BSC Nursing Prospectus Dated 24-5-18
BSC Nursing Prospectus Dated 24-5-18
BSC Nursing Prospectus Dated 24-5-18
Student Handbook
Prepared by: Prof. Pity Koul, Professor and Programme Coordinator (BScN PB)
May, 2018
© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2018
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without
permission in writing from the Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Further information about the School of Health Sciences and the Indira Gandhi National Open University courses
may be obtained from the University’s office at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068, India or its website
Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, by Prof. S.B. Arora,
Director, School of Health Sciences, IGNOU, New Delhi.
Print Production: Shri T.R. Manoj, Assistant Registrar (P), School of Health Sciences, IGNOU, New Delhi-110068.
Laser Typeset by : Tessa Media & Computers, C-206, A.F.E-II, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025
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Student enrolment has doubled in four years from 1.5 million to over 3 million.
UNESCO declared IGNOU as the largest institution of higher learning in the world in 2010.
1.5 Academic Programmes
The University offers both short-term and long-term programmes leading to Certificates, Diplomas,
Undergraduate Degrees, Postgraduate Degrees and Doctoral Degrees, which are conventional as well as
innovative. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial survey of the demand for such
programmes. These are launched with a view to fulfil the learner’s needs for :
Improvement of skills
and academic matters. The list of Regional and Study Centres is given in this handbook. Support services
are also provided through Work Centres, Programme Study Centres, Skill Development Centres and Special
Study Centres.
a) Self Instructional Written Material: The printed study material (written in self instructional style)
for both theory and practical components of the programmes is supplied to the learners for every
course (on an average 1 block per credit). A block which comes in the form of a booklet usually
comprises 3 to 5 units.
b) Audio-Visual Material Aids: The learning package contains audio and video cassettes/CD’s which
have been produced by the University for better clarification and enhancement of understanding of the
course material given to the learner. A video programme is normally of 25-30 minutes duration. The
video cassettes are screened at the study centres during specific sessions which are duly notified for
the benefit of the learners.
The video programmes are telecasted on National Network of Doordarshan and Gyan Darshan. All
Gyan Vani stations are broadcating curriculum based audio programmes. Some of the selected stations
of All India Radio are also broadcasting the audio programmes. Learners can confirm the dates for the
programmes from their study centres. The information is also provided through the National
c) Counselling Sessions: Normally Counselling sessions for theory are held as per schedule drawn by
the Programme Study Centres.These are mostly held outside the regular working hours of the host
institutions where the study centres are located. 75% attendance is compulsory in theory counselling
sessions of Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Programme.
d) Teleconferences: Live sessions are conducted via satellite through interactive Gyan Darshan Channel
as well as simultanously telecasted on Edusat channel from the University studios at Electronic
Media Processing Centre (EMPC), the schedule of which is made available at the Programme Study
e) Practicals/Project Work: Some Programmes have practical components also. Practicals are held at
designated institutions for which schedule is provided by the Programme Study Centres. 90% attendance
for practicals is compulsory which are conducted in the specialized fields in hospitals and community
under the supervision of Academic Counsellors/ Clinical Supervisors.
IGNOU Website
Administration Social Sciences Journalism & New Media Studies Electronic Media Production Centre
Material Production & Distribution Health Sciences Extension & Development Studies National Centre for Innovations in
Distance Education
Head Quarter
A Regional RD Administrative and Academic Control
R Centre
Academic, Administrative, Technical
N PIC Coordination
E Programme Academic Counselling, Assignment
R Study Centre Counsellor Handling, Evaluation
Clinical Supervisor Practical Counselling and
evaluation of Practical Activities
1.10 Evaluation System
The system of evaluation in IGNOU is also different from that of conventional universities. IGNOU has a multi-
tier system of evaluation as follows:
2) Continuous evaluation mainly through assignments which are tutor-marked, practical assignments and seminar/
workshops/extended contact programmes
3) Term-End-Examinations
4) Project Work.
The evaluation of learners depends upon various instructional activities undertaken by them. A learner has to
write assignment responses compulsorily before taking term-end examination (TEE) from time to time to complete
an academic programme. A learner has to submit Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) responses to the coordinator
of the Study Centre concerned to which s/he is attached. A learner should keep duplicate copies of assignment
responses of TMA that may be required to be produced at Student Evaluation Division on demand.
Term-end examination is conducted at various examination centers spread all over the country and abroad in
June and December.
IGNOU uses the following system of “Grading” for evaluating learner’s achievement
A Excellent 5
B Very Good 4
C Good 3
D Average 2
E Unsatisfactory 1
For Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, normally the system of numerical marking is followed, and the
marks secured in assignments, TEE, etc. are later converted into grades as per the five-point grading scale given
above. However, if required by the learner, the university provides numerical marks and division (I, II or Pass).
On-line submission of Term-End Examination Form and Payment through Credit/Debit Card only
The University conducts Term-End Examination twice a year in the month of June & December. Students will be
permitted to appear in term-end examination subject to the following conditions:-
1. Your registration for these courses is valid and not time barred.
2. You have submitted the required number of assignments in the courses by due date wherever applicable.
3. You have completed the minimum time to pursue these courses as per the provision of your programme.
4. You have paid the examination fee for all the courses you are appearing for in the examination.
In the case of non compliance of any of the above conditions, the result of all such courses will not be declared.
Examination Fee
It is an essential pre-requisite for you to submit the Examination Form through online mode for taking
examination in any course(s).
Examination fee of `120/-per course is required to be paid through Debit/Credit Card through online mode
The student must submit On-line examination form as per guidelines through IGNOU website at
as per submission schedule and payment can done by credit/debit card of any nationalized banks.
Where to submit
Examination form must be submitted only in online mode as per guidelines available on IGNOU website
The examination form submitted after due dates or without late fee, wherever applicable, shall be rejected.
Please read instructions/guidelines carefully before submitting your examination form through online mode.
ii) Failure to submit the Final Mark-sheet and Provisional Certificate/Degree Certificate will attract cancellation
of admission and forfeiture of 25% of fee paid.
iii) Self-learning material will be issued to all the candidates seeking ‘Provisional admission’ on remittance
of the programme fee, as in the case of other students.
iv) Regional Directors will confirm the final admission only on fulfillment of the condition at (i) above.
v) Admission will not be offered in a Programme if the programme is not activated in a particular Regional
The Online Admission System follows the same schedule for receipt of admission forms during the academic
cycle as is prepared for the offline system of receipt of Admission Forms. The prospective learners submitting
the Admission Form through this system can download the Prospectus free from IGNOU website http:// However, an amount of Rs. 200/- is charged as processing fee along with the programme
fee in this case.
1.14 eGyanKosh
The IGNOU eGyanKosh ( – one of the world’s largest repositories of educational
resources in higher education – is available for the learners and teachers, and public at large for free. The
eGyanKosh houses the self-learning material of around 2565 courses and over 2389 video programmes of
IGNOU. The resources available on the eGyanKosh can be accessed through login ID and Password which
need to be created by the user at the initial login. The IGNOU learners are encouraged to make use of these
resources for their learning.
The Portal would be useful for students, parents, educational institutions, bankers, employers, researchers, etc.
26 banks have been registered so far and 52 loan schemes have been uploaded in Vidya Lakshmi Portal.
The School is pioneer in developing competency-based programmes in various disciplines of Health Sciences.
Innovative approach in Nursing and Medical programmes which is provided through diversified approach of
a network of colleges and district level hospitals. The programmes in nursing and health sciences are being
developed so as to revolutionize career opportunities available to nursing and medical personnel.
To achieve this, the School is collaborating and exchanging ideas with various national and international
organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW),
Indian Nursing Council (INC) and Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF).
Ongoing Programmes
Doctoral Degree Programmes
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD(N))
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Bachelor of Science in Post Basic BSc Nursing(BScN(PB))
PG Diploma Programmes
Post-Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH )
Post-Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management (PGDHHM)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM)
Post-Graduate Diploma in HIV Medicine (PGDHIVM)
Diploma Programmes
Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (DCCN)
Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA)
Certificate Programmes
Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN)
Certificate in Newborn and Infant Nursing (CNIN)
Certificate in Home Based Health Care (CHBHC)
Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
The preperation and launching of Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing degree programme has been agreed upon by
IGNOU, at the request of Indian Nursing Council. The need for this was felt as the pace of providing higher
education to working nurses was very slow due to shortage of Colleges of Nursing and paucity of seats
available in each at that time. As per the New National Policy of Education, the emphasis is on the need for
making higher education available within the reach of all. Launching of Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Programme
through Open University will meet such objectives. Further, it will also contribute towards the growth of
nursing profession, promote Nation’s idea of accelerating women’s education and uplifting the expanded and
extended role of the nursing personnel. The development of this programme has been undertaken with the
involvement of nursing experts, scientists and educationists from related disciplines all over the country.
Programme Objectives
The main objectives of the programme are as follows:
Provide opportunity to a large segment of in-service nurses to upgrade their knowledge and skills to
respond to the changing health needs of the society.
Motivate nurses to maintain clinical competence to provide quality care.
Develop teaching, administration and research skills.
Promote personal and professional growth for better opportunities.
Programme Structure
The University follows the credit system for its various Degree programmes. Each credit amounts to 30 hours
of study comprising all learning activities. Thus a four credit course involves 120 study hours and an eight
credit course involves 240 study hours. To complete the Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Programme successfully,
student will have to earn 108 credits over a period of 3 to 5 years depending on her/his convenience.
The Post Basic Bachelor of Science in Nursing is a three year Degree programme. This course has two
major components: theory and practicals. It is divided into 22 courses; 11 theory and 11 practical.
All the courses are compulsory for the students who want to obtain Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree.
One Credit = 30 Study hours or 30 learning hours = one Credit.
List of Theory Courses
Total 18 19 9 87 453
Total 10 11 5 60 240
Total 12 12 6 72 288
List of Practical Courses
Year Title Course Credits No.of Practical Self Study
Code Blocks Contact Activities
Sessions (Hours)
Nursing Foundation BNSL-101 4 1 60 60
1st Applied Sciences BNSL-102 4 4 112 08
Year Maternal Nursing BNSL-103 8 4 120 120
Behavioural Sciences BNSL-105 2 1 30 30
Total 18 10 322 218
2nd Medical Surgical Nursing BNSL-106 10 2 150 150
Year Paediatric Nursing BNSL-107 8 2 120 120
Mental Health Nursing BNSL-108 8 2 120 120
Total 26 6 390 390
3rd Community Health Nursing BNSL-109 8 2 120 120
Year Nursing Administration BNSL-110 6 2 90 90
Nursing Education and BNSL-111 8 2 120 120
Computer in Nursing BNSL-112 2 2 30 30
Total 24 8 360 360
Grand Total 68 24 1072 968
3.2 Admission
The admission will be made once in a year for in-service nurses. The applications should be submitted
in prescribed form (OPENNET-VIII) so as to reach Regional Director of concerned Regional Centre where
you wish to take admission and where PSC of the programme is located before the due date.The application
form can also be downloaded from the IGNOU website or obtained from Regional Centre
IGNOU directly or by post. In case the entrance test form is downloaded, a demand draft of `1210/- should
be sent or submitted along with the form.
3.3 Eligibility
In-service Nurses i.e. Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (RNRM) having 10+2 with three years
Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) with a minimum of two years of experience (after registration
as RNRM) in the profession. (For male nurses who have not done midwifery in the GNM programme, should
have a certificate in any of the Nursing courses of 6-9 months duration prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council
in lieu of midwifery).
In-service Nurses (RNRM) having 10th class (Matriculation) or its equivalent with three years Diploma in General
Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) with a minimum of five years of experience (after registration as RNRM) in the
profession. (For males nurses who have not done midwifery in the GNM programme, should have a certificate in
any of the nursing courses of 6-9 months duration prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council in lieu of midwifery).
Note: Candidates with less than two years of experience after RNRM should not apply.
Kindly note that in case after counselling any seat remains vacant in each Regional Centre,
University will have the right to decide the procedure for filling up the vacancy in each Programme
Study centre which will be communicated to the concerned.
Regional Centres. Counselling Committee will be constituted at all the concerned RCs with at least two external
nursing experts, from the same state/region.
Income certificate in case of Non creamy layer of OBC.
Two (2) passport size photographs.
Demand draft of `18,000/- towards 1st year admission fees in favour of IGNOU, payable at concerned
regional centre (can vary from time to time).
The admission will be made Region wise, strictly on the basis of merit from the list of eligible candidates
in each category after verification of the documents. The reservation policy will be followed as per Government
of India rules.
The candidates who are offered admission are required to deposit the programme fee. Admission
will be confirmed only after verification of original documents and receipt of Programme Fee. The
fee once deposited will not be refunded.
Students must mention their email ID and mobile phone number in the application form. Otherwise
it will be their responsibility to collect updated information related to counseling. IGNOU will not
be responsible for non-receipt of information in time.
All the communication with candidates will be made only through the email Id and IGNOU website.
Therefore, you should ensure that your email ID is functional, written correctly and legibly.
Programme Study Centre once allotted will not be changed through out the period of study.
3.9 Programme Fees
Programme Fee — ` 18,000/- per annum (May vary from time to time).
Candidates seeking admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Programme are advised not to pay the fees along
with the filled-in application form of entrance test. They will get a separate communication about their
admission and for payment of programme fee.
The programme fee should be paid only by Demand Draft drawn in the favour of IGNOU. On the back
of Demand Draft write your name, address and telephone number to ensure proper credit to your
account. The details regarding deposition of programme fee will be informed during notification for counselling.
3.10 Counseling procedures for qualified students of OPENNET-VIII for admission
to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing programme January, 2019 session
1) Category-wise Availability of Seats
A total of 650 seats in 20 INC approved Programme Study Centres (PSC) are available for admission to
Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing programme of IGNOU for January 2019 session. Reservation Policy as per
Government of India rules will be followed for various categories.
• Check the merit list put up on the web site of IGNOU after declaration of result.
• Check your merit/rank as per the category. Wherever there is a tie in the marks/rank it will be
resolved as per following criteria for resolving Tie cases.
2) Resolving the Tie Cases
The mark and rank of candidates will be put on IGNOU website In case of tie in the
marks/rank, the following criteria will be followed as given in 3.8.3 on page 22 of this student
handbook and prospectus in chronological order:
i) Length of relevant experience counted after registration as RNRM till last date of receipt of application
by the University.
ii) Over all percentage of marks secured in GNM examination: If the tie does not get resolved with
application of length of experience, aggregate of GNM marks in all the three years will be considered
for calculating merit/ rank.
iii) Date of Birth: If the tie still does not get resolved Date of Birth will be considered (Candidates born
earlier will have higher rank than those born later).
iv) Draw of Lot: If there is a tie after applying all the above criteria, then rank will be decided through a
draw of lot.
3) Counselling Process
• Counselling will be done at the respective IGNOU Regional Centres as per Region wise merit list
• Counselling will be done at the respective Regional Centre/s where PSC for Post Basic BSc Nursing
programme is located as per option given by the learner in the Opennet-VIII Entrance Test Form.
• Counselling Committee comprising of Regional Directors/ representatives from concerned Regional
Centre/s and two Nursing Experts from that region will be constituted to conduct counseling at
the venue.
• In case, there is more than one PSC under a Regional Centre, candidates will be asked to give their
options(s) for all the Programme Study Centres as listed/available in that region & also strictly in order
of preference. This option will be treated as final for the purpose of counseling & allocation of PSC will
be done on region wise merit basis.
• Number of applicants called for counseling may be more than the total number of seats available in
order to make an effort to fill the seats.
• However, in case any seat remains vacant after 1st counseling, additional counseling session(s) will be
conducted as may be required by the concerned Regional Centres.
4) Important Instructions
Keep the following points in mind before selecting a Programme Study Center (PSC):
• Please go through page no. 19-24 and 66-68 of this Student handbook and Prospectus. You are required
to take 52,56 and 54 days leave in first , second and third year respectively.
• There will be intensive theory and practical counseling for each course in each year, which would require
frequent travelling to PSC.
• In theory and practical counseling session 75% and 90% of attendance is compulsory in each course.
• You should be comfortable with the language of region/PSC you are selecting as many supervised practical
activities need interaction with clients and community.
• The PSC will be allotted by the counseling committee at the Regional Centre.
• Send all your queries through e-mail to concerned RC as all the correspondence will be made through e-
mail and IGNOU website as mentioned in page 37 of this prospectus.
5) Document Verification
The check list provided below is to ensure that you bring Original Certificates and a photocopy of all the
following documents for verification during counseling.
• Original admit card for entrance test
• 10+2 certificate
• Valid RNRM Registration Certificate
• Experience Certificate (to be counted after RNRM registration till last date of receipt of application
form by the University).
• GNM Mark Sheet
• Certificate of date of birth (10th Certificate)
• NOC from the organization where you are working
• Category Certificate for SC/ST / Non Creamy layer of OBC (validity not more than three years after
issuance till the last date of submission of application form)/ PH/ Kashmiri Migrant/War Widow
candidates wherever required.
• Income certificate in case of Non-creamy layer of OBC
• Two (2) passport size photographs
• Photocopy of application form
• Demand draft for ` 18000/- (Rs. Eighteen Thousand Only - towards 1st year admission fees in favor
of IGNOU, and payable at concerned regional centre).
6) Programme Study Centre Details
List of Programme Study Centres (PSC) where seats are available for admission to January, 2019 cycle is
given below along with other relevant information:
Sl. PSC Name & Address of PSC RC No. of
No. Code Code Seats
1*. 0113P* College of Nursing, Nizam's Institute of Medical sciences, Hyderabad* 01* 30*
2. 0183P Govt. College of Nursing, King George Hospital Campus, Maharani 84 30
Peta, Visakhapatnam - 530002, Andra Pradesh
3. 33009P St Anne College of Nursing , Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh- 520001 33 30
4. 01129P KIMS College of Nursing, Survey - 130, Annapoorna Comp. 01 20
Babujinagar, Bownplly, Secunderabad - AP. - 500011
5. 0426P Regional College of Nursing, P.O.,Indrapur Guwahati - 781032 04 30
6. 0723P R A K College of Nursing, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi - 110024 07 30
7. 29006P Ahilya Bai College of Nursing, Delhi - 110001 29 25
8. 0901 L.D. Arts College (work centre at – College of Nursing, New Civil 09 30
Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad - 380016
9. 1263P Bibi Halima College of Nursing & Medical Technology, 30 20
All J & K Muslim Wakf Board, Zero Bridge, Srinagar - 190010
10. 1326P K L E S Institue of Nursing Sciences, Nehru Nagar, 85 30
Belgaum - 590010,Karnataka
11. 13135P Government College of Nursing, No. 91 D, 1st Main Stage, VI Phase 13 30
West of Chord Rd Mahagana, Rathynagar Rajajinagar, Bangalore-
12. 1346P Narayana Hrudayala College of Nursing, Bangalore 13 30
13. 1621P Institute of Nursing Education, Sir J J Group of Hospital Compund, 49 30
Byculla, Mumbai - 400 008
14. 1661P Temi Grant Institute of Nursing Education, Ruby Hall, Clinical Grant 16 30
Medical Foundation 13, Tadiwala Road, Pune - 411001
15. 1917P RIPAN, College of Nursing, Mizoram, Aizwal 19 15
16. 2209P Christian Medical College & Hospital, College of Nursing, 22 30
Ludhiana - 141008, Punjab
17. 2316P Govt College of Nursing, J L N Marg, Jaipur - 302004 23 30
18. 2740P College of Nursing, Kanpur - 214879 UP 27 30
19. 2851P College of Nursing, SSKM Hospital, Kolkatta 28 30
20. 2876P Shova Rani Nursing College 1 F, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur, 28 30
Kolkata - 700032
21. 2525 College of Nursing, Sri Ramakrishna Inst. of Paramedical Science, 25 30
Coimbatore, TN-641044
22. 2577 MA Chidambaram CON, Chennai, TN-6300113 25 30
23. 2575 Sri Adiparashakti CON, IGNOU Study Centre, Kanchipuram, TN-603319 25 30
Total 650
* Admission will only be made subject to approval of programme study centre
3.11 Programme Delivery
The programme is implemented through a network of Programme Study Centres (PSCs) all over the country.
These PSCs are located in Colleges of Nursing recognized by INC and State Nursing Council.
Face-to-face Academic Counseling is conducted at PSC by Academic Counselors and Practicals are
supervised by Academic Counselors attached to the PSC in the clinical area and community field
(Academic Counselors and Clinical Supervisors are teachers who teach in Colleges of Nursing). In
addition to theory, students also carry on self-activities at their workplace and maintain records as given
in practical blocks.
For the practical hands on training, the students will be posted in the hospital and community field attached
with a Programme Study Centre. A maximum of 30 students will be attached to a programme study centre.
The students are required to undergo compulsory contact sessions. Theory Counseling and Practical Sessions
are held 8 hours per day. Supervised activities need to be completed under the supervision of clinical
supervisors, whereas self activities are carried out at work place of the student.
There are 52 days (409 hours) of theory counseling and practical contact sessions in the first year to be
conducted at colleges of nursing, hospital and community under supervision. However, for 84 days (671
hours) student would be required to do the self activities as per guidelines which will be part of continuous
evaluation.There are 56 days (450 hours) of theory counseling and practical contact sessions in the second
year to be conducted at colleges of nursing, hospitals and community under supervision. However, for 79 days
(630 hours) student would be required to do the self activities as per guidelines which will be part of
continuous evaluation.
There are 54 days (432 hours) of theory counseling and practical contact sessions in the third year to be
conducted at colleges of nursing, hospitals and community under supervision. However, for 81 days (648
hours) student would be required to do the self activities as per guidelines which will be part of continuous
evaluation. The spells for practicals are given in Appendix IX, X and XI.
The University reserves the right to change the rules from time to time. However, latest rules will be applicable
to all the students irrespective of the year of their registration.
4.1 Educational Qualifications Awarded By Private Institutions
Any educational qualification awarded by the Private Universities established under the provisions of the
“Chhattisgarh Niji Kshetra Vishwavidyalaya (Sathapana Aur Viniyam), Adhiniyam, 2002” are non-
existent and cannot be considered for admission to any programme in IGNOU.
4.2 Validity of Degree for Admission
4.2.1 Master’s Degree awarded without a first degree of 3 year duration is not recognised for purposes of
admission to IGNOU’s Academic Programmes. However, this condition is not applicable for five year
integrated master’s degree acquired from a recognized university/institution.
4.2.2 Bachelor’s Degree means Bachelor’s Degree of not less than 3 year duration.
4.2.3 IGNOU also accepts First degree of 2 year duration obtained from a recognized university completed
up to the year 1998-99 for purposes of higher studies; provided such students have undergone
a further one year bridge course and passed the same to be in conformity with UGC Regulations.
4.2.4 Acceptance of ‘Two year Bachelor’s degree’
Students who had enrolled themselves in the first degree course prior to June 4, 1986 and
students who had successfully completed their first degree course, prior to June 4, 1986,
irrespective of their duration shall be treated at par with the students who have completed 3
years degree and they are not required to undergo a further one year bridge course. Degrees
obtained prior to June 4, 1986 and the degree awarded to the students enrolled prior to June
1986 shall be treated valid for all purposes including admission to a Masters degree programme
and other higher studies.
4.2.5 ‘One sitting’of Osmania University,Andhra University, Kakatiya University, Kurukshetra
University, etc. is recognized for purposes of admission to IGNOU’s Master’s Degree programmes
subject to the condition that the candidates have enrolled for the programme upto the year 1995-
96 and completed their course upto the year 1998-99. Besides, such candidates should have a gap
of two years after +2 before they have registered themselves for ‘One sitting B A degree’.
4.2.6 Degrees acquired from an ‘Off Campus’Centre of Private Universities outside the territorial Jurisdiction
of the concerned State is also not recognized for purposes of admission to IGNOU’s academic
programmes unless it has specific approval of the University Grants Commission.
4.2.7 Similarly, Degrees acquired from an ‘Off Campus’ Centre/ ‘Off-shore’ Campus of Central/State/
Deemed to be Universities/lnstitutions of National importance offered through Distance mode of
learning will be accepted for higher studies in IGNOU; provided these have been obtained as per
territorial jurisdiction of these Central/State/Deemed to be Universities/lnstitutions of National
importance prescribed by the University Grants Commission from time to time.
The learners are, therefore, advised to fill up the relevant columns carefully and enclose copies of all the
required self attested certificates. The Admission Form duly completed is to be submitted to the Regional
Director concerned on or before the due date mentioned in the admission notification. The Application form
sent to other offices of the University will not be considered and the applicant will have no claim, whatsoever,
on account of this.
4.5.2 Simultaneously pursuing two academic Progammes either from the same University, or one from
the Open University (under DOL mode) and the other from Conventional University (regular or
face-to face mode) is not permitted, as of now, except Certificate Programmes of six month
4.6 Re-Registration
Learners are advised to submit the Re-Registration forms online mode only.
If any student sends the Registration/Re-Registration forms to wrong places and thereby misses the scheduled
date and consequently a semester/year, he/she will have no claim on the University for regularization.
The student’s must consult the online admission system as available on IGNOU website for exact dates and
late fees, if any.
4.7 Re-admission
The students who are not able to clear their programme within the maximum duration can take Re-admission
for additional period in continuation of the earlier period as under:
Programmes Duration of the programme Re-admission validity
Certificate Programmes 6 Months 6 Months
Diploma/PG Diploma Programmes
and all other Programmes* with one
year duration 1 Year 1 Year
Bachelor’s Degree Programmes 3 Years 2 Years
Master’s Degree Programmes 2 Years 2 Years
*BLIS/MLIS/B.COM & M.Com Programmes of ICAI, ICSI etc. etc.
For Re-admission the student has to remit pro-rata fee for each incomplete course(s). The Table of pro-
rata fee and the Re-admission Form is available at the Regional centres and also in the website at ignou/studentzone/download/Re-admission. Readmission form proforma is at Appendix
XXII of this prospectus.
Students who do not register for all years/semesters of a Programme and fail to pay the prescribed full
Programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible for Re-admission,
provided they pay full fee for the missed year(s)/semester(s) as per rate applicable for the session for
which they seek Re-admission, in addition to the pro-rata course fee for Re-admission as per rate given
in the Table of prorata fees for each of the course(s) for those who failed to successfully complete within the
maximum period prescribed.
4.8 Additional chance to Differently Abled students
i) Students with disabilities of 40% or more are given additional 2 (two) years beyond the maximum
duration prescribed for all academic programmes.
ii) Disabled students seeking benefit of the aforesaid facility should submit the ‘Disability Certificate’
issued by the competent authority at the Regional Centre concerned, which in turn will verify it, make
entry in the database and transmit the data to SRD for updating in the Master records.
iii) Re-admission facility to disabled students will be extended without charging any pro-rata fee, i.e. further
extending the duration beyond the maximum duration,by six months/ one year/ two year as the case may
be. However, disabled students are required to submit Re-admission Form, as per schedule, without any
pro-rata fee.
4.9 Reservation
The University provides reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, non-creamy layer of
OBC, War Widows, Kashmiri Migrants and Physically Handicapped learners, as per the Govemment of India
rules, for admission to its various programmes. However, submission of forged certificate under any category
shall lead not only to cancellation of admission but also will be legally implicated as per Govt. of India rules.
Scholarship scheme of National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled People (NCPEDP) for
Post Graduate level programmes is applicable to the students of this University also. Such students are advised
to apply to the awarding authority directly.
Students belonging to SC /ST,OBC and PWD categories, who are desirous of availing the Scholarship
Schemes of the Government of India, should submit their Scholarship form for the academic year by
February for processing Scholarship Forms to these categories of students each year, as conveyed by
the University Grants Commission vide their letter No.F.1-27/2009 (SCT) dated 26.02.2015.
Fee Concession for certain Programmes in Agriculture
The students taking admission to Diploma and Certificate programmes in Agriculture only shall be eligible for
the fee concession as per the following criteria:
a) all the candidates from rural areas shall be entitled for 50% fee concession subject to production of
domicile certificate;
b) the urban students below the poverty line (BPL) may be given a 50% fee concession subject to
production of an income certificate.
The above fee concession is not applicable to all other programmes including Ph.D., PG Diploma and PG
Certificate Programmes in Agriculture.
4.11 Fee Exemption for SC/ST Students under the SCSP and TSP Schemes
The Scheme of exemption is applicabe for students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes,
enrolled for January, 2018 session under SCSP and TSP components of plan grants in the Financial year
2017-18 in compliance of guidelines issued by Ministry of Human Resource Development. Govt. of
India. The exemption for the subsequent sessions in July, 2018 and January, 2019 would be subjected
to the grants and issuance of the notification by Planning & Development Division of IGNOU. The
following students are eligible for fee exepmtion for Janury, 2018.
a. All academic programmes at Certificate level (advanced, under-graduate and post graduate)
b. All academic programmes at Diploma level (advanced, under-graduate and post graduate).
c. Freshly registered in BDP (B.A., B.Com., B.Sc.).
d. Freshly registered in BSW; BTS; B.Sc. Nursing, B.Ed. and BLIS.
e. Fresh/Second Semester re-registered students of BCA.
f. Re-registered students in BDP (B.A., B.Com., B.Sc.); BSW; BTS, B.Sc. Nursing and BCA, who
were fresh registered from July, 2015 onwards admission cycles; and
g. Research Programmes (MPhil and PhD.)
For the list of programmes - please see a to gas given in the notification dated 29th December, 2017
and annexed to it.
The exemption of fee is confined to Programme Fee mentioned in this Admission Prospectus. The
scheme will not exempt Late fee, Term-end Exam fee, Convocation fee etc. and is subjected to that
Academic Session as per the notification issued by the Planning & Development Division of IGNOU.
Eligible and interested students may apply on Proforma published in Appendix-XXVII. The Regional
Centre will verify documents of students applying for fee exemption. Details of the Scheme and
notification are uploaded on IGNOU website
The SC and ST students who are availing any kind of fellowship or fee re-imbursement or exemption
from any other agencies are not eligible for fee reimbursement under SCSP/TSP scheme (Appendix
4.12 Refund of fee
Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. It is also not adjustable against any other
programme of this University. However, in cases where University denies admission, the programme
fee will be refunded after deduction of processing fee, if any, through A/c Payee Cheque only.
4.18 Official Transcripts
The University provides the facility of official transcripts on request made by the learners (Appendix
XVII) addressed to Registrar, Student Evaluation Division(SED), Block-12, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068.
Rs.1200/- for each transcript, if to be sent to the Student/Institute of SAARC Countries. For Non-
SAARC Countries Students:
$120 for each transcript, if to be sent to the Student/Institute of Non-SAARC Countries. Format is
available in the Programme Guide or IGNOU website:
Early Declaration is permissible in Term-End-Examination only. This facility is not applicable for Lab/
Practical courses, Project, Assignment, Workshop, Seminar etc. based courses. The Application for
Early Declaration of result shall be entertained for final year (Appendix XV).
4.22 Obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts
After the declaration of result, if the students are not satisfied with the marks awarded, they can request the
University for obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts on payment of Rs.100/-per course. The request for
obtaining Photocopy of Answer Scripts by the student must be made within 45 days from the date of
declaration of result to the concerned Evaluation Centre in the prescribed format along with the fee of Rs.100/
- per course in the form of Demand Draft in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where submitting the
Photocopy form. Format is available in this Prospectus (Appendix XIV) or IGNOU website:
4.25.2 For Change of Name/Surname, after confirmation of admission, the learners are required to submit
the following documents at the Regional Centre, for onward transmission to Registrar, SRD:
i) Original copy of Notification in a daily newspaper notifying the change of name;
ii) Affidavit, in original, on non-Judicial Stamp Paper of the appropriate value sworn in
before 1st Class Magistrate specifying the change in the name;
iii) Marriage card/Marriage Certificate in case of women candidates for change in surname;
iv) Gazette Notification, in original, reflecting the change of name/surname;
v) Demand Draft of Rs.500/- drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi.
4.25.3 Request for correction and/or change of Name/Surname will be entertained only before
completion of the programme.
The reimbursement in fees of 50% will be made only to such candidates duly recommended by the KVS
HQs to SRD, IGNOU HQs. The reimbursement will be made by the concerned Regional Centre of IGNOU,
on getting the communication only from Student Registration Division (SRD), IGNOU HQs.
4.28 Recognition
IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognized by all member universities of the Association of Indian
Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/ Certificates of all Indian Universities/Institutions, as
per UGC Circular letter No. F.l-52/2000(CPP-II) dated 5th May,2004, AIU Circular No. EV/11(449/94/
176915-177115 dated January 14, 1994, AICTE Circular No.AIClE/Academic/ MOU-DEC/2005 dated
May 13, 2005 and UGC/DEB/2013 dated 14.10.2013.
2. B • Masters 08 Units
3. C • PG Diploma 04 Units
• Advance Diploma
• Diploma Certificate
4.30 Pre-admission Counselling of Persons with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities before opting for a programme for admission may please go through the category
of perspective jobs for persons with disabilities and the physical requirements of jobs by visiting the link
(http:/—and-regulations.php#ipd2013) of Department of
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of
India. After having made this informed decision, the person with disability seeking admission must give an
undertaking in the prescribed proforma as given at Appendix XXVIII.
In order to further extend learner support services to its geographically distributed student population
who are pursuing various IT and Non-IT related Degree, Diploma and Masters Programme, the university
has established the Campus Placement Cell (CPC). The mission and endeavor of CPC is to enhance
and facilitate the process of prospective suitable employment opportunities that are commensurate with
the personal profiles of our learners. All students interested in seeking the assistance of CPC for
procuring suitable job opportunities are requested to send their current resume/biodata to
campusplacement@ They are further advised to visit our home page for
regular updates on placement related activities.
If you have any queries on academic aspects of the programme please contact:
Programme Coordinator
Prof. (Dr.) Pity Koul
Professor, SOHS
If you have any query regarding admission procedures please write to Regional Director
of your region.
IGNOU admissions are made strictly on the basis of merit. Only those learners who satisfy the
eligibility criteria fixed by the University will be admitted. Learners will not be admitted if they are not
eligible as per the eligibility criteria. Therefore, the candidates should not be misled by the false promises
1 Identity Card, Fee Receipt,Bonafide Certificate, Concerned Regional Centre
Migration Certificate, Scholarship Forms, Change
of name, Correction of name/address
2 Non-receipt of study material and assignments Concerned Regional Centre
3 Change of Elective/Medium/opting of left over Concerned Regional Centre
electives/ Deletion of excess credits
4 Re-admission and Credit Transfer Student Registration Division, Block No. 1 & 3,
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
5 Purchase of Audio/Video Tapes Marketing Unit, EMPC, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068
6 Academic Content Director of the School concerned
7 Approval of a Project Synopsis Project Co-ordinator in the Concerned School
8 Student Support Services and Student Director, Student Service Centre, IGNOU,
Grievances, pre-admission Inquiry of various Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110068
courses in IGNOU E-mail : Tel.Nos.: 29572513,
29572514, 29535714, 29533869, 29533870
9. International Students Director International Division IGNOU
Issues related Contact No. Controlling Officer E-mail ID
& Telephone No.
9 Issue of Degree/ Diploma Certificate/ 011-29572213 Asstt. Registrar
Despatch of returned Degrees/ 011-29535438 011-29572224
Verification of Degrees/Convocation
10 Issue of Hall Ticket/ Correction in the hall ticket 011-29572209 Asstt. Registrar
for handicapped students/ Non-receipt of hall 011-29572202 011-29572202
tickets for term-end examination & Entrance Test/
Entrance, Test Results/Queries related to
dispatch of attendance, list of examinees/writer etc.
11 Declaration of results of Masters & 011-29572212 Section Officer
Bachelors degree level programme/ 011-29536103
Issue of grade card and provisional
certificate of Masters and Bachelors
degree level prog./ Practical marks of
all programmes
12 Declaration of results of Masters, 011-29572211 Section Officer
Bachelor and Diploma programme/Issue of 011-29536743
grade card and provisional certificate of Masters,
Bachelor and Diploma level programme
13 Declaration of results of DPE and 011-29572208 Section Officer
Certificate programme/ Issue of grade 011-29536405
card and provisional certificate of DPE &
Certificate level programme
14 Verification of genuineness of provisional 011-29572210 Section Officer
certificate and grade card/ Issue of Transcript 011-29536405
15 Queries related to UFM cases 011-29572208 Section Officer
4. The Government of India, in exercise of its power conferred under section 20(1)
of UGC Act 19561 issued directions dated 29th December 2012 entrusting UGC with
the responsibility of regulating higher education programme in open and distance
learning (ODL) mode. Consequently, Universities/ Institutions desirous of offering
any programme through distance mode would require recognition of UGC.
5. As you are aware. the Government of India has envisaged a greater role for the
Open and the Distance Education System. The envisioned role may be fulfilled by
rec-ognizing and treating the Degrees / Diplomas/ Certificates awarded through
distance mod at par with the degrees obtained through the formal system of education.
Open and Distance Education System in the country is contributing a lot in expansion
of Higher Education and for achieving target of GER, without compromising on
quality. Non recognition/ non equivalence of degrees of ODL institutions for the
purpose of promotion/ employment and pursuing higher education may prove a
deterrent to many learners and will ultimately defeat the purpose of Open and
Distance Education.
End: As above
Copy to:
1. Secretary, Government of India, Mini try of Human Resource Development,
Department of Higher Education, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001.
2. Secretary, All Indian Council for Technical Education, 7th Floor, Chandra Lok
Building, Janpath, New Delhi.
3. Secretary Association of Indian Universities, AIU House, 16 Comrade Indrajit
Gupta Marg (Kotla Marg), New Delhi-110002.
January 14,1994
The Registrar(s)
Member Universities
Dear Sir,
The Standing Committee at its 237th meeting held at Utkal University and the 68 th
Anrual Session of the AIU and in December,1993 at the University of Delhi have
decided in prindple that the Degrees of the Open Universities be recogrized in terms
of the flowing resolutions:
“Further resolved that in case of Degrees awarded by Open Universities, the condtions
regarding entrance qualifications and d.ntion of the course be relaxed provided that
the general standard of attainment are similar to those prescribed by the recognized
The dedsion is brought to the notice of the Universities for favour of appropriate action
in the matter. The additional information, if required in ths behalf, may kindly be obtained
from the Registrar of the Universities drect.
Thanking You,
Your faithfuly,
Joint Secretary
Post Basic B. Sc. Nursing Appendix-IX
Number of Counselling and Practical Hours & Days
1st Year Courses
1st Year
May – June Sept. – Oct.
Hours Spell-I Spell-II
Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical
BNS-101 24 60 8 Sessons – 16hrs 2 Days 40 hrs 5 days 4 Sessons – 8 hrs 1 Days 20 hrs 2½ days
BNS-102 15 112 4 sessions – 8 hrs 1 Day 56 hrs 7 days 3 sessions – 7 hrs 1 Day 56 hrs 7 days
BNSL-102 Micro 1 B 3½ days (micro) Micro Block 2 BC
Phy. 1 B 3½ days (Biophy)
[ ] Biochemistry 1 N&D
N&D 1 B
BNS-103 12 120
4 sessions – 8 hrs 1 day 64 hrs 8 days 2 session– 4 hrs ½ day 56 hrs 7 days
BNS-104 12 - 6 sessions – 12 hrs 1½ day - - - - - -
Total 87 hrs 322 hrs 56 hrs 7½ days 190 hrs 23 days 31 hrs 4½ days 132 hrs 16½ days
Theory = 7½ + 4½ = 12 days BC – Biochemistry
Practical = 23 + 16½ = 39 ½ days N & D – Nutrition and Dietetics
Total = 12 + 39½ = 52 days (409 hrs)
Nursing Teacher’s Days
Theory = 4½ days
Practical = 22½ days
Total = 4½ + 22½ + = 27 days
Regional Centre/Programme Study Centre will inform schedule of Theory and Practical Classes
2nd Year
May – June Sept. – Oct.
Hours Spell-I Spell-II
Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical
BNS-106 24 150 8 Sessons – 16 hrs 2 Days 80 hrs 10 days 4 Sessons – 8 hrs 1 Days 70 hrs 8½ days
BNS-107 12 120 4 sessions – 8 hrs 1 Day 80 hrs 10 days 2 sessions – 4 hrs ½ Day 40 hrs 5 days
BNS-108 24 120 8 sessions – 16 hrs 2 day 80 hrs 10 days 4 session– 8 hrs 1 day 40 hrs 5 days
Total 60 hrs 390 hrs 40 hrs 5 days 240 hrs 30 days 20 hrs 2½ days 150 hrs 18½ days
Theory = 5 + 2½ = 7½ days
Practical = 30 + 18½ = 48 ½ days
Total = 7½ + 48½ = 56 days (450 hrs)
Nursing Teacher’s Days
Theory = 7½ days
Practical = 48½ days
Total = 7½ + 48½ + = 56 days
Regional Centre/Programme Study Centre will inform schedule of Theory and Practical Classes
3rd Year
May – June Sept. – Oct.
Hours Spell-I Spell-II
Theory Practical Theory Practical Theory Practical
BNS-109 24 120 8 Sessons – 16 hrs 2 Days 80 hrs 10 days 4 Sessons – 8 hrs 1 Days 40 hrs 5 days
BNS-110 24 90 8 sessions – 16 hrs 2 Day 64 hrs 8 days 4 sessions – 8 hrs 1 Day 26 hrs 3 days
BNS-111 24 120 8 sessions – 16 hrs 2 day 80 hrs 10 days 4 session– 8 hrs 1 day 40 hrs 5 days
Theory = 6 + 3 = 9 days
Practical = 32 + 13 = 45 days
Total = 9 + 45 = 54 days (432 hrs)
Nursing Teacher’s Days
Theory = 9 days
Practical = 41 days
Total = 9 + 41 = 50 days
Computer Practical = 4 days
Regional Centre/Programme Study Centre will inform schedule of Theory and Practical Classes
A Model Question Paper for Entrance Test
Place tick mark ( ) against the most appropriate answer given under each statement. You will be
given OMR Sheet to write the responses/answers to questions asked separately.
6) Intense elation accompanied by an attitude of grandeur is referred as:
I. Euphoria
II. Elation
III. Exhalation
IV. Ecstasy
7) All of the following are positive signs of pregnancy except:
I. Fetal heart sound are heard
II. Fetal parts are palpable
III. Fetal movements are palpable
IV. Breast changes are observed
8) Functional nursing refers to:
I. team centered nursing
II. completion of routine tasks
III. concerned with specific nursing routines
IV. patient centered care
9) BCG Vaccine protects against:
I. Beri -Beri
II. Rubella
III. Tuberculosis
IV. Whooping cough
10) Purposes of research are all except:
I. Evaluation
II. Description
III. Exploration
IV. Prediction
1. Write your complete enrolment no. in 9 digits. This should correspond to the enrolment number indicated by
you on the OMR Response Sheet. Also write your correct name, address with pin code in the space
provided. Put your signatures on the OMR Response Sheet with date. Ensure that the Invigilator in your
examination hall also puts his signatures with date on the OMR Response Sheet at the space provided.
2. On the OMR Response Sheet student’s particulars are to be filled in by pen. However use HB pencil for
writing the Enrolment No. and Examination Centre Code as well as for blackening the circle bearing the
correct answer number against the serial number of the question.
3. Do not make any stray remarks on this sheet.
4. Write correct information in numerical digit in Enrolment No. and Examination Centre Code Columns. The
corresponding circle should be dark enough and should be filled in completely.
5. Each question is followed by four probable answers which are numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. You should select
and show only one answer to each question considered by you as the most appropriate or the correct
answer. Select the most appropriate answer. Then by using HB pencil, blacken the circle bearing the correct
answer number against the serial number of the question. If you find that answer to any question is none of
the four alternatives given under the question, you should darken the circle with ‘0’.
6. If you wish to change your answer, ERASE completely the already darkened circle by using a good quality
eraser and then blacken the circle bearing your revised answer number. If incorrect answer is not erased
completely, smudges will be left on the erased circle and the question will be read as having two answers and
will be ignored for giving any credit.
7. No credit will be given if more than one answer is given for one question. Therefore, you should select the
most appropriate answer.
8. You should not spend too much time on anyone question. If you find any particular question difficult, leave
it and go to the next. If you have time left after answering all the questions, you may go back to the unanswered
ones. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.
State Code
Code Description
01. Andhra Pradesh
02. Andaman & Nicobar Islands (UT)
03. Arunachal Pradesh
04. Assam
05. Bihar
06. Chandigarh (UT)
07. Delhi
08. Goa
09. Gujarat
10. Haryana
11. Himachal Pradesh
12. Jammu & Kashmir
13. Karnataka
14. Kerala
15. Madhya Pradesh
16. Maharashtra
17. Manipur
18. Meghalaya
19. Mizoram
20. Nagaland
21. Odisha
22. Punjab
23. Rajasthan
24. Sikkim
25. Tamil Nadu
26. Tripura
27. Uttar Pradesh
28. West Bengal
29. Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu (UT)
30. Lakshadweep (UT)
31. Pandicherry (UT)
32. C/o 99 APO
33. Learners Abroad
34. Chattisgarh
35. Jharkhand
36. Uttarakhand
37. Telengana
Educational Qualification Code
Code Description
000 Below Matriculation, SSC/No Formal Education
001 Matriculation/SSC
002 10+2 or equivalent
003 Diploma in Engineering
004 Graduation in Engineering
005 Graduation or Equivalent
006 Post Graduation or Equivalent
007 Doctoral or Equivalent
008 BPP from IGNOU
009 Bachelor of Library Information Science
010 Master of Library & Information Science
(FOR 10 +2) with pass in minimum five core subjects*
Sl. Code of Board Year from Name of the Board
No. Board (Abbr)which 10+2
in effect
1. 0101 ABIE ALWAYS Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh
2. 0401 AHSL 1986 Assam Higher Secondary Education Council
3. 0501 BIEC ALWAYS Bihar Intermediate Education Council
4. 0701 CBSE 1979 Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi
5. 0702 ICSE 1979 Council for the Indian School (Certificate Exam), New Delhi
6. 0703 NOS/NIOS 1991 National Insititute of Open Schooling, Delhi (Passed with five subjects)
7. 0801 GBSE 1978 Goa, Daman & Diu Board of Sec. & Higher Sec. Ed.
8. 0901 GSEB 1978 Gujarat Secondary Education Board
9. 1001 HBSE 1987 Haryana Board of School Education
10. 1101 HPBE 1988 Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education
11. 1201 JKSS 1980 J&K State Board of School Education (Summer)
12. 1202 JKSW 1980 J&K State Board of School Education (Winter)
13. 1301 KBPE 1971 Board of Pre-University Education, Karnataka
14. 1401 KU 1966 University of Kerala
15. 1501 BSMP 1988-89 Board of Secondary Education, MP
16. 1601 MSBE 1978 Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education & Higher Secondary
17. 1701 MBSE 1980 Board of Secondary Education, Manipur
18. 1901 MZSE 1980 Mizoram Board of Secondary Education
19. 2001 NBSE 1980 Nagaland Board of Secondary Education
20. 2101 CHSE 1980 Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa
21. 2201 PSEB 1988 Punjab School Education Board
22. 2301 RBSE 1986 Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education
23. 2501 TNSB 1978 Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Exam., Tamil Nadu
24. 2601 TBSE – Tripura Board of Secondary Education
25. 2701 BHSI ALWAYS Board of High School & Intermediate Edu., U.P.
26. 2802 WBSE 1978 West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
27. 3601 JAC 2006 Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi
28. 8888 DDDD – A recognised three/two year Diploma/Certificate after 10th Class
29. 9999 XXXX – Not listed in this list.
(FOR 10+2 Vocational Stream)
Sl. Code of Board Year from Name of the Board
No. Board (Abbr) which 10+2
in effect
1. 1901 MZSE 2001 Mizoram Board of Secondary Education
* Candidates passed with four core subjects, in addition to Socially Useful Produtive Work & Community Service (SUPW), need to pursue
Sr. Secondary level Examination from NIOS/SOSs in order to fulfil the condition of passing in minimum five core subjects.
Examinations conducted by the following Boards are not accepted for higher studies in IGNOU.
Sl. Name of Board Remarks Remarks
1. 2. 3.
1. Board of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
2. Indian Council of Secondary Education, India Do not mistake with
Fatehullaganj, NH-74, Thakurdwara, Muradabad, UP ICSE, New Delhi
3. Indian Council of Secondary Education, India Village: Do not mistake with
Haldua Shahu, P.O. Shivrajpur Patti, Jaspur-244712, Uttarakhand. ICSE, New Delhi
4. All India Board for Education Training, Delhi
(operated by Dr. Ambedkar Chintan Samajik Sodh Sansthan,
Ward No. 23 Eidgah Mohalla, P.O. Dehri-on-Sone,
District Rohtas, Bihar)
All India Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
Bhawan No. 700, Gali No. 17 Gopalpur, Vill. Timarpur,
P.O. Azadpur, Delhi-110009
5. Intermediate Council for Open Education, Jalandhar, Punjab
6. All India Council for Open Education, New Delhi
7. Board of Adult Education & Training, Delhi
Office : 1 Aliganj, Kasturba Nagar, Kotla Mubarakpur,
New Delhi-110003. Campus : R.X. 295, Brahampuri,
Nangal Raya Rly, Crossing, Pankha Road, New Delhi.
8. Central Board of Higher Education, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi.
9. Central Board of Higher Education, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi.
10. Gurukul Vishvavidyalaya, Vrindaban (Mathura) Gurukul Complex,
Village Ranchi Bangar, P.O. Mathura District Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
11. Council of Secondary Education, Mohali, Punjab
12. Mahashakti Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Karn Part, Delhi-110041
13. Council for the Indian Certificate Examination, New Delhi Not ICSE
14. Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow-227105**
15. Board of Secondary Sanskrit Education, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
16. The Central Board of Higher Education, New Delhi.
17. Dr.Ramgopalacharya Sanskrit Mahavidalaya, Nayabas, Etah, Uttar Pradesh
18. Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Bharat, Gwalior.
19. Board of Secondary, Higher Secondary & Vocational Education,
Mangal Bazar Road, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi.
20. Mahatma Gandhi Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Delhi
21. Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Open Education, West Bengal
Sl. Name of Board Remarks Remarks
1. 2. 3.
22. The Council of Basic and Technical Education, Ludhiana
23. Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad,Gwalior, M.P.
24. Central Board of Education, Ajmer
25. Council of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
26. Council of Higher and Senior Secondary Education, Delhi
27. Delhi Board of Senior Secondary Education
28. Board of Technical and Secondary Education, Delhi
29. Indian Council of Secondary Education, India (Uttar Pradesh)
Bhartiya Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Bharat (Uttar Pradesh)
30. Board of Youth Education in India
31. Council of Secondary & Senior Secondary Education, Delhi
32. Indian Council of Open School Certificate Examination, Maharasthra
33. Mahakoshal Board of Secondary Education, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
34. National Board of Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
35. National Board of Secondary Education, India
36. Board of Higher Secondary Open Education, Delhi
37. Board of School and Technical Education, Chhattisgarh
38. Board of Senior Secondary Education (BSSE), Delhi
39. Rural Institute of Open Schooling, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi
40. Nav Bharat Shiksha Parishad (NSP), India
41. Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad of U.P. and Delhi Do not mistake with
Madhyamik Shiksha
Parishad, Allahabad
(Board of High School &
Intermediate Education, UP
42. Swami Vivekanand Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
43. Board of Education for Senior Secondary & Technology, New Delhi
44. Board of Open Learning School, Delhi
45. Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
46. Urdu Education Board, New Delhi
47. Jamia Urdu Hind, Begusari, Bihar
48. Ucchtar Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Delhi
Sl. Name of Board Remarks Remarks
1. 2. 3.
49. All India Council of Open Schooling (AICOS), Vill. & P.O. Barunhat,
P.S. Hasnabad, Distt. 24 PGS(N), W.B.
50. Central Board of Senior Secondary Education
51. Intermediate Council of Secondary Education, Sewak Park,
Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059
52. Delhi Academic Council for Higher Education
53 All India Council of Secondary Education, New Delhi
54. Council of National Secondary Education, Delhi
55. Central Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
56. Delhi Board of Secondary and Senior Secondary Education
57. Rural Development Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary, Delhi
58. Council of Secondary Education, First Floor, Tarachand Complex, Ramesh
Market, East of Kailash, Near Sapna Cinema, Delhi-ll0065
59. Council of National Secondary Education, Tripura
60. Deihl Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Open Education, Delhi
61. State Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, C.R. Park, Block K1/30, New Delhi
62. State Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
63. Dr. Bhlmrao Ambedkar Intermediate Education, West Bengal
64. Indira Gandhi Higher Secondary & Open Education, Badarpur Border, New Delhi
65. Central Board of High School & Intermediate Examination, Delhi
66. Bharatiya Council of Open Schooling
67. Akhll Bhartlya Shiksha Sansthan, New Delhi
68. All India Board of Secondary Education, Gazipur
69. Central Board of Higher Education, Deihl
70. Council of Secondary Education Board, Mohali
71. Rajkiya Institute of Open Schooling (RIOSUP),176 Purana Quila (Nehar),
(PO) GPO, Lucknow, U.P.
72. Central Institute of Open Schooling (CIOSUP), 176 Purana Quila (Nehar),
(PO) GPO, Lucknow, U.P.
73. State Council of Secondary Education, Delhi
74. Ravindra Vishwa Vidyapeeth, New Delhi
75. Intermediate council of Schooling Education, Delhi
76. Delhi Board of Higher Education
77. Indian Council of Senior Secondary Education, New Delhi
78. Council of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Delhi
79. Council of Secondary Education, Delhi
80. Dr. Bhimrao Intermediate Education, Delhi
81. Indira Gandhi Higher Secondary and Open Education, Badarpur Border, New Delhi
82. Indian Board of Higher School Certificate Examinations, Rajasthan
83. Bhartiya Shiksha Sansthan, Uttar Pradesh
84. The Council fo Basic & Technical Education, India
85. Board of Open Distance Learning, West Bengal
86. Indian Institute of Schooling Education, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
87. Indian Board of School Education, Howrah
88. Board of Secondary Education, Maharashtra, Malkapur
89. Mahatama Gandhi Board of Open Distance Learning (MGBODL), Chennai
90. Grameen Mukt Vidyalayi Shiksha Sansthan (GMVSS), Delhi
91. Board of School Education, Hugli (Karnataka)*
92. Delhi Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education
93. Jharkhand State Open School, Ranchi
94. National Institute of Research & Development Council, New Delhi
95. Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
96. Central Board of Open Education, New Delhi
97. Secondary Education of Bhiwani (Haryana)
98. Rashtriya Mukta Jana Shiksha Parishad, Chakdaha
99. Mahatma Gandhi Secondary and Sr. Sec. Education, Delhi
100. Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Delhi
101. North East National Board of School Education (NENBSE), Guwahati
102. Akhil Bhartiya Open School, Rohtak
103. Karnatka State Council of Intermediate and Higher Education, Mysore
104. Board of Schooling, Paramedical and Technical Education, India
105. National Board of Open School, India, Delhi NCR
106. Uttar Pradesh State Open School, Jaunpur/Lucknow, U.P.
107. West India Council of Education, Maharashtra
108. Indira Gandhi National Open School, Madhya Pradesh
109. The Council of Basic and Technical Education, INDIA
The examinations conducted by voluntary Hindi Institutions and /or Govt. Instituions for proppagation
and development of Hindi language are not accepted for academic pursuit in IGNOU, as these are
not equated with the regular examinations of Secondary Boards/Universities. These examinations
are accepted for purposes of employment only in Goverment Services.
i= la- 9&1@98 Mh&1 ¼Hkk"kk,¡½
¼fganh½ ijh{kkvksa dh ekU;rk dk fooj.k fnukad 5 ebZ] 1988
la - laLFkk dk uke ekU;rk iz k Ir cjkcj dh ijh{kk iz sl foKfIr la[;k
ijh{kk dk uke esa fganh dk
fu/kkZfjr Lrj
12- eSlwj fganh izpkj ifj"kn~ 1- izn's k ,l-,y-lh fo-lh-9&2@6] Mh&1 fga- LFkk;h ekU;rk
caxykSj 2- mRrek ch-,- 17 uacj] 76 ls ,-la- 8&6@84
3- jRu ch-,- Mh&1 rk- 10&12&86
13- dsjy fganh izpkj lHkk] 1- izn's k ,l-,y-lh LFkk;h ekU;rk
f=osUnze 2- Hkw"k.k baVj &
3- lkfgR;kpk;Z ch-,- izsl 9&6@84 Mh ¼Hkk"kk½] 12-12-1986
14- dukZVd fganh izpkj lfefr] 1- jktHkk"kk ,l-,y-lh LFkk;h ekU;rk
caxyksj 2- jktHkk"kk izdk'k baVj &
3- jktHkk"kk fo}ku ch-,- iz-la- 9&6@84 Mh ¼Hkk"kk½] 12-12-1956
15- dukZVd efgyk fganh lsok 1- fganh mRrek ,l-,y-lh lFkk;h ekU;rk
lfefr] caxyksj 2- fganh Hkk"kk Hkw"k.k baVj & i-la- 9&6@Mh&1 ¼Hkk"kk½
3- Hkk"kk izoh.k ch-,- rk- 12 fnlacj 1986
16- mM+hlk jk"VªHkk"kk ifj"kn~] 1- fouksn ,l-,y-lh lFkk;h ekU;rk
iqjh 2- izoh.k baVj &
3- 'kkL=h ch-,- i-la- 9&4@7] 9Mh&1 ¼Hkk"kk½] 26-7-79
17- lkSjk"Vª fganh izpkj lfefr] 1- rhljh ,l-,y-lh lFkk;h ekU;rk
jktdksV ,l-,Q- 9&6@84 Mh&1 ¼Hkk"kk½
rk- 12 fnlacj 1966
18- izFke efgyk fo|kihB] 1- fo|k fouksfnuh eSfVªd lFkk;h ekU;rk
bykgkckn 2- fonq"kh lk/kkj.k baVj i-la- 9&6@84 Mh&1 ¼Hkk"kk½
3- ljLorh ch-,- rk- 12 fnlacj 1986
19- fetksje fganh izpkj lHkk] 1- izcks/k eSfVªd lFkk;h ekU;rk
vkbtksy 2- fo'kkjn baVjehfM,V i-la- 9&6@84 Mh&1 ¼Hkk"kk½
3- izohZ.k ch-,- LFkk;h ekU;rk rk- 12 fnlacj 1966
20- eqacbZ fganh lHkk] 1- fganh focks/k eSfVªd ¼fganh½ Qk-l-3&20@2000 Mh&2 ¼,y½
nknj] eqacbZ 30^6&2000 }kjk LFkk;h ekU;rk
21- csyxkao foHkkxh; fganh lsok f'k{k.k jktHkk"kk izcks/k eSfVªd ¼fganh½ Qk-la- 1&4@2003 fga-f'k-l- fnukad
lfefr] gqcyh ¼dukZVd½ 25&5&2004 ds }kjk jktHkk"kk izcks/k
dks tuw 2005 rd vLFkk;h ekU;rk
22- fganh f'k{kk lfefr] izofs 'kdk eSfVªd ¼fganh½ Qk-la- 1&4@2003 fga-f'k-l- fnukad
vksfMlk] dVd fganh vfHkK baVj ¼fganh½ 25&5&2004 ds }kjk izosf'kdk rFkk
Lukrd ch-,- ¼fganh½ fganh vfHkK dks twu] 2002 ls LFkk;h
ekU;rk rFkk Lukrd dks twu] 2005
rd vLFkk;h ekU;rk
23- fganh izpkj&izlkj laLFkku] 1- fganh dksfon eSfVªd ¼fganh½ Qk-la- 1&4@2003 fga-f'k-l- fnukad
t;iqj 2- fganh izoh.k baVjehfM,V ¼fganh½ 25&5&2004 ds }kjk fganh dksfon rFkk
3- fganh lkfgR; jRu ch-,- ¼fganh½ fganh izohZ.k dks fnukad 31&3&2000 ls
LFkk;h ekU;rkA fganh lkfgR; jRu dks
twu] 2005 rd vLFkk;h ekU;rkA
buesa ftu laLFkkvksa dh ijh{kkvksa dh ekU;rk fnukad 24&11&2003 ls iwoZ lekIr gks x;h Fkh mUgsa fnukad 25&11&2003 rd
fo|eku le>k tk;A
ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj
s uksV
jk"VªHkk"kk fgUnh ds izpkj&izlkj vkSj fodkl dh fn'kk esa LoSfPNd fgUnh laLFkkvksa dk egÙoiw.kZ ;ksxnku jgk gSA
Lora=rk izkfIr ds ckn bu laLFkkvksa esa fgUnhrj {ks=ksa esa fgUnh dks yksdfiz; cukus ds fy, dkQh iz;Ru fd;s gSaA
blh ifjizs{; esa dqN LoSfPNd fgUnh laLFkkvksa }kjk lapkfyr fgUnh ijh{kkvksa dks Hkkjr ljdkj esa ekU;rk iznku dh
gSA rkfd yksxksa dks fgUnh dk Kku gks lds vkSj blds ek/;e ls jkstxkj izkIr dj ldsaA Hkkjr ljdkj us fgUnh
f'k{kk lfefr dh flQkfj'k vkSj la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx dh lgefr ls bu laLFkkvksa }kjk vk;ksftr dqN ijh{kkvksa
dks 1960 ls ekU;rk nsuk 'kq: fd;k rkfd bu ijh{kkvksa dks ikl djus ij mEehnokj mu ljdkjh ukSdfj;ksa ds fy,
ik= cu ldsa] ftuds fy, fgUnh dh ;ksX;rk Hkh tkjh dh xbZ gSA bl fo"k; ij dbZ izsl foKfIr;ka Hkh tkjh dh
xbZ gSA le;≤ ij vLFkk;h ekU;rk dh vof/k Hkh c<+kbZ tkrh jgh gSA ;kn esa dqN laLFkkvksa dh ijh{kkvksa dks
LFkk;h ekU;rk nh xbZ gSA ;|fi vHkh dqN laLFkkvksa dks vLFkk;h ekU;rk nh xbZ gSA
fgUnh f'k{kk lfefr Hkkjr esa ,d LFkk;h laLFkk gSA ;g lfefr fgUnh ds izpkj izlkj vkSj fodkl ds laca/k esa Hkkjr
ljdkj dks le;≤ ij lykg nsrh gS vkSj flQkfj'k djrh gSA bl lfefr dh flQkfj'kksa ds vk/kkj ij LoSfPNd
fgUnh laLFkkvksa dh ijh{kkvksa dks ekU;rk iznku dh tkrh gSA
fdlh Hkh LoSfPNd laLFkk dks pkgs og Lo;a fgUnh dh ijh{kk vk;ksftr djrh gks] ;k fdlh Hkh ekU;rk izkIr vU;
LoSfPNd fgUnh laLFkk ds ek/;e ls ijh{kk lapkfyr djrh gks] ekU;rk izkIr djus ds fy, vf[ky Hkkjrh; fgUnh
laLFkk la?k] 24] dksVyk ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh dh ekU;rk ds fy, izLrko Hkstuk gksrk gSA bl izLrko ds vk/kkj ij laLFkk
la?k ijh{kk dh ekU;rk laca/kh ekun.Mkgsa vkSj fu;eksa ds vuqlkj ml laLFkk dk fujh{k.k djrk gS vkSj ekU;rk ds
fy, ea=ky; dks viuh flQkfj'k Hkstrk gSA blds ckn ea=ky; dk v/khuLFk dk;kZy; dsUnzh; fgUnh funs'kky;
dh ,d fujh{k.k lfefr Lora= :i ls ml laLFkk dk fujh{k.k curh gS vkSj viuh fjiksVZ fgUnh f'k{kk lfefr ds
fopkj ds fy, ea=ky; dh izLrqr djrh gSA
dqy lekpkj i=ksa esa ijh{kk 'kh"kZd ds v/khu ;g lekpkj Nik gksrk gS fd fgUnh lkfgR; lEesyu iz;kx ¼bykgkckn½
dh izFkk vkSj e/;ek ijh{kk dks Øe'k% ,l-,l-lh- vkSj ch-,- ds led{k ekU;rk nh xbZ gSA bl izdkj ds lekpkj
dk Li"Vhdj.k bl ea=ky; ls le;≤ ij fn;k tkrk jgk gSA dqN o"kZ igys mi f'k{kk ea=h] Jh ih-ds- Fkqaxu
us Hkh yksdlHkk esa fLFkfr Li"V dh Fkh vkSj crk;k Fkk fd fgUnh lkfgR; lEesyu dh okLrfod fLFkfr fHkUu gS D;ksafd
;g ,d LoSfPNd laxBu gS u fd fo'ofo|ky; vFkok fo'ofo|ky; le>kh tkus okyh laLFkkA ;g f'k{kk jkT;
ijh{kk ifj"kn rFkk fo'ofo|ky; ds leku ugha ekuk tkrk gSA blfy, bl laLFkk }kjk vk;ksftr bu ijh{kkvksa dks
dsUnz ljdkj }kjk gkbZ Ldwy] baVjehfM,V vkSj ch-,- ds cjkcj ekU;r ugha nh xbZ gSA bl laLFkk dks dsoy fgUnh
fo"k; dh ijh{kk dks lapkfyr djus dh ekU;rk nh xbZ gS] Hkys gh ;g fgUnh ds lkFk&lkFk vU; fo"k;ksa dks Hkh rS;kj
djrk gksA
iqu% ;g Li"V fd;k tkrk gS fd fdlh in ds fy, fu/kkZfjr fd, x, fgUnh Lrj ds fu/kkZj.k ds iz;kstu ls fgUnh
lkfgR; lEesyu dh izFkek vkSj e/;ek ijh{kkvksa dks Øe'k% ,l-,l-,y-lh- rFkk ch-,a- ds cjkcj ls ekU;rk nh xbZ
blh izdkj vU; LoSfPNd fgUnh laLFkkvksa }kjk lapkfyr fgUnh ijh{kkvksa dh ekU;rk ds ckjs esa Hkh dgk tk ldrk
gS fd ;s ijh{kk,a u rks fdlh jkT; ijh{kk ifj"kn~ vkSj u gh fo'ofo|ky; ds led{k ekuh xbZ gSA tgka rd ljdkjh
ukSdfj;ksa ds fy, bu ijh{kkvksa dks ekU;rk dk iz'u gS] bl laca/k esa ;g fu'p; fd;k x;k gS fd ;fn ljdkjh vFkok
xSj&ljdkjh dk;kZy;] v/kZ ljdkjh laLFkk ;k 'kSf{kd laLFkk esa fdlh in ds fy, fgUnh dh dksbZ fo'ks"k ;ksX;rk
fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ gS rks bu ijh{kkvksa ls izkIr dh xbZ ;ksX;rk/kkjh O;fDr bu inksa ds ik= gks ldrs gSaA ijurq fgUnh
dh vyx ls ;fn dksbZ ;ksX;rk fu/kkZfjr ugha dh xbZ gS rks LoFSfPNd fgUnh laLFkk ls ;k fMxzh izkIr djus
okys O;fDr fo'ofo|ky; ;k jkT; ijh{kk ifj"knksa ds ;k fMxzh dh led{rk dk nkok ugha dj ldrs gSaA
vr% mi;qZDr fooj.k ds vk/kkj ij la{ksi esa iqu% Li"V fd;k tkrk gS fd LoSfPNd fgUnh&laLFkkvksa dh ekU;rk dsoy
lyXu lwph esa n'kkZ;h xbZ led{k ijh{kk ds fy, fu/kkZfjr fgUnh Lrj rd gh lhfer gS vkSj bls iw.kZ izek.k&i=
;k fMxzh ijh{kk ds cjkcj ugha ekuk tk,xkA vke tkudkjh ds fy, laLFkkokj ekU;rkvksa dk fooj.k layXu gSA
f'k{kk foHkkx]
ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;
'kkL=h Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110001
i= la- ,Q-9&1@88&Mh&1 ¼Hkk"kk½
5 ebZ 1988
3. Address: ..............................................................................................................................
................................................................................. Pin Code
4. Contact No ...................................................
5. Detail of the course(s), for which photocopy of the answer script(s) is/are required:
(a) Term-end examination: June/December ..................................
(b) Exam Centre Code:
(c) Exam Centre Address: ................................................................................................
(d) Course(s): ............................................................................................................
6. Fee details:-
(The fee for this purpose is ` 100/- per course, which is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of
IGNOU & payable at the City of Evaluation Centre)
No. of Course(s):.............................. × ` 100/- = Total Amount: .......................
Demand Draft No.: ............................................ Date ..................................
Issuing Bank: ................................................................................................................
7. Self attested photocopy of the Identity Card : Attached/Not attached
issued by the University
I hereby undertake that the answer script(s), for which photocopy(ies), applied for, belongs to me. For this purpose,
I am enclosing self attested photocopy of my Identity Card issued by the University. In case, my statement is found
false, the University may take action against me as deemed fit.
Date: ............................. Signature: ...........................
Place: ....................................... Name: ................................
1. The fee for photocopy of answer script shall be Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) per course. Fee
should be paid in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payale at the city of the
evaluation centre.
2. Application form without self attested photocopy of the Identity Card of the student will not be
3. Student’s application form for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) shall reach the Concerned
Evaluation Centre (as mentioned below in the last Para) along with the prescribed free within 45 days
from the date of declaration of results i.e., the date on which the result are placed on the IGNOU
4. The students, who find that any portion of the answer was not evaluated or any totaling error is
noticed, may point out the same and submit their representation alongwith a copy of the answer script
supplied to them within 15 days. No other query regarding evaluation of answer script shall be
5. The students, who intend to apply for photocopy(ies) of the answer script(s) may simultaneously
apply for re-evaluation, if they so desire. The last date for submission of application for re-evaluation
will not be extended to facilitate them to point out discrepancy in the evaluation.
6. Application form duly filled-in may be sent to the following address except CPE* & DPE* programmes:
1. Request for early declaration of results will be entertained for final semester/year or maximum of 4 backlog
courses only, subject to the following conditions:-
i) The student has been selected for higher study/employment and statement of marks/grade card is required
to be produced to the institute by a particular date, which is before the prescribed dates of declaration of
the University’s results.
ii) The student has completed all the other prescribed components except the term-end examination of the
courses, for which early evaluation has been sought.
2. Application for early declaration, for the reasons such as to apply for recruitment/higher study/post and
promotion purpose etc. will not be entertained.
3. Application without enclosing documentary evidence specifying the reason for early declaration will not be
4. Application form must reach at the following address before the date of the examination for the course (s) for
which early evaluation is sought:-
3. Address:...............................................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................... PIN :
1) The request for re-evaluation by the student must be made within one month of declaration of his/ her
2) The date of declaration of result will be calculated from the date on which the result(s) are placed on
the IGNOU website.
3) After re-evaluation, the better of the two scores of original marks/grade and marks/grade after re-
evaluation will be considered.
4) The revised marks/grade after re-evaluation shall be communicated to the student on receipt of re-
evaluation result and result of re-evaluation will also made available on the IGNOU website at The minimum time required for re-evaluation shall be 30 days from the date of
receipt of application.
5) Re-evaluation is permissible in TEE only and not in the Project/Dissertation Practicals/Lab courses,
Workshops, Assignments & Seminar etc.
6) On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form,
7) The application form duly filled-in may be sent to the following address except CPE* &DPE*
8) Application form must reach within the prescribed dates at the following address:
1. Name : ............................................................................................................................................................................
3. Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................
.................................................................................... Pin
6. FEE FOR THE OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT:- (Please note: Per transcript means one photocopy of one
certificate, hence, each photocopy, which is required to be attested by the University will be charged on the
following prescribed rates):
i) Rs. 300/- per transcript for Indian Students, if transcript is required to be sent to the Student/Institute
within India.
ii) Rs. 500/- per transcript for Indian Students, if transcript is required to be sent to the Student/Institute
outside India.
Rs. 600/- per transcript for SAARC Countries Students, if transcript is required to be sent to the Student/
Institute within India and Rs. 1200/- per transcript for the same students, if transcripts is required to be
sent to the outside India.
iv) $60 per transcript for Non-SAARC Countries Students, if transcript is required to be sent to the Student/
Institute within India and $120 per transcript for the same students, if transcript is required to be sent to
the outside India.
7. No. of Transcript(s) required: …..… × Rs.300/- or Rs.500/- or ….…….. = Total Amount: Rs...........................
Demand Draft No.: ………………….. Date:.......................... Issuing Bank: ……………………………..
8. Mention the Name of Student/Programme & Enrolment No. at back side of above demand draft.
9. Name & Address of the University/Institute/Employer/Student (In capital letters) to whom transcript is
required to be sent (Attached a separate list, if required):-
10. If, the Transcript is required to collect Personally : Name ....................................................................................
Mobile No……………………(Please see Instructions in back-side at Point-C)
A) The filled in form duly signed by the student with the requisite fee & documents may be sent to:-
The Registrar,
Student Evaluation Division, Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Block-12, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 (INDIA)
B) The students are required to enclose same number of legible photocopies of both sides of the statement of Marks-
sheet/Grade Card/Provisional Certificate and Degree Certificate etc. issued to them, as the number of transcripts
are required. Each photocopy of the certificate is chargeable as mentioned at prescribed format under Point
No.-6. Incomplete application will be entertained.
C) If the Student/Applicant has applied for Official Transcript and wants to collect the same Personally or By-
Hand himself/herself from the Section Officer, Exam.-III Section of SED, Block-12, Room No.-10, IGNOU,
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 (India) then He/She is required to mention such information & Mobile No.
under Point No.-10 in prescribed format for calling them provided that He/She has to produce the valid
Original Identity Card/Votter Card/Aadhar Card/PAN Card/Driving License or Passport etc. for signature/
photograph/residential Id. Proof. at the time of collecting their Transcripts.
Note:- If the student want to collect his/her transcript by-hand through any other person from the above Section
then the receiver has to produce all above documents of the student alongwith “Authorization-Letter” of the
concerned student. The person who want to receive the Transcript(s) on behalf of the student, has to produce
his/her valid Original Identity Proof for signature/photograph/residence etc. like Identity Card/Votter Card/
Aadhar Card/PAN Card/Driving License etc.and he is also required to submit the copies of the same to this
Section at the time of collecting the Transcript.
D) The University has been sending/dispatching the “Official-Transcripts” under sealed envelope(s) through
Indian Speed Post Services and the normally, the Exam-III Section of SED takes minimum 15 days for the
issuance/dispatching the “Official Transcript(s)” after receiving the Application-Form of the student at this
Section but “Dispatching/Issuance time depends on furnishing the Verification Report by another Sections and
circumstances surrounding the case.
E) As per the requirement, the demand draft of requisite fees should be reached to this Division prior to 60 days or
earlier from the expiry of the same demand draft for smooth transaction with the bank.
F) Under the existing procedure, the University issues the “Official Transcripts” on “University Letter-Head” duly
signed & verified on current status of each copy of Mark-sheet/Grade-card/PC/ Degree Certificate etc. by the
authorized Officer on behalf of the Registrar (SED) or Controller of the Examinations, containing the following
information therein:-
i) Attested copies of Mark-sheet/Grade-card/PC/ Degree Certificate etc. including detailed information
about the “Programme” completed by the Student / Details of the Courses/ Scheme of Assessment of
Student’s Performance / Minimum Standard for Completion of the Courses and Programme / Scheme of
Study / Duration of Programme / Year of Admission & Completion of Programme / Mode of study / Medium
of study etc. This information is based on the current status of the Mark-sheet/Grade card.
ii) Recognition of the University and authenticity of its Degrees/Diploma etc. It is also clarified in the “Official
Transcript” that the University does not issue Year-wise/Semester-wise Mark-sheet/Grade-card but issue
a comprehensive Mark-sheet/Grade-card after successful completion of the programme to the students.
G) The inquiry about status of the “Official Transcript” submitted by the student/applicant can be obtained from
“Official Transcript Counter” Exam.-III Section of SED (Block-12, Room No.-10), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068 personally or on Telephone No. 011-29572210 between Monday to Friday during Office
hours after 15 to 25 days of receiving the Application-Form at this Section.
1. Name.......................................................................................................................................
2. Programme..............................................................................................................................
3. Enrolment No.
4. Complete Address:.........................................................................................................................
........................................................................................ Pin:
……………………………………………… ....................................................................................
Date : .....................................
Note : Fee for duplicate grade card is Rs. 200/- for Indian Students & Rs. 400/- for SAARC Countries Students
and $10 for Non-SAARC Countries Students. The duplicate grade card/mark sheet will be sent by
Registered post by the University.
The Registrar
(Student Evaluation Division)
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Block 12, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi-110 068
1. Read instructions for submission of assignments given in your Programme Guide carefully.
2. Assignments should be demanded only if your registration for that course (subject) is valid.
3. Please ensure that you have mentioned your correct Enrolment No. (it consists of 9 digits),
Name, Course Code/title, Name of Semester/year, (wherever applicable), and the Study Centre
Code on your assignment responses before submitting it to concerned authorities.
4. Submission of assignment within due dates is pre-requisite for appearing in the term end exami-
nation. You are, therefore, advised to submit your TMA at your Study Centre within the prescribed
dates. Assignments received after due dates will be summarily rejected.
5. You can appear in term end examination or submit only minimum required number of assignments
if you fail to secure over-all qualifying grade in course (subject).
6. Assignments should not be demanded to improve your score if you have secured minimum
qualifying score in a course (subject).
7. Please do not submit your assignment responses twice either at the same Study Centre or at
different study Centres for evaluation.
Please mail this form to the Regional Director of your Regional Centre
1) Re-admission is permissible in the following cases :
a) Students who failed to complete the requirements in full or in part within the maximum span period prescribed.
b) Students who failed to complete the requirement of attendance in practicals as prescribed in Programme curriculum
within the maximum span period prescribed.
2. Students who do not register for all years/semesters of a Programme and fail to pay the prescribed full Programme fee
during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible for Re-admission, provided they pay full fee for the
missed year(s)/ semester(s) as per rate applicable for the session for which they seek re-admission, in addition to the
prorata course fee for re-admission. The Pro-rata fee shall be paid as per then prevailing rates.
3. Course fee paid for re-admission would be valid for a period of six months/one year/two consecutive academic years or
four consecutive semesters only, as given below:
a) Six months - for all Certificate Programmes of six months duration
b) One year - for all Diploma/PG Dip. Programmes of one year duration (including BLIS, MLIS, and collaborative
programmes B.Com & M.Com of ICAI, ICWAI and ICSI)
c) Two years - for all undergraduate and post-graduate programmes whose minimum duration is of 2 years and
4. The additional period indicated at point no.3 above will commence from the date of completion of the maximum duration
of the Programme for which the registration was done initially.
5. Students shall not be on rolls of the university beyond the additional period indicated at point no.3 above.
6. The credit earned by the student towards his/her courses and assignments successfully completed shall be retained for
the revalidated period, provided the syllabus and methodology now in vogue are similar to the course(s) successfully
completed earlier.
7. No study material (SLMs) will be supplied on re-admission, including for the missed semester/year. If the earlier SLMs is
replaced, the student will be required to buy changed course material. For that matter SLMs will not be provided for the
courses re-registered as missed semester/year. Students will have to make their own arrangement for the SLMs.
8. The students will be allowed to take re-admission in the old course(s) as long as the examination in the old course(s) is
conducted by the University.
9. For the Programmes containing practical component, the norms of fee payable will be as decided by the respective
10. Students are required to pay the pro-rata Re-admission fee as per then prevailing rates, in lump sum, for all the courses
they failed to successfully complete earlier. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Students of
BCA-MCA Intg. Prog. should pay the pro-rata re-admission fee, in lump sum, for all those courses of BCA as well as
MCA that have not been successfully completed during the maximum duration of 8 years.
11. Pro-rata fee for Re-admission would be changed as and when the University revises the Programme fee for various
12. Other conditions as prescribed by the University relating to the admission and re-admission shall remain the same.
13. The Demand Draft for Re-admission fee together with the re-registration fee of the missed year(s)/semester(s), if any,
should be drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi. Please write your Enrol. No., Name and Programme code and
also the words ‘Re-admission’ on the reverse of the DD.
1. Students can check their Re-admission status from the website (> STUDENTS ZONE> Admission>
Registration Status> CHECK READMISSION Status >).
I,.......................................................................son/daughter/wife of...........................................................
have read, understand and abide by conditions for claim of fee exemption under SCSP and TSP. I also state that I belong
to SC/ST category. I have also not availed any financial benefit by way of scholarship/fellowship of fee waiver for this
programme of study from any other institute/centre/Social Welfare Departments of Respective State or other Government
agencies for the financial year 2017-18. I have also enclosed self attested copy of my caste certificate (SC/ST) for making
this claim for fee exemption.
I here by state that above information is true to the best of my knowledge. If it is found false, I shall abide by any action
taken against me by the University and immediately return the amount received as fee reimbursement in IGNOU ’s
account along with penal interest (if any). I shall be liable to legal action against me in accordance with law in such a case.
Name (Capital Letters)
Documents need to be submitted along with this form:
1. Copy of IGNOU Student Id card issued from the Regional centre of IGNOU (only for Re-registered student)
2. Self attested copy of Caste certificate (SC/ST) issued from the appropriate authority.
(name of Programme) ................................................. admission cycle, certify that I read and understand
information published on hyperlink of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India
requirement of various posts identified for persons with disabilities (PWD) enrolling in this programme is
my informed decision.
Name in Capital Letter
This Office has No.Objection for his/her enrolment to IGNOU programme under the ODLPGE Scheme
of DoPT.
Designation: .......................................................................
(Seal/Stamp): ......................................................................................................................................
IGNOU has adopted a policy for the prevention, prohibition and punishment of sexual harassment of women at
workplace in compliance to the directive of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
Information on this policy, rules and procedures can be accessed from the IGNOU website
Any incident of sexual harassment may be reported to the Regional Director of the Regional Centre, you are
attached to or to any of the persons whose contact details are given in the following table.
1 Ms. Ghazala Parveen, Prod. Asstt. EMPC 011-29573286
2 Ms. Kailash Saluja, A.R., PMDD 011-29572006
3 Prof. Jyantika Dutta, Lady Irwin College
Members of RSDCASH will recommend the panel of names for RCCASH for each Regional Centre, and nominated by
the Vice Chancellorr.
(Rules & regulations are mentioned on the reverse side of this form. Please go through them carefully before
filling up the form).
Prescribed dates for submission of form: 1st to 30th April for June Term-end Exam.
1st to 31st October for December Term- end Exam.
1. Name: .......................................................................................................................................................
3. Address: ...................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................... Pin
1. The improvement of marks/grades is applicable only for the Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes,
who have completed the programme. The eligibility is as under:-
a) The students of Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Programmes who fall short of 2% marks to secure 2nd
and 1st division.
b) The students of Master’s Degree Programmes only, who fall short of 2% marks to secure overall
55% marks.
4. Under the Provision of improvement, a maximum of 25% of the maximum credits required for successful
completion of a programme shall be permitted.
5. Students wishing to improve the marks will have to apply within six months from the date of issue of final
statement of marks/grade card to them, subject to the condition that their registration for the programme/
course being applied for improvement, is valid till the next term-end examination in which they wish to
appear for improvement. However, the students who have completed the programme as on the date of issue
of this notification, wishing to improve can apply for improvement in the Term-end Examination as per
following criteria.
a) The students mentioned at 1(a) above in June 2008.
b) The students mentioned at 1(b) above in June 2008 or December 2008.
6. No student will be permitted to improve if maximum duration to complete the programme, including the
re-admission period, has expired.
7. After appearing in the examination for improvement, better of the two examinations, i.e. marks/grade already
awarded and the marks/grade secured in the improvement examination will be considered. In such cases, the
improved marks/grade can be incorporated only on surrender of the statement of marks/Grade Card,
Provisional Certificate and Degree Certificate already issued to the student.
8. In case of improvement, the month and year of completion of the programme will be changed to the Term-
end examination, in which students appeared for improvement.
9. Students will be permitted for improvement of marks/grades provided the examination for the particular
course, in which they wish to improve, is being conducted by the University at that time.
10. Students wishing to improve their performance should submit the application in the prescribed format
along with fee @Rs.500/- per course by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New
Delhi and send within the presecribed dates to the following address:-
The Registrar,
Student Evaluation Division,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068
11. On the top of the envelope containing the prescribed application form,
Guidelines for filling up the Application Form for the Entrance Test of
Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing January, 2019 session.
1. Name of the Programme Applied: Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
2. Programme Code : B S C N (PB)
3. Please fill up exam centre code for appearing in entrance test. It is the Regional Centre code where you wish
to appear for entrance test.
4. Regional Centre Code: Fill up the Regional centre code i.e. Regional Centre in which you wish to take
admission/pursue studies as per the availability of PSC of Post Basic B.Sc Nursing.
5. At Sl. No. 5, Please fill Programme Study Centre Code (PSC) where you wish to take admission and is
located under RC you have filled up at Sl.No. 5 of the form
6. At Sl. No. 6, Please fill code A1 for English Medium.
7. State Code: Select from Appendix – XIIIa the code of the state where the PSC where you want to take
admission is located.
8. At S.No. 8a write A1 for yes and B2 for not registered. Fill it only if you have enrolled in any other programme
of IGNOU. At 8b write the code of programme and Enrolment Number if registered with IGNOU.
9. At S. No. 9 write Name of the Candidate as mentioned in class X/XII mark-sheet or equivalent certificate.
10. At S. No. 10 write Name of the Father/Mother/Husband. Please write S/o or D/o for Father/Mother’s Name
and W/o for Husband’s Name.
11. At S. No.11 write House No. in at (a) Street Name at (b) Locality / Mohalla in (c) Tehsil/District in (d) City
in (e) Pin code at (f) State at (g).
12. At S. No. 12 write landline no. at (a) email ID at (b) and mobile no. at (c). (Phone no. and e mail is mandatory
write clearly, correctly and legibly).
13. At S.No13 write date of birth,date ,month ,year correctly
14. Please write A1 for Indian and B2 for others. (Please specify the particular country, if you fill B2).
15. At S. No. 15 please write A1 for Male, B2 for Female and C3 for Others.
16. At S. No. 16 please write A1 for General, B2 for SC, C3 for ST, D4A for OBC (Creamy, D4B for OBC (Non-
17. At S.No. 17 please write A1 for urban area, B2 for Rural area and C3 for Tribal area.
18. At. S. No. 18 for Marital Status: Please write A1 for Single and B2 for Married.
19. At S. No. 19 for Religion: Please write A1 for Hindu, B2 for Muslim, C3 for Christian, D4 for Sikh, E5 for
Jain, F6 for Buddhist, G7 for Parsi, H8 for Jews and I9 for other religion.
20 At S. No. 20 for minority: Please write A1 for Yes and B2 for No
21. At S.No. 21 for Social Status: Please write A1 for Ex-Serviceman and B2 for War Widows and C3 for Not
22. Whether Kashimiri Migrant: Please write A1 for Yes and B2 for No.
23. Employment Status: Please write A1 for unemployed, B2 for IGNOU regular Employee, C3 for Employed and
D4 for KVS employee.
24. At Sl. No. 24, fill up as applicable.
25. At S. No. 25a, for Disability please write A1 for Yes and B2 for No.
At S.No. 25b, kindly provide details of disability: Please write A1 for Speech and Hearing Impairment, B2 for
Locomotor Impairment, C3 for Visual Impairment, D4 for Low Vision and E5 for any other, please specify if you
fill E5, if leprospy cured, mental retardation or mental illness (Tck any one)
26. At S.No. 26 for Educational Qualification: At a. Please write code A1 for 10 th and B2 for 12th.
At b. write main subjects of 10th/12th , At c. write year of passing, At d write Division, At e write %age of
Marks, At f write Board Code/University (Refer appendix-XIIIb for Board Codes).
27. At S.No. 27(a) write the year of completion of State Board/Concil Examination for GNM and write percentage
of marks obtained in Aggregate for all the years of GNM in relevant colums against each. (Fill it correctly) since
percentage of marks is required for tie break (only aggregate percentage will be considered).
At S. No. 27 (b), write year of passing GNM and percentage of marks obtained in GNM, if applicable in
relevant box.
At S.No. 27 (c), write the year of passing midwifery and percentage of marks in midwifery, if applicable in
relevant box.
At S.No. 27 (d), write name of registration council
At S.No. 27 (e), write year of registration as RN and write registration no. of RN in relevant box.
At S.No. 27 (f), write year of registration as RM and write registration no. of RM in relevant box.
If S.No. 27(b) and (c) and (e) and (f) are same, then fill same year in both columns.
28. At S.No. 28 write total marks obtained, total maximum marks and percentage of marks in relevant columns.
29. At S.No. 29 write the S. No. and name of course done in lieu of midwifery. Write the name of the council and
period (from and to in relevant box).
30. At S.No. 30 write total years of experience after RNRM certification up to last date of submission of entrance
test form and also write down the years of experience after R.N. and R.M. if applicable.
31. At S.No. 31 write the name of organisation, designation, date of service and length of experience in the relevant
box after RNRM till last date of subimission of entrance test form.
32. At S.No. 32 write at A1 (yes) if presently working and write B2 (No) if not working in the column.
33. At S.No. 33 at A1 mention the place of working with address and B2 mention the name of organisation where
you are working presently.
34. At S.No. 34 Details of fee remittance: a. Please write code A1 for cash challan and B2 for Demand draft, at
(b) write the amount, at (c) write the demand draft/challan No., at (d) write the date of DD/Challan No. and
at (e) write the bank name. This form is to be treated as both admission and /or entrance form and these
details may be filled as and when required.
(Post Basic B.SC. Nursing) - 2019
1. Please read the instructions in the information brochure before filling up the form. APPLICATION NO.
2. Please use Black/Blue Ball Point Pen in boxes using English CAPITAL LETTERS or English numerals.
3. Do not make any stray marks on this sheet.
4. Do not staple, pin, wrinkle scribble, tear or wet this sheet.
5. Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only within box. Leave blank between words as shown in the example below.
Enrolment No. (For Office Use)
6. Apply only if you have completed 2 years of experience after RNRM Registration from State Nursing Council up to the last date of
submission of Application)
7. Apply if you are in service.
A B C D E F G I J K L N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10. Father/Mother/Husband /o
Name :
(Please write S/o or D/o for
Father/Mother’s Name and
W/o for Husband’s Name)
11. Address for Correspondence : (Please do not give POST-BOX Number. Use Capital Letters and give space between words)
a) House No. : b) Street Name :
c) Locality/Mohalla:
d) Tehsil/District:
g) State:
18. Marital Status A1 - Single 19. Religion A1 - Hindu D4 Sikh G7 Parsi 20. Whether Minority
(Pls. write relevant B2 - Married (Pls. write relevant B2 - Muslim E5 Jain H8 Jews (Pls. write relevant A1 - Yes
code in the box) code in the box) C3 Christian F6 Buddhist I9 Others code in the box) B2 - No
21. Social Status A1 - Ex-Serviceman 22. Whether Kashmiri Migrant 23. Employment Status (Pls. write relevant
(Pls. write relevant B2 - War Widows (Pls. write relevant A1 - Yes code in the box)
code in the box) C3 - Not Applicable code in the box) B2 - No A1 - Unemployed
B2 - IGNOU regular employee
C3 - Employed
D4 - KVS employee
24. Details of Scholarship being received, if any
a) Annual Scholarship Amount b) Deptt. offering Scholarship: c) Family Income (annual) d) Below Poverty Line e) Jail Inmates
A1 Government A1 Yes A1 Yes
Rs. B2 Other Rs. B2 No B2 No
25. a) Whether a Person with Disability b) If yes, kindly provide details of disability: Leprosy Cured
(Pls. write relevant A1 - Yes (Pls. write relevant A1 - Speech and Hearing Impairment
code in the box) B2 - No code in the box) B2 - Locomotor Impairment Mental Retardetion
C3 - Visual Impairment
D4 - Low Vision
E5 - Any other, please specify Mental Illness
GNM Total
31. Details of Working Experience after registration as RNRM upto last date of submission of Entrance Test Form. Please Fill the details
accurately (write only the experience after RNRM Chronologically)
A1 Yes
32. Presently Working
B2 No
33. If yes mention place and name of organization with details where you are working peresently
A1 Place ___________________________________________________________________
B2 Name ___________________________________________________________________
e) Bank Name:
35. Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read and understood the conditions of eligibility for the programme for which I seek admission. I fulfil the minimum
eligibility criteria and I have provided necessary information in this regard. In the event of any information being found incorrect or misleading, my
candidature shall be liable for cancellation by the University at any time and I shall not be entitled to refund of any fee paid by me to the University.
Further, I have carefully studied the rules of the University as printed in the Prospectus and I accept them and shall not raise any dispute in future
over the same rules. I understand that the University can amend or change any rules without advance intimation and I will be abiding by them.
Place :
Date :
Signature of the Applicant
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Student Satisfaction Survey
Kind Attention: All Past and Present Students of IGNOU!
Now you rank our Performance...
Dear Student,
As the largest distance education institution in the world. We have always endeavoured to imbibe values and
skills for the development of knowledge and competencies. And it is our belief that you as the former or
present student are the best person to judge how far we have succeeded in our efforts. To gain your invaluable
impression, we present here a short questionnaire. All you have to do is fill it and maill it back to us. You can
also fill this questionnaire online by logging on to Your invaluable inputs shall guide us
towards a direction where we shall imporve our services and evolve more student-friendly study programmes.
Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU.
Enrolment No. ............................................. Name .............................................................................................
Gender : M F Age Group : Below 30 31-40 41-50 Above 51
Programme of Study ..........................................................................................................................................
Year of Enrolment .......................................................... Year of Completion ...................................................
Regional Centre ......................................... State ................................... Study Centre ....................................
Please Indicate your satisfaction level by putting a tick mark on your choice.
1. This card should be produced on demand at the
Study Centre and Examination Centre or any other
Establishment of IGNOU to use its facilities.No
student shall be allowed to appear in any
examination / practical without it.
2. The facilities would be available only relating
to the course or courses for which the student
is actually registered.
3. Duplicate Identity Card will be issued by the
Regional Director, on payment of Rs.200/- by way INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY
of Demand Draft only in favour of IGNOU payable
at the city where Regional Centre is located. STUDENT CARD
4. Loss of Identity Card is to be reported immediately
to the nearest Police Station/Concerned Regional for
5. Identity Card is to be submitted to the issuing BScN (PB) Post Basic BSC Nursing
authority after completion of the said
Enrolment No. _________________________________
Name of the Programme _________________________
Name ________________________________________
Father's/Husband’s Name ________________________
____________________________________________ PASTED WHICH WILL
Address (in Capital Letters) _______________________ ATTESTED BY
Pin Code _________________________ ATTESTED BY
Mobile No. ________________________
Full Signature of the Candidate ____________________
City: __________________________________
State: __________________________________
The Regional Director,
IGNOU Regional Centre
_____________________ PIN: