Instant Fuzion®: Meltdown
Instant Fuzion®: Meltdown
Instant Fuzion®: Meltdown
Instant Fuzionis a greatly simplified version of Total Fuzion, a role−playing game system used in the
Champions: New Millennium, Bubblegum Crisis, and Armor Trooper VOTOMS. It was developed jointly by
Hero Games, Inc., the producer of C: NM, and R.Talsorian Games, Inc, the maker of BGC and AT:V. Instant
Fuzion can be "unfolded" to create a Total Fuzion character, or can be used to play a simple role−playing
game with by itself.
In order to make an Instant Fuzion character, you need some pools of Character Points. There are two to three
pools of points: Characteristic Points (CP), Option Points (OP), and sometimes Power Points (PP). Your
Game Master (GM), or Referee, will assign a certain amount of points to each pool that you can distribute to
the statistics in each as you please. The higher a number in a statistic, the better. However, low numbers in
some places can make a character more interesting and believable to play.
1. Task Resolution
The basic game mechanic in Instant Fuzion is very simple. It is used for resolving actions where the outcome
is uncertain. This is called Task Resolution. To resolve a task, you add your relevant Stat to your Skill to get
a base Action Value (AV). Then you roll 3D6 (called a "dice roll") and add that to your Action Value to get
your Action Total (AT). This number is compared to a Difficulty Value (DV). If your Action Total is higher
than the Difficulty Value, you succeed. If it is less than the DV, you do not succeed, but you can try again if
the Game Master allows it.
Task Resolution: Stat + Skill + 3D6 = Action Total; versus Stat + Skill +10 for opposed tasks or versus
Difficulty Value for unopposed tasks.
Combat Resolution: Combat is an opposed task, with the attacker's Combat + Fighting + 3D6 versus the
defender's Combat + Body + 10. If the defender wins, he is unharmed. If the attacker wins, the attacker may
apply his attack's damage dice roll against the defender's HP (Hit Point) total. If the defender's HP drop to or
below 0 (zero), he is "killed".
Instant Fuzion | M·E·L·T·D·O·W·N
There are 4 main, or Primary Stats, in Instant Fuzion, and 4 figured or Derived Stats. These numbers define
the core of your character.
Mental, which measures your intellectual capacity, willpower, and force of personality.
Combat, which measures your reflexes, motor and hand−eye coordination, and overall athletic ability.
Physical, which measures your body's health, raw physical power, and structural integrity.
Move, which indicates how fast you can get from Point A to Point B (in meter/yards per 3 second Phase).
Then there are the Derived Stats and how to figure them:
Hit Points or HP (5 x Physical); Hit Points are a measure of physical damage that you can take before being knocked out or killed.
Stun Defense or SD (2 x Physical, or PHY / 2 for Instant Stun); Stun Defense measures how good you are at either avoiding or
absorbing non−lethal, Stunning damage. It is subtracted from the damage dice roll an enemy makes against you (only when using
Stun attacks). This would be (PHY / 2) if using the optional Instant Stun system.
Initiative or INIT (Combat + Move); Initiative measures how quickly a character can ready himself in combat and is added to 1D6
at the beginning of each round for initiative, the highest roll getting to act first.
Resistance or RES (Mental x 3); Resistance (or Will Power) messures your ability to resist mental or psychological attacks, or any
stressful situation. Basically, your mental "hits".
Starting Points: It is recommended that characters be allotted 20 Characteristic Points (CP) at the beginning
of a campaign. A value of at least 1 must be assigned to each Primatery Stat. CP are not used to buy up
Derived Stats. GMs may alot more points for higer−level games (like super hero games).
3. Skills
Skills are things that your character knows how to do. They are added to an appropriate Stat and 3D6 when
attempting to do a difficult or dangerous task (such as swinging a weapon or climbing a wall).
Starting Points: Characters should be allotted 30 to 40 Option Points (OP) at the start of the campaign
(depending on the power−level of the campaing). These points are used for Skills as well as for getting
Instant Fuzion | M·E·L·T·D·O·W·N
4. Talents
Talents are special abilities, like Night Vision and Ambidexterity, which are out of the ordinary, but not
super−human. A Talent cost 3 OP (or 3 OP per level). The GM can make these up for his world. But for an
exisiting list of Talents, see Total Fuzion, or any Fuzion game book.
5. Complications
Compliations are the reverse of Talents. They are disabilities, quirks, or mental problems which a character
may have. Quick and simple, "minor" complications give by 3 OP, "major" complications give back 5 or 6
OP, and "serious" complications give back 10 OP. The GM can make these up for his world. But for an
exisiting list of Compliations, see Total Fuzion, or any Fuzion game book.
6. Powers
Power Points: Characters should be allotted a number of Power Points (PP) at the start of the campaign, up
to the GM (usually between 10−30 PP).
7. Rule of X (RoX)
This is a way for the GM to control the relative power of the characters. This makes sure that no one
character can completely overwhelm another in either offense nor defense. Characters thus cannot be either
instant killing machines or invulnerable brick walls. It is simple to use:
RoX Limits = Character should not go above the value of 20 at the start of the campaign (or whatever the
GM deams to be the limit).
At the end of every game session, the GM should award each player a number of Option Points (OP) as
shown in the table below. Each player may then either save these points or spend the pool of OP he has
earned towards improving a particular aspect of his character. This, too, is shown in the table below.
Instant Fuzion | M·E·L·T·D·O·W·N
Mental x 3 = points to divide between Intelligence (INT), Presence(PRE), and Willpower (WILL).
Physical x 3 = points to divide between Strength(STR), Constitution(CON), and Body (BOD).
Combat x 3 = points to divide between Reflexes (REF), Dexterity (DEX), and Technique (TECH).
Move = MOVE
The basic game−play rules of Instant Fuzion are still 99% the same as Total Fuzion, there's just less of them
to mess with. The most important thing to adjust are modifiers that effect Characteristics and Stun Damage.
Here are just a few things to keep in mind:
Anything that affects INT, WILL, or PRE affects Mental instead. Anything that affects STR, CON, or BOD
affects Physical. Anything that affects REF, DEX, or TECH affects Combat. Move is Move (that one is
easy). If two or three modifiers affect the same Instant Fuzion Characteristic simultaneously, just apply them
as an average (or GM's call). This is a lose conversion, so don't let it worry you too much.
Instant Fuzion | M·E·L·T·D·O·W·N
I have chosen do to Stun differently than in other versions of Instant Fuzion. An attack that does Stun damage
(a punch, kick, blunt object), inflicts DCs of Stunning Damage (brusing), just as a gun inflicts DCs of Lethal
Damage (Killing Damage). However, in Instant Fuzion you have only HITS to deal with (rather than both
Hits and Stun points).
In Total Fuzion, 5 Stun equals 1 Lethal Hit. With Instant Stun there is no xD6 roll to determine the total
Stunning damage inflicted. Instead, if the attack does 5DC of Stun, the character simply takes 5 Hits.
Stunning Defense (SD) now equals PHY / 2 (for Instant Stun), so if a character had a PHY of 5, and an SD of
3, he would always take 3DCs less damage from Stunning damage. Every 5 points of armor protects from
1DC of Stun, but enough Armor will pretty much negate Stunning Damage all together.
When a character takes damage there is a chance that he will be physically "dazed" (stunned, knocked out,
etc.). When damage is taken, make a Resistance roll vs. DCs + 10 (if the character took 5 Hits, roll verses
15). A Dazed character will lose his next Action.
For example, Mike punches Bob for 5DCs of Stun Damage. Bob has an SD of 3 (and has no armor), so he
takes 2 Hits. He must pass a Resistance roll verses 12 (10 + the 2 Hits), or he will lose his next Action from
being "dazed".
All other Fuzion rules can be applied pretty much as normal. Initiative, attacks, defense, martial arts
maneuvers, damage, healing and recovery, strength feats, and so forth, all work with Instant Fuzion, just
using different characteristics. AV and DV is still Characteristic + Skill + die roll. If there is ever a question,
it is always the GM's call.
Need more detailed rules from a free game system Check out The Fuzion Core