Flunarizine As Prophylaxis For Episodic Migraine
Flunarizine As Prophylaxis For Episodic Migraine
Flunarizine As Prophylaxis For Episodic Migraine
Based on few clinical trials, flunarizine is considered a first-line prophylactic treatment for migraine in several guidelines. In this
meta-analysis, we examined the pooled evidence for its effectiveness, tolerability, and safety. Prospective randomized
controlled trials of flunarizine as a prophylaxis against migraine were identified from a systematic literature search, and risk of
bias was assessed for all included studies. Reduction in mean attack frequency was estimated by calculating the mean
difference (MD), and a series of secondary outcomes—including adverse events (AEs)—were also analyzed. The database
search yielded 879 unique records. Twenty-five studies were included in data synthesis. We scored 31/175 risk of bias items
as “high,” with attrition as the most frequent bias. A pooled analysis estimated that flunarizine reduces the headache frequency
by 0.4 attacks per 4 weeks compared with placebo (5 trials, 249 participants: MD 20.44; 95% confidence interval 20.61 to 2
0.26). Analysis also revealed that the effectiveness of flunarizine prophylaxis is comparable with that of propranolol (7 trials,
1151 participants, MD 20.08; 95% confidence interval 20.34 to 0.18). Flunarizine also seems to be effective in children. The
most frequent AEs were sedation and weight increase. Meta-analyses were robust and homogenous, although several of the
included trials potentially suffered from high risk of bias. Unfortunately, reporting of AEs was inconsistent and limited. In
conclusion, pooled analysis of data from partially outdated trials shows that 10-mg flunarizine per day is effective and well
tolerated in treating episodic migraine—supporting current guideline recommendations.
Keywords: Migraine, Headache, Flunarizine, Sibelium, Pharmacological prophylaxis, Pooled analysis, Systematic review, Meta-
A. Stubberud et al. 160 (2019) 762–772 PAIN®
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
April 2019
· Volume 160
· Number 4 www.painjournalonline.com 763
2.2. Criteria for considering studies for this review converted precision and variance data where appropriate and
possible. We anticipated that endpoints such as “headache
2.2.1. Types of studies
index”60 would be reported in a variety of ways—often by
Eligible studies were required to be prospective, randomized, or combining outcomes. We used such endpoints only if they could
pseudo-RCTs, evaluating the use of flunarizine as a prophylactic be converted to one of our desired outcomes. We chose to focus
drug for episodic migraine. Studies without an explicit description analyses on the third month of treatment and onwards as
as randomized were excluded. Studies were also required to be recommended by guidelines.60 For continuous data, we pre-
published in papers and available in typing with Latin alphabet. ferred end-of-treatment values over change scores, and
extracted change scores only if final values were unavailable.26
2.2.2. Types of participants From cross-over trials, we extracted data from the pre–cross-
over period to analyze these as parallel group trials. In cases
Included studies were not required to have strictly applied the where data on variance were still unavailable after attempts to
International Headache Society diagnostic criteria24,25 as long as calculate estimated variances based on primary data, we
the migraine diagnoses were based on their list of distinctive imputed variance data as the median value of variance data from
features, such as nausea/vomiting, severe pain, pulsating pain, the other studies. Sensitivity analyses were conducted by
unilaterality, photophobia/phonophobia, or aura. Trials combin- excluding studies with missing data. In cases where different
ing migraine and other headache types were excluded. studies reported AE synonyms, these were pooled into preferred-
term categories as defined in the Medical Dictionary for
2.2.3. Types of interventions Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) by the World Health Organization.
Characteristics of included studies were summarized with
The included studies were required to have at least one treatment description of the study design, interventions, participants,
arm where participants received flunarizine regularly during outcomes, and risk of bias assessments.
headache-free intervals to reduce the migraine burden. Accept-
able comparison groups included placebo or other pharmaco-
logical and nonpharmacological treatments with proven efficacy. 2.5. Data synthesis
Overuse of acute medication among trial participants led to Meta-analyses and figures were made using Review Manager
exclusion of said trial. (RevMan 5.3; The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane
Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark). For continuous outcome
2.2.4. Types of outcomes data, the mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence intervals
(CIs) was calculated using an inverse variance fixed-effects
The primary outcome of interest was mean reduction in migraine model. In cases where outcome scales varied within the same
frequency. Secondary outcomes included proportion of res- analysis, and were not feasible to convert, the standardized MD
ponders ($50% reduction in migraine frequency), intensity and (SMD) was used. For dichotomous data, we calculated odds
duration of migraine headache, doses of acute medication, ratios (ORs) with 95% CI, using a fixed-effects Mantel–Haenszel
disability, quality of life, and AEs. model. For AEs, we calculated the risk difference (RD) with 95%
CI. We additionally computed numbers needed to treat to benefit
2.3. Search strategies and numbers needed to treat for an additional harmful outcome
(NNTH) for dichotomous data. Subgroup analyses were made of
We conducted a database search across the databases MED- different drug doses. Statistical heterogeneity was also calculated
LINE, Embase, and CENTRAL with assistance of a medical for each meta-analysis and addressed in cases where it was
research librarian.48 The query involved a combination of deemed problematic.
thesaurus and free-text terms optimized to identify RCTs on In cases where only one study was available, we calculated the
patients with migraine receiving flunarizine treatment (Supple- MD in migraine frequency or OR for response to treatment (in
mental digital content 1, available at http://links.lww.com/PAIN/ case migraine frequency was not reported).
A702). A search filter optimized for detecting clinically sound
treatment studies was used when searching in MEDLINE23 and
Embase.67 To identify other potentially relevant studies, refer- 2.6. Risk of bias assessment
ences listed in reviews on flunarizine were also hand searched. All included studies were evaluated for risk of bias. We used the
Cochrane Collaboration risk assessment tool, assigning bias
2.4. Data collection and management categories to “low,” “unclear,” or “high” risk. The bias categories
were: sequence generation/randomization; allocation conceal-
Two of the authors independently screened the search results ment; blinding; blinding of outcome assessment; reporting of
through titles and abstracts and compared their finding. Full-text incomplete outcome data; evidence of selective outcome
files of the potentially eligible references were retrieved and reporting; and other potential risks of bias.
reviewed for inclusion. Near-eligible studies were reported with We also planned for creating and analyzing funnel plots, but
reasons for exclusion. Two of the reviewers extracted data such analyses were not deemed appropriate, as the number of
independently (using data collection forms from previous studies for each analysis was too low.
Cochrane reviews on antiepileptics in migraine32–34), before
comparing and reconciling their findings. Disagreements were
resolved through discussion. 3. Results
Migraine frequency was converted to number of days or
3.1. Search results
attacks per 28-day (4-week) period, and migraine intensity scores
were converted to a 4-point scale to facilitate comparison across Figure 1 shows the flow of study selection. The database search
studies. We extracted data from tables and figures, and updated to November 13, 2017, yielded 879 records after
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A. Stubberud et al. 160 (2019) 762–772 PAIN®
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
April 2019
· Volume 160
· Number 4 www.painjournalonline.com 765
Table 1
Characteristics of included studies in summary.
Allais et al.2 Methods Prospective, open RCT.
Participants Migraine without aura diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 160 participants; 150 completers; mean age 37.8 years; 160 females.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs acupuncture.
Outcomes 1, 3, 5, and 8.
Bordini et al.8 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 45 participants; 38 completers; mean age 31.2 years; 41 females and 4 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 60 mg/day vs flunarizine 1 propranolol 10 mg/day 1 60 mg/day.
Outcomes 1 and 8.
Cerbo et al.10 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Characteristic migraine symptoms. 30 participants; 27 completers; age range 23 to 54 years; 14 females and 16 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 15 mg/day vs pizotifen 1.5 mg/day.
Outcomes 8.
Diamond and Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Freitag13 Participants Two-year migraine history. 143 participants; 101 completers; mean age 35 years; 75 females and 26 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs placebo.
Outcomes 1.
Diener et al.15 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Inclusion criteria: migraine as defined by IHS. 810 participants; 783 included in intention to treat analysis; median age 37 years;
658 females and 150 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 5 mg/day vs flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 160 mg/day.
Outcomes 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8.
Frenken and Nuijten20 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Common or classic migraine as defined by IHS. 35 participants; 35 completers; age range 20 to 51 years; 29 females and 6
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs placebo.
Outcomes 1, 2, and 8.
Gawel et al.22 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Migraine headache as defined by the World Federation of Neurology Research Group. 94 participants; 89 completers; mean age
35.7 years; 85 females and 9 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 160 mg/day.
Outcomes 1, 3, 4, and 8.
Louis35 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Classic or common migraine with throbbing or pulsating attacks. 58 participants; 58 completers; mean age 29 years; 29 females
and 29 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs placebo.
Outcomes 1, 2, and 8.
Louis and Spierings36 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Classic or common migraine diagnosed according to IHS criteria. 75 participants; 72 completers; mean age 37 years; 40 females
and 32 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs pizotifen 2 to 3 mg/day.
Outcomes 1 and 8.
Ludin37 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Headache attacks with characteristic features of migraine. 71 participants; 48 completers; mean age 34.3 years; 51 females and
20 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 120 mg/day.
Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8.
Luo et al.38 Methods Prospective, open RCT.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 150 participants; 126 completers; mean age 43 years; 90 females and 36 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 5 mg/day vs topiramate 25 to 100 mg/day vs flunarizine 1 topiramate 5 mg/day 1 25 to 100 mg/day.
Outcomes 1 and 8.
Lutschg and Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Vassella39 Participants Children with classic or common migraine with characteristic migraine symptoms. 33 participants; 32 completers; mean age 10.5
years; 17 females and 16 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 5 to 10 mg/day vs propranolol 30 to 120 mg/day.
Outcomes 1 and 8.
(continued on next page)
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A. Stubberud et al. 160 (2019) 762–772 PAIN®
Table 1 (continued)
Mentenopoulos et Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
al.42 Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 30 participants; 15 completers; median age 44 years; 16 females and 4 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs placebo
Outcomes 2 and 8.
Mitsikostas and Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Polychronidis43 Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 44 participants; 41 completers; mean age 36.1 years; 31 females and 13 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs sodium valproate 1000 mg/day.
Outcomes 2 and 8.
Pini et al.45 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Diagnosis of classic or common migraine. 20 participants; 29 completers; mean age 39.5 years; 24 females and 5 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs placebo.
Outcomes 1.
Rascol et al.47 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 35 participants; 32 completers; median age 38 years; 25 females and 10 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs pizotifen 2.19 mg/day.
Outcomes 1 and 8.
Shimell et al.51 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 58 participants; 49 completers; mean 34.5 years; 40 females and 17 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 180 mg/day.
Outcomes 1 and 8.
Sorge and Marano53 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Children with migraine diagnosed according to the Valquist criteria. 48 participants; 42 completers; mean age 10.6 years; 27
females and 21 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 5 mg/day vs placebo.
Outcomes 1, 4, and 8.
Sorge et al.54 Methods Prospective, double-blind cross-over trial.
Participants Children with migraine diagnosed according to the Valquist criteria. 70 participants; 63 completers; mean age 10.6 years; 36
females and 34 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 5 mg/day vs placebo.
Outcomes 1, 4, and 8.
Soyka and Oestreich55 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Classic or common migraine with characteristic features. 87 participants; 69 completers; mean age 42.5 years; 51 females and
18 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 120 mg/day.
Outcomes 1, 4, and 8.
Soyka and Oestreich56 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Classic or common migraine with characteristic features. 434 participants; 336 completers; mean age 42 years; 265 females and
61 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 120 mg/day.
Outcomes 1, 4, and 8.
Sørensen et al.58 Methods Prospective, double-blind cross-over trial.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria, modified by Olesen et al. 29 participants; 27 completers; median age 40 years; 23
females and 6 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs placebo.
Outcomes 1.
Sørensen52 Methods Prospective, double-blind RCT.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 149 participants; 127 completers; median age 42 years; 118 females and 31 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs propranolol 120 mg/day.
Outcomes 1 and 8.
Vijayalakshmi et al.65 Methods Prospective, open RCT.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 60 participants.
Interventions Flunarizine 20 mg/day vs acupuncture.
Outcomes 6.
Wang et al.66 Methods Prospective single-blind RCT.
Participants Migraine diagnosis according to IHS criteria. 140 participants; 120 completers; mean age 39.5 years; 119 females and 21 males.
Interventions Flunarizine 10 mg/day vs acupuncture.
Outcomes 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8.
1 5 migraine frequency; 2 5 responders to treatment; 3 5 migraine intensity; 4 5 headache duration; 5 5 drug consumption; 6 5 quality of life; 7 5 disability; 8 5 adverse events.
IHS, International Headache Society; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
April 2019
· Volume 160
· Number 4 www.painjournalonline.com 767
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A. Stubberud et al. 160 (2019) 762–772 PAIN®
Figure 3. Judgment for each risk of bias item for each included study.
Figure 4. Forest plot of flunarizine vs placebo for migraine frequency. 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; (1), SDs imputed; (2), SD calculated from individual patient
data; (3), point estimates extracted from figures; IV, inverse variance; SD, standard deviation.
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
April 2019
· Volume 160
· Number 4 www.painjournalonline.com 769
Figure 5. Forest plot of flunarizine vs placebo for responders to treatment ($50% reduction in migraine frequency). 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; (1), data
extracted from figures; (2), data extracted from figures; (3), data extracted from figures; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.
Our main findings are in line with those of other systematic propranolol. Consequently, this study was weighed at 87.0% in
reviews. A Spanish meta-analysis from 2003,49 including 4 RCTs, the meta-analysis for headache frequency and highlights the
found that flunarizine reduced monthly migraine frequency with importance of conducting sufficiently powered studies.
0.55 compared with placebo. A network meta-analysis from Flunarizine has acquired a reputation to induce depression and
201528 also found an advantage of flunarizine over placebo, but extrapyramidal symptoms.11,16,18 Despite this, depression was
because this study combined data on migraine frequency and rarely reported and extrapyramidal symptoms were not reported
headache index these findings are not directly comparable with in any included studies during or after flunarizine treatment. We
ours. In addition, the meta-analysis also included a nonrandom- found daytime sedation and weight increase to be the most
ized trial.61 common AEs. This is in line with the results of a large open study
Despite positive findings, most of the placebo-controlled trials with 1435 participants.40 However, of the 6 placebo-controlled
currently available lack sufficient power to properly assess the trials, only one reported weight increase20 and 2 reported daytime
effect size of the intervention. In fact, several of the studies are sedation20,35—it is therefore possible that similar AEs may have
underpowered in their sample size, and none provides sample gone unreported in other studies. In the propranolol analyses, we
size calculations. A power analysis reveals that a sample size of decided to analyze AEs reported by 2 or more trials. According to
64 participants is required in each treatment arm to identify the hierarchical categorization of the MedDRA, several low-level
a significant difference given an effect size of 0.5 and a power of term synonyms for AEs were reported in the included studies. We
0.8 at the 0.05 significance level.27 Only one of the placebo- therefore chose to pool these into categories encompassing
controlled parallel trials recruited more participants.13 Similarly, preferred terms within the same high-level categories. This
the sample sizes for most individual trials investigating flunarizine resulted in 2 combined preferred-term categories. The first
vs active comparators were far too low, for noninferiority included somnolence and sedation synonyms representing AEs
analysis.30 Only one study15 provided sample size calculations, related to disturbances in consciousness, and the other included
concluding with a necessary sample size of over 260 participants fatigue and asthenia synonyms representing asthenic conditions.
per arm to prove that flunarizine was at least as effective as Together, this serves to give a direct comparison of flunarizine
Figure 6. Forest plot of flunarizine vs propranolol for migraine frequency. 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; (1), data extracted from figures; IV, inverse variance; SD,
standard deviation.
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A. Stubberud et al. 160 (2019) 762–772 PAIN®
Figure 7. Forest plot of flunarizine vs placebo for adverse events. 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.
AEs with those of the commonly used propranolol. Interestingly, studies. Another strength is also that we translated papers
flunarizine gives a higher risk of fatigue, whereas propranolol gives from several other languages than English (16 different
a higher risk of somnolence. Ultimately, flunarizine seems to be countries). Only a few Chinese papers were not translated,
a well-tolerated alternative for patients with contraindications for yet none of these studies had placebo or active drugs as
beta blockers, such as obstructive pulmonary disease and controls, and we can conclude that the pooled estimates were
bradyarrhythmias, but such diagnoses were excluded from unaffected. Finally, we have made comprehensive reviews,
several flunarizine vs propranolol trials. descriptions, and thorough assessments of risk of bias for all
Data on AEs in the pediatric trials were limited and lacked included studies.
transparency. This makes us reluctant to draw conclusions and A limitation of this review is the variability and incompleteness of
compare it with AE findings in the adult trials. Still, the most data in the included studies. This required us to complete a series
frequent AEs in children were, similarly as for adults, weight gain of conversions and calculations from scarce primary data to allow
and drowsiness. Furthermore, many earlier systematic reviews for pooled analysis of the eligible studies. In some studies, we also
and guidelines recommend flunarizine for children, with the same had to impute missing variance data. This is hypothesized not to
source of tolerability findings as we present in this arti- introduce bias21 but still makes the pooled estimate less certain.
cle.17,31,63,64 On the other hand, it is possible that these estimates Nonetheless, omitting all studies with missing variance data could
are somewhat high as a recent retrospective study observed AEs have yielded a biased point estimate because these studies may
in 10/166 (6.0%) pediatric flunarizine users.29 not be a random subset of all studies.21 However, the sensitivity
We took several steps to reduce between-study heteroge- analyses indicate that the assumptions made on imputing data
neity issues in this study. First, we used strict criteria for are valid. One should also keep in mind the limitations of the AE
inclusion and avoided merging different drugs, populations, analyses due to heterogeneous and often incomplete reporting in
interventions, comparisons, and outcomes. We made the many studies. For example, 2 studies55,56 analyzed effectiveness
choice to strictly compare flunarizine to treatments with proven of data only from participants with “accepted rating sheets” but
efficacy, which excluded studies with comparators such as still reported AEs from all participants. If we assume all dropouts
dihydroergocryptine, dihydroergotamine, and calcium channel were due to ineffectiveness, there could potentially be a large
blockers.17 In addition, the use of pragmatic criteria to define mismatch between the reported effect and the number of AEs.
migraine in included studies, despite the fact that specific Similar attrition bias might also have been present in several of the
diagnose criteria have changed over the years, justifies pooling included studies.
Figure 8. Distribution of adverse events reported in more than one study for trials of flunarizine vs propranolol. AEs, adverse events.
Copyright © 2018 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
April 2019
· Volume 160
· Number 4 www.painjournalonline.com 771
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