Void Fraction Amit
Void Fraction Amit
Void Fraction Amit
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/measurement
Keywords: Two-phase flow in pipelines is very common in the oil and gas industries. Void fraction is one of the important
Concave capacitive sensor parameters in two-phase flow. Measurement of void fraction plays an important role in various areas of in-
Two-phase flow dustries. Two types of measurement techniques are commonly used in electrical methods for macroscale range-
Void fraction variable capacitance type and variable conductance type. A comparatively low cost and non-invasive design of
Electrical model
the concave capacitive sensor is analytically evaluated and experimentally validated to measure the void fraction
Non-invasive technique
Uncertainty analysis
inside the non-metallic pipe. The design is effective to reduce the fringing effect. The electrical model of the
concave capacitance sensor is analyzed, which involves all the parasitic capacitances along with the cable ca-
pacitances. The capacitance of the sensor varies for the whole range of void fraction (0–100%). If the two phases
are distilled water and air, the capacitance value varies from 94.0134 pF to 3.4377 pF experimentally for void
fraction variation of 0–100%. Uncertainty analysis for the proposed sensor design along with the uncertainty
budget is presented, for the whole range of measurement. The standard uncertainty is less than 0.97 pF for the
whole range of measurement. The procedure for analysis is also discussed in this paper.
1. Introduction method depends on the type of fluids and type of electrodes used for
measurement. In the invasive type of method, the electrodes are di-
Nowadays void fraction measurement in two-phase flow become rectly in contact with the fluid inside the pipe, and the impedance is
necessary in various fields such as petrochemical industries, oil in- measured [6] like wire mesh sensor [7–9]. Earlier researchers have
dustries, etc. Sometimes it is very necessary for micro range applica- analyzed that the wire mesh sensor can be used for multiphase flow also
tions, for example in drugs industries [1]. Different techniques are used [8]. X. Chen et al. have discussed about designing of coaxial type ca-
there to measure the void fraction of two immiscible fluid phases inside pacitive sensors to measure the void fraction [10]. Researchers have
the pipe like invasive methods (wire mesh method, optical probe done Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis for optimization of the
methods [2], etc.) and non-invasive methods (Gamma-ray attenuation geometry of capacitive sensor. Water hold up is analyzed and the result
method, electrical methods). Void fraction measurement is also im- is compared with the set values from Quick Closing Valve (QCV). It has
portant at some crucial processes like heat transfer/exchange in nuclear higher sensitivity because the inner electrode is in direct contact with
power plant [3–5]. Two-phase flow referred as the flowing of two dif- the fluids inside. For flow characterization, optical method can also be
ferent and immiscible fluids, which may be a liquid-liquid mixture or used. In this method, the mesh-like structure of optical fibers is placed
gas-liquid mixture. The amount of each fluid in the mixture can be perpendicular to the flow direction [11]. The simpler method to mea-
determined by measuring void fraction in cross-section of a pipe. By sure the void fraction is to just put two electrodes inside the flow, and
analyzing the value of void fraction in any pipe, one can directly per- by measuring the conductance or impedance between these probes, the
form the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the mixture of the value of void fraction can be determined. As in this method, the probes
fluids flowing inside the pipe. Currently, researchers are working in the are in direct contact with the fluid, it is a very accurate method for both
area of void fraction measurement for improvement in design, to reduce the non-conductive and conductive type of fluids. Sometimes in case of
the output error and to find the relation between the designed and the conductive liquid, the combination of conductance probe and concave
actual output using mathematical models. electrode capacitance sensors are also used [12].
To measure the void fraction, there are two types of methods, in- Currently, researchers are focussed on the non-invasive type mea-
vasive method and non-invasive method. The selection of measurement surement of void fraction because of its various advantages. As it does
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: amitpal.pdh@gmail.com (A. Pal), bvas@nitt.edu (B. Vasuki).
Received 7 July 2017; Received in revised form 15 February 2018; Accepted 4 April 2018
Available online 06 April 2018
0263-2241/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
not have any direct contact with the fluid inside, it is very safe, and it 2. Design and mathematical evaluation of the concave capacitive
can be used for a variety of liquids (conductive or non-conductive). sensor
Also, the design of the outer electrodes can be changed or modified,
based on the flow pattern inside the pipe. In non-invasive type mea- 2.1. Geometry of sensor
surement researchers are focussing onto two types of methods, one is to
use X-rays [13] or Gamma rays [14] to measure the void fraction, and The sensor is designed to measure the void fraction of the two-phase
other is to put some metallic electrodes, outside the pipe and make a liquid mixture flowing through a pipe. As it is a non-invasive method,
concave capacitive sensor. Capacitance-based sensors are more prac- the sensor will be fixed outside the pipe, and it is not in direct contact
tical in most types of fluids because of its simple design and accurate with the fluid flowing inside. An acrylic pipe of outer diameter ‘Dp’ and
measurement. Mostly three types of electrodes are used for measure- inner diameter ‘dp’ and length ‘Lp’ is taken such that Lp ≫ he, here ‘he’ is
ment of the void fraction; helical electrodes, double ring type electrode the length of the concave electrodes. The thickness of the pipe wall is
and concave type electrode. Most of designs and techniques, considered ‘tp’ (2tp = Dp − dp). Four concave electrodes (A, B, C, and D) are placed
for void fraction measurement is based on concave electrode type ca- on the opposite sides of the pipe such that they will form two parallel
pacitance design due to its simple construction and wide applications plate capacitors. The length of the all four electrodes are same, i.e. ‘he’
[15–18]. Research has also been carried out for optimizing the geo- and with a thickness of ‘te’. The width of the electrodes (le) was decided
metry of the concave electrode based capacitive sensor using FEM in such a way that the capacitors will fully cover the whole circular area
technique [19]. A comparison has been reported between double ring inside the pipe. So if electrodes are mounted on the outer surface of the
type and concave electrode type capacitive sensors for different con- pipe, then the angle which the two ends of the electrode are making
ditions and shows that the double ring type sensor has better sensitivity with the center of the pipe (θ) is slightly less than 90°. The width of the
and the concave capacitive sensor has better linearity [20,21]. It has electrode can be given by equation (le) = 4 dp . As these concave elec-
also been reported that the performance of the ring type sensor doesn’t trodes are placed symmetrically on the outer surface of the pipe making
change much according to the air/oil distribution and concave elec- two parallel plate capacitors (CAC and CBD), there is still some distance
trode-type sensor performs better for the detection of flow regime [21]. left between every two plates. This gap between electrodes makes an
Comparison between helix type and concave electrode based sensor is acute angle θ′ with the center of the pipe. This angle can be given by
also reported in [22] and it is shown that the concave electrode capa-
citance sensor has better linearity. Double helix capacitance-based
( ). In this gap, metallic (copper) guard elec-
expression θ′ = 90 1− D
trodes [27] are placed. The two ends of the guard electrode make an
sensor along with the guard electrode is designed and analyzed for
angle θ″ with the center of the pipe. This angle θ″ chosen in such a way
horizontal two-phase flow, and it is calibrated based on parallel wire
that θ″ < θ′ (approx. 1° difference from both the sides). In the end,
capacitance probe [23]. Different techniques are used to measure this
these guard electrodes are connected to the ground potential. So, four
capacitance such as phase shift detection [24], trans-impedance am-
concave copper electrodes and four guard electrodes are placed on the
plifier [25], etc. Multiple concave electrodes are used to form more
outer surface of the acrylic pipe symmetrically. This whole setup is then
than two capacitances to increase the sensitivity and to get the 3D
covered with an outer metallic (copper) grounded shield (O) of dia-
image of the void inside the pipe to achieve better results, and the
meter ‘o’, such that o > Dp. To get the output of the capacitances CAC
method is known as Electrical Capacitance Tomography [26].
and CBD, four 75 Ω coaxial cables [25] with BNC connectors are used.
The designing and development of the concave electrode based
One cable for each electrode. The woven copper shields of these cables
capacitive sensor have been discussed very briefly for air-water void
are also grounded. The complete geometry of the concave capacitance
fraction measurements, reported in [25,27]. In the first part, hardware
sensor is shown in Fig. 1
has been designed along with the guard electrodes, and the cable ca-
pacitances have also being considered in the equivalent circuit. ARM
microcontroller and excitation circuits have been used for signal con- 2.2. Design of the sensor: Electrical model
ditioning. The capacitance value is nearly linear with respect to the
void fraction. In second part FEM simulation based calibration method In the above geometry of sensor (Fig. 1), four concave electrodes A,
is reported for the same sensor. B, C, and D are used. Among these electrodes, two electrodes A and B
In this work, a more sensitive and simple design, a concave elec- acts as exciter electrodes and other two electrodes C and D act as
trode based capacitive sensor for measuring void fraction is discussed. measuring electrodes. As these electrodes are placed very near to each
Instead of considering only two concave electrodes and two guard other, to reduce the fringe field effect at the edges, some metallic
electrodes across the receiver electrode, a different design is presented plates/electrodes (copper plates) are placed in between every two
here with four concave electrodes and four guard electrodes. These electrodes. These guard electrodes are also grounded, to minimize the
concave electrodes are used to form two capacitors, and between every stray capacitance by minimising the stray electric field. Also, the whole
two electrodes, a grounded guard electrode is present. All setup is en- setup is shielded by a sheet of copper, and the sheet is also connected to
closed with a grounded outer metallic sheet. In this proposed design a ground potential. The cross-sectional view of the concave capacitive
highly precise non-invasive sensor is described, where the exciter sensor is explained in Fig. 2.
electrode and receiver electrode can be interchanged. It is a low-cost In this configuration of capacitors, we get many capacitors between
sensor, and its implementation is also very easy. In the equivalent electrodes A and C, similarly between electrodes B and D and also we
model of the capacitors, the cable capacitances with respect to ground got some stray capacitances with respect to ground. It is shown as an
are also considered. The capacitance changes in the full range of the electrical model in Fig. 3(a) and its simplified electrical model is shown
void fraction, from 0% to 100%. The output of the sensor (capacitances in Fig. 3(b).
values) is evaluated theoretically using mathematical calculations for Here CAO, CBO, CCO, CDO are the capacitance between concave
different void fractions and same is experimentally validated for dis- electrodes (copper) A, B, C, D and the grounded outer cylinder (O).
tilled water and air as the two phases. As two individual capacitors are These capacitances can be given by the following expression:
measuring the same void fraction in the acrylic pipe, its sensitivity is
very high and the output is very less affected by the environmental 4
CAO = CBO = CCO = CDO = ε 0 εg ∗
effects due to guard electrodes and outer shield. Orientation of the o−(Dp + t e) (1)
sensor plays a major role in introducing error while measuring void
fraction as the output i.e. change in the capacitors depends on the where ɛ0 is absolute permittivity (in F/m), ɛg is relative permittivity of
combination of the individual capacitances forming inside the pipe. gas, dp is inner diameter of the pipe (acrylic pipe) (in m), he is length of
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
Fig. 3. (a) Electrical model of concave capacitance sensor without cable capacitance, (b) Simplified electrical model of concave capacitance sensor without cable
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
Fig. 4. (a) Schematic diagram of concave capacitor sensor with cable capacitances, (b) Electrical model of concave capacitance with cable capacitance.
temperature will affect the sensor design and measurement due to two
major parameters. First, the dielectric constants of the two fluids will Fig. 6. Geometry of the concave capacitance sensor considering only capaci-
change with a change in temperature, and the coefficient of thermal tance CAC.
expansions of electrode material (copper), pipe material (acrylic) and
fluids (distilled water and air) has to consider, to analyse the tem- be calculated by using the equation of the circle, such as:
perature effect on void fraction measurement. However, in present
work, constant temperature environment maintained so only capaci- dp
y1 = ± ⎛ ⎞ −x2
⎜ ⎟
tance value CAC and CBD will vary according to variation in the void ⎝2⎠ (3)
By using the above value of y1 (as it is the function of ‘x’), the dis-
tance between two coordinates (z) which are on opposite inner wall of
2.3. Analytical evaluation of concave capacitive sensor (for void fraction
the pipe in front of concave electrodes with the same value of x-co-
0% and 100%) −d d
ordinate can be calculated. The limits of ‘x’ in this function is p to p .
2 2 2 2
As per above electrical model as discussed in Section 2.2, it is clear The z is expressed as a function of ‘x’ in following Eq. (4):
that only capacitance CAC and CBD is variable and all the other capa- 2
citances are constant. Now capacitances CAC and CBD are evaluated for z= 2 ⎛ ⎞ −x2
⎜ ⎟
the two extreme conditions (i.e. void fraction = 0% and void frac- ⎝2⎠ (4)
tion = 100%). Due to the same geometrical design of the concave ca-
To calculate the capacitance between concave electrodes A and C,
pacitance sensor (as shown in Fig. 2), the capacitances CAC and CBD are
the capacitor CAC is divided into infinite parallel plate capacitors. All of
equal in these extreme conditions of void fractions.
these capacitors are connected in parallel combination. These all par-
The capacitance value of CAC and CBD is calculated using the ana-
allel plate capacitors are identical to each other except the distance
lytical method when the void fraction is 100% (i.e. pipe is empty). As at
between them which is changing continuously. The summation of all
100% void fraction, both the capacitances are equal, so first CAC is
these capacitances gives the approximate values of CAC. It is evaluated
calculated alone. Fig. 6 shows the geometry of the concave capacitance
by dividing the above-said capacitor into a known number of parts and
sensor when only CAC is considered.
approximating these parts as parallel plate capacitors with equal area.
Distance (z) between two points on the opposite inner wall of the
The individual capacitance is calculated and at the end, all these small
pipe in front of two concave electrodes A and C with the same value of x
capacitances are added together (for this calculation MATLAB R2016b
is given by the following expression:
is used). In this manner, the value of capacitance CAC is calculated when
z= (y2−y1)2 the void fraction is 100%. It is already explained that at extreme con-
ditions of the void fraction, the value of capacitance CAC is equal to CBD.
As the center of the circle is considered at the origin (0, 0) and both To find capacitances CAC and CBD for the other extreme condition of
the coordinates of the ends of the straight vertical line having the same void fraction i.e. 0% void fraction, the values can be multiplied by the
value of ‘x-coordinates’, their ‘y-coordinates’ are equal in magnitude but corresponding relative permittivity of the second phase.
different in sign, (y2 = −y1). By putting this value of y2 in Eq. (2), the The capacitances CP1 and CP2 are the series combination of the two
distance between two points (z) equal to twice of the value of y1 i.e. capacitances formed by the inner surface of the acrylic wall and each
z= 2y1. At given value of ‘x-coordinate’, the value of ‘y-coordinate’ can concave electrodes of the capacitances CAC and CBD respectively. The
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
width of both the electrodes are same, i.e. l e = 4P and the distance medium and another has gas as a dielectric medium), and the same
between both the electrodes is also same at all the points, i.e. ‘dp’. So method is used (as explained in Section 2.3) for evaluation. The cross-
these capacitors CP1 and CP2 also act as a parallel plate capacitor and it sectional view of capacitance CBD is given in Fig. 7(b). Similarly the
is expressed by Eq. (5): capacitances CAC and CBD are calculated for void fractions 25%, 50%,
75% and 90%.
1 πdp h e
CP 1 = CP 2 = ε 0 εp
2 4 tp (5)
2.5. Complete electrical model and evaluation of the capacitance values
where ɛp is relative permittivity of the pipe material (for acrylic ɛp = 3)
and ‘tp’ is the thickness of the pipe wall (in m) and ‘he’ is the length (in The electrical model for the capacitances formed due to different
m) of the concave electrodes. void fractions is illustrated in following figure Fig. 8.
From Fig. 8, it is clear that the capacitance CAC is the equivalent
2.4. Estimation of capacitances between the concave electrodes for different capacitance of the series combination of C1 and C2. Also, the capaci-
void fractions tance CBD is the equivalent capacitance of the parallel combination of
C3 and C4.
Capacitances for void fractions 0% and 100% is already known, now Considering the medium inside the acrylic pipe is distilled water as
further calculations are done to determine the values of the capaci- liquid and air as the gaseous medium, the values of the capacitances C1,
tances CAC and CBD at different void fractions (like 10%, 25%, 50%, C2, C3, and C4 are given in following Table 1.
75%, 90%). All the parasitic capacitance with respect to ground (CA, CB, CC, and
CD) can’t be calculated theoretically, as it depends on various arbitrary
For 10% void fraction: conditions. So for theoretical calculation, they are considered as neg-
ligible. Using values of capacitance CP1, CP2, CAC and CBD, the net ca-
Further, the values of capacitances CAC and CBD are individually pacitance between the terminals A-C and terminals B-D are calculated.
calculated for 10% void fraction. First to calculate capacitance CAC, the CP1 and CP2 are constant for the whole range of void fraction (CP1 = CP2
area of the gas (AG) is calculated in the cross-section of the pipe as are 98.05 pF). CNET AC is the net capacitance between concave copper
shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b) using the void fraction formula [28] electrodes A and C, and it is given by the series combination of CAC and
CP1. CNET BD is the net capacitance between concave copper electrodes B
(i.e. void fraction =
area of gas (AG)
total cross sectional area (A G + AL) ). Then using this area of and D and given by the series combination of CBD and CP2. The parallel
gas (AG), the remaining area of liquid (AL) is calculated.
connection of two individual net capacitances (CTOTAL)
The relation between the liquid area (AL) and height of the liquid
(CTOTAL = parallel combination of CNET AC and CNET BD) gives the best
(hL) is given by following equation Eq. (6) [29]:
varying result with respect to the variation in the void fraction. It is
2 clear from Table 2, that the value of CTOTAL increases with increase in
dp dp/2−hL ⎞ dP d
Area of liquid (AL) = ⎛ ⎞ cos−1 ⎜⎛
⎜ ⎟ ⎟−⎛ −hL ⎞ 2 P hL−h2L the level of the liquid inside the pipe (CTOTAL increases as void fraction
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ dp /2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
decreases). The solved values of CNET AC and CNET BD are given in fol-
(6) lowing Table 2.
By putting liquid area (AL) in the above Eq. (6), and using Newton's For distilled water-air two-phase flow, the results of the capacitive
Method (for nonlinear systems of equations), the height of the liquid sensor results are shown in Table 2, and it is clear that the value of
(hL) from the bottom of the pipe is calculated. The capacitances C1 and capacitance is inversely proportional to the void fraction. The same
C2 are calculated by using the same method which is used to calculate theoretical analysis is done for a number of different two-phase flow
the CAC (in Section 2.3). In the previous section, the distance (z) is the fluids (Fuels/industrial/agricultural fluids (various oils) vs distilled
distance between two points on the curve, but here distance (z) is the water or air) pairs. For analysis liquid-gas and liquid-liquid both types
distance between one point on the curve and other on the straight line of pairs are considered. The results obtained from this analysis is shown
formed by the liquid level. From the Fig. 7(a) it is well illustrated that in following figures Fig. 9(a) and (b). The variation of capacitance
the CAC is the series combination of capacitances C1 (liquid as a di- CTOTAL with respect to void fraction is shown for fluids such as Diesel
electric medium) and C2 (gas as a dielectric medium). (ɛr = 2.1), Gasoline (ɛr = 2), Cotton seed oil or Olive oil (ɛr = 3.1),
For evaluation of CBD, just the limits of ‘y’ has to changed according Coconut oil (refined) (ɛr = 2.9), Sesame oil or Peanut oil (ɛr = 3) and
to the two different ranges of ‘y’ (one range for liquid as a dielectric Air (ɛr = 1) in Fig. 9(a). Similarly the variation of capacitance CTOTAL
Fig. 7. (a) Cross-sectional view of concave capacitance sensor for calculation of CAC (b) Cross-sectional view of concave capacitance sensor for calculation of CBD.
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
Fig. 8. Electrical model of concave capacitance at different void fractions (like 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90%).
11.5 120
Capacitance (pF)
Capacitance (pF)
7.5 60
5.5 20
0 10 25 50 75 90 100
0 10 25 50 75 90 100
Void Fraction (%)
Void Fraction (%)
Ctotal(Diesel & Air) Ctotal (Transformer oil & Water)
Ctotal(Gasolin & Air) Ctotal (Keroscene & Water)
Ctotal(Cotton seed/olive oil & Air) Ctotal (Almound oil & water)
Ctotal(Coconut oil& Air)
(a) (b) Ctotal (castor oil & water)
Ctotal(Sesame/Peanut oil & Air)
Fig. 9. (a) Capacitance Vs Void Fraction (Different fluids and air). (b) Capacitance Vs Void Fraction (Different fluids and distilled water.
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
Fig. 10. (a) Experimental setup – Concave capacitance based void fraction measurement system and (b) Experimental setup – Concave capacitance based void
fraction measurement system (with LCR meter and BNC connections).
3.1. Capacitive sensor part secured by a ball valve to drain and adjust the level inside the pipe. For
connecting the coaxial cables to the capacitor’s electrodes, four female
A copper sheet of thickness 0.3 mm is used to design the main ca- BNC straight jack (75 Ω) are mounted on the acrylic pipe. For con-
pacitive sensing part. The rectangular pieces (four electrodes and four necting this setup to LCR meter, BNC plug-plug RG59 cables (75 Ω) are
guard rings) are cut as per the dimensions described before in Section used. On the other end also female BNC connector straight jack (75 Ω)
(2.1) and placed on the surface of the acrylic pipe (Internal dia- are mounted on a small piece of perfboard where the crocodile clips of
meter = 94 mm, outer diameter 100 mm) and secured by very thin LCR meter are connected as shown in Fig. 10(b).
plastic tapes. A PVC pipe (Internal diameter = 104 mm) is cut into half,
and inner curve surface of both the pieces are covered with copper
sheet to make an openable shield to cover the whole capacitive sensor. 3.3. Acrylic cuboid section for ultrasonic sensor
By using wires, the guard electrodes and outer copper shield is shorted
together, which is the measurement ground for the whole system. To compare the obtained results with another sensor, an ultrasonic
sensor (HC-SR04) is mounted on another side of the setup such that the
level inside the pipe and the cuboid portion are same, which can be
3.2. Inlet/outlet and arrangement for cable connections measured through the ultrasonic sensor. By measuring level the void
fraction can be found using Eq. (6) and void fraction formula (Section
For inlet and outlet of the setup, acrylic tubes (Internal dia- 2.4). Arduino Mega 2560 is used with the ultrasonic sensor to measure
meter = 15 mm and outer diameter = 20 mm) is mounted on two dia- the level.
metrically opposite sides such that top opening is used as inlet and
bottom opening is used as outlet for the fluids. The bottom opening is
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
Fig. 11. Photograph – liquid level in pipe for various void fractions.
Table 3 40 5
Values of CNET AC, CNET BD, CTOTAL and confidence interval for distilled water as
a liquid and air as the gaseous medium (experimental). 4
Experiments are performed at room temperature (28 °C) in the span 3.5. Uncertainty analysis of proposed measurement system
of five days and twenty sets of readings are acquired for each void
fraction. Distilled water is filled from inlet to the appropriate level (HL) Standard Deviation of individual measurements S(CTOTAL) is calcu-
(measured by the marked ruler in the ends), and capacitances CAC and lated by the following expression Eq. (7) [32]:
CBD are measured for each level. Reading of ultrasonic sensor is also
noted for these levels using Arduino Mega. As LCR meter (Hioki ∑i= 1 (Ci−Cm)2
IM3536) is highly sensitive at 9 kHz frequency for capacitance n−1 (7)
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
Uncertainty in Capacitance (pF) 1.2 0.6 that capacitance values changes according to the change in the void
A. Pal, B. Vasuki Measurement 124 (2018) 81–90
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