSPF.
You will need to advertise the loopback address of the new element and also the
network between N-PE 10 and U-PE 20.
• Physically connect the first NE to the next NE (N-PE 10 to U-PE 20).
• Test the connection from Communication Server to U-PE 20 by typing PING (Loopback
address of U-PE 20) in Command Prompt.
When the connection is working, you can add the network element to the database.
• Configure the network element using the same kind of setup as with CLI by using Tellabs
8000 manager.
Note that you will use the loopback address of the network element as the BMP address.
• Configure the interface towards N-PE 10.
• Configure the loopback address.
• Configure OSPF.
• Raise the state of the network element and other configurations (subrack, cards, IFMs, in-
terfaces, protocols, loopback interface, links) to In Use.
After raising the state, you should be able to manage the new NE with Tellabs 8000
Step 9 Add the subsequent network elements.

8.13 Running Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers as Windows Service

Running server programs as a Windows Service enables to start the server program without logging
in to a server computer. When using the Windows service the server program remains active
between the subsequent login/logout sessions. After installing and activating the server service the
server program is started automatically every time the system is restarted.

When making any changes to the server services you have to be logged in with administrator

In Windows Server 2008, when running a server as a Windows service, there will
be separate NmsTrace logs for the server events and for the client events (e.g. a
workstation is run on the same PC). In this case, the server log is written by default to the
%NMSDIR%\log\trace_server.log file.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

8.13.1 Installing and Activating Server Services

Step 1 Install the server service.

• The server service (TLABNMSSVC.EXE) – Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Service is in-
stalled automatically by setup.exe.
• If the Run server as a Windows service option and either Run as a local System account
or Run as a named Windows account option was selected during setup, the service is also
activated during installation. If you select the Use current Control Panel settings option,
the old service settings will be used. It is recommended to use this option when reinstalling
the software or upgrading.
• If the service is not installed or has been removed, you can install the service by running the
following command:
to install the service or
to install the service and leave it in manual start mode.
For more information about possible command line options, run the following command:
Step 2 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager service. You can skip this step if you already configured the
service during Tellabs 8000 manager installation.
• Select the Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools menu option.
The Administrative Tools window will open.
• Double-click on the Services icon.
The Services dialog will open.
• Right-click on the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager and select Properties.
• Select the startup type and other options.

Startup type: automatic

Log On As: This Account: Your administrative account used for starting up the server.
Password: Insert the correct password.
Confirm Password: Confirm the password.

• Use the account/password that is used for starting the server. Check that the specified user
has access rights to other server computers in the Tellabs 8000 manager LAN. If the user
has no access rights to other servers, the communication between servers might not function
• Click the OK button to close the dialog.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 3 Check that the server service is running and the service program is working correctly.
• Shut down and restart the system.
• Log on the system.
• Verify that the server program is running by starting the Server Command Center - Server
Monitor tool from the Tellabs 8000 network manager desktop folder.

8.13.2 Stopping Server Services

The server service is configured to start automatically, you do not need to start it explicitly. It is
started automatically every time the system is rebooted (if the startup type is set to automatic).

The following instructions explain how to stop a server service that has been automatically activated
during the system start-up.

When stopping the server service it is important that you stop the server program first. Failing
to do so may cause unpredictable results in the server.

Shutting down a system running a server program also terminates the server service.
Therefore, before carrying out the shutdown operation, make sure that the server program
is stopped properly.

Step 1 Stop the server program.

• Start the Server Command Center - Server Monitor tool if not started already.
• Select Stop All Services from the Command drop-down list and click Run Command.
Wait for the services to go down.
• Select the Supervisor process from the Running Processes list.
• Select Stop Process from the Commands drop-down list and click Run Command.
• Click OK.
• Click Exit to close the Server Monitor dialog.
Or, in case of a DXX and Recovery Server
• Start the Server Command Center tool if not started already.
• Press n for a local server.
• Press k to shutdown the server.
• Press x to close the Server Monitor program.

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8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 2 Stop the server service.

• Select the Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools menu option.
The Administrative Tools window will open.
• Double-click on the Services icon.
The Services dialog will open.
• Select Tellabs 8000 Network Manager from the Service list box.
• Click the Stop button.
• Select Yes to confirm the stop.
Wait for the service to stop.
• Check that the Status field is blank.
• Use the following command to stop the service.

8.13.3 Restarting Server Service

Step 1 Start the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager service.

• Select the Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools menu option.
The Administrative Tools window will open.
• Double-click on the Services icon.
The Services dialog will open.
• Select Tellabs 8000 Network Manager from the Service list box.
• Click the Start button.
Wait for the service to start.
• Check that the Status field shows the value Started.
Step 2 Verify the performance.
• Open the Server Command Center tool from the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager folder
and verify that the server with correct services and processes is running.

8.13.4 Deactivating Server Service

If you want to prevent the server service from running until further notice, you should reconfigure
the service.

Step 1 Stop the server service.

For more information see the steps described in 8.13.2 Stopping Server Services.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

8 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers

Step 2 Modify the server service.

• Select the Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools menu option.
The Administrative Tools window will open.
• Double-click on the Services icon.
The Services dialog will open.
• Click on the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager with the right mouse button and select Prop-
• Select the startup type as follows:
Startup type: disabled
• Click the OK button to close the dialog.
Step 3 Shut down and restart the system.

8.13.5 Removing Server Service

Removing the server service permanently removes the service component from the system. It does
not affect the server program itself, so the server program can be started manually.

Step 1 Stop the server service.

For more information see the steps in 8.13.2 Stopping Server Services.
Step 2 Remove the server service
• Move to the \%NMSINSTDIR%\INSTALL directory.
• In the Command Prompt window run the following command:
• Select the Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools menu option.
The Administrative Tools window will open.
• Double-click on the Services icon.
The Services dialog will open.
• Verify that the service is removed from the system.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

This chapter describes the steps required for installing Tellabs 8000 manager workstations. Tellabs
8000 manager clients/workstations consist of the following configurations.

• Standard Workstation
• Power Workstation
• Satellite Workstation
• Private Subnetwork Workstation
• 8100 Service Computer
• FA Client (customer specific configuration)

9.1 Prerequisites

The following subchapters describe the prerequisites for Tellabs 8000 manager workstation

9.1.1 Operating System, Service Packs and Critical Updates

Windows XP Professional with the latest service packs and critical updates should be installed.
From the link below you can find updates for the operating system. For security reasons, it is useful
to visit the site often to obtain the latest updates.


9.1.2 Required Hard Drive Space

The capacity of the boot partition should be at least 10 GB. In most cases, all the space in the
disk can be allocated to one partition.

9.1.3 Display Properties

The workstation should support 1280x1024 display resolution with 16 bit colors. The following
effects from the Display Properties - Effects tab should be disabled for best performance: Use
transition effects for menus and tooltips and Show window contents while dragging. Disable
the Hide keyboard navigation indicators until I use the Alt key if you want the menu shortcuts
to operate as before.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

9.2 Installation Overview

The installation of Tellabs 8000 manager workstations comprises of the following steps. Note that
not all the steps are described in detail in this manual.

• Installing and configuring Windows XP Professional and service packs.

• Installing Internet Explorer.
• Installing Adobe Reader.
• Creating users.
• Installing Sybase Open Client.
• Installing Tellabs 8000 manager software.

9.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Workstations

The installation of Tellabs 8000 manager on workstation computers is described in this chapter.
In addition to running the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation Wizard, the different
configurations can be installed using a command line as well. For more information on the
command line installation of Tellabs 8000 manager, see 12.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager
from Command Line.

9.3.1 Running Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation Wizard

Step 1 Start the installation of the Tellabs 8000 manager software.

• Login to the server with a username that has administrator rights.
• If you are installing Tellabs 8000 network manager R17A or later for the first time on Win-
dows 2000 Professional operating system run vcredist_x86.exe as a user with the adminis-
trator rights. The file is located in nms\install\install\vcredist_x86 directory on your Tellabs
8000 Network Manager installation DVD-ROM.
This installs the needed versions of the Microsoft runtime libraries. The successful
installation does not display any notice.
• Run the X:\NMS\INSTALL\SETUP.EXE file by double-clicking it in Explorer.
Note that X denotes here your DVD-ROM drive.
Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Setup Wizard starts.
• Click Next.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Step 2 Select the installation type and mode.

Fig. 14 Installation Type and Mode

• Select the Installation Mode.

The Tellabs 8000 manager installation program has two different installation modes.
• 8000 Manager Mode installs Tellabs 8000 manager with support for Tellabs 8600,
Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs 6300 system as well as for Tellabs 8800 multiservice router
nodes, Tellabs 7100 optical transport system nodes and Tellabs 7300 metro Ethernet
switching series nodes.
• 8100 Manager Mode installs Tellabs 8000 manager without the support for the Tellabs
8600 and Tellabs 8800 nodes.
Using 8100 Manager Mode for installation is recommended if there are no plans to install
Tellabs 8600 system network elements to the network in the near future. It corresponds to
the former Tellabs 8100 manager installation. 8000 Manager Mode is recommended and
even required in some configurations if there is an existing Tellabs 8600 system network or
if there are plans to install Tellabs 8600 system network elements to the network.
In the same network management system, there can be computers installed in both modes,
i.e. some can be installed using 8000 Manager Mode and others using 8100 Manager Mode.
• Select the installation type.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

The available installation types are listed below. Some options may be disabled in new
• Install – Install a new version or update from a previous version of Tellabs 8000 man-
• Pre-Install – Install the new Tellabs 8000 manager, but keep on using the previous
version for a certain time period.
• Re-Configure Old Installation – Change the installed configuration or other
settings. Note that this option is possible only when launching %NMSINSTDIR%\in-
stall\setup.exe. If you are launching from DVD-ROM, this option is disabled (unless
the installed build has the same version).
• Create n new sessions for the currently logged user – Install n new workstation
sessions for the currently logged on user. This option is not available during the initial
• Uninstall – Remove the currently installed Tellabs 8000 manager from this computer.
• The drop-down list displays the release and version information.
• Click Next.
Step 3 Select the Tellabs 8000 manager configuration.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

The installation parameters are configuration specific, so you may not be able to change all
parameters with certain configurations.

Fig. 15 Configuration Settings Dialog

• Select a workstation configuration from the left pane.

• Tick the necessary options in the Options pane.
The following options are selectable.
• Partitioned Network – Installs support for network partitioning. Recommended in
big networks. Note that partitioning needs to be enabled separately in the database.
For more information, refer to 11.1 Partitioned Network.
• Keep configurations from the old installation – Keeps all the changes made in the
nms.ini file in addtion to making all changes related to the installation. It also keeps
old settings from most of the other *.ini files. This option is only available if upgrading
Tellabs 8000 manager from version R17-SP3 or later.
• Keep application-generated files from the old installation – Keeps all the settings
the applications have generated (windows positions, default selections etc.) from the
old installation.
• Keep macro files from the old installation – User made macro files are kept from
previous release. Macros distributed with Tellabs 8000 manager will be overwritten.
• Install/Update HW-key Driver – Installs the Sentinel HW-key drivers to the target
computer. The use of hardware protection keys is required in 8100 Service Com-
puters; Private Subnetwork Workstations can be enabled to use this kind of authen-
tication. The Standard Workstations can be used for programming Private Subnet-

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

work Workstation hardware protection keys with the HW Key Programming/Testing

(HKEY.EXE) program.
• Computer can be used for remote data load – When this option is enabled in a
powerful computer that is connected to the management LAN, that computer can be
used as the data source for initialization of Tellabs 8000 manager in other computers.
• Notice that Power Workstations are actually mini Management Servers running EMS, VPN
Provisioning, Service Management, Performance Management and the 8600 Macro Man-
ager services.
• In Tellabs 8000 manager R17A, you do not need to select EMS Drivers during the instal-
lation anymore. When updating the database to R17A the drivers are read from the data-
base and the required ones are selected automatically. Only if you need to add a network
element with ESW other than the ones used currently in the network, you need to run con-
fig_node_drivers.cmd in the NMS\SQL directory to take necessary drivers into use.
• After you have selected the installation options, click Next.
Step 4 Set the names of used Tellabs 8000 manager servers.
If you have a previous installation in the computer, these settings are taken from the old NMS.INI
file. The installation parameters are configuration specific, so you may not be able to change all
parameters with certain configurations.

Fig. 16 Adding Server Information

• Enter or verify that the following settings are correct.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Mandatory settings for each Tellabs 8000 manager configuration are underlined in the
• Database Server name – Enter the name of the database server.
• Database name – Enter the name of the database.
• Preferred Management Server – Enter the name of one Management Server running
EMS, VPN Provisioning, Service Management, PMS and 8600 Macro Manager Ser-
• Backup Management Server – Enter the name of the backup Management Server
running EMS, VPN Provisioning, Service Management and PMS Services.
• Primary Fault Service host – Enter the name of Management Server running the
Fault Service.
• Secondary Fault Service host – Enter the name of alternate Management Server run-
ning the Fault Service.
• Satellite Service host – Enter the name of the Management Server running the Satellite
Service. This setting is valid only in Satellite Workstations.
• Web Reporter Service host or URL – Enter the name of the Management Server
running the Web Reporter Service or the URL.
• Private Subnetwork Service host – Enter the name of the Management Server run-
ning the Private Subnetwork Service. This setting is valid only in Private Subnetwork
• Packet Loop Test Service host – Enter the name of the Management Server running
the Packet Loop Test Service.
• Secondary Packet Loop Test Service host – Enter the name of alternate Management
Server running the Packet Loop Test Service.
• Click Next.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Step 5 Set other miscellaneous settings.

Make sure that you select the correct adapter as the preferred network adapter for Tellabs 8000

Fig. 17 Setting Miscellaneous Settings

• Select the preferred network adapter for Tellabs 8000 Network Manager using the drop-
down list. This adapter is the one that is connected to the management LAN.
• The Private Subnetwork username and password settings are available only for Private
Subnetwork Workstations.
• Click Next.
Step 6 Select the environment where to store settings.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

The installation wizard informs you if you do not have administrator rights. If you do not have these
rights, you cannot save the environment settings to the system environment.

Fig. 18 Environment Selection Dialog

• Select Session Supported Installation to create a separate directory structure and NMS-
DIR variable for each user. This option is available only for the Workstation -Standard and
Workstation - Satellite configurations.
All users that log into Windows and start Tellabs 8000 manager for the first time get an
own copy of the Tellabs 8000 manager data directories.

The binaries are copied to a common location once (e.g. C:\nms), and the ini files and
other data is stored in each Windows user’s own directories (<drive>:\Documents and
Settings\<username>\Application Data\Tellabs 8000\).

• Select either system environment or user environment.

If the settings are stored in the system environment, the settings will become available for
all users of this computer. If the settings are stored in the user environment, the settings
are available only to the user (login) who did the installation. Note, however, that some
Tellabs 8000 manager applications require Power User rights to the local computer for
proper operation.

• Select the Create shortcuts to Desktop option to create a Tellabs 8000 network manager
folder with shortcuts to Tellabs 8000 network manager applications to the desktop.
• Select the Create shortcuts to Start Menu option to create a Tellabs 8000 manager group
with shortcuts to Tellabs 8000 manager applications to the Start Menu.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

• Selecting Run server as a Windows service allows you to enable automatic startup of the
Power Workstation server components when the computer is restarted without the user log-
ging in. Note that the user needs to have administrative privileges to be able to set the
services to start automatically. The Windows service is always installed in manual mode
and selecting this option and either Run as a local System account or Run as a named
Windows account option makes the startup automatic. It is recommended to use the Run
as a named Windows account option as the local system account might not have enough
privileges, for instance for network operations. If you select the Use current Control Panel
settings option, the old service settings will be used. It is recommended to use this option
when re-installing the software or upgrading. Enter also the user account and password.
Accounts in the Windows domain must be typed in format domain\username and local
accounts in format computername\username.
• Click Next.
• If you have had Session Supported Installation previously and you now selected either
system or user environment, you may get a message about the currently installed sessions.
You can either delete them or leave them as they are.

Fig. 19 Installed Sessions

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Step 7 Select the destination drive and directory and make the other necessary selections.

Fig. 20 Drive and Directory Selection

• Select the destination drive and directory. C:\nms is the default installation and data di-
rectory if the system or user environment was selected.
If the Session Supported Installation option was selected, the default installation
directory is C:\nms and the default data directory is <drive>:\Documents and
Settings\<username>\Application Data\Tellabs 8000\. Note that if changing the data
directory (session) location from the default one to a custom one, the directory must be
selected so that it points to a different directory for each Windows user and that the
user must have create, write and delete permissions to that directory. You can click the
Change... button to make changes to the default data directory settings.

Fig. 21 Data Directory Settings

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Select Windows user directory location (default) to create the user and session files to
the default location, which is usually c:\Documents and Settings\ <username>\Application
Data\Tellabs 8000. You can also define a custom location for the user and session files by
selecting the Custom home directory option and defining the path to this directory.
Make sure that you have plenty of free space in the C: drive for the Tellabs 8000 manager
log files. If the drive where the Windows operating system is installed is filled with logs,
the operating system stops working.
Note that the installation wizard shows you the available disk space in each hard drive.
• Select the Backup the old installation directory option if you want to save the old instal-
lation directory during installation or activation of pre-installation.
• Install additional HTML Online Helps installs the HTML online help files in addition to
default Windows help files.
• Selecting the Install full documentation set option copies all Tellabs 8000 manager docu-
ments included on the installation media to the target computer.
• Click Next.
Step 8 Verify that the Summary of selections shows the selected options correctly.

Fig. 22 Installation Summary Window

• Note that if you scroll down to the end of the summary, you will be able to see the command
line response to this installation.
• Click Install to proceed with the installation.
The progress of the installation will be displayed.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

The Windows runtime library installation may fail if:

• the user does not have the administrator rights,
• the Windows Installer version is older than 3.0 because the latest Windows Service
Packs and hot fixes are not installed.
If a notification about the missing Microsoft VS 2005 runtime libraries is displayed,
proceed as follows:
• Complete the installation of Tellabs 8000 manager normally by clicking the Yes button.
• Install the required version of Microsoft runtime libraries as an administrator by run-
ning vcredist_x86.exe located in the nms\install\install\vcredist_x86 directory on
your Tellabs 8000 network manager installation DVD-ROM.
If the runtime library installation still fails proceed as follows:
• Install the newer version of the Windows Installer as an administrator by running Win-
dowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe located in the nms\install\install\windowsin-
staller directory on your Tellabs 8000 network manager installation DVD-ROM.
• Install the required version of Microsoft runtime libraries as an administrator by run-
ning vcredist_x86.exe located in the nms\install\install\vcredist_x86 directory on
your Tellabs 8000 network manager installation DVD-ROM.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Step 9 Complete the installation.

Fig. 23 Completing Installation

• You can do the following.

• Manually edit the NMS.INI file by clicking on the Edit nms.ini file button. This opens
the NMS.INI file in a text editor.
• Check the installed files for errors by clicking on the Check installed files button. This
opens the Installation Checker window in which you can click on Start to check the
installed configuration for errors.
• View the installation log file by clicking on the View installation log file button.
• Click Finish to finish the installation.

9.4 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Standard, Power or Satellite


9.4.1 General

The Tellabs 8000 manager Standard, Power and Satellite Workstations provide an access point to
the system and its elements for one operator at a time through a graphical user interface.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

9.4.2 Step List

To install a Tellabs 8000 manager Workstation, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows XP Professional, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
Use for instance NMSUSER as username and password for the easiest configuration (see
3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup).

The workstation users should have access rights to servers.

Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Sybase Open Client and the needed upgrade software as instructed in 7 Installing Sybase
Open Client on Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and Workstations.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 9.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Workstations.
• Select either Standard, Power or Satellite Workstation as the configuration to be installed.
Step 8 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 9 Configure the Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
9.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 10 Create a script to synchronize clocks in workstations and servers. When using a Unix Database
Server, use the real time provided by a Communication Server. Instructions are provided in
3.2.6 Clock Synchronization in Servers and Workstations.
Step 11 If the Workstation is used with Tellabs 6300 system nodes, configure the workstation according to the
instructions in 9.4.5 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 6300 Managed Transport System.
Step 12 If the Workstation is used with Tellabs 7100 optical transport system nodes or Tellabs 7300
metro Ethernet switching series nodes, configure the workstation according to the instructions in
9.4.6 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 7100 Optical Transport System and Tellabs
7300 Metro Ethernet Switching Series.

9.4.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

The table below provides a brief explanation of some workstation related configuration parameters
in the NMS.INI file. The default values of the parameters are shown in bold. Some parameters are
not in use by default, they are marked with commented lines in NMS.INI with the # character in
front. In addition to the common parameters that are given during the installation, these parameters
can be changed by manually editing the NMS.INI file.


CUSTOMERTEXT = Customer specific This string will be displayed in the About
text dialog.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations


UNIG_AUTOREFRESH = ON / WHEN_AC- Determines how the Node Manager
TIVATED / OFF unit window for GMU, GMX, CEU
and SXU-V units responds to change
UNIT_AUTOREFRESH = ON / WHEN_AC- Determines how Node Manager unit
TIVATED / OFF window for other unit types responds to
change messages.
NTU_DB = TRUE / FALSE Parameters for NTUs can be set in planned
state. The parameters are copied from the
database into the network element when
the state of the NTU is raised. If the flag
is not found, it is by default FALSE which
means that it is not possible to open the
NTUA window if the NTU is in planned
UFMT_DISABLE_BUTTON = NO/YES The Unit File Management
Parameter/Flash USW Disable button.
The visibility of the Disable button can be
changed with this parameter.
DOWNLOAD_TRACE = ALL / ERRORS / Defines whether unit software download
OFF related information is shown in NMStrace
with level 6.
DOWNLOAD_BI- A value between 64 Sets the unit software download packet
NARY_DATA_SIZE = - 996 bytes. size in bytes. Note that with large packet
Default 512 bytes sizes it is more likely that the DXX Server
finds the used control channel broken
NWOL_ALLOW_MODEM- YES / NO When the value is YES, the NTU type of
TYPE_CHANGE = bound NTUs can be changed in Network
NTU_DTE_RATE_UPDATE = TRUE / FALSE If the value is TRUE it is allowed to
change the DTE rate of an NTU even if
there is a circuit that ends in the NTU,
otherwise the DTE rate cannot be changed
if a circuit exists.
HW_KEY_SUPPORT = YES / NO Adds the HW key programming menu
option to the Security menu of Tellabs
8000 network manager Toolbox.
SNMP_SERVER = ON / OFF If this flag is set ON, the SNMP Server
dialog and some other SNMP server
related fields in other dialogs will be
visible in Network Editor. This flag is
needed if there are nodes under SNMP
AGENT_FOR_DOMAIN_FO- ON / OFF Allows agents for the Tellabs 6300
CUS_LX = domain to be configured in the Agent
Configuration dialog in Network Editor.
MAPR = YES / NO This flag specifies whether or not map
support is used.
WKST_USE_FORCED_EXIT= FALSE / TRUE The workstation forces Tellabs 8000
manager process to terminate at shut

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

9.4.4 Installing Session Support in Standard Workstations

Please note that the use of several sessions requires considerably more RAM memory in the
workstations than the use of just one session.

The following instructions apply only when there is a need to run many sessions simultaneously in
one desktop by one Windows user.

To install multiple sessions for one user, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure the session support. The configuration can be done automatically by launching
NmsTrace or Toolbox once, or by starting sessionsetup.exe. The further starts of sessionsetup.exe
will display a GUI for creating additional sessions. It is assumed that Tellabs 8000 manager has
been installed to the C:\NMS directory.
• Shut down Tellabs 8000 manager in the target computer.
• Click Next in the Welcome screen.
• Select the number of new sessions that you want to create and click More...
• If you want to name the sessions and session directories in a particular way, replace
the word Session with your selected name. The sessions and session directories will
then be named as <selectedword>1, <selectedword>2, etc.
• Select the Create a shortcut to the desktop for each session option to be able to
launch the sessions from the desktop.
• Click OK.
• Click Next.
• Click Install.
• Click OK.
A folder named Tellabs 8000 Sessions is created on the desktop. A unique session ID is
created to the NMS.INI file of each session, and the session directories are created as
subdirectories of the user’s %NMSDIR% environment variable. The created launch scripts
are also located in the root of each session directory.
Step 2 Start Tellabs 8000 manager sessions.
• You can launch different sessions with the created command files in the Tellabs 8000 Ses-
sions folder created on the desktop.
To change some parameters for different sessions, edit the NMS.INI files in the session
Please note that when updating Tellabs 8000 manager, the session directories will be deleted during
the configuration phase of the session supported installation and, therefore, they must be re-created.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

9.4.5 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 6300 Managed Transport


To manage Tellabs 6300 system nodes from the workstation, install the following software.

Step 1 Install Tellabs 6300 Craft Terminal version 3.0.8.

• Run the T6300CT setup program Setup.exe from the Tellabs 6300 CD-ROM. Both Craft
Terminals will be installed with the same setup program.
Note that on Windows XP Administrator rights are required for installing, and Power User
rights for running the Craft Terminal software.
• Read the Software Licence Agreement and click Next if you agree.
• Click Next in the Info window.
• Click Browse to change the destination folder.
• Enter the path C:\T6300CT, and click OK.
• Click Next.
• Make your selection on Craft Terminal security, i.e. whether Craft Terminal is password
protected or not. Click Next.
• Click Next to install the help files locally.
• Click Next after verifying the installation summary. The files will be copied.
• Click Next in Firewall Modification.
• Click Finish.
Step 2 If you installed the Craft Terminals to some other directory than the default one, make the following
• Update the installation paths for the following variables in the %NMSDIR%\NMS.INI file:
6310_EMS_FPX.X (X.X meaning the feature pack number of the
• Verify that the following line in the %NMSDIR%\DAT\nm6300ct.gtwopt file points to the
correct directory:
-CTsetenv NM2100="C:\T6300CT"

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

9.4.6 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 7100 Optical Transport

System and Tellabs 7300 Metro Ethernet Switching Series

To manage Tellabs 7100 system or Tellabs 7300 series nodes from the workstation using installed
Tellabs 7191 Craft Station, install the following software.

Step 1 Install Tellabs 7191 Craft Station version 8.0 or newer.

• Run the Tellabs 7191 Craft Station setup program Setup.exe from the Tellabs 7100 CD-
Note that on Windows XP Administrator rights are required for installing, and Power User
rights for running the Craft Station software.

• Read the Introduction and click Next.

• Read the License Agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement and
click Next if you agree.
• Accept the default program folder and click Next.
• Review Pre-Installation Summary and click Install.
The installation begins. Wait until all files have been copied.

• Click Done.
Step 2 Enable the installed Tellabs 7191 Craft Station version by making the following modifications.
• Verify that the following option in the %NMSINSTDIR%\NMS.INI file is set to ON.
Step 3 If you installed the Tellabs 7191 Craft Station to some other directory than the default one, make
the following modifications.
• Update the installation path for the following variable in the %NMSINSTDIR%\NMS.INI

9.5 Installing 8100 Service Computer

9.5.1 General

Tellabs 8000 manager 8100 Service Computer (SC) is used for monitoring and controlling the
operation of a single Tellabs 8100 system node. The only Tellabs 8100 manager user interface
component installed on SC is Node Manager. Service Computers require hardware protection
keys. Service Computer uses either the serial or Ethernet ports in communication with Tellabs
8100 system nodes.

9.5.2 Step List

To install Service Computer, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows XP Professional, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.

• Use for instance NMSUSER as username and password for the easiest configuration.
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.
Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 9.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Workstations.
• Select 8100 Service Computer as the configuration to be installed.
• Tick the Install/Update HW-key Driver check box.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 8 Configure Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
9.5.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 9 If Service Computer will be used with Tellabs 6300 system nodes, install the Tellabs 6300 Craft
Terminal according to the instructions in 9.4.5 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 6300
Managed Transport System.
Step 10 If Service Computer has no serial ports, it is possible to communicate to Tellabs 8100 and Tellabs
6300 nodes using a USB port and USB-serial converter cable. For more information, please refer to
the installation instructions of the USB adapter provider. To use a converter, proceed as follows.
• Install a new driver for the USB-serial converter.
It is important to install the driver before connecting the device, otherwise adapters may
not work.
• Connect the adapter to the computer’s USB port.
Windows should recognize the adapter and add the COM port to the device settings.
• Restart the computer.
• Update the adapter from an updated driver file from My Computer - Manage - Device Man-
ager - Universal Serial Bus controllers. (This is needed at least for the Targus adapter.)
• Check that the port number in Device Manager matches to the ASYNCPARAM1 parameter
in the NMS.INI file of Service Computer. If not, update the value in NMS.INI, e.g.

9.5.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in chapter 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries. Note that
if the common NMS.INI parameters are commented out after the installation, it is not recommended
to change the parameters.

A brief explanation of some 8100 Service Computer related configuration parameters in the
NMS.INI file is provided in the table below. The default values of the parameters are shown in bold.
Some parameters are not in use by default, they are marked with commented lines in NMS.INI with
the # character in front. In addition to the common parameters that are given during the installation,
these parameters can be changed by manually editing the NMS.INI file.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations


SC_LOGIN_PROTECTION = ON / OFF The parameter defines whether Service
Computer can be used with subracks
when the Security option is enabled. If
the value of the parameter is ON, the
Service Computer program refreshes
communication paths during the execution
of the program to keep the communication
path open, and logs out at the end of
the program execution to close the
communication path immediately without
SC_LOGIN_REFRESH_INTERVAL = Default: 20 The parameter describes how often
a communication path is refreshed
automatically in a Service Computer. The
value is given in seconds. If the parameter
is missing, a 30 second interval is used. The
parameter is applied only if
is set ON. Note that the
value must be smaller than the timeout
value set in the Service Computer Login
Security Parameters dialog in the Node
Manager application.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in: %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

9.6 Installing Private Subnetwork Workstation

9.6.1 General

The Private Subnetwork Workstation contains the workstation software for Private Subnetwork
management use. It provides a subset of Standard Workstation functions, e.g. Unit Software
Management and Trouble Ticket applications are not available. The Private Subnetwork Workstation
uses the services of the Management Server (Private Subnetwork Service) to accomplish network
management tasks. A direct access to the database and network element is revoked for security and
performance reasons.

9.6.2 Step List

To install Private Subnetwork Workstation, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install and configure Windows XP Professional, service packs and critical updates.
Step 2 Install device drivers (e.g. display, mouse, keyboard, etc.) for your hardware.
Step 3 Create Windows users for Tellabs 8000 manager.
For further instructions, see chapters 3.2.3 Domain or Workgroup and 3.2.4 Usernames and
Step 4 Install Adobe Reader. For more information, see 3.1.3 Adobe Reader.

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9 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager Workstations

Step 5 Install Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, if needed. See 3.1.2 Web Browser.
Step 6 Install Tellabs 8000 manager as instructed in 9.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager on Workstations.
• Select Private Subnetwork Workstation as the configuration to be installed.
Step 7 Install Tellabs 8000 manager service packs as instructed in the relevant Release and Installation
Notes documents.
Step 8 Configure Tellabs 8000 manager if necessary by editing the NMS.INI file as instructed in
9.6.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries.
Step 9 Create a script to synchronize clocks in workstations and servers. The Private Subnetwork
Workstation should use the Management Server as time reference. For instructions, see 3.2.6 Clock
Synchronization in Servers and Workstations.
Step 10 If Private Subnetwork Workstation will be used with Tellabs 6300 system nodes, install the Tellabs
6300 Craft Terminal according to the instructions in 9.4.5 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of
Tellabs 6300 Managed Transport System. Note that Craft Terminal requires a TCP/IP connection
from Private Subnetwork Workstation to Communication Server(s) managing the Tellabs 6300
system nodes.

9.6.3 Relevant NMS.INI Entries

The common NMS.INI entries are explained in 12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries.

A brief explanation of some Private Subnetwork Workstation related configuration parameters in the
NMS.INI file is provided in the table below. The default values of the parameters are shown in bold.
Some parameters are by default not in use, they are marked with commented lines in NMS.INI with
the # character in front. In addition to the common parameters that are given during the installation,
these parameters can be changed by manually by editing the NMS.INI file.


PSSRV_CHGMSG_TRACE = YES / NO Change message trace in Private
Subnetwork Workstation and Private
Subnetwork Server.
RPC_TRACE = YES / NO Management Server
Private Subnetwork Service
communications/filtering trace.
PSSRV_SESSION_RECOVERY = YES / NO Management Server Private
Subnetwork Service pipe
communication retry.
PSSRV_RECOVERY_TIMES = Default: 5 Pipe communication retry times
to the Management Server Private
Subnetwork Service.
PSWS_USERNAME = Private Subnetwork username and
PSWS_PASSWORD = password. If these parameters are
not set, the Private Subnetwork
login dialog is shown at Private
Subnetwork Workstation startup.

Most of the other relevant NMS.INI entries are explained in the online help of the Tellabs 8000
manager. The help file can be found in: %NMSINSTDIR%\HELP\EN\NMSHELP.CHM

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

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10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master

10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master

This chapter describes how to install the Route Master software from the Tellabs 8000 Network
Manager Installation DVD-ROM and how to start and configure the different processes needed.

10.1 Installing Tellabs 8000 Route Master Software

The Route Master software can be installed on Red Hat Linux operating system. To install the Route
Master software, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Install the Route Master software.

• Open a Terminal window to the Route Master Server.
Note that you need the root privileges to be able to install the software.
If you do not have these privileges, you can acquire them by typing the following
$ su —
Password: <type root password>
• Mount the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation DVD-ROM if necessary.
Enter the following commands.
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
# cd /mnt/cdrom/
• Install the software package from the DVD-ROM as follows.
# ls
• Check the name of the Route Master package and use it as a parameter in the installation
command of the Route Master package as follows.
# rpm —i routemaster-1.0-1.i386.rpm

In this example “1.0–1” in the name of the installation package tells the version and release
number of the package.
Version and release numbers may be different from this example.

• Check the command output for errors.

• View the contents of the installed Route Master package by entering the following command.
# rpm —ql routemaster

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Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master

Step 2 Configure the Network Services Module and OSPF daemon processes.
• Edit the nsm.conf and ospfd.conf files located in the /etc/routemaster/ directory.
For more information, refer to Tellabs ® 8600 Managed Edge System CLI Commands

If you wish to change the settings later on, you have to quit Route Master processes and
start the processes again because changes in the configuration files are only read when
the processes are started.

Step 3 Start the Route Master processes.

For more instructions, refer to chapter 10.2 Starting Route Master Processes.
Step 4 Install the OCNM Front End Service to one Management Server.
For more instructions, refer to Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation and Configuration
Guide for Management Server, Route Master and Recovery Server.
Step 5 Configure OSPF daemon by using CLI.
For more instructions, refer to chapter 10.4.1 Configuring OSPF Daemon with Command Line
Note that this step is optional.
Step 6 Add the Tellabs 8600 Route Master to the database. For more instructions on how to add Route
Master, refer to 11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network.

10.2 Starting Route Master Processes

10.2.1 Preconditions

Before you can start the Route Master processes, the following precondition must be met.

• Route Master processes have been installed and configured.

10.2.2 Step List

Step 1 Start the Route Master processes by entering the following command.
# /etc/init.d/routemaster start
The nsm, ocnm_mon and ospfd processes are started.
Step 2 Check that the processes are running by entering the following command.
# /etc/init.d/routemaster status
The names and PIDs of Route Master processes are listed.

10.3 Stopping Route Master Processes

You can stop the route master processes by entering the following command.

# /etc/init.d/routemaster stop
If you need to restart the Route Master processes, enter the following command.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master

# /etc/init.d/routemaster restart
This command stops and starts the Route Master processes.

10.4 Configuring Route Master Process

10.4.1 Configuring OSPF Daemon with Command Line Interface

If you wish to configure OSPF daemon with the Command Line Interface, create the connection to
OSPF daemon by entering the following command.

telnet <IP address of the Route Master> 2604

2604 is the CLI configuration port of OSPF daemon. The default CLI configuration port of OSPF
daemon is 2604. For more information on the CLI commands, refer to the document Tellabs ® 8600
Managed Edge System CLI Commands Manual.

10.5 Example Configuration

In the following example Route Master Server has two network interfaces. In the Tellabs 8000
manager LAN Route Master has the IP address (eth0). Network elements are located
in the network, where Route Master is designated as the host (eth1).

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

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10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master

Fig. 24 Example Configuration

[root@localhost]$ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet brd scope host lo
4: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
qlen 1000
link/ether 00:e0:18:43:07:49 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
5: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
qlen 1000
link/ether 00:10:5a:4b:19:c0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth1
Route Master has to be able to communicate to the router ID addresses of the network elements,
which in this example are in the domain. A route to this domain must be added to the
routing table of the server:

[root@localhost]$ip route add dev eth1 via
The routing table can be displayed with the ip route show command:

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master

[root@localhost]$ip route show via dev eth1 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 scope link dev eth1 scope link dev lo scope link
default via dev eth0

10.5.1 Example of nsm.conf

! -*- nsm.conf -*-

! NSM sample configuration file
hostname Router
password rmaster
enable password rmaster
! Tellabs Route Master - examples for interface definitions
!interface eth0
! ip address
!interface eth1
! ip address
! Other examples for interface definitions
!interface lo
! description test of desc.
!interface sit0
! multicast
!interface eth0
! ip vrf forwarding test1
! ip address
!debug nsm events
! VRF definition
!ip vrf test1
!ip vrf test2
! Static default route sample.
! ip route
! ip route vrf test1 eth0

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10 Tellabs 8000 Route Master

! If you are running OSPF on *BSD stack machines, uncomment the
! ip route
log file /var/log/routemaster/nsm.log

10.5.2 Example of ospfd.conf

! -*- ospfd.conf -*-

! OSPFd sample configuration file
hostname ospfd
password rmaster
!enable password please-set-here
! Tellabs Route Master - examples for OSPF interfaces
!router ospf
! network area 0
! This makes it possible for Route Master OCNM to connect
! to the OSPF process running at Route Master
ospf ocnm-listener
log file /var/log/routemaster/ospfd.log

10.6 Uninstalling Route Master

After stopping the Route Master processes (for more information, refer to chapter 10.3 Stopping
Route Master Processes), the Route Master software can be uninstalled from the system by typing
the following command.

# rpm —e routemaster
Check the command output for the results.

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

This chapter describes the steps that are needed when a new network is taken into use. Starting
a workstation, creating users in the network, adding network elements as well as defining
communication parameters to the network and starting the servers are covered in this chapter.

DXX Servers are needed for communication to Tellabs 8100 system nodes. Communication Servers
are needed for communication to e.g. Tellabs 8600, Tellabs 8800, Tellabs 7100, Tellabs 7300 and
Tellabs 6300 system nodes and generic SNMP nodes. If your network does not include the nodes
mentioned above, you do not need to install and configure the related server. Management Servers
are needed for providing the application logic for workstations, especially for the management
of Tellabs 8600 network elements.

Before starting make sure that Adaptive Server is running.

If you need to stop or restart a Management or Communication Server, stop the server by
selecting Stop All Services from the Commands drop-down list and clicking Run Command in
the Server Monitor dialog. This stops all processes except for the SUPERVISOR process.
To stop this process, select the SUPERVISOR process from the list of Running Processes,
select Stop Process from the Commands drop-down list and click Run Command. Note that
the SUPERVISOR process should be left running if you intend to start the services remotely.

If you are using SCC or DCC configuration for Tellabs 8100 nodes, change the
CONFIGURATION to WS in the NMS.INI file for the first startup. Otherwise, the DXX Server
part of SCC/DCC will not start. After the DXX Server configuration is done, you should change
the CONFIGURATION back to DXXSRV and restart the Tellabs 8000 Manager software.

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

If you are using Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks, the basic
configuration settings for areas and Communication Server need to be done to the database
with the workstation set-up. Otherwise, the Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600
networks will not start. After the Communication Server configuration is done, you should
change the set-up back to Single Computer for 8600 Elements and restart the Tellabs 8000
Manager software. Use the ’Re-configure old installation’ option in the Tellabs 8000 manager
Setup program to change between the installed configuration.

Step 1 Start the Management Server.

• Double-click the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager desktop folder.
• Double-click the Tellabs 8000 Trace Levels 0-9 icon if you want to log the internal opera-
tions of Management Server.
Note that this consumes computing resources, so the traces should only be used when
troubleshooting a problem in the system.
• Double-click the Server Command Center icon.
• Double-click the Management Server icon. Wait until all the processes are in running state.
• Click the Refresh Dialog button in the Server Monitor dialog to refresh the running pro-
cesses to be able to see when all services are running.
Step 2 Start the Tellabs 8000 manager Workstation.
• Double-click the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager desktop folder.
• Double-click the Toolbox icon. You can also run the Toolbox from the Command Line by
entering the following command.
Step 3 Start the Tellabs 8000 manager Power Workstation.
• Double-click the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager desktop folder.
• Double-click the Server Command Center icon.
• Double-click the Management Server icon.
• Double-click the Toolbox icon in the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager desktop folder.
• Click the Refresh Dialog button in the Tellabs 8000 Server Command Center dialog to
refresh the running processes to be able to see when all services are running.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 4 Login into the workstation.

• If the Security Management – Create First Operator dialog appears, login as a superuser
with tellabs8000 as the password.
Verify the password and click OK.
Click OK when the operator has been added.
In the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Toolbox window select the Security - Login
menu option.
A Login dialog appears.
Login as a superuser. (Use the tab key between the Username and Password entry fields.)
User ID: superuser
Password: tellabs8000
• Log out by selecting the Security - Logout menu option.
• Login as superuser again.
Step 5 Assign privileges to superuser.

There should be only one user with all privileges to all tools (system administrator privileges)
in the system. If several users operate with the system administrator privileges at the same
time, the system might go to an inconsistent state. A normal user should never have the
Bypass consistency checks privileges for VPN Provisioning or Operation target management,
Resource lock bypass and Resource lock deletion privileges for 8600 Node Management.

• Select the Security - Profiles menu option.

The Profile Manager dialog opens.
• Double-click on the first profile with no name (ID 1).
• Name the profile e.g. Superuser.
• Tick the Super priv button to give the profile all privileges to all applications.
• Select 8600 Node Management from the Application drop-down list, and select the Op-
eration target management, Resource lock bypass and Resource lock deletion check
• Click Save.
• Click OK after the profile has been saved.
• Click Exit.
• Click Exit in the Profile Manager dialog.
• Log out again. Click Yes to confirm logout.
• Login as superuser.

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 6 Create a new user profile for day-to-day operations.

• Select the Security - Profiles menu option.
The Profile Manager dialog opens.
• Click Add.
The New Profile dialog opens.
• Enter a new profile name, e.g. All operational rights, to the corresponding entry field.
• Tick the Super priv button to give the profile all privileges to all applications.
• Select VPN Provisioning from the Application drop-down list, and deselect the All privi-
leges and Bypass consistency checks check boxes.
• Select 8600 Node Management from the Application drop-down list and make sure that
the Operation target management, Resource lock bypass and Resource lock deletion
check boxes are not selected.
• Click Save.
• Click OK after the profile has been saved.
• Click Exit.
• Click Exit in the Profile Manager dialog.
Step 7 Create a new user for day-to-day operations.
• Select the Security - Operators menu option.
The Operator Management dialog opens.
• Click the New operator button.
• Enter the username, password and other necessary information to the entry fields.
• Select the all operational rights profile created in the previous step as the profile to be used
from the Profile drop-down list.
• Click Add.
• Click Exit.
• Log out again. Click Yes to confirm logout.
• Login with the new username.
Step 8 Add an area and define a DXX Server for that area. If there are no Tellabs 8100 nodes in your
network, you can go directly to the step 18.
• Double-click the Network Editor icon in Tellabs 8000 network manager Toolbox.
• Select the Edit – Areas menu option.
• Define e.g. DxxServer1 to be the Primary dxx Server for that area.
• Name the area and assign it an ID number, or use the previously defined area.
• Click the Add button.
• Click the Exit button.
Step 9 Add the System Control Computer (SCC) to the Network Editor window.
• Click on the SCC symbol in Toolbox.
• Click the desired place in the Network Editor window.

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 10 Add the first Tellabs 8100 node to the Network Editor window.
• Right-click the node panel of the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Select the desired node from the pop-up menu.
• Click the desired place in the network picture.
• Select the newly defined area from the Area drop-down list.
• Give the node an ID number and name the node.
• Click the OK button.
• Click Node Editor in Toolbox and click the new node.
• Select the appropriate subrack type and control unit.
• Click the OK button.
Step 11 If you are using a serial cable in the DXX Server, define it as your communication link in Network
• Select the Edit - DXX Servers menu option.
• Enter the name of your DXX Server into the Computer Name entry field of the first DXX
Server. Note that the name is case-sensitive and it should be written exactly as in the COM-
PUTERNAME entry in the NMS.INI file of the DXX Server.
• Enter the IP address of the DXX Server to avoid unnecessary error messages appearing in
the NMSTRACE log.
• Select the Communications Links and tick the Enabled check box.
• Select your first node from the ID drop-down list below the Communication Links list box.
• Edit the following parameters if required.
Note that the value of Maximum Number of Paths should be increased to 2500, if the DXX
Server in question manages more than 1000 nodes.

Communication Resources 40
Default Application Timeout 8
Path Test Timeout, Base 3000
Path Test Timeout, Increment 250
Maximum Number of Paths 1500
Max. Alternatives to a Path 5
Fault Polling Resources 5
Polling Period 500
Consistency Check Period 1440

• Click the Update button.

• Click the Exit button.

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 12 If you are using an EiconCard in the DXX Server, define it as your communication link in Network
It is recommended that a serial link between the DXX Server and the first node is established before
an X.25 link is taken into use. After making sure that everything is functioning properly, you
can safely take the X.25 link into use.
• Select the Edit - DXX Servers menu option.
• Enter your DXX Server name (e.g. DXXSRVR1) to the Computer Name entry field.
• Enter the IP address of the DXX Server to avoid unnecessary error messages appearing in
the NMSTRACE log.
• Select the X.25 A, B, C or D communication link and tick the Enabled check box.
• Select your node from the ID drop-down list below the Communication Links list box.
• Edit the following parameters if required.
Note that the value of Maximum Number of Paths should be increased to 2500, if the DXX
Server in question manages more than 1000 nodes.

Communication Resources 40
Default Application Timeout 8
Path Test Timeout, Base 3000
Path Test Timeout, Increment 250
Maximum Number of Paths 1500
Max. Alternatives to a Path 5
Fault Polling Resources 5
Polling Period 500
Consistency Check Period 1440

• Click the Update button.

• Click the Exit button.

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© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 13 If you are using Ethernet links in the DXX Server, define it as your communication link in Network
• Edit the settings of the SCU-H of the node.
• Double-click the node with Node Manager to open the node window.
• Double-click the SCU-H unit to open the unit window.
• Select the Unit – Ethernet Control CH Parameters menu option.
• Click the Local host button.
• Enter the IP address of the local SCU-H, the subnet mask of the LAN segment and the
IP address of the default router. The IP address of the default router should not be left
empty. If you are not using a router, use the IP address of the DXX Server (second
LAN adapter) instead. Use the same settings that were given to the SCU-H with the
Service Computer (see chapter Ethernet Links).
• Click OK.
• Set all IP links to by clicking on the Clear All button.
• Click Update.
• Click Exit.
• Select the Edit - DXX Servers menu option.
• Enter your DXX Server name (e.g. DXXSRVR1) into the Computer Name entry field.
• Enter the IP address of the DXX Server to the IP Address entry field. If you have two LAN
adapters in the DXX Server, enter the IP address of the LAN adapter that is connected to
the SCU-H unit.
• Select one of the Ethernet Links from the Communication Links window and tick the En-
abled check box.
• Select your node from the ID drop-down list below the Communication Links list box.
• Edit the parameters if required.
Note that the value of Maximum Number of Paths should be increased to 2500, if the DXX
Server in question manages more than 1000 nodes.

Communication Resources 40
Default Application Timeout 8
Path Test Timeout, Base 3000
Path Test Timeout, Increment 250
Maximum Number of Paths 1500
Max. Alternatives to a Path 5
Fault Polling Resources 5
Polling Period 500
Consistency Check Period 1440

• Click the Update button.

• Click the Exit button.

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 14 Define the NMS.INI file parameters for reducing the load on the Database Server.
You can find the file in the %NMSDIR% folder on the DXX Server.
After a fault polling cycle the DXX Server moves old faults to the fault history and checks if
forced-ON faults have to be cleared. This operation may put heavy load on the Database Server if
there are thousands of unacknowledged faults in the database. By changing the values of parameters
DSFLTHISTMOVE and DSFORCEDFLTCHK in NMS.INI, you can change the number of fault
polling cycles that have to be completed before moving and clearing the faults. These values must
be changed on all DXX Servers.
The recommended value for DSFLTHISTMOVE and DSFORCEDFLTCHK is the number of DXX
Servers that use the same Database Server. If the area, which the DXX Server covers, contains less
than 10 nodes, use value 10.
Step 15 Start the DXX Server.
• Start the NMS Trace by double-clicking on the Tellabs 8000 Trace Levels 0-9 icon in the
Tellabs 8000 Network Manager desktop folder.
• Start the DXX Server program by double-clicking on the DXX Server icon or with the
SUPV.EXE command on the DXX Server.
Step 16 Set the Tellabs 8100 node and subrack to In Use state.
• Double-click the node in Node Management.
• Select the Node – State Edit – Node/Subrack menu option.
The Node State Edit/Subrack State Edit dialog will open.
• Select In Use from the State drop-down list.
• Click Update.
Step 17 Set the units to In Use state.
• Click the node with the Node Editor tool in Network Editor.
• Select the Edit – Settings menu option.
The Settings dialog will open.
• Select All Units from the List drop-down list of the Units frame.
• Select In Use from the State drop-down list of the Units frame.
• Click Update.
The Aggregate Settings Change dialog will open.
• Click Start.
When the state has changed, the text OK will appear after each network element in the list
In case of error click Explain to find out the reason for the failure.

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 18 Add a Communication Server. If there are no Tellabs 8600, Tellabs 8800, Tellabs 7100, Tellabs
7300, Tellabs 6300 system nodes, SNMP nodes or other elements and nodes that require the services
of a Communication Server in your network, there is no need for further server configurations.
• Double-click the Network Editor icon in Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Toolbox.
• Select the Edit – Communication Servers menu option.
The Communication Server Parameters dialog opens.
• Click the New button.
• Enter an ID and name for Communication Server into the corresponding entry fields, e.g.
ID: 1, Name: COMM_SERVER_1.
• Enter the Communication Server computer name (host name) into the Computer Name
entry field.
• Select the desired backup level by ticking either the Not Used, User Def or Auto radio
• Enter the IP address of Communication Server into the IP Address entry field. In Sin-
gle Computer Configuration for 8600 networks you can use the local loopback address
( as the IP address of Communication Server.
• Click the Add button.
• Select the required adapters in the Communication Adapters list box and click Parame-
The <The selected adapter type> Adapter dialog opens.
• Edit the communication parameters for the adapter if necessary. The Adapter IP Address
defined here is the IP address of the adapter which is facing the network elements.
• Click Update, if you changed any parameters.
• Click Polling Policies to change fault polling parameters.
The Polling Policy Parameters dialog opens.
• You can either add new or edit the existing polling policy parameters.
After changing the polling policy parameters click Update.
• Click Exit in the <The selected adapter type> Adapter dialog.
• Click Exit in the Communication Server Parameters dialog.
• Repeat the steps for other adapters.
Continue by configuring the needed communication adapters according to the
instructions in Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for
Communication Server and DXX Server.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

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11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 19 Add an area and define a Communication Server for that area.
• Select the Edit – Areas menu option.
The Area Parameters dialog opens.

• Enter an ID and name for the area into the corresponding entry fields, e.g. ID: 1 Name:
• Select the name of the primary Communication Server from the Name drop-down list in the
Primary Communication Server frame.
• If you are using multiple Communication Servers, select also the backup Communication
Server from the Name drop-down list in the Backup Communication Server frame. Oth-
erwise, make sure *NONE* is selected.
• Click Add.
• Click Exit.
Step 20 Add Route Master to the network.
• Select the Edit - Route Masters menu option in Network Editor main window.
The Route Master Parameters dialog opens.

• Enter an ID and host name for the Route Master into the corresponding entry fields.
• Select the functionality by ticking OCNM - Online Core Network Monitor.
• Enter the IP address for management communication into LAN IP Address entry field.
• Click Add.
• Click Exit.
Step 21 Add network locations.
• Right-click on the Generic/Core/Access panel of the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Select the correct network type.
• Click the desired place in the network picture.
The Add Location dialog opens.

• Enter an ID and name for the location into the corresponding entry fields.
• Select the correct location type by using the drop-down menu.
• Click Add.
• Continue adding locations as needed.
Step 22 Add MPLS networks.
• Select the Edit - MPLS Networks menu option in Network Editor.
The MPLS Network Parameters dialog opens.

• Enter an ID and name for the MPLS network into the corresponding entry fields.
• Enter the autonomous system number of the network into the ASN entry field.
• If you have Route Masters, select them from the corresponding drop-down lists when con-
figuring the core network.
• Select the correct MPLS network type by using the drop down menu.
• Click Add.
• Continue adding core/access networks as needed.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 23 Add an OSPF Area.

• Select the Edit - OSPF Areas menu option in Network Editor.
The OSPF Area Parameters dialog opens.
• Enter an ID and name for the OSPF area into the corresponding entry fields.
• Enter an OSPF area ID into the corresponding entry field.
Note that the area ID 0 is used for backbone.
• Enter a network ID (the network ID for the core network) into the corresponding entry field.
• Add additional information if necessary.
• Click Add.
Step 24 Add the first network element.
• Right-click the network element panel of the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Select the desired NE from the pop-up menu.
• Double-click on the desired network in the network view.
• Click the desired place in the network picture.
The New Node Parameters dialog opens.
• Enter the ID and name for the network element into the corresponding entry fields.
• Make sure that the type of the network element is correct in the Type drop-down list.
• Verify that location and area information are correct.
• Select the role for the network element from the Role drop-down list.
• Select the MPLS Network and OSPF area for the element.
• If the network element acts as a monitoring device for the OCNM (Online Core Network
Monitoring) feature of Route Master, tick the Monitoring device check box.
• Enter the Management IP address into the corresponding entry field.
• Enter the Router ID and Test loopback address into the corresponding entry fields.
• Click the OK button.
• Select the Node Editor tool from Toolbox and click on the new network element.
The Select furnishing Options dialog opens.
• Select the desired furnishing type. Select also the Control Unit using the drop-down menu
for this network element. Click OK.
Node Editor opens.
• Right-click on a unit slot in Node Graphical View.
Select Add Unit [slot x] (where x is the slot number) – Interface Unit 1–x from the
pop-up menu to add a unit to the selected slot.
• Right-click on a unit in Node Graphical View.
Select Add Module – desired module position – desired module type from the pop-up
menu to add IFMs to units.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 25 Start the Tellabs 8000 Communication Server.

• Double-click on the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager desktop folder.
• Double-click on the Tellabs 8000 Trace Levels 0-9 icon if you want to log the internal
operations of Communication Server.
Note that this consumes computing resources, so the traces should only be used when
troubleshooting a problem in the system.
• Double-click on the Server Command Center icon.
• Double-click on the Communication Server icon.
• Click the Refresh Dialog button in the Server Monitor dialog to refresh the running pro-
cesses to be able to see when all services are running.
Step 26 Set the installed Tellabs 8600 network element, subrack, units, IFMs and interfaces to In Use state.
• Select the Node Editor tool in the Network Editor Toolbox and click on the new network
• Select the Edit – Settings menu option.
The Settings dialog opens.
• Select the required network element, subrack, units, IFMs and interfaces from the List drop-
down lists and select In Use from the State drop-down lists.
• Click Update.
The Aggregate Settings Change dialog opens.
• Click Start.
When the state has changed, the text OK will appear after each network element in the list
In case of error click Explain to find out the reason for the failure.
• Click Exit to close the Aggregate Settings Change dialog.
• Click Exit to close the Settings dialog.
• Close Node Editor.
Step 27 Configure the real time clock.
• Make sure that you have the correct time zone, as well as date and time settings on your
• Select the Node Manager tool from the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Click on the new network element.
The Node Manager window opens.
• Click with the right mouse button on the NE icon in the tree view and select Real Time
Clock from the pop-up menu.
• Set the time difference between your local time and UTC time to the Time Zone fields. E.g
3 in a time zone east from UTC and -3 west from UTC. You can also enter the name of your
time zone.
• Click Update.
• Click the Update UTC Time button.
• Click the Fetch PC Time button.
• Make sure that the date and UTC time are correct and click on Set UTC Values.
• Make sure that you have the correct local time and UTC time in the Current Time frame.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 28 Configure one Tellabs 8600 network element to act as an OCNM listener.
• Select the Select tool from the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Double-click the network element that you wish to configure as an OCNM listener.
The Node Parameters dialog opens.
• Make sure that the Monitoring device check box is ticked.
• Check that the OSPF area in the OSPF Area drop-down list is the one that you just created.
• Click Update, if you made any changes.
• Click Exit to close the Node Parameters dialog.
• Select the Node Manager tool from the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Click on the network element.
The Node Manager window opens.
• Click with the right mouse button on the NE icon in the tree view.
• Select OCNM from the pop-up menu.
The OCNM dialog opens.
• Tick the Activate OCNM Port check box.
• Click Update.
Step 29 Add a Tellabs 7100 network element.
• Right-click the network element panel of the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Select the desired Tellabs 7100 NE from the pop-up menu.
• Double-click on the desired location in the network view.
• Click the desired place in the network picture.
The New Node Parameters dialog opens.
• Enter the ID and name for the network element into the corresponding entry fields.
• Make sure that the type of the network element is correct in the Type drop-down list.
• Verify that the region, location and area information are correct.
• Select the role for the network element from the Comm. Role drop-down list.
• Select the GNE node for the RNE node
• Select the GNE backup node for the GNE and the Secondary GNE node.
• Select the Configuration from the corresponding drop-down list.
• Select the Subtype (feature pack version of the Tellabs 7100 hardware) from the correspond-
ing drop-down list.
• Enter the Management IP address into the corresponding entry field.
The management IP address is required only for Standalone, GNE and Secondary GNE
• Enter the System Identification Code or Remote Target Identifier depending on the role of
the NE into the corresponding entry field.
This setting is used to store SID of the standalone and GNE nodes, and TID of the RNE
SID and TID are unique identification strings that are given to the Tellabs 7100 network
element during basic hardware commissioning.
• Click the OK button.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

• Select the Node Editor tool from Toolbox and click on the new network element.
The New Subrack dialog opens.
• Make sure that the correct subrack type, position and control unit are selected, and click OK.
Node Editor opens.
• Select the Edit - Add Subrack menu option.
The New Subrack dialog opens.
• Make sure that the subrack type is Port Shelf and that the position and control unit are
correct. Click OK. Repeat this procedure for all the remaining port shelves.
• Right-click a unit slot in Graphical View and select Add Unit [slot x] (where x is the slot
number) from the pop-up menu to add a unit to the selected slot. Repeat this procedure for
all the units in the main shelf and port shelves.
• Select the Edit - Settings menu option.
The Settings dialog opens.
• Set the state of the node, main shelf subrack and the SPM unit in the slot 18 to In Use (or
the SPMN unit in the slot 8 in the Tellabs 7100 Nano main subrack).
• Click Update.
Now the communication works to the Tellabs 7100 network element and it is possible to
launch the Node Manager. Note that there are two alternatives:
• You can use the default Internet browser window to launch the embedded Tellabs 7191
Craft Station application. For this, the NMS.INI option 7191_USE_EMS_CRAFT
should be OFF.
• You can use the installed Tellabs 7191 Craft Station version as Node Manager. For
this, the NMS.INI option 7191_USE_EMS_CRAFT should be ON and the workstation
should be configured according to the instructions in 9.4.6 Configuring Workstation
for Nodes of Tellabs 7100 Optical Transport System and Tellabs 7300 Metro Ethernet
Switching Series.
Please note that a Tellabs 8000 manager user account must exist in the Tellabs 7100 network
element. The default user name is NMS7100 and the password 7100NMS01$.
If the NMS7100 user is not yet created, perform the following steps with Tellabs 7191 Craft Station.
• Select Modify Policies for all TL1 Users in the TL1 User Management dialog.
• Deselect the Enable Password Complexity Policies, Enable Account Lockout, Enable
Account Activity and Password Count check boxes in the All TL1 Users Account Policy
• Select Create TL1 User in the TL1 User Management dialog.
• Enter the username and password in the Create TL1 User dialog.
• Set User Access Privilege Code UAP to Admin(A8) and User Access Privilege Code
UAP-CLI to Block CLI (A0).
• Set User Status Management to Activate/Enable TL1 User.
• Disable the password aging, password update waiting period and session time out parame-
Step 30 Add a Tellabs 7300 network element.
• Click the Select panel of the Network Editor Toolbox.
• Open the desired network from the Network View by double-clicking it.
The Network window opens.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

• Click the node panel of the Network Editor Toolbox with the right mouse button.
• Select the desired node type from the pop-up menu.
• Double-click on the desired location in the network view.
• Click the desired place in the network picture.
The New Node Parameters dialog opens.
• Set the node parameters.
• Enter the ID and name for the network element into the corresponding entry fields.
• Make sure that the type of the network element is correct in the Type drop-down list.
• Verify that the region, location and area information are correct.
• Select the feature pack version of the Tellabs 7300 hardware from the Subtype drop-
down list.
• Enter the management IP address into the corresponding entry field.
• Click the OK button.
• Set the System Identifier (SID) string.
• Open the Node Parameters dialog
• Change the state of node to In Use.
• Click the Update button.
• Launch the installed Tellabs 7191 Craft Station, which is used as Node Manager.
The 7191 Craft Station must be installed and configured according to the instructions
in chapter 9.4.6 Configuring Workstation for Nodes of Tellabs 7100 Optical
Transport System and Tellabs 7300 Metro Ethernet Switching Series.
• In Tellabs 7191 Craft Station, select the Actions - Network Properties menu option.
The NE Properties dialog opens.
• Check the System Identifier string from the General tab.
• Enter the System Identifier string into the corresponding entry field in the Node Pa-
rameters dialog.
• Click the Update button.
• Define the furnishing of the network element.
• Select the Node Editor tool from Toolbox and click on the new network element.
The New Subrack dialog opens.
• Make sure that the correct subrack type, position and control unit are selected, and
click OK.
Node Editor opens.
• Right-click a unit slot in Graphical View and select Add Unit [slot x] (where x is
the slot number) from the pop-up menu to add a unit to the selected slot. Repeat this
procedure for all the units required.
• Add the correct module type for the 7345 Interface unit(s) by right-clicking the module
slot in Graphical View and selecting Add Module from the pop-up menu.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

• Change the state of the subrack and the CMCC-7345 unit to In Use.
• Select the Edit - Settings menu option.
The Settings dialog opens.
• Set the state of the subrack and the CMCC-7345 unit in the slot(s) 8/9 to In Use.
• Click Update.
Now the communication works to the Tellabs 7300 network element.
• Change the state of the rest of the furnished network elements to In Use.
• Select the Edit - Settings menu option.
The Settings dialog opens.
• Set the states of the all furnished units, modules and interfaces to In Use.
• Click Update.
Step 31 Configure and start the Route Master.
The installation is now finished and you can continue building your network.

11.1 Partitioned Network

A non-partitioned network is the default configuration after installing the software and a new

11.1.1 Converting from Non-Partitioned to Partitioned Network

All Tellabs 8000 manager computers should be shut down before converting the database.

Step 1 Convert the database.

• Define the region (partition) configuration.
• Define regions and region names.
• Define region coordinates (use Network Editor with Mouse Position in Status Box).
• Define the locations that belong to each region.
• Edit the MAKEPART.QRY script.
• Replace db8000 with your database name.
• Edit the parameters below the following headings:
INSERTING REGIONS (insert region names and coordinates)
SETTING NODE REGION (insert node IDs for each region)
SETTING LOCATION REGION (insert location IDs for each region)
• Run the MAKEPART.QRY script with ISQL.
Step 2 Install licenses.
See 5.6 Creating Tellabs 8000 Manager Database for more details on installing licenses.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

11 Configuring Tellabs 8000 Manager Network

Step 3 Update the NMS.INI file on Workstations and Management Servers running Satellite Service.
Note that if you are using the Single Computer Configuration for Tellabs 8600 networks you need
to set the entry as follows.

A region should not contain more than 1000 nodes. Otherwise the network view will be just as
cluttered as without partitioning.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

12 Command Line Installation of Tellabs 8000 Manager

12 Command Line Installation of Tellabs 8000

This chapter has information on building a file share to install Tellabs 8000 manager and installing
Tellabs 8000 manager from the command line. This chapter also describes the common NMS.INI

12.1 Common NMS.INI Entries

Common NMS.INI entries apply to most Tellabs 8000 manager configurations. There are some
limitations when a certain parameter is given in a NMS.INI file of a configuration. As a rule,
you can assume that if the SETUP program has commented out a parameter, there is no need to
change the value of that parameter.

Parameter Value Explanation

COMPUTERNAME = The host name of the server or
CONFIGURATION = WS | MNGTSRV | DXXSRV The name of the running
| RMSSRV | DXX & configuration.
DBSRVR = The name of the Database Server.
DBNAME = The name of the database.
FAULTSERVER = The name of the Fault Service.
SRV_COMPNAMEx= The name of the remote server
computer which is controlled by
Server Command Center. x has the
values 1, 2, 3...

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

12 Command Line Installation of Tellabs 8000 Manager

12.2 Creating a File Share for Installation Files

In this procedure it is assumed that the File Server is Windows 2003/2008 Database Server

Step 1 Copy the Tellabs 8000 manager software from the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation
DVD-ROM to the File Server.
• Create the INSTALL\R17A directory by entering the following commands:
• Copy the Tellabs 8000 manager installation set from the Tellabs 8000 Network Manager
Installation DVD-ROM to the File Server by entering the following command.
XCOPY <DVD-ROM drive>\NMS\*.* C:\INSTALL\R17A\*.* /S /E /V
Step 2 Add the user ID for the Tellabs 8000 manager users to the File Server.
Step 3 Share C:\INSTALL directory for Tellabs 8000 manager users (read-only).
Step 4 Map the shared disk to the computers that you intend to use with Tellabs 8000 manager.
• Use the net use command as below or Windows Explorer to map the shared directory.
Step 5 Install the Tellabs 8000 manager software on Tellabs 8000 manager computers.

It is assumed in this procedure that the hard disk on which you have copied the Tellabs
8000 manager software is in your LAN and named L:, and that the LAN name of the server

• Install the Tellabs 8000 manager software by entering the SETUP.EXE command or by
double-clicking on the SETUP shortcut.

12.3 Installing Tellabs 8000 Manager from Command Line

Tellabs 8000 manager can be installed from the command line.

When you give the following command in the Command Prompt, the command line installation
options will be displayed.


Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

13 Windows Related Instructions

13 Windows Related Instructions

13.1 Adding Windows Registry Key Values

The Database Server needs some registry changes to be made, e.g. 5.4.1 Necessary Changes in
Database Server. To be able to add a new value to Windows registry, you need to know the “registry
key”, “value type”, “value name” and “value data” to be changed. Below you can find an example
of updating a registry entry by using the following values.

registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Param-

value type DWORD
value name KeepAliveTime
value data 300000

Step 1 Open the file C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\REGEDT32

Registry Editor opens.
Step 2 Update the registry entry.
• Select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE window.
• Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SYSTEM - CurrentControlSet - Services - Tcpip
- Parameters.
• Select the Edit - New - DWORD value menu option.
• Enter the text KeepAliveTime for Value Name.
• Click the KeepAliveTime value with the right mouse button, and select Modify from the
pop-up menu.
The Edit DWORD value dialog opens.
• Select Decimal as Base.
• Enter 300000 in the Value Data entry field (300000 ms=5 min).
• Click OK.
• Close Registry Editor.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

13 Windows Related Instructions

13.2 Finding out Sybase SQL Server Service Name

The exact name of the Sybase SQL Server service name is needed when adding dependencies to the
service start, e.g. in 8.3.1 Running Tellabs 8000 Network Manager Installation Wizard. To find out
the exact name of the SQL server service, proceed as follows.

Step 1 Find out the name of the SQL server service.

• Select the Start – Settings – Control Panel – Administrative Tools menu option.
The Administrative Tools window opens.
• Double-click on the Services icon.
The Services dialog opens.
• Right-click on the SYBASE SQL Server Service and select Properties.
The SQL Server Service name is the name shown in Service name.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000

Manager R17A

The Ephemeral Port Range is used for temporary ports. It is 1024–5000 in Windows XP
and Windows Server 2003, but in Windows Server 2008 it is configurable, by default at
49152–65535. In the tables below, the Ephemeral Port Range term is used instead of a
numerical range where relevant. Replace it with the port range used in your network, or the
computer in question, depending on the operating system and configuration used on that

Firewall Settings Between Tellabs 8000 Manager and Network Elements

Inside network is the network where Tellabs 8000 manager server machines are.

Outside network is the network where the network elements are.

TCP Ports

The following TCP ports are needed when using Tellabs 8000 manager.

Inside to Outside Ports

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from inside to
outside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
BMP Any or Any or Any or 56565
Network element configuration Communication Ephemeral network
(Tellabs 8600) Servers. Port Range. elements
Configuration (Tellabs
None 8600).
FTP Any or Any or Any or 21
File Transfer (ESW update, Communication Ephemeral network Command
8800 performance, others). Servers. Port Range. elements port for the
Tellabs 8600, Tellabs 8800 and (Tellabs 8600, FTP server in
Tellabs 6300 ETEX elements. Tellabs 8800, the network
Configuration Tellabs 6300). element.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
FTP — Active File Transfer FTP server in 20 Network Any or
Connection the management elements port range
Note that active FTP file network. which have used by the
transfer connections from an FTP client elements.
the FTP server used for the (Tellabs 7100,
Tellabs 7100 and Tellabs 7300 Tellabs 7300).
elements need to be allowed.
See Outside to Inside ports,

Passive FTP Any or Any or Network 21 for

Tellabs 8600 elements can use Communication Ephemeral elements command
also passive FTP instead of Servers. Port Range. with an FTP port, random
active FTP. server that ports for data
Configuration can support connection.
NMS.INI in communication passive FTP
servers transfers.
FTP8000_PASSIVE_CON- (Tellabs

Secure FTP Any or Any or Network 22

For the Tellabs 8600 elements, Communication Ephemeral elements
the Communication Servers Servers. Port Range. with an FTP
will by default prefer secure server that can
FTP, reverting to normal FTP support secure
if secure FTP fails. FTP transfers.
Configuration (Tellabs
NMS.INI in Communication 8600).
FALSE — force normal ftp.
— force secure ftp.
No parameter (default) prefer
secure ftp.

Telnet Any, or Any, or Any or 23

Manual configuration using depending on depending network
telnet for network elements deployment of on ports used elements that
that support it. telnet clients. by the telnet support telnet.
(note: the Tellabs 8600 clients.
elements can also support ssh).

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
IP DCN Any or Any or Any or 23511
Network element configuration Communication Ephemeral network
(Tellabs 6300 with IP DCN) Servers. Port Range. elements.

TL Communication Any or Any or Any or 3082

Network element configuration Communication Ephemeral network
(Tellabs 7100) Servers. Port Range. elements.

TL Manual Configuration Any or Any or Any or 3083

Network element configuration Communication Ephemeral network
with telnet (Tellabs 7100) Servers. Port Range. elements.

tftp Any or Any or and Any or Any

Tellabs 6300 ETEX Communication Ephemeral network
configuration backups and Servers. Port Range. elements
performance data. Tellabs (Tellabs 6300
8800 node configuration ETEX, Tellabs
backups. See also Outside to 8800).
Inside ports.

Outside to Inside Ports

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from outside to
inside network.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
CCN Any or 50000 Any or Any
Configuration Change Communication network
Notifications (Tellabs 8600) Servers. elements
Configuration (Tellabs
NMS.INI in Tellabs 8600 8600).
Communication Servers.
The value can be between
49152 and 65535.

FTP Location of the 21 any or Any

File Transfer (configuration FTP server in network
backup, others). Tellabs 7100 the management elements
and Tellabs 7300 elements. network. which have
Configuration an FTP client
%NMSDIR%\dat\7100ad.ini (Tellabs 7100,
can be used to select the Tellabs 7300)
location of the FTP server.

FTP - Active File Transfer Any or Any or Network 20

Connection Communication Ephemeral elements
Note that active FTP file Servers. Port Range. which have
transfer connections from an FTP server.
the network elements which
have an FTP server need to be
allowed. See Inside to Outside
ports, above.

tftp Any or Any or any or Any

Tellabs 6300 ETEX Communication 69 and network
configuration backup and Servers Ephemeral elements
performance data, Tellabs 8800 Port Range. (Tellabs 6300
configuration backup. ETEX, Tellabs
The elements initiate a session 8800)
to server port 69. File transfer
is performed using ephemeral
ports on server side, and a
random port on the element

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

UDP Ports

The following UDP ports are needed when using Tellabs 8000 manager.

Inside to Outside Ports

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from inside to
outside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
BMP Any or 56566 Any or 56564-
Tellabs 8600 network element Communication network 56565
configuration. Servers. elements.
SNMP Any or any Any or 161
PMS data collection for Tellabs Communication network
8600. Management for Tellabs Servers. elements.
8800, Tellabs 7100, Tellabs
7300, Tellabs 8606 Ethernet
aggregator and Tellabs 6300
ETEX elements.

DXX Server to SCU-H Any or DXX Any or Any or 10269

communication Server. Ephemeral network
Configuration Port Range. elements.

Outside to Inside Ports

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from outside to
inside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
BMP Any or 56566 Any or 56564-
The Tellabs 86000 network Communication network 56565
element configuration Servers. elements.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
SNMP trap listener Any or 162 Any or Any
Tellabs 8800, Tellabs 7100, Communication network
Tellabs 7300, Tellabs 8606 Servers. elements.
Ethernet aggregator and Tellabs
6300 ETEX elements.

SNMP trap listener The 10162 Any or Any

Port used by MetroWatch Communication network
Server Server running elements.
the MetroWatch

SCU-H to DXX Server Any or DXX 10269 Any or 10270

communication Server. network
Configuration elements.

ICMP Types
The following ICMP types are needed when using Tellabs 8000 manager.

Inside to Outside Types

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from inside to
outside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Type IP Address Type
echo (type 8) Any or Any Any or all 8
Ping from Communication Communication network
Server to network element. Server IP elements.
Configuration address.

Outside to Inside Types

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from outside to
inside network.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Type IP Address Port
reply-echo (type 0) Any or 0 Any or all Any
Ping reply from network Communication network
element Server IP elements.
Configuration addresses.

Firewall Settings Between Tellabs 8000 Manager Servers and


Inside network is the network where Tellabs 8000 manager server machines are.

Outside network is the network where Tellabs 8000 manager workstations are.

TCP Ports
The following TCP ports are needed when using Tellabs 8000 manager.

Inside to Outside Ports

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from inside to
outside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
CORBA callback Any or all Any or Any or all 18001-
8600 CORBA service is calling a Management Ephemeral workstation 18050
callback at a workstation. Server IP Port Range. IP addresses.
Configuration addresses.
File: $(NMS-

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
Fault Server Callback, Satellite Any or all Man- Any or Any or all any or
Server Callback, Private agement Server Ephemeral workstation Ephemeral
Subnetwork Server Callback, IP addresses Port Range, IP addresses. Port Range.
7100 Autodiscovery and also Com- or alterna-
Fault server sends fault information munication tively, the
to workstations, satellite and Server IP ad- AID_CALL-
private subnetwork services dresses if 7100 BACK_PORT
communicate with their client Adapter is in _RANGE.
workstations. use.
NMS.INI file of the workstation,
set the key defining a more limited
range of callback listening ports,
and open those in the firewall, e.g:
NETBIOS Session Service Any or all 139 Any or all any port ≥
Required for named pipe Management workstation 1024
communication from servers Server IP IP addresses.
to clients, e.g. fault server pipe addresses.

Note on CORBA Callback Port Range

The selected range of CORBA callback ports (18001 - 18050) allows several user sessions in
the same computer with a high probability of available ports. The theoretical maximum number
of the ports needed is (number of active user sessions) * (number of CORBA client processes) at
that computer. The CORBA client processes are: 8600 Node Manager (not related to the number
of Node windows open, just one process per user), VPN provisioning, Tunnel Engineering, 8600
ESW Downloader, 8600 QoS Settings, 8600 Authentication Keys, Packet Loop Test and Packet
Performance Management, for a total maximum of 8 Corba Client processes per user. If, for instance
in a Citrix environment, there are 10 active users who are all at the same time using all of those
applications, that would require 80 CORBA callback ports. In such an installation the number of
callback ports can be increased by adjusting the range, and opening those ports in the firewall.

Outside to Inside Ports

The following table describes ports needed when network connection is opened from outside to
inside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
Database Server Any or database 5000 Any or all Any or
Database communication. server IP workstation Ephemeral
Configuration address. IP addresses. Port Range.
Database configuration, for
example 5000. See database
installation documentation for
possible other ports.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
Database Server, Oracle Any or Oracle 1521 Any or the Any or
MetroWatch Server database Database Server Commu- Ephemeral
communication. IP address. nication Port Range.
Configuration - during Server which
MetroWatch Server installation. runs the
DXX, Recovery, Management Any or all server 139 Any or all Any port ≥
Server, Communication IP addresses. workstation 1024
Server IP addresses.
NETBIOS Session Service.
Required for named pipe
communication from clients to
Management Server (Satellite Any or all 35000 Any or all Any or
Service, Private Subnetwork Management workstation Ephemeral
Service) Server IP IP addresses. port Range.
Private Subnetwork or Satellite addresses.
Workstions use this. Not related
to VPN provisioning..
File: nms.ini. Value must be the
same in server and workstation.
Management Server (Fault Any or all 10872 Any or all Any or
Server) Management workstation Ephemeral
Fault server port. Value must Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
be the same in server and addresses.
File: nms.ini.
FMSP_PORT = 10872
Communication Server Any or 33338 Any or all Any or
Poller process. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
GPOLL_PORT = 33338
Communication Server Any or 40055 Any or all Any or
Used by craft terminals. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
GTWIP_PORT = 40055
Communication Server Any or 40030 Any or all Any or
Used only by the 8100 FBU Communication workstation Ephemeral
unit. Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
Configuration addresses.
File: nms.ini.
NCOMM_PORT = 40030

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
Communication Server Any or 33336 Any or all Any or
Polling controller. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
PCTL_PORT = 33336
Communication Server Any or 33337 Any or all Any or
Performance collection. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
GPERF_PORT = 33337
Communication Server Any or 40032 Any or all Any or
SNMP adapter. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
Communication Server Any or 40031 Any or all Any or
6300 element adapter. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
LCOMM_PORT = 40031
Communication Server Any or 40056 Any or all Any or
Configuration Communication workstation Ephemeral
File: nms.ini. Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
GTWTP4_PORT = 40056 addresses.
Communication Server Any or 40054 Any or all Any or
Used by craft terminals. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
Communication Server Any or 44200–44299 Any or IP Ephemeral
Used by craft terminals. Communication addresses Port Range,
Configuration Server IP of all or ports used
File: nms.ini. addresses. workstations by Tellabs
GTWTP4_FIRST_PORT = running 6300 Craft
44200 Tellabs Terminal.
GTWTP4_PORT_COUNT = 6300 Craft
100 Terminal.
Communication Server Any or 44100–44199 Any or IP Ephemeral
Used by craft terminals. Communication addresses Port Range,
Configuration Server IP of all or ports used
File: nms.ini. addresses. workstations by Tellabs
GTWIP_FIRST_PORT = running 6300 Craft
44100 Tellabs Terminal or
GTWIP_PORT_COUNT = 100 6300 Craft Tellabs 7191
Terminal or Craft Station.
Tellabs 7191
Craft Station.
Communication Server Any or 40059 Any or IP Any or
7100 adapter. Communication addresses Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP of all Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses. workstations.
TL1COMM_PORT = 40059

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
Communication Server Any or 44300–44599 Any or IP Ephemeral
Used by craft terminals. Communication addresses Port Range,
Configuration Server IP of all or ports used
File: nms.ini. addresses. workstations by Tellabs
GTWIP_SEC_FIRST_PORT = running 6300 Craft
44300 Tellabs Terminal or
GTWIP_SEC_PORT_COUNT 6300 Craft Tellabs 7191
= 300 Terminal or Craft Station
Tellabs 7191
Craft Station.
Communication Server Any or 40053 Any or all Ephemeral
7100 Autodiscovery Communication workstation Port
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Range, or
File: nms.ini. addresses. 1024–5000
GDISCO _PORT = 40053
Satellite Server Any or Satellite 35002 Any or all Any or
Configuration Server IP workstation Ephemeral
File: nms.ini. addresses. IP addresses. Port Range.
VPNC _PORT = 35002
Satellite Server Any or 35001 Any or all Any or
Configuration Communication workstation Ephemeral
File: nms.ini. Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
VPNM _PORT = 35001 addresses.
Satellite Server Any or 35003 Any or all Any or
Configuration Management workstation Ephemeral
File: nms.ini. Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
VPNR _PORT = 35003 addresses.
Satellite Server Any or 35010–35110 Any or all Any or
Configuration Management workstation Ephemeral
File: nms.ini. Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
VPNS _PORT_RANGE = addresses.
The range should be at least
twice the number of satellite
workstations served by the
satellite server.
Web Reporter Server Any or web 80 Any or Web Any or ports
Http protocol. server IP Reporter user used by web
Configuration address. IP address. browser.
Web server.
Web Reporter Server Any or web 443 Any or Web Any or ports
SSL protocol. server IP Reporter user used by web
Configuration address. IP address. browser.
Web server.
8600 EMS Server Any or 8810 Any or all Any or
EMS service port. Management workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
EmsService.Port = 8810

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
8600 PLT Server Any or 8811 Any or all Any or
PLT service port. Management workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
PltService.Port = 8811
8600 SMS Server Any or 8812 Any or all Any or
SMS service port. Management workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
SmsService.Port = 8812
8600 VPN Server Any or 8813 Any or all Any or
VPN service port. Management workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
VpnService.Port = 8813
8600 PMS Server Any or 8814 Any or all Any or
PMS service port. Management workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
PmsService.Port = 8814
8600 Macro Server Any or 8815 Any or all Any or
Macro service port. Management workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
MTOSI Any or 8817 Any or IP Any or Port
MTOSI http port. Management addresses Ranges used
Configuration Server IP of MTOSI by MTOSI
File: nms.ini. addresses. clients. clients.
MTOSI Any or 8818 Any or IP Any or Port
MTOSI https port. Management addresses Ranges used
Configuration Server IP of MTOSI by MTOSI
File: nms.ini. addresses. clients. clients.
8600 Naming service Any or all 8888 Any or all Any or
Naming service port. Needs to Management workstation Ephemeral
be open in those management Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
servers which run Gateway addresses.
File: nms.ini.
NameService.Port = 8888
8600 Notification service Any or all 8889 Any or all Any or
Notification service port. Needs Management workstation Ephemeral
to be open in those management Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
servers which run Gateway addresses.
File: nms.ini.
NotificationService.Port = 8889

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
BCOMM service Any or 51510 any or all Any or
Fault service needs to Communication workstation Ephemeral
access the domain adapter Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
of Communication Server in addresses.
case of manual fault consistency
check if "Delete existing faults
before fault consistency check"
option is selected.
Northbound Interface The IP address 2461–2462 The IP Any or
Required only if the of the server address of the Ephemeral
Northbound Interface is in which runs the client which Port Range.
use and it is used from across Northbound uses the
the firewall. Interface. Northbound
MetroWatch Client Ports The 9007, 9008, Any or all Any or
Required for 8800 Node Communication 9016, 9017, workstation Ephemeral
Manager. Server which 9020, 9026, IP addresses Port Range.
Defined in a MetroWatch runs the 9027, 9030 if they are
emsSettings file. MetroWatch or used to run
Server. 9000–9040 8800 Node
Individual ports range. Manager.
listed here are
used by features
in R17A-SP3.
The range is
the full port
range used by
features not
supported in
Management Server (Satellite Any or all 35010 Any or all Any or
Service, Private Subnetwork Management workstation Ephemeral
Service) Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
Obsolete. Private Subnetwork addresses.
and Gateway server port.
File: nms.ini. Must be defined
by the user in the NMS.INI file
of both server and client.
= 35010

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
Management Server (Satellite Any or all 35020 Any used by Any used by
Service, FA System) Management FA client. FA client.
Obsolete. Gateway server port. Server IP
Configuration addresses
File: nms.ini. Must be defined
by user in the NMS.INI file of
both server and client.
Communication Server Any or 40050 any or all Any or
Obsolete, no longer needed. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
Communication Server Any or 40057 Any or all Any or
Obsolete, no longer needed, Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.
Communication Server Any or 40051 Any or all Any or
Obsolete, no longer needed. Communication workstation Ephemeral
Configuration Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
File: nms.ini. addresses.

UDP Ports
The following UDP ports are needed when using Tellabs 8000 manager.

Inside to Outside Ports

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from outside to
inside network.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
DXX, Recovery, Any or all server 137 Any or all 137
Management, VPN Server IP addresses. workstation
NETBIOS Name Service. IP addresses.
DXX, Recovery, Any or all server 138 Any or all 138
Management, VPN Server IP addresses. workstation
NETBIOS Datagram Service. IP addresses.

Outside to Inside Ports

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from outside to
inside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
DXX, Recovery, Any or all server 137 Any or all 137
Management, VPN Server IP addresses. workstation
NETBIOS Name Service. IP addresses.
DXX, Recovery, Any or all server 138 Any or all 138
Management, VPN Server IP addresses. workstation
NETBIOS Datagram Service. IP addresses.
Communication Server Any or 40055 Any or all Any or
Used by 7100 and 7300 Craft Communication workstation Ephemeral
Terminals for UDP forwarding Server IP IP addresses. Port Range.
through communication addresses.
server. Port numbers and
configuration are shared with
the corresponding TCP ports.
File: nms.ini.
GTWIP_PORT = 40055

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Port IP Address Port
Communication Server Any or 44100–44199 Any or IP Ephemeral
Used by 7100 and 7300 Craft Communication addresses Port Range,
Terminals for UDP forwarding Server IP of all or ports used
through communication addresses. workstations by Tellabs
server. Port numbers and running 7191 Craft
configuration are shared with Tellabs 7191 Station.
the corresponding TCP ports. Craft Station.
File: nms.ini.
Communication Server Any or 44300–44599 Any or IP Ephemeral
Used by 7100 and 7300 Craft Communication addresses Port Range,
Terminals for UDP forwarding Server IP of all or ports
through communication addresses. workstations Tellabs 7191
server. Port numbers and Tellabs 7191 Craft Station.
configuration are shared with Craft Station.
the corresponding TCP ports.
File: nms.ini.
= 300

ICMP Types

The following ICMP types are needed when using Tellabs 8000 manager.

Inside to Outside Types

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from inside to
outside network.

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Type IP Address Type
reply-echo (type 0) Any or all server Any Any or all 0
CORBA naming server ping IP addresses. workstation
reply. IP addresses.

Outside to Inside Types

The following table describes the ports needed when network connection is opened from outside to
inside network.

Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A 70170_04

Software Installation Manual © 2010 Tellabs.

TCP, UDP and ICMP Ports Needed by Tellabs 8000 Manager R17A

Information Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside
IP Address Type IP Address Type
echo (type 8) Any or all server Any Any or all 8
CORBA naming server ping. IP addresses. workstation
Configuration IP addresses.

Other Services

Some other ports may also be needed for managing servers, e.g. Telnet, SSH, etc. that need to be
opened as well.

The firewall must not have such keepalive timers enabled that will disconnect the sessions after a
certain silent period.

Note on NetBIOS Ports

R17A-SP3 does not need NetBIOS access between workstations and servers if only the Tellabs
8600 elements are used in the managed network.

In such a case, if Satellite Workstations are used, they must be manually configured with the
following NMS.INI options:



Where <a.b.c.d> must be replaced with the IP address of the Management Server which runs the
Satellite Service used by that workstation.

The Cacher Remote Load feature may not be used if NetBIOS is blocked.

70170_04 Tellabs ® 8000 Network Manager R17A

© 2010 Tellabs. Software Installation Manual


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