Assessment 2 - FOR 4TH YEAR COED

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Learning Guide in ASSESSMENT 2

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the principles, development, and utilization
of alternative forms of assessment in measuring authentic learning. It emphasizes on
how to assess process-and product-oriented learning outcomes as well as affective
learning. Students will experience how to develop rubrics and other assessment tools for
performance-based and product-based assessment.
LET Competencies:
1. Apply principles in constructing and interpreting traditional forms of assessment
2. Utilized processed data and results in reporting and interpreting learner’s performance to
improve teaching and learning
3. Demonstrate skills in the use of techniques and tools in assessing affective learning



Performance-Based Assessment is a process of gathering information about student's learning
through actual demonstration of essential and observable skills and creation of products that
are grounded in real world contexts and constraints. It is an assessment that is open to many
possible answers and judged using multiple criteria or standards of excellence that are pre-
specified and public.
Reasons for Using Performance-Based Assessment
 Dissatisfaction of the limited information obtained from selected-response test.
 Influence of cognitive psychology, which demands not only for the learning of declarative but
also for procedural knowledge.
 Negative impact of conventional tests e.g., high-stake assessment, teaching for the test
 It is appropriate in experiential, discovery-based, integrated, and problem-based
learning approaches.
Types of Performance-based Task
1. Demonstration-type- this is a task that requires no product
Examples: constructing a building, cooking demonstrations, entertaining tourists, teamwork,
2. Creation-type - this is a task that requires tangible products.
Examples: project plan, research paper, project flyers
Methods of Performance-based Assessment
Written-open ended-a written prompt is provided
Formats: Essays, open-ended test

2. Behavior-based - utilizes direct observations of behaviors in situations or simulated contexts
Formats: structured (a .specific focus of observation is set at once) and unstructured
(anything observed is recorded or analyzed)
3. Interview-based - examinees 'respond in one-to-one conference setting with the examiner to
demonstrate mastery of the skills
Formats: structured (interview questions are set at once) and unstructured (interview
questions depend on the flow of conversation)
4. Product-based- examinees create a work sample or a product utilizing the skills/abilities.
Formats: restricted (products of the same objective are the same for all students)
and extended (students vary in their products for the same objective)
5. Portfolio-based - collections of works that are systematically gathered to serve many
How to Assess a Performance
1. Identify the competency that has to be demonstrated by the students with or
without a product.
2. Describe the task to be performed by the students either individually or as a group, the
resources needed, time allotment and other requirements to be able to assess the focused
7 Criteria in Selecting a Good Performance Assessment Task /Burke, 1999)
■Generalizability - the likelihood that the students’ performance on the task will generalize the
comparable tasks.
■Authenticity-The task is similar to what the students might encounter in the
real world as opposed to encountering only in the school.
■Multiple Foci -The task measures multiple instructional outcomes.
■Teachability - The task allows one to master the skill that one should be proficient in.
■Feasibility - The task is realistically implementable in relation to its cost,
. space, time, and equipment requirements.
■Scorability-The task can be reliably and accurately evaluated.
■Fairness-The task is fair to all the students regardless of their social status or gender
3. Develop a scoring rubric reflecting the criteria, levels of performance and the scores.
 Specific behaviors or behavioural outcomes are to be observed
When To Use  Possibility of judging the appropriateness of students’ actions
 A process or outcome cannot be directly measured by paper-&-pencil tests
 Allow evaluation of complex skills which are difficult to assess using written
 Positive effect on instruction and learning
 Can be used to evaluate both the process and the product

 Time-consuming to administer, develop, and score
Limitations  Subjectivity in scoring
 Inconsistencies in performance on alternative skills
Portfolio Assessment is also an alternative to pen-and-paper objective test It is a purposeful, ongoing,
dynamic, and collaborative process of gathering multiple indicators of the learner's growth and
development. Portfolio assessment is also performance-based but more authentic than any
performance-based task.
Reasons for Using Portfolio Assessment
Buike (1999) actually recognizes portfolio as another type of assessment and is considered
authentic because of the following reasons:
 It tests what is realty happening in the classroom.
 It offers multiple indicators of students' progress.
 It gives the students the responsibility of their own teaming.
 It offers opportunities for students to document reflections of their learning.
 It demonstrates what the students know in ways that encompass their personal learning styles
and multiple intelligences.
 It offers teachers new role in the assessment process.
 It allows teachers to reflect on the effectiveness of their instruction.
 It provides teachers freedom of gaining insights into the student's development or achievement
over a period of time.
Principles Underlying Portfolio Assessment
There are three underlying principles of portfolio assessment content, learning, and equity principles.
1. Content principle suggests that portfolios should reflect the subject matter that is important for
the students to learn.
2. Learning principle suggests that portfolios should enable the students to become active and
thoughtful learners.
3. Equity principle explains that portfolios should aflow students to demonstrate their learning styles
and multiple intelligences.
Types of Portfolios
Portfolios could come in three types: working, show, or documentary.
1. The working portfolio is a collection of a student's day-to-day works which reflect
his/her learning.
2. The show portfolio is a collection of a student's best works.
3. The documentary portfolio Is a combination of a working and a show portfolio
Characteristics of Portfolio:
1. Adaptable to individualized instructional goals
2. Focus on assessment of products
3. Identify students’ strengths rather than weaknesses
4. Actively involve students in the evaluation process
5. Communicate student achievement to others
6. Time-consuming
7. Need of a scoring plan to increase reliability

Showcase  A collection of students’ best work
 Used for helping teachers, students, and family members think about various
dimensions of student learning (e.g. effort, achievement, etc.)
 A collection of items done for an extended period of time
Cumulative  Analyzed to verify changes in the products and process associated with
student learning
 A collection of works chosen by students and teachers to match pre-
established objectives
 A way of documenting the steps and processes a student has done to
complete a piece of work

→ scoring guides, consisting of specific pre-established performance criteria, used in evaluating
student work on performance assessments

Rubric is a measuring instrument used in rating performance-based tasks; It is the “key to
corrections’ for assessment tasks designed to measure the attainment of leaning competencies
that require demonstration of skits or creation of products of learning. It offers a set of guidelines
or descriptions in scoring different levels of performance or qualities of products of learning; it
can be used in scoring both the process and the products of learning.

Similarity of Rubric with Other Scoring Instruments

Rubric is a modified checklist and rating scale.
1. Checklist
 presents the observed characteristics of a desirable performance or product
 the rater checks the trait/s that has/have been observed in one’s performance or product.
2. Rating Scale
 measures the extent or degree to which a trait has been satisfied by one's work or performance
 offers an overall description of the different levels of quality of a work or a performance
 uses 3 to more levels to describe the work or performance although the most common rating
scales have 4 or 5 performance levels.

Below is a Venn Diagram that shows the graphical comparison of rubric, rating scale and checklist.


But the Common Two Types:
1. Holistic Rubric – requires the teacher to score the overall process or product as a whole,
without judging the component parts separately
2. Analytic Rubric – requires the teacher to score individual components of the product or
performance first, then sums the individual scores to obtain a total score

Important Elements of a Rubric

Whether the format is holistic, analytic, or a combination the following information should be made available
in a rubric.
 Competency to be tested-This should be a behavior that requires either a demonstration or creation of
products of learning.
 Performance Task -The task should be authentic, feasible, and has multiple foci.
 Evaluative Criteria and their Indicators - These should be made clear using observable traits.
 Performance Levels- These levels could vary in number from 3 or more
 Qualitative and Quantitative descriptions of each performance level - These descriptions should be
observable and measurable.

Guidelines When Developing Rubrics

» Identify the important and observable features or criteria of an excellent performance or quality product
» Clarify the meaning of each trait or criterion and the performance levels.
» Describe the gradations of quality product or excellent performance.
» Aim for an even number rtf levels to avoid the central tendency source of error.
» Keep the number of criteria reasonable enough to be observed or judged.
» Arrange the criteria in order in which they win likely to be observed.
» Determine the weight/points of each criterion and the whole work or performance in the final grade.
» Put the descriptions of a criterion or a performance level on the same page. » Highlight the distinguishing
traits of each performance level.
» Check if the rubric encompasses alt possible traits of a work.
» Check again if the objectives of assessment were captured in the rubric


Behavior - everything done that can be observed

Personality -pattern of enduring distinctive thoughts, emotions and behaviors that characterize
one’s adaptation to the world
Trait - an enduring personality characteristic that tends to lead to certain behaviors

Affective and Other Non-Cognittve Learning Outcomes . Requiring Assessment

Procedure Beyond Paper-and-Pencil Test


Affective Assessment Procedures/Tools
> Observational Techniques - used in assessing affective ami other non-cognitive learning
outcomes and aspects of development of students.
 Anecdotal Records - method of recording factual description of students' behavior. :

Effective use of Anecdotal Records

1. Determine in advance what to observe, but be alert for unusual behavior.
2. Analyze observational records for possible sources of bias.
3. Observe and record enough .of the situation to make the behavior meaningful.
4. Make a record of the incident right after observation, as much as possible.
5. Limit each anecdote to a brief description of a single incident.
6. Keep the factual description of the incident and your interpretation of it, separate
7. Record both positive and negative behavioral incidents.
8. Collect a number of anecdotes on a .student before drawing inferences concerning typical
9. Obtain practice in writing anecdotal records
 Peer appraisal - is especially useful in assessing personality characteristics, social relations
skills, and other forms of typical behavior. Peer - appraisal methods include the guess - who
technique and the sociometric technique.
Guess- Who Technique - method, used to obtain peer judgment or peer ratings requiring
students to name their classmates who best fit each of a series of behavior description, the
number of nominations students receive on each characteristic indicates their reputation in
the peer group.
Sociometric Technique - also calls for nominations, but students indicate their choice of
companions for some group situation or activity, the number of choices students receives
serves as an Indication of their total social acceptance. ‘
 Self - report techniques - used to obtain information that is inaccessible by other means,
including reports on the students' attitudes, interests, and personal feelings.
 Attitude scales - used to determine what a student believes, perceives, or feels: Attitudes can
be measured toward self, others, and a variety of other activities, institutions, or situations. .
I. Rating Scale-measures attitudes toward others or asks an
individual to rate another individual on a number of behavioral dimensions on a continuum
from good to bad or excellent to poor, or on a number of items by sheeting the most
appropriate response category along 3 or 5 point scale (e.g., 5-excellent, 4-above average, 3-
average, 2-below average, 1 -poor) .
II. Semantic Differential Scale - asks an individual to give a quantitative rating to the subject of
the attitude scaie'on a number of bipolar adjectives such as good-bad, friendly-unfriendly etc.

III. Likert Scale-an assessment instrument which asks an individual to respond to a series pf
statements by indicating whether she/he strongly agrefc (SA), agrees (A), is undecided (U),
disagrees (D), or strongly disagrees (SO) witii each statement Each response is asso- dated
with a point value, and an individual's score is determined by . summing up the point values
for each positive statements: SA - 5, A - 4, U - 3, D - 2, SD -1. for negative statements, the
point values would be reversed, that is, SA -1, A - 2, and so on.

» Personality assessments - refer to procedures for assessing emotional adjustment Interpersonal

relations, motivation, interests, feelings aid attitudes toward self, others, and a variety of other
activities, institutions, and situations.
 Interests are preferences for particular activities.
Example of statement on questionnaire: I would rather gook titan write a letter. .
 Values concern preferences for “life goals” and "ways of life*, in contrast to interests, which
concern preferences for particular activities.
Example: I consider it more important to have people respect me than to admire me.
 Attitude concerns feelings about particular social objects - physical objects,
types of people, particular persons, social institutions, government policies, and others. .
Example: I enjoy solving math problem. .
a. Non-projective Tests
 Personality Inventories
 Personality Inventories present lists of questions or statements describing behaviors
characteristic erf certain personality baits, and the individual is asked to indicate (yes, no,
undecided) whether the statement * describes her or him.
 It may be specific and measure only one trait, such as introversion extroversion, or may
be general and measures number of baits.
✓ Creativity Tests .
 Tests of creativity ate really tests designed to measure those personality characteristics
that are related to creative behavior.
 One such trait is referred to as divergent thinking. Unlike convergent thinkers who tend
to took for the right answer, divergent thinkers tend to seek alternatives. .
 Interest Inventories
 An interest Inventory asks an individual to indicate personal like, such
as kinds of activities he or she likes to engage in.

b. Projective Tests
• Projective tests were developed in an attempt to eliminate some of the.
major problems inherent in the use of self - report measures, such as toe tendency
erf some respondents to give socially acceptable responses
• The purposes of such tests are usually not obvious to respondents; the individual is
typically asked to respond to ambiguous items.
• The most commonly used projective technique is the method of association. This
technique asks the respondent to react to a stimulus such as a picture, inkblot, or
Projective tests -- use ambiguous stimulus and asks the examinee to describe or
tell a story about it
 Self-report tests -- also called objective tests or inventories; directly ask people
whether items describe them or not
 Behavior rating - an inventory that asks an observer to rate the examinee in a
number of dimensions
 Checklist - an assessment instrument that calls for a simple yes-no judgment It is
basically a method of recording whether a characteristic is present or absent or
whether an action was or was not taken.
i.e. checklist of student's daily activities

• Projective drawings
- draw-a-person
- house-tree-person
- kinetic family drawing
• Rorschach Inkblot: what do you see?
• Thematic Apperception Test
• Sentence-completion
• Graphology

1. Closed-Item or Forced-choice Instruments – ask for one or specific answer
a. Checklist – measures students’ preferences, hobbies, attitudes, feelings, beliefs, interests,
etc. by marking a set of possible responses

b. Scales – these instruments that indicate the extent or degree of one’s response
1) Rating Scale – measures the degree or extent of one’s attitudes, feelings, and perception
about ideas, objects and people by marking a point along 3- or 5- point scale
2) Semantic Differential Scale – measures the degree of one’s attitudes, feelings and
perceptions about ideas, objects and people by marking a point along 5- or 7- or 11- point
scale of semantic adjectives
3) Likert Scale – measures the degree of one’s agreement or disagreement on positive or
negative statements about objects and people

c. Alternate Response – measures students preferences, hobbies, attitudes, feelings, beliefs,

interests, etc. by choosing between two possible responses
d. Ranking – measures students preferences or priorities by ranking a set of responses

2. Open-Ended Instruments – they are open to more than one answer

a. Sentence Completion – measures students preferences over a variety of attitudes and
allows students to answer by completing an unfinished statement which may vary in length
b. Surveys – measures the values held by an individual by writing one or many responses to a
given question
c. Essays – allows the students to reveal and clarify their preferences, hobbies, attitudes,
feelings, beliefs, and interests by writing their reactions or opinions to a given question


1. Avoid statements that refer to the past rather than to the present.
2. Avoid statements that are factual or capable of being interpreted as factual.
3. Avoid statements that may be interpreted in more than one way.
4. Avoid statements that are irrelevant to the psychological object under consideration.
5. Avoid statements that are likely to be endorsed by almost everyone or by almost no one.
6. Select statements that are believed to cover the entire range of affective scale of interests.
7. Keep the language of the statements simple, clear and direct.
8. Statements should be short, rarely exceeding 20 words.
9. Each statement should contain only one complete thought.
10. Statements containing universals such as all, always, none and never often introduce
ambiguity and should be avoided.
11. Words such as only, just, merely, and others of similar nature should be used with care and
moderation in writing statements.
12. Whenever possible, statements should be in the form of simple statements rather than in the
form of compound or complex sentences.
13. Avoid the use of words that may not be understood by those who are to be given the
completed scale.
14. Avoid the use of double negatives.


VALIDITY - the degree to which a test measures what is intended to be measured. It is the
usefulness of the test for a given purpose. It is the most important criteria of a good examination.
FACTORS influencing the validity of tests in general
 Appropriateness of test – it should measure the abilities, skills and information it is
supposed to measure
 Directions – it should indicate how the learners should answer and record their answers
 Reading Vocabulary and Sentence Structure – it should be based on the intellectual level
of maturity and background experience of the learners
 Difficulty of Items- it should have items that are not too difficult and not too easy to be able
to discriminate the bright from slow pupils
 Construction of Items – it should not provide clues so it will not be a test on clues nor should
it be ambiguous so it will not be a test on interpretation
 Length of Test – it should just be of sufficient length so it can measure what it is supposed to
measure and not that it is too short that it cannot adequately measure the performance we
want to measure
 Arrangement of Items – it should have items that are arranged in ascending level of difficulty
such that it starts with the easy ones so that pupils will pursue on taking the test
 Patterns of Answers – it should not allow the creation of patterns in answering the tes

WAYS of Establishing Validity

 Face Validity – is done by examining the physical appearance of the test
 Content Validity – is done through a careful and critical examination of the objectives of the
test so that it reflects the curricular objectives
 Criterion-related validity – is established statistically such that a set of scores revealed by a
test is correlated with scores obtained in another external predictor or measure. Has two
 Concurrent Validity – describes the present status of the individual by correlating the
sets of scores obtained from two measures given concurrently
 Predictive Validity – describes the future performance of an individual by correlating
the sets of scores obtained from two measures given at a longer time interval

 Construct Validity – is established statistically by comparing psychological traits or factors

that influence scores in a test, e.g. verbal, numerical, spatial, etc.
 Convergent Validity – is established if the instrument defines another similar trait
other than what it intended to measure (e.g. Critical Thinking Test may be correlated
with Creative Thinking Test)
 Divergent Validity – is established if an instrument can describe only the intended
trait and not other traits (e.g. Critical Thinking Test may not be correlated with Reading
Comprehension Test)

RELIABILITY – it refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested
using the same instrument or one that is parallel to it.

FACTORS affecting Reliability

 Length of the test – as a general rule, the longer the test, the higher the reliability. A longer
test provides a more adequate sample of the behavior being measured and is less distorted
by chance of factors like guessing.
 Difficulty of the test – ideally, achievement tests should be constructed such that the
average score is 50 percent correct and the scores range from zero to near perfect. The
bigger the spread of scores, the more reliable the measured difference is likely to be. A test is
reliable if the coefficient of correlation is not less than 0.85.
 Objectivity – can be obtained by eliminating the bias, opinions or judgments of the person
who checks the test.
 Administrability – the test should be administered with ease, clarity and uniformity so that
scores obtained are comparable. Uniformity can be obtained by setting the time limit and oral
 Scorability – the test should be easy to score such that directions for scoring are clear, the
scoring key is simple, provisions for answer sheets are made
 Economy – the test should be given in the cheapest way, which means that answer sheets
must be provided so the test can be given from time to time
 Adequacy - the test should contain a wide sampling of items to determine the educational
outcomes or abilities so that the resulting scores are representatives of the total performance
in the areas measured

Type of Reliability
Method Procedure Statistical Measure
Give a test twice to the same group
Test-Retest Measure of stability with any time interval between sets Pearson r
from several minutes to several years
Measure of Give parallel forms of test at the
Equivalent Forms Pearson r
equivalence same time between forms
Test-Retest with Measure of stability Give parallel forms of test with
Pearson r
Equivalent Forms and equivalence increased time intervals between
Give a test once. Score equivalent Pearson r and
Split Half halves of the test (e.g. odd-and even Spearman-Brown
numbered items) Formula
Give the test once, then correlate the
Kuder-Richardson Measure of Internal proportion/percentage of the students
Formula 20 and 21
Consistency passing and not passing a given item
Give a test once. Then estimate
Cronbach reliability by using the standard Kuder-Richardson
Coefficient Alpha deviation per item and the standard Formula 20
deviation of the test scores


1. Score the test. Arrange the scores from highest to lowest.
2. Get the top 27% (upper group) and below 27% (lower group) of the examinees.
3. Count the number of examinees in the upper group (PT) and lower group (PB) who got each
item correct.
4. Compute for the Difficulty Index of each item.
( PT + PB ) N = the total number of examinees
Df =

5. Compute for the Discrimination Index.

( PT - PB )
Ds = n = the number of examinees in each group


Difficulty Index (Df)

0.76 – 1.00 → very easy

0.25 – 0.75 → average
0.00 – 0.24 → very difficult

Discrimination Index (Ds)

0.40 – above → very good

0.30 – 0.39 → reasonably good
0.20 – 0.29 → marginal item
0.19 – below → poor item


 Leniency error: Faculty tends to judge better than it really is.

 Generosity error: Faculty tends to use high end of scale only.
 Severity error: Faculty tends to use low end of scale only.
 Central tendency error: Faculty avoids both extremes of the scale.
 Bias: Letting other factors influence score (e.g., handwriting, typos)
 Halo effect: Letting general impression of student influence rating of specific criteria (e.g.,
student’s prior work)
 Contamination effect: Judgment is influenced by irrelevant knowledge about the student or
other factors that have no bearing on performance level (e.g., student appearance)
 Similar-to-me effect: Judging more favorably those students whom faculty see as similar to
themselves (e.g., expressing similar interests or point of view)
 First-impression effect: Judgment is based on early opinions rather than on a complete
picture (e.g., opening paragraph)
 Contrast effect: Judging by comparing student against other students instead of established
criteria and standards
 Rater drift: Unintentionally redefining criteria and standards over time or across a series of
scorings (e.g., getting tired and cranky and therefore more severe, getting tired and reading
more quickly/leniently to get the job done)


Characteristics Examples

Nominal Groups and label data Gender (1-male; 2-female)

Rank data
Ordinal Income (1-low, 2-average, 3-high)
Distance between points are indefinite
Distance between points are equal Test scores
No absolute zero Temperature
Ratio Absolute zero


1. Normal / Bell-Shaped / Symmetrical

2. Positively Skewed – most scores are below the mean and there are extremely high scores
3. Negatively Skewed – most scores are above the mean and there are extremely low scores
4. Leptokurtic – highly peaked and the tails are more elevated above the baseline
5. Mesokurtic – moderately peaked
6. Platykurtic – flattened peak
7. Bimodal Curve – curve with 2 peaks or modes
8. Polymodal Curve – curve with 3 or more modes
9. Rectangular Distribution – there is no mode




(describes the degree of spread
(describes the representative
or dispersion of a set of data)
value of a set of data)
 When the frequency
distribution is regular or Mean – the arithmetic average Standard Deviation – the root-
symmetrical (normal) mean-square of the deviations
 Usually used when data are from the mean
numeric (interval or ratio)
 When the frequency
distribution is irregular or Median – the middle score in a Quartile Deviation – the average
skewed group of scores that are ranked deviation of the 1st and 3rd
 Usually used when the data is quartiles from the median
 When the distribution of
scores is normal and quick Mode – the most frequent score Range – the difference between
answer is needed the highest and the lowest score
 Usually used when the data in the distribution
are nominal

How to Interpret the Measures of Central Tendency

 The value that represents a set of data will be the basis in determining whether the group is
performing better or poorer than the other groups.

How to Interpret the Standard Deviation

 The result will help you determine if the group is homogeneous or not.
 The result will also help you determine the number of students that fall below and above the
average performance.

Main points to remember:

Points above Mean + 1SD = range of above average
Mean + 1SD
= give the limits of an average ability
Mean - 1SD
Points below Mean – 1SD = range of below average
How to Interpret the Quartile Deviation
 The result will help you determine if the group is homogeneous or not.
 The result will also help you determine the number of students that fall below and above the
average performance.
Main points to remember:
Points above Median + 1QD = range of above average
Median + 1QD
= give the limits of an average ability
Median – 1QD
Points below Median – 1QD = range of below average


Pearson r

∑ XY − ∑ X ∑ Y Where:
N ( )( ) N N X – scores in a test
2 2 Y – scores in a retest

r √ ∑ X2−
(∑ ) √∑ (∑ ) N

Y N – number of examinees

Correlation value

1 ----------- Perfect Positive Correlation

for Validity:
high positive correlation computed r should be at least 0.75
to be significant
1.5 ----------- Positive Correlation
low positive correlation for Reliability:
computed r should be at least 0.85
to be significant 18
1 ----------- Zero Correlation
low negative correlation
-0.5 ----------- Negative Correlation
high negative correlation
-1 ----------- Perfect Negative Correlation

Spearman Brown’s Rank Order Correlation Formula

2 r oe
roe – reliability coefficient using
reliability of the whole test =
1+r oe split-half or odd-even

 the nonparametric version of the Pearson product-moment correlation.

Spearman's correlation coefficient, (ρ, also signified by rs)
 measures the strength and direction of association between two ranked variables.

 What are the assumptions of the test?

- need two variables that are either ordinal, interval or ratio

- would normally hope to use a Pearson product-moment correlation on interval or ratio
data,Spearman correlation - can be used when the assumptions of the Pearson
correlation are markedly violated
- determines the strength and direction of the monotonic relationship between your two
variables rather than the strength and direction of the linear relationship between your
two variables, which is what Pearson's correlation determines .


 Steps
 Need to rank the scores for maths and English separately.
 Score with the highest value should be labelled "1" and the lowest score should be labelled
"10" (if your data set has more than 10 cases then the lowest score will be how many
cases you have)
 Look carefully at the two individuals that scored 61 in the English exam (highlighted in bold)
 Notice their joint rank of 6.5 - because when you have two identical values in the data
(called a "tie")
 Need to take the average of the ranks that they would have otherwise occupied
 This example, we have no way of knowing which score should be put in rank 6 and which
score should be ranked 7
 Notice that the ranks of 6 and 7 do not exist for English
 These two ranks have been averaged ((6 + 7)/2 = 6.5) and assigned to each of these "tied"
 Two methods to calculate Spearman's correlation depending on whether: (1) your data
does not have tied ranks or (2) your data has tied ranks. The formula for when there are
no tied ranks is:
What values can the Spearman correlation coefficient, rs, take?
- Spearman correlation coefficient, rs, can take values from +1 to -1
- A rs of +1 indicates a perfect association of ranks, a rs of zero indicates no
association between ranks and a rs of -1 indicates a perfect negative
association of ranks
- The closer rs is to zero, the weaker the association between the ranks.


 as n = 10. Hence, we have a ρ (or rs) of 0.67
 indicates a strong positive relationship between the ranks individuals
obtained in the maths and English exam
 the higher you ranked in maths, the higher you ranked in English also,
and vice versa.
How do you report a Spearman's correlation?
 depends on whether or not you have determined the statistical
significance of the coefficient
 simply run the Spearman correlation without any statistical significance
tests, you are able to simple state the value of the coefficient as shown

 if you have also run statistical significance tests, you need to

include some more information as shown below:

 where df = N – 2, where N = number of pairwise cases.

How do you express the null hypothesis for this test?

 The general form of a null hypothesis for a Spearman correlation is:

 H0: There is no [monotonic] association between the two variables [in the

 Remember, you are making an inference from your sample to the population that the
sample is supposed to represent. However, as this a general understanding of an
inferential statistical test, it is often not included. A null hypothesis statement for the
example used earlier in this guide would be:

 H0: There is no [monotonic] association between maths and English marks.

How do I interpret a statistically significant Spearman correlation?

 Important to realize that statistical significance does not indicate the strength of
Spearman's correlation

 Statistical significance testing of the Spearman correlation does not provide you with
any information about the strength of the relationship

 Achieving a value of p = 0.001, for example, does not mean that the relationship is
stronger than if you achieved a value of p = 0.04

 Because the significance test is investigating whether you can reject or fail to reject
the null hypothesis

 If you set α = 0.05, achieving a statistically significant Spearman rank-order

correlation means that you can be sure that there is less than a 5% chance that the
strength of the relationship you found (your ρ coefficient) happened by chance if the
null hypothesis were true.

Kuder-Richardson Formula 20
∑ pq K – number of items of a test
KR 20 =
K −1 [
S2 ] p – proportion of the examinees
who got the item right
q – proportion of the examinees
who got the item wrong
S2 – variance or standard deviation
squared 23
Kuder-Richardson Formula 21
K K p̄ q X̄
KR 21=
K−1 [
1− 2
S ] p̄=


Coefficient of variation (CV)

- a measure of relative variability. It is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (average).
- for example, the expression “The standard deviation is 15% of the mean” is a CV.
- useful when you want to compare results from two different surveys or tests that have different
measures or values.
Example: You are to compare the results from two tests that have different scoring mechanisms. If
sample A has a CV of 12% and sample B has a CV of 25%, you would say that sample B has more
variation, relative to its mean.
The formula for the coefficient of variation is:

Coefficient of Variation = ( StandardMean

) * 100.
In symbols: CV = ( SD
* 100.

Multiplying the coefficient by 100 is an optional step to get a percentage, as opposed to a decimal.
Example:A researcher is comparing two multiple-choice tests with different conditions. In the first
test, a typical multiple-choice test is administered. In the second test, alternative choices (i.e.
incorrect answers) are randomly assigned to test takers. The results from the two tests are:
Regular Test Randomized Answers

Mean 59.9 44.8

SD 10.2 12.7

*Trying to compare the two test results is challenging.

*Comparing standard deviations doesn’t really work, because the means are also different.

* Calculation using the formula CV = ( SD

* 100 helps to make sense of the data:

Regular Test Randomized Answers

Mean 59.9 44.8

SD 10.2 12.7

CV 17.03 28.35
 Looking at the standard deviations of 10.2 and 12.7, you might think that the tests have
similar results.
 However, when you adjust for the difference in the means, the results have more
Regular test: CV = 17.03
Randomized answers: CV = 28.35
Coefficient of variation
- can also be used to compare variability between different measures.
Example: You want to compare IQ scores to scores on the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of
Cognitive Abilities.
Note: Coefficient of Variation should only be used to compare positive data on a ratio scale.
CV has little or no meaning for measurements on an interval scale.
Examples of interval scales: include temperatures in Celsius or Fahrenheit,
Examples of ratio scale: while the temperatures in Kelvin scale that starts at zero and
cannot, by definition, take on a negative value (0 degrees Kelvin is the absence of heat).
Steps Calculating by hand for a  population  or a  sample.
Example: Two versions of a test are given to students. One test has pre-set answers and a second
test has randomized answers. Find the coefficient of variation.

Regular Test Randomized Answers

Mean 50.1 45.8

SD 11.2 12.9
Step 1: Divide the standard deviation by the mean for the first sample:

( 11.2
50.1 )
= 0.22355

Step 2: Multiply Step 1 by 100:
0.22355 * 100 = 22.355%

Step 3: Divide the standard deviation by the mean for the second sample:

( 12.9
45.8 )
= 0.28166

Step 4: Multiply Step 3 by 100:

0.28166 * 100 = 28.266%


 Indicate the pupil’s relative position by showing how far his raw score is above or below average
 Express the pupil’s performance in terms of standard unit from the mean
 Represented by the normal probability curve or what is commonly called the normal curve
 Used to have a common unit to compare raw scores from different tests

 tells the percentage of examines that lies below one’s score


P85 = 70 (This means the person who scored 70 performed better than 85% of the

85 %N −CFb
( F P 85 )
 tells the number of standard deviations equivalent to a given raw score

X− X̄ Where:
Z= X – individual’s raw score
Formula: SD
X̄ – mean of the normative group
SD – standard deviation of the
normative group

Mean of a group in a test: X̄ = 26

SD = 2
Joseph’s Score: X = 27

X− X̄ 27−26 1 John’s Score: X = 25

Z= = =
SD 2 2
Z = 0.5
X− X̄ 25−26 1 Z = -0.5
Z= = =−
SD 2 2
 it refers to any set of normally distributed standard deviation score that has a mean of 50
and a standard deviation of 10
 computed after converting raw scores to z-scores to get rid of negative values

Formula: T −score=50+10 (Z )

Joseph’s T-score = 50 + 10(0.5) John’s T-score = 50 + 10(-0.5)
= 50 + 5 = 50 – 5
= 55 = 45


Marking or Grading is a way to report information about a student’s performance in a subject.

 can be recorded and
 might not actually indicate
processed quickly
Percentage mastery of the subject
 provides a quick overview of
(e.g. 70%, 86%) equivalent to the grade
student performance relative to
 too much precision
other students
 a convenient summary of  provides only a general
Letter student performance indication of performance
(e.g. A, B, C, D, F)  uses an optimal number of  does not provide enough
categories information for promotion
 encourages students to
 reduces the utility of grades
Pass – Fail broaden their program of
 has low reliability
 time-consuming to prepare and
 more adequate in reporting
Checklist process
student achievement
 can be misleading at times
 might show inconsistency
 can include whatever is
between reports
Written Descriptions relevant about the student’s
 time-consuming to prepare and

Parent-Teacher  direct communication between  unstructured

Conferences parent and teacher  time-consuming

a. Could represent:
 how a student is performing in relation to other students (norm-referenced grading)
 the extent to which a student has mastered a particular body of knowledge (criterion-
referenced grading)
 how a student is performing in relation to a teacher’s judgment of his or her potential
b. Could be for:
 Certification that gives assurance that a student has mastered a specific content or
achieved a certain level of accomplishment
 Selection that provides basis in identifying or grouping students for certain educational
paths or programs
 Direction that provides information for diagnosis and planning
 Motivation that emphasizes specific material or skills to be learned and helping
students to understand and improve their performance

c. Could be based on:

 examination results or test data  reports, themes and research
 observations of student works papers
 group evaluation activities  discussions and debates
 class discussions and recitations  portfolios
 homeworks  projects
 notebooks and note taking  attitudes, etc.

d. Could be assigned by using:

 Criterion-Referenced Grading – or grading based on fixed or absolute standards
where grade is assigned based on how a student has met the criteria or a well-defined
objectives of a course that were spelled out in advance. It is then up to the student to
earn the grade he or she wants to receive regardless of how other students in the class
have performed. This is done by transmuting test scores into marks or ratings.

 Norm-Referenced Grading – or grading based on relative standards where a student’s

grade reflects his or her level of achievement relative to the performance of other
students in the class. In this system, the grade is assigned based on the average of test

 Point or Percentage Grading System whereby the teacher identifies points or

percentages for various tests and class activities depending on their importance. The
total of these points will be the bases for the grade assigned to the student.

 Contract Grading System where each student agrees to work for a particular grade
according to agreed-upon standards.


1. Explain your grading system to the students early in the course and remind them of the
grading policies regularly.
2. Base grades on a predetermined and reasonable set of standards.
3. Base your grades on as much objective evidence as possible.
4. Base grades on the student’s attitude as well as achievement, especially at the elementary
and high school level.
5. Base grades on the student’s relative standing compared to classmates.
6. Base grades on a variety of sources.
7. As a rule, do not change grades, once computed.
8. Become familiar with the grading policy of your school and with your colleague’s standards.

9. When failing a student, closely follow school procedures.
10. Record grades on report cards and cumulative records.
11. Guard against bias in grading.
12. Keep pupils informed of their standing in the class.

PART II: Test Practice with Review of AOL 1

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Then, choose the best answer to each question.

1. How does measurement differ from evaluation?

A. Measurement is assigning a numerical value to a given trait while evaluation is giving
meaning to the numerical value of the trait.
B. Measurement is the process of quantifying data while evaluation is the process of
organizing data.
C. Measurement is a pre-requisite of assessment while evaluation is the pre-requisite of
D. Measurement is gathering data while assessment is quantifying the data gathered.

2. Miss del Sol rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some laboratory
equipment and measurement tools and if they are able to follow the specified procedures. What
mode of assessment should Miss del Sol use?
A. Portfolio Assessment C. Traditional Assessment
B. Journal Assessment D. Performance-Based Assessment

3. Who among the teachers below performed a formative evaluation?

A. Ms. Olivares who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know who
among her students understood what she was trying to stress.
B. Mr. Borromeo who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine
the outcome of instruction.
C. Ms. Berces who gave a ten-item test to find out the specific lessons which the students
failed to understand.
D. Mrs. Corpuz who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils.

4. St. Andrews School gave a standardized achievement test instead of giving a teacher-made
test to the graduating elementary pupils. Which could have been the reason why this was the
kind of test given?
A. Standardized test has items of average level of difficulty while teacher-made test has
varying levels of difficulty.
B. Standardized test uses multiple-choice format while teacher-made test uses the essay
test format.
C. Standardized test is used for mastery while teacher-made test is used for survey.

D. Standardized test is valid while teacher-made tests is just reliable.

5. Which test format is best to use if the purpose of the test is to relate inventors and their
A. Short-Answer C. Matching Type
B. True-False D. Multiple Choice

6. In the parlance of index of test construction, what does TOS mean?

A. Table of Specifics C. Table of Scopes
B. Terms of Specifications D. Table of Specifications

7. Here is the item:

“From the data presented in the table, form generalizations that are supported by the data.”

Under what type of question does this item fall?

A. Convergent B. Evaluative C. Application D. Divergent

8. The following are synonymous to performance objectives EXCEPT:

A. Learner’s objective C. Teacher’s objective
B. Instructional objective D. Behavioral objective

9. Which is (are) (a) norm-referenced statement?

A. Danny performed better in spelling than 60% of his classmates.
B. Danny was able to spell 90% of the words correctly.
C. Danny was able to spell 90% of the words correctly and spelled 35 words out of 50
D. Danny spelled 35 words out of 50 correctly.

10. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in this test item?
EDGAR ALLAN POE WROTE ________________________.

A. The length of the blank suggests the answer.

B. The central problem is not packed in the stem.
C. It is open to more than one correct answer.
D. The blank is at the end of the question.

11. Which does NOT belong to the group?

A. Completion C. Multiple Choice
B. Matching D. Alternate Response

12. A test is considered reliable if

A. it is easy to score
B. it served the purpose for which it is constructed
C. it is consistent and stable
D. it is easy to administer

13. Which is claimed to be the overall advantage of criterion-referenced over norm-referenced

A. An individual’s score is compared with the set mastery level.
B. An individual’s score is compared with that of his peers.
C. An individual’s score is compared with the average scores.
D. An individual’s score does not need to be compared with any measure.

14. Teacher Liza does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the following does she
A. She uses a specified content as its frame of reference.
B. She describes group of performance in relation to a level of master set.
C. She compares every individual student score with others’ scores.
D. She describes what should be their performance.

15. All examinees obtained scores below the mean. A graphic representation of the score
distribution will be ________________.
A. negatively skewed C. leptokurtic
B. perfect normal curve D. positively skewed

16. In a normal distribution curve, a T-score of 70 is

A. two SDs below the mean. C. one SD below the mean
B. two SDs above the mean D. one SD above the mean

17. Which type of test measures higher order thinking skills?

A. Enumeration C. Completion
B. Matching D. Analogy

Who is the best admired for outstanding contribution to world peace?

A. Kissinger C. Kennedy
B. Clinton D. Mother Teresa
What is WRONG with this item?
A. Item is overly specific. C. Test item is opinion- based
B. Content is trivial. D. There is a cue to the right answer.

19. The strongest disadvantage of the alternate-response type of test is

A. the demand for critical thinking C. the encouragement of rote memory
B. the absence of analysis D. the high possibility of guessing

20. A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution will most likely to be
A. leptokurtic. C. skewed to the left
B. skewed to the right D. symmetrical
21. Of the following types of tests, which is the most subjective in scoring?
A. Enumeration C. Essay
B. Matching Type D. Multiple Choice

22. Tom’s raw score in the Filipino class is 23 which is equal to the 70th percentile. What does this
A. 70% of Tom’s classmates got a score lower than 23.
B. Tom’s score is higher than 23% of his classmates.
C. 70% of Tom’s classmates got a score above 23.
D. Tom’s score is higher than 23 of his classmates.

23. Test norms are established in order to have a basis for

A. establishing learning objectives C. planning effective instructional devices
B. identifying pupil’s difficulties D. comparing test scores

24. The score distribution follows a normal curve. What does this mean?
A. Most of the scores are on the -2SD
B. Most of the scores are on the +2SD
C. The scores coincide with the mean
D. Most of the scores pile up between -1SD and +1SD

25. In her conduct of item analysis, Teacher Cristy found out that a significantly greater number
from the upper group of the class got test item #5 correctly. This means that the test item
A. has a negative discriminating power C. is easy
B. is valid D. has a positive discriminating power

26. Mr. Reyes tasked his students to play volleyball. What learning target is he assessing?
A. Knowledge C. Products
B. Skill D. Reasoning

27. Martina obtained an NSAT percentile rank of 80. This indicates that
A. She surpassed in performance 80% of her fellow examinees
B. She got a score of 80
C. She surpassed in performance 20% of her fellow examinees
D. She answered 80 items correctly

28. Which term refers to the collection of student’s products and accomplishments for a period for
evaluation purposes?
A. Anecdotal Records C. Observation Report
B. Portfolio D. Diary

29. Which form of assessment is consistent with the saying “The proof of the pudding is in the
A. Contrived B. Authentic C. Traditional D. Indirect

30. Which error do teachers commit when they tend to overrate the achievement of students
identified by aptitude tests as gifted because they expect achievement and giftedness to go
A. Generosity error C. Severity Error
B. Central Tendency Error D. Logical Error
31. Under which assumption is portfolio assessment based?
A. Portfolio assessment is dynamic assessment.
B. Assessment should stress the reproduction of knowledge.
C. An individual learner is inadequately characterized by a test score.
D. An individual learner is adequately characterized by a test score.

32. Which is a valid assessment tool if I want to find out how well my students can speak
A. Writing speeches
B. Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
C. Performance test in extemporaneous speaking
D. Display of speeches delivered

33. Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further determine which
particular skill(s) her pupils are weak in, which test should Teacher J give?
A. Standardized Test C. Diagnostic
B. Placement D. Aptitude Test

34. “Group the following items according to phylum” is a thought test item on _______________.
A. inferring C. generalizing
B. classifying D. comparing

35. In a multiple choice test, keeping the options brief indicates________.

A. Inclusion in the item irrelevant clues such as the use in the correct answer
B. Non-inclusion of option that mean the same
C. Plausibility & attractiveness of the item
D. Inclusion in the item any word that must otherwise repeated in each response

36. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with
and relating to people?
A. Writing articles on working and relating to people
B. Organizing a community project
C. Home visitation
D. Conducting a mock election

37. While she is in the process of teaching, Teacher J finds out if her students understand what she
is teaching. What is Teacher J engaged in?
A. Criterion-referenced evaluation C. Formative Evaluation
B. Summative Evaluation D. Norm-referenced Evaluation

38. With types of test in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Restricted response essay C. Multiple choice
B. Completion D. Short Answer
39. Which tests determine whether the students accept responsibility for their own behavior or pass
on responsibility for their own behavior to other people?
A. Thematic tests C. Stylistic tests
B. Sentence completion tests D. Locus-of-control tests

40. When writing performance objectives, which word is NOT acceptable?

A. Manipulate C. Comprehend
B. Delineate D. Integrate

41. Here is a test item: _____________ is an example of a mammal.

What is defective with this test item?

A. It is very elementary.

B. The blank is at the beginning of the sentence.
C. It is a very short question.
D. It is an insignificant test item.

42. “By observing unity, coherence, emphasis and variety, write a short paragraph on taking
examinations.” This is an item that tests the students’ skill to _________.
A. evaluate C. synthesize
B. comprehend D. recall

43. Teacher A constructed a matching type of test. In her columns of items are a combination of
events, people, circumstances. Which of the following guidelines in constructing matching type
of test did he violate?
A. List options in an alphabetical order C. Make list of items heterogeneous
B. Make list of items homogeneous D. Provide three or more options

44. Read and analyze the matching type of test given below:
Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letter of your answer on the blank of the left column.

Column A Column B
___ 1. Jose Rizal A. Considered the 8th wonder of the world
___ 2. Ferdinand Marcos B. The national hero of the Philippines
___ 3. Corazon Aquino C. National Heroes’ Day
___ 4. Manila D. The first woman President of the Philippines
___ 5. November 30 E. The capital of the Philippines
___ 6. Banaue Rice Terraces F. The President of the Philippines who served several terms

Question: What does the test lack?

A. Premise C. Distracter
B. Option D. Response

45. A number of test items in a test are said to be non-discriminating. What conclusion/s can be
I. Teaching or learning was very good.
II. The item is so easy that anyone could get it right.
III. The item is so difficult that nobody could get it.

A. I only B. I and III C. II only D. II and III

46. Measuring the work done by a gravitational force is a learning task. At what level of cognition is
A. Comprehension C. Evaluation
B. Application D. Analysis
47. Which improvement/s should be done in this completion test item:
An example of a mammal is ________.
A. The blank should be longer to accommodate all possible answers.
B. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence.
C. The question should have only one acceptable answer.
D. The item should give more clues.

48. Here is Teacher D’s lesson objective: “To trace the causes of Alzheimer’s disease.” Which is a
valid test for this particular objective?
A. Can an Alzheimer’s disease be traced to old age? Explain.
B. To what factors can Alzheimer’s disease be traced? Explain.
C. What is an Alzheimer’s disease?
D. Do young people also get attacked by Alzheimer’s disease? Support your answer?

49. What characteristic of a good test will pupils be assured of when a teacher constructs a table of
specifications for test construction purposes?
A. Reliability C. Construct Validity
B. Content Validity D. Scorability

50. Study this test item. A test is valid when _____________________.

a. it measures what is purports to measure
b. covers a broad scope of subject matter
c. reliability of scores
d. easy to administer

How can you improve this test item?

A. Make the length of the options uniform.
B. Pack the question in the stem.
C. Make the options parallel.
D. Construct the options in such a way that the grammar of the sentence remains correct.

51. In taking a test, one examinee approached the proctor for clarification on what to do. This
implies a problem on which characteristic of a good test?
A. Objectivity C. Scorability
B. Administrability D. Economy

52. Teacher Jane wants to determine if her students’ scores in the second grading is reliable.
However, she has only one set of test and her students are already on their semestral break.
What test of reliability can she use?
A. Test-retest C. Equivalent Forms
B. Split-half D. Test-retest with equivalent forms

53. Mrs. Cruz has only one form of test and she administered her test only once. What test of
reliability can she do?
A. Test of stability C. Test of correlation
B. Test of equivalence D. Test of internal consistency

Use the following table to answer items 54 – 55.

Class Limits Frequency
50 – 54 9
45 – 49 12
40 – 44 16
35 – 39 8
30 - 34 5

54. What is the lower limit of the class with the highest frequency?
A. 39.5 B. 40 C. 44 D. 44.5

55. What is the crude mode?

A. 40 B. 42 C. 42.5 D. 44

56. About what percent of the cases falls between +1 and -1 SD in a normal curve?
A. 43.1% B. 95.4% C. 99.8% D. 68.3%

57. Study this group of test which was administered to a class to whom Peter belongs, then answer
the question:
Math 56 10 43
Physics 41 9 31
English 80 16 109
In which subject(s) did Peter perform most poorly in relation to the group’s mean
B. English D. English and Physics
C. Physics E. Math

58. Based on the data given in #57, in which subject(s) were the scores most widespread?
A. Math C. Cannot be determined
B. Physics D. English

59. A mathematics test was given to all Grade V pupils to determine the contestants for the Math
Quiz Bee. Which statistical measure should be used to identify the top 15?
A. Mean Percentage Score C. Percentile Rank
B. Quartile Deviation D. Percentage Score

60. A test item has a difficulty index of .89 and a discrimination index of -.44. What should the
teacher do?
A. Make it a bonus item. C. Retain the item.
B. Reject the item. D. Make it a bonus and reject it.

61. What is/are important to state when explaining percentile-ranked tests to parents?
I. What group took the test
II. That the scores show how students performed in relation to other students.
III. That the scores show how students performed in relation to an absolute measure.

A. II only B. I & III C. I & II D. III only

62. Which of the following reasons for measuring student achievement is NOT valid?
A. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of the learning process
B. To certify the students have attained a level of competence in a subject area
C. To discourage students from cheating during test and getting high scores
D. To motivate students to learn and master the materials they think will be covered by the
achievement test.

63. The computed r for English and Math score is -.75. What does this mean?
A. The higher the scores in English, the higher the scores in Math.
B. The scores in Math and English do not have any relationship.
C. The higher the scores in Math, the lower the scores in English.
D. The lower the scores in English, the lower the scores in Math.

64. Which statement holds TRUE to grades?

Grades are _________________.
A. exact measurements of intelligence and achievement
B. necessarily a measure of student’s intelligence
C. intrinsic motivators for learning
D. are a measure of achievement

65. What is the advantage of using computers in processing test results?

A. Test results can easily be assessed.
B. Its statistical computation is accurate
C. Its processing takes a shorter period of time
D. All of the above

PART III: Improving Test-Taking Skills

1. Which of the following steps should be completed first in planning an achievement test?
A. Set-up a table of specifications. C. Determine the length of the test.
B. Go back to the instructional D. Select the type of test items to use.

__________________ is an example of a leafy vegetable.


Why is this test item poor?

I. The test item does not pose a problem to the examinee.
II. There is a variety of possible correct answers to this item.
III. The language used in the question is not precise.
IV. The blank is near the beginning of a sentence.

A. I and III B. II and IV C. I and IV D. I and II

3. On the first day of class after introductions, the teacher administered a
Misconception/Preconception Check. She explained that she wanted to know what the class as
a whole already knew about the Philippines before the Spaniards came. The
Misconception/Preconception Check is a form of a
A. diagnostic test C. criterion-referenced test
B. placement test D. achievement test

4. A test item has a difficulty index of .81 and discrimination index of .13. What should the test
constructor do?
A. Retain the item. C. Revise the item.
B. Make it a bonus item. D. Reject the item.

5. If a teacher wants to measure her students’ ability to discriminate, which of these is an

appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction?
A. “Outline the chapter on The Cell”.
B. “Summarize the lesson yesterday”.
C. “Group the following items according to shape.”
D. “State a set of principles that can explain the following events.”

6. A positive discrimination index means that

A. the test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups
B. more from the upper group got the item correctly
C. more from the lower group got the item correctly
D. the test item has low reliability

7. Teacher Ria discovered that her pupils are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have
helped her discover her pupil’s strength?
A. Portfolio Assessment C. Journal Entry
B. Performance Assessment D. Pen-and-paper Test

8. Which among the following objectives in the psychomotor domain is highest in level?
A. To contract a muscle C. To distinguish distant and close
B. To run a 100-meter dash sounds
D. To dance the basic steps of the waltz

9. If your LET items sample adequately the competencies listed in education courses syllabi, it can
be said that LET possesses _________ validity.
A. Concurrent B. Construct C. Content D. Predictive

10. In the context on the theory on multiple intelligences, what is one weakness of the pen-and-
paper test?
A. It is not easy to administer.
B. It puts the non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage.
C. It utilizes so much time.
D. It lacks reliability.

11. Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength?

A. Objective Test C. Essay
B. Short Answer Test D. Problem Type
12. Quiz is to formative as periodic is to ____________.
A. criterion-referenced C. norm-referenced
B. summative test D. diagnostic test

13. What does a negatively skewed score distribution imply?

A. The score congregate on the left side of the normal distribution curve.
B. The scores are widespread.

C. The students must be academically poor.
D. The scores congregate on the right side of the normal distribution.

14. The criterion of success in Teacher Lyn’s objective is that “the pupils must be able to spell 90%
of the words correctly”. Ana and 19 others correctly spelled 40 words only out of 50. This means
that Teacher Lyn:
A. attained her objective because of her effective spelling drill
B. attained her lesson objective
C. failed to attain her lesson objective as far as the twenty pupils are concerned
D. did not attain her lesson objective because of the pupil’s lack of attention

15. In group norming, percentile rank of the examinee is:

A. dependent on his batch of examinees. C. unaffected by skewed distribution.
B. independent on his batch of D. affected by skewed distribution.

16. When a significantly greater number from the lower group gets a test item correctly, this implies
that the test item
A. is very valid C. is not highly reliable
B. is not very valid D. is highly reliable

17. Which applies when there are extreme scores?

A. The median will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency.
B. The mode will be the most reliable measure of central tendency.
C. There is no reliable measure for central tendency.
D. The mean will not be a very reliable measure of central tendency.

18. Which statement about performance-based assessment is FALSE?

A. They emphasize merely process.
B. They stress on doing, not only knowing.
C. Essay tests are an example of performance-based assessments.
D. They accentuate on process as well as product.

19. If the scores of your test follow a negatively skewed distribution, what should you do?
Find out_________________.
A. Why your items were easy C. Why most of the scores are low
B. Why most of the scores are high D. Why some pupils scored high

20. Median is to point as standard deviation is to __________.

A. Area B. Volume C. Distance D. Square

21. Referring to assessment of learning, which statement on the normal curve is FALSE?
A. The normal curve may not necessarily apply to homogeneous class.
B. When all pupils achieve as expected their learning, curve may deviate from the normal
C. The normal curve is sacred. Teachers must adhere to it no matter what.
D. The normal curve may not be achieved when every pupil acquires targeted
22. Aura Vivian is one-half standard deviation above the mean of his group in arithmetic and one
standard deviation above in spelling. What does this imply?
A. She excels both is arithmetic and spelling.
B. She is better in arithmetic than in spelling.
C. She does not excel in spelling nor in arithmetic.
D. She is better in spelling than in arithmetic.

23. You give a 100-point test, three students make scores of 95, 91 and 91, respectively, while the
other 22 students in the class make scores ranging from 33 to 67. The measure of central
tendency which is apt to best describe for this group of 25 is
A. the mean C. an average of the median & mode
B. the mode D. the median

24. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against a set of mastery level. This means that NSAT
and NEAT fall under
A. criterion-referenced test C. aptitude test
B. achievement test D. norm-referenced test

25. Which of the following is the MOST important purpose for using achievement test? To measure
A. Quality & quantity of previous learning C. Educational & vocational aptitude
B. Quality & quantity of previous teaching D. Capacity for future learning

26. What should be AVOIDED in arranging the items of the final form of the test?
A. Space the items so they can be read easily
B. Follow a definite response pattern for the correct answers to insure ease of scoring
C. Arrange the sections such that they progress from the very simple to very complex
D. Keep all the items and options together on the same page.

27. What is an advantage of point system of grading?

A. It does away with establishing clear distinctions among students.
B. It is precise.
C. It is qualitative.
D. It emphasizes learning not objectivity of scoring.

28. Which statement on test result interpretation is CORRECT?

A. A raw score by itself is meaningful.
B. A student’s score is a final indication of his ability.
C. The use of statistical technique gives meaning to pupil’s scores.
D. Test scores do not in any way reflect teacher’s effectiveness.

29. Below is a list of method used to establish the reliability of the instrument. Which method is
questioned for its reliability due to practice and familiarity?
A. Split-half C. Test-retest
B. Equivalent Forms D. Kuder Richardson Formula 20

30. Q3 is to 75th percentile as median is to _______________.

A. 40th percentile C. 50th percentile
B. 25th percentile D. 49th percentile

31. What type of test is this:

Knee is to leg as elbow is to _____________.
A. Hand B.

C. Arm
D. Wrist

A. Analogy C. Short Answer Type
B. Rearrangement Type D. Problem Type

32. Which statement about standard deviation is CORRECT?

A. The lower the SD the more spread the scores are.
B. The higher the SD the less spread the scores are.
C. The higher the SD the more spread the scores are.
D. It is a measure of central tendency.

33. Which test items do NOT affect variability of test scores?

A. Test items that are a bit easy.
B. Test items that are moderate in difficult.
C. Test items that are a bit difficult.
D. Test items that every examinee gets correctly.

34. Teacher B wants to diagnose in which vowel sound(s) her students have difficulty. Which tool is
most appropriate?
A. Portfolio Assessment C. Performance Test
B. Journal Entry D. Paper-and-pencil Test

35. The index of difficulty of a particular test is .10. What does this mean? My students
A. gained mastery over the item.
B. performed very well against expectation.
C. found that the test item was either easy nor difficult.
D. find the test item difficult.

36. Study this group of test which was administered with the following results, then answer the
question that follows.
Subject Mean SD Ronnel’s Score
Math 56 10 43
Physics 41 9 31
English 80 16 109

In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform best in relation to the group’s performance?
A. Physics and Math C. Math
B. English D. Physics

37. Which applies when the distribution is concentrated on the left side of the curve?
A. Bell curve C. Leptokurtic
B. Positively skewed D. Negatively Skewed

38. Standard deviation is to variability as _________ is to central tendency.

A. quartile B. mode C. range D. Pearson r

39. Danny takes an IQ test thrice and each time earns a similar score. The test is said to possess
A. objectivity B. reliability C. validity D. scorability
40. The test item has a discrimination index of -.38 and a difficulty index of 1.0. What does this
imply to test construction? Teacher must__________.
A. recast the item C. reject the item
B. shelve the item for future use D. retain the item

41. Here is a sample TRUE-FALSE test item: All women have a longer life-span than men.
What is wrong with the test item?
A. The test item is quoted verbatim from a textbook.
B. The test item contains trivial detail.
C. A specific determiner was used in the statement.
D. The test item is vague.

42. In which competency do my students find greatest difficulty? In the item with the difficulty index
A. 1.0 B. 0.50 C. 0.90 D. 0.10

43. “Describe the reasoning errors in the following paragraph” is a sample though question on
A. synthesizing B. applying C. analyzing D. summarizing

44. In a one hundred-item test, what does Ryan’s raw score of 70 mean?
A. He surpassed 70 of his classmate in terms of score.
B. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score.
C. He got a score above the mean.
D. He got 70 items correct.

45. Study the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters based
on the results of a multiple choice tryout test in math. The letter marked with an asterisk in the
correct answer.
A* B C D
Upper 27% 10 4 1 1
Lowe 27% 6 6 2 0

Based on the table which is the most effective distracter?

A. Option A B. Option C C. Option B D. Option D

46. Here is a score distribution:

98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1.

Which is a characteristic of the score distribution?

A. Bi-modal C. Skewed to the right
B. Tri-modal D. No discernible pattern

47. Which measure(s) of central tendency is (are) most appropriate when the score distribution is
badly skewed?
A. Mode C. Median
B. Mean and mode D. Mean

48. Is it wise to practice to orient our students and parents on our grading system?
A. No, this will court a lot of complaints later.
B. Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate customers, the students.
C. Yes, so that from the very start, students and their parents know how grades are
D. No, grades and how they are derived are highly confidential.

49. With the current emphasis on self-assessment and performance assessment, which is
A. Numerical grading C. Transmutation Table
B. Paper-and-Pencil Test D. Scoring Rubric

50. “In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when …?” is a sample thought
question on ____________.
A. inferring B. generalizing C. synthesizing D. justifying

51. With grading practice in mind, what is meant by teacher’s severity error?

A teacher ___________.
A. tends to look down on student’s answers
B. uses tests and quizzes as punitive measures
C. tends to give extremely low grades
D. gives unannounced quizzes

52. Ms. Ramos gave a test to find out how the students feel toward their subject Science. Her first
item was stated as “Science is an interesting _ _ _ _ _ boring subject”. What kind of instrument
was given?
A. Rubric C. Rating Scale
B. Likert-Scale D. Semantic Differential Scale

53. Which holds true to standardized tests?

A. They are used for comparative purposes.
B. They are administered differently.
C. They are scored according to different standards.
D. They are used for assigning grades.

54. What is simple frequency distribution? A graphic representation of

A. means C. raw scores
B. standard deviation D. lowest and highest scores

55. When points in scatter gram are spread evenly in all directions this means that:
A. The correlation between two variables is positive.
B. The correlation between two variables is low.
C. The correlation between two variables is high.
D. There is no correlation between two variables.

56. Which applies when skewness is 0?

A. Mean is greater than the median. C. Scores have 3 modes.
B. Median is greater than the mean. D. Scores are normally distributed.
57. Which process enhances the comparability of grades?
A. Determining the level of difficulty of the test
B. Constructing departmentalized examinations for each subject area
C. Using table of specifications
D. Giving more high-level questions

58. In a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean?

A. All students having average grades.
B. A large number of students with high grades and very few low grades.
C. A large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low
and high grades
D. A large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high grades

59. For professional growth, which is a source of teacher performance?

A. Self-evaluation
B. Supervisory evaluation
C. Student’s evaluation
D. Peer evaluation

60. The following are trends in marking and reporting system, EXCEPT:
A. indicating strong points as well as those needing improvement
B. conducting parent-teacher conferences as often as needed
C. raising the passing grade from 75 to 80
D. supplementing subject grade with checklist on traits

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