LM Arts 7 Week 3
LM Arts 7 Week 3
LM Arts 7 Week 3
I. Subject Matter:
Arts and Crafts of Luzon
Lesson 1: Textile, Basketry, and Ornamentation
II. Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of:
1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills;
2. the salient features of the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) by showing the relationship
of the elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the country; and
3. the Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from precolonial to present times.
III. Performance Standards:
The learner…
1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Luzon (highlands and
lowlands); and
2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing.
IV. Learning Competencies
Through this Learning Module, you are expected to:
1. analyze elements and principles of art in the production of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the
arts of Luzon (A7EL-lb-1);
2. appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their uses and their distinct use of art
(A7PL-Ih-2); and
3. create paper placemats inspired by the traditional patterns in Luzon.
V. Institutional Value
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Montessori develops Carmelian learners who have a strong intellectual
and social well-being.
VI. Learning Activities
Monday (September 14, 2020)
AM (Asynchronous)
A. Introduction of Topic
Task 1: Look, Describe, and Reflect!
Due Date: September 7, 2020 (Monday afternoon)
List down two similarities and differences you notice from the two textiles.
Figure A Figure B
Similarities Differences
The next part of this module will give you an explanation and description
of the arts and crafts of highlands and lowlands of Luzon. You need to
read and study the characteristics of these arts and crafts for you to
appreciate this artistic value and culture. As you continue your journey,
you will be needing this knowledge for you to create your own arts and
PM (Synchronous)
B. Lesson Discussion
Arts and Crafts of Luzon
(Textile, Basketry, and Ornamentation)
The Ilocanos are among the largest ethno-linguistic groups in the country. Their
arts and culture is so diverse. They are known for their iloco or inabel fabric. The
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traditional threads are dyed from the sap of black plum called
sagut. The inabel has become an important part in the lives of
Ilocanos. Newly born babies in the region are wrapped in abel
blanket, and those who participate in weddings wear abel
clothing. Dead ancestors are also wrapped in abel blanket.
Ilocos is also considered as one of the major weaving
towns in Northern Luzon. There are intricately designed blankets
made in this region. The blankets are known as binakol and
pinilian. They have repetitive geometric designs that create optical
Arts and crafts include the smoothly weaved Bolinao mats made from buri or
raffia leaves, the bamboo crafts of San Carlos, bagoong, and the tasty tapang bangus.
The people of Kalinga are also great weavers. Their cloth weaving
and basketry are among the finest products in the region. Kalinga textiles
are characterized by dominant red stripes and motifs of geometric
patterns as well as nature symbols interlaced with white, yellow, and
black fibers.
Tattooing or the batek is a practice in Kalinga and other parts of
Cordillera region that is associated with beauty and status. The identity,
membership, and belongingness to a community are signified through the batek. The
practice of batek is filled with symbolism and imagery.
The Ifugaos weave a loincloth called ikat which is actually an
Indonesian term, meaning to bind together. Their motif is characterized by
diamond stripes of white and red stripes. The dominant color is blue.
The Ifugaos are also great basket weavers. They have different kinds
of baskets depending on their use and in their size. Decorations added to
the basket must embody its intrinsic function. There are also basket
categories that the Ifugao people have been accustomed to.
The acob is a basket that has a square base and a round cover. It is
primarily used to store husked rice.
The agawen is a small, open basket used as a container for snails
gathered in the fields.
The bangaw is a backpack with a smooth black fiber worn by travelers to
cover themselves against the rain.
The binali is a basket made through a coil technique and is used for storage of grains.
The bulot is used to store locusts.
The camoan is also another basket for husked rice.
The hoop is a square basket used when carrying food to the
The hulol is a funnel-shaped basket that is used when
catching locust.
The pasiking is another type of backpack.
The topil is another type of food container for the field.
The ulbong is another type of basket used for grain
They are also known for amulets that are made of
beads, gold, bronze, and other materials. This amulet are called
lingling-o or dinumug used as fertility symbols and worn around the neck.
The province is known for their Kadangyan burial cloth for rich people. Only
grandmothers can weave it during the olden times.
Tattoo art is another form of folk art in Mountain Province. For them, tattoo is
part of clothing and is considered decoration. It also signifies a rite of passage from
youth to adult life or heroism, status in the community, and bravery.
The people of Bontoc are also great weavers. Their cloth fabrics are used for
blanket and clothing called siniwsiwan. These fabrics are used for wanes or men’s g-
string; the women use the fabric as wrap-around called getup or lufid. The motif of
the Bontocs include geometric shapes of things around them such as man, lizard,
mountain, rains, and flower.
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Burnay (locally known as tapayan or banga) is an earthenware jar
crafted by a skillful potters with the use of potter’s wheel and kiln. It is made
by a grade- A clay and fine sand. Burnay is commonly used for storage of
water, grains, fermented fish (bagoong), basi (sugarcane wine), salt, and
other condiments. Burnay has small openings while those with bigger mouths
are called wangging.
Buri mat is the smoothy woven mat from Bolinao that is made of dried
leaves of palm (buri, raffia, and buntal), dyed and woven.
Vakul headdress is the headgear for Ivatan women of Batanes that is
used to protect them from the heat of the sun and rains.
Vests are worn by Ivatan men farmers. Vakul and vest are made from
the leaves of vuyavuy, a tree endemic to Batanes.
For additional information, you may read pages 101- 104 of your textbook.
C. Practice Activities
Task 2: Upgrade
Due Date: September 21, 2020 (Monday morning)
Answer the activity on pages 105-106 of your textbook. Use the space provided. Write
1. ______________ 6. ______________ 11. ______________
2. ______________ 7. ______________ 12. ______________
3. ______________ 8. ______________ 13. ______________
4. ______________ 9. ______________ 14. ______________
5. ______________ 10. ______________ 15. ______________
D. Evaluation
Due Date: September 21, 2020 (Monday morning)
*For those who have internet access please answer using the Genyo e-
learning, for those who do not have internet access you may answer here
and send your assessment in my messenger. Refrain from using black ink
when answering your assessment. *
Identify the word described in each item by encircling the letter of the correct answer.
1. A hand weaving technique of the Ilocanos that is produced using traditional wooden
A. kain B. ginaspalawanes C. ikat D. inabel
2. A burial cloth woven by female elders of Mountain Province.
A. kadangyan B. wanes C. bakwat D. calado
3. It has a design that are inspired by natural elements: patterns that depict different
landforms, the colors of nature and animals.
A. kain B. ginaspalawanes C. ikat D. inabel
4. The word of Ilocanos that literally means “woven”.
A. kain B. ginaspalawanes C. ikat D. inabel
5. It is a handwoven fabric made by Ilocanos which is more popularly known as “Abel
A. kain B. ginaspalawanes C. ikat D. inabel
6. Bontoc’s blanket and clothing. A fabric used in wanes, lufid and ginaspala wanes
A. kain B. siniwsiwan C. ikat D. inabel
7. Burnay (locally known as tapayan or banga) are earthenware jars crafted by a skillful
potter with the use of potter’s wheel and kiln.
A. labba B. Buri C. Burnay D. lingling
8. A common ancient artifact symbolizing fertility, prosperity and love found in Ifugao,
Bontoc and other Cordillera regions.
A. labba B. Buri C. Burnay D. lingling
9. A headdress is the headgear for Ivatan women of Batanes that is used to protect them
from the heat of the sun and rains.
A. singkaban B. vakul C. kiping D. vest
10. Worn by Ivatan men farmers that are made from the leaves of vuyavuy, a tree
endemic to Batanes.
A. singkaban B. vakul C. kiping D. vest
11. A funnel-shaped basket used when catching locust.
A. ulbong B. hulol C. topil D. binali
12. A small, open basket used as a container for snails gathered in the fields.
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A. acob B. bangaw C. agawen D. camoan
13. In Kalinga, this practice signifies the identity, membership, and belongingness to a
A. batek B. kanyaw C. abel D. sagut
14. Commonly used for storage of water, grains, fermented fish (bagoong), basi
(sugarcane wine), salt, and other condiments.
A. binali B. vakul C. topil D. burnay
15. A weaving technique that literally means “to tie” or “to bind”
A. ikat B. inabel C. tapis D. binakol
1. For the process of paper-weaving you may visit
2. Do not forget to document the process of doing your performance through pictures.
3. Send the MSWord or pictures of your documentation in my messenger: Ghenie Lyn (Genelyn
Tallad) on or before September 22, 2020.
***You may ask the help of your parents, guardian, older sibling but you do must do 90 percent
of your art activity and it is also shown in your documentation. ***
VIII. References
Africa, A. & Dela Cruz, M.A. (2018). Practical Mapeh 7. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
Website links
Department of Education. (2020 August 8). Arts 7_qtr 1_module1_arts and crafts of Luzon.
Light Arohl. (2014 March 14).k to 12 Grade 7 learning module in arts. Slideshare.
Longakit, J.(2015 November 1). Folk arts and designs of Luzon 1. Slideshare.
Ballares, L. (2013 November 16). Folk arts and design of some provinces in Luzon. Slideshare.
Arts and Crafts.(2013 June 27). Learn paper weaving (Video). Youtube.
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