Solution Assignment, ISL201

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Islamic Studies (ISL201)

Solution Assignment
Student ID:- BC200402310

Due Date: 02-08-2021 Total Marks: 20

Question:- The Holy Prophet PBUH is mercy to mankind. He is the final Prophet of
Almighty Allah that is the reason that his teachings are for whole mankind for rest of
the time till doomsday. Prophet Muhammad PBUH is declared as the model of moral
Excellency in the Quran. He not only preached the good morals but demonstrate
them via his actions throughout his lifetime. His good moral character was the
reason that his message of Islam accepted by the people of different origins,
ethnicities, creeds and casts.
You have to describe four “Moral Characteristics” of Holy Prophet PBUH in
your own words.
1. The Prophet’s gentleness remains one of the most beautiful gifts from
As the Holy Quran itself states, the gentleness and peacefulness of the
Prophet Mohammed is what made him so incredibly powerful, and
stands as a reminder to us all in the power of love, peace, and quiet
strength: “It is by God’s mercy that you are gentle to them; and had you
been harsh and hardhearted, surely they would have scattered from
around you. So excuse them, and plead for forgiveness for them, and
consult them in the affairs, and once you are resolved, put your trust in
God. Indeed God loves those who trust in Him [Quran 3:159]”.

2. Forgiveness and understanding were at the backbone of his message:-

Although faced with unimaginable hatred and backlash from the community in
the beginning, the Prophet remained steadfast in his determination to be an
example of patience, understanding, and forgiveness. The Prophet is said to
have told his companions and family members: “Be lenient to the people in
their affairs and do not be rigid; give hope to them and do not cause break up
among them…Islam is a balanced religion, so be moderate in acting on its

3. He refused to focus on money or riches:-

There are many examples of the Prophet’s characteristic of staying away
from the riches or material goods of this world. One is such: “The Holy
Prophet (S) said to Amirul Momineen (a.s.): ‘Take this amount and buy a shirt
for me’. Ali (a.s.) says: ‘I went to the market and bought a shirt for twelve
dirhams’. The Holy Prophet (S) looked at it and said: ‘A cheaper shirt would
suit me better. O Ali! Do you think the shopkeeper will take it back?'”.
4. He was not afraid to weep during prayer and ask for God’s mercy:-
Even during the middle of the night it has often been reported that the
Prophet would be awake in prayer. One such narration was when the
wife of the Prophet found him weeping in prayer, teaching us all the
power of turning to God for forgiveness: “One night the Holy Prophet
(S) was in Umm Salma’s apartment. At midnight, when Umm Salma
awoke she could not find the Prophet in his bed. She arose to look for
him and saw him standing in a corner with raised hands, weeping and
praying: ‘My Lord! Let not the things which You have gifted to me be
wasted and do not make the jealous enemies joyful regarding me. My
Sustainer! Do not turn me to the evils from which You have saved me
and do not leave me to myself even for a split second.’ Umm Salma
returned from there weeping. When the Prophet heard her, he asked
for the reason. She replied: ‘O Messenger of Allah! May my parents be
sacrificed on you. How can I stop weeping when you are wailing and
weeping like this in spite of the fact that your rank is very high in God’s
sight and when the Almighty Allah has already forgiven your errors?’”

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