Ericsson Case Study
Ericsson Case Study
Ericsson Case Study
̥̥ Make a long-term commitment to implement SCOR
̥̥ Re-brand internal supply processes and align job
descriptions to correlate with SCOR
̥̥ Conduct SCM “awareness sessions” for employees
to strengthen their understanding of supply chain
̥̥ Utilize SCOR scorecards and performance measurement
̥̥ Global supply chain cost alignment
̥̥ Business warehouse design allows faster delivery of
tangible solutions
̥̥ Alignment of development efforts based on a neutral
reference model
̥̥ Capital reduction from well-designed supply solutions
resulting in lower capital expenditures, which supports
Ericsson’s overall business strategy
̥̥ Reduce the time and cost to prepare quotes for
customer contracts, going from weeks to days
Global telecommunications technology and services leader “Being able to activate the most relevant
Ericsson AB was one of the early adopters of the Supply Chain
reports transformed Ericsson’s level of
Operations Reference (SCOR) model. The company began using
SCOR in 1997, just one year after its development; SCOR then was
supply chain insight.”
applied more formally across Ericsson’s global networks beginning
Ericsson held its first official in-house SCOR training in
in 2004. In the years since, SCOR has evolved to become the
2005, which led to continued progress in supply chain and
foundation of Ericsson’s global outbound supply chain strategy. In
sourcing processes as well as in information technology (IT)
fact, it is so integrated in the company’s supply chain culture that
development. The model provided a common set of definitions
no one employee or team is tasked with managing SCOR as a
and standards for team members who had been struggling
standalone part of his or her day-to-day activities.
with communications, particularly across continents.
Shortly thereafter, Ericsson rebranded both internal supply
“We do not need to highlight SCOR itself, as it has grown into our
processes and job descriptions to correlate with SCOR. This
supply chain DNA,” says Lars Magnusson, SCOR-P, the business
made it much easier to link training opportunities to the
architect at Ericsson who led the SCOR implementation efforts.
requirements of certain roles and responsibilities. Employees
“We have moved from a program-driven structure for specific issues
would be invited to take part in SCOR, APICS Certified in
to the applied use of SCOR in all supply chain processes and
Production and Inventory Management or APICS Certified
business-development activities.”
Supply Chain Professional training, depending on their
particular job functions.
Today, SCOR enables Ericsson to make significant, long-term
performance improvements. By fully adopting the architecture
The following year, the business began using SCOR skills
and actively employing scorecards for performance measurement
definitions to develop internal roles and responsibilities. Then,
and benchmarking, the supply chain organization has achieved
in 2010, Ericsson restructured its SAP platform to align with
enhanced operational control, improved data quality, more efficient
SCOR Level 2 terminology (make-to-order, make-to-stock and
measurement and technology solutions, and meaningful bottom-line
engineer-to-order). More recently, the SCOR Project Model
“racetrack” has been used to create an aligned delivery
governance model for the large-scale, project-driven business.
The Early Adopter The front-loading of the process with early supply chain
Ericsson leaders first decided to implement SCOR in order to preparation is intended to deliver both capital and execution
standardize metrics across the global outbound supply chain. cost reductions.
While the methodology brought about immediate improvements,
this preliminary effort was somewhat limited by the company Ericsson also is actively developing the Design Chain
failing to fully apply the process portion of the model. Operations Reference, Customer Chain Operations Reference,
Product Life Cycle Operations Reference and Managing for
Fast-forward several years, and the need for greater structure and Supply Chain Performance frameworks from the APICS
metrics consistency was at the forefront once again. Ericsson enterprise model portfolio. Currently, all are being tested as
decision-makers then chose to no longer be passive SCOR users, part of the business architecture for the Ericsson group.
but to fully embrace the solution and all its possibilities. Ericsson
then introduced SAP Business Warehouse to its supply chain.
After 18 months of designing everything from raw data extractors A SCOR-Centric Supply Chain
to the graphical presentation layer, the business had the ability Ericsson employees report that the greatest benefits are the
to create a single report. It was a valuable piece of knowledge, holistic supply chain understanding SCOR has given them
but so slow to load and inflexible to work with that its utility and the ability to work from a common point of reference. As
was compromised. terminology and related issues are standardized, the internal
process-development community also has grown more unified
But when SAP incorporated SCOR metrics into its new product as team. Now, collaboration happens quickly, so there’s no need
release in 2004, suddenly the business had access to a repository to start from scratch on every project.
of SCOR-based reports spanning source, make, deliver and return.