"Can I Trust You, Doc?": User Perception of Online Health Information

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),

Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

“Can I Trust You, Doc?” : User Perception Of Online

Health Information
Ari Kusyanti 1, Sita Rosida2
Department of Information Technology, 2Department of Information Systems
Facullty of Computer Science
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract—Klikdokter.com is one of websites that provides consists of editorial team which supports both general
information service about health. Besides, it also provides live practitioner and specialist doctors. Klikdoktercom also
chat service i.e., question and answer about health which is provides live chat service i.e., question and answer with doctors
directly claimed and answered by the specialist doctors. who are expertise in their field [3].
According to the survey conducted by IndoPacific Edelman and
Research Unit and Community Service of Public Health Faculty According to the facts above, it is interested to have further
of Indonesia University, the amount of 79% doctors believes in research about the users’ trust towards health information
the most accurate health information source on the internet. provided in klikdokter.com. In this case, the users do not know
Moreover, a study entitle Patients Use of the Internet for Medical whether that information comes directly from the doctors.
Information shows that 53,5% out of 512 patients use internet as Furthermore, they also do not know whether the information
a media to find out information about health. The trust of doctors they get is responsible and accountable. It means that the users
and internet users towards health information is indeed are expected to use the available information correctly.
influenced by several factors. Therefore, the aim of this research Moreover the users also should find an effort to understand and
is to analyze the factors that influence the trust of users towards to decide whether that information is correct or not. If the users
the health information uploaded on klikdokter,com using ten have limited knowledge about health, it is indeed not an easy
construct variables. The data is collected from klikdokter.com thing to do [4].
users with 250 respondents. The data is analyzed using structural
equation modeling analysis (SEM). The result shows that factors Another problem is related to the live chat service provided
that influence Trust are perceived information quality, source by klikdokter.com which is directly claimed by the doctors
expertise and argument quality. who are expertise in their field. In this case, the users can
virtually do the live chat without knowing whether it is the
Keywords - SEM;confirmatory research; online health information doctor who answers the questions from users.
According to the problems above, there is a connection
between the user and doctor. If there is a mistake in diagnosing,
Many kinds of health information are available on the so the doctor’s answer would not be responsible and
internet. A research conducted by Pew Research Center accountable. Moreover, it would be getting worse if patient
California Health Care Foundation finds that 8 out of 10 health does not understand that the answer or medical suggestion from
questions begin with internet searching. To the amount of 72% the doctor is incorrect.
internet users search for health information related to serious
condition, general information, and specific health problem. In this case, a high level of internet using to search for
Another finding shows that 77% users begin with search engine health information is influenced by particular factors so that the
such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. 13% said that they begin the users can trust the website. It makes the users not hesitant to
searching through website about health first. Only 2% who always use internet to search for health information.
begin the searching through Wikipedia while another 1% begin The research method used is adapted from some previous
the searching through social media such as Facebook [1]. studies, such as a study conducted by Koo and Wati [5] entitle
A high level of users’ interest to do the health information E-Healthcare Service: An Investigation of the Antecedents,
searching via internet is due to the number health website. Moderating Roles, and Consequences noted that the webs
There are more than 70.000 website that provide health quality and perceived credibility of a health site affects the
information [2]. One of them is klikdoktercom. Klikdokter.com users’ satisfaction towards the site so that it can increase the
is one of the health portals that promote Health, Information intention to use. It is supported by a study conducted by M. Y.
and Education about health based on Bahasa Indonesia which Yi et al. [6] entitle Untangling the antecedents of initial trust in
is designed not only for medical community but also society in Web-based health information: The roles of argument quality,
Indonesia. Practically, klikdoktercom has an editorial staff source expertise, and user perceptions of information quality

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ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

and risk which connects antecedents factors that affect users’ will affect the information credibility so that it will decrease
trust towards health information through online access. These Perceived Risk [6].
two studies show that there is a correlation between intention to
use and trust. Consequently, a study entitles Technology Perceived Risk
Acceptance Model for the Use of M-Health Services among Health information is directly connected with prosperity
health related users in UAE proves the correlation. That study and risk due to the acceptance and usage of the health
is conducted by Alloghani, M et al. [7] which states 4 factors information. However, before the acceptance and the usage,
that affects Intention to Use of health service users. They are users should ensure that they receive well-structured health
Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, and information so that users can minimalize the risk [6].
This research aims to examine whether the factors can User Satisfaction
influence the users’ trust towards the health website; Bhattacherjee, A [9] argues that user satisfaction is
klikdokter.com. psychology condition of the users on two times; before using
the site and after using the site.
Perceived Usefulness
The methodology used in this research is confirmatory
According to Alloghani, M et al [7], perceived usefulness
quantitative that is used to examine the model and hypothesis
conducted by (Koo dan Wati [5]; M. Y. Yi et al. [6] and is defined as to what extent the m-Health is beneficial for the
users. If the patients and doctors feel that the online health
Alloghani, M et al. [7]). Data is analyzed using Structural
information service is useful and able to increase their
Equation Modelling (SEM) that is used to analyze independent
productivity, as a result they will have intention to use it.
variable and dependent variable which connect each other to
form a model. The SEM analysis is conducted in 2 steps;
Perceived Ease of Use
structural model test and measurement model test. Structural
When users feel that a particular system can ease the users
model shows the correlation between constructs which is
in doing their tasks, the users will have intention to always use
generally linear. Measurement model is used to measure the
it [7].
correlation between indicator and variable.
Model in the Fig. 1 is a model that is used in this research.
It shows a correlation among each construct. There are 9
constructs investigated in this research and 34 manifest The ultimate goal of online health service is not only to
increase the quality life of patients but also to get security and
variables or indicators. The nine constructs and 34 manifest
privacy. The distribution of health service via online device
are presented in Table 1.
can cause some problems such as lost control, data security,
data encryption, information distribution and privacy [7].
A. Definition of each construct
Web Quality Intention to Use
Koo and Wati [5] note that five dimensions of Website Intention to use is defined as a readiness to utilize the site.
Quality; Information Quality, Information Presentation, Hassenzahl and Trautman [10] suggest that character of the
Website Attractiveness, Navigation, and Technical Support site influence the users’ interpretation.
have direct influence in increasing Perceived Credibility.
Argument Quality Alloghani, M et al.[7] finds a direct effect between trust
In the consultation and suggestion, there is a high level of and intention to use. Besides, another study also found that
consequence from the trust and incorrect implementation of trust is a social factor that influences a large effect towards the
information. Therefore users should search high quality health use of mobile commerce technology, one of them is Online
information in the internet. Users tend to measure component health information [11].
of argument which is relevant, accurate and useful [8].

Perceived Quality
The high level of health information quality represents a
more relevant, accurate, up-to-date and complete information.
When those aspects are completed, it can decrease the risk [6].

Source Expertise
Some studies has identified that Source Expertise is
necessary to build credibility from online health information.
Some researchers believed in that statement. In the
management of online health consultation, source expertise

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Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

B. Hypotheses for the constructs

User satisfaction refers to the summary psychological state
resulting when the emotion surrounding confirmed expectation
are coupled with the customer’s prior feelings about the
consumption experience [9] and intention to use is defined as
willingness to use the website [12]. Therefore, we

H1a : Website quality has a positive effect on intention to use

H1b: Wesite quality has a positive effect on user satisfaction

It is reasonable to expect perceived information quality will

have negative impact on perceived risk. Nicolaou and
Figure 1. Research Model
McKnight [13] suggest that by increasing the perceived worth
Table 1. Definition of the nine constructs of exchanged information, perceived information quality
reduces risk perceptions. High quality information means that
Item Definition Sub- References the information is more relevant, accurate, and complete.
construct When more relevant, accurate, and complete information is
The degree to provided, it should help reducing the uncertainty associated
which website with following an advice from stranger. Thus, we hypothesize:
produced has Navigation
Web attributes of
Quality graphic, layout,
[5,17] H2 : Perceived information quality has a negative effect on
and design perceived risk
required by the attactiveness
user High levels of perceived information quality should be directly
The degree to associated with higher levels of initial trust. Previous research
which information Source
produced has the Expertise
identifies information quality as an important trust-building
Perceived mechanism in online interaction [14], and a direct determinant
attributes of
content, accuracy, [6] of trusting beliefes in exchange relationships [13]. Based on
and relevancy Argument this reasoning, we hypothesize:
required by the Quality
The degree to H3: Perceived information quality has a positive effect on
which the user trust
believes that using [6]
the website is not
risky The link between perceived risk and trusting beliefs has been
confirmed by prior research. Nicolaou and McKnight [13]

The degree of user

satisfaction with [18] argue that trust influences the perception of risk, and
the website hypothesize that:
The degree to
which the website [19]
Ease Of Use
is easy to use H4: Perceived risk has a positive effect on trust
The degree to
which a person Research has shown that online health seekers are satisfied
considers that with the internet as a health information source, are relieved
Perceived using a website for
Usefulness the services of
[20] by the information they find on internet, and in turn, develop
healthcare will be their intention to use. From IS perspective, users’ information
advantageous to system continued intention is determined primarily by their
him/her satisfaction with prior IS use [9]. Hence, we hypothesized:
The degree of
Security protection from [7]
the website H5: User satisfaction has a positive effect on intention to use
The degree of a
Intention To
user willingness to When users perceive a particular systems as ease of use and
use a new health [7,21] help them to complete their task and activities, they feel using
a system is comfortable and convenient to them, then they will
The degree to have the desire to use that system accordingly [7]. Thus, we
Trust which a website is [7] assume that:

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Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

H6. Perceived ease of use has a positive effect on the intention

to use Table 3. Construct Measures

Items Items’ measurement

Research has define that perceived usefulness as the degree to Web Quality I like the look and feel of the
which a person considers that using a website for the services klikdokter.com
of healthcare will be advantageous for him/her. In other Klikdokter.com site is an attractive
words, if patients and doctors feel that the website services are website
useful and will improve their life, enhance their work It is easy to find what I am looking for
on the klikdokter.com
perfomance and assist them to increase their productivity, It easy to move around on the
hence this usefulness will encourage to the intention to use [7]. klikdokter.com
Based on the above mentioned reasoning, we hypothesize: Perceived Information Klikdokter.com provides health
Quality information that the questioner is
seeking for (relevancy)
H7: Perceived usefulness has a strong significant effect on the Klikdokter.com provides accurate
intention to use health information (accuracy)
The consultation is based on accurate
The main aim of accepting online health services includes not health information (accuracy)
only improving the quality of patients life, but also acquiring Klikdokter.com provides newest
health information (currency)
security and privacy related to their medical data [7]. Thus, we The diagnosis of the consultation is
assume that: based on newest health information
H8: Perceived security has an effect on the intention to use Klikdokter.com provides sufficent
health information regarding the
symptoms of the questioner
The author in [15] suggested that previous experiences have (completeness)
the significant effect on the current level of user trust. In Perceived Risk How risky do you feel it would be to
addition, author in [11] indicated that trust is a social factor make a decision based on the health
information provided by
that has major influence on the users of mobile commerce
technology. Therefore, we hypothesized: How risky do you feel it would be to
accept and apply the provided health
H9: Perceived trust has a positive effect on the intention to use information to your life?
How risky do you feel it would be to
accept and apply the provided health
Based on the above hypotheses, we developed the research information to the lives of other
model as shown in Fig. 1. important to you?
User Satisfaction I am satisfied with my decision to get
III. DATA ANALYSIS or not to get a online health
A. Basic Data Analysis If I had it to do all over again, I would
feel differently about the online health
The research data were collected using a paper-based and information
online-based questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed My choice to get ot not to get online
to the user with experience of using klikdokter.com. No health information was a wise one
gender or age limitation was imposed on respondents to ensure Trust I trust using Klikdokter.com
I feel secure putting my personal
representativeness of the sample and sampling results. A total information on Klikdokter.com
of 250 paper-based and online-based questionnaire were I trust this website to be the best my
distributed during Aug ~ Sep 2016. Table 2 presents the option
descriptive analysis of the sample. Perceived Usefulness I believe that klikdokter.com meets
my needs
I believe that klikdokter.com does
Table 2. Descriptive Analysis of the sample
everything I would expect it to do
Perceived Ease Of Use I believe that klikdokter.com is clear
Item Category Sample size % and understandable
Gender Male 70 28 I believe that klikdokter.com is easy
Female 180 72 I believe learning to use
Age 14-31 234 93.6 klikdokter.com is easy for me
I believe klikdokter.com does not
More than 32 16 6.4 require a lot of mental effort
Security I believe klikdokter.com is financially
The variables in the proposed model were measured using 5- secure
likert scale from one (Strong Disagree) to five (Strongly I believe I’m not worried about the
Agree) to evaluate the responses from the participants. I believe klikdokter.com is highly
I believe klikdokter.com has enough

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ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

protection to make me feel

Believe that I’m adequately protected
by law in klikdokter.com from any
issues that might occur when using
klikdokter.com services.
Intention To Use I intend to use klikdokter.com in the
I would continue to see myself using
klikdokter.com for handling health
information issues
Using klikdokter.com makes learning
more interesting
I would seriously consider searching
about health information in
klikdokter.com again

B. SEM Analysis
Structural equation modelling (SEM) statistical analysis is
used to analyze the data that is collected through
questionnaire. SEM is a series of statistical method that allow
complex relationships between one or more independent and
dependent variables. Though there are many ways to describe
SEM, it can be remarked that SEM allows one to perform
some type of multivariate data.
The ten proposed hypothesis were tested using AMOS.
AMOS is a software program used for structural equation Figure 2. Overall Model Fit after being modified
modeling (SEM). In order to answer the hypothesis, there are
several steps that should be completed as explained on the Table 5. The Result of Measurement Model Fit Test
1) Missing data and Outlier Test Indeks Limit Value Note References
Missing data test in this research shows that there is no square
>0.05 986.561 Good Fit [23]
missing data. On the other hand, outlier test is used to find the CMIN/
<3.00 1.981 Good Fit [23]
gap of a data with measuring score of mahalanobis distance. DF
Outliers are found by first computing a Mahalanobis Distance GFI > 0.8 0.805 Good Fit [23]
NFI > 0.8 0.849 Good Fit [23]
and once that is done the Mahalanobis scores are screened in
CFI > 0.9 0.918 Good Fit [23]
the same manner that multivariate outliers are screened. To RMSEA < 0.08 0.063 Good Fit [23]
compute Mahalanobis distance in SPSS you must use
regression/linear under analyze. By measuring it with level of
mistake, the result shows 72.443. The data that has
mahalanobis distance more than 72.443, it is called outlier and
it must be omitted. Out of 250 questionnaires, there are 37
outliers. Consequently, the data that can be analyzed is 213

Table 4. Cronbach alpha score

Factor Cronbach Alpha Factor Cronbach Alpha

Limiting-value >0.6 Limiting-value >0.6
WQ 0.818 PE 0.837
PIQ 0.810 PU 0.836
PR 0.878 SC 0.903
US 0.592 IN 0.836 Figure. 2. Structural Model Fit using path analysis
TR 0.644
2) Reliability Test
Reliability test is a test that uses parameter value of cronbach
alpha with limiting value of more than 0.6. Cronbach's alpha is
a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a
set of items are as a group. It is considered to be a measure of
scale reliability [22]. The value of cronbach alpha for each

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ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

variable in this research is showed on Table 4. Cronbach's IV. RESEARCH RESULTS

alpha is not a statistical test - it is a coefficient of reliability (or
consistency). Table 4 shows that the alpha coefficient of the A. Hypothesis 1a Discussion
seven constructs (WQ, PIQ, PR, PE, PU, SC, IN) more than According to the test of hypothesis 1a is denied, its display of
0.8, suggesting that the constructs have relatively high internal a klikdokter.com website does not guarantee that the
consistency. respondents will continue using it as a media to search for
3) Overall Model Fit health information. In other words, the quality of website does
In order to test the suitability between the data and model, not significantly influence the intention to use.
overall model fit is used. Fig. 2 represents a modified overall
model fit with omitting some indicator variable or manifest B. Hypothesis 1b Discussion
and construct. According to the test hypothesis 1b is accepted, it can be
The result of overall model fit is showed on Table 5. concluded that the more interesting the display of a
According to the table analysis result, research model meets klikdokter.com is, the more satisfied the respondents will be.
the criteria of good fit and marginal fit. It can be concluded It shows that the quality of website influence significantly
that the research model is fit and is ready to structural model towards the users’ satisfaction.
test. C. Hypothesis 2 Discussion
4) Structural Model Fit
Path Analysis method is used to test the Structural Model Fit. According to test of hypothesis 2 is accepted, it can be
The test of model fit is used to know the correlation between concluded that respondents consider the information on the
each construct in the model. Fig. 3 shows structural model fit klikdokter.com do not emerge anxiety towards the risk. It
that uses Path analysis. The result of Structural Model Fit can shows that the quality of health website information on
be seen on the Table 6. On the first order of structural model, klikdokter.com do not significantly influence the respondents’
estimate value or factor loadings is a correlation value risk.
between variable and error/ Meanwhile on the second order, D. Hypothesis 3 Discussion
estimate value is a correlation value among factors (construct) According to the result of hypothesis 3 is accepted, it can be
and higher construct. concluded that the more qualified the health information is, the
more trusted the respondent to the doctors. It shows that the
Table 6. The result of structural model test dan SEM hypothesis model
information quality positively influence the trust.
Hypothesis Estimate C.R.* P* Supported E. Hypothesis 4 Discussion
PR<---PIQ 0.358 2.887 0.004 Yes
According to the hypothesis 4 is denied, it can be concluded
US<---WQ 1,271 8.640 *** Yes that the risk emerged caused by klikdokter.com as a media to
search for health information will not increase the trust of its
TR<---PR -0.028 -0.818 0.413 No website. It shows that the comprehension of risk does not
TR<---PIQ 1.298 11.251 *** Yes significantly influence the trust.

WA<---WQ 1.000 Yes F. Hypothesis 5 Discussion

According to the result of hypothesis 5 is denied, it can be
N<---WQ 1.000 Yes
concluded that the respondents’ satisfaction does not
AQ<---PIQ 1.000 Yes guarantee that they will keep using the klikdokter.com to
search for health information. It shows that the satisfaction of
SE<---PIQ 1.000 Yes the respondents does not significantly influence their intention
IN<---WQ 0.484 0.935 0.350 No to use.

IN<---TR 0.164 1.149 0.251 No

G. Hypothesis 6 Discussion
According to the result of hypothesis 6 is denied, it can be
IN<---PU 0.147 1.636 0.102 No concluded that the easiness of searching health information in
IN<---SC -0.031 -0.483 0.629 No klikdokter.com does not make the respondents will keep using
it in the future. It shows that the easiness of using website does
IN<---PE 0.145 0.491 0.623 No not significantly influence to their intention to keep using it.
IN<---US -0.023 -0.166 0.868 No H. Hypothesis 7 Discussion
Note: * p<0.05, * C.R >1.96 According to the result of hypothesis 7 is denied, it can be
concluded that if the respondents cannot feel the benefit of
klikdokter.com as a media to search health information, they
will not have intention to keep using it. It shows the
comprehension factor about benefit does not significantly
influence the intention to keep using it.

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Vol. 14, No. 12, December 2016

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