Intel Ccua - Solvent-Based Adhesive

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Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA) Rev Oct 2021

CCUA Number:
Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA)

*Only applicable to Scenario 2: Chemicals used by non-Intel employees at Intel sites for
Environmental Review (i.e. construction activities; aviation maintenance activities, or per the site’s

Requestor Name Masitah Binti Muhammad Requestor HKL ENGINEERING

Contact Number +6019-4146135 Project Timeline
(Date propose 15nd August 2022 - 30nd
to be used on- November 2022
A. Chemical Information
(same as SDS)
Location Intel KM1, KM2, KM3, KM5, KM6
chemical is used
Storage on-site Intel KM6 Level 3 MDC iVE Quantity of on- 2
location (Construction Area) site storage in
Type of containers Container size 15Kg
Description of Application of solvent based adhesive is an electrically conductive glue used
use to create a bond between a subfloor such as concrete, raised access panels, or
old vinyl tile and a static-control floor.
*SDS availability Local language attached ✘ English attached ✘
*Meet GHS Label Yes ✘ No
Safety controls to 1. Comply PPE while working such as safety helmet, safety glasses, ear plug,
be used (please hand glove, safety vest safety shoes, face shield and facemask.
specify, PPE, 2. Ensure that plastics sheet being used as floor protection before doing any
ventilation installation.
requirement, fire 3. Ensure full time supervision on site while performing this task
safety, etc.)
B. Exhaust Information
Does it require Yes No ✘ Specify if connect to
any exhaust / any Intel exhaust:
ventilation while
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using this

Does this Yes No ✘

generate any

Does any Yes No ✘ Specify the refrigerant

refrigerant is name:
Click here to enter text.

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Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA) Rev Oct 2021

C. Waste Information
Waste generated (include solvent wipe waste, hazardous waste, and Waste disposal
waste for recycle) method (please
Liquid waste Yes No ✘ All chemicals’ balance
Specify the type of waste will be sealed and
generated: wrapped tightly and
Click here to enter text.
will be removed from
Estimated quantities per each site for reuse purpose.
type of waste:
Click here to enter text.
Empty container Yes ✘ No All empty containers
Specify the type of waste will be wrapped &
generated: Containers sealed tightly and
transferred to Intel’s
Estimated quantities per each Centralized Waste
type of waste: 5 Store.
All empty containers
shall be disposed
under SW409 through
Intel JLL.
Kinetics shall liaise
closely with JLL the
returning of empty
container for schedule
waste collection and

Contaminated Yes ✘ No All contaminated

debris Specify the type of waste debris will be wrapped
generated: Gloves and sealed and
transferred to Intel’s
Estimated quantities per each Centralized Waste
type of waste: 5 Pairs of Gloves Store.
All contaminated
debris shall be
disposed under
SW410 through Intel
Kinetics shall liase
closely with JLL the
returning of for
contaminated debris
schedule waste
collection and

Others waste Yes No ✘

(exclude liquid Specify the type of waste
waste) generated: Click here to enter text.

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Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA) Rev Oct 2021

Estimated quantities per each

type of waste:
Click here to enter text.

To be filled up by EHS

Approval status Approved Rejected

Site Environmental Engineer
Date approval
Comments / Remarks

ATM Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA) Roles & Responsibility

Roles & Responsibility of Requestor

- Ensure the Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA) form is filled out correctly.
- Ensure the approved valid CCUA number is provided prior to chemical bring-in Intel’s
- Determine start and expiration date of project timeline for the chemical to be used is
- Every chemicals fall under scenario 2 needs to submit this request for review according to
the project timeline needs.
- *Ensure GHS label meet local regulatory requirement at the chemical containers and submit
up-to-date SDS for review together with this Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA)
application. It is the responsibility of the requestor for the GHS labelling and SDS
requirements to comply with the local regulatory requirements.
- Comply with all safety protocol that follow the local regulatory requirements.
- Report any spillage incident to the site Environmental Engineer immediately.
- Submit the Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA) form for review before 48 hours
work is commenced at site.

Roles & Responsibility of Approver

- Review the Intel Contractor Chemical Use Approval (CCUA) completed form submitted by
- Provide a valid and approved CCUA number according to the format Site (abbreviation: CD,
PG, KM, VN) – YYYY (year of review) – XXX (running number) – site approver (I= Intel; J = JLL;
T = Tialoc) ; E.g CD-2019-001-I
- Keep track a list of approved CCUA at the site.
- Keep a record of master list of the approved CCUA by each approver with the required info
of CCUA# reference number, location of use, chemical name, requestor name, description of
chemical use, project timeline and approval date.
- Conduct a 10% audit yearly sample quality check of the approval of CCUA by CW approvers
by site Intel Environmental Engineer.

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