Assignment: Triechia Laud Bsacc 3A
Assignment: Triechia Laud Bsacc 3A
Assignment: Triechia Laud Bsacc 3A
1. What are the economic advantages of a financial intermediary?
The role of financial intermediaries in economic growth has been widely recognized. It
provides liquidity to the economy and permit a higher level of economic activity than would
otherwise be possible. Financial intermediaries through moving of funds from lenders to
borrowers create efficient markets, decrease the transaction costs of capital accumulation and
encourage savings. Financial intermediaries are also essential in increasing total factor
productivity by directing investments to the most productive projects and monitoring them in
cost efficient way. It also offer the benefit of pooling funds enabling lenders make large
investments which in turn benefit the entity they are investing, pooling risk by spreading funds
across diverse range of investments and loans, reducing cost of many financial transactions an
individual investor would otherwise have to make If financial intermediary did not exist, and
providing economies of scale to expertly evaluate the credit profile of potential borrowers and
keep records and profiles cost-effectively.
2. Why are financial markets essential for a healthy economy and economic growth?
Well-developed, smoothly operating financial markets play an important role in contributing
to the health of an economy. There is a strong positive relationship between financial market
development and economic growth as economic development is highly correlated with the
level of efficiency of financial markets and institutions. Financial markets help to efficiently
direct the flow of savings and investment in the economy in ways that facilitate the
accumulation of capital and the production of goods and services. Without efficient transfers
from savers to individuals and firms who need capital, the economy simply could not
function. Individuals and firms do not have the availability of funds to make acquisitions,
investments, payments and other transactions which would obviously affect the level of
employment and productivity, hence our standard of living, would be much lower. This
systematic process established within financial markets and institutions suit the needs of
borrowers and lenders and therefore the overall economy.
3. List three (3) financial institutions found in your locality and answer the following:
a) Classify as to type of financial intermediary
b) Describe their primary functions
c) Explain how they contribute to economic growth