Syllabus CAD&E 2021

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{© Department of Production Engineering, National institute of Technology: Tiruchirappali- 620 015 Layout design process - systematic layout planning - analysis - designing the layout - Assignment model Computerized layout planning - CRAFT, ALDEP and CORELAP TEXTBOOKS: 1. Bares, Motion and time study, John Wiley, New York, 1990. REFERENCE: 1. ILO, Introduction to work study, ILO,Geneva,1974. COURSE OUTCOMES: + Perform ergonomic analysis «Perform computerized layout planning «Perform work measurements PRPC26 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND ENGINEERING (Theory & Lab) xr ola x0 ela PREREQUISITES: Physics, Applied Electronics COURSE OBJECTIVES * To understand various hardware and software that serve as components of CAD system + To understand plotting, transformations techniques, geometric modeling + To understand graphic standards, finite element modeling and DBMS Fundamentals of computer - configurations - workstations - data communications - input/output devices, display technology, CAD software. Interactive graphics - point plotting techniques. Transformations techniques, viewing operations: window, viewport and clipping, visual realism Hidden line/surface removal, shading and colour models. Computer drafting through high level languages. Geometric modeling: Wireframe modeling, Surface modeling: Representation of curves and surfaces, design of curves: cubic splines, bezier curves and B-spline, design of surfaces. Solid modeling: Constructive solid geometry (C-rep) and Boundary representation (B-rep). Graphics standards: GKS, DXF and IGES standards - Parametric design programmes. 32| Pag {© Department of Production Engineering, National institute of Technology: Tiruchirappali- 620 015 Finite element modeling and analysis: types of analysis, degrees of freedom, element and structure- stiffness equation, assembly procedure. Database concepts and data base management systems - SQL. LAB EXERCISES «Part modelling using CAD + Assembly using CAD * Manufacturing analysis using CAM + Engineering analysis using CAE TEXT BOOKS: 1, Newman.W.M. andSproull, graphics, McGraw Hill Pub., Il Ed., 1 Principles of interactive computer 9. REFERENCES: 1, Anand, V.B., Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling for Engineers, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2000. 2. Zeid, and Sivasubramanian, R., CAD/CAM, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007. COURSE OUTCOMES + Summarize the concepts and applications of CAD. + Elaborate fundamental of computers, networks, transformations techniques, geometric modeling solid modeling and finite element modeling * Distinguish various concepts and techniques used for Product design and to develop product design skills. PRPC27 MECHATRONICS AND INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION (Theory & Lab) 2fo [2 PREREQUISITE: Fluid mechanics and Machinery, Engineering mechanics COURSE OBJECTIVE: * To study hydraulic and pneumatic systems, sensors and their applications Introduction - overviews, principles and application of hydraulic, pneumatic, electric controls system. 33°

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