Kom CT
Kom CT
Kom CT
Khurmi 193
Q2) Draw the profile of a cam when the roller follower
Q3 One cylinder of a rotary engine is shown in the moves with cyloidal motion during out stroke and
diagram .OA is the connecting rod and is 520mm return stroke, as given below:-
long. The line of stroke is along AR and at the
instant is inclined at 30o to the vertical .The body of 1) Out stroke with max. Displacement of 31.4 during
the engine consisting of cylinders rotates at a 180o of cam rotation ,
uniform speed of 400 rpm about the fixed centre A. 2) Return stroke for the next 150o of cam rotation ,
Determine the:- 3) Dwell for the remaining 30o of cam rotation ,
The min. radius of the cam is 15mm & the roller dia.
1) Acceleration of piston (slider) inside the cylinder. Of the follower is 10mm.The axis of the roller
2) Angular acceleration of the connecting rod. follower is offset by 10mm towards right from the
axis of cam shaft.
Rattan 105
Khurmi 807
Q4) what is Coriolis component of acceleration and
derive an expression for the magnitude and Q3) the tangent cam operating a roller follower, the
direction of Coriolis component of acceleration. least radius of the cam is 30mm & roller radius is
17.5mm.The angle of ascent is 75o & the total lift is
Q5) Explain the Klein’s construction with neat sketch.
17.5mm.The speed of the cam shaft Is
1)the principle dimension of the cam.
UNIT-3 2)the accelerations of the follower at the beginning
of the lift ,where straight flank merges into the
Q1) Draw the profile of a cam operating a roller
circular nose and at the apex of the circular nose
reciprocating follower and with the following data:-
assume that there is no dwell between ascent and
Min. radius of cam =25mm, Lift=30mm, Roller dia.
=15mm. The cam lifts the follower for 120o with
Khurmi 813
SHM followed by a dwell period of 30o. Then the
follower lower down during 150o of the cam rotation
with uniform acceleration and deceleration followed
by a dwell period. If the cam rotates at a uniform
Rattan 386
Rattan 388